Monday, March 12, 2012

Trayvon Martin, a widow's defense, and an uninformed electorate.

I am still waiting to see what the police department in Sanford, Florida does with the Trayvon Martin case. FOURTEEN DAYS and counting. I am glad to see Adora Obi Nweze, President of the Florida State Conference of NAACP Branches, get involved.

Parts of her statement:

"This murder of an unarmed black teen occurred on February 26, 2012 during Black History Month and while Orlando hosted basketball’s finest event-‐the All--‐Star Weekend (February 24–26). The shooting death of young Trayvon was kept under wraps—it went unreported by the media.

It was not until  All Star Weekend was over and with mounting pressure from the family’s attorney that the death
of this young man was released to the public.

One thing is certain: according to public records, the shooter, George Zimmerman, who has confessed, has a violent history,having been charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence
in 2005.

It is unheard of for a neighborhood watch volunteer to carry a loaded gun or (as apparently happened here) to reject the clear instructions of police on a 911 call not to continue to follow Trayvon." (h/t to David for this release) [More here]

I just saw the widow of Professor Derrick Bell on the Ed Shultz show, and the woman was the personification of class. It's just  a shame that this woman had to go on national television to defend her late husband's honor because of the belly crawlers  and goons over at FOX NEWS. 

So anyway, thanks to to the likes of FOX NEWS, there is this new poll out which should make some of you living in A-merry-ca with an education past the 8th grade consider packing up and moving to Canada.

Public Policy Polling has released information about southern republican voters that show that many southerners still believe that President Barack Obama is a Muslim.  It is no clear from the poll how these people have come to this conclusion.

The information shows that only 14% of Alabama republicans believe that Obama is a Christian, while 45% believe he is a Muslim, and the 12% of Mississippi republicans believe that Obama is a Christian, while 52% of Mississippi republicans believe he is Muslim. [Source] 

You will need your passport to travel to Canada.

Finally, I have this theory about the GOP lawmakers waging war on women in A-merry-ca: They are men who, for whatever reason, were not too fond of women in the first place. I suspect that this is a chance to get back at all those women who wouldn't give them the time of day when they were in high school and college. For them, it's payback time.

They couldn't get a vaginal probe then, but they will be damned if they don't get one now.



  1. Prof Bell deserves the attention. He was a very foreword thinking man.

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    prof bell was a racist who is burning in hell right about now.

  3. StillaPanther210:30 PM

    Brother Field...history rpeats itself sooo many times. Someone wanted Brother Sharpton to go to Florida. His plate is full with his show and recycled events do not sell advertisements. Wish he had some umph so he could at least bring some indignancy to this trajedy. Teach our young Black males how to live in America. Before any "you shoulds" We too are dealing with our Trayvons here in NewportNs.

  4. Dealio10:32 PM

    Finally, I have this theory about the GOP lawmakers waging war on women in A-merry-ca:

    Republicans are not waging war on women. This is an issue completely manufactured by the democrats for the purpose of distracting voters from real issues.

    It's not working. It is just too ridiculous to believe that failing to force the Catholic church to pay its employees in birth control pills constitutes a "war on women".

    No one in their right mind could fall for that. Did Mrs. Negro cut you off or something?

  5. Florida has no recognizable legal culture; hard to know if it's a DA crossing t's and dotting i's or the latest florida electoral disaster. Time for pressure either way.

  6. Skeeter10:39 PM

    I don't think Obama is a Muslim, but he has no one but himself to blame regarding any misconceptions about his past.

    You either accept the fictional version of his life in his autobiograpghies, or you have to speculate. The man's life is a complete secret, from refusing to release even his birth certificate, to missing academic records, passport records, selective service registration problems, work details...everything.

    There aren't even any first person accounts from fellow students, ex-girl friends or coworkerss - anyone.

    So hey, whose to say anything about this guy?

  7. Anonymous10:45 PM

    The 'kid' got in a fight with the duffer before being shot. Wish you would bother to research stuff before posting it.

  8. Anonymous10:46 PM

    We know most interracial crimes are committed by blacks. Black on white violence has increased 57% since obama was elected.

    George Zimmerman feared for his life.

    This is self-defense.

  9. No one in their right mind could fall for that.

    I guess there's no one in their "right" mind at the 141 advertisers that have pulled out of Rush's show.

    George Zimmerman feared for his life.

    So that's why he continued pursuit even though the 911 operator told him to stop.

    These clowns make incredibly specious arguments. Frothy the Santorum wants to outlaw oh my. Does he really want Obama to wipe the floor with him just off the dome? That would be awesome..

  10. Anonymous11:22 PM

    At first I thought, is this some crazy kid writing these weird disconnected thoughts just waiting to mature? Then I remember he is a far left liberal.

    "Let’s Talk About the Real Issues, Mr. President
    The far Left continues to believe American voters are not smart enough to grasp the diversionary tactics it employs to distract us from the issues our President just doesn’t want to talk about — issues that affect us all every day and must be addressed.

    Exhibit A in these diversionary tactics is an absurd new attack ad President Obama has released taking my comments out of context. I’m not running for any office, but I’m more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s “enemy of the week” if that includes the opportunity to debate him on the issues Americans are actually concerned about. (Remember when I said you don’t need a title to make a difference?)

    Just off the top of my head, a few of these concerning issues include: a debt crisis that has us hurdling towards a Greek-style collapse, entitlement programs going bankrupt, a credit downgrade for the first time in our history, a government takeover of the health care industry that makes care more expensive and puts a rationing panel of faceless bureaucrats between you and your doctor (aka a “death panel”), $4 and $5 gas at the pump exacerbated by an anti-drilling agenda that rejects good paying energy sector jobs and makes us more dependent on dangerous foreign regimes, a war in Afghanistan that seems unfocused and unending, a global presidential apology tour that’s made us look feeble and ridiculous, a housing market in the tank, the longest streak of high unemployment since World War II, private-sector job creators and industry strangled by burdensome regulations and an out-of-control Obama EPA, an attack on the Constitutional protection of religious liberty, an attack on private industry in right-to-work states, crony capitalism run amok in an administration in bed with their favored cronies to the detriment of genuine free market capitalism, green energy pay-to-play kickbacks to Obama campaign donors, and a Justice Department still stonewalling on a bungled operation that armed violent Mexican drug lords and led to the deaths of hundreds of innocent people.

    The above is why the left really wants to silence Sarah Palin and the president even created an attack ad against someone who isn't even running for office.

  11. Dealio11:35 PM

    BrokekLyn said...
    I guess there's no one in their "right" mind at the 141 advertisers that have pulled out of Rush's show.

    What does that have to do at all with the reality of the Republican "war on women", which you know is a false slander cooked up by the Obama campaign?

