Saturday, March 10, 2012

This Breitbart film was not a game changer.

Hopefully after all of you A-merry-cans watch "Game Change" tonight you will go to church tomorrow morning. The fact that we didn't put Sarah Palin in the second most powerful position on earth is something that everyone should be thankful for.

Anyway, Andrew Breitbart's last masterpiece is turning out to be a big time dud. The "bombshell" wingnut bloggers told us to look out for is more like a Bebe gun pellet. His minions were on FOX trying their hardest to make a mountain out of an ant hill, but, judging from the reaction from the sane people in A-merry-ca, there is just no mountain there.

They have a bro hug (who knew that O was 100% black once) and a now deceased college professor to work with, and they tried their hardest to create a scandal where there was none. "See, we told you he was a radical who didn't love A-merry-ca. Look at him hugging that other black man. This is Jeremiah Wright all over again." Stop it! I am embarrassed for you clowns.

And, of course, in a sweet bit of irony, a man remembered for creating a similar television event which flopped admonished his cable mates for their lame attempt to bring down Obama. 

“To try to make Derrick Bell’s shoes fit Barack Obama is extremely unfair. To junk him in, Derrick Bell in, with Jeremiah Wright, I think is also unfair. And furthermore, quickly, I think this is a sign of desperation that they seize on an old video clip like this which is very benign.”

Finally folks, try to be nice to each other, because you never know when your actions will come back to bite you in the ass.

*Pic from


  1. I cannot believe that the administration wasted the heart attack ray over this.

  2. There will be more videos. And they will probably be ignored.

    Case in point: in 2008, a video of (esteemed) civil rights icon Percy Sutton emerged, wherein he explained that he had been approached by Khalid al Mansour, an adviser for Saudi Prince Al-Walid bin Talal (the guy whose post 9-11 donation Giuliani sent back), to write a letter to help Barack Obama get into Harvard.

    Why was a radical muslim guy who worked for a Saudi billionaire working to get Obama into Harvard? Did the Saudi's finance Obama's education? Why?

    You might think some of our energetic press, the ones who interviewed every resident of Wasilla for dirt on Sarah Palin, might have shown enough curiousity to ask a question or two about this. Nope.

    The video has been on You Tube for almost four years now, and has garnered all of 132,000 hits:

  3. uptownsteve10:48 PM

    Just watched Game Change. How could McCain choose this bimbo?

    Palin should be doing interracial porn.Thats about all shes good for.

    Breitbart should be burning in hell, right about now.This is just the latest racist attack on Obama.

    Racist goobers never learn. Obama in a landside. 2012

  4. Field, maybe you think that can make people ignore this. OK, I'll concede this one. But the fact is -

    You people are traidors who are in collution with a Kenyan Muslim Black guy who follows Islam and is Black and has been a radical since he was in grade school. You cannot deniy this fact. *Here* {link} is the photographic proof that Barack Osama has been plotting for 50 years to become Presidant and give America to the terrist Moodlums and to China. And he is Black. Did I mention that he was borned in AFRICA?

    PS - Love your blog. Now I'm hoping like hell that Poe's Law doesn't get me in trouble.

  5. Wesley R11:22 PM


    Game Change was a good movie. The Right will be on attack Monday. My better half felt sorry for Palin. I thought Palin wasn't ready, she had a good personal story at first, but she let the big time get to her head and went nuts.

    Speaking of college professors. My mentor in school was a big fan of Paul Cuffie. I'm sure the wingnuts would love that.

  6. Wesley R11:27 PM

    I meant Paul 'Cuffee' and the wingnuts are out early tonight.

  7. Whitey McDicke11:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Just watched Game Change. How could McCain choose this bimbo?

    Ummm, that was fiction, a liberal fantasy done by HBO.

    That wasn't really Jonh McCain, and that wasn't really Sarah Palin. The people you saw were actors.

    And in case you didn't know, that wasn't Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live either, it was Tina Fey.

    Back here in reality, that Obama landslide is looking like a shit pit.

  8. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Just a guy hugging another guy.....Not so much, nice try but we know better.

    Barack Was a fervent Admirer of Bell and said open your hearts and minds. Bell was a fervent admirer of Khalid Muhammad who said first kill the cracker women, then the babies...genocide.

    "But Obama’s unqualified support of Bell sheds considerable light on the president’s world-view, given Bell’s long track record of promulgating racist theories and endorsing far-out, homicidal radicals like Khalid Muhammad. So maybe Andrew will have the last laugh."

