Wednesday, April 11, 2012


If I may steal a quote from Ice Cube, "Today was a good day". Rush is being taken off the main wingnut radio station here in Philly, and the man who killed Trayvon Martin is finally going to have to face the criminal justice system. Lord knows it took long enough. If the Sanford, Florida police department had shown some guts from the start, we would have never gotten to this point.

So anyway, this tough seasoned republican prosecutor- as well as the vast investigative team at her disposal- found enough evidence to go forward. She says that they launched an "intensive investigation" and they found what many of my wingnut friends were hoping that they would not. Hopefully my right wing friends will now take note. All the so called facts (and evidence) that they say will prove that Mr. Killerman acted in self defense will now have to be proven in a court of law.

Mr. Killerman is being charged with second degree murder. If Florida is like Pennsylvania he still has to go before a judge for preliminary hearing, and he or she will decide if there is enough evidence to go forward. Then there is the little matter of his bail. Maybe his friend Sean can put up some money for him.

The fact that it took so long to get an arrest in this case is a travesty and a real stain on the America justice system. And what some of my friends in the majority population do not understand is that this case was not about racism per se on the part of the killer of this young man. The fact that he had Cuban American roots means nothing. (BTW, hang in there Ozzie. My Cuban American friends ain't like my other brown friends if you get my drift. ) This case was about a police department devaluing the life of a young black man, who sadly laid on a slab in the morgue for days before his parents were even notified of his death. It's about an unarmed child being killed while minding his own business by a citizen, and that citizen remaining free for 45 days while real racists and ideological whores in this country rallied around him only because his victim was black.

I hope Mr. Killerman enjoyed his last supper with Sean Hannity last night. I am sure that throughout the trial the folks over at FOX will try yo help the defense team and that they will try to paint everything that comes out in a light most favorable to the defendant.

"He reached out to me, we spoke on the phone about his case and I agreed not to report on the contents of that conversation," Hannity said. On his radio show Monday, Hannity said he had confirmed that Zimmerman was a mentor to minority children. "Now, if you were racist, I don't think you'd be a mentor to minority children," he said."

*shaking head*

Anyway, I won't be doing victory laps. As others have said, this is not a time to celebrate. A family has lost their son, and the scabs have been peeled off the sore that is A-merry-can racism once again.

Maybe today is not such a good day after all.  



  1. "This case was about a police department devaluing the life of a young black man, who sadly laid on a slab in the morgue for days before his parents were even notified of his death. It's about an unarmed child being killed while minding his own business by a citizen, and that citizen remaining free for 45 days while real racists and ideological whores in this country rallied around him only because his victim was black. "

    And they want us to sing God bless America?

  2. What an absolute circus. And you helped. This reminds me so much of the O.J. Simpson mess, but the difference here is that Zimmerman isn't rich so he won't have some uber legal team.

    Back then, I thought O.J. was guilty as hell, and this time I'd say that Zimmerman shows all the signs of a perpetrator. It'll be interesting to see what happens if, through some twist of fate, Zimmerman ends up being represented by a race-baiting shyster (a white Johnnie Cochrane), who gets him off.

    This whole thing is such bullshit, and you, "field" of all people, being a lawyer yourself, know exactly how much bullshit it is.

    For a long time, I have sometimes argued that this country needs to bring back the good old fashioned carnival freak shows. Maybe then we could have pure spectacle in its rightful place, and have trials and politics be a little more rational.

    But no, not when you have a whole group of people with vested interests in getting everyone mad at and scared of each other. It's sad, really sad.

  3. The only reason why you {field negro} covered this case was because Martin was black and you thought Zimmerman was white.

  4. racism field negro won't chase7:20 PM

    “Let me tell you, the things that’s about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these —- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening … is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?” — New Black Panther Party chief of staff Michelle Williams

    They told me if I voted for John McCain that there would be violent rhetoric and racial hatred would reach new heights … and they were right

  5. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "real racists and ideological whores"

    field negro is the biggest racist and ideological whore on the democrat plantation.

  6. I don't see Murder II on the facts as we think that we know them, leading me to believe that they've either caught him in a material lie in his statement, or, there's a hidden golden nugget of evidence.

    Give it up for Rev. Inc. et al, 30 days ago this child was just another anonymous dead N****r, but most of all those working class parents who's dignified pain made their son all of ours.

  7. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I guess we can call off the leftwing lynch mob?

  8. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Oh hell, I re-read your posts - I get it now, duh.



  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Field, "Hopefully my right wing friends will now take note. All the so called facts (and evidence) that they say will prove that Mr. Killerman acted in self defense will now have to be proven in a court of law."

    Everyone in America has taken notice of this mess. If those dumb ass Sanford police had done their job properly, we wouldn't be where we are today.

    Nevertheless, I really wish you would stop showing your own racist bias. You talk about wingnuts but you are looking through racist lens yourself. No one knows what happened that night but maybe we will find out in a court of law by good lawyers.

    But YOU Mr. Field, are not a good lawyer when you keep name calling Zimmerman "Killerman" when he hasn't had a trial. I find it surprising that you have been unable to rise above the fray of ordinary people who lack knowledge of a legal justice system.

    But good lawyers are like good mechanics...they are hard to come by. It is obvious that you are a better blogger than a lawyer.

    Maybe you could learn a thing or two from a "seasoned" lawyer like Corey, who is a damn good lawyer and a Republican--who in your book is a wingnut?

  10. parvenu8:00 PM

    Zimmerman will go before a single Judge for an initial hearing concerning the validity of the charges entered against him by the prosecutor's office, in this case second degree murder. If at that time Zimmerman enters a plea of self-defense under Florida's "stand your ground" law, the judge will have to decide if the defendent (Zimmerman)was justified in using deadly force under the provisions of Florida's "stand your ground" law.

    If at this time the Judge decides THAT ZIMMERMAN'S situation is covered under the the "stand your ground" law and that Zimmerman acted properly in accordance with the provisions of the law; then the Judge will be obligated to RELEASE ZIMMERMAN from all charges, and he will immediately be freed of all charges in the death of Trayvon Martin.

    If Zimmerman is released by the Judge under the self-defense provisions of the "stand your ground" law, the prosecutor still has the right to appeal the Judge's ruling. Florida prosecutors have already won some 7appeals citing inappropriate use of the "stand your ground" law this year so far, so the judge's ruling in Zimmerman's favor is not locked in stone. On the other hand if the Judge agrees with the proscution, then Zimmerman will be bound over for trial for second degree murder.
    Stay tuned.......

  11. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Thank you parvenu. It's always good to know what to immediately expect and what could follow.

  12. I told My daughter that Ms. Corey is what Sarah Palin would be like if she had brains and class. She appears to be a reasonable, competent professional; just the kind of pragmatic technocrat who used to make up so much of the republican minor league and bench before the whackadoodle Christionist takeover (Hat tip to war criminal West in tha House!). There's no political upside for her in this case; it's duty calling as sure as I sit here eating mac n cheese.

  13. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, my boss called me and told me to write you a letter of apology regarding my negative comment about you as a lawyer. He was very upset with me and asked "who the hell do I think I was, Glenn Beck?"

    He threatened to not only fire me but he would personally kick my ass and it would be worse than what that guy in Baltimore got. Then he said the beating would be shown on YouTube. I am too old to take a beating like that--and then shamed like that on video that would probably go viral in Leftist circles.

    I swear, I had no idea how close you and my boss were! I always thought it wouldn't matter what I said to a bm. I mean, Glenn Beck never got into trouble for what he said.

    At the opening of your post, you mentioned it was a good day for you and Ice Cube, but it has been a fucked up one for me.

    I am not sure where this country is going when non-Blacks must respect 'everybody'-- including bm. It's confusing. I hope Mack Lyons and Desert don't read this.

    Anyway, 'please' accept my most humble and sincere apology. From this day forward I will have the highest respect for you as a lawyer and a fair-minded human being...PEACE, BROTHER!

    PS. Would you mind putting in a good word for me at Anon, Inc?

  14. NSangoma9:25 PM

    Even if Zimmerman is bound over for trial for 2nd degree murder; he can still claim the stand-your-ground defense during the jury trial.

    The charging and arrest of Zimmerman was done for political purposes:
    We need to calm this situation down; meaning we need to calm you inflamed Negroes down

    I personally do like the idea of us the legacy North American Negroe being considered animals, emotional beasts who cannot control themselves.

    So railroad Zimmerman.

    The railroading of Zimmerman to placate emotional Negroes can be used against POTUS Obama during the coming national election.

    Romney sucks as a human being and as a presidential candidate. This whole incident can make candidate Romney look less sucky.

    Particularly, if there is a trial, a long drawn trial with the overhanging threat of Negroe riots if we do like how the trial is progressing.

    If the charges are dismissed against Zimmerman at arraignment or by a jury later; will Negroes act a fool?

    Methinks the governor of Florida is pulling off some slick SIHT here; Florida is a state POTUS Obama may need/needs to win reelection in the fall.

    We have some short-sight Negroes at work here; including you field!


  15. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I told My daughter that Ms. Corey is what Sarah Palin would be like if she had brains and class.