    Rush Limbaugh foolishly called a 30 year old, planted democrat activist a "slut". He deserves all the boos he is getting over it. But that doesn't make this phony issue any more real. Especially with Obama taking a million dollars from a misogynist that puts Rush Limbaugh to shame, and Michelle going on Letterman tomorrow, when Letterman is the guy who joked about Palin's 14 year old daughter getting knocked up at the Yankees game.

    And regarding the advertiser exodus, corporate America is not generally known for bravery. In any case, the dude must have had a lot of advertisers if 141 have left and he is still in business. The companies that have pulled out are shoooting themselves in the foot, based on their stock prices, and my money is on Limbaugh coming out of this just fine.

    But people like you will keep spouting this false outrage in an attempt to deflect attention from Obama's miserable record. It's not going to work.

  12. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Wow Field, what a sad post! All three topics are just so disheartening...

    Poor young Trayvon, a life cut short, a family faced with tragedy the rest of their lives...

    Mrs Bell, a gracious woman just recently widowed and having to come out to defend her wrongfully maligned, deceased husband, a professor obviously beloved by many.

    The sonogram abortion story,such an invasive and unnecessary procedure.

    Just such horrible and shameful things. Such persecution of decent people...So sad...

  13. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Before I assume Trayvon is innocent...or George is guilty...I want the whole story.
    Calling Zimmerman a 'murderer' is an unfortunate choice of terms at this point.

    I do enjoy the Field's take on the wingnut WarOnWimmens. It must gall the widdle boys to watch icky girls with girlcooties get better jobs, promotions, the sex, and have all-around better lives.
    Maybe you lads should try, like, working and studying. Or going to a real college. Or moving out of Mom's basement. Or following the teaching of Jesus. Or getting a job.

    Feel free to join the adults at any time.


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I was once confronted by a George Zimmerman type. Back in college - I went to a school & resided near some rural areas - three friends & I, 2 white guys, two white girls, all middle class, were taking a walk along a public dirt road back in the mountains. We passed other walkers & hikers. We came upon the foundation of a house, nothing left but the foundation, & a friend suggested we check it out & maybe she could figure out that it looked like. She pulled out a small sketchbook & pencil & began drawing, as we sat by the foundation, legs dangling into the former basement area. Then a man appeared on the other side, carrying a gun. To my eyes - I was raised around guns & owned a rifle - it was a 30.06 shotgun, a nasty weapon. The man said, "What are you doing? Get out of here." Cheekily, I asked, "Do you own this property?" He said, "I live over there & I WATCH this property. Now GIT!" Well, we got. My friends asked me, "Is he allowed to do that?" I said, "I doubt it. But he thinks he's living in the wilderness, I looked into his eyes & he wants to shoot somebody, & someday he will."

  16. The Adults12:24 AM

    "Feel free to join the adults at any time."

    So says the marginally retarded commenter whose posts consist of infantile, nonsensical babbling.

    The viciousness does come through though. It's obvious Mold has lived her life alone.

  17. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Wow Field, what a sad post! All three topics are just so disheartening...

    Poor young Trayvon, a life cut short, a family faced with tragedy the rest of their lives...

    Poor young Trayvon, all he did was hit that guy in the head knock him down and make him bleed, no he wasn't going to stomp him some more, not that poor young youth, no. Maybe if Daddy taught him to respect other men and that they might just fight back and kill you if you attack them, he would be alive.

    Mrs Bell, a gracious woman just recently widowed and having to come out to defend her wrongfully maligned, deceased husband, a professor obviously beloved by many.

    Oh poor mrs bell. I am sure her husband left all his racism at the office and never told her how much he hated white people and she just loves everyone.

    The sonogram abortion story,such an invasive and unnecessary procedure.

    No actually you should feel sorry for the millions of americans who now have to pay for others irresponsible behaviours. In fact, Obamacare rules office just came out with a secret surcharge, done so Obama can just break another law (the hyde amendment) by enabling an "accounting arrangement" described in the Affordable Care Act and reiterated in the final rule issued today.

    “To comply with the accounting requirement, plans will collect a $1 abortion surcharge from each premium payer,” the pro-life source informed LifeNews. “The enrollee will make two payments, $1 per month for abortion and another payment for the rest of the services covered. As described in the rule, the surcharge can only be disclosed to the enrollee at the time of enrollment. Furthermore, insurance plans may only advertise the total cost of the premiums without disclosing that enrollees will be charged a $1 per month fee to pay directly subsidize abortions.”

    Just such horrible and shameful things. Such persecution of decent people...So sad...

    Don't feel so bad Desert, It is all liberal kabuki theater. They are suddenly victims when others notice their hatred and venom that they spread and the Media Matters White house/Black Blogsophere liberal coordination to re-elect Obama will do anything to hide the disaster his presidency is. Including making up distractions.

  18. Who do these Cons think they're fooling with this ridiculous argument that this was a set up by the left? Rachel Maddow has been reporting on Texas, Virginia, and Mississippi for about a year now. National attention didn't occur until the Cons, as per usual, overreached.

    You want to talk job numbers, terrorism, let's do. If the Mad Klown Posse wants to talk about something else I invite let's do. Let us talk about the first bill they introduced once they took over Congress.

    Take your bs to some blog where people are easily swayed, like the echo chamber at Fox Nation.

  19. Anonymous12:50 AM

    You want to talk job numbers, terrorism, let's do. If the Mad Klown Posse wants to talk about something else I invite let's do. Let us talk about the first bill they introduced once they took over Congress.

    Take your bs to some blog where people are easily swayed, like the echo chamber at Fox Nation.

    No honey, logic, reason and intelligence don't sway you. Only emotional lies do. Now which one of the 34 bills that passed the house and are still sitting stuck in the senate do you want to discuss? Are you ABLE to discuss if you understand them? Do you know how Obama has manipulated the unemployment numbers? Are you happy that even with that manipulation we are still 8.3%? 8.3% according to Rachel Maddow is good and you buy this? You think you are smart? Obama may not be a Muslim as he says, but his deeds sure say he isn't pro american. FOrt Hood was not a "workplace accident" and life is not an x-box game where someone else will pay the bills forever, it is ending and going to come crashing down harder than you can imagine.

  20. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Take your bs to some blog where people are easily swayed, like the echo chamber at Fox Nation

    You can't change someone mind if they don't have one.

  21. BrookLyn said...
    Take your bs to some blog where people are easily swayed, like the echo chamber at Fox Nation.

    Spoken like a true zombie.

    You are an idiot, Brooklyn. The sad thing is that you are too dumb to ever realize it.

  22. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Bob said...
    I was once confronted by a George Zimmerman type. Back in college - I went to a school & resided near some rural areas - three friends & I, 2 white guys, two white girls, all middle class, were taking a walk along a public dirt road back in the mountains. We passed other walkers & hikers. We came upon the foundation of a house, nothing left but the foundation,

    Up until this part I thought you were talking about Detroit or Atlanta or Camden when you referenced the house foundation and nothing else I was certain you were going to discuss liberal policies and black america and what it is has done to these cities.