  9. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Jim said...
    Field, maybe you think that can make people ignore this. OK, I'll concede this one. But the fact is -

    You people are traidors who are in collution with a Kenyan Muslim Black guy who follows Islam and is Black and has been a radical since he was in grade school. You cannot deniy this fact. *Here* {link} is the photographic proof that Barack Osama has been plotting for 50 years to become Presidant and give America to the terrist Moodlums and to China. And he is Black. Did I mention that he was borned in AFRICA?

    PS - Love your blog. Now I'm hoping like hell that Poe's Law doesn't get me in trouble.

    A Black guy like you can never get in trouble.

  10. Anonymous12:40 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    This is just the latest racist attack on Obama.

    Only to a dumb coon is exposing someones racism "a racist attack"

    Speaking of Bell - ding-a-ling-a-ling.

  11. Anonymous1:01 AM

    urs- uptownsteve said...
    Just watched Game Change. How could McCain choose this bimbo?

    Palin should be doing interracial porn.Thats about all shes good for.

    Breitbart should be burning in hell, right about now.This is just the latest racist attack on Obama.

    Racist goobers never learn. Obama in a landside. 2012

    10:48 PM
    Steve, stop trying to play God with your judgments. HIS job is waaay over your head. Haven't seen you in a while. Did you just get out of jail?

    Obama won't win in 2012 because he is not the best candidate for America. Romney is by a long shot. So get lost birdbrain.

  12. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...
    This is just the latest racist attack on Obama.

    Only to a dumb coon is exposing someones racism "a racist attack"

    Speaking of Bell - ding-a-ling-a-ling.

    12:40 AM
    ROFLMBAO!!! That "ding-a-ling-a-ling is funny and suits uts. Hey Steve, I heard you no longer live in a gated community anymore.

    It sounded tragic. I feel for ya. What happened?

  13. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Here are some sinful things the Bible says you should not do, esp UTS, PilotX, PC and AB:

    1. No Tatoos: Leviticus 19:28 "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."

    This means the "entire" state of CA is going to hell in a hand basket.

    2.No Pyschics or Horoscopes: Leviticus 19:31 reads:

    "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."

    You FN Negroes are in trouble cause you read and believe in horoscopes.

    3. No Gossiping:
    Leviticus 19:16 states: "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour; I am the LORD."

    You folks are in a lot of trouble. Gossiping is a "National pasttime." As a matter of fact, FN is a gossip center....All you folks have talked about tonight is Sarah Palin.... SINNERS!

    4. No Cursing your Parents.
    Exodus 21:17 states:
    "And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death."

    Well, there goes the our race-straight to hell.

    5. No Divorces. Mark 10:11-12 states:
    "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery."

    Got to admit American society has strayed a "long" way from the Bible.

    Mitt Romney has no tatoos, doesn't believe in psychics or horoscopes, doesn't gossip, has never cursed his parents, and has never been divorced or committed adultery.

    ROMNEY IN 2012.

  14. Anonymous1:54 AM

    ROFLMBAO!!! That "ding-a-ling-a-ling is funny and suits uts. Hey Steve, I heard you no longer live in a gated community anymore.

    Gated Community? Gated Community? I thought he said Being Gay is an opportunity!!

  15. Anonymous3:17 AM

    It's Saturday Night and no Field in sight. He wasn't around last night either. What the hell could he possibly be doing on the weekend? Doesn't he love anons anymore? This is so distressing that I have found myself climbing the the Brooklyn bridge like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.

    There was a time Field would stay up all night on Friday and Saturday and comment. Now you can't even find the dude. Typical Philadelphian.

  16. NSangoma4:37 AM

    Redskins bet big on Robert Griffin III

    True dat field,she gotz big tits, but other than that, she's not so special:

    field, how can whidte peoples keep their numbers up, with their btiches fcuking non-whidte mens?

    Rushbo wants those over-educated whidte women fcuking and making whidte babies; not making more niggruh babies.

    No birth control for whidte women with whidte husbands and whidte boyfriends.

    Birth control for Niggruh women and Mexican women.

  17. Anonymous4:41 AM

    As the economy grows with more jobs, black unemployment continues to grow:

    ROMNEY IN 2012

  18. I think the republicans would have done better with Tina Fey on the ticket.

    Romney in 212, hugh. Maybe he will choose Tina Fey as his running mate.

    BTW, have you seen his numbers with Hispanics?

