Saturday, February 04, 2012

Flipper takes Nevada, and white folks try to take back their country.

The republicans are having a caucus in Nevada tonight. *Yawn*

I suspect that this will be Flipper by a mile. This is going to be battle for second place.  

Poor republicans, they just can't put their arms around Flipper. Something about the guy just doesn't sit right with them. And they worry that if he beats his Oness they don't know what he will do once Mrs. Flipper takes her fine linen and Christofle silverware to Pennsylvania, Avenue.  

But they better get used to him, because like it or not, Flipper will be the republican candidate to square off against O come November.

Finally, what would a Saturday night be without a little racism chasing?

Let's go to Arizona, the Mississippi of the West.

 "Arizona’s unremitting campaign against its Hispanic communities has certainly reached an extreme, with the state GOP initiating a spate of radical anti-immigrant laws, banning Mexican-American and other ethnic studies, and ensuring that Spanish-speakers will never hold elected office. But one lawmaker is intent on turning the party’s xenophobic paranoia into a full-blown caricature.
Reacting to a Democratic colleagues apparently incendiary request to celebrate a Latino American day, State Rep. Cecil Ash (R) declared that he’d support the idea as long as there’s a holiday for white people too. “I’m supportive of this proposition. I just want them to assure me that when we do become in the minority you’ll have a day for us,” he said. Ash was “trying to lighten things up,” but when CBS 5 asked if he was serious about a Caucasian holiday, he offered an unequivocal “yes”:
ASH: Yes, I think it was appropriate. It was appropriate for the mood that was in the House and I think that if and when the Caucasian population becomes a minority, they may want to celebrate the accomplishments and the contributions of the Caucasian population the same way.
You can watch the report here. As CBS 5 notes, some Arizonans were supportive of the idea. “Good idea,” said one woman. “Like they have Cinco de Mayo for Mexicans. We need something for whites.” [Source]

Yes, I get it; it's getting tougher and tougher to be white in A-merry-ca these days. But why pick on the Native Americans?

"Parents of a child at Sacred Heart Catholic School are upset about the school's decision to bench the girl for "attitude issues" after she spoke a few words in the Menominee language at school.

The seventh-grader's mother, Tanaes Washinawatok, said her daughter, Miranda, was not allowed to play in the basketball game Jan. 19 after being reprimanded that day for using the Menominee language during a homeroom supervised by teacher Julie Gurta.

"A conversation was had between my daughter and two other Menominee children that go to school at Sacred Heart," Washinawatok said. "My daughter interpreted two words and then added one word; the words were hello, I love you, and thank you."

"The teacher came in and told my child, 'You are not to be speaking like that. How do I know you're not saying something bad and how would you like it if I spoke Polish and you didn't understand.'"

Miranda, 12, said she and her friends had spoken Menominee once before and had been told not to by Gurta.

"She didn't give a reason, she just said to not talk like that," Miranda said. "We would have translated what the words meant if she asked. I want to be able to talk in Menominee because it's part of my culture; I like to express that."

Washinawatok said assistant coach Billie Joe Duquaine, a preschool teacher at the school, told Miranda she was benched because of an "attitude issue." [Source]

Yes, you have to check those attitudes at an early age, because you never know if those Menominees will want to rise again.

* Pic courtesy of Think Progress.



  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Field, since you originally hail from Jamaica you are quite welcome to go back there if you find "A-merry-ca" not to your liking. If I were in a country as an immigrant and discovered it not to my liking I would leave.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @9:42, unless you're Native American, you can take your stupid ass back to where ever YOUR ancestors came from too!

  4. After that poor people comment, Romney is Toast!

    Obama 2012!

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Dr.Queen said...

    @9:42, unless you're Native American, you can take your stupid ass back to where ever YOUR ancestors came from too!
    9:46 PM

    No thanks, I rather enjoy it here. I wasn't complaining about the country Field was/is.

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    @9:42, unless you're Native American, you can take your stupid ass back to where ever YOUR ancestors came from too!

    And so can you.

  7. So, asking for a hispanic day is "apparently incendiary", while asking for a white day is racist?

    Double standards, much?

  8. Masterjack10:14 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    @9:42, unless you're Native American, you can take your stupid ass back to where ever YOUR ancestors came from too!

    I'd take your fat lazy ass back to Africa and try to get the money back from the brother that sold your ancestor.

    You're noisy, cost too much to run, and don't work.

    Soon as I find that receipt...

  9. Pretender, has the white community obtracized you?

    Because in case you didn't notice, every day is a white day and has been since the first white settlers stepped on Native American soil. Well...maybe, after they annihilated the majority of Native Americans, but well...after that it has been all about whites and everyone else was pretty much pushed out the picture. You don't take my word for it, pick up a history book and all you'll see is white folks. Matter of fact, that's practically all you'll see on television, etc.

    Being selfish is an ugly characteristic, so why don't you try and work on that!

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    You don't take my word for it, pick up a history book and all you'll see is white folks.

    What are supposed to see? Martians?

    Anyway, your idea of what kids learn in history class is way out of date. They don't learn about dead white men, or events that shaped the world they live in, they learn about Martin Luther King, Amelia Earhart, and Rosa Parks:

  11. Kareem, oh that's great,it's about time, and long overdue don't you think? BTW, wasn't Amelia Earhart white?

  12. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Because in case you didn't notice, every day is a white day"

    Except black history month. Asian history month. Hispanic history month, etc. Than there's MLK day, and assorted Mexican days.

