Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Justice for the Coons, and Flipper's cool garage.

Do you people remember the post I did a few days ago about two wrongs not making a right? I talked about the case in Kansas City that wingnuts swore no one was talking about. The one where the black kids allegedly set a white teen on fire and allegedly said "you get what you deserve white boy".

Well, as it turns out, there has been no arrest in the case, either. And the mother of this poor white child believes that she is being "brushed off".
"The mother of a 13-year-old boy who says he was set on fire by two teens said Monday that her son is having a difficult time after he suffered first-degree burns.
"It's hard for him," the boy's mother told KCTV5 Monday. "It's hard for us as a family having to deal with this."
Other media outlets have identified the boy's mother. KCTV5 is not doing so because the boy is a minor and no one has been charged.
Part of the police investigation has included attempting to verify the veracity of the boy's claims.
This prompted the boy's mother earlier this month to complain that police were treating her son as a suspect.
"It's very frustrating because I feel like we're being brushed off and there's nothing that is happening for us," the mother said Monday.
But in a news conference held last month, detectives said what the boy experienced was a particularly heinous crime.
The case drew national attention last month because the boy is white and he said the two teen boys who set him on fire were African-Americans.
Kansas City Police Sgt. Stacey Graves said Monday that the investigation is ongoing.
"This is not an incident we take lightly," Graves said. "Detectives have reached out to the community and members of the school district in the course of this investigation to learn as much as they can about what occurred and may have led up to the assault and they are still doing that today."
The boy says he was walking home from East High School when two teens he didn't know began to follow him.
According to the police report, the boy said he made it the front porch of his home on Quincy Avenue when one suspect physically barred him from entering. The second suspect grabbed a red gallon gasoline can and said, "This is what you get."
The second teen then used a light to ignite the gasoline, which "produced a large fireball burning the face and hair" of the victim, according to a Kansas City Police Department report.
Other media outlets have reported that one of the suspects said, "You get what you deserve, white boy."
That was not in the police report, and the boy's mother had spoken publicly with KCTV5 before Monday. As a result, KCTV5 did not previously report that statement.
The mother (Melissa Coon) explained Monday that her son confided in her what the suspect said while he was in the hospital. She said he didn't tell police those specific words because he was too upset at the time, which is why it wasn't reflected in the police report.
The boy's allegations have drawn particular attention across the country in the wake of the shooting death of a Florida teen.
The Kansas City case pales in comparison to the death of Trayvon Martin, the local boy's mother said. But she said it is a good reminder to look out for children. [Source]
Yes, Mam we do have to look out for our children. But I sure hope you are not  another Ashley Todd. I don't want to jump to conclusions like some folks have done with Trayvon Martin, but.....
We know for sure something happened with Trayvon, he is dead. We know something happened with this poor child as well, but....
When I first heard this story I was aghast and appalled at what happened to this young man. I still am. But some of you can be so jaded:
"This was broad daylight..correct?
They knew the lighter was a bic. They noticed the types of shoes the boys wore.  One had sunglasses and they could see the silver trim on the sides? The boy wasn't far from his home. Is the area rural that it would produce no witnesses? Did they find the lighter fluid? Surely someone saw these boys...they didn't just disappear into oblivion. I'm questioning whether it was a case of a little boy playing with lighter fluid and his semi racially aroused parents making effort to swing this into something racial because they watch Fox news...and know of the Martin Case...... Remember the girl with the backward "B" carved into her face? They knew the perps to be 16 years old, even the one concealed in his eye glasses and Ohhh! A hoodie no less... How quick did they get away? The teen was attacked right outside on his front porch. Bold teenagers! What did they use as a get away? Their bat mobile? Are the youths in school? High schools can't make out anyone fitting this particular description?????"  (h/t to the folks who send me e-mails on a regular. I won't put your name out there but you know who you are.)
Oh my! What are you saying? That this poor woman made this all up? No, I don't think that she did. I am sure that they will catch these culprits really soon. This little boy deserves justice.
Finally, shout out to Flipper and his new toy. The auto elevator is a nice touch there Flipper. It beats having to spread out the garage. You can just stack those bad boys one on top of the other.

"SAN DIEGO — If the news last summer that Mitt Romney had a $12 million expansion planned for his oceanfront property here helped portray him as a member of the top 1 percent, the new disclosure that the renovation includes elevators for his four-car garage is not likely to burnish his image as a man of the people.

