Friday, April 27, 2012


The latest Karl Rove Super Pac ad. (Why is this guy still around?) attacks his Oness for being too cool. In the ad. O is portrayed as an empty headed celebrity who got elected because of the cool factor. Not!

If you ask me this is just more dog whistles from the old white man crowd. (Barry White? Are you serious?)      

So anyway, I was thinking about this whole cool thing. I mean it is all so subjective. Who determines what truly makes a person cool?

While contemplating that question, I made a list of some people (living and dead) who made my cool list. Hey, I am Jamaican, I know about this stuff.

They are not in any particular order, and I am not going to explain why each person qualifies. O isn't on the list, because in spite of what wingnuts would have you believe, a politician just can't be cool.  

Here goes-

1.  Tony Bennett

2.  James Baldwin

3.  Maya Angelou

4.  Miles Davis

5.  Willie Nelson

6.  Nelson Mandela

7.  Angela Davis

8.  Bunny Wailer

9.  Robert De Niro

10. Denzel Washington

11. Andy Warhol

12. Grace Kelly

13. Sean Connery

14. Curt Flood

15. John Coltrane

16. Condy Rice

17. David Beckham

18. Che Guevera

19. Gregory Isaacs

20. Muhammad Ali

21. Christopher Walken

22. The Edge

23. Ringo Starr

24. Toni Morrison

25. Bruce Lee

26. Steve McQueen

27. Frank Sinatra

28. Paul Newman

29. MLK

30. Johnny Cash

31. Althea Gibson

32. Al Kaline

33. Bob Gibson

34. Judy Mowatt

35. Beverly Johnson

36. Oscar Wilde

37. Jimmy Cliff

38. Jesus Christ

39. Hideo Kojima

40. Marvin Gaye

41.  Mos Def

42. Lena Horne

43. Colette

44. Tom Wolfe

45. Cary Grant

46. Arthur Ashe

47. Andre Benjamin

48. Malcolm X

49. Rene Lacoste

50. My parents.

Honorable mention:

Every single person out there working to make the world better is cool in my book.


  1. Rove is wrong about Obama.

    Anyone who wears momjeans and rides a girl's bike can't be cool:

  2. In the ad. O is portrayed as an empty headed celebrity who got elected because of the cool factor. Not!
    If you ask me this is just more dog whistles from the old white man crowd.

    field playing the race card? Thats never happened before.

    Obama is the American Idol president. His "hope and change" con was straight out of hollywood.

    The left was comparing Obama to Jesus.

    Millions of Obama sheepe were thinking Obama was gonna pay dey rent, lower the seas and heal the earth.

    Rove is right? How i know? Field and the rest of the left are attacking him over the ad.

    More examples of "color arousal" field won't post.

    Delmon Young

    Kiet Thanh Ly

  3. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Nice list.
    Odd that Rove would highlight the hagiography of st reagan...a man beloved for Death Valley Days...and no lasting accomplishments of political merit.
    Obama 'isn't working' and he is a 'hipcat'...nothing there but dog whistles.
    Perhaps Jon Lovitz could benefit from speaking with my CPA. Some lessons about living within their budget...;)


  4. Hey field. Not everyone thinks Al Green impersonations and late night dinners with Bey and Jay is Presidential.


  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    No Alicia Keys, Mr. Field? She's extremely cool. She's a philanthropist, accomplished entertainer and recording artist, Broadway producer, actress and a mommy. Very cool!

    Val :-)

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Field, you forgot the President of Anon, Inc. He is cool because he doesn't ruffle so easily.

    And what about Breitbart? I know you thought he was a racist, but he was a cool dude.

    What about Paris Hilton, and Britney Spears and P. Diddy?

    Mike Wallace, MacolmX, George Clooney, Clint Eastwood, Asley Judd

  7. I norminate Townes Van Zant because he'd think the whole thing was a pile of bullshit anyway.

  8. I defy the Repugs to come up with one of their own who could even remotely be considered "cool."

  9. Anonymous11:55 PM

    It seems like every campaign tactic Obama has taken backfires and then moonbats like yourself try and attribute the miscalculations of these silly plans that failed to Conservatives. Obama's campaign are the ones who tried to recapture his coolness. Not realizing that except for some fringe folk and young kids who barely know the world, no one thought he was cool. Steve Erckel with a whiney nasty vindictive side maybe. Anyway see below; democrats came up with this cool idiocy. Much like everything else about Obama, nothing is presidential and competent. It's all about trying to be a rock star with a fales media image.

