Thursday, April 26, 2012

I don't think that the folks in Georgia and Boston got the bi-racial memo.

I read somewhere that A-merry-ca is becoming more bi-racial than ever.
I suppose that this is progress. Although, unfortunately, there are still some folks in A-merry-ca (I see you Mrs. Bachmann) who are always willing to take two steps backwards.

Norman Neesmith is one of those people. I bet he doesn't believe in all this bi-racial crap.

"LYONS, Ga. — Norman Neesmith was sleeping in his home on a rural farm road here in onion country when a noise woke him up. 

He grabbed the .22-caliber pistol he kept next to his bed and went to investigate. He found two young brothers who had been secretly invited to party with an 18-year-old relative he had raised like a daughter and her younger friend. The young people were paired up in separate bedrooms. There was marijuana and sex.       

Over the course of the next confusing minutes on a January morning in 2011, there would be a struggle. The young men would make a terrified run for the door. Mr. Neesmith, who is 62 and white, fired four shots. One of them hit Justin Patterson, who was 22 and black.

The bullet pierced his side, and he died in Mr. Neesmith’s yard. His younger brother, Sha’von, then 18, ran through the onion fields in the dark, frantically trying to call his mother.

On that day, Jan. 29, 2011, Mr. Neesmith was arrested. The district attorney brought seven charges against him, among them murder, false imprisonment and aggravated assault. On Thursday, Mr. Neesmith is expected to plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and reckless conduct, which might bring a year in a special detention program that requires no time behind bars." [Source]

Hey, at least he was arrested; unlike you know who. I guess this is what passes for progress in Georgia. There was a time in our not too distant past when Mr. Neesmith would have been given a commendation for his actions.

Finally, congrats to Joel Ward and the Washington Caps for taking out the B's in seven games last night. I love the irony: Black man scores winning goal against goalie who refused to meet with the black man in the White House.

Sadly, as is often the case here in "color aroused" A-merry-ca, racism raised its ugly head. Of course it didn't help that this happened in Baaastan, and that we are talking about hockey.

"Joel Ward was on the plane back from Boston when his Washington Capitals teammate, Jeff Halpern, gave him a heads up — there were some crude things being said about him online.

It was only when the winger — who scored the Game 7 overtime goal for the playoff series-deciding 2-1 win over the Bruins — got home that he saw the racist Twitter attack being leveraged against him.

“I was shocked,” said Ward, when reached by phone Thursday.
“I knew there’d be some angry fans probably but it’s just sad to see.”
Ward, a Canadian whose parents emigrated from Barbados, said the racist remarks “caught me off guard.” [Source]

"Shocked"? Joel, there is someone named Reality on line one for you.


  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Hey there - love this blog, and think these cowards that use twitter to vent their stank-ass opinions then deactivate their accounts have shown us just what type of character they have.

    A point of perspective: I watched the Bruins game last night and took the train home right through North Station...there was no problem. I did make a joke to my friends about needing to get home quick, but knew that nobody would have the balls to actually say something to a fellow fan who just happened to be, to borrow a term from JC Christian: "unheartlandishly hued"...

    P.S. I love the B's and think Tim Thomas sucks. He's gone, thankfully.

  2. It is funny how many brothas play hockey up in the great white north. My boy, a fellow Yawdie, admits to strapping on the skates. Man, who knew?

  3. Speaking of "color aroused". I see field negro can't bring himself to post about all those whites that have been attacked in the name of Travon Martin. This attacks happened because field and the liberal media lied about Zimmerman being white.

    When is field going to post about the weekly black mob attacks on whites?

    After all, field is the expert on being color aroused.

  4. PilotX, you are going to find that most of the brothas in the NHL have Island roots. It's that West Indian migration to Canada.

    Anon, isn't it ironic that Boston had the first Af. American player in the NHL?

  5. LT, no need for me to post about it. They have plenty of folks like you who will post it for the rest of us.

  6. NSangoma10:15 PM

    He asked the two, who both have young daughters, why they were not home
    with their children. He ranted and waved the gun around.


    Both of those baby-daddy Negroes should be daid !!


  7. Black males losing their lives by the hands of white men, while trying to sex white females.

    As they say, the more things change the more they stay the same.

    Some negroes just never learn. Next.

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "Hey, at least he was arrested; unlike you know who."

    You must be referring to Cornell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic Daniel Adkins in Phoenix.

    How strange that blacks aren't marching and demanding "justice"?

  9. Anonymous11:02 PM

    "Black males losing their lives by the hands of white men, while trying to sex white females."

