Saturday, February 11, 2012

That small CPAC tent.

So I am thinking about "Who Would Imagine A King", that song from the Preacher's Wife soundtrack. And I am thinking, just wow! I love that f*&^%$g song! And the voice that delivered it was one of a kind. I say was because she isn't with us anymore.

If you won't miss Whitney Houston (demons and all) you sure as hell will miss her voice. I know I will.

So anyway, I have to say a few words about the CPAC folks down in D.C. before I call it a night.

I want to say this in all seriousness to my conservative/republican friends, because I really care about you, and I really want a vibrant two party system here in A-merry-ca: Do you really think that you can win over most A-merry-cans by inviting white nationalist and separatist to your conference? If you do, you are making a big mistake. No matter how many times you shout the N word to the delight of the faithful, it will never change the fact that, to the rest of us, you all just look like an angry group of racist.

Diversity is not "weakening the American identity", it is making it stronger. Knuckle draggers like you will never see that because of the "extreme color arousal" you all suffer from. (Thanks for that phrase, Francis)

I kind of agree with this poster from Kos:

"So I went and searched the names of these guys and found dozens of hits on civil rights websites. I believe in free speech and would never seek to silence anyone... no matter how abhorrent their ideas are to me.

But the idea of having these guys on the same stage as Presidential candidates... and no one objected... not one of them or the attending members of congress so much as batted an eye over sharing the stage with these bigots.
White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference

Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization." [Source] 
But not a word from the "lamestream media". (I wonder why?)

Still, I am sure that one of my black conservative friends will come out with a statement condemning the CPAC folks any day now. Right guys?

Now if you don't mind, I am off to download some of Whitney's songs on my iPod.

Pic courtesy of Sodahead




  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Wow! I can't even believe it! :( There's gotta be more done for this disease of addiction..just gotta be!!!

  2. RIP Whitney! Unfortunately, iTunes doesn't have my favorite, her remake of the Isley Brothers hit "For the Love of You", on iTunes. Now I'll have to dig up that old cassette tape!

  3. I'll always remember sitting on the Kuwait border and hearing her sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Superbowl ion '91. RIP

  4. Diversity Kills9:53 PM

    "Diversity is not "weakening the American identity", it is making it stronger."

    Tell that to the family of Sarajane Hakopian.

  5. The "lamestream media" knows this is bullshit cooked up by leftwing kooks like fn.

    You guys are sooooooo funnie.

  6. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hey Obama, hows Malik Shabazz? I have no idea who those white guys are, but when I hear Blacks get outraged at Obama and the panthers and Eric Holder and the Panthers and Obama and Rev Wright and Obama and Al Sharpton and a bunch of other Black Supremacists then give me a ring.

  7. Kingnut10:35 PM

    "Do you really think that you can win over most A-merry-cans by inviting white nationalist and separatist to your conference?"

    I was not familiar with either of the names of the people identified as "white supremicists" in your post. Peter Brimelow's Wikipedia page just indicates he is not all that crazy about mass immigration. Robert Vandervoort doesn't merit a Wikipedia page, but his thing seems to be advocating for English as an official language.

    I went to the Vdare site and it doesn't exactly seem like Nazi central to me.

    Obama attended campaign events with NOI and New Black Panther Party officials. They are a lot more hardcore than American Renaissance or Council of Conservative Citizens seem to be. Are you going to accuse Obama of being a black supremicist?

    When every racial group except whites has numerous organizations that have formed expressly to advance their 'nationalist' interests, why is there such a firestorm if someone speaks up for non-immigrant or white interests? And why is it automatically labelled "white supremacy"?

    I don't doubt there are racist white supremicists out there. Hysterically labeling anyone who dares voice the merest defense of white interests a 'white supremicist' is just mindless bullying. I hope these guys go out and defend their positions. If they are nuts, then the CPAC people will look stupid. If not, maybe it will become easier to talk about some things that need to be talked about.

  8. See? There is the game of false eqivalence being played by conservatives. They never admit their mistakes or racism only point to something they think is "real" racism by blah people. Posters will bring up Malik Shabazz but really, how many Democratic events with presidential candidates has he been invited to speak? How many blah people even know who the hell he is? As far as calling Rev. Wright and his church racist how many have ever attended the church and seen the white members who know it's not what Sean Hannity tells you it is? For once I want these guys to just admit their fucking mistakes and move on instead of playing childish tit for tat games. Jeez.
    Seems the GOP has just given up on the blah vote because with stunts like this they will never get more than 5% of our votes. No wonder they pushed Hip hop Mike out of the fold.

  9. "They are a lot more hardcore than American Renaissance or Council of Conservative Citizens seem to be."

    Exhibit A.

  10. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Yo, Dr. Queen: Check out the beautiful sound at

  11. Diversity kills10:53 PM

    Oh my gosh Leroy or is it La-roy? There were white liberals at j wright's racist church. He can't be racist!!!

    Why don't you admit your fucking mistakes and racism ,Leroy? Than you can call for others to do the same.

    Blacks will never leave the democrat plantation. Unless, they get better free stuff.

    "No wonder they pushed Hip hop Mike out of the fold."

    They? Who are they?

  12. "Obama attended campaign events with NOI and New Black Panther Party officials"

    No he didn't. He happened to be at the Selma march and they happened to be there. Totally different. False equivalence.

  13. "Blacks will never leave the democrat plantation. Unless, they get better free stuff."

    Or the real reason is we don't like being around ignorant racist whites on welfare. Not a good look Cooter.

  14. Diversity Kills10:58 PM

    Remember Samir Shabazz? Yes he works for the democrat party and likes talking about raping and murdering white women and white babbies.

  15. "They? Who are they?"

    OK, I know you're stupid but c'mon son.

  16. "Remember Samir Shabazz? Yes he works for the democrat party and likes talking about raping and murdering white women and white babbies."

    First off WTF are babbies? Secondly never heard of the guy and lastly I bet he doesn't work for the Dems but then again if you listen to Limbaugh and read Coulter you probably believe anything.

  17. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Diversity is not "weakening the American identity", it is making it stronger.

    Try telling that to the families of Lauren Burk and Eva Carson.

  18. "Try telling that to the families of Lauren Burk and Eva Carson."

    OK, what's the number?

  19. Kingnut11:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Obama attended campaign events with NOI and New Black Panther Party officials"

    No he didn't. He happened to be at the Selma march and they happened to be there. Totally different. False equivalence

    Just " happened to be" there?

    Just happened to get photographed together:

    Who is dealing in false equivalencies, PilotX?

  20. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Rest in peace Whitney. You will be missed and for those of you who don't know, Bobby Brown is a low down dirty SOB and the offspring of the Devil.

    The Fool-

  21. Just " happened to be" there?

    Just happened to get photographed together:

    Who is dealing in false equivalencies, PilotX?"

    You are an ignorant fool. That was taken at the event commemorating the Selma march. Hillary Clinton and other prominent officials were there also. That is a huge false equivalence. Stop getting your news from Drudge moron. Grow up.

  22. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Another drug addicted black woman dies. Lets make drugs legal!

  23. Kingnut11:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    You are an ignorant fool.

    So enlighten me Pilot genius. Show me a picture of George Bush and David Duke.

    Unlike you, I won't ignore what's right in front of my face.

