Sunday, March 04, 2012

Profiles in cowardice.

We all know by now what has been happening with rush over the past few days due to his vicious verbal attack on an innocent college student. It has been well documented on this website.

What I want to talk about is the reaction to rush's comments from the republican candidates, and, to be more specific, the front runner. Mitt Romney has had quite a few days to denounce rush and his boorish comments straight out of the Paleolithic Age; but he didn't. All we got from Mitt was a very timid,  "Not language I would have used." Harlot? Loose woman? Tramp? Floozy? What words, exactly, would Mitt have used?

It's no secret that Mitt will say or do anything to become president. But this time he actually hurt himself by overestimating the power of rush's 20 million listeners.  By not doing the courageous thing and coming out and condemning rush, Mitt showed A-merry-ca  that he is a typical politician who lacks the courage to denounce an unhinged, over the top, talk show host. A host who was being abandoned by the advertisers on his show.  Mitt, now we know who you are siding with in the republican war on women.

 "I’m focusing on the issues that I think are significant in the country today, and that’s why I’m here talking about jobs and Ohio.”

Let me translate that for you: I will not say anything to piss off my republican base or rush's supporters, because I am in the middle of a fight to get the republican nomination in November.

The problem is, of course, that others are watching. And the people who might make the difference in this coming election are starting to take notice. How can Mitt expect to stand up to Ahmadinejad if he can't stand up to rush? All rush has is a big mouth, the other guy might eventually have a nuke. The stakes are pretty high, so A-merry-cans really need to ask themselves these questions.

Finally, I am looking forward to seeing the Obama tapes that our "dearly departed" Andrew Breitbart's friend claims to be releasing in the next couple of weeks. (Just a quick thought: If there is something truly damaging in the film, why not hold it until October?)

 "On his program Thursday, Fox News’ Sean Hannity spoke with Steve Bannon (producer of The Undefeated, among various other films) about a series of tapes Andrew Breitbart claimed to have about Barack Obama. Breitbart mentioned the tapes during his recent CPAC speech, sharing that “[w]e are going to vet [Barack Obama] from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.”
RELATED: Watch Andrew Breitbart’s Fiery CPAC Speech: I Have ‘College Days’ Obama Videos

Bannon confirmed that there exists a series of tapes taken during Obama’s time at Harvard, which will be publicly released “in a week or two.” Breitbart has been “very systematic about going through this thing,” Bannon added." [Source]

Oh- oh, maybe they have film clips of his Oness drawing up a fake birth certificate? It all should be interesting. As they say, the camera never lies.



  1. Obama 2012 by a landslide, but he'd better release some of those oil reserves to keep gas prices down ASAP!!!!!

  2. "By not doing the courageous thing and coming out and condemning rush,"

    What does the cowardly lion know about courageous things?

    Did the cowardly lion condemn ed schultz for calling Laura Ingraham a slut? NO.

    Did the cowardly lion condemn Bill Maher for calling Sarah Palin a cunt?


    Did the cowardly lion condemn Playboy for their " Republican women rape list"? NO.

    So why does the cowardly lion call for others to be courageous?

  3. Dr. Rockefeller9:00 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2037 said...
    Obama 2012 by a landslide, but he'd better release some of those oil reserves to keep gas prices down ASAP!!!!!

    The strategic oil reserves are for a national emergency, such as in time of war when imports are halted.

    Unfortunately, democrat presidents look at their faltering re-election prospects as a national emergency, worthy of draining our strategic reserve to temporarily lower gas prices.

    Please reserve you comments for things you know about - like applying for minority set-asides or Niki Manaj.

    And stop using "Dr." in front of your name. You are not a doctor.

    You will never be a doctor.

  4. Tristan9:05 PM

    I really doubt any videos from Obama's college days could do him any harm. 30 years ago? Who really cares?

    What this does point out is that we still know nothing about Barak Obama's life other than what he presented in his autobiographies. No transcripts, no writings, no accounts form co-workers, friends, ex-girl friends - anyone.

