Thursday, February 09, 2012

Will the Catholic Church support his religious freedom?

"Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion. The establishment clause prohibits the government from passing legislation to establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. It enforces the "separation of church and state." Some governmental activity related to religion has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. For example, providing bus transportation for parochial school students and the enforcement of "blue laws" is not prohibited. The free exercise clause prohibits the government, in most instances, from interfering with a person's practice of their religion."

I thought that I would start tonight's post with a little Constitution Law, because issues associated with this amendment have been all over the news lately. My [right]wingnut friends are outraged for my Catholic friends because they say that his Oness and his folks are infringing on their religious freedoms. (Quick point: I am married to a good South Louisiana Catholic.) Apparently Catholics don't believe in contraception. Strictly au natural when you get your freak on.

Still, I suspect that this is about restricting the rights of women when it comes to their own bodies . It is not about being outraged that Catholics are not being allowed to practice their religion without the "evil" government telling them what to do. (BTW, most Catholic schools already provide contraception coverage in their health plans for their employees, and 28 states already have a similar law in place.)   I just wish that all these outraged wingnuts were around when Catholic priests were practicing their own form of birth control by getting their freak on with young boys.

Anyway, all this talk of religious freedom got me thinking about my favorite religious group here in A-merry-ca. Where are all the A-merry-can people and conservatives rallying around religious freedom for them?

"Rastafarianism - The Rastafarian faith is similar to Semitic religions. They believe in the same god and in the same prophets. However, the Rastafarian people also believe that the Ethiopian emperor Haille Selassie was the next messiah. The Rastafarians are usually associated with a "back to Africa" mindset however this is only a minor role in the religion. Rastafarians are against any type of tyranny. They are against any type of oppression. Originating in Jamaica. The frontman of the religion is Bob Marley, by and large he was the person who most led to the spread and proliferation of the Rastafarian religion. They typically use their sacrament, Marijuana, during religious services to become closer to god. Rastafarianism is one of the less then 2,000 official religions recognized by the United States Government.

Marijuana - A naturally occurring herb. It's active ingredient, Tetrahydracannibinol, is best known for the "high" it gives it's users. This high is most commonly defined as a body euphoria, with increased sensory appreciation and awareness. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal psychoactive in the world. It has been used for over a millenia, accounts are seen in manuscripts spread throughout the history of the world. It use to be sold in American pharmacy's until it became a controlled substance in 1937 due to the Marijuana Tax Act. Which is interesting because both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, two of our founding fathers, grew marijuana on their farms. (Marijuana)

Precedents Supporting Religious Use of illegal Sacraments
A. Volstead Act - The act in 1919 that banned the creation, consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages exceeding .5% alcohol by volume. The government made an exception for the Christian churches to continue using wine as a sacrament during their religious gatherings (at the time, a controlled substance).
B. Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Bill Clinton signed this act in 1993. It strengthened the rights citizens and religions have in the united states. It reads "that there now must be a compelling state interest to infringe on alleged religious liberties"(Justices). The argument now becomes, does controlling illegal substances count as a compelling state interest and thus give them the right to infringe on religious liberties.

C. UDV and their "Tea" - The Uniao de Vegetal is a Brazilian church which has roughly 130 members and is located in New Mexico. The sacrament of their official religion is a hallucinogenic tea made with DMT a scheduled substance just like marijuana. They became allowed to use hallucinogenic tea as of a March 31st 2006 court decision by the supreme court. According to the Christian Century, a religious journal, Chief Justice Roberts is quoted as saying "If such use is permitted... for hundreds of thousands of Native Americans practicing their faith, it is difficult to justify denying consideration of a similar exception for the 130 or so American members of the UDV who want to practice theirs,"(Court). The question now becomes why is this Brazilian religion with their equally illegal tea given preference over Rastafarians and marijuana? If the substances in question are of equal value in the eyes of the government, then why are Rastafarian not granted this very same right to sacrament of choice. Are these Brazilians with their official religion somehow more entitled to their constitutionally guaranteed rights then Rastafarians?

The United States of America is a great place, however it's historical treatment of the Rastafarian people and their constitutionally guaranteed right to use their religious sacrament, marijuana, have been unequal which violates the separation of church and state which can overtime bias our society. What needs to be done is clear. It is our duty as citizens and as people with a vested interest in the outcome of this government/society to campaign for the legalization of marijuana for the religious use of the Rastafarian people to keep our government unbiased. The government has made exceptions for the Christian people during the Volstead Act in 1919, and for the Brazilian church UDV during the RFRA Act in 2006. Why not for the Rastafarians? We can make a difference. Go out and vote for the NORML political organization. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

"Justices OK use of hallucinogenic tea." Christian Century Vol. 123 Issue 621 May 2006 14. 18 Oct 2006 .
"Court protects `religious' marijuana use.." Human Events Vol. 52 Issue 723 Feb 1996 pg. 5. 18 Oct 2006 .
"Marijuana." As a Drug. Taima. 18 Oct 2006 ." [Source]

Hell even the Santeria folks get more love than my 12 Tribe of Israel and Nyabinghi friends. But I see a little light at the end of the tunnel, so maybe all is not lost.

Anyway, here is hoping that all these passionate defenders of religious freedom will stand up and defend religious freedom for all A-merry-cans. (Oh, and Jamaicans....)

*Pic courtesy of Harmonist



  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

  2. Anyway, all this talk of religious freedom got me thinking about my favorite religious group here in A-merry-ca. Where are all the A-merry-can people and conservatives rallying around religious freedom for them?


    When Americans and Liberals who are fighting for marriage equality rally around polygamist and people who want to marry their dogs.

    Everyone deserves the right to marry. Right?

  3. "When Americans and Liberals who are fighting for marriage equality rally around polygamist and people who want to marry their dogs.

    Everyone deserves the right to marry. Right?"


