Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Girl Fight"

I am not going to comment on the you know who case tonight. Mr. Killerman has been arrested and now it's time for our system of justice to play itself out. That's all those of us who care about real justice in this country ever wanted in the first place. Sadly, all of my "color aroused" friends are in a choleric state right now. To them this was about black versus white. To the rest of us, on the other hand, this was always about doing the right thing.

Thankfully, the "Sunshine" Law is in full effect in Florida, so we will be able to see this trial play itself out in HD.

Anyway, I heard that Mrs.Romney was on Fox & Friends this morning, and she was not too pleased about Hilary Rosen calling her out for never having a real job. Wngnuts are trying their best to manufacturer a scandal, and Hilary Rosen will be taking the New Black Panther's place for the next few weeks.

"She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble,' Ann Romney laughed.

' I know what it's like to struggle, and if maybe I haven't struggled as much financially as some people have, I can tell you and promise you, that I've had struggles in my life,' she added.

Rosen's comments have sparked an uproar among Republicans, who have called on Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to apologize on Rosen's behalf for the comments, which they're casting as an "affront to mothers everywhere."

I need a break! Struggle? Mrs. Romney, with all due respect, "struggling" is having to get up at five in the morning and catch three buses to the suburbs to clean old people's shit for $10 an hour, while you have three minor kids at home and no other income but your own in the damn house. That's a f*&^%*g struggle! 

I love how conservatives embrace "stay at home" moms who can afford it. Unfortunately poor women who have to raise their children AND work get no such love from the Richie Rich crowd.

"This is not about Ann Romney. This is about the waitress in a diner in some place in Nevada who has two kids whose day care funding is being cut off because of the Romney/Ryan budget and she doesn't know what to do," Rosen said in a follow-up CNN interview. "Does Mitt Romney have a vision for bringing women up economically and can he himself stop referring to his wife as his economic surrogate? That's an important thing. He's the one that keeps doing this. Not me."

Yes, that waitress in the diner has to work. Welfare reform made sure of that.  Case workers want to see these stay at home mothers working, and Ann, I am afraid that taking care of your boys would not count as work in their eyes.

Hopefully, wingnuts can calm down now. Rosen has apologized and even his Oness, always the gentleman, has come to Mrs. Romney's defense.

"It was the wrong thing to say," Obama declared, standing up for Republican rival Mitt Romney's wife with Democrats suddenly on the defensive over women's issues for the first time this election year.

Obama, in an interview with WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio, also called the "ill-advised statement" by consultant Hilary Rosen "not something that I subscribe to."

"Moreover, my general rule is you don't talk about the spouses of elected officials because they have a really tough job. They're out there supporting their husband or wife who has chosen to serve in the public eye. I think they're off limits."

Congrats on the high road O, but you should hear how they talk about your wife. Besides, Hilary was right.


  1. I heard that she was so outraged over an actual working woman pointing out that she'd never worked a day outside her home that she had to have her staff run her a hot bath to relax before her evening massage.

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "That's all those of us who care about real justice in this country ever wanted in the first place. Sadly, all of my "color aroused" friends are in a choleric state right now. To them this was about black versus white."

    Black VS White is all it ever was and is. The guy was Hispanic - you made him white. Why? Was that the only way you could make it a victimization scam? The evidence clearly indicated self defense - you said it was racial profiling - boo-hoo, he wore a hoody--boo-hoo---. He was hunted even though he doubled back to get zimmerman by his truck.

    Well, You may want to view the affadavit. It's a joke and won't stand the smallest bit of scrutiny. The warrant was issued on and soley on the only evidence listed being Martin's mother recognized his voice on the 911 tapes and the girlfriend who suddenly appeared two weeks later saying she heard something on the phone. Nothing and I mean nothing from the actual on scene eyewitnesses etc. Even though his father said that wasn't him and the eyewitness heard and saw Zimmerman Screaming for help. It is a pure calm the savage beast's arrest and that's it.

    "Most affidavits of probable cause are very thin. This is so thin that it won’t make it past a judge on a second degree murder charge,” Dershowitz said. “There’s simply nothing in there that would justify second degree murder.”

    Dershowitz said that the elements that would constitute that crime are non-existent in the affidavit. “It’s not only thin, it’s irresponsible,” said Dershowitz.

