Friday, February 03, 2012

He is furious.

By now everyone has heard of the latest wingnut manufactured scandal against his Oness. It's the one with the movie title: "Fast and Furious" I think they are calling it. This is where we are supposed to believe that a bunch of right wingnuts really give a s*&^ about a bunch of brown people South of the border who lost their lives because of a dumb scheme by the ATF to stop the flow of weapons into Mexico.

So anyway, they had a dog and pony show congressional hearing in Washington and the AG was called in front of a bunch of wingnut poli-tricksters so that they could score political points and maybe get on the news network for dummies later on.

Fortunately, Eric Holder did not roll over and play dead, (no pun intended) and he had a little something of his own to give back to his accusers.

 "During a hearing Thursday over the Fast and Furious scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder lit into GOP Congressman Raul Labrador, after he displayed slides depicting statements Holder made about President Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich.

“That was among the worst things I’ve ever seen in Congress” Holder scolded. “There’s a whole bunch of things that I could say about what you just did, maybe this is the way you do things in Idaho or wherever you’re from, but understand something — I‘m proud of the work that I’ve done as attorney general of the United States, and looked at fairly, I think that I’ve done a pretty good job.”

“Have I been perfect? No. Have I made mistakes? Yes,” Holder acknowledged. “Do I treat the members of this committee with respect? I always hope that I do. And what you have just done is if nothing else, disrespectful. And if you don‘t like me that’s one thing. You should respect the fact that I hold an office that is deserving of respect.”

“And you know, maybe you’re new to this committee, I don’t know, I don‘t know how long you’ve been here,” Holder continued. “But my hope would be that we can get beyond that kind of interaction, that kind of treatment of a witness whether it’s me or somebody else because I think what you just did was fundamentally unfair, just not right,” [Read & watch comments here]

That's right Mr. AG, we all know how they do things in Idaho. Besides, didn't this crap start under W? Why the outrage now?

Oh well this is how the [rignt]wingnut mind works. It is, after all, "politics season."

Finally, my man Rippa sent me a story from Memphis that I am still trying to figure out. I usually have no love for black republicans, not because they are black republicans, but because they usually become black republicans for all the wrong reasons. But there has to be some good ones out there, and if there are, I don't want them to be discouraged from getting into politics if they are going to do some good in our community.

So this story of the Memphis DJ who dissed a black congressional republican candidate has me a bit concerned. From the [right] wingnut accounts of things he seemed to be a bit rough on this lady.

Now she is all over [right] wingnut sites as this poor sympathetic figure who the evil black man picked on.

I need my fam in Memphis to give me more on this one.


  1. "Besides, didn't this crap start under W? Why the outrage now?"

    No this crap didn't start under W.

    Should we give a s*&^about Americans being murdered and these guns being used in crimes here in America?

    Should we give a s*&^about Eric's lies and stonewalling?

    Facts don't matter to field negros.

  2. Facts don't matter to field negros.

    Eric Holder is black he gets to be incompetent and committ any crimes he wants to. Its all for the racism of the race. Can't have Obamas dirty boy exposed. How many lies and law breaking episodes is this now? 3-4?

  3. Oh, and since the head field negro is all about folks paying their fair share of taxes, he should approve the bring up of Eric's lies and the role he played in pardoning the biggest tax cheat in America history.

    Who is a Democrat.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Sometime I think Democrats have no morals and just lie, cheat and steal to protect each other changing morals like t-shirts. I mean its gotten so bad these people would applaud someone just going out and killing babies...oh wait....

  5. Anonymous9:43 PM

    The Democratic Party has demonstrated that it is incapable of leading and incapable of governing. Why would anyone vote for a Democrat for any office?

    Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress have set a new standard of irresponsibility: for the third year in a row, Harry Reid announced that he would not allow a vote on a FY 2013 budget to come to the floor of the Senate. “We do not need to bring a budget to the floor this year,” Reid told a conference call with reporters.

    This year? How about last year, or the year before? The Obama administration has become a budget-free zone, in flagrant violation of federal law, which prescribes a process for developing a federal budget which the Democrats have simply flouted. Has our nation ever seen such fecklessness? $15 trillion in debt, the credit of the United States being downgraded, hundreds of thousands leaving the labor force, and the Democrats don’t think our government should have a budget? Or a plan to dig our way out of a $15 trillion hole? How out of touch can the Democrats be?

  6. The Pretender "pretends" to have a brain.

    Or a life.

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    DOJ admittedly supplied false information to the House committee, and has turned over only a tiny fraction of the available documents in response to the committee’s subpoena. In response, Holder defended the doctrine of executive privilege. One of his directly involved took the 5th amendement. Documents clearly highlight he either knew and greenlighted fast and furious or he is the most grossly incompetent DOJ head in charge ever.

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    The Pretender "pretends" to have a brain.

    Or a life.

    hey you notice your wife isn't home tonight?.......yeah baby, lick those walnuts.

  9. "I mean its gotten so bad these people would applaud someone just going out and killing babies...oh wait...."

    I wonder how many babies died in Iraq? Oh wat....they don't count. They are not A-merry-can babies.

    Carry on.

  10. See the comments at 9:48 PM? This is why you can't even try to have a decent discussion with a wingnut.

  11. Anonymous9:57 PM

    field negro said...
    See the comments at 9:48 PM? This is why you can't even try to have a decent discussion with a wingnut.

    Don't forget the wingnut @9:44 PM

  12. Department of Injustice10:16 PM

    "the latest wingnut manufactured scandal against his Oness."

    Obama and Holder authorize an incredibly stupid and illegal operation to flood Mexican drug gangs with American weapons, as a backdoor way of attacking 2nd ammendment rights. This harebrained scheme winds up causing the death of an American border agent, and probably hundreds of Mexicans, and it's something the wingnuts manufactured?

    The DOJ has already lied to congress, stonewalled document requests, punished whistelblowers, and had high officials plead the fifth.

