Thursday, February 02, 2012

Not so exceptional.

With all due respect to Don McLean and my A-merry-can friends, tomorrow will not be the anniversary of the day the music died. That happens to be May 11, 1981.

I just thought I would throw that out there before I start this post.

Anyway, I want to talk about A-merry-can exceptionalism tonight. Flipper has been talking about that a lot lately. He has been saying that if elected he will return A-merry-ca to what she was before this Socialist took office.  "The shining city on a hill" is what he likes to call it.  "I love this land, I love its Constitution, I revere its founders, I will restore those principles, I will get America back to work, and I'll make sure that we remain the shining city on the hill."

Excuse me Flipper, but maybe you should try to get out a little more. Apparently your money is the only thing that likes to travel to foreign lands.

If you insist at staying in A-merry-ca without trying to learn what is going on in the rest of the world, you might want to pick up the Washington Post and read what one of the smartest people in this country is saying about your "shining city". Take it away Fareed:

"Dear Mitt Romney,

Congratulations on Florida. Now that you are again the front-runner, and your campaign focus is returning to President Obama, I’d like to call attention to a line you have used repeatedly: “This is a president who fundamentally believes that this next century is the post-American century.” I leave it to the president to describe what he believes, but as the author of the book “The Post-American World,” let me make sure you know what exactly you are attacking.

“This is a book not about the decline of America but rather about the rise of everyone else,” I note at the very outset. I am optimistic about America, convinced that it can prosper in this new world and remain the most powerful country on the planet. But I argue that the age of American unipolarity — which began with the collapse of the Soviet Union — has ended. For a quarter-century after the collapse of communism, the United States dominated the world with no real political or economic competitors. Its ideas and its model — the Washington consensus — became received wisdom everywhere.

Today we are in a different era. In 1990, China represented 2 percent of global gross domestic product. It has quadrupled, to 8 percent, and is rising. By most estimates, China’s economy will become the world’s largest between 2016 and 2018.

This is not simply an economic story. China’s military capacity and reach are expanding. Since 2008 Chinese naval fleets have escorted more than 4,300 ships through the Gulf of Aden. Beijing’s defense spending is likely to surpass America’s by 2025. For its foreign policy activism, look on any continent: A gleaming new African Union headquarters was unveiled in Addis Ababa, Ethi­o­pia, last week. The $200 million-plus complex was financed by China and inaugurated by a high-ranking Politburo member, who arrived with a check for $94 million.
It is not just China that is rising. Emerging powers on every continent have achieved political stability and economic growth and are becoming active on the global stage. Twenty years ago Turkey was a fragile democracy, dominated by its army, that had a weak economy constantly in need of Western bailouts. Today, Turkey has a trillion-dollar economy that grew 6.6 percent last year. Since April 2009, Turkey has created 3.4 million jobs — more than the European Union, Russia and South Africa put together. That might explain Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s confidence and his country’s energetic foreign policy.
Look in this hemisphere: In 1990, Brazil was emerging from decades of dictatorship and was wracked by inflation rates that reached 3,000 percent. Its president was impeached in 1992. Today, the country is a stable democracy, steadily growing with foreign-exchange reserves of $350 billion. Its foreign policy has become extremely active. President Dilma Rousseff is in Cuba this week, “marking Brazil’s highest-profile bid to transform its growing economic might into diplomatic leadership in Latin America,” the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. Brazil’s state development bank is financing a $680 million rehabilitation of Cuba’s port at Mariel.

For three decades, India was unable to get any Western country to accept its status as a nuclear power. But as its economy boomed and Asia became the new cockpit of global affairs, the mood shifted. Over the past five years the United States, France, Britain and others have made a massive exception for New Delhi’s nuclear program and have assiduously courted India as a new ally. I could go on.

This is a new world, very different from the America-centric one we got used to over the last generation. Obama has succeeded in preserving and even enhancing U.S. influence in this world precisely because he has recognized these new forces at work. He has traveled to the emerging nations and spoken admiringly of their rise. He replaced the old Western club and made the Group of 20 the central decision-making forum for global economic affairs. By emphasizing multilateral organizations, alliance structures and international legitimacy, he got results. It was Chinese and Russian cooperation that produced tougher sanctions against Iran. It was the Arab League’s formal request last year that made Western intervention in Libya uncontroversial.

By and large, you have ridiculed this approach to foreign policy, arguing that you would instead expand the military, act unilaterally and talk unapologetically. That might appeal to Republican primary voters, but chest-thumping triumphalism won’t help you secure America’s interests or ideals in a world populated by powerful new players.

You can call this new century whatever you like, but it won’t change reality. After all, just because we call it the World Series doesn’t make it one." [Source]

To stay with the World Series theme, that article was a home run.

Finally, congratulations on picking up the Trump endorsement there Flipper, you two looked great together. Just a day after making your I don't care about poor people comment; you make an appearance with the charlatan who represents the narcissistic and vainglorious among us. One of the folks who likes to flaunt his wealth as some kind of status symbol here in A-merry-ca. Nice.

You two deserve each other. We can see your mansions on that shining city from way over here.


  1. Great article. The Republicans bank on arrogance i.e. American exceptionalism. These folks have always seen themselves as better than someone else but now reality is catching up. I know Slappz will disagree, shock huh?, but America is lucky. We invested in science and engineering after Sputnik but our generation just accepted American dominance as a birthright. This arrogance has allowed dumbasses try to dumbdown science by infusing it with superstition, er I mean creationism, er I mean intelligent design and other ridiculous ideas while China, India et all got serious about math and science and will surpass us. Just look at who we are letting get close to our presidency, 3 out of 4 candidates don't believe in evolution (ok maybe Ron Paul does not sure) and the fourth wears magic underwear. We have been a nation in decline for years and it has nothing to do with Barack. In fact Barack may save this place.

  2. News fn won't speak of.

    CBO reports the deficit will top $1 trillion this year making Obama the first president EVER to pile up $1 trillion or more every year in office.

    Read more:

  3. PilotX said...
    Great article. The Republicans bank on arrogance i.e. American exceptionalism. These folks have always seen themselves as better than someone else but now reality is catching up. I know Slappz will disagree, shock huh?, but America is lucky. We invested in science and engineering after Sputnik but our generation just accepted American dominance as a birthright. This arrogance has allowed dumbasses try to dumbdown science by infusing it with superstition, er I mean creationism, er I mean intelligent design and other ridiculous ideas while China, India et all got serious about math and science and will surpass us

    Ok please provide use with FACTUAL data that shows science is being infusied and dumbed down with superstition, er I mean creationism.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Pilot X Said:
    Great article. The Republicans bank on arrogance i.e. American exceptionalism. These folks have always seen themselves as better than someone else but now reality is catching up

    Interesting how you don't see yourself as American or part of the achievement problem. Does this mean you think you are exempt?

    It is the shared hatred of Americas success that unites the left with its enemies.

  5. Great post, excellent points about how the world is changing. I can't imagine the US making any useful progress under the control of a president who thinks we can ignore the world community around us. :/

    BTW your [Source] link is broken.


  6. Major Tom8:30 PM

    Ok please provide use with FACTUAL data that shows science is being infusied and dumbed down with superstition, er I mean creationism.

    Disparaging impact on the Black Community - no more tests. Integration - dumb down all races
    Spend huge amounts attempting to bridge a genetic achievement gap that no matter how much money we throw at it just widens.
    Cancel those advance math, science and engineering classes they are racist as there arent many black students. Put in auto shop instead. If we didnt have to support Black America we have a moon colony and be on our way to Mars.

    The list is long.

    However, this does not mean we will stand for it any longer and why we dont want a president who says step back you aren't exceptional. I am your president but the rest of the world is better. Well they aren't, not even close, geographically, economically and culturally. We want a president that will get out of Americans way to highlight the best of the best and not reward the worst of the worst by punishing those who sacrifice to become the best. We are Americans and we are exceptional.

  7. Diversity Kills8:31 PM

    America is being dumbed down by minorities.

    Anyone noticed the more diverse America gets, the more diverse states get, the dumber they get?

  8. Mitt n Donald looked like richie rich and his asshole cousin to me this morning field, I dunno what youi were seeing.

    Oh yeah, some of us think the (reggae) music died on9/11/87

  9. Mitchell Craig8:46 PM

    Gee whiz, FN, you must like Anonymous, Diversity Kills, and Major Tom to post their asshole ravings.

    But dat be A-mur-ica fer yeh.

  10. Pilot X, great points. You could have written that essay.

    Thanks Angie, I think that link has been corrected.

    "Oh yeah, some of us think the (reggae) music died on9/11/87"

    Ahhh a Tosh man. :)

    You can't go wrong there either my friend. Hey, at least Bunny Wailer is still alive.

    "America is being dumbed down by minorities.

    Anyone noticed the more diverse America gets, the more diverse states get, the dumber they get?"

    No. Actually, were it not for minorities and foreigners, most of the grad school would be empty.

    I do notice that the more racist A-merry-ca gets the poorer and dumber we get.

  11. Chairman Soetoro9:06 PM

    If Fareed Zakaria is "one of the smartest people in this country", we have truly become an idiocracy.

    People like Fareed and Barak actively cheer American decline because they do not see themselves as Americans.

    The time of these quisling interlopers is coming to a close. American can and will once again be a great country. The future will be no place for traitors.

