Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No pills for you.

I have never been a big fan of Arizona. The place has always struck me as a kind of California wannabe. It's a Western state, but their lawmakers seem more like Southern politicians from the fifties.

So anyway, they have proposed a new law there that would require women to  prove to their employers that they are getting birth control pills prescribed for non-sexual reasons. Yes, that's correct; women would have to prove that they are not getting the pill to have sex.

Of course this is not about sex. Don't you just love when republicans say that: "It's not about sex for goodness sakes, it's about religious freedom!" And, of course, that is always followed by something like this: "I don't care how much sex you have. Go out and have sex with a million different guys for all I care. It's not about you and your sex!" I actually heard a talk show host say that. (Mike Gallagher I think) It makes them angry to even think about these women having sex. 

So what is really going on here? And why all the bills like Arizona HB 2625 being proposed by the all boys clubs in state houses across the country? Don't be fooled when they say it's about First Amendment rights, it is not. This is about small minded and insecure men exerting power and control over a part of the human anatomy that they know nothing about. It's about sexual hypocrites who cannot stand the thought of women doing out in the open what they like do behind closed doors.

If our hormonal makeup was such that it allowed us to carry babies for nine months there would be no debate. Birth control pills would be available on demand in the church lobby every Sunday morning. If men had cramps and bleeding every month there would be all kinds of drive through clinics that offer birth control pills and a section in every grocery store for the pill. "Excuse me sir, where do you keep your birth control pills?" "Aisle seven buddy, right next to the tissue."

Oh yeah, birth control pills are not only used for birth control. Here are some other uses: Reducing cramps or menstrual pain. Preventing migraines and painful headaches. Treatment acne. And treating endometrioses. [Source]

“My whole legislation is about our First Amendment rights and freedom of religion,” Lesko said. “All my bill does is that an employer can opt out of the mandate if they have any religious objections.
And because Arizona’s an at-will employment state, points out, that means that bosses critical of their female employees’ sex lives could fire them as a result.
It’s all about freedom, (Lasko) said, echoing everyone who thinks there’s nothing ironic about claiming that a country that’s “free” allows people’s bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they’re supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law."

Ironically, this bill in Arizona is being sponsored by a republican woman. But it makes the bill no less sexist and ignorant. Smart folks those republicans, I guess they learned their lessons from those congressional hearings when they trotted a bunch of men out there to talk about women's reproductive issues.

"Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord."
~Colossians 3-18~

Or those who belong to the republican party.



  1. "Of course this is not about sex. Don't you just love when republicans say that: "It's not about sex for goodness sakes, it's about religious freedom!" And, of course, that is always followed by something like this: "I don't care how much sex you have. Go out and have sex with a million different guys for all I care. It's not about you and your sex!" I actually heard a talk show host say that. (Mike Gallagher I think) It makes them angry to even think about these women having sex."

    In other words, women are not free to fuck unless they're fucking you (and when I say "you", I mean the average unreconstructed conservative).

    The punishment and shaming of "sluts" and "whores" continues, with a "good, decent woman" leading the charge.

  2. Kingnut10:46 PM

    Birth control still Field? No one is buying this fake Obama campaign issue. These Republicans in Arizona are foolish for chasing this, but the point that it is not your right to have other people pay for your contraception is a valid one.

    Give it up.

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "I have never been a big fan of Arizona. The place has always struck me as a kind of California wannabe. It's a Western state, but their lawmakers seem more like Southern politicians from the fifties."

    From a racial point of view, Arizona is exactly like CA esp when it comes to Blacks. Make no mistake about it, Cali is a racist state-kinda like a mixed-up Southern State that has lost its way.

    From a sexual point of view, Arizona is at one extreme of self-restraint and Cali is at the other restraint whatsoever. Whichever, "extremism is extremism", which always lead to more human degradation.

  4. NSangoma11:00 PM

    Because of changing population demographics, they want these whidte women, married or not, having whidte babies.

    Whidte women who would have in the past had six to nine children are now only having three at most or none at all; whilst the Mexican (AmerIndian) women keep pumping those babies out.

    They took the country from the AmerIndians, and now their cousins, Amerindians, from south of the border are poised to take it back.

    The query becomes thus, how to make the birth control pill unavailable to whidte couples while making the BCP mandatory for Negroes and Mexican AmerIndians?

  5. NTacoma11:13 PM

    White people pay for their shit.

    It's the democrats who want to make birth control free - who do you think that's for?

