Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Those Southern voters.

Watching the republican primaries now and it doesn't look like any of the thre main stooges have things locked up. The networks are still saying that it's too close to call in the key Southern states.....wait, are those prison inmates in prison stripes working the polls? Man those Southerners sure love free labor.

If Newt doesn't get a win tonight he really should head off into the sunset and find someone willing to pay him to confuse everyone within earshot of his shrill sounding gibberish.

Fifteen days and counting on this Trayvon Martin case. I wonder what's taking them so long to charge Mr. Zimmerman. I am trying to close my eyes and imagine a different scenario: Black neighborhood watch captain shoots and kills a seventeen year old unarmed white youth. If you guessed that Negro would be under the jail by now you would be correct. But alas, this is A-merry-ca.

"The police have refused to release the tape of the 911 call Zimmerman made that night, as well as the tapes from other 911 calls made by residents regarding the alleged fight between Zimmerman and Trayvon. The family, frustrated after weeks have passed and nothing has been done, have filed a lawsuit to force the police to turn over the 911 tapes as well as all the other investigative documents. They believe they have been lied to by the police and are being given the run around by the local authorities so that Trayvon's killer can go free.

The Martin family’s frustration with Sanford police extends beyond the 911 tapes — the family also says Sanford police misleadingly told them Zimmerman had a clean criminal history.In fact, Orange County court records show Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 for resisting an officer with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer. The charges were later dropped. [...]

A day earlier, Bill Lee, Sanford’s police chief, said the 911 tapes would not be released because the investigation was still underway.
“There is evidence that George Zimmerman acted in self-defense.” Lee said." [Source]
Check out the rest of Steven D's wonderful article on this story over at Booman Tribune. [h/t Greg Fuller]

Wait, I have an update: The police of Sanford, Florida, who are obviously too
cowardly and afraid to handle this case themselves have decided to turn the case over to the state attorney's office of Florida. [Source]

We will see where it goes from here.

Finally, if you are planning on getting your "Jungle Fever" on you might want to stay away from Alabama and Mississippi:

"While support for interracial marriage is at an all-time high nationally, 29 percent of likely GOP voters in Mississippi and 21 percent in Alabama think that marriage between people of different races should be illegal.
theGrio: Interracial couple express shock over marriage denial
Perhaps because of attitudes in the South, a Pew study released last month found that interracial couples are more likely to reside in the Western United States.

The last U.S. anti-miscegenation laws were overturned in 1967, six years after Barack Obama was born to a white mother and black father. The case of Loving vs. Virginia was one couple’s attempt to fight back against the criminalization of interracial marriage in the South. The Lovings won their case in the Supreme Court, reversing a nearly 84-year-old precedent that was set in Alabama with Pace v. Alabama." [Source]

Oh wait, those are republican voters. Sorry. I guess as long as you stay away from republican hangouts with your significant other you should be fine. Just don't try to vote.



  1. You seem surprised. Nothing that happens in the south should surprise you. Any place that promotes abstinance only, fights teaching evolution and loves Sarah Palin you'd better be spinning them wheel Duke boys style getting outta there.

    Funniest thing I saw in Mississippi was a town called Kilmichael. Better hope your name is Bob. Ha1

  2. Pilot, you're on a roll tonight, lol!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Surprise surprise. field negro using a Liberal poll to bash GOP voters.

    Funny field negro doesn't link to it. I wonder why?

    When bashing Alabama and Mississippi voters, why does field negro link to something that happen almost 3
    years ago in Louisiana?

    Jig for your democrat masters.

  5. NSangoma10:28 PM

    those folk in Alabama and Mississippi are coming from straight-up out of the so-called Holy Bible.


  6. Anonymous10:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    You seem surprised. Nothing that happens in the south should surprise you. Any place that promotes abstinance only, fights teaching evolution and loves Sarah Palin you'd better be spinning them wheel Duke boys style getting outta there.

    "them wheel"?

    You mean, them wheels?

  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    This sort of thing has the potential to soon happen over and over , you see the"majority" are arming themselves . The States are passing these concealed and carry law's. Young Black Men are being sold to the masses as ("gangsta's and thug's ) via the entertainment industry. If that's the image and pretty much the only image they see then they start believing it. The" Majority" are scared of young Black Men always have been always will be. This incident is just an example of that fact. This is a result of the seeds that B.E.T . M.T.V. , 106 and Park and all that S*%t perpetuated. I am also sure that this community has a very well represented neighborhood Association who will certainly do all they can do to defend this A#%hole. My sympathy to the family by all accounts this was a a good child. Now this is a worthy cause that REV.INC should rush too. I hope Justice prevails. Swag and all that has a place but not thinking and reacting to quick can get you killed now a days.Especially if you happen to be in the wrong "Neighborhood."