  19. Obama as been training to secretly take over A-merry-ca for 50 years? Wow, who knew. Well the guy sure looks good or his age. He must be at least 70 by now.:)

  20. Just last night I got around to digging out one of the signed copies of a Derrick Bell book I have. I just wanted to see his inscription. Even if I never did C.R. work, he was an inspiration to me. And that gets me to the next point.

    How messed up in the head must some wing nut be, to accuse as being a racist, someone who likely is number three on the historic list of civil rights litigators, second after Thurgood Marshall, his former boss, and Charles Houston, Marshall's former boss?

    Can't answer that question, but that piece of racist garbage Palin had the nerve to call Professor Bell a racist on her recent Hannity appearance.

    This is how messed up the rednecky people are in the right wing:

    dedicate your carrer to fighting INSTITUTIONAL American Racism (White on Not White racism,) and that makes one a racist?

    Ok. What's next? Demoninzing P. Obama for reading King's,"Letter from a Birmingham Jail?"

  21. Field negro promoting lies and leftwing propaganda?

    No wonder field negros are so ill- informed.

  22. uptownsteve9:00 AM

    Damn.Nothing but white racist goobers posting here now.

    Ban these goobers now.Before they completely destroy this blog.

  23. Abstentus, isn't it scary? What kind of parrallel universe do these folks live in?

    No Steve, we shouldn't ban them, let's give them a voice so that sane intelligent people can see what an uphill battle we are fighting for normalcy here in A-merry-ca.

  24. Giving goobers a voice is one thing, allowing them to ruin the conversation is something completely different.

    Black people, especially successful ones, are far from blithely unaware of impact these folks can have in real life. Goobers are simply too stupid to realize that they're wasting their sorry lives posting on sites like this one.

  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Giving Niggers a voice is one thing, allowing them to ruin the conversation is something completely different.

    Non-Black people, especially successful ones, are far from blithely unaware of impact these folks can have in real life. Niggers are simply too stupid to realize that they're wasting their sorry lives posting on sites like this one.

    Now how does this sound to you? Your exact words only replacing one racist pejorative with another. Perhaps your problem is a very simple one. You want blind allegiance and a pass on intellectualism because of skin color. You are racist.

    You can't handle an intelligent discussion and then when name calling begets more name calling you cry as if you are the victim. Because you know for sure that every one of your inadequacies is certainly because someone else is not Black like you. Therefore they have rigged the facts of the world.

    Whomever doesn't agree with your childlike angry view of the world surely must be White and against you because they are racist, could never be another reason your vapid shallow comments are rejected by many. Their words are racist because you surely are a easygoing levelheaded logic driven woman who would never say or promote racism. Why in your simple mind anyone who is not a democrat despite the hypocrisy and concerns with liberals must surely be white and a racist. You are the type of person that in real life individuals like me speak to for about a minute and then get relegated to the status of scenery. No, not as you want to believe because of your skin color, rather because you have a childlike hateful angry mind and disposition.

  26. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Whitey McDicke said...
    uptownsteve said...
    Just watched Game Change. How could McCain choose this bimbo?

    Ummm, that was fiction, a liberal fantasy done by HBO.

    That wasn't really Jonh McCain, and that wasn't really Sarah Palin. The people you saw were actors.

    And in case you didn't know, that wasn't Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live either, it was Tina Fey.

    Back here in reality, that Obama landslide is looking like a shit pit.

    I saw Game change and it is literally hysterical. The largest weakness liberals have is they are just certain everyone is stupid and they are smart. This movie was such a farce and so over the top, of course they didn't source one iota of it. It's total and complete fiction. Imagine that, a woman who strikes fear into the heart of liberals universally so much so they have to call her names endlessly, is just a blithering idiot. Uh-huh.

  27. I am not sure I understand; are u Palin backers saying that two well respected journalist made the whole thing up?

    I saw the movie, and it seemed pretty accurate to me.

  28. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Stop criticizing Steve for believing in an HBO movie. He's doing the best he can. Some of us just don't have the ability to discern a movie from real life.

    Sarah is living a great life today and she gets the attention of both parties. That is a reality. Republicans like her, Democrats don't like her. But the interesting thing is BOTH parties listen to what she has to say because she is influential. You see, she has a pretty big following in America....that's a reality.

  29. Anonymous2:15 PM

    field negro said...
    I am not sure I understand; are u Palin backers saying that two well respected journalist made the whole thing up?

    I saw the movie, and it seemed pretty accurate to me.