Plans for the expansion, first reported by Politico and later obtained by The New York Times from a rival campaign, include a split-level, four-car garage with a “car lift,” an outdoor shower, and a 3,600-square-foot basement.

A visit to the Romneys’ beachside property on Monday — one of three properties Mr. Romney and his wife, Ann, own — revealed a modest home for the wealthy enclave (at least from a street view) at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. But an official city “Notice of Application” from April 2010 highlighted the changes to come: plans to “demolish the existing residence and construct a new, approximately 8,105-square-foot, single-family residence on a 0.41 acre site.”
Mr. Romney’s pre-expansion home, which sits perched atop a concrete seawall and is further separated from the beach by a locked gate...

...The Romney campaign said that a “car elevator” was simply a mechanism for storing cars in tight spaces, but that hasn’t stopped Mr. Romney’s rivals from jumping on the details of the planned expansion. In an e-mail on Tuesday, Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for President Obama’s re-election campaign, wrote, “But while Governor Romney has been quite specific about putting the finishing touches on his car elevator in La Jolla, he has hid many of his domestic and foreign policy plans under lock and key.”

And the Obama campaign also took a jab at Mr. Romney’s hiring of Matthew A. Peterson, a lawyer in San Diego, to ease the way for construction permits. Since 2008, Mr. Romney has paid Mr. Peterson $21,500 to lobby city officials for the renovation.

Brad Woodhouse, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, sent out an e-mail that simply said: “Well, doesn’t everyone need an elevator for their cars? Even if you have to hire a lobbyist to secure it?” [Source]

Flipper, I was cool with the garage upgrade until I saw the part about the $21,500 you paid to have someone lobby for you to be able to build it. Now it doesn't look so cool anymore.

Besides, that money would have been better spent taking some Russian studies classes.

"MOSCOW – Russian President Dmitri Medvedev today accused Mitt Romney of being stuck in the Cold War, after the Republican presidential candidate said Russia was the United States’ “number one geopolitical foe.”
Medvedev dismissed Romney’s Monday remarks at a news conference in Seoul, saying they “smell of Hollywood.”

Medvedev told reporters today that the U.S. presidential candidates should explain their rationale for such statements, according to the Russian Interfax news agency. He advised Romney and the other candidates to look at their watches, saying “now is not the mid-70s.” [Source] 

Yes, but at least he has elevators for his cars. Can you say that Mr. Medvedev?




  1. Awww dang Field, comment moderation out the gate??

    Oh well, do what you gotta do!

    Obama 2012

  2. NSangoma9:40 PM

    See there, penis, er uh, class envy.

  3. Maybe it would be better to let a really succesful guy run the country, one who has run large businesses and operations and has made himself rich, rather than a guy who never had a real job in his life, was given affirmative action admissions to an elite high school and three universities, had a jailed felon help pay for his mansion, and made his (relatively small) fortune from the sales of his autobiography that was written by (uncredited) Bill Ayers.

    And oh ya, who has just about bankrupted the country in 3 years, lost America's AA credit rating, and doubled energy prices.

    I say it's long past time for a little competence in the White House.

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "Yes, Mam we do have to look out for our children. But I sure hope you are not another Ashley Todd. I don't want to jump to conclusions like some folks have done with Trayvon Martin, but.....
    We know for sure something happened with Trayvon, he is dead. We know something happened with this poor child as well, but...."

    Field, you AND Granny are always full of "buts". Fyi, it is an outrageous perverse rationalization. I know, I know. You're going to say I'm White.

    That's your m.o....to try to ostracize me from the black race. So go ahead. Actually, if this Trayvon Martin protest in Florida turns out to be another Tawana Brawley or Jena Six, your putting me out of the black race might be a blessing in disguish.

    Anyway, you do have a talent for writing blog posts with racial slants in favor of Blacks. Who knows, maybe that kid in KC set himself on fire like that Tibetan did in India yesterday-except the Tibetan intended to do it.

    I still have a hard time "believing" that the boy's last name was 'Coon'. I mean, that name alone would bring some unhappy Negroes to your door.

  5. Coon Season9:53 PM

    Mama Coon is a terrible mother for sending her son to an all black school.

    Shame on Daddy Coon.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "(h/t to the folks who send me e-mails on a regular. I won't put your name out there but you know who you are.)"