    "pick up a history book and all you'll see is white folks"

    Than how did you learn about native americans and slavery?

  13. Field, I am gone to sign offline because I feel my blood pressure rising. Therefore, night, pleasant and peaceful dreams, and I pray that you stay abundantly blessed!

    Dr.Queen, keep your head up and stay strong!

  14. She was a woman Granny, at least that's waht they said.

    Shouldn't history have some relation to the truth? Does it really do black kids a favor to only feed them lies to boost their self-esteem?

  15. Pretender, I learned about them from my Native American and African ancestors who taught me.

  16. Please be careful Kareem, field negros living on the democrat plantation are not use to facts and truths.

  17. You mean feed them lies to tear down their self-esteem that has been the general practice in schools since way back yonder.

  18. Diversity Kills10:44 PM

    Hispanic day GOOD!!!!

    White day EVIL AND RACIST!!!!

    If it wasn't for self-hating white liberals , racist minorities , what would we do?

  19. The Pretender said...
    Please be careful Kareem, field negros living on the democrat plantation are not use to facts and truths.

    Well, teaching kids that they are entitled to success regardless of whether or not they have the aptitude or the drive produces useless people like Ms. Queen, who are a danger to themselves and a burden on society.

  20. Diversity Kills10:48 PM

    "You mean feed them lies"

    White Liberals and minority teachers have been teaching black invention lies and myths since way back yonder.

  21. "She was a woman Granny, at least that's waht they said."

    Kareem, and so was Bessie Coleman, the first black woman pilot.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "She was a woman Granny, at least that's waht they said."

    Kareem, and so was Bessie Coleman, the first black woman pilot.

    Did she die in a crash too?

  23. Diversity, since when did the Conservative Citizens Council become an accredited educational institution? You think we don't recognize their racist BS? Almost made me cuss. Smh!

  24. Kareem, yes, as a matter of fact, she did.

  25. Kareem said...
    Well, teaching kids that they are entitled to success regardless of whether or not they have the aptitude or the drive produces useless people like Ms. Queen, who are a danger to themselves and a burden on society.

    That is the Democrat way.

  26. Crash Earhart10:56 PM

    Kareem said...
    Did she die in a crash too?

    Well, sort of. She fell out of plane from 500 feet and died. Then the plane crashed.

    I guess history tells us women shouldn't fly planes.

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Kareem, yes, as a matter of fact, she did.

    Crash Earhart already said it.



  29. Smartest thin g my grappa ever did was leave Phoenix 2 years after moving his family there during WWII.

  30. Diversity Kills11:08 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    You think we don't recognize their racist BS?

    The truth is always racist and bs.

    George Washington Carver peanut butter myth is still taught in schools and colleges.

  31. Upstater11:10 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Smartest thin g my grappa ever did was leave Phoenix 2 years after moving his family there during WWII.

    I'm moving there as soon as I can.

  32. Field, so you being invaded by the Conservative Citizens Council, Stormfront, and Paul's crew, but that should be no surprise since all of them have teamed up together. They run in packs like wolves, so did the mobs back in the day. it's racist whites' nature.

    I'm signing off for real now because the stench coming from them is sickening!

  33. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hmmm. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Fourth of July. St. Patricks Day. Easter. Presidents Day. Veterans Day.
    New Years Day. Maypole Day. Arbor Day. Halloween. Blond Haired People Day. Secretary Day. Mothers Day. Fathers Day. Grandparents Day. Birth of a Nation Day. Etc.

  34. Nah, the TRUTH will set you free! It does not teach you to hate!!!!

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm signing off for real now because the stench coming from them is sickening!

    Translation: When you can't compete, beat your feet!

    You know, if you'd open up your mind once in a while instead of defending your preconceptions, maybe the world would make more sense.

    Just a suggestion.

    Goodnight Granny.

  36. that flipper hobama has made america whiter and more racist than ever

    and white banksters own that peer elitist warmonger and the world

    cc the sheeple voters asap

  37. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Field, why is it the Mexicans, Latinos and Native Indians never speak up for Blacks but we are always speaking up for them?

    Please tell me when someone stands up for us? Nobody in the WH or Congress stands up for us. WHY?

    And when are you going to say something about that Memphis ignorant jackass dj verbally abusing one of our black women, who was running for Congress?

    WHY won't you do right by our women, Field? As a matter of fact, why won't MOST of FN Negroes speak out about that Memphis dj bastard?

    You will do a post on racism against Latinos but won't do one to support our black women. That's bullshit and you know it.

  38. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Being Blog Trolls is the 'farm team' of wingnut welfare. Sort of what used to be writers for the Paultard newsletters or making up stuff for Breitbart.

    Nevada 'electorated' Jan might wish to read her very skimpy c.v.

    Funny how much the Arizona wites needed their cheap, cheap illegal labour pool...until their Galtian Overlords shipped all the wite Entitled jobs to China.


  39. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Mitt worked his ass off to win Nevada and it paid offf. I am very happy for him. He deserved it.

    When he is in the WH, Blacks and Whites win. Of course, some of right wing Republicans are afraid of that. But let's face it. Romney is against racism and mistreatment of Blacks, which Newt and Blah Santorum would gleefully abuse.

  40. Thanksgiving: White folks conquer Indians, North.
    Columbus Day: White folks conquer Indians, South.
    Christmas: White Jesus Birthday.
    4th of July: American White folks declare Independence from British white folks.
    Presidents Day: Two white presidents celebrated on one Monday.
    New Years: First day of new year on white folks calendar.


