Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The "Southern Strategy" never gets old.

Man I can't believe that Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium is beating up on Flipper tonight. I thought that Flipper had this thing wrapped up. These conservatives sure are making it hard for Mr. Stiff.  Missouri is just a beauty contest, so it means nothing in terms of delegates.  These candidates didn't really spend money in the states in play tonight, and where there is no need for money Flipper falters. He has a lot of money, but that's about it. Talk about underwhelming. He swamped all those media markets in Florida with negative ads. about Newt, and, as a result, he kicked his ass. But money can buy you votes, but it sure can't buy you love. And right about now these wingnuts have no love for Flipper.

Rick, you better watch out, those incoming negative scuds will be falling on your head soon. And you might want to put a bullet proof armor under those sweater vests.

Finally, while the political chattering class continues to obsess about this latest dust up between HHS and the Catholic Church... (A false controversy if I have ever seen one. To me, religious bigotry was being forced to join a f*&^%$g club to buy a bottle of wine in a restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah.) The real "okeydoke", of course, is taking place in state capitals all across the South.

"North Carolina State Senator Eric Mansfield was born in 1964, a year before the passage of the Voting Rights Act, which guaranteed the right to vote for African-Americans. He grew up in Columbus, Georgia, and moved to North Carolina when he was stationed at Fort Bragg. He became an Army doctor, opening a practice in Fayetteville after leaving the service. Mansfield says he was always “very cynical about politics” but decided to run for office in 2010 after being inspired by Barack Obama’s presidential run.

He ran a grassroots campaign in the Obama mold, easily winning the election with 67 percent of the vote. He represented a compact section of northwest Fayetteville that included Fort Bragg and the most populous areas of the city. It was a socioeconomically diverse district, comprising white and black and rich and poor sections of the city. Though his district had a black voting age population (BVAP) of 45 percent, Mansfield, who is African-American, lives in an old, affluent part of town that he estimates is 90 percent white. Many of his neighbors are also his patients.

But after the 2010 census and North Carolina’s once-per-decade redistricting process—which Republicans control by virtue of winning the state’s General Assembly for the first time since the McKinley administration—Mansfield’s district looks radically different. It resembles a fat squid, its large head in an adjoining rural county with little in common with Mansfield’s previously urban district, and its long tentacles reaching exclusively into the black neighborhoods of Fayetteville. The BVAP has increased from 45 to 51 percent, as white voters were surgically removed from the district and placed in a neighboring Senate district represented by a white Republican whom GOP leaders want to protect in 2012. Mansfield’s own street was divided in half, and he no longer represents most of the people in his neighborhood. His new district spans 350 square miles, roughly the distance from Fayetteville to Atlanta. Thirty-three voting precincts in his district have been divided to accommodate the influx of new black voters. “My district has never elected a nonminority state senator, even though minorities were never more than 45 percent of the vote,” Mansfield says. “I didn’t need the help. I was doing OK.”

Mansfield’s district is emblematic of how the redistricting process has changed the political complexion of North Carolina, as Republicans attempt to turn this racially integrated swing state into a GOP bastion, with white Republicans in the majority and black Democrats in the minority for the next decade. “We’re having the same conversations we had forty years ago in the South, that black people can only represent black people and white people can only represent white people,” says Mansfield. “I’d hope that in 2012 we’d have grown better than that.” Before this year, for example, there were no Senate districts with a BVAP of 50 percent or higher. Now there are nine. A lawsuit filed by the NAACP and other advocacy groups calls the redistricting maps “an intentional and cynical use of race that exceeds what is required to ensure fairness to previously disenfranchised racial minority voters.”

And it’s not just happening in North Carolina. In virtually every state in the South, at the Congressional and state level, Republicans—to protect and expand their gains in 2010—have increased the number of minority voters in majority-minority districts represented overwhelmingly by black Democrats while diluting the minority vote in swing or crossover districts held by white Democrats. “What’s uniform across the South is that Republicans are using race as a central basis in drawing districts for partisan advantage,” says Anita Earls, a prominent civil rights lawyer and executive director of the Durham-based Southern Coalition for Social Justice. “The bigger picture is to ultimately make the Democratic Party in the South be represented only by people of color.” The GOP’s long-term goal is to enshrine a system of racially polarized voting that will make it harder for Democrats to win races on local, state, federal and presidential levels. Four years after the election of Barack Obama, which offered the promise of a new day of postracial politics in states like North Carolina, Republicans are once again employing a Southern Strategy that would make Richard Nixon and Lee Atwater proud.

The consequences of redistricting in North Carolina—one of the most important swing states in the country—could determine who controls Congress and the presidency in 2012. Democrats hold seven of the state’s thirteen Congressional seats, but after redistricting they could control only three—the largest shift for Republicans at the Congressional level in any state this year. Though Obama won eight of the thirteen districts, under the new maps his vote would be contained in only three heavily Democratic districts—all of which would have voted 68 percent or higher for the president in 2008—while the rest of the districts would have favored John McCain by 55 percent or more. “GOP candidates could win just over half of the statewide vote for Congress and end up with 62 percent to 77 percent of the seats,” found John Hood, president of the conservative John Locke Foundation." [Rest of story here] (h/t to my man Dan for this story)

I have to give it to republicans; they sure know how to hold on to power: polarize and shore up your base. It's brilliant!

I guess we will just have to put that "post-racial" thingy on hold for awhile.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Did you really mean " sure up your base " in that second to last sentence in your post.
    I'm still reading and appreciating the news you share.

    Makaii from Maui

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Those "Christian" White folk who want there country back are not going to vote for Romney and his magic under waring ass. They lie their Reps with Klan robes not magic underwear, and 13 little girls for wives.

  3. I love my girl Maui. How did you get that so fast? :) I actually corrected that already. Thanks.

  4. BTW Maui, I am still going to make that trip.

    Sorry folks, I had to modify the comments section a little early today. My spam meter was going crazy.

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    It was all in the timing. More than likely you were correcting as I was reading and my making my comment on your wee error.

    Makaii from Maui

  6. The Whiter Party11:19 PM

    "What’s uniform across the South is that Republicans are using race as a central basis in drawing districts for partisan advantage"

    Well duh. They make the whole process easy. Everybody knows black = democrat voter.

    You can't always tell by looking at a white person whether they are a democrat or a republican. With black people, it's a no-brainer.

    When the democrats are in charge, they gerrymander to their advantage. Do you expect the Republicans not to?

    Republicans have tried pandering to blacks for years to no avail. They can't compete with trillion dollar Barry, Food Stamp Harry and pass the bill so we can find out what's in it Nancy.

    Somebody has to be the evil boogeyman in this story, the villian who wants to take all the goodies away. This is the role given to the Republican Party, who no doubt, would re-institute slavery if they could!

    Personally, I'd rather have a party that stands on principle and tries to do what's best for everybody, rather than have one that bids for the votes of of different groups in a way that divides and conquers.

    You can have your class warfare and racial animosity. It's worked out pretty well so far for the Democrat party; not so much for black people. But hey, it's no time for second thoughts now, let's drive this sucker off the cliff.

    So, adios black people. You picked your poison. Drink up!

  7. "Personally, I'd rather have a party that stands on principle and tries to do what's best for everybody, rather than have one that bids for the votes of of different groups in a way that divides and conquers."

    One thing conservatives know how to do well is project their own qualities onto others. The above bolded is what the GOP does on a daily basis: divide Middle America and the working-class whites from their black breathren, pit scared elderly voters against the young, etc etc.

  8. Xstrato11:48 PM

    “When democracy is taken from its proper place and is allowed to fill the entire horizon, it produces an envious hatred not only of all distinction but even of all difference.”

    Richard Weaver.

  9. "One thing conservatives know how to do well is project their own qualities onto others. The above bolded is what the GOP does on a daily basis: divide Middle America and the working-class whites from their black breathren, pit scared elderly voters against the young, etc etc."

    Mac, that's a great point. And they are good at it.

    "Republicans have tried pandering to blacks for years to no avail."


  10. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Personally, I'd rather have a party that stands on principle and tries to do what's best for everybody, rather than have one that bids for the votes of of different groups in a way that divides and conquers."

    One thing conservatives know how to do well is project their own qualities onto others. The above bolded is what the GOP does on a daily basis: divide Middle America and the working-class whites from their black breathren, pit scared elderly voters against the young, etc etc.

    The day I hear a democrat resigned because of bad behavoir and competence and not cry racism or finger point then you might have something. The day I don't hear democrats like Sheila Jackson telling me that requiring a voter to ID themselves in this day and age is racist and that her mother born in florida had to go all over the world to get her birth certificate, I will agree with you. The day I hear that problems are looked at for the real cause and potential solutions and not discussed only by race and never looking for solutions then you might have something.