    This shows your lack of class and brains.

  16. Cynic9:30 PM

    I actually threw up in my mouth when I saw that Zimmerman had been charged.

    For defending himself?

    You have to been kidding me.

    My disgust quickly turned to rage and anger.

    So, the mother rushes out to trademark his name, Crump mugs and preens that they only want an arrest so they can start the civil lawsuits....

    This isn't about "justice". It's another race-based shakedown.

    I am here in the suburbs of Jacksonville, FL. The non-Trayvon sympathizers are beyond furious.

    This cow Corey is facing reelection.

    There are lots of people now highly motivated to make her unemployed.

    And she looked like a complete fool in the press conference. The female Mike Nifong.

    That worked out soooo well for him,
    didn't it?

    Oh, this has just begun.

    Black Americans now have so many more enemies than they did before. People who were neutral are no longer so.


  17. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Kimmerman will indeed be convicted to please black run Amerikkka.

    If Killerman was black, he would have never been charged.

  18. Anonymous9:40 PM

    "If the Sanford, Florida police department had shown some guts from the start, we would have never gotten to this point."

    I think it would be of high interest to the black community of Sanford to know if the negligent and unresponsive corrupt officers have been fired without any possibility of rehire.

    Field, you ought to stay on this because those officers are lowest of the low and enemies of justice.

  19. Anonymous9:47 PM

    NSangoma, "Romney sucks as a human being and as a presidential candidate. This whole incident can make candidate Romney look less sucky."

    Romney is a fine human being makes a superb presidential candidate who will win in November. It's YOU who 'suck' as a human being. Plus you are ignorant and stupid to boot. Fortunately, you are ignored by most on FN. That means you are not taken seriously and not considered really Black.

  20. Lollza9:47 PM

    Congratulations, Race-Grievance Mongers. Y'all now think there's going to be some big payoff for the official race-baiting industry, and for an alleged "grieving Mom" who rushed out to trademark her son's name.

    Kudos. You're proven mob rule prevails in Teh Won's America. You've proven that black "anger" and posturing and outright lies still has some gravitas.

    But you have lost the respect of many who were on your side.

    Corey's press conference was a disgusting display of posturing.

    Whites have been down this path before. Tawna. Duke. That chick who hung her own noose on her door.

    But this is different. This time you tried to lynch someone who bought in to all your social justice crap. And is a registered Democrat and a bonafide minority in his own right.

    You may think you've won, but you have lost. And lost big.

    The end of "Black Run America" has begun in earnest.

  21. SickupandFed9:57 PM

    Let me be clear about something.

    First off, imo, none of this should be happening. But there is a sickness in this nation that is to blame for all of this. The sickness that makes an entire group of people the target of idiotic attitudes that accentuates the bad that can be seen in all groups, but makes one group bear all of society's ills. There are no winners here. Trayvon's parents lost a son. A kid that was doing all the right things, was taken from his parents. His full potential was not realized, in that regard, he was taken from all of us. And Z's life has been changed forever too. That sickness invaded his mind and not only put him on that path behind those houses chasing after a kid, with a gun but also, now has his behind in jail facing the fight of his life. Coulda, shoulda, woulda won't help him.

    If only there was a vaccine that could eradicate this sickness, then life would be better for all involved. But there isn't. IMO, the next best thing first is for my people to say, THIS ENDS NOW! We have been too complacent, too willing to put things in God's hands thinking that God will speak it and this sickness would go away. I have no problem with prayer and have a deep faith and belief in my access to my higher power. But That power is useless to us until we are willing to stand in the breach. When we do that. then other like-minded people will join us in making sure that a message is sent far and wide that we as humans will no longer stand idle when the lives of our children are taken by this sickness. The next thing that must happen is that when somebody crosses that line, after we pray for them, we push for justice to be done. Then after we forgive them, we can't go and plead for lenience. For me, the only caveat is in the case of a death penalty. But that's if they won't let me have the opportunity to throw the switch.

    Strangely enough, it appears that it would have been better for Z if he had been charged that night. The detective wanted Manslaughter charges, now he's facing a possible life sentence instead. There are questions I still have though, he's being charged with 2nd Degree murder. In Florida, does that include the option for a jury to not convict on that but convict on a lesser charge? Do they have to charge him with all to get a lesser conviction or will this be a all or nothing situation? I have been witness to what I called Prosecutorial misconduct when they were forced to charge cops, but didn't do what was necessary to get convictions. In one instance they torpedoed their own case. I am not yet convinced that this Prosecutor is on the up and up. I still remember that Z thought all of this would all blow over. Somebody had to tell him that.

    And finally, this is or should be, just the beginning. Some other heads need to roll in this. That stupid SYG must be repealed, otherwise, it's gonna happen again. If it weren't for BLACK RADIO we would not be at this point. After the murder of Trayvon, Sanford PD stonewalled his parents about the 911 tapes. They flat out said that they would not release them. First mistake. Because that is routinely done, if for no other reason, to show that they did nothing wrong. Well this caused his parents to get a lawyer. Two Brothers that they had to go to Tallahassee to get because of the atmosphere in Sanford. But police continued to stonewall. So the lawyers put in a call to Brother Al, who just happened to be in the middle of the march on Selma. There just happened to be others there, like Joe Madison and Michael Baisden. Black radio put out the call, and we responded. I say we because many folk here heard that call and got involved too, but without Black radio and good people SYG may kill again. Next time it could be someone close to you.

  22. NSangoma9:58 PM


    Anonymous 9:47 PM, if I related to you the length and girth of my DCIK.

    Would you then think that I am seriously and really Black, BISH?


  23. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Lollza--"But you have lost the respect of many who were on your side."

    Bullshit. No one has ever been on the side of Blacks, esp a racist like YOU. Hence, 'nothing' from 'nothing' leaves 'nothing'...Therefore, 'nothing' has been lost, not even from a 'nothing' like YOU.

    "The end of "Black Run America" has begun in earnest."

    Really? Pray tell, when has America ever been run by Blacks? You are truly stupid.

  24. Anonymous10:08 PM

    NSangoma, "Anonymous 9:47 PM, if I related to you the length and girth of my DCIK.

    Would you then think that I am seriously and really Black, BISH?"

    Nope, you would only prove my point that 'you are ignorant and stupid'.

  25. dont gloat10:30 PM

    i think u are wrong if u don't think many ppl were outraged w Zimmerman being charged with murder for defending himself.

    anytime sharpton gets involved it never turns out well. this is not going to end well for blacks in general. obama wants to get the black community stirred up so everyone will get out and pull the lever in nov, but he only cares about obama - or haven't u figured that out yet?

    this isn't a victory. and yes, blacks lost the support of many white moderates who are pretty upset about the false reporting on this case. and many ppl have called out martin's momma for the trademarking. that was not cool.

  26. NSangoma10:31 PM

    Anonymous 9:47 PM, if I said something about your mother, would you then think me BLACK, knowledgeable, and intelligent?

  27. Anonymous10:37 PM

    NSangoma, "Anonymous 9:47 PM, if I said something about your mother, would you then think me BLACK, knowledgeable, and intelligent?"

    Nope. Just ignorant and stupid.

  28. Lollza10:40 PM

    America has been run by BRA since 1965.

    Welfare, EBT, Headstart, Section 8, SSDI, affirmative action, a bloated and dysfunctional fed civil service because it is majority black run, affirmative action which admits underqualified blacks like both Obamas into the Ivies, pretending that blacks are equally capable as whites and asians in the sciences and maths, and on and on and on.

    I was well indoctrinated at school to believe that blacks had been oppressed and the sum of their difficulties could be attributed to white oppression.

    Ha! Living in BRA has opened my eyes. If nothing else, Mein Obama has created a great awakening.

    Zimmerman was your poster child for a dysfunctional belief in "social justice" and the "rights" of blacks. And now he is to be lynched.

    The tide is turning.

    People were happy to pay the "black tax" to keep blacks happy and away from their communities, but no more.

    No more "black tax".
    No more "genuflecting".

    People have the right to defend themselves against predators.
    No one is obligated to be a victim.
    Even DC was told people have the right to carry.

    Bring it.

  29. dont gloat10:46 PM


    SYG will NOT be repealed.
    if anything, it will stir up the conserv base, which has been sorely lacking.

    obama cynically played this, but he and his handlers are fools.

    i know many ppl who are long time reg repubs but did not vote for mccain and are no fans of romney but they will get out and vote to defeat obama and more importantly, holder.

    this whole zimmerman mess is not going to end well. zimmerman will walk, but the dems will lose ground because they stirred up ppl who would otherwise not engage.


  30. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I have to think Angela Corey is really looking to make a name for herself or just purposely threw the case to placate the violent citiznes in our midst. Her words and actions as a prosecutor have already given the defence lawyers grounds for immediate dismissal.

    "She said that she had started the process of charging George Zimmerman with second-degree murder, and that before stepping up to the microphone she had spoken to “those sweet parents” — Sabryna Fulton and Tracy Martin — and told them what she was doing to get “justice for Trayvon.” The first time she met them, she said, they had prayed together, but she told them she couldn’t promise anything. This evening, she helped to deliver them some compensation for their tenacity and love in pursuing the case, if not — and this would have been impossible — for the loss of their son.

