Saturday, March 03, 2012

Money talks louder than Rush.

You knew it was just a matter of time before rush had to cave and apologize. (An apology, BTW, that was lame by most decent people's standards, but coming from rush we will take it.) Rush, being the only whore in this controversy, was seeing his sponsors pull out one by one. I am quite sure that this is what motivated him to make an attempt at decency. Besides, rush didn't want to go begging to the Koch Brothers just yet.

 "My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir," Limbaugh said in the statement. "I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

That should have read: my choice of words caused my advertisers and sponsors to get a lot of heat from the buying public, and they threatened to drop my show forever if I did not apologize.

And yes, it was a written statement. Rush did not actually want us to see him apologizing. So,true to form, he weaseled out with a written statement on his website on a Saturday.

"I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress," Limbaugh said. "I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line?"

Well rush, you are still walking free after breaking the laws of this country, so maybe you can tell us what happened to "personal responsibility and accountability".

Rush, now that I think about it, your apology is not accepted.

Finally, here is how you know that the economy is picking up; wingnuts are starting to talk about Obama's fake birth certificate again.

"PHOENIX (Reuters) - A tough-talking Arizona sheriff, already embroiled in a Justice Department bias investigation, waded deeper into controversy on Thursday with an assertion that a probe by his office found President Barack Obama's birth certificate was a forgery.

Most Republican critics of Obama have given up pursuing such widely discredited "birther" allegations. But the investigation by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, carried out by what he described as five-member volunteer "posse," was prompted by a request last August from a group of conservative Tea Party activists in the Phoenix area...

"A 6-month-long investigation conducted by my cold case posse has led me to believe there is probably cause to believe that President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate ... is a computer-generated fraud," Arpaio told a news conference." [Source]

I swear I don't know why A-merry-cans are so fearful of Islamic terrorist and  Iran getting a nuke. At the end of the day do you know what will destroy this country? Stupid people! 



  1. NSangoma8:15 PM

    field, the issue is abortion(s).

    Or, rather abortifacients.

    For some, all birth control techniques excepting condoms (both the female and the male variety) and ye good olde fashioned pulling it out just in time, are seen as abortifacients.

    The hormones in birth-control pills prevent a fertilized egg (zygote) from implanting itself in the woman's womb; the zygote is eventually expunged, thus for some, an abortion has happened. That is what person-hood for the zygote is all about.

    It does not matter if one can pay for their birth-control pills or not; the hard right does not want birth-control of any form to be available, to anyone; period.

    Ms Fluke is just one of the many jumping off points that the hard right has tried and will continue to try, hoping to achieve their goal.

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Field said..."Rush, now that I think about it, your apology is not accepted."

    With so many world wide problems and the serious problems in the US, and all they can think to debate and quibble about is birth control and insulting women? I mean really...

  3. D'Rushe9:17 PM

    At the end of the day do you know what will destroy this country?

    Yes I do. Liberal progressive nihilists, with the help of the morons who vote for them.

  4. I just wish Porky had made this faux pas a little clser to the election.

  5. money is his only god


    he has evaded another mcnabb moment

  6. The Dems need to start NOW preparing commercials showing which ever wingnut has supported Porky in the past, followed by Porky's comment about Ms. Fluke.

    If this had been a democratic "mistake" you could just about guarantee the wingnuts would milk this for all it's worth, but the Dems tend to be a little soft when it comes to attack ads.

  7. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I just wish Porky had made this faux pas a little clser to the election.


    That should read

    a little closer to the election.

    What's up with racist and their grammer?

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM


    Racist just get me so worked up.

  9. Racism field negro won't chase9:42 PM

    Two black teens poured gasoline of a white thirteen year old and set him on fire in Kansas City, MO. The victim was attacked as he walked home from school. He was targeted at random by two perpetrators he did not even know. Police are investigating the attack as a racially motivated hate crime.