    Field, I've been sending you stuff for years and you have not even acknowledged me. I sent you another great Bill Moyers video two weeks ago. Why do you show gratitude to everybody else except me?

  7. Anonymous10:02 PM

    That HS in KC is virtually all Black. To read about how racist not only the students were to Whites, but the teachers as well, is mind-boggling!

    This is why Whites don't want to be around us. We are such mean-spirited jack asses. Those dumb ass racist teachers need to be fired ASAP!

  8. Nothing substantial gets built on the coast in California without a lobbyist putting in some work Field. You've got zoning commissions, city councils, county boards of supes, and the State Coastal Commission to get your plans through, all of them with different, sometimes conflicting criteria. My friend/classmate who does it has an MA in zoning on top of her JD and works til midnight at least 3 days a week at different local government meetings after a day in the office. She's worth every penny she charges too.

  9. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Mr. Field, I am for Romney for President. "But" I appreciate you keeping his name out there among our folks. It is very helpful.

    BTW, are you planning to talk about that snafu President Obama made over the microphone while talking to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev yesterday? Boy was I surprised to hear that Obama 'might' be planning a surprise for us "once" he gets re-elected by lying.

    Actually, Obama's name should be "Flipper#1". If Obama will do that to the country, what kind of surprise do you think he has in store for us once he has lied to get our votes?

    Anyway, WHEN are you going to talk about his LO-NESS?

  10. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy, I can tell your lawyer friend doesn't live in the Oakland area.

  11. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That HS in KC is virtually all Black. To read about how racist not only the students were to Whites, but the teachers as well, is mind-boggling!

    This is why Whites don't want to be around us. We are such mean-spirited jack asses. Those dumb ass racist teachers need to be fired ASAP!

    I agree. Has a bm, i try to be nice and caring towards whites. They say i'm their kind of bm.

    I can't understand why my people are so mean to whites.

  12. Californication10:41 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Nothing substantial gets built on the coast in California without a lobbyist putting in some work Field. You've got zoning commissions, city councils, county boards of supes, and the State Coastal Commission to get your plans through, all of them with different, sometimes conflicting criteria. My friend/classmate who does it has an MA in zoning on top of her JD and works til midnight at least 3 days a week at different local government meetings after a day in the office. She's worth every penny she charges too.


    Let's get rid of all the government bureaucrats, and let's get rid of all of the lawyers.

    Life would be so much better.

  13. blackinalabama10:54 PM

    In Reference to the young boy being burn. I will take a line from the movie Rosewood.

    "We have been looking all over and we havent found your n@@@@@ yet."

  14. Sunday Last10:56 PM

    Non-whites—especially blacks and Hispanics but now even Asians—openly take pride in their race and put group interests ahead of those of the country as a whole.

    Only whites continue to believe that it is possible or even desirable to transcend race and try to make the United States a nation in which race does not matter. But as whites lose majority status, this dream will come to an end.

    It is already starting.

    What happens then, Field?

  15. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "I agree. Has a bm, i try to be nice and caring towards whites. They say i'm their kind of bm.

    I can't understand why my people are so mean to whites."

    I don't either. This is suppose to be post-racial America and Blacks are being assholes to Whites for no good reason.

    However, it is good that 'some' Blacks like yourself are worthy ambassadors

  16. Wesley R11:03 PM


    I just saw Zimmerman's 'Friend' on TV. A brother who is defending him in the media. He quit his job to take on this task to defend Zimmerman, and it turns out they are not close friends. WTF is going on here?
    I would like to see an investigation done on the state attorney's office and the police department to see how many times they've had incidents that are close to this one.
    BTW- I have a son who turns 17 this week and wears a hoodie because he's an athlete and trains in cold and cool weather, and never has been in trouble with the law. So fuck what Geraldo said about kids wearing hoodies. What is he, a wingnut in training? He finally gave in? That was some stupid shit like Juan Williams Muslim Comment. They just have to fit in at Fox I guess.

  17. Liberal Lynch Mob11:04 PM

    Elderly Couple In Fear Over Spike Lee TweetStar erroneously linked Floridians to man who killed Trayvon Martin

    MARCH 27--With Twitter and Facebook continuing to explode with posts purporting to contain the address of George Zimmerman, property records and interviews reveal that the home is actually the longtime residence of a married Florida couple, both in their 70s, who have no connection to the man who killed Trayvon Martin and are now living in fear due to erroneous reports about their connection to the shooter.