  12. "The time of these quisling interlopers is coming to a close. American can and will once again be a great country. The future will be no place for traitors."

    I thought Hawaii was in A-merry-ca?

    If A-merry-ca only had more thinkers like FZ it would be a better place.

    But, not to worry, we have Snooki.

  13. Anonymous9:17 PM

    If A-merry-ca only had more thinkers like FZ it would be a better place.

    But, not to worry, we have Snooki.

    Snooki is America to you? I guess you are a little Wayne fan. Difference I think is I readily say snooky is a joke and an airhead. I bet many would defend wittle wayne and say someone is racist if they highlighted his impact on Black Culture.

  14. Chairman Soetoro9:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    We invested in science and engineering after Sputnik but our generation just accepted American dominance as a birthright. This arrogance has allowed dumbasses try to dumbdown science by infusing it with superstition, er I mean creationism, er I mean intelligent design and other ridiculous ideas while China, India et all got serious about math and science and will surpass us.

    Yes, we may have an anti-science, anti-American president right now who has killed the space program and thrown the money at mumbo-jumbo Gaia-worshiping green energy projects, but once we get rid of him we'll get back on track.

    American white students actually do very well globally on math and science scores. When you hear people saying we rank 37th or whatever, it's because the black and Mexican kids drag the average scores down so much.

    Once the money runs out (a day that will come much sooner thanks to President Downgrade), we can finally admit that academic achievement is not for everyone, and that some children will have to be left behind when it comes to math and science. Freed from superstitious beliefs like 'disparate impact' and irrational practices like affirmative action, our society will once again propser unfettered by the chains of ignorance.

  15. Anonymous9:23 PM

    As a wise man Names Thomas Pain Once said , recently stated again by the next president.

    Lead, Follow or get out of the way.

    You don't want to be part of America, you don't want to contribute to making it continue to be the most exceptional country ever? Then get out of the way for Obama isn't leading the growing but still third world nations of Brazil and India, nor is he leading Communist China. Now he won't lead and I wont follow people like you who want to mill around like sheep, People who have this notion that in order for someone else to improve someone else must devolve. No, you can improve without someone else needing to just stop running the race or give you everything they have. So get out of our way if you feel it is time to just sit back and accept inferiority and the lifestyle that will certainly accompany that.

  16. "No. Actually, were it not for minorities and foreigners, most of the grad school would be empty."

    Really, if you look at alot of schools most of their higher math and engineering professors are foreign.

  17. "American white students actually do very well globally on math and science scores. When you hear people saying we rank 37th or whatever, it's because the black and Mexican kids drag the average scores down so much."

    Ok, so we'd be 36th? Great. Methinks if we got rid of conservative red states we'd leap into the top ten. Red neck trailer dwellers in Mississippi ain't getting perfect SAT scores.

  18. "Freed from superstitious beliefs like 'disparate impact' and irrational practices like affirmative action, our society will once again propser unfettered by the chains of ignorance."

    Does this idiot see the irony in what he/she just posted?

  19. "Ok please provide use with FACTUAL data that shows science is being infusied and dumbed down with superstition, er I mean creationism."

    Nope, not doing homework for ya. I have to learn a new plane so my time is kinda compressed. Here's a hint google creationism and public schools and read the results. If that's not enough google anti-evolution in public schools. If that doesn't work google Republican school boards/ intelligent design and read the results. After doing that you tell me what you learn and we can chat. Ok Sparky? Great.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. PilotX said...
    "Ok please provide use with FACTUAL data that shows science is being infusied and dumbed down with superstition, er I mean creationism."

    Nope, not doing homework for ya.

    In other words, like most field negros who post here, you are full of shit.

  22. Chairman Soetoro9:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    Ok, so we'd be 36th? Great. Methinks if we got rid of conservative red states we'd leap into the top ten. Red neck trailer dwellers in Mississippi ain't getting perfect SAT scores.

    No we'd be top ten.

    And you know why Mississippi is last in everything, don't you?

    Hint: It has something to do with being an outlier as far as the population percentage of a certain demographic group is concerned.

  23. Diversity Kills9:40 PM

    PilotX said...

    Ok, so we'd be 36th? Great. Methinks if we got rid of conservative red states we'd leap into the top ten.

    If we got rid of all their minorities, we would be in the top 10.

    Educators Alarmed: Black, Latino High School Students Perform at Levels of 30 Years Ago

    On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.

  24. "And you know why Mississippi is last in everything, don't you?

    Hint: It has something to do with being an outlier as far as the population percentage of a certain demographic group is concerned."

    Um, the large number of ignorant red neck hillbillies doesn't help the numbers. Well if white kids bring test scores up then West Virginia should lead the nation because it's 96% white. Must be the bastion of educational brilliance right? Let's see.

  25. Anonymous9:46 PM

    PilotX said...
    "American white students actually do very well globally on math and science scores. When you hear people saying we rank 37th or whatever, it's because the black and Mexican kids drag the average scores down so much."

    Ok, so we'd be 36th? Great. Methinks if we got rid of conservative red states we'd leap into the top ten. Red neck trailer dwellers in Mississippi ain't getting perfect SAT scores

    You are so ill informed. What I cant tell is if you are making this up to be what you wish it to be or you really believe it.

    Just for NY in example:


    The overall graduation rate for black students also rose over the previous year, from 55.7% to 57.7%. Similarly, the rate for Hispanic students rose from 54.8% last year to 57.3%

    I hope you dont think they will applying to colleges for courses in any of the STEM categories.

    From Bloomberg 2005

    But now, for the first time ever, America's educational gains are poised to stall because of growing demographic trends. If these trends continue, the share of the U.S. workforce with high school and college degrees may not only fail to keep rising over the next 15 years but could actually decline slightly, warns a report released on Nov. 9 by the National Center for Public Policy & Higher Education, a nonprofit group based in San Jose, Calif. The key reason: As highly educated baby boomers retire, they'll be replaced by mounting numbers of young Hispanics and African Americans, who are far less likely to earn degrees.

    Because workers with fewer years of education earn so much less, U.S. living standards could take a dive unless something is done, the report argues. It calculates that lower educational levels could slice inflation-adjusted per capita incomes in the U.S. by 2% by 2020. They surged over 40% from 1980 to 2000.

    According to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the GMAT, the average score of an African-American in the last testing year was 431 -- 113 points below 545, the average score for all GMAT test takers. The average score for Hispanic Americans was 490 -- some 55 points below the average --while the average score for Native Americans was 500 -- some 45 points below the average


    Wow, amazing how diverse states like Massachusettes, New York and New Jersey are in the top 10 in science and math while a lilly white state like West Virginia is 49th seems to put a hole in your idea people of color bring down test scores. Wanna rethink that one and get back to me Sport? Try a little harder to be a smart racist because your ignorance is showing.

  27. In recently released rankings of how states' primary education systems are preparing students for careers in engineering, Massachusetts, Minnesota and New Jersey top the list. Mississippi trails as the worst in the country, following West Virginia and Louisiana.

    The Science and Engineering Readiness Index (SERI) measures how high school students are performing in physics and calculus -- based on publicly available data, including Advanced Placement scores, National Assessment of Educational Progress reports, teacher certification requirements by state and physics class enrollment data.

  28. Anonymous9:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "And you know why Mississippi is last in everything, don't you?

    Hint: It has something to do with being an outlier as far as the population percentage of a certain demographic group is concerned."

    Um, the large number of ignorant red neck hillbillies doesn't help the numbers. Well if white kids bring test scores up then West Virginia should lead the nation because it's 96% white. Must be the bastion of educational brilliance right? Let's see.

    You don't have to guess, every state shows you academic achievement by race.

    West Virginia High School Graduation Rates by Race (Class of 2007)7
    West Virginia Nation
    All Students 72%
    White 72%
    Black 64%
    Hispanic 53%
    Asian + 79%
    American Indian + 50%

    Pretty good much higher than the average of less than 50% for most states.

    but it looks like some are getting "scooted along"

    Percentage of ACT-Tested Graduates Ready for College-Level
    Course Work in 20098
    West Virginia Nation
    English 71%
    Math 32%
    Reading 54%
    Science 24%
    All Four Subjects 18%

    One of the first things a scientist does is look at facts and never taint science with wishes. Read on...

    "The metrics used by international tests such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) — since they look at the average and not the mode —conceal both the high- level achievement of most Americans, and just how bad the situation has deteriorated for underrepresented minority students and workers. Those test scores are more misleading than helpful, and help create false comparisons between very different countries.

    When the TIMMS score is broken down by ethnic group, a stark pattern emerges. According to the new NAS report, white and Asian students score alongside the highest scores in the world, ranking as equals to fourth-graders in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan — while African-American students produce math scores closer to fourth-graders in the Ukraine or the Republic of Georgia".

  29. Oh that damn wingnut pressure. FN, never lets the facts get in the way of a moonbat rant.

    But as Nancy Brinker, founder and CEO of Komen foundation, says in a video, Komen came out with a new set of standards this year designed to free up dollars for "higher impact programs."

    "Wherever possible, we want to grant to the provider that is actually providing the lifesaving mammogram," she said.

  30. Komen donations up 100%!

    3 planned parenthood will keep getting funding. The ones that are the only provider of breast health services in the areas they serve.

    Oh that damn wingnut pressure is forcing Komen to donate more money to groups that provide services not referrals.