    . . In early February, Politico reported that the Obama campaign, hoping to rekindle enthusiasm among young voters, was “looking to revive the cool appeal.” Then, suddenly, news stories started popping up about Obama’s alleged coolness, in contrast to that drip Romney. A sampling:

    • President Obama: The cool factor

    • ‘Cool’ Obama Returns GOP Fire on Gas Prices

    • Obama: The new King of Cool

    • Barack Obama is cool. Mitt Romney is not. What does it mean for 2012?

    • Campaigning for the ‘Cool’ Vote

    • The Obama-Romney ‘Cool Gap’

  10. Anonymous1:00 AM

    You're cool FN, not enough people tell you that.

    Cheers, Gaz.

  11. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Glad that James Baldwin is on your Cool list and I agree about Obama; he seems more like a nerd that happens to like basketball. Loved that Curt Flood wasn't forgotten but how about Magic Johnson; doesn't he rate at least honorable mention? Had to look up who Kojima was but I'll have to take your word for that one, I'm not into games world as I'm a wee bit old for that crowd.

    Aloha from Makaii

  12. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Great list...

    This town cracker would add: Mamie Smith & Mississippi John Hurt

    ...the birth of cool lyrically, imho.

  13. Val, Alicia Keys is cool. She def. could have made the list.

    Mamie Smith gets cool points, so does Magic and Van Zant.

    The President of Anon Inc? I will have to think about that one a little bit. :)

  14. Bob said...
    I defy the Repugs to come up with one of their own who could even remotely be considered "cool."

    That would be the president that obama, Clinton, and many other democrats love to compare themselves to.

    Ronald Reagan. A man that kicked liberal ass for 8 years is cool to most Americans

  15. Cappie10:02 AM

    Love your list - think it could use Langston Hughes : )

    O is imminently cool- he's the first in OUR - alright, my -generation to become president - not some old guy - he's a peer, raising a gorgeous family,with a smart strong wife and so far no personal scandal - the events that shaped his life, shaped mine too - yes, he's a nerd - so is Bill Gates - nothing better than mental prowess.

  16. Cappie, good argument for O, although I can't get over the fact that he is a politician. (Sorry LT, Ronald Reagan wouldn't cut it on my list. :)

    I love Langston Hughes.

    One of my twitter fam gave me Stokely Carmichael and Sonia Sanchez. They would both qualify as well. There must be a thousand more people I could have put on but left off. :(

  17. Kingnut10:44 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I norminate Townes Van Zant because he'd think the whole thing was a pile of bullshit anyway.

    Or at least because of his version of "Dead Flowers"

  18. Field I'm shocked. Very shocked, and disappointed.

    First I was shocked that he wasn't in the top 10, and then rendered speechless when he wasn't on the list at all.

    I'm talking about Chris Gayle.

    Y'know, CHRIS GAYLE - officially the coolest man in the known universe AND a yawdie to boot.

    How could you be so remiss?

  19. Anonymous2:23 PM

    President Obama's African father drove ex-European "Americans" out of their damn minds. Had President Obama not fathered by an African, everything would be fine and dandy. I can't wait to vote again for him in November. After that, I'll never VOTE again. Case closed.

  20. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Had President Obama NOT been fathered by an African...

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth2:49 PM

    Fannie Lou Hamer, Thurgood Marshall, Marcus Garvey, Angela Bassett, Bob Marley, Marie W. Steward, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Angela Davis, Zora Neale Thurston, Lauryn Hill, Katherine Dunham, Dr. Rose Marie Toussaint, Tim Wise, Tom Hanks, Maxine Hong Kingston, Carlos Fuentes,and Ella Baker.

  22. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Don't forget George Zimmerman, for being the first African American Hispanic/Mulatto to become a "White Hispanic" and get lynched publicly as a racist, despite taking care of Black Children and protesting for Black Rights.

  23. PC, my bad, Mr. Gayle deserves a nod.

    Granny, love some of the folks on your list as well.

  24. Admiral Admiration7:11 PM

    That's a really nice list. My compliments.

    (never listen t a cow, much less a Purple one)

  25. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Field I'm shocked. Very shocked, and disappointed.

    First I was shocked that he wasn't in the top 10, and then rendered speechless when he wasn't on the list at all.

    I'm talking about Chris Gayle.

    Y'know, CHRIS GAYLE - officially the coolest man in the known universe AND a yawdie to boot.

    How could you be so remiss?

    Being a battyman is cool? You really are ass-backwards.

  26. Ernest Freaking Hemingway.

    Joe Montana.

    Jim Brown.