  24. But a less-cropped version of the image and the YouTube video Breitbart pulls it from shows Obama walking several feet ahead of the Panthers in the middle of a crowd of people:

    In claiming that Obama was "joined by" the Panthers, "appeared and marched with" them, and "shar[ed] the same podium" with them, Breitbart carefully avoids explaining just what the event in question was. References to Obama campaigning "in Selma, Alabama in March 2007" and a mention of how "then-Senator Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton were also in Selma at the same event" do more to confuse the readers than explain it to them.

    What Breitbart is trying to avoid acknowledging is that several thousand people "appeared and marched" with the New Black Panthers that day. The event in question was the 42nd anniversary of the 1965 march from Selma, which ended when the civil rights marchers were attacked by law enforcement at Edmund Pettus Bridge.

    Too ignorant to even fact check. Typical Republican.

  25. Typical Republican. Instead of owning up to the fact that several Republican presidential candidates shared the stage at an invitation only event with white supremecists it tries to falsely equivicate it with a public event that commemorated an historical civil rights event. Nice. No wonder the GOP attracts the stupid. Breitbart and Drudge shouldn't be your sources for news moron.

  26. The Birmingham News reported:

    Former President Bill Clinton and presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama locked arms with civil rights icons Sunday and marched through thousands of wellwishers, crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge to cap the 42nd anniversary Right to Vote and Bridge Crossing Jubilee.

    It wasn't Obama's event. It wasn't the Panthers' event. They were all in Selma for an annual celebration of an historic civil rights moment. During that event, Obama and New Black Panthers leader Malik Zulu Shabazz gave speeches from the same podium, and both were part of the crowd that then marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

    Learn to check facts or do facts mean anything to conservatives?

  27. Kingnut11:48 PM

    Getting flustered PilotX? Do you find facts unpleasant?

    Per the evidence submitted so far, the label supremacist does not apply to Brimelow and Vandervoort.

    It does apply Malik Shabazz, with whom Obama has met on many occasions, not just the event in Selma where they were photographed together.

    Squawk all you want, if you support Obama, you have no "supremacist" beef with anyone for attending CPAC.

  28. Breitbart provides this photo, which he says shows that the Panthers and Obama "departed together for the main march itself":

    But a less-cropped version of the image and the YouTube video Breitbart pulls it from shows Obama walking several feet ahead of the Panthers in the middle of a crowd of people:

    Looks a little different in context, doesn't it?

    But you don't want to provide context do you troll? You want to make some kind of connection between the Prez and the NBBP so you can excuse your own racism. Too bad we're not dumb enough to fall for your ploy. Go play somewhere else with people at the same intellectual level, like first grade.

  29. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "They were all in Selma for an annual celebration of an historic civil rights moment."

    aka a nationalist supremacist event.

  30. "It does apply Malik Shabazz, with whom Obama has met on many occasions, not just the event in Selma where they were photographed together."

    You have not proved they have EVER met. You provided a cropped picture that has been debunked. As far as the two men you mentioned have you even been to their websites? I have, white supremecist central. Don't try to push your bullshit here, you're too stupid to pull it off son.

  31. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Obama was clearly campaigning there (as was Hillary); he even gave the speech in which he said that he owed his existence to the March on Selma even though he was born almost four years prior to the march. Besides, if Rick Perry or Mitt Romney just happened to share a stage at a Fourth of July celebration with, say, the leader of Stormfront, would that also be a non-story? Something tells me … no.

  32. What he left out of his bio is that he was also the organizer of the white nationalist group, Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance, while he lived in Illinois.

    During that period Vandervoort was at the center of much of the white nationalist activity in the region. While he was in charge, Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance often held joint meetings with the local chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens. He also made appearances at white nationalist events outside Illinois, for instance participating in the 2009 Preserving Western Civilization Conference.

    Sounds like a fine conservative fellow.

  33. Anonymous12:02 AM

    PilotX said...
    But a less-cropped version of the image and the YouTube video Breitbart pulls it from shows Obama walking several feet ahead of the Panthers in the middle of a crowd of people:

    In claiming that Obama was "joined by" the Panthers, "appeared and marched with" them, and "shar[ed] the same podium" with them, Breitbart carefully avoids explaining just what the event in question was. References to Obama campaigning "in Selma, Alabama in March 2007" and a mention of how "then-Senator Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton were also in Selma at the same event" do more to confuse the readers than explain it to them.

    Oh stop the bullshit, Malik Shabizz was at the whitehouse 3 times before they dropped the already guilty voter intimidation case. Someone white speaking about white interests is not to be tolerated by the likes of you, yet all you do is promote black people speaking about black interests. The difference is whites want to be left alone, the black interests want more and more from whites.

    Equality means the same rules apply to everyone, not a pass cause you black and double stringent rules for the whites. Those affirmative action days is be over YO!!

  34. Kingnut12:03 AM

    WSJ, October 30, 2009:
    The White House released its visitor log this evening under a new voluntary disclosure policy.

    The log chronicles 481 visits to the White House from individuals ranging from Jay-Z to Bill Gates from January through July.

    The list includes William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Michael Moore, Robert Kelly (R. Kelly), Malik Shabazz, and Michael Jordan.

    Of course the White House says that was a different Malik Shabazz (there are so many of them in American politics, you know), and that it was just a coincidence the Department of Justice was busy at the time vacating a case it had already won against Shabazz's NBP buddy, King Shamir.

    That's signifcantly more evidence tying Obama to black supremicist nuts than anything that's been said about CPAC attendees. You are willing to hang any Republican for less.

  35. "Besides, if Rick Perry or Mitt Romney just happened to share a stage at a Fourth of July celebration with, say, the leader of Stormfront"

    Can we once again say FALSE EQUIVALENCE? I knew you could. The Selma celebration was marking an important day in American history and the candidates showed their respect by being there while Republican presidential candidates share the stage with white supremecists. And you wonder why blah people aren't Republicans. You guys are some sick puppies. Instead of admitting the shit was wrong you drag up some old debunked shit from 2007. Sad.

  36. "That's signifcantly more evidence tying Obama to black supremicist nuts than anything that's been said about CPAC attendees. You are willing to hang any Republican for less."

    What fucking evidence? A cropped photo that shows them at the same event and a name in the WH visitors book? There is no evidence it was that Malik Shabazz. If you had that evidence I'm sure you would have provided it but since you haven't you have to admit the WH might just be telling the truth.
    What IS true is that several GOP candidates have made disparaging remarks about blah people and are now sharing the stage with white supremecists. Very telling.

  37. Wesley R12:09 AM


    I was looking at Washington Journal this morning and they had a guy from Human Events on the show talking about cpac. A brother called in taking him to task about the white surpemacist speaking at the conference, and the Human Events guy was acting as though if this happened it was an oversight. Whatever.

  38. "it was just a coincidence the Department of Justice was busy at the time vacating a case it had already won against Shabazz's NBP buddy, King Shamir."

    More ignorant lies. Tell you what dipshit, why don't you let an educated Black lawyer explain how what you said is false because I'm betting you haven't set foot anywhere near a hall of higher learning. Ask Field if he can explain the case to you so you can understand. I'm sure he can talk to you like a 5 year old so you might catch on.

  39. Paul Kersey12:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The difference is whites want to be left alone, the black interests want more and more from whites.

    The time has come for white advocacy to be as legitimate a postion as is advocating for the interests of other grouops. Whites have turned our society upside down trying to deal with racism for the past 60 years. One wonders, though, when blacks will play a role beyond voicing complaints and demanding concessions. It is not 'racist' to want to exist. Much of what is called racism is an understandable reaction by whites to the unacceptable behavior of blacks.