    But, once again, it's ok with you because they're your criminals. You have zero integrity.

  13. field negro said...
    "I wonder how many babies died in Iraq"


    Any babies who may have died are not on America's conscience. The blame lies entirely with the Sadaam regime.

  14. Anonymous10:20 PM

    field negro said...
    "I mean its gotten so bad these people would applaud someone just going out and killing babies...oh wait...."

    I wonder how many babies died in Iraq? Oh wat....they don't count. They are not A-merry-can babies.

    Carry on.

    Have a hard time connecting dots in the democratic party aye? You mean the Iraq that democrats voted overwhelmingly to attack?

  15. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    field negro said...
    See the comments at 9:48 PM? This is why you can't even try to have a decent discussion with a wingnut.

    Don't forget the wingnut @9:44 PM

    typical the guy before him started nanny nanny poo poo dumbass comments, did you miss that? Or give the brother the illegal pass?

  16. "Have a hard time connecting dots in the democratic party aye? You mean the Iraq that democrats voted overwhelmingly to attack?"

    No, not really. The dumb-ocrats were wrong. Unlike you, wingnut, I am not a partisan.


    Any babies who may have died are not on America's conscience."

    Yes, because if a baby dies in Iraq and no A-merry-can was there to hear or see it, they didn't really die. I get it now.

  17. Anonymous10:30 PM

    field negro said...
    "Have a hard time connecting dots in the democratic party aye? You mean the Iraq that democrats voted overwhelmingly to attack?"

    No, not really. The dumb-ocrats were wrong. Unlike you, wingnut, I am not a partisan.


    Not partisan? Thats like Obama saying he is budget conscious and not racist and even better going to run on what he has accomplished instead of solely race baiting and twisting statistics.

    Have you ever looked at both sides and been critical of what law requires verus what democrats wish?

  18. Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

    Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

    You can hit the link to read the full story and emails.

    I long suspected the main purpose of "Fast and Furious" was so Obama can call for more gun regulations. Instead, the Obama administration allowed guns to fall in the hands of drug cartels. This has resulted in the deaths of Americans and Mexicans.
    Don't know if this was what Obama meant when he said he was working on gun regulations under the radar.

  19. Obama is a RACIST?!

    Sorry wingnut, you lost me at hello.

  20. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is used, this in comparison to a Moonbat. Wheeeeeeeee look at the sky....dont worry someone will take care of it, if not we will yell at them..wheeee......You would think a conscientious person, of whatever degree of intelligence, would reflect on the strange contradictions of denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs that give people unearned wealth.

    Or that making money doesnt entitley you to it, but wanting some money does....Moonbats I'll tell ya.

  21. Project Gunrunner was W's plan.The ATF made over 1400 arrest.

    Operation Fast and Furious was Obama's plan that started in 2009.

    The mission was different under Operation Fast and Furious.

    The Operation Fast and Furious ended with the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

    Thats when the lies and cover up started.

    Over 250 Mexicans have been killed with these weapons. At least 3 Americans have been killed with these weapons. These weapons are showing up at crime scenes in TX,AZ, and NM.

  22. Anonymous10:48 PM

    field negro said...
    Obama is a RACIST?!

    Sorry wingnut, you lost me at hello.

    Its' Ok Moony, I didnt expect you as a loyal worshipper to be open minded. But just scratching the surface, here are some qoutes. If these were said by a white man about anyone Black, you would be all over it. In fact things aren't said that you claim to hear with your dog ears and are all over them, what does that say?

    There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Hussein Obama

    "I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Hussein Obama

    The other race(WHITE) would always remain just that: Menacing, alien and apart.

    Typical white person...

  23. Research the murders of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE Special Agent Jaime Zapata. The guns that were used kill these 2 agents were from Operation Fast and Furious.

    Also, feel free to check out the C-Span hearings.

  24. Sorry wingnut @ 10:40 PM, your gross generalizations and stereotypes won’t fly here. I have a business and I actually hire people.

    I am one of those small business people you wingnuts like to chirp about when you lie to your minions.

    The difference with forward progressive thinking folks like me and folks like you is that I want everyone to have the same opportunities that I had. You, on the other hand, would rather have it all to yourself.

  25. Pretender, you seem to be all over this Fast & Furious thing. W could have used you back then before he set the ball in motion.

    "Also, feel free to check out the C-Span hearings."

    I don't need to see republican poli-tricksters grandstanding for their base? I will take a pass.

  26. Anonymous11:01 PM

    field negro said...
    Sorry wingnut @ 10:40 PM, your gross generalizations and stereotypes won’t fly here. I have a business and I actually hire people.

    I am one of those small business people you wingnuts like to chirp about when you lie to your minions.

    The difference with forward progressive thinking folks like me and folks like you is that I want everyone to have the same opportunities that I had. You, on the other hand, would rather have it all to yourself.

    Not true at all, what a straw-licious thing to say, jump from apples to oranges to peaches. I want everyone to have the same opportunities and play by the same rules. Is that what we are talking about everyone having the same opportunities to make the most of each of their god given talents and hard work and years spent improving? Are we talking about opportunities (government social contracts for helping those who really need a second helping of opportunities aside? )

  27. Eric"my people" Holder had said he only knew of Fast and Furious for a few weeks.

    Docs were found in Oct. 2010, that showed Eric"my people" Holder had been sent briefings on Fast and Furious as early as July 2010. That proved Eric"my people" Holder LIED.

    And has with the Rich pardon, Eric " my people" Holder misunderstood.

    Seems like he has been doing that alot these days.

  28. Mazzola11:06 PM

    field negro said...
    Obama is a RACIST?!

    Sorry wingnut, you lost me at hello.

    Blacks can't be racist? How about half blacks?

    Selectively enforcing laws based on race is not racist?

    How about his African americans for Obama campaign?

