Sunday, February 19, 2012

A "teachable moment", but who should teach it?

If you know anything about me you know that I love open dialogue and honest debate. It's why, for the most part, I never censor people on this blog. I always want to know how folks feel, no matter how ignorant, detestable, and abhorrent their opinions appear to be.

So when I saw the story about the white teacher who has filed a federal lawsuit against the Chicago School District because they fired him for using the n-word to teach his students, I was immediately drawn to the story. I thought that we could be looking at another one of those "teachable moments" when it comes to race relations here in A-merry-ca.   

"The incident occurred last October when Brown said he used the n-word after two of his students were passing notes with rap lyrics that included it, according to the Sun-Times. The lawsuit alleges Brown used the word during a "teachable moment" in the context of the book Huckleberry Finn in order to show how such language can hurt. But as the words left Brown's lips, the school's principal walked in to the Murray Language Academy classroom.

Murray Principal George Mason charged Brown with "using verbally abusive language to or in front of students" as well as "cruel, immoral, negligent, or criminal conduct or communication to a student, that causes psychological or physical harm."

Brown has just served the first of his five days of suspension, but told WLS-TV he's worried that this has ruined his reputation as a teacher."

Oh my! What to do? Principal Mason, a black man, knows the pain that the word can cause, and he has probably experienced it personally. Teacher Brown, on the other hand, probably wants to do the right thing, and he wants, in his own way, to teach his class about that horrible word.

Problem is, of course, that teacher Brown is white. And we live in a very race conscious and "color aroused" world. Teacher Brown doesn't have a black card which allows him to use the word even if he is using it to teach his students not to use it.

I am quite sure that if teacher Brown was a black man there would have been no suspension. To white people, this is unfair. To black folks, on the other hand, that is the reality. The word coming from you is different than when it is coming from us.

This is a white person's take which I suspect represents the popular view:

"COMMENTARY | The n-word is an ugly, hateful word. Any negative descriptor of race, creed, characteristic, religion, ideology or lifestyle choice is. Lincoln Brown, a white teacher in Chicago Public Schools, tried to teach his students why the n-word is wrong and got suspended. Brown had found a student note with the word quoted from a rap song. The principal walked in and heard Brown say the word as part of a sixth grade language arts anti-racism lesson, says ABC.

The principal, Gregory Mason, who is black, called Mason's lesson "cruel, immoral, negligent and verbally abusive." Brown is suing CPS, according to Fox Chicago News, saying this is damaging to his reputation, which it is. Teaching jobs are hard enough to come by with all the axing of educational programs. If you're 48 like Brown and you get a smudge on your record, fairly earned or not, you might as well kiss your career goodbye.

It's not even Brown's career that is the crux of the issue. Nor is it the fact Mason suspended him in such a back-door way. The principal didn't just walk in, hear the word, assume it was used as a slur and confront Brown. Mason listened in on the lesson (which dove-tailed negative historical, literary, film and music references to blacks to show why the word is so problematic). Brown thought Mason approved. Apparently not. Two weeks later, Brown got suspended.

The core of the matter is, as Brown put it, "We can't solve these issues if we can't discuss them," according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Clearly, the word and all shaming comments are "cruel and immoral." It's not a "sticks and stones" thing; words hurt more than physical injuries because they don't heal. Brown wasn't fanning the flames, though. He was trying to teach kids not to fan it. In order to do so, he had to use the word.

History can't be sanitized in retrospect and silencing issues negates them. Hiding from problems makes them loom larger. The Minotaur gained power skulking in his labyrinth. It was only when Perseus ferreted him out that he was able to vanquish the beast.

Brown should be congratulated for turning swords into plowshares and giving us all a positive learning experience." [Source]

I don't know if it has been positive. But at least we are learning.



  1. No offense Field, but there's no way you could possible think my stalking colon sucker contributes to debates around here, absolutely NO WAY!!!

    I've got a very satisfying family life, I make good money as a Scientist in big pharma, I'm being recruited by some of the best schools in the country, and will matriculate the same year my kid goes off to college to study Engineering. And my stalking human enema, is CLEARLY green with envy about it.

    Now you're saying that this idiot contributes to your blog? Im certain that share good and plentiful company believing that this is far from the truth.

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Cheers FN. I'd ask whether the teacher deserved a reprimand, rather than a firing. My hunch: if the discussion had been of Huck Finn only rather than of the rap lyrics, the valence would have been lower across the board. What do you think as my own perspective on the word is as a non-user?

  3. Well suspended not fired so he still has his job at Murray. As my teacher wife pointed out if he wanted to teach them the negative weight of the word using it was the exact opposite of what he should have done. If it's sooooo bad then you don't use it. And that's assuming the topic was appropriate to the class he teaches. If he's a math teacher then he shouldn't have gone there at all.

    Since he has his job his "worry" about his career makes little sense.

    His lawsuit also makes no sense. You don't have the right to say whatever you want at work. That's settled law.

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    This word is used by African Caribbeans here also as a term of endearment. It is done here as the term 'negro' or 'negrito' by lovers, marrieds, parents to children etc. as a term of endearment, of affection.

    Not to be used or confused by a teacher when referring to a student, or by a boss to an employee or vice versa. It's a cultural thing and nobody's business.

    Now on the other hand if there is guilt on the part of the white person, then of course nobody wants to hear it, and be reminded right???
    So pleeease let us show you how awful this word is, and pleeease let's just not use that 'slur' anymore okay. LOLOLOL.

    My thoughts are that he really had no business trying to teach change of the use of the word...and sadly for him but if he didn't realize what he was doing then it was time for a reality check.

    The teacher should learn that the word has nothing whatsoever to do with the why and wherefore of slavery and it's sequelae. and much like that monster, yes it's usage as a term of cultural endearment should be out in the open not hidden in a cave! Capish? :))))

  5. If parents taught their children more than the Dougie then teachers wouldn't be responsible for taking on these kinds of discussions.
    My parents and grandparents taught me white people were racist period. Unfortunately one needs more than that when entering college then corporate Amerikkka. I commend the teacher for trying to address this issue as I think it's important for young people to understand that it's not just using the word that's problematic but the history of the word's use that is the problem. White people who still use it, use it as a weapon. It's a way to one up the person they're engaging with because they think it's the knock out punch. I laugh when it's thrown at me because I've come to see it's the last in a weak minded, low esteemed individual's arsenal.

    Hey Field I'm going to PM you a question I have on the contraception debate as the other Comments are now closed.

  6. diego9:30 PM

    The lesson here is that Principal Mason is a Goddamned fool. A little common sense and placing the discussion in context would have allowed the students to possibly learn something. Instead, Principal Mason's inability to think has just reinforced the same lesson these kids have been getting every day since they started school: 'Racism' is discussed only for the purpose of blacks exercising power over whites.

  7. Dr. Colin Animus10:01 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I've got a very satisfying family life, I make good money as a Scientist in big pharma, I'm being recruited by some of the best schools in the country, and will matriculate the same year my kid goes off to college to study Engineering. And my stalking human enema, is CLEARLY green with envy about it.

    My money is on your kid graduating before you do. In fact, I'd wager that at least one of your grandchildren graduates college before you ever make it through medical school.

    And cleaning lab animal cages does not make you a "Scientist in big pharma". By the way, "farm" is spelled with an "F", which is what you must have received in English class.

