Friday, February 10, 2012

A new kind of work- study at Temple University.

I sure hope that his Oness comes up with a plan really fast to try to bring down rising tuition costs. Because, here in A-merry-ca, college kids are getting desperate.

"Hundreds of female college students are looking for more than a college degree to secure their future. Why have bills and student loans when you can get some old rich guy to pay them?

Temple University is No. 5 on the list of colleges and universities that have young women looking for “sugar daddies” on, reports the Inquirer.

The online dating service connects older wealthy men, who are willing to pay for the affections of young women, with “sugar babies.” And the sugar babies get to name their price.

Whie Temple’s assistant vice president, Ray Betzner, told the Inquirer that he questions the validity of Temple’s high ranking for students who use, the website’s founder told the Inquirer that the stats are correct.

"With the economy doing so badly, people are taking matters into their own hands, trying to figure out the best way to pay for college without creating a huge amount of debt," founder Brandon Wade told the Inquirer.
And what do these older men get for the $50 monthly fee to the site and the girls price ranges of $1,000 to $20,000? Whatever the women are willing to give them, we presume.

Wade says that when the site first started in 2005, most of the women seeking sugar daddies were simply looking to be pampered with luxuries. Now the site is attracting college girls who are more pragmatic, wanting money for bills and connections for jobs.

But some say this is not a healthy arrangement.

"A website like this creates a fantasy where the man is dominant and powerful and the woman is submissive and dependent," Brendan Greer, CEO of the Philly-based Council for Relationships, told the Inquirer. "Relationships like this aren't healthy, for obvious reasons, and can prevent the girl from finding more emotionally stable and satisfying relationships." [Source]

Oh Lawd! And Temple is number five? Those Owls might have to step up their game. Tulane University, that fine institution in uptown New Orleans, from what I hear, is number one. BTW, just in case you were wondering, Penn State is number 13

Still, some of these men are willing to pay as much as $20,000.00 for the pleasure of learning college calculus from these smart college students. I guess they are just trying to keep their minds sharp.

The whole thing strikes me as a bit creepy, but hey, this is A-merry-ca, and everyone is an adult in the relationship. I am pretty sure that both sides know exactly what they are getting into. I just hope that this is not the start of a new trend. It might drive banks out of business.

I know one guy who wont be playing "sugar daddy" to any college student: Rick [I should be in a ] Sanitarium. Ricky has his hands full these days with all this running for president thing going on. Not that Ricky thinks much of women.

"Rick Santorum reiterated his opposition Friday to women serving in combat roles in the U.S. military, saying female troops have reduced physical capacities and would distract men from their assigned duties.

"If you're out there, for example, in a group, or just two people, and some people, because of women, have, as you know with respect to physical capabilities, they don't have the same requirements that men do in the military, and may be in a position if someone is injured, has to be brought back," Santorum said on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer." The full interview will air Friday at 4 p.m. ET.

"The other example is the emotions of men, dealing with women in combat, and having men not focusing potentially on the mission but on the natural instinct to protect someone that's a female," Santorum added.

The Pentagon announced Thursday it would begin placing female troops closer to the front lines of combat. Under a 1994 policy, women are restricted from formally serving in small ground units directly involved in combat; however, many military positions-such as military police or medics-place women in harm's way.

On Thursday, Santorum responded to a question from CNN Chief National Correspondent John King on the role of women in the military, saying, "I think that could be a very compromising situation, where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved." [Source]

?????? Ricky, you are on your own with this one.

Finally, I am sorry to see his Oness cave on this contraception debate with Catholic church leaders. But then, maybe he was afraid he would end up like poor Cardinal Bevilacqua .

"Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman says she suggested Coroner Walter Hofman examine the body of Cardinal Bevilacqua last week.

Ferman explained that, since the death of the former Archbishop of Philadelphia happened in her jurisdiction, she thought someone should make sure there was no foul play - given the timing of his death.

"It struck many of us as odd, as peculiar, that the Cardinal passed away so suddenly after the court ruling," Ferman said. "He was a key witness in the case, although in another jurisdiction."

Ferman said there is no criminal investigation, but suggested the coroner examine Bevilacqua's body to put any speculation to rest."

Yes, just so that we all can have some peace of mind.



  1. "Rick Santorum reiterated his opposition Friday to women serving in combat roles in the U.S. military, saying female troops have reduced physical capacities and would distract men from their assigned duties."