    The truth never matters in the fields

  31. Nothing like reading the comments here, Field. Nothing. Anybody can google the data. America is not number one anymore in many categories. Oh...we do spend the most on our military and we do have the most people incarcerated...but we do not lead in education and we do not lead in many areas we once dominated. No, conservatives prefer to look to the past and remember when. Thank God our "exotic" President Obama was raised in an international community where he learned how to get along and not judge differences, but embrace them. So many people forget that "worldly experience" that young Barack embraced when he lived in Indonesia and Hawaii. I'll be posting this letter on my blog. Thanks.

  32. "But as Nancy Brinker, founder and CEO of Komen foundation, says in a video, Komen came out with a new set of standards this year designed to free up dollars for "higher impact programs."

    Riiiight. And I have a slightly used bell from philly to sell you. It has a slight crack on the side.

  33. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Pilot X said..

    In recently released rankings of how states' primary education systems are preparing students for careers in engineering, Massachusetts, Minnesota and New Jersey top the list. Mississippi trails as the worst in the country, following West Virginia and Louisiana.

    OK, lets try your way.

    Mississippi 40% white graduation rate, 23% blacks.

    % Black pop 37% Whites non latino 58% . Once population of minorities exceed 15% with integrated schools, learning is short circuited do to behavioral and cultural problems.

  34. Good points, DiAnne. Make sure you keep your candles burning to keep away the wingnuts. :)

  35. At the 2010 Census, 93.2% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 3.4% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 0.2% non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.7% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.1% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 1.3% of two or more races (non-Hispanic). 1.2% of West Virginia's population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (they may be of any race).

    Only 1.1% of the state's residents were foreign-born, placing West Virginia last among the 50 states in that statistic. It also has the lowest percentage of residents that speak a language other than English in the home (2.7%).

  36. West Virginia: 93.2% white

    Facts don't matter to field negros

  37. Anonymous10:12 PM

    PilotX said...

    Wow, amazing how diverse states like Massachusettes, New York and New Jersey are in the top 10 in science and math while a lilly white state like West Virginia is 49th seems to put a hole in your idea people of color bring down test scores. Wanna rethink that one and get back to me Sport? Try a little harder to be a smart racist because your ignorance

    Well, here he goes with names instead of just looking at science. Yes we know. Only 57% of Blacks in New York actually finish High School. Lots of other factors involved like they haven't cut advanced classes because there are so many whites and asians and not enough blacks yet, but they might.

  38. OK let's do it your way. 93% white population which tells me the test scores in a really white state should be outstanding right?

    "Mississippi 40% white graduation rate, 23% blacks."

    So your point is in Mississippi only 40% of whites are smart enough to finish high school? Actually I'm impressed. No wonder those scores in Mississippi are so great, those brilliant white students. So being a college graduate myself does that mean I'm smarter than at least 60% of Mississippi's white population? Better yet I'm from Illinois which was ranked 11th I think. I'd be a fucking genius in any trailer park in Mississippi and/or West Virginia. Keep the stats coming Sparky, they are very interesting.

  39. I wonder if having a Black governor from Chicago has anything to do with Massachusettes being number one and the governor of Mississippi being a fat ignorant red neck has anything to do with the rankings? Once again, get rid of Republican dominated states and our scores will soar. Just a thought.

  40. Juan Dumas10:17 PM

    West Virginia is the exception that proves the rule, PilotX.

    There is a very strong positive correlation between the percentage of the student body that is white and academic achievement.

    Look at California. It once had the nation's best schools. Now it is mostly Mexican, and ranks 46th.

  41. "Facts don't matter to field negros"

    Actually they do. Check it out asshole, the first post was a guess and the second one had the actual 2010 breakdown but tehn again trailer park red necks can't read. Moron.

  42. Coup Deval10:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    I wonder if having a Black governor from Chicago has anything to do with Massachusettes being number one and the governor of Mississippi being a fat ignorant red neck has anything to do with the rankings? Once again, get rid of Republican dominated states and our scores will soar. Just a thought.

    Not much of a thought. The answer is no.

    The difference in academic achievement is based on the racial makeup of the student population, not the Governors.

  43. Anonymous10:23 PM

    PilotX said...
    At the 2010 Census, 93.2% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 3.4% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 0.2% non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.7% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.1% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 1.3% of two or more races (non-Hispanic). 1.2% of West Virginia's population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (they may be of any race).

    Only 1.1% of the state's residents were foreign-born, placing West Virginia last among the 50 states in that statistic. It also has the lowest percentage of residents that speak a language other than English in the home (2.7%).

    Yes but to your specific point did you look at the specifics provided by race? Do you know there are only 1.8 million people total in West Virginia? Even with the gap in black/white grad rates, very low impact on the national numbers. Now look at states like Georgia 9.8 million people: 30% black and you are talking impact with the universal White/Asian/Black Achievement gaps.

  44. "There is a very strong positive correlation between the percentage of the student body that is white and academic achievement."

    Which means Nebraska should be near the top because they had 93% white population. Oh, sorry that idea fails too because Nebraska is also in the botton ten. Nice try though, you still get a prize.

  45. Anonymous10:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Facts don't matter to field negros"

    Actually they do. Check it out asshole, the first post was a guess and the second one had the actual 2010 breakdown but tehn again trailer park red necks can't read.

    "tehn"? Damn, racist can't spell.

  46. Chairman Soetoro10:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    Which means Nebraska should be near the top because they had 93% white population. Oh, sorry that idea fails too because Nebraska is also in the botton ten. Nice try though, you still get a prize.

    I guess you don't need any math aptitude to fly a plane, or drive a bus, whatever it is you do.

    You obviously don't understand statistical concepts such as "correlation".

    I guess you are helping to prove my point, without even knowing it.

    Leave the driving to us.

  47. "Do you know there are only 1.8 million people total in West Virginia?"

    Not the point. If you are suggesting white students perform better and scores will rise with mostly white students represented the number of students should not matter. If whites are inherently smart WV's scores should be near the top right? And notice a state like Georgia with 30% Black population STILL beats West Virginia with less than 5% population. Have you thought this whole racism thing through? You seem as dumb as Slappz.

  48. Anonymous10:29 PM

    PilotX said...
    "There is a very strong positive correlation between the percentage of the student body that is white and academic achievement."

    Which means Nebraska should be near the top because they had 93% white population.

    " they had 93% white population."

    They had?

    Shouldn't you get a education, before talking about education?

  49. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Coup Deval said...
    PilotX said...
    I wonder if having a Black governor from Chicago has anything to do with Massachusettes being number one and the governor of Mississippi being a fat ignorant red neck has anything to do with the rankings? Once again, get rid of Republican dominated states and our scores will soar. Just a thought.

    You know, you don't sound scientific at all. So you aren't a man of science. You are a man of wishes. Look at California my friend, as loony liberal for as long as I can remember:

    Well with population of 37.6 million they have a big impact on americas standings

    57% White
    6.2% Black
    13% Asian
    37.6 Latino

    Graduation rates are similar to those all across the country and it wont be getting better, the gap is widening..why? Because this liberal loony state outlawed IQ placement testing as it hurt minorities and now no one knows where to start or help the underachievers.

    "According to the report, the graduation rate in California was 83 percent for whites and 86 percent for Asian American students, compared with 55.8 percent for black students and 59.2 percent for Hispanics."

  50. Let's see certainly Iowa with around a 95% white population should definitely fare better than Florida and Illinois because those states have so many negores and Latinos. Damn, Florida and Illinois ranked 11th and 12th while Iowa ranked 39th. I guess Hitler must have been wrong about this master race shit.
    BTW Sparky, any guess as to why only 40% of you ignorant crackers in mississippi can finish high school? I mean you guys are supposed to be so smart and all. Anything? Maybe it's the segregated proms.

  51. "According to the report, the graduation rate in California was 83 percent for whites and 86 percent for Asian American students, compared with 55.8 percent for black students and 59.2 percent for Hispanics."

    So California Blacks and Latinos are smarter than Mississippi whites? That's what I'm telling you, get rid of these ignorant fucking red necked Republican states and we'd soar. I agree with you Sparky.

  52. Coup Deval10:41 PM

    I'm sorry PilotX, are you saying Black or Hispanic students anywhere do not perform signifcantly below their white peers?

    Because that is the case.

  53. "You know, you don't sound scientific at all. So you aren't a man of science. You are a man of wishes."

    How would you know, you folks don't finish high school in your neck of the woods. Better stick to drinking moonshine and impregnating your sister/wife/cousin, that's what you red necks seem to be good at.

  54. Anonymous10:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Do you know there are only 1.8 million people total in West Virginia?"

    Not the point. If you are suggesting white students perform better and scores will rise with mostly white students represented the number of students should not matter. If whites are inherently smart WV's scores should be near the top right? And notice a state like Georgia with 30% Black population STILL beats West Virginia with less than 5% population. Have you thought this whole racism thing through? You seem as dumb as Slappz.

    Look, I am just stating facts after you made a racial statement. I could have blown up your wishing theories with countrywide statistics so lets not get down and dumb. You made the obviously unscientific statements not me and facts are not racist. Unless you just don't want to talk about the truth.

    Essentially what you are saying in a twisted way is that whites should be carrying the very high percentage of Black dropouts across the nation and even though performing better in West Virginia then Blacks, they aren't doing what they should.