    You will never be a doctor.

  8. parvenu10:06 PM

    Field, I strongly disagree with your implication that if Mr. Brown was a black teacher that it is likely that he would have been allowed to use the "N" word in class during his "teachable moment". NO TEACHER, I repeat NO TEACHER has the right to run rough shod over the emotions of their students when it comes to such a socially sensitive issue as racialism in American society.

    This is the trouble with Twain's Huckleberry Finn. Twain claimed that he wrote the book "as a mirror" for American society to actually show white people how they REALLY felt about Negroes. He pointed to the book's overwhelming popularity as confirming his original premise. But Twain also added the caveat that as it turned out everybody wanted to read it but nobody wanted any public discussion about the story contents of the book.

    My personal belief is that any formal courses on racialism in America should be elective on the college level. No primary or secondary public school teacher, no matter how well intentioned, has the skills or training sufficient to enable school children of these tender ages to completely understand the vast historical and socialogical events and situations that have enabled American racism not only flourish but to secure unanimous acceptance and institutionalization throughout all regions of the English colonies and then later the United States of America.

    How can any teacher black or white englighten a class of 6 graders to the pain and suffering of forced labor in the fields from dawn to sundown, seven days a week?

    How can any teacher of 7th graders explain why anti-Negro laws written to control the most personal aspects of every Negroes' individual behavior persist as current active law on the legislative books of every state in the union even unto this very day?

    How can any teacher convey to any 8th grader how it feels to watch your mother being raped by drunken men right before your eyes and you are powerless to even comfort her after her ordeal?

    You see the word "Nigger" encapsulates the history of 367 years of brutal African slavery on these shores, and explaining the social-economic mechanisms and the endless promulgation of the accompanying racialism most assuredly exceeds the capablity of any living individual to even begin to create the absurdity of something called a "teachable moment".

  9. I consign with Brooklyn's comment about this post. And about working in corporate America!!!

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    parvenu said...
    "No primary or secondary public school teacher, no matter how well intentioned, has the skills or training sufficient to enable school children of these tender ages to completely understand the vast historical and socialogical events and situations that have enabled American racism not only flourish but to secure unanimous acceptance and institutionalization throughout all regions of the English colonies and then later the United States of America."
    Amen! Extremely well said! Nor does a child of that age the ability to comprehend and digest the entirety of this, nor should they be subjected to it.

    To say that a word your entire community says is "wrong" has got to take some nerve! Really now!

    And I do feel sorry for the teacher, but I think he's looking for a buck at this point also.

    My thoughts are that these discussions on the word have to end. Folks should really just accept this and then just butt out.
    If you can't understand it or refuse to understand it, then so be it, but to keep calling it's use "wrong" uh uh no. That's like Ahmadinagad saying there never was a holocaust.

  11. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I consign with Brooklyn's comment about this post. And about working in corporate America!!!

    So you both finally found out that you need more than a race card to succeed in corporate America. Nowadays you actually need skills and you need to work. The opposite of what your parents taught you. Aint that a bitch.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    No offense Field, but there's no way you could possible think my stalking colon sucker contributes to debates around here, absolutely NO WAY!!!

    I've got a very satisfying family life, I make good money as a Scientist in big pharma, I'm being recruited by some of the best schools in the country, and will matriculate the same year my kid goes off to college to study Engineering. And my stalking human enema, is CLEARLY green with envy about it.

    Now you're saying that this idiot contributes to your blog? Im certain that share good and plentiful company believing that this is far from the truth.

    How does someone like you who invents a character for herself sticks with it for years say nothing intelligent but "I cosign" and or something hoochie mama'ish like colon sucker contribute? You add as much value as another load to an already full diaper. The only value you add is look kids, learn how to spell and don't be so ghetto this way people don't think you are a dumb she-boon.

  14. "Hey Field I'm going to PM you a question I have on the contraception debate as the other Comments are now closed."

    Brooklyn, I think I saw the question. You wanted to make an equal amend. argument with the right to buy contraceptive devices for women and Viagra for men. Is that correct?

    The argument certainly can be made that there is unequal treatment to provide medical coverage for one and not the other. The EEOC certainly takes that view:

    Good discussion here:

    "And that's assuming the topic was appropriate to the class he teaches. If he's a math teacher then he shouldn't have gone there at all."

    I might have to agree with that.

    Still, I do believe that if the subject presents itself in class he should be allowed to discuss it openly and honestly with the students.

    I understand parvenu's issues with it, but these kids confront the word everyday in music, conversation, and whatever. That's just real talk. Someone has to explain the word and what it means to the history of this country.

  15. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I'm not sure how many languages I need to say to my colon cleansing stalker that I NEVER read what I'm sure are fucked up comments directed toward me, but maybe I'll get my kid to spell it out for you in mandarin Chinese which she speaks rather fluently. Maybe next time for now, I'll just say once again:


    Dr. Queen

    Look at this valuable addition. The brains and anger of a she-boon hootchie mama. Signing off with her fictional names. We know you aren't a Doctor and the only thing you are a queen of is maybe the rats, even they are higher class than you Queefa breath. Maybe you think caps lock makes your small mind sound larger?

  16. NSangoma10:50 PM

    field, you Negroes just FUCK Shit up!!

    February 18, 2012
    Kansas City's Failed Schools Leave Students Behind
    The district met just three of the 14 standards established by the state, falling short of minimum proficiency standards for math, English and science, as well as attendance and graduation rates.

    State law allows parents living in Kansas City's public school district to move their children to neighboring schools. Those parents have a difficult choice: struggle to afford parochial or private school, move, or keep their kids in a system that's been marked a failure.


  17. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen said...
    I'm not sure how many languages I need to say to my colon cleansing stalker that I NEVER read what I'm sure are fucked up comments directed toward me,

    So how does an asshole have a colon? Arent you just one big hole?
    Why are you so pissed for something you don't even know what was said? Maybe they said they like dirty nasty filthy disgusting hoochie mama big ass disgusting jelly belly she-boons and were giving you a compliment.

  18. field negro said...
    "The argument certainly can be made that there is unequal treatment to provide medical coverage for one and not the other"

    The contraception issue is merely an Obama campaign tactic designed to fire up his base and to turn the topic away from his abyssmal record and onto other distractions.

    Are contraception, abortion, gay marriage, and women in combat really the most important things tha the American people want their government to be dealing with right now? Or are they the topics the liberal media pushes in order to deflect scrutinity from the fact that Obama's economic policies have worsened the job situation and are accelerating our descent into insolvency?

    When it was noted on CNN's “State of the Union” that the Democrat-controlled Senate has not passed a budget for 1,019 days now, almost three years, in violation of federal law, The White House Chief of Staff, Jack Lew said, "You can't pass a budget in the Senate of the United States without 60 votes, and you can't get 60 votes without bipartisan support. So unless Republicans are willing to work with Democrats in the Senate, [Majority Leader] Harry Reid is not going to be able to get a budget passed." Later that day, on NBC's “Meet the Press,” Lew repeated in response to the same question, "One of the things about the United States Senate that I think the American people have realized is that it takes 60, not 50, votes to pass something."