    I can't wait for him to come out with his "Vote for Me you fucking crackers" commercial.

  29. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Field, "So this story of the Memphis DJ who dissed a black congressional republican candidate has me a bit concerned. From the [right] wingnut accounts of things he seemed to be a bit rough on this lady.

    Now she is all over [right] wingnut sites as this poor sympathetic figure who the evil black man picked on.

    I need my fam in Memphis to give me more on this one."

    Did you watch the video of that ignorant ass DJ? And you need your fam in Memphis to give you more detail? What are you looking for, an excuse to let that jackass off the hook for an outrageous degradation of a black female Congressional candidate because she is a republican?

    That Negro represents our problem as a race. We treat each other like shit, much like the GOP treats Obama. That raging stupid ignoramus had no right to do that to that sister, regardless of her political affiliation.

    He shouldn't be on the radio. But considering it is a flourishing black radio station in Memphis, the more ignorant the Negro is, the better our peeps like it. smh

  30. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Gosharooties, citing wingnuts as 'sorces' only shows that some folks are quite removed from the concepts of Proof and Truth.

    Sort of the same lies that Komen used to justify removing funding from Planned Parenthood.

    Reading the CBS piece does not conform to your hoperations on the subject. It is also instructive how 'available' the reporter has been to wingnut welfare. Shades of Judy Miller...and others who are Fifth Columnists for Jeebus and the KKKause.


  31. Anonymous11:48 PM

    The candidate has a website that shows her ignorance and idiocy. The DJ was letting her know in a way understood by AfAms that she is a putz.

    Funny how none of the wite teenie boys figured this out.;)


  32. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "“That was among the worst things I’ve ever seen in Congress” Holder scolded. “There’s a whole bunch of things that I could say about what you just did, maybe this is the way you do things in Idaho or wherever you’re from, but understand something — I‘m proud of the work that I’ve done as attorney general of the United States, and looked at fairly, I think that I’ve done a pretty good job.”"

    Good for Holder. I like a black man with a spine who will stand up against racist GOP insults. The President could use some of Holder's grit.

  33. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "“And you know, maybe you’re new to this committee, I don’t know, I don‘t know how long you’ve been here,” Holder continued. “But my hope would be that we can get beyond that kind of interaction, that kind of treatment of a witness whether it’s me or somebody else because I think what you just did was fundamentally unfair, just not right,”

    How I wish the President would say this words to the GOP!

  34. The Sacred Halfrican11:58 PM

    "I like a black man with a spine who will stand up against racist GOP insults."

    You like a black man who is a racist criminal.

  35. "Wheeeeeee", "yeah baby, lick those walnuts.", "nanny nanny poo poo"

    A thousand bucks says that's a white dude. Any takers?

    Anyway, I agree with Anony 11:43 pm.

    And Field, even some of the corrupt VI leaders are shameful.

  36. Anonymous12:16 AM

    58 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Wheeeeeee", "yeah baby, lick those walnuts.", "nanny nanny poo poo"

    A thousand bucks says that's a white dude. Any takers?

    Anyway, I agree with Anony 11:43 pm.

    And Field, even some of the corrupt VI leaders are shameful.

    Your on, I bet you its steve actin like MOld and anoterh wite dude or dudette whatever it is how we gonna prove it? And can we take it out in trade?

  37. I meant Anony 11:33 pm. Time for bed.

  38. uptownsteve12:35 AM

    Want some walnuts? Black ones?

  39. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Oh, don't just beleeverate what the wingnut welfare marching orders the dear sweet chiles own words, bless her heart.

    When someone TELLs you the EPA done 'way with jobs and small bidness...they are lying to you. Or they are too stoopid to be near any devices that require an 18 yo to operate.

    It is quite instructive to have an AfAm female want to infest education with charter and homeskools...both of which have looong histories of removing AfAms from the education dollars.

    Can you feel the fear...AfAm educated men responding appropriately to Goobers and Heeyucks. Next thing, AfAms won't sit at the back anymore...or accept any second-class anything. Eeek!


  40. Anonymous12:40 AM

    " Next thing, AfAms won't sit at the back anymore...or accept any second-class anything."

    No, the next thing is AfAms are going to be cut off and left to their own devices.

  41. Anonymous1:02 AM

    25 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Want some walnuts? Black ones?

    Black means they have Mold on them, and we know you are Mold.

  42. Anonymous1:17 AM

    "No, the next thing is AfAms are going to be cut off and left to their own devices."

    Oh Lawd don't do this to us, please master white man. we promise to be good from now on.

    i am writing letters to negroes who have been uppidy to let them know how they is making things hard for us:
    uts, shut up. field, shut up. mack lyons, stfu.

    i hope this will make you happy, so we's can be happy, mr gop.

    does that make you feel better about yourself?

  43. Anonymous1:20 AM

    "Black means they have Mold on them, and we know you are Mold."

    Wow. I like the way you think. Now we know who mold is. UTS/mold, you are a racist as mold and you are a racist as uts.....disgusting.

  44. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Black people cannot support themselves or maintain civilization.

  45. Obama releases African Americans for Obama video:

    Get out there and vote for that cocksucker!

  46. What made him go off on that woman like that?

    Why did he do that?

    What made him do that?

    Is there more to the story than just the wingnut's version that is not being told or left out?

    Because from the looks of it it appears like he was being extremely rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional. That's not cool!

  47. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Preach it Granny!

  48. Anonymous2:13 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    What made him go off on that woman like that?

    Why did he do that?

    What made him do that?

    Is there more to the story than just the wingnut's version that is not being told or left out?

    Because from the looks of it it appears like he was being extremely rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional. That's not cool!

    Simple age old story she was actin white and he hated it cause he cant speak english or count to ten with his shoes on

  49. only the most hopeless and unchangeable hobama nazis would blame gwb for guns that hobama and eric blatantly sold to mexico

    what a gd shame.