  8. Anonymous10:37 PM

    well i reckon mitt did not have enough cheese wit them grits

  9. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Field, "Fifteen days and counting on this Trayvon Martin case. I wonder what's taking them so long to charge Mr. Zimmerman. I am trying to close my eyes and imagine a different scenario: Black neighborhood watch captain shoots and kills a seventeen year old unarmed white youth. If you guessed that Negro would be under the jail by now you would be correct. But alas, this is A-merry-ca."

    If the shooter had been Black, and the Teen White, then of course, that N-word would be in jail IMMEDIATELY, w/o delay--while they prepare a quick case to find him guilty and given the death penalty.

    However, that is not the case. The shooter is White and the Teen is Black. The wm will get off. You must remember, this event took place in Florida where Blacks are despised by Whites and Hispanics.

  10. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I bet Santorum wins all three states.

    And you would have to be a damn fool to live as an interracial couple in MS or ALA. Your life could be in danger.

  11. "However, that is not the case. The shooter is White and the Teen is Black. The wm will get off. You must remember, this event took place in Florida where Blacks are despised by Whites and Hispanics."

    Oh, is that how they roll in the Sunshine State?

    "well i reckon mitt did not have enough cheese wit them grits"

    Nope. Maybe he should have worked on his drawl. I notice Ricky had a little one while he was speaking down in Cajun Country.

  12. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    You seem surprised. Nothing that happens in the south should surprise you. Any place that promotes abstinance only, fights teaching evolution and loves Sarah Palin you'd better be spinning them wheel Duke boys style getting outta there.

    "them wheel"?

    You mean, them wheels?

    Nah, he meant wheel, Bobo the liberal clown rides a unicycle.

  13. Diversity Kills10:49 PM

    If you are a white female,dating black men can get you killed.

    Just ask the familes of Sarajane Hakopian,Stephanie Fields,Suzy Brooks,Tracie Brooks,Jena Shearer, Audrey Mabrey,and the victims of Rodrick Dantzler{black mass murderer field negro refuses to post about}.

    White women who date black males-

    15 times more likely to get exposed to HIV/AIDS.

    Are 9 times more likely to be a victim of domestic abuse.

    Are 12 times more likely to be murdered.

    Than they would be if they dated white men.

  14. Diversity Kills, you sound bitter.
    Tell us all about that bad experience you had. That's why we are here. We are all friends here on this blog; we try to support each other.

    Holy crap! CNN calls Mississippi for Ricky.

  15. I amazed that little Ricky didn't make his speech in Philadelphia , MS like his hero , but I guess that would have been too much?

  16. Why are black people so filled with hate10:55 PM

    Rodrick Dantzler, ...murdered five white people, Police claim it was entirely a premeditated mass murder.

    * Rebecca L. Heeren , 52
    * Thomas Heeren, 51
    * Kimberlee Emkens, 23
    * Amanda Emkens, 27
    * Marissa Lynn Emkens , 10

  17. TaQuane Johnson10:56 PM

    PilotX said...
    You seem surprised. Nothing that happens in the south should surprise you. Any place that promotes abstinance only, fights teaching evolution and loves Sarah Palin you'd better be spinning them wheel Duke boys style getting outta there.

    Funniest thing I saw in Mississippi was a town called Kilmichael. Better hope your name is Bob. Ha1

    Why is your name Kneel? You and your boyfriends names are Neil and Bob when you travel? Or is that just what you do?

    A Black man making fun of names, now aren't you delusional. How many Nyquilisha's are in your life? Is your name TyroneBonalisha?I bet you had a hard time when you and Neil (or are you Bob?) had to leave cockrum Mississippi.

  18. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Field, "Diversity Kills, you sound bitter.
    Tell us all about that bad experience you had. That's why we are here. We are all friends here on this blog; we try to support each other."

    No one has supported me when I mentioned I was a depressed Negro. In fact, I was told to go kill myself. I am still depressed and need some effing support. Field, this is discrimination....such bullshit!

  19. Liberalism is Narcissism10:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    9. Conservative women are selfish. They don't recycle because they don't care about the environment or the next generation.

    Yes, but aborting your fetus because you have a cruise booked isn't selfish.

  20. Didin't the black boyfriend of Stephanie Fields mutilate and eat her?

    Here i was thinking black men don't do oral sex.

  21. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Field, anon10:44pm called that win in MS before you noticed CNN. So why haven't you given anon a h/t for being insightful?

    See? This why there are so many depressed Negroes on FN. Field refuses to recognize them even when they display genius. Such bullshit!

  22. "No one has supported me when I mentioned I was a depressed Negro. In fact, I was told to go kill myself. I am still depressed and need some effing support. Field, this is discrimination....such bullshit!"

    I am so sorry. But I can't keep up with you Anons. If you got a handle I would know who you are.

    I am going to get a Field hotline for folks to call. Then maybe we can talk some things out.

  23. "Didin't the black boyfriend of Stephanie Fields mutilate and eat her?

    Here i was thinking black men don't do oral sex."

    That sounds personal. We don't need to know why you dumped your black boyfriend.