    Georgia to remind you as you said has a 30% to population of Blacks. 52% drop out of High School. Fifty-two percent of Black students do not finish HS. An even smaller percentage go on to college, then an even more miniscule percentage choose majors in the stem areas over African American studies, social areas and so on.

    So, when you add up all these people, extrapolate that nationwide and compare them to global standards of achievement, where do you think that leaves us in the standings?
    Hope that helps clarify your thoughts.

    Just for your edification here is specifics on the TIMMS standing scores as previously posted:

    When the TIMMS score is broken down by ethnic group, a stark pattern emerges. According to the new NAS report, white and Asian students score alongside the highest scores in the world, ranking as equals to fourth-graders in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan — while African-American students produce math scores closer to fourth-graders in the Ukraine or the Republic of Georgia".

  55. Juan Dumas10:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    So California Blacks and Latinos are smarter than Mississippi whites?


    You really don't understand the difference, do you?

    And they trust you with a bus?

  56. Diversity Kills10:44 PM

    "On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students."

    Also, standards are being lowered for minorities accross the board. Even with lower standards, minorities still struggle.

  57. "I'm sorry PilotX, are you saying Black or Hispanic students anywhere do not perform signifcantly below their white peers?"

    Some do some don't. If you're implying that whites are somehow
    genetically more intelligent than people of color then it stands to reason that the whiter a state the better the test scores but as I have clearly demonstrated that is not the case. The worst Black student in a blue state would outperform a red neck from Mississippi, I mean if they even finish school as 60% of them don't. Sad. No wonder Misssissippi votes Republican so loyally, they're fucking idiots.

  58. Anonymous10:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    OK let's do it your way. 93% white population which tells me the test scores in a really white state should be outstanding right?

    "Mississippi 40% white graduation rate, 23% blacks."

    So your point is in Mississippi only 40% of whites are smart enough to finish high school? Actually I'm impressed. No wonder those scores in Mississippi are so great, those brilliant white students. So being a college graduate myself does that mean I'm smarter than at least 60% of Mississippi's white population? Better yet I'm from Illinois which was ranked 11th I think. I'd be a fucking genius in any trailer park in Mississippi and/or West Virginia. Keep the stats coming Sparky, they are very interesting.

    Well thats a very self serving strange way to look at it but whatever makes your little boat float; go for it. I didnt know this was all about you, but if you say so. Do you feel better comparing yourself to a fictional trailer park inhabitant and that you bested them with a college degree? You are pretty easy to please.

  59. PilotX can't spell10:50 PM

    red neck? Redneck is one word. Are field negros really this dumb?

  60. "Georgia to remind you as you said has a 30% to population of Blacks"

    And yet performs better than states with 95% white populations. Interesting.

    "Essentially what you are saying in a twisted way is that whites should be carrying the very high percentage of Black dropouts across the nation and even though performing better in West Virginia then Blacks, they aren't doing what they should."

    If the state virtually has no Black students and is made up of 93% whites they aren't carrying anyone. They should be near the top of all educational rankings. If as you state whites are inherently better at this school thing then logically the whiter the student population the better the test scores right? Or maybe there are a bunch of dumb assed white students in certain states and if that's the case it isn't race it has to be something else. Then again you're probably in that 60% from Mississippi so I don't expect you to follow logic too closely.

  61. Anonymous10:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I'm sorry PilotX, are you saying Black or Hispanic students anywhere do not perform signifcantly below their white peers?"

    Some do some don't. If you're implying that whites are somehow
    genetically more intelligent than people of color then it stands to reason that the whiter a state the better the test scores but as I have clearly demonstrated that is not the case. The worst Black student in a blue state would outperform a red neck from Mississippi, I mean if they even finish school as 60% of them don't. Sad. No wonder Misssissippi votes Republican so loyally, they're fucking idiots.

    Oh god back to politics.

    Really, segregate schools again and take out the hood influence, negative complaints about difficult standards, wasted time dealing with disciplinary problems, wasted time complaining that IQ measurements for placement are racist because minorities score so low, send kids to special ed that in years gone by are borderline retarded and you would see the entire education system for the country jump once again.
    Unfortunately a good number of minorities that do graduate HS still cannot read at a function level past 4th grade and math is beyond them.

  62. "red neck? Redneck is one word. Are field negros really this dumb?"

    Sorry about that Boss Hog. I know how sensitive you cousinfuckers from mississippi are, now is that one word too?
    Thanks for the spelling lesson but I have to get back to flying airplanes and I'll let you get back to sitting in your wheel-less pickup truck sippn' shine. Yee-haw!

  63. Chairman Soetoro10:54 PM

    PilotX said...If you're implying that whites are somehow genetically more intelligent than people of color then it stands to reason that the whiter a state the better the test scores but as I have clearly demonstrated that is not the case.

    Two things: First, I have made no inference as to whether these differences are genetic or cultural or an artifact of history or whatever. I was merely refuting your claim that all American students couldn't compete with students in China or India.

    Second, when you look at all 50 states, there certainly is a positive correlation between the percentage of white students and relative perfomance. That it is not a perfect correlation just confirms that there are other factors at play such as the wealth of the state or how rural it is etc.

    Picking exceptions does not invalidate the rule.

  64. "Unfortunately a good number of minorities that do graduate HS still cannot read at a function level past 4th grade and math is beyond them."

    But yet still function much better than the ignorant white students that drop out and troll Black websites all day.

  65. "Picking exceptions does not invalidate the rule."

    Your right it doesn't but if the "rule" supposition is flawed to begin with what;s the point? Fact is there are a bunch of dumb rural redneck, happy?, hillbillies out there as well as a bunch of smart well rounded Black students. I've wasted enough time here.

  66. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "Unfortunately a good number of minorities that do graduate HS still cannot read at a function level past 4th grade and math is beyond them."

    PilotX is a great example. Just read his post.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. PilotX said...
    "Picking exceptions does not invalidate the rule."

    Your right it doesn't but if the "rule" supposition is flawed to begin with what;s the point


    Yes field negros are really this dumb.

    PilotX isn't smarter than a redneck.

  69. Anonymous11:09 PM

    PilotX, what is the new 'bus'?

    One might be cynical and ask what it the requirement for graduating from a school...particularly any Jeebus skools, homeskools, or football camps.

    Back in the day, the most selective Southern college was considered to be just below the standard of a Yankee middle-level high school.

    Funny how a Mormon, with their long-standing 'love' for AfAms, manages to spew about a wite citee on a hill. And New York has long since treated Trumpie like the 'bridge and tunnel' he is.


  70. Anonymous11:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Georgia to remind you as you said has a 30% to population of Blacks"

    And yet performs better than states with 95% white populations. Interesting.

    "Essentially what you are saying in a twisted way is that whites should be carrying the very high percentage of Black dropouts across the nation and even though performing better in West Virginia then Blacks, they aren't doing what they should."

    If the state virtually has no Black students and is made up of 93% whites they aren't carrying anyone. They should be near the top of all educational rankings. If as you state whites are inherently better at this school thing then logically the whiter the student population the better the test scores right? Or maybe there are a bunch of dumb assed white students in certain states and if that's the case it isn't race it has to be something else. Then again you're probably in that 60% from Mississippi so I don't expect you to follow logic too closely.

    Heh; sure that was good. Well first of all what you are trying to compare in your words and ideas not mine. Is the best black students perhaps with the worst white. When in fact we are talking about national averages and spin that any way you like, blacks dropout at a much higher percentage and are tested at much lower grade levels than all other races in each and every state of the country. Not one, not some, not a few, all of them. Now, give that a spin and if it goes real fast - try sitting on it.

  71. Anonymous11:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Unfortunately a good number of minorities that do graduate HS still cannot read at a function level past 4th grade and math is beyond them."

    But yet still function much better than the ignorant white students that drop out and troll Black websites all day.

    yeah ok, proof you are just a mindless dick. When it gets tough start acting like the asshole you are. Never fails. You should stick with areas in social sciences, Stem categories are hard facts, while what you seem to deal with is touchy feely emotional exceptions.

    Are you doubting these facts? Do you challenge and deny them as unscientific? Looking at your critical thinking skills, I dont think I would ask you to help my kid with his advanced calculus or business classes and he is in 9th grade.

  72. I've always thought that immigrant and 1st generation Americans are the most "American" Americans among us. It takes something unique, a self selective boldness, to leave the familiar and make a life in a strange and distant land. Even in the largest scale migrations in history, vast majorities of people just stayed put. The act of coming here, bringing all of their potential with them, it Americanizes people; sorts them from the rest of humanity; makes them into someone new. Our success has always depended on them; and we've always pretended it was the other way around.

  73. Anonymous12:06 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Do you know there are only 1.8 million people total in West Virginia?"

    Not the point. If you are suggesting white students perform better and scores will rise with mostly white students represented the number of students should not matter. If whites are inherently smart WV's scores should be near the top right? And notice a state like Georgia with 30% Black population STILL beats West Virginia with less than 5% population. Have you thought this whole racism thing through? You seem as dumb as Slappz.

    Well, by genetic defect, disease or injury, you could always take a person with the brain of a genius and turn him into a dummy....but there is no way you can take a person with the brain of a dummy and turn him into a genius.