    It's beyond weird.

  5. It's really interesting to note that when Don Imus called women student athletes at Rutgers "nappy headed hoes" it took days and a huge outcry before his sponsors pulled out but let a White girl get called a "hoe" and they run for the hills immediately.

    So it seems that corporations do know right from wrong they just care more about some of their potential customers than others.

  6. United States of Ridiculousness9:25 PM

    I am shocked that people accept the idea that the citizenry as a whole are responsible for paying for women's birth control and that birth control is something essential to "women's health." If you listen to Sandra Fluke's testimony, her assertions are simply stunning. It seems she and her peers cannot function without subsidized birth control.

    Feminists, in trying to "free" women of reproduction, have instead made women slaves to their reproductive organs. Feminists sought to be free of patriarchy but are now absolutely dependent on the government.

    Fluke told the Congress: "When I look around my campus, I see the faces of the women affected ... who have suffered financial, emotional, and medical burdens because of this lack of contraceptive coverage."

    How about that? The suffering these women law students undergo because of a lack of free, totally subsidized birth control pills is so great, so wearing and crushing to their spirits, that the marks of their pain can be seen on their faces as they walk about Georgetown University campus.

  7. Val said...
    ... but let a White girl get called a "hoe" and they run for the hills immediately.

    That's because most white women aren't "hoes" in the way that most black women are.

  8. @9:32, I'm not surprised Newt had to apologize quickly at all, this just represents life in America.

  9. "So why does the cowardly lion call for others to be courageous?"

    Because the "cowardly lion" isn't running for president. ;)

    "That's because most white women aren't "hoes" in the way that most black women are."


    I don't think that most black or white women are hoes. But you don't think that way, do you wingnut?

  10. Mr. Field, that comment from "Lav" (which is Val spelled backwards) is linking to my blog. Is that allowed?

  11. "Mr. Field, that comment from "Lav" (which is Val spelled backwards) is linking to my blog. Is that allowed?"

    That depends. If you don't want that person to link to your blog I will delete the comment.

    Although my advise to you would be just brush off your shoulder. They could actually learn something by going to your site.

  12. I don't think that most black or white women are hoes. But you don't think that way, do you wingnut?

    I'm not a wingnut. I'm a culturally senstive multi-culturalist who has watched a lot hip hop videos on BET. Everybody know most black women are hoes.

  13. I get your point Mr. Field but I'd worry that someone who doesn't know me would come along and click on that link and think I'm the loser who left the comment crazy comment.


  14. WOW, first someone tries to get Steve fired, now this SMDH!!!!!

    Just WOW!!!

  15. BTW, where's the grammAR police when a wingnut has grammAR issues?

  16. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    WOW, first someone tries to get Steve fired, now this SMDH!!!!!

    Just WOW!!!

    The next you know, some 48 year old moron will think she is going to medical school!!

    Just WOW!!!

    You wil never be a doctor!!!!

  17. "I'm a culturally senstive multi-culturalist who has watched a lot hip hop videos on BET.."

    And I watched a lot of Jersey Shore. See where I am going? Or did you attend the wingnut school of logic?

  18. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Steve can't be fired. He's black.

  19. NSangoma10:17 PM

    ProFlowers latest Rush Limbaugh sponsor to pull its business
    Quicken Loans, Sleep Train, Sleep Number, Citrix Systems Inc., Carbonite and LegalZoom also have suspended their advertising with Limbaugh, according to The Associated Press.

  20. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Val said...
    "Mr. Field, that comment from "Lav" (which is Val spelled backwards) is linking to my blog. Is that allowed?"

    As for Mr. Limbaugh, my thoughts are that it sounds like the type of comment that would come from a person that is, um, shall we say, imbibing of the "happy pills" again? :)

    As for no one calling him on it, the 'good ole boys' always stick together to the bitter end.
    Great comment Val!

  21. Umm Field, how/why do you confuse the Jersey Shore folks,whom at least have personalities, with some nameless schmuck who lives in his grandmothers basement?