  10. Anonymous10:00 PM


    Spend some time learning to spell before you correct others, you stupid bitch!!!

  11. "I am not going to be a hypocrite"

    Playboy list its' top Conservative women they want to rape-

    Not one word from field negro.

    Sarah Palin has been called a whore, slut, cunt, by the left-

    Not one word from field negro.

    Yes. Its ok when the left does it.

    field negro-

    You are a hypocrite.

  12. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a slut. Funny, no outrage from field or his democrat masters.

    Anonymous said...

    Spend some time learning to spell before you correct others, you stupid bitch!!!

    10:00 PM

    Its ho-bag who's posting everyday about how smart she is.

  13. Welfare the Great Destroyer10:56 PM

    Despite the strong family support, the prevalence of single parenting among Hispanics is producing the inevitable slide into the welfare system. “The girls aren’t marrying the guys, so they are married to the state,” Dr. Sanchez observes. Hispanics now dominate the federal Women, Infants, and Children free food program; Hispanic enrollment grew over 25 percent from 1996 to 2002, while black enrollment dropped 12 percent and white enrollment dropped 6.5 percent. Illegal immigrants can get WIC and other welfare programs for their American-born children.

    Hispanics are tomorrow's negroes.

  14. Wow,the B word? Seems we have some of rush's minions posting here. These wingnuts are pathetic.

  15. Anon. none of them are allowed right now. Call rush's show and maybe he will allow you to say the B word until your heart explodes.

  16. Field, I posted as Anon, those comments you chose to delete upon the suggestion of my husband hacker just to see what would happen. Of course, I knew you could easily look into the IP addy to see the source, so I made no attempt to hide it which I could easily have done.

    Assnon is permitted to indirectly refer to me as a ho' which IS a word as bad as bitch, yet that comment is allowed to stand as it always has been. Why? Of course, this has been going on for 3 years now and while you do occasionally delete or don't post the comments from this obvious stalker, a good number of them are allowed to get through.

    Again, why not censor ALL the bull$hit? The previous thread was almost all about disparaging me, so why do you continue to indirectly co-sign on this while deleting my anon responses?

  17. Got Slut?11:38 PM

    Someone named "Sandra Fluke" -- if that is her real name -- testified in front of Congress in support of a "contraception mandate". That is, she publicly demanded free contraceptives as a matter of "women's health" and was treated to a liberal media smucker-fest.

    Well, it turns out Fluke, positioned by the media as a 23-year old law student, is actually a 30-year old "reproductive rights advocate.

    Rush Limbaugh, like any right-thinking American, was offended. He called her a slut.

    Never ones to let a crisis go to waste, the totalitarian loons on the left -- who despise free speech -- began demanding that advertisers boycott the Limbaugh show.

    Senate Democrats -- with no pressing matters to which to attend like the economy or the debt or passing a budget -- began circulating a petition and raising money for free condoms and their campaigns.

    President Obama (with little else to do, since there are no looming economic or foreign policy crises) joined in the attacks: Obama considers Limbaugh’s remarks “reprehensible,” according to White House spokesman Jay Carney. He said the president called Fluke to “express his disappointment that she has been the subject of inappropriate personal attacks” and to thank her for speaking out...

    Meanwhile, Iran still is moving ahead with their plans for nuclear terrorism, gas prices are poised to hit $5/gal. and real inflation is moving toward 10%. And Obama wants free contraceptives. Happy to see that Democrats have their heads screwed on straight.

  18. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Field, I posted as Anon, those comments you chose to delete

    Dr. Reine, please take your crass language and silly games somewhere else. This blog is place to discuss political topics that affect the Black community in a serious and thoughtful manner.

    I am sure their are sites where you can indulge in your desires to insult white people and brag about your status all day long, and not drag down substantive discussions into the gutter.

    Thank you and goodbye.

  19. Queen,believe it or not, it's hard to monitor this site 24/7. I just don't have the time. And, even if I did, I don't like to censor folks. Still, sometimes folks get over the top with the personal b&** s*&^ and I have to delete them.