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "Ironically, this bill in Arizona is being sponsored by a republican woman. But it makes the bill no less sexist and ignorant. Smart folks those republicans, I guess they learned their lessons from those congressional hearings when they trotted a bunch of men out there to talk about women's reproductive issues."

    Let me ask you something: Do you think our reproductive organs were meant to just fuck and fuck and fuck without reproducing? If you do, then of course you find it ignorant and sexist.

    However, you might consider the possibility that your own thinking is delusional and morally wrong. Oh wait...I forgot. Leftists like you don't have moral values. There are no moral boundaries for fallible human beings.

    With you folks, it's anything goes. BTW, herpes and AIDS arose out of everybody fucking everybody back in the 70's and 80's. It sounds like you want to open the door to those days again....

    GET REAL. Any fool knows humans with your kind of lustful minds need laws like we need laws for everything else to save our greedy lustful ignorant asses from hurting ourselves.

    But don't you worry Mr. Field, every law that has ever been passed, some asshole lawyer will find the loop-hole in it, which will allow people to go on fucking without restraint and get paid for it even in college where they need it the most.

  7. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Now negroes are supposed to hate Ghandi:

    Is there any non-black figure that negroes admire?

  8. "Let me ask you something: Do you think our reproductive organs were meant to just fuck and fuck and fuck without reproducing?"

    I think that the former is certainly more pleasant than the latter. Don't you?

    "GET REAL. Any fool knows humans with your kind of lustful minds need laws like we need laws for everything else to save our greedy lustful ignorant asses from hurting ourselves."

    Does this mean that men will have to register their fists?

  9. Anonymous11:48 PM

    It’s all about freedom, (Lasko) said, echoing everyone who thinks there’s nothing ironic about claiming that a country that’s “free” allows people’s bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they’re supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law."

    The fallacy of liberals destroying any morals, any accountability any sense of honor. You have a choice, if you want an employer who offers free dildoes and ky jelly for your anal distractions, while interviewing you discuss the benefit package, including salary. If it is not to your liking for the work you will be asked and required to do, you do not accept the job.

    YOU do not get to dictate what packages if any employers will offer. YOU do not get to force the world to be your oyster and subsidize any wanton behavior of whimsy you may have. YOU also don't get to say it is oppression and frame it that employers can fire you for what??? For not liking the health package you will not accept the job for? OR for pulling an occupy scabby and demanding the employer NOW pay more for your depravities? Bosses, company owners DO decide what plan they will pay for and what is contained in the plan. Some have better benefits, some have worse, some have none. At the end of the day Obamacare will bankrupt the country, eliminate employer private insurance and result in government rationing due to cost controls and liberal insanity anyway.

  10. Kingnut11:52 PM

    What's wrong with getting paid in money, and then buying what you want?

    Why is it now supposed to be a 'right' to dictate that you get paid in birth control pills?

  11. Anonymous11:53 PM

    field negro said...
    "Let me ask you something: Do you think our reproductive organs were meant to just fuck and fuck and fuck without reproducing?"

    I think that the former is certainly more pleasant than the latter. Don't you?

    Life wasn't meant to be one fuck fest. There is more to it than that, dont ya think? If you do nothing but engage in pleasure, how will you tell the difference between what you have earned and value and what is common and taken for granted?

    "GET REAL. Any fool knows humans with your kind of lustful minds need laws like we need laws for everything else to save our greedy lustful ignorant asses from hurting ourselves."

    Does this mean that men will have to register their fists?

    Only if liberals start to demand free fisting services from their employers because it restricts those who like to get fisted during their lunch hour. The way you guys are going, that isn't very far away. California is emptying faster then Ms. Flukes Datebook did (although I think it was pretty empty before the charade)

  12. Anonymous12:15 AM

    The wingnuts learnerated during abortion debates when the pro-choice women were educated and professional...while the antis seemed to be the Left Behind lower-class male losers.
    While some may balk at Elizabeth Warren making a was better than listening to some dude who could not find a job during the go-go 60s.

    Those women who used to be in the anti crowd were terribly dowdy and acted like abused spouses...or walked across the street from yelling at the AfAfms integrating the schools.

    The visual for the antis was the male and female losers trying to TELL their social and economic superiors (which was pretty much everyone) what to do. It's bad enough to have to comply with a boss...but your boss usually doesn't stand there with a week-old urine stain.


  13. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "Let me ask you something: Do you think our reproductive organs were meant to just fuck and fuck and fuck without reproducing?"

    Field: "I think that the former is certainly more pleasant than the latter. Don't you?"