  22. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Umm Field, how/why do you confuse the Jersey Shore folks,whom at least have personalities, with some nameless schmuck who lives in her grandmothers basement?


    Reine still lives in her grandmother's basement?

    In what way do you think you are medical school material?

    You will never be a doctor.

  23. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Val said...
    I get your point Mr. Field but I'd worry that someone who doesn't know me would come along and click on that link and think I'm the loser who left the comment crazy comment.

    I've got news for you Val (or Lav, whatever you are going by) - anyone who clicked on your link and saw your blog would think you are a loser.

  24. Queen, I was merely drawing an analogy with what the wingnut said and a white television program which shows a predominantly white cast doing things which are much worse than the BET videos.

  25. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I've got news for you Val (or Lav, whatever you are going by) - anyone who clicked on your link and saw your blog would think you are a loser."
    and what would we think if we clicked on your blog? ;)

  26. I hear ya' Field.

    Val's comment made me think about how folks acted during Hurricane Katrina, white folks were scavaging for food to survive, while Black folks were stealing food to be thieves, not because they too were hungry.

    Again, life in the good 'ol USA!!!

  27. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    WOW, first someone tries to get Steve fired, now this SMDH!!!!!

    Just WOW!!!

    Who tried to get steve fired? Is this why he hasn't been posting?

  28. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I am so depressed at the mean-spirited comments that are probably racially motivated. Why must there be racism in America? Surely we can ALL get along?

    "Let us, Blacks and Whites embrace and love each other as brothers and sisters so that we all can go to Heaven, sayeth the Bible.

    Field, when are you going to write a post that will bring us all together? I think now is the time while we are still holding on by a thread our highest aspiration: "Post-racial America." Please show your trust in that and others will follow.

    I thank you in advance.

  29. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    WOW, first someone tries to get Steve fired, now this SMDH!!!!!

    Why are you SMDH? Shaking Your Dirty Hamsteak? That is nasty.

  30. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Mr. Field, re: Mitt Romney's comment about Rush, don't you think you are being a little over the top on this?

    Romney is a fine man and if he wins the nomination, he will be a formidable opponent to Obama. You should be more concerned about what Obama failed to deliver on promises than what Mitt said.

  31. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I am afraid what those videos will show about Obama. They could put the GOP in the WH.

  32. Rleduc2:58 AM

    Yeah. Breitbart was 'very systematic' about going through the video in his usual hack job way of editing out all context. The release will have little to do with what the tapes say if you watch the unedited version, as usual.

  33. dread yardie4:25 AM

    from a dread yardie
    hail up iyah....
    been closely checking your words these last weeks about the war on women and homophobia and i just wanted to give to sincere big up!its just great that you have identified it and made it a priority in writing...respect due...! tolerance is key and for too long sistren have been downpressed even by some us black men who claim to be so called radikal..we really need a new way of looking at power.....
    check this
    its a trak the I made about 20 years ago against sexism...and it featured women of coulr talking about things they would like men of colour to adress:someone recently posted it up on soundcloud ; so i wrote them this note:
    a little dub note from the producer of this trak... during the making of this trak ..we encountered ALOT of hostility from men towards this trak..but as a man i felt it was so important to get it done....half of this world are our sisters...and we can never forget that ..we all have potential for resistance and to defeat babilon sistem we need to use ALL of our potential, draw on everyone who can resist does require a new way of looking at power....and bredren..there is nothing to fear from dub powerful sistren they just make our world a better place."
    nice to see the field has an overstanding of this last sentiment ... if u wan check the source

  34. Dear Anon @ 10:53 , I would love to do a post on post racial A-merry-ca, but unfortunately we are not quite there yet. In the mean time, get some friends of other races and have a post racial party.

    Maybe that will help u feel a litte better.


    The Firld.

  35. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I hear ya' Field.

    Val's comment made me think about how folks acted during Hurricane Katrina, white folks were scavaging for food to survive, while Black folks were stealing food to be thieves, not because they too were hungry.