    But again, don't worry about haters. Haters are good. It means you are doing something that's pissing them off.

  20. BTW, Celia does not seem like a hater. She just seems like someone who happens to be pissed off at you right now.

  21. Wesley R12:02 AM


    Remember what the West Side Connection once said "Bow Down". Yea Rush Bow Down Bytch.

  22. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Poor WATBs, Brietbart proved that being a jerkhole make you dead.
    Now, Rush whines that an adult woman wants her, yes her, insurance coverage to include birth control.
    He literally paid for nothing. But, he orders her to provide his corpulence with a video.
    Maybe she would rather spent time with other adults.

    Hmm...a posse of wite fat dudez who knowerate all things. Sure, they had computer forensic experts, document experts...or jsut a bunch of fat wite dudez who are terrified that being wite is no longer a pass.


  23. I want my insurance to cover beer.

    It's my right.

  24. I wants my insurance to pay my cable bill. I'm sick of watching Channel 11.

  25. My health insurance should take me to Applebee's. I can't afford the Bourbon Street Chicken & Shrimp three night a week.

  26. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I'm out of anal lube again. It has cost me over $85,000 over the past 15 years alone. Congress needs to make my emplyer provide it to me for free.

    And some Kleenex.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous12:28 AM

    And midget porn.


  29. said...
    I wish he didn't have an audience, but he does and he (theoretically, after all he isn't Muslim) has a right to spew whatever he wants. Exposing him is starting to work; at long last people are embarrassed to be associated with him. Ultimately, he'll be as forgotten as his antecedent, "Father Coughlin," with few of his millions of fans even willing to acknowledge him. Pray soon.

  30. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "But again, don't worry about haters. Haters are good. It means you are doing something that's pissing them off."

    Field, I like your attitude about haters. Everyone should take a lesson from you and not be bothered by those kinds of people. Afterall, it's THEIR hate and anger that's hurting them. It's really a smart way to live. However, I find it hard to practice but the more time I spend on FN, the better I get at it. God bless the haters! Those poor saps.

  31. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Dr. Queen, you are now Dr Reine? Why do you keep changing your name? Do you have an identity problem?

    My God, woman. Over the years you have changed your name at least ten times. Is it because you don't know who you are? Lord have mercy.

  32. ColderThanAWitchesBroomstick2:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr. Queen, you are now Dr Reine? Why do you keep changing your name? Do you have an identity problem?

    My God, woman. Over the years you have changed your name at least ten times. Is it because you don't know who you are? Lord have mercy.

    Who she is? What she will do, what her name is? It doesn't matter it's all WalrusButt and fiction anyway. When and if she gets into medical school and then finds out she cant switch to african studies but will actually have to take the tests and be graded without added AA points she will flunk out the first quarter of the semester.

  33. Anonymous2:11 AM

    field negro said...
    Wow,the B word? Seems we have some of rush's minions posting here. These wingnuts are pathetic.

    "Anonymous (really queenie queefa) said...

    Spend some time learning to spell before you correct others, you stupid bitch!!!"

    Well apparantly the only wings on that anon nut was on Queen-la-la-la-sha-boom's maxi-pad.

    Field, us Anons deserve some social justice and reparations for being falsely accused of Queen-la-la-la-no-you-didnt-sha-boom's antics that you falsely accused us of. I hope you feel guilty and provide adequate renumeration.

  34. Quote Got Slut on this thread

    "Someone named "Sandra Fluke" -- if that is her real name -- testified in front of Congress in support of a "contraception mandate". That is, she publicly demanded free contraceptives as a matter of "women's health" and was treated to a liberal media smucker-fest.

    Well, it turns out Fluke, positioned by the media as a 23-year old law student, is actually a 30-year old "reproductive rights advocate."

