Friday, March 02, 2012

Someone should apologize.

"Now listen you can either comprehend it or compliment it
It's all authentic But you better believe whatever I say Guess what you can bet it all I meant it..."

I would like to thank Juelz Santana for those lines. They are quite apropos given what I want to talk about.

I have actually gotten a lot of e-mails and comments (most of them nasty) from folks who thought that I was out of line with my comments about our "dearly departed" Andrew Breitbart.

I would like to tell you all from the bottom of my heart that I truly don't care. Sorry, I am not going to be a hypocrite like some of these Negroes (I see you Toure and Goldie) and pretend that Breitbart wasn't a bottom feeding scumbag who made a living off of other people's misery just because he is dead.

The beautiful thing about being me is that I don't have to do the House Negro jig to get in certain people's good graces. Folks like Lawrence O'Donnell will get on television and talk s&^% then go out and have cocktails with Ann Coulter and other wingnuts. The folks on the right do the same thing. To them, politics is just a way to make money. To me,  politics is much deeper than that; it can be literally a matter of life or death. 

Finally, I see that rush has probably bitten off more than he can chew. (Pun intended) To stay with the theme of my opening lines; he probably should have done a "mic check" before he started talking. He is going to learn after this latest dust up that calling a white woman a "slut" in A-merry-ca isn't like making n***&r jokes every day to the delight of his minions.

Rush has been picking on the weak and defenseless for a long time, and he thought it was funny to use an entire segment of his show to destroy a young college student's character to millions of his listeners.  

"So Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal,"... If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch." [Source]

Watch? Rush, you are one sick dude. Do you really want to watch Georgetown college students have sex? I wonder what your wife would have to say about that. Anyway, this poor young lady did not deserve that. Unlike folks like our "dearly departed" friend, Andrew Breitbart, she does not dwell in the politics for profit gutter, and attacking her was totally uncalled for. If her name was Michael Moore I would not even be writing this post; but it is not. Rush, that someone who should apologize is you.  

Anyway, as is to be expected, there has been a push back. Not even rush can do certain things and get away with it. Some pundits are even saying that he is hurting the republican brand with his act. And his Oness actually called the woman  today to offer his support.  

I am torn, because I don't necessarily want to see rush taken off the air. This is A-merry-ca and he has a right under our Constitution to speak freely. I just wish that there weren't so many people taking whatever he says as gospel. Sadly, that probably says more about the A-merry-can people than it does rush.



  1. Has Rush Limbaugh ever apologized for anything?

  2. I think porky's real issue is that he's like so many other barely educated, reformed "white trash" white men who couldn't get accepted to a school like Georgetown, and now has an "attitude about it.

    So porky, go tell the rest of your crew to get a f'king education, LOL!!!!

    And Hoya Saxa!

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    It's not easy not being PC. But one must be true to oneself. So I commend you for taking the path less traveled! and did Rush ACtUALLY say such a grossness?? My,my,my....He wants free porn ;) I think he's about done, what with such a comment...

  4. Dr. Porksord10:52 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o hell freezes over said...
    I think porky's real issue is that he's like so many other barely educated, reformed "white trash" white men who couldn't get accepted to a school like Georgetown, and now has an "attitude about it.

    Rush Limbaugh is an idiot, but he has a good 80 IQ points on you. If you were as white as Rush, you never would have found a community college that would have admitted you.

    You will never be a doctor.

  5. Hey Field, guess what? This whole thing was just another bit of Democrat staged politcal theater.

    Sandra Fluke is not, as was represented, a 23 year co-ed, she is a 30 year old feminist activist:

    The whole reason she ever went to Georgetown in the first place was, get this, precisely because she knew its student health plan did not cover free birth control.

    Limbaugh is an idiot for falling for this.

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I think porky's real issue is that he's like so many other barely educated, reformed "white trash" white men who couldn't get accepted to a school like Georgetown, and now has an "attitude about it.

    So porky, go tell the rest of your crew to get a f'king education, LOL!!!!

    And Hoya Saxa!

    What a disgusting specimen of life you are. I agree with almost nothing Rush says, but you my ugly sow are a racist pig.

    Oh and Field YOU ARE a hypocrite. You might recall standing up for Grayson when he called Bernakes federal advisor a K Street whore.

    The democratic "prop" was convinced to tell the world wether it is true or rather more liberal staged bullshit that she NEEDS birth control, gotta have it, she desperately desires it so she can bop all night but she needs, No DEMANDS, no it is HER RIGHT to have someone else pay for her boppin. If she isn't a loose woman then what is she?