    Until than I have to say you have your projections completely and totally reversed. I mean if Obama were white, the CBC said they would be marching on the white house, but he isn't well half anyway so they won't. Now is that what works? Excuses for skin color? With no questions asked attacks and demands for another color. Hasnt done anyone very much good for a long, long time. Someday someone will wake up and say wait, you been sayin that for 40 years. It isn't working.

  11. Mack Lyons said...
    One thing conservatives know how to do well is project their own qualities onto others.

    Your standard "No, you are" response is getting tiresome, Mack.

    Obama is the Great Divider. Hope was a lie. His whole campaign has been about demonization and fear.

    Isolate a minority ("the one percent) and then rally hate against them.

    Accuse all opposition (e.g. the Tea party) of racist motives.

    Encourage ethnic hatred by telling hispanics to "punish their enemies" (white Republicans).

    The man is a cancer who will stop at nothing to hold onto power.

  12. Anonymous12:09 AM

    alicia banks said...



    I AM NOT CF!!!!

    1:37 PM

    wow now what an interesting display field and other negroes apparently the resident spamming troll has lost her natural mind and this anon still don't know what she wa talking about do you?

  13. Anonymous12:44 AM

    See what happens when you let Goobers decide anything? Gerrymandering, polarization, and a distinct removal from Reality.

    Funny how a crew so obsessed with Fwee Markets and Competition...try to set up a de facto aristocracy.


  14. Davis Samuels, Jr.12:53 AM

    As long as Mold is disenfranchised, it's alright with me.

  15. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Well, now that all of the redistricting has been done all across America and the Democrats have said NOTHING about it, one can only conclude that the White Dems are in it with the Republicans.

    It's over for Blacks but we knew that was coming didn't we? We are finished and so is Obama. However, I am glad Obama is done, he never cared about us anyway.

    One question: "Is there anybody who DOES care about Blacks?" I am really scared of the honest answer. I mean, it's not like we have somewhere else to go on this planet.

  16. Anonymous1:11 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'll say! Smh!

    Smh? Shaking my hooters?

  17. Anonymous 12:54:

    Do you have an dependency on whites to breathe?

    Smh = Shaking my head

  18. I am not trying to put you down or anything like that, but you talk like your whole life depends on whites as if they are the ones that breathed life into your body.

  19. Anonymous1:30 AM

    anon, "Well, now that all of the redistricting has been done all across America and the Democrats have said NOTHING about it, one can only conclude that the White Dems are in it with the Republicans."

    I have been thinking the same.

    " One question: "Is there anybody who DOES care about Blacks?" I am really scared of the honest answer. I mean, it's not like we have somewhere else to go on this planet."

    I get your point. WE, the black people need to care about "ourselves" which collectively we do not. I think Granny missed the point. But she certainly projected her own thoughts about white people, whom she has blamed many times in her comments.lol

  20. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Granny, "I am not trying to put you down or anything like that, but you talk like your whole life depends on whites as if they are the ones that breathed life into your body."

    1:30 AM
    No one said anything about dependence on Whites. Those are YOUR feelings and opinions, not mine.

    My feelings are about black unity, which somehow has continued to elude Blacks for decades, maybe centuries. I think you missed my point.

  21. "Is there anybody who DOES care about Blacks?" I am really scared of the honest answer. I mean, it's not like we have somewhere else to go on this planet."

    that's why I said that

  22. I would like to see unity too. However, it does not look like that is going to happen with blacks or any other group of people for that fact.

    We're not the only group of people who have difference of opinions within our community. They have difference of opinions in all of them.

  23. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Granny, just answer the question. Don't project or make anymore out of it than a person asking a question. No where in that comment did anon say anything about Whites. But YOU did. Get it?

    Me thinks you are too old, senile and complicated to answer a simple question without making a mountain out of a molehill. lol

  24. Anonymous 1:53:

    Methinks, you need to mind your own business. You wish. You really do wish that I was senile, but YOU will be SENILE before I ever will!!!! My mind will stay SOUND until the day I DIE! BUT You're gonna AGE quick in appearance! You will LOOK OLDER THAN YOU REALLY ARE! I see it!

  25. Anonymous 1:30:

    If I misumderstood you, I apologize and understand your wanting unity amongst us. It would be a good thing.

  26. You can't always tell by looking at a white person whether they are a democrat or a republican. With black people, it's a no-brainer.

    Allan West
    Herman Cain
    JC Watts
    Michael Steele

    The day I hear a democrat resigned because of bad behavoir and competence and not cry racism or finger point then you might have something.

    Anthony Weiner he was badly behaved but very competent.

    Damn Field, your trolls can't get their lies straight let alone their facts.

    Has Romney talked specifically about what he'll do to create jobs? What bills has Ron Paul had his name on? What legislation did Santorum fight for when he was a senator. I've heard a lot of rhetoric about each but no specifics.

  27. NSangoma4:01 AM

    "I'm not pro-black, I'm pro-America."

    Some Negroes are using dog-whistles to let white folk know that they are one of the good culluds. Unlike, you bad field-negroe type Negroes.


  28. Brooklyn, what do all those Negroes have in common?

    Tap tap, tap tap.......

    Go easy on my trolls Granny. They are not that bright..

  29. Romney doesn't pay enough in taxes to be elected president and IMHO, his was the rights best chance for winning the election.

    Obama 2012

  30. Botswana Wants YOU!9:31 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    One question: "Is there anybody who DOES care about Blacks?" I am really scared of the honest answer. I mean, it's not like we have somewhere else to go on this planet.

    12:54 AM"

    Man, there's a whole continent called Africa that would just LOVE to have about 40 million American-educated blacks migrate there. Imagine the wonders that could be achieved!

  31. no slappz10:06 AM

    mack lyins said...

    "Personally, I'd rather have a party that stands on principle and tries to do what's best for everybody, rather than have one that bids for the votes of of different groups in a way that divides and conquers."

    Yeah, there's nothing divisive about the 99% vs the 1%.

    Obviously, the Democrat/Republican divide is much closer to 50/50, but when Dems go all out to demonize, the 99/1 ratio screams louder.

  32. no slappz10:11 AM

    brooklyn the non-brooklynite bejabbered:

    The day I hear a democrat resigned because of bad behavoir and competence and not cry racism or finger point then you might have something.

    Anthony Weiner he was badly behaved but very competent.

    If Weiner was competent, why did he resign?

    In fact, he was such an incompetent moron he failed to realize that he could have remained in office and told his critics to shove it. But for no understandable reason, the little cry baby ran home and quit.

    Having met him, I can tell you he's not much and no one misses him.

    Apparently you missed the fact that NO ONE in the House or Senate (including his former mentor Chuck Schumer) came to his defense. That's how much his fellow Dems supported him in his hour of need. That should tell you something, although, based on your comprehension of how the world works, nothing much gets through to you.

  33. no slappz10:16 AM

    You clowns seem to think gerrymandering -- the term for redistricting -- is a Republican game.

    Yet it happens all the time in the Peoples' Republic of New York City.

    One congressional district runs down the edge of Manhattan's west side like Chile down the east coast of South America. That's strange enough. But then the district jumps across the East River and resumes in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn.

    As for who gets elected in New York City? Well, wherever the majority of voters are black, the elected official is black.

    If there are lots of blacks in an area, but not enough to form a majority of voters, the gerrymandering begins.

    My congressional voting district was formed to ensure the election of Shirley Chisholm, in case any of you know who she is.

  34. no slappz10:32 AM

    field's guide to lying:

    field, if you believe I'm lying about having kids, then you're showing evidence of judicial incompetence.

    Meanwhile, it's not that I expect you or pilot xyz to care if a few white kids are victimized by young black thugs-in-training, but your responses show further evidence that you clowns live on the planet of denial.

    My younger son is in an accelerated academic program that he entered in kindergarten. In the beginning, probably one-third of the kids were black or hispanic.

    Part of the benefit of acceptance into this "gifted program" is how it prepares kids to get accepted into the competitive middle schools, and finally, the competitive high schools in NY City.

    My kid's middle school accepts kids on the basis of "talent". Talents include science, math, creative writing, dance, vocals, athletics, visual arts, performing arts and a couple of others.

    There are no black or hispanic students in the science or math groups.

    Why? The black and hispanic kids in my son's class and in other gifted classes were given the same instruction in the same classrooms as the white and asian kids. But none made the cut for those two talents at his school.

    It's been that way for a long time.

