Wednesday, February 08, 2012


I want to start my racism chase tonight by heading to the western end of Pistolvania, my home state. But, before I go there, I am going to take a detour to Atlanta, Georgia. Where, recently, ignorance was on display and in full effect. (No, not the CNN studios.)

"ATLANTA - A 20-year-old victim who was brutally beaten by a gang of men has spoken out about his ordeal. Brandon White, who is openly gay, says he just wants the men who attacked him to be held accountable for their actions.

Footage of the homophobic assault, which was uploaded to by his attackers, shows White being beaten to the ground as the gang shout out anti-gay slurs. After its initial posting, the video went viral, surfacing on YouTube, The Smoking Gun and The Drudge Report.

White, who described his attackers as "monsters" at a news conference Wednesday in Atlanta, says at first he did not want to watch the video because he was "embarrassed." White says he wants "justice to be done because he deserves it."

If a straight person can walk into a store and not have a problem then I should be able to do the same thing," says White. "I could have died that day."
The video depicts the attack as White left the JVC Grocery and Deli on the corner of Delevan and McDaniel streets last Saturday.

The men punch and kick the victim. One person tosses a tire onto the victim. As he is beaten, an onlooker yells "no more fa**ots in Jack City," repeatedly, which, according to multiple sources including The Smoking Gun, is an apparent reference to a local gang.

"I feel I was violated," says White. "The scars run deeper than anyone will know. The physical pain, I can get over that. My thing is: Who's to say they won't come after me again? Who's to say they won't kill me?"

White has spoken with Atlanta police and Federal Investigators are looking into the attack.

U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said her office is looking into potential civil rights violations based on sexual orientation. Georgia does not have a state hate crimes statute." [Source]

Clearly hate crimes laws are needed in Georgia, and some of you Negroes need to go to a library and start reading your history books. Putting a beat down on someone because of his or her sexual orientation is just flat out wrong.

And now to hate of a different kind. This one was brought on by skin color.

I would like to point you to an area of Pistolvania that time forgot.

"Vile racism raised its ugly head during a boys basketball game near Pittsburgh on Friday when fans of a nearly all-white suburban school ran on the court in banana suits and made monkey noises to taunt the players for their rivals, who play for a school which is predominantly African-American.

As reported by a variety of Pittsburgh media outlets, the Monessen Valley Independent and WPXI prominent among them, the annual basketball rivalry game between Pittsburgh (Pa.) Brentwood High and Monessen (Pa.) High turned extremely ugly when the two teams tried to head to their respective locker rooms for halftime. Before the players could leave the floor, three fans from the visiting Brentwood student section ran onto the court in full-body banana suits.
The fans surrounded the Monessen players and allegedly began making monkey noises and hurling racial epithets at the Monessen players, with no one entering the fray to stop the horribly inappropriate catcalls.

"I was appalled and shocked," Monessen parent Terri Payne told WPXI. "I was like, 'I can't believe they're doing that, and they didn't do anything about it.'"
Disturbingly, other Monessen parents claim that the Brentwood players hurled similar racist epithets themselves, calling the Greyhounds "monkeys and cotton pickers," as one Monessen fan told WPXI.

Meanwhile, Valley Independent staff writer Jeremy Sellew claimed that Brentwood Director of Security Joseph Kozarian, who was on duty at the game, refused to intervene, instead sitting back and at one point smiling and laughing with the Brentwood fans in the stands.

As more media attention has swirled around the disgusting incident, Brentwood officials have scrambled to try and alleviate pressure on the school and district as a whole. As of Tuesday the three students involved had been identified and disciplined, though their punishment was not disclosed to the media. Similarly, officials claimed they were "reviewing school policy to make sure a similar incident doesn't happen again."

Clearly, that's not strong enough. If the banana suit incident and subsequent racist abuse from Brentwood players occurred as numerous witnesses claim it did, the entire Brentwood season should be put under much deeper inspection before moving forward.

This is legitimate hate speech, after all, and the teenagers who were responsible need to realize just how damaging that is, both to their victims, themselves and society as a whole. At the very least, any players who made racist comments during the game itself should be punished significantly." [Source]

Good for the young men on that basketball team who showed restraint before beating their opponents from the town that time forgot on the hardwood floor.

