Friday, April 20, 2012

Another killing.

Before I start this post I want to give a big shout out to some amazing people/ bloggers who I was fortunate enough to hang out with up in New York, today. We were all there as a part of the Black Enterprise black blogger month photo shoot. (Yes Jigga, your new look 40/40 Club is all that) Slim, Anslem, Patrice, Yolis, Abiola,and Christen, you all is some good folk and I love your blogs. I hope you all can come down to Philly and hang out at BWB. (You Negroes are doing this blogging thing, big.)

Now for some more serious business: I see that you know who had his bond hearing today, but I promised myself that I would leave this case alone until after the trial, so I will bite my tongue.

But while I won't talk about you know who, I will talk about Stephon Watts. If you haven't heard of Stephon Watts, it's probably because what happened to him has become so common in A-merry-ca that sadly, it's not even news anymore.

"The mother of a 15-year-old boy with autism who was fatally shot by police in his home Wednesday is facing off with suburban Chicago police officers who say the officer acted appropriately.

Stephon Watts, 15, who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when he was 9, had had 10 previous interactions with Calumet City, Ill. police in the last two years, including at least one where police discharged Tasers to subdue him, the Chicago Tribune reports. Watts' father called the police Wednesday after arguing with his son, who didn't want to go to school, having been instructed by social workers that Watts should be handled by authorities when agitated.

Asperger's syndrome interferes with social skills, but sufferers often have normal to high intelligence. Police say they found Watts armed with a knife in the basement of his parents' home, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. When one officer sustained a defensive wound to his left forearm, two other officers on the scene fired their weapons. Steven Watts, Stephon's father, says his son was shot once in the leg, and then again in the head.

Stephon's mother, Danelene Powell-Watts, told Fox Chicago her son shouldn't have died that day, and said she might pursue a lawsuit against the police force. "They murdered my son...decided to kill him," Powell-Watts told Fox . "They didn't have to shoot him in the head, they could have [T]ased him. They could have hit him in his arm or his leg. They didn't have to kill a 15-year-old with autism." [Source] (h/t to sandee, my twitter fam, for turning me on to this story.)  

Now now Ms. Watts, little Negro boys do not get to say that they suffer from some kind of disability. That excuse is reserved for other children. Little Negro boys are violent and should be shot in the head.


  1. Kingnut8:20 PM

    "10 previous run-ins with police"?, including getting tazed? And the father is calling police because he won't go to school?

    This is a story that was going to end badly, one way or another. Of course police should not be shooting a 15 year old boy, but what the hell were they ever doing facing off with him and his knife in his basement?

    This kid should have been institutionalized long before it got to such craziness.

    I really think you are shoehorning the racism into this bizarre and tragic story.

  2. NSangoma9:11 PM


    This tyme and it may not be the first time; you are racism chasing.


  3. StillaPanther29:29 PM

    Brother Field.... Be careful what we wish for..we might get it. The only thing we wanted was an arrest. We got it and it might be the only thing we get. Same bail as some grand larceny cases require. This may be an omen. Too much time has past....too many situations have been put in place. Same players same results from the 50s 60s. StillaPanther2.

  4. 352 E.10:24 PM

    Capitalism punishes the poor. Mental health professionals don't come cheap. Police officers who, I admit are overworked and underrepresented in the neighborhood, respond to situations that sometime require them to be hyper alert. They are not mental health professionals.
    They have a duty to allow due process and not be the judge and jury, too.I wonder if fatigue played any part in the shooting. Somewhere there was an obvious breakdown in communication. That's why neighborhood watch...never mind.
    Anyway, it appears that here's another instance of an important social service being under funded and downsized when to it's credit, the dow is still above 13,000. The money is stagnant at the top and since it doesn't seem to want to trickle down, all that's left is to community organize. Neighborhood residents need to become more involved by engaging the local police so we may prevent tensions from escalating to the point that this did. Police also have the responsibility to educate the public in terms of what info they need when they arrive on the scene.Lately we have had to deal with 2 of our youth being profiled and subsequently losing their lives. I say together let's talk about it.

