Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where is George?

If any of you Negroes happen to see George Killerman around, please leave him alone. Remember, he is a free man. He has not been charged with a crime.

Mr. Killerman's lawyers are dropping him, and they swear they don't know where he is.

Well gentlemen, if you want to find someone who shot an unarmed black man to death, you might want to start looking over at FOX NEWS.

Yes folks, it seems that Mr. Killerman has reached out to his FOX friends. Apparently he believes that getting favorable publicity is better than good legal representation. Maybe the folks over at FOX will get him a very expensive lawyer. Apparently they are already raising money for him on their website.

"The two attorneys made a strange case even stranger. The official basis for their withdrawing from the case seemed to be the news that Zimmerman had contacted special prosecutor Angela Corey and offered to come in, and told her he wasn’t represented by counsel, calling Sonner and Uhrig “special advisors.” (Corey said she couldn’t speak to him without counsel.) But their move came the same day Zimmerman revealed a bizarre, flag-bedecked website raising money for his defense that looks like it was designed by the folks at Fox Nation, which the lawyers said they hadn’t been told about.
So an armed man who shot an unarmed teenager and who may be emotionally unstable has stopped talking to his attorneys, but will communicate with a conservative talk show host? Could this case get any weirder?"

Yes, it could.

Finally, let's talk about racism here in A-merry-ca. According to a new poll from Newsweek Magazine, many of you Negroes are not very optimistic about our future when it comes to race. White folks, as usual, don't see a problem. Yes people stereotype you, but that doesn't affect you when you try to buy a home or move up in business. ?????

"At the heart of America’s persistent racial divide is a fundamental disagreement over the frequency and severity of discrimination against African-Americans. When asked, vast majorities—89 percent of blacks and 80 percent of whites—agree that racial stereotyping still occurs in America today. But ask how racial stereotyping actually affects people’s lives, and blacks and whites no longer see eye to eye. Seventy percent of whites, for example, think that blacks have an equal shot at affordable housing; only 35 percent of blacks say the same. Seventy percent of whites believe that the two races receive equal treatment in the job market; a mere 25 percent of blacks concur. And while more than 80 percent of white people say the cops and courts usually or always treat blacks the same as whites, that number doesn’t even clear 50 percent among African-Americans. It’s no wonder, then, that blacks are twice as likely as whites (82 percent versus 38 percent) to say that race played a role in the shooting of Trayvon Martin. They are simply more likely than whites to still see race as a factor in how people are treated, period." [Source]

Michael Medved was saying today that Obama has caused racism to be worse because he promised to be a uniter and racism has actually gotten worse under his watch. That logic is seriously flawed. Yes, racism has gotten worse under Obama, but you can blame the "color aroused" tea party folks and other wingnuts for that. (BTW, racism is not exclusive to the right wingnut) Not him. Obama's presidency just brought out emotions that they couldn't hold in anymore.  Having a real HNIC only made them bitter and angry. And, true to form, they acted on their fears and resentment.

Still, all is not lost in A-merry-ca. Some of you really do get it:

"When I speak publicly about systemic racism and analyze incidents like the Martin killing from that lens, I know that meanings and beliefs about who I am and what compels my actions will be mapped onto me – with or without my approval. To be sure, sometimes they are positive. I’m keenly aware that I’m often privileged to speak critically about race and have my voice and perspectives valued in ways that my friends and colleagues of color can rarely assume. To many, I’m a curiosity – a white person speaking frankly and passionately about race – how about that? And, I’ve been rewarded to be embraced as a sister, friend and ally in the struggle for racial and social justice, freedom and self-determination.

Nonetheless, I know too, there’s a flipside.

I mark myself when I speak critically about Racism. White Supremacy. Whiteness. And yes, White People.

And, I will pay costs for doing so. Certainly, I will pay less of the direct, material costs that people of color pay for their activism; let alone their simply “being non-white” in the world – costs they don’t choose but which have been chosen for them. But at a bare minimum I can count on paying psychic and personal ones." [Source]

Remember Negroes, if you see George just leave him alone. Please follow him, though. We need to know where he is.  Some people might be looking for him soon.