    I just hope that things are working out better for you these days. ;)

  24. I think that white folks (especially in the South) hate POTUS because he's the result of an interracial relationship not because he's "black". He's the personification of the "mongrel" they've always talked about. The fact that he's educated, well-spoken and married to a black woman just makes them hate him more.

    Just a theory...

  25. Man field where do you find these trolls? They hang out with brothas that go Dahmer and chicks that have abortions so they can go on vacation? You'd think they listen to stupid stereotypes about blah people and liberals and regurgitate them as truth. Say it ain't so, you need a better class of troll these seem to be from Mississippi. No wonder they defend the Sip so strongly.

    "Why is your name Kneel? You and your boyfriends names are Neil and Bob when you travel? Or is that just what you do?

    A Black man making fun of names, now aren't you delusional. How many Nyquilisha's are in your life? Is your name TyroneBonalisha?I bet you had a hard time when you and Neil (or are you Bob?) had to leave cockrum Mississippi."

    And Field, you're gonna have to translate this from dumbass to English. WTF is it talking about?

  26. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I stayed at a hotel in Cleveland Mississippi one time. I thhnk I was the only white person in that town. Jackson was pretty damn black too.

    looking at the census numbers, Mississippi is the blackest State in the Union. The whites who live there would therefore know blacks better than the whites in any other state.

    Interracial relationships are fine as long as they never break up. Doing so can be very hazardous, especially for white women.

  27. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Has anyone seen or heard from LAA? Is she still in the VIs?

  28. Have you heard about this...http://www.statepress.com/2012/03/12/senate-judiciary-committee-endorses-controversial-contraceptive-bill/

    Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

    Tell me again that it's liberals that are keeping this thing going. Why can't Cons ever admit they're wrong? Doubling down on the stupid doesn't benefit anyone.

  29. Mr. Natural11:25 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    I think that white folks (especially in the South) hate POTUS because he's the result of an interracial relationship not because he's "black". He's the personification of the "mongrel" they've always talked about. The fact that he's educated, well-spoken and married to a black woman just makes them hate him more.

    But he's not mixed-race, he checked "Black" on his census form.

    He married a black woman in order to give himself a more credible black identity, and to cover up that he was gay.

  30. Mr. Natural11:28 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Tell me again that it's liberals that are keeping this thing going. Why can't Cons ever admit they're wrong? Doubling down on the stupid doesn't benefit anyone.

    The liberals, specifically the Obama campaign, created this issue; the dumber Republicans are doing what the liberals want them do and running with it (e.g. Hannity).

  31. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Why do you FN folks harrass friendly Conservatives on this blog? What did we ever do to you? We are Americans, you know?

    PilotX, before you call people in MS and ALA hicks with no education, just know that we are ahead of California in educational rankings. Plus our highways don't have pot holes in them--they are smooth. In other words we are more modernized that a lot of your urban disasters.

  32. uptownsteve11:31 PM

    To a GOP voter miscegenation means the end of white supremacy. Thats why the GOP wants to make miscegenation illegal.

  33. Liberalism is Narcissism11:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    .. chicks that have abortions so they can go on vacation?

    That's the liberal position: It's a woman's choice. If an abortion is ok, then it is ok for any reason.

    That's worse than not thinking about the next generation, that's destroying it.

  34. Mr. Natural11:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    To a GOP voter miscegenation means the end of white supremacy. Thats why the GOP wants to make miscegenation illegal.

    Really Steve? Perhaps you could name one elected Republican that wants to make miscegenation illegal.

    I'm waiting.

  35. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Pilot Flying Low IQ said..

    "And Field, you're gonna have to translate this from dumbass to English. WTF is it talking about?"

    I should have known even the most obvious play on words would be beyond you. Never mind, intellectual humor wordgames is obviously not something you are suited for.

  36. Field speaks dumbass?

  37. Anonymous11:42 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    To a GOP voter miscegenation means the end of white supremacy. Thats why the GOP wants to make miscegenation illegal.

    To a Black guy like you the only thing you have to say is "were da white womun at" You can have all the ghetto fat white chicks you can handle, why would anyone care? Someone has to eat the scraps.

  38. Mr. Natural said...The liberals, specifically the Obama campaign, created this issue; the dumber Republicans are doing what the liberals want them do and running with it (e.g. Hannity).

    Yes but this isn't some dumb republican. This is the Majority Whip of the Arizona statehouse. I hope some reporter asks John McCain about this so we can see him lose his shit.

  39. Mr. Natural12:06 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    Yes but this isn't some dumb republican.

    If he is running with it, then he is dumb.

  40. Joe Biden Off More Den U Can Chew1:09 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    I think that white folks (especially in the South) hate POTUS because he's the result of an interracial relationship not because he's "black". He's the personification of the "mongrel" they've always talked about. The fact that he's educated, well-spoken and married to a black woman just makes them hate him more.

    Just a theory...