    The fix was in since day one. However she will NEVER get a conviction for 2nd degree murder. She knows that. She also knew the evidence would never have resulted in a charge if it went to the grand jury even though it is easy as hell to get a grand jury to indict.

    Negroes are predictable. There will be riots, there will be more rhetoric, once the evidence does not hold for a stiff sentence or any conviction at all. Then he will be freed. In the meantime it has become clear that we no longer are a nation of laws but a nation of community activists who cry racism no matter what the matter is and are not to be taken seriously unless they are in power. Then they have no morals and will use this power to railroad people simply based on race and allow others to go scott free based on race.

    This has been a terrible blow to Blacks who now have lost a number of previously disengenious white liberals. Al Sharpton and Eric Holder in the whitehouse? Racist Pimps extreme. The Congressional Black Caucus strutting their stuff while wearing pink cowboy hats and breaking laws? It's not going to end well now that the cards have been played.

  31. Arriviste10:51 PM

    Here I am, in a hotel in Jax FL.
    We just closed on our house yesterday and now come to find that the DA Corey is determined to "make the glove fit" and has charged Zimmerman with ....
    2nd degree murder?


    Well, glad that six of us registered to vote today so we can make sure that biatch Corey is unemployed soon.

    Not very smart for an alleged R to go after people's rights to defend themselves and assert SYG.

    Maybe Holder has promised her a cushy billet in the Just Us dept if Obama wins a 2nd term.

    Won't be any R's offering her jobs anytime soon.

    I can't believe I actually heard her say, "Justice for Trayon".


  32. Anonymous10:54 PM

    anon @10:51

    thank you.
    unfortunately, i doubt ppl will listen.

  33. Sweetsong11:02 PM

    Anony @10:03 said:
    Bullshit. No one has ever been on the side of Blacks, esp a racist like YOU. Hence, 'nothing' from 'nothing' leaves 'nothing'...Therefore, 'nothing' has been lost, not even from a 'nothing' like YOU.

    No, Anony, you are wrong.
    The opposite of "nothing" has been lost.
    Al Sharpton and his agitator in training, Crump, have no credibility.

    Many in the black community do not support them. We are busy going to work, raising our families, trying to live a blessed life, but we know ALL about hustlers like Sharpton.

    The media fabricated the story to fit their Agenda and having to backtrack on major portions of the Martin-Zimmerman reporting has seriously undermined the real issues facing the black community, AND undermined support that is critical to creating real change.

    A lot was lost with this case. I am sorry that the Martins lost their child. But you are wrong if you don't believe that many, many, many Whites who otherwise sit on the sidelines or are marginally supportive to black issues didn't react to this is in a very visceral way.

    You are a fool. And beyond stupid.
    This was a cynical race-baiting ploy to stir up the Democratic base, but it has a better job of stirring up the moderates AGAINST the concerns of blacks.

    And those I would categorize as "mild racists" before are pretty hard core anti-black racists now.

    Good job. That's victory.

  34. Anonymous11:08 PM

    dear mr field
    this is OT but i thought i would let you now that the accountants i work for do the taxes for teabagger karen. she and her dh were in to file thier taxes and do some other stuff, it was an interesting meeting. i knew her before she left the us, she lived in my town, and we used to laugh about some of the arguements she had on fn with ppl, she sends her best.

  35. Field Negro: "If I may steal a quote from Ice Cube, "Today was a good day". Rush is being taken off the main wingnut radio station here in Philly, and the man who killed Trayvon Martin is finally going to have to face the criminal justice system."

    A good day is when you shut down political speech and a mob forces a man to be arrested? You ARE a liberal.

    "The fact that it took so long to get an arrest in this case is a travesty and a real stain on the America justice system."

    You don't know the facts, you weren't there. The travesty has been people like you calling for this man's head purely because you are a racist fuck.

    When the jury finds him innocent, will you accept the verdict?

  36. Ubaldo11:10 PM

    Redeye said...
    And they want us to sing God bless America?

    Not you, we just want you to leave,

  37. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I told My daughter that Ms. Corey is what Sarah Palin would be like if she had brains and class. She appears to be a reasonable, competent professional

    I'm sure, should she lose this case, you'll tell tell your daughter that Ms. Corey is stupid conservative cunt like Sarah Palin.

    I hope your daughter can survive her liberal upbringing.

  38. Field Negro said...
    "Anyway, I won't be doing victory laps. As others have said, this is not a time to celebrate. A family has lost their son, and the scabs have been peeled off the sore that is A-merry-can racism once again."

    You best not be doing any victory laps, you haven't won anything yet. And as far as those scabs go, your whole blog is about picking at them.

    Meanwhile, eight other black families lost their sons today, by the hand of someone who looked like Obama's son. Eight more are going to be lost tomorrow. But you won't hear anything about them over the noise of Zimmerman's lynch mob celebrating his arrest.

    Good job, Field.

  39. Anonymous11:39 PM

    dont gloat said...
    i think u are wrong if u don't think many ppl were outraged w Zimmerman being charged with murder for defending himself.

    anytime sharpton gets involved it never turns out well. this is not going to end well for blacks in general. obama wants to get the black community stirred up so everyone will get out and pull the lever in nov, but he only cares about obama - or haven't u figured that out yet?

    this isn't a victory. and yes, blacks lost the support of many white moderates who are pretty upset about the false reporting on this case. and many ppl have called out martin's momma for the trademarking. that was not cool.

    10:30 PM

    Folks like you are always outraged at Blacks just for existing. It matters not what the circumstances are- ppl such as yourself always feel Blacks deserve to be shot. That 'theme' has been running through White America since the birth of America. So now you are threatening the entire black race to withhold your 'holier than thou' "White-based privileged" support because of perceived Al Sharpton's power? You think because of your delusional and fearful view of Sharpton or anybody Black who tries to stand up for themselves ALL Blacks should be punished? You sanctimonious prejudiced jackass!

    In addition, YOU think Zimmerman should still be FREE, based on his own words because he is White and white ppl's words are "honorable!" Tell that shit to the Native Indians and former slaves and victims of lynchings during the Jim Crow days. There is NOTHING for a black person IN SANFORD, FL. to just rely on Zimmerman's word that he killed Trayvon because he had to in self-defense.

    Would YOU be willing to let Trayvon remain FREE if he had shot and killed Zimmerman, esp if he were your son? Let me answer that for you.....NO!

    Listen.... Go ahead and declare Whites will no longer support ANY Black causes BECAUSE YOU don't like the fact that Zimmerman was charged for ANYTHING in this case. I think YOUR problem is Blacks will no longer support YOU by turning against themselves. Those days are over.

    So go ahead. Withhold your former "alleged" support of Blacks. Believe me, I won't lose one minute of sleep over it.

    Face it. You NEVER gave a damn about Blacks anyway. It just is not in your enslaving DNA to do such a White thing for Blacks anyway...

  40. Field, your trolls are working overtime now that Zimmerman's in cuffs. Anything to convince people that Zimmy deserves to walk and that Trayvon deserved to die.

    "I am sorry that the Martins lost their child. But..."

    You're not.

  41. Anonymous11:42 PM

    La Raza might not have stood up for Zimmerman publicy. But they will notice the railroading of a man who defended himself against the same thugs they deal with daily.

    Oh well, Zimmerman getting charged is the price we’ll have to pay so that the nation’s African American population won’t go out and burn down their own neighborhoods and destroy the Korean owned stores that they normally shoplift from.

    Is it racist to say the truth? Only if you are one of the ones doing it but don't like to be called out.

    Zimmerman can immediately file for the prosecutor to be removed because of her clear bias. Ask for a change of venue by a jury of his peers and request a speedy trial covered under florida law (Trial must be in 60 days) So that this all takes place BEFORE the election.

    Then under the new venue the prosecuter will need to prove that Zimmerman was depraved and racially biased. Something that they shit as sure won't be able to do as he was a law abiding citizne protecting his community and a democratic social activist publicly campaigning for Black justice.

    He will be acquitted post haste.

    Blacks will riot, Obama will lose, Blacks will be set back 50 years as fringe non blacks have had enough and really are experiencing the onset of Sudden Negro Fatigue. Instead of more gimmes, gimmes will be seen as the cause for Black culture failure along with our debt and be cut to the bone.

  42. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Field, your trolls are working overtime now that Zimmerman's in cuffs. Anything to convince people that Zimmy deserves to walk and that Trayvon deserved to die.

    "I am sorry that the Martins lost their child. But..."

    You're not.

    Get a new schtick your limited mind is showing, you just said nothing.

    It isn't about extremes. I wish trayvon wasn't exposed to black culture and didn't listen to rap and get gold teef and referee school fights and deal drugs and thug it out in the rain with his hoodie casin houses and then physically attack Zimmerman and get killed.

    I wish Trayvon actually did go to the store and actually was sitting on the porch or was watching the game at halftime that hadn't even started yet all at the same time, like his pops girlfriend says in three different versions.

