Sunday, March 11, 2012

"true enough to make me squirm"

Like most of you political junkies, I watched Game Change last night. And even though I expected the worse, I still wasn't prepared for what I say. Sarah Palin, ladies and gentlemen, is insane! It's no wonder that she made such an effort to discredit the movie. A movie, by the way, which is based on a book that was published by two well respected journalists. A book that was full of firsthand accounts from people who actually witnessed Sarah gone wild on the campaign trail.

If you still believe that the movie was a work of fiction, read what senior Palin advisor, Nicolle Wallace, had to say: 

 "While Sarah Palin has denounced the HBO docudrama "Game Change" about her rise to national stardom during the 2008 presidential campaign as a "false narrative," one of Palin's top advisers said today that the film was actually "true enough to make me squirm."

Wallace said in October that she based the mentally ill vice-presidential character in her fictional book, "It's Classified," off Palin. She told ABC News' Top Line in October that Palin "seemed deeply troubled" at times during the campaign and that some of her behaviors "concerned me."...

"They concerned a lot of people, and we did have discussions about whether it would be appropriate from someone who seemed to swing from so high to so low, when the pressure of the campaign as placed on her shoulders, would it be appropriate for somebody like that to have to endure the burdens of the vice presidency?" Wallace said in the October interview."

Why am I still talking about Sarah Palin? Because Sarah Palin is still talking.
And when Sarah talks----- because of her huge platform and many minions, it is dangerous for A-merry-ca.  

Lately she has jumped right into the FOX NEWS manufactured flap about the now deceased, law professor, Derrick Bell.  

"What we can glean from this is an understanding of why we are on the road that we are on. Again, it's based on what went into his thinking, being surrounded by radicals. You could hearken back to the days before the Civil War, when too many Americans believed that not all men were created equal. It was the Civil War that began the codification of the truth that here in America, yes, we are equal and we all have equal opportunities, not based on the color of our skin. You have equal opportunity to work hard and to succeed and to embrace the opportunities, the God-given opportunities, to develop resources and work extremely hard and as I say, to succeed. Now, it has taken all these years for many Americans to understand that the gravity, that mistake that took place before the Civil War and why the Civil War had to really start changing America. What Barack Obama seems to want to do is go back before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin. Why are we allowing our country to move backwards instead of moving forward with the understanding that as our charters of liberty spell out for us, we are all created equally?"

Should a woman who is obviously mentally unstable be pontificating to millions of people about the dangers of an African American president taking us back to a pre Civil War A-merry-ca? My question is rhetorical. Of course not. After watching Game Change I think that we can all agree that Sarah Palin should be banished from the public stage forever. Sadly, as long as there is FOX NEWS and forums like it, she will always have a platform to spew her ignorance.   

David Graham does a good job of putting Sarah's pronouncements in its proper context for his article in The Atlantic.

"Incredibly, Palin seems incapable of uttering the word "slavery" when discussing the Civil War. Thankfully, she's not even flirting with the neo-Confederate belief that the war was about states' rights rather than slavery. But she doesn't mention slavery because it would clearly undermine her case: even the most hardcore Son of the Confederacy would see the absurdity of arguing that the first black president would like to return to the days of slavery.

At the same time, Palin manages to minimize the importance of the war itself. To hear her tell it, it was a revolution of thought, not unlike the Reformation or the Renaissance. It was not. The Civil War was a bloody conflict. More than a half a million Americans died. Only through that carnage was the liberation of slaves achieved, and it still took a century and many more lost lives for basic rights to be guaranteed for black Americans.

What Palin is expounding is a belief that has become common among conservatives. Almost all conservatives (like almost all liberals) agree that racial equality is the ideal toward which the United States ought to move. But many on the right have adopted the view that the only way to address racism is to pretend it does not exist. Thus, anyone who talks about race or acknowledges race or makes mention of the fraught American relationship with racism must by definition be a racist. Clearly, that makes Barack Obama and Derrick Bell racists. It also makes Juan Williams, a center-right commentator, a racist when he points out that Newt Gingrich is using "food stamps" as code for "black." [Source]

I was honestly hoping that I did my last Sarah Palin post awhile ago.

Unfortunately, she just won't go away.