    Silly, maybe just maybe others don't feel what you feel and that it is all about race. Maybe he just really, really sucks at this president thing? Besides, he is the whitest guy I know, he so clean, articulate, raised by whites and has a white mom. He even sounds a little like Steve Erckel when he tries to dumb it down and drops his "g's"

  41. Wow just absolutely incapable of a mature discussion. I think we've all given up on trying to bring anyone over to the "other side" but it would be productive if we could talk and make an attempt at understanding the otherside's position. Then you show up with not only ignorant nonsense but contradicting yourself. Pitiful people terrified of a changing world.

  42. Anonymous1:34 AM

    It might be that the Sanford PD sent the case to the State because of the cries of 'murder' before the investigation began. Or the lynch-mob mentality of many who post on this event.
    Innocent until proven guilty...hallmark of US Law. And one that many Civil Rights marchers wanted to apply to all citizens.
    Mr Zimmerman may indeed have committed a crime. Trayvon may have assaulted him.
    Before lynching anyone, I would like some proof, please. And even then, we should apply the legal punishment as outlined by law and precedent.


  43. Mr. Natural1:54 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    Pitiful people terrified of a changing world.

    It is not pitiful when the 'change' is destroying a good and just society that has brought prosperity to more people than any other society in history.

    Must Obama be permitted to bring this country to its knees simply because he cannot be criticized due to the fact he is 'black'?

    He had a very low standard set by his predecessor to beat, and he has failed badly. He cares more for punishing the country he leads rather than healing it. The cracks are spreading across this facade of a recovery, and I think he is heading for a historic repudiation in November.

  44. "Must Obama be permitted to bring this country to its knees simply because he cannot be criticized due to the fact he is 'black'?"

    What do you mean bringing the country to its knees? You mean reviving the economy destroyed by two unfunded wars and an unfunded medicare perscription drug allowance? We are no worse for wear than when any idiotic Republican is in charge. In fact we are better off with Barack in charge.
    BTW, since when has his color stopped any criticism? I hear nothing but criticism all day long.

  45. OK, now you seriously have to check the rolls, now you have one claiming Alabama and Mississippi lead California in educational performance. I'd love to see where that troll got that fact. I'm guessing where all conservatives get their info.

    As to the troll concerned about abortion, it IS a woman's choice. How am I responsible for choosing what a woman gets to do with her body? I'm not a Republican who wants to use government to tell others when and why to have sex and start a family. Libs don't roll like that. If you want to insert yourself into a woman's uterus and dictate what she does be my guest and good luck with that. It is interesting that conservatives love guns which kill people but hate abortion that kills people. Hypocrisy, Republicans is thy name.

  46. "looking at the census numbers, Mississippi is the blackest State in the Union. The whites who live there would therefore know blacks better than the whites in any other state."

    Yeah, that argument was used in the past to justify white racism. "We know our nigras, we don't need you northern agitators coming here messing things up". The more things change........

  47. I have owned & worn since high school over forty years ago, oversized, baggy hoodies. They were popular with skateboarders before knee & arm pads became common. They're cheap, great for days with temps in the fifties & sixties, or on the beach at night. Now it's best, if you live in a city as I do, to avoid common gang colors. My sister lives in an upscale neighborhood & hated when I wore my hoodie on a walk to the deli. She was convinced neighbors would think I was a black kid (the only black folks around were maids, cooks, a few nannies) & either call the police or come outside & threaten me. It never happened, because I met all those neighbors at the deli, chatted with them, & they knew I was her harmless younger brother come to get my coffee & newspaper & sit at picnic table in front of the deli.

  48. Do You Believe In Fairies?3:25 AM

    PilotX said...
    "OK, now you seriously have to check the rolls"...

    Why are they burning? Did someone get butter on them? .

    As to the troll concerned about abortion, it IS a woman's choice. How am I responsible for choosing what a woman gets to do with her body? I'm not a Republican who wants to use government to tell others when and why to have sex and start a family. Libs don't roll like that.

    No you are a lib who wants to do whatever is you want and use government to force them to pay for your choices and responsibilities.

    If you want to insert yourself into a woman's uterus and dictate what she does be my guest and good luck with that.

    I do want to insert myself into a womans uterus and do it often. You really are gay aren't you? Grow a pair of balls man, women like a strong man that can lead and provide while being equal partners. They don't want these sissy boy liberals who think the world is going to end because of global warming even though there has been no increase in temp for 17 years. Or some baby daddy who SHE has to take care of, "cause times is hard baby".

    It is interesting that conservatives love guns which kill people but hate abortion that kills people. Hypocrisy, Republicans is thy name.

    So the guy says who doesn't want to kill murderers, but want's to whack little helpless infants. Liberals never learn to make that childhood leap from the world is full of fairy dust to adulthood, understanding cause and effect.