    And? There could be no conceivable issue with women in combat?

    Rick is in trouble because he violated the liberal belief that men and women are completely equal in all things, except for those things that women are better at.

    If there are women who can meet the same (non-watered down) standards required of men, then that's one thing. (I'm guessing this is not a huge population).

    But the social engineering of the miltary to placate various liberal interest groups definitely will eventually compromise the ability of the military to do what it is supposed to do: kill our enemies.

    Why does everything Obama does make the country weaker?

  2. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I agree with Heff. Making the military weaker for political purposes is a dumb thing to do. Ever notice that such changes occurs under Presidents who have never served in the military?

    Face it. The USA is toast. We are on this freight train of craziness and can't get off.

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Field, "Still, some of these men are willing to pay as much as $20,000.00 for the pleasure of learning college calculus from these smart college students. I guess they are just trying to keep their minds sharp."

    That's right, Field. It's always good to keep your mind as sharp as possible and I can't think of a better subject to stay sharp than college Calculus, IF you have the money and willing to pay for the tutoring.

    Mr. Field, it doesn't always have to be about sex. Some of us guys want to learn calculus and differiential equations to keep the mind sharp. A little Organic Chemistry is also an excellent subject for men in their sixties and seventies. I bet it even helps to slow down, maybe even eliminates Alzheimers.

  4. Kingnut10:17 PM

    "That's right, Field. It's always good to keep your mind as sharp as possible and I can't think of a better subject to stay sharp than college Calculus, IF you have the money and willing to pay for the tutoring."

    I wish I had that kind of money for that kind of tutoring. I would be studying my ass off all the time. I might even take some Physics, too.

  5. "NegroeCons are SHOCKED, SHOCKED, that a whidte supremacist spoke at CPAC-2012:"


    "That's right, Field. It's always good to keep your mind as sharp as possible and I can't think of a better subject to stay sharp than college Calculus, IF you have the money and willing to pay for the tutoring."

    Now see.

    Kingnut, that goes for you as well. You both have bad intentions, I can see right through you both.

  6. "Rick is in trouble because he violated the liberal belief that men and women are completely equal in all things, except for those things that women are better at."

    No, Rick is in trouble because he is what we like to call here in America, a male "chauvinist pig"

  7. Anonymous1:37 AM

    male chuvanist bullshyt those women are essentially hoein themselves for edumacayshun that is sick and is not consisten with the values of honor and dignity our women should have about themselves soon u will see sites like this for gay boys who need a sugar gay daddy to pay for they school and then for children their desperate parents who want private school for thier little ones will stop at nothing short of hoeing out their kids like in thailand its a gottdam shame and dont front like the relationships is consensual cuz theyre not they are born out of desperation and would not exist were it not for features of our economy

  8. Dear Anonymous 1:37

    Give it a rest white boy, you're convincing nobody.

  9. Diversity Kills8:33 AM

    Democrat party- black panthers,nation of islam, every black supremacist group, laraza, and every hispanic supremacist group. In fact,every hate group in this country has its roots in the democrat party.

    In fact, the word "neocon" is a slur the left uses against jews.

  10. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 1:37

    Give it a rest white boy, you're convincing nobody.

    Look everyone, Mr Nobody is black.

  11. So if I'm Mr. Nobody why do you bother to respond?

  12. Diversity Kills8:45 AM

    These guys work for the democrat party.

    He talks about killing white people and their babies. HE WORKS FOR THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

    Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white

  13. Anonymous9:25 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So if I'm Mr. Nobody why do you bother to respond?

    You have to learn to pump up that self esteem. I am sure you have some things of personal value. Everyone has some redeeming qualities, just look within yourself.

    As a first step I recommend overcoming your urges to post on blogs declaring you are nobody and easily fooled. It's not a good look.

  14. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Oh sweet Jesus let me hit that 350 million power ball tonight so I can do my part for higher education.

  15. Mr. Anonymous spending all day every day posting on a blog written by someone you hate, telling other people how much you hate them, is not a great look for you either.

    It kind of suggests that you are a sad fuck without a life, and without friends.

    Look within yourself to find why you have no friends, and why hurling hatred at other people is the only thing that gives your sad, car-crash of a life meaning.

  16. no slappz9:40 AM

    field's guide to girls:

    And what do these older men get for the $50 monthly fee to the site and the girls price ranges of $1,000 to $20,000?