    The high school my son is aiming for has an asian student body that's 63% of the total. Virtually no blacks or hispanics.

    Everyone in NY City takes the same test, which is open to every kid who lives in the five boroughs.

    Meanwhile, no obsesses about the fact that the NBA is almost all black. No one objects to blacks dominating in football or boxing.

    It's okay if blacks are faster, stronger, more skillful, whatever, when it comes to sports. But good god almighty, when it's suggested that blacks are less able than whites and asians in school, whooee, what a firestorm.

  35. "It's okay if blacks are faster, stronger, more skillful, whatever, when it comes to sports. But good god almighty, when it's suggested that blacks are less able than whites and asians in school, whooee, what a firestorm."
    Ah, Slappy, how I miss your ignorance.

    Field, Time Magazine Person of the Year for 2012 will be "The Bigot". Guys like Slappy can finally come out the closet and let their hatred of minorities, gays, liberals and women hang out free and clear. (unfortunately, your former Senator, will stay in his own personal closet with padded locks and barbed wire.)

    Between trying to strip union rights (union jobs are one of the means Black people have entered the middle class. Hell, that's how my parents entered the middle class), taking us back to de facto poll taxes and literacy test, oh, I mean redistricting, every GOP Presidential candidate that isn't a Mormon not named Huntsman is making an ass out of themselves through racist statements (Gingrich and food stamps, Santorum and 'blah people', Trump and his birther resurrection, Ron Paul basically anything he said in the 90's) and Pete Hoekstra's "Yellow Peril" ad, its a good year to be a Redneck Racist. And I didn't even mention the fight over birth control (really?!) and gay rights. Yes, the GOP has decide to turn the Southern Strategy up by 1000.

    So, this year looks like a fight between Obama and a Klan rally.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. hey lack:

    hobama turned the entire world into a global klan rally long ago

    and he is the blackish grand wizard

    can we even imagine what the next wm will do with hobama's NDAA??????????
    why so mum about NDAA lack???????

    as always
    u r way late





  40. Slappz your utter stupidity is the stuff of legend here.

    You didn't answer my questions because you can't. None of the Repub candidates have have put forth anything worthwhile. They have given us endless talking points but no substantive answers to the challenges we face.

    Anthony Weiner resigned because it was the right thing to do. Although Vitter continues to serve while patronizing prostitutes.

    Just shut the fuck up and kill ya self already Slappz. You Cons have nothing that's why you're flailing around with not an idea among you.

    Just kill ya self go ahead punk make my day.

  41. THIS is who they are. who they've always been.





  42. Jimmy Hoffa11:39 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    "union jobs are one of the means Black people have entered the middle class. Hell, that's how my parents entered the middle class"

    That's ridiculous. Unions were one of the ways blacks were kept OUT of the middle class.

  43. Anonymous11:44 AM

    32 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    "It's okay if blacks are faster, stronger, more skillful, whatever, when it comes to sports. But good god almighty, when it's suggested that blacks are less able than whites and asians in school, whooee, what a firestorm."
    Ah, Slappy, how I miss your ignorance.

    Field, Time Magazine Person of the Year for 2012 will be "The Bigot". Guys like Slappy can finally come out the closet and let their hatred of minorities, gays, liberals and women hang out free and clear. (unfortunately, your former Senator, will stay in his own personal closet with padded locks and barbed wire.)

    Between trying to strip union rights (union jobs are one of the means Black people have entered the middle class. Hell, that's how my parents entered the middle class), taking us back to de facto poll taxes and literacy test, oh, I mean redistricting, every GOP Presidential candidate that isn't a Mormon not named Huntsman is making an ass out of themselves through racist statements (Gingrich and food stamps, Santorum and 'blah people', Trump and his birther resurrection, Ron Paul basically anything he said in the 90's) and Pete Hoekstra's "Yellow Peril" ad, its a good year to be a Redneck Racist. And I didn't even mention the fight over birth control (really?!) and gay rights. Yes, the GOP has decide to turn the Southern Strategy up by 1000.

    So, this year looks like a fight between Obama and a Klan rally.



  44. Alicia: take your meds and step away from the computer.

  45. Obama Sin Laden11:58 AM

    Cornel West's act is just an old minstel show.

  46. dirty barry trumped dirty harry!

    see more on that racist bankster's hobama's inc's newest vicious lies/stunts on destroyt:



  47. What you won't read on fn.

    Barack Obama, Super-hypocrite on SuperPACs

    Calling SuperPACs a “threat to democracy” is sooo two days ago:

    On a conference call with members of President Obama’s 2012 reelection committee Monday evening, campaign manager Jim Messina announced that donors should start funding Priorities USA, the Democratic super PAC run by two former White House staffers, Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney.

    The move was a remarkable shift in approach toward the independent political expenditure groups, whose role in the political process Obama has criticized and from which his campaign had sought to keep distance.


    Just seven months earlier, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt assured, “Neither the President nor his campaign staff or aides will fundraise for super PACs,” according to the LA Times.

    BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski collects video of Obama’s attacks on the Citizens United ruling that made this spending possible, while Ben Smith recalls Obama’s earlier campaign financing hypocrisy in rejecting public funding:

    That 2008 decision wasn’t made entirely out of some reformist purity. Obama would go back on a pledge to take public financing, accepting the hit on his reform credentials (which was enacted solely on the Times editorial page) in exchange for a serious financial advantage over John McCain. And his team decided that outside allies — whether the 527s or the more traditional DNC independent expenditure, could only muddy up the purity of his very pure message.


  48. Check out this graph for proof that union membership is good for the 99%.

    It's a U.K. graph, but I'm sure the principal applies to the U.S.A.


  49. "He ran a grassroots campaign in the Obama mold'

    Can you really call it grassroots when you took more Wallstreet money than any president in the history of America?

    You moonbats are a hoot. Its ok when you play racial politics, divide districts by race. When Republicans do it you cry like Nancy Kerrigan.

    To AB

    Sometimes if you post copyrighted material blogger will delete your post.

    To PC

    George Monbiot is the original moonbat. His moonbatty is the stuff of legend.

  50. The Purple Cow said...
    Check out this graph for proof that union membership is good for the 99%.

    When given a free choice, free of fear from union thugs, most people just say no to big labor.

  51. Anonymous12:15 PM

    field, "Go easy on my trolls Granny. They are not that bright.."

    5:22 AM
    and you think granny is bright? GET REAL!! fyi granny deletes comments on her blog because they disagree with her politics. plus she is a racist.

    now she is telling me i look older than i am. i once said the same thing to granny on her blog and she deleted my comment claiming, she doesn't allow that kind of stuff. what a HYPOCRITE!

  52. tp:


    it is not blogger

    it is the blog admin/vdlr

  53. Thanks for the 4-11 AB. Allah knows you will never see fn post about hobama's shady/illegal fundraising/campaign contributions.

  54. hobama is a glossy empty suit/smooth cia criminal

    ask his drug/mafia peers in chi




  55. tp:


    that is why i am here

    this blog is akin to the core of a black racist hobama nazi beehive

    and that retarded hood rat the vdlr is the official unlicked unglued uneducated unprepared...queen bee


  56. "the vdlr" Is the poster who post has mold? Both ids seem to show up at the same time.

  57. The one percent of the one percent12:28 PM

    Obama outspent McCain 2-1 last time.

    He plans on spending over a billion dollars this time.

    Where do you think that money comes from?

  58. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Check out this graph for proof that union membership is good for the 99%.

    It's a U.K. graph, but I'm sure the principal applies to the U.S.A.


    Right because there is only so much wealth and it needs to be distributed. Typical concept of someone who doesn't create anything. In your mind there are only 10 pies on the bakery shelf and they need to be taken from the baker and redistributed, as you do not know how to bake any yourself.

    Well, lets see, what does union greed and largesse, coupled with 30 years of incessant liberal policies just like the ones you promote get you? In conjuction with Black leadership?

    Here are the results of the liberal experiment.

  59. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The Pretender said...
    "the vdlr" Is the poster who post has mold? Both ids seem to show up at the same time.

    It's all Uptown Steve, notice the patterns and phraseology. When he gets in physco Mode he forgets to edit differences in his characters.

  60. anon:



    they all morph and play bs games herein

    triply tragic trolls...all 3

  61. no slappz1:02 PM

    brooklyn, the map-challenged nitwit who's not from Brooklyn asks:

    Has Romney talked specifically about what he'll do to create jobs?

    Yes. For starters, he supports more oil and gas production in the US. That alone is good for possibly a million jobs -- overall, upstream and downstream, from the oil & gas industry itself, to everything related to much greater oil and gas production inside the US.

