Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Big R goes Native.

Haven't we done enough to the Native Americans in this country?

"Vernon Traversie, a Lakota elder, suffered a heart attack last August and was taken to Rapid City Regional Hospital for emergency surgery. Upon his return home after a two-week stay, he found that three Ks had been carved or burned into his abdomen.

In a statement to Last Real Indians, Traversie said: “I was supposed to have emergency surgery on my heart, but they (the hospital) had scheduling problems. Every night they would prep me for surgery, which went on for four or five days. Every night they would shave my chest and stomach and wouldn’t feed me.”

It wasn’t until a hospital employee came to his room and told him to take pictures of his abdomen and chest immediately upon getting home that Traversie realized that something had been done to him. The woman who gave him the advice told him she couldn’t testify on his behalf but her conscience dictated that she had to let him know.

Joyce Anderson, a retired surgical nurse who worked for nine years on the heart team at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock Arkansas, viewed the photographs of Traversie’s injuries and said, “It appears the area under the incision was done with a scalpel for drainage of the incision. The other wounds seem to be necrotic, meaning the tissue is dead. This could indicate the wounds were burned into his skin.”

According to Traversie, local law enforcement has done nothing about the matter and a doctor at a nearby medical facility said she could not make any statements regarding his injuries. After seven months of non-action by his Rapid City attorney, Traversie posted this video Vern Traversie’s Video to gain attention for the crime committed against him.

This is just the latest in a long and ugly history of hate crimes against Native Americans in Rapid City. In May of 2010, 22-year-old Christopher Capps, was shot multiple times by Pennington County Sheriff’s Deputy David Olson. Capps was allegedly reaching into his pocket for his cell phone at the time. He was unarmed.

There is a huge divide between Indians and whites in Rapid City. This latest incident involving Mr. Traversie may have been the result of a backlash to the shooting of three police officers by a young Native American man, Daniel Tiger, last August 5. Tiger was stopped for a traffic violation and inexplicably opened fire on the officers, shooting them in the head. One of the officers died at the scene. Native Americans in the community all agree that there is no excuse for Tiger’s actions, which ultimately resulted in his death. But one must ask: if Mr. Traversie’s injuries were some kind of statement, then what does it say about the doctors and nurses who were charged to care for a man who had just suffered a heart attack? What does it say about a city where no one does anything about it? What does it say about a society that doesn’t bother to report it, except in the Indian press?"(h/t Nancy Lockhart for this story)

If you can't trust health care workers who else can you trust?

"Oh come on Field, I am looking at that picture and I don't even see KKK in that man's stomach. Stop trying to create racism where racism doesn't exist."

Yes, because we have come so far in this country.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    If this single incident is evidence of white racism against natives, then the thousands of horrific violent crimes committed against whites by negroes is evidence of the pure hatred that blacks have for whites.

    BTW, Cordell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic Daniel Adkins at a Taco Bell in Phoenix, has still not been arrested.

    Where's the outrage? Why aren't blacks marching and demanding justice?

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Black violence against whites, boy do you need a history lesson.

  2. My Mom's folks settled around Flasher ND at the end of the 19th century when they were chased out of Russia. I've been back there a number of times and one of the NICEST things they call NA indians is "prairie ni&&ers.' They've got a million of them with elements of violence, vandalism, theft and/or chronic alcoholism allusions. I saw more mutual respect and interaction among poor black folks and crackers in the Carolinas. Hell, I saw more mutual respect and interaction between whites and blacks in Queens NY than between whites and NA Indians in the Dakotas, and that's the most racially polarized place I've ever been in the US.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    "Oh come on Field, I am looking at that picture and I don't even see KKK in that man's stomach. Stop trying to create racism where racism doesn't exist."

    Yes, because we have come so far in this country.

    Oh I see now race baiting has gone spiritual. Well I guess you have to become spnow that there are many out spiritual with ghost whispering and dog whistles and other things no one else can see and hear but the terminally racist. Especially now that there are those who actually dig up facts and don't accept the MSM lies. The advent of the video camera on cell phones has shown the world a lot.

    I did see Mother Mary in toast I made one morning and I could have sworn I saw Black Pampers written in a doody I took. I should have saved them for you to have anotehr spiritual experience about.

    By the way, do you think this was the White Doctors or the Black ones as Arkansas has a relatively high Black population at 15 %. Or even the 7 % of Latinos?

    P.S. what was the outrage that the hospital prepped him for surger a few days in a row but didn't operate? Hope not, you aint seen nothing yet, wait until you have pure government health care.