  23. FOrt Hood was not a "workplace accident" and life is not an x-box game where someone else will pay the bills forever, it is ending and going to come crashing down harder than you can imagine.

    What the fuck does this even mean?

    If the Cons so desperately want to talk about the important things going on in this country why are we back to talking about POTUS' birth certificate and religion. 8.3% is better than it was in December and it's getting better. Dow has been inching toward 13,000 and private companies are hiring again. Republican governors like Walker and Scott keep laying off teachers and police so who's really rigging the game.

    Cons think women are over-educated and wanton. That does strike me as being boys who couldn't get dates now getting revenge.

    Why does it bother you so much that I play x-box? If I pay for it what do you care?

  24. Bob said...
    "I looked into his eyes & he wants to shoot somebody, & someday he will."

    Bob, I was that man. I guess deep down I just wanted some company. I saw you and those girls and just wished I could be part of some group of friends. Instead I got scared and chased you all off with a gun. I felt real bad after that and vowed never to bother anyone again. I have hardly left the house all these years.

    Reading your post has brought this all back in a flood of memories that is quite overwhelming. I think now I've wasted my life worrying about what other people think.

    I never did shoot anybody, but now you have convinced that me that I should. I'm going to go out with a bang. A big bang. Thanks Bob.

  25. D'Rush1:15 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    What the fuck does this even mean?

    It means you are a loser who worships a fake black man because he promises to support your fat ass so you can play video games all day and pretend your aren't a moron.

  26. StillinPampers1:18 AM

    Brokeass Brooklyn said...
    Republican governors like Walker and Scott keep laying off teachers and police so who's really rigging the game.

    LMAO! A couple pf Republican governors are balancing the budgets in their states, and that's the reason unemployment is still at least 8.3%! You are a genius!

  27. Mr. Burns1:31 AM

    CBS has released several CBS/New York Times polls that suggest the failure of the intense propaganda campaign waged by the White House and the mainstream media. Despite the intense propaganda barrage to which we have been subjected over the past several weeks, CBS reports that most Americans believe there should be an exception to the mandate requiring employers who may have a moral or religious objection to cover birth control for their employees — by a margin of 57-36. A majority believes that even nonreligious employers should have the right to opt out — by a margin of 51-40.

    Obama tried to manufacture a "war on women", and it backfired on him! Excellent!

  28. Bob Said

    "I was raised around guns & owned a rifle - it was a 30.06 shotgun"


    ????? was the guy also a girl, or a small dog?

  29. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Oh My, More and more and more.

    Obama's favorite Congressman Davis is a communist, he sits on the board of homeland security as well. I guess it's no wonder Obama wants to give away our Missile defense secrets to Putin.

  30. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Bob Said

    "I was raised around guns & owned a rifle - it was a 30.06 shotgun"


    ????? was the guy also a girl, or a small dog?

    Put down the crack pipe and slowly walk away honky

  31. CBS has released several CBS/New York Times polls that suggest the failure of the intense propaganda campaign waged by the White House and the mainstream media. Despite the intense propaganda barrage to which we have been subjected over the past several weeks, CBS reports that most Americans believe there should be an exception to the mandate requiring employers who may have a moral or religious objection to cover birth control for their employees — by a margin of 57-36. A majority believes that even nonreligious employers should have the right to opt out — by a margin of 51-40.

    Once again proving that you Fox News idiots are just that...idiots. The affordable care act says that the insurance companies must cover contraception if employers don't or won't due to religious affiliation. How do you guys not tie yourselves in knots with all the lies you tell.

    And make up your fucking minds either POTUS is a black radical covertly providing black people with reparations or he's a fake black man.

  32. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Once again proving that you Fox News idiots are just that...idiots. The affordable care act says that the insurance companies must cover contraception if employers don't or won't due to religious affiliation. How do you guys not tie yourselves in knots with all the lies you tell.

    How do you not fry your fro with all this discussion that is obviously hard for you to follow

    No nimrod, the act only said Abortion would never be funded by Obamacare, remember how Obama got the last minute votes with his lies and promises? Actually he lied about this and just today mandated a charge for everyone to pay for free abortions..anyway, back to contraceptives - Obama put out a ruling requiring catholic institutions pay for contraceptives and when it was shown he violated the constitution and the church was outraged he walked it back and violated the constitution even further mandating that private companies pay for contraceptives. As if he expected only people like you to see this and go ok, because they don't understandand like free stuff everyone else pays for. Well, a lot of people do understand and not only is this unconstitutional we also know the company will simply raise the rates and the church will wind up paying for it anyway. Rachel Maddow isn't doing you any favors deepining your liberal ignorance.

  33. The stupid is so thick with you guys. Here is a link to the specific part of the affordable care act regarding contraception.

    Pull your head out of that echo chamber it's not doing you any good.

  34. There will never be logic over at FOX Nation. They are like the "walkers" on Walking Dead.

    I saw that CBS poll as well. Did u see the one where he is leading Flipper by 8 points? Of course not.

    BTW, Gallop has him t 49% approval, not 41%.

    Sorry wingnuts, you can't just wish him away, you have to win the election first.

  35. Oh my, all this hatred from the right. I wonder where it comes from? It always takes talk of women to bring it out. Hmmmmm.

  36. Anonymous8:28 AM

    field negro said...
    Oh my, all this hatred from the right. I wonder where it comes from? It always takes talk of women to bring it out. Hmmmmm.

    Someone said earlier and it fits.

    "They are suddenly victims when others notice their hatred and venom that they spread and the Media Matters White house/Black Blogsophere liberal coordination to re-elect Obama will do anything to hide the disaster his presidency is. Including making up distractions."

    like accusing the people pushing back with the truth against the hatred being spread, of being women haters and being the ones who are spreading hatred instead of responding to it.

  37. Somebody needs to kill him. Yes it will start a race riot. But Florida is used to that

  38. Maggie9:10 AM

    "BrookLyn said...
    The stupid is so thick with you guys. Here is a link to the specific part of the affordable care act regarding contraception".

    Free abortions - Kill all the babies.
    Free contraceptives - Promote unprotected sex.

    If I didn't know better I would say there was a conspiracy to decimate the Black race from within.

    --New study shows that in US 'hot spots,' HIV infection among African-American women is 5-times higher than national estimate.

    --14% of US women are black but they constitute 66% of those with HIV

  39. "Free contraceptives - Promote unprotected sex."

    Errrrrrrrrrrr, what??

  40. Anonymous9:34 AM

    This was a cold-blooded murder that demands justice.

    That said, NAAC in FL is lying to boost its case, which is unnecessary. The press did NOT ignore the story. There were reports almost immediately. Blaming the press is wrong.