Here in A-merry-ca we might not make great products anymore, but we sure are producing some great kids. *sarcasm off* 

Finally, why can't you black "intellectuals" just get along? Now it seems that Melissa Harris-Perry and Cornel West have a Biggie Tupac style feud going on.

Stop it already! Dr. West, calling out Ms. Perry and calling her a "liar" a "fake and a fraud" is not cool; you should be above that. There should be ways to discuss your differences and to discuss ideas and policy in a thoughtful and intellectual manner without reverting to petty name calling.

In the future, please leave that other stuff to bloggers like me.


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I am getting tired of Melissa Harris-Perry and Cornel West. And I've been tired of Al Sharpton Obama. They all need to take a hike.

    If Obama wasn't who he was, Blacks wouldn't be all messed up. Obama hasn't done a damn thing for us and Melissa and Al Sharpton are running around like jiggin black fools. Cornel is right for calling them out but he lacks class and sophistication in doing it. He should leave that to Tavis.

    In any case, as I've said before we are hopeless when it comes to our common welfare as a race. We have no unity and I am wondering if we ever did. Even when MLK was marching 'most' Blacks were critical of him, until he got the Civil Rights passed.

    Then miraculously, all Blacks jumped on board AS IF they were with MLK all along! LOL My peeps can be quite disgusting and shameless at times. But make no mistake about it: President Obama does NOT come from African American ancestry and has demonstrated how he feels about us.

  2. Urban Youth9:06 PM

    Banana suits and monkey noises? That's terrible.

    Now I don't feel so bad about the hundreds of white students murdered by blacks.

  3. "Now I don't feel so bad about the hundreds of white students murdered by blacks."

    I thought Eric Harris sounded like a black name. Go figure.


  4. Anonymous9:10 PM

    LOLOL Now blacks are shitting their diapers over bananas??

    Hey, I've got a great idea...let's ignore the black violent crime rate, and the black illegitimacy rate, and the black HS dropout rate, and the black illiteracy rate, and the black unemployment rate, and the black AIDS rate, and the black abortion rate...

    And let's get outraged over banana costumes, cause that's some serious racism!

    District officials and security were present at the basketball game. These officials did not hear any racist or similarly derogatory remarks make towards Monessen players or their fans. As important, no such comments were reported to District officials or security during the game; otherwise District officials would have taken swift, corrective action.

    After the game, the District conducted an investigation and spoke to a number of District students and staff who attended the game. Nothing has been revealed to indicate racist comments were made.

    It seems students dressing in costume for athletic events is not uncommon in high schools and colleges. Two students did dress in banana costumes for the Monessen game. The District understands that these students have dressed like this for past athletic contests without incident. When these students at Friday’s game, though, ran past the section where Monessen fans were seated, causing agitation and disruption, District officials immediately ejected the students from the game.

    District officials have reviewed game tapes and have seen no other activity that confirms the allegations made. The District is continuing to investigate the matter to determine if any objectionable conduct took place. The District is also reviewing procedures regarding student and fan conduct at games. Brentwood Borough School District, its Directors, Administrators, and Students regret what took place at the game and the District will maintain action to ensure that any similar behavior does not occur again.

  5. Related - see Swiss minaret ban, propaganda supporting:

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Where were the black fans when this game was being played? It never ceases to amaze me how our folks are never around when they are most needed.

    This country is toast as far as racism is concerned. NO Nation of people can ever recover from the baneful act of slavery and Jim Crow.

    Too much has been absorbed in the minds of both the victims and the corrupt perpetrators. It just gets passed down generation to generation.

    It's just a matter of time before we implode from racism simply because of a lack of will-power to end it.

    Since we can't end racism, racism will end us. Count on it.

  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "Now I don't feel so bad about the hundreds of white students murdered by blacks."

    Source please.

  8. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Field, your title, "HATELAND"- is perfect for America.

    BTW, Rick swept three states and you haven't said a word. Isn't he from your neck of the woods? You should be rejoicing...oh wait...maybe not. Maybe he is also another symbol of the infrastructure of "HateLand"?