  74. Anonymous12:07 AM

    field negro said...
    "But as Nancy Brinker, founder and CEO of Komen foundation, says in a video, Komen came out with a new set of standards this year designed to free up dollars for "higher impact programs."

    Riiiight. And I have a slightly used bell from philly to sell you. It has a slight crack on the side.

    And blood stains right in front of it from the last time someone non black walked in public trying to get a cab.

  75. Anonymous12:12 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I'm sorry PilotX, are you saying Black or Hispanic students anywhere do not perform signifcantly below their white peers?"

    Some do some don't. If you're implying that whites are somehow
    genetically more intelligent than people of color then it stands to reason that the whiter a state the better the test scores but as I have clearly demonstrated that is not the case. The worst Black student in a blue state would outperform a red neck from Mississippi, I mean if they even finish school as 60% of them don't. Sad. No wonder Misssissippi votes Republican so loyally, they're fucking idiots.

    No, the Best Black Student in a blue state might outperform the Worst white student. Then you go back to politics, as my chinese friend just said to someone like you today "you like a lightbulb wai so dim"?"

  76. Anonymous12:17 AM

    PilotX said...
    "red neck? Redneck is one word. Are field negros really this dumb?"

    Sorry about that Boss Hog. I know how sensitive you cousinfuckers from mississippi are, now is that one word too?
    Thanks for the spelling lesson but I have to get back to flying airplanes and I'll let you get back to sitting in your wheel-less pickup truck sippn' shine. Yee-haw!
    See now your intelligence is in question. Obviously he had valid points and was not a guy who sits in a wheel-less pick up truck, nor was he little wayne or Al Sharpton who can barely grasp the english language and cant leave a tip because his pants are sagging and he cant add.

    For all you know he might just have invested and own shares of UA so while you are working for him the dividends allow him to still earn money and continue to improve his mind.

  77. Anonymous1:05 AM

    PilotX, I wish you would shut up, you're making us look bad.

  78. Anonymous1:08 AM

    dear Field, thanks for the global history lesson, but what does it have to do with us Blacks down in the ghetto? Are you subtly saying "you Negroes are toast?"

  79. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Did anybody know that this is Black History month? Field, did you know? Of course, you are Jamaican so what do you care?

  80. Anonymous1:56 AM

    The word fu is strong in Pilot X tonight, thinks I do.

    The Fool-

  81. Speaking of "troll alert", the sidebar should read "stalking, racist, on a progressive black blog 24/7", troll alert.

    I think it's presence here is a testimony to the fact that stalking and being a racist jerk is the ONLY thing it does better than ANY black person posting here.

    Happy Friday everyone!

  82. All about

  83. PilotX said...
    Thanks for the spelling lesson but I have to get back to flying airplanes

    The only planes pilotx will be flying are the ones he buys at toyland.

  84. Diversity Kills7:52 AM

    Its racist black history month!! Its time to debunk some of the myths that are spread by blacks and white liberals this time of year.

    No blacks did not invent peanut butter.This is the oldest black history myth in America.

    Black history mythologists are now claiming that black people invented the potato chip. Saw a recent story on tv saying such.

    No, my dear, black people did not create potato chips.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Speaking of "troll alert", the sidebar should read "stalking, racist, on a progressive black blog 24/7", troll alert.

    I think it's presence here is a testimony to the fact that stalking and being a racist jerk is the ONLY thing it does better than ANY black person posting here.

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Why look a living example of someone claiming they are educated for over 30 years yet still thinks electricity is "lights". "I'm gone pay my light bill".

  87. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Unemployment at 15.1% yet Obama admin massages data to make it look like it has reduced to 8.3%

    From Zero Hedge

    "A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

    Great news from today's BLS report, right (when one excludes that record 1.2 million explosion in people out of the labor force of course)? Wrong. As is well known banks have been firing workers left and right: these are the jobs that actually matter in the grand withholding taxes scheme of things. Yet someone is getting hired supposedly. Well, as we suggested before the NFP report, this is merely rotation from high paying jobs to "low-wage jobs." And no, it's not our words - this is what CRT Capital says. Per Bloomberg: About 113k of NFP gain from “low wage jobs,” David Ader, strategist at CRT Capital Group, writes in note. Additionally, “we didn’t see the drop in courier and messengers as expected - but suspect we will." Moreover, ‘‘long-term stress remains at the U6 measure at 15.1% is still high, but likely falling due to people leaving labor force, and duration on unemployment remains over 40 weeks." But yes, it is an election year, so by November expect the labor participation rate to be under 60% and the unemployment rate to drop to under 6%, or some other propaganda BS

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Anonymous11:14 AM

    AB, it is amazing how Obama cronies since day one have been unreal with the level of stupidity and manipulation. Jobs created for sectors that didnt exist, then jobs created or saved...all BS. They really do think Americans are totally stupid and that you can lie away reality. From the same source. This is why Obama has to go. Having no solutions nothing will change, they just lie about it.

    "the real unemployment rate actually rose in January to 11.5%. Compare that with the BLS reported decline from 8.5% to 8.3%. It also means that the spread between the reported and implied unemployment rate just soared to a fresh 30 year high of 3.2%."

    Sick of the BLS propaganda? Then do the following calculation with us: using BLS data, the US civilian non-institutional population was 242,269 in January, an increase of 1.7 million month over month: apply the long-term average labor force participation rate of 65.8% to this number (because as chart 2 below shows, people are not retiring as the popular propaganda goes: in fact labor participation in those aged 55 and over has been soaring as more and more old people have to work overtime, forget retiring), and you get 159.4 million: that is what the real labor force should be. The BLS reported one? 154.4 million: a tiny 5 million difference. Then add these people who the BLS is purposefully ignoring yet who most certainly are in dire need of labor and/or a job to the 12.758 million reported unemployed by the BLS and you get 17.776 million in real unemployed workers. What does this mean? That using just the BLS denominator in calculating the unemployed rate of 154.4 million, the real unemployment rate actually rose in January to 11.5%. Compare that with the BLS reported decline from 8.5% to 8.3%. It also means that the spread between the reported and implied unemployment rate just soared to a fresh 30 year high of 3.2%. And that is how with a calculator and just one minute of math, one strips away countless hours of BLS propaganda.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Speaking of "troll alert", the sidebar should read "stalking, racist, on a progressive black blog 24/7", troll alert.

    I think it's presence here is a testimony to the fact that stalking and being a racist jerk is the ONLY thing it does better than ANY black person posting here.

    Happy Friday everyone!

    u r one stoopid dumb shit stain hunney! cante u do anything other then to haunt this blog wit ur dumb interjections of vapidity? u r a gottdam disgrace u wannabe dawktaw who wonte neva be!

  94. Anonymous11:32 AM

    these racist broke black hobama nazi fools are akin to the germans who hated those who refused to love/excuse hitler and his death camps as they did
    kuntlick banks

    gosh kuntlick hows that250iq treatin ya? done anything worthwhile the last few years? u r jess as bad as ur alter ego da hoochie mama fish stick hot dog water smelling gerbil anus lickin wannabe dawktaw ya dummies!

  95. anon:


    what is even MORE offensive to me than hobama's blatant lies

    are the blind sheeple who dare to hate those like us who refuse to believe his serial global lies as they do

    these racist broke black hobama nazi fools are akin to the germans who hated those who refused to love/excuse hitler and his death camps as they did

    and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is


  96. Anonymous11:34 AM

    alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!

  97. vdlr:

    why so mute u filthy fertile fool?

    i prefer your blog kkkop mum u dizzy bitch


  98. Anonymous11:35 AM

    kuntlick banks is talkin to herself again and the blog admin delete her and her alias posts and she talkin to something thats been deleted already dummy! dummy dummy dummy kuntlickin imbecile!

    alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!

  99. Anonymous11:35 AM

    alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!alicia banks is a dummass
    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is crazy
    alicia banks is a LIAR
    alicia banks is not a scholar
    kuntlick buceta breaf banks is nothing it is a stain on humanity!

    wannabe dawktaw da queefkim aint no dawktaw wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef lax the abilities to be a dawktaw she need to get that weave titened up and wash her ass out! nasty disgusting filthy allycat hoochie!

  100. when the resident tourette's syndromed pig vdlr squeals in stereo...

    i know my posts are BBQ grill hot


  101. Anonymous11:38 AM

    and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!

  102. hey anon:

    what will hobama have to do to make this psycho sow squeal so??????

    pray tell

  103. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Field, "I do notice that the more racist A-merry-ca gets the poorer and dumber we get."

    I am assuming that you are referring to the materialistic aspect of the secular world. However, racism in America is much more than being poor and ignorant.

    It is a spiritual disease which no human power can relieve humanity of. Racists get educated at the highest levels of academia but they only become 'educated' racists. The theory of the "Bell Curve" is a fine example of an educated racist person's views about Blacks.

    I am an executive at a leading corporation where degrees from the best Universities are common and I know from experience that racial prejudice abounds in the company.

    Racism began when humans first walked the earth and it has nothing to do with being educated or IQ. It has to do with the character of heart that is guiding the mind.

  104. hey scared cowardly sow vdlr

    i hear the fear in your squeals!!!!
    nostradamus predicted that "mabus/bragamas"/hobama would begin wwiii

    the undying amoral adoration of that BLOODY ruthless beloved blackish LIAR hobama
    (amazingly evinced MORE herein each day even as hobama worsens!!!)

    is sobering proof that most hobama nazi sheeple are blind and doomed

    may god bless us all...