    Liberals are insane.

  7. Field, I think your blog is full of the most ignorant racists in America! The woman IS a law student AND an activist, as if the two are mutually exclusive ideas!!!

    So i guess it's no wonder they can't get a F'king education, they're too d@mn slow!!

  8. Anonymous11:30 PM

    FN: Thanks for the sidebar tip re list of businesses that sponsor rush limpbag.
    Andrew Breitbart is dead - good - gives me hope that there is a god; and if there is a god (wink wink), pray PLEASE infect breitbart's and limpbag's minions with palin-itis.
    Stupidity should be painfuil; blistering ignorance fatal.

  9. Wash Away the Pig Vomit It Stinks11:32 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Field, I think your blog is full of the most ignorant racists in America! The woman IS a law student AND an activist, as if the two are mutually exclusive ideas!!!

    So i guess it's no wonder they can't get a F'king education, they're too d@mn slow!!

    OK you win, you are a Queen, Queen of pig vomit. Listen carefully this more than likely will escape the little window of thinking ability you have. She was put forward as a innocent victimized poor little first year law student who was having such a tough time studying and bopping every night because..she couldn't find someone to pay for her contraceptives. Well that apparantly wasn't even close to the truth, she is another whackjob from the left who set out to joine Georgetown 7 years ago just to try and force what she believes is a right to Mo Free Stuff. In other words another liberal lie staged theater and total bullshit trashing the constitution. As Obama's pal alinsky said the ends justifies any means - radical liberals.

    Now you brought up race twice and no one else did. although those who think... can see right away you are garbage and flailing around because she is white. So how are those who disagree racist? Tell us pig vomit, tell us, your excuse is tired worn old and useless - Just like you.

  10. Dr. Velocity11:34 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o never said...
    So i guess it's no wonder they can't get a F'king education, they're too d@mn slow!!

    Once again, the irony escapes you.

    Black students and some professors at Duke University are up in arms over a study that shows that black students drop out of science majors disproportionally, behavior that is wholly explained by their status as the beneficiary of racial preferences. That switch in majors is the reason that black and white GPA’s converge somewhat over students’ time at Duke, rather than because black students are narrowing the achievement gap with whites.

    The study belongs to a growing body of empirical work called “mismatch theory,” which argues that preferences hurt their recipients by placing them in classes for which they are underprepared, causing them to learn less than they would among their academic peers–a proposition that may seem obvious to anyone outside the mind control of a university.

    As has been apparent for years, first we must pretend that Affirmative Action doesn’t exist. Virtually all high school students know their classmates’ SAT’s; they can see the large discrepancies between those of so-called “underrepresented minorities” and those of whites and Asians who are admitted to comparable schools. At Duke, the SAT and grade gap is more than one standard deviation. Black students know the score as well, and have been reported as announcing on occasion that they don’t have to work as hard because their race will get them into schools. And yet in college, everyone is required to act as if all students have been admitted on equal grounds, and any reference to the preference regime will be judged as racist and hurtful.

    But now it turns out that you also can’t refer to the consequences of the preference regime–its effect on students’ learning and academic performance–without also being labelled a racist.

    How is this a good thing for people like Ms. Queen? She has spent her life trying to do things for which she is not qualified. Instead of a satisfying life filing licenses at the DMV, she has foolishly pursued higher education that is far beyond her intellectual capacity,leading to a life of failure and delusion.

    Reine is in deep, deep denial.

    She will never be a doctor.

  11. Does anyone knw if Drew is going to be cremated? I think it wise to get a jump start on the burning flames of hell, lol!!!!

  12. Malachi11:52 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Does anyone knw if Drew is going to be cremated? I think it wise to get a jump start on the burning flames of hell, lol!!!!

    They will come soon enough for you. And no one will be laughing.

  13. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Does anyone knw if Drew is going to be cremated? I think it wise to get a jump start on the burning flames of hell, lol!!!!

    Pig Vomit is as Pig Vomit does, aint that right Pig Vomit

  14. Anonymous12:36 AM

    The leftist project is as much about making whites uncomfortable in their daily lives as it is about positive compensation for blacks. Whites should have to experience the same daily fear that blacks (supposedly) felt in Alambama in 1958. That is the real purpose of affirmative action.

  15. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Field, "The beautiful thing about being me is that I don't have to do the House Negro jig to get in certain people's good graces. Folks like Lawrence O'Donnell will get on television and talk s&^% then go out and have cocktails with Ann Coulter and other wingnuts. The folks on the right do the same thing. To them, politics is just a way to make money. To me, politics is much deeper than that; it can be literally a matter of life or death."