    Quote from

    "Someone named "Sandra Fluke" -- if that is her real name -- testified in front of Congress in support of a "contraception mandate". That is, she publicly demanded free contraceptives as a matter of "women's health" and was treated to a liberal media smucker-fest.

    Well, it turns out Fluke, positioned by the media as a 23-year old law student, is actually a 30-year old "reproductive rights advocate."

    Sound familiar?

    The Far-Right Plagiarism machine in action, yet again.

  35. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "The previous thread was almost all about disparaging me,"

    And your post are all about disparaging others and telling everyone how smart you are. Ever think if you stop disparaging others and stop lying about your education- people will leave you alone?

  36. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Caucasian men should realize that when they hate long enough, they start looking like MJ Thriller participants. It distorts their faces so much, they look like "living corpses". These guys are scary to observe when wrinkles, hate and "age" spots set it. Massa, you ain't the "bomb diggity".

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  41. Orphan Anne, still too hard for you to digest that I'm smarter than you, have more education than you do, make more money than you do, and live better than you do, huh??

    Well here in metro DC, there are THOUSANDS of Black families JUST LIKE MINE, so do yourself a favor since you're so jealous about it, and off youserlf so YOUR parents can clean out their basement.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  44. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Orphan Anne, still too hard for you to digest that I'm smarter than you, have more education than you do, make more money than you do, and live better than you do, huh??

    "and off youserlf"


    You mean yourself?

  45. BiteMe9:16 AM

    Purple Cow said....

    "Sound familiar?

    The Far-Right Plagiarism machine in action, yet again."

    Ooooh, that stuff is bad for you. Oral health is important. You can tell you have it if you have:

    Bad breath, Rotting Teeth, Loose teeth, gum drainage, red or swollen gums.

    You should see a Dentist right away It is widely known that buildup of this stuff can effect even your heart.

    Aside from the ramifications to your health, it is also ugly as sin and a dead giveaway that you are British.

  46. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom Said...

    "Orphan Anne, still too hard for you to digest that I'm smarter than you, have more education than you do, make more money than you do, and live better than you do, huh??

    Smarter than everyone, yet it took you five posts with four attempts deleted to eke out this misspelled silly little rant?

    Comment deleted
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  48. Final comment then I'm done with this subject. MANY od Field's regular's post as "anon", but I'm the ONLY person honest enough to admit the few times I did last night.

    Got honesty, integrity, or dignity?

  49. Field, haters come in all creeds, colors, income and educational levels.

    Perhaps Dr.M's comments aren't about hate, but they most certainly about how Black folks will call each other out while COMPLETELY ignoring what white folks do. I call that being a "Tom".

    FYI, my upbringing caused me to delete my numerous initial responses to Dr. M and the fact that my mother occasionally reads this blog, otherwise it would have been New Year's Eve in here. I don't appreciate her comments toward me because they’re lies, and I don't care how mad she was/is. If all she's gotten out of my participation on this site for the last 3 years is me bragging on myself, then she needs a reality check and some new eye glasses. Now I don't give one ounce of a damn what the lowlife and or racists whites on this site think about what I say here. But it's hurtful when one of "us" aligns" with one of "them" with NO comment whatsoever made about their behavior here, particularly toward me as if that’s okay. Unfortunately, I can't say it's nothing I've never seen before especially among Blacks born in America and it's a large part of why I've never attended an HBCU for more than one semester which I did as a visiting student. It's just sad (but not surprising) to realize that I've had the occasion to attend events also attended by Dr.M that indicate on the surface that where Black health is concerned, we're aligned. But now I realize that she is VERY likely the educated Black woman that's been taking anonymous jabs at me on this site for years, and that's cool, it is what it has ALWAYS been.

    And one last thing. My Dr.Sister, spent one semester at Howard before leaving after being threatened with physical violence by another BLACK FEMALE STUDENT WHILE IN CLASS. She left Howard to attend a top 3 institution the following year and has been a happily working since she graduated. There’s a place where the language and behavior of Black women needs to be checked and perhaps Dr. M should start with her own back yard.