    I wonder if Rick has heard about Brentwood and their racist actions against Blah people? Do you think he is principled enough to speak out about that crap? I bet Newt will, and he'll do it in Santorum's face.

  9. hey fn:

    that sold out mic-ed up hobama nazi
    melissa has bashed her heroic ex-lover cornel for many months

    did u call her out so???

    ditto & kudos re thugs who beat gays

    cc this to roland martin asap and his ignorant drunken pal tracy morgan asap

  10. maybe tracy will give the newly cash strapped roland a loan now???

    poverty is as funny as slapping gays/killing gays sons

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. memo to roland:

    bye boi

  14. Wesley R9:48 PM


    I hear from kids in High School that they get racist comments thrown at them all the time and the kids who do it always say "I'm just playing". And I thought we kicked ass back in the day so they wouldn't have to deal with this crap. On the other hand some people are getting brave after listening to Limpballs and company get away with disrespecting Black Folks everyday.

  15. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Wesley R, "And I thought we kicked ass back in the day so they wouldn't have to deal with this crap. On the other hand some people are getting brave after listening to Limpballs and company get away with disrespecting Black Folks everyday."

    Evidently we didn't do it enough or did it too much cause a lot of us are in jail and prison. Hell, in the Oakland area where Granny lives the cops shoot bm on the Bart.

    It's not that Whites are getting braver, it just that they are getting stronger and we are getting weaker politically, psychologically, spiritually and mentally.

    Let's face it. If you are White in America, you have it much better than being Black.

  16. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I am glad Granny is not on FN tonight. She is such a hypocrite.

  17. NSangoma10:35 PM


    Brandon White, the men who beat you will soon be what's called prison gay.


  18. Kareem Hueppe10:36 PM

    I'm sorry, didn't Martin Luther King once give a speech dressed in a banana suit? If it was OK with MLK, then it shouldn't be considered racist.

  19. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Really, say what? Global Warming is junk science and a hoax?

  20. NSangoma10:41 PM


    Pittsburgh PA, the hill; Hill Street Blues.

    What kind of GPA do those Brentwood High Negroes be having?

    MotherFuck basketball.


  21. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "Really, say what? Global Warming is junk science and a hoax?"

    Of course it is junk science. It's phony. Why do you think people like PilotX and Purple Cow follow it?

  22. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Racism is alive.And well in these united states yes indeedy!

  23. An Utter Asshole11:59 PM

    "Banana suits and monkey noises? That's terrible."

    Indeed, but I'm sure they were only foolin'.

    Instead of this double secret probation the school's got going on, take them on an educational trip to West Philly, clad in those banana suits.

    If they want to be food that bad, let a few of those urban gorillas get a hold of them. They peel those pretty lil bananas right quick.

  24. Anonymous12:28 AM

    An Utter Asshole said...
    "Banana suits and monkey noises? That's terrible."

    Indeed, but I'm sure they were only foolin'.

    Instead of this double secret probation the school's got going on, take them on an educational trip to West Philly, clad in those banana suits.

    If they want to be food that bad, let a few of those urban gorillas get a hold of them. They peel those pretty lil bananas right quick.

    sure we'll send them along with a bunch of paramilitary guys to make sure there are no typical tribal courage fights you know 3-10 blacks on one guy

  25. Clearly hate crimes are needed in Georgia

    Would that be hate crime laws?

  26. Anonymous1:01 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Anonymous1:03 AM

    once again kuntlick banks sullied yo thread and u hadnt even had it up that long but she jess had to bring up her usual fagisms mention anything about fagisms and that nasty filthy anus licker is here in full force hey dipshit u aint smart! u aint ha no 250 iq u aint ha no job and u aint ha no life so quit frontin like u somebody u 50 year old loser! kuntbreaf lying sack of shit! for someone who claimerate to be a scholar u surely dont never put anything in ur own words u jess be spamming with other peoples intellectual property jess like that song opp ya kuntfaced trick!

  28. Anonymous1:05 AM

    alicia da kuntlicker banks claimerate to be a scholar yet errything she post here is out of someone else mouth and then it is some rite wing bullshyt obama is an alien who gone eat ur children bullcrap hey ya 50 year old loser newsflash! u aint ha no life u aint ha no job u aint ha no prospects ya kuntlickin imbecile!