    The cities where guns are controlled the most, have the most gun murders and crime. Why do you think that is? If law abiding citizens can't get guns who is doing all the killing? Compare that to cities where citizens (Law Abiding adults who have impulse control and aren't felons) arm themselves so they can defend themselves against the Trayvons and flash mobs of this world.

    What would you do? Cry and beg for mercy? Call the police and wait for them to come and find your body? What about in Black Majority/Democratic led for decades cities that are failing and the police don't even answer 911 calls anymore, like Detroit?

    You will be one of the first victims when they need something, they always seem to look at home first.

  49. NSangoma4:52 AM

    You reap that which you sow.

    Santorum Sweeps 2 Southern States

    This win was guaranteed when Santorum infamously said, I don't want to give Black people other people's money.

  50. An interesting alternative take on the StopKony thing, from the always excellent Richard Seymour.


    Also some interesting links in the comments section, detailing 'Invisible Children's' connections to the evangelical far-right.

  51. hey fn:

    hatred ignorance and oppression are contagious

    ask the legendary lovings
    ask all of the gays outlawed etc

    this is why i despise homohaters for their holy hateful hypocrisies
    especially black ones

    no state in america is more racist than ny/ca/il/mi etc
    and the are all upsouth

    ask w.e.b. dubois
    hobama's beloved funded PIC houses jim crow prisons in all 50 states


    hobama inc has proven that dems are more racist than any repub could ever be!!!






  52. fn:

    no matter how you evade that blackish hobama's blatant racism/ndaa etc

    u will never mask the fact that reps=dems


    ask fannie lou hamer



  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  58. Liberalism is Narcissism11:07 AM

    PilotX said...
    It is interesting that conservatives love guns which kill people but hate abortion that kills people. Hypocrisy, Republicans is thy name.
    You need to think that through, X. If you just flipped it, then the statement says liberals are the hypocrites.

    Also, guns are just a tool and don't kill someone unless used to do so. Abortion is an act that by definition involves terminating a fetus.

    BTW, I am not in favor of making abortion illegal. Your orginal point was that conservative women were "selfish" toward the next generation because they didn't recycle, although this is not an essential feature of conservatism. Most conservatives I know are happy to recycle.

    However abortion is the sacred sacrament of liberalism, and it is hard to conceive of anything more selfish toward the next generation than killing it because it is inconvenient.

    Do you understand my point?

  59. Anonymous11:56 AM

    PilotX, "OK, now you seriously have to check the rolls, now you have one claiming Alabama and Mississippi lead California in educational performance. I'd love to see where that troll got that fact. I'm guessing where all conservatives get their info."

    It is absolutely true. In fact, it's old news and most people know about it, except you.

    I bet even PC has read about it and he lives in the UK! You can keep calling me a troll, which I am not, but you must admit, you learn from me. That's why you come to FN...to gain knowledge from your so-called 'trolls'. Admit it, you are jealous!

  60. Anonymous12:00 PM

    My God! Field is removing comments. This is discrimination against innocent Anons. The Supreme Court would never rule in favor of this. I am very disappointed in Mr. Field. Nevertheless, I am a good Christian and therefore will pray for him.

  61. Kingnut12:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    An interesting alternative take on the StopKony thing

    My daughter sent me the link to video last week. My take was that is was another white liberal seeking his own personal glorification through the suffering of black people. I think it is safe to say that white Facebook posters looking for low cost (to them) meaning in their lives will not save Africa.

    The defining moment of this film is when the film maker solemnly presents himself to his four year-old son as a hero because he has convinced the government to send other people’s sons into harm’s way. It is an incredible level of narcissism.

  62. fn:

    re: hobamacare

    i told u so!!!

    hobama is a liar

    hobamacare = a pharmacorp casino






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  65. my documented posts undeniably true are deleted

    but the vulgar vdlr/kkklowns etc reign free

    shame on u hobama nazi nigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. "However abortion is the sacred sacrament of liberalism, and it is hard to conceive of anything more selfish toward the next generation than killing it because it is inconvenient.

    Do you understand my point?"

    Sure, if I accept your idea that women have abortions out of convenience. That to me is an oversimplification of the issue. Most women take serious thought to the issue such as a couple that finds out their child will be born with a crippling illness that will result in a short painful life. Now is it convenient to have an abortion or selfless to spare that child a horrible existance? I wqould never take that choice away from a family nor should they do that to me. It is a complex issue that is oversimplified by many conservatives and it is none of their business.

  68. Liberalism is Narcissism1:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    It is a complex issue that is oversimplified by many conservatives and it is none of their business.

    I agree with that, but I find the liberal position of completely unrestricted and subsidized abortion ghoulish and pathologic.

  69. "Liberals never learn to make that childhood leap from the world is full of fairy dust to adulthood, understanding cause and effect."

    Which is why conservatives tend to pass laws to conform with a 3,000 year old book written by their invisible friend in the sky? Right. If that ain't projection I don't know what is.

    "even though there has been no increase in temp for 17 years"

    Silly me, and here I thought we were in the 4th warmest winter in recorded history. Must be nice to live in a fact free world.