  1. Nicolle Wallace

    “Game Change” is not a movie about Sarah Palin. And it’s definitely not about staffers like me.

  2. Game Change is nothing more than leftwing propaganda. It is full of lies. What do you expect coming from obama supporters?

    Schmidt and Wallace threw Palin under the bus for a buck.

    Since the head democrat plantation negro wants to base things off of a movie, should be base our thoughts of black males off of boyz in the hood?

    1. Depends, should we base all WM off Sandusky?

  3. Call me crazy but I no longer see her as having that much influence. I read the book last year. It is enlightening tho not as much as one would hope because press coverage was pretty good. Tina Fey made a mockery of her candidacy and it has stuck. The "true believers" may embrace her but she let down many of them when she resigned as Gov & went for the $$.

  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "Why am I still talking about Sarah Palin? Because Sarah Palin is still talking.
    And when Sarah talks----- because of her huge platform and many minions, it is dangerous for A-merry-ca. "

    Because the Media Matters/White House, George Soros/White House, Black Blogosphere/leftists having miserably failed and gotten exposed again due to amateurish rhetoric with Rush Limbaugh And Lady Fluke, now find an old target who dares to continue to speak against the liberal mantra that they haven't been able to muzzle with PC yet.

    Haven't you noticed PC is killing this country and more and more people are tired of lies, double standards, hypocrisy and absolutely no progress being made on issues? If your way were the right way you wouldn't need to reinvent yourself daily to focus on personal attacks, the facts would speak for themselves.

    If Juan Williams weren't racist, maybe he wouldn't hear those secret coded messages only racists and dogs seem to be able to hear. I mean liberals can't be that insane can they? Thinking that the world is against them so they speak in super secret language that everyone but them understand, but they smart, they figured it out...Uh--huh...liberalism is a mental disorder.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Sarah Palin has tremendous value to many Americans. That's why she is where she is and that's why people like Field and others try to tear her down.

    However, her courage, determination, persistence, independence, savvy, endurance, strength and 'fearlessness'(a rare quality in any human being) has catapulted her into the eyes of admiration in America. Make no mistake about it, all the Fields in the world cannot discourage her, much less touch her.

    Democrats and Republicans alike take notice of Sarah Palin. She has made her mark on American history, which is more than some of you FN folks can say. You are small minded criticizing complaining self-righteous people, esp Field.

    Everyone has some admiration for Sarah for what she has done. Yet, there are some who desire to fabricate negatives out of their own insecurities and jealousies.

    Nevertheless, Sarah keeps on going while you little people with small characters throw spit balls.

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    It's always good to see the American Taliban circle the wagons around the train wreck that is Palin. This woman would have given your jobs to China, sent your lily white babies to war, and made Alaska the first secession from the Union. No wonder the Right loses all the time.
    P.S. I let my teen age son read the right wing rants, so he knows what the symptoms of mental illness are. Thanks for playing and good luck living in the New World. I'll laugh while you are posting the same old BS, and he is taking your home schooled chdren's jobs.

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Frm previous thread?

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    What have we here now, the "N" word on a Black blog.

    Looks like chicken little wasn't a chicken afterall, but PWT with a chicken suit on, LOL!!!
    You just now noticing the "N" word used on FN? Where the hell have you been fool? AB, UTS and PilotX use the N-word regularly but I don't ever recall your over-and-under-educated ass saying a word about it.

    I hope you are sharper in reading those scientific medical books than your scattered selective mind notices who says the N-word. I'd hate to have you as my doctor because there is a lot of important info that you miss.

    Lord have mercy, Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver are turning over in their graves. I hope the white anons rip you a new one...they have my blessing because you deserve it.

  8. NSangoma7:58 PM


    Too many darkies around for you field?

    What is it you're trying to do field, lighten the race; no more negroes?

    You now a miscegenationist, field?

  9. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "It's always good to see the American Taliban circle the wagons around the train wreck that is Palin. This woman would have given your jobs to China, sent your lily white babies to war, and made Alaska the first secession from the Union. No wonder the Right loses all the time."

    No the Right wins most of the time. Did you just arrive in America? Hell, the Repubs were beating the Dems when the Dems had a majority in both Houses and a President in the WH.