    For example, whites tend to avoid situations where blacks congregate, out of fear of black violence. Which group can do more to resolve this problem? Would PilotX recommend that blacks be less violent or that whites be less fearful of their violence?

    A great many social problems are attributed to the fatherless homes in which black children are raised; is this a problem that it is up to blacks or whites to address?

    Many whites withdraw their children from public school because the poor performance of black students lowers the academic quality and their disruptive behavior creates a chaotic environment; would you recommend that whites get over these concerns?

    Examples could continue.

    Blacks are responsible for the behavior out of which most racial friction grows. Whites can only choose their reaction to it—resistance, acceptance, or avoidance. Yet to PilotX and his ilk, it is only whites who have the power to change the situation.

  40. Kingnut12:18 AM

    PilotX said...
    Tell you what dipshit, why don't you let an educated Black lawyer explain how what you said is false

    That would beat an ignorant black bus pilot, that's for sure. I have tried to explain to you, in a rational manner, why calling the guys who spoke at CPAC "white supremacist" is slander, yet you are too thick to get it. I should have known.

    Adios, dumbass.

  41. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Field, I am devastated by the death of Whitney Houston. She was 'truly[ one the greatest, if not the greatest voices I have ever heard.

    I had always wished that somehow she would kick her addiction and make a great comeback. It didn't happen and I am so very sorry it didn't......R.I.P.

    Field, I am providing the following 'up beat news' because I know you would be both interested and happy to read about. I am always thinking about you, my brutha:

  42. "Tell that to the family of Sarajane Hakopian."

    I doubt you would have had any interest in Ms. Hakopian's death if the killer (who happened to be her boyfriend) happened to be white.

  43. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Field, "Still, I am sure that one of my black conservative friends will come out with a statement condemning the CPAC folks any day now. Right guys?"

    No they won't speak out against their own party. And that is understandable.

    What I don't understand is WHY the Democrats aren't blasting away at this? WHY aren't they talking about how "racist" the GOP is? I find that ODD that they remain basically low key on racist issues that are clearly outrageous, a danger to America. Racism is worth exploiting, if not worth being run over anti-racists.

    But the MSM along with the Democrats always remain subdued as if we are in a postracial period and racism is dead despite the onstage racism and racist code words that reveals that racism is alive and well in America.

    Field, why is it you don't challenge the White 'silent majority', like the white Democratics for not standing up against racism? The white silent majority watched in silence during the Jim Crow days when so many of our bm were hung. By doing so, they were complicit in the evil deeds. Now, true to fashion, they are silent once again as the GOP takes center stage while their racist antics gain more and more momentum.

    " In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK

  44. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Go get get me some more hookers and whiskey."--MLK

  45. RIP Whitney. My prayers go out to her family, especially her daughter who had lost her mother.

    CPAC = Klan rally

  46. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Field, I like the caption under Santorum's photo:


    At its root core, that is what racism is all about in America. Until we pull it up by its roots, racism will grow like weeds, or a non-treatable cancer.

    Einstein once said to a group of Tuskegee engineering students that racism was disease of Whites, which probably was not curable..

    Judging by the racist comments here, the GOP platform, and Obama as well-- Einstein is just as right today as he was many years ago.

  47. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Granny, "CPAC = Klan rally"


  48. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Jesus. It's after 6am and nobody is here. What kind of blog is this?

    One would think Field would be up and about but he is still out on Sat. night. He is much too old for that kind of life.

    Could it be that he is afraid of growing old like Demi Moore?

    Poor fella.... Between chasing the big R and ageing, life must be pretty hard for him.

  49. Anonymous6:32 AM

    RIP Whitney! Unfortunately, iTunes doesn't have my favorite, her remake of the Isley Brothers hit "For the Love of You", on iTunes. Now I'll have to dig up that old cassette tape!

    9:25 PM

    cassette tape? cassette tape? so not only r u old and a useless scourge on the public doles but u r also a packrat? lets see when was the last tape put out like er 25 or 30 years ago? u old batty shit stain! u wonte never be a doctor u incompetent piss wig weave wearing fool!

  50. Anonymous6:32 AM

    rest in peace whitney poor thing

  51. Diversity Kills7:44 AM

    PilotX said...
    "it was just a coincidence the Department of Justice was busy at the time vacating a case it had already won against Shabazz's NBP buddy, King Shamir."

    More ignorant lies

    The only ignorant lies are what gets repeated in the fields. The case was already won. Obama and the DOJ let it be known the rights of whites were don't matter.

    This is what started the Obama lead war on whites.

    Than there is kamau kambon. He wants to exterminate white people. What does Obama think of kamau kambon?

    Obama thinks "he makes good popints".

  52. Diversity Kills7:51 AM


  53. Anonymous7:56 AM

    If people of NO-COLOR hate people OF COLOR so much, why not go back home to the people of NO-COLOR? Problem solved.

  54. By now everyone knows about that racist white woman on the train. She was detained. {She spented more time detained than those pack of muslim women who attacked a white woman because she was white. Thats liberalism/socialism for ya}.

    Field Negro posted about it. It was all over moonbat blogs. Msnbc was all over the story.

    So you would think the same folks would be all over this,

    My Tram Experience in France

    This racist black wants to kill white people. Wants other blacks to kill white people. Kill them slowly.

    But no. No coverage by moonbat blogs.

    No Msnbc coverage.

    I'm sure field negro would be all over this post. So i searched. Nope no post. Wonder why?

    There is so much hypocrisy in the fields.

  55. "Oh stop the bullshit, Malik Shabizz was at the whitehouse 3 times before they dropped the already guilty voter intimidation case"

    Link please, take all the time you need, I will wait....

    "The only ignorant lies are what gets repeated in the fields. The case was already won. Obama and the DOJ let it be known the rights of whites were don't matter.

    This is what started the Obama lead war on whites."

    Yeah, his [white] mama must be turning in her grave.

    "The time has come for white advocacy to be as legitimate a postion as is advocating for the interests of other grouops. Whites have turned our society upside down trying to deal with racism for the past 60 years. One wonders, though, when blacks will play a role beyond voicing complaints and demanding concessions. It is not 'racist' to want to exist. Much of what is called racism is an understandable reaction by whites to the unacceptable behavior of blacks."

    Sometimes the shit you do comes back to bite you. You should have picked your own damn cotton, and left those blah slave women alone.;)

    "Another drug addicted black woman dies. Lets make drugs legal!"

    No, white women such as Amy Winehouse couldn't handle it.

    Listening to WH right now.

  56. "I'm sure field negro would be all over this post. So i searched. Nope no post. Wonder why?"

    Well given that this video has been dragged up from last year, what do you want us to do?

    Trawl through every video of every drunken rant in the world filmed in the last ten years and comment on every single one?

    The guy is so drunk he can't stand up and is ranting semi-incoherently.

    News Flash - that's what drunks do.

  57. Hey Field, I've spent a good portion of the past 12 hours listening to many of the tracks on Whitney's albums that were never released and let me repeat the obvious, the woman could " sang"!!

    CPAC = Klan rally, lol!!!!

    What I would like to know is what do the idiots who attend Klan rally's talk about, lol!!!