    Dershowitz went on to strongly criticize Cory’s decision to move forward with the case against Zimmerman. “I think what you have here is an elected public official who made a campaign speech last night for reelection when she gave her presentation and overcharged. This case will not – if the evidence is no stronger than what appears in the probable cause affidavit – this case will result in an acquittal.”

    Smerconish identified the total lack of any mention of the supposed fight that occurred between Martin and Zimmerman prior to Martin being shot. He said he was disappointed that he did not see any mention of that conflict that led to Martin’s murder.

    “But it’s worse than that,” said Dershowitz. “It’s irresponsible and unethical in not including material that favors the defendant.”

    This affidavit does not even make it to probable cause,” Dershowitz concluded. “everything in the affidavit is completely consistent with a defense of self-defense. Everything.”

  3. Travian9:08 PM

    Sadly, all of my "color aroused" friends are in a choleric state right now. To them this was about black versus white. To the rest of us, on the other hand, this was always about doing the right thing.

    LMAO! The "Right Thing" huh, Field? You been watching some old Spike Lee movies lately?

    This has ONLY been about black vs. white for you and all the other race hustlers. If Zimmerman had been a white Negro instead of a white Hispanic, you never would have posted a word about this.

    Since Trayvon was killed, about 500 other young blacks have been murdered in America, almost all of them by other young blacks. Over ths same time period, there have bee dozens of cases where arrests of known suspects have not yet been made.

    What was different about this one? The killer was (half) white. All white would have been better, but you'll take what you can get.

    Save your pieties for those who don't know you. anyone who reads ths blog knows you are full of shit.

  4. field lies once again to his ill-informed followers. This was all about race.

    If Martin was white and Zimmerman was minority, field would have never covered this case.

    His lack of coverage on black on white crime proves it.

    Obama, in an interview with WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio, also called the "ill-advised statement" by consultant Hilary Rosen "not something that I subscribe to."

    More bullshit from the fields.

    Rosen has been to the whitehouse more than 40 times and is close to obama.

  5. Anonymous9:16 PM

    By field still claiming Zimmerman is white proves it was all about race to fn.

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    There is no manufacturing of a scandal. Once again leftards take a shot at divide and conquer and forget that the rest of the world is not asdysfunctional and on the skirt of society as you are. Debbie threw her under the bus and Obama realized he had to drive over her quick otherwise he was done with two attempted scandals flopping and backfiring at the dysfunctional divide and conquer democratic party. First Fluke and now this.

    Classy? either you are a fool or a liar. He had to walk it back it destroyed him immediately.

  7. Anonymous9:19 PM

    "Since Trayvon was killed, about 500 other young blacks have been murdered in America, almost all of them by other young blacks. Over ths same time period, there have bee dozens of cases where arrests of known suspects have not yet been made."

    there's no race card to play with these murders.

  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    President Obama admits it: His proposed “Buffett Rule” tax on millionaires is a gimmick. “There are others who are saying: ‘Well, this is just a gimmick. Just taxing millionaires and billionaires, just imposing the Buffett Rule, won’t do enough to close the deficit,’” Obama declared Wednesday. “Well, I agree.”

    Actually, the gimmick was apparent even without the president’s acknowledgment. He gave his remarks in a room in the White House complex adorned with campaign-style photos of his factory tours. On stage with him were eight props: four millionaires, each paired with a middle-class assistant. The octet smiled and nodded so much as Obama made his case that it appeared the president was sharing the stage with eight bobbleheads.

  9. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Any way to switch back to one word verification over two? I feel it is oppressive and disparaging just like asking someone to ID themselves before they vote. That shit be racist.

    Truth is I be lazy.

  10. "Field,
    Any way to switch back to one word verification over two? I feel it is oppressive and disparaging just like asking someone to ID themselves before they vote. That shit be racist.

    Truth is I be lazy."

    Don't worry wingnut, the republican poll worker will allow you to vote.

    "Black VS White is all it ever was and is. The guy was Hispanic - you made him white. Why? Was that the only way you could make it a victimization scam? The evidence clearly indicated self defense - you said it was racial profiling - boo-hoo, he wore a hoody--boo-hoo---. He was hunted even though he doubled back to get zimmerman by his truck."