    The problem is that it takes no more than 51 votes to pass a budget resolution under Senate rules. Indeed, it only takes a simple majority of the Senators present. Jack Lew has served twice before as Director of Office of Management and Budget, so there is no doubt that he knows this.

    This means President Obama is sending his Chief of Staff out to tell lies to the American people. President Obama is once again taking advantage of what he is sure the average person doesn't know, and won't be told by the Democrat Party-controlled media, to mislead the people about the truth. It is a perfect illustration of the dishonorable dishonesty throughout President Obama's 2013 budget released on Monday, and what the President says and has said to the American people about his budget policies.

    And you almost certainly don't agree with this man's politics, but surely you can give some props for someone who is telling it straight:

  19. "Are contraception, abortion, gay marriage, and women in combat really the most important things tha the American people want their government to be dealing with right now?"

    No, the economy is.

  20. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Oh right the economy Obama says is improving by his fudging the numbers. I get it. Why do you support a liar?

    Once the Conservative candidate wins the nomination all they need to do is say remember Obama telling you unemployment was htis? Well here is how he did it and here are the real numbers. So he lied to you. One and done ABO.

    "The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. Moreover, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The official unemployment rate excludes those individuals who would like to work but have not searched for a job in the past four weeks as well as those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time work; if those people were counted among the unemployed, the unemployment rate in January 2012 would have been about 15 percent. Compounding the problem of high unemployment, the share of unemployed people looking for work for more than six months —referred to as the long-term unemployed —topped 40 percent in December 2009 for the first time since 1948, when such data began to be collected; it has remained above that level ever since"


  21. Thanks Field...

    Now in the words of one of my favorite divas "Girls let's have a meeting" "If you don't give me what I want I'm gonna get it another way"

    @Queen I've said this before and I'll say it again...our mere existence means we're winning. People who use vile language on the internet are not worth my time or the keystrokes. They live in a perpetual state of ignorance so who cares what they say. They scream about PC this or that yet when the Sopranos were still on the air they were butt hurt about the portrayal of Italians.

    I'm signing off as I promised my Fox News watching boo (that's right you heard me) that I'd be done with my "liberal propaganda" by the time they got home.

    Peace & Blessings

  22. -CBO, I hate to let facts get in the way of your wonderfully scripted arguments, but facts are facts.

    Sorry. :(

    If I were you I woud be trying to recruit Jeb Bush to jump in the republican race before all the states close their primaries.

  23. "@Queen I've said this before and I'll say it again...our mere existence means we're winning. People who use vile language on the internet are not worth my time or the keystrokes. They live in a perpetual state of ignorance so who cares what they say."

    Keep brushing off those shoulders. :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Yeah Brooklyn, I know you're right, but some days you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't, lol!!

  26. Anonymous11:51 PM

    field negro said...
    -CBO, I hate to let facts get in the way of your wonderfully scripted arguments, but facts are facts.

    Sorry. :(

    If I were you I woud be trying to recruit Jeb Bush to jump in the republican race before all the states close their primaries.

    Field - those facts are from the Congressional Budget Office. They are facts. Thats allright, once the battle for to be the nominee is done - all heads can turn to what Obama has done and is doing and we all know he can't stand the light. Why just last week Artic drilling stopped, Saudi cuts output, Iran stops selling to Britain and France - my those fake economic numbers are really going to show when milk is 8 dollars a gallon and gas goes to 5, oh and with the dealers no longer accepting GM cars as the lots are full of cars they haven't sold, Obama cant pump up the manufacturing numbers with lies anymore. Its not looking so good. I wish it were, but it isn't. I just want someone who tells the truth and doesnt play divide and conquer games lieing to me everyday - I see the economy, I don't buy the bullshit.

  27. Queen Truth Squad11:53 PM

    What? When did you get fired by NIH? And why aren't you in medical school yet, "Dr?"

    Listen, the reason Field lets folk post about you is because you're a liar and a fraud, and if there's anything he hates, it's dishonesty.

    As. He. Said.

    And ain't nobody stalking you. You just aren't all that. Sorry.

  28. "my those fake economic numbers are really going to show when milk is 8 dollars a gallon and gas goes to 5, oh and with the dealers no longer accepting GM cars as the lots are full of cars they haven't sold, Obama cant pump up the manufacturing numbers with lies anymore. Its not looking so good. I wish it were, but it isn't. I just want someone who tells the truth and doesnt play divide and conquer games lieing to me everyday - I see the economy, I don't buy the bullshit."

    Milk is not $8 a gallon and gas is $3.56 a gallon the last time I checked.

    You better hope that your predictions pan out before November or it's 4 more years for his Oness.

  29. Field, with Iran acting a fool I wouldn't be surprised if gas could potentially go to $5 dollars a gallon by November.

    So if Prez Obama is smart, he'll do whatever he needs to to prevent that from happening.

    Obama 2012

  30. Kingnut12:11 AM

    That Reuters article is just the sort of Democrat Party-controlled media story i was referring to. It ends with "In an NBC interview Sunday, Obama said he deserved another term when Americans vote in November. A jobs report on Friday showed the U.S. economy created jobs at the fastest pace in nine months in January. The unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 8.3 percent, its lowest level in three years."

    Leaving aside the fact that the 8.3% number is extremely suspect, the story also omits the fact that three years prior he had said "If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s gonna be a one-term proposition". In every major economic category the country is worse off today than it was when he took over.

    When President Obama was asking for our votes in 2008, he told us his budget policy would involve a "net spending cut." In fact, he said precisely that during a nationally televised presidential debate with John McCain. In 2008, federal spending totaled $2.983 trillion. But federal spending for 2012 in the budget the President just released on Monday is projected to total $3.795 trillion, an increase of over 27 percent during his first term alone, up another $193 billion from the last year. In the budget the President released on Monday, spending was projected to soar by 2022 to $5.820 trillion, the highest spending in world history. Over the next 10 years, federal spending, with all of President Obama's blather about spending cuts, will total $47 trillion... under the President's own budget!

    The Reuters poll also indicates that voters trust Obama more on taxes than Romney. That's probably because they don't know how bad Obama's massive proposed deficits are, or the fact that even this level of disaster is based on the assumption of exploding tax increases over the next 10 years. The budget assumes that federal income tax revenues will double by 2020, federal corporate tax revenues will double by 2017, and federal payroll taxes will double by 2022.

    Obama says in his budget message that these tax increases are necessary because "everyone must shoulder their fair share," and "we need an economy where everyone shoulders their fair share to put our fiscal house in order." The taxpayers targeted for these tax increases are the top 3 percent of income earners. But those top 3 percent pay more in federal income taxes than the bottom 97 percent combined! So if that is not their fair share, what would that fair share be?

    President Obama is playing you with the most dishonest Big Lie in American political history with this central campaign theme that the rich don't pay their fair share of income taxes, and the middle class and working people are left to pay all of them instead. The truth is more nearly the opposite, with the rich paying nearly all of the income taxes.

    The effect of all these tax increases will be to further dampen economic activity, resulting in revenues falling far short of projections, or even declining further, and deficits and debt increasing even more, rather than declining as Obama wrongly projects. For over 40 years now, and possibly more, every time the capital gains tax rate has been increased, revenues have declined. Every time it has been cut, revenues have increased.

