Saturday, February 18, 2012

A rousing sendoff and republican skeletons are once again on the loose.

Shout out to CNN for allowing the rest of A-merry-ca to see how you Negroes send your dead home today. You all were sure having church up in Newark, New Jersey. Those Winans are no joke. They might be the best export from Detroit since the automobile. The tributes by Kevin Costner and Tyler Perry were on point, and every song was terrific and from the heart. Bobby, you should have been there.

Oh, and while I am at it, let's go ahead and praise governor Krispy Kreme for doing the right thing for once. I know I am always hard on him, but this is one of those times when I am going to give him credit. The governor took a lot of heat from the general public and wingnuts for having the flags in Jersey flown at half staff after Houston's death, and he stood his ground.

"Why can't we focus on the true Heroes that fight for our country? This is getting ridiculous with the whole flag lowering thing for celebs!" Ray Leichner wrote.

"I get the concept of she was a famous NJ Native but really, I think the idea of flying the flag half-staff for her is going a bit over-board," wrote Karen Preston. "I think it is a shame that the Governor would give this honor to Whitney Houston when there are true heroes that are Native New Jerseyans who have died for our country that do not get the same respect."

Riiiight. Man I love these people in A-merry-ca. I wonder where all this outrage is coming from? Hmmmm. -"Don't say it field, don't you dare say it."- The governor has done this over 42 times before. He did it for Jersey soldiers, entertainers, and a BASKETBALL COACH for crying out loud! Nothing like a little "color arousal" to bring out the outrage in folks.

Finally, the problem with being a preachy [right] wingnut ideologue, is that you can't always practice what you preach. Take, for instance, the case of Paul Babeu. Mr. Babeu belongs to that camp in A-merry-can politics who loathes both immigrants and Gays. And yet.....

"FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) — A sheriff seeking the GOP nomination for an Arizona Congressional seat was forced Saturday to confirm he is gay amid allegations of misconduct made by a man with whom he previously had a relationship.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu on Saturday denied claims he tried to threaten the man, a Mexican immigrant and a former campaign volunteer, with

deportation if their past relationship was made public. The man's allegations were first published Friday in The New Times, a Phoenix alternative weekly magazine.
Babeu, a first-term sheriff who has risen to national prominence with his strong opposition to illegal immigration and smuggling, said the accusations were an attempt to hurt his political career.

He vowed to continue his campaign in Arizona's rural western 4th Congressional District seat, but said he had called presidential candidate Mitt Romney's staff to say he would step down from his post as state campaign co-chair.
"This whole rumor, this whole of idea of who I am in my private life has been shopped around," Babeu told reporters during an hour-long press conference Saturday in front of his sheriff's office. "This was a way, the hook, of how this could be brought out, and to malign and attack a sheriff who does stand for conservative principals, who does enforce the law."

The lawyer for the man, Melissa Weiss-Riner, did not returns calls or emails from The Associated Press on Saturday, but told The New Times that Babeu's attorney and campaign consultant falsely told her client that his visa had expired. Babeu told reporters he believed the man, identified only by his first name Jose, was living in the country legally.

The New Times posted a photo provided by the man of the two embracing. It also posted a cell phone self-portrait of a smiling Babeu in his underwear and another of what appears to be the shirtless sheriff in a bathroom, posted on a gay dating website. The man provided the magazine with photos of himself and Babeu and text messages between the two.

The congressional district where Babeu is seeking election runs from western Arizona through Prescott and south to take in parts of Pinal County south of Phoenix. Its voters are heavily Republican and generally very conservative." [Source]

Fortunately for Flipper, Mr. Babeu will step down from his campaign. I am quite sure that the last thing Flipper needed was the added distraction of a Gay campaign manager who is dating an -alleged- illegal immigrant. Lord knows he has his hands full with Ricky.    



  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Hooray for Gov. Christie. Field, stop calling our Governor Krispy Kreme. Show some damn respect! Our Gov is 10 times the Gov of PA and you know it.

    I wish Gov Christie had run for President. His election for President would be a no-brainer.

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Field, "Shout out to CNN for allowing the rest of A-merry-ca to see how you Negroes send your dead home today. You all were sure having church up in Newark, New Jersey. "

    What do you FN Negroes know about 'having church in Newark' or anywhere else? Most of you are anti-God, anti-religion and anti-Christian.... Get real.