    BTW, some A-merry-cans might tell you that they are already married to their dogs. Just sayin.

  4. no slappz10:25 PM

    pilot xyz:

    "I guess I was thinking of how no blacks had won Nobel prizes in these categories:

    Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine."

    You said:

    Uh no, you just have no clue about what you're talking about as usual.

    Oh. Can you name these blacks you believe were awarded the prize in the categories listed above?

    1. 1st off, those who give the "nobel prize" are a bunch of "racist Degenerates" reserving such bogus honors for "other degenerates" to feel good about their Lower level accomplishments.
      2nd) you want some names:
      This Brother is from the Honduras.
      D)President Barack Hussein Obama(SELF-EXPLANATORY)

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Damn Field
    You beat me to it. However, you forgot the, "wink" "wink" part.

    The Fool-

  6. U.S. Election, Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) called the Obama Administration’s effort to force contraception on Catholic organizations “bone-headed”:

    “At least five Senate Democrats have expressed serious concerns over the new regulation, many of them being of Catholic faith. One Senator, Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) called the decision by the administration and the Health and Human Services “bone-headed.”

    West Virginia Senator, Joe Manchin, introduced a bill to the Senate today which calls for blocking the federal mandate.”


    "BTW, some A-merry-cans might tell you that they are already married to their dogs. Just sayin."

    After this, the D-rate may go up.

    Denver Anchorwoman Gets Surgery After Being Bit On Face By Dog On Live TV

    A heroic story took a dark turn this week in Colorado. Yesterday, on Denver’s KUSA, anchorwoman Kyle Dyer did a segment on Max, a large Argentine Mastiff, his owner, and the fireman who save his life. However, right at the end of the interview, something went wrong and Max bit Dyer right on the face, requiring her to be sent to the hospital and receive surgery.

  7. "At least five Senate Democrats have expressed serious concerns over the new regulation, many of them being of Catholic faith. One Senator, Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) called the decision by the administration and the Health and Human Services “bone-headed.”

    So? Dumbocrats are poli-tricksters as well.

  8. no slappz10:30 PM

    As far as using the back door of legalizing pot under the guise of religious freedom, well, even if it's possible to construct an argument claiming the current law violates the Constitution, it's going nowhere.

    It's going no further than an argument claiming a religion that believes having sex with pre-pubescent girls is the path to salvation.

  9. Uh no, you just have no clue about what you're talking about as usual.

    "Oh. Can you name these blacks you believe were awarded the prize in the categories listed above?"

    Uh Slappz, that wasn't what I was talking about. I was referring to the fact that you didn't know there was no Nobel Prize awarded in mathmatics. Try to keep up Barbie.

  10. Kingnut10:46 PM

    "Still, I suspect that this is about restricting the rights of women when it comes to their own bodies"

    How so Field? A women's rights regarding her own body are violated by someone else not paying for her contraception?

    Maybe you want to think that one through.

  11. This is an interesting debate. The way I see it is Catholics should give their adherents the freedom to choose their own destinies. By not offering contraception it's almost as if they don't trust their practicioners. Gotta trust adults will make the "right" decisions themselves without forcing the issue. I wonder how many Catholics use contraceptives and/or have sex without the idea of conception.

  12. Anonymous10:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Really, say what? Global Warming is junk science and a hoax?"

    Of course it is junk science. It's phony. Why do you think people like PilotX and Purple Cow follow it?"

    Maybe someone needs to tell NASA

    Oh do you mean the same NASA that just popped another of the global warming hoax bubbles today?

    Global Sea Level Drops 6 mm in 2010 [NASA satellite data]

    So now that science has proven global warming was junk science and a Hoax, what say you Pilot Jenkum? Going to go back to voodoo? Voodoo, global warming same thing.

  13. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Kingnut said...
    "Still, I suspect that this is about restricting the rights of women when it comes to their own bodies"

    How so Field? A women's rights regarding her own body are violated by someone else not paying for her contraception?

    Maybe you want to think that one through.

    If you are Black and someone doesn't pay for everything you want it is a violation of your civil rights, or at least racist.

    How about they stop fucking and only do so when they can afford a condom?

  14. "Maybe you want to think that one through."

    No, I think you should think about it.....wait, never mind.

  15. Let me guess, Anon @10:50PM, and Kingnut don't like women too much.

  16. Kingnut10:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    This is an interesting debate. The way I see it is Catholics should give their adherents the freedom to choose their own destinies. By not offering contraception it's almost as if they don't trust their practicioners.

    No it's not. Anybody in this country can go down the street and buy contraception any time they want.

    What Obama is doing is more like forcing Alcoholics Anonymous to buy beer for its members. Is that what you mean by trusting them?

  17. Kingnut10:59 PM

    field negro said...
    Let me guess, Anon @10:50PM, and Kingnut don't like women too much.

    Are you sure you graduated from law school?

  18. Kingnut, you are a man, correct?

    Do you realize that women use birth control pills for other things besides actual birth control?

    Here, let me help you:

    Did you graduate high school?

  19. "What Obama is doing is more like forcing Alcoholics Anonymous to buy beer for its members. Is that what you mean by trusting them?"

    I disagree, birth control pills are not something that can just be purchased and is in no way similar to buying beer for alcoholics. There is a mandate to have that type of coverage included in healthcare coverage and there is already a religious exemption. This silly dustup is just a way for Republicans to try to restart some kind of culture war. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  20. Global Sea Level Drops 6 mm in 2010 [NASA satellite data]

    Uh ok? So you link me an article that states the global sea level has dropped, nothing else in the article, and suddenly poof that refutes all other evidence of elevated temps on earth? That is spme wingnut logic if I have ever read it. Carefully read the article I linked from NASA and yes it is the same outfit that staed that elevated temps have nothing to do with natural causation.
    I swear Field, your trolls get dumber and dumber.