    Interesting. These folks are still wishing for the "right" outcome. Making up their own facts as they go along. :)

    Anyway, Mr. Killerman is in jail where he belongs, and we will see what happens with his case.

    Maybe you guys can start a defense fund for him.

    "Most affidavits of probable cause are very thin. This is so thin that it won’t make it past a judge on a second degree murder charge,” Dershowitz said. “There’s simply nothing in there that would justify second degree murder.”


    "If Martin was white and Zimmerman was minority, field would have never covered this case."

    You are right! Mr. Killerman would have been arrested before he dropped his gun.

  11. Bernie Madoff10:10 PM

    If Warren Fucking Buffet wants to pay more taxes, he can start by paying the ONE BILLION DOLLARS in back taxes he already owes the government, but has fought paying.

    Yet the media plays along like Warren Buffet isn't the biggest tax cheat in the country.

    What a fucking joke this whole issue is.

  12. Lol, Field @10:05.

    And you're damn right Ms.Rosen was RIGHT, what does the entitled wife of a millionaire know about a hard work? Yeah, she had cancer and supposedly has MS, but maybe she should think about what having those diseases would be like if her ass was broke!

    VERY different and she'd probably be DEAD!!

  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble,' Ann Romney laughed.

    Trayvon was trying to go to his house and he wasn't causing any trouble.

  14. Thrasymachus10:23 PM

    The Trayvon Martin shooting is what you might call, capitalized, an INCIDENT. Incidents have been events that have been used and shaped by the media and the elite to increase their power. Incidents in the last 50 years have almost always involved black people and expanding black power. An Incident, essentially, involves a black person or persons getting into a confrontation, sometimes deliberately and sometimes accidentally, and then claiming racial oppression. Rodney King was an Incident. OJ Simpson was an Incident. All the riots were Incidents.

    Incidents are what liberals call “teachable moments”- opportunities to explain to whites how bad they are. Each Incident generates thousands of pages of newspaper and magazine articles and books explaining the injustice of whites and the victimization of blacks. Hell, every once in a while the white person actually is at fault, or at least displayed bad judgment. But the system never accepts bad judgement, only bad faith.

    Whites are placed again and again in a “double bind“. That’s a fancy way of saying damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Whites can accept that they are evil and the shame and low status that goes with that. Or they can disagree and have the system declare war against them. Neither choice is good, but one leads to immediate destruction and one to destruction later. People always ask why people cooperate with their oppressors, but between slavery and death, most people will accept slavery. They hope it won’t be too bad, and maybe things will improve in the future.

    People feel better about slavery if they know it will end. If whites knew at some point they would be released of their debt to blacks, they could accept their inferior status. But it will never end. As Holder said recently, affirmative action today, affirmative action tomorrow, affirmative action forever!

    The Martin shooting is being shaped up as an Incident. We haven’t had an Incident in many years. The Oscar Grant shooting was one, but never developed the full power of the OJ Simpson trial- because the officer obviously made a mistake and it was dealt with as such.

    This will not work out as well for blacks as they have hoped. Nothing good lasts forever.

    The bubble of anti-white anti-racism, not merely in academia but our entire cultural landscape as well, is about to burst. Whites lived through the LA riots, OJ, and the entire Obama campaign and enough is enough.

    Trayvon Martin is Peak Negro.

  15. "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble,' Ann Romney laughed."

    Joe Jackson had the same problem....

    What a joke!

  16. Dr. Accomplishment10:30 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    what does the entitled wife of a millionaire know about a hard work?

    What does an entitled negress who has been trying to get a degree for 30 years know of hard work?

    You haven't accomplished 1% of what Ann Romney has, a woman who has raised a family and performed inumerable good works of charity in her life.

    You on the other hand have spent your life watching TV and cleaning glassware for real scientists.

    You will never be a doctor.

  17. "The bubble of anti-white anti-racism, not merely in academia but our entire cultural landscape as well, is about to burst. Whites lived through the LA riots, OJ, and the entire Obama campaign and enough is enough."

    Blah blah blah.

    "Whites are placed again and again in a “double bind“. That’s a fancy way of saying damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Whites can accept that they are evil and the shame and low status that goes with that. Or they can disagree and have the system declare war against them. Neither choice is good, but one leads to immediate destruction and one to destruction later. People always ask why people cooperate with their oppressors, but between slavery and death, most people will accept slavery. They hope it won’t be too bad, and maybe things will improve in the future."