    Again, life in the good 'ol USA!!!

    I member dat, dose po black folk needin TVs stereos and new kicks to suvive. Dey just new YT was gonna fix evertin right awya and take care o dem like he supposed to.

  36. GOP and conservative pundit, George Will said it best about Mittons:

    "Panelist George Will went further, blasting Republicans for what he said was an inadequate response to the controversy. He said that House Speaker John Boehner's use of the word "inappropriate" to describe Limbaugh's language was more fitting for "using the salad fork for your entrée."

  37. Excuse me, I meant the GOP House Leadership John Boehner - however the timidity at the voice of rush is daunting.

  38. Racism field negro won't chase.

    KCTV reported:

    Two black youths chased a 13 year-old Kansas City student home from school doused him with gasoline and flicked a Bic at him. They were screaming, “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.”

    The boy suffered first degree burns on his face. He did not know the perpetrators.

  39. The wingnuts who claim we know "nothing" about President Obama's past are just too lazy to go looking. There's been a ton of material published. Reporters have interviewed old school friends, neighbors, teachers, you name it. The reason Breitbart never released his tapes was he hadn't figured out just how to selectively edit and/or photoshop them to make it look like something truly heinous happened -- if he'd had good material to work with, he wouldn't have used the promise of it as a tease, he'd have been showing actual clips and promising more.

  40. Val said...
    It's really interesting to note that when Don Imus called women student athletes at Rutgers "nappy headed hoes" it took days and a huge outcry before his sponsors pulled out but let a White girl get called a "hoe" and they run for the hills immediately.

    Thats because black culture and white liberals have deemed it ok to call black women hoes and sluts.

  41. R.I.P. Runako Morton

    Remember him this way...

  42. Kirsten Powers: If Limbaugh’s Actions Demand Boycott, Then What About ‘Army Of Swine On The Left’?

    “[I]f Limbaugh’s actions demand a boycott—and they do,” she asks, noting that even more groveling should still be required on his part, “then what about the army of swine on the left?”

    Powers recalled several instances of gross misogyny committed by big names on the left, including Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, Matt Taibbi, Chris Matthews, and “the grand pooh-bah of media misogyny”,” Bill Maher. She highlighted instances where Maher went after both high-profile Republican women — like, perhaps most famously, Sarah Palin — and women in general, including those who have the audacity to breastfeed their children in public. Recalling a mean-spirited he’d made at the expense of Rick Santorum’s wife, Powers asked viewers to “[i]magine now the same joke during the 2008 primary with Michelle Obama’s name in it, and tell me that he would still have a job.”

    It isn’t that there is no one out there calling out those on the left for misogyny, she writes, but “the real fury seems reserved only for conservatives, while the men on the left get a wink and a nod as long as they are carrying water for the liberal cause.” And this, she argues, ultimately serves to make the fight against misogyny in the media continue to seem like “a proxy war for the Democratic Party, not a fight for fair treatment of women in the public square.”

    h/t Daily Beast

  43. Anonymous9:19 AM

    PC, who is Runako Morton?

    Can you ever stay on topic? Did you finish HS?

  44. Kirsten Powers who has pushed back in the past against the sexualized attacks on Sarah Palin, Christine ODonnell and other conservative women from those on the left, gets it right:

    Did you know there is a war on women?

    Yes, its true. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi, and Ed Schultz have been waging it for years with their misogynist outbursts. There have been boycotts by people on the left who are outraged that these guys still have jobs. Oh, wait. Sorry, that never happened.