  3. Field, Whitney's homegoing turned out really nice. It was a beautiful services. I wished they would have had an open casket, but I understand and respect the family wishes. Tyler Perry was really good, I think he is missing his calling. Kevin Costner was good too and so was the Winan brothers. I thought that they all did a wonderful job. It was a great, joyful, and lovely celebration.

  4. Yes, it was a wonderful celebration of Whitney's life!!

  5. NSangoma10:24 PM

    Damn field, Bobby Brown hanging out with you, and eating a lot red meat.

    Shit!!, talk about being fatter than a motherfucker.

    You and Bobby Brown get your fat asses into the gym, field.

    And, leave that red meat, bacon grease, and cornbread alone, too.

  6. Anonymous1:00 AM

    As in the movie, "this isn't about you". The family sent off their loved one with the decorum and ritual their faith calls for.
    Nice to watch...and empathize with their loss.

    Sometimes, a Governor has to be an adult. He was correct to have the flags at half-staff.

    What is in the water in AZ? Brewer wags her finger at Obama (sitting US President) as if she was Queen O' BFE and he is a Pullman Porter. Arpaio faces numerous Federal charges...and this Sheriff.


  7. The GOP just needs to come out of the closet and they would be alot nicer.

  8. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Christie went out of his way to deprive gays of their civil rights but he insisted flags fly at half mass for a black drug addict. Yeah, that makes up for things just like if the Gov of Mississippi demanded flags be flown at half mass for a white woman who died through over indulgence yet worked to force blacks to sit at the back of the bus. Um, yeah.

  9. Interestingly, Santorum's Communist relatives in Italy are unhappy about cousin Rick's Conservative politics.

    Apparently many of his aunts and uncles will be "turning in their graves"

    As indeed they should...

  10. "Shit!!, talk about being fatter than a motherfucker.

    You and Bobby Brown get your fat asses into the gym, field."

    You are being blasphemous. I stay in the gym. Willing to take bets on who has less body fat? :)

    "Christie went out of his way to deprive gays of their civil rights but he insisted flags fly at half mass for a black drug addict. Yeah.."

    He should have done both. But your characterization of Ms. Houston shows that you are quite ignorant and insensitive yourself.

  11. Speaking of gym. (and I just tweeted this) You ever wonder why some women go to the gym? Like why do they even need to be there? It's like buying a brand new car off the show room floor, and then taking it to the car wash. Like WTF?

  12. PC, I see that Levi, the SA batsman, just set the merk for fastest 20 International century.

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. Moreover, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The official unemployment rate excludes those individuals who would like to work but have not searched for a job in the past four weeks as well as those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time work; if those people were counted among the unemployed, the unemployment rate in January 2012 would have been about 15 percent. Compounding the problem of high unemployment, the share of unemployed people looking for work for more than six months —referred to as the long-term unemployed —topped 40 percent in December 2009 for the first time since 1948, when such data began to be collected; it has remained above that level ever since.


  14. Anonymous10:27 AM

    field negro said...
    "Speaking of gym. (and I just tweeted this) You ever wonder why some women go to the gym? Like why do they even need to be there? It's like buying a brand new car off the show room floor, and then taking it to the car wash. Like WTF?"
    Yes indeed, "Like a hot knife cuts through butter"
    Mr. Rubin's assessment is right on the money! :)

    and have you asked the Mrs. about these women that you've (just casually) noticed that have no need to be there at the gym?...On second thought maybe you'd better not....;)

  15. Women go to the gym to meet men, Field.

  16. The bigger question is knowing this, why do fine, successful, MARRIED men continue to go to the gym?

    On second thought never mind, we ALL know what's going on here, lol!!

  17. CNN had the best coverage, MSNBC was trying to be the National Enquirer IMHO. Don't know what Fox did...if anything.

    I don't know what's going on within the family, but I agree, Bobbie Brown should have been there.

    "I don't need permission to make my own decisions. It's my perogatvie"

  18. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Women go to the gym to meet men, Field."
    10:27 AM
    Dr.Queen said...
    "The bigger question is knowing this, why do fine, successful, MARRIED men continue to go to the gym?

    On second thought never mind, we ALL know what's going on here, lol!!"
    LOL! NOOOOoooooooooooooo, No Dr. Queen, I;m sorry but The Field is NOT like that He 'just casually' observed as he was trotting away on the treadmill all bored and stuff...maybe he should put on some earphones with music to distract him....noooo that may make it wors...never mind...