    Oh Lawd! A white American playing the victim card, and harkening back to the days of slavery.

    These are some strange times.

  18. Hillary Rosen's comments were made at the direction of the Obama campaign. Another psy-op.

    Just like Sandra Fluke, who was given her script by ex-Obama adminstration member Anita Dunn.

    Obama treats his voters like puppets on a string.

    Jump Field!

  19. NSangoma quoted...

    "Martin said he had been touched by the outpouring of support the family has received. To honor his late son’s legacy he said he would, among other things, “teach our kids conflict resolution.”"

    I don't know what you were trying prove by quoting the above. But if you read between the lines, he could have also meant teaching our [black] kids "survival skills" if caught in a similar situation with white/non-black authority or an armed racists. Not that he necessarily meant that Trayvon purposely engaged or encouraged any type of conflict with zimmerman.

  20. Read♥realbooks10:59 PM

    La♥idiotbooks said...
    But if you read between the lines, he could have also meant teaching our [black] kids "survival skills" if caught in a similar situation with white/non-black authority or an armed racist

    Well, he could also have meant teaching black kids how to avoid shark attacks or meteorite strikes, but that would have been a waste of time too.

    99.99% of the conflict situations young black males need to resolve happen to be with other young black males. Over 4,000 of these conflicts wind up with a black kid being killed every year. This will be about 4,000 more than any killed in conflicts with "white/non-black authority or an armed racist".

    You are ridiculous.

  21. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble,' Ann Romney laughed.

    Trayvon was trying to go to his house and he wasn't causing any trouble.

    All he had to do was pull the hood down so he could see and stop going in circles and looking into everyone elses windows IN THE RAIN.

    P.S his house is in Miami. He was at his daddies girlfriends house becuase he was sent there to straighten up after getting suspended for the third time. So they left him unsupervised.

  22. You know Field, you bring out the victim in ALL white racists, lol!!!

    I agree with you La, I think the line " teach our kids conflict resolution" means make sure brown kids understand that just like times past, conflict with white folks can get you killed.

  23. "99.99% of the conflict situations young black males need to resolve happen to be with other young black males."

    Yet his son was not killed by another black male, nor was he gunned down in some urban decay community, was he?

  24. Now that there's been an arrest, Trayvon's parents need to stop talking before they say too much.

  25. Dr. Reine, you might want to reconsider your chosen profession. We have doctors killing doctors here in the Tri State area.

    They can't blame "Obamacare" for this one.

  26. Hey Dr. R,

    And you know, I absolutely agree with teaching children/teens conflict resolution etc. (especially young black males), but I was troubled that the above quote by Trayvon's father may have been taken out of context and used to placate the racist trolls. Such a shame.

  27. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Interesting. These folks are still wishing for the "right" outcome. Making up their own facts as they go along. :)

    HAHAHA. Said by the man who is sticking by the media/black created fantasy version, even after he KNOWS it was all exposed and a few channels had to apologize then they got caught.

    The affidavit is a joke. See for yourself, it sounds like you wrote it instead of a Prosecutor. It won't stand a second in court when the facts as they say are not complete and all the evidence, just presented only for a determination of probable cause for second degree murder. They are even too stupid to realize they just said in a legal document "we fixed it up to fit our desired outcome"

    Case dismissed. At least gives us more time to buy more ammo to shoot the looters and peaceful civilized non racist ones who only want to see this wonderful nation flourish under the land of laws and have no interest in race at all.

    What balls you have.

    Oh and don't try the liberal childlike response oh look I saw it was fox so I didnt read it...nanny nanny poo poo - its the original affidavit

  28. Brother from another planet11:23 PM

    La♥idiotbooks said...
    "99.99% of the conflict situations young black males need to resolve happen to be with other young black males."

    Yet his son was not killed by another black male, nor was he gunned down in some urban decay community, was he?

    Yet another confirmation of the fact that BLACK PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND STATISTICS.

  29. Resist We much!11:26 PM

    La♥ignorance said...
    "I was troubled that the above quote by Trayvon's father may have been taken out of context and used to placate the racist trolls. Such a shame."