    The mass dissemination of the address on Edgewater Circle in Sanford--the Florida city where Martin was shot to death last month--took flight last Friday when director Spike Lee retweeted a tweet containing Zimmerman’s purported address to his 240,000 followers.

    The original tweet was sent to Lee (and numerous other celebrities like Will Smith, 50 Cent, and LeBron James) last Friday afternoon by Marcus Davonne Higgins, a 33-year-old Los Angeles man who uses the online handle “maccapone.” Higgins included the direction, “EVERYBODY REPOST THIS.”

    Higgins, pictured at right, first began disseminating the Sanford address to his Twitter followers last Wednesday, including the claim that Zimmerman “Like the fat punk he is, he still lives at home with mommie & daddy.” In a simultaneous post to his Facebook wall, Higgins told his 4000 friends, “FEEL FREE TO REACH OUT & TOUCH HIM.” He also claimed in another post that, “REAL TALK MY PEOPLE OUT THERE IN FLORIDA JUST TOLD ME GEORGE ZIMMERMAN IS NOT AT HIS HOUSE THEY OUT THERE RIGHT NOW.”

    Higgins’s dissemination of Zimmerman’s purported Edgewater Circle address was not, however, limited to cyberspace. At a protest rally last Thursday in an L.A. park near his Crenshaw home, Higgins held a sign containing Zimmerman’s name, address, and phone number.

    Except, of course, none were accurate.

    The man who shot Martin is George Michael Zimmerman. Higgins has repeatedly identified him as “George W. Zimmerman.”

    The residence on Edgewater Circle is actually the home of David McClain, 72, and his wife Elaine, 70. The McClains, both of whom work for the Seminole County school system, have lived in the 1310-square-foot lakefront home for about a decade, records show.

    In an interview tonight, Elaine McClain told TSG that she and her husband were “afraid” due to the online linking of her address to Zimmerman. “We're keeping everything locked,” she said. McClain added that the couple was particularly unnerved by a letter mailed to them at their home. On the envelope, she said, were printed the words “Taste The Rainbow,” the slogan for Skittles. Martin was carrying a pack of Skittles and a can of ice tea when he was gunned down by Zimmerman


  18. Black lynch mob11:07 PM

    Police: Trayvon protesters ransack store
    North Miami Beach police said surveillance video shows dozens of high school students demonstrating in the Trayvon Martin case Friday ransacking a Walgreens store.

    The incident occurred during a walkout from North Miami Beach Senior High School in support of Martin, 17, who was fatally shot in Sanford. Protesters have been calling for the arrest of George Zimmerman, 28, who has not been charged because he claimed self-defense in the shooting, according to police.

    Minutes after walking out of their school Friday, a large group of students walked through the streets of North Miami Beach. Along the way, they stopped at a Walgreens at 163rd Street and 15th Avenue at about 10:40 a.m.

    Surveillance video shows dozens of teenagers running through the store. Police said about 80 to 100 students stormed in, ransacking the shelves, before the school's vice principal ordered everyone outside.


  19. Spike Lee should be lynched.

  20. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Why isn't Field answering or replying to some of these comments? Does he think this racial mess is a joke in our country?

  21. My Black Snake Make You Moan11:22 PM

    Like brother Malcolm X said, befo we learn to be nice to white folk, we must learn to be nice to ourselves.

    I be feelin' sorry fo little Trayvon.

    The thing that gets my blood pressure up, there are many Trayvons being killed in this country everyday. NONE will get any time on tv.

    Shit make me think twice about sneaking in those all white hoods looking fo sum white kitty.

    It almost be like, the media don't care about a dead nigga. Unless the nigga is killed by a white man.


  22. sistermoon11:26 PM

    After tonight's episode of The Last Word, Daddy Zimmerman is going to ask Rent-A-Negro.com for a refund. Lawrence,Charles and Jonathan put an old fashioned beatdown on Joe the Black Friend, and totally destroyed whatever credibilty he may have had.

  23. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Where is Desert out in PR in all this? Where is Sharon in WI? Where is uptownsteve? where is PilotX? CareyCarey? Granny? Brooklyn?

    See? this is why we never get anywhere. Nobody speaks up when we need it the most. When the shit hits the fan, Negroes disappear.

    Only black conservatives are speaking up. You can always count of them. They are great fighters for our cause.