    Yes, this accounts for less than one-tenth of one-percent of annual black male murder victims...most are simply blacks arbitrarily killing other blacks. In fact, there are far more cases of black boyfriends murdering white families because they didn't approve...

    But why let facts get in the way of blaming whitey...

  10. "Black males losing their lives by the hands of white men, while trying to sex white females."

    Well, at least that's progress. We used to get killed for simply looking at them.

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      It was statutory rape. Race doesnt matter. If u have a child u should be home with your child in the middle of the night nit having sex with someone elses child and bringing drugs into someone elses home. These were adults if they wanted to have a good time they shouldve been at there own house and invited grown women to party with them

  11. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dear Mr. Fields, I am thrilled to know the winning goal for Washington was made by Joel Ward, a black man. The names he has been called by Whites in Boston is pretty much par for Boston. Historically, Boston has always been intolerant and racist, esp. toward Blacks.

    Nevertheless, it's fitting that a black man scored the winning goal IN BOSTON.

    The reaction from those Irish Bostonians is one of fear that Blacks will begin to surpass them in hockey at great lengths too. Remember when they finally gave Jim Brown the ball in the NFL? Jackie Robinson? Tiger Woods a shot at the Masters? I mean, when Tiger played at the Masters, he blew it away!

    Same will happen for hockey, IN BOSTON. Those racist little dick Boston Irishmen are pathetically insecure.

    I hope Boston will soon become the "center" of interracial relations and marriages and biracial babies followed by anxiety and heart attacks of Irish racists.

  12. Ok, anons and various trolls there will be no posts about blah people attacking whites people here and Jesse and Al won't be marching for them ok? Just like there will be no conservative whites protesting the killing of Black people. Happy? You first.

  13. Anony 11:02 pm,

    Hurry get over your racist self. That comment was an inside jab between black women and black men.

    Why must everything always have to be an attack against you? And you call black people defensive.

  14. Anonymous11:19 PM

    "there will be no posts about blah people attacking whites people here"

    No kidding. That's why I'm helping.

    "conservative whites protesting the killing of Black people."

    Blacks kill each other all the time, and even blacks don't protest. Apparently black-on-black murder is nothing to get excited about.

  15. Anonymous11:24 PM

    "Hurry get over your racist self."
    Okay. I'm hurrying...

    "That comment was an inside jab between black women and black men."
    When you put it on the internet, it's available to everyone. If you wanted it to be just between two parties, then you are a fool for posting it publicly.

    "Why must everything always have to be an attack against you?"
    A quick glance at the black-on-white crime rate will answer your question...

    "And you call black people defensive."
    Along with "racist", "whiny", "violent", etc...

  16. They took in a great-niece, who has a black parent, when she was a baby. She is now 19 and admitted to investigators that she invited Justin Patterson to their trailer home that night, timing it so Mr. Neesmith would be asleep. The two had been flirting on Facebook and in texts.

  17. "When you put it on the internet, it's available to everyone. "

    Clearly, especially how you people always seem to feel entitled to everything.

    "If you wanted it to be just between two parties, then you are a fool for posting it publicly."

    Gee, you got me. How did I not know that.

    "Along with "racist", "whiny", "violent", etc..."

    Banana meet plantain.

  18. @La♥audiobooks...Nice touch with the troll spray avatar!!

  19. Trolio12:13 AM

    Hey is this NSangoma?:

    This here's a real Field Negro, one who doesn't repeat lies that negroes want to hear so he can pat himself on the back.

  20. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Pile ItX said...
    Ok, anons and various trolls there will be no posts about blah people attacking whites people here and Jesse and Al won't be marching for them ok? Just like there will be no conservative whites protesting the killing of Black people. Happy? You first.

    Have some self respect. Are you African American or Black? There is no such thing as a Blah person. Well there is - someone who is full of shit and boring is blah. So are you blah?....Never mind carry on...Blah Sole.

  21. Deadeye Dick12:20 AM

    That old cracker must have been a pretty good shot to kill that negro with a .22.

    Nice shootin' Norman.

  22. Manwingo12:22 AM

    PilotX is a blah pilot, a veritable Twosqueegee Airman.

  23. Your trolls certainly are dumb. Do they spend time at Asian blogs complaining that they only seem to post about Asian issues or is this specific to blah people? These fools would get an AARP magazine and write to the editor that it only deals with issues of the aged. Conservatives are stupid.