    "You will be one of the first victims when they need something, they always seem to look at home first."

    Jezus, conservatives are a scary bunch. Just scared of everything and need guns to make them feel safe. Yeah, most cowards don't know how to fight like a man and need a gun. If you really look at stats look at other countries that have fewer guns available thus fewer murders. I'll bet PC feels safer without a gun unlike the wuss conservatives afraid of their own shadows. Ha!

  70. "I agree with that, but I find the liberal position of completely unrestricted and subsidized abortion ghoulish and pathologic."

    And i find the conservative position of unlimited gun ownership and ability to purchase without a background check is utterly insane. I dislike abortion also which is why I support family planning including contraception but I have to fight conservatives who listen to their invisible sky daddy who wants us to make babies.

  71. Kingnut1:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    Silly me, and here I thought we were in the 4th warmest winter in recorded history

    You are forgetting the "Global" part of Global Warming. It may have been a very warm winter in North America, but Europe had record cold.

  72. Anonymous1:52 PM

    trayvon,after dropping out of school can't find a job at the door like house,so he cases a white neighborhood.when asked what he is doing there tray attacks that old whitey who then shoots tray.good by tray.my brother lives in jacksonville and he had to get acarry permit because of negro criminals.he sent his kids to private school because of negro criminals in the school system.13yr old white boy lit on fire by negro criminals in the k.c. school ststem and that includes the negro teachers.the reason we don't like president bongo is because he is a commie traitor like most negroes and is doing every thing he can to destroy us and if he steals a second term there will be a civil war.

  73. 10mm AUTO3:48 PM

    There are essentially three major currencies here in the USA. Standard money, Food Stamps and ETB cards. True inflation is hidden by putting much of the expansion of the currency supply into Food stamps and EBT cards.

    As Vladimir Lenin said, "The way to crush the bourgeoisie (Middle Class) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

    Our Dear Leader is ramping up inflation by running the money printing presses, holding the interest rates low (Which builds a bubble), interfering with the market in oil (which raises prices), expanding the number of people on Food Stamps (which is just another currency) and supporting and expanding the number of dependents on ETB cards.

    Taxation is next, because the majority of blacks don't pay Federal Income Taxes, so increasing the rates merely accelerates the racial wealth transfer.

    Alhough this insane level of spending and deficits may seem crazy, Obama knows exactly what he is doing: Crashing the system so that it may be replaced in a time of crisis with a socialist, racial spoils dictatorship.

  74. Why is Obama's embrace of Derrick Bell a big dea?

    Because Derrick Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.”

    Who was Khalid Muhammad? This motherfucker, that's who:


    Motherfuck Derrick Bell, and motherfuck Obama.

  75. "You are forgetting the "Global" part of Global Warming. It may have been a very warm winter in North America, but Europe had record cold."

    Didn't forget, overall temps warmer. This is why the term global climate variation is better suited because there is a possibility of colder winters in Europe as Artic ice melts and adds fresh water vice saline thus colder sea surface temps and less moderation of cold. Good point though.

  76. The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for January 2012 was the 19th warmest on record at 12.35°C (54.23°F), which is 0.35°C (0.63°F) above the 20th century average of 12.0°C (53.6°F). The margin of error associated with this temperature is +/- 0.08°C (0.14°F). This January is the coolest of all months on record since February 2008. However, it also marks the 26th January and 323rd consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last month with below average temperatures was February 1985.

  77. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/2012/1

    Can verify for yourself.

  78. "You are forgetting the "Global" part of Global Warming. It may have been a very warm winter in North America, but Europe had record cold."

    Some parts of Europe did, it's been an exceptionally mild winter in the U.K.

  79. Anonymous4:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I agree with that, but I find the liberal position of completely unrestricted and subsidized abortion ghoulish and pathologic."

    And i find the conservative position of unlimited gun ownership and ability to purchase without a background check is utterly insane. I dislike abortion also which is why I support family planning including contraception but I have to fight conservatives who listen to their invisible sky daddy who wants us to make babies.

    NO you were misinformed. A background check is a must for every gun purchase including and especially handguns. People who can never legally buy a gun are those who beat their wives, felons, ex felons, criminals and similar.

    As far as your shitting all over someone believing in god. I would rather know and hang with people like that then people whose god is the papa, obama or the liberal party. But you are confusing religion with politics, not all conservatives are religious. Just like not all democrats are Islamic and worship Islam to the exclusion of America.

  80. Anonymous4:46 PM

    PilotX said...

    Can verify for yourself.

    As can you, global warming, climate change is an exposed hoax.
    Even Al gore moved on to his newest liberal cause as in the face of real science and exposures of fraud, the funding for the global warming scam is drying up. He now wants to coordinate an Online Occupy community. Hmmmmm, how do you rape and not wash someone online while demanding free stuff for everything for life?