  50. Was listening to Make it Plain with Mark Thompson on XM radio..he noted Rush's gold microphone and the fact he and 4 guys had 29 viagra pills on a return trip from the Dominican Republic.

  51. Anonymous10:42 AM

    i am so sick of dr. reine's hate speech dragging this board down.

  52. Dr. Integrity10:50 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    My Dr.Sister, spent one semester at Howard before leaving after being threatened with physical violence by another BLACK FEMALE STUDENT WHILE IN CLASS

    Well, black females are very violent. You prove that here every day by threatening people and wishing they were dead.

    And if a sister of yours is really a doctor, then she must have gotten all the brains (and looks) in the family. Either that or she's not really your sister.

    You will never be a doctor.

  53. May the righteous indignation choir say halleleujah and amen!

    Then shuffle real good for massa', while indulging in a bucket of Popeyes' and an Orange crush soda!

    How about that for Black political and cultural satire!

  54. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom Said...

    "Field, haters come in all creeds, colors, income and educational levels.

    Perhaps Dr.M's comments aren't about hate, but they most certainly about how Black folks will call each other out while COMPLETELY ignoring what white folks do. I call that being a "Tom"."

    But of course you do, because you are a living angry stereotype of a bully. Someone posted this a couple a days ago, you obviously didn't get it so I will personalize it for your easy understanding.

    You are a stereotypical Bully;
    You love the feeling of power that menacing others gives you. You hurt other Black folk more than you hurt white people- you embrace violence and all the secondary evils that go with it, like arrogance, willful stupidity, the faux-aristocratic charm and condescension that makes your own life far cruder than it needs to be based on your baseline levels of intelligence and impulsiveness. It’s fun being a bully, if you’re of a more sociopathic nature.

    To you the loyalty of Black people belongs only to other Black people. To criticize or try to control another Black person would be disloyal and you call them what you did today saying they are "Tom's" or "Hankie Wearing "Aunt Jerimiah's" always getting offended at the truth and complaining that White people are always there to be blamed so why is anyone getting pissed off at you for your disgusting antics. After all its YT's fault no matter what you do or say.

    Your entire last post was a walking, living, breathing disgusting stereotype. You do not have the intelligence, the charisma, the critical thinking abilities, the mentality to observe oneself critically and improve to ever master something as difficult as being a Doctor -

    As about 10 different anons say here in the face of your repeated racism and ABW rants daily, you will never be a Doctor - Ever.

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom Also Said...

    "But it's hurtful when one of "us" aligns" with one of "them" with NO comment whatsoever made about their behavior here, particularly toward me as if that’s okay. Unfortunately, I can't say it's nothing I've never seen before especially among Blacks born in America and it's a large part of why I've never attended an HBCU for more than one semester which I did as a visiting student."

    Don't you think you are really stretching your credibility and hate by now advising everyone that YOU are racist against "American Born Blacks" and try to avoid them, because it isn't you - it's the world. So you think you are better than American Born Blacks, Whites, fat people...anyone else?

    Did you ever think it wasn't the world and you have some issues to take care of?

  55. How the left operates11:10 AM

    Political theater 101, from someone who was asked to be a 'Sandra Fluke':

    In the late 1980s, I was appointed to be in charge of one of the first New York State comprehensive AIDS treatment centers. I had been taking care of HIV patients for about five years, and, given the shortage of providers in that field, I had accumulated quite a lot of experience.

    After about two months on the job, I got a call from a prominent activist (who is even more prominent today). She asked me to travel to Washington at her expense to testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health at a hearing the next day.
    I would meet famous personages, have lunch with a very prominent senator, and appear on television. This had some substantial potential advantages to my then-budding career, including a higher public profile, easier access to funding, and rubbing shoulders with the good and great.