  29. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Never ferget, the Greatest Victims of All Time and Space are stoopid wite guys. All other suffering pales in comparison to their hurt fee-fees. Holocaust, a mere blip. Armenia, a nothingburger. Lynchings in the US, just a method for maintaining the social order. But let some Goober be informed their pet fantasies are false...and the World and Universe must Pay!!!


  30. Johnny Zygomatic2:11 AM

    And pay you will, you creepy little fungus.

  31. Anonymous8:09 AM

    This basketball thing is bizarre. Does Brentwood have TV reception? Do Brentwood males watch sports of any kind? What do they think of black NBA players or NFL players, or does their racism impel them to watch Wolf Blitzer exclusively?

    Is there a time warp there? This is the stuff of a National Geographic expedition, though I sure wouldn't go there without leaving the motor running.


  32. Kunta-Kinte9:01 AM

    Greetings - my baby mama has become with child. Me very worried she no have normal woman blood cycle for 5 month now can it be that baby be drinking blood? I no have enemy so do not think someone do the voodoo. can baby become sick from drinking woman blood?

  33. The Daily Caller,

    Last Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to answer questions about his role in the deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal. However, instead of answers, Congress got more defiance, more arrogance, and more wasted time with an attorney general who clearly feels no sense of obligation to the American people or our rule of law. …

    In a rash attempt to deflect attention away from himself and his own irresponsibility, Holder let Congress know that the Obama administration is still working toward the day when it can reinstate former President Bill Clinton’s so-called “assault weapons” ban. According to Holder:

    “This administration has consistently favored the reinstitution of the assault weapons ban. It is something that we think was useful in the past with regard to the reduction that we’ve seen in crime, and certainly would have a positive impact on our relationship and the crime situation in Mexico.”

    It’s difficult to follow Holder’s logic here, but it goes something like this …

    The Obama administration — particularly Eric Holder’s Justice Department — oversaw an epic scandal whereby our own federal government illegally funneled thousands of firearms into the hands of Mexican drug lords. This contributed to the death of one U.S. Border Patrol agent and hundreds of Mexicans.

    Despite being head of the Justice Department and our nation’s chief law enforcement officer, Eric Holder claims he doesn’t know how or why this scandal occurred, or even who under his charge may have authorized it. He also refuses to turn over critical documents to congressional investigators that could help prevent something this tragic and corrupt from ever happening again.

    Therefore, Obama and Holder are confident that if they can ban a large number of the legal firearms that law-abiding Americans use every day for self-defense, hunting, and recreational and competitive target shooting, it will help solve Mexico’s crime problem.

    With Obama’s history of contempt for gun ownership why would this be a surprise? America’s 1st Freedom lists a few examples:

    1996: Obama endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns.

    1998: Obama endorsed a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms.

    1999: Obama supported a 500 percent increase in federal taxes on ammunition.

    2003: Obama voted to ban single-shot, over-under, and side-by-side shotguns.

    2004: Obama said the right to carry should be banned nationwide.

    Obama even said you shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun in your home for self-defense!

    Obama’s nominees—Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan— …are among the most rabidly anti-gun U.S. Supreme Court justices in American

  34. fn:

    are u late/biased???

    melissa has brutally personally and incessantly attacked cornel for many months

    melissa started the attack upon her ex lover cornel west long ago

    cornel finished it

    kudos to cornel!!!!

    Sometimes when diplomacy fails and your people are being attacked, it’s time to go to war. When Cornel West spoke up honestly about the challenges of poor, Black and Brown people, alarm bells went off in liberal elitist America. As a professor at an elite university, West was supposed to do what the other elites have done: consider the poor only as an afterthought to planning your next vacation at Martha’s Vineyard.

    West had run off the plantation by speaking freely, not as an enemy of the Obama Administration (he campaigned heavily for the president), but as someone who demanded that we give a voice to the voiceless. But when you have 96 percent of the Black vote, there is almost no incentive to do anything for Black people, especially those who are poor or in prison.