    Tying this to Black History month? Ridiculous.

  41. Anonymous9:46 AM

    how is the job by the door going house?if that negro hit that man then he deserves to get ventilated. there is no such thing as a 30.6 shot gun because 30.6 is a rifle caliber not a shot gun guage.bongos attack on the church using a feminazi slut is a joke and those sponsors who left rush have plumeted on the stock why don,t talk about the 13yr old who was set on fire by ferrel nigroes at the urging of a nigroe teacher?

  42. who cares what religion the ungodly hobama claims?

    only his evil global deeds matter!

    any word on the hellish ndaa?

  43. Anonymous10:05 AM

    some students remember bongo's lectures and he was all about alinsky and the students said bongo did not know any law because he was just a community organizer"communist".

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "Republicans are not waging war on women. This is an issue completely manufactured by the democrats for the purpose of distracting voters from real issues."

    I agree!

  47. Maggie10:28 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Free contraceptives - Promote unprotected sex."

    Errrrrrrrrrrr, what??

    It's over your head brother, go stroke your sheep and stay on the DL. But do use a rubber even though she is getting the free pills. Or even better, now that it is her responsibility because the government pays for all these things, just like in days of the past the rent and lights and food became her responsibility, because she gets the checks, tell her you are on the DL.

    "DL men come from all walks of life. For example, college students are being impacted. North Carolina health officials released a study in 2004 that found that of 84 percent of male college students infected with HIV in the state in the last four years, 73 percent were black. Of those black men, 67 percent said they had sex with men and 27 percent with female partners. Also alarming is that a higher percentage of African-American men over 50 are contracting the virus. With men taking Viagra and sleeping with younger women who unbeknownst to them have been with young DL men infected with the virus, the cycle is insidious.

    And J.L. King himself had this to say at the National Conference on African-Americans and AIDS and Prevention last year: "I sleep with men, but I am not bisexual, and I am certainly not gay. I am not going to your clinics, I am not going to read your brochures, I am not going to get tested. I assure you that none of the brothers on the down low are paying the least bit of attention to what you say."

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. gas prices trump birth control pill prices!!!


  50. Chaotic Hate Disingenous War11:05 AM

    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...
    "Somebody needs to kill him."

    Irony alert!

    On that note, never turn your back on someone named "Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth".

  51. derrick bell was also a legendary feminist...

    ironic that a sexist racist dog like hobama has evoked the torching of derrick's regal legacy


  52. Quote Maggie

    "It's over your head brother, go stroke your sheep and stay on the DL. But do use a rubber even though she is getting the free pills. Or even better, now that it is her responsibility because the government pays for all these things, just like in days of the past the rent and lights and food became her responsibility, because she gets the checks, tell her you are on the DL."

    If somebody could translate this paragraph into English for me I'd be most appreciative.

    If Maggie could find the time to explain exactly how distributing contraceptives encourages unsafe practices I'd be glad to hear that as well.

    Here in Western Europe governments have always provided free contraception, yet statistics show that the rate of unsafe sexual practices (and of course unwanted pregnancies) is much lower here than in the USA. So how do you explain that?

    And I'll be happy to go back on the DL but first someone's going to have to explain to me what it is. It means Duckworth-Lewis over here, but I'm guessing that's not the context you had in mind.

  53. Ring that Bell11:57 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Here in Western Europe governments have always provided free contraception, yet statistics show that the rate of unsafe sexual practices (and of course unwanted pregnancies) is much lower here than in the USA. So how do you explain that?

    Here in the USA, we have a whole lot more negroes.

    I'm sorry, but how wasn't that obvious to you?

  54. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Ring that Bell said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    Here in Western Europe governments have always provided free contraception, yet statistics show that the rate of unsafe sexual practices (and of course unwanted pregnancies) is much lower here than in the USA. So how do you explain that?

    Here in the USA, we have a whole lot more negroes.

    I'm sorry, but how wasn't that obvious to you?

    He thinks he is playing stupid, we know he isn't playing.

  55. Clamidia Jones12:00 PM

    Chaotic Hate Disingenous War said...
    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...
    "Somebody needs to kill him."

    Irony alert!

    On that note, never turn your back on someone named "Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth".

    She only chose the name Serenity because Clamidia and Orangejello were already taken.

  56. "Free contraceptives - Promote unprotected sex."

    Errrrrrrrrrrr, what??

    Um Cow, you're dealing with people who think teaching abstinance only will stop teens from having sex. Not the brightest bulbs in the pack. Same people who elected W. twice so you can see the level of intelligence we're dealing with.

  57. "Here in the USA, we have a whole lot more negroes."

    Are you sure about that?

  58. Ring that Bell12:13 PM

    Is the UK a complete shithole yet?

  59. Anonymous12:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Free contraceptives - Promote unprotected sex."

    Errrrrrrrrrrr, what??

    Um Cow, you're dealing with people who think teaching abstinance only will stop teens from having sex. Not the brightest bulbs in the pack. Same people who elected W. twice so you can see the level of intelligence we're dealing with.

    ummmm, no people who know what Negroes are capable of. Why are HIV , Herpes, All STD, unwed mothers AND abortion rates so exponentially high in the Black community if the people you oppose are the ones who are dimwits? Explain that. Explain how once the welfare state became established, playing " who's your daddy" became a cultural pastime.

    And no you are right, you need a higher form of thinking to demonstrate improved impulse control. "Abstinance" would not work for the Black community.

    On abortion you are also right, more abortion funding is needed. Being that no amount of free pills, condoms, creams or anything will get used properly, continued funding for continued targeting of black abortions is the only way. Obama did a good job on this one.

  60. Quote Maggie

    "And J.L. King himself had this to say at the National Conference on African-Americans and AIDS and Prevention last year:"

    There was no National Conference on African-Americans and AIDS last year. In fact there hasn't been one since 2009, due to a "collapse in funding".

    Obviously AIDS and HIV amongst African Americans is not a very high priority for the American authorities.

  61. Ring that Bell12:36 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Obviously AIDS and HIV amongst African Americans is not a very high priority for the American authorities.

    Are you kidding me? the government has spent billions trying to get negroes from spreading STD's. It's impossible.

  62. Wow, didn't know birth control and STD's were a Black issue. You'd think there weren't millions of whites with STD's or unwanted pregnancies. Maybe the Palin's are really Black, nah that couldn't be because she was nominated for VP. Cold day in hell when the Republicans nominate a Black person for anything higher than janitor. Well let's just marvel at the vast superiority of whites as the candidates campaign in Mississippi and Alabama the mecca of white progress. I hear a few of them even have teeth there.

  63. Just heard the interview on Ed Shultz's radio program. Sad that hiw widow has to defend Prof. Bell. Maybe Hannity will have her as a guest to get the story straight. I agree Field, classy lady.