  21. Earth's Energy Imbalance
    By James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Pushker Kharecha and Karina von Schuckmann — January 2012

    Deployment of an international array of Argo floats, measuring ocean heat content to a depth of 2000 m, was completed during the past decade, allowing the best assessment so far of Earth's energy imbalance. The observed planetary energy gain during the recent strong solar minimum reveals that the solar forcing of climate, although significant, is overwhelmed by a much larger net human-made climate forcing. The measured imbalance confirms that, if other climate forcings are fixed, atmospheric CO2 must be reduced to about 350 ppm or less to stop global warming. In our recently published paper (Hansen et al., 2011), we also show that climate forcing by human-made aerosols (fine particles in the air) is larger than usually assumed, implying an urgent need for accurate global aerosol measurements to help interpret continuing climate change.

    You can read the rest for yourself here.

  22. Size 14 carbon footprint11:21 PM

    Hansen is a loon.

    I'll stick with satellite data.

  23. "I'll stick with satellite data."

    That's good because NOAA uses satellites to understand global temperatues.

    Thousands of land and ocean temperature measurements are recorded each day around the globe. This includes measurements from climate reference stations, weather stations, ships, buoys and autonomous gliders in the oceans. These surface measurements are also supplemented with satellite measurements. These measurements are processed, examined for random and systematic errors, and then finally combined to produce a time series of global average temperature change. A number of agencies around the world have produced datasets of global-scale changes in surface temperature using different techniques to process the data and remove measurement errors that could lead to false interpretations of temperature trends. The warming trend that is apparent in all of the independent methods of calculating global temperature change is also confirmed by other independent observations, such as the melting of mountain glaciers on every continent, reductions in the extent of snow cover, earlier blooming of plants in spring, a shorter ice season on lakes and rivers, ocean heat content, reduced arctic sea ice, and rising sea levels.

  24. GlobalSoundsSoCool11:39 PM

    Pilot Jenkum X said....

    " I swear Field, your trolls get dumber and dumber."

    Pilot you have got to come up with a new line. You say this same thing EVERY time you post and we all know who the idol worshipping nut is. Global warming is your God and you won't let facts get in the way of your getting to kneel down and fellate the master.

  25. Size 14 carbon footprint11:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    That's good because NOAA uses satellites to understand global temperatues.

    This I know, which is how I know that there has been no significant warming over the past 15 years.

    Regarding "the melting of mountain glaciers on every continent", did you see the story earlier this week on the fact the net ice loss for Himalayan glaciers over the past 10 years has benn zero?

  26. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Pilot Jenkum said...

    "to process the data and remove measurement errors that could lead to false interpretations of temperature trends".

    I love that part of the qoute you posted. What does it do to remove the falsified data provided by all the scientists who knew global warming was a hoax but still wanted the grant money and to have something to worship? And is there any correlation to all of the scientific predictions that have completely proven to be innacurate and false?

    Science is experiment, gather data, let the results decide the science. Not some ridiculous theory that despite being disproven in just about every angle, one changes names and the focus to continue propagation of junk science.

  27. "This I know, which is how I know that there has been no significant warming over the past 15 years."

    Oh really. And your degree in atmospheric science is from where exactly? Yeah, Fox News is a GREAT source for scientific information.
    Anyhoo, been nice conversating with you but alas it must end because I have to think about whom I trust more, highly trained climate scientists or an internet troll with no training that changes its name every five minutes so one can't call it on its b.s.

  28. Bristol University glaciologist Jonathan Bamber, who was not part of the research team, told the Guardian that such a level of melting was practically insignificant.

    "The very unexpected result was the negligible mass loss from high mountain Asia, which is not significantly different from zero," he told the Guardian.

    Bamber was quick to caution that the new study doesn’t alter his view that the climate is changing, and rapidly.

    “This new study doesn't change our view of the risks and threats from climate change,” he said in an online chat at the Guardian. “What it does do is improve our knowledge of the recent behavior of one part of the climate system.”

    Read more:

    What exactly was Bamber quick to point out? Must be part of the global conspiracy.

  29. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Pilot Global Jenkum said..

    "The warming trend that is apparent in all of the independent methods of calculating global temperature change is also confirmed by other independent observations, such as the melting of mountain glaciers on every continent"

    Pilot you just responded to a study that shows glaciers ARE NOT melting anywhere at all. Snow cover has increased not reduced, in fact that is why global warming was changed to climate change remember? Why post an article that is junk science anyway?

    Time to rethink the fallacies.

    "reductions in the extent of snow cover, earlier blooming of plants in spring, a shorter ice season on lakes and rivers, ocean heat content, reduced arctic sea ice, and rising sea levels."

    You just saw the studies from NASA, sea levels have dropped not risen. Ice seasons have increased, artic sea ice has increased, polar bears aren't dying. Your article is while very much representative of the global warming/climate change myths been proven completely and totally wrong. Why still post an article that is junk science anyway?

  30. Anonymous11:54 PM

    PilotX said...
    "This I know, which is how I know that there has been no significant warming over the past 15 years."

    Oh really. And your degree in atmospheric science is from where exactly? Yeah, Fox News is a GREAT source for scientific information.
    Anyhoo, been nice conversating with you but alas it must end because I have to think about whom I trust more, highly trained climate scientists or an internet troll with no training that changes its name every five minutes so one can't call it on its b.s.

    Gimme a break, this guy is retarded what the hell is FOX your talking point to everything? You saw the article that there has been no warming in the past 15 years by results from NASA, the MET and Arizona university. So get your head out of your ass. They are climate scientists. Now, lose the excuses dumbass, the internet person is providing data from NASA and other scientists. Fool.

  31. Size 14 carbon footprint11:55 PM

    PilotX gives up again.

    I guess Fox must have just made up that story about the Himalayan glacier system. You would think someone as much into AGW bullshit as you would have heard this story, or could Google it and read one of the other 215 sources.