    Those are high-paying jobs that do NOT require a dime of taxpayers' money to create.

    What bills has Ron Paul had his name on?

    Who knows? Who cares? He's not to be the nominee.

    What legislation did Santorum fight for when he was a senator.

    Irrelevant. He's not becoming the nominee. But, like everyone in the Senate, he's voted for and against many bills.

    Meanwhile, we know what Obama stands for. Even though he spoke of more gas drilling in the US, he's going to stifle the full expanion by letting the green clowns put so many restrictions on gas drilling that potential increases are never realized.

    He's sticking with electric cars even though Chevy sold only 603 Volts in January.

    In a schizophrenic move, Obama's trying to force banks to resume highly speculative lending while demanding they stop highly speculative lending.

    He's setting a new deficit record by borrowing another TRILLION bucks rather than dropping the tax on profits earned by US corporations in foreign countries.

    If he were smart enough to drop the foreign-profits tax, the Trillion Dollars in foreign profits now being reinvested offshore would start to flow into the US, where it would boost the domestic economy rather than boost the foreign operations and foreign economies where it is no deployed.

    Obama has no economic plan other than the half-baked, destructive plan he's had in place for the last three years. It's not working.

    By the way, it's no surprise that you, as a black nitwit, want to see dead whites. But it's blacks who kill each other in droves.

    Killing is the black way.

    By the way, Weiner was a sad-sack loser who was replaced by a Republican business leader who fully understands how to get the economy moving. Weiner had no idea.

    Moreover,Weiner had dreams of becoming the next mayor of New York City. He had no chance before, and I'm happy to say he has less of a chance now.

  62. no slappz1:07 PM

    la concidentalhead says:

    Ah, Slappy, how I miss your ignorance.

    Oh. So it's your view that discussing the ways and places blacks excel is okay, but it's not okay to discuss the areas where blacks have proven -- throughout human history -- that they lag.

    Yep. Another black screwball sailing the seas of black denial.

    If whites had never explored Africa the sub-Sahara region would still lack a written language and the people would still be waiting for the arrival of the wheel, not that they'd know they were waiting for it.

  63. anon 2/7:

    vdlr = vulgar down low retard

    she is a closeted butch dyke hater

    she is also (amazingly!!!) the actual blog cop herein

    she is also my own private stalker/net cleaner

    she is illiterate and obsessed
    which is truly a horrid combination for her curious post
    she tragically edits and pastes my posts as her own

    she hates me because she is uneducated and unlicked and unsung...



  64. Quote: Cletus The Slack-Jawed Yokel

    If whites had never explored Africa the sub-Sahara region would still lack a written language ..."

    Yes folks it's yet another 'Slappyfact' - another little lie he's plucked at random out of his wobbly white ass, that five minutes Googling demonstrates to be a load of old codswallop.

    Part One

    As Jared Diamond says in Guns, Germs, and Steel, writing was only invented by a very few peoples: the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Phoenecians, the Chinese, and the Aztecs. No European civilization ever came up with a writing system (the Phoenecians were Semitic). The Greeks learned alphabet writing from the Phoenicians, the Romans learned from the Greeks, and the nations of medieval Europe, who had inherited knowledge of Latin, adapted the Roman letters to their own languages and developed their own native writing systems. So it's just as valid for me to ask why the European barbarians were too uncivilized to come up with writing themselves.

    In sub-Saharan Africa, there's no mystery as to why the cultures of the equatorial zone and further south were illiterate. Firstly they were geographically isolated from the outside world and even from other parts of Africa. Secondly, at the time of the European conquest very few Europeans were literate, literacy was largely confined to Clergy and Tax collectors. Sub-Saharan Africa had no monolithic religions and did not pay tax, so they had no need for a written language.

    But that aside, it’s not true to say that there were no written languages at all. The Hausa of what is now Northern Nigeria were literate in Arabic from the 15th century and by the early 19th century Hausa itself was being written in Ajami, an adaptation of Arabic script ( remember Hausa were not brought under European control until the late 19th C). I believe Swahili literature is even older, dating as far back as the early 18th C.

  65. Part Two

    Similarly the Vai script was developed in what we now call Liberia in the 1820's. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/vai.htm

    The part of Kush culture that had a writing system is usually referred to as Meroe, to distinguish that particular culture from others that existed in the region at various times in history. This language is called Meroitic.


    This site says that Meroitic may be related to modern day Nilo-Saharan languages spoken by the Dinka, and the Nuer.


    Apart from Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Meroitic writing system was the oldest in Africa. It was also in many ways superior to the Egyptian system. The people of Meroe reduced the multitude of hieroglyphic signs to 23 basic signs - an alphabet. Again, unlike the Egyptian system, this alphabet also included vowel sounds, a great improvement over the hieroglyphic system, as well as including a sign marking the division of words, an uncommon feature in ancient writing.

    At this point we should also point out that many scholars see your division of the Sahara and ancient Egypt from the rest of Africa as artificial and unfounded.

    Ancient Egyptian is part of the Afro-Asiatic group of languages, and it's thought that the original Afro-Asiatic speakers originated in the highlands of East Africa, what is now Ethiopia and Kenya.

  66. faceless kkk assnon/vulgar dork limp rat:

    my only med is reality

    that is how i slay u BOTH surgically each day


  67. no slappz2:26 PM

    purple buttercup:

    As your sources confirm, written language was brought to sub-Sahara Africa by non-blacks, and the arrival of written language seems to have occurred around 1500.

    A lot of great literature had been written by 1500, stuff that's still read and studied today.

    But as we know, when it comes to Africa, there's no literature to study, except for the small output that's appeared in the last 100 years, mostly produced by whites.

    I know, I know. You'll continue to flail away, oblivious to the fact that the white and asian worlds had produced more lasting literature by 1500 BC than sub-Sahara Africa has produced since 1500 AD.

    What more can be expected of a clown like you who calls himself a writer but reads no books?

  68. IdintdoNuffin2:27 PM

    Purple Buttercup said...

    "Sub-Saharan Africa had no monolithic religions and did not pay tax, so they had no need for a written language."

    Just like Negroes today in white societies.

    "Again, unlike the Egyptian system, this alphabet also included vowel sounds, a great improvement over the hieroglyphic system, as well as including a sign marking the division of words, an uncommon feature in ancient writing"

    And today you have ebonics. Won too fee fo fife...so? So lemme axe u wuts ure kwest-shun?

    Quite a looooooooooooong extension of alternate history leading to what? What is the point? You know very well Egyptians were Caucasian and that Africans still pack their homes with animal shit and cannot apply ancient technologies such as sewage and sanitation due to limited mental acuity.

    So what's your point?

  69. As regards the wheel, for the wheel to have any practical use you need an axle. For transportation the primitive wheel and axle requires a domestic working animal to pull it a long. Such animals did not exist in sub-Saharan Africa in pre-Colonial times.

    Other applications for the wheel (spinning threads and making pottery etc) were dealt with by other technologies, so there was absolutely no need for sub-Saharan Africans to invent the wheel.

    I should also point out that the only society who ever did invent the wheel were the Mesopotamians of what is now Iraq, Syria and Turkey!!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Quote Idintdonufin

    "Quite a looooooooooooong extension of alternate history leading to what? What is the point? You know very well Egyptians were Caucasian and that Africans still pack their homes with animal shit and cannot apply ancient technologies such as sewage and sanitation due to limited mental acuity.

    So what's your point?"

    My point is that you are a total fucking imbecile.

  72. Quote No Slapzzzz

    "As your sources confirm, written language was brought to sub-Sahara Africa by non-blacks, and the arrival of written language seems to have occurred around 1500."

    Nope, you haven't read the links have you?

    Continue to flail around all you like Cletus, but the fact is that I have comprehensively destroyed your argument that there was no written language in sub-Saharan Africa before colonization.

  73. hey granny:

    was that "smh" directed at me???

    if so

    why is it never directed at the vdlr???

    or that racist hobama?????

  74. no slappz2:38 PM

    purple buttercup:

    One of the amusing aspects of the Islamic world is how it's failed the people of North Africa.

    The Egyptians, for example.

    As you should know, Egypt -- the nation -- was founded in 1952. Egypt -- the region -- is home to a lot of human experience.

    It amuses me that the Rosetta Stone was deciphered in the early 1800s by a Frenchman after the French and English squabbled over the stone and hauled out of Egypt.

    It's hilarious that no one who actually lived in the region of Egypt was able to translate the texts.

    That failure shows a certain failure of the Islamic world. The Islamic world steamrollered over everything that wasn't Islamic.