    FYI: the only reason Obama is in the WH is because of Bush. Otherwise, Obama's name would have remained under the radar.

  10. Anonymous8:14 PM

    And the delusional manage to clear the keyboard and hammer type out a response yet again. You wanna-be confederates are so out of your league in the 21st century. It's all good, though; your children will get good pay and decent health care despite being raised by home grown white terrorists like yourselves.
    And remember, America loves you, even if you couldn't find it on a map like most Southern White students (emphasis to avoid the shame that the rest of us feel for having to pay your poor white trash welfare.).

  11. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Mr. Field, this is really a great blog. You are to be commended for your insight. I said it before, and I'll say it again, "you are a blog genius."

    BTW, did you dream this blog all by yourself? It would be interesting to know how FN was born.

    Maybe HBO might make a movie FN; about how you brought Blacks and Whites together and all are getting along on FN--just the way they are suppose to in A-merry-ca!

    Don't laugh. HBO has been known to make all kinds of movies. But seriously, you DO have a great blog. It is unique. Some days it is sweet. Other days, it is a big shoot out at the FN corral. Both are exciting.

    Personally I prefer the action days because I can get out my whiffle bat and yell, "I am angry!" while beating the shit out of my pillow (my therapist taught me how to do that):)

    It works really well during the shootout days at the FN corral. Some of you Negroes should try it. It beats shooting someone. It's safer too.

  12. Anonymous8:27 PM

    NSangoma said...


    Too many darkies around for you field?"

    Ha ha ... that jungle fever's a bitch!

  13. Nsangoma, expand your horizons. You don't have to agree with the concept of the blog to look at it.

    Sarah Palin has tremendous value to many Americans. That's why she is where she is and that's why people like Field and others try to tear her down."

    Sorry, she does a pretty good job of that all by herself.

  14. "Too many darkies around for you field?"

    If you are referring to the mind of the wingnut, yes.

  15. The Anus n' Andy show8:31 PM

    Why are wqe talking about Sarah Palin, is she running for President?

    Why are we talking about contraception, does anyone want to ban it?

    These are the topics the liberal media wants to talk about, because there is nothing good to say about Barack Obama.

    Jig for your plantation masters, Field, jig.

  16. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Yes, Field, you must continue to talk about idiots, morons, simpletons, and lame-brains. As long as the majority of the American public remains willfully ignorant, these types of people will remain viable candidates for office.

    And anoymous retartd, please remember Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot by a white man. EVERY SOCIETY with access to guns uses them.

  17. "Yes, Field, you must continue to talk about idiots, morons, simpletons, and lame-brains. As long as the majority of the American public remains willfully ignorant, these types of people will remain viable candidates for office."

    Yes,I do believe that there is four of them running for office right now.

  18. Anonymous9:05 PM

    As long as the majority of the American public remains willfully ignorant, these types of people will remain viable candidates for office."

    Remember, obama voters believe that he wasgoing to pay their rents and they were gonna get Obama cash.

    Also, we know how black males obsess over white women.

    fn wants to hit dat.

  19. T-Jeff9:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    EVERY SOCIETY with access to guns uses them.

    And EVERY SOCIETY without access guns is oppressed by those who do.

  20. HB HO9:50 PM

    The Obama campaign just issued, get this, an anti-Sarah Palin ad:

    How pathetic.

  21. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I have been searching for a lady for a long time and I'm asking for your help in much the same way you are asking for help with Miss Lisa Turtle.

    I have sailed the seas, traveled the land, and flown all over the planet looking for a Miss Desertflower. If you should spot her, please notify AnonLookOut.
    Thank you.

  22. "AB, UTS and PilotX use the N-word regularly but I don't ever recall your over-and-under-educated ass saying a word about it."

    Stop bringing up my name a-hole. Show me where I have used the n-word. Typical conservative, just like Palin pull it out of your backside.Sad

  23. OK, maybe I'm getting soft in my old age but after watching Game Change I feel sorry for Pailn. I'll even excuse her latest ignorant rant because bless her heart she don't know no better.

  24. Anonymous10:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    OK, maybe I'm getting soft in my old age..............

    Some white guy invented a pill for that.