  42. "I believe in creation and I believe it deserves to be taught in our public schools," said Sen. Dennis Kruse, R-Auburn, the bill's author.

    Read more:

    Your tax dollars at work people. Let's elect more Republicans so we can dumb down and become China's bitch.

  43. The Senate spent less than twenty minutes considering the bill, with its sponsor Dennis Kruse (R-District 14) defending it. Kruse acknowledged that the bill would be constitutionally problematic but, he told the education blogger at the Indianapolis Star (January 31, 2012), "This is a different Supreme Court," adding, "This Supreme Court could rule differently." The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana's legal director Ken Falk was previously quoted in a story from the Associated Press (January 26, 2012) as saying that the bill is clearly unconstitutional and invites lawsuits: moreover, he added, "when lawmakers propose legislation they clearly know will end up in the courts, it wastes time and resources."

    Seems only Democrats seem to understand the law and appreciate science.

  44. Skinner's and Tallian's arguments echoed the concerns of John Staver of Purdue University, who previously testified against the bill in committee. He told the Purdue Exponent (January 31, 2012), "If this does become law, they are going to face legal problems and, given the legal precedents, it is very likely to lose ... And then they're going to have bills to pay and schools are struggling enough with bills to pay without this happening." NCSE's Eric Meikle added, "I have trouble understanding why people think it's necessary ... If they want classes on philosophy or comparative religion, they can do that. There’s nothing that stops classes about religion, just don’t promote religion."

    The Republican fool who proposed this bullshit knew it was going to court so the next time conservatives talk about fiscal responsibility we know they're full of shit and just want to promote their superstitions. I know they hate science but damn. China and India and all other European nations must be laughing their asses off at us because of these stupid assed conservatives. Welcome to the new GOP.

  45. Zeus13:24 AM

    The Republican fool who proposed this bullshit knew it was going to court so the next time conservatives talk about fiscal responsibility we know they're full of shit and just want to promote their superstitions. I know they hate science but damn. China and India and all other European nations must be laughing their asses off at us because of these stupid assed conservatives. Welcome to the new GOP.

    Brahma, Vishnu and Buddha send their love and say to thee, get an education. Your mind is narrower than a hallway and not much is getting through. They also think you are an idiot for not believing in science. You believe there is no god and that you are the center of the universe as well as the junk science of global warming/climate change yet deny hard sciences such as intelligence evolution and genetics. Better pray there is a god otherwise there isn't any hope for you.

  46. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Bob said...
    Thanksgiving: White folks conquer Indians, North.
    Columbus Day: White folks conquer Indians, South.
    Christmas: White Jesus Birthday.
    4th of July: American White folks declare Independence from British white folks.
    Presidents Day: Two white presidents celebrated on one Monday.
    New Years: First day of new year on white folks calendar.

    So Bob are you there with Neil? Neil and Bob you two must be a hit at gay parties.

    All of these holidays are American, only whites are American in your disengenious crusty old mind?

  47. Anonymous3:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I believe in creation and I believe it deserves to be taught in our public schools," said Sen. Dennis Kruse, R-Auburn, the bill's author.

    Read more:

    Your tax dollars at work people. Let's elect more Republicans so we can dumb down and become China's bitch.

    Hey does anyone have pictures of the American flag left on Mars by the astronauts in the 1960's? Sheila Jackson Lee

    And Did Guam tip over yet because more people went to the Island
    Hank Johnson wants to know.

    Now I know bouts dem genetics and Affirmative actions and stuff but donts you think this is stupid?

  48. Anonymous5:07 AM


    So. You don't like the truth and you don't like gays since you use the word in a derogatory way. And by the way, I would replace the word "conquer" with "slaughtered" in Bob's list. Why are you so angry? You got impacted bowels or something? Just asking.

  49. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The moon flight can't happen soon enough for me. I hope I'm living, so I can be in the front row to wave so long and do the happy dance. I'm tired of these people; very, very tired.

  50. Anonymous7:18 AM

    many years back i remembered reading something about the racism involved in the mormon beliefs.... i just found this 2005 site
    written by ex mormon
    some disturbing stuff really......

  51. White People's Day?

    Ha! We've been celebrating that for 236 years. And we've got 43 1/2 preznits to prove it.

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm signing off for real now because the stench coming from them is sickening!

    In other words, i know they speak the truth. The truth confuses me.

    PilotX said...

    Your tax dollars at work people. Let's elect more Republicans so we can dumb down and become China's bitch.

    The only bitch round here is you , pilotx. Funny you don't cry about the billions of tax dollars wasted on Obama's green scams.

    Now back to toyland so you can buy some more planes to fly.

  53. Anon@12:54 am I blogged about that Memphis story and said it wasn't cool what the DJ did. Pay attention.

    To my friend above who wants to move to Arizona I am sure that U Haul is still open. It might be time to start packing. I am sure your neighbors won't miss you.

    To my friend who wants to move to the moon, just vote for Newt. That's your best shot.

  54. "Field, so you being invaded by the Conservative Citizens Council, Stormfront, and Paul's crew, but that should be no surprise since all of them have teamed up together. They run in packs like wolves, so did the mobs back in the day. it's racist whites' nature."

    You must be doing something right Field. Keep up the good work! You too GrannyStanddingforTruth!

  55. PillotX, the more I read the things you link the more I realize how much trouble we are in as a country . Just wow.

  56. Thanks Red Eye, just doing my best to expose ignorance in the world.

    Being one of Stormfront's most hated is an honor.