    The Islamic world imposed the arabic language on everyone living in lands conquered by the muslims. Because of that, a lot of historical information was wiped away.

    It took Europeans and other non-Africans to investigate and re-capture the lost past.

    You probably don't know that most of the advances the Islamic world has claimed for itself were actually advances made by small pocket societies that were conquered by muslims, who then appropriated the knowledge found in these enterprising enclaves.

    As always, the truth disturbs muslims, because in this part of their idiocy, they, like blacks, deny the facts. Much of the advances they claim were advances made by Jewish societies over-run by muslims.

    The only credit muslims can take is the credit for spreading their newly acquired knowledge throughout the arabic-speaking world.

    But, as is obvious to everyone except you, the handful of advances credited to the Islamic world stopped coming when the Ottoman Emprire peaked -- way back around the time the arabs got themselves tied up in Africa -- around 1500 AD.

  75. granny:


    hobama's racist ndaa makes me "smh" daily!!!!


  76. IdintdoNuffin2:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    As regards the wheel, for the wheel to have any practical use you need an axle. For transportation the primitive wheel and axle requires a domestic working animal to pull it a long. Such animals did not exist in sub-Saharan Africa in pre-Colonial times.

    Other applications for the wheel (spinning threads and making pottery etc) were dealt with by other technologies, so there was absolutely no need for sub-Saharan Africans to invent the wheel.

    I should also point out that the only society who ever did invent the wheel were the Mesopotamians of what is now Iraq, Syria and Turkey!!

    What is this Negro apology/make more excuses month?

    Just use the catch all, Africans didn't do it because dat shit be racist yo! or as you said, dey just didnt wantz dat shit, without knowing how to domesticate any animals other then those they captured and sold to other tribes as slaves.

  77. IdindoNuffin2:41 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Idintdonufin

    "Quite a looooooooooooong extension of alternate history leading to what? What is the point? You know very well Egyptians were Caucasian and that Africans still pack their homes with animal shit and cannot apply ancient technologies such as sewage and sanitation due to limited mental acuity.

    So what's your point?"

    My point is that you are a total fucking imbecile.

    Nope, don't even toss the word fucking from your mouth in my direction, I know what you are into and what you do, you sick fuck.

  78. Anonymous 12:15

    Why don't you tell the truth! Your little feelings is hurt because I wouldn't let you play those BS games you play over here, switching identities,and stirring up alot of confusion.

    If you want to play games, go to kiddie land or Disneyland, but your won't be playing them over there. I don't care what you think or say. Whatever makes you feel better.

  79. no slappz2:50 PM

    purple buttercup, with a straight, guileless, newborn baby innocence:

    For transportation the primitive wheel and axle requires a domestic working animal to pull it a long.

    Only you, with an axle protruding from your anus, could seem so utterly astonished and stupefied by the sight of a wheel barrow.

    Such animals did not exist in sub-Saharan Africa in pre-Colonial times.

    Hmmm. True, and more evidence of the intellectual inferiority of sub-Sahara blacks. No one there had the mental horsepower to design and build a boat capable of crossing open water.

  80. Crocodile Meat2:58 PM

    Who says Sub-Saharan Africans couldn't domesticate animals large enough to pull a wagon? What about the water buffalo?

    Look at AB...she's living proof.

    (though she's not really blog-broken.....most of her comments are akin to a cow crapping in the house)

  81. @Slappz oh please with that old oil and gas production bs. It's going to take more than that to get the economy going. In case you hadn't noticed we went down that road already. The people of Louisiana probably cringe every time they hear it mentioned. If we had adhered to regulations we wouldn't have killed the gulf coast but whatever.

    Slappy Unlike Herman Cain, JC Watts and Michael Steele I don't need validation from some idiot who spends his entire day on the internet spewing racist hatred at strangers. Your rants suggest you have nothing else in your life that's worthwhile so why oh why would I give a shit what you think. You are a person watching the world pass you by and your inability to adjust is really pathetic.

    Peace & Blessings FNs.

  82. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Purple Buttercup Said...

    "Such animals did not exist in sub-Saharan Africa in pre-Colonial times."

    Again you are so right. Lets see what animals did Africans domesticate?

    The Cane Rat and The African Giant Rat.

  83. Captain Cracker3:12 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    The people of Louisiana probably cringe every time they hear it mentioned. If we had adhered to regulations we wouldn't have killed the gulf coast but whatever. "

    What does some idiot Yankee Zulu she-cow wannabe know about the Gulf Coast, anyway?

    I go out from either Venice or Grand Isle at LEAST once a month, and the fishing and shrimping are fantastic!

    Beaches are spotless, too.


  84. racist albino cave bastard assnon:

    your ape genes trump your lame jokes

    u dumb original mf

  85. Living In A Cave Condo3:22 PM

    MY ape genes????????

    You better look in a mirror Queen Kong.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Quote Idindonuffin

    "Nope, don't even toss the word fucking from your mouth in my direction, I know what you are into and what you do, you sick fuck."

    OK, I'll call you a useless, morbidly obese, dim-witted cunt, if that makes you feel better.

  88. no slappz3:34 PM

    brooklyn, the nitwit who can't find West Midwood on the Internet, says:

    In case you hadn't noticed we went down that road already. The people of Louisiana probably cringe every time they hear it mentioned. If we had adhered to regulations we wouldn't have killed the gulf coast but whatever.

    As to be expected, you know nothing about the oil & gas industry.

    The Gulf was unharmed by the oil leak, as anyone connected to the Gulf itself can tell you.

    It happens that I have relatives in the Gulf supply-boat business. They transport men and supplies to the drilling and production platforms in the Gulf.

    Due to Obama's nonsense, most businesses in the Gulf region felt a pinch from the oil leak. But not from the oil itself. Rather, from the stupidity of the Obama adminstration.

    In any case, the country will use growing quantities of oil and gas over the coming decades. Nothing will change this. There are no alternative energy sources to replace oil, gas and coal.

    Since we will use more of them, it's in our economic interest to produce as much of each as we can from domestic sources.

    Otherwise, we succeed only in exporting jobs that Americans should have.

    Thus, since you seem to oppose more oil & gas drilling here, that means you accept the export of jobs to other countries. That's you -- an ignoramous.

    Here's another little clue for you. YOu can't increase lending if the government attempts to kill banks, which has been the outcome of Obama's fiscal policies.

    Hundreds of small banks have failed in the last three years. He let them fail because he thought his financial regulatory efforts would nail big banks and make him look good. Instead, he's killing the small banks.

    In other words, Obama is a moron.

  89. Quote Idindonuffin

    "Just use the catch all, Africans didn't do it because dat shit be racist yo! or as you said, dey just didnt wantz dat shit, without knowing how to domesticate any animals other then those they captured and sold to other tribes as slaves."

    The reason they didn't domesticate draft animals is that they had no need of draft animals. What use is a horse and cart in the jungle?

    I'm sorry if this is all to difficult for you, I've tried to bring my argument down to your intellectual level best I could I could manage short of having half my brain removed.

  90. Quote Idindonuffin

    "Just use the catch all, Africans didn't do it because dat shit be racist yo! or as you said, dey just didnt wantz dat shit, without knowing how to domesticate any animals other then those they captured and sold to other tribes as slaves."

    The reason they didn't domesticate draft animals is that they had no need of draft animals. What use is a horse and cart in the jungle?

    I'm sorry if this is all to difficult for you, I've tried to bring my argument down to your intellectual level best I could I could manage short of having half my brain removed.

  91. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Idindonuffin

    "Nope, don't even toss the word fucking from your mouth in my direction, I know what you are into and what you do, you sick fuck."

    OK, I'll call you a useless, morbidly obese, dim-witted cunt, if that makes you feel better.

    Yet here I sit promoting self efficiency, production and creating and there you sit promoting taking, unfair, taking, unfair and making excuses for why people have not developed anything - who do you think is useless? Morbidly Obese? Where do you get these fantasies from? I'll bench you, your pet sheep and your wife simultaneously and still go out and create and produce wealth, while you sit at home eating cheetos and complaining how more redistribution needs to come your way.

  92. Quotes: Cletus The Slack-Jawed Yokel

    "One of the amusing aspects of the Islamic world is how it's failed the people of North Africa."

    All religions fail all believers, Cletus. That's because god doesn't exist.

    "It amuses me that the Rosetta Stone was deciphered in the early 1800s by a Frenchman after the French and English squabbled over the stone and hauled out of Egypt."

    Yeah it amuses me as well, that's like the funniest joke EVAH!!

    Ho, ho, ho, chuckle, chuckle chuckle. My sides, my sides. I'm hurting 'cuz I'm laughing so hard at your totally hilarious joke.