  50. Anonymous5:12 AM

    AB, "only the most hopeless and unchangeable hobama nazis would blame gwb for guns that hobama and eric blatantly sold to mexico"

    Amen. Preach it! you best believe that progressive FN Blacks believe it's Bush's fault. Crazy!

    that is like granny asking what was the cause of that dj going off on that sista.

    as if that would exonerate that asshole. i am always amazed how our folks can minimize or justify outrageous pernicious behavior toward another human being, esp another Black.

    that dj is an asshole, plain and simple.

  51. uptownsteve8:56 AM

    "Black people cannot support themselves or maintain civilization."

    But they sure can run a blog that keeps racist goobers riveted.

  52. Anonymous9:59 AM

    LOL. Google Margret Sanger and see what she has to say about abortion and blacks. She wanted to sterilize blacks because they were an 'inferior' race. Yep, eugenics plain and simple. Google Planned Parenthood and see what percentage of what race of women crawl up on the table for an abortion.

    Field, until you drop the blind support for democrats and blacks you will be looked at as just another mindless shill for the same-ol' same-ol'

  53. uptownsteve11:10 AM

    Until you drop your sick obsession with and resentment of black people you will be just another anonymous goober troll.

  54. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Ah, black racism at its best, eh uptownsteve?

  55. Anonymous11:18 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Until you drop your sick obsession with and resentment of black people you will be just another anonymous goober troll.

    Speakin of mindless and racist schills.

  56. Anonymous11:35 AM

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A study by the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C. reveals the Homicide Victimization rate for African Americans in Pennsylvania is nearly six times the national overall homicide rate.

    The study, based on 2009 data, finds Pennsylvania is third in the nation in the rate of African American homicide victimization

    @@@ This sounds racist to me. They mention study, put numbersa and facts, mention victimization rate, African Americans and Homicide. All Dog whistle racism words.

  57. Anonymous11:43 AM

    ....@@@ This sounds racist to me. They mention study, put numbersa and facts, mention victimization rate, African Americans and Homicide. All Dog whistle racism words.

    Yes, facts are racist. Keep your head buried in the sand and ignore the facts. When more blacks are gunned down, robbed, raped, etc. by other blacks it has nothing whatsoever to do with the black criminals. Instead it is the whites who inconveniently point these facts out that are being racists.

    Sorry, but there exists no hope for you and many others who think the same way.

  58. Anonymous11:57 AM

    anon 11:35a and anon 11:43a are working together. could they be the same person? of course they are.

    Just a person trying to prove the inferiority of Blacks. feel better about yourself now that you have proven to yourself what needed?

    now go try to have a good weekend, white brother.

  59. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    anon 11:35a and anon 11:43a are working together. could they be the same person? of course they are.

    Just a person trying to prove the inferiority of Blacks. feel better about yourself now that you have proven to yourself what needed?

    now go try to have a good weekend, white brother.

    11:57 AM


    Not pointing out black inferiority or anything else like that. Wondering when blacks will put down the shovel, look around and figure out what needs to be done to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves. Blaming whitey for your community's problems might have worked 60 years ago, but now it is a tired, worn out catch all. Black community got problems with black on black violence? Blame whitey. Black community got problems with no father being in the family? Blame whitey. Black children refusing to get an education because an education is a white thing? Guess that ignorance, poverty, and despair are black things then.

    Facing up to the responsibility blacks have will is the first step in climbing out of that hole you collectively find yourselves in today.

    FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be.

  60. "Google Planned Parenthood and see what percentage of what race of women crawl up on the table for an abortion."

    White women per actual numbers and per ratio have more abortions than black women/non-white women in comparison. Why do you think there are so many anti-abortion campaigns and white miserable pro-life zealots on the loose.

    As IF they care when black females abort BLACK babies. They don't. Black females are not their targets. But they have now strategically using the black female as the face of "abortions" as a way to save the sanctity and virtue of the white female (who ARE the largest culprits), while they publicly draw attention to their campaign against abortions (to save white babies).

    Furthermore, "Statistics" have not included the countless numbers of middle aged white women and young white females who crawl up on the table of private doctor's waving their visa/master cards. They do not use their private insurance and private doctors do not report the procedure to "statistics" as an abortion either way.

    If private insurance is trying to be used, a lot of times the clever doctor claims it under "random DNCs" etc. due to abnormal or retard flow of menstrual cycles etc. LOL. And we complain about "fat" people jacking up our insurance. LOL.

    And as you know, many young black women do not have such luxury, so guess who gets counted.

    One minute "statistics" preach about so much out-of-wedlock black babies being born, yet when it's convenient it switches to how black women are having more abortions than others. Bigots are unable to make up their minds.

    And let's not talk about the leaping numbers of unwanted white and "blackish" looking babies that young white women abandon in the hospitals or drop off somewhere. Don't make me go there.

  61. Anonymous12:25 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    Looks as if you never did google Margret Sanger and see what she had to say about eugenics. No problem. Live in ignorance.

  62. "FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be."

    I guess we can take our blessings where we get them.

  63. "Looks as if you never did google Margret Sanger and see what she had to say about eugenics"

    No need, we see what wingnuts say every day.

  64. Anonymous12:44 PM

    field negro said...

    "FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be."

    I guess we can take our blessings where we get them.

    How's that hope and change thingy working out for blacks? What's that you say? Black unemployment is over 40% for young blacks? Blacks are over represented in the unemployment lines you say? Can't blame Obummer because he's black.

    Nice. Field, you show your true face as being nothing but a black racist.

  65. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Margaret Sanger the Founder of planned parenthood says:

    "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members

    "Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
    Margaret Sanger

    "Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.Margaret Sanger. "

    "Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."

    "Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."

  66. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Personally I like Planned parenthood. Funding abortions for those who are used to having most things given to them is great. Small investment now to avoid a lifetime of funding. In fact we need to start a new campaign, pro abortion, join the leftists. Womens right to choose, have abortions, have abortions it's your right. Have abortions. Can we put in an assembly line?