    I especially love the part where she is a total blithering idiot, can't remember a thing, is a nervous wreck right up until the debate and then proceeds to annihilate the oh so brainy Joe Biden in the actual debate. Wonder where she found this newfound courage, capability and ability to speak? Oh yeah, it's a liberal movie. First she is incompetent, then she is "mean" for winning the debate. Some of the lines are right out of a liberal storybook.."and yet Barack is a constitutional professor"...right, this isn't propoganda not one bit.

  30. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Field, "I saw the movie, and it seemed pretty accurate to me."

    Of course you would. You view things through biased leftist eyes. I bet you have seen Game Change several times before in your own mind waaay before the movie was even conceived. HBO just ran it again for you.

  31. Anon @ 2:19 PM, sometimes the facts aren't what we want them to be. But hey, such is life, she is who she is.

    Sorry. :(

  32. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Field, maybe you should briefly watch this short video. John McCain should know since he had direct experience with Sarah. I happen to agree with him: "Sarah is a decent human being".

  33. Anon. @ 2:44 PM, I don't doubt that John McCain believes that she is a "decent" person, but watch the movie again. McCain was not there when she was having her melt downs.

    The woman just might be insane.

  34. Presentus2:51 PM

    field negro said...
    Abstentus, isn't it scary? What kind of parrallel universe do these folks live in?

    The one where associating with a guy who worked with a journal called Race Traitor, which is dedicated to the “abolition of whiteness,” and whose motto is “Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity”, should disqualify you from being prsident.

  35. "The one where associating with a guy who worked with a journal called Race Traitor, which is dedicated to the “abolition of whiteness,” and whose motto is “Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity”, should disqualify you from being prsident."

    Yes, a lot of stuff happened when folks were fighting for their basic human rights in this country.

    Still, I knew this guy in the islands who turned out to be a political gunman. Does that make me a political gunman?

  36. Dr. M3:03 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    Black people, especially successful ones, are far from blithely unaware of impact these folks can have in real life. Goobers are simply too stupid to realize that they're wasting their sorry lives posting on sites like this one.

    You appear to be blithely unaware that you are not a successful Black person. Your racist hatred of "goobers" and your need to project your stupidity and lack of material wealth on whites is evidence enough of your pathological insecurity and unsuitability for the professional world.

    Throw in your entitlement mindset and poor work ethic, and the verdict is painfully obvious: You simply are not medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor.

  37. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Field, "Anon. @ 2:44 PM, I don't doubt that John McCain believes that she is a "decent" person, but watch the movie again. McCain was not there when she was having her melt downs.

    The woman just might be insane."

    It's clear that you think Palin is insane and NOT a good person... In your view, she had a meltdown- end of discussion.

    Well, judging where she is today in the media, she certainly made a great comeback, didn't she? She is admired by many in this great country of ours for her courage, fearlessness, perseverance, tenacity and faith.

    No question about it, Sarah models the American Spirit! She is an "Inspiration" that most Americans admire.

  38. Presentus3:21 PM

    field negro said...
    Still, I knew this guy in the islands who turned out to be a political gunman. Does that make me a political gunman?

    Not in and of itself. But if you had continued to openly associate with 'gunmen' your entire life, right up to the point where it became a political liability, and then scrubbed your record as much as possible, and kept your current realtionships with gummen on the down low, then I would think you were a gunman.

    Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Khalid al Mansour, Jeremiah Wright, Alice Palmer, Malik Shabazz, Anita Dunn, Andy Stern, and George Soros. That's a lot of gunmen.

    Obama is a gunman.

  39. What have we here now, the "N" word on a Black blog.

    Looks like chicken little wasn't a chicken afterall, but PWT with a chicken suit on, LOL!!!

  40. PWT = perdacious white trash

  41. Dr. Bo Dacious4:28 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o never said...
    PWT = perdacious white trash

    Reine = ignorant ghetto trash.

    The kind who uses made up words like "perdacious" to impress the other ghetto trash.

    You will never be a doctor.

  42. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Looks like assnon DESPERATELY needs to buy fuckin'' dictionary to go along with that fuckin' education it obviously needs.

    And now that I think about it, fuckin' itself in the ass with a broken mop handle is useless, it clearly need to fuck itself in the HEAD with one and spare the world it's blithering life of stupidity!!!

    Dr. Queen

  43. Dr. Clean5:09 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    And now that I think about it, fuckin' itself in the ass with a broken mop handle is useless, it clearly need to fuck itself in the HEAD with one and spare the world it's blithering life of stupidity!!!