  24. Anonymous2:08 AM

    PilotX said...
    Your trolls certainly are dumb. Do they spend time at Asian blogs complaining that they only seem to post about Asian issues or is this specific to blah people? These fools would get an AARP magazine and write to the editor that it only deals with issues of the aged. Conservatives are stupid.

    Two Squeegee Pile it X said..

    they are stupid...they are dumb...wah...wah...wah...wah....

    "issues of the aged?" never quite heard it put that way. Do you mean the elderly? Are you a custodial engineer or just a squeegee man?

    Two Squeegee...HAHA!!!!

  25. Wow, I have to send out an SOS to the President of Anon Inc.These trolls are really pathetic.

    Speaking of plantain, I haven't had a really good Jamaican breakfast in awhile. :)

  26. Ahhh that brings back memories, Nigerian friends of my parents introduced me to Plantain porridge which I'd never eaten before. A few months back I had plantain risotto which didn't really work for me.

    Good article from Jezabelle on 'Hipster Racism'

  27. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Thanks, Shady.
    Where's the evidence that race had anything to do with this shooting OR with the guy's sentence? Or anything like the Trayvon Martin case? Or that this guy was a racist, let' see, he raised a biracial girl involved in this incident and kids of all colors play at his house?

    Nowhere. In fact, all evidence is to the contrary.

    Race-baiting. Must have been a slow day for real blogger items.

    Of course, I am sorry about the murder and it doesn't appear justified in any way. But the parents are accepting any responsibility for their little JDs (both of whom are already fathers and were out all night having sex and smoking pot. Model citizens!)

  28. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I posted the first Anon post, and will post another :-)

    Yeah - FN, I actually went to the New England Sports Museum ceremony commemorating Willie O'Ree being the 1st African American player in the NHL. Pretty cool. Must say, I still don't feel the love walking through North Station before and after Bruins games. Ignorant folks are funny that way: they pick and choose what they want to celebrate.

    That being said, happy to have the recent Field Negro of the Day Marlon Byrd playing for the Red Sox now, perhaps he can mitigate some of the bad juju resulting from their shameful history as the last MLB team to put an AA player on their roster.

  29. Anonymous7:46 AM

    if i see a negro in my home late at night i will shoot his ass too.

  30. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Can someone tell me what a "plantain" is? What's with the banana/plantain comparison?

  31. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Approximately 150 black men are killed EVERY week in the U.S.,
    meaning that approximately 600 black men are killed every month, approximately 7,200 black men are killed every year and approximately 72,000 black men are killed every 10 years.

    And almost all of those 72,000 black men are killed/murdered by other black men.

    Does that bother you AT ALL?

    This post is beyond silly.

  32. AgentX10:10 AM

    Crap! I had Boston in the office pool! Damn the brother! He ruined my office bracket!

    Oh well, time for a new bet: I am betting that AB the Ron Paul troll (who pretends to be black) will blame the Bruins loss on Obama (with links from BlackAgendaReport) in 20 posts.

  33. Anonymous10:11 AM

    So these two black ADULT males didn't have a place to go, other than this old man's house, to have sex with these two girls? They didn't have their own apartments? The surviving brother called his mama? Hilarious.

    You didn't mention that one of the males (maybe the one who was shot dead) was messing with a 14 year old girl (you referred to her as the older girls "younger friend"). Which means he was a prevert having sex (or getting ready to have sex) with a MINOR. I wonder why you left that part out? Black male prevert shot dead. I don't care. And I am black myself. Why are you defending a dead prevert.

  34. Anonymous10:51 AM

    LOL at the guy who gave out the random number of 1 tenth or whatever. Yes black people kill each other more what is your point? All races kill eachother its common whites kill whites hispanics kill hispanics, so yeah I dont understand you. And why do you whites always say, blame whitey? Whites really do think the same majority that is, they ALL say the same words, its so weird. @liberal LOL dude you sound like a broken record. It doesnt matter if we attack whites why? Because blacks commiting hate crimes arent too common. With whites though its too common according to the hate crimes statistics whites attack every race in high numbers, black people first on the list of course. If white cops were added the hate crime with whites on black would be even higher. So stop repeating the same thing you look like a damn fool your comment is extremely flawed and its evident youre repeating what you saw other crackers say on the internet. Let me give you some advice maybe I can touch a few whites, lol, before you copy a comment and spread it do some research since you guys are superior like you say you should know that. Ugh anyway I think I might take a day off from this site, these crackers man. Bob and Sally Sue stay annoying us black people theyre like a thorn in our ass that cant be removed.