  58. no slappz9:39 AM

    field's guide to censorship:

    I kind of agree with this poster from Kos:

    "So I went and searched the names of these guys and found dozens of hits on civil rights websites. I believe in free speech and would never seek to silence anyone... no matter how abhorrent their ideas are to me.

    Oh sure. Try posting something that contradicts the party line of the Daily Kos and you find yourself blocked.

  59. Putz, did it ever occur to you that the reason why your dumb ass pot was blocked was because its contrary to the purpose of Field's blog??

    I mean really, aren't there plenty enough racist talking bullshit blogs for you to post on? Or did they find out you are a Jew and ban your pathetic ass? You know, Gooobers don't like Jews much especially those who pretend to be white.

  60. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Hey Field, I've spent a good portion of the past 12 hours listening to many of the tracks on Whitney's albums that were never released and let me repeat the obvious, the woman could " sang"!!

    It is "sing" you ignorant hippo. Sang is past tense.

    CPAC = Klan rally, lol!!!!

    What I would like to know is what do the idiots who attend Klan rally's talk about, lol!!!

    Well I think Obama starts off fundraising as usual saying he needs more stuff to buy votes and destroy the country. Then Pelosi talks about ignorant voters like you for a second and how they don't have to worry about your vote...

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Omar, you silly twat. Condemning alleged white racism while condoning racism against whites is what you on the left do.

    Own your hypocrisy.

  64. Yeah, his [white] mama must be turning in her grave.

    Obama's mum is a white liberal. White liberals are full of white guilt, they hate their white skin.

    So Obama's mum would approve of "Obama's war".

  65. Anonymous11:14 AM

    granny, "CPAC = Klan rally"

    I ain't playing. There will be no name calling on this blog. If you can't talk w/o name callin and you ain't got nothin to say I am going to kick your ass off.

    I don't play that.. I will kick your ass off. I ain't playin.

    granny's assistant

  66. "Omar, you silly twat. Condemning alleged white racism while condoning racism against whites is what you on the left do."

    I condemn all racism from wherever it comes, little pretender. Racism is class warfare fought by other means.

    "Own your hypocrisy."

    You do?

  67. Anonymous11:37 AM

    PC, why do you speak against those who are racists but you never speak against black posters who are clearly reactionary racists.

    White people should have the same American rights as Blacks. Do you Brits not agree?

  68. SammyDavisJr11:39 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Putz, did it ever occur to you that the reason why your dumb ass pot was blocked was because its contrary to the purpose of Field's blog??

    I mean really, aren't there plenty enough racist talking bullshit blogs for you to post on? Or did they find out you are a Jew and ban your pathetic ass? You know, Gooobers don't like Jews much especially those who pretend to be white.

    What a Ghetto Maroon. Save your tax dollars by demanding IQ testing for lifelong students and send the funds to planned parenthood instead.

  69. xican2nd201211:49 AM

    Screw all you apologists!

    Men in powder puffs were not close to being my founding father! And in this video they get in Mexican bashing too! Par for the weakest link toward humanity in the gene pool I would say!

  70. 20 Black Scientists/Inventors:

  71. no slappz12:14 PM

    field's guide marksmanship in Brooklyn:

    Ex-con shot dead, another man injured in Brooklyn gunfire


    February 12, 2012

    A 21-year-old ex-con was shot dead and another man injured when gunfire erupted last night on a Brooklyn street, police said.

    Patrick Mondesir was blasted multiple times at around 9:17 p.m. on the corner of East 54th Street and Church Avenue in East Flatbush, cops said.

    Mondesir, who records show served two years in prison for hindering prosecution and attempted robbery convictions, later died at Kings County Hospital.

    A second victim, also 21-years-old, is recovering at Kings County for wounds to his arm and torso, police added.

    It's unclear what sparked the deadly gunplay and the investigation is ongoing, police said.

  72. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Pardon me, Slappy is a wite dude pretenderating to be Jewish...because his act fools his friends and fellow travelers.
    VDare is indeed a wite supremacist blog. Odd that it lacks the courage to be honest about their beleefs.

    Seeing Rs with racist Goobers is not news. It is an everyday occurrence. While most pols have to at least give the appearance of listening to all does seem that the Rs are paying close attention to the least gifted.

    Oh, if you get a chance, watch the vid of Brietbart being mentally ill to Occupy protesters. Yes, he has a behavior most associated with the involuntarily incarcerated for inability to maintain a grasp on Reality. I had thought he was a greedy blowhard...selling poo as food to even less aware people. Now, it is quite apparent the man is mentally ill. Go ahead, look up the behavior in the DSM-IV TR.


  73. no slappz12:30 PM

    queen of hypocrisy says:

    Or did they find out you are a Jew and ban your pathetic ass? You know, Gooobers don't like Jews much especially those who pretend to be white.

    Your comment shows your desperation and fear.

    Obviously you believe a person is what others think. You believe a person is defined by everyone else.

    You are clearly a sad example of a hostage of other people's views of you.

    But where does that fear of other's beliefs come from? It comes from within.

    However, you've got good reason to believe there's a lot of truth to your own internal fears that are, in fact, tied to external realities.

    One day, maybe, though it's unlikely, there will be a black nation, populated by many many millions of blacks (Nigeria would be the logical choice) in Africa where blacks create a modern society that operates on the same level as Europe, Scandinavia and North America (ex Mexico).

    If that day ever arrives, whites will acknowledge the presence of the nation and its diligent and accomplished population. The existence of such a nation would overcome all the doubts whites have about blacks.

    You know -- the proof is in the pudding. We're waiting.

    But even you know you'll never live long enough to see the emergence of that nation.

  74. Anonymous12:33 PM

    You know -- the proof is in the pudding. We're waiting.

    She doesnt have "pudding" that is she-boon ass butter.

  75. "PC, why do you speak against those who are racists but you never speak against black posters who are clearly reactionary racists."

    I do and I have.

    "White people should have the same American rights as Blacks. Do you Brits not agree?"

    There's no such thing as 'Brits'.

    What is an American right? I've heard of legal rights, but never American rights.

  76. Putz, do you understand what you've written here? Because it doesn't change the fact that you FEAR acknowledging your LACK of whiteness.

  77. Yet another tedious Slappyquote

    "You know -- the proof is in the pudding. We're waiting."

    Wait no longer, Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana.

    And that's just the 'A's and 'B's.

  78. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Why is it that whites who voise opinions about being proud to be white and who try to protect white rights are always labeled racists? Jesse Jackson Al Sharpenton etc etc are not considered racist!!

  79. no slappz12:47 PM

    queen sweaty desperation posts:

    The sad part is how few there are. This list of twenty black inventors is even sadder than usual because the creators of the list had to reach back to the 1800s to find enough blacks to make it seem as though blacks are in the game.

    However, when the compilers of the list moved into the 20th century, most of the notable work occurred in the first part of the 1900s.

    Only a few of the 20 inventors came from the late 1900s, and their work was derivative stuff.

    That's fine. But it's clear evidence that blacks never hit the leading edge of developing any technology.

    Moreover, it's obvious those black inventors are about as black as Obama, except in possibly one case.

    As always, the success of almost all of them is tied to having the benefit of two parents sensible enough to steer the kids through school -- where they learned some math and science, two areas of study that blacks generally avoid.

    Unfortunately, dopes like queenie miss the irony of posting black-inventor/black scientist links.

  80. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Recently, a dog bit the lip of an anchor lady during an interview on her TV show in Colorado. She was petting the dog and saying how much she loved dogs.