    In the end of course it will be working people and the middle class that will lose jobs, wages, and incomes. That is why America is suffering a capital strike, with no real, long overdue recovery, extended unemployment to rival the Depression, declining real wages and incomes, and more Americans in poverty than at any time in American history.

  31. You know I really wouldn't expect a person who flunked out of undergrad as a physics major or who majored in a soft science like marine biology but then couldn't get accepted to grad school, to understand a damn thing about career development.

    Especially for a Scientist.

  32. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I will be in Philly next week and would like to have lunch with you. How about meeting at one of your favorite Philly Cheese Steak Vendors on Broad St.? Someone told me there was one who made the best cheese steak in Philly.

    Which day would be most convenient for you?

  33. Anonymous1:11 AM

    field negro said...
    "my those fake economic numbers are really going to show when milk is 8 dollars a gallon and gas goes to 5, oh and with the dealers no longer accepting GM cars as the lots are full of cars they haven't sold, Obama cant pump up the manufacturing numbers with lies anymore. Its not looking so good. I wish it were, but it isn't. I just want someone who tells the truth and doesnt play divide and conquer games lieing to me everyday - I see the economy, I don't buy the bullshit."

    Milk is not $8 a gallon and gas is $3.56 a gallon the last time I checked.

    You better hope that your predictions pan out before November or it's 4 more years for his Oness.

    Field, I hope it doesn't happen. But you don't need to be a prophet to see it coming. Gas is already on the rise and growing. Milk isn't 8 dollars a gallon YET but watch it rise as soon as gas starts to rise. By the way, gas is 3.42 - 3.59 a gallon right now in Philly. Watch it rise starting this week. Potatoes were 32 cents a pound in 2008 now they are 60 cents a lb. Milk was 2.65 a gallon now it's 3.89 - Wait until all fuel rises it's going to get tougher and tougher. and again someone lying about things to get re-elected and just spending more and more and more isn't helping us at all, in fact it's making sure that when the bubble does pop its going to be a horrible burst.

  34. Ms.Queen said...
    You know I really wouldn't expect a person who flunked out of undergrad as a physics major or who majored in a soft science like marine biology but then couldn't get accepted to grad school, to understand a damn thing about career development.

    As opposed to the deep understanding of a 48 year-old eternal student with psychology degree who thinks she is going to get in to medical school?

    You are 14 years away from being able to collect social security retirement benefits. That is some pretty damn slow "career development".

    And a lab assistant who sweeps up after real Doctors is not a "Scientist".

    You will never be a doctor.

  35. "Field, with Iran acting a fool I wouldn't be surprised if gas could potentially go to $5 dollars a gallon by November."

    Supposed to be there by this summer. At least in Chicago but we like to trade places with Hawaii and San Fran as the highest gas prices.

  36. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Just wait until Obama starts a war with Iran as a way to get votes as well as way to get the money flowing from his Jewish donors.

  37. Anonymous3:59 AM

    "Field, with Iran acting a fool I wouldn't be surprised if gas could potentially go to $5 dollars a gallon by November."

    Supposed to be there by this summer. At least in Chicago but we like to trade places with Hawaii and San Fran as the highest gas prices."

    2:16 AM
    Well, when it goes over $4/gal the consumer will cut back on spending, the airlines will be in trouble and so will the economy. That won't be good for his Oness in November.

  38. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Let's pray that there won't be any war with Iran. Enough is enough. No more wars in the Middle East. We have our own problems here at home and I think the American people have had enough of wars we shouldn't be in.

  39. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Field, I am thinking about moving to Jamaica instead of moving to PR or VIs. They say Jamaica is safer and nicer, the people are nicer, and the weather is nicer.

    BTW, do any white people live there? I want to live in an integrated society where all men are created equal and there is no discrimination. I have also heard that gas is also a lot cheaper in Jamaica.

    The person who told me this is from Jamaica but lives in Idaho. He didn't look like the average Jamaican. In fact, he looked like a Mexican to me. He even had an accent like one. But he said he can't wait to get back to Jamaica among his people. He was short like a Mexican too. That's when I realized how diverse Jamaica must be. That explains why you look more like a brother from Detroit than Jamaica. I guess these days you can't tell much about anybody.

    Brother Field, please, please let me know ASAP re: Jamaica. I really need to move in a hurry, if you get my drift.

  40. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Look at Dr. Queeny. Who would think she is a Scientist waiting to get into Med School? But there you have it: She is being overwhelmed with offers from the top Med Schools in the nation. She has her pick! But she doesn't sound very much like a Scientist.....but....there you have it....these days you just don't know. Go head on, Sista!

  41. These Anons are funny. Yes we do have all sorts in Janaica.german Jamaicans,Indian Jamaicans,Chinese Jamaicans,you name it.

    Looking forward to welcoming you to my country. A little hint for you: Buy property in St.Ann or Manchester parishes.

    Anon. I would like to do lunch with you, but I don't really trust Anons. Get a handle and we will talk about it.

  42. Anonymous8:00 AM


    Totally agree with you. I knew a black man who was suspended for 3 days at work for affectionately calling a co-worker "nigger" (or is it "nigga"?). At first I thought this horrible (the fact that he was suspended, because the man's intent was not to offend or degrade), but now, in light of the posted incident, and of people getting fired for using the word "niggardly" and all the other bullshit and hoops so-called "progressives" have people jumping through, Diego speaks the truth: this foolish word is nothing but a powerplay. It was in the days of slavery, and it still is today. It continues to be a word for material gain and psychological edge for the easily offended and easily intimidated.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Field, if for some reason you loose your mind and decide to have lunch with a racist stranger, who is obviously jealous of happy and successful Blacks, remember to do the following:

    1) Take 10 cans of mase, because people on meth probably wouldn't be affected by one can.

    2) Bring A gun with silver bullets and make sure you aim for the heart when you use it. You'll need silver bullets to kill the devil shoud it come to that.

    3) Also bring a couple containers of delousing powder. Hopefully, this one is obvious especially considering racist anons are low lifes.

    4) Finally, make sure the police know where you're eating. Even though your "guest" only has Mickey D's taste, restsurants that are occasionally located near police precincts, the extra security would make me feel a LOT better.

  45. LOL @ Dr. Queen.

    No, it's all good, I feel quite safe here. I am quite sure that events most hateful racist wouldn't try anything. :)

  46. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Field, if for some reason you loose your mind and decide to have lunch with a racist stranger, who is obviously jealous of happy and successful Blacks, remember to do the following:

    1) Take 10 cans of mase, because people on meth probably wouldn't be affected by one can.

    Do you mean Mace and effected? 30 years of college or do you count thinking about it and applying for grants time? What in the world would anyone of any color envy you for? Being a living stereotype?

    2) Bring A gun with silver bullets and make sure you aim for the heart when you use it. You'll need silver bullets to kill the devil shoud it come to that.

    There is no Devil and Silver bullets in popular fiction kill werewolves not Demons. Typical semi-literate woman gets points of various topics confused. I am sure you are the genius that mixes up cliches like "She couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn if it was staring her in the face, while she was getting chased like a sow for bacon"

    3) Also bring a couple containers of delousing powder. Hopefully, this one is obvious especially considering racist anons are low lifes.

    Delousing powder - Sounds like you remember your prison days. You would have to look up to see a low life jiggly jowls, way up and we all know who the racist one is lard ass.