    Oh well. Another inconvenient fact won't make any difference to True Believer anyway. Bundle up, it's cold out there.

  32. Size 14 carbon footprint11:56 PM

    “This new study doesn't change our view of the risks and threats from climate change,”

    Spoken like a True Believer.

  33. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Odd how the wingnuts sound so much like the 'we'll just find NEW whales to hunt' back in the day. Only by substituting petroleum were the whales saved from extinction.

    Since the insurance provides for such necessities as baldness cures, penis extensions and does seem that birth control would be covered. Essentially because it makes the woman more productive as an employee.
    And, any employee directly hired to do the religious aspect...may be their own acceptance of the tenets of the particular faith. The woman hired to work in the Catholic-owned parking lot would have the coverage offered by the taxpaying lot across the street.

    How horrible, women being treated with respect and dignity...


  34. "You saw the article that there has been no warming in the past 15 years by results from NASA, the MET and Arizona university"

    Huh? Must have missed that one. Please repost. Don't you mean the University of Arizona?

    "Pilot you just responded to a study that shows glaciers ARE NOT melting anywhere at all. Snow cover has increased not reduced, in fact that is why global warming was changed to climate change remember?"

    Um, no I responded to an article that stated the snow in the Himalayas aren't melting as predicted, not everywhere. In fact the ice in the North Pole IS melting and in retreat. And the reason the terminology has changed is because the globe is not warming uniformily and in some cases there will be cooling but the overall average temps are increasing. Weak argument and misleading.

    "Now, lose the excuses dumbass, the internet person is providing data from NASA and other scientists. Fool."

    Yeah, except NASA says the planet is warming as is NOAA and other climate scientists.

    "I guess Fox must have just made up that story about the Himalayan glacier system."

    No, but notice the expert they quote in the article agrees that the climate is changing rapidly.

    "Bundle up, it's cold out there."

    Depends on where you live. In Chicago we have had record warmth and there is no snow. Record temps all summer in Texas and record number of days above 100 in Dallas. Sure man, sure. Are we done now?

  35. Kingnut12:19 AM

    "How horrible, women being treated with respect and dignity..."

    How moronic, to equate respect and dignity with compensation specifically for something that violates the religious tenets of the faith-based organization you work for.

    Should we mandate all Muslim organizations pay for circumcisions for their employees children?

    How about making Mormons pay for their empoyees coffee and cigarettes?

    If employer provided birth control is so imporant to you, why not switch jobs? Why ever take a jb at a Catholic operation? I wouldn't go to work at the Israeli embassy and then bitch about the fact there was no bacon in the cafeteria.

    Everything you want is a 'right' to a liberal.

  36. "You would think someone as much into AGW bullshit as you"

    Nope, as I have explained previously I am agnostic about climate change as climatology is not my area of expertise. As one of my meteorology professors who is a well known climatologist says "the atmosphere is a very complex system and we really don't know what elevated levels of CO2 will do". My stance is we really don't have a f'n clue what's going to happen but IMHO pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gases probably won't have a good outcome but I don't have a crystal ball so your descrition about me being an AGW guy is incorrect but don't let that stop your rant. I know conservatives aren't good at complex issues, has to be either one or the other Iget that. Not saying it isn't happening but also not saying it is. Capiche?

  37. "Everything you want is a 'right' to a liberal."

    Not really, just healthcare.

  38. If we had universal healthcare we wouldn't have to mandate an employer cover any procedure. Everybody wins.

  39. Kingnut12:57 AM

    PilotX said...
    If we had universal healthcare we wouldn't have to mandate an employer cover any procedure. Everybody wins.

    If everbody wins, who is left to pay for it?

    If having someone else pay for your healthcare is a right, then why not the other essentials of life? Lets make a high quality, nutritous diet a 'right' too - you gotta eat. And a nice house, and free transportation. And while were at it, 50 inch plasma TV's for everyone. And new shoes.

    And not just for us, but for anyone in the world who wants to come to America.

    We just need to come up with a couple of hundred trillion dollars to pay for it.

    Unfortunately, the only way to generate that amount of cash is through free market capatilism, unencumbered by socialist redistrubtionist policies and a government controlled economy. And it's not going to happen overnight.

    You cannot legislate prosperity. (Otherwise, why not just make the minimum wage $10,000 per hour?) You cannot take a product with infinite demand (like healthcare), and make it "free", without running into supply problems.

    The government has 'helped' enough. No more of that kind of help, please.

    Let the people pursue their own interests and innovation and progress will eventually make everyone rich.

  40. "If everbody wins, who is left to pay for it?"

    out of our taxes. It's not rocket science, every other industrialized nation has seemed to have figured it out.

  41. We could have universal healthcare if we change a few of our priorities. We could close a couple of our military bases overseas because I think Germany and Japan will be ok if we pull out. I'm sure some other creative minds could find other ways to pay for it or we could have a real public option. Just a thought.

  42. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Field, what I find bothersome is that you have not spoken about how badly CNN has treated Roland Martin. The entire group of GOP candidates running for President has said all kinds of insulting degrading words about gays and not one word was said about it from GLAAD.

    This is a conspiracy by Whites to take media jobs from Blacks. It is total BS.

    The other irritating event is that 'legislating' court of justices in San Francisco ignored the will of the people of the great state of California. They actually declared Prop8 unconstitutional! How does a court legislate such a thing? They don't. But SF is lawless... they will do anything!

    I find both of the above maddening. And you haven't said a word about these egregious wrongs.

  43. PilotX said...
    "If everbody wins, who is left to pay for it?"

    out of our taxes. It's not rocket science, every other industrialized nation has seemed to have figured it out.

    Really? But how can that be when all the formerly communist ex-Soviet republics now have lower tax rates than America. Do they know something that we don’t? Obama keeps telling us that we must tax the rich at higher rates, just like our friends in Europe. But there’s a big problem. The tax and spend European system is broken. Not just broken, but broke.