  67. FN, you gonna take a break from all things racism and give us your Superbowl breakdown?

    If you get it right, who knows? You could be debating Skip Bayless next week on ESPN.

  68. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Well said LA!


  69. Who knew they had negroes in New Zealand?:

    Theft of Frozen Fetus Sparks Wild Gang Brawl in New Zealand

    NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand - The theft of a frozen fetus from a young couple's home sparked a wild gang brawl in New Zealand, police sources told Friday's Taranaki Daily News.

    The miscarried 12-week-old fetus was stolen last year from a freezer, where it was being kept ahead of a burial ceremony, at the property in New Plymouth on the country's North Island.

    The burglars also stole meat being stored there.

    Police sources told the Daily News two women were arguing this week over who was to blame in the theft when gang members drinking nearby joined in, sparking a fight which involved up to 30 people.

    A woman and three men, who were described as associates of New Zealand's notorious Black Power gang, appeared in court Thursday on charges relating to the fight.

    One man was remanded for a week, while two were sentenced to community service after pleading guilty to obstructing police and disorderly behavior.

    The woman was convicted of disorderly behavior, but was freed without penalty because she has five children to care for.

    And they sound just like our negroes! It's a small world after all.

  70. Anonymous1:09 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    "And as you know, many young black women do not have such luxury, so guess who gets counted.

    One minute "statistics" preach about so much out-of-wedlock black babies being born, yet when it's convenient it switches to how black women are having more abortions than others. Bigots are unable to make up their minds."

    Statistics don't "preach" maam. They are just numbers. All those "statistics" can do is give you a clue to what might be happening on something you may not have figured out yourself. You as a woman in the Black community decide what to do from there on out. Take a look around, what have you decided?


    "The study, published in Psychological Science, claims that right-wing ideology forms a 'pathway' for people with low reasoning ability to become prejudiced against groups such as other races and gay people.

    "The authors also claim that conservative politics is part of a complex relationship that leads people to become prejudices."

  72. "'Conservative ideology represents a critical pathway through which childhood intelligence predicts racism in adulthood,' says the paper.
    'In psychological terms, the relation between intelligence and prejudice may stem from the propensity of individuals with lower cognitive ability to endorse more right wing conservative ideologies because such ideologies offer a psychological sense of stability and order.'"

  73. The Purple Cow said...
    'In psychological terms, the relation between intelligence and prejudice may stem from the propensity of individuals with lower cognitive ability to endorse more right wing conservative ideologies because such ideologies offer a psychological sense of stability and order.'

    Um, maybe not.

    Only a retard would find such solace in such an obvious example of scientific malfeasence.

  74. I agree with Laaudio on everything she said because it is the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH!

    “While women of color are urged at every turn, to become permanently infertile, white women…are urged by the same forces, to reproduce themselves” ~Angela Davis~~

    Understanding of the history of colonization, which uses sexuality as a tool to gain power over others and to control women's bodies. In this country the [racist] white wing attempts to make abortion illegal at the same time women of color and poor women continue to survive forces sterilization[birth control] .~~qwo-li driskill~~

    Similar to a game of chess in an odd sort of way. The queen is one of the most value pieces. Capture the queen and you weaken the king's power in that game.

    Why attack the queen? Because the queen can procreate children.

  75. Anonymous3:12 PM

    anon, "FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be."

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

    However, it's a scientific fact that ALL human beings are of the human race. It goes without saying that religion supports that fact.

    Hence, you can live in denial of the truth, it's your choice. Just remember no matter how much denial you pile on, the truth still remains. It's indestructible and ALWAYS the true Reality.

    My dear white brother, do not let death catch you in non-reality. Wake up and let go of your obsessive hatred of Blacks.

  76. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Granny, "In this country the [racist] white wing attempts to make abortion illegal at the same time women of color and poor women continue to survive forces sterilization[birth control]" .~~qwo-li driskill~~

    Granny, this is not true of all women of color. It is only true for black women.

    Now, why is that? Why are Blacks, men and women, considered unequal and need to be diminished and defiled?

    Finally, why is it that Blacks don't really support each other? Oh, I know Blacks will mouth off on FN blog, but look around...we DON'T stand up for each other. Obama is a classic example: Racism is rampart; black unemployment is the highest in history.

    We have been ignored by the President who received over 93% of our votes. That is a shining example of how we treat each other, which is the same way Whites treat us.

  77. Anonymous3:24 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I agree with Laaudio on everything she said because it is the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH!

    “While women of color are urged at every turn, to become permanently infertile, white women…are urged by the same forces, to reproduce themselves” ~Angela Davis~~

    Understanding of the history of colonization, which uses sexuality as a tool to gain power over others and to control women's bodies. In this country the [racist] white wing attempts to make abortion illegal at the same time women of color and poor women continue to survive forces sterilization[birth control] .~~qwo-li driskill~~

    Similar to a game of chess in an odd sort of way. The queen is one of the most value pieces. Capture the queen and you weaken the king's power in that game.

    Why attack the queen? Because the queen can procreate children.

    Yet you don't realize that what they were all talking about was abortion and how cool it is for planned parenthood to fund it for po black womens. The one talking about sterilization was planned parenthood founder.

    Could someone explain Negro thinking. You are for planned parenthood and abortion because whites womens are against abortion and blacks killin all dey babies, therefore it is a white plot to hold blacks down from killun dey babies while they procreate and have more chillun because they are afraid of there being more blacks so therefore you must kill your babies..

    Power in numbers. Numbers of dead babies gives you power? Logic like this makes me go hmmmmmm......

    Wouldnt a real racist group of people be happy you are killing every black baby you can and fighting to do so?