  5. 352 E.10:51 PM

    Fact #1

    Two teens died.

    Fact #2

    Both should be alive today.

  6. Judge Parker10:55 PM

    Field is trying to deflect the fact that Zimmerman's lawyer made the prosecution look like fools in court today. The photos that ABC released show significant injuries toZimmerman's head. Funny how those photos weren't released until today.

    Zimmerman's bond, as adjuticated by the court/judge: 150k. 10% is 15k. Basically, the judge was saying: let him walk. The prosecution has no case..

  7. I81U81210:56 PM

    352 E. said...
    Fact #1

    Two teens died.

    Fact #2

    Both should be alive today.

    Fact both would be if heir parents did their jobs.

    Trayvon - by the 3rd suspension, you start checking his facebook, drawers find out that he is thuggin and dealin and fightin and ready for trouble. You don't leave him unsupervised and you teach him not to be so violent. You might get shot.

    The autistic kid. Ridiculous - every state has FREE mental facilities or medical institutions to care for those who CANNOT or WILL NOT care for them. Police ar not baby sitters. Why are you requiring cops to get sliced and diced? Would you like it if you were getting chopped up and someone demanded you take it so as not to hurt the poor kid?

    Have kids, raise kids, take the responsibilty for them.

  8. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Treyvon was poseur thug who picked a fight he couldn’t win. He brought Skittles to a gun fight. Dumb ass.

  9. 352 E.11:13 PM


    I've not heard enough to agree with you...let's just see what happens with the evidence.
    Right now can we agree the kid went to the store and wasn't doing anything wrong on his way back home?

  10. Disgusted11:14 PM

    Just a simple , basic, question:

    WHY is a "teens" life more valuable than a 70 year-old woman's life?

    What's the matrix? A woman who paid taxes all her life, or some goober who has never paid any?

  11. 352 E.11:31 PM

    "Basically, the judge was saying: let him walk. The prosecution has no case.."

    Personally I'm comfortable with the judge. He seemed experienced with this kind of case. The judge also seemed to be prepared and in control.

    You heard let him walk...I heard a guarantee that gz would have his day in court.

  12. NSangoma11:33 PM


    I been done told you field, to beware of Reverend Incorporated:


  13. Anonymous12:08 AM

    If Zimmerman is found innocent, then once again, Rev Inc and the black protesters in Sanford are losers.

    Field, this includes YOU since you have been so pro Trayvon. Some kind of lawyer you are! Blinded by your own racism.

    I am so worried about how this Trayvon/Zimmerman trial is going to turn out for all of us Blacks. Lord, please don't let it turn out to be another Tawana Brawley or Jena Six.

    Field, you had better pray with the rest of us because your black lawyering is on the line.

  14. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Field, "We were all there as a part of the Black Enterprise black blogger month photo shoot. (Yes Jigga, your new look 40/40 Club is all that) Slim, Anslem, Patrice, Yolis, Abiola,and Christen, you all is some good folk and I love your blogs."

    Field, I am surprised you did not include GRANNY! I mean, she claims to be a blogger for the black cause so I KNOW she was there. Right?

    If she wasn't, then where the hell was she, still in Richmond and E. Oakland? smhWhat a disappointment.

  15. Just another day in Amerikkka where 1/3 of our black male children are headed to an early grave or a life in prison. We know how to fix the problem -family support to get parents off the failure hamster-wheel, good schools that instill an excellent education, affirmative action hiring to combat the employment system's passive racism, universal access to preventative healthcare. Of course it'll never help EVERYBODY, but past successes suggest that it could cut poverty and it's associated pathologies in about half every 30 years.

    But, as we all know, white Amerikkka isn't nearly as interested in that as in using the lives of black boys & men as fodder for jobs for the white working class.

  16. Anonymous12:29 AM

    After reading the article, it seems more that the lad was escalating in violence. It does not appear that race was relevant.