    Lesson #1 is Greece. If income redistribution works…if tax and spend is a model for America…why is Greece a bankrupt basket case threatening to bring down the entire European Union? A much more important question: Why is Greece, with a 45% income tax rate, a 23% VAT tax (national sales tax), plus a host of other taxes, still hopelessly bankrupt? Add it up. Greeks pay 70% or more of their income to the government. Yet Greece is insolvent. With all those heavy taxes, they desperately needed a $160 billion bailout two years ago. They ran through all that money and they are hopelessly bankrupt again.

    Lesson #2 is Cuba. Cuba has been a socialist state since before I was born. Their leader Raul Castro is a proud communist. Yet last year Cuba passed the most sweeping reforms in history. Castro is slashing as many as two million government jobs in a small country. He is also cutting entitlements, encouraging more private sector entrepreneurship, giving more power to private companies, and reducing state spending. And he’s ending food stamps (they call them “food rations”).

    Castro said the food rations given all Cubans since 1963 has become an “unsupportable burden” for Cuba’s bankrupt and crumbling government.

    Lesson #3 is Russia. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seemed to be teaching a basic history lesson on socialism when during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last year he stated: “In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state role absolute…In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly.”

    Obama’s stated game plan is to raise U.S. income tax rates to 40% (or higher), eliminate most or all deductions, take the cap off FICA (Social Security taxes), and of course he’s already passed a raft of new Obamacare taxes. A VAT tax may soon follow. Add it up. Under Obama, Americans could soon have a tax rate of well over 60%. Add in state, local and sales taxes and our tax rates quickly head towards 70% or higher. Obama calls all of that “a small increase” and describes it as “fair.” But it all sounds like Greek to me.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous3:18 AM

    rastas have places to go field negro there are 14 states that allow medical weed smokin and tokin and would certainly allow the rastas to use their 'medicine' for their religious rituals so the people of the states are reasonable the federal governments stance is not the obama administration supports the war on drugs meaning obama hates rastas!

  46. what? Obama hates Rastas? Oh lawd! I might have to find another leader. Do u think that Flipper loves Rastas?

    Pilox, did one of the Anons above use Fox News as a source? That's a bad debating tactic.

    Kingnut (really living up to your name)you analogies are flawed. Coffee and cigarettes are vices of pleasure. Proper birth control is a necessity for the health of some women. Did u even read the link I posted?

    Come on now, stop making PilotX look so prophetic.

  47. Just Curious6:05 AM

    Field....I understand what you're saying.

    But. Do you really want it to come to a point that you can marry your dog?

    What's next? Marrying your 5 year old daughter?

    When does this downward spiral stop? There HAS to be a barrier.

    What is yours?

  48. PilotX, in debating complex scientific issues with our wingnnuts, there are three essential problems.

    a) They are not very bright, and are incapable if nuanced thinking. This makes explaining subtle truths close to impossible. They only deal in un-nuanced, superficial, black/white, bipolar thinking.

    b) They are by definition anti-Science, so when posting scientific proof that they are talking nonsense, they simply resort to the “all scientists are insane liberals defense”. Also known as the “well, you can prove anything with facts” defense.

    c) They have conveniently very short memories. Case in point, all this nonsense about the Earth stopped getting warmer 15 years ago, or the icepack and the glaciers are not getting smaller – I’ve posted comprehensive proof that that is nonsense within the last couple of weeks. So what do they do? They first try to find a way to discredit the source as some part of a vast global conspiracy, and then they wait a few weeks before posting the same alleged “facts” again as if nothing had ever happened.

    Watch all this happen as I post the proof here yet again.

  49. Lie 1. Global warming stopped in 1998.

    1998 was either the hottest or perhaps equal second hottest year in history, as indeed was 2005.

    If you include the temperature of the Arctic Ocean in your data set then 2005, was the hottest year ever, with 1998 and 2007 equal second. If you don't include Arctic Ocean temperatures (where the planet is warming the fastest) then 1998 was the warmest year ever with 2005 and 2007 equal second.

    The point is of course that because not every year is not a record year, that doesn’t mean that the world is not getting warmer, as this graph shows.

    Take for example 2011 which was a La Niña year was cooler than 2010 (as La Niñas always are), and yet 2011 was the eleventh warmest year ever and the warmest La Niña year ever.

    From that article, here is a nice graph that shows just how much warmer the years since 1998 have been than the years that preceded it.

  50. ZimbabweFreud8:41 AM

    "The Purple Cow said...
    PilotX, in debating complex scientific issues with our wingnnuts, there are three essential problems.

    a) They are not very bright, and are incapable if nuanced thinking. This makes explaining subtle truths close to impossible. They only deal in un-nuanced, superficial, black/white, bipolar thinking."

    Ahh the textbook liberal demonstrating his lack of self esteem with his low sense of self characteristics;

    Purple Cow:

    Overall has a general sense of unhappiness, depression, unease, malaise. Blind to unpleasant realities. Over-dependence on people or things (marxism). Inability to accept criticism.

    Exaggerates, pretends and lies to conceal insecurity.

    Arrogant and boastful which is intended to appear self confident.

    Uses language for its emotive value to persuade others (grammer police, punctuation nanny)

    Projects own inadequacies and motives onto others.

    Sees others as impotent victims.

    Jealous and envious of others, especially those perceived as having a high sense of self (christians, whites, self sufficient anti government anti nanny state types)

    Drawn to others with a low sense of self.

    Seeks control and power over others.

    Outwardly aggressive or passively aggressive.

    Does not seek self-improvement, as it requires acknowledging one is currently lacking - "We didnt need the wheel or anything else" that is why Africans never invented anything, they chose to.

    Lacks self-discipline

    Closed-minded, unwilling to accept new ideas - claims that hard science is wrong rejecting unpleasant realities - while embracing intangible unproven wishful theories.