    "It's hilarious that no one who actually lived in the region of Egypt was able to translate the texts."

    Right again Cletus!

    That's totally fucking HILARIOUS! Ha, ha, ha, heee, heee, heeee.

    You should be on T.V. Cletus, you're a goddam comedy genius.

    "That failure shows a certain failure of the Islamic world. The Islamic world steamrollered over everything that wasn't Islamic.

    Yeah! You tell 'em Cletus, cuz there's no way Christianists would invade other cultures and attempt to convert them by force!

    Errrrrrrrrr, oh.....

    "The Islamic world imposed the arabic language on everyone living in lands conquered by the muslims. Because of that, a lot of historical information was wiped away."

    Yeah and the bastard invented maths and Algebra as well. I always hated algebra.

    And astronomy, they invented that as well, I never much cared for that either.

    They also invented the number 0, I mean what kind of useless number is that?

    Zero, nothing.

    "It took Europeans and other non-Africans to investigate and re-capture the lost past."

    Of course it did, and they were in no way interested in exploiting other people's resources for their own fun and profit. No sir...

    "You probably don't know that most of the advances the Islamic world has claimed for itself were actually advances made by small pocket societies that were conquered by muslims, who then appropriated the knowledge found in these enterprising enclaves."

    Yeah you're right Cletus, I don't know it?

    You know why I don't know it?


    You are talking out of your fat, wobbly, spotty, zit-infused, white ass, as usual.

    "As always, the truth disturbs muslims, because in this part of their idiocy, they, like blacks, deny the facts. Much of the advances they claim were advances made by Jewish societies over-run by muslims."

    Mmmmm, interesting that these mythical Jewish enclaves of yours were advanced of Muslims, but not so advanced that they had superior military technologies.

    "The only credit muslims can take is the credit for spreading their newly acquired knowledge throughout the arabic-speaking world."

    ...and Europe, and the rest of Africa and much of China.

    "But, as is obvious to everyone except you, the handful of advances credited to the Islamic world stopped coming when the Ottoman Emprire peaked -- way back around the time the arabs got themselves tied up in Africa -- around 1500 AD."

    Ahhhhhh yes Cletus. The ultimate Slappyfact.

    Desperately invented to conveniently support your failing arguments, and presented without anything approaching evidence or logic. We are, as ever, simply expected to assume that you are telling the truth when a simple Google search demonstrates that you are a dim-witted liar.

  93. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    If you want to play games, go to kiddie land or Disneyland, but your won't be playing them over there. I don't care what you think or say. Whatever makes you feel better.

    WTH Granny? It sounds like you've gone to Alzheimer's land.

    You sure are getting mean in your old age.

  94. Quote: anonymous

    "I'll bench you"

    You'll bench me?

    What the fuck does that mean?

    Is that one of your secret sexual fantasies Anony?

    You fantasize about putting 6' 3" negroes over a bench and doing what exactly?

    Well, whatever it is, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you anony.

    I only play the game straight.

  95. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Idindonuffin

    "Just use the catch all, Africans didn't do it because dat shit be racist yo! or as you said, dey just didnt wantz dat shit, without knowing how to domesticate any animals other then those they captured and sold to other tribes as slaves."

    "The reason they didn't domesticate draft animals is that they had no need of draft animals. What use is a horse and cart in the jungle?

    I'm sorry if this is all to difficult for you, I've tried to bring my argument down to your intellectual level best I could I could manage short of having half my brain removed."

    You would need microsurgery to have something that genetically small removed.

    I guess you think all other societies and cultures had flat level lands and didnt need to clear any of it to do something as primitive as collective farming?

    Yeah, they had jungles and those jungles be tough. Just another excuse and a lame one at that.

    What about domestication of animals for food sources, work, why even transport? Too difficult for Africans obviously.

    Why centuries later hadn't Blacks thought of planning ahead applying animal husbandry so they didnt hunt to extinction major food source animals?

    OK keep on with Black Excuses Month, it is somewhat entertaining.

    Did Africans ever prior to meeting other races:

    -Not Practice Cannabalism? Nope - Still practiced today

    -Keep the body clean and take care to dispose of waste products? Nope, they don't do it today.

    Live in towns or cities linked by roads - Nope. Shit packed mud huts maybe.

    Use a script and not simple pictures to communicate ideas - Nope

    Ever have facility in the use of abstract numbers? We hates da math, it be racist.

    A calendar? Who cares have mo babies.

    Use wheels - oh right, they didnt "NEED" any wheels because they thought it through and seeing the need to clear a jungle to farm and or transport heavy items or things to another village would be too difficult and thus didn't need to domesticate any animals because they already decided they didnt NEED the WHEEL. But lets domesticate those rats. Besides, roads leading to other villages would probably result in them getting eaten or sold as slaves anyhows, so fuck it. Just chill.

    So it was a highly intelligent choice not to develop anything. OK, maybe in your alternate reality.

  96. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote: anonymous

    "I'll bench you"

    You'll bench me?

    What the fuck does that mean?

    Is that one of your secret sexual fantasies Anony?

    You fantasize about putting 6' 3" negroes over a bench and doing what exactly?

    Well, whatever it is, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you anony.

    I only play the game straight.

    Sorry, forgot I was dealing with an African. Surely you have met someone in some time in your life who exercised? Oh wait, you probably will say you "didnt need to" so you never did. Bench press you disengenious fool.

    Now, the real question knowing that you obviously heard from someone you spoke to once what benching is, why did you focus on YOU when you fantasized about being benched and left out your wife and sheep?

    You are one sick homosexual pal.

    Now get away from me with your gay fantasies Omar, anything you, your sheep and your wife do in the privacy of your very own backwater woods is your business. Just look for erupting sores - I have read those are not good.

  97. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  98. Anonymous4:56 PM

    alicia banks said...
    silly hairy lipless monkey assnon:

    cc that to your mammal mammy

    u original albino mf

    damn crazy ass woman stop postin the same things over and over. dont you know how to post one time?

  99. blind assnon:

    cc that to the vdlr

    she is erasing/editing/plagiarising my posts

    scan up u trifling ADHD mf

  100. Troy Davis5:09 PM

    It sure is not in here down in hell.

    Obama 2012!

  101. blind assnon:

    cc that to the vdlr

    she is erasing/editing/plagiarising my posts

    scan up u trifling ADHD mf

  102. blind assnon:

    cc that to the vdlr

    she is erasing/editing/plagiarising my posts

    scan up u trifling ADHD mf

  103. silly hairy lipless monkey assnon:

    cc that to your mammal mammy

    u original albino mf

    kosher kkk/monkey shining bestial buster assnon:

    bite that racist bs like you munch on your lice u furry faceless fool


  104. ditto!

    this is also being censored by all hobama nazis all over msm

    re: that bankster/mexican gun runner/drug crony hobama


    US President Barack Obama's election campaign is to return donations linked to the family of a fugitive Mexican casino magnate.

    The Chicago-based brothers of Juan Jose Rojas Cardona, known as Pepe, raised some $200,000 (£126,000) for Mr Obama.

    Pepe Cardona fled the US in 1994 and is now seeking a pardon for drug and fraud charges, the New York Times reports.

    Meanwhile, Mr Obama is to allow a pro-Democratic fundraising group to raise unlimited cash to back his candidacy.


  105. Obama joe Biden5:55 PM

    Where's that vdlr when you need her?

    Someone needs to tase that crazy bitch AB.

  106. Akbar5:57 PM

    "As I said, they did spread around knowledge acquired by conquering other societies, but muslims themselves added virtually nothing."

    This is true.

  107. Quote Useless Dipshit

    "I guess you think all other societies and cultures had flat level lands and didnt need to clear any of it to do something as primitive as collective farming?"

    Why would Africans need collective farming?

    "Yeah, they had jungles and those jungles be tough. Just another excuse and a lame one at that."

    So far your only remaining point is that Africans didn't invent something they didn't need. Complaining that Africans didn't invent the wheel is like complaining that Inuits didn't invent the bikini.

    "What about domestication of animals for food sources, work, why even transport? Too difficult for Africans obviously."

    They did domesticate animals, they just didn't domesticate draft animals because there was nowhere the animals could take them.

    "Why centuries later hadn't Blacks thought of planning ahead applying animal husbandry so they didnt hunt to extinction major food source animals?"

    They DID have animal husbandry.

    What planet are you on..?

    "OK keep on with Black Excuses Month, it is somewhat entertaining."

    So tell me this, what's the white man's excuse for not inventing the wheel?