    4) Finally, make sure the police know where you're eating. Even though your "guest" only has Mickey D's taste, restsurants that are occasionally located near police precincts, the extra security would make me feel a LOT better

    Mind translating this into non she-boon English. "Restsurants" that are occasionally located near police precincts. Are you talking about eating from those moving "restsurants" again? Do they change "occasionally"? What's the occasion when they change?
    Or do the police stations change locations only being near the "restsurants" is this how you say the word? Occasionally.
    This is what 30 years of educating a she-boon gets you - Not very much.

  47. Did I say "events" most racist? I hate these hand held divices.:)

  48. Anonymous10:34 AM

    field negro said...
    "Did I say "events" most racist? I hate these hand held divices.:)"
    LOL! Yes what did you ever mean? and Field, you can make a lunch date with Mr.Anon, if he's that "sailor anon" he'll never make it! LOL!

  49. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I would not assume that all students are as benighted or opposed to learning as are the wingnuts/homeskoolers.

    Perhaps both are involved in a spat...and this is just the latest event.

    Even better, we can all scam the local School District out of much-needed funds to skool our children like Santorum. Like his dream, the only thing that matters is birth.


  50. Queen Truth Squad11:58 AM

    How is it possible a woman with, what was it, three degrees, does not when do use LOOSE vs. LOSE? Also, how to spell mace?

    Field, if for some reason you loose your mind and decide to have lunch with a racist stranger, who is obviously jealous of happy and successful Blacks, remember to do the following:

    1) Take 10 cans of mase, because people on meth probably wouldn't be affected by one can.

  51. ^^^^^ actually I've got four degrees, so learn how to count Heffa!!!!

    FYI, spell checking posts on a blog to appease a bunch of college drop outs and unemployed leaches just isn't something I'm gonna do. EVER.

    But I wanna know something, does it make you feel smart that you find MY spelling errors? I'm happy you've found something you're good at since you're an absolute failure at everything else in your poor excuse of a life.

  52. Dr. Macy12:13 PM

    Queen Truth Squad said...
    How is it possible a woman with, what was it, three degrees, does not when do use LOOSE vs. LOSE? Also, how to spell mace?

    Obviously, it is not, and she does not have any real education.

    It is also painfully obvious that it is she who is "jealous of happy and successful Blacks", as well as apparently all White people.

    She will never be a doctor.

  53. Quote Kingnut

    "That is why America is suffering a capital strike, with no real, long overdue recovery, extended unemployment to rival the Depression, declining real wages and incomes, and more Americans in poverty than at any time in American history."

    Yeah you're right Kingnut, Capitalism has indeed failed.

    Though quite why you are attempting to put the blame for the collapse of an entire economic system on just one person is beyond me.

  54. And for the record, I don't type worth a damn either, so that makes your certificate in typing you earned in trade school special too.

    Man, you're just an educational powerhouse, lol!!!!

  55. Dr. MacBigg12:21 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    ^^^^^ actually I've got four degrees, so learn how to count Heffa!!!!

    FYI, spell checking posts on a blog to appease a bunch of college drop outs and unemployed leaches just isn't something I'm gonna do. EVER.

    Did any of those four degrees require the ability to read? Or are you referring to your four degrees of seperation with every other lowlife piece of ghetto trash on the planet?

    You don't have to appease people posting on a blog comment board, but you'd better pay an educated person to write you medical school application essays.

    And wipe the McRib sauce off your fingers before you mail it in.

    You will never be a doctor.

  56. Anonymous12:44 PM

    diego said...
    The lesson here is that Principal Mason is a Goddamned fool. A little common sense and placing the discussion in context would have allowed the students to possibly learn something. Instead, Principal Mason's inability to think has just reinforced the same lesson these kids have been getting every day since they started school: 'Racism' is discussed only for the purpose of blacks exercising power over whites.


    An honest attempt to discuss something real should not get someone suspended.

  57. Kingnut12:44 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Though quite why you are attempting to put the blame for the collapse of an entire economic system on just one person is beyond me."

    It's not just Obama's fault, but he is the leader of the party who has embraced the ideology and has pushed the policies that have crippled the American economy.

    It is salt in the wound when those who have imposed the burdens of excessive taxation and regulations and the distortions of crony subsidies and incentives then point at the resultant dysfunction as evidence that capitalism doesn't work.

    It's like if you sent your kid off to school with 100 pounds of rocks in his backpack, tied his shoelaces together, and made him wear glasses he didn't need, and then falted him because he could hardly make it there anymore.

    The Democrat way is more rocks, stronger prescriptions and maybe a toll booth along the way, until the kid gives up completely, stays home and watches Sesame Street.

    The Republican way is to dump the rocks, fix his shoes, let him take the glasses off and send him on his way.

  58. Cecum sucker, are you just pathetically yet blithely unaware of the fact that if I didn't post on this blog, the very purpose for your existence would cease to exist, lol????

    That while I spend a lot of time during the day being productive, you wait with baited breath for me to post so that your daily life will have included doing something, however ineffective, unproductive, and meaningless???

  59. Look Ma! No Hands!1:07 PM


    field negro said...
    I hate these hand held divices.:)

    9:47 AM"

    So does AB. That's why she straps all hers on.

  60. Queen Truth Squad1:10 PM

    Sorry, I have a fully and happy life and barely pay attention to you or this blog.

    Spell check doesn't catch misuse of words, dear...any 4th grader knows that. And, so the word would be LEECHES, which anyone who was ever around medicine would know. HMMM.

    And I noticed Field did not defend you. Should tell you sumthin, eh? Also you fail to realize there isn't a single commenter on this blog who has anything positive to say about you.

  61. Queen Truth Squad1:11 PM

    This also explains why you failed your MCATs and why NIH fired you.

  62. Dr. Achiever1:16 PM

    Queen Truth Squad said...
    This also explains why you failed your MCATs and why NIH fired you.

    I guess Ms. Queen's motto really is "ineffective, unproductive, and meaningless".

    All day long. Year after year.

    She will never be a dotor.

  63. Barely paying attention to to this blog? Like those GRE's you barely paid attention to?

    The thing is that if you had spent more time studying and less time stalking me, you may have passed.......actually, now that I think about, you couldn't get a decent score if someone had given you the answers before hand.

    And also keep in mind that if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have a username you unoriginal, mindless twit.

  64. Kathleen Sebelius1:38 PM

    Why was Ms. Queen fired from NIH?

  65. And one more thing, Field doesn't need to waste time defending jealousy and racism expressed by you and the other stalking assnons because the motivation (underacheivement, unemployment, uneducated) needs no explanation.

    BTW, it's a compliment to not be liked by a jealous over reproducing college drop out, a member of the gulf sea clean up crew, and their jealous racists accomplices. The fact is that I haven't cared about being liked by jerks since high school, so take that lame ass childish argument back to your coven since you all get off on things like that. Besides the fact is that when you have a real life, it's easy to tell folks like you to kiss my ass, and REALLY, REALLY, mean it.

  66. "The fact is that I haven't cared about being liked by jerks since high school"

    Me neither. You tell 'em, sister!

  67. "It's not just Obama's fault, but he is the leader of the party who has embraced the ideology and has pushed the policies that have crippled the American economy."