  64. Ring that Bell1:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    I agree Field, classy lady.
    Too bad she married a racist creep.

    Maybe now she can make some friends, treat people right the years of her life to make up for the hate spread by her husband.

  65. Ring that Bell1:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, didn't know birth control and STD's were a Black issue

    Yes, actually blacks contract STD's and incur "unwanted" pregnancies at many times the white rate.

    No thanks is necessary for enlightening you, just try to adapt your thinking to reality and that'll be enough.

  66. foreclosures trump fornication!!!

    that bankster hobama lies!!!!!!!


    As more details emerge about the massive $26 billion foreclosure settlement between the five biggest mortgage lenders and the states' attorneys general, a growing number of borrowers are realizing that the deal will do little, if anything, to help them out.

  67. gas trumps sex!!!

  68. Thank god people like me have MSNBC to set us straight. I would believe all kinds of crap if it weren't for the good information I get from them.Excellent news: we got Rush off our local radio station.

  69. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Poor young Trayvon, all he did was hit that guy in the head knock him down and make him bleed.

    "Oh poor mrs bell. I am sure her husband left all his racism at the office and never told her how much he hated white people"
    According to what I've read, it is my understanding that the gentleman, who was driving his car, was repeatedly told over the phone by the 911 dispatcher to "stop following the young man" who was on foot. He had no reason whatsoever to get out of the car and engage the youngster in any way shape or form. But he did. What happened next is any bodies guess and we'll never know because the child is dead.

    As for Mr. Bell, he was a professor and held in high regard by student and faculty. I haven't heard anything to the contrary.

    Women have been self inducing abortions since time began. Women need a safe environment in which they may resolve the matter of an unwanted pregnancy without recurring to closed doors, backstreet, unclean procedures.

    Women in the world are saddled with three fourths or more of the worlds work. With little or no recompense as this work is often classified as "housework" done by the house"wife".

    Raising children is an arduous and sacrificed task. One in which parents are not given much help by governments or society. To do a good parenting and educating job,it takes money and resources ie., tuition, health care etc.

    So yes of course contraception should be funded.

    If a woman feels it's in the best interest of herself, her family and the zygote, for whatever the reasons, and they are usually economical, as in not having enough money for another child, to terminate a pregnancy then she should be able to do it in a safe, clean medical environment.

    Lest we return to the coat hanger days.....Because abortions are as old as time itself.

  70. "Yes, actually blacks contract STD's and incur "unwanted" pregnancies at many times the white rate."

    Of course some real data to back up your claim. But you miss the point that millions of whites are also suffering from these ailments but certain types of people tend to ignore such details.

  71. Ring that Bell3:14 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Women in the world are saddled with three fourths or more of the worlds work.

    While that is pretty much true in places like Africa, where the women do everything and the men just drink all day, that's not the case in Amerikkka.

    American women have only rights; responsibilities are left to the men. American women are the most pampered protected class in human history; that's why they are so unhappy. The more you spoil a woman, the less she respects you.

  72. Ring that Bell3:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    Of course some real data to back up your claim

    Well yes sir I do:

  73. "As for Mr. Bell, he was a professor and held in high regard by student and faculty. I haven't heard anything to the contrary."

    Well you haven't been paying attention Ms. Flower. Sean Hannity has informed us he was a racist and we have Sarah Palin to back his claim. Funny how the right can only seem to find examples of Black racism nowadays or is thatthe point? On another note it seems if any person of color or woman says anything that doesn't include or exhault white males they're either a racist or feminazi. Must be so tough being a white guy today, so oppressed by making up only 90% of the population of Harvard law professors how dare Prof Bell suggest a woman of color be hired. Such a mean racist, he should have known his place.

  74. CHUCK TODD-Well, there's a couple of things. One, it's an automatic – it's a robo-survey, so you get an auto phone call and you press a button to answer the question, one if he's a Christian, two if he's a Muslim. But you introduce it – the way the question was asked, I think it just was designed to get a higher number. Because there are some Republicans who may not believe the President – who may believe the President is a – may not believe he's a Muslim, but like saying it because it's a way to attack him. It's sort of a way to needle him.

    So, I think this question was designed to get a higher percentage in the answer than maybe what's actually true. And it's certainly created a buzz among liberals who are trying to create a stereotype among base conservative voters.

    Public Policy Polling is a leftwing polling group.

    Field negros never let the facts get in the way. That is why they are so ill-informed.

  75. Well yes sir I do:

    Interesting facts Ring but that is but one STD. How do whites fare in other respects and that had no info on unwanted pregnancies. Can we find those numbers or do we just assume and take your word for it? Thanks.

  76. Ring that Bell3:21 PM

    @ PilotX:

    "The estimated rate of new HIV infection for black men was more than six and a half times as high as that of white men, and two and a half times as high as that of Latino men or black women.

    You better be careful the next time you hang out in Man’s Country over there in Chicago.

  77. "So, I think this question was designed to get a higher percentage in the answer than maybe what's actually true"

    So you THINK this but have no way of knowing this for a fact? And yet you call out liberals for not using facts. Ironic huh?

  78. "You better be careful the next time you hang out in Man’s Country over there in Chicago."

    That's for the warning but I'm safer here than in the hotbeds of white STD's. Or is white skin somehow impervious to such diseases? Still waiting on those numbers hotshot.

  79. Ring that Bell3:25 PM

    PilotX said...
    How do whites fare in other respects and that had no info on unwanted pregnancies. Can we find those numbers or do we just assume and take your word for it

    Why yes sir I do:

    For future reference, there are "search engines" available on the internets, for example,

    I'd like to keep helping you, but it's better to teach a man to fish and all that.

  80. PilotX said...
    And yet you call out liberals for not using facts. Ironic huh?

    The poll was a joke. Not worth the time it took to put it together.

    But field negro has to jig for his Democrat masters.

  81. Ring that Bell3:36 PM

    SPC said...
    So, I think this question was designed to get a higher percentage in the answer than maybe what's actually true. And it's certainly created a buzz among liberals who are trying to create a stereotype among base conservative voters.

    Good point.

    I'd like the see the results of such a robo-poll in D.C.,Detroit, or the southside of Chicago where you asked people things like "Did the CIA invent AIDS to kill black people?" or "Is a giant spaceship called the Mother Plane on the way to kill whitey?

  82. Anonymous3:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You better be careful the next time you hang out in Man’s Country over there in Chicago."

    That's for the warning but I'm safer here than in the hotbeds of white STD's. Or is white skin somehow impervious to such diseases? Still waiting on those numbers hotshot.

    No Whites aren't impervious but given the HUGE gap in percentages. I would say they are a lot smarter and pickier who they sleep with and of course the old lack of Black impulse control.