    You are what I always out-of-control-sinful HEDONIST! You have no morals. All you care about is the next nut. Well, that is why they are trying to pass a "civilized" law to put up a barrier to shameless people like you. You Leftists are all the same: IMMORAL.

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Mark my words, the Democrats will lose the next election based on their immorality and disbelief in God. Obama represents that perfectly.

    Wasn't that part of the Dems problem in the last Presidential election? That is, didn't Dems mock other Americans' faith and belief in God much like Field and his FN cronies do?

    Then they later reversed and pretended to have morals and a faith to garner more votes? Such Bullshit. T

  15. Anonymous12:50 AM

    What ever happened to small government? What ever happened to not having "the government" in everyone's business?

    Women who can pay for the birth control and health care should.

    Women and girls who can't pay should have what ever reasonable support that we as a country can supply.


  16. Nsangoma12:58 AM

    Deys all ho's anywho motherfuck them and they pay me to fuck. I don't pay them or buy them shit. My Black snake make them bitches moan and Mold on the flipside too.

  17. The law is that women who opt into birth control coverage on a health plan at their own expense - even if it's not the employer's health plan - can still be fired.

    Whew there's some angry bitter misogynist sick f*cks posting here tonight with extremely wild imaginations & weird perverse ideas about sex

  18. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Look. Look, New T-shirt out. Honor Rev'rum Al wearing a shirt with his likeness.

    Stupid We Much

  19. Anonymous1:25 AM

    "If our hormonal makeup was such that it allowed us to carry babies for nine months there would be no debate. Birth control pills would be available on demand in the church lobby every Sunday morning. If men had cramps and bleeding every month there would be all kinds of drive through clinics that offer birth control pills and a section in every grocery store for the pill. "Excuse me sir, where do you keep your birth control pills?" "Aisle seven buddy, right next to the tissue."

    Oh yeah, birth control pills are not only used for birth control. Here are some other uses: Reducing cramps or menstrual pain. Preventing migraines and painful headaches. Treatment acne. And treating endometrioses

    Field, you sound like a woman. We have all heard that if men had to have babies the race would die out and thats probably true.

    But on to your uses for Birth control, so she gets cramps and acne and this is reason to force ME to pay for it?

    Whats next? Free weaves and nails for those who have a disparate impact because they need to look equally good in the morning or can't compete, and it is tough being a woman who has to pay for her nails and weaves without a baby daddy? Sounds crazy? Almost as crazy as some liberal making up a law that requires employers to provide free birth control or mandates insurance companies pay for it. If you would have said this a year ago even with the communist in the whitehouse I would have laughed. Now you are going all in and making it about those who have to pay and framing this just like media matters was told to by the white house. It is all men who are employers, who pay the bills, they forget there are a lot of women out there who also don't agree with this nonsense.


  20. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Bob, "Whew there's some angry bitter misogynist sick f*cks posting here tonight with extremely wild imaginations & weird perverse ideas about sex"

    Baloney. No one here hates women. We're talking about having to provide free birth control pills which is very unfair to tax payers.

    Leftists have such warped thinking. That's why you fools lost the House. Go to church sometimes, your soul will appreciate it; and your moral compass might have a flash-moment of accuracy, which Field desperately needs.

    And no I won't pray for you, Field. I don't waste my prayers on earthly fools.

  21. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Field, why don't you start a contest about how long will it take for the great racist state of Florica to deliver the 'swift justice' for that black teen and alleged white murderer?

    You must know that the longer it takes, the more favorable it is for the sob who killed the kid. Such is Justice in A-merry-ca. And those Whites wonder why Blacks were happy when OJ made a mockery of their "white" IN-Justice system.

  22. Since it doesn't seem to be coming through even when I post the link from HHS I just want to ask the question. If contraception were provided for free to all women without any tax dollars involved would you have a problem with it?

  23. "Wasn't that part of the Dems problem in the last Presidential election? That is, didn't Dems mock other Americans' faith and belief in God much like Field and his FN cronies do?"

    What exactly was the Dems problem at the last Presidential election? And how much worse must the Repugs problems have been, given that the Dems won?

  24. "We're talking about having to provide free birth control pills which is very unfair to tax payers. "

    Are you suggesting that women don't pay taxes?

    Also think on this, contraception prevents children from being born. Those unborn children will never need to be educated, never need health care, never need social security, and will never go to prison. Saving these alleged tax payers of yours countless billions of dollars.

    Then given that giving birth is still one of the most dangerous things a woman can do, contraception saves countless billions of dollars in pre and post natal health care.