    Jeez, they better be careful. Someone might think those girls are hookers.

  17. @No putz,, white female college students have been doing this since universities became coed. In fact, their behavior led to the phrase "earning the Mrs. Degree".

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. In other words, white female college students ARE hookers, lol!!

    @Granny, that was funny!!!

  20. no slappz9:58 AM

    purple buttercup:

    Regarding global warming and where the water from melted ice goes.

    When the ambient air temperature rises, the air holds more water.

    Thus, a warmer atmosphere is an atmosphere that will absorb and hold much of the increasing supply of water.

    This is basic chemistry/thermodynamics, two subjects you and the rest of the global warming alarmists know nothing about.

    It may be too much for you to grasp, but a rainstorm does not convert all the moisture in the atmosphere into rain that falls to earth. Only a portion of the moisture is released.

    Anyway, as I said, the benefits of global warming outweigh the disadvantages.

    More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to greater agricultural output.

    Only primitive places, like Africa, would -- if global warming were to have any impact -- feel some effects.

    The US and Canada face none of the Doomsday silliness you and your science-fiction buddies have conjured up.

    And no one would worry if sea levels rose a half-inch per decade.

    If you're worried, build a levee. If you're not worried, move back from the seashore if the water starts lapping at your door.

    Meanwhile, while no one suffers from your goofy cartoon threats posed by the nothingness of global warming, every year, millions of Africans will die from drinking dirty water.

    You liberal nuts fool yourselves into believing the flat-earth silliness on a regular basis.

    I was always amused by Thomas Malthus, famous Scottish economist, who predicted -- in 1800 -- that mass global starvation was just around the corner. The population of the world at that time was One Billion.

    We're now at 7 Billion, and still waiting for that mass starvation that he predicted would sharply reduce the global population.

    It's nuts Malthus and you who fail to grasp the simple fact that advanced societies respond to "needs."

    When more food was needed, better agriculture was developed -- and it delivered beyond all expectations.

    Greenland, despite your dopey claims, would become farmland because we can make it into farmland.

  21. no slappz10:06 AM

    queen mab says:

    In fact, their behavior led to the phrase "earning the Mrs. Degree".

    In other words, white female college students ARE hookers, lol!!

    Oh, so in your world getting married is an act of prostitution. I guess that's why black women don't marry. They don't want to be thought of as prostitutes while they're working the streets.

  22. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Mr. Anonymous spending all day every day posting on a blog written by someone you hate, telling other people how much you hate them, is not a great look for you either.

    It kind of suggests that you are a sad fuck without a life, and without friends.

    Look within yourself to find why you have no friends, and why hurling hatred at other people is the only thing that gives your sad, car-crash of a life meaning". have had another relapse I see. I give you advice to help you with your liberal self esteem and you deem this hatred, sigh again....only a liberal runs from self improvement and calls truth something as sinister as hatred. It's an endless cycle with no progression.

    You obviously have such a low opinion of yourself that you naturally assume anyone who takes a minute to interact with you must be a friendless loser. I told you, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, I am sure if you search deeply enough there must be something good about you, something you have accomplished some meaningful contribution you can make no matter how small and there is always hope for tomorrow, let go of the past and any failures, they will only drag you down.

    You really shouldn't compare yourself with others, often you are creating unreachable standards and there is no need. Love thyself first and then you will see the world in a different light.

    Remember the key to happiness is not envying what others are and have, it is loving what you have and are.

    Good luck and don't hesitate to reach out to someone else if you can't climb the abyss alone.

  23. no slappz10:39 AM

    field's guide to order in the ranks:

    On Thursday, Santorum responded...saying, "I think that could be a very compromising situation, where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved."

    ?????? Ricky, you are on your own with this one.

    Jealousy and hate within the ranks, bonehead. Not good for military effectiveness when the shooting starts.

  24. "...In fact,every hate group in this country has its roots in the democrat party."

    What is the "democrat" party? I hear wingnuts with this new Frank Luntz created word a lot. What, exactly, does it mean?

    Just curious.

  25. Actually no putz, Jewish women are the biggest college prostitutes around. Yet, I've met more than a few who also enjoyed having some black penis on the side while in college too!

    As for Black women not being marrried that a big crock of shit as far as educated Blacks are concerned. For example, I'd guess that over 90% of the men and women from my urban high school are married to other Black folks. Same thing for PG County Maryland, it takes two incomes to finance those 4k+ homes!