    Or was it simply the spiritualist interpretation of wounds right where clamps and rib spreaders would be for an open heart surgery patient?

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Whats the difference between a hockey mom and a pit-bull? A Pit-bull is delicious.

    Barack Hussein Obama

    This man is not fit to be president. Aside from his incompetencies he is clearly not of this country.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Field, I am assuming that this took place in Rapid City South Dakota. As I understand it from the diverse community in the city as well as the State, there is no racism against the Indians or AAs. Furthermore, there are NO KKKs in the Dakotas.

    My Lord Field. Where have you been? I once lived in SD and it has the friendliest and most accommodating people in the USA, except Alaska.

    FYI, I am Black and I was treated like royalty there as though I were a black God. You should visit SD. You'll have the time of your Philly life.

    It's real easy for a bm to get laid in SD. Hell, if you can't get laid in Rapid City, you can't get laid anywhere.

    Field, you really need to get out more and travel around the country, esp in the Rockies and Midwest where discrimination is virtually extinct.

  6. "My Lord Field. Where have you been? I once lived in SD and it has the friendliest and most accommodating people in the USA, except Alaska.

    FYI, I am Black and I was treated like royalty there as though I were a black God. You should visit SD. You'll have the time of your Philly life."

    I didn't exactly have SD on my "Bucket List", but I will take your word for it.

    "By the way, do you think this was the White Doctors or the Black ones as Arkansas has a relatively high Black population at 15 %. Or even the 7 % of Latinos?"


    Dear President of Anon Inc., we need to have a sit down.

  7. Diversity Kills10:23 PM

    More "color arousal" field negro won't post about.

    3 charged with 2011 murder in Hickman County

    Boy, 14, beaten UNCONSCIOUS by school bully during dodgeball game that left him with broken bones and internal injuries

    Read more:

    Teenager stabbed to death by stranger at Tube station while protecting girlfriend

    Read more:

    Yes, we have come so far in this country. To bad negros are still act like they are in the jungles.

  8. Spell Check Negro11:09 PM

    "Yes, we have come so far in this country. To bad negros are still act like they are in the jungles".

    That's "too", dumb ass!

    Spell Check Negro

  9. Before I went to South Dakota I read "The Rez." Talk about sobering. Nothing is simple on an Indian reservation. Most people have no idea. Thanks for posting this Field.

  10. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Spell Check Negro said...
    "Yes, we have come so far in this country. To bad negros are still act like they are in the jungles".

    That's "too", dumb ass!

    Spell Check Negro

    Spell Check, Welfare Check, advance pay day check you just take any check you can get.

  11. Chief Twinkie Dipped in Vodka11:15 PM

    DiAnne said...
    Before I went to South Dakota I read "The Rez." Talk about sobering. Nothing is simple on an Indian reservation. Most people have no idea. Thanks for posting this Field.

    Not much is "sobering" on any Indian reservation.

  12. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Spell Check Negro said...
    "Yes, we have come so far in this country. To bad negros are still act like they are in the jungles".

    That's "too", dumb ass!

    Spell Check Negro

    dr queen posting as anonymous? What a shame.

  13. Chief Windbreaker11:46 PM

    I know Vern Traversie. He is a drunk. He owes me $50. Those carvings on his stomach say "meet me at Boner's for happy hour" in Siouan. No one would carve "KKK" on his stomach as an insult. Sioux love KKK. Sioux hate niggers. I know this because I am a Native American.

  14. "That's "too", dumb ass!"

    He/she/it does it all the time, even while scrutinizing the intelligence of educated black people. It takes a lot of confidence and delusion to pull that off.

    At least he is no longer using "your" in place of "you're", I used to get cackles out of that. Now, if he could only grasp the concept of using quotation marks. For some reason the significance behind such a small act eludes him.

  15. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Diversity Kills, "Yes, we have come so far in this country. To bad negros are still act like they are in the jungles".

    That's "T-o-o", not "to. Also, the plural of 'Negros' is spelled "N-e-g-r-o-(e)-s".In addition, you need to drop the being verb-"are"- which follows your misspelling of Negro(s).

    It is amazing how many mistakes you managed to make in one sentence! That is not a smart.

  16. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Perhaps the 'experts' could, like, Google some NIH or Mayo Clinic websites for what would have surgery deferred.
    Compare and contrast the fully paid 'eveel gubmint' medical care afforded the late Dick Cheney...with what is grudgingly allowed to Native Americans. One might also note, at least the Native Americans have Health many hillbillies go without?