  25. "OR for pulling an occupy scabby and demanding the employer NOW pay more for your depravities? "

    That was Exhbit- A

    Please note that the wingnut considers birth control pills as something that is depraved.

  26. Quote Kingnut

    ”Yes, you are WRONG again: “

    Kingnut did you actually read that article you linked to? I suspect not. Just to educate you I will post four paragraphs of it here.

    Indeed, Wahr’s study clearly notes that lower-altitude glaciers and ice caps are melting, to the tune of about 150 billion tons of ice annually, which the study predicts could lead to an overall rise in sea levels. He concluded that the higher altitude and therefore colder Himalayan peaks may be temporarily impervious to factors causing melting.

    "One possible explanation is that previous estimates were based on measurements taken primarily from some of the lower, more accessible glaciers in Asia and were extrapolated to infer the behavior of higher glaciers. But unlike the lower glaciers, many of the high glaciers would still be too cold to lose mass even in the presence of atmospheric warming," Wahr said.

    According to GRACE data published in the study, total sea level rise from all land-based ice on Earth including Greenland and Antarctica was roughly 1.5 millimeters per year annually or about one-half inch total, from 2003 to 2010, Wahr said.

    "The total amount of ice lost to Earth's oceans from 2003 to 2010 would cover the entire United States in about 1 and one-half feet of water," Wahr said.

  27. Bust a goober's ass7:19 AM

    "GET REAL. Any fool knows humans with your kind of lustful minds need laws like we need laws for everything else to save our greedy lustful ignorant asses from hurting ourselves. "

    So first it's "your" kind followed by "our" greedy, lustful, asses and "ourselves"?

    You're busted you fake ass, wannabe!

  28. BARBBF7:55 AM


    Be aware! ALL oral contraceptives can cause dangerous blood clots.

    Dr. Sidney Wolfe from Public Citizen has been quoted as saying, “We’re sacrificing every year hundreds of women who have blood clots, have to be hospitalized, and in
    some cases die.”

    Public Citizen has put the birth control pills that reduce the number of periods you get per year, and other low dose contraceptives on their “worst Pills” list because of the synthetic hormones they contain.

    Most of us don’t take the whole death thing seriously though; I mean we never imagine it will happen to us.

    We always rationalize that the likelihood of actually DYING from taking the pill is low.

    But there are other reasons to do your research about oral contraception.

    I get dozens of women who come to see me each year who are getting off the pill and want to cleanse their bodies from the chemicals in order to stop all of the side effects.

    Possible side effects from the pill… that you may not even realize are connected:

    - Weight gain
    - Depression
    - Migraine headaches
    - Moodiness

    The most serious risks associated with taking the pill are blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

    These risks are increased if you smoke cigarettes, especially in women over 35. It is strongly advised that women who use oral contraceptive DO NOT SMOKE.

  29. BARBBF

    The health risks of taking the oral contraceptive pill pale into insignificance compared to the health risks of getting pregnant.

  30. dyam fn:

    classic post!!!!!
    today is a good day

    if men could become pregnant

    there would be jiffy lube like abortion clinics attached to every strip club/sports bar/fast food restaurant/brothel etc
    male employers would demand special abortion leave/menses/cramp days etc

    sexism is stronger than sterility
    this is all about 2012 spin via hobama inc
    and racism

    hobama cannot run on his FAILED record

    and bigots cannot stand all of these biracial hobama babies being made indroves...

    too many mongrels to be created
    too many voters to be duped...

    cc this to oj and casey anthony


  31. more proof that hobama is the new hitler,0,6097169.story

    FNOTD = the vets who shut that joker hobama and his flag down!!!!


  32. Mr. Field:

    As a diligent distant runner and consumer of health food, I feel it is against my moral beliefs to provide heart and diabetes medication to old fat white conservative talk show hosts who eat too many bacon cheesebergers and half gallons of mocha fudge supreme. After all, gluttony is one of the 7 Deadly Sins, is it not? Those "food sluts" want to eat, eat, and eat, and expect the rest of us decent people to pay for it! That violates my religious freedom!

  33. Anonymous10:21 AM

    field negro said...
    "OR for pulling an occupy scabby and demanding the employer NOW pay more for your depravities? "

    That was Exhbit- A

    Please note that the wingnut considers birth control pills as something that is depraved

    Why are liberals such disengenious liars? As if no one will read the context you took this from?

    Well as I read it you were talking about "fisting" and sorry Field but you liberals haven't managed to make that normal yet or made it into PC hate speech if someone does not like fisting.