    I wish his parents did something the second time he got suspended form school and didn't wait for a third to turn him loose on another neighborhood unsupervised where they didn't look for him all night until the next day.

    I do. But now that it happened, the only thing I want is justice. Not fake justice, not the usual cry of racism without proof and despite all evidence to the contrary like normal. Real justice.

  43. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Zimmerman Was arrested? HottDamn.

    Maybe they can select Judge Lance Ito and call Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder as star witnesses for the prosecution. Tawana Brawley and Alton Maddox can testify as the disparaging impact defending yourself against Black thugs has on the black thug community, even though not related that seems to be the way to Black justice.

    Woo-hoo this is going to be one hell of a shitfest for Black America. You done did it now. The truth may just come out despite all the past political correctness that is now buried.

    Sharptons role in "activizing' can be explored at the trial including his involvement in every racial hoax in the past 20 or so years all the legal filings and lawsuits against him....damn you done did it now.

  44. Ebassian11:54 PM

    Bad parenting killed Trayvon, and Black America wants to kill Zimmerman over it.

    Negroes is fucked - up.

  45. Anonymous11:56 PM

    This is not about Zimmerman getting fair justice, this is a public trial of hatred by Whites against Blacks...Period....nothing else.

    When you look at American history from the beginning of America, what else could there be?

  46. Anonymous11:57 PM

    This site used to be a nice spot for Blacks to interact on issues close to other Black's heart. Now, it looks like the comment section on Fox New's site.

    I know that everyone's voice should be heard, but this is ridiculous. There are no in depth discussions about race with the Aryan Brotherhood/Chimpout crowd...just a bunch of ignorant drivel. I think you're losing the audience in which you initially sought and which supported your blog.

    I'll check back in three months to see if this site is back to normal or if it's another Black site gone to the idiots.

    Later Field.

  47. I predict this whole Trayvon production will turn out very, very, badly for Black people.

    Y'all should a just took your EBT card and shut the hell up. Now you just threw some shit towards the fan.


  48. Here's the opening paragraph of the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case:

    Good evening everyone. I am Angela Corey, special prosecutor for the Trayvon Martin case. Just moments ago, we spoke by phone with Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton. Three weeks ago our prosecution team promised those sweet parents we would get answers to all of their questions, no matter where our quest for truth led us.

    This women has already admitted her bias and lack of concern for the truth. George Zimmerman is being railroaded due to racial hatred and hysteria.

    We have just witnessed the moment in history when BRA officially became a Third World country. We have crossed the threshold into the Africanization of the criminal justice system. This goes right along with the destruction of the economy by the President of BRA.

    America is going to turn out just like all the disastrous experiments in negro self government that we have we witnessed throughout history. The only thing missing from the Obamas, Sharpton, and Eric “My People” Holder is the abacosts.

  49. Anonymous12:32 AM

    "Maybe they can select Judge Lance Ito and call Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder as star witnesses for the prosecution. Tawana Brawley and Alton Maddox can testify as the disparaging impact defending yourself against Black thugs has on the black thug community, even though not related that seems to be the way to Black justice."

    Sounds like you have it all figured out....demonize Al Sharpton for standing up for the parents of Trayvon Martin.

    FYI:Sanford police and the black community have had major problems for years because of injustices. But don't let that sway you....Hold Sharpton (and the entire black race) for NOT thinking like YOU, Mr. genius- without any consideration to Trayvon.

    Well, Mr holy white man, what do you recommend parents of the murdered Trayvon do? Should they think like a white privileged prejudiced person like you and say, "Let us Blacks NOT make any 'waves'-don't rock the boat- because it may anger some Whites and we will be severely punished by Whites like you? Well, it's been in your DNA as far back as slavery to punish us anyway. So what do Blacks have to lose?

    We might as well stand up for our dignity even though you are greatly disturbed that Blacks would have the nerve to do so.

    I have news for you, Mr Whitey...oh what's the use? I'm wasting my breath.

  50. Mr. Holy Whiteman12:36 AM

    "FYI:Sanford police and the black community have had major problems for years because of injustices"

    Correction: FYI:Sanford police and the black community have had major problems for years because of blacks commit so many crimes.

    There is nothing Trayvon's parents can do now but grieve. They neglected him, and stood by while he adopted the Thug Life. Blaming Zimmerman, the police, and white America won't change the truth.

  51. grinder said:n "This reminds me so much of the O.J. Simpson mess...

    Back then, I thought O.J. was guilty as hell, and this time I'd say that Zimmerman shows all the signs of a perpetrator. It'll be interesting to see what happens if, through some twist of fate, Zimmerman ends up being represented by a race-baiting shyster (a white Johnnie Cochrane), who gets him off.

    I've observed you over the years, apart from displaying your routine pretentiousness on racial matters, you also own a vindictive heart.

    Deep down you wish zimmerman beats the system and walks free. To you it would represent some form of poetic justice, a "twist of faith" for you to secretly mock and laugh at the expense of "black society". Why else would you have instinctively compared this tragedy to the oj case.

  52. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Anonymous 11:57PM, I think you are 100% right. I believe I will join you, but I also believe Field is right in letting even racists spew their skunk hate filled oil. This is America and these haters are all over America and we'd better be aware of them, much like the government is aware. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the government haven't already traced some of these racists as perpetrators of hate crime.

    PRISON is where some of them will end up. It's just a matter of time. Hopefully, it will be sooner than later. That way, they'll learn to live in an integrated prison with the brothers who will love them day and night. lol

  53. La audiobooks, you stupid, homophobic, racist bitch, have you every had anything worthwhile to say to anyone, anywhere? If so, it's been somewhere other than here.

  54. Rob S.12:49 AM

    It’s easy to imagine why Zimmerman would be in shock. The man knows he is a Boy Scout. (You may consider this to be unproved, but he knows it.) He is exemplary. He tutors children, goes door to door campaigning for justice (real justice, not social justice) for a homeless man, works many unpaid hours guarding his neighbors against criminals. He is a community spirited man and not any kind of racist. Suddenly his life gets turned upside down and he is the official hate object of the entire nation. He is the evilest man in America. He is so evil that thinly veiled calls for his lynching are printed in respectable newspapers.

    But the bloodlust of American liberalism knows no limits. They have demanded their sacrifice, and he will be offered up.

    What black juror would ever have to guts to say "not guilty"? What other jurors won't fear for their lives if they wish to render a "not guilty" verdict?

    These are dark days we live in.

  55. Fahoud12:59 AM

    The King of the Negroes Am I said...
    Here's the opening paragraph from the speech of the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case:

    Good evening everyone. I am Angela Corey, special prosecutor for the Trayvon Martin case. Just moments ago, we spoke by phone with Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton. Three weeks ago our prosecution team promised those sweet parents we would get answers to all of their questions, no matter where our quest for truth led us.

    CNN reports:

    Corey has described Martin’s family as “lovely people.” She said she has met with them and prayed with them and promised to get them answers.

    Have you ever heard of such a thing? She had no cause to meet with Martin’s parents at all; they have a lawyer. For the prosecutor in such a highly contested case publicly (and religiously) to align herself with one side in this manner is a public disgrace. And it is not her job get “answers” for Martin’s parents. It is her job to decide whether a criminal prosecution is warranted. C’est tout. Aren’t Florida lawyers bound by a code of conduct?

  56. Since Zimmerman violated no law, there is no basis for any indictment. The indictment is completely politically motivated, and entails throwing Zimmerman to the howling, racist black mob, in the hopes that it will stop expected race riots. It will not. Blacks will riot. Blacks have been rioting constantly, since the inauguration of the John Doe called Barack Obama. The rioting will only get worse.

    As is happening more and more to non-blacks declared enemies by black supremacists, George Zimmerman will be a political prisoner.

    Angela Corley is acceding to the demand made for almost one month by the black supremacist lawyer for Trayvon Martin’s parents, Benjamin Crump, along with Al Sharpton: Charge Zimmerman, and let him prove himself innocent in court…. But as far as blacks are concerned, whites, and those whom they have deemed white enough, are metaphysically guilty, and can never prove their innocence.

    It is virtually impossible for George Zimmerman to get a fair trial anywhere in the United States. Just as in the unconstitutional, federal double jeopardy trial of the four LAPD officers who beat Rodney King, the jurors will be intimidated into sacrificing Zimmerman to “the 13th juror”—the racist black mob, threatening to riot. And blacks, with the implicit support of the John Doe calling himself Barack Obama—intend to murder George Zimmerman, anywhere he is, whether in jail, prison, or the street.

  57. Anonymous1:06 AM

    You're not going to prove your goodwill to Jackson, Holder, Al Sharpton, and their fellow travelers by offering handouts, government programs, and quotas. You won't prove it by voting for a (half-)black president, which -- especially when he is a BLT Marxist radical -- is seen just as license to extract more pounds of flesh. You won't soothe their savage breasts by taking it on the chin and then saying, "Thank you, sir; may I have another?" For the Jeremiah Wrights of the world are much like the Independence Day alien who was asked by the American president, "What is it you want us to do?"