    No it's Ronald Reagan who has done the most to cripple the American economy. Middle class and blue collar pay has flat-lined for decades. From WW2 to the 1980's the American promise was that everyone shared in the nation's increasing prosperity. Since Reagan's time that promise has been discarded and only the richest 1% benefit from the nation's increased wealth.

    Further, it was Reagan's deregulation of the finance industry that has lead to the current economic collapse.

    "It is salt in the wound when those who have imposed the burdens of excessive taxation and regulations and the distortions of crony subsidies and incentives then point at the resultant dysfunction as evidence that capitalism doesn't work."

    You don't have excessive taxation, that's a huge myth, and you don't have enough regulation. Capitalism has failed because it cannot be trusted to act in the nation's best interest. It's only interest is in the next three monthly profit statement.

    "The Republican way is to dump the rocks, fix his shoes, let him take the glasses off and send him on his way."

    No, the Republican way is "Fuck you, I'm alright Jack."

    The Republican way is to ban abortion because 'all life is precious' then gleefully execute any black man found guilty of murder.

    The Republican way is to encourage massive military spending and massive corporate welfare projects while simultaneously praising 'small government'.

    The Republican way is to promote the current health care system that is bankrupting America while providing the bulk of your populace with a third world health-care service.

    The Republican way is to spend billions in pork-barrel benefits to your political cronies while denying the people of Louisiana basic protection against storm surges, and leaving your public infrastructure on the point of collapse.

    The Republican way is to form a new party to propagate policies that will only benefit the top 1% of the population which engages useful idiots prepared to campaign against their own self-interests, to get the job done.

    The Republican way is to rape the nation and blame the poor for poverty.

  68. pierre dortdruben2:18 PM

    i'm a white teacher, i teach high school english in a putatively diverse community (and i'm typing to a blog, so i'm not concerned about standard-written engl-ish here, y'all). i've been teaching for 23 years, and here is what i've learned over those years: if i'm teaching a work of literature by twain or august wilson or anyone else who drops an n-bomb, it's my responsibility to ask the class whether anyone present objects to hearing the word. if one student says, "yes, i object," we come up with a substitute. every year, i'll have classes that say they are okay with hearing the word, and i'll have classes where one or more students say they do not want to hear the word. sadly, it didn't occur to me (amerika programs us to be unconscious racists) until about five years ago to ask the question. at this point in my life, having been schooled by some patient and loving friends of color, i don't think any white person should say the word without permission, and then it should only be said in the context of quoting someone else.

  69. Kingnut2:23 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    You don't have excessive taxation, that's a huge myth, and you don't have enough regulation. Capitalism has failed because it cannot be trusted to act in the nation's best interest. It's only interest is in the next three monthly profit statement.

    This is the mindless mantra that the blind chant as they march off the cliff.

    The U.S. has practically the highest corporate tax rate in the world. The top earners pay a higher share of the tax burden here than almost anywhere else.

    Even your blame game is wrong. It was under Clinton, not Reagan, that the Glass-Stegall act was repealed.

    Your whole conception of how our economy functions is built on misconceptions and ideological constructions. You are the ideal Obama voter. I'm glad sneering, ill-informed foreigners can't vote. Yet.

  70. Jaque Blaque2:25 PM

    pierre dortdruben said...
    i'm a white teacher, i teach high school english in a putatively diverse community (and

    No wonder minorities can't read.

  71. There You Go Again....2:37 PM

    " The Purple Cow said...
    Further, it was Reagan's deregulation of the finance industry that has lead to the current economic collapse."

    "The bill that ultimately "repealed" the Act was brought up in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-Texas) and in the House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa) in 1999. The bills were passed by a Republican majority, basically following party lines by a 54–44 vote in the Senate[15] and by a bi-partisan 343–86 vote in the House of Representatives.[16] After passing both the Senate and House the bill was moved to a conference committee to work out the differences between the Senate and House versions. The final bill resolving the differences was passed in the Senate 90–8 (one not voting) and in the House: 362–57 (15 not voting). The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.[17]"

    Hell, it's ALWAYS easier to blame it on Reagan.

  72. Dr. Longbus2:40 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Bravo PC!!!!

    Cue the retarded braying and offbeat clapping of the McRib sauce-stained fingers of Ms. Queen.

    Although it hardly needs to be said, you will never be a doctor.

  73. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Kingnut

    "That is why America is suffering a capital strike, with no real, long overdue recovery, extended unemployment to rival the Depression, declining real wages and incomes, and more Americans in poverty than at any time in American history."

    Yeah you're right Kingnut, Capitalism has indeed failed.

    Though quite why you are attempting to put the blame for the collapse of an entire economic system on just one person is beyond me.

    Well, we finally agree. Most things are indeed, beyond you.

  74. Queen Truth Squad2:57 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Barely paying attention to to this blog? Like those GRE's you barely paid attention to?

    The thing is that if you had spent more time studying and less time stalking me, you may have passed.......actually, now that I think about, you couldn't get a decent score if someone had given you the answers before hand.

    And also keep in mind that if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have a username you unoriginal, mindless twit.

    1:23 PM

    You used to be a federal employee until you fired so you should know today's a holiday. I never studied for my GREs and thus never failed. No clue what you are going on about. I have many other names I post under, as do you...

    I don't know why NIH fired her. She won't say, either.

    I love Kathleen Sebelius! Except for that dumb Plan B decision that you forget to tell you boss about...

  75. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "It's not just Obama's fault, but he is the leader of the party who has embraced the ideology and has pushed the policies that have crippled the American economy."

    No it's Ronald Reagan who has done the most to cripple the American economy. Middle class and blue collar pay has flat-lined for decades. From WW2 to the 1980's the American promise was that everyone shared in the nation's increasing prosperity. Since Reagan's time that promise has been discarded and only the richest 1% benefit from the nation's increased wealth.

    Nonsense - Marxist drivel from a Marxist airhead.

    Further, it was Reagan's deregulation of the finance industry that has lead to the current economic collapse.

    No it was not. Que Fannie and Freddie and minority global support.

    "It is salt in the wound when those who have imposed the burdens of excessive taxation and regulations and the distortions of crony subsidies and incentives then point at the resultant dysfunction as evidence that capitalism doesn't work."

    You don't have excessive taxation, that's a huge myth, and you don't have enough regulation. Capitalism has failed because it cannot be trusted to act in the nation's best interest. It's only interest is in the next three monthly profit statement.

    Yes we do and no capitalism has not failed. You can't feed the world and your own with 49.5% of citizens paying NO federal tax because of neverending democratic commie gimmes.

    "The Republican way is to dump the rocks, fix his shoes, let him take the glasses off and send him on his way."

    No, the Republican way is "Fuck you, I'm alright Jack."

    And the Marxist way is "you are capable you have earned. I am not, I am lazy so gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme. The Ant and the grasshopper. The Ant and the Grasshopper.

    The Republican way is to ban abortion because 'all life is precious' then gleefully execute any black man found guilty of murder.

    Yawn - more idiotic nonsense. We need more abortions, kill as many as possible before they become unproductive non contributing leeches on society.
    The shallow thinkers of the Left like you cannot delineate between politics and religion. Conservatives are divided on abortion, the real opposition of abortion is the church - who ALWAYS supports the left (until Obama that is)

    The Republican way is to encourage massive military spending and massive corporate welfare projects while simultaneously praising 'small government'.