  57. field negro said...
    Thanks Red Eye, just doing my best to expose ignorance in the world.

    Shouldn't you work on the ignorance of field negros before you expose ignorance in the world?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Stormfront is merely the other side of the racial divide to this web site.

  60. Captain Nemo10:29 AM

    field negro said...
    PillotX, the more I read the things you link the more I realize how much trouble we are in as a country . Just wow.

    You are right I just saw this airline advertisement, damn we are in trouble.

    UA airlines Ghetto flight; staffed by Boyz from the hood for authenticity

    UA airlines "diversity department" has dangerously dumbed down pilots requirements.

    Pilot qualifications only 350 hours - no captain or turbine time required.

    Its like having a guy drive a tandem trailer loaded with haz-mat that has only ridden a bike before.

  61. So Stromfront is owned by a man with the last name Black and a son named Derek?

    I see some hidden "negroism" here, LOL!!

  62. PillotX has proven himself to be a racist and showen his religious bigotry.

    In his racist and bigoted rants he forgot this.

    But schools would not be required to teach creationism and an Indiana Department of Education spokesman said the state would not develop curriculum or guidelines for teaching creationism.

    Read more:

    Please provide proof that teaching
    creationism dumbs us down, and causes everyone around the world to laugh at us.

    I'm soooo sure you have studies to back up your bigotry.

  63. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Stormfront is merely the other side of the racial divide to this web site.

    Field negro is a black version of stormfront. The posters that post here {steve,queen,pillotX,granny,mold,shabazz} are just black racist versions of white racist that post at stormfront.

    The people who scream about racism the most are the people who are the most racist.

  64. Captain Nemo, just don't fly United. Safe travels. ;)

    "So Stromfront is owned by a man with the last name Black and a son named Derek?

    I see some hidden "negroism" here.."

    Dr. Queen, what is it that Marley said?

    "You running and you running and you running away, but you can't run away from yourself." :)

  65. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    So Stromfront is owned by a man with the last name Black and a son named Derek?

    I see some hidden "negroism" here, LOL!!

    Talk about primal word association at it's most autistic levels.

    Does this mean when we hear black hole we should think of you?

    Actually for me when I hear dirty bacon grease, or sooooooo---whheeeeeee, that kind of hits the trigger that makes me think of you.

  66. Anonymous12:21 PM

    It's happened 13 times since 1936. Call it the IBD January Incumbent Barometer.

    An incumbent president faces a challenger ... and 13 out of 13 times the stock market picks the winner in January.

    Say again?

    Here's how it works: When the stock market scores a big gain in January — about 6% or more — the challenger beats the incumbent president every time, or as we shall see, almost every time. When the stock market goes up or down modestly in January — 4% or less in either direction — the incumbent wins almost every time.

    This January the Nasdaq rose 8%, signaling a loss for President Obama, according to the IBD JIB.

  67. Anon @ 12;21 PM, there are places you can lay a bet on that. So are you going to take your life savings and put it on the republican candidate?

    You seem pretty sure of yourself.

  68. "The people who scream about racism the most are the people who are the most racist."


    "UA airlines "diversity department" has dangerously dumbed down pilots requirements.

    Pilot qualifications only 350 hours - no captain or turbine time required."

    FYI, previously United never required PIC time. In fact in the 60's they didn't even require a commercial pilot's license but guess what? At that time only white males were hired so yes United has "dumbed down" its requirements but never as much as when it was hiring exclusively white males. Funny how major accidents always seem to have white males in command when it is an act of pilot error. All the screaming about lowering standards for women and people of color but our records seem much better in comparison. Just saying.

  69. "PillotX has proven himself to be a racist and showen his religious bigotry."

    I am not a religious bigot. I feel everyone should be able to express his or her own religious choices freely but I differ with conservatives when it comes to science. We don't teach French in math class nor should we teach "opinions" in science class. I agree with the Purdue professor that all religions should be learned about in a comparative religion class but the science classroom is not the place to do so. Problem is many Christians are trying to ram their beliefs down others' throats. That my friend is bigotry.
    So Pretender just for the record you want creationism taught in science class?

  70. "Its like having a guy drive a tandem trailer loaded with haz-mat that has only ridden a bike before."

    Actually not true. United has always trained low time pilots for decades and has compiles one of the best safety records in the industry. SWA required 1,000 PIC turbine and 3,000 TT but still had several runway excursion accidents. Foreign airlines are putting very low time pilots in the right seats of their planes, ab initio training. It's all in the training and screening. And for the record there is no "diversity" department and they have no influence on the hiring of pilots. Stick to subjects you know about like screwing your sister and taking the wheels of pickup trucks and leave the flying to us. Ha!

  71. Black Folks1:15 PM

    "White folks want to take back their country"?

    We can't have that. Now that we own it, we have to keep the white man down.

  72. "We can't have that. Now that we own it, we have to keep the white man down."

    Give it a rest Slappy, you're convincing nobody.

  73. Turbo1:20 PM

    field negro said...
    PillotX, the more I read the things you link the more I realize how much trouble we are in as a country . Just wow.

    Yes, when you see things through CrashPilotX's eyes, the world looks plain daffy.

    I think I'll be avoiding United Airlines until they tighten up the pilot requirements. I mean, I'm all for 'inclusive' hiring practices, but I do want to live.

  74. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "Christians are trying to ram their beliefs down others' throats"

    The bill would allow teaching of religious views of the origin of creation -- which could be Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Scientology -- along with evolution in public school science classes.