    Barry "I'm Out" Sanders.

    the Dali Lama.

  27. Sammy Davis III9:03 PM

    Dean Martin.

    In fact, anyone in the original "Oceans 11".

  28. Jim Brown? Yep. Hemmingway? Yep. Rat Pack? Yep.

  29. I am feeling ur list -- John Coltrane: folk need to really study his body of work with the Sax...hey did u miss Bob Marley? He is def on my list: check out this post

    Ronald Raygun...please, starting his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi -- site of the infamous civil rights lynching - not cool. Using the Southern Strategy (remember former RCN chairman Ken Mehlman apologized for this racist strategy is definitely not cool.

  30. mellaneous10:15 PM

    Yeah Field you left a lot of folks and I was thinking if you did Tony Bennett you had to include Frank Sinatra and Jackie Wilson was definitely cool and Langston Hughes wrote poesm about being cool like no other.

    I second Granny's list and some of the others

  31. Anonymous10:20 PM

    mr. Field, I gave you TEN NAMES I thought were cool, and you acknowledged NONE of them. I bet even PC and PilotX would approve at least "one" of them and they hate anons! Can't you a least give me "one"?

    Mr. Field, I have been trying for years to get your approval, but you have yet to do so. Mr. Field, I know you get a charge out of driving me crazy because you enjoy depressing me.

    Mr. Field, can't you approve at least "one"? Mr Field, you are a sadist.

  32. 352 E.10:39 PM

    Jesse Owens and Nat King Cole.

    I hope Rove hasn't paid for that ad yet.

  33. Kingnut said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I norminate Townes Van Zant because he'd think the whole thing was a pile of bullshit anyway.

    Or at least because of his version of "Dead Flowers"

    No, because the first song he ever wrote was the masterpiece "Waiting Around to Die" and they only got better after that. Also, even though he taught the best fingerpickers in Gnashville in the 70s and '80s their stuff, he always called it "Hopkins" style after Lightning Hopkins who he openly emulated.

  34. Harry Belefonte

    Nat King Cole

    Nina Simone

  35. Anonymous11:01 PM

    No Dolemite or Pam Grier?

    No Gene Simmons?

    No J.R.Ewing?

    No George Jefferson?

    Some list field.

  36. MARLEY!! Duh! WTF was I thinking? Peter Tosh could be there as well. Oh well, at least I had Bunny Wailer repping the group.Yes Palli, NKC, Nina Simone, and Harry B should all be on it as well. George Jefferson? I don't think so. :(

    Anon, who was your ten?

  37. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Ashley Judd was #10. She is really cool, unpretentious.

  38. Yeah Mr's Tosh and Marley both triumphed over scorn and epitomize cool. Did anyone get Miles Davis? His image could be a hieroglyph for cool.

  39. Hi, Field,

    I concur that the Republican's new American Crossroads ad, which could be entitled 'Cool is bad,' is a counterproductive ad even for Republicans.

    Do they really believe they can convince America that someone is "too cool" to be reelected president? They must also be conceding that Romney is a nerd, but no nerd has been elected president since...never.

    Unless a candidate for the Oval Office can convince the country that he's 'Top Gun' or 'Cool Hand Luke' or 'John Wayne,' then that candidate has no chance.

    How did Condolizza (sp?) Rice get on the above list? (No insult not intended.)

  40. Sup Francis? Thanks again for that "color arousal" theory.
    That is right on point for A-merry-ca.

  41. You say politicians can't be cool, FN. But then you list Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Mandela, and MLK, all of whom are politicians of one stripe or another.

    What's your definition for 'cool'?

  42. Karl Rove's PAC obviously threw this together very quickly, witness the Fallon bit which just occurred last Tue.

    I am all for Super Pacs blowing their big bucks on crap ads that even the hoi polloi can't quite fathom the point of jump on the knee jerk bandwagon. I hope they flush all their money on silly stuff like this.

  43. "Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Mandela, and MLK, all of whom are politicians of one stripe or another."

    None of theose folks (with the exception of Mandela) were ever elected into a political office.
    I think we can make an exception for Mandela.

    "What's your definition for 'cool'?"

    My definition of cool is how Potter Stewart described hard-core pornograpy: "I know it when I see it".

  44. @ FN: I understand your reasoning. Nevertheless, all four men were/are politicians. They just weren't elected officials. One need not run for, or serve in public office to be a politician.

    Think about it.

  45. angela davis was cool

    now she has lost all of her cool pts like all of u hobama nazis


    ask huey why

  46. no word on philly schools???

    how cool is this???