    A liberals' emotional neediness leads them to identify and experience a bonding with others who also have low self-esteem and low self-love.

    More Purple analysis to come, we haven't even scratched the surface of bestiality and other nefarious behaviours.

  51. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Obama/Volt perfect matchup for 2012

  52. Lie 2. Glaciers are not shrinking

    This is an easy one.

    The World Glacier Monitoring Service…

    …has been in existence since 1864 and has been continuing the work of monitoring glaicier levels begun in 1960, there statistics are incontrovertible.

    The early mass balance measurements indicate strong ice losses as early as the 1940s and 1950s, followed by a moderate ice loss between 1966 and 1985, and accelerating ice losses until present. The global average annual mass loss of more than half a metre water equivalent during the decade of 1996 to 2005 represents twice the ice loss of the previous decade (1986–95) and over four times the rate
    of the decade from 1976 to 1985. Prominent periods
    of regional mass gains are found in the Alps in the late 1970s and early 1980s and in coastal Scandinavia and New Zealand in the 1990s. Under current IPCC climate scenarios, the ongoing trend of worldwide and rapid, if not accelerating, glacier shrinkage on the century time scale is most likely to be of a non-periodic nature, and may lead to the deglaciation of large parts of many mountain ranges by the end of the 21st century.

    The United Nations report on global glaciation…

    …was clear in its conclusions

    ”In the current scenarios of climate change, the ongoing trend of worldwide and rapid, if not accelerating, glacier shrinkage on the century time scale is most likely of a non-periodic nature, and may lead to the deglaciation of large parts of many mountain ranges in the coming decades. Such rapid environmental changes require that the international glacier monitoring efforts make use of the swiftly developing new technologies, such as remote sensing and geo-informatics, and relate them to
    the more traditional field observations, in order to better face the challenges of the 21st century”

    Bear in mind, that just as Global warming models do not predict that every area of the planet becomes warmer in a warming scenario, that also means that not evert single glaicier must be shrinking. But the evidence that the net volume of glaciers is rapidly shrinking is overwhelming

  53. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Lie 2. Glaciers are not shrinking

    This is an easy one.

    The World Glacier Monitoring Service…

    …has been in existence since 1864 and has been continuing the work of monitoring glaicier levels begun in 1960, there statistics are incontrovertible.

    Interesting, I will check out their documentation, thanks for the link.

    One point though, they have a picture of all the statitician's posted on the site and I couldn't help but notice with all the white ice in the background that not one of them was minority or Black. What is this evidence of?

    I wonder if there are any scientific studies that would corroborate scientific evidence for the lack of Blacks in science?

  54. Lie 3. Sea Levels are not really rising

    This is another easy one.

    Just this week, NASA produced evidence that in the period 2003 to 2010 4.3 Trillion (with a ‘T’) tons of water were added to the global seas, resulting in a sea-level rise an average of 12 mm during that era.

    Remember though, that sea levels across the planet are not uniform, they will vary in different parts of the globe, there is some evidence that Arctic Ocean levels have fallen slightly.

    Good discussion of the issue here.

  55. Anyways I've got a three 'o' clock, so I must dash, folks.

    I'll be back to eviscerate more of your theories later.

  56. religion is always selectively evil...

    ask any gay spouse


  57. unclothed unfed unlicked unglued unread uneducated vdlr:

    vdlr decoder:
    "property" = a tee shirt fly enuf to wear to the club, and get effed by any stray stud, in the backseat of any random auto parked osd, while wearing said shirt; as in "a proper tee"...


    see my very own intellectual property here...and...enjoy!:

  58. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The U.N is an authority? Isn't this the same group that used phony data to support its claims on global warming? Do they allow real debate on global warming or are conferences rigged and no debate is allowed in their drive to levy taxes of 2,000US on every family in 1st world countries?

    "My biggest complaint with the AGW scientists is that their climate models tend to ignore the past significant changes on the planet.

    For example, University of Virginia Professor Michael Mann’s ‘hockey-stick graph’ is a climatological ‘joke,’ in my not so humble opinion. It shows a very stable climate on a global scale between 1000 A.D. and 1980 A.D. followed by a huge warmup in the past 30 years since 1981.

    Many of these ‘Climategate’ e-mails exposed Mann’s statistical errors in his hockey-stick graph. He completely ignored the 11-year cooling period between 1998 and 2009 that almost wiped-out the warming cycle of 1981 to 1998 in the mid-latitudes.

    Mann was told by Professor Phil Jones in a November 2009 e-mail, "not to leave stuff lying around that would point out his many climate errors."

    Canadian climate scientists, Ross McKitrick and Steve McIntyre, have completely discredited Mann’s ‘hockey-stick’ graph. To me, it’s just a "cracked puck in the weeds."

    Only a few dozen climate scientists still support the AGW cause. At least 32,000 climate scientists worldwide, approximately 9,000 holding PhD’s, now believe that the ‘theory of catastrophic global warming’ is not supported by scientific evidence over the ages. Carbon dioxide does not heat the planet.

    Like me, they also believe that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a beneficial substance for both plants and animals, not a pollutant like carbon monoxide or sulfur dioxide."

  59. eg

    killing a fetus/abortion trumps killing a soul/molesting a mature fetus


  60. no slappz9:50 AM

    pilot xyz:

    Global sea levels...

    Here's all you need to know about changing sea levels: If the water is rising, move back from the shore.

    If you'd rather stay on the coast, knowing that rising sea levels might swamp your land, then build a levee. Holland has managed, and so has New Orleans.

    Making the easy adjustment is the best plan for staying out of harm's way.

    What do you think the coastal Africans will do? Build levees? Or move away from the shore?

  61. no slappz9:58 AM

    purple buttercup posts:

    Just this week, NASA produced evidence that in the period 2003 to 2010 4.3 Trillion (with a ‘T’) tons of water were added to the global seas, resulting in a sea-level rise an average of 12 mm during that era.