  83. Ring that Bell3:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    That's for the warning but I'm safer here than in the hotbeds of white STD's. Or is white skin somehow impervious to such diseases

    Oh it's not all white in Man’s Country, Obama used to go there all the time.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. "Are you kidding me? the government has spent billions trying to get negroes from spreading STD's. It's impossible.

    Billions??? Really?

    Do you have any evidence for that?

    Odd that they are spending billion yet the premier conference on the subject has closed down for the lack of funding.

  86. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "Do you have any evidence for that?"

    Common knowledge. See

  87. World Ends Tomorrow —Minorities Hardest Hit4:29 PM

    Report: Blacks Hit by STDs More Than Whites

    The infection rate for sexually transmitted diseases among African Americans and Hispanics, particularly young people, continues to be greater than that of whites, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's annual report.

    The stark results from 2010 data are as follows: While blacks represent just 14 percent of the population, they account for 35 percent of all reported chlamydia cases, nearly half of syphilis cases (48 percent) and almost three-quarters (69 percent) of gonorrhea cases.

    Further, the syphilis rate among young black men has increased dramatically in recent years (134 percent since 2006). Other CDC data suggest that this rise is likely driven by increases among young black gay and bisexual men, the report says. The overall syphilis rate decreased for the first time in a decade and is down 1.6 percent since 2009.

  88. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Purple Cow Said...

    Billions??? Really?

    Do you have any evidence for that?

    Odd that they are spending billion yet the premier conference on the subject has closed down for the lack of funding.

    I can see Logic and reality and knowledge of real world events, don't hail from or flourish in your natural habitat.

    Who do you think pays for the majority of African Aids medicines cures and Tuberculosis and Malaria what not?

    Now as for the conference you say being a premier one, not being funded, oh well, Maybe those who actually provide the money didn't think it was as premier as you say it is.

    United States of American spending on Aids
    2007 21.2 B, 4.4 B. global
    2008 23.4 B. 5.9 B. global
    2009 25.3 B. 6.5 B. Global
    2010 26.2 B. 6.6 B. Global
    2011 27.1 B. 6.6 B. Global

    Is that enough billions for you?

    The Global HIV/AIDS Budget
    The U.S. government first provided funding to address the global HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1986. Since then, funding for global HIV/AIDS has risen significantly and grown as a share of the HIV/AIDS budget, although recent increases have been much less. All U.S. funding for global HIV/AIDS is part of PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, first authorized in FY 2003 and reauthorized in FY 2008.5,6 In May 2009, President Obama announced a new Global Health Initiative (GHI) to develop a comprehensive U.S. government strategy for global health, acting as an umbrella over several U.S. global health programs including PEPFAR.7 Funding for HIV/AIDS represents the largest share of the GHI budget.8
    The FY 2012 budget request for HIV/AIDS includes $6.9 billion for the global epidemic, a 5% increase over FY 2011, and represents a quarter (24%) of the budget request for HIV/AIDS. Of this amount, $5.6 billion is for the following: bilateral activities in countries and regions (approximately $5 billion); international research ($489 million); and multilateral contributions to UNAIDS ($45 million), the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ($28.7 million), and Microbicides ($45 million). The request also includes $1.3 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), a 24% increase over FY 2011 funding levels. The Global Fund is an independent, public-private, multilateral institution which finances HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria programs in low and middle income countries. The U.S., the first contributor to the Global Fund when it was created, is its largest single donor today.

  89. The Dow closed at 13,179.

  90. Racism field negro won't chase5:23 PM

    Oh my, all this hatred from field negros. I wonder where it comes from?

    PERTH teenager has spoken of his terror after he was violently bashed by a gang of thugs who repeatedly kicked him and stomped on his head after being racially taunted.
    Perth detectives are hunting up to 20 youths, believed to be of African descent, who were involved in the attack in the city at 11.30pm last night.

    Two males - aged 16 and 17 - have already been charged, but police have not ruled out further charges being laid.

    This afternoon, 19-year-old James Claxon told how a night out with mates turned into a nightmare when he was allegedly set upon by the gang, attacked and robbed of his wallet and mobile phone.

    Mr Claxon said he and four friends had just got off a train and had been walking through Forrest Place towards a city nightclub when they were confronted by the group.

    ``They were walking through in the same proximity and they've basically started running at us and they caught me and have beaten me up and stolen my things,'' he said.

    ``The only thing I heard before they caught me was: `Who are these white c**ts?' It was totally unprovoked.

    ``They kicked me in the head a few times, stomped on my head a few times, kicked me in the kidneys and the ribs. It was mostly around the head and the ribs.

    ``I was probably out cold for two minutes before my mates picked me up and dragged me towards a taxi to get to hospital.''

    Mr Claxon sustained facial injuries, including a bruise of shoe tread in the side of his face, and was taken to Royal Perth Hospital for treatment, but discharged yesterday morning.

    He said he was stunned by the assault.

    ``It's surreal to think that someone could actually do that to me. To think that another person would seek out to hurt me and steal my things is incomprehensible,'' he said.

    ``Mostly I'm just happy I'm still here to be honest. It could have been a lot worse.''

    Detective Sergeant Steve Coelho said the gang appeared to have been walking from the McIver train station on a ``rampage'' last night.

    ``They have singled out white Australians and for no reason whatsoever, completely unprovoked, they've attacked one of the males. That lead to a vicious assault. He's had severe facial injuries and his head literally stomped on,'' Det-Sgt Steve Coelho said.

    He called on anyone who may have information about the attack to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, saying it was possible the youths had been involved in other criminal acts on Friday night.

    The two charged youths will appear in Perth Magistrates Court tomorrow accused of aggravated assault. A third male was interviewed but released without charge.

    Police have not ruled out further charges being laid.

  91. GoldMember5:41 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    The Dow closed at 13,179.

    Investors were given much news the last few days that re-election prospects for Obama do not look good at all. Once this is affirmed the economy will boom. People who make up the economy as opposed to government who leeches on it will start spending and investing again.

  92. "No Whites aren't impervious but given the HUGE gap in percentages. I would say they are a lot smarter and pickier who they sleep with and of course the old lack of Black impulse control."

    Whoa, now that's a huge leap in logic. So Blacls lack impulse control and are less picky in who we sleep with? Now that's some thinking worthy of the most ignorant Mississippi inbreed since 1964.
    Field, you definitely have some winners here. You might give stormfront a run for their money, where's Derrick Bell when you need him? Ha, and thry can only see Black racism.

  93. "Racism field negro won't chase said..."

    and how do we know this incident is racist? Maybe South Afrikaners don't like Australians? Sounds like an international problem to me.

  94. Obama the Destroyer5:58 PM

    BrookLyn Greenspan said...
    The Dow closed at 13,179.

    What we are seeing is the reduction in the worth of the dollar that is the natural result of Obama priting trillions of them. In other words, stocks are worth more dollars because dollars are worth less.

    The Dow when compared to commodity prices, say gold, has actually trended negative.