    Well, in full overseer tradition, the Democrats have created well-paid African-American attack dogs willing to defend their actions at any cost. Since Harris-Perry and her friends had no legitimate defense to the critiques of Dr. West, they presumed that it would be easier to simply discredit him. You see, if you kill the messenger, you never have to deal with the message itself.

    Harris-Perry allowed herself to be used by the liberal establishment and their media channels to paint Professor West as irrelevant, petty, and ignorant in his critiques. She never actually addressed the issues that Dr. West brought to the table. That’s like my doctor saying, “Boyce, you’re gaining weight” and me responding with, “You’re just a quack divorcee who doesn’t know how to raise his kids.”

    His willingness to do that which is unpopular (as Dr. King did before his death) will put Cornel West in the history books as a visionary activist and scholar; Melissa Harris-Perry will simply be remembered as another talking head.

    In the Black community, leading Democrats have learned the dictator lesson well: If we hijack a few figureheads in the Black community and convince them to always speak in support of our agenda, we don’t actually have to do very much for Black people themselves.

    It’s much easier to take care of the Head N*gger In Charge (HNIC) than it is to take care of the people they represent – just give them big media guns and have them aim those guns at any of the field negroes who choose to participate in the rebellion. That’s what makes Melissa Harris-Perry so harmful.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. filthy flea infested foolish bald hyena vdlr:

    u will never ever be smart or strong enough to silence me

    no hyena will ever slay any lioness

    bet bitch.

  39. Seek Help10:22 AM


    You honestly need mental help. Preferably, a lobotomy.

  40. maybe tracy will give the newly cash strapped roland a loan now???
    maybe tracy will attend the glaad mtg with roland???

    sudden poverty is as funny as slapping gays/killing gays sons

    memo to roland:
    bye boi

  41. Axelrod10:58 AM


    What the hell is wrong with you Alicia? Stop repeating your posts.

  42. no lie lives forever

    cornel has never lied on hobama

    the bitter scorned/hobama nazi melissa always LIES on cornel

    kudos to cornel!!!!!!!

  43. blind powerless faceless clueless crazy assnon:

    insane = "policing" a blog that is not your own

    carry on u blogless loon.

  44. Paul Kersey11:12 AM

    Field Negro; "Clearly hate crimes laws are needed in Georgia, and some of you Negroes need to go to a library and start reading your history books."

    We have plenty of hate crimes in Georgia, Field. Just like the predominately white student body of Georgia Tech (located in downtown Atlanta) - targeted on a daily basis for robbery, random assaults, rape, and murder by Black people - it now seems gay bashing is a enjoyable game in the Black community of Atlanta. Considering that the gay community is the last chance for ensuring that property values remaining high in Fulton County (via the first wave of gentrification), this incident might spook one or two members of that community from settling down in The City too Busy to Hate.

    But this incident, when compared to a recent ruling in Philadelphia shows us one simple fact: white people have no real legal protections anymore when they are assaulted by Black people, especially when said Black people are using racial epithets during the barrage. Remember the Urban Terrorists who targeted whitey in Philadelphia recently? As they beat two white guys, they yelled racially charged slurs and pejoratives toward them. Federal authorities aren't launching an investigation however:

    "The teens, who are black, were not charged with hate crimes because there was no evidence that the assault had been motivated by the race of the victims, who are white, said Tasha Jamerson, D.A. spokeswoman. Just shouting racial epithets during the commission of a crime doesn't rise to the level of ethnic intimidation, she said."

    Such is life in Black-Run America (BRA), where Obama's War on white America gets more obvious on a daily basis.

    The economy of Philadelphia will continue to falter with white flight from a city under-siege by Black people engaging in Flash Mob attacks on white people and then uploading their buffoonery for all to observe on Atlanta's property value will continue to plummet, and commercial real estate prices will bottom out (as companies seek to open headquarters in the lily-white suburbs up 400 north in Alpharetta) because Black crime makes living in the city an intolerable act of cruelty.

    None of this warrants national discussion; none of this warrants national dialogue. We would rather see every major city in America turned into another version of Detroit, then confront the reality of race.

    One day, to even acknowledge that Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime in America will automatically be deemed a "hate crime" in BRA.