    So sputters Reine, digging that hole deeper and deeper. The rejection letters are piling up, along with the bills. In response, her small, hateful mind conjurs up violent racist images of forceful sodomy and murder perpetrated against those whose superior intellect she cannot abide.

    You are not going to go to medical school.

    You will never be allowed in a civilized environment.

    You will never be a doctor.

  44. Fact check asshole, I'll ALWAYS be "above" you not because I finished medical school, but because you wasted time trying to shit on a dream you were too much of a cowardly idiot to envison for yourself, anyone related to you or that you know.

    And 10 years from now, when I'm happily esconsed in my chosen field as a Physician/Scientist, you'll STILL be the sorry looser some mad bored tech created in a test tube.

    Class of 2017, Bee-oytch!!!

  45. Fact check asshole, I'll ALWAYS be "above" you not because I finished medical school, but because you wasted time trying to shit on a dream you were too much of a cowardly idiot to envison for yourself, anyone related to you or that you know.

    And 10 years from now, when I'm happily esconsed in my chosen field as a Physician/Scientist, you'll STILL be the sorry looser some bored lab tech created in a test tube.

    Class of 2017, Bee-oytch!!!

  46. Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace say the movie is accurate

  47. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace say the movie is accurate"

    They should. They were the self-serving liberal moles that sold the story for 20 pieces of silver.

  48. Dr. Miles Abovyeau5:44 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o the special olympics said...
    And 10 years from now, when I'm happily esconsed in my chosen field as a Physician/Scientist, you'll STILL be the sorry looser some bored lab tech created in a test tube.

    Ten years from now you will pushing 60, still 'esconsed' (sic) in your Section 8 apartment and clinging to the delusion that your life has not been wasted by aspiring to a vocation for which you are woefully unsuited.

    I'd bet my beautiful house on it. Everybody on this board would.

    You will never be a doctor.

  49. And 10 years from now, you'll STILL be pushing STUPID!!!!


    Class of 2017, BEE-OYTCH!!!

  50. Dr. Stewart Pidde.5:56 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o never said...
    And 10 years from now, you'll STILL be pushing STUPID!!!!


    Class of 2017, BEE-OYTCH!!!

    The wittiness and erudtion of your retort says all anyone needs to know about the actual prospects of your gaining admittance to an accredited medical school.

    Have you ever considered a cosmetology program? You'd have to learn to keep your fat trap shut, but you might qualify as a shampoo girl. Might.

    You will never be a doctor.

  51. Dr. Miles Abovyeau said...
    I'd bet my beautiful house on it. Everybody on this board.

    Now I don't normally pick on folks for thinking a double wide trailer is some kinda special "home", but imma make an exception for you, jelly fish for brains.

    You really did out yourself as the royal bitch you REALLY are. The only question is:

    1)Are you the bitch/college dropout that was too triflin' to finish a physics degree and whom chaired the save our sons foreskin of chapter No Cali? Who also htinks that being a man's sperm recepticle is something to brag about?

    2) The bitch with algae and plankton for brains who has tried NUMEROUS times to pass the GRE with NO luck?

    3) Or are you just a lonely, uneducated, sexless, bitch whose simple life depends on MY very existence?

    4) Maybe you're a Dr. Bitch who puts her career first, thus couldn't PAY to keep a man?

    Either way, you really should off yourself since you're just an assnon anyway because I'm convinced that even your parents wouldn't miss you.

    BTW, you will NEVER be above me when my floor will ALWAYS be your ceiling.


  52. Anonymous6:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Dr. Gettinit6:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Anonymous6:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Anonymous6:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. Julia6:37 PM

    Reine has lost it.

    Must have received a rejection letter from Morehouse yesterday.

    Now even she knows she will never be a doctor.

  57. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The kind who uses made up words like "perdacious" to impress the other ghetto trash.

    You will never be a doctor.

    4:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Looks like assnon DESPERATELY needs to buy fuckin'' dictionary to go along with that fuckin' education it obviously needs.

    You know, I looked up "perdacious" in the dictionary and even tried the Semi Literate Ghetto Ho section and still nothing. So what dictionary do you have where this word is listed? What does it mean?

    You say I need an education and a dictionary because "perdacious" is really a word, can you give me a link. Sometimes spelling phonetically is not good for a hoochie mama who aint all dat. You speak funny.