    Silly man you are again confusing the left with conservatives. Yes we need a very strong military to protect idiots like you from the world. Idiots who have this utopia pie in the sky vision and inability to plan to protect yourselves from madmen. As for corporate welfare, again that is a larely leftist trait, just ask Obama and all his cronies.

    The Republican way is to promote the current health care system that is bankrupting America while providing the bulk of your populace with a third world health-care service.

    HAHAHAHAHA the best healthcare in the WORLD can be obtained from the US.

    The rest of your gibberish is just that 100% talking points taken directly from the US democratic website. You sound like a petulant child who has never had to make his way in the world. You have got to be on the dole or have a wife that supports you in the UK. No one is this moronic.

  76. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Oh My 49.5% of Americans pay NO income taxes at all. So when Obama speaks about being fair does this mean Everyone will start paying their fair share of taxes or that those who actually pay will now need to pay more for the lifelong leeches to have free everything. Good news is we arent near as bad as that cesspool of a country Britain and we should learn from their horrible mistakes.

  77. Queen Truth Squad said...
    I don't know why NIH fired her. She won't say, either.

    Well, it was a number of things. She couldn't stop eating on the job. She was eating the agar out of the culture plates and even dipping into the rat pellets. She was dropping hundreds of dollars worth of glassware each week. She was good at cleaning toilets, but could never get the hang of sorting the mail. On top of all that, she would never shut up about how she was going to get a BMW and drink courvoisier at every meal once she became a doctor. She would pathetically wave a brochure she received in the mail as 'proof' Harvard was recruiting her.

    It took forever since she was black, but eventually even the affirmative action crew in HR saw that there was no way to keep pretending she was qualified to perform the entry-level lab assistant tasks we gave her and that she had to go.

    I heard she worked at McDonalds for all of three days before she got fired their too. Now she's just living off food stamps. A lot of food stamps, apparently.

    She will never be a doctor.

  78. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Just wait until Obama starts a war with Iran as a way to get votes as well as way to get the money flowing from his Jewish donors.

    The reason why the Jews are hell-bent for war with Iran is because they know that conflict will morph into a much wider conflict – and take center stage in the minds of the goyim – replacing the great economic swindle they inflict via money creation, fractional reserve banking and usury.

    Most people are unwilling to support another war. This is why, in my opinion, there will be another 9/11 type event – probably here in the US – and it will most probably be blamed on some sort of Iranian/”White Supremacist” joint operation.

  79. No Putz, I think you left out your username from your 2:58 post, lol!!!!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Sgt. Preggers5:06 PM

    This country is SOOOOO screwed!:

  84. "You used to be a federal employee until you fired so you should know today's a holiday. I never studied for my GREs and thus never failed. No clue what you are going on about. I have many other names I post under, as do you..."

    No, I think you have me confused with your racist hick counterparts. I claim ALL my posts, but I understand that posting under different usernames helps you feel you have other "friends".

    And since you dropped out of college before aspiring to be a turbo breeder, you clearly wouldn't have a need for taking

    One more thing. Answering your own posts makes you more like the crazy witch your really are, lol!!!! And thanks for outing yourself about posting under numerous names.


  85. Hmmmmm. Teachable moment indeed. The principal may have felt that he was in a position where he had to suspend the teacher. I can see that point.. regardless of whether or not he personally felt that suspension was necessary, he had to make a decision as a school administrator.

    A good rule of thumb is to keep a ten foot pole between you and other fokls "family conversations/drama".He may have done better not to address it given that this word is essentially a lit match.

    I was a substitute teacher in a small school in Bmore and I was definitely making an effort to understand the usual procedures in the same way that I would in any other job.

    This principal's school and/or school district policies may not leave too much 'wiggle room' in terms of the proper response.

    No policy can fully encompass the full breadth of social realities that go along with one particular issue of another...suppose the thinking is better safe than sorry,better to act than to not respond and assume risk of legal action,bad press etc...

    If the teacher's actions were intended to promote meaningful and thoughtful dsicussion, that is definitley positive and admiral.Seems as though this ought to be factored into to deciding the schools' next steps in terms of the man's career.

    Teaching is some work!

  86. pierre dortdruben5:27 PM

    the fifty co-op usa notes:

    If the teacher's actions were intended to promote meaningful and thoughtful dsicussion, that is definitley positive and admiral.Seems as though this ought to be factored into to deciding the schools' next steps in terms of the man's career.

    you bring up a good point. as i was contemplating having my ballz jacqued, i peeped the article again: the principal seems to have been in the room for a chunk (yeah, that's an education-ese term) of the lesson; therein lies our "teachable moment": if the principal really felt, at the time, that the lesson was damaging, the principal should have jumped into the discussion and taught both students and teachers. the two-week lag time suggests to me that someone complained and an edict was handed down; it may have been an angry parent whose child came home and told the story, and that child may have felt uncomfortable expressing her or his opinion in the classroom setting. maybe the principal should be suspended for five days as well since he didn't stop or redirect the lesson; at the very least, if the idea was the principal's own, he might have discussed the lesson with the teacher immediately. we all need to sit in the fire here in amerika and face the fact that our country was founded on a white supremacist foundation; without honest and heartfelt dialogue (and maybe white folk like me need to be quiet and listen and then repeat back what we hear to ensure we are correctly hearing what is being said), we may not have long left as a country.

  87. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "You used to be a federal employee until you fired so you should know today's a holiday. I never studied for my GREs and thus never failed. No clue what you are going on about. I have many other names I post under, as do you..."

    No, I think you have me confused with your racist hick counterparts. I claim ALL my posts, but I understand that posting under different usernames helps you feel you have other "friends".

    And since you dropped out of college before aspiring to be a turbo breeder, you clearly wouldn't have a need for taking

    One more thing. Answering your own posts makes you more like the crazy witch your really are, lol!!!! And thanks for outing yourself about posting under numerous names.


    Why do you sign off so many of your posts as "stupid"? Are you trying to be DR QUEEN or Stupid?
    Should I say it like you "Witch wun iz it"?

    "Witch your really are" <----Now that is stupid. Did they have any remedial english classes during your lifetime at college? You better learn quick or you know; you will never be a Doctor. They don't like dumbasses that can barely read or write.

  88. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Dr Queefa Said..

    "And since you dropped out of college before aspiring to be a turbo breeder, you clearly wouldn't have a need for taking"

    Honey, really go back to school. You use words you have heard but don't understand them. What you meant to have said was "having aspirations to become a turbo breeder, you dropped out of college. You sound like a bit of a sheee-booon.

  89. Kingnut6:32 PM

    pierre dortdruben said...
    we all need to sit in the fire here in amerika and face the fact that our country was founded on a white supremacist foundation; without honest and heartfelt dialogue (and maybe white folk like me need to be quiet and listen and then repeat back what we hear to ensure we are correctly hearing what is being said), we may not have long left as a country.

    To say America was "founded on a white supremacist foundation" is more than bit disingenuous isn't it? You sure are ignoring a lot of American history in your effort to focus on the the education establishment's prime mission of stoking white guilt and black self esteem.

    I will agree with you that "we may not have long left as a country", but I would say it is more due to the rot induced by cultural marxist foot soldiers such as yourself than in any failure to acknowledge the past sins of slavery.