  24. Guns don't kill people Democrats do11:33 PM

    George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, Voter ID #107862946, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.


  25. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I miss uptownsteve. I hear he was having problems at work and had to get a new apartment.

    I miss all the smart field negros that use to post here. The only negros posting here no are that ho-bag dr queen and ghettogagger ab.

  26. Anonymous11:37 PM

    "It almost be like, the media don't care about a dead nigga. Unless the nigga is killed by a white man.


    11:22 PM
    You are so right. Isn't that ironic? It just doesn't make sense, even if you are Black. The only way it makes sense is "to not think about all the Black-on-Black killings, to pretend like they aren't happening.

    You would think that Field would be on these black-on-black killings like white on rice. But he's not. NOBODY IS! Because NOBODY cares, esp Blacks!

  27. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Ok Field, enough with the hoodie. You look like a criminal. You are suppose to be defending them, not looking like them.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy, I can tell your lawyer friend doesn't live in the Oakland area.

    Good guess for a bad guess Anon. In fact, she was raised and still lives in the same Hmong community in Oakland. Even works for a downtown Oakland firm.

  29. My Black Snake Make You Moan11:46 PM

    Brother field looks like he constipated in that pic. White racism will do that to a brother.

  30. My daughter just tweeted me an invite to a hoodie protest in her city! (sounds of a proud papa patting his own back)

  31. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Whitey, "Good guess for a bad guess Anon. In fact, she was raised and still lives in the same Hmong community in Oakland. Even works for a downtown Oakland firm."

    11:45 PM
    And just 'where' is this Hmong community in Oakland? Let me answer that for you: NOWHERE. Because there are no Hmong communities in Oakland. Nice try to discredit me but I know what's going on in Oakland.

  32. Y'all think the black male auto-genocide is UNRELATED to the structural cheapness of black (esp) male life in America? You think it's happening in a vacuum? No relationship to the prison industrial complex? I think the miniscule amount of black on white crime, compared to black on black, shows that the auto-genocide is engineered by design and we're just suffering the spillover.

  33. Anonymous12:07 AM

    My Black Snake Make You Moan said...
    Brother field looks like he constipated in that pic. White racism will do that to a brother.

    11:46 PM
    Yep, that's true. But in Field's case it happens to him when he goes to play tennis with his Jewish buddies.

    BTW, have you heard any stories about Field and his Jewish tennis players? did they retire and move to Florida? Oh my! I hope it wasn't Sanford.

  34. I know what's going on in Oakland.

    Hardly. Probably just can't tell one AZN from another.

  35. Anonymous12:21 AM

    anon, "I know what's going on in Oakland."

    Whitey, "Hardly. Probably just can't tell one AZN from another."

    12:07 AM
    I can tell you are not from Oakland or the Bay Area for that matter. Nevertheless, I am providing a link with important information about Asians.

    As a matter of fact, it is good information for ALL FN folks, including Field and Granny. Of course, you certainly qualify--since you think just like 'some', if not 'most' of them....you've got soul:))):


  36. Sailor Rod12:37 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I miss uptownsteve. I hear he was having problems at work and had to get a new apartment.

    His wife kicked his ass out. She got to keep that nice house that she had paid for, Steve had to go Section 8.

    Easy come, easy go.

  37. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Y'all think the black male auto-genocide is UNRELATED to the structural cheapness of black (esp) male life in America? You think it's happening in a vacuum? No relationship to the prison industrial complex? I think the miniscule amount of black on white crime, compared to black on black, shows that the auto-genocide is engineered by design and we're just suffering the spillover.

    This is the type of man who wakes up one day to find his daughter was kidnapped, raped, car jacked and made to drink bleach before they kill her.

  38. Get with it Whitey12:50 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "I think the miniscule amount of black on white crime, compared to black on black, shows that the auto-genocide is engineered by design and we're just suffering the spillover."

    First, that's crazy-talk.

    Second, the amount of black on white crime is not "miniscule", it's astronomical. Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty five
    percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black. See for yourself:


    Whites have tried to minimize this victimization by avoiding blacks, ceding them great cities (e.g. Detroit) and building new homes in far flung suburbs.

    "Auto-genocide" is what blacks do, be it in Newark, Mogadishu, Port au Prince, or Lagos.

  39. Something Gone Wrong12:52 AM

    That white boy lied and made it up. He lit his own dumb self on fire looking attention. Just like those stupid white women.