    All I had to do was tell the stories of a few patients who had lost their health insurance, been fired from their jobs, or been evicted from their apartments when their diagnosis was revealed.

    The problem was, there were no such patients. I had cared for about 500 HIV patients at that point, and, contrary to what "everyone knew," my patients had received only kindness and support from those around them (families included, with a few glaring exceptions).

    I told her that I couldn't go, for the above reason. "Oh, no worries," she said. "We have a script."

    Up until that very second, I had held firmly to the "They are well-meaning but sometimes mistaken" view of the left. From that day forward, I have never believed a word spoken in a congressional hearing, at least not on matters political. It's all a play, and the left has the script.

  56. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Final comment then I'm done with this subject. MANY od Field's regular's post as "anon", but I'm the ONLY person honest enough to admit the few times I did last night.

    Got honesty, integrity, or dignity?

    Hun, you need help. This wasn't your final post, in fact you went on a Tom, self pitying rant. You are not asking for honesty-you are a liar. You aren't asking for integrity- you don't have any expecting blind allegiance because of skin color. You aren't asking for dignity - how could you, you have none. What you are asking for is complete and total racism, no one Black should ever say anything about your antics. Otherwise they are Toms and Aunt Jerimiah's.

    Now , go take your medication and come to grips with reality. You will never be more than you already are with this level of intelligence and ability to think when you are already in your late fourties.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Dear Assnons especially the Black ones, how many times do I need to say it, I don't read comments by folks too cowardly to establish a username and profile. Hell, you could post the location of a winning lottery ticket and I'd NEVER see it, LOL!!!

    Hoya Saxa, HATERS!!!!!


  59. And stop posting responses to your own comments, it makes you look crazier than you already are, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Typical cooncastic/ racists dialogue around here:

    Goober says " all black girls do is have babies out of wedlock and drop out of high school".

    Dr. Reine says "my kid is being recruited by colleges as a tenth grader".

    Coon says "you think you all that, braggin' about yo' kid".

    Progressive Black says " your kid is following in a LONG line of Black kids who came before her, good for her!!".

    And that ends today's lesson of how to spot a Coon/Uncle Tom by speech.

    Dr. Reine

  62. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom said...

    "Dear Assnons especially the Black ones, how many times do I need to say it, I don't read comments by folks too cowardly to establish a username and profile".

    Do you mean Like Dr Queen, Dr Reine or some other ficticious based on fantasy persona that you have created? You should try the name we all call you now:


    Because we know you are just a liar. How do we know?

    "And yeah, I'm still Fly in my 40's, or as the the young people say, my "swagger" if STILL in tact.

    PS- NOW I'm bragging, LOL!!!!"

    you got a lot of details for someone who didn't read "any" of the comments.

    Honey, you are frontin. You know and it and we all know it. You can swagger as much as you want but it aint gonna change reality. Just cause you tell everyone you are beautiful and smart and do it with complete arrogance doesn't magically make you both. You are a serious head case and you should seek some mental assistance. Anyone who makes up an entire lifestyle fake bragging "flynmy40s obviously has some really low self esteem. You someday will realize you cant change someone elses opinion of you by demanding it.

    Do you need a prescription renewal on your Zyprexa?

    Please be careful and don't hurt yourself, everyone has at least one reedeming quality and even if you have shown us nothing but the dark side here, someone must like you - do you have a dog? If not you should consider getting one as long as you think you can hold back your violent nature and won't beat it.

  63. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Typical cooncastic/ racists dialogue around here:

    Goober says " all black girls do is have babies out of wedlock and drop out of high school".

    Dr. Reine says "my kid is being recruited by colleges as a tenth grader".

    Coon says "you think you all that, braggin' about yo' kid".

    Progressive Black says " your kid is following in a LONG line of Black kids who came before her, good for her!!".

    And that ends today's lesson of how to spot a Coon/Uncle Tom by speech.