    Bragamas" sounds a lot like "Barack Obama" to me, and keeps the themes set in Nostradamus works (Hister=Hitler, etc.) pretty well. That business about twisted language definitely sounds like him, and since Bragamas was a term for a mercenary, that hits the mark too. This president came to power with fancy speeches about freedom and ending wars, and did the opposite. Instead of ending the wars, he extended them and added more.

  105. Anonymous12:06 PM

    when the resident tourette's syndromed pig vdlr squeals in stereo...

    i know my posts are BBQ grill hot

    yay!!!kuntlick banks

    fake ego having kuntlicker who lies about how smart she is who claimerates to be the smartest person on the planet!

  106. Anonymous12:07 PM

    and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!and all the dizzy bimbo bitches who see ONLY hobama's DL swagger but NEVER his genocide/wars/lies...they covet him as a baby deddy/hubby rather than the global thug whom he really is
    kuntlick banks

    translation obama makes me realize how i could never get a man which is why i am a karpetmunchin moron i will say mean things about him cuz i never had a chance so will over compensate by talkin mess bout him each and erry day it willtake up hours of my time...............dummies!

  107. the truth about hobama's fuzzy math/LYING job stats:

    A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

  108. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Adam Ovary12:24 PM

    alicia banks said...
    no word on hobama's ndaa and hobama's newest war in iran????

    Obama won't bomb Iran unless he's down in the polls this summer.

  114. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Real unemployment rate rises to 11.01 percent, underemployed to 17.6 percent


  115. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  116. "Snooki is America to you? I guess you are a little Wayne fan. Difference I think is I readily say snooky is a joke and an airhead. I bet many would defend wittle wayne and say someone is racist if they highlighted his impact on Black Culture."

    That's the thing. White Americans can claim Snooki is only a mere aberation of white American culture. If she was black, she'd be a sterling indictment of the ills of black American culture, just as some people purport Lil' Wayne and other so-called "rappers" to be. Gotta love America and its double standards.

    "Um, the large number of ignorant red neck hillbillies doesn't help the numbers. Well if white kids bring test scores up then West Virginia should lead the nation because it's 96% white. Must be the bastion of educational brilliance right? Let's see."

    Forget it, PilotX. These people genuinely believe that the more melanin you have in your skin, the less intelligent you have to be. It's in your genes, after all!

    You gotta love seeing the remnants of social engineering and brainwashing at work. Their forefathers were taught to think of blacks as inherently inferior and generations later, they're following suit. Seeing blacks as their natural inferiors does wonders to keep the white American psyche from eating a gun or wrapping a rope around its neck.

    "So your point is in Mississippi only 40% of whites are smart enough to finish high school? Actually I'm impressed. No wonder those scores in Mississippi are so great, those brilliant white students"

    The point was that no matter how dumb those poor white folk are, the Negro will always remain dumber. That's what those folks tell themselves so they won't recognize what failures they really are and off themselves out of sheer, utter depression.

    If supposed black inferiority is the problem, then shouldn't taking blacks out of the equation raise white graduation rates, test scores, etc.? Funny how many of the whitest places in the U.S. offer middling test scores and graduation rates. I guess they must have a nigger hiding in a woodpile somewhere.

    Racial purity is for inbreds and mental defectives who rely on bigotry and racially-motivated propaganda to maintain their self-esteem. It's something the rest of the nation can do without.

    "Why look a living example of someone claiming they are educated for over 30 years yet still thinks electricity is "lights". "I'm gone pay my light bill".

    Well, looks like the trolls have run out of ammo, judging by this and how the trolling has now shifted to schitzophrenic AB-bashing.

  117. WiseFather12:42 PM

    American Exceptionalism is the puffery used to excuse misadventure abroad and inaction at home. In a recent blog post I analyze the American Exceptionalism concept and contrast it with a healthy patriotism that could help unite the public against those few who are ruining America.

  118. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Wow!! These comments get really vile and nasty as they progress. I had no idea. And just for the record, the force is very, very strong in AB. Anybody with an ounce of sense would leave her alone.

    AB, baby girl, you were outmatched and outgunned, but I have to give you this one. Well done.

    The Fool-

  119. anon:

    no true warrior is ever felled



    enuf mice can slay any lion

    and i am a lioness

    whom shall i fear among mangy mice like the vdlr

  120. i fear no one...especially no brainless racist illiterate adoring hobama nazis!!!

    that includes that global warmongering elitist NDAA rat hobama and his adoring mice like the vdlr.

  121. Anonymous12:55 PM

    enuf mice can slay any lion

    and i am a lioness

    whom shall i fear among mangy mice like the vdlr kuntlick banks

    u r a loser ure almost fifty years old and act like a gottdam lunatic all this anon needed to do was to post something taking a few minutes of down tme and u go off like the chicken head u really r and act a gottdam fool u ought to be ashamed ofurself ya idgit kuntlicker!

  122. i fear no one...especially no brainless racist illiterate adoring hobama nazis!!!

    that includes that global warmongering elitist NDAA rat hobama and his adoring mice like the vdlr.

  123. no slappz12:57 PM

    Asian-American Claims Harvard, Princeton Denied Admission Based On Race

    02/ 2/2012

    The U.S. Education Department's Office of Civil Rights is investigating Harvard and Princeton after receiving a complaint from an Indian-American student last August claiming that both Ivy League universities discriminated against him during the college admissions process because he was Asian, according to a report published today on Bloomberg's website.

    A spokesman for the Office of Civil Rights told the Washington Post the complaint was "accepted for investigation" on Jan. 11 under allegations of "discrimination against Asian-Americans on the basis of race/national origin with respect to the university's admissions process."

    The student, whose named has not been released, filed complaints against Harvard and Princeton after being rejected by both universities last year, according to Bloomberg. His father told the paper that his son was among the top students in his California high school's graduating class.

    The same student also filed a complaint against Yale, but later withdrew the allegation.

    Jeff Neal, a spokesman for Harvard, told Bloomberg the school could not comment the pending investigations but that the school "does not discriminate against Asian-American applicants."

    For the 2010-2011 academic year, 16 percent of Harvard undergraduates were Asian, according to Harvard's website.

    A spokesman for Princeton, where Asian students comprise nearly 18 percent of the undergraduate student body, also denied the allegations.

    It's not the first time Ivy League universities have been the subject of discrimination complaints filed by Asian Americans students.

    Both Bloomberg and the Washington Post noted a high-profile case from 2006 in which Jian Li, a Chinese American student who has perfect scores on the SAT and a number of AP subject tests, filed a complaint against Princeton University alleging the school rejected him because of his race.

    Despite schools' claims that they do not discriminate applicants on the basis of race, a number of studies have suggested that Asian students do in fact face harsher standards for college admission than peers of different races.

    For his 1997 book "No Longer Separate, But Equal," Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade reviewed admissions data from 10 elite colleges and found that, on average, Asian applicants needed to score 140 points higher on standardized test than white students to compete for the same spot...

  124. no slappz12:57 PM

    ...Admissions counselors at elite colleges have also confirmed that Asians face a tougher time during college admissions.

    Writing for the Boston Globe, Kara Miller shared her experience working as a reader for Yale's Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

    ...It became immediately clear to me that Asians - who constitute 5 percent of the US population - faced an uphill slog. They tended to get excellent scores, take advantage of AP offerings, and shine in extracurricular activities. Frequently, they also had hard-knock stories: families that had immigrated to America under difficult circumstances, parents working as kitchen assistants and store clerks, and households in which no English was spoken.

    But would Yale be willing to make 50 percent of its freshman class Asian? Probably not....

    As a result, many Asian students applying to elite universities are choosing not to identify their race on college applications, according to the Associated Press.

    "As someone who was applying with relatively strong scores, I didn't want to be grouped into that stereotype," Amalia Halikias, a Yale Freshman whose mother is Asian, told the AP. "I didn't want to be written off as one of the 1.4 billion Asians that were applying."

    Not surprisingly, there is a much higher percentage of Asians students at schools that can't consider race in admissions, like public California universities, which are legally prohibited from considering race in admissions. At the University of California Berkeley, for example, 40 percent of undergraduate students are Asian, according to the AP.

    "[Top colleges] could fill their entire freshman class twice over with qualified Asian students or white students or valedictorians," Rosita Fernandez-Rojo, a former college admissions officer who is now director of college counseling at Rye Country Day School outside of New York City, told the AP.

  125. hey vdlr:

    your tragic psychoses are turbo breeding like your overly worn womb.


    are u actually now claiming i am erasing the posts u erase?????

    now that is rich.
    as rich as the hood rich drug drones who buy your henny and hair.



  126. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Snooki is America to you? I guess you are a little Wayne fan. Difference I think is I readily say snooky is a joke and an airhead. I bet many would defend wittle wayne and say someone is racist if they highlighted his impact on Black Culture."

    That's the thing. White Americans can claim Snooki is only a mere aberation of white American culture. If she was black, she'd be a sterling indictment of the ills of black American culture, just as some people purport Lil' Wayne and other so-called "rappers" to be. Gotta love America and its double standards.