    His answer: "Die."

    Only, because BLT babies can't yet access the firepower of Louis Farrakhan's earth-orbiting mothership, which will "rain down destruction on white America," they're not quite so forthcoming.

    As for whites, if our concessions won't help, what can we do? Well, while we shouldn't respond to hate with hate or think being on its receiving end absolves us of the obligation to act morally, we could be more forthcoming ourselves. We can start by following Eric Holder's words, as opposed to his deeds, and cease being cowards on race. This would mean telling black Americans the truth: their problems lie not in their stars -- white or otherwise -- but in themselves.

    Read more:

  58. Daniel F.1:11 AM

    Zimmerman cannot get a fair trial under these circumstances. Any juror who votes to acquit in this climate is risking life, limb, family, and property. Beyond that, I would expect that the court will give the prosecutor ample leeway in picking a jury likely to convict and then in presenting the case. In the event of a conviction, I would not hold out much hope for a reversal. Keep in mind that the court system and legal profession everywhere in the country is inundated with the ideology of “diversity” and is hellbent, in high-profile cases such as this, on proving that the law is on the side of the minorities against the pervasive menace of white “racism.”
    I speak as a lawyer working in the New York court system, in which the diversity cult is something like an official religion. I doubt that the situation is any different in Florida. Needless to say, I won’t be talking about this case with my colleagues.

    Incidentally, I think there was a similar case decided by the NY Court of Appeals a few months ago—People v DiGuglielmo—in which the defendant (presumably white, going by the Italian name) killed a man who was viciously attacking his elderly father. I don’t recall the “victim’s” name, but I think it was WASP sounding, which usually indicates a black person in NY. The case was in Westchester County. The defendant was convicted, and the conviction stood up on appeal. Based on what I read about the case, the prosecution seemed extremely dubious. I think it very likely that the prosecutors and judges, in processing the case, were intent on avoiding giving offense to the Al Sharptons of the world. The pressure to avoid such offense—and triggering riots, not just protests—will be multiplied by a thousand in the Zimmerman case.

  59. grinder, you have been calling me a bitch and stupid for years. The thrill is gone.

    And you know I am telling the truth, that's why people like you always lose your temper, just like zimmerman.

  60. Dinner Tray Von Huesen1:14 AM

    Sounds like you have it all figured out....demonize Al Sharpton for standing up for the parents of Trayvon Martin.

    FYI:Sanford police and the black community have had major problems for years because of injustices. But don't let that sway you....Hold Sharpton (and the entire black race) for NOT thinking like YOU, Mr. genius- without any consideration to Trayvon.

    Oh I know brainchild. I read all about it when I saw Zimmerman campaigned for justice for Blacks. Yet you claim he is racist and that is the main reason for your outrage. For you sure as hell don't give a shit about all the black kids recently killed by blacks or white people recently killed by blacks.

    Well, Mr holy white man, what do you recommend parents of the murdered Trayvon do? Should they think like a white privileged prejudiced person like you and say, "Let us Blacks NOT make any 'waves'-don't rock the boat- because it may anger some Whites and we will be severely punished by Whites like you?

    Funny, I didn't know white privileged people think that way. Maybe they did, but no more. You awakened the sleeping giant and added to the Negro Fatigue.

    Well, it's been in your DNA as far back as slavery to punish us anyway. So what do Blacks have to lose?

    Yawn. And savagery and incompetence has always been in your DNA so if we cant live under the same laws equally applied to all, then what does non black america of many races have to lose without you? Less dependancy, less crime, less taxes, less programs to prop up the incapable of society. Less degrading and dumbing down of society so that you can compete. Less destroyed property values, better schools, improved education, less racial hoaxes? Sounds good to me.

    We might as well stand up for our dignity even though you are greatly disturbed that Blacks would have the nerve to do so.

    How can you be dignified by spreading hate lies and discord. Demanding justice yes, creating your own facts and tar and feathering someone with lies...nah you lost dignity and credibility.

    I have news for you, Mr Whitey...oh what's the use? I'm wasting my breath.

    Mr Whitey? You can just call me Cracka.

  61. Anonymous1:16 AM

    "Negroes are predictable. There will be riots, there will be more rhetoric, once the evidence does not hold for a stiff sentence or any conviction at all. Then he will be freed. In the meantime it has become clear that we no longer are a nation of laws but a nation of community activists who cry racism no matter what the matter is and are not to be taken seriously unless they are in power. Then they have no morals and will use this power to railroad people simply based on race and allow others to go scott free based on race"

    Negroes might be predictable but your predictable racist comment shows you don't know a damn thing about Negroes, Whites or American Law. However, you know a lot about stupidity because you are one.

  62. Anonymous1:19 AM

    "How can you be dignified by spreading hate lies and discord. Demanding justice yes, creating your own facts and tar and feathering someone with lies...nah you lost dignity and credibility. "

    Yawn...folks like you are so boring. You have nothing intelligent to say. Your racist mind makes you a moron.

  63. Anonymous1:21 AM

    CNN reports:

    Corey has described Martin’s family as “lovely people.” She said she has met with them and prayed with them and promised to get them answers.

    Have you ever heard of such a thing? She had no cause to meet with Martin’s parents at all; they have a lawyer. For the prosecutor in such a highly contested case publicly (and religiously) to align herself with one side in this manner is a public disgrace. And it is not her job get “answers” for Martin’s parents. It is her job to decide whether a criminal prosecution is warranted. C’est tout. Aren’t Florida lawyers bound by a code of conduct?

    Absolutely she has already thrown this case, except in an african or Detroit Court. She in the same breath refused to even speak with Zimmerman. Biased, no doubt.

  64. Anonymous1:22 AM

    "Mr Whitey? You can just call me Cracka."

    Ok. It fits you well. It even sounds like you.

  65. Anonymous1:30 AM

    "We can start by following Eric Holder's words, as opposed to his deeds, and cease being cowards on race. This would mean telling black Americans the truth: their problems lie not in their stars -- white or otherwise -- but in themselves."

    Sounds like a good plan. Will you tell us when we have risen above our problems to be like you? It will be very much appreciated from people such as yourself who have perfected themselves.

  66. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "We can start by following Eric Holder's words, as opposed to his deeds, and cease being cowards on race. This would mean telling black Americans the truth: their problems lie not in their stars -- white or otherwise -- but in themselves."

    Sounds like a good plan. Will you tell us when we have risen above our problems to be like you? It will be very much appreciated from people such as yourself who have perfected themselves.

    Oh I am far from perfect. But none of it is your fault. Can you say the same?

  67. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Negroes might be predictable but your predictable racist comment shows you don't know a damn thing about Negroes, Whites or American Law. However, you know a lot about stupidity because you are one.

    Could you tell me what a "stupidity is" are you born one or do you become one? You throw a lot of names around but have said absolutely nothing except calling people stupid and you know it because you are a stupidity. I knows lots about American law. It's the African mob justice I am just learning about tutsi sweeti.

  68. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "How can you be dignified by spreading hate lies and discord. Demanding justice yes, creating your own facts and tar and feathering someone with lies...nah you lost dignity and credibility. "

    Yawn...folks like you are so boring. You have nothing intelligent to say. Your racist mind makes you a moron.

    You copy my yawn and then in your mind say "you racist and a moron" and declare this intelligent, meaningful and thoughtful? Yes, you must be a racial AA hypocrite.
    Resist we much? I bet you do.

    Good thing about a race war, god forbid. Is most people like you wouldn't be able to read the battle plans if intelligence is ever lost.

  69. Corey has described Martin’s family as “lovely people.” She said she has met with them and prayed with them and promised to get them answers.

    Have you ever heard of such a thing? She had no cause to meet with Martin’s parents at all; they have a lawyer. For the prosecutor in such a highly contested case publicly (and religiously) to align herself with one side in this manner is a public disgrace. And it is not her job get “answers” for Martin’s parents. It is her job to decide whether a criminal prosecution is warranted. C’est tout. Aren’t Florida lawyers bound by a code of conduct?

    Absolutely she has already thrown this case, except in an african or Detroit Court. She in the same breath refused to even speak with Zimmerman. Biased, no doubt.

    Yeah, no kidding. Normally, I'd ask Field for his opinion of that, but he's long since joined the lynch mob by calling the defendant "Killerman."

    Yep, first you convict him and then you look for the evidence. I started out pretty strongly sympathetic to Martin, but the more I see the less I believe anything from anyone.

  70. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Mr Whitey? You can just call me Cracka."

    Ok. It fits you well. It even sounds like you.

    What was the last good book you read? Lets talk about it.

  71. Anonymous2:04 AM

    " Arriviste said...
    Here I am, in a hotel in Jax FL.
    We just closed on our house yesterday and now come to find that the DA Corey is determined to "make the glove fit" and has charged Zimmerman with ....
    2nd degree murder?


    Well, glad that six of us registered to vote today so we can make sure that biatch Corey is unemployed soon."

    It's a damn shame that you have been weighted down for years with "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." I am still amazed that Whites still remember that. They don't remember NOT one case where Blacks got the shaft in their white justice system, but they remember OJ....amazing.