    Police don't shoot like movie chickenhawk cowboys. Police shoot to end a threat. I do believe that is a body or head shot. Double-tap for some military veterans on the force.

    Tasing sounds good...after the fact. But many wear the Taser on the less dominant side. If you has to draw on a would prefer the more certain force.

    Point of discussion, many call Aspergers the 'asshole condition' such, the lad may have enjoyed his little tirades.


  17. Mr. Whitebread12:33 AM

    You're quite right! "White Aerica could give a shit about blacks, or whatever "racce you try to pin on us.

    We're survivours...conquerors.

  18. Wesley R12:34 AM

    Let get to the facts here wingnuts. Reverand Sharpton and Jackson were called and asked to look into the Trayvon Martin case by his family because of the police coverup taking place. And because there wasn't an arrest made after their son was killed. The Revs did their job. They brought national attention to the case and there was finally an arrest. That's all the family asked for in the beginning. The police screwed the case up to the point that Zimmerman may be found innocent. It wouldn't be a shock to anyone, and it won't lead to a race war regardless of the wingnut talking heads feed you.

  19. Plasma TV's12:39 AM

    Nobody said " Race War"! It'll be us who suffer, while the po po watch......or help along.

  20. Mkie Nifong12:56 AM

    Wesley R said...
    Let get to the facts here wingnuts. Reverand Sharpton and Jackson were called and asked to look into the Trayvon Martin case by his family because of the police coverup taking place. And because there wasn't an arrest made after their son was killed. The Revs did their job. They brought national attention to the case and there was finally an arrest. That's all the family asked for in the beginning. The police screwed the case up to the point that Zimmerman may be found innocent. It wouldn't be a shock to anyone, and it won't lead to a race war regardless of the wingnut talking heads feed you.

    12:34 AM

    Uh uh. Notice how they run like rats, whonce the true story began to emermge........Crystal Mangun...and I'll raise you five.

  21. Kingnut1:07 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Just another day in Amerikkka where 1/3 of our black male children are headed to an early grave or a life in prison. We know how to fix the problem -family support to get parents off the failure hamster-wheel, good schools that instill an excellent education, affirmative action hiring to combat the employment system's passive racism, universal access to preventative healthcare. Of course it'll never help EVERYBODY, but past successes suggest that it could cut poverty and it's associated pathologies in about half every 30 years.

    Really Whitey? How has the 15 trillion dollars we have spent on these efforts worked out for the past 30 years? At what point is no longer the white man's fault?

    "Family support" has destroyed the black family. Government schools are employment agencies run by a corrupt priesthood of idiots. "Affirmative Action" tells blacks they are inferior and lets whites play the victim too. (If racism is "passive" is it really the main problem?) The lack of regular prostate exams is not what is destroying lives.

    1/3 of black male children wind up on society's trash heap because black culture is incompatible with thriving in the mainstream culture.

    Blacks who assimilate do generally as well as everyone else who assimilates. The thug life attitude leads one place. It's time to get with the program, because the EBT card is about to run out.

  22. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Crystal M is simply proof of the fact that some white men think black vagina is theirs for the taking.

    The ONLY reason nothing more ever came of that case was because the chick was working as an exotic dancer.

    Still I feel, in an HIV test for life kinda way, for ANY woman dumb enough to date/marry any of those aristobrats involved with that case!!!

    Dr. Queen

  23. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Crystal M is simply proof of the fact that some white men think black vagina is theirs for the taking.

    The ONLY reason nothing more ever came of that case was because the chick was working as an exotic dancer.

    Still I feel, in an HIV test for life kinda way, for ANY woman dumb enough to date/marry any of those aristobrats involved with that case!!!

    Dr. Queen

    Or that it was a complete fucking lie and they wanted nothing to do with those skanky cum filled hoes.

    Isn't your girl in jail right now for stabbing her boyfriend to death? Gotta love that culture.

    I think seeing your name and vagina in the same post caused me to throw up in my mouth. No one wants your Va-J-J swine. Keep it's unclean presence clothed, hidden and away from the thoughts and view of any human.