  78. "Funding abortions for those who are used to having most things given to them is great. Small investment now to avoid a lifetime of funding. In fact we need to start a new campaign, pro abortion, join the leftists." ~~racist anonymous~~

    Stereotypical comment hints at "welfare queens", which of course according to the myth are all black.

    Do Corporations have babies? Because they sure are use to having things giving to them. The real "welfare queens" are corporations! It definitely would stop a lot of funding, if they would stop looking for subsidy handouts.

    It's funny how rich corporations like the Koch brothers can afford to put up millions to fund an election and buy government, but resist paying their fair of taxes because that's a no-no in their book. Smh!

  79. Planned Parenthood does not fund abortions.

  80. These are the services Planned Parenthood offers.

    breast-cancer screening program
    Pap smears
    Diabetes screening
    STD testing, treatment and prevention
    Male Infertility screening
    Menopause help

  81. Fyi, I am against abortions if it is not life threatening or rape. I also believe that people have a right to make their own choices in life. Everyone is entitled to their own free choices. The one thing I hold sacred is life of a human being.

  82. Anonymous3:59 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Planned Parenthood does not fund abortions

    That is the main thing they do granny where in the world are you getting your information? Why is everyone talking about planned parenthood and taxpayers cutting off abortion funding if they dont even provide abortions?

    These are the services Planned Parenthood offers.

    breast-cancer screening program - incorrect - they will refer you to someone, they do not provide breast cancer screening

    Pap smears - so does every doctor
    Diabetes screening - so does every doctor

    STD testing, treatment and prevention - prevention? You mean like condoms - practicing sex so you don't get pregnant and or catch a disease?
    Male Infertility screening - that sure doesnt seem to be a problem with all the abortions and fatherless children but if you say so.
    Menopause help - so do doctors.

    Any poor person can get all of these things for free on medicaid or at the nearest health center. What they cannot get is an abortion, this si where they go to planned parenthood.

  83. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "Fyi, I am against abortions if it is not life threatening or rape. I also believe that people have a right to make their own choices in life. Everyone is entitled to their own free choices. The one thing I hold sacred is life of a human being."

    Is it sacred for one human being to choose aborting another human being?

    When that happens, is it still holding up the sanctity of life?

    Isn't that ignoring Spiritual Laws and Principles? It seems to me that man-made laws have transcended Divine Laws. IMO, humans have gotten priority of laws 'backwards', which of course has been the problem for self-centered humans for a long time.

    We love playing God when it comes to human life of who should live and who should die.

  84. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    anon, "FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be."

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

    However, it's a scientific fact that ALL human beings are of the human race. It goes without saying that religion supports that fact.

    Hence, you can live in denial of the truth, it's your choice. Just remember no matter how much denial you pile on, the truth still remains. It's indestructible and ALWAYS the true Reality.

    My dear white brother, do not let death catch you in non-reality. Wake up and let go of your obsessive hatred of Blacks.

    Not offended the least bit. I have one brother and I seriously doubt he either posts to or reads this blog.

    Hatred of black people? Nope. Just tired of reading time and time again where a black has gone off on someone over a perceived slight and that someone wound up dead (quite often another black person). Tired of hearing of black children when offered a free education (K-12)often view it as being a 'white thing' and refuse to participate. Lack of an education dooms those children to a life of poverty and ignorance. Who takes care of those children when they begin having children of their own?

    Blacks sold their souls to the democrats and daily forge the chains that bind them into slavery of a different sort. When any political party has the vote of any group without working for that vote the politicians ignore that group since they own them lock, stock and barrel. As such blacks are ignored by the politicians. Blacks show utter and total contempt for Republicans and then whine when Republicans ignore them. Why should Republicans do anything for blacks when blacks vote en mass for democrats? You get ignored coming and going because of your collective attitudes.

    White dislike of blacks is many orders of magnitude less than black self loathing. Afro-American blacks hate Jamaican blacks and also hate African blacks. Why is that? Perhaps foreign blacks are still motivated when they immigrate to this country.

  85. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    anon, "FYI, I am not your brother. Never will be."

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

    However, it's a scientific fact that ALL human beings are of the human race. It goes without saying that religion supports that fact.

    Hence, you can live in denial of the truth, it's your choice. Just remember no matter how much denial you pile on, the truth still remains. It's indestructible and ALWAYS the true Reality.

    My dear white brother, do not let death catch you in non-reality. Wake up and let go of your obsessive hatred of Blacks.

    Not offended the least bit. I have one brother and I seriously doubt he either posts to or reads this blog.

    Hatred of black people? Nope. Just tired of reading time and time again where a black has gone off on someone over a perceived slight and that someone wound up dead (quite often another black person). Tired of hearing of black children when offered a free education (K-12)often view it as being a 'white thing' and refuse to participate. Lack of an education dooms those children to a life of poverty and ignorance. Who takes care of those children when they begin having children of their own?

    Blacks sold their souls to the democrats and daily forge the chains that bind them into slavery of a different sort. When any political party has the vote of any group without working for that vote the politicians ignore that group since they own them lock, stock and barrel. As such blacks are ignored by the politicians. Blacks show utter and total contempt for Republicans and then whine when Republicans ignore them. Why should Republicans do anything for blacks when blacks vote en mass for democrats? You get ignored coming and going because of your collective attitudes.

    White dislike of blacks is many orders of magnitude less than black self loathing. Afro-American blacks hate Jamaican blacks and also hate African blacks. Why is that? Perhaps foreign blacks are still motivated when they immigrate to this country.

  86. Anonymous4:58 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Funding abortions for those who are used to having most things given to them is great. Small investment now to avoid a lifetime of funding. In fact we need to start a new campaign, pro abortion, join the leftists." ~~racist anonymous~~

    Stereotypical comment hints at "welfare queens", which of course according to the myth are all black.