    Who else thinks you are beautiful? Not I. You praise those who agree with you and you piss on those who disagree. You have done posts in the past extolling Lawrence O'Donnell as one of the few upstanding commentators who calls it like it is.

    But now you are calling him a House Negro because he doesn't see Breitbart as an evil scumbag like you see him.... are so immature and lacking character.

    Since lately you have been full of quotes to justify your hatred of Breitbart, try this one for size...I am sure it will be a perfect fit:

    "We don't see others as they really are, we seen them as we are."
    --Anais Nin

  16. Check out limpbone's elegy to bruitbutt:


  17. rush is a sexist racist pig...literally!


    hobama always races to coddle rich whites


    did hobama ever call to comfort shirley sherrod???

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. more on hobama's ndaa and andrew

  21. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The Democratic Party was behind slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws. It was also the party of Margaret Sanger, George Wallace, and Bull Connor. It has ALWAYS been a racist party. Even today, white liberals support Affirmative Action and racial set-asides because they still believe black Americans are too inferior to go up against whites on an even playing field.

    -- John Hawkins

  22. For those who need to know, the iPad is PERFECT for scrolling through spam.

    And it does and even better job of scrolling through the posts of b@tch@asses who need a F'king education.

  23. Another reason Rush shouldn't be rushed off the air: his nastiness has raised $$$ for a lot of women's rights and liberal organizations. And Rethuglican candidates supporting the Blunt Amendment look even worse. Keep it up and Obama will win by a wider margin than last time...

  24. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    and now has an "attitude about it.


    That should read

    and now has an attitude about it.

    Talk about being slow.

  25. "The beautiful thing about being me is that I don't have to do the House Negro jig"

    You jig for your democrat masters everyday.

    "young college student's"

    Since when is 30 years old young?

    Ignorance is bliss on the democrat plantation.

  26. You know SPC ( Silly Punk Cracker), I see you've been posting all night long as usual, with your lifeless ass.

    You've gotta be an Orphan.

  27. Another day another shout out from the racist wingnut trolls.

    Does the RNC pay u guys or is it just a labor of hate?

  28. I love it though, like rush, you clowns are a necessary evil.

  29. Obama calls Sandra Fluke, but doesn't call the family of the Border Patrol agent that was killed by guns given to mexican drug dealers by obama.


  30. Dear Haters,

    We Black folks have so much more for you to be mad at.

    Just be patient, lol!!!

  31. Anonymous9:10 AM

    field negro said...
    Another day another shout out from the racist wingnut trolls.

    Does the RNC pay u guys or is it just a labor of hate?

  32. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 AKA Pig Vomit said...
    Dear Haters,

    We Black folks have so much more for you to be mad at.

    Just be patient, lol!!!

    Oooga Boooga - you have "no patients" because you aren't and will never be a Doctor.

  33. And will some please tell Orphan Annie (OA) that social miscreants like him who live in their parents basements aren't compensated for spell and grammar checking Black politicl blogs.

    Then again, maybe OA was hired by Newt.

  34. Anonymous10:51 AM

    >How is this a good thing for people like Ms. Queen? She has spent her life trying to do things for which she is not qualified. Instead of a satisfying life filing licenses at the DMV, she has foolishly pursued higher education that is far beyond her intellectual capacity,leading to a life of failure and delusion.

    Reine is in deep, deep denial.

    She will never be a doctor.<


  35. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I would posit that the wingnut welfare recipients are being asked to justify their Koch funding.

    Fat, wite dudez who need Viagra to sex tourist the Dominican Republic do NOT pay for the contraception. It is a form of deferred pensions...and is not up to LordNMaster businessperson where the funds should go. We give our wages to the business to gain volume discounts on insurance costs...not to ask them to make moral decisions for us.

    Sorry, but just because we choose to have sex, but never with you, does not mean you have any miniscule call on our personal morals and options.
    Given that you seem inclined to order women'll be having to fantasize about Sarey and Callista until your slave -ahem- mail order bride arrives.


  36. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Mold, do not even pretend that you ever have sex.

  37. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Mr. Field, the title of your post, "Someone Should Apologize"--are you being facetious?

  38. Anonymous1:11 PM

    this activating cunt wants some one else to pay for her fucking which is what all whores want.maybe she can pull a nigger,get knocked up then want the taxpayer to front her the money for her bastard.this commie twat is a slut and a whore who i hope will catch aids from a for you doing a nigger jig over the death of a white man, who was better than any nigger,i celabrate every time nogs murder nogs or a white person kills a criminal house have a nice nog at the door job like the moochers 300 large at the taxpayers expence but what are you going to do when the money runs out?