    Dr. Reine

    Seriously Hun, you are ranting. Go sit down somewhere and chill. You make it sound like the world is against you and anyone who disagrees is a "Coon/Uncle Tom. Not a good look. You appear to be extremely delusional and to have lost control, you aren't a Doctor so why sign your name as if you are one? You keep doing this and you are just confirming that you are one angry crazy black woman with emphasis on the crazy as you clearly are delusional.

  64. Hey butthead, it's REAL easy to discern that whatever you're about to say is predictable and negative by reading the first line "Queen la la", then CHOOSING to ignore the rest of your envious diatribe.

    And it's even easier based on the Queen la la statement that my best response to you is to remind you to go to hell.

  65. And a makeover and some "iintimacy" might do you some good too! Sista'!!

  66. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom said...

    "Hey butthead, it's REAL easy to discern that whatever you're about to say is predictable and negative by reading the first line "Queen la la", then CHOOSING to ignore the rest of your envious diatribe."

    You didnt read it yet you know what it says and are able to claim it is "predictable, negative, envious. Hmmm you a mind reader or a liar.

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom also said..

    "And a makeover and some "iintimacy" might do you some good too! Sista'!!"

    Actually honeycakes just cause you have issues dont mean everyone else is also unattractive and lacking in intimacy. You really need help, you aren't competing against me. You have only your dementia to defeat and learn to love yourself. Your self esteem is so low that you are sure everyone else must be the same, they aren't.

    What is iintimacy? Do you stutter too?

  67. Anonymous1:59 PM


    I love it this is the best name she has used yet. I have this picture of a really fat and disgusting man looking Sha-ne-ne
    walking around sayin 'you know you want this, you know I'm hot" Imma gone be a Doctor someday and then I show ya, then I be somebody and you gone want me then.

  68. What a shame Aunt Jememiah didn't take her stalking, stupid self to church today, though I'm sure it sets her Afrosheen on fire every time she does as the devils bee-oytch!!!

    And let's hear it for non traditional students like my fellow Hoya Saxa, folks who have the COURAGE to not settle in our careers!!!!

    BTW, who needs wingnuts when Black folks have Aunt Jememiah coons, who cowardly post as assnon??

  69. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom-Boom said...

    "What a shame Aunt Jememiah didn't take her stalking, stupid self to church today, though I'm sure it sets her Afrosheen on fire every time she does as the devils bee-oytch!!!

    And let's hear it for non traditional students like my fellow Hoya Saxa, folks who have the COURAGE to not settle in our careers!!!!

    BTW, who needs wingnuts when Black folks have Aunt Jememiah coons, who cowardly post as assnon??"

    No class Ghetto till the end.

    Your fellow "Hoya Saxa" you mean those American born African Americans you hate so much because they wouldn't accept you, so you had to keep movin on?

    It takes courage to never accomplish anything? You really are a twisted soul.

    What do "wingnuts" have to do with anything are you trying to somehow cry racism in some sick twisted way for who you are and what you say?

    Please hun go take your medication. You just keep diggin the hole deeper and deeper and you can call me any racist name you like. It don't change a thing about you.

  70. "Your fellow "Hoya Saxa" you mean those American born African Americans you hate so much because they wouldn't accept you, so you had to keep movin on?

    Now I know I said I never read your trash, but the words Hoya Saxa got my attention.

    It was one thing to be an uneducated idiot and NOT know that the word Reine is French for the word Queen. But now you're in the stratosphere of ignorance for not knowing what Hoya Saxa means and why I use it.

    I think Niki Minaj has a song out now about females like you, so in combination with the fact that you need to join our President in being a snob by getting a F'king education as Brooklyn suggested,, Im crystal clear THAT would be a waste of time because you're nothing more than a "stupid h*!!!!

  71. BTW, how's the algae collection along the gulf of Mexico coming along?

    Maybe you should ask the Execs at Exon to cut you in on the settlement so you can buy yourself some tutoring for the GRE. Not that I think it would help.