    Rapid City is worth a visit. I would like to mention that the majority of the decent incomes stem from the US Federal Government...and without those modestly-paid Civil Servants, Rapid City would rapidly disappear.


  17. Just needed to clear something, not every intelligent person may hold an education.

  18. La♥idiotbooks said...
    Just needed to clear something, not every intelligent person may hold an education.

    Thanks, moron.

  19. And there are those who have neither.

  20. Anonymous12:46 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Just needed to clear something, not every intelligent person may hold an education.

    Clear something? Is the breach of your cockpit jammed? Your throat clogged? Are you constipated? Perhaps you mean clear something up? As in slang for clarify? "Hold an education"? How do you "hold" an education? Where precisely do you grab it?

    Can you count to ten? All by yourself? Without taking your shoes off ro counting the empty cans of Malt Liquor on your table?

  21. Anonymous12:47 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Just needed to clear something, not every intelligent person may hold an education.

    We see that. And not every "educated" person is intelligent. Looks like you struck out on both. Well, at least you have your looks - damn strike three.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry, I addressed the wrong anony previously...

    Anony 12:47 am,

    It's obvious why you didn't feel enough confidence in your first rebuttal at 12:46 am.

    That's all. Good Night.

  24. Anonymous1:56 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Sorry, I addressed the wrong anony previously...

    Anony 12:47 am,

    It's obvious why you didn't feel enough confidence in your first rebuttal at 12:46 am.

    That's all. Good Night.

    Are weave fumes toxic?

  25. Red Indians Eat Dog, Too9:28 AM

    The infamous "Buffalo Soldiers" seemed to have no problems killing Native Americans. In fact, I hear they were pretty damned good at it.

  26. Anonymous10:15 AM

    injun speak with forked tongue just like negroes.

  27. Reggie12:00 PM

    Hey Field.

    Why no blogging on the 20th anniversary of the LA riots?

  28. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sorry,and please don't kill the messenger, who in this case is me :)But as an ex health professional, I cannot remain silent.

    Upon seeing the video I was shocked to see this diabetic (which he acknowledged as being)gentleman's condition. Diabetics will usually not fare as well.

    This gentleman's scars appear to be completely normal They appear to be the areas where drainage tubes are placed, and yes tape can and will leave scars and especially on a diabetic person.

    The scars may sometimes have the shape of crosses or mathematical addition signs as well, and that is also completely normal.

    Diabetics have their circulation severely compromised and heal very slowly if at all! So I'm frankly surprised at his great state of health and post operative healing!

    Yes, he should thank God for being in such good shape after a double bypass! And he definitely should thank those doctors!

    Were I to ever need heart surgery, I would in a heartbeat go there and I recommend those doctors as well.

    They did a marvelous job with an already medically compromised human being and deserve full credit.

  29. America, on a whole, should really be past this type of heinous behavior. Sadly, we're not. If I didn't know any better I'd say Americans are taught to continue this madness...

  30. Farmer Brown5:40 PM

    Is that really somebody's belly?

    It looks like a big gourd with nipples.

  31. If this is real it's very sad. Someone needs to be held accountable at this hospital. Where is the almighty ACLU when you really need them?

  32. Kingnut9:50 PM

    Don said...
    If I didn't know any better I'd say Americans are taught to continue this madness...

    You don't know better. It is people like Field who taught you to fall for phony racism-chasing stories like this one.

    What a ridiculous load of shit.

  33. Anonymous3:22 PM

    That big ole yellow thing looks like a honey dew melon. The "humans" in America have lost their minds to the point of no return. Everyone forgets we're all someone's son or daughter. No more; no less. Like I've said before, we're INSANE.

  34. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Wow. I like how everyone is posting their names as Chief such in such. The Chiefs are all dead. Don't exist anymore. In south dakota, the Indians are called Prairie Niggerz. Yes they are really called that. There is a South Dakota law still in affect where if 3 or more Prairie Niggers are seen together, you can kill them on sight because this is considered a war party. These are people too. But everyone is so enamored by these stereotypes. Drunken. Live in teepees. Get monthly checks. Money from Casinos. It would have been better if the white people had just them all, then they wouldn't have to endure prejudice from everyone who thinks they know but don't.

  35. Anonymous12:23 AM

    This is real. Kkk exists in SD. The Rapid City Journal had just released a story where people were finding business cards that gave messages from KKK members. These cards were find tucked into many items in several stores & the mall. There aren't very many museums in South Dakota. But one of them has a whole section dedicated to the KKK.