    If you think it is, than you are beyond redemption. Birth control pills are not depraved, go ahead and inject all the poisons you want into your body, see if I care. But do not demand religion change for your choices and take care of your choices and pay for your choices nor should anyone else be forced to agree and subsidize what you have chosen.

    You can swim all day long in any cesspool you like, but this does not give you the right to splash on me or demand I buy you a towel. You make choices in life, handle them and deal with them like every other non liberal adult in this world and stop crying you want adults to take care of you and cater to your every emotional weakness.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. deranged pookies rule the world

    they hate women

    and they have no respect for elders/anyone/anything

    may god bless us all


  36. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Welcome to Black America

    American Idol Worships Barack Obama last night and a Black contestant is booted because he has 5 outstanding arrest warrants. I guess he thought no one would see him on TV. This is the state of our country now.

  37. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    The health risks of taking the oral contraceptive pill pale into insignificance compared to the health risks of getting pregnant.

    Healthy women have had babies since the dawn of mankind. The pill is toxic, alters your body chemistry and natural cycles and will kill you. Are you launching the next liberal campaign to attempt to ban/regulate pregancies or perhaps seek a taxpayer funded reward for all the dangers black single moms suffer for getting themselves pregnant?

    Liberalism is a total mental defect that is going off the deep end more and more each day. Or are they just getting bolder and revealing the deep dark secrets?

  38. Maybe She IS A Prostitute!10:49 AM

    Well, poor Sarah Flukes surely can't afford her pills!

  39. unloved unwanted abandoned abused violent angry woman hating pookies rule the world

    and they are torturing old tired grannies who inherit them globally

    please pray for elders stuck with grandkids every day

    there are millions across all boundaries of race and class

    ask any scapegoated exhausted stressed out underpaid teacher


  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Farmergirl11:53 AM

    I like your blog. But really, you have some absolutely idiotic comments here. Sad, that the right wing posters can't find a better way to use their time.

  42. kosher kkk:

    why so mum???

    cc this to karla and paul homolka/amanda knox and her many beaus

  43. Quote Anonymous

    "Healthy women have had babies since the dawn of mankind. "

    Ya think?

    You work that out all by yourself?

    "The pill is toxic, alters your body chemistry and natural cycles and will kill you."

    Giving birth will kill you too. The chances of dying through complications of childbirth or pregnancy are significantly higher than dying from the oral contraceptive pill.

    "Are you launching the next liberal campaign to attempt to ban/regulate pregancies...

    Ban or regulate pregnancies? How would we do that exactly? I'm intrigued at your suggestion.

    "...or perhaps seek a taxpayer funded reward for all the dangers black single moms suffer for getting themselves pregnant?"

    That's pretty much the opposite of what I have said now isn't it?

    What I am saying is let's make it easier and cheaper to stop women getting pregnant if they don;t want to.

  44. Kingnut12:50 PM

    @ Purple Cow:

    You're a stalwart Marxist anti-colonialist. What's your take on this:

  45. Well my browser crashed after 28 seconds, but it's D'Souza again, isn't it?

    He's as mad as a box of frogs.

  46. Anonymous2:16 PM

    That's pretty much the opposite of what I have said now isn't it?

    What I am saying is let's make it easier and cheaper to stop women getting pregnant if they don;t want to.

    I agree, Planned parenthoods should be set up immediately in all major cities in the U.S and located directly in Black neighborhoods. With abortion promoted so much that it no longer becomes about irresponsible sexual practices or killing babies or genocide of a certain race. It becomes a war on womens right to do anything she wants and demand that all the cures for her actions get paid for by other people who are responsible and make better choices. I love it, thanks liberals. Oh wait, we already did this.


  47. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Ban or regulate pregnancies? How would we do that exactly? I'm intrigued at your suggestion.

    "...or perhaps seek a taxpayer funded reward for all the dangers black single moms suffer for getting themselves pregnant?"

    That's pretty much the opposite of what I have said now isn't it?

    Ha we see through your devilish plots. First you say it is difficult and life threatening and falsely declare you are preaching responsibility, thinking, actual planning of your life. All the while you are setting up those who do get pregnant to become martyrs because it is "life threatening" (how many women die each year giving birth and what are the circumstances vs how many women develop tumors, cancers, other wild bodily functions because of the pill?) anywhooooooooo. Now that having a child is seen as a sacrifice those who have them willy nilly today are not lowbrow unthinking leechs on society who cannot afford nor have the skills to raise the children, they become heroes who don't want to have babies unless there is a government stipend(someone else pays for it) Sort of like how it happens today only really expanded with a nice medal or something.