    BTW the pet owner was Black and the anchor was White.

    No_Slappz my brutha, could it be the dog is racist like PC? Now don't get the wrong idea. I don't believe dogs are born racists, but could it 'be' that someone trained that dog to bite white people?

    Brotha Field you are a great racism chaser and comment often that white people are overdoing it when caring for their pets. I have always respected what you have said...well, most of the time.

    Well, this dog had one of us as owner. IMO, it seemed pretty angry and not that lovable. I sure as hell wouldn't have been trying to kiss it.

    Field, my brotha, could it be the dog is pissed because it wanted a white owner and ended up with a black one? I mean, psychologically could the dog have felt abandoned by Whites?

    As you know, pets today probably prefer white owners because they get to have a luxurious cushy life 'in' the house and some even 'in' the bed. Unfortunately for some dogs looking for the good life, most black owners don't play that.

    Please comment or post about this. Do you think the dog is racist?

  81. no slappz12:53 PM

    purple buttecup tediously repeats:

    Wait no longer, Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana.

    If you believe a couple of tourist islands with economies 100% dependent on whites and populated by an insignficant number of blacks are examples of black nation-building competence, then your grasp of society is non-existent.

    Botswana? We've been down this road too. It's an AIDS-ridden remittance state that has been bankrupted by the catastrophe of its foolish citizens who would almost all die without international handouts.

    Try again, buttercup. But, you won't because you either believe your own lunacy, or you want to repeat your lunacy hoping the repetition will allow you to forget the sad reality of black nations in the world today.

  82. no slappz1:00 PM

    purple buttercup ejaculates:

    There's no such thing as 'Brits'.

    Yes, there are Brits. There are Brits because Americans say there are. We use the word, and by using it, we've added it to the lexicon.

    But this word-creation is not quite on a par with blacks who say "AX" when they're attempting to say "ASK".

    What is an American right? I've heard of legal rights, but never American rights.

    What is an American right?

    Whatever we say it is, and we base that view on the Constitution. Again, as with "Brits", your pedantic opinion means nothing.

  83. no slappz1:01 PM

    purple buttercup ejaculates:

    There's no such thing as 'Brits'.

    Yes, there are Brits. There are Brits because Americans say there are. We use the word, and by using it, we've added it to the lexicon.

    But this word-creation is not quite on a par with blacks who say "AX" when they're attempting to say "ASK".

    What is an American right? I've heard of legal rights, but never American rights.

    What is an American right?

    Whatever we say it is, and we base that view on the Constitution. Again, as with "Brits", your pedantic opinion means nothing.

  84. Putz, whenever I read your dumb ass, ill-informed comments, I wonder if you've ever wondered more than 5 feet from the Jewish ghettos you grew up in.

    For example, when my sister marries, everyone one of her bridesmaids, including the Matron of honor, will either have the letters Dr. In front of their names, or be working on it. And I'm talking about a Physican, a couple SCIENCE PhD's, and Pharmacist. And this is hardly "unusual" as it may seem to you. Howard med is FULL of generational MD and PhD families.

    Honestly, you're one of the few registered posters on this blog whose comments I rarely read because the fact of the matter is that the BS you post has little if anything to do with my life, and so many others I know who have lives very similar to mine.

    One last question since you love "doom and gloom" so much, are you taking anything for that because if not, you should seriously consider it ASAP!!!!!

  85. Anonymous1:10 PM

    PC, "What is an American right? I've heard of legal rights, but never American rights."

    Well, you have to know what it means to be an American to understand the rights of Americans.

    BTW, I just spoke with my friend from the UK. He says "Brit" is common and perfectly appropriate to call people from the UK Brits. It's clear that you don't understand your own country nor do you understand American rights. Nevertheless, as Chritian, I am bound by a covenant to respect and love you...even Dr Queen, and that is very very hard.

  86. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Dr Queen, "Honestly, you're one of the few registered posters on this blog whose comments I rarely read because the fact of the matter is that the BS you post has little if anything to do with my life, and so many others I know who have lives very similar to mine."

    Right. Is that why you are directing your comment to him? Is that why you want to know what he thinks? He must be getting to your well-educated lying ass.

    Don't get it twisted Sista, Whites have had an influence on the lives of many Blacks, since the days of slavery. That includes you. Should Rick or Newt win, you will find out.

  87. Klan Co., Inc.1:23 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    What I would like to know is what do the idiots who attend Klan rally's talk about, lol!!!


    Typically we talk about the latest developments in particle physics, a little Misean economics, and sometimes a discussion on the nihilist goals of Cultural Marxism. And then we talk about your fat, stupid ass.

  88. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Doesn't Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous help people to live drug free lives? AA has saved and changed millions of lives.

  89. Dr. Cumberbund1:27 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    For example, when my sister marries, everyone one of her bridesmaids, including the Matron of honor, will either have the letters Dr. In front of their names, or be working on it.

    So, your sister is leaving you out of the wedding? Or does pretending you will be going to medical school count as "working on it"?

    You will never be a doctor.

  90. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Typically we talk about the latest developments in particle physics, a little Misean economics, and sometimes a discussion on the nihilist goals of Cultural Marxism. And then we talk about your fat, stupid ass."


  91. Wow, Slappz got posts deleted at Daily Kos? I never really liked them but I might start going there. I guess they didn't want to pollute their site with too much stupid. Markos is a smart man. Ha!

    "Why is it that whites who voise opinions about being proud to be white and who try to protect white rights are always labeled racists? Jesse Jackson Al Sharpenton etc etc are not considered racist!!"

    You must not be from America because if you are you'd understand the answer to your own question.

    "PC, why do you speak against those who are racists but you never speak against black posters who are clearly reactionary racists."

    Probably the same reason whites only somehow are able to see blah racism. Strange. These fools are even trying to rewrite history to show even in the past there was no white on blah racism. White people are the masters of false equivalency.

  92. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "So, your sister is leaving you out of the wedding? Or does pretending you will be going to medical school count as "working on it"?

    You will never be a doctor."

    Ouch! I bet they felt those words just standing on the side lines reading posts. Dr. Queen probably fears your comments. They bite.

  93. "Whites have turned our society upside down trying to deal with racism for the past 60 years. One wonders, though, when blacks will play a role beyond voicing complaints and demanding concessions. It is not 'racist' to want to exist"

    Pullleezzzeee, most white people can't even admit racism exists. And when the fuck has the white races' existance in America EVER been an issue? Talk to a few Indigenous peoples to understand how stupid that comment is.

    "Much of what is called racism is an understandable reaction by whites to the unacceptable behavior of blacks."

    Irony is lost on conservatives. Change the order and you'll have your answer.

    "For example, whites tend to avoid situations where blacks congregate, out of fear of black violence. Which group can do more to resolve this problem? Would PilotX recommend that blacks be less violent or that whites be less fearful of their violence?"

    Hmmmm, what blah people are you reffering to? A blah church? Are you afraid of grannies in the Sunday dresses and hats? I guess a fucking hillybilly bar in Mississippi with confederate flags is the safest place for someone like yourself. I suggest you grow a pair of balls grow the fuck up and realize blah people are just like you. I am arround blah people everyday and there's nothing to be afraid of. Now if I go into the wrong white neighborhood.........Tell you what since you want my advice, get some blah friends and let them school you about life because you seem to live in a racist bubble. Other than that you seem like a delightful human being.