    Yes, it is important to keep the focus completely on the racial aspect of this INCIDENT. Let's make sure not to learn anything else from this boy's death.

  30. 'Yet another confirmation of the fact that BLACK PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND STATISTICS."

    What does black on black crime statistics have to do with the Trayvon Martin murder?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. "Yes, it is important to keep the focus completely on the racial aspect of this INCIDENT. Let's make sure not to learn anything else from this boy's death."'

    Please excuse my ignorance, apart from the racial dynamics, what else do you think we/I should have learned from Trayvon's death?

  33. "Dr. Reine, you might want to reconsider your chosen profession. We have doctors killing doctors here in the Tri State area."

    FINALLY, a link I'm willing to read........

    Field, I think I'm gonna be okay, Black doctors rarely do crazy 'ish like that!

  34. "Oh and don't try the liberal childlike response oh look I saw it was fox so I didnt read it...nanny nanny poo poo - its the original affidavit"

    Hate to disappoint you there Bubba, but you did get it from FOX, no?

    La~Audio, I see you tried some logic with my wingnut troll friends. Good luck with that.

  35. NSangoma12:04 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    Hey Dr. R,

    ... the above quote by Trayvon's father may have been taken out of context ...

    How can it have been taken out of context KUTN when you have the Fcuking links.

    What's the matter, you cannot copy and paste?

    Do I have to make the links launchable for your dumb asses?

    Stupid, BISHES!!


  36. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Dr. Reine, you might want to reconsider your chosen profession. We have doctors killing doctors here in the Tri State area."

    FINALLY, a link I'm willing to read........

    Field, I think I'm gonna be okay, Black doctors rarely do crazy 'ish like that!

    Your ok because of three reasons.

    1) you are not a doctor
    2) you will never be a doctor
    3 Black doctors are rare, about 3% of all US doctors are Black with most actually coming from Africa and not U.S born Blacks. Though there is no doubt many are recipients of AA pushes, few are hoodrats like you who waited a lifetime to choose another "goal" or as we know it reason to extend the taxpayer grants, funding and support.

  37. Anonymous12:12 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    'Yet another confirmation of the fact that BLACK PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND STATISTICS."

    What does black on black crime statistics have to do with the Trayvon Martin murder?

    Trayvon committed suicide, he attacked a guy with a gun. Not very bright. His girlfriend is the star witness for the prosecution, she is gonna describe the grunts and moans she heard and how she knows what took place and what zimmerman was thinking, even if she wasn't on the phone when it happened and it took two weeks for her to say this. I think her name is Trayvona Brawley or Yankel Rosenbaum-a-quisha

  38. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Hate to disappoint you there Bubba, but you did get it from FOX, no?

    Aww Leroy you didn't disappoint me. You proved you have no shame, ducking and running and hating any form of truth that doesnt fit your agenda. Pathetic.

  39. Anonymous1:07 AM

    What are the white on white stats? Black on Black crime is 92 percent. White on White crime is 84 percent. Blacks murders are from gangs, drugs and arguments. White kill you at work, home, school, shopping malls, church and they kill family members. I can avoid Black gangs, drug deals, and arguing, but I can't avoid White people at work, school, shopping malls, etc.

    White people love to hype the homicide rate of Blacks, but kill 5 times more people than Blacks drunk driving.

    P.S. Whites are responsible for 48 percent of all homicides.

  40. Brother from another planet1:28 AM

    Whites AND hispanics are responsible for 48% of all homicides. These groups comprise 85% of the population.

    Blacks, who make up 12.6% of the population, are responsible for 52% of all homicides.

    Yet another confirmation of the fact that BLACK PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND STATISTICS.

  41. Dr. Sehorn1:36 AM

    Ms.Reine, classless said...
    Field, I think I'm gonna be okay, Black doctors rarely do crazy 'ish like that!

    Yep, just like white NFL cornerbacks rarely make interceptions.

    But you don't have to worry about being a crazy doctor. The fact that you are always on the verge of doing crazy 'ish is just one reason that will keep you out of medical school.

    Another is that you are just too god damn dumb for a job of moderate complexity, let alone being a physician.

    You will never be a doctor.

  42. Anyone care to guess why Mitt and his ENTITLED WIFE won't release ALL their recent tax returns?

    Besides the fact that they don't pay anywhere close to thir share in taxes.