    No, you are asking for a double standard. Are you trying to say that blacks haven't adopted the rap, saggin and thuggin speak culture wholescale? How many snookies do you see on the street? How many little waynes saggin do you see? White culture rejects snooki as a joke, black culture embraces saggin and rap and defends it with charges of racism should anyone object to things such as asking black men to pull up their pants and hide their ass butter.

    As for the rest of your comments, did you work on Obamas' unemployment report? Damn what a bunch of disconnected "feelings"

  127. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  128. no slappz1:10 PM

    dummy pilot xyz says:

    We invested in science and engineering after Sputnik but our generation just accepted American dominance as a birthright. This arrogance has allowed dumbasses try to dumbdown science by infusing it with superstition...

    It wasn't Sputnik, despite the ignorant claims of Obama.

    It's remarkable how easily fooled you are.

    Engineering has been a strong point in the US since the founding of the nation, but things picked up a lot of steam in the late 1800s with Fulton and Edison, Steinmetz, Vance, and the unknowns in the research departments of Dupont, IBM, Westinghouse, GE, GM, MMM, Union Carbide, ATT, and a long, long list of others.

    Now we're seeing it again in the world of the Internet.

    Facebook will likely go public with a valuation of $100 BILLION.

    Sputnik had nothing to do with it. In fact, in case you haven't noticed, human space travel is now just a subject of conversation. No one's actually going to the Moon, and the Space Shuttle program is winding down.

    Moreover, American Airlines is about to lay off 13,000 employees.

  129. Anonymous1:14 PM

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  130. Anonymous1:14 PM


  131. Anonymous1:14 PM

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  132. Anonymous1:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  133. Anonymous1:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  134. Anonymous1:17 PM

    i went to an intergrated school in the 50's and 60's and negro scores &drop rates were the same as white negroes what has happened to negroes to bring about such a large change in school scores?i think it is welfare that has destroyed negroes because it encourages the stupidist to breed more stupid.take a look at prison inmates and they all have one thing in common,welfare.

  135. what must hobama do to make this pig the vdlr squeal as i do???


    pray tell


    unlicked unglued uneducated unsung unloved unprepared vdlr:

    your psychotic projections/psycho self disclosures are looping again

    you are beginning to post like hobama lies...TRANSPARENTLY & STUPIDLY!!!

    tmi u trifling triply illiterate troll!!!


  136. no slappz1:21 PM

    field fibrillates:

    No. Actually, were it not for minorities and foreigners, most of the grad school would be empty.

    Minorities and foreigners fill our grad schools?

    Only a ding-dong like field could claim that asians are a minority. Of course, in the US only 5% of the population is asian. But inasmuch as top universities accept students from everywhere on the planet, the percentage of asians in the US has much less meaning.

    Then there's the issue of what those minorities and foreigners are studying in grad school.

    We know the asians are studying science and engineering. Many are also studying business -- getting MBAs. Other foreigners are also studying business.

    What are blacks studying in grad school? Sociology. That's about it.

    And remarkbaly, after all the years of studying and researching of black life, with an eye on trying to improve black life, blacks are still crying that not enough has been done for them.

    Will there ever be anything called a Sputnik Moment for blacks?

  137. wow

    is this hobama's urban jobs program???

    is this his ONLY black mongrel agenda???,0,7381514.story

  138. Anonymous1:26 PM

    alicia banks said...
    unlicked unglued uneducated unsung unloved unprepared vdlr:

    your psychotic projections/psycho self disclosures are looping again

    you are beginning to post like hobama lies...TRANSPARENTLY & STUPIDLY!!!

    It's uptown Steve/Mold heeeeeeeeessss in his cuckoo mode

  139. no slappz1:29 PM

    Fareed writes:

    Twenty years ago Turkey was a fragile democracy, dominated by its army, that had a weak economy constantly in need of Western bailouts.

    Today, Turkey has a trillion-dollar economy that grew 6.6 percent last year.

    Since April 2009, Turkey has created 3.4 million jobs — more than the European Union, Russia and South Africa put together.

    That might explain Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s confidence and his country’s energetic foreign policy.

    Turkey is moving toward Islamic fundamentalism, as are Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

    Hence, Turkey will soon bump into the limits that Islam imposes on economic growth.

    That's too bad for Turkey, and the world loses out too, but that's how Islam works. It doesn't tolerate the economic elements that are required for growth in the advanced world.

  140. the vdlr is a crazy cheesy hobama cheeseburger choking bimbo!!!

    kudos to dr. watkins!!!!

    The pending re-election of Barack Obama has put Black voters in a quandary. While many would agree that conditions have worsened for the Black community under Obama, the Republican Party provides no reasonable alternatives. In many cases, Black people have become the political orphans of America:
    You can either live with the parents who abuse you or live with the child molester down the street. While one fate is clearly worse than the other, there is no end to the pain in sight.
    It is actually logical for the Obama Administration to keep Black voters on the back-burner. When a group gives you 91 percent approval and asks for nothing in return, there is almost no political incentive to do anything for them. This calculation likely played a role in the statement that the “rising tide will lift all boats” made three years ago, when the president was asked about inequality in wealth and unemployment. The “lift all boats” policy was a clear and miserable failure, for most economic experts can tell you that racial inequality is not going to fix itself without targeted economic policy.
    The implicit African American slogan for the Democratic Party is “You should just stop complaining, because the Republicans are even worse than we are.” The threat of political punishment is clearly enough to secure the Black vote without doing a thing. But at the same time, the Black political orphans of America do have a choice. WEB Dubois, when faced with few quality political options 50 years ago, simply said that he refused to vote at all. Rather than behaving like a teenage girl who shares her body with the first man who buys her a cheeseburger, Dubois advocated for the idea that we save our votes for politicians who have truly worked to earn them.

  141. Chairman Soetoro1:32 PM

    Mack Lyons said.....
    Seeing blacks as their natural inferiors does wonders to keep the white American psyche from eating a gun or wrapping a rope around its neck.

    Um, actually not, Mack. I do not see blacks as 'inferiors', nor am struggling not to kill myself.

    If supposed black inferiority is the problem, then shouldn't taking blacks out of the equation raise white graduation rates, test scores, etc.? Funny how many of the whitest places in the U.S. offer middling test scores and graduation rates. I guess they must have a nigger hiding in a woodpile somewhere....Racial purity is for inbreds and mental defectives who rely on bigotry and racially-motivated propaganda to maintain their self-esteem. It's something the rest of the nation can do without.

    Social engineering is something we could do without. I think the whole American public school system revolves around racially-motivated propaganda to maintain the self-esteem of black students. How's that working out?

    For whatever reason, black kids are not doing near as well as white kids in school. I am sick of being implicitly blamed for this. This endless hand wringing over educational rankings and the 'achievement gap' has not lead to the slightest improvement in results.

    If race doesn't matter, then stop compiling academic and income statisitics by race.

    We need to wake up and stop trying to enforce a wrong-headed notion of racial equality on society, one where all groups are represented in all areas perfectly equally. Well, not all areas - Nobody thinks there's a problem with the NBA due to lack of diversity of players.

    News Flash: Different concentrations of particular talents are found in differing amounts in different human populations.

    This means nothing when evaluating the talents of individuals. Yao Ming is a better basketball player than Neil Degrasse Tyson. Neil is better at math than Yao.

    But experience tells us that more NBA players will look like Neil, and more physics PhD's will look like Yao.

    Trying to force that reality to change is inefficient, unjust, and counterproductive. And focussing on group outcomes forces individuals to conform to the expectations for that group.

    Everyone should have equal rights and opportunities to succeed, not equal outcomes.

    Affirmative action = official admission of black inferiorty. If blacks are not inferior, then AA is not needed.

    Working to to reduce the 'achievement gap' = official admission of black inferiorty. If blacks are not inferior, then we should stop comparing achievement levels by group and instead focus on the achievement level of each individual student.

    and one last thing. There are a lot more Lil' Waynes out there causing problems than there are Snookis. Snooki isn't playing Knockout King or killing cab drivers or flash robbing businesses. If I were you, I'd want to drop the whole group comparison issue.

  142. no slappz1:36 PM

    smack-my-head-lyings said:

    Forget it, PilotX. These people genuinely believe that the more melanin you have in your skin, the less intelligent you have to be. It's in your genes, after all!

    By any measure you can provide, it's clear that blacks have contributed virtually nothing to science, engineering, product development, invention or business innovation.

    If the truth were different, Africa would have some prosperous nations in it. But all are abysmal, abjectly poor, riven with disease and sunk by violence.

    Nigeria, with all its oil, should be the Norway of Africa. But it's a sewer.

  143. Anonymous1:39 PM

    According to the time stamp, the last comment was at 1:14 PM as I type this. As I see it, when the argument has to devolve into profanity and multiple postings of the same comment in the comments sections, then that means that YOU have lost the argument. You are out of ammo, your gun has jammed or exploded in your face. Multiple comments mean you are reduced to throwing rocks. You are left with a knife at a gun fight.

    Sorry guys, but AB has held the fort and repelled the enemy. The least you could do is give her the credit she is due. There is such a thing as respecting your opponent and she did it all by her lonesome.

    If you are the highly intelligent humanoids you present yourselves as, you would acknowledge this, otherwise, you fall into the category of your garden variety Internet stalker. I'm just sayn'

    AB. The force is strong within you.