  81. Anonymous4:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You are forgetting the "Global" part of Global Warming. It may have been a very warm winter in North America, but Europe had record cold."

    Didn't forget, overall temps warmer. This is why the term global climate variation is better suited because there is a possibility of colder winters in Europe as Artic ice melts and adds fresh water vice saline thus colder sea surface temps and less moderation of cold. Good point though.

    If you have to fiddle with the label to make it sound scary, maybe its a hoax. You are aware Artic Ice has actually increased 26% over the last three years aren't you? In fact, I think every prediction so far of global warming has been proven scientifically innacurate making the hypothesis a failed one. Still don't understand why we went to town on an unproven hypothesis and now have people defending it as if it were scientifically sound. More like another liberal crusade, manufactured to develop some self worth.


  82. "Because Derrick Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.”

    You've taken the quote out of context.

    If you read the quote in its original context what he was saying is that Farrakhan and Muhammad were lesser evils than those who would follow if nothing was done about improving the lot of African Americans.

  83. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Jezus, conservatives are a scary bunch. Just scared of everything and need guns to make them feel safe. Yeah, most cowards don't know how to fight like a man and need a gun. If you really look at stats look at other countries that have fewer guns available thus fewer murders. I'll bet PC feels safer without a gun unlike the wuss conservatives afraid of their own shadows. Ha!

    Liberals really do live in fairy dust land. Tell the guy who points a gun at you that is outlawed and he is not allowed to have it, that the rules say he can't kill you because you are tough and it is against the law.

    What brainiacs liberals are. Reality and wishes just never mix with you do they. So to you being stupid makes you a tough guy. Or are you now going to say you are Bruce Lee and can disarm any thug because as you said "you fight like a real man"? Liberals truly are children who never made the leap from fairy dust life to real world cause and effect.

  84. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Because Derrick Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.”

    You've taken the quote out of context.

    If you read the quote in its original context what he was saying is that Farrakhan and Muhammad were lesser evils than those who would follow if nothing was done about improving the lot of African Americans.

    Right, so as you see it he was saying embrace racist anti semitic african americans who call for murdering YT because if not then you will have to settle for YT who might be racist but isn't yours.

    Either way unnacceptable and racist.

  85. Anon@3:48pm, we could only wish. Unfortunately President Obama is a moderate, but he is the best we have for now.

  86. 10mm AUTO5:32 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@3:48pm, we could only wish

    That's what you wish for? Economic collapse followed by a suspension of the Constitution and the imposition of a racialist socialist regime?

    How did that work out for the nations who went that way in the 20th century? But it will be different this time, right Field?

    At least you are honest about your agenda.

  87. "not all conservatives are religious"

    Only 99.9%

    "A background check is a must for every gun purchase including and especially handguns."

    Except at gun shows.

    "If you have to fiddle with the label to make it sound scary, maybe its a hoax. You are aware Artic Ice has actually increased 26% over the last three years aren't you?"

    You might want to use official sources not biased sites. Notice I gave you the NOAA site.

    "If you have to fiddle with the label to make it sound scary, maybe its a hoax."

    I'm not fiddling with anything, facts are facts. All of the data points to warmer temps over the last 30 years. It is what it is. But hey, why trust climate scientists when I can trust an internet troll with zero training in climate science. And liberals are the ones who believe in fairy dust?

    "Or are you now going to say you are Bruce Lee and can disarm any thug because as you said "you fight like a real man"?

    Don't waste time worrying about being held up by thugs. Don't live my life in fear like conservatives.

    Oh yeah, BTW Al Gore isn't a climate scientist so what he says has no bearing on the issue of climate.

  88. Warming temperatures lead to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. The total volume of glaciers on Earth is declining sharply. Glaciers have been retreating worldwide for at least the last century; the rate of retreat has increased in the past decade. Only a few glaciers are actually advancing (in locations that were well below freezing, and where increased precipitation has outpaced melting). The progressive disappearance of glaciers has implications not only for a rising global sea level, but also for water supplies in certain regions of Asia and South America.

    From NCDC.

  89. Kingnut5:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    Don't live my life in fear like conservatives.

    Except of melting glaciers, apparently.

  90. Kingnut5:54 PM

    And BTW, the net loss of glacial ice in the Himalyas over the past 15 years has been zero.

  91. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Or are you now going to say you are Bruce Lee and can disarm any thug because as you said "you fight like a real man"?

    Don't waste time worrying about being held up by thugs. Don't live my life in fear like conservatives.

    You confuse intelligence and being prepared for real world happenings with fear or purposely try to paint it as such, in order to mask your inability to deal with reality or laziness or inability to do something about it.

    Some people will just have to look to others for help, some people are the ones who are looked to for help. You decide which category you fit into, I already have.

  92. Anonymous6:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    "not all conservatives are religious"

    Only 99.9%

    Nonsense. You watch too MSNBC. Link please.

    "A background check is a must for every gun purchase including and especially handguns."

    Except at gun shows.