    Opps my bad, Mrs. Mitt doesn't have a JOB, so SHE doesn't pay taxes. That stay at home Mom 'ish is moot once your kids start school/ go to college.

  43. "Oh and don't try the liberal childlike response oh look I saw it was fox so I didnt read it...nanny nanny poo poo - its the original affidavit"

    Hate to disappoint you there Bubba, but you did get it from FOX, no?

    It didn't get that from Fox Field, more like the Teletubbies TV show. Nanny nanny poo poo? Who else uses language like that other than Teletubby loving toddlers!!

  44. I had a hard time with this mini -controversy. My immediate reaction was to wipe the phoney outrage from the face of Mrs. Romney as I felt her "struggles" to be disproportionate to what Ms. Risen was saying. I have always worked and I have struggles but I also make good money, could afford HH help &have never gone w/o eating OR health insurance for that matter. To juxtapose that with the plight of so many working mothers would be ludicrous. Mrs. Romney protests a bit too much. On the other hand, Ms. Risen should have cleared her statements. Or did she?

  45. What else is Ann Romney going to talk about? I mean, really?

  46. "What was different about this one? The killer was (half) white."

    The difference is that this killer was allowed to walk away. How many others have been interviewed, admitted the shooting, and were allowed to walk with barely a slap on the wrist?

  47. Every man thinks his burden is the heaviest. Who feels it knows it.

  48. SickupandFed9:31 AM

    After listening to Hilary Rosen's comment that has so many panties in a bunch, my first thought is, was she lying? What she said, imo, was a very accurate statement.

    We have to quit apologizing for, and encouraging others to apologize for telling uncomfortable truths.

  49. Anonymous10:24 AM

    SickupandFed said...
    After listening to Hilary Rosen's comment that has so many panties in a bunch, my first thought is, was she lying? What she said, imo, was a very accurate statement.

    We have to quit apologizing for, and encouraging others to apologize for telling uncomfortable truths.

    I hope you aren't Black, this would be to ironic.

  50. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Oh and don't try the liberal childlike response oh look I saw it was fox so I didnt read it...nanny nanny poo poo - its the original affidavit"

    Hate to disappoint you there Bubba, but you did get it from FOX, no?

    It didn't get that from Fox Field, more like the Teletubbies TV show. Nanny nanny poo poo? Who else uses language like that other than Teletubby loving toddlers!!

    Oh you poor dumb addled thing. The thing that was "gotten" was the actual affidavit you simpleminded idiot, not the phrase that is ficticious and made up to ridicule someone. A made up phrase that you however in your disconnected misfiring nuerons know for sure is real and from a television show for children. You aren't smart enough to even follow a basic conversation to pull off the most elemental of insults and can't tell the difference between irony and reality, yet you think you will become a doctor someday?

    You obviously don't have the capacity to become even a vet. So stick with the lifelong student gig, at least you can excuse your stupidity by saying you are still trying to learn and blame your intelligence on racism.

    Did you know in your case like underwear kills sperm, hoodies kills brain cells?

  51. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Anyone care to guess why Mitt and his ENTITLED WIFE won't release ALL their recent tax returns?

    Besides the fact that they don't pay anywhere close to thir share in taxes.

    Opps my bad, Mrs. Mitt doesn't have a JOB, so SHE doesn't pay taxes. That stay at home Mom 'ish is moot once your kids start school/ go to college.

    Hey Dimwit. It is ooops, not opps. Big difference and what could you possibly know about the difficulties in raising a family to be successful, well balanced and self sufficient?

  52. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "What was different about this one? The killer was (half) white."

    The difference is that this killer was allowed to walk away. How many others have been interviewed, admitted the shooting, and were allowed to walk with barely a slap on the wrist?

    Those that were attacked and practiced self defense within the law. No one has the right to physically assault someone no matter how angry, black and profiled they may feel. Even if they did just get suspended for trying to hit a bus driver and for having stolen jewelry and burglar tools at school. We won't talk about the drug dealing either.

  53. Dumbeye10:39 AM

    Redeye said...
    What else is Ann Romney going to talk about? I mean, really?

    Maybe she needs to start a blog to showcase her inanity, kind of like you.