    But just in case he didn't...

    That white boy must have been in a gang of aryan brothers. I bet he scared those black boys because he was wearing boots.

    That white boy must have looked and acted suspicious, you know, meth. And they hide guns under their trench coats.

    That white boy initiated the fight, if he hadn't, he would have never slipped and fell on the lighter.

    Oh wait... I'll bet that white boy had been suspended from school one time or another.

    But you know what, it's such a shame what happened to that white boy. It reminds me of all those photos with crispy black people dangling from trees. Remember those? By chance, did his pa or grandpa ever attended one of those?

  40. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Wow! get with Whitey, you are so hard on bm. Why? Do you hate Blacks? I will pray for you.

  41. The Trayvon Martin racial-bomb has turned out to be a huge dud for Organized Blackness and those Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) foolish enough to believe that a "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" was the rocket-fuel needed to propel the narrative into a different stratosphere.


  42. Anonymous3:26 AM


    Good news the 13 year old who forced his way into a 90 year old womans house and raped her finally got charged from a year ago.

    What is with Negroes youfs raping old women? Uncivilized savages.

    Oh and he had on a hoodie, imagine that.

  43. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, should the Trayvon Martin incident NOT turn out the way you think it will, do you have a plan B that diminishes the embarrassment of a Tawana Brawley incident?

    It seems to me that the longer this thing goes on, the more imaginations expand and lie. I myself am beginning to wonder if maybe events DID happen the way Zimmerman said.

    I mean, YOU, Mr. Field haven't even acknowledged Zimmerman's cuts, grass stains, gashes in the back of his head. He certainly could not have gotten those by himself.

    I am wondering, Mr. Field, are you really looking for justice or you just want to right about Zimmerman acting out because you think he is a racist?

    I am very uneasy about this matter. More and more Martin AND Zimmerman are not looking like the guys they have been painted to be.

  44. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Allright Field, I am joining in. If you can't beat em outsmart em. I am going to start wearing a hoodie too. Pass the word, two pockets for two concealed carry weapons. Nice.


  45. http://patriotboy.blogspot.com/2012/03/patriotsphere-with-assist-from.html

    "Unfortunately, Stormfront, Jawa Report, and the rest of the patriotsphere had fallen for one of the unheartlandishishly hued's oldest traps: the black's ability to look exactly like each other. The photos belonged to a different Trayvon Martin, one who lived in Georgia. He wasn't the Travon Slimm Martin from Miami who was shot."

    Speaking of not being able to tell them apart...it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell the actual, seriously asshat wingnuts from satire. They are pretty much a self-parody as it is. I find them mildly entertaining at times, but mostly just as evidence that the "Bell Curve" was a load of BS.

  46. This is why Whites don't want to be around us. We are such mean-spirited jack asses. Those dumb ass racist teachers need to be fired ASAP!

    "I agree. Has a bm, i try to be nice and caring towards whites. They say i'm their kind of bm.

    I can't understand why my people are so mean to whites."

    Nice of you to visit the website Mr. Oliver. I have made you my HNOTD.

    I hope you like the pic. :)

    "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" was the rocket-fuel needed to propel the narrative into a different stratosphere."

    You must live in cave.

  47. From a Facebook friend, the new racism is denying racism!!

  48. Something Gone Wrong6:50 AM

    "I mean, YOU, Mr. Field haven't even acknowledged Zimmerman's cuts, grass stains, gashes in the back of his head. He certainly could not have gotten those by himself."

    If and I mean IF... zimmerman had all those bruises, then HE DESERVED THEM. Martin had a fucking right to fight back, zimmerman attacked Martin, not the other way around. What part of THAT don't you stupid racists understand????

  49. Anonymous9:22 AM

    @Quantom From another thread:

    quantum0d0 said...
    "Desert Flower, while I don't want to be contentious or to minimize the issue of racial stereotyping in general.....

    That's a beautiful poem of Langston's that you posted Quantum. The story of my life! :)

    I understand your point. But in the Landlord poem Langston doesn't recite it with anger. But rather with a sort of weary resignation/indignation.Thus making it more poignant and sad.

    I believe that what the teacher wanted to hear in the child's voice was anger. She wanted the child to recite it with anger. Maybe she's never heard the original.

    She then should have asked him to read it with more anger. Instead of to read it "blacker"!

    Two different things, and the two do not equate. Nor should they be presented to a classroom of impressionable children as being one and the same. As if black equals angry.