    IF melting ice added 4.3 trillion tons of water to global seas, first, so what?

    Second, a lot of that water came from melting icebergs, which means that floating icebergs got smaller and their dimished bulk was replaced by water. Hence, virtually no increase of mass in the seas.

    Third, IF above-normal rates of melting occurred, then some of the fresh water was absorbed into the atmosphere due to the higher air temperature.

    Fourth, 12mm? That's 12 millimeters. That's nothing. For the Americans, 12 millimetes is about half an inch.

    None of the billions of people who went swimming in any of the world's oceans in the last decade noticed.

  62. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Field, isn't it interesting that Muslims are totally exempt from all these Obamacare mandates? Yet muslims certainly do take "insurance" when they receive government assistance, medicare and so on.

    This is dhimmitude. Controlling of the non muslim populations conquered through Jihad via taxation. I wonder what it is like to go to school as a devout Muslim in Indonesia?

  63. Anonymous10:07 AM

    None of the billions of people who went swimming in any of the world's oceans in the last decade noticed.

    Black folk, don't swim.

  64. fn:

    is that why you selected the vdlr as your retarded blog cop???

    because she is a crazy coward???


  65. no slappz10:16 AM

    purple buttercup:

    If the planet were actually warming, then the benefits would outweigh the negatives.

    Greenland, for example, would become a global breadbasket.

    Supplies of fresh water would increase, which would result in agricultural abundance, an abundance necessary to feed the rapidly growing global population.

    We're at 7 billion people now. By mid-century, probably 9 billion. By the end of the century, what? 12 billion? All hungry.

    We could use the extra water. Not that any of these helpful developments will benefit Africa. Because, well, you know why.

    The fundamental flaw in your idiotic logic about global warming is how your ideas, such as there are any, do nothing to address the real issue of how to provide food and water for all the people that coming.

    Almost none of us alive today will be around for the next century. And none of those who will be around are likely to appreciate your ideas, which, at best, will lead to increasing food shortages in the harshest regions on the planet. Mostly, that means Africa.

    Hence, the productive regions will be called upon to give away more and more of their production, because, as we know, none of the African nations will meet their internal demands for food. But their populations will grow, especially if an AIDS cure or vaccine is discovered -- a discovery that won't happen in Africa.

    Once again, the Africans will figure they don't "need" a wheel, or a lot of food. But if their seaside huts are eventually waterlogged, they will decide the "need" to move away from the beach.

  66. fn:

    no word on ndaa????

    are u afraid???

    Traditional Black progressive and movement politics has been replaced by fear and sycophantism, as Blacks once again circle the wagons around Obama and contort the events of the last three years to justify their unrequited loyalty to the Banker’s President. Fear of Republicans is deployed as an excuse for failure to defend the community from its worst domestic crisis in many generations, and for Black America’s collective failure to intervene in Obama’s assaults on peace, in general, and Africa, in particular. But something more insidious is at work, here: a kind of Black group “patriotism” that values vicarious African American association with imperial power. When a Black man is virtual king of the world, African Americans must be more than simply the bottom rung of the domestic social ladder – no matter what the statistics say. African Americans may account for one out of eight prison inmates on the planet, but one of their own is also the most powerful person on Earth.

    Thus, the proud legacy of Black American progressivism and activism is trumped by the narrowest, self-defeating nationalism. A Black misleadership class that cannot raise a finger in defense of its own people manages to move their lips all day long urging Blacks to rally around Obama – a man held in such high esteem among the enemies of Black people, on Wall Street, he will undoubtedly be the biggest recipient of corporate campaign funding in 2012, repeating his 2008 performance.

    It’s all about the children, we are told. Black kids need role models like the handsome couple at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. African American youth need to bear witness to Black folks engaged in pomp and ceremony. Who needs a people’s movement, when a Black reality show is playing at the White House?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Anonymous12:07 PM

    your so smart go to junk and win $250,000 if you can prove glow bull worming caused by man. you had better read the data first if you can.what bongo wants the catholics to do is provide condoms,pills and public school type sex ed in our schools and abortion in our hospitals.well bongo can go fuck him self because we are not going to do that.bongo is a one termer after we kick his ass out on to the street where he can rejoin his commie pals in prison.

  69. Crazy people shouldn't be allowed on the internet12:16 PM

    Alicia obviously doesn't have a babysitting job on Fridays. Every week, it's the same thing.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Odd that teenage boys are appalled that women would use birth control without asking a teenage boy whether the woman has agency to do so.
    The male secretary to the Bishop or Cardinal can certainly follow his conscience and religious belief and forgo birth control. What Obama and those evil, evil college-educated women did was make the RN or parking lot attendant who are women...covered under insurance...just like any other business.
    Those directly employed by the Holy Church of Wite Segregation, the Talbiangelical Fellowship of He-Man Woman Haters Club, and the Priests NAMBLA Opus Dei Church...are not.
    So, it never was about beleef....but whether one sees women as equals and deserving of equitable treatment.
    Thank Goddess, I am not needing to defer to some Goober for any of Life's necessities. So I can gleefully tell them to 'go away'


  72. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Seems some lads have no concept of women purchasing birth control pills. Perhaps they should ask their Mommy. Or Auntie. Or Granny.

    Pardon me, young boy...your ignorance is showing.


  73. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Seems some lads have no concept of women purchasing birth control pills. Perhaps they should ask their Mommy. Or Auntie. Or Granny.

    Pardon me, young boy...your ignorance is showing.


    This all comes from a gay white male pretending to be a old black lady

  74. Repulsive progressive hypocrisy

    The Democratic Party owes a sincere apology to George Bush, Dick Cheney and company for enthusiastically embracing many of the very Terrorism policies which caused them to hurl such vehement invective at the GOP for all those years. And progressives who support the views of the majority as expressed by this poll should never be listened to again the next time they want to pretend to oppose civilian slaughter and civil liberties assaults when perpetrated by the next Republican President (it should be noted that roughly 35% of liberals, a non-trivial amount, say they oppose these Obama policies).