  54. Thrasymachus10:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    The difference is that this killer was allowed to walk away. How many others have been interviewed, admitted the shooting, and were allowed to walk with barely a slap on the wrist?

    Actually, there have been several. None had the racial dynamic that this one did.

    And you don't "slap the wrist" of someone who has not yet been charged with something. The prosecution took its time, completed it's investigation, and made an arrest, just like it should have done in such a case.

    This is not just a criminal case in Florida, it is now an INCIDENT for the nation being managed for political benefit.

  55. Charles Murray10:50 AM

    SickupandFed said...
    We have to quit apologizing for, and encouraging others to apologize for telling uncomfortable truths

    This blog is all about avoiding "uncomfortable truths".

    Trayvon is Peak Negro.

  56. sexists come in ever gender and race

    the blackish dl male hobama

    kudos to romney!!!

    he has slain that sexist hobama already!!!

  57. sexists come in every gender and race

    the blackish dl male hobama

    kudos to romney!!!

    he has slain that sexist hobama already!!!

  58. This has ONLY been about black vs. white for you and all the other race hustlers. If Zimmerman had been a white Negro instead of a white Hispanic, you never would have posted a word about this.

    Since Trayvon was killed, about 500 other young blacks have been murdered in America, almost all of them by other young blacks. Over ths same time period, there have bee dozens of cases where arrests of known suspects have not yet been made.

    What was different about this one? The killer was (half) white. All white would have been better, but you'll take what you can get.

    In this case, I have to agree. Looks like quite the Freudian slip for the "anti-racist" Field Negro.

  59. Mr. Whitebread11:22 AM

    Many have tried to make this a white vs. black thing. It's not.

    Take it from me, I'm as white as you're gonna get. REAL whites DON'T really give a crap about Trayvon OR Zimmerman. You can HAVE Zimmerman, as far as we're concerned. String his ass up. He's not on our team. Neither was Trayvon.

    They sooner, the better, so we don't have to hear about either one of them any more.

  60. Lewis Thomason11:56 AM

    Give em hell Field,you really do talk straight.

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. Crystal Mangum1:14 PM

    Angela "Nifong" Corey. LOL:

    Relax. Looks like ya'll still may get your "excuse" to riot yet...

  63. I do think the Rosen woman's comment was out of line. Raising children _is_ work. I get the point she was trying to make, but she really should have phrased it differently. And I think what Mrs. Romney was referring to re: her struggles were the illnesses that she's dealt with. Everyone has problems, and just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean you have a perfect life.

  64. Anonymous3:56 PM

    If you're so successful as you constantly try to convince us, why so envious of Ann Romney?

    I think the answer is obvious.

    And, FWIW, Ann's dad was an immigrant to the country who is a self-made man. The classic fulfilment of the American dream.

  65. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Mr. Field;

    I second every single thing in this post.
    I just want to add, even though Trayvon's Mom had said it may have been an accident, I was watching an Attorney on C-SPAN who said that will have nothing to do with the Trial.
    They also said that if GZ is charged with 2nd Degree Murder, you can bet that Prosecutor has some very damaging evidence.
    Trayvon might get Justice after all.
    So all you Trolls need to read and educate yourselves, you always think you're correct but you're always wrong!

  66. "Since Trayvon was killed, about 500 other young blacks have been murdered in America, almost all of them by other young blacks. Over ths same time period, there have bee dozens of cases where arrests of known suspects have not yet been made."

    So 100% of our focus should be placed on these 500 young people who've been murdered by their own while we simply write off Trayvon's death as a statistical aberation and move on. That's what I'm getting from the anonymous folks here.

    Conservatives tend to go for this zero-sum, all-or-nothing logic. They genuinely believe the black community is throwing 100% of its efforts into Martin's death at the hands of Zimmerman while placing zero focus on black-on-black killings.

    It seems the anons are desperate for Zimmerman to walk free for doing to Trayvon what his own kind would do to him eventually. That in itself shows exactly how much these folks care about the black community.

  67. Anonymous8:03 PM

    dear FN, here is an interview of Trayvon Martin's Mother along with her lawyer Crump on the Bill O'Reilly show.