  26. That should read 4K square feet homes!

  27. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    In other words, white female college students ARE hookers, lol!!

    @Granny, that was funny!!!

    9:58 AM

    guess u would know u wannabe dawktaw who will never be only a cheap taudry piece of shit back alley whore like u kimqueef would make a statement like that and why at close to 50 do u brag about going to medical school? guess the gubbmint is your suga daddy cuz u too dam ugly and old to get a real man chrick!

  28. Anonymous11:11 AM

    apparently purple cow is so small minded and limited in his thinking that anyone who disagree wit him is white aint that funny! but eyeve come to expect that from stoopid black people like kimdaqueef or kuntlick banks after a while the true stripes of a liberal show gawds are liberals stoopid and so r dum black girls who make stoopid statements like all jewish girls are college hos fools!

  29. Dr. Queen, don't waste your comments. slapnuts doesn't strike me as a guy who knows too much about women. :)

  30. So wait, is Putz the resident Jew, now morphed into VDLR???

    You assnons really need to better about setting yourselves apart from the average stalking, vulgar, crowd, LOL!!!

  31. Not trying to censor you there Anon. But can you say what you said again without using the "K" word? I think you offend all women when you use it. That it includes Jewish women, black women, white women, Asian women...get the picture?

  32. Mr. Johnson12:26 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    @No putz,, white female college students have been doing this since universities became coed. In fact, their behavior led to the phrase "earning the Mrs. Degree".
    Ms. Queen's been doing this since middle school........

  33. Little Black Robbing Hood12:28 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    CPAC-2012 = Klan Rally

    My Granny, what low standard for racsim you have!

  34. Ms.Queen said...
    "As for Black women not being marrried that a big crock of shit as far as educated Blacks are concerned. For example, I'd guess that over 90% of the men and women from my urban high school are married to other Black folks"

    So why haven't you gotten married?

  35. Dr. Silver Springs12:46 PM

    "it takes two incomes to finance those 4k+ homes!"

    Still grasping at signs of material success as a way to fill that hole in your soul?

    Your ghetto mentality leads you to think you are entitled to BMW's, gold chains and courvoisier just because you are black. All you have to do is say "I wants to be a doctor!" and they have to let you.

    Maybe if you stopped putting your hand out, got a job, and shut your trap long enough to get a man, some of those good things would come to you in time.

    But instead, you will pursue the same futile course you have trod for the past 30 years, the one that lead you to a jobless, manless, BMW-less life, where you bitterly lash out at successful people while screeching about all the penis you can gobble.

    You will never be a doctor.

  36. Quote No Slapzzz

    ”More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to greater agricultural output.”

    1.) Plants do not live on CO2 alone, once you increase one substance plants need, you automatically increase their requirements for other stuff.

    2.) Your theory also fails to take into account that a warmer earth will have bigger deserts and other arid lands which reduces the area suitable for crops. Agriculture would be forced ever further towards the poles, but the problem is that as you approach the poles the soil quality nose-dives.

    3.) An increase in CO2 concentration causes a reduction of photosynthesis in some plants.

    4.) There is also evidence from history of major damage to a wide variety of plants species from a sudden rise in CO2.

    5.) Higher concentrations of CO2 also reduce the nutritional quality of some staples, one of which (unfortunately for the plain states) is wheat.

    ”Thus, a warmer atmosphere is an atmosphere that will absorb and hold much of the increasing supply of water. This is basic chemistry/thermodynamics, two subjects you and the rest of the global warming alarmists know nothing about.”

    Yeah like you do…..

    Increased rain fall is predicted by global warming models, which suggest that there knowledge of chemistry and thermodynamics is just fine. As predicted, the world is becoming stormier with increased rain all over the planet. To the simpleton, this would seem to be good for agriculture. However it doesn’t work like that.

    Unfortunately, when rain falls heavily and quickly, it does not have time to soak into the ground. It simply runs away into creeks and rivers and then drains into the sea. Taking soil fertilizer and nutrients with it.

  37. Quote Anonymous 11:11

    "apparently purple cow is so small minded and limited in his thinking that anyone who disagree wit him is white aint that funny! but eyeve come to expect that from stoopid black people like kimdaqueef or kuntlick banks after a while the true stripes of a liberal show gawds are liberals stoopid and so r dum black girls who make stoopid statements like all jewish girls are college hos fools!"