    Did the thick jungles of the German plains make it too difficult for your granddaddy?

    Did Africans ever prior to meeting other races:

    -Not Practice Cannabalism? Nope - Still practiced today

    -Keep the body clean and take care to dispose of waste products? Nope, they don't do it today.

    Live in towns or cities linked by roads - Nope. Shit packed mud huts maybe.

    Use a script and not simple pictures to communicate ideas - Nope

    "Ever have facility in the use of abstract numbers? We hates da math, it be racist."

    Oh I seeeee, Africans hate Maths do they?


    So how do you account for Professor James Adedayo Oguntuase?

    How about Katherine Okikiolu - winner of the prestigious Sloane Prize for mathematics.

    How about Professor Wilfred Gangbo?

    Professor Adebisi Agboola?

    How about Professor Abba Gumel?

    Not forgetting Professor Idris Assani?

    Professor Oluwole D. Makinde?

    all full Professor's of Mathematics...

    Why stop there?

    Ethelbert Chukwu (Differential Equations, Control Theory, and Mathmatical Economics), Francisco Antonio Doria (mathematical physics, logic, the philosphy of science, and the mathematical theory of communications). Olusola Akinyele (Ordinary Differential Equations), Augustin Banyaga (Differential Topology), Heneri Dzinotyiweyi (Topological Semigroups), G. O. S. Ekhaguere (Mathematical Physics), J Aderemi Kuku (Algebraic K-theory),


    All Maths PhD's.

    "Use wheels - oh right, they didnt "NEED" any wheels because they thought it through and seeing the need to clear a jungle to farm and or transport heavy items or things to another village would be too difficult and thus didn't need to domesticate any animals because they already decided they didnt NEED the WHEEL."

    Again numbnuts they did domesticate animals, and Europeans didn't invent the wheel either, (Mesopotamians did). Despite the fact that they had thousands of years to get round to the idea.

    So what's your excuse?

  108. Quote Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel

    "As I said, they did spread around knowledge acquired by conquering other societies, but muslims themselves added virtually nothing."

    Yes, that what you SAID Cletus, but it is not what you PROVED.

    That's because you can't prove it Cletus, because you are talking shit.

    as per fucking usual.

  109. Okay, who let the psycho, stalking Bitch out of her dungeon?

  110. Dr. Queen:

    why does fn not get this pit bull bitch fixed????

    why do all ignore how she is in heat for only us????


    have a regal evening!!!

  111. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Useless Dipshit

    "I guess you think all other societies and cultures had flat level lands and didnt need to clear any of it to do something as primitive as collective farming?"

    Why would Africans need collective farming?

    SO they didnt have to eat each other...duh....and practice what they do today use of all resources and then starvation or global welfare.

    "Yeah, they had jungles and those jungles be tough. Just another excuse and a lame one at that."

    So far your only remaining point is that Africans didn't invent something they didn't need. Complaining that Africans didn't invent the wheel is like complaining that Inuits didn't invent the bikini.

    No, you claim they didnt need something and this was why they have never invented anything. The things other societies invented fed them, civilized them - hardly akin to your silly analogy of a bikini. Why in fact today there are societies that not only produce bikinis - they also feed themselves AND Africans, who to this day still cannot feed themselves.

    "What about domestication of animals for food sources, work, why even transport? Too difficult for Africans obviously."

    They did domesticate animals, they just didn't domesticate draft animals because there was nowhere the animals could take them.

    No, the only animals they domesticated were rats. Thats it. Nothing else. Of course there was nowhere to go, you need intelligence and objectives to cross the land and build civilization and or the ocean to explore and have short and long range planning skills.

    "Why centuries later hadn't Blacks thought of planning ahead applying animal husbandry so they didnt hunt to extinction major food source animals?"

    They DID have animal husbandry.

    Yeah, OK I don't mean marrying an animal you nutjob.

    "OK keep on with Black Excuses Month, it is somewhat entertaining."

    So tell me this, what's the white man's excuse for not inventing the wheel?


    Did the thick jungles of the German plains make it too difficult for your granddaddy?

    Nope, he just sired your wife.

    Also, evidence of wheeled vehicles appears from the mid 4th millennium BC, near-simultaneously in Mesopotamia, the Northern Caucasus (Maykop culture) and Central Europe, so that the question of which culture originally invented the wheeled vehicle remains unresolved and under debate.


    Oh and what is another name for the region mesopotamians hail from? Caucasus - what does that tell you? Iranians might be insane due to the impact of Islam but no one said they weren't intelligent. Why, they are close to having a nuclear bomb, whilst Africa still has shit packed huts and beaches. What does that tell you?

    Anway carry on JaBootyCup, carry on.

    Nice list of PHD's issued by Africans to Africans. Is there a big demand for enrollment at the university of Nigeria from the world? I know they like to kill Homosexuals and Christians but what do they do to those possessing a PHD in math - issued in Nigeria?

  112. M....6:42 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Okay, who let the psycho, stalking Bitch out of her dungeon?

    Aren't you the psycho, stalking Bitch?

  113. "Nice list of PHD's issued by Africans to Africans."

    Nope not true.

    Many of them are American and European Professors. Should they day ever dawn when you master the art of Googling you will find that out.

    The truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it?

    When the nasty little prejudices that you have built your entire sad, shit-stain of a life on are slowly demolished one-by-one, that must be very hard for you to take.

    "Why, they are close to having a nuclear bomb, whilst Africa still has shit packed huts and beaches. What does that tell you? "

    It tells me that you consider possessing a bomb that could destroy millions to be more important and more praise worthy than building sustainable homes to live in. Which makes you as evil as you are stooopid.

    Which is pretty fucking evil.

    Nighty night

  114. The Purple Cow said...
    "The truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it?"

    Not if you are too stupid to see it, which apparently is your strategy.

  115. Anonymous7:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Nice list of PHD's issued by Africans to Africans."

    Nope not true.

    Many of them are American and European Professors. Should they day ever dawn when you master the art of Googling you will find that out.

    The truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it?

    Actually, it saddens me that either your twisted logic and reading comprehensive abilities are lacking or you are a liar.
    We were specifically talking about about Africans not knowing math until they came into contact with other races and you provided a litany of African PHD holders in response to this. Now you are saying these African PHD holders and I don't mean Eric) were in fact in contact with Europeans and america.....do you always prove others points for them without having a clue yourself?


    When the nasty little prejudices that you have built your entire sad, shit-stain of a life on are slowly demolished one-by-one, that must be very hard for you to take.

    Facts aren't prejudiced JaBooty man. You wish them to be, you wish a waiver for facts and acceptance of your alternate history. Nope sorry and as for these facts impacting my life? Hardly. I read a lot of fiction. As I told you before, I enjoy a good story, I find it entertaining. You entertained me greatly today with your fantastic contortions explaining away Africa. It's amusing to see a man who says he is intelligent say the stupidest things you can imagine and then still think he is intelligent.

    "Why, they are close to having a nuclear bomb, whilst Africa still has shit packed huts and beaches. What does that tell you? "

    It tells me that you consider possessing a bomb that could destroy millions to be more important and more praise worthy than building sustainable homes to live in. Which makes you as evil as you are stooopid.

    Oh look the liberal speak, can't debate facts so now "heeeeessss evvullllllllll....ohhhhhhh. So why didnt you say months ago that you thought Islamicists were evil instead of going about it in such a roundabout way. Oh and which sustainable homes are you referring to? The mudhuts packed with animal shit in Africa? Don't worry, there is NO chance of Africa ever developing Nuclear technology, they are still working on clean drinking water and sewers, having given up on things like they wheel and other items they "don't need"

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. The Bull, you wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit you on your grotesquely over-sized, wobbling, shit-stained ass.

    You far-Right types have invented an entire fucking alternative reality, where truth are lies, lies are truth, war is peace, the interests of billionaires are the same as your own, birth certificates don't exist even when they've been shoved in your face, the earth isn't getting warmer even when thermometers say it is, men walked with dinosaurs, government is bad (unless it's subsidizing your farm), taxes are bad (except when they are paying for your wars), white people are cleverer (even when they are voting for Rick Santorum), immigrants are bad (except when they are doing all the jobs you don't want to do), Sarah Palin cares about America, Ronald Reagan lowered taxes, George W. Bush "kept us safe", and American beer tastes of anything other than watered down piss.

    So you don't get to lecture me or anybody else on "the truth", sunshine.

  118. no slappz7:40 PM

    purple buttercup, speaking of sub-Saharan Africans, said:

    They DID have animal husbandry.

    Which explains the link between humans and AIDS.