  94. Whitey McQuivalency1:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    White people are the masters of false equivalency.

    And PilotX is the master of poorly thought out, half-baked comments that desperately attempt to defend his igorance.

    Aye aye, Captain Moron!

  95. Affirmative Action Jackson1:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    Irony is lost on conservatives. Change the order and you'll have your answer.

    Irony is a dude who doesn't even know how he got his job.

  96. Skinned1:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hmmmm, what blah people are you reffering to?

    The majority of them.

    I know plenty of black people that I am comfortable hanging out with.

    I am also smart enough to know to never hang around places where there are large numbers of black people and not many white people.

    A white person in such a situation (discounting a church full of little old ladies) has a better than even chance of getting jumped.

    That's reality, PilotX.

    White people don't avoid black people because they think they are 'superior'; white people avoid black people because they know they are dangerous.

  97. "Irony is a dude who doesn't even know how he got his job."

    Says the unemployed asshole.

    "White people don't avoid black people because they think they are 'superior'; white people avoid black people because they know they are dangerous."

    No, white people are the most dangerous mutha fuckas that ever existed. After years of lynching, raping and doing all sorts of untawdry shit you have the nerve to now act peaceful. You are just lucky me and karma didn't have our way because if we did all of the white people responsible for any violence against Black people would be getting asswhoopings daily. Those assholes who beat Black people with impunity in the past should be getting handled. I saw on the Conservative Citizens site about how an older white man in Mississippi got beat by Black "thugs", he might have had it coming. What was he doing back in the day? Trust me white boy, you're safe around us. Karma must like white people because ya'll have alot of shit that should be coming your way.

  98. "Affirmative Action Jackson"

    should have been the name of all the white men who got AA. A bunch of them running around.

  99. Anonymous2:29 PM

    pilotx, contain your hatred and attacks. do you know you wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Whites? you should be grateful.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. ROTFLMBAO at your comments PilotX!!!

  102. PilotX said...
    should have been the name of all the white men who got AA. A bunch of them running around.

    The second George Bush comes to mind.

  103. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "you have the nerve to now act peaceful."

    What nerve! Are you retarded?

    "are just lucky me and karma didn't have our way because if we did all of the white people responsible for any violence against Black people would be getting asswhoopings daily"

    That's the point, dumbass. Black people today use the fact that some white people mistreated some black people in the past to justify any violence against white people!

    The more white people bend over backwards to combat 'racism', the more violence they are subjected to at the hands of blacks.

    Since people like you think violence against whites is justified by the fact "they have it coming", the rational response is to try to avoid black people. For this, whites get called 'racist' again!

  104. "pilotx, contain your hatred and attacks. do you know you wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Whites? you should be grateful."

    They are grateful I decided to work for them. You should be grateful for my tax dollars you jobless prick.

  105. "Since people like you think violence against whites is justified by the fact "they have it coming", the rational response is to try to avoid black people. For this, whites get called 'racist' again!"

    Didn't say that. You can start by avoiding my posts asshat.

  106. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "Since people like you think violence against whites is justified by the fact "they have it coming", the rational response is to try to avoid black people. For this, whites get called 'racist' again!"

    It's a no win situation for whites that cannot continue much longer. Fifty years is enough. You cannot punish people who are dead and buried.

    Can't you see that?

  107. "all of the white people responsible for any violence against Black people would be getting asswhoopings daily"

    I know reading isn't easy for rednecks but do you see the difference between what you implied and what I actually wrote? I'm glad you're around, reminds me that superiority shit you toothless fucks believe in is bullshit.

  108. Mr. Ashatte to you2:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Since people like you think violence against whites is justified by the fact "they have it coming", the rational response is to try to avoid black people. For this, whites get called 'racist' again!"

    Didn't say that.

    PilotX @ 2:17:

    "I saw on the Conservative Citizens site about how an older white man in Mississippi got beat by Black "thugs", he might have had it coming. What was he doing back in the day? Trust me white boy, you're safe around us. Karma must like white people because ya'll have alot of shit that should be coming your way."

    Um, yes you did.

  109. "It's a no win situation for whites that cannot continue much longer. Fifty years is enough. You cannot punish people who are dead and buried."

    Continue what exactly? What the fuck have you been doing for 50 years? Denying the shit you did 50 years ago? Start by explaining EXACTLY what you did 50 years ago. You probably don't even know do you? I have yet to meet a white person who has any idea what their people did in the past. Enlighten me. Go!

  110. "Um, yes you did."

    And you leave out the other part of my statement. You fucks are very disinginuous but I'm used to that.

  111. Mr. Ashatte2:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    No, white people are the most dangerous mutha fuckas that ever existed.

    So why are black people always trying to move into white neighborhoods? Why do so many black parents go to great lengths to send their kids to white schools?

    You don't see whites fighting to get their kids into majority black schools or taking advbntage of lower cost housing in black neighborhoods.

    The reality is black people are usually pretty safe in majority white areas, while a white person going to a majority black area is almost certain of getting jumped. A black kid can go to an all white school and get along fine. A white kid by himself in an all black school will be brutalized daily.

    How does that imply white racism in contemporary America?

  112. "So why are black people always trying to move into white neighborhoods? Why do so many black parents go to great lengths to send their kids to white schools?"

    Nobody is trying to get into "white" schools. They are trying to get into GOOD schools. White does not equal good. I know in your white supremecist mind it does but in reality it ain't so redneck. There are many rundown white neighborhoods and schools I wouldn't send a dog to. I wouldn't set foot in your trailer park for love or money nor send my kids to the shithole school your dumbass went. Get it right, it's all about wealth. The wealthier the neighborhood the better it is and the better the school. Get it? Got it? Good.

  113. "The reality is black people are usually pretty safe in majority white areas, while a white person going to a majority black area is almost certain of getting jumped. A black kid can go to an all white school and get along fine. A white kid by himself in an all black school will be brutalized daily."

    GTFOH, if getting dragged behind a fucking pickup truck is safe you can keep that shit. My neighbor is white and she gets along with us darkies just fine. Her son is in a majority Black school and he is happy and well adjusted. You need to stop going to white supremecist sites to get your info about Black people, you sound stupid.

  114. Mr. Ashatte2:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Um, yes you did."

    And you leave out the other part of my statement

    There is no denying what you said. It's right there at 2:17 pm.

    I'm not worried about middle-aged airline pilots. The bigger picture is that black kids grow up in a grievance environment that implicitly condones violence and theft perpetrated against white people.

    You see it over and over again. There is absolutely no moral compunction over stealing something form a white person.

    Whenever the opportuinty arises, blacks will jump in and take a swing at whitey, and keep kicking after he is down.

    Black men commit over 30,000 rapes of white women every year. White male rape of black women is virtually zero.

    This is all the fruit of your "got it coming attitude". And you wonder why white people don't want to be around blacks?

  115. Anonymous3:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    GTFOH, if getting dragged behind a fucking pickup truck is safe you can keep that shit

    I thought you were capable of understanding statistics. Apparently, you can't.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Listen carefully.

    INTERGRATION is the reason Black culture is in such dire straits today.

  118. And middle finger to the spell check freaks on this blog.

  119. Diversity kills3:04 PM


    Listen carefully.

    BLACK PEOPLE be reason why black culture is in such dire straits.

  120. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Kos probably tracked 'Slappy' back to the wingnut welfare thunk tank that pays for the 'opinion'. Sort of like VDare spoofing readers.