  50. NSangoma9:34 AM

    Where is our high dudgeon over the excess, the plethora of blood from Black on Black murder.

    Where is Chaka Khan's tribute to the 17-year old, young Black males who are not being suspended from school, not being found with marijuana residue in their belongings, not carrying jewelry and burglar tools in their backpacks:


    To hell with that gold tooph, gold grill wearing miscreant.

  51. Nurse Ratchet10:15 AM

    Ah, the glories of Purple Cow's socialized medicine:


    Reminds me of Roy Batty's last words in the movie Blade Runner: "Time to die".

  52. mitt is spending his own cash

    kudos to him!

    hobama and michelle are spending ours

    therein lies the difference

    i could not care less about mitt or his mansion

    i DO care greatly about why "harrison j bounel"/merely one of hobama's various cia aliases
    is listed as the owner of hobama's chicago home though...

    and how hobama's slumlord peer/pal/partner rezko helped hobama purchase that home...ie hobama's documented real estate fraud in chi etc....

    to each our own obsessions...see?









  53. anon/granny


    i am poor, black, female, and lesbian in elitist, racist, sexist, homohating amerikkka...

    if i was not angry i would be dead



  54. false110:28 AM

    If some black kids set a white kid on fire find them. Charge them. Anyone who would set another person on fire can only do damage to their community.

    We know who killed Trayvon though. The cases are not related. It's not the shooting that has the nation up in arms, it's the fact that that no charges were filed for a person who chases down an unarmed child and ends up shooting him.

  55. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Hard to believe a genius like you could be poor, AB.

    Maybe you aren't as smart as you think you are. Your girlfriend could have done better.

  56. NSangoma10:35 AM

    Trayvon Martin's parents want to be paid; Al Sharpton, $500K per year, wants to continue to be paid, poor ratings for Politics Nation.

    field, where are your nationally coordinated marches and
    shout-ins for all the little 7-year old girls shot dead in the streets while jumping double-dutch, by gang bangers

    These same miscreant nggiers can move on to become multimillionaires, rapping about their banging days.

    Trayvon Martin, was writing verse too, for he too wanted to rap; wrong heroes for you Negroes.


    Damn, I can rap, too.

  57. Faustus10:42 AM

    Ernesto said...
    "I find them mildly entertaining at times, but mostly just as evidence that the "Bell Curve" was a load of BS."

    If the Bell Curve thesis is bullshit, how do you explain how things always turn out when blacks are in charge? What about the impending takeover of the 89% black Detroit by the state of Michigan and the placement of a emergency financial manager in charge of the city's fiscal restructuring?

    What happens when 97% of the people who run a modern transit system are black, as is the the case with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority?

    Look at the mayem in every black majority area in the country, areas with black mayors, black city councils, and black police chiefs.

    The Bell Curve doesn't mean white people are better than blacks, just different. It means on average, there are statistically significant differences between the two populations, and we cannot make these differences disappear just by wishing it were so.

    This says nothing about the intelligence or worth of individuals, who should stand on their own. It also says nothing about the realtive value of groups, as we are all human and we have to live with one another.

    Whenever and wherever the black population percentage gets too high, the white man's civilization falls apart. We need to either figure out a way so that the white man's talents are always utillized when comes to running things, or we need to stop trying to live like white men.

  58. Anonymous10:58 AM

    alicia banks said...
    blue balled bachelor assnon:

    my educated queen is also much richer and smarter than u

    we are both truly blessed

    u and that EQUALY uneducated unemployed grimy plastic doll u call a mate...not so much

    you know all those white girls that almost threw up when you asked them for a little sumtin sumtin? I did em.

  59. silly racist lewd crude assnon:

    only fat racist slobs like u assume that all black women are as fat as your pasty fleshy mom/wife etc...

    my queen and i are sleek and flawless

    and only lonely old hard up rejected chronic masturbating fools like you assume that all of your jungle fevered whore kin are being wooed by blacks/het or gay

    they are not

    i have never desired or touched a white female
    why would i?
    i exclusively prefer gorgeous brilliant black clones of myself like my wife

    as always
    u r a kkklueless moron
    fix that asap fool

    I date Black women exclusively because I need a woman who understands/shares my life experiences, joys, fears, pains, abuses, passions, missions, dreams, perspectives, politics, emotions, vision, history, ancestry, etc...Clearly, I have yet to find all of this even in an African sister. I truly need and am desperately seeking a soulmate. Our souls are housed inside bodies that shape our experiences. As a lesbian, I need a cloned body that houses a cloned soul.