    People don't type like they talk, numbnuts.

    And they especially don't type the way you imagine people talk.

  38. no slappz1:26 PM

    queen says:

    I'd guess that over 90% of the men and women from my urban high school are married to other Black folks.

    There's lots about which you "guess."

    Inasmuch as the marriage rate among blacks is lower than the college graduation rate for blacks, you can be sure the figure you cited is miles too high.

  39. no slappz1:31 PM

    queenie writes:

    Actually no putz, Jewish women are the biggest college prostitutes around.

    Ah, again, Jewish women, well known for getting undergraduate, graduate, post graduate and professional degrees are hookers.

    But black women, who don't get those degrees, but who instead, get pregnant, get housing, get Medicaid, and get free food, they are the model citizens.

    Yes, I can see you've got it all worked out.

  40. no slappz1:46 PM

    purple buttercup goes deep into his unknowningness:

    1.) Plants do not live on CO2 alone, once you increase one substance plants need, you automatically increase their requirements for other stuff.

    As US farmers have long known. We call the other stuff FERTILIZER. Works great. But more CO2 is good.

    2.) Your theory also fails to take into account that a warmer earth will have bigger deserts and other arid lands which reduces the area suitable for crops.

    Says you and your fantasizing fabulists.

    Here we believe in irrigation, which is mostly unknown in Africa and many parts of the middle east, even though there's no lack of water.

    Agriculture would be forced ever further towards the poles, but the problem is that as you approach the poles the soil quality nose-dives.

    Once again -- science and technology steps in. We breed plants to live in many climates. Wheat is hardy stuff. So is corn. And Canada is already a huge producer.

    Your idiocy holds water only if people were to respond to a changing climate like Africans -- do nothing and ignore it.

    3.) An increase in CO2 concentration causes a reduction of photosynthesis in some plants.

    Yeah, well if you pour too much water on plants you can destroy them. Or you can breed plants with hardier stems. NOne of your nonsense stands in the way of farming technology.

    Unfortunately, when rain falls heavily and quickly, it does not have time to soak into the ground. It simply runs away into creeks and rivers and then drains into the sea. Taking soil fertilizer and nutrients with it.

    Yeah, that's what happens in Africa and other backwards regions where water management is unknown and farming is primitive.

    Like I said, here we practice irrigation. More rainfall would lead to more irrigation. Gravity does most of the work. It becomes mainly a matter of directing the water to where it's needed and where it can be stored.

    Anyway, doesn't matter, none of your goofy fears will terrorize the planet. The threat of death comes from failing to modernize, which is Africa's defining problem.

  41. Dr. Queen1:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote No Slapzzz

    "2.) Your theory also fails to take into account that a warmer earth will have bigger deserts....."

    Bigger Desserts? where dey be at, I'm Hungry. I always like me dat sweet stuff especially da ones filled with white cream.

  42. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Granny, "CPAC-2012 = Klan Rally"

    Knock off the "name calling". I want you trolls to know I am not playin!

    Granny does the same thing she criticizes and censores others on her blog about...She is a dictator and a HYPOCRITE!

    She should move to Russia, Putin would love her.

  43. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Granny, "CPAC-2012 = Klan Rally"

    Knock off the "name calling". I want you trolls to know I am not playin!

    Granny does the same thing she criticizes and censores others on her blog about...She is a dictator and a HYPOCRITE!

    She should move to Russia, Putin would love her.

    Mugabe said he wants her to see the real Africa.

  44. Putz, Jewish women are known for getting married by ANY means necessary, and you KNOW it. Of course if Jewish men weren't obsessed with having Jewish children, their prostituting ways wouldn't be so successful. Well except for that 20th century Jacobi man who couldn't resist a half Native American, quarter Black, quarter white Woman in NYC, who are otherwise known as my great great grand parents, lol!!

    Now morph back into any one of your assnon identities, you're far more amusing when you do, lol!!!

    Oh yeah later Cuz, ROTFLMBAO!!!

  45. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Ms. Queen is a jew! No wonder she love that black penis!

  46. "As US farmers have long known. We call the other stuff FERTILIZER. Works great"

    If we have to constantly produce fertilizers from natural gas this will eventually start to run out. By increasing the need for fertilizer you will erode the supply of natural gas creating competition between the heating of homes and the growing of food. Thus driving the prices of both up.