  25. Lawrence11:13 PM

    I am not a supporter or admirer of Sarah Palin’s. I have criticized her strongly over the years. But this movie is not about criticism. It is about the organized generation of irrational hatred against a chosen target, which is the left’s specialty.

  26. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Now who's playing games bitch? Yeah someone who plays with computers fr a living and who makes more money than you, tells me that YOU post here as one of the assnon!

    Oops Watch it, I think you just dropped your "do rag", aunt Jememiah!

    And McCain could have beaten Prez Obama if he had chosen that other woman governor whose name I can't recall right now.

    Dr. Reine

  27. Prof Bell literally wrote the book on race, racism and Law in Amerikkka

  28. That makes him a dangerous black man, even dead.

  29. Joe Iguana11:44 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Prof Bell literally wrote the book on race, racism and Law in Amerikkka

    Are you saying he was a race hustler?

  30. Sowell on Obama and the "Revenge Society":

  31. No, I'm saying that you stormfronters are the race hustlers. Try to pay attention when you're reading.

  32. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    No, I'm saying that you stormfronters are the race hustlers. Try to pay attention when you're reading.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Look at the clown who's mirrors have broken.

    Can I borrow your forehead? I have a presentation tomorrow and you are definitely a great projector. Not even a twinge of guilt for your hypocrisy either....

  33. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Now who's playing games bitch? Yeah someone who plays with computers fr a living and who makes more money than you, tells me that YOU post here as one of the assnon!

    Oops Watch it, I think you just dropped your "do rag", aunt Jememiah!

    And McCain could have beaten Prez Obama if he had chosen that other woman governor whose name I can't recall right now.

    Dr. Reine

    Looks like the hoochie mama has done taken one to many hits on dat dere crack pipe

  34. Game change is a coverup. You want to see the real Palin warts, scars and streachmarks? Read The Rogue by Joe McGuinness.

  35. Joe Iguana12:24 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    No, I'm saying that you stormfronters are the race hustlers.

    How do the stormfronters profit by racialist thinking?

  36. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "Sowell on Obama and the "Revenge Society":"

    The man is a genius. Field, you should read and study Sowell. He could change your life.

  37. Your blog is accurate. Wow some of the comments are over the top. Haven’t seen the movie. Don’t need to. Try living here and looking every day at the people that elected her as governor.
    Used to think that there was a bottom, a limit as to what ignorant people could due, but our half term governor, proves that theory wrong.

  38. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Ice Gal
    Used to think that there was a bottom, a limit as to what ignorant people could due, - did you say "ignorant people cold "due"?

  39. Ear to the Ground1:44 AM

    I think you are mistaken if you think that the Bell video release was not a "game changer".

    The MSM may be ignoring the story and downplaying the significance, but it has lit up the blogosphere - just check out comments - and it's all people here want to talk about, as long as there aren't any blacks around.

    The new meme is Diversity = code for white genocide.

    People aren't going to be browbeaten into voting for O again just to prove they're not "racist". Based on the chatter in the blue collar districts the unions kept in line in 2008, the unions aren't going to be able to bring it home for O in November.

    Just because it isn't getting traction in your circles doesn't mean it isn't a story with legs.

  40. Anonymous2:03 AM

    It was instructive that nearly every journalist with actual credentials, experience and a a reputation for honesty used the term "word salad" to describe Ms Palin's utterances. It is a specific term and associated with mental illness. Schizophrenia.
    The Up and Down is Bipolar....used to be called Manic/Depressive.
    Her unfamiliarity with basic Science stems from the beleefs of her religion...which has already stated their intent to impose a Theocracy on all others.

    The Cons and Neo-Cons have figured out that racist is a bad word...and like widdle misbehaving developmentally delayed children, use it incorrectly. As with pouting...and quite guilty...yobs, they seek to deflect the societal opprobrium directed at them. Why else would a drug addict sex tourist blather on for three days over a law student giving testimony on the medical benefits of birth control pills?
    Or the man who paid millions for his sexual harassment suit...keep trying to tell us the Catholic policy on priests and little boys is kewl, but wimmens should never have their insurance cover contraception...but Viagra and other 'helpers' are perfectly fine?