    Boycotts are reserved for people on the right like Rush Limbaugh .

    h/t Legal Insurrection

  45. i think Mitt's response was duly reticent and classy

    and mitt has STILL said FAR more than any hobama nazi/dem doormat says about all of the lies/rude bs that hobama spews


    what was said by any hobama fan/most cbc drones even AFTER hobama literally cursed and spit in their faces

    why do abused ignored black mongrel hobama fans rush to demand so much from all repubs etc


    demand no iota of even nominal respect from that racist elitist cia baby hobama???????

    the tapes will show that hobama was NEVER vetted
    that he was funded by cia peer drones
    and that he is a political hologram

    lbj was a murderer long before he was prez/slew jfk

    hobama may be an evil clone

    hobama may indeed be a triple murderer

    any word on that???????

    that concerns me far more than
    mitt responding tamely to a wild world renowned rabidly sexist fool like that rabid hog rush

  46. Quote Anonymous 9:19

    "PC, who is Runako Morton?"

    You don't need to know. You're not fit to lick his boots.

    "Can you ever stay on topic?"

    Who gets to decide what the topic is? The days when people like you told people like me what to say and when to sat it are long gone, sunshine.

    "Did you finish HS?"

    Yep, and I finished grad school as well.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. alicia banks said...
    "may" =

    hobama has no direct blood on his emaciated cig burned hands

    but hobama inc indeed slew larry bland and donald young

    and possibly andrew b in his name!!!


  49. Plan Nine From Outer Space10:19 AM

    Looks like Alicia and Cornel West took another ride in Farrakhan's space ship this weekend. I'll bet they didn't stop for a Quarte-Pounder at McDonald's though. (Although Cornel may have slipped AB his Little Mac once or twice)

  50. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 9:19

    "PC, who is Runako Morton?"

    You don't need to know. You're not fit to lick his boots.

    Apes don't wear boots.

  51. NSangoma11:14 AM

    The fact that females now outnumber males on many college, graduate school, law, and medical school campus' is probably attributable to the birth-control pill.

    Precocious females who'd normally have become knocked in high school or during their initial 2-years of college, or now making it all the way through college and on to professional degrees; due to the birth-control pill.

    The birth-control pill allows today's women to limit their fecundity to 2-to-3-children, versus their grandmother's 6-to-9-children prior to the birth-control pill.

    The birth-control pill has led to fewer Euro-Americans being procreated and their decline as a proportion of the US population. This is the impetus behind person-hood for zygote and the outlawing of the birth-control pill.

    The birth-control pill prevents the zygote from implanting in the woman's womb.

    The right is not truly against young whidte women fcuking and fcuking hard and fcuking often premaritally or fcuking and fcuking hard and fcuking often post-maritally; the right wants them to fcuk and get pregnant and to bear more whidte babies.

  52. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 9:19

    "PC, who is Runako Morton?"

    You don't need to know. You're not fit to lick his boots.

    Apes don't wear boots.

    11:12 AM
    Lord have mercy. Ask the PC a simple question and you get a complex angry answer.

    Thank you anon, for answering the question that PC couldn't. Obviously, the question was too hard for him. Which makes me wonder about his educational qualifications to be on FN. I mean, even his IQ seems to be below par.

    I 'think' AB used to say, "Those purple Brits are strange." Anyway, that quote nailed PC.

  53. just stumbled onto this site. funny how long it took to find you in cyberspace tho we live within a few miles of each other in se pa.

    haters who post comments don't seem to be aware that what they write just demonstrates why a blog like this is necessary. we all can see they're still with us and how damaged and ignorant and cruel they are. anonymity can't hide that or shield them from the light.

  54. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "I'm a culturally senstive multi-culturalist who has watched a lot hip hop videos on BET.."

    Field replied, "And I watched a lot of Jersey Shore. See where I am going? Or did you attend the wingnut school of logic?"

    10:16 PM
    Field, if you watch Jersey Shore, you are qualified to speak about the show and its characters, esp Snooki. Do you think she is actually Italian? She looks Black to me. She certainly acts Black.

    Don't you think she could be on BET and be accepted as a sista?

  55. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Thanks for the photo of Romney. He is very photogenic and has an innocent face. I believe people will vote for him because he looks trustworthy.