  47. "Here we believe in irrigation, which is mostly unknown in Africa and many parts of the middle east, even though there's no lack of water."

    There's no lack of water in East Africa and the Middle East????

    Wow I didn't know that.

    Do you have any evidence that irrigation is "mostly unknown" in Africa and the Middle East? Or is this another SlappyFact?

    "Once again -- science and technology steps in. We breed plants to live in many climates. Wheat is hardy stuff. So is corn. And Canada is already a huge producer."

    But as we have already discussed wheat doesn't do well when you increase the CO2 levels in the atmosphere...

  48. Kingnut3:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    If we have to constantly produce fertilizers from natural gas this will eventually start to run out. By increasing the need for fertilizer you will erode the supply of natural gas creating competition between the heating of homes and the growing of food. Thus driving the prices of both up.

    Oh, you mean like we do with ethanol subsidies?

  49. There are no ethanol subsidies

  50. Kingnut4:51 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    There are no ethanol subsidies

    Maybe in your world, but in the US, ethanol subsidies have created an entire industry that is yet another government-induced waseful boondoggle. The Republican congress allowed the ethanol tax credit to expire at he end of 2011. This corporate handout gave $0.45 to ethanol producers for every gallon they produced and cost taxpayers $6 billion in 2011. Kudos to congress to ending this corporate welfare, but in reality it wasn't needed anymore due to the the structured increases built into the Renewable Fuel Standard.

    This year, the RFS mandates that at least 37 percent of the 2011-12 corn crop be converted to ethanol to be blended with gasoline.

    As a result the current price of corn on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is about $6.50 per bushel—almost triple the pre-mandate level.

    The mandates have grown so large that the tax credits barely made a difference anymore, because there is not enough ethanol capacity to meet the mandates. Because refiners desperately have to come up with something 'alternative' to blend in their gasoline, and since there isn't enough to go around, ethanol prices go way up, and with them gas prices. This is what we capatalists like to call "supply and demand", cow.

    As the price of corn skyrockets, so do food prices. For example, as cattle eat corn, the cost of feeding your brethren has skyrocketed too, leading to a huge increase in beef prices.

    This is what socialists do; distort the market to the point of dysfunction and then use the resulting problems as a criticism of markets justifying further meddling and corruption. It's quite a racket.

  51. "As the price of corn skyrockets, so do food prices. For example, as cattle eat corn, the cost of feeding your brethren has skyrocketed too, leading to a huge increase in beef prices."

    Which is exactly the point I was making about fertilizers.

  52. "But some say this is not a healthy arrangement."

    Now that was the best quote in that article about sugar daddies.

    Oh snap, millions of Americans just wished they were deaf, Sarah Palin is screeching. Dear god, a bunch of stupid people listening to the leader of the stupid movement. Gotta love it.

  53. Kingnut5:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Which is exactly the point I was making about fertilizers.

    The difference Cow, is that in one case the market will decide the most efficent allocation of natural gas supplies, and the other the government will cause the misallocation of farming output resulting in further disruptions of other markets.

    One is a necessary trade-off in response to the changing needs of everyone. The other is an unecessary burden in response to the needs of special interests.

    That's a big difference.

  54. Wow. Mitt won the straw poll.

    Field, I don't agree that Barack caved. He compromised, that's what adults do. Notice conservatives don't. Win win. Women get contraceptions and the Catholic Church i.e. NAMBLA, gets to save face and pretend they care about families.

  55. "CPAC-2012 = Klan Rally"

    C'mon Granny, that's not fair we all know the Klan rally is scheduled this summer in Tampa.

    "What is the "democrat" party? I hear wingnuts with this new Frank Luntz created word a lot. What, exactly, does it mean?"

    Seeing that the Romney is now saying it seems Frank earned his money.

  56. Anonymous6:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow. Mitt won the straw poll.

    Field, I don't agree that Barack caved. He compromised, that's what adults do. Notice conservatives don't. Win win. Women get contraceptions and the Catholic Church i.e. NAMBLA, gets to save face and pretend they care about families.

    No, an adult would have known that you lead the country and represent the countries interests, not pander to small groups who like to fuck and then get all resulting from their inability to be responsible adults for free. He caved, he had no choice only it isn't going to help. He trounced the constitution for people like you and he will pay for it. Not that this is the first time anyways.