  45. Anti-Racism is just a code word for Anti-White.

  46. Quote No Slapzz

    "Your list of black mathematicians is a list of people who were not educated in Africa and do not live there, which makes the point that Africa, even in the 21st century, remains the world's backwater."

    Nonsense, the list was of Africans who were educated in Africa, Europe and the USA. Some of them live in Africa some don't.

    Do you see your problem here Cletus?

    First you say there's no such thing as an African who has contributed to mathematics and physics. Then when I post evidence that you are talking nonsense, you back peddle and say you were only talking about Africans who had no contact with whites.

    Now of course faced with the evidence of what a cursory 30 second view of the information I posted would have told you, you will back-peddle again.

    I would love to know what thought processes drive you to come here. We already know from the scientific research I have posted that it involves your low self esteem, brought about by a real or perceived lack of intelligence and a low social background.

    You take solace in far-Right politics, you find it comforting to think that you are superior to others (despite what the evidence of your inept debating skills tells us) and you find comfort in what the rigid, superficial, bipolar, far-Right paradigm brings you.

    You invent children you have never had, as a fig leaf to cover the emptiness of a life lead entirely here, on this spot in cyberspace, hurling hatred at people you have never met.

    Aye, there's the rub. For all your hatred, you spend all day every day here. For all your bluff and bluster, we, myself, Field, PilotX and Steve are the only true companions you have.

    Thinks abut that Cletus, just how sad is that?

  47. The Purple Cow said...
    "Thinks abut that Cletus, just how sad is that?"

    About as sad as someone who obesseses over that person to the point of inventing a fantasy life for him.

  48. "About as sad as someone who obesseses over that person to the point of inventing a fantasy life for him."

    Give it a rest No Slapzz, you are convincing nobody.

  49. Paul Kersey,

    Thanks for yet another tedious, outdated, cut-and-paste job. But there appears to be part of your story that you "accidentally" left out, i'll post the full report from here...

    Three juveniles who allegedly assaulted a cab driver and his passenger in Center City Saturday night while shouting racial slurs will not be charged with a hate crime, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.

    The teens, who are black, were not charged with hate crimes because there was no evidence that the assault was motivated by the victims' race, said Tasha Jamerson, district attorney spokeswoman. Just shouting racial epithets during the commission of a crime doesn't rise to the level of ethnic intimidation, she said.

    "They just didn't have that in this case," she said. "If they had somebody who, two blocks before, heard them say 'We're going to beat somebody up because they're white, brown or purple,' it might be different."

    However, the three teens - two of whom are 17 and one who is 15 - have all been hit with additional counts of aggravated assault, simple assault, conspiracy and recklessly endangering another person after the passenger in the cab, Brian Goldman, came forward Monday.

    Around 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Goldman was in a cab that was stopped at a red light at 15th and Chestnuts when he and his 53-year-old cab driver were assaulted at random. Goldman escaped but the cab driver was able to flag down officers who nabbed the teens.

    Slightly different when someone is honest enough to tell the ENTIRE story now isn't it?

  50. The Purple Cow said...
    "Slightly different when someone is honest enough to tell the ENTIRE story now isn't it?"

    How so? Per the definition, this was an obvious hate crime. I believe the whole concept is wrong, but it is doubly wrong when it is applied only against one population.

  51. unlicked uneducated unglued unwise unfed vdlr:

    you make melissa look like a sane ron paul fan

    you vulgar illiterate rabid hobama nazi bitch


  52. I Sho Didn't Call Him No Cracker!12:02 PM

    That''s odd, Puple Cow....when the incident first happened, this is what was reported:

    So, what this tells me, is that if you're black, you can beat the hell out of white folks whilst calling them racial slurs, and it's NOT a hate crime.

    But....if you're white, and beat the hell out of a black person, while calling him a jungle bunny, it IS a hate crime.

    Funny how the story changed once those precious black teens were in custody of the police. Wonder what the racial make-up of the Philly police is?

  53. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Anon said to AB, "You honestly need mental help. Preferably, a lobotomy."

    Haven't you heard? They don't do lobotomies anymore.

    The best treatment for AB is to respect her, and/or leave her alone. Stop insulting her and calling her crazy.

    When you call anyone crazy quite often it makes them crazy with retaliations, which means their comments accelerate. It's quite normal for a human being to want to defend themselves, esp. our folks which I am sure most people know.