  56. rabid racism is a global sport more passionate than ever

    cc this to cable tv and that post racist racial hoax hobama



    If obl was killed by a Republican president, and said RP was bragging about it, field negro would be jigging for his democrat masters on the democrat plantation.

    field negro is a fraud and knows no shame.

  58. More racism field negro won't chase.

    Black Police Chief Eric Mason - "I didn't have to kill any white people"!

    Anonymous said...
    Funny isn't it? If this were a white guy joking about blacks, he'd be immediately disqualified from any more consideration for the job, but since it is a black person we're talking about, there is a no uproar here and off he goes to his new job. The crutch these liberals give to minorities is annoying. They can do almost anything and it's excused. You do that and see what happens to you.

  59. "Apes don't wear boots."

    America is fucked, deeply deeply fucked.

  60. Anonymous1:02 PM

    PC, "America is fucked, deeply deeply fucked."

    Sounds ominous. Please explain. Maybe you are talking about yourself?

  61. PC, I don't know why you would respond to that apes don't wear boots comment because only an apes b@t&h would know that.

  62. Anonymous1:06 PM

    ab never was a teacher, a radio announcer, nor does she know herself.

  63. Would someone with the RNC remind Newt to brush his teeth after eating Cheetos? Thanks!!

  64. Quote Anonymous 1:02

    "Sounds ominous. Please explain. Maybe you are talking about yourself?"

    I don't live in America, so it's not me that's up shit creek without a paddle.

  65. Looks like Newt's weak arse apology isn't going over very well according to all the news agencies.

    Obama 2012

  66. NSangoma3:15 PM

    It is an awarding art form when you Negroes do it; Rush just needed a beat:

    Rush’s Last-Ditch Defense: Rappers Are Worse!
    Talk about a double standard,” Limbaugh said on air Monday, according to Dylan Stableford. “Rappers can say anything they want about women [and] it’s called art. And they win awards.

  67. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Field, the tapes are of the president attending a play about Saul Alinsky, and sitting in on a panel discussion. Shock!. That is all they ave.

  68. Alex Zarkov3:59 PM

    Every day Obama continues to split Americans in warring camps. The divide is becoming so severe, we could be headed towards civil war. And I don't mean that metaphorically, I mean it in the sense of Spain 1936.

  69. He sand/talked the words to "Davy Crockett" to a crowd in Tennessee. He was showing them his love.

  70. Okay. So, we've got this enema bag Breitbart who died recently, but during his lifetime he was known for doctoring video footage or promoting video footage that had been doctored by others/edited to alter what really happened (ACORN, Shirley Sherrod), and yet people on the hard-right expect the rest of us to take seriously some tapes released by Breitbart's cronies after his death? Really?

    Looking at the extreme right can be like looking into the abyss. Glance and turn away.

  71. Anonymous7:11 PM

    @ N-Sangana,

    Shut the fcuk up and tell us something we DON'T know.

  72. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 1:02

    "Sounds ominous. Please explain. Maybe you are talking about yourself?"

    I don't live in America, so it's not me that's up shit creek without a paddle.

    2:12 PM
    I know you don't live in America. You are a Brit who is projecting himself on America. In other words, it's YOU who is up shit creek without a paddle. Too bad you don't recognize yourself but most Brits..I mean Englishmen don't. You are so dissociated from yourselves that you are considered half-human. Go have a drink, you'll feel better.

  73. Liberals Are Insane8:02 PM

    Okay. So, we've got this enema bag Breitbart who died recently, but during his lifetime he was known for doctoring video footage or promoting video footage that had been doctored by others/edited to alter what really happened (ACORN, Shirley Sherrod), and yet people on the hard-right expect the rest of us to take seriously some tapes released by Breitbart's cronies after his death? Really?

    Looking at the extreme right can be like looking into the abyss. Glance and turn away.

    Typical leftist. Gets vicious angry and name calling and does so simply on heresay. You obviously don't have a clue, not one. First of all the only thing Brietbart did was expose the truth, the tapes were there, the words they said were aired, nothing was doctored. Everyone had full access to the tapes. If I call you a dirty ass ho and then say yes but sometimes I like Dirty ass-hos later in the conversation I still called you a dirty ass ho (Shirley Racist Sherrod) Acorn - please to many convictions and proof.