  57. Anonymous6:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    "CPAC-2012 = Klan Rally"

    C'mon Granny, that's not fair we all know the Klan rally is scheduled this summer in Tampa.

    "What is the "democrat" party? I hear wingnuts with this new Frank Luntz created word a lot. What, exactly, does it mean?"

    Seeing that the Romney is now saying it seems Frank earned his money.

    Are you snuffin that white powder again? WTF are you trying to say?

  58. "Are you snuffin that white powder again? WTF are you trying to say?"

    Nothing to you. The person whom the message was intend is smart enough to figure it out. If you want to communicate with me pick a handle, keep it consistant, and then we'll chat. If not, PEACE!

  59. Anonymous7:06 PM

    PilotX said...
    Field, I don't agree that Barack caved. He compromised, that's what adults do. Notice conservatives don't. Win win. Women get contraceptions and the Catholic Church i.e. NAMBLA, gets to save face and pretend they care about families

    The Catholic Church is the equivalent of NAMBLA. That's not a bigoted, moronic statement, is it?

    Or are you saying that you are a 'catholic'?

    And Obama didn't compromise, he backed off and took a different line of attack, saying he'll make the insurance companies pay for it. That won't fly either.

  60. Anonymous7:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Are you snuffin that white powder again? WTF are you trying to say?"

    Nothing to you. The person whom the message was intend is smart enough to figure it out. If you want to communicate with me pick a handle, keep it consistant, and then we'll chat. If not, PEACE!

    Peace out. Far out.

  61. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I do love how brave heroic brave lads TELL us that women can't serve...when we know women have been in combat in both bushWars.
    Wonder where the brave heroic heroes were when the call went out?
    Should I compare the non-existence of your service to that of the many young women currently under combat conditions?
    Where was Rick 'BraveVest' Santorum when he could have enlisted or accepted a commission?


  62. "Where was Rick 'BraveVest' Santorum when he could have enlisted or accepted a commission?"

    Ricky is on the front lines fighting against man on dog love. Oh yeah, and making contraception illegal.

  63. Obama didn't cave on contraception Field. He did a masterful end run around the republicans who think it's their business what I do with my body. POTUS has placed the onus on health insurance providers.

    The republicans have introduced a bill to amend that would exempt insurance providers if they felt certain preventative health measures didn't fit their moral view but I don't think they have a legal leg to stand on.

    Surprised you didn't jump on this

    What is wrong with white people?

  64. Muddy8:59 PM

    Mold sure loves brave heroic lads. She says so at the start of every comment she makes.

    Why don't you work on a new opening line, Mold? You know, to keep the lunacy fresh.

  65. Turgo9:04 PM

    BrokeLyn said...
    He did a masterful end run around the republicans who think it's their business what I do with my body

    I got news for you BrookLyn; nobody cares what you do with that body.

    The less we hear of it, the better. OK?

  66. Brother Field...some commenter commended the the Black Panther Party had it's roots in the Democratic Party.....our roots came from police brutality. Not living in the 60s, I can understand how some would think we were that unified across America to be influenced by the political parties that few of us even thought or cared about. A large percentage of us were in our early teens when we aligned with the Black Panther Party. A Black Panther Forever.

  67. LeaveMeTheHellAlone9:41 PM

    Turgo said...
    BrokeLyn said...
    He did a masterful end run around the republicans who think it's their business what I do with my body

    I got news for you BrookLyn; nobody cares what you do with that body.

    The less we hear of it, the better. OK?

    Especially if it comes to paying for something you do with that thing. I dont want it, I dont want to smell it, I dont want to hear about it, I dont want to know about it and I dont care if you kill every baby you impreg-uh-nated with. Those are your choices and your responsibities dont look to me to subsidize your fucked up decisions and or feed any kids you dont decide to kill.

  68. Anonymous6:28 AM

    field negro said...
    Not trying to censor you there Anon. But can you say what you said again without using the "K" word? I think you offend all women when you use it. That it includes Jewish women, black women, white women, Asian women...get the picture?

    11:24 AM

    yeah field negro eyel say it without using the k word since ur resident liar who wonte neva be a doctor insulted jewish women and white womens and ur resident liberal arrogant cow beleeverates that he knows how all african americans talk and type pc ur mind is small anytime a person think they know how all african americans think and believes that person is small minded