    Read more:

  75. Turbonegro1:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    We don't teach French in math class nor should we teach "opinions" in science class.

    Agreed. Let's get the global warming mumbo jumbo out of science classes, unless the purpose is to show how tenuous the 'science' is.

    And while we're at it, lets remove all the Civil Rights hagiography that has permeated most school curriculae, including now math and science, and leave the discussion in social studies/history class, where it belongs.

  76. NSangoma1:31 PM

    Fewer republicans participated in this year's Nevada republican caucus than in 2008's Nevada republican caucus.

    Republicans are in trouble nation-wide.

    And, in addition to that they, republicans, suck and they, republicans, eat dog-shit.

  77. NTacoma1:33 PM

    More deep and esoteric analysis from NSangoma.

  78. NSangoma said...
    Fewer republicans participated in this year's Nevada republican caucus than in 2008's Nevada republican caucus.

    Republicans are in trouble nation-wide.

    And Yet............
    More States Move to GOP in 2011
    Seventeen states solidly or leaning Republican, up from 10 in 2010
    PRINCETON, NJ -- Democrats have lost their solid political party affiliation advantage in 18 states since 2008, while Republicans have gained a solid advantage in 6 states. A total of 17 states were either solidly Republican or leaning Republican in their residents' party affiliation in 2011, up from 10 in 2010 and 5 in 2008. Meanwhile, 19 states including the District of Columbia showed a solid or leaning Democratic orientation, down from 23 in 2010 and 36 in 2008. The remaining 15 states were relatively balanced politically, with neither party having a clear advantage.

  79. Good takedown of Juan Williams:

  80. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Field, "Anon@12:54 am I blogged about that Memphis story and said it wasn't cool what the DJ did. Pay attention."

    Come on, Field. You know it wasn't enough. It was only a few lines for egregious toward a black woman. Did you find out anything new from your fam in Memphis?

    You said you had to have more information BEFORE you really said anything. Pay attention to what you are saying. Actually, I am very surprised that the women on this blog would let you get away with such apathetic insensitivity. That shithead dj acted like a pure ass toward that woman and you "are concerned"?

    Show some feelings for justice, and what's right. That DJ was blatantly wrong. He should be fired and delivered to the front porch of Stormfront for what he did to that sister.

  81. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Re: benching of Native American Indian for speaking a few words in her native language, Anon from the previous thread nailed the problem for us:

    Really, if we're holed up with a gang of "folks" who at one time, hanged, burned, mutilated, murdered on the regular, another group of people, that should tell someone that we're in a country with a gang of crazy, insane mofos. Why is it, that we can't get the message? Every day for 400 years, give or take a couple, and not a damn thing is getting through to us. We must be crazy and insane too. The greatest crountry in the world?????? Ha!!!!!!"

    Whoa Lawd!

  82. Anonymous2:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "We can't have that. Now that we own it, we have to keep the white man down."

    Give it a rest Slappy, you're convincing nobody.

    Give it a rest Mold, we are on to you as well.

  83. Anonymous2:45 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @ 12;21 PM, there are places you can lay a bet on that. So are you going to take your life savings and put it on the republican candidate?

    You seem pretty sure of yourself.

    If you mean portfolio net worth... Tell you what, when you show me the ticket for the bet that you placed for everything you own on Obama winning re-election, then yes I will bet on the ABO candidate.

    You are going to hear a lot of "yes I support Obama" but when it comes time to pull the lever, people aren't as dumb and sheepified as you think. They don't all buy the lies, they live the results.

  84. Creationism is nothing to do with science, it is specifically anti-science. To be fair, the vast majority of religious people are rational enough not to believe in creationism either.

    As ever, creationism is the work of a few extremists such as Christianist Evangelicals and the Taliban who are attempting to impose their will on the rest of us. It's no coincidence that Osama bin Laden was a creationist. That's the degree of insanity you have to stoop to to believe such nonsense.

    I guess it's o.k. to teach creationism in religious classes, providing that you emphasize that it bears no relationship to rationality.

  85. Anonymous3:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Its like having a guy drive a tandem trailer loaded with haz-mat that has only ridden a bike before."

    Actually not true. United has always trained low time pilots for decades and has compiles one of the best safety records in the industry. SWA required 1,000 PIC turbine and 3,000 TT but still had several runway excursion accidents. Foreign airlines are putting very low time pilots in the right seats of their planes, ab initio training. It's all in the training and screening. And for the record there is no "diversity" department and they have no influence on the hiring of pilots. Stick to subjects you know about like screwing your sister and taking the wheels of pickup trucks and leave the flying to us. Ha!

    We've got to get you another catch phrase for you to use. You are sounding very ummmm...unoriginal, you can't seem to say anything but pickups and trailer parks whenever confronted with facts. Wonder why that is? Yes, UA does have a history of hiring unqualified low hours no experience pilots. I KNOW. They also sure as shit still have a diversity panel, made up of who else, those who were hired because of diversity. Who are you trying to bullshit? You then go on to say this diversity panel "have no influence on the hiring of pilots" Well how could they have influence if they didnt exist? And if they did exist why wouldnt they have influence whats the point of having a diversity panel if it is useless? EEOC requirements.

    In fact UA used to have an internship program for college aviation students. UA would take college kids and place them in flight engineer classes for B-727's. There are pilots that have been hired to fluff up the minority qoutas at UA with 900 or less hours. Single engine small aircraft hours at that. No jet time, no capt time and no turbine time.