    Now on to your cluelessness. There were no tapes released yet, the first thing released was Obama and his direct beliefs and his being An Alinksyite. A devout Socialist/Marxist/Communist radical leftist freak.

    I am starting to hate liberals, they are like little kids, nothing but pure emotion founded on demands and lack or morals. Everything is a story with liberals, everything is hate, everything is two faced.

  74. Anonymous8:18 PM

    So the entire Fluke presentation (she was never sworn in to congress) was a complete fabrication and liberal put up job. How can anyone seeing these things ever tell anyone they are a liberal. Disgusting filthy lying no good animals.

    "As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students’ birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years according to the Washington Post.

    However, as I discovered today, birth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if “gender reassignment” surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law."

  75. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Come on Mr. Fields, since Mr. Ahmadinejad is not even the CIC (Commander In Chief) of the Iranian Armed forces, I fail to see how he might, "eventually have a nuke."

    It is easy to stand up to Ahmadinejad. Not so easy to stand up to the dangerous Netanyahu (He wants war...AGAIN!), AIPAC and Apartheid Israel.

    What a pity. A fine Caribbean/yardi mind colonized by intense and sustained A-merry-can propaganda.


  76. "Come on Mr. Fields, since Mr. Ahmadinejad is not even the CIC (Commander In Chief) of the Iranian Armed forces, I fail to see how he might, "eventually have a nuke."'

    Lighten up Belman; the point is that Iran is trying to get nuke capabilities. Personally, I am not as afraid of this possibility as some folks in the West, but I am no fan of Iran, either. I have this thing about basic human rights.

  77. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "What a pity. A fine Caribbean/yardi mind colonized by intense and sustained A-merry-can propaganda.


    Whoa! that was powerful and too much for Field to handle. You must be a Yardi.

  78. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Field, " I have this thing about basic human rights."

    9:54 PM
    what does Iran have to do with YOUR idea of basic human rights? Why should any country give in to YOUR opinionated thoughts on what basic human rights are?

  79. "what does Iran have to do with YOUR idea of basic human rights? Why should any country give in to YOUR opinionated thoughts on what basic human rights are?"

    No one said they had to. But my thoughts are just that:mine.

  80. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Mr. Fields: Lighten up Belman; the point is that Iran is trying to get nuke capabilities.

    Excuse me Mr. Fields, but the UN agency (International Atomic Energy Agency) responsible for this sort of thing clearly states that Iran is NOT trying to get nuke (and by nuke, I mean nuke for weapons) capabilities. It does say it HAS the capabilities to get nukes if they really wanted to...Like Jamaica I guess [], if Jamaicans really wanted to. Its' one thing to have the capability and another to actually have a ongoing project.

    Also, lets not forget that because of Wikileakes, we now know that the head of the IAEA is a US puppet []

    BTW, ALL, and I mean ALL the US Intelligence agencies have stated that Iran is NOT trying to get nukes (weapons).

    From the NYT:

    "In Senate testimony on Jan. 31, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, stated explicitly that American officials believe that Iran is preserving its options for a nuclear weapon, but said there was no evidence that it had made a decision on making a concerted push to build a weapon. "

    So, does that mean that you have access to some special information that have somehow eluded the UN and the US intelligence agencies.

    And lets not forget that Israel has actual NUKES, and is not even a member of the IAEA. Why is Iran being singled out? (Hint: The Israeli Lobby)

    Anyway, no harm done. I read your blog for your take on the Race situation in America. Not so much for international issues. Still, it saddens to see a yardman captured by warmongering propaganda.


  81. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "Whoa! that was powerful and too much for Field to handle. You must be a Yardi."

    I've always considered myself to be a yardman....a Caribbean man, a West Indian man and a Belize man.

    But as Tosh said, no matter where you come are an...