    What hints? You are using your decoder ring when you don't need it. This causes even more scrambling. The discussion is about black women having abortions, you seem to think killing babies is black power as there will be more numbers if you kill more, I still don't understand that logic but ok. Planned parenthood kills babies with taxpayer provided funding. Now are you trying to say the person who agrees with you about black abortions is racist and the same women who kill babies for free will instead now have them and miraculously find husbands and great jobs that will allow them to take care of the lives they chose to bring into the world and are responsible for?

    Hear that.....
    the last two lines were whistles.

  87. uptownsteve5:09 PM

    Granny hates fetuses.

  88. Hey Field, what do think of the Philly DA declining to press hate crime charges against the three black teens who beat up a white cabbie and his fare while using racial epithets?

  89. Anonymous5:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Granny hates fetuses.

    No - No killing fetuses means more black people and more black power.

    I think? Do I need a decoder ring to understand? I think I am missing something.

  90. "FN, you gonna take a break from all things racism and give us your Superbowl breakdown?"

    NY Small men by 3.

    "Hey Field, what do think of the Philly DA declining to press hate crime charges against the three black teens who beat up a white cabbie and his fare while using racial epithets?"

    Sorry, no comment for professional reasons.

    Anon @ 4:46 PM, if i didn't know better I would actually believe that you cared. But I know better.

    BTW, given what black folks have had to endure in this country, I would say that they have, for the most part, come pretty far.

    There is lots of work to be done to be sure, but folks like you will not help us get to where we want to go.

  91. Anonymous7:13 PM

    All of this could have been eliminated, if only someone had the intestinal fortitude to say: "Leave the Africans alone, Sire; we'll pick the cotton all by ourselves. We don't need any cotton-picking slaves!!" Why is it that no one said NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  92. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Oh look, Saul Alinsky was a "great american" per PBS.

    I guess thats next try and make him a great man now that we all know Obama is an Alinsky-ite socialist/communist.

  93. field negro said...
    Sorry, no comment for professional reasons.


    The whole "hate crimes" topic is an interesting subject, though.

  94. no slappz7:30 PM

    field's guide to racial idiocy:

    BTW, given what black folks have had to endure in this country, I would say that they have, for the most part, come pretty far.

    No black has been a slave in the US since 1861. 151 years. No black has been deprived of a FREE basic education for 100 years. No black has been deprived of the OPPORTUNITY to go to college for 50 years.

    Food, housing, medical care, and the full array of social services have been available to US blacks for almost 50 years.

    What has any black living in the US today "had to endure"?

    Meanwhile, your dopey comment implies that a better life for blacks exists in other countries. C

    Can you name one? Is there a nation -- black or otherwise -- that blacks define as the model nation?

    If you can name that nation, why hasn't an African nation become that garden spot?

    The only thing certain about black nations is that black citizens want to get out as fast as they can, and get themselves to the US.

    Like you.

  95. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Anon @ 4:46 PM, if i didn't know better I would actually believe that you cared. But I know better.

    BTW, given what black folks have had to endure in this country, I would say that they have, for the most part, come pretty far.

    There is lots of work to be done to be sure, but folks like you will not help us get to where we want to go.


  96. IDinDoNuffin7:35 PM

    Can you name one? Is there a nation -- black or otherwise -- that blacks define as the model nation?

    Liberia? Model of a Black Led Nation.Detroit and Philly-del-fee-a are catching up though.

  97. Wrong slapnuts, I still have a home in Jamaica. And the neighborhood I grew up in is nicer than 75% of the neighborhoods in this fine country.

    Sorry. :(

    BTW, I see a lot of white citizens running to this country as well. Northeast Philly is full of first generation Russians and Eastern Europeans. Oh, and there are all those Irish and Italian folks who came here a few years back. ;)

    Have you passed the PE as yet?

  98. Bonita Caloosahatchee8:05 PM

    field negro said...
    Wrong slapnuts, I still have a home in Jamaica. And the neighborhood I grew up in is nicer than 75% of the neighborhoods in this fine country.

    Must be over 90% white.

  99. "Obama is a RACIST?!"

    "Ah, black racism at its best, eh uptownsteve?"

    Ah, amerikkkan mypoia is still in full effect.

    "Wrong slapnuts, I still have a home in Jamaica. And the neighborhood I grew up in is nicer than 75% of the neighborhoods in this fine country."

    It's funny how some of these racists equate dispair and poverty with Blackness but reality is often overlooked. Many don't see the irony on their statements or the hypocrisy. Out of one side of their mouths they decry "racism" among Black people and how they don't see race but out of the other side are the positions they take to show how inferior we are. Which is it? I mean I don't see inherent inferiority as many of my friends are eductaed and accopmlished much more so than millions of whites. Oh well, we gotta do what we've always done, make sure we make our kids the best they can be and ignore racism. Oh that's right racism only comes from blah people. As Yakov Smirnoff would say "what a country".

  100. "Must be over 90% white."

    Nope, over 90% Black. You can visit if you want because obviously you don't know many blah people. But most rundown trailerparks are over 90% white.

  101. PilotX,go easy on em. They don't get out much. :)

  102. Typical White Person8:15 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Obama is a RACIST"

    Finally you are making some sense, PilotX.

  103. It's amazing how slappy and his racist friends are so obsessed with trying to get folks to kneel down and praise whites as the supreme beings. They want you to worship their image. Treat them like the perfect gods they claim to be. Smh!

    They can kiss my inferior black azz! Because they are no better than anyone else on this earth and I refuse to worship anyone that has the same bodily functions as any other human being.

    I wasn't playing, I'm fed up with their racist BS.

  104. Hoosier Daddy8:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Must be over 90% white."

    Nope, over 90% Black. You can visit if you want because obviously you don't know many blah people. But most rundown trailerparks are over 90% white
    I have been all over the world, and I have never seen a 90%+ black neighborhood that was nicer than 75% of American neighborhoods.