    It isn't wite neighbourhoods...who wants to dwell in the land O Cotton? Only inbred patriarchists. The rest of us like those diverse, cultured and pleasant environs. Plenty of takers for the eveeel BigCitee....not so much for pure wite and stoopid.

    From the posts, I would surmise that the white folks aren't 'our kind' in the more upper-class zip codes. And are deeply resenting that I...and more darkly complected AfAms are more than welcome.
    How does it feel to mow the lawn of a successful AfAm? To sit in your self-imposed poverty and watch as the opportunities are your own choices.
    Your skin colour is no longer a status marker...and will be even less for any BristolBabees you create. Shame you declined to have a comfortable life for your socio-economic class. Keep beleeverating, it has done so much for you in the past...lower wages, no retirement, de-funded schools, less infrastructure, far fewer jobs for your ilk, and lower living standards than your parents.


  121. Diversity Kills3:10 PM

    "The reality is black people are usually pretty safe in majority white areas, while a white person going to a majority black area is almost certain of getting jumped. A black kid can go to an all white school and get along fine. A white kid by himself in an all black school will be brutalized daily."

    This reality is called diversity.

    This is why the media has to covarer up black on white hate crimes.

  122. Mr. Ashatte3:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    I have yet to meet a white person who has any idea what their people did in the past. Enlighten me. Go!

    My 'people' came here at various times from the 1600's to 1855. They were coal miners, ironworkers, farmers, bakers, and soldiers. My great great grandfather came here from Germany and found himself fighting to free the slaves five years later. They lived in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Illinois and never were in a position to own slaves or mistreat black people.

    My entire life has been in the Civil Rights era. So, what exactly do I "have coming" to me?

  123. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Kos probably tracked 'Slappy' back to the wingnut welfare thunk tank that pays for the 'opinion'. Sort of like VDare spoofing readers.



    Once again mold shows us how full of shit heshe is. Just like most of the field negros that post here. No facts to back up anything they say. Just bullshit.

  124. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Listen carefully.

    INTERGRATION is the reason Black culture is in such dire straits today.


    So are you in favor of segregated schools and neighborhoods?

  125. PilotX said...
    Nobody is trying to get into "white" schools.

    Are you this dumb?

    Its called desegregation.

  126. Diversity Kills3:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    Trust me white boy, you're safe around us.

    Most interracial rapes and murders are committed by you the black male.

  127. Anonymous3:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Um, yes you did."

    And you leave out the other part of my statement. You fucks are very disinginuous but I'm used to that.

    Aren't you the assclown that said what is "babbies"? Well what is "disinginuous"?? You got the MSNBC talking points down good, now go look up the word to see what it means and how to spell it.

  128. Get a username/profile, get response, got it?

  129. Anonymous3:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    "pilotx, contain your hatred and attacks. do you know you wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Whites? you should be grateful."

    They are grateful I decided to work for them. You should be grateful for my tax dollars you jobless prick.

    Sure they are greatful, for the affirmative action head count, dats about it homey.

  130. Dr.Queen said...
    And middle finger to the spell check freaks on this blog.


  131. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Get a username/profile, get response, got it?

    Even if it is a fake one like yours ? You aint a DR you aint a QUeen and you will never be either, why do you lie?

  132. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Dr.Queen said...
    And middle finger to the spell check freaks on this blog.


    "This" what? ya dumbass is intargrated when you take tar and cheese and put em in school wit u? ya dumbass spell out them words phonetically (means sounding it out) dumbass so we know how dumb you is dumbass

    you will never be more than a liar phony fake wannabe

  133. The Pretender said...
    Its called desegregation.

    Or you could call it moving around the white middle class tax base in order to fund and support lower middle class/poor minority students.

    Thats what desegregation is all about.

    PilotX said...
    if getting dragged behind a fucking pickup truck is safe you can keep that shit.

    That old black man being dragged behind a fucking pickup truck might have had it coming.

  134. 1:43 AM
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    RIP Whitney. My prayers go out to her family, especially her daughter who had lost her mother.

    CPAC = Klan rally
    Right on all counts as usual granny. The "American Renaissance" movement are the Klans 1%ers in both the ideological and economic senses. They call themselves "paleo conservatives" and dress themselves in the semi-respectability of the less overtly racist right wing of the so called "mainstream" conservatives. Their influence and popularity have surged since Nov. 5, 2008.

    My own mom died unfairly young at 58 when my baby sister was 19. I ache for young Bobbi though we've never met.

  135. "Typically we talk about the latest developments in particle physics, a little Misean economics, and sometimes a discussion on the nihilist goals of Cultural Marxism."

    Your heads must have exploded at the end.

    "This" what? ya dumbass is intargrated when you take tar and cheese and put em in school wit u? ya dumbass spell out them words phonetically (means sounding it out) dumbass so we know how dumb you is dumbass

    you will never be more than a liar phony fake wannabe"

    A little obsessed with Dr. Queen, no?

    "This is why the media has to covarer up black on white hate crimes."

    Link please.

  136. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The "American Renaissance" movement are the Klans 1%ers in both the ideological and economic senses.

    Drumming up business again, Whitey?

    Does that schtick really work?

  137. Field, this is a 4 year obsession that reinforces my tremendously blessed life!!!

    Personally, I've never found jealousy and envy to be very useful emotions, but I guess when you're a stalking piece of camel shit, jealousy and envy are the ONLY emotions you have going for yourself. Not to mention what it must feel like to be rebuked when it comes to love and relationships which is obvious by the vitriolic tenor of its posts.

    Yep a sad, pathetic and VERY well deserved po' ass existence that couldn't happen to a better subhuman.

  138. no slappz4:16 PM

    crash pilot xyz babbles:

    Nobody is trying to get into "white" schools. They are trying to get into GOOD schools.

    Sorry Spanky, but there are no "good" black schools. The quality level of schools -- which is a measure of what the graduates of the school do, as well as how the students perform on standardized tests at each grade level -- is most easily defined by the races of the students.

    NONE of the predominantly black schools in NY City qualifies as "good". Black performance on standardized tests is so poor that the NY City Dept of Ed puts up a little smoke-screen to obscure just how bad black performance is.

    White does not equal good.

    As we have seen for 100 years, whites -- overall -- do reasonably well in school. There's a big range, but there are lots and lots of superior white students.

    More recently, asian students have been in their ascendency. The asian kids, as a group, are the leaders in the NY City public schools, and they are leaders in getting into the best colleges.

    It's funny that you cannot begin to consider that asians have some family/education principles that work remarkably well.

    Whites are encouraging each other to act more asian, while blacks fight against "acting white".

    I know in your white supremecist mind it does but in reality it ain't so redneck. There are many rundown white neighborhoods and schools I wouldn't send a dog to.

    And even those school systems get better results from poor white kids than NY City gets from most of its black students -- where annual per-student spending is now $19,000.

    The wealthier the neighborhood the better it is and the better the school. Get it?

    Like I stated, the annual per-student expenditure in NY City is $19,000. However, despite your idiocy about who gets what, the per student expenditures are HIGHER at the predominantly black schools in NYC because of the overwhelming need for remedial work.

    The expenditures at NY City's top schools is 30% LESS because the kids show up with their homework done and ready to do their daily work. Very simple. Got it? Not likely.

  139. no slappz4:23 PM

    dummy pilot xyz said:

    GTFOH, if getting dragged behind a fucking pickup truck is safe you can keep that shit.