  24. Georgetown Sux1:31 AM

    Yes, Miss Brilliant "Queen" that you know Cystal Mangum is is in jail ..... that precious Crystal Mangun is now in prison for a murder chage, right?

  25. Anonymous1:34 AM

    ^^^^ what happened, did a black prostitute turn down your "pencil"?? I bet she PAID your stick figure ass to go away, lol!!! Maybe that's why those dookie's got upset, Crystal M laughed when they took their pants off, lol!!!

    And you whats in your mouth isn't throw up, it belongs to your father and rhymes with dumb. ASS!

    Dr. Queen

  26. Dirt Road1:36 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Crump and Rev Al were looking for a big financial payday, nothing more, nothing less. A little race-baiting in there to get the AA base all riled up was a bonus.

    Remember, Crump kept saying he "just wants an arrest". And Trayvon's Mom, who was sooooo grief stricken she ran out and filed to trademark his name, upon Zimmerman being arrested said,
    "Praise Jesus". This is about the Benjamins, plain and simple.

    It doesn't matter that justice is being perverted or that Organized Blackness is trying to railroad Zimmerman.

    A big part of Crump's lies hangs on the word of "Dee Dee" who allegedly was on the phone with Trayvon as the incident was going down. Yet she didn't call 911 or cooperate with the police.

    Some people are skeptical and have done their homework.

  28. Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

    And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  29. Ms Queen: And you whats in your mouth isn't throw up, it belongs to your father and rhymes with dumb. ASS!
    Stay classy Queen.

    You ain't never gonna be no doctor!

  30. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    ^^^^ what happened, did a black prostitute turn down your "pencil"?? I bet she PAID your stick figure ass to go away, lol!!! Maybe that's why those dookie's got upset, Crystal M laughed when they took their pants off, lol!!!

    And you whats in your mouth isn't throw up, it belongs to your father and rhymes with dumb. ASS!

    Dr. Queen

    OK. I am sure you know first hand about being a black prostitute but lets clear this up shall we oh so she-boonish freakishly non human ghetto ho. I wouldn't do you with Trayvon's thing and it's rotting away. You aren't attractive, you aren't a nice person, you are dumb as an elephants dookie (it has an edge on you as far as IQ) and your a nasty ghetto ho. What in the world makes you think anyone would ever want that? Oh and add in your delusional lifelong career changes and failures. Now we all know...

    YOU WILL NEVER BE A DOCTOR. Not only don't you have the skills, but they would be able to smell you in those small rooms.

  31. Anonymous2:14 AM

    And you whats in your mouth isn't throw up, it belongs to your father and rhymes with dumb. ASS!

    Bye the way unless you have a ghetto ebonic speech impediment the word you are thinking of does not rhyme with dumb. Plumb rhymes with dumb the b is not silent you dum "b" useless stupid ass ebonics slinging negress.

  32. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If Zimmerman is found innocent, then once again, Rev Inc and the black protesters in Sanford are losers.

    Field, this includes YOU since you have been so pro Trayvon. Some kind of lawyer you are! Blinded by your own racism.

    I am so worried about how this Trayvon/Zimmerman trial is going to turn out for all of us Blacks. Lord, please don't let it turn out to be another Tawana Brawley or Jena Six.

    Field, you had better pray with the rest of us because your black lawyering is on the line.

    Zimmerman will not only be found innocent there should be charges filed against the attorneys and Trayvons parents, Sharpton and anyone else who helped propogate the lie. With special emphasis on the Prosecutor who clearly investigated nothing. People on a blog investigated the truth and exposed all the lies especially the one about the fake phone call with Dee-Dee that never happened.

    I can't wait for this all to come out!!!!

    Sharpton done shot his wad again and Obama is going to get splattered with that nasty juice all over before the election.