  1. NSangoma10:06 PM

    field, I thought you Caribb Negroes knew how to act:



  2. Racism does not exist in amerikkka anymore

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    His parents prolly sent him to Peru. They figured "this kid is no sooner out of a situation that he gets into another one", and so decided to send him to the jungles of Peru where he won't be found.

    Either that or he's getting big gun lawyers paid for by that station.

  4. And of course field negro doesn't want to mention "color aroused" blacks like Nkosi Thandiwe.

    obama is never to blame in the fields. Jig for your masters.

    George Lucas loses $60 million on Red Tails!

  5. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Desertflower said...
    His parents prolly sent him to Peru. They figured "this kid is no sooner out of a situation that he gets into another one", and so decided to send him to the jungles of Peru

    Not that many black folk in Peru. Zimm should be safe

  6. Kingnut10:26 PM

    "Obama has caused racism to be worse because he promised to be a uniter and racism has actually gotten worse under his watch."

    Obama has fanned the flames of racial acrimony as a campaign tactic. He needs to keep blacks scared and white liberals excited.

    This is a tragedy, because as a mixed race man posing as the first black President, he had a historic opportunity to help America come together, to help move us away from this obsession with "color arousal".

    But he had no interest in healing that wound, because the pain from that wound is what keeps the leftists in power. The Democrats need to divide America by class, race and gender in order to keep their coalition together. They are willing to push this as far as necessary, even if it means a race war.

    Hope has been replaced with Fear. There is no "War on Women", no Republican plan for repealing the Civil Rights Bill, no conservative plan for throwing sick old people out on the street. These are all manufactured lies designed to drive Democrat voters to the polls.

    Obama is the Great Divider, sowing hate and resentment in the pursuit of power. As a country, we need to stand up and reject this path.

  7. New Video Released Of St. Patrick’s Day Attack

    Reporting Jessica Kartalija

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    BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A man was badly beaten in Baltimore City, an attack recorded on a cell phone. The video went viral. Now, new video surfaces showing the incident as it unfolded. Jessica Kartalija reports witnesses were standing by, doing nothing.

    This comes as many are already sensitive to racial tension. In this case, the victim is white and his assaulters were black.

    Now there’s a second view. Another cell phone camera showed the man, a 31-year-old Arlington, Virginia resident, being kicked and punched, then stripped of his clothes. Witnesses do nothing but laugh


    Note you won't read "white liberal anti-racist" post about this, or Nkosi Thandiwe, or any black on white crime.

  8. Sorry wingnut @10:2M, I will take my chances with O. I saw what Regan, Nixon, bush et al dd to black folks.

  9. Is that man in Baltimore still alive! If he is, he might be able to ID his attackers. Trayvon Martin, unfortunately, will not be able to do that.

  10. And everyday we see what obama and his "children" are doing to white people.

  11. Wesley R10:41 PM

    KKKlannity needs to be called in as a witness if Zimmerman goes on trial.

  12. Withdrawing on a runaway client? I can get that. Offering to come back if they just reach out? Never been a policy of mine. Once bitten twice shy. I control my cases or they're not my cases, but, I've never done, and doubt I would ever do, a speaking withdrawal like those 2 distinguished members of my profession.

    PS: KKKlanity haha wish i'd done it!

  13. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    PS: KKKlanity haha wish i'd done it!

    You need to aim a little higher Whitey.

  14. Stereomatypes is bad.

  15. Yes lootie, they are.


  16. Anonymous11:22 PM

    If 30 million Negroes have you on their radar, you'd disappear too! The Man knew what he/she was doing and gave Zimm time to get his crap together and say his goodbyes. The Black friend, the lawyers, and all were just diversions.

    Stay gone Zimm...you make us proud of you every day you are free. You'll have our support and prayers.

  17. Anonymous11:39 PM

    anon11:22pm, "Stay gone Zimm...you make us proud of you every day you are free. You'll have our support and prayers."