  90. @6:26, since you're the ONLY idiot who responded to a post that ended with the word "stupid", not only does that CONFIRM that I'm talking about you, it's clear that you KNOW I'm talking about you as well, lol!!


  91. "The U.S. has practically the highest corporate tax rate in the world. The top earners pay a higher share of the tax burden here than almost anywhere else."

    This is a flat lie.

    I am sure you are aware that Amerrica's corporate tax rates are not particularly high, just as you are aware that the actual de facto corporate tax rate in America is lower still.

    Which makes you a devious little liar.

    "Even your blame game is wrong. It was under Clinton, not Reagan, that the Glass-Stegall act was repealed."

    I was not referring to the Glass Stegall act.

    "Your whole conception of how our economy functions is built on misconceptions and ideological constructions. You are the ideal Obama voter. I'm glad sneering, ill-informed foreigners can't vote. Yet."

    I would not vote for Obama even if I was an American. He is a conservative, I am not.

  92. Oh and re this nonsense about 49% of Americans not paying income tax. Income tax is not the only kind of federal tax that Americans pay. You also pay payroll and capital gains taxes, among many others. People also pay state and local taxes, too.

    Your Congressional Budget Office data shows that slightly less than 10 percent of all households pay no net federal taxes.

    The number 10 is a lot less impressive than 49.5 now isn't it?

  93. pierre dortdruben6:53 PM

    Kingnut said:
    To say America was "founded on a white supremacist foundation" is more than bit disingenuous isn't it? You sure are ignoring a lot of American history in your effort to focus on the the education establishment's prime mission of stoking white guilt and black self esteem.

    hmm. never thought of myself as a cultural marxist foot soldier; i think of myself as a catholic who is trying to be a human being. and as a catholic, i can tell you my favorite bible verses are matthew 25: 31-46. i don't think white guilt is a productive emotion, and i'm sorry if you thought i was trying to stoke it; i was trying to appeal to any buried ember of humanity in any reader, regardless of their cultural construct of race. and before anyone acknowledges any sins of slavery, i think we need to acknowledge the sin of genocide. at the risk of quoting someone who you might consider another marxist, have you seen what our latest man trapped in granite once said:

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his book Why We Can’t Wait has this to say about what this country has done to its original inhabitants:
    Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shores, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the 16th century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population.

  94. Anonymous 2:58

    I think even you will have to admit that that was your worst post ever.

    Repeating the 49.5% nonsense was the only attempt as an argument in the entire shit-pile of a post.

    And surely even you can see that the fact that billionaires can get the best health care in the world is pretty fucking stoopid point. Billionaires can get the best health care anywhere.

    Nighty night, numbnuts

  95. Anonymous7:04 PM

    What!!!! No "AB" screeds!!? Well, "I'll be shuckee duckee"...

  96. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 2:58

    I think even you will have to admit that that was your worst post ever.

    Repeating the 49.5% nonsense was the only attempt as an argument in the entire shit-pile of a post.

    And surely even you can see that the fact that billionaires can get the best health care in the world is pretty fucking stoopid point. Billionaires can get the best health care anywhere.

    Nighty night, numbnuts

    Actually I was just thinking this was your worst post and lamest cop out ever. Marxism is worthless, weak and irrefutably proven to be a nincompoops dream. I guess I understand why you like it. It doesnt make any sense.

    Sleep tight dickface, careful with buttercup and try and brush up on another countries tax structure. You sound like an idiot outside looking in, which I guess you are.

  97. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Desert, "LOL! Yes what did you ever mean? and Field, you can make a lunch date with Mr.Anon, if he's that "sailor anon" he'll never make it! LOL!"

    That was too cold.

  98. The Purple Cow said...
    "The U.S. has practically the highest corporate tax rate in the world. The top earners pay a higher share of the tax burden here than almost anywhere else."

    This is a flat lie.

    I am sure you are aware that America's corporate tax rates are not particularly high, just as you are aware that the actual de facto corporate tax rate in America is lower still.

    Which makes you a devious little liar.

    No Cow, when someone tells you something you did not know, that does not mean they are a liar.

    All of these Obama tax rate increases are on top of virtually the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, at nearly 40 percent counting state income taxes, which leaves American companies uncompetitive in the global economy. Even Communist China maintains a 25 percent corporate rate. In the predominantly socialist EU, the average corporate rate is even lower. In formerly socialist Canada, the corporate rate today is 16.5 percent, falling to 15 percent next year.

    Turning to the issue of the relative burden of the "rich" across the developed world, one can clearly see they pay a higher share of the total tax burden, i.e. America already has the most progressive de facto tax code in the developed world:

    And as regards who pays taxes in the US, you can refer to these tables:

    And that's not the whole story. The earnings from capital investment are taxed not once, but multiple times. First, by the corporate income tax, then again by the individual income tax through the tax on dividends, then if you sell the capital investment, through the capital gains tax, then when you die, by the death tax. Consequently, the 15 percent capital gains tax rate is not the only tax that Warren Buffett actually effectively pays on his investment income. This is how the rich end up paying such a large share of the income tax burden.

    But Obama figures that enough of you and your friends and neighbors won't know that, and the Democrat-controlled media won't tell them. So he figures he can get away with looting the rich, as his Marxist ideology demands.

    Now, knowing you Cow, these facts will be ignored. But at least now you can't plead ignorance.

  99. Kingnut8:49 PM

    pierre dortdruben said...
    before anyone acknowledges any sins of slavery, i think we need to acknowledge the sin of genocide....
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr... We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population.

    Gee, you sure sound like a cultural Marxist foot soldier. That's pretty much Revisionist Anti-Americanism 101, Pierre.

    And to Dr. King's quote, all nations throughout history have tried wipe out those who stood in the way of new territory. We were just good at it.

  100. King nut, the fact tht you are proud f your Nation wiping out a group of people says a lot about you and the nation you claim to love.

  101. Kingnut2:06 PM

    I am proud of my nation.

    I reject the accusations of genocide coming from those who would wipe out my nation the moment they had the ability to do so.

  102. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Brown was out of order and he knew it..The world is not a utopia when it becomes free of it's racist legacy then I will tolerate a white man using the world nigger...

  103. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Three quick observations. Were the two students suspended for passing the note. Is there a specific policy regarding what teachers can and can't say while teaching. Would the principal suspended a black teacher for saying the same thing under the same conditions. Answers: No, No, and No.

  104. pierre dortdruben3:03 PM

    brother kingnut, i don't know what to say (and i can hear you now: yeah, but that's not going to stop you from saying it . . . is that one of the characteristics of a cultural marxist foot soldier?). i'm not sure how dr king's (is that the king for whom you are a nut?)quotation is revisionist (seems to pass muster with all of the research i've done) and i beg to differ that it is anti-american: seems as if dr king spoke and wrote out of love, and as a white man with a white child, i know i am trying to elevate me and mine and those i love (and that good book i read as a catholic tells me to love one another, even my enemies) so we will all end up on the right hand with the sheep and not on the left with the goats. finally, when you say you "reject the accusations of genocide coming from those who would wipe out my nation . . ." are you suggesting that was dr king's agenda? i love you, brother kingnut, and i wish you the peace that passes human understanding. mitakuye oyasin