    The reason the prosecutor Angela Corey didn’t go to the Grand Jury was because she would have either had to introduce DeeDee’s testimony, or avoid it completely. If she included the lies and the manipulations DeeDee would have been forced to bear witness at trial and O’Mara would be able to pull the lies out. That is why no Grand Jury was used. They wanted the media evidence of “DeeDee” to exist, but not the legal evidence, because it doesn’t exist.

  33. Skeptical For A Reason4:57 AM

    C'mon field.

    The defense ripped a new asshole, (as if Angegela Corey "Nifong") nrrded one.

    150k bail? That's only 15k to walk.

    After hearing this bogus crap today, the Judge was basically saying, "you can walk"

    sidebar: those bloody pictures of the the back of Zimmermans's head didn't help too much, huh?

    As big a case as it is, you being a Philadeplia Lawyer, have no comment?

  34. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

    Truer words have never been spoken. Ha! Irony alert.


  35. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Descendants of racists aren't letting up I see.

  36. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

    Truer words have never been spoken. Ha! Irony alert.


    It's not code it's a dog whistle listen this is what it sounds like


  37. Anonymous10:39 AM

    @2:12, talking about a dead boy's penis makes you the sickest bastard on this blog. So it's no wonder you're on Field's blog 24/7, you're Jeffery Dahmer's kid!!

    Besides having sex with dead gential organs, i supposed he taught you how to cook them too, ya' sick fcuk!!!!


  38. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "Bye the way unless you have a ghetto ebonic speech impediment the word you are thinking of does not rhyme with dumb. Plumb rhymes with dumb the b is not silent you dum "b" useless stupid ass ebonics slinging negress."

    I think you mean "by", you stupid b@tch!!! And KNOW ONE pronounces the "b" when saying "dumb ass", DUMB ASS!!!! Always checking $hit, and CONSTANTLY making grammatical and spelling errors!!!!

    Now check that, Dr. Bitch!!

    BTW, how many of your students FAILED thier boards?? Try board review instead of spell checking on a blog, maybe the ranking of your school will improve!!

    "Dum" ass!!!!

  39. Gareth Field11:38 AM

    Hi! I'm a white kid who lived in some interesting places. There are a few things here I'd like to comment on.

    First, is the bastards who hijacked the comments thread for their own anonymous bickering. You're not helping.

    Second, is the subject matter of the post, which is fucked up! I've been best friends with aspies, and they're super awesome, it's just sometimes ... well yea, but it's TOTALLY manageable! If only they DID something with the FILE they had on this kid, and brought in the high powers of CARING and EDUCATION, people wouldn't have been hurt so much, AND there wouldn't be another uproarious tragedy.

    Third is the matter of race. I love races, they're fun to run in.

    Fourth is the matter of bigotry. I think it's a root cause of all this. No excuses, be a man, do the right thing.


    P.S. Thanks to field negro, you rock.

  40. Anonymous12:42 PM

    @11:38, why don't you address your righteous indignation toward the bastards who talk shit EVERYDAY on EVERY THREAD of this blog!!!

    You assholes are a hypocritical trip, not saying a DAMN THING about the comments here until I respond, then you assholes seem to have so much to say!

    So fcuk all y'all, okay?

    Dr. Q's alter ego

  41. racism field negro won't chase12:55 PM

    From Fox Chicago…

    An 18-year-old man has been charged with a hate crime for his part in a robbery of a man on an Oak Park street this week.

    Alton L. Hayes III, of 1233 N. Woodbine Ave., was allegedly one of two people who attacked a man walking on the 600 block of North Kenilworth Avenue at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday.

    Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind a 19-year-old man and allegedly pinned his arms to his side, according to police.

    Hayes allegedly picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said “empty your pockets, white boy.”

    The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away.

    “They gave indication that part of the reason for the crime had something to do with the victim’s race,” Reynolds said.

    Hayes is being held in lieu of $80,000 bond and has a Friday court date at the Maybrook courthouse.

    The boy was referred to juvenile court.

  42. Thanks field caused this.12:59 PM

    Suspect: I Beat Up White Man Because I Am Mad About Trayvon Martin Case

    Maywood, Ill. - Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.

    Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”

    The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away, police said. Hayes and the boy are black; the victim is white.

    After being arrested, Hayes told police he was upset by the Trayvon Martin case and beat the man up because he was white, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said, citing court records.

  43. BlackPampers1:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Bye the way unless you have a ghetto ebonic speech impediment the word you are thinking of does not rhyme with dumb. Plumb rhymes with dumb the b is not silent you dum "b" useless stupid ass ebonics slinging negress."

    I think you mean "by", you stupid b@tch!!! And KNOW ONE pronounces the "b" when saying "dumb ass", DUMB ASS!!!! Always checking $hit, and CONSTANTLY making grammatical and spelling errors!!!!

    Now check that, Dr. Bitch!!

    BTW, how many of your students FAILED thier boards?? Try board review instead of spell checking on a blog, maybe the ranking of your school will improve!!

    "Dum" ass!!!!

    No they meant bye as in bye-bye dum"b" ass. "Know one"? How many do you know? One? Two? You dum "b" hoodrat. People who write like you are obviously overdegreed and overstupid. No one pronounces the b? Maybe in your ghetto life yo mofo "dum" "asz" ya wanna axe me a questun? Then you say "know one"

    you get an "asterik" for your ebonanuciation. You like balls? You gonna watch dem ath-u-letes today? Or do you need someone to help you "interpretate" things for ya? Ya gonna go to church tomarrow and get in touch with your "spear-chality"? I bet you be gettin real "fus-trated bouts now and had about nuff fer a blak gurl.

    Oh and It's spelled their not thier dum "b" azz

    Oh and were you trying to say gentile or genital when you said gential?.. we all know you sounded that out phonetically as you do when you count one too fee fo fife oh oh take off de udder shoe. sex sebun, ate.... What a dirty hoodrat you are. 30 years of edumacatin you and you still the dumbest negress in town.

    You will never be a Doctor. You don't have the brain for it and you sure are a lowdown nasty smelly witch.

  44. RainMan1:19 PM

    Gareth Field said...
    Hi! I'm a white kid who lived in some interesting places. There are a few things here I'd like to comment on.

    First, is the bastards who hijacked the comments thread for their own anonymous bickering. You're not helping.

    Are you sure you want to come onto a Black blog and start telling people they don't know who their father is by calling them bastards?

    Second, is the subject matter of the post, which is fucked up! I've been best friends with aspies, and they're super awesome, it's just sometimes ... well yea, but it's TOTALLY manageable! If only they DID something with the FILE they had on this kid, and brought in the high powers of CARING and EDUCATION, people wouldn't have been hurt so much, AND there wouldn't be another uproarious tragedy.

    We believe that you are best friends with people who have aspergers .

    Third is the matter of race. I love races, they're fun to run in.

    I bet you do well at the sad sack race.

    Fourth is the matter of bigotry. I think it's a root cause of all this. No excuses, be a man, do the right thing.

    So the kid's parents were bigots because they didn't handle the problem and wanted to use the police as parental enforcement units?


    P.S. Thanks to field negro, you rock.

  45. "Maywood, Ill. - Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.."

    "Charged with a hate crime." Operative word being "charged".

  46. Anonymous1:51 PM

    field negro said...
    "Maywood, Ill. - Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.."

    "Charged with a hate crime." Operative word being "charged".

    Operative words being his confession "I Beat Up White Man Because I Am Mad About Trayvon Martin Case"

    Although he didn't say why he robbed the guy.

    Very telling. With Zimmerman you didn't use an operative word, you convicted him. This despite the overwhelming evidence of media lies and evidence supporting Zimmermans account of events and now proof that The prosecutor, lawyers are in collusion with Sharpton and the other race baiting lawyers in creating another Black hoax.

    No operative words needed, all the evidence is in. They all lied. Zimmerman did turn out to be innocent and Hispanic.