    Well, I am not an expert like you but having gone to gun shows they required ID and did perform a background check on me. So who do you know that was able to buy a gun without a background check, aside from the guy down the block?

    "If you have to fiddle with the label to make it sound scary, maybe its a hoax. You are aware Artic Ice has actually increased 26% over the last three years aren't you?"

    You might want to use official sources not biased sites. Notice I gave you the NOAA site.

    Liberal fail/Alinsky tactic. Don't look at the data, discredit the source. Were you aware before you regurgitated this that the source was the US Navy? They have some pretty solid scientists in the Navy who don't get funded by any of the global warming scam, so what do you think?

    "If you have to fiddle with the label to make it sound scary, maybe its a hoax."

    I'm not fiddling with anything, facts are facts. All of the data points to warmer temps over the last 30 years. It is what it is. But hey, why trust climate scientists when I can trust an internet troll with zero training in climate science. And liberals are the ones who believe in fairy dust?

    No, scientists have been caught fudging the facts, none of the scientific predictions NONE including the demise of polar bears and on and on have been accurate. The names were changed from global warming to climate change because warming didn't occur. Whats next?

    "Or are you now going to say you are Bruce Lee and can disarm any thug because as you said "you fight like a real man"?

    Oh yeah, BTW Al Gore isn't a climate scientist so what he says has no bearing on the issue of climate.

    Well, he and a lot of others thinks he does. He is the father of the hoax after all.

  93. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Oh my pilot x

    Official Government Data Confirms that, Since 1998, the US is Cooling at a Rate of 9.6 deg F/Century

    This done using NOOA's very own data on the configurable graph page.

    So now, tell me, why are you convinced with all these proven fallicies and results of scientific studies that global warming is real and we must change everything and spend a fortune on junk science? Do you have any holdings in Obama's old company with the head of Freddie and Fannie where you are going to sell Carbon credits or "air" to corporations?


  94. "Official Government Data Confirms that, Since 1998, the US is Cooling at a Rate of 9.6 deg F/Century"

    That's pretty disingenuous actually.

    1998 was the hottest year in history, because it was an El Niño year. The years since then have been amongst the very hottest in history, just not quite THE hottest because we haven't had an El Niño since.

    To suggest that the US is cooling because it hasn't had a record year since is a scandalous twisting of the facts.

  95. "Right, so as you see it he was saying embrace racist anti semitic african americans who call for murdering YT because if not then you will have to settle for YT who might be racist but isn't yours. "

    That's absolutely not what he said. He was absolutely not saying embrace anybody as I've already explained. Indeed, in that same interview he quite specifically described anti-Semitism as 'horrible'.

    A fact your far-Right buddies have strangely neglected to mention.

  96. Quote Anonymous

    You are aware Artic Ice has actually increased 26% over the last three years aren't you?"

    Wrong again!!


  97. Kingnut8:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Yes, you are WRONG again:


  98. parvenu9:19 PM

    Hey Field, what up with your home state getting ready to pass that ALEC sponsored VOTER ID law. When your Gov signs it I'll have to change the name of your state to PennsylTucky.....

  99. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Maybe ten or fifteen years ago I read an article by a White lawyer who had Black clients. Hilarious. Fresh out of law school, he had to learn the ways of the Negro. "Do you do luggage?" said a caller. He lost that business, not knowing that "luggage" meant did he take (law)suit cases.

    Anyway, he acquired a mentor who filled him in on the lore of the ghetto lawyer. Most important, get paid first. Black clients will never ever pay once you've finished a job. (Blacks also have to pay undertakers up front.)
    There must be a great many lawyers in this country who make their living off the antics of Blacks. I'll bet you got a lot good stories FN.

  100. Anonymous9:33 PM

    ggrazent iliendFN

    Just a little off topic; I happened to see a commercial on TV with two brothers discussing various options the Honda.
    Although many options were ok there was item that customer ask "IS IT BULLET PROOF". I woundered why this question was ask? The politics of fear.

  101. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "I woundered why this question was ask?"

    Black people are crazy violent, that's why

  102. "The names were changed from global warming to climate change because warming didn't occur. "

    Wrong, check the 30 year climate normals.

    "why are you convinced with all these proven fallicies and results of scientific studies that global warming is real and we must change everything and spend a fortune on junk science?"

    Junk science? Most climate scientists agree that the climate is warming. I don't think we should spend a fortune or chanege everything just use common sense and think about the future of the planet.

  103. "Well, he and a lot of others thinks he does."

    So what? I prefer to stick to scientists who know what they're talking about. You can stick to Al Gore and biased websites.

    "That's pretty disingenuous actually."

    C'mon Cow, you forget who you're dealing with? The use Fox News as a source for scientific information for gods sake.

  104. Wait a minute, wasn't is Kingnut that promised me he could find evidence that "anyone" can make a weather model? Wasn't that like 4 months or so ago? Tick toc young man, still waiting.