  119. Quote Anonymous 7:28

    "We were specifically talking about about Africans not knowing math until they came into contact with other races ..."

    No you specifically said no such fucking thing.

    "I read a lot of fiction"

    Yes, and you write even more.

    "So why didnt you say months ago that you thought Islamicists were evil instead of going about it in such a roundabout way."

    I've said it in a very direct way on many occasions. God doesn't exist and all organized religion is evil.

    "Oh and which sustainable homes are you referring to? The mudhuts packed with animal shit in Africa?"


    "Don't worry, there is NO chance of Africa ever developing Nuclear technology..."

    Why would they?

    .. they are still working on clean drinking water and sewers, having given up on things like they wheel and other items they "don't need"

    So let me get this straight you are saying there is no such thing as clean drinking water or sewers in Africa?

    Do you want to supply us with any evidence for this statement?

    Thought not...

  120. Quote Cletus the slack jawed yokel

    "Which explains the link between humans and AIDS."

    Gosh Cletus, it does?

    Please explain.

  121. Quote The Bull

    "See what I mean?"

    No cuntface, I don't.

    Please explain.

  122. no slappz7:54 PM

    purple buttercup:

    You ought to realize the race, religion, ethnicity or other identifying characteristics of the inventors of everything are not as important as how those inventions, creations and intellectual breakthroughs are subsequently advanced and/or put to use.

    As the history of the world shows, all the intellectual advances, all the inventions and all the enduring creations came from regions inhabited by whites and asians.

    The remarkable part is the degree of resistance to learning and advancing that defines the black race no matter where in the world blacks are found.

    Despite the willingness of advanced nations to hand over -- free of charge -- a vast storehouse of knowledge that is the product of centuries of white and asian intellectual ice-breakers, almost no one in Africa is interested.

    No thanks, they say. We'll stick with the primitive, the backward, the useless. We'll stick with our dirty water, our diseases, our lack of electricity, our lack of roads, our lack of airports and our lack of communications.

    Just send the guns.

    Anyway, advances in every human intellectual endeavor are made daily. But none of them are made in Africa, your list of black mathematicians notwithstanding.

    As you would know if you knew anything about them and mathematics, you'd know they're lightweights without a mathematical theory to their names.

    Moreover, if they've accomplished anything in the world of mathematics, it happened under the guidance of whites.

  123. no slappz7:58 PM

    purple buttercup:

    "Don't worry, there is NO chance of Africa ever developing Nuclear technology..."

    South Africa has a nuclear bomb. But it wasn't developed by blacks.

  124. Cletus, even you must know that this shit you post is not true.

    I can't think of a single thing to say to you, other than the world would be a better place without you in it.

  125. parvenu8:04 PM

    Here in America John Q. Public, black and white rich and poor, fall asleep as soon as they hear the tune "Happy Days are Here again" being played across the nation. While they snooze the super rich plutocrats scheme up unique ways to queue up the next "missle of misery" to fire at the common masses. This newly conceived bomb explodes next to the sleeping public and they are violently shaken awake in full fledge alarm mode. The public then organizes and fights to beat back the "tricky gotcha" bomb from the American plutocrats. After the public finally wins the fight, the strains of "Happy Days are Here again" are sounded across the landscape of the nation; and with this tranquility John Q. Public quickly falls asleep again, and the cycle is set to repeat itself again. This cyclic erosion will eventually destroy America as a viable nation.

  126. no slappz8:05 PM

    purple buttercup:

    Your list of black mathematicians is a list of people who were not educated in Africa and do not live there, which makes the point that Africa, even in the 21st century, remains the world's backwater.

  127. Anonymous8:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 7:28

    "We were specifically talking about about Africans not knowing math until they came into contact with other races ..."

    No you specifically said no such fucking thing.

    Oh really? As if I can't scroll and copy you dimwit or are you not that stupid but a dirty liar?

    "Did Africans ever prior to meeting other races:

    Ever have facility in the use of abstract numbers? We hates da math, it be racist. "

    To which you provided a litany of Africans that you now admit were "greatly exposed" to other races.

    "I read a lot of fiction"

    Yes, and you write even more.

    Though you have yet to prove one fact incorrect and your speculations are pure fantasy and fraught with nonsensical excuses, Imagine, they didn't invent something because they didn't "NEED IT" :)

    "So why didnt you say months ago that you thought Islamicists were evil instead of going about it in such a roundabout way."

    I've said it in a very direct way on many occasions. God doesn't exist and all organized religion is evil.

    "Oh and which sustainable homes are you referring to? The mudhuts packed with animal shit in Africa?"


    Just to clarify this are you saying Iranians now should go to Africa and build homes for them because they cannot?

    "Don't worry, there is NO chance of Africa ever developing Nuclear technology..."

    Why would they?

    I think you meant - How in the world could they.

    .. they are still working on clean drinking water and sewers, having given up on things like they wheel and other items they "don't need"

    So let me get this straight you are saying there is no such thing as clean drinking water or sewers in Africa?

    Really and which word grouping in my sentence led you to conclude that I said there is "no" clean drinking water or sewers in Africa at all? Are you saying that everything is fine and they have all the clean water and sewers necessary to support the population and rather they choose to shit everywhere and drink dirty water they bathe and defecate in, so they dont "NEED" more of these items?

    Do you want to supply us with any evidence for this statement?

    Thought not...

    You really need to do a better job building these straw arguments. This one was so ridiculous even you didnt believe yourself when you made it up - Viva Africa apparantly.

  128. PC, I must say I admire how you take on the flat earthers every day. It's got to be like "herding cats". :)

    Hi5ving what parvenu said.

  129. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Rick Santorum has turned the tide. He is a great politician who is on his way to becoming President of these United States!

    I swear, those politicians from PA really know how to turn things around to benefit themselves, Pennsylvania, and the people of America....Blacks included!

    So you FN Negroes save the racist BS.

  130. field negro said...
    Hi5ving what parvenu said.

    You have no fucking idea what 'parvenu' said.

    Neither does parvenu.

    Happy Days are almost here again:


  131. Field I'm a cat lover, so please don't insult these beautiful animals by comparing them with the racist, stalking cretins that post on your blog.

  132. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    "Field I'm a cat lover.."

    Bestiality is just another reason you'll never be a doctor.

  133. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Field I'm a cat lover, so please don't insult these beautiful animals by comparing them with the racist, stalking cretins that post on your blog.

    My god the thought of defenseless little felines potentially being under your thunderbutt plopping down is frightening. Then again, I guess they know the risk is worth it, if when you spread your legs a bounty of rats creep out.

    Oh and by the way; you will never be a Doctor or a Queen.

  134. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Philadelphia provides a prime example of what a Black Run America means. 20 years ago, under Mayor Rendell, the city was booming, with businesses and new construction everywhere. Then the era of the thug mayor John Street began. He once stated to a mob of screaming voters: 'we own this city again', and everyone knew what that meant.

    It meant the election of Police Commisioners who refused to adopt advanced policing techniques (like CompStat), and 'zero tolerance' policies on 'quality of life' crimes. When the Phil PD Comm was asked why he was refusing to enact methods that had been proven successful in dramatically reducing crime in cities across the US, his response was: 'we want to respect the sensibilities of our community', which everyone also understood.

    The result today is that violent mobs can walk ~ 20 blocks down Broad St, in the middle of the day, and assault shoppers, restaurant patrons, rob clothing stores, and nothing is done. The Phila DA comes out the next day with a plan to 'perhaps prosecute parents'.

    This is called the 'Zimbabwe' model: it doesn't matter if your economy collapses and 'your people' end up eating dirt. The most important thing is that 'we are in charge', even while their cities burn and their own people are killed daily.

    This is what the former genuis Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans calls: our 'chocolate city'. As long as these criminals can continue to draw a paycheck, and sit on top of the smoldering ruins, they don't give a damn about anything else.

  135. The result today is that violent mobs can walk ~ 20 blocks down Broad St, in the middle of the day, and assault shoppers, restaurant patrons, rob clothing stores, and nothing is done. The Phila DA comes out the next day with a plan to 'perhaps prosecute parents'."

    That's funny, I am in Center City, Philadelphia everyday and....nope, no crazed black mobs running the streets.

    Anon@ 8:42 PM, it's your doctor on line 1, she said you forgot to pick upp your meds again.

    "Field I'm a cat lover, so please don't insult these beautiful animals by comparing them with the racist, stalking cretins that post on your blog."

    OK, I am not a cat fan, but if I have to make a choice between the poor kitty and the racist "cretins", I might have to go with the kitty. :)

    "You have no fucking idea what 'parvenu' said."

    Yes I do. I can read. How about you?