  41. The reason The Civil War is always relevant, still discussed, dozens of new books about it published every year, is that it never ended. The Southern meme is that it ended in a a kind of tie, which permitted the persistence of certain ideas & beliefs as still debatable. Taken to its lowest level, this results in the presence of hundreds of huge Confederate flag beach towels on Jersey beaches every summer, which is a message, & is meant to give offense.

  42. pierre dortdruben8:10 AM

    the civil war was about slavery? i thought it was about economics and maintaining the status quo (the union). here's lincoln:

    If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.

    and here's lincoln on race (yeah, he's a product of his times, but there were forward-thinking contemporaries):
    I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. . . . I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. . . .I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

  43. Obama has another friend thats a racist , marxist, and hates America.

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "warts, scars and streachmarks?"

    Is that what turns you on?

  44. Sarah Palin: "Now, it has taken all these years for many Americans to understand that the gravity, that mistake that took place before the Civil War and why the Civil War had to really start changing America."

    Mistake? Slavery was a "mistake?" A mistake is putting your car keys in the refrigerator instead of on the desk. The Civil War was a catastrophe for this country from which most of the southern states never recovered.

    Sarah Palin: "What Barack Obama seems to want to do is go back before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin."

    I wasn't aware that slaves were given an income which placed them in "different classes."

    Sarah Palin: "Why are we allowing our country to move backwards instead of moving forward with the understanding that as our charters of liberty spell out for us, we are all created equally?"

    Created equally what, Sarah?

    The wording in the DoI is "all men are created EQUAL."

    And even then, in our "charters of liberty" that "equal" was only for land-owning white men.

    She's a functioning illiterate and the pride of the base of the GOP.

    Keep talking, Sarah, and always remind us of the never-ending embarrassment McCain foisted on America.

  45. Anonymous9:58 AM

    "A movie, by the way, which is based on a book that was published by two well respected journalists."

    The term "well respected journalists" has nearly become an oxymoron....There are a few left at BlackAgendaReports and BlackCommentator...otherwise, they are few and far between...including those who regularly appear on "Morning Joe" bow down, preach and share their never-ending love for all things Obama. One of the few reporters that I respect is Larry Pinkney..who wrote in 2007:

    This is a man who has enjoyed the fruits of America at the blood and expense of Black Americans and others, but who has paid virtually no dues.

    This is a man whose father had also enjoyed the fruits of university schooling in America but subsequently returned to his native Kenya.

    This is a man, who also like his father before him, neither served in a branch of the US military nor in any organization in America opposed to US military adventurism.

    This is a man who as a deeply corporate military industrial complex US Presidential candidate, has called for “unilateral” US military actions in other nations. [And why not? After-all, his father, himself, or his wife and children were not and will not be the ones killing and being killed.]

    This is a man who, in Chicago, pretended to support the human rights of the Palestinian people but who is now known to be a huge supporter of the apartheid Zionists and their powerful and insidious political lobby in America.

    This is a man who dares opportunistically to feign admiration for the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but does not share the collective memory, pain and deep concerns of Black America, other people of color, or even of numerous white Americans for that matter - in the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in this nation.

    This is a man who has de facto contempt for the past supreme sacrifices made by thousands of activists from so-called “militant” organizations such the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), the Student National Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Black Panther Party (BPP), Students For A Democratic Society (SDS), the American Indian Movement (AIM), the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM), etc.

    This is a man who is silent about the need for reparations for Black American descendants of slaves and the genocide of the indigenous so-called “Indian” peoples on this continent. He is the consummate opportunist who, in reality, cares nothing about the horrors inflicted upon Black, Brown, and Red peoples in this nation, and has repeatedly signaled that he plans to inflict even more “unilateral” military horrors upon various nations and peoples of the world.

    This man, Barack Obama, is but a more articulate, younger, and shinier version of the current and infamous US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, adorning himself dangerously and abundantly in superficiality and double-speak.

    Times are perilous and how deeply I fear for my Black, Brown, and Red sisters and brothers. Indeed, how I fear for America as a whole, and the peoples of the world. It would seem that the US imperialists of the corporate and military elite may have at last found a black face. Unfortunately, for the moment at least, some of the American people might very well be blinded by the lightness of this black face, until such time as the horrors really begin to sink in. But will it be too late then?