    It would have to be a neighborhood populated with Oprah, pro-athletes, and ex Freddie Mac directors. Even then, I'd still be watching for stray bullets.

    And white trailer parks are generally much nicer than black trailer parks. Just sayin'.

  105. You tell em' Granny!!

    You and Field toasted some white trash a$$ today, you'd think they would get tired of it after a while!

  106. Rod Ivory8:26 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It's amazing how slappy and his racist friends are so obsessed with trying to get folks to kneel down and praise whites as the supreme beings. They want you to worship their image. Treat them like the perfect gods they claim to be. Smh!

    Well, now that you mention it, that would be nice.

    I was just going for the point where I stop getting blamed for everything wrong in your life, and stop getting hit up to pay for the food, housing and healthcare of half the black population. Also, I just want to be able to avoid people who are 200 times more likely to try to rob or kill me.

    That's all.

  107. Dr. Knockwurst8:28 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    You and Field toasted some white trash a$$ today, you'd think they would get tired of it after a while!

    What did you toast today, Queen? Some Oscar Myers weenies over the space heater?

    You will never be a doctor.

  108. "I have been all over the world, and I have never seen a 90%+ black neighborhood that was nicer than 75% of American neighborhoods."


    What's the name of the last town between Montego Bay and Mandeville, Jamaica?

    If you take too long I will know that you went to Google.

    Sorry wingnut, I suspect that the farthest you have ever been is to the Wal-Mart in the next county. Just a guess.

  109. "I was just going for the point where I stop getting blamed for everything wrong in your life...

    Why do you think that there is something wrong in her life? I bet that Granny has lived a much better life than you ever will.

  110. field negro said...
    "I was just going for the point where I stop getting blamed for everything wrong in your life...

    Why do you think that there is something wrong in her life? I bet that Granny has lived a much better life than you ever will.

    Then whe is she complaining all the time?

  111. Anonymous8:40 PM

    The 2010 Jamaica Crime and Safety Report, conducted by the Overseas Advisory Security Council, recorded that violent crimes including murder, shootings, carnal abuse, and robbery are up compared to previous years. The UN stresses, however, that, "Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence."
    Jamaica Crime Statistics for the Year 2010:
    Larcenies 500
    Shootings 1,650
    Break-Ins 3,700
    Murders 1,700
    Rapes 1,650
    Robberies 3,000
    Total Crimes 39188

    Nice try though.

  112. Hoosier Daddy8:46 PM

    field negro said...
    What's the name of the last town between Montego Bay and Mandeville, Jamaica?

    I've never been to Jamaica, so I don't know.

    I have been all over the US, Canada, Mexico, the Domincan Republic, Japan, Peru, Brazil, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa and Guinea.

  113. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "They can kiss my inferior black azz! Because they are no better than anyone else on this earth and I refuse to worship anyone that has the same bodily functions as any other human being.

    I wasn't playing, I'm fed up with their racist BS."

    Lay into them Granny! Who do those racists think they are!

  114. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "Then whe is she[granny] complaining all the time?

    The Jim Crow days of hanging black men for entertainment at white picnics leave indelible marks in mind and heart.

    Would YOU be ok with Blacks if that happened to your family? GET REAL. This wretched evil history of racism still goes on, compliments of the GOP and Whites like yourself.

    But no one expects you to know since you or your grandparents or parents NEVER had to experience it.

  115. Rod Ivory:

    Ahhh...another stereotype believer.

    Let me enlighten you.

    Every possession I have, I own! And I don't owe one thin dime on it. Can you say that? BTW, I like nice things too and love to shop too.

    Trust me, I'm not hurting or wanting for nothing. I have everything I need or want. Therefore, I don't need dung from you or anyone else on here.

  116. Anonymous9:09 PM

    The Jim Crow days of hanging black men for entertainment at white picnics leave indelible marks in mind and heart.

    Would YOU be ok with Blacks if that happened to your family? GET REAL. This wretched evil history of racism still goes on, compliments of the GOP and Whites like yourself.

    But no one expects you to know since you or your grandparents or parents NEVER had to experience it.

    Look up pogrom and get back with us.

    LBJ's infamous quote:

    "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
    Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler's Book, "Inside The White House"

    You're sadly misguided if you think the GOP is out to get you. Democrats own you guys lock, stock and barrel. You've sold yourselves into slavery for an unfulfilled promise of something vague.

  117. "I've never been to Jamaica, so I don't know."

    *Sititng down as I tell the judge that I rest my case*

  118. Happy and content Black folks will ALWAYS be the bane of the existence of white trash, right Granny?

    12 - The number of emails/letters I've received so far from med schools asking me to apply this year. And that includes the Ivy League!

    7- The number of letters my kid has received from colleges and universities asking her to apply, as a 10th grader!

    Yeah, the future's so bright, EVERYONE in my house has GOTTA wear shades!

  119. Anonymous9:20 PM

    The Jim Crow days of hanging black men for entertainment at white picnics leave indelible marks in mind and heart.

    Would YOU be ok with Blacks if that happened to your family? GET REAL. This wretched evil history of racism still goes on, compliments of the GOP and Whites like yourself.

    But no one expects you to know since you or your grandparents or parents NEVER had to experience it.

    Google pogrom and get back to us please.

    LBJ sold blacks down the river for the next 200 years and was proud of the fact that the dems would have them voting straight democrat tickets. Look that up.

  120. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Really, if we're holed up with a gang of "folks" who at one time, hanged, burned, mutilated, murdered on the regular, another group of people, that should tell someone that we're in a country with a gang of crazy, insane mofos. Why is it, that we can't get the message? Every day for 400 years, give or take a couple, and not a damn thing is getting through to us. We must be crazy and insane too. The greatest crountry in the world?????? Ha!!!!!!

  121. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Really, if we're holed up with a gang of "folks" who at one time, hanged, burned, mutilated, murdered on the regular, another group of people "

    You forgot rampant Rapes.