    You devilish liberal you.

  48. "I agree, Planned parenthoods should be set up immediately in all major cities in the U.S and located directly in Black neighborhoods."

    Why black neighborhoods?

    Unwanted pregnancy rate in the USA for non-hispanic white girls aged 12 - 19 is 72 per 1000.

    Compare and contrast with 26.4 per 1000 (all races) in the U.K. - the highest rate in Europe.

    11 per 1000 in Norway

    10.2 per 1000 in France (all races)

    7 per 1000 in Sweden

    5 per 1000 in the Netherlands (all races).

    So a white girl in the U.S.A. is MORE THAN FOURTEEN times more likely to get pregnant than a black girl in The Netherlands.

    So this is not a race issue, it's a fucked-up American education system issue.

  49. Hi,
    I've been reading your posts for some time now. This is the first time I've been able to comment before 100+ people get in here before I do! Good stuff. Of course you are getting plenty of material every day.

  50. Quote Anonymous

    ”All the while you are setting up those who do get pregnant to become martyrs because it is "life threatening" (how many women die each year giving birth and what are the circumstances vs how many women develop tumors, cancers, other wild bodily functions because of the pill?) anywhooooooooo.”

    Anywhoooooooo, I’ll just tell you.

    The risk of maternal death during childbirth is about 11 deaths per 100,000 births in the USA. On top of this there are also non-fatal health issues related to pregnancy, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, DVT’s and post-partum depression.

    On the other hand the pill was one of the safest and most widely tested medical treatments in the world. THE RCGP report (2010) showed that women on the pill were 12% less likely to die of cancer, and were less likely to die of a heart attack and a stroke. The pill also reduces the risk of ovarian cysts, and reduces ovarian and endometrial cancers by 50% .

  51. Kingnut3:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So a white girl in the U.S.A. is MORE THAN FOURTEEN times more likely to get pregnant than a black girl in The Netherlands

    Your grasp of statistics is similar to your grasp of economics.

    That's not what that means at all. Taking your statistics at face value, they indicate that a white American teenager is more than fourteen times morely likely to get pregnant than the average for all races in the Netherlands.

    Additionally, your quoted rate of 72 per 1,000 is for all races in the US, not for whites as you indicate.

    Using real statistics (, the actual rate in America for non-hispanic white teenagers was 44 per 1,000 in 2006 (as compared to 126 for black teenagers).

    This is about nine times the Dutch rate for all races.

    I was not able to find relative rates of tee pregnancies broken down by race or ethnicity in the Netherlands (must be sensitive material). The Dutch have one of the lowest birth rates in the world. The lifetime births per native Dutch woman is right around 1.5 (2.1 is replacement rate). I don't know how many "black" people live in the Netherlands, but the fertility rate of Morroccan immigrants is somewhere between 4 and 5 live births per female. I would bet sub-Saharan Africans probably beat that.

    The Dutch have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the world. They have achieved this through education, free provision of contraception and free abortions.

    From the above information, I would bet that the teen pregnancy rate for native born Dutch girls is right around zero, making that 5 per 1,000 overall rate much, much higher when applied to the relatively small population of blacks.

    My guess is that the teen pregnancy rates would still be significantly lower in the Netherlands, but nowhere near the disparity you claimed, and that race is probably at least as much a factor there as in America.

  52. "Additionally, your quoted rate of 72 per 1,000 is for all races in the US, not for whites as you indicate."

    The figures you quote are different from the ones I found. The figures I have are, as I said, 72 for white girls, 149 for Afro-American.

    "The Dutch have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the world. They have achieved this through education, free provision of contraception and free abortions.

    The abortions have nothing to do with the pregnancy rate, the quoted statistics are of all girls who become pregnant. The abortion rate in the Netherlands is very, very low - 8.7 per 1000, and this figure has been dropping for years. Only 1% of Dutch girls get pregnant before their 20th birthday (40% in USA).

    "From the above information, I would bet that the teen pregnancy rate for native born Dutch girls is right around zero, making that 5 per 1,000 overall rate much, much higher when applied to the relatively small population of blacks."

    Yes I'm sure you would bet that, however there is no evidence anywhere to suggest that is true. The reason there are no figures for unplanned pregnancy by race in Nederland is because the figures are too small to be statistically significant. For instance in 2003 and 2004 not one single Dutch girl - of any race - between the ages of 10 to 14 got pregnant. Not a single one. Think about that.