    "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit." Johnnie Cochran was something wasn't he? Brilliant. Marcia Clark didn't stand a chance.

    Now we shall see what kind of chance Zimmerman will have after shooting a 17-year old boy.

  72. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Oh my incident eerily similar to Trayvon. Only this time a Black guy shot a Hispanic guy. And they used the word white Hispanic again. Cool.

    Anyone going to march for justice for the Spanish guy or do we just let La Raza start moving?

    Will Eric Holder get involved or is he only concerned for "justice" for Black Political opportunity victims? Will Obama say he looks like his second cousin Ernesto?

    Will the Black Congressional caucus break out the pink cowboy hats again?

  73. Pox Nation and Spugefront are howling tonite.

  74. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    "Mr Whitey? You can just call me Cracka."

    Ok. It fits you well. It even sounds like you.

    What was the last good book you read? Lets talk about it.

    1:48 AM
    I honor your request what to call you and you want to know the last good book I read? Amazing! But it takes all kinds to make the world go round. LOL

  75. Anonymous2:23 AM

    "Will the Black Congressional caucus break out the pink cowboy hats again?"

    Some of you folks prove you don't have a clue about the CBC. They have been dead politically for decades but you fools keep trying to give them power. Nevertheless, keep feeding them power. Who knows? Maybe they will arise from the dead. They will be eternally grateful to you. LOL

  76. Anonymous2:25 AM

    I have noticed that Granny, Desert and PilotX have been conspicuously absent. And Mellaneous is nothing but a jiggling coward who is afraid of his own shadow.

  77. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    "Mr Whitey? You can just call me Cracka."

    Ok. It fits you well. It even sounds like you.

    What was the last good book you read? Lets talk about it.

    1:48 AM
    I honor your request what to call you and you want to know the last good book I read? Amazing! But it takes all kinds to make the world go round. LOL

    I knew it would be over your head and that you wouldn't have an answer. call me YT as you originally did. Cracka, YT Espanol la binga grande, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

  78. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Pox Nation and Spugefront are howling tonite.

    You seem awfully bouncy. Smelling victim's for your brand of lawyering are ya? A racial fraud huxster like you will surely burn in hell.

  79. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Oh Lawdy, a sinful maniacal fool tries to send Whitey's Conspiracy to hell. Now I have seen it all. LOL

  80. Now we shall see what kind of chance Zimmerman will have after shooting a 17-year old boy.

    And if Zimmerman should happen to get the white version of Johnnie Cochrane for a lawyer, and then be acquitted, we will have a chance to see what differences there might be between the way that black people and white people express their feelings.

    Will there be thousands of white Floridians taking to the streets to cheer for Zimmerman? Will black people confine their reaction to shaking their heads and muttering? Perhaps we shall see. Perhaps not.

    We do know this much: Zimmerman has been called "Killerman" by the lawyer who operates this blog, and the same "black activist" who invented gruesomely racist lies in the Tawana Brawley case has inserted himself into this one.

    My first instincts were correct: This is just one more American circus. If there's anyone left who thinks this will be an opportunity for meaningful dialogue, I'd like him to take a lie detector test and then an I.Q. test, because only a moron or a liar can believe that anything resembling "justice" will now happen.

  81. I still commend Obama for his initial comment, but alas, I have to conclude that the Bill Cosby President was once again well-intentioned but just a little bit naive, as was I.

  82. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh Lawdy, a sinful maniacal fool tries to send Whitey's Conspiracy to hell. Now I have seen it all. LOL

    God just called, he said to tell you he doesn't like you and learn english. He is lord not lawdy you ebonic speaking miscreant.

  83. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Racist? I AM NOT RACIST!!!

    I have two really big and really BLACK dogs.

    Three ReALLY BIG screen TV's and all my guns don't have aluminum or steel slides they are ALL BLACK so they don't reflect light.

    Come on over and see them sometime.

  84. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Racist? I AM NOT RACIST!!!

    I have two really big and really BLACK dogs.

    Three ReALLY BIG screen TV's and all my guns don't have aluminum or steel slides they are ALL BLACK so they don't reflect light.

    Come on over and see them sometime.

    Yeah well my TV's are colored and sometimes when I wear loose pants they sag and show my butt crack , I leave the tags on a big hat and turn it sideways so I look retarded and don't tie my shoelaces so I cant run when the po-po chase me so I'm more diverse than you. Oh and I wear old white men plaid golf shorts, Now I knows you cant beats that homey.

  85. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Pox Nation and Spugefront are howling tonite.

    "Spugefront" every gay white disengenious liberals dream, hangin out looking for victims and for a dose of spoogecake. Did mommy hate you? Is that why you turned out to hate yourself so much?

  86. GrannyStandingforTruth3:12 AM

    Nope, we're right here watching y'all show your undignified ass. We're not alone either. The whole world is watching.

    Field, you was right!

    Anonymous, you need Jesus!

  87. Wait, did this man not kill Trayvon Martin? Then why can't I call him Killerman? He killed him, right? Or did he choke on his skittles?

    Yes wingnuts, we will abide by the decision of the justice system. Let's see if u are willing to do the same.

    My racist troll friends are really upset about this. Relax folks. Sometimes justice can seem messy, especially when u are used to having things go your way for so long.

  88. "Oh, this has just begun.

    Black Americans now have so many more enemies than they did before. People who were neutral are no longer so.


    Oh puleeazzze! Just don't bounce my check, wingnut.

    Who cares if we have enemies? We would start worrying if we had friends all of a sudden.

    "And if Zimmerman should happen to get the white version of Johnnie Cochrane for a lawyer, and then be acquitted, we will have a chance to see what differences there might be between the way that black people and white people express their feelings.

    Will there be thousands of white Floridians taking to the streets to cheer for Zimmerman?"

    No, they will just sit in their living rooms and fume, and then go on the Internet- to the first black website they can find- and show their ignorance.

    Careful what you predict for Mr. Killerman. His name is not Casey Anthony.;)

  89. "Nope, we're right here watching y'all show your undignified ass. We're not alone either. The whole world is watching.

    Field, you was right!"

    Yes Granny, the RATS.

  90. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "Nope, we're right here watching y'all show your undignified ass. We're not alone either. The whole world is watching.

    Field, you was right!"

    Yes Granny, the RATS
    I believe they are still reeling from the OJ case and Probably think this is going to be another one of those. They keep mumbling neurotically something about "the glove didn't fit".

  91. NSangoma6:51 AM

    Let's hope this Zimmerman SIHT is over long before the November election; for it may end up costing POTUS Obama Florida and even the election.

  92. Plasma TV9:16 AM

    To quote fn....."Oh puleeazzze".

    The only reason they even charged Zimmerman, is because all the store managers at Best Buy, Walmart, Walgreen's, etc., begged them to...or paid them off.

  93. NSangoma9:32 AM


    Let's hope the shooter was a jealous lover of one of the Chinese students and not a Negroe.

    We can't be complaining when some of our people regularly perform actions similar to the one above.,0,6840970.story


  94. kudos


    i told u so!

    i have faith in angela c

    justice belated
    justice denied

  95. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "Corey has described Martin’s family as “lovely people.” She said she has met with them and prayed with them and promised to get them answers.

    Have you ever heard of such a thing? She had no cause to meet with Martin’s parents at all; they have a lawyer. For the prosecutor in such a highly contested case publicly (and religiously) to align herself with one side in this manner is a public disgrace. And it is not her job get “answers” for Martin’s parents. It is her job to decide whether a criminal prosecution is warranted. C’est tout. Aren’t Florida lawyers bound by a code of conduct?"

    12:59 AM

    Ignorance of this magnitude is not only sad, it's pathetic. Someone should tell this idiot "yes, I have heard of such a's the prosecutor's job to do exactly that. The prosecutor's job is to represent the VICTIM (as she stated or did your blind ignorance and hatred prevent you from hearing and understanding that?). People like these racists are pawns who are used to forward the agenda of white supremacy. The Hannitys, Limbaughs, Becks etc. are all hate mongers who know that these people are too ignorant to recognize or attempt to verify erroneous drivel they are fed. It should also be evident that these posters (in addition to being uneducated) are poor, probably unemployed or underemployed and the real recipients of welfare, food stamps etc. Their ignorance and hatred allows them to be used to keep the rich in power.

  96. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Why would anyone even bother to respond to someone who is too ignorant to know what the prosecutor does....or the other ignorant statements as well???....IJS

  97. Wait, did this man not kill Trayvon Martin? Then why can't I call him Killerman? He killed him, right? Or did he choke on his skittles?

    You can call him anything you want. This is America, and you have freedom of speech, and of the press, in whatever form. And I have the same freedom.

    Your approach here is the mirror image of George W. Bush right after 9/11, when he told everyone: "You are either with us, or against us."

    And here you thought you were any different than him. Guess not.

  98. You were right the first time, Field. It's a good day.

    I'm glad Zimmerman is standing trial, and the way the case was handled was racist as hell - or at the very least a whole bunch of weird stuff happened that sure as hell seemed racist.