    Whether you think AB is crazy or not crazy, treat her with respect or STFU.

  54. Anonymous12:16 PM

    " Wonder what the racial make-up of the Philly police is?"

    Why not ask the Purple Cow? he knows everything and is always unbiased and fair.

  55. no slappz12:21 PM

    purple buttercup:

    Seems you're the only one who does not recognize the Affirmative Action quality of black mathematicians.

    Not one has won a Nobel Prize.

    Meanwhile, it's not likely they've won other prestigious awards for mathematical innovation.

    However, I have no doubt the people on your list of black mathematicians have won all the awards handed out to mathematicians who are black.

    As for your claims that various inventions -- like the wheel -- held no interest to Africans, why then, if Africans have a total understanding of what they need, do they require the help of whites and asians to meet those needs?

    It's not as though Africans have advanced AIDS research. Or research into vaccinations and cures for other diseases.

    By your logic, Africans don't need, or aren't interested in solving their vast publich health problems.

  56. Quote Anonymous

    "Why not ask the Purple Cow? he knows everything and is always unbiased and fair."

    How true, how true.

  57. Forgot to answer your question

    Profile of Philadelphia Police Officers

    Male: 70%
    Female: 30%

    White: 55.6%
    African-American/Black: 36.4%
    Hispanic: 6.5%
    Other: 1.5%

  58. harry belafonte12:34 PM

    field's guide to racist taunts:

    "Vile racism raised its ugly head during a boys basketball game near Pittsburgh on Friday when fans of a nearly all-white suburban school ran on the court in banana suits and made monkey noises to taunt the players for their rivals, who play for a school which is predominantly African-American.

    As you've undoubtedly read, New York City has taken the lead in combatting racism of this form.

    In an effort to avoid racial turmoil, NY City bars are no longer permitted to mix banana diaquiries. Ice cream vendors can no longer sell banana splits. And eating bananas in public has been banned. Moreover, after purchase, all bananas must be concealed.

    Meanwhile, the Taxi & Limosine commission is challenging the new law. Seems the wording suggests the color yellow itself is at the heart of the legislation. Thus, yellow cab operators believe they are under assault by regulators overstepping their authority.

  59. "Seems you're the only one who does not recognize the Affirmative Action quality of black mathematicians.

    Not one has won a Nobel Prize."

    Yeah you're right No Slapzz, not one African has won the Nobel Prize for Mathematics.

    You wanna know why, No Slapzzz?


  60. anon:

    thank u!!!

    it is easy to slur
    impossible to debate my truths
    about hobama

    "crazy" = awake to see and call out hobama


  61. Anonymous12:42 PM

    " The Purple Cow said...
    Forgot to answer your question

    Profile of Philadelphia Police Officers

    Male: 70%
    Female: 30%

    White: 55.6%
    African-American/Black: 36.4%
    Hispanic: 6.5%
    Other: 1.5%

    12:29 PM"

    The racial mix of the police really isn't that big of a deal.

    We know the Philly Mayor is black......what about the District Attorney? He'll be the one deciding what the poor misguided youths are charged with, if I'm not mistaken.

  62. anon:

    notice how CRAZY the silence is re: that filthy XXX bs the vdlr spews herein always???


  63. Radica12:47 PM

    White: 55.6%
    African-American/Black: 36.4%
    Hispanic: 6.5%
    Other: 1.5%

    12:29 PM"

    The racial mix of the police really isn't that big of a deal.

    36% is actually quite high, and means affirmative action is being used on the qualifying tests. Kudos to Philly for maintaining a majority white police force. Once a department becomes majority black, corruption and ineffectiveness make crime unbearable. See Detroit for an example.

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  69. Sigmund Freud1:07 PM

    Where did that Anon idiot go that said AB wasn't a lunatic?

    He/She needs a lobotomy, too.

  70. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "About as sad as someone who obesseses over that person to the point of inventing a fantasy life for him."

    Give it a rest No Slapzz, you are convincing nobody.

    What an odd way to tell someone you agree with them, what with you being a nobody and all.