    20 Apr 2012,

  47. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits ever since 1994. You would never learn that from most of the media. Similarly you look at those blacks that have gone on to college or finished college, the incarceration rate is some tiny fraction of what it is among those blacks who have dropped out of high school. So it’s not being black; it’s a way of life. Unfortunately, the way of life is being celebrated not only in rap music, but among the intelligentsia, is a way of life that leads to a lot of very big problems for most people."

  48. Anonymous2:34 PM

    wayne the whiny nigger boy whines again

  49. Anonymous2:37 PM

    niggers will always be leeches on society. some have affirmative action jobs like wayney, with his paper mill law degree - what a joke

  50. Wayne doesn't need affirmative action, he was born with more than you. ; /

    Sorry. :(

  51. How interesting that I'm challenged in my assertion about the efficacy of a war on poverty by a "15 trillion spent on poverty reduction" "the last 30 years" asserion (which would include it seems every penny spent on actual war by the Pentagon during the same time period in the tab for poverty reduction) corresponds with Reagan's dropping the "war on poverty" in favor of the continuing war on the poor. Black economic progress during the "war on poverty" period of 1965-1981 was unprecedented, but that ended with the first Reagan budget year, 1982. Most of the black economic progress since then directly traces itself to that brief burst of pregnant possibility.

    I was around then, and I remember it as it was, not it's caricature by reactionaries today. I watched barrier after barrier broken. My hometown was briefly one of three in the nation where black per-family income actually exceeded white per-family income. Remembering what was is how I know what can be, what will be, what's coming when the wrinkled arthritic white hand finally loses it's grip on power, when we become a nation without a racial or ethnic majority. Godspeed the day, for the good of white people as much as any.

  52. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "Wayne doesn't need affirmative action"

    hahahaaaaa you couldn't compete in a fair environment -- a negro gets an AA job in Philadelphia and he claims he got it fair and square -- talk about being dishonest

    where is you degree from, Wayney?

  53. Anonymous3:37 PM

    whenever Wayne gets criticized he enables moderation == typical cowardly negro

  54. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Do you call yourself YT cause you are grey?

    This must be you.

  55. Kingnut5:44 PM

    field negro said...
    "Wayne doesn't need affirmative action, he was born with more than you. ; /"

    But you still get, by virtue of your complexion, as will Obama's daughters.

    Isn't AA based soley on race absurd?

  56. Kingnut5:48 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "...Reagan's dropping the "war on poverty" in favor of the continuing war on the poor. Black economic progress during the "war on poverty" period of 1965-1981 was unprecedented, but that ended with the first Reagan budget year, 1982."

    That is simply not true.

    And how exactly was that "war on the poor" waged? There was no decrease in spending on poverty programs during Reagan's two terms. The Republicans never controlled congress while Reagan was president. That Reagan's policies did anything but help everyone economically cannot be denied after you look at the numbers.

  57. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Go put and hit the books like The Field did. and hope you never need a lawyer in Philly:)

  58. WhoseYourDaddy7:47 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Go put and hit the books like The Field did. and hope you never need a lawyer in Philly:)

    Even better, I make sure I am never in Philly. Too dark at night and I don't want to have A Zimmerman pulled on me. That's what other people do. Think and plan ahead so they can control life as much as possible through controlling impulses and actions.

  59. 352 E.10:15 PM

    "And how exactly was that "war on the poor" waged?"

    Reagan was the crack president, wasn't he. Wasn't ollie north flying drugs into arkansas during this time?
    Nixon, a republican got the ball rolling with increasing the bite of drug laws so that by the time we got ronnie boethe reagan, well you know.
    And don't forget ronnie couldn't just say no to building prisons, thats another story. They say war is hell, try to get a job with a felony. That's hell!

  60. BARBBF7:54 AM

    Speaking about killings....since Roe vs Wade was estimated 13 - 15 Million Black babies have been aborted. Does anyone care?

  61. Dude, you hung out with Abiola!?!?!? You lucky SOB!! She is fucken awesome!!

  62. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Stupid kid must not have known that if you knife a cop then you will be shot.