    For that reason, I'm glad the justice system is being forced to work the way it's supposed to by this case. It was doing some funky shit at the beginning, for sure.

    That's where I'd like to call everyone's attention to at this point - the beginning of the case. That's when the racism came in. The allegations of racism were a response to the way the CASE was handled - or rather, not handled at all. It's deplorable Trayvon Martin lay in a morgue for days before his family knew.

    Then the information progressed about the case. The tapes were released. And the specter of racism wasn't dispelled by those. It was clear Zimmerman pursued Martin quite determinedly. That he followed him when instructed not to and he had him pegged as an asshole, seemingly without any cause apart from what he looked like. It's certainly POSSIBLE and even PROBABLE those two behaviors would be present in a racist acting upon his racial motives.

    Then, we have the outcome of the events that night. Someone got killed. Someone was calling for help. It's very easy, then, to suppose Trayvon Martin was executed because of his race. It's what we all fear, and the shadows are gathered close around the case at that point, aren't they? Yes.

    So this puts us on the edge of possibly one of the most important cases in American legal history, from where I sit. It makes us ask - in a racist SYSTEM where people are acting on their racist motives, are all end results then racist?

    But let's divorce Zimmerman from the police who tried to shut the case for a moment. The question then is - is there a difference between racist profiler Zimmerman and racist executioner Zimmerman? Other than, that is, the fact a black young man ended up dead.

    What I mean to ask is - if Zimmerman was racially profiling people he intended to QUESTION, is that the same as racially profiling people he intended to kill? I would say it is.

    However, is there a difference between a KKK guy who burns a church intending to frighten people, and one who inadvertently burns a person up in the act?

    While I know the moral answer to that, for myself, I can't pretend to know the legal answer. I mean, I'm pretty sure that would be murder, but what degree?

    I am equally unsure about this Zimmerman case. I'm pretty sure Zimmerman is guilty of something, but I'm unsure whether it's of executing someone because of their skin color.

    I also think, as a society, we can all hope that is not purely the situation. I don't want to think I live in a world THAT racist - where the racist system is enabling racist vigilantes to "hunt humans" to paraphrase Alicia.

    While I, of course, remain OPEN to the possibility that's what happened, in good conscience I have to leave open the possibility Mr. Zimmerman was doing some profiling of suspects and the killing happened in reaction to Trayvon attacking him for being unfairly harassed. I have to believe that is also POSSIBLE.

    So while I oppose those who are crying out for Zimmerman's death because I think they're prejudging him, and I oppose those who are automatically defending Zimmerman's life for the same reasons, I am extremely glad this case is going to trial.

    Which may be a complex answer, but this is a complex case. I think this case that was actually swept under the rug is going to reemerge and be of profound importance. There's something just in that by itself.

    I applaud you, Field, for the clarifications in this latest post of yours.

  99. Careful what you predict for Mr. Killerman.

    By the way, I have no idea what will happen to Zimmerman. It's Florida, the craziest state in America. And it's a national circus, with some blacks (including you, Field) going nuts and demanding a scalp, and some whites going reactionary and spouting the usual horseshit.

    Do you want some sort of broad conflagration? I'm old enough to remember the 1967 riots. Is that what you're looking for, or do you just want blacks to individually hunt down whites in retaliation?

    Yep, there can be no room for reflection, and certainly none for doubt. That's the mentality of a lynch mob, and anyone who thinks it's not something black people can do is willfully ignoring the facts and recent history.

    This whole thing is turning into a gigantic hustle. Even if Zimmerman is found guilty, which wouldn't surprise me at all, the end result will be a more poisonous atmosphere. And Field, I am sorry to say that you will have helped. Congrats. I'm sure you feel righteous.

  100. I see the hateness is in full effect.

  101. Fahoud1:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Why would anyone even bother to respond to someone who is too ignorant to know what the prosecutor does....or the other ignorant statements as well???....IJS

    It is the prosecuter's job to represent the state in the enforcement of its laws. The goal is to determine the truth of the matter and see that guilty are punished.

    It is not to act as the personal advocate and ally of the victim in the pursuit of retribution.

    This not Zimbabwe - yet.

  102. mellaneous1:16 PM

    Anon:2:25 said:
    "I have noticed that Granny, Desert and PilotX have been conspicuously absent. And Mellaneous is nothing but a jiggling coward who is afraid of his own shadow."

    No the only cowards are the trolls who would never voice this vitriol to real human beings.

    I do understand why they sit it out sometimes just as I do. Sometimes all this racist hatred is a bit much. I don't know how they are able to hold on to so much hatred. Sometimes I kind of feel sorry for them.

    But good post Field. Its clear that the call went out to the bigots to tell your readers what they think.

    If its not orchestrated it sure seems like it. But I don't think that as much as they try that most whites share the narrow minded opinions of most of the bigots commenting above. They only represent a determined and mean spirited, crazed by race hatred, tiny inconsequential minority.

    I think you all should thank Field for being so gracious to let you spew your brains on his blog.

  103. Kingnut1:27 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Sometimes all this racist hatred is a bit much.

    Liberals think disagreeing with them about anything is "hatred".

    Even not being sufficiently supportive of any opinion, no matter how misguided, is "hatred".

    It's not racist hatred to call for the truth.

    Those who have used Trayvon's death to whip up racial acrimony have no regard for the truth. They have their narrative to push regardless of the facts. George Zimmerman must die to satisfy their need for power.

  104. mellaneous2:37 PM

    @Granny , Granny you were right this has been a real undignified display by the bigoted among us.
    @Quantum- it appears that you actually examine other arguments it looks like you incorporated some of my points in your post today.

    What you said makes a lot of sense.

    I think it is ironic that the narrow minded haters on the right have rushed to claim that Zimmerman is innocent without the facts while accusing those simply seeking justice of rushing to judgement.

    You can't have it both ways.

    And I think the parents have set a good pace, Trayvon's mother has not rushed to judgement in fact she and her supporters consistently said they wanted an arrest. And yes prosecution if indeed it was proven that a crime was committed. (Of course some kind of crime was committed even if just a minor one.) His mother has said today that she thinks that her son was killed as the result of an accident and not murder.

    Its odd that she is more gracious and humane than those on this thread who so quickly try to assign blacks to the lowest rungs of humanity, who by their behavior and their history show once again that is they and not others who more closely resemble in actions and attitude the lowest of the animal kingdom.

  105. mellaneous2:49 PM

    Grinder said:

    We do know this much: Zimmerman has been called "Killerman" by the lawyer who operates this blog, and the same "black activist" who invented gruesomely racist lies in the Tawana Brawley case has inserted himself into this one.

    My first instincts were correct: This is just one more American circus. ...can believe that anything resembling "justice" will now happen."

    Grinder -I think it is indeed possible for justice to prevail. The only problem here was that attempts at justice were grossly delayed. And if it were not for the vigilance of Trayvon Martin's parents you would not know about the case or care for that matter. Trayvon would have just another dead black man who died under questionable circumstances.

    But if you are going to accurately talk about this being a circus you must include all of the clowns: Hannity, Geraldo, FOX news right wing blogs, racist commentators and talk show hosts, Zimmerman's brother, Zimmerman's friend, the assistant Attorney General who refused to charge manslaughter as the cops on the scene tried to charge and of course the bigots and their ilk filling this thread and other comment sections around the country with their elephant dung!

  106. Anonymous3:09 PM

    George Zimmerman is not Cuban, but part-Peruvian.

  107. Double Standards3:33 PM

    Whew! Thank goodness she apologized! Now, we can all just "get along"....

  108. Anonymous3:53 PM

    @106PM. Perhaps you should research before you say something stupid. I don't know what they do in Zimbawe but in America the prosecutor's office represents the VICTIM. You don't seem to realize that the terms "victim" and "state" are interchangeable in a court of law. As a previous crime victim I can factually state that the prosecutor's office regularly meets with the victim's family to keep them abreast of what's going on also to suggest or obtain agreement on the penalties (death penalty, plea agreements etc.). Furthermore Victim Advocates work for the "state" and are assigned to advise, counsel and accompany the victim's family in court. You'll probably be surprised (and upset given your nature and outlook) to learn that they also provide compensation to the victims. A simple call to any state attorney's office could have cleared that up for you and prevented your ignorant snide remark about Zimbawe.

  109. It is the prosecuter's job to represent the state in the enforcement of its laws. The goal is to determine the truth of the matter and see that guilty are punished.

    It is not to act as the personal advocate and ally of the victim in the pursuit of retribution.

    This is exactly right. It's also the case that the state's interest in prosecuting a criminal is congruent, though not always identical, with the victim's.

    Still, the prosecutor in the Martin case pandered so much toward the family that an impartial judge ought to question whether that prosecutor is really doing her job.

    It's one more example of what a damn circus this has been. First the police screw up by mishandling the incident to begin with. Then we have all kinds of leaks. And now we're got a prosecutor who acts as if she was trained by correspondence course from some unaccredited degree mill.

    Add it all up, and it spells F-L-O-R-I-D-A. Even if you're convinced that Zimmerman is guilty and went out stalking Martin because Martin was black, this is not the sort of prosecutor you want. If she's that unprofessional from the get-go, a good defense lawyer will make mincemeat out of her at trial.