    If you want to just fill out an application from an airline that looks for qualified pilots NW, DL, FedEX etc you are talking minimum 2500 hours flying time and 1500 hours of captain experience in a multi-engine turbine type aircraft.

    Who you trying to kid.

    Now take that with your pickup truck with huge rims and go put in your grill while you thump on down the road and spank on that, thinking everyone really cares you listen to shitty music that you can only hear a untalented baseline vibrating your windows.

  86. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "PillotX has proven himself to be a racist and showen his religious bigotry."

    I am not a religious bigot. I feel everyone should be able to express his or her own religious choices freely but I differ with conservatives when it comes to science. We don't teach French in math class nor should we teach "opinions" in science class. I agree with the Purdue professor that all religions should be learned about in a comparative religion class but the science classroom is not the place to do so. Problem is many Christians are trying to ram their beliefs down others' throats. That my friend is bigotry.
    So Pretender just for the record you want creationism taught in science class?

    Pilot, what do you believe in? I have seen you say you don't believe in God or creationism. But what do you believe in specifically so we know where you come from and that you aren't just being anti from a kneejerk liberal reaction.

  87. "In fact UA used to have an internship program for college aviation students. UA would take college kids and place them in flight engineer classes for B-727's. There are pilots that have been hired to fluff up the minority qoutas at UA with 900 or less hours. Single engine small aircraft hours at that. No jet time, no capt time and no turbine time."

    Sure, United had an intership program that allowed those chosen for the program to get a B-727 engineer type rating but so what? A few people that participated in the internship program were hired with relatively few hours but guess what color almost all of the interns and intern hires were? You guessed it white males, we had a few from my college. But here's the kicker, to get into the program you had to have a commercial pilot's license but in the 60's when UAL hired exclusively white males one didn't even have to have that. Soooooooooo, if your argument holds water UAL actually got better and more prepared candidates when they raised their minimums to 350 hours. There were actually very few that got the job anywhere near those minimums.

  88. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Its getting tougher and tougher for white people in America. Thanks Field I needed that laugh......

  89. "If you want to just fill out an application from an airline that looks for qualified pilots NW, DL, FedEX etc you are talking minimum 2500 hours flying time and 1500 hours of captain experience in a multi-engine turbine type aircraft."

    Now we're getting somewhere. Now you say UAL had low standards and that means what? The safety statistics bears that UAL was right to hire who they did because in many cases the number of hours a candidate has has no relation with how good of a pilot they are. Let's dig a bit deeper. The last fatal accident that involved pilot error at UAL was in 1978, over 30 years ago. Let's look at American which had stricter hiring standards they had two well known fatal accidents that were directly attributable to pilot error. Cali, Columbia and Little Rock, AR. Fed Ex had a few MD-10 accidents that were also considered pilot error. How about SWA and their slew of pilot attributable accidents? Call it what you will but UAL has one of the best safety records in the industry.
    BTW UAL has also increased their hiring minimums. DAL does not require 1,500 turbine PIC and NWA no longer exists. Please talk about something you know about because once again you are stepping into territory you know nothing about.

  90. "Pilot, what do you believe in?"

    Lots of stuff.


    These are the accident reports from the AA crashes in 1995 and 1999. Notice in both cases the cockpit crew consisted of white males so methinks "diversity" was not a factor no? As far as experience level flight 1420 had and American chief pilot at the controls. Didn't see this shit at United.

    "I think I'll be avoiding United Airlines until they tighten up the pilot requirements. I mean, I'm all for 'inclusive' hiring practices, but I do want to live."

    Funny, I wonder if those who lost their lives because they chose to fly another airline would feel the same. Seems as if one were to look at the data United is much safer than the "non-diverse" airlines no? Conservatives seem to have no need for facts.

  92. "Agreed. Let's get the global warming mumbo jumbo out of science classes, unless the purpose is to show how tenuous the 'science' is."

    Well, seeing that the majority of climate scientists seem to think global warming is actually occuring and the latest data shows it is we can let that stay because that actually IS science using the scientific method unlike the religious crap conservatives seem to want to infect our science classrooms with. But nice attempt to deflect. I was waiting to see when the rednecks would bring up global warming, right on cue.

  93. "Flight Time Requirements
    Minimum of 1,200 hours of total documented flight time
    Minimum of 1,000 hours of fixed wing turboprop or turbofan time
    When evaluating the flight time of applicants meeting the basic qualifications, consideration will be given to, among other things, quality, quantity, recency, and verifiability of training; complexity of aircraft flown; types of flight operations; and hours flown as PIC in turbine powered aircraft. Applicants invited to interview must provide appropriate documentation of all flight hours."

    Looks like the redneck is giving out false information again. Shocking. This from Delta's website they DO NOT require 2,500 hours or anywhere near 1,500 turbine PIC as you claim. Wanna try again or admit you don't have a clue as to what the fuck you're talking about. See son, you play Microsoft and have never set foot in a real aircarrier flightdeck but want to pretend you know half as much as a real airline pilot. Typical white male, think you know something but get schooled by the more qualified Black professional. Sad.

  94. Turbonegro4:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Agreed. Let's get the global warming mumbo jumbo out of science classes, unless the purpose is to show how tenuous the 'science' is."

    Well, seeing that the majority of climate scientists seem to think global warming is actually occuring and the latest data shows it is we can let that stay because that actually IS science using the scientific method unlike the religious crap conservatives seem to want to infect our science classrooms with. But nice attempt to deflect. I was waiting to see when the rednecks would bring up global warming, right on cue.