  75. Does Obama want some syrup with his waffle?


    The White House has settled on a compromise in the dispute over whether to require full contraception insurance coverage for female employees at religiously affiliated institutions, a source has told CNN.

    The administration will expand the religious exemption for religiously affiliated universities and hospitals, the source said. Individuals will be able to get contraceptive coverage directly from insurers.

  76. blind fool buttinski assnon:

    check the vdlr's schedule

    and babysit this!


    ron paul 2012

  77. Buy Your Own Damn Depends..or Double :A:'s1:12 PM


    You can PURCHASE what EVER you want.

    I don't want to pay for it, and I
    'm NOT a "lad"

  78. Farmer Brown1:16 PM

    Oh, Lord.....somebody left the barn door open again. It's AB time

  79. faceless powerless blogless fat legless moo-ing cow assnon:

    why no moos from you about the vdlr/ndaa???

    u grounded beef???

  80. Anonymous2:25 PM

    AB are you posting everything over and over or is that idiot copying and pasting? This mindless spam is ridiculous.

  81. Kingnut2:51 PM

    Mold said...
    "Odd that teenage boys are appalled that women would use birth control without asking a teenage boy whether the woman has agency to do so."

    That would be odd, except that this has nothing to do with a woman's right to decide if she uses contraception, and everything to do with forcing a religious organization opposed to contraception to pay for contraception.

    Are you brain damaged?

  82. "F melting ice added 4.3 trillion tons of water to global seas, first, so what?"

    It's a lot of extra water in a very short space of time. Secondly, one of your nutjob buddies were saying that glaciers were INCREASING in size, this is proof that they ain't. I don't only post to humiliate you, I like to destroy your buddies too.

    "Second, a lot of that water came from melting icebergs, which means that floating icebergs got smaller and their dimished bulk was replaced by water. Hence, virtually no increase of mass in the seas."

    Not true. Had you bothered to read the links I posted you would know that the vast bulk of it was due to retreating glaciers. That was the whole point of the post.

    "Third, IF above-normal rates of melting occurred, then some of the fresh water was absorbed into the atmosphere due to the higher air temperature."

    ...and fall as rain on a planet that is more than two thirds sea.

    "Fourth, 12mm? That's 12 millimeters. That's nothing. For the Americans, 12 millimetes is about half an inch."

    It's a lot in a short space of time. A one meter increase in sea levels will mean saying goodbye to Atlantic City, New Orleans, most of the Netherlands, much of Bangladesh and pretty much all of the Mekong Delta, and all of the Maldives.

    "None of the billions of people who went swimming in any of the world's oceans in the last decade noticed."

    Why is this relevant?

  83. Why Warren Buffet doesn't mind higher taxes:

  84. Quote Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel

    "If the planet were actually warming, then the benefits would outweigh the negatives.

    Greenland, for example, would become a global breadbasket."

    No, more than 50% of Greenland would be reduced to a brackish lake by a one meter rise in sea levels.

    "Supplies of fresh water would increase, which would result in agricultural abundance, an abundance necessary to feed the rapidly growing global population."

    Where would those supplies of fresh water be? How would you transport it to where you need it?

    Certainly the increase in fresh water would not help the USA, where your plain states would be reduced to a desert. You could try importing grain from a newly sub-tropical Canada - but they hate you. So good luck with that.

    "We're at 7 billion people now. By mid-century, probably 9 billion. By the end of the century, what? 12 billion? All hungry."

    Not all hungry, it is believed that planet Earth can comfortably feed 12 billion people, but distribution of wealth and resources is the problem.

    "The fundamental flaw in your idiotic logic about global warming is how your ideas, such as there are any, do nothing to address the real issue of how to provide food and water for all the people that coming."

    Whereas the fundamental flaw in your logic is that you are talking complete bollocks, unsubstantiated by anything that looks like evidence, logic or substantiating facts.

    "Almost none of us alive today will be around for the next century. And none of those who will be around are likely to appreciate your ideas, which, at best, will lead to increasing food shortages in the harshest regions on the planet. Mostly, that means Africa."

    Actually North America will be about as harsh as it gets.

    "Hence, the productive regions will be called upon to give away more and more of their production...

    You'd better hope so, otherwise you are fucked.

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  103. Anonymous3:18 PM


    when the vdlr stops erasing/editing/reposting/
    plagiarising my posts

    then i will post once

    as long as i am abused my special rules herein

    i will post accordingly



    i am also compelled to make that crazy stalker/net cleaner bitch earn her keep as the official actual blog cop herein

    3:14 PM

    alicia banks said...

    when the vdlr stops erasing/editing/reposting/
    plagiarising my posts

    then i will post once

    as long as i am abused my special rules herein

    i will post accordingly



    i am also compelled to make that crazy stalker/net cleaner bitch earn her keep as the official actual blog cop herein

    The hazard is I used to read your posts, now I just scroll by cause its spam city just as bad as your stalker - just a bunch of name calling. Take it for whatever its worth.

  104. Anonymous3:33 PM

    alicia banks said...
    lying assnon:

    why do u ignore the vdlr's xxx looping bs all day???

    do u really think i care if you stay a moron???

    the loss is yours

    eff u

    OK F Me. I said take it for what its worth I ignore the idiot's "looping bullshit" because the thing is insane and has NEVER said anything worth reading. When I see dogshit I don't drop down and roll in it to try and become one with the pile, pick it up and play with it and try and be just like it, I step over it.

  105. Anonymous3:50 PM

    alicia banks said...
    lying messy assnon:

    then wtf are u doing now???

    Talking to you, I don't consider you dog shit. But after getting called a bunch of names I think I am out. Seeya.