    I must admit that Bill was a stand up guy and was very respectful. He did FOX proud! Please give O'Reilly credit and Fox credit...give credit where credit is due:

  68. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Since Trayvon was killed, about 500 other young blacks have been murdered in America, almost all of them by other young blacks. Over ths same time period, there have bee dozens of cases where arrests of known suspects have not yet been made."

    So 100% of our focus should be placed on these 500 young people who've been murdered by their own while we simply write off Trayvon's death as a statistical aberation and move on. That's what I'm getting from the anonymous folks here.

    Why? You can only do one thing at a time? The only thing that really got you outraged was one spanish guy and you could care less about all the other murders? So it isn't about the loss of a youth, it's about who you think did it.

    Conservatives tend to go for this zero-sum, all-or-nothing logic. They genuinely believe the black community is throwing 100% of its efforts into Martin's death at the hands of Zimmerman while placing zero focus on black-on-black killings.

    Well if you put a lot of effort into it, you have failed. I don't see anyone marching/protesting, shit even snitching to stop the savagery of blacks. None. In fact you only find energy to beat down anyone who recognizes the truth for airing dirty laundry.

    It seems the anons are desperate for Zimmerman to walk free for doing to Trayvon what his own kind would do to him eventually. That in itself shows exactly how much these folks care about the black community.

    No. The last thing this nation needs is an army of Trayvons feeling entitled to attack and kill others. They are already doing it. Thats why things are coming to a head. The violence in the black community does not stay there. It always bleeds over.

    This time the pity class has gone to far. MSM might hide whats really happenign but IPhones are everywhere and we know what you say, we know what you do and we know where the problems are.

  69. BARBBF9:05 PM

    Mrs. Romney not only raised 5 children, but has fought breast cancer and is now fighting MS. Why all the hatred of her in the posts here? There are reports..who knows how true..that 90% of U. S. women agree with Ann Romney. Having children and raising them is hard work. How many would choose to leave your children and go to work if you had the option of being a stay-at-home mom? I would have gladly been a stay-at-home mom..if I had the choice.

  70. Speaking of dead young black men in Florida, how about this one? Oops, killer(s) were the wrong race. Nothing to see here!

  71. Here is a question I haven't seen asked about the Martin case.

    Many people have, for good reason, wondered how Trayvon Martin could've been lying in a morgue for two days without his family being notified. Damn good question.

    An equally damn good question is how Trayvon Martin could have been away from home for two days, starting with not returning home on the night he was shot, without his parents calling the police to report him missing.

    Maybe this has been discussed somewhere, but I haven't seen it. When I was 17 years old, I can guarantee you that I couldn't have gone missing for two days without my parents being very involved, to put it ever so mildly, in trying to find me.

    Where was the Martin family during those two days, and what were they doing to find Trayvon? People are asking questions, so let's ask all of them.

  72. I did more checking about the family, and it seems that Martin's father reported him missing the next day.

    I have reminded myself not to fall into the trap laid by the media and the rest of the self-interested types, and start trying this via Internet commentary.

    If I think it's bullshit for you, Field, to essentially convict "Killerman" on your blog, then it's also bullshit for me to start picking the stories apart here or anywhere else.

    That's what happens in these high-profile crime stories, whether it's Fox News's missing white girl of the month, or Al Sharpton (and Field Negro's) black victim of evil white racists of the month.

    The whole idea is to get everyone pointing fingers at each other so we can all have our four minutes of hate. It's bullshit no matter who does it, and everyone on the sidelines has to resist the temptation to be dragged into the slime pit.

  73. I did more checking about the family, and it seems that Martin's father reported him missing the next day.

    I have reminded myself not to fall into the trap laid by the media and the rest of the self-interested types, and start trying this via Internet commentary.

    If I think it's bullshit for you, Field, to essentially convict "Killerman" on your blog, then it's also bullshit for me to start picking the stories apart here or anywhere else.

    That's what happens in these high-profile crime stories, whether it's Fox News's missing white girl of the month, or Al Sharpton (and Field Negro's) black victim of evil white racists of the month.

    The whole idea is to get everyone pointing fingers at each other so we can all have our four minutes of hate. It's bullshit no matter who does it, and everyone on the sidelines has to resist the temptation to be dragged into the slime pit.

  74. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!11:15 AM

    Two things are infinite: the Universe and white racism; and I'm not too sure about the Universe!

    Malcolm X