    The Fool-

  144. And note when mold stop posting, so did AB'S stalker. When mold comes back, so does AB's stalker.

  145. The lower half of a certain racial group may not contribute much to American civilization, but they sure are creative with their names. The Seattle Times reports:

    Man, who was kicked by a cop in Seattle, guilty in gun case

    The 18-year-old man who was seen on video being kicked by a Seattle police officer after an alleged robbery in 2010 was found guilty Thursday of unlawful possession of a firearm in an unrelated case.

    D’Vontaveous Hoston faces 15 to 27 months in prison when he is sentenced on March 2.

    The conviction stems from an incident July 22 when King County sheriff’s deputies saw a group of nearly a dozen males gathered near Third Avenue and Pike Street in Seattle. Deputies noted that two males were fighting in the center of the group, according to charging documents.

    The fight quickly broke up, but witnesses told deputies that one of the participants appeared to have a gun.

    Deputies said they found Hoston nearby and he matched the description provided by witnesses. Deputies found a loaded pistol in Hoston’s waistband, charging documents said.

    According to the charges, Hoston told officers he carried a gun to protect himself from police.…

  146. Anonymous2:06 PM

    testing 1,2,twee

  147. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The Pretender said...
    And note when mold stop posting, so did AB'S stalker. When mold comes back, so does AB's stalker.

    and Notice that Steve will be posting shortly. Watch, even reading this he will. Co-ink-kee-dink - I dink not. Im' gone go gets me some skrimp.

  148. WellBlowMeDown2:14 PM

    Did a top Liberal arts college falsify SAT scores to legitimize racial preferences?

    Claremont McKenna College, a private liberal arts college in Los Angeles, has earned international infamy for fraudulently misreporting its SAT scores to game the U.S. News & World Report rankings. Richard Vos, dean of admissions since 1987, resigned in disgrace Monday, starting a nationwide debate about the role of SATs in higher education and the integrity of Claremont’s admission process. But absent from any analysis is this: Vos began falsifying SAT scores in 2005, right around the time Claremont began to institutionalize racial preferences. An investigation of the data since released suggests that Claremont manipulated the school’s scores to cover up admittance of under-qualified minority students.

  149. Anonymous2:26 PM


  150. Bad news wingnuts from YOUR favorite newspaper The Daily Mail.

    "Right-wingers tend to be less intelligent than left-wingers, and people with low childhood intelligence tend to grow up to have racist and anti-gay views, says a controversial new study.
    Conservative politics work almost as a 'gateway' into prejudice against others, say the Canadian academics.
    The paper analysed large UK studies which compared childhood intelligence with political views in adulthood across more than 15,000 people.
    The authors claim that people with low intelligence gravitate towards right-wing views because they make them feel safe.

  151. Anonymous2:43 PM


  152. WhyDoLiberalsLieSoMuch2:54 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Bad news wingnuts from YOUR favorite newspaper The Daily Mail.

    It is the same idiotic study you phony. Or are you just dumb? You didnt even read it or cannot understand it obviously. This study actually highlights the intellectual inferiority of liberals.

    Yes asking questions such as "schools should teach children to obey authority" and Being single provided more time to find out about yourself" tells you who is conservative or liberal.

    It was tripe written by a clearly liberal deficient mind who after reading her capabilities makes you wonder how she just got her BA.


    It is a textbook example of confused data, unrecognized bias, and ignorance of statistics.

    How did they prove that idiots and conservatives are racists? They gathered two large data sets from the UK, one started in 1958 (NCDS), the other in 1970 (BCS); about 16,000 individuals in total, roughly equal numbers of males and females. The quizzed the groups when they reached 11 and 10 years old on their “intelligence”; they then came back to these individuals when they were 33 and 30 and asked them about their “socially conservative ideology and racism.”

    The authors do not say how many people they used in their analysis; how many individuals were lost in the 20 years between surveys is not noted in their paper. My read of the NCDS website (pdf) makes the loss about 30%. That leaves about 11,000.

    Intelligence was defined in one database as scoring well on matching the similarity between 40 pairs of words, and on matching the similarity of between 40 pairs of shapes and symbols. On the other database, this changed to drawing 28 missing shapes, recalling digits from 34 number series, identifying the definitions of 37 words, and “generating words that are semantically consistent with presented words” 42 times.

    Thus the two samples measure similar but different abilities. The NCDS (pdf) also had available the Peabody Individual Achievement Test Math and Reading sub-scales which were not used as intelligence measures. Why?

  153. TruthIsAntiLiberal3:00 PM

    Purple Cow , in the middle of the night bumps into the door not being able to tell his ass from his elbow. Breaks all the lightbulbs and ties and blindfolds his companion. Then says, see I always said you were blind. No, not quite the same thing. We know if the blindfold is removed and a new bulb is installed we can see. You will however remain with the same abilities you were born with.

  154. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Dear Mr. A.Nonymous- @1:15PM

    Alicia Banks has over- loaded your madulla oblongata. Your are suffering a mental breakdown. Please seek help immediately! This is a symptom common in hairless monkeys.

    My previous comment did not get through. I hope this one does for your own good. Please. Seek help now. We here at Field Negro want you back in good health.


    the Fool-

  155. The Purple Cow said...
    Bad news wingnuts from YOUR favorite newspaper The Daily Mail.

    The question of whether you have to be dumb to equate conservative principles with “prejudice” was probably not addressed.

    Although it may seem like parody, this is actually what passes for scientific research in the hyperpoliticized environment of liberal academia

    Thanks to the tireless efforts of leftist scholars, you get to feel smug about how bright you are for conforming to sophomoric liberal ideology. Congratulations, you genius of a cow you.

  156. unlicked deddyless manless vdlr:

    your lust for that blackish hetish dl hobama and his babies has nothing to do with me

    only sexless bimbos like you mix politics and penis
    that is why that dick hobama has blinded u black mongrels

    i can speak safely for all fellow lesbians too:


    fyi u fertile filthy fool

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Iran’s Supreme Leader Says He May Release Love Letter Sent To Him By Obama…

    Should be interesting.

  159. anon:


    vdlr = molded = blog kkkop/selective inept net cleaner etc = my own pvt stalker/s = etc....


  160. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  161. @Anonymous 11:43 AM:

    "Racism began when humans first walked the earth and it has nothing to do with being educated or IQ. It has to do with the character of heart that is guiding the mind."

    I agree you 100% +, you nailed it and that is the truth and nothing but the truth!

    Also, this is true as well:

    "Racists get educated at the highest levels of academia but they only become 'educated' racists. The theory of the "Bell Curve" is a fine example of an educated racist person's views about Blacks."

    I used to work for Office of Civil Rights in compliance and some of the stuff that came out those teachers, and higher ups in the educational professions mouth, including their actions, who were supposedly well-educated was hateful, vicious, and just plain down right bigotry and racism in its extreme form.

    Therefore, I definitely and unequivocally agree with you on those two statements of yours.

    So ^5!

    Nevertheless, there is such a thing as an educated fool, and I've met and observed many of them. They give education a bad name.

  162. sow in her own sty vdlr:

    sad u r too filthy to wk for that nasty

  163. Pepper5:53 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Racists get educated at the highest levels of academia but they only become 'educated' racists. The theory of the "Bell Curve" is a fine example of an educated racist person's views about Blacks."

    I used to work for Office of Civil Rights in compliance and some of the stuff that came out those teachers, and higher ups in the educational professions mouth, including their actions, who were supposedly well-educated was hateful, vicious, and just plain down right bigotry and racism in its extreme form

    I think you done slid off of the backside of the Bell Curve, Granny.

    The Central thesis of the "Bell Curve" is irrefutable.

    It figures the government hired a statistical illiterate like you to pass judgment on the work of professionals. "Compliance" with what? Not upsetting fragile egos with the truth?

  164. Sanity5:53 PM

    Alicia Bamks has to be banned.


  165. insanity/vdlr:

    cc that to yourself..NOW!!!!!!!


    sanity has already been banned herein long ago among u hobama nazi cowards and fools


  166. It's another meds-free Friday free for all for Alicia Banks.

    Look at me!

    I'm crazy!

  167. Pepper:

    Thank you for being a good example of an educated fool. I really appreciate it because your comment demonstrates exactly what I said.

    Once again, thank you so much! Maybe, next time you can volunteer and be a good example of an ass too.

  168. no slappz6:53 PM

    An investigation of the data since released suggests that Claremont manipulated the school’s scores to cover up admittance of under-qualified minority students.

    Under-qualified minority students?

    We know those minority students were not asians.

  169. Quote Pepper

    "The Central thesis of the "Bell Curve" is irrefutable."

    Au contraire mon petit ami blanc, it's totally refutable

  170. Pepper7:07 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Maybe, next time you can volunteer and be a good example of an ass too.

    No, that's alright, it looks like you've got that covered.

    Now leave the heavy thinking to the 'educated' please.

  171. Pepper7:14 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Au contraire mon petit ami blanc, it's totally refutable

    Nicholas Lemann? From 1997?

    Sorry my small brown friend, but the 15 years that have passed have only solidified the importance the Bell Curve.

    You should check out Murray's new book. It covers some of the same themes, only this time it leaves blacks out of the picture, beacause, you know, there's nothing than can be said about that situation anymore.

  172. Pepper:

    Calm down, you can quit being my example of an educated fool, now. I've moved on to something else.

    Sorry, but I doubt that anyone can compete or take away your undisputed title of an ass and educated fool. You've definitely earned it!