  35. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Oh and whites stay taking over everything and kicking everyone though we created hockey,rock, country whites took over, kicked us out and now they dont want us in it please. I hope he will influence black men into hockey. Also I hope black people we get into country and rock more we need to take everything that was ours back.

  36. shame

    why do black men risk so much to be oj???

    i bet they were being willingly raped by those wfs like most bm i know



    this is why ron paul was robbed by that empty suited bankster hobama

    and this is why i am so abused by all u illiterate blind racist hobama nazi nigs herein

    haters happen...kudos!!!

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
    -Albert Einstein

    have a great deluded weekend!

  37. Queen Laa:

    have a great weekend!


  38. more self hatred via hobama

    more colorism

    more eurocentric psychoses

    more white supremacy

    more lost blackish people breeding themselves out of existence just to make hobama babies...



  39. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Field, what's with all the long hour delays for moderation? Are comments that bad? The continuity and response time of conversation and comments is severely broken. (FYI: We live in a society where the attention span is less than 5 mins.)

    I really miss your past position to allow everyone their first amendment rights. It was good to see what kind of mean-spirited folks we have in our country. Hell, it even helped me to recognize some of them in the health doctors and nurses.

    You've become like every other blog in the blogosphere. However, I DO understand that there are a few crazies out there who need moderation.

    Anyway, have a good weekend.

  40. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Field, I hope you will do a post about how they are trying to crucify brother Delmon Young. Like clockwork, a lot of folks immediately are trying to find this gentle good hearted man guilty for without knowing the facts.

  41. "Wow, I have to send out an SOS to the President of Anon Inc.These trolls are really pathetic."

    Thank you Field, the stupid is getting stronger. I didn't know they don't have dictionaries in trailer parks but not surprised.

  42. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Read the NYT article.
    The NAACP has not stepped in...could it be that the shooting was not racially motivated?
    It reads like young stoopid was injured from his seeking a Darwin Award. And his group wants others to pay for his actions.
    I'd charge the rapist. And as far as arresting Mr Neesmith, a recently admitted-to-the-Bar attorney could get this tossed.


  43. Anonymous7:45 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Wow, I have to send out an SOS to the President of Anon Inc.These trolls are really pathetic."

    Thank you Field, the stupid is getting stronger. I didn't know they don't have dictionaries in trailer parks but not surprised.

    Pile it X The irony escapes you.

    Throw away the hooked on ebonics and pick up hooked on phonics.

    You didn't know they "do not have" dictionaries in trailer parks, but "you" are not surprised.

    Does every failure of hooked on phonic rely on subterfuge, calling others stupid to hide his own?

  44. Anon 1:05PM, I still do not censor folks. But yeah, sometimes we have to get the moderation on for folks.

    I don't feel like getting subpoenaed for comments on my blog because one poster is suing another.

  45. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Field, "I don't feel like getting subpoenaed for comments on my blog because one poster is suing another."

    I understand. How does one poster sue another, esp if one is anonymous and what do posters sue each other for? Aren't we all protected by the First Amendment?

    Please 'consider' writing a post about this or putting some info re: lawsuits as a consequence of comments.

  46. Manwingo9:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Thank you Field, the stupid is getting stronger. I didn't know they don't have dictionaries in trailer parks but not surprised."

    You oughta know. At least I have an encyclopedia, thats how I knew about the Twosqueegee Airmen. In fact, I just gave one of them a dollar yesterday for smearing up my windshield.

  47. BastardX9:46 PM

    field negro said...
    "I don't feel like getting subpoenaed for comments on my blog because one poster is suing another."

    Is AB suing PilotX for paternity?

  48. Anonymous9:36 PM

    i was a friend of Justin's aka Patt and he didnt deserve to die. he shouldnt have been messin around with those trailor trash white girls anyways. He and Shavon should have made better decisions, but as for Neesmith and his stupidity he should be in prison. The little whores invited the boys in, they went trespassing in the piece of junk trailor, the dirty behind white people from my county (toombs) are so simple minded anyways. You can expect them to jump at the chance to say they were attacked by a black. If it had been a white boy in the house he would not have gotten shot, the guy was mad because his whore bag daughter like black boys. I miss and love Justin and the fact that this has gotten a little bigger saddens me bacause now everyone has to say mean things about my friend and his little brother. AND white people are always trying to play that "i have a black friend or , a black cousin, or i listen to rap music" card to claim they arent racist. Just becaus e Zimmerman supposedly has a black family member does not mean he isnt racist. and just because his mother is latina does not mean that he isnt white minded, i mean who is doing all the speaking for him... his white father....