    This will not matter to you until the big crash comes, and the EBT card stops working.

  95. Anonymous6:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    "No Whites aren't impervious but given the HUGE gap in percentages. I would say they are a lot smarter and pickier who they sleep with and of course the old lack of Black impulse control."

    Whoa, now that's a huge leap in logic. So Blacls lack impulse control and are less picky in who we sleep with?

    Is it? Why are Blacks such a minority yet lead the country in unwed mothers, abortions, diseases? Outside of the country in every other country with over 12% of Blacks the proportions are of an epidemic nature. Surely they aren't stupid and understand everything their choices and indulgence in instant gratification brings.

    Leap of logic? How else do you explain the overwhelming nature of violence by blacks? Overwhelmingly exceeding any other race any where in the world. I mean this, I really would like to know what YOU think causes this.

    Your single reply is whooaaa... look someone said the truth they must be racist. Well, ok discussion goes away and yet the problems have only gotten worse year after year.

    Last point you mention the new Bill Maher talking point for Obama, Mississippi is filled with "inbreds"...surely there are quite a few and toothless ones at that. But how does this make you make a "leap of logic" that this somehow improves the black situation? Mississippi is state with a very, very high Black population (37%) Bill Maher and Pelosi did not interview one Black person. If the Whites are as you say inbred, wonder what Mississippi blacks are like?

    In Mississippi Black HS graduation rate is 43% vs 56% of whites. 8th grader reading competencies Blacks are 53% below grade level vs 23% compared to whites. Do you think with the Maher video all Blacks are dapper tuxedo wearing suave sophisticated people in contrast to the toothless possibly inbred examples they filmed? Or are you just another media tool who can't think for himself and all your problems go away because you saw a couple of hillbillies without teeth?

  96. Anonymous6:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Racism field negro won't chase said..."

    and how do we know this incident is racist? Maybe South Afrikaners don't like Australians? Sounds like an international problem to me.

    "Who are these white c**ts?'"

    Does this give you a bit of a clue or can you only hear secret "dog whistles and intercept hidden thoughts" from non blacks, but excuse the obvious from Blacks? Sounds racist to me.

  97. Epicurus7:08 PM

    A few responsibilities we all have, as adults:

    Your life is your responsibility. Whether you end up rich or broke, drunk or sober, in jail or free, successful or a failure -- it's all the fault of the person looking back at you in the mirror. If things go wrong, don't blame your country, your government, your parents, your spouse, the political party you don't like, bad luck, being born under the wrong sign -- you did it. Own it so that you can do something about it.

    It's your job to take care of your kids. It's your job to feed them, clothe them, watch over them, and teach them right from wrong. Of course, it's not easy. It has never been easy, but somehow everybody from cavemen to medieval peasants to Vikings managed to pull it off. If they can do it, you can do it.

    This country was here before you were born and it'll be here after you die. You have a solemn duty to leave this nation better than you found it, if only by refusing to sponge off your fellow citizens.

    It's not the government's job to pay your bills, find you a job, and keep you living in the style to which you've grown accustomed. There are people who work crummy jobs just to keep some money coming in, work 2 jobs, or even move to a better area to find work. That may not be pleasant, but paying your bills is a responsibility that ultimately rests on your shoulders.

    You don't want the responsibility for your own health care because you think it's too expensive? Wait and see how much it costs when the government gives it to you for "free." Then see how well your decisions about your own health match up with the ones made by some faceless bureaucrat in D.C. Here's a hint: You're interested in you. They're interested in saving the government money. Your interests, even in cases of life or death, will not always coincide.

    The government may put basic safety regulations in place, but at the end of the day, you're responsible for your own life and limb. If you spill hot coffee on yourself, slip on an icy sidewalk, fail to strap into your parachute, kill yourself after listening to heavy metal music, die from smoking, crack your head open because you didn't wear a motorcycle helmet, drown after a hurricane you knew was coming for a few days or pee on an electric fence, that's your fault. It's shouldn’t be the job of the government or the court system to kiss your boo-boo and make it better when anybody with half a brain wouldn't have done something so dumb in the first place.

  98. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Field, coming over here is like seeing a black owned and operated stormfront website. Nothing but hate and venom.

  99. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ten Reasons I will never date a liberal man.

    I want a MAN. Liberal guys are whiny, weak, and passive. Somehow, the greasy, feminine, skinny-jeans-wearing hipster thing just doesn’t appeal to me at all. Eeeww. I just don’t think it’s too much to ask him to A) dress like a man, and B) to lead. Could I lead, and lead well? Absolutely. But I can’t stand that. In the words of Misfit’s lovely Sara Johnson, “You know what’s NOT hot? Me feeling like the man in my relationship.” or payin the bills.

    Women want to be respected, and I’m no exception. On the Left, I get accusations of being a racist because *gasp* I didn’t vote for the black guy in 2008. I get told I’m a lousy excuse for a woman, I’ve betrayed my gender (because demanding that I think a certain way because I’m a woman isn’t sexist AT ALL), and get called stupid, ignorant, and a lot of names not fit to be printed. You name it, I’ve been called it by the Left. On the Right, I meet men who respect me, value my opinion, even when they disagree, are willing to listen to my ideas, and love the fact that I’m not a mindless lemming, but that I use my brain.

    I expect the man I date to be a gentleman. I’m perfectly capable of opening my own doors and getting my own coat, but that’s not the point. I want him to do it. He’s perfectly capable of cooking for himself too, but I want to do that for him. I’m a lady, and I expect the guy I date to treat me like that and be a gentleman. I’ve never met a single liberal that was a gentleman. Not one. And I know a lot of them, trust me.

    Liberals are inconsistent. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. They want the government out of their bedrooms, unless birth control is handed to them. They want to kill innocent babies, but not give convicted terrorists the death penalty. They want to eat organic but complain about the price of food. They want to raise taxes and then complain about unemployment. I can’t stand the inconsistency. It’s stupid.

    Liberals are rather opposed to firearms. Whoever I date has to be enough of a man to defend me, and if that means shooting someone, he better be up to the challenge. And seriously, if you’re too much of a pansy to use a gun, just get lost. You have no chance. While you’re gone, grow a pair.

    Liberals support abortion. Any guy who thinks it’s perfectly ok to kill a baby will never even get close to making the evaluation list for who I want as the father of my babies. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole and a gas mask. And any guy who doesn’t see that abortion is bad for women, doesn’t get to go out with this woman

  100. "Field, coming over here is like seeing a black owned and operated stormfront website. Nothing but hate and venom."

    Who is doing the hating? Not us Negroes.

    We just want the rest of A-merry-ca to see how much hate is out there.

    Brooklyn, I called my broker today; just to thank him.

    "Whoa, now that's a huge leap in logic. So Blacls lack impulse control and are less picky in who we sleep with? Now that's some thinking worthy of the most ignorant Mississippi inbreed since 1964.