    I date Black women exclusively because I need what God gave to most of us: Chocolate skin, soft sexy nappy locks, sacred breasts, magical movement, divine rhythm, protruding buttocks, soft full sexy lips, round curves, soothing voices, soul food magic, and sista cool etc...We Black women have “that thing” that no other gender or race has. That is the thing I need to live, breathe, love, heal, and to survive. This is my thing. I humbly respect that your thing may be completely different.

    http:// aliciabanks.xanga.com/732766242/black-love-and-gray-lies/


  60. ps:

    my wife is my soulmate

    and i penned tha above before i wed her

    u retards do not comprehend that archives are dated...

  61. zimmerman's murder # 2


  62. Al Crapton12:05 PM

    Where's the outrage over what that maggot Spike Lee did? He could have gotten these poor old folks killed. He was TRYING to get Zimmerman killed.

    Sounds like a crime to me.


  63. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Let the demonization of the victim begin".

    Amen, field. It's terrible what they are doing to Zimmerman. I am thankful he was able to successfully defend himself.

  64. Always Interested12:36 PM

    Thank you for your blog, FN. Coming over here, makes you realize just how different blacks and whites are.

    The Trayvon case has just highlighted this even further. The whole MSM gin-up was a play to emotion and perceived bias against reason and facts. And it worked. Even when the facts no longer support the original meme, blacks refuse to back down from it. Because it reinforced what they deeply believe. Sad.

    Makes me realize I am doing the right thing by living in a "Whiteopia" and have my children in a private, selective schooling situation where they don't have to be exposed to black criminality or black irrational thought and behavior.

    Anytime I start to feel that maybe I should feel sorry for blacks and the sorry situation they have created for themselves (Detroit et al), I just cruise over here for a dose of reality.

  65. can u imagaine how the msm would be wilding if mitt et al had a drunken uncle in ct?...

    lushes run in hobamas cia family



  66. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Faustus said...
    Whenever and wherever the black population percentage gets too high, the white man's civilization falls apart. We need to either figure out a way so that the white man's talents are always utillized when comes to running things, or we need to stop trying to live like white men."

    I think you are on to something there. Whites and Blacks can make a great team, as long as we can find the right roles. We are all in this together.

  67. Quote Faustus

    "...or we need to stop trying to live like white men."

    Faustus, you're not trying to convince us you are black are you?

    Because if so, you failed miserably.

  68. bulbous boob bubba:

    maybe because YOU can never stop YOUR retarded oral diarrhea about said alleged disinterest???

    deet deet dee????

  69. more proof of rabid racism

    more proof that zimmerman should be in jail!!!


  70. Anonymous3:37 PM

    AB, I have been watching you for some time on FN. I have concluded that you have NO RIGHT to call anons assnons or Obama hobama.

    So I am ordering you to knock it off!

  71. Anonymous3:43 PM

    PC, "Faustus, you're not trying to convince us you are black are you?"

    Faustus is Black, you fool. And do everybody a favor: stop assuming "we" think like you or want to side with you. FYI: Blacks are not emotionally joined at the hips. We each have an opinion and it may be quite different from yours.

    Stop using "us" in your opinions. Speak for yourself and nobody else.

  72. Anonymous3:53 PM

    alicia banks said...
    bulbous boob bubba:

    maybe because YOU can never stop YOUR retarded oral diarrhea about said alleged disinterest???

    deet deet dee????

    OK AB you are officially the shit in my book. Anyone who qoutes Carlos Mencia has got to have a good sense of humor. Dee-Dee-Dee.

  73. Ernesto5:32 PM

    "If the Bell Curve thesis is bullshit, how do you explain how things always turn out when blacks are in charge?"

    The US economy was tanked by the rampant greed of white Wall Street hucksters combined with the corporate welfare of the Bush administration. Americans saw the destruction and handed it off to a brotha to fix. The economy is now slowly improving under President Barack Hussein Obama despite the best efforts of the incompetent, white Republican obstructionists to prevent it from happening. More proof that the Bell Curve is doo-doo.

    Oh, and also Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann. Good luck explaning them two in your theory.

  74. You should make autoapprove comments. Good blog.