    However what we do know is that the total pregnancy rate for girls between 14 and 19 of Antillian and Surinamese background is between 8 and 10 per 1000. So just to restate this is all pregnancies including planned pregnancies.

    The pregnancy rate for 14 to 19 year old girls of Moroccan is the lowest of all groups, btw.

    This same paper shows that the fertility rates you quote are wrong. Current fertility rate is 1.82 for all Dutch women. The rate for women of first generation Moroccan women continues to fall from more than 7 in 1980, to just over 3 today. For second generation Moroccan women the figure is lower still. As everywhere in Western Europe fertility rates amongst Muslim women in europe continue to fall back towards the european norms.

  53. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Purple Cow said....

    "Anywhoooooooo, I’ll just tell you.

    The risk of maternal death during childbirth is about 11 deaths per 100,000 births in the USA. On top of this there are also non-fatal health issues related to pregnancy, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, DVT’s and post-partum depression."

    Well first off that even with your liberal disingenuous nature I am shocked that you would cut and paste form Wikipedia and not credit your source. Aren’t' you the one who evades every valid point by strutting around like some demented little madman claiming plagiarism when you think someone didn't source items clearly in quotes well enough for you? How utterly horribly disgustingly hypocritical of you. I will list the wiki page you used at the end.

    So why did you conveniently omit the leading cause of maternal deaths in those 11 per 100,000 cases that you copied and pasted verbatim from Wikipedia and plagiarized? Did you not want us to see the portions that were attributable to abortions and other diseases?

    From the very same Wiki article you plagiarized.

    "As stated by the WHO in its 2005 World Health Report "Make Every Mother and Child Count", the major causes of maternal deaths are: severe bleeding/hemorrhage (25%), infections (13%), unsafe abortions (13%), eclampsia (12%), obstructed labour (8%), other direct causes (8%), and indirect causes (20%). Indirect causes are things such as malaria, anaemia,[3] HIV/AIDS and cardiovascular disease,

    More from the article you plagiarized and quoted.

    "health issues related to pregnancy, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, DVT’s and post-partum depression.

    All things controllable by a person who has self control. Diabetes, high blood pressure and DVT are all results of overeating, making bad food choices and being inactive. Don't be a nitwit and link this to pregnancy as if it were the cause and not completely controllable. Your liberal nature of either not able to understand cause and effect or being misleading is showing.

    "On the other hand the pill was one of the safest and most widely tested medical treatments in the world. THE RCGP report (2010) showed that women on the pill were 12% less likely to die of cancer, and were less likely to die of a heart attack and a stroke. The pill also reduces the risk of ovarian cysts, and reduces ovarian and endometrial cancers by 50%" .

    Yet you don't mention that women who use Birth control have a high rates of contracting cervical cancer due to inversion of the cervical opening, thinning of the uterus and overall is just hanging a welcome sign for HPV and other diseases as they aren't using condoms.

    Yet you also don't mention Blood clots in the legs - wait I thought PREGNANCY caused DVT, lungs, heart or brain
    , liver tumors, Heart attack and stroke and more.

    Fact is you sound like a lopsided add for Planned Parenthood. I am for birth control. I just get amazed at how dishonest liberals like you are and how low you will go to push your agenda. Either that or you aren't very bright and as mentioned can't reason the links between cause and effect. I hope you give your daughter both sides of the story if SHE chooses to discuss this with you and allow her to make an informed decision on the risks and not just keep spreading your beliefs as if liberalism were not a lopsided religion but a holistic science.

  54. "So why did you conveniently omit the leading cause of maternal deaths in those 11 per 100,000 cases that you copied and pasted verbatim from Wikipedia and plagiarized?"

    I neither copied nor plagiarized.

  55. Kingnut5:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "However what we do know is that the total pregnancy rate for girls between 14 and 19 of Antillian and Surinamese background is between 8 and 10 per 1000. So just to restate this is all pregnancies including planned pregnancies."

    So if the overall rate is 5 per 1,000 that would be about double the white rate (assuming the white rate is less than 5), and race is a factor, although admittedly relatively small when compared to culture (Dutch vs. American), at least with that particular subgroup.

    I really don't think there is suffcient available data to really to accurately make these comparisons. In this particular aspect, the Dutch are an extreme outlier, and this is a reflection of their culture as much free contraception.

    In America, black teens (due to their urban concentration) probably have a greater access to free contraception, yet have three times the white pregnancy rate. In this case, race/culture far outweighs the effects of policy.