    Field, you definitely have some winners here."

    Yes, I am thinking about having a wingnut intervention. The survival of the Republic depends on it.

  101. Gold Man Sacks8:36 PM

    field negro said...
    Brooklyn, I called my broker today; just to thank him.

    Hope you bought gold. And not just caps.

  102. "In Mississippi Black HS graduation rate is 43% vs 56% of whites"

    Sooooooooo, Mississippi is full of white geniuses? Ok, so everybody in Mississippi is stupid so what?

  103. Ten Reasons I will never date a conservative woman

    1. She thinks camoflauge and an unwashed t-shirt with stains is the only manly attire a guy can wear.
    2. A conservative woman doesn't want to work but hides this fact in her wanting to be "traditional". We don't like lazy women.
    3.Conservative women tend to be obtuse thinkers who think that every liberal thinks she's a racist because she didn't vote for Barack Obama. Uh, no it's probably the other 100 racist things you do that make us think you're a racist hon.
    4. Conservative women like small government except when it is used to eliminate things they don't like.
    5. Conservative women tend to be, well......kinda dumb. Liberal men like smart women.
    6. Conservative women lack refinement. When she has never left her country but swears the USA is the best place on earth you know you're not dating a future queen.
    7. Facts don't matter to conservative women.
    8. Hypocrisy is overwhelming with conservative women. They say they are pro-life but love guns which do nothing but kill. Gotta love the mental gymnastics there.
    9. Conservative women are selfish. They don't recycle because they don't care about the environment or the next generation.
    10. Conservative women are kinda dumb. Oh I said that already? They won't notice because they can't count to ten^
    psssssssst......see if she had ten reasons. Of course it could be a man because the GOP closet is pretty full.

  104. Anonymous9:32 PM


    I like this post:

    You create good material for community.

    Please keep posting.

    Let me introduce other material that may be good for net community.

    Source: Police captain interview questions

    Best rgs

  105. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Conservative women tend to be obtuse thinkers who think that every liberal thinks she's a racist because she didn't vote for Barack Obama. Uh, no it's probably the other 100 racist things you do that make us think you're a racist hon.

    Yup, like wanting nothing to do with your ugly ass, must be cause she is racist. I have heard this many times. Its' true, she doesn't find you attractive at all and wants clean intelligent reasonable men. Not Men with the minds of children who never made the leap from petulant child to responsible adult.

  106. Hey Field, who do you think the GOP nominee will chose as a runing mate? My wife and I were discussing it and I think they have to choose Nikki Haley. They are in trouble with women and just like in the movie Game Change if you're behind in the female vote you're gonna lose. The only logical choice seems to be Haley. Can't choose Palin or Bachmann for obvious reasons so Nikki looks like the one. She comes across as intelligent and she's also Indian-American so they can dodge the racist charge at their Klan rally in Tampa with 90%+ white attendees. What say you?

  107. Anonymous9:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "In Mississippi Black HS graduation rate is 43% vs 56% of whites"

    Sooooooooo, Mississippi is full of white geniuses? Ok, so everybody in Mississippi is stupid so what?

    Clearly Mississippi isn't the only place with dumb people. You made the point that only hicks and rednecks live in Mississippi by repeating the liberal hit job done by Maher and Pelosi little one. When it is demonstrated to you that if whites are dumb and inbred Blacks are worse off yet the liberal idiots avoided this truth you come back with this, " so what". You are right, when it comes to your thoughts and racist rants, so what.

  108. StandUpSally9:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    Ten Reasons I will never date a conservative woman

    1. She thinks camoflauge and an unwashed t-shirt with stains is the only manly attire a guy can wear.
    2. A conservative woman doesn't want to work but hides this fact in her wanting to be "traditional". We don't like lazy women.
    3.Conservative women tend to be obtuse thinkers who think that every liberal thinks she's a racist because she didn't vote for Barack Obama. Uh, no it's probably the other 100 racist things you do that make us think you're a racist hon.
    4. Conservative women like small government except when it is used to eliminate things they don't like.
    5. Conservative women tend to be, well......kinda dumb. Liberal men like smart women.
    6. Conservative women lack refinement. When she has never left her country but swears the USA is the best place on earth you know you're not dating a future queen.
    7. Facts don't matter to conservative women.
    8. Hypocrisy is overwhelming with conservative women. They say they are pro-life but love guns which do nothing but kill. Gotta love the mental gymnastics there.
    9. Conservative women are selfish. They don't recycle because they don't care about the environment or the next generation.
    10. Conservative women are kinda dumb. Oh I said that already? They won't notice because they can't count to ten^
    psssssssst......see if she had ten reasons. Of course it could be a man because the GOP closet is pretty

    Did you follow her list and try and be the opposite? Really poor job, not at all creative and lacking in style and substance. Those pretty white fit, thin, long blonde hair, blue eyes, highly intelligent from genetics and proper schooling away from minorities - Don't want you. So you are right to feel rejected and less than, otherwise you wouldn't be liberal if you felt competent and manly.

  109. "Yup, like wanting nothing to do with your ugly ass, must be cause she is racist. I have heard this many times. Its' true, she doesn't find you attractive at all and wants clean intelligent reasonable men. Not Men with the minds of children who never made the leap from petulant child to responsible adult."

    Well, I'm married to a beautiful former NFL cheerleader so I'm straight. I can be as dirty, dumb and unreasonable as I want and she loves it.

  110. "Those pretty white fit, thin, long blonde hair, blue eyes, highly intelligent from genetics and proper schooling away from minorities - Don't want you"

    Coulda fooled me. Those white flight attendants are all over the brothas. I know they lie to you but what else is new. Too bad I don't find them attractive, I prefer chocolate over vanilla.

  111. Anonymous9:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    Ten Reasons I will never date a conservative woman

    10. Conservative women are kinda dumb. Oh I said that already? They won't notice because they can't count to ten^

    Another reason for not dating a Liberal man?

    Bad grammar.

  112. "You made the point that only hicks and rednecks live in Mississippi by repeating the liberal hit job done by Maher and Pelosi little one."

    Actually I didn't catch Bill's show yet so that bit of asumption was off the mark. Trust me kid, I've known Mississippi is full of dumb white folks well before Pelosi picked up a camera. You really have a low regard for liberals huh? My point was that it is interesting that you seem to celebrate a 56% graduation rate as something to be proud of because at least it's higher than dem negroes but in reality that pretty f'n low.

  113. "Well, I'm married to a beautiful former NFL cheerleader so I'm straight. I can be as dirty, dumb and unreasonable as I want and she loves it."

    Hi5 :)

  114. Thanks for the laughs Pilot and Brooklyn!

  115. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, buy silver. It's going to explode soon.

    Your Loyal Anon

    PS. I am always looking out for you.