  71. Those basketball players did exactly what they should have done...take it the hoop...and apparently that's where they left it.I'm reminded of the players during the 60's at Texas Western in El Paso. They settled it on the courts and they eventually gained the respect that they so deserved.

    Unfortunately the trolls are running out of insults and maybe they are getting a little nervous about President Obama's potential second term. What a sad existence.

    Anywho, Dr. West, Dr. Watkins, and
    Tavis have pretty much lost their credibility in the black community. Judging from the comments around the web, many are not too happy. I say more power to Dr. Harris-Perry...I really admire her and am happy that I had an opportunity to join one of her webinars. A sharp Sister, who by the way, identifies with her black side, just like our President. :)

  72. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The Monessen Greyhounds Varsity Basketball team won Friday's Conference game against the Brentwood Spartans by a score of 59-45.

    Looks to me like the kids from Monessen had the last laugh (monkey or otherwise)
    THAT'S FN behavior!

  73. no slappz2:26 PM

    purple buttercup reminded me:


    I guess I was thinking of how no blacks had won Nobel prizes in these categories:

    Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine.

    Or that only one black has won a prize in Literature and Economics.

    Meanwhile, no one cares who wins the booby prize, the Nobel for Peace.

    Anyway, with respect to mathematics, it must have been the Fields Medal I was thinking of.

  74. Quote Radica

    "36% is actually quite high..."

    Not when African Americans represent 44.1% of the city's population it isn't.

  75. Sorry Cornel lost his credibility when he sat on the show of America's number two racist and attacked a black man instead of America's number two racist Sean Kowboy Klannity Kostello aka Sean Klannity. To the very fist response here, when black people are in trouble they go to Dr. Perry and Al, not you or corny Cornel.

    Hey Field long time, no see. What's your take on the Roland Martin situation?

  76. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Radica

    "36% is actually quite high..."

    Not when African Americans represent 44.1% of the city's population it isn't.

    4:26 PM

    Sure it is when only 5% or so have IQ's above 85.

  77. kid said...
    Sorry Cornel lost his credibility when he sat on the show of America's number two racist and attacked a black man instead of America's number two racist Sean Kowboy Klannity Kostello aka Sean Klannity

    Is that supposed to be funny?

    I've got my eye on you, kid.

  78. Anonymous 5:46

    If only 5% of African Americans have an I.Q. above 85, how come you get your ass kicked so regularly on this website?

    What does that say about your I.Q.?

  79. @no slappz

    google Diop and you will find a Nuclear Scientist that have studied wirh Madam Curie son. He even translated Einstein's Theory into his native Wolof.

  80. Icestein8:08 PM

    kid said...
    He even translated Einstein's Theory into his native Wolof.

    e = mc hammer.

  81. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 5:46

    If only 5% of African Americans have an I.Q. above 85, how come you get your ass kicked so regularly on this website?

    What does that say about your I.Q.?

    Still living in your alternate realities aren't you. I know, I know, you dont NEED a higher IQ. Just like Africans didnt NEED the wheel. Oh and buttercup you arent an African American, sheez the idiocy of some small brained people.


    Be nice Cow, this is the same person who can't figure out how to find a public figure's age. Ya know something a 7 year old can do but you gotta love her retort.

    "I guess I was thinking of how no blacks had won Nobel prizes in these categories:

    Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine."

    Uh no, you just have no clue about what you're talking about as usual. Typical conservative just make shit up. Just like the 2 Democratic representatives from West Virginia.
    My only question Cow is is this mofo EVER right?

  83. "Really, say what? Global Warming is junk science and a hoax?"

    Of course it is junk science. It's phony. Why do you think people like PilotX and Purple Cow follow it?"

    Maybe someone needs to tell NASA

  84. Size 14 carbon footprint10:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Maybe someone needs to tell NASA"

    Nobody needs to tell NASA where their funding comes from. They know what to say to the government in order to keep the money coming in.

    Obama has killed the space program, and NASA's job is to provide climate change policy justification and to make Muslims feel better about their contributions to science (an actual quote from Obama's head of NASA).

    And James Hansen is an absolute loon.

  85. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Where the hell is the next post? Is Field feeling the heat from the academic lofty anons, much like PilotX and PC?