  56. pookies rule the world

    and they have an obsession with doing the daughters of their lovers

    what is this amoral incestuous bs????

    ask any high school/middle school teacher

  57. pookies rule the world

    and they have an obsession with doing the daughters of their lovers

    what is this amoral incestuous bs????

    ask any high school/middle school teacher

  58. Anonymous5:57 PM

    @ alicia:

    You are a childless lesbian with absolutely no stake in the future. What do know or care of "morals"?

    People like you just want society to cater to their immediate needs with no consideration for the impact on the future.

  59. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord."
    ~Colossians 3-18~

    Field said, "Or those who belong to the republican party"
    Following the instructions of the bible is very important. It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats.

    Field, you and PC need to have a faith and follow its instruction for the salvation of your sinful souls.

  60. Anonymous6:33 PM

    AB, "pookies rule the world

    and they have an obsession with doing the daughters of their lovers"

    Who are the pookies? Can you name one? Of course not. Because there aren't any. YOU LIE!!

  61. Did Prez. Obama tell a joke about one of the repub candidates being around during Christopher Columbus' time, ROTFLMAO??????

  62. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    AB, "pookies rule the world

    and they have an obsession with doing the daughters of their lovers"

    Who are the pookies? Can you name one? Obama - Michelle calls him her little pookie and he calls her his big wookie, really big wookie.

  63. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Did Prez. Obama tell a joke about one of the repub candidates being around during Christopher Columbus' time, ROTFLMAO??????

    Do you always laugh at questions you ask yourself and rub that big sloppy behind on the floor while doing it? Do you have a hard time getting the skid marks out of the carpet after you roll around on the floor? Or are they just hidden along with the other dirt and stains?

  64. Dr. R.U. Syriasse6:57 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 1982 said...
    Did Prez. Obama tell a joke about one of the repub candidates being around during Christopher Columbus' time, ROTFLMAO??????

    You don't even know if he told a joke, yet you are still rolling around on the floor laughing like a demented retard?

    You will never be a doctor.

  65. Quote Kingnut

    "So if the overall rate is 5 per 1,000 that would be about double the white rate (assuming the white rate is less than 5)"

    No it wouldn't.

    The figure of five per thousand is the overall figure for unwanted pregnancies. The figure of 8 to 10 per 1000 is the total number of teenage pregnancies amongst girls of Antillian and Surinamese origin.

  66. "Kingnut did you actually read that article you linked to?"

    Nope, told him that last time he posted that Faux News article. The scientist that did the investigation is a firm supporter of climate change advocacy. Strange bedfellows.

  67. OK field, seeing as what passes moderation I HAVE to see what gets deleted. You need a special features section like on a DVD movie that includes outtakes.

  68. Has anyone seen the bumper sticker that reads "Don't re-Nig in 2012"?

    Hot d@mn, the Goobe/Pee-Party/Repubs are already on a roll!!!!

    Field, I'd LOVE to see a post on this tired BS!!!!

  69. BTW, you see the lastest flap about Soledad O'Brien? Now according to Michelle Malkin and Chris Loesh she is a racist anti-Semite. Where does the right find these idiots? Now cute little Soledad is a racist? Oh yeah, no racism against anyone but white folks nowadays. I don't know how whote people manage in such a hostile environment. Hypocrisy and projection are hallmarks of conservative ideology.

  70. Has anyone seen the bumper sticker that reads "Don't re-Nig in 2012"?

    You must have misread that Dr. The only racism that exists in modern America is Black on white racism or did you not get the memo. Excuse me, I meant blah on white racism.

  71. "Excuse me, I meant blah on white racism."

    I think you missed your second calling as a comedian, SOGWLMAO!!!

    PS-SOGWLMAO = Stepping on Goobers while laughing my ass off!!!

  72. Anonymous8:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    Has anyone seen the bumper sticker that reads "Don't re-Nig in 2012"?

    I gots to get one, I sure don't wants to Re-nig.

  73. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "I laugh at all your jokes and compliment all the stupid posts on this site, in a pathetic attempt to be accepted, SOGWLMAO!!!"

    Reine is one sorry head case. She will never be a doctor.

  74. Anonymous8:57 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The scientist that did the investigation is a firm supporter of climate change advocacy. Strange bedfellows."

    Real Climate Change

  75. Real Climate Change

    That was pretty funny but interesting that the racists that make up this kind of shit ignore the trailer parks in which his inbred cousins live. I wonder which will happen first, Jezus comes back or the south rises again.

  76. Anonymous9:46 AM

    you want to fuck pay for your own rubbers.