    The PilotX method: When you have no point, try an insult like "redneck". Then move on to comments about trailers and pickup trucks.

    It is not climate scientists who are pushing global warming. Anyone qualified to teach high school science should know that global warming is not a scientific theory but a preposterous pretext for imposing oligarchical collectivism.

    In fact, a large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed. The number of scientific “heretics” is growing with each passing year. The reason is a collection of stubborn scientific facts.

    The most obvious of these facts is that it hasn’t gotten any warmer in over a decade. Global warming theories cannot account for this inconvenient truth.

    Any global warming caused by CO2 is likely to be mild and an overall benefit to the planet. The global warming hoax is a pernicious scheme to rob us of our liberty and our standard of living in the name of a ridiculous lie.

    You may cling to this idea, but it certainly isn't because you believe in 'science'.

  95. "So, asking for a hispanic day is "apparently incendiary", while asking for a white day is racist?"

    Just curious.

    Who do you want celebrate on "White Day" that we already don't have shoved down our throats?

  96. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Now we're getting somewhere. Now you say UAL had low standards and that means what? The safety statistics bears that UAL was right to hire who they did because in many cases the number of hours a candidate has has no relation with how good of a pilot they are.

    YOu lost me at this bullshit twist of logic - less experience means better qualified. Yeah, in minority land......twisting lying SOB no way you actually believe this nonsense.

  97. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Looks like the redneck is giving out false information again. Shocking. This from Delta's website they DO NOT require 2,500 hours or anywhere near 1,500 turbine PIC as you claim. Wanna try again or admit you don't have a clue as to what the fuck you're talking about. See son, you play Microsoft and have never set foot in a real aircarrier flightdeck but want to pretend you know half as much as a real airline pilot. Typical white male, think you know something but get schooled by the more qualified Black professional. Sad.

    Lissen dickbreath, how many times do I have to tell you and how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you catch on. Remember your nonsense about aviation and expenses - you were wrong - remember about American Airlines - you were wrong..

    I hire people like you. Are YOU on the diversity panel for UA? Your excuses and bullshit are usually what I hear whenever there is a problem. You didnt school anyone, you twisted so much you probably have your balls in your mouth from playing pretzel if DL doesnt require require "2,500 hours or anywhere near 1,500 turbine PIC as you claim" WHAT DO THEY REQUIRE? . You tell me, you said it.

    Only in incompetent pilotland is a fucking pilot going to say the more inexperienced you are the better safety record. Really the guy who has never experienced much will have the reflexes and know what to do in situations outside the norm? Really? As if we don't know for the AA and (I don't mean American Airlines)hires we don't pair you up with a competent captain so when you think you are transfering fuel you aren't actually dumping it - was that you by the way?

    Who the hell do you think your kiddin with your frontin nonsense. Now go ahead say something else about pickup truck or redneck or hillbilly or trailer park. Whatever soothes your dumbass ego. But we all know better.

  98. "It is not climate scientists who are pushing global warming. Anyone qualified to teach high school science should know that global warming is not a scientific theory but a preposterous pretext for imposing oligarchical collectivism."

    Actually many climate scientists accept the planet is getting warmer thus.....

    "Any global warming caused by CO2 is likely to be mild and an overall benefit to the planet. The global warming hoax is a pernicious scheme to rob us of our liberty and our standard of living in the name of a ridiculous lie."

    And you got your atmospheric science degree where exactly? I'm guessing you're not a climate scientist.

    "You may cling to this idea, but it certainly isn't because you believe in 'science'."

    I don't have to "believe" in science. There is no belief in science, only facts and data. Since you probably don't have any formal training in atmospheric science I'll take your pronouncements with a grain of salt. I actually talk to those doing the research and trained under well known climatologists so I get the scoop from those in the know, my guess is you get your info from the druge report and Limbaugh but you actually have the arrogance to make such statements. Sad but that's the modern conservative movement which explains why you guys want to infuse religion into science.

  99. Anonymous5:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Pilot, what do you believe in?"

    Lots of stuff.

    IN other words you are a fraud. You argue about things you know nothing about. Anyone can be an antiintellectual anti-anything.

  100. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Unknown, "Its getting tougher and tougher for white people in America. Thanks Field I needed that laugh......"

    That is a cruel statement and quite racist. Whites have done nothing to Blacks so why the bad wishes? We even voted in Obama. What more do you want?

  101. Anonymous5:44 PM

    These are the accident reports from the AA crashes in 1995 and 1999. Notice in both cases the cockpit crew consisted of white males so methinks "diversity" was not a factor no? As far as experience level flight 1420 had and American chief pilot at the controls. Didn't see this shit at United.

    Hmmmm thats funny, I seem to remember a few incidences in 1999 something about an inexperienced AA hire for UA thinking tires had blown out on takeoff when in fact it was an engine fire and they just missed a mountain as the captain corrected the rookies incompetence in time.....want more?

  102. "We even voted in Obama. What more do you want?"

    This is insanity.

    Your racist ass didn't vote for Obama.

    You're offended that a minority of white voters DID.

  103. "As if we don't know for the AA and (I don't mean American Airlines)hires we don't pair you up with a competent captain so when you think you are transfering fuel you aren't actually dumping it - was that you by the way?"

    Aw man I knew the old myth about the female engineer that supposedly dumped the fuel instead of transferring it would come up. It always does when ignorant people try to talk about flying. THAT WAS A MYTH. No one would pass a United Airlines 727 engineer checkride not knowing how to transfer fuel. You really believe that bullshit? No wonder you come across as an idiot.