    Oops, sorry. I keep forgetting that "you're either for us or against us," and that any doubts, hesitation, or misgivings are proof of KKK membership, which is to say that anyone who's not 100% on board with the lynch mob is a terrorist. Sound familiar?

  110. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Field wrote...My racist troll riends are really upset about this. Relax folks. Sometimes justice can seem messy, especially when u are used to having things go your way for so long.

    What do you think they'll do if it turns out that Ms Corey charged him with 2nd degree because she has very critical evidence to support that charge? What if the forensic reports are back and show that the perpetrator shot Trayvon from a distance (since there was no blood splatter on Zimmerman's clothes)?? What if the FBI uncovers an eyewitness to the entire jncident? What if he gets charged with a hate crime based on the evidence now being gathered? What if those involved in the cover-up turned state's evidence to save their jobs? What if some get fired anyway? What if dad, the retired judge, made a phone call which resulted in the police not making an arrest? What if after seeing the evidence his attorney advises Zimmerman to plead guilty to manslaughter and avoid trial? ...and why in the world would an innocent man contact the state attorney himself and try to cut a deal????? It'll be even funnier to see these racist bigots that your blog attracts turn against whites who pursue the truth and refuse to put their jobs on the line. Truly hatred is blinding.

  111. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I love your blog and I appreciate your viewpoint on a lot of topics including this one.

    I am laughing out loud at all the racists coming on here to spew their ignorance. Why would you come to a blog entitled 'Field Negroe' to push your White Power rhetoric? Didnt they create Fox News for that sole purpose?

    I do feel there was a lot of race baiting done by the "Usual Suspects". Trayvon Martin was profiled by George Killerman and he from that point on made a lot of bad decisions that I am sure that he is regretting right now. But he made the choice to have an encounter with this young man and he can not claim self defense just because the other person did not live to tell their story. The 911 calls speak volumes. He states that Trayvon was running on those tapes, he states that he was following him. He initiated contact. He had every right as a homeowner and a citizen to WATCH Trayvon and to be "suspicious" of someone that he didnt know in his community. A community that had been victimized recently. But he did not have the right to accost this young man for simply running with a hoodie on when being followed by a stranger!

    I believe Angela Corey could care less about the protests and marches, she comes across as someone that plays to win. And I dont think that she would have taken this case unless she felt she could win in no uncertain terms.

  112. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Dear Blkog Author:

    As someone who lives and enjoy the Empire, please have a look at this:

    The idea of "Development as Freedom" (Amartya Sen) has been violated by your Brother in the top job.

    Best wishes,

    Brother from Asia

  113. this is murder 1

    but i think angela c will rely on attys who will be competent

    real attys will easily prove this slam dunk hate crime human hunt and kkkill

    karma is real

    zimmerman is going down!
    literally and figuratively

  114. Travian5:25 PM

    George Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree MURDER for protecting himself and his community. I am honestly speechless regarding this modern-day lynching, which would turn into an old school lynching if the marauding black masses had their way. I ask this, but I know the answer: have we entered a dictatorship governed by the confluence of intellectual and (black) mob liberalism, a hegemonic presence on par with Stalinist Russia?

    The now most ignominious victim of racial leftist evil, tarred as a racist who many want dead, is a Spanish-speaking, lower-class Hispanic who voted Democrat and mentored young black children. How can this NOT be a wake-up call to the dormant conservative-leaning majority?

  115. angela c is a warrior and a winner

    i think she knows frying zimmerman is the right thing to do on this murder 1 case

    murder 2 was her 1st and last concession


  116. "I believe Angela Corey could care less about the protests and marches, she comes across as someone that plays to win. And I dont think that she would have taken this case unless she felt she could win in no uncertain terms."

    You will hate her when she loses.

    You will call her a racist.

    You will want to kill her.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      No, unlike you Negrodamus, who trolls on black blogs looking for a virtual showdown, I could never hate someone I don't know and I don't call everyone that doesnt share my beliefs or skin color a racist.

      But what do I know I'm just a bleeding heart liberal, who sits at home in my easy chair all
      day collecting welfare checks, while "Real Americans" are out creating jobs.

      Is that still the script? I must turn on Fox News to stay current.

  117. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm expecting Zimmerman to plead guilty to manslaughter in order to avoid a trial.

    @508PM. You're absolutely right in your assessment of Angela(a family member works with her). Last year only one other prosecutor in Florida had more convictions than she did. The saying in the office is "If Angela's on the case, somebody's going to jail".

  118. mellaneous7:23 PM

    Anon 5:08

    Make absolutely no mistake the only reason Angela Corey was investigating was because the first Assistant AG botched the case. Remember the cops who have been getting a bad rap actually charged Zimmerman with manslaughter. It was the Asst AG with a track record of bias toward the rich and upper middle class that refused to follow thru.

    If the parents had not protested the poor treatment of even their kids dead body you nor I would even be discussing this case.

    You bet your last dollar that the protests did pressure the state of Florida to at least arrest and charge this guy. Of course she is going to say different because they the system don't want the citizenry to recognize their power.

    Protest is what always changes egregious wrongs it always has and always will!

  119. I'm expecting Zimmerman to plead guilty to manslaughter in order to avoid a trial.

    I wouldn't be surprised. If it does happen, I do hope that every scrap of evidence will be released. This fragmentary whipsawing that we've had is the worst.

  120. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently lay down the law in the city of "brotherly love".

    We never have seen you in the "world",,,

    No response to my comment BROTHER??? Or are you incapabale???

    Brother from Asia

  121. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I just read Travian's post and laughed so hard. It is literally impossible to rationally say, "modern-day lynching, which would turn into an old school lynching..." and expect anyone to take you seriously.
    If youn are waiting for your like minded masses to rise up, I expect you'll die of old age or irony (although, I expect you'll be surprised when it happens).
    And then it typed:
    "...hegemonic presence on par with Stalinist Russia..."
    I am going to share that with the crowd at the next 'strange fruit' photo-op.
    You've lost, you're alone, and your only redeeming quality is you'll make the world a better place when you're gone.

  122. GrannyStandingforTruth8:37 PM

    No followup or surgery for that so-called broken nose? His nose looked normal and straight in his new mugshot.

  123. I am honestly speechless regarding this modern-day lynching, which would turn into an old school lynching if the marauding black masses had their way. I ask this, but I know the answer: have we entered a dictatorship governed by the confluence of intellectual and (black) mob liberalism, a hegemonic presence on par with Stalinist Russia?

    What hyperventilating bullshit. While I do think there's a lynch mob mentality among some blacks surrounding this case, I don't think it's any different than, say, the lynch mob mentality that surrounded the Willie Horton case in 1988.

    And it's not a whole lot different than the ugly shit that the Tea Party jihadists have been throwing Obama's way.

    It's all bullshit. ALL of it. Yours and theirs, equally. If there's one thing that lynch mobs have in common, it's that the smart, crafty players stand way off on the sidelines, egging on the idiots in the crowd.

    What's been happening with the Trayvon Martin commentary is right out of the textbook. So is your racist commentary, and Field's incredibly irresponsible and cynical, not to mention (to me) very surprising descent into double-digit I.Q. territory here.usento

  124. I bet money he walks or pleads to a lesser crime.

    and this is is key "That is the nightmare scenario that this prosecutor may well face. In ordinary circumstances, most prosecutors would not bring such a case, because it would be a waste of resources to indict someone who will probably be acquitted. But this is anything but a run-of-the-mill case." in our (American) system most police cases do not go to trial, if they did it would be outrageously expensive and time consuming. "Justice" in our "justice system" is not automatic trial by jury. Most cases are plead-out or there is not enough evidence to go to trial. I believe pretty strongly what has happened in the Martin Case is political pressure and an attempt to shift blame. Unless there is some amazing new info that has come out, nothing in the affidavit that has just been issued is new. They simply did not bring the case before because the prosecutor thought they could not win it. This is the job of the prosecutor to make this decision to charge or go to a grand jury in Florida, and the Grand Jury also can make the decision to go to court ,and a long the way judges have the discretion to throw out the case as well. In this case under political pressure the state of Florida (including the cops) want to kick the case over to the courts so they don't get called racist or can try get cover if certain folks act a damn fool and start rioting...the chances that Zimmerman will be convicted of anything are low, being that most of the jury will be suburban and white and in an area with rising crime, they will be sympathetic, lets be honest. Maybe he might plead to a lower charge, that's about it...I don't see a Murder 2 conviction, that is not justice it is "political cover". The issue is not Zimmerman it is the law that protects him that should be changed.

    Field should know this, and know better.

  125. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!12:43 PM

    Hey Grinder, F*CK YOU!!!!!
    to you and all the rest of the White Supremacist whores. The O.J. Simpson cases(all 3 of them) were air-tight frames! Party girls Nicole and Faye Resnick owed the Mob thousands of dollars in cocaine debt and THAT'S who killed her and Goldman. Resnick skipped town a few days before the murders and checked herself into a secure drug rehab facility--the basehead bitch!