  39. fyi

    hobama and his net spies make gwb look like a noble libertarian!!!


  40. Lewis Thomason1:25 PM

    Way to go Field,give em hell.

  41. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "Way to go Field,give em hell."

    I don't think it's funny. Hell is where there is no love and Field has shown no love for me. I come to FN for love and I get none. It's effing depressing.

    Field, you are a cold-hearted Jamaican. You have ruined my view of Jamaica. I will never eat jerk chicken again.

  42. Dear President of Anon. Inc. Please give Anon who posted @1:36PM a raise.

  43. farley2:46 PM

    Breitbart hurt an untold number of people because of his politics. Like someone I read wrote: He left this world and it's now a better place."

    Prob was here, lol.

  44. Field you are so right. I have a term for this behavior: good ole boys go wild. These angry white males of the non-progressive type feel threatened by women and other non-white males in power. The presence of President Obama has them in a state of Red Alert...check out this article:

  45. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Field, "Dear President of Anon. Inc. Please give Anon who posted @1:36PM a raise."

    Dear Field, I just got a raise. Thanks. BTW, I take back what I said about you. You are a good guy.

    FYI, I am ordering jerk chicken today from my favorite Jamaican restaurant to be delivered. You have restored my faith in Jamaicans. You are a good caring guy.

  46. dyam!

    cc this to alec baldwin

    mike epps needs some condoms and valium

  47. pierre dortdruben5:36 PM

    two things: does rush think these women are having sex with other women? they don't need contraceptives for that; when are the men involved going to be held to the same standards? and: maybe rush is just making sure that the santorum/friess connection stays fresh in the press and the voters' minds.

  48. YouKnoMe6:20 PM

    Field!! Love your site... your haters are your motivators (^_^) You preach truth like Paul Mooney and the episode "The Story of Catcher Freeman" on The Boondocks :-)


  49. "FYI, I am ordering jerk chicken today from my favorite Jamaican restaurant to be delivered. You have restored my faith in Jamaicans. You are a good caring guy."

    I will send over some Red Stripe for you later on. :)

    Thanks YouKnoMe. We are just trying to keep it honest here in A-merry-ca.

    "Breitbart hurt an untold number of people because of his politics.."


  50. NSangoma7:00 PM

    Day-Um !!, someone said, that he would not get away with saying that shit about a whidte woman:

    Rush Limbaugh Apologizes To Sandra Fluke For Calling Her A 'Slut'

  51. Anonymous7:10 PM

    field negro said...
    "FYI, I am ordering jerk chicken today from my favorite Jamaican restaurant to be delivered. You have restored my faith in Jamaicans. You are a good caring guy."

    I will send over some Red Stripe for you later on. :)

    Thanks YouKnoMe. We are just trying to keep it honest here in A-merry-ca.

    "Breitbart hurt an untold number of people because of his politics.."


    NOPE. All he did was the MSM job. He showed the tape. The evil ones were the ones who deserved to be exposed. Liberals are insane. It is not the bad that they did, it is the fault of the man who exposed them.

    Crazy people, totally immoral corrupt and insane and shit we couldnt get him to be quiet about the truth using the old racism standby. Of course he threatened you.

  52. Orphan Annie, I see Porky has apologized to my future alum sista'. Tell us, did Santorum a d Romney make Porky do it, lol????

  53. Now let's sit back and watch Sarah P come and try to further save the day for Porky.

  54. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Obama is a helluva ladies man.

    "Hand over you wallet punk my wimmen need more abortion and contraceptive pills.

    Having sex three times a day is not cheap and nobody should have to pay for it...except the taxpayers.

    The Infanticide approving ladies Man

    Burrack Who'Sayin Obama

  55. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Orphan Annie, I see Porky has apologized to my future alum sista'. Tell us, did Santorum a d Romney make Porky do it, lol????

    She is a bit like you, seven years later and still " a first year law student" only worried about getting laid and having someone else pay for "preventative care"
    Somehow seeing her picture I don't think she gets that many offers, she is going to have to go black if she hasn't already. Next to a Sow like you she is a beauty Queen.

  56. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Dr. Queen, you are now Dr Reine? Why do you keep changing your name? Do you have an identity problem?

    My God, woman. Over the years you have changed your name at least ten times. Is it because you don't know who you are?remsec itsnings