  46. This is an Anonymous who hasn't the courage to say who he/she/it is and hides behind "Anonymous" while he/she/it attacks the president, who cannot defend himself here in this forum against partisan hackery.


  47. Parvenu quoted Lincoln:
    "I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality"

    Hasn't time given credence to this view? 150 years later, whites cannot live in black majority areas without suffering an unbearable level of crime and violence. Blacks cannot run a city. Once the blacks take control, civilization collapses. Magadishu, Harare, Kinshasa, Johannesburg, Port au Prince, Detroit. No matter how much is provided from outside in aid, welfare, and bailouts, these black-run cities slide inexorably into insolvency and chaos.

    Detroit is 90% black. The city has received literally trillions of dollars in aid since the 1967 riots chased the white population who had bult the city out to rebuild a new home in the suburbs. Detroit was the largest recipient of TARP aid, both directly as well throught the government bailout of the auto industry. The Obama administration (illegally) forced GM not to move its headquarters to the suburbs. Yet still, the city is about to declare bankruptcy. One of the greatest cities in America 40 years ago, today lies in absolute ruins.

    The State of Michigan wants to take over management of the city based on the Emergency Manager law that was passed to deal with failing municipalities. Of course, the usual suspects are decrying this as "racist", and the city is asking for another $150 million from the State to meet payroll past April. The Obama adminstration is likely to intervene in order to push this embarassing bankruptcy out past the election, but this bankruptcy or takeover is surely going to happen.

    You can see it all over America and all over the world. Black people cannot run large businesses, school districts or political organizations.

    That's a fact. The experiment in black autonomy has been a collosal failure. The only thing that can save majority black cities and improve the lives of the blacks that live there would be re-instituting white control. But of course, that would be racist. Blacks would rather be in charge than in civilization. Carry on.

  48. B. Smith12:25 PM

    The “mainstream” media has been kicking Obama’s reelection campaign into high gear by bending over backwards to convince us that the economy is recovering. The real picture is a little less pretty. Somehow this doesn’t sound much like a recovery:

    "The federal government recorded its worst monthly deficit in history in February, according to a preliminary report Wednesday from the Congressional Budget Office that said the deficit in fiscal year 2012 is already more than half a trillion dollars. …

    The nonpartisan agency projected the government will run a deficit of $229 billion in February, the highest monthly figure ever. The previous high was $223 billion a year ago, in February 2011."

    Obviously the government can’t keep spending vastly more than it expropriates indefinitely. Here’s what Obama has done to forestall economic Armageddon:

    "Mr. Obama last month released a budget that showed the government averaging $1 trillion deficits for the rest of this decade."

    If he wins re-election, America is not going to make it to the end of the decade. Bank on it.

  49. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dear Mr. Field, I have been searching for a lady for a long time...

    I have sailed the seas, traveled the land, and flown all over the planet looking for a Miss Desertflower...
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for caring. Believe me, appreciate it :)

    I always read the blog and all of the interesting debate.

    I have been a bit under the weather with the arthritis condition and the cold and dampness here, but thankfully I will see a Dr. tomorrow. I need cortisone fast! ;)

    BTW, Great commentary from both sides of the issue !!!

  50. Lawrence4:52 PM

    As the liberal progressive project inexorably "changes" our concepts of rights and responsibilities, equal sexual freedom is going to displace religious freedom.

    Since equal sexual freedom is our society's highest priority, and since equal sexual freedom requires that women be no more at risk of becoming pregnant than men are, the universal subsidization of birth control pills becomes a right, and everyone, including Catholic institutions, must be forced to subsidize women's birth control pills and abortions.

    In the end, liberalism can be boiled down to society sacrificing its children on the altar of narcissisitic feminism.

  51. "Since equal sexual freedom is our society's highest priority,"

    Where exactly did you get this idea?

    "...and since equal sexual freedom requires that women be no more at risk of becoming pregnant than men are,"

    Thank goodness we've evolved to this equalization.

    "In the end, liberalism can be boiled down to society sacrificing its children on the altar of narcissisitic feminism."

    Spoken like a true Medieval, woman hating barbarian.