  19. "The bigger question is knowing this, why do fine, successful, MARRIED men continue to go to the gym?"

    She must have left him. I told my wife to get ready for 300 lbs. If you see me at the gym something went wrong and the whole time I'm on the treadmill I'll be thinking "damn, now I gotta do this shit again".

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. PilotX said...
    She must have left him. I told my wife to get ready for 300 lbs. If you see me at the gym something went wrong and the whole time I'm on the treadmill I'll be thinking "damn, now I gotta do this shit again".

    A man on a treadmill is DEFINITELY looking for trouble!!!

    Real men looking to work out, hit the free weights. Not much cleavage hanging out and tight spandex/yoga pants there, LOL!!!!

  22. Lawd the women on this site will get you in trouble.

    Walk away, PilotX. Walk away. :)

  23. Field, here are some brief highlights of Levi's innings, I'd never even heard of the guy before.

  24. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Yes, Bobby should ave been there as well as his daughter's other siblings. We loved, loved Whitney's talents but the way Bobb Brown was treated speaks volumns and speaks about the true character and motives of those in attendance who watched security handle him and children that way and stood sliently by. Christ like? Right thing to do ? Or just an event to be seen at and inprove personal branding.

    However hats off to Revs Jakes and the other guy. The media has slaughtered Bobby Brown over the years and continue to demonize him however he has been strong enough to get it together in spite of it all. Maybe if her industry father and her family didn't treat her as chattel she would be here living a greatlife with the man the public knew she loved and her beloved daughter.

    I pray for Whitney's daughter to realize that she needs her father especially if she has substance issues and put her life in order by going to college to become a doctor or something but be stronger that her mother was in claimng and directing her own life.

    RIP Whitney. Bobby you have been vindicated but don't stop fighting to save your daughter from what is obviously hate-filled people.

  25. Bobby Brown is like a lot of people who grow up in the 'hood but fail to leave their 'hood like ways behind them despite becoming successful adults (of course had he been college educated too, he MAY have learned how to act in settings such as funerals).

    The fact is that it was tacky as hell for him to bring more people than he knew could be comfortably accommodated at the funeral. Then again, if he had "put a ring on it" BEFORE making so damn many babies, he may not have needed 20 seats at the funeral.

  26. Calista1:34 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Women go to the gym to meet men, Field.

    You might might want to try that youself sometime instead of the laundromat, Queen, although I'd lay off the spandex.

  27. Iron Mike1:36 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Bobby Brown is like a lot of people who grow up in the 'hood but fail to leave their 'hood like ways behind them despite becoming 'successful' adults

    Irony alert!

  28. The ONLY irony around here Billy Bob, is that you haven't been caught stealing internet service yet.

    Then again, no one is checking for what's going on in trailer parks unless it's a Meth bust.

    And while I'm at it, allow me to remind you and the lesbo stalking a$$ sniffer that neither of you will:

    EVER be educated.

    EVER hold a real job.

    EVER have anything that resembles real life.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    EVER feel equal to Blacks.

    And did I mention that you'll NEVER feel equal to Blacks?

  29. Ms.Queen said...
    And did I mention that you'll NEVER feel equal to Blacks?

    You are right about that.

  30. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Vitali said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    And did I mention that you'll NEVER feel equal to Blacks?

    You are right about that.

    She is too dumb and "edumacated" to even get the "irony"

  31. Queen, I seriously think these dudes have a crush on you.

  32. You know Field, I get this kind of attention from White men in my real life ALL the time.

    With the exception that in real life the White men are educated or fellow Scientisits, aren't lowlifes (that's probably obvious), and have careers/jobs. And they're REAL White men, not men of color Jews , pretending to be White.

  33. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Dr.Queen The Hoochie Mama Hoodrat said...
    You know Field, I get this kind of attention from White men in my real life ALL the time.

    With the exception that in real life the White men are educated or fellow Scientisits, aren't lowlifes (that's probably obvious), and have careers/jobs. And they're REAL White men, not men of color Jews , pretending to be White.

    Honey you aint nuttin but a livin stereotype and I do mean a big stereotype.

    Everybody knows that girl that oozes fat and grease out of her too tight clothes, uses chicken fat to grease down her fro and sounds like an idiot because she has the brain of a chicken, but goes around screamin to guys "you know you want this" and "you all just jealous" as they run away puking sideways at the sight and smell of her.