    Ah, the old gambit of going back to a crime committed more than a decade ago by thugs who were caught prosecuted, sentenced, and in one or two cases, executed for their crime.

    But, you're enough of a retard that you have to dredge the past for white crimes, just as you dredge the past by pretending the past of slavery is still part of daily life.

    My neighbor is white and she gets along with us darkies just fine. Her son is in a majority Black school and he is happy and well adjusted.

    Your statement has no meaning. If he's going to a "black school", he's at a school where student performance, by every standardized measure, is well below white standards.

    If this school is a high school, you should look into the average SAT scores of the students. But we already know what you'll find. Low scores. Your neighbor's kid, even if he's just an average white kid, will look like a genius against that backdrop.

  140. no slappz4:28 PM

    queen of the night said:

    ...when my sister marries, everyone one of her bridesmaids, including the Matron of honor, will either have the letters Dr. In front of their names...

    The letters D and R in front of their names? Yeah, and as soon as the ceremony is over, Immigration will send them right back to the Dominican Republic.

    However, I know that blacks shoot for degrees in sociology and black studies, because both are easy subjects for people aching for a PhD.

  141. Dr. Selfconfident4:51 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Personally, I've never found jealousy and envy to be very useful emotions

    Ha! Jealousy and envy drive everything you do, from craving the social status and material trappings of the medical profession to disparaging white people as "trailer trash" and "hicks".

    You will always be jealous and envious.

    You will never be a doctor.

  142. Putz, you are THE most idiotic, UNDERachieving Jew I've ever seen.

    Your jealousy of high achieving Blacks is almost palpable and I say almost, because to BE a high achieving, successful, Black person requires daily tasks outside of surfing the fcuking Internet 24/7.

    See ya' Gamel!!

  143. Dr. Winner5:11 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    " BE a high achieving, successful, Black person requires daily tasks outside of surfing the fcuking Internet 24/7.

    So how exactly does any of that apply to a loser like you?

    You will never be a doctor.

  144. Anonymous5:18 PM

    man pilotx got his asz handed to him but good today! damn! i bet he never comes back

  145. ^^^^ the ONLY time assholes lie you scare a black man is when you dress up in white sheets or a police uniform.

    No one is afraid of an jerk whose ident is assonymous!!

  146. And stop talking to yourself, you crazy mf!!!

  147. Chef Manardee5:30 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    the ONLY time assholes lie you scare a black man is when you dress up in white sheets or a police uniform

    How about a bill collector? Or a child support lawyer?

  148. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Chef Manardee said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    the ONLY time assholes lie you scare a black man is when you dress up in white sheets or a police uniform

    How about a bill collector? Or a child support lawyer?

    Or a woman from the government grant investigative office or from da welfare.

  149. Quote Anonymous 10:18

    "man pilotx got his asz handed to him but good today!"



    I must have missed that bit...

  150. Anonymous6:33 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I must have missed that bit...

    Not surprising, you miss a lot.

  151. "Whenever the opportuinty arises, blacks will jump in and take a swing at whitey, and keep kicking after he is down."

    Yeah, right.

    "My 'people' came here at various times from the 1600's to 1855. They were coal miners, ironworkers, farmers, bakers, and soldiers. My great great grandfather came here from Germany and found himself fighting to free the slaves five years later. They lived in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Illinois and never were in a position to own slaves or mistreat black people.

    My entire life has been in the Civil Rights era. So, what exactly do I "have coming" to me?"

    You proved my point brilliantly.

  152. "Sorry Spanky, but there are no "good" black schools."

    Really Slappz? Do we really have to play this fucking game again? I'll post the good Black schools here in Chicago that send 100% of their kids to college and you'll nitpick details to death. Tell you what asshole, plan a trip to Chicago and I'll personally take you to these schools and then you can stop posting dumb shit ok?

    "There's a big range, but there are lots and lots of superior white students."

    You're right there's a big range. Lots of dumb assed white students like yourself.

    "If this school is a high school, you should look into the average SAT scores of the students."

    I live in the Midwest where most students take the ACT and thanks for the advice dipshit but I know how to see how good a school is. Jeezus lady, racism has really fucked you up. I have to agree with the Cow, you are a miserable fuck.

  153. "But, you're enough of a retard that you have to dredge the past for white crimes, just as you dredge the past by pretending the past of slavery is still part of daily life."

    Didn't say shit about slavery but notice the vast majority of racial assaults are upon Blacks by whites according to the FBI. So yes asshole, whites are still thinking they are in 1964 Alabama. Still on cue white men whine about bias while being the most violent hypocritical bullshit artists on the planet.

    Racial bias
    Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2010, there were 3,949 victims of racially motivated hate crime. A closer examination of these victim data showed that:

    ■70.0 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.
    ■17.7 percent were victims of an anti-white bias.

  154. More stats from the FBI. Looks like white folks have this shhit on lock huh Slappz? Didn't have to do much dregging of the past on this one did I Barbie?

    By race
    In 2010, the races of the 6,008 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

    ■58.6 percent were white.
    ■18.4 percent were black.
    ■8.9 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
    ■1.1 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
    ■1.0 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
    ■12.0 percent were of unknown race.

  155. "and never were in a position to own slaves or mistreat black people."

    Just in a position to benefit frm the racist treatment of Black people. Wouldn't have needed German immigrants for those jobs if Black people had been able to work and live like human beings. White male affirmative action has always been in effect. At least you admit the civil war was about slavery, we're making progress.

  156. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time7:12 PM

    PilotX said...
    the vast majority of racial assaults are upon Blacks by whites according to the FBI

    Absolutely not true.

    The vast majority of interracial crime is committed by blacks against whites. You know this is true.

    Whether one of these crimes is classified as a 'hate crime' is a purely subjective political evaluation.

    Black violence against whites, even when clearly racially motivated (e.g. the taxi cab assualt in Philly last week), is hardly ever called a hate crime.

    But you will disingenuously focus on less than 0.001% of interacial crime to try to imply something that is 180 degrees from the truth.

    And the FBI has a neat trick. When a hispanic is victim of a hate crime, he is classified as "hispanic", but if is a perpetrator, he is classified as "white". Cool, huh?

    Even your twisted stats show blacks commiting a disproportionate amount of hate crimes. (18.4% vs. 13% of the population).

    You are full of shit, as usual.

  157. PilotX said...
    Just in a position to benefit frm the racist treatment of Black people.

    My ancestor's hard work never hurt any black people.

    White privilege = White success.

  158. "Even your twisted stats show blacks commiting a disproportionate amount of hate crimes. (18.4% vs. 13% of the population)."

    Not MY stats asshole. This is from the FBI but hey I know, wingnuts hate facts. Hmmmmmm, ok 18.4% may be a bit high but still whites rule the roost when it comes to racial crimes. The more things change...........

  159. PilotX said... ok 18.4% may be a bit high but still whites rule the roost when it comes to racial crimes. The more things change

    Nothing changes with you. You still don't understand the numbers you cite, or you are just playing dumb.

    Blacks are over 70 times as likely to commit a violent crime against whites.

    Once more, your assertion is an obscene twisting of an incredibly disparate situation to blame the actual victims.

  160. "Blacks are over 70 times as likely to commit a violent crime against whites."

    Citation please. Methinks you pulled that number out of your arse.

  161. PilotX, I am with you. I want to see that link. I will wait with you..............