    "Only in incompetent pilotland is a fucking pilot going to say the more inexperienced you are the better safety record."

    Didn't say that asshole, I said United Airlines has a better safety record than the airlines you cited as hiring more experienced pilots. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

    "Remember your nonsense about aviation and expenses - you were wrong - remember about American Airlines - you were wrong.."

    Once again asshat, I stated that UNITED AIRLINES was profitable in the 3rd quarter despite high fuel prices I didn't say shit about American. Are you really this hard up to try to win an internet argument?

    "WHAT DO THEY REQUIRE? . You tell me, you said it."

    Um, Sparky, I know you redneck types don't read too well but I did include Delta's current hiring minimums if you care to actually learn how to read. I don't just make up shit and pretend to know what I'm talking about. I actually have facts to backup what I say. Not my fault they don't teach reading in your trailer park.

    "I hire people like you. Are YOU on the diversity panel for UA?"

    Like I said there is no "diversity panel" at UAL and no I fly airplanes. I seriously doubt you are anywhere near the hiring process anywhere. You are too dumb to be involved in hiring pilots because your lack of knowledge about what we do is evident. I mean seriously you actually believed that dumbassed myth about the fuel dumping thing. Damn you are one dumb fuck.

  104. "Hmmmm thats funny, I seem to remember a few incidences in 1999 something about an inexperienced AA hire for UA thinking tires had blown out on takeoff when in fact it was an engine fire and they just missed a mountain as the captain corrected the rookies incompetence in time.....want more?"

    Yep, cite the report you just named if you can. Don't just make up shit. An engine fire sets off a fire warning light and all kinds of bells go off so unless Stevie Wonder was flying no one would mistake an engine fire for a blowout.
    You aren't a pilot and don't know what the fuck you're talking about so why don't you be a good biy and give the computer back to your mother/sister and drink some more shine and leave the adults alone OK sport?

  105. Turbonegro5:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I don't have to "believe" in science. There is no belief in science, only facts and data."

    Nice twist there X. You, who constantly trumpets the "beliefs" and "consensus" of climate scientists now piously claim to be only interested in facts and data, all while ignoring the main fact that it's not getting any warmer.

    "I actually talk to those doing the research and trained under well known climatologists so I get the scoop from those in the know,"

    You could talk to a materials scientist all day about the metallurgy of the turbine blade in a an engine of the plane you 'fly' and you wouldn't understand that either.

    "my guess is you get your info from the druge report and Limbaugh"

    Wrong. I speak weekly with a PhD in atmospheric science who works for NOAA.

    You are a joke, whining about creationists when your own belief in the global warming hoax is on the same level of scientific fraud. You act as if you are the rational one, when in fact all you can do is mindlessly repeat conventional dogma on the topic.

    It is a waste of time arguing with an idiot like yourself.

  106. LaGriff5:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "We even voted in Obama. What more do you want?"

    This is insanity.

    Your racist ass didn't vote for Obama.

    You're offended that a minority of white voters DID.

    Blacks are 12% of the population; they can't vote in anybody.

    White people decide who is president. The white people who own the negroes won last time. The good white people will win this time.

  107. Then why are you goobers so upset with black folks voting 90% for the Democrats?

    Maybe minorities make the difference?

  108. "all while ignoring the main fact that it's not getting any warmer."

    Uh, I guess you missed the latest 30 year climate normals. Ask your imaginary friend who works for NOAA.

    "Wrong. I speak weekly with a PhD in atmospheric science who works for NOAA."

    Yeah, right. Just as imaginary as the United plane that almosy hit a mountain because the FO thought a tire blew out. Ha!

    "belief in the global warming hoax is on the same level of scientific fraud."

    If you really talk to a climate scientist my bet is she/he doesn't use the terms fraud or hoax as the attempts to understand is constatntly in flux. Looks like you friend is in the minority because according to the NOAA website the planet is warming.

    "Lastly, seven of the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 2001 and the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 1995."
    "Indirect indicators of warming such as borehole temperatures, snow cover, and glacier recession data, are in substantial agreement with the more direct indicators of recent warmth."
    "it has been determined that September Arctic sea ice has decreased between 1973 and 2007 at a rate of about -10% +/- 0.3% per decade. Sea ice extent for September for 2007 was by far the lowest on record at 4.28 million square kilometers, eclipsing the previous record low sea ice extent by 23%."

    You might want to tell your friend the rest of NOAA and it's website disagree with him. Funny how all you wingnuts know someone at NOAA telling you the exact opposite of what NOAA is telling us. Strange. Your buddy must be the janitor.


  110. "You could talk to a materials scientist all day about the metallurgy of the turbine blade in a an engine of the plane you 'fly' and you wouldn't understand that either."

    What's there to know? It gets really hot and the metal has to withstand excessively hot and cold temp without expanding or contracting a set standard. Bad analogy son. So I was right, you have absolutely no training in atmospheric science. Shocking. But yet have strong opinons. Typical white conservative.

  111. Turbonegro10:34 AM

    PilotX said...
    What's there to know?

    I knew you didn't understand it.

    Typical liberal.

  112. Anonymous6:49 PM

    There already is a white holiday: Columbus Day.

  113. "I knew you didn't understand it."

    Why don't you explain it to me sir. Or are you a typical conservative that doesn't understand shit.

  114. Learn creationism where you're supposed to learn it: in Sunday School.