  72. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-snap-Sha-Boom-Boom said...

    "Your fellow "Hoya Saxa" you mean those American born African Americans you hate so much because they wouldn't accept you, so you had to keep movin on?

    Now I know I said I never read your trash, but the words Hoya Saxa got my attention.

    It was one thing to be an uneducated idiot and NOT know that the word Reine is French for the word Queen. But now you're in the stratosphere of ignorance for not knowing what Hoya Saxa means and why I use it.

    Oh dear, what are you talking about? Of course I know what "Hoya Saxon" means. Aren't those who use this chant "what rocks" that you labled your fellow Alumni also part of the group of American Born African Americans that you said you hate and had to move on every year? Dear you really aren't all there are you. You can't say you hate people in one breath and then love them in the next, make up your mind you sound like a crazy angry woman.

    I think Niki Minaj has a song out now about females like you, so in combination with the fact that you need to join our President in being a snob by getting a F'king education as Brooklyn suggested,, Im crystal clear THAT would be a waste of time because you're nothing more than a "stupid h*!!!!

    Ghetto to the end. Of course you are a Niki Manaj fan. Of course you are, poor dear. Are you going to whip it out and urinate on it too? It fits you, it really does Queen-La-La-La-no-you-din't-Sha-Boom-Boom.

    Our President? Where did that come from? Are your wires shorting out again hun? You sound like you need that medication now more then ever.

    You said you were "Crystal Clear" is that your stage name many,many years ago when you were young and a stripper hun? Before you began looking like a used up old woman and sounding like a bitter one?

    We will leave it at this, I'm already dirty enough talking to you and now you pull out the Niki Minaj Ghetto Ho stunts. Go sit down and breathe deeply. Take your pills, they gave them to you for a reason. I really am afraid you are going to hurt yourself if you get any more excited. Besides you already used up all your Ghetto rants and couldn't possibly have anything worthwhile to say.

  73. Stalker, Muah!!

    BTW, it seems it took you a while to google Hoya Saxa, so what happened, did your dial up internet service hold you up again? Or did you get caught stealing service from the trailer next door?

    Stalker, Muah!!!

  74. So besides stalking, what else do you do? Got kids? I surely hope not. You clearly don't have someone to love in your life and don't have a career to speak of because you spend 25/8 stalking me.

    What about hobbies? You know assnon is quite a fitting nAme for you since you're a stalking, unloved, uneducated, nobody. In fact, maybe that should be your username, stalking nobody.

  75. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    So besides stalking, what else do you do? Got kids? I surely hope not. You clearly don't have someone to love in your life and don't have a career to speak of because you spend 25/8 stalking me.

    What about hobbies? You know assnon is quite a fitting nAme for you since you're a stalking, unloved, uneducated, nobody. In fact, maybe that should be your username, stalking nobody.

    Oh Dear, she still hasn't taken her medication yet. Well, there is no helping some people. I guess the old saying is true. You can't teach an old Ghetto hoochie mama new tricks, she thinks she's already turned enough tricks to know everything else in life. I guess I may have some bitterness too if I were on the 50 side of forty and still a total failure.

  76. So it's Bachmann to the rescue of Newt and not Palin. I'd completely forgotten about her and now she's "reinfected " herself back into the national political scene.

  77. And speaking of confused women, anyone ever read the blog titled conservative black chick, a woman who also happens to be a newt delegate?

    Talk about having an identity crisis!!!

  78. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I have asked this before, but will there be, or has there ever been a conference for "Blogging While Black"?

    If not, would you consider starting one? I am sure it would be a big hit among our people, esp with Field Negro as the originator.

  79. "Dear Mr Field, I have asked this before, but will there be, or has there ever been a conference for "Blogging While Black"?"

    Yes, they have had it for a few years now. I actually think that this year it will be held in Philly. (See my sidebar)

    You should try to attend.

    There is also a blogging while white conference. It's called Netroots Nation. :)