    I am sure you are a "Scientisits" and know several other "scienrtisitAmagicians" in the hood. Maybe some day in your mind will become a "Dok-terer"

    But anyway we all know you are a frontin ho who makes shit up to somehow feel better bouts herself. Kinda sick but there goes that stereotype again.

  34. Dr. Manley Whiteberg5:46 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    And they're REAL White men, not men of color Jews , pretending to be White.

    Bigoted ignorance is just one of the features you possess that are not on the list of qualities looked for in medical school candidates.

    You will never be a doctor.

  35. You know Field, it's occurred to me that the reason Putz has so much time to spend posting on your site all day long is because after he failed the PE exam numerous mimes, he got his Jew boy lawyer "friend" to file a claim for disability.

  36. Dr. Murray Marceau6:35 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    You know Field, it's occurred to me that the reason Putz has so much time to spend posting on your site all day long is because after he failed the PE exam numerous mimes, he got his Jew boy lawyer "friend" to file a claim for disability.

    Really? That is what occurred to you? What does failing numerous mimes have to do with it? Are you implying Jewish people hate mimes?

    Maybe you ought to ask him to hook you up with that lawyer. You are going to need a source of income pretty soon.

    You will never be a doctor.

  37. Anonymous6:53 PM

    ^^^^^ I'll bet your tin trailer that I'll be a Doctor DECADES before you stop sucking my out my colon and get a life!!!

    So holla' back, colon sucker!!!!!

    PS- what I'd really like you'd to do is get a bracelet saying that you refuse to be treated by a Black doc so I don't have to worry about ever putting my hands on your filthy ass.

    Dr. Queen

  38. Anonymous6:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Perhaps Mr.Brown was a little intimidated by the rumors that he was not welcome and thought to bring friends in case he needed them?

    A lot of people blame him for Whitney's drug use and I've no doubt they were in that together, but I believe that no one can coerce or entice you to do drugs unless you yourself want to. Also he cleaned up his act.

    I'm really sorry to see that there is some parental alienation going on there. I def think his daughter should be allowed to see her father. He was there beside her throughout her growing years. Whitney loved him. That ought to be enough for the family to not alienate him. It's too sad. He and Bobbi Christina must be suffering doubly.

    If Field insists on going to the gym, why not get a home gym? Treadmill, cycle, weight bench, the works and all in the comfort of your home ;)))

  40. Intimidated or not, he should have followed instructions and not had so many guests with him. The funeral was NOT about him!

  41. Yeah Field, why not have a home gym and avoid temptation, loll???

  42. An maybe if Mr. Brown had arrived on time, he could have seen his daughter.

    I have NO sympathy for this man.

  43. R. Brown7:24 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "Perhaps Mr.Brown was a little intimidated by the rumors that he was not welcome and thought to bring friends in case he needed them?"

    That's a good point, Desert. Often times when large groups of black people congregate, random outbursts mayhem and violence occur. He was just bringing a few of his 'peeps' so he would have some back up.

  44. "If Field insists on going to the gym, why not get a home gym? Treadmill, cycle, weight bench, the works and all in the comfort of your home ;)))"

    Now see...

  45. Anonymous8:06 PM

    R. Brown said...
    "That's a good point, Desert. Often times when large groups of black people congregate, random outbursts mayhem and violence occur. He was just bringing a few of his 'peeps' so he would have some back up."
    Do you know where the word 'vandalism' originated? I rest my case :)

  46. Hey Field quick question for your attorney's mind...would a woman be able to sue her health insurance provider if they cover Viagra and not birth control under sex discrimination laws?

  47. All jokes aside, there's nothing wrong with working out at a gym as a middle aged MARRIED man, lol!!

  48. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I notice there is a click on this blog when it comes to having fun and joking around. Why is it Dr. Queen or Desert or Field or PilotX never include Anons?

    Some of you FN folks are such clickish prejudiced mofos against Anons who are trying their best to be part of the FN conversation. Why can't we get any love?

  49. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I notice there is a click on this blog when it comes to having fun and joking around. Why is it Dr. Queen or Desert or Field or PilotX never include Anons?"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TThe word is spelled 'clique' LOL There, that enough love for you? :)

  50. "I notice there is a click on this blog when it comes to having fun and joking around. Why is it Dr. Queen or Desert or Field or PilotX never include Anons?"

    Well Dr. Queen and Desert Flower just fell under the spell. adies love the X-man. Ha!