    Thanks for your input and words for Whites. Let us give and give to Zimmerman's website. That's where the real white support is needed.

    Again, many thanks for your kind supportive words to Zimmerman. You chose the right blog to say it, and at the same time demoralize Blacks.

    Do you think Zimmerman is in Peru?

  18. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Field, "Is that man in Baltimore still alive! If he is, he might be able to ID his attackers. Trayvon Martin, unfortunately, will not be able to do that."

    Now Field, you know what was done to that young man was very abusive and wrong. Those folks were a pack of savages and heartless animals. In addition, they took shots of themselves doing it. Not only were they savages, they were dumb Negroes on top of it. Zimmerman would have never done a stupid thing like that.

    Anyway, I hope they catch every last one of those stupid ass vicious Negroes and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. They aren't even close to being human.


  19. Anonymous11:57 PM

    dear mr field, I have been anxiously awaiting for you to go on Jesse Lee Peterson's radio show again. I really want you to redeem yourself from your terrible loss to JLP.

    BTW, do you know how JLP feels about this? I am surprised that you haven't taken his opinion as well as Rev Manning. thoughts on this matter. They usually are right in matters like this.

    Whatever happened to Mack Lyons and Mellaneous? Why do those two always run for the hills when things get a little heated?

  20. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Do you think Zimmerman is in Peru?

    The Peruvians have a shakey extradition treaty with the U.S. That Van Der Slooth guy wanted by the US in connection to Aruba killing of a white woman was never extradited. So it would be hard for the U.S. or Florida to bring him back for a trial...that's if they find him in the first place.

    He also might be underground. People have underground facilities around the country to prepare for disasters, government overthrows, nuclear bombs, etc. These are some nice and comfortable places...people will hide Zimm better than the Pakastans hide Bin Laden.

    You're right, this is a blow to the Blacks. They know who really is in charge no matter what mistake is in office. I'm not advocating violence of any kind. Not like those idiots in Tulsa. But, if one of them steps to you wrong, you have the right to defend yourself...This is America and OUR home.

    Payback for O.J. and all other white men in cars, stores, alleys, walking down the street and in their homes that have been shot by these thugs.

  21. Anonymous12:27 AM

    LOL I think Glenn Beck is his new adviser! :)))

  22. Zimmerman is running for Governor of Florida, as a Democrat.

  23. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I am amazed that some Blacks here on FN are laughing about Zimmerman. It's not funny. That man killed an innocent teen and people are taking Martin's family lightly by laughing at Zimmerman. How cruel can you be?

  24. Hey let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. This is supposed to be a happy occasion.

  25. Old news for some, but I wanted to share. About Killerman-Zimmerman... )

    "A former co-worker of Mr Zimmerman told New York's Daily News that he worked for two agencies providing security to house parties between 2001 and 2005.

    He said: "Usually he was just a cool guy. But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.

    "He had a temper and he became a liability. One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted.

    "It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Steve Austin1:54 AM

    Spike Lee recently terrorized an elderly couple in Sanford, Florida by Tweeting their home address to his 265,000 followers under the mistaken impression that his racial archenemy, George Zimmerman, lived there. Spike, who has the temperament of a Jim Crow-era rabble-rouser, is in no danger of being booed for trying to rouse a lynch mob when he takes his courtside seat at Madison Square Garden; everybody knows he’s a good liberal. Sure, Spike is a racist, but he’s a racist against whites, so that’s OK. It’s understood that for nonwhites, liberalism equals ethnic tribalism.

    Liberal society is founded on human sacrifice of whites to blacks; of men to women; of producers to parasites; of productive enterprises to the favored clients of Democrats; of taxpayers to public employees unions; of private institutions and churches to women who demand free birth control pills and to would-be “transgender” people who demand free sex change operations; of the best health care system in the world to the supposed urgent needs of the disadvantaged, which turn out to be the demand of women for free birth control pills and of “transgender” people for free sex change operations; of America to unassimilable immigrants; of our culture to other cultures; of the lives of our soldiers to diversity; of the Western world to Islam; of normality to liberated sodomy; of our national defense to the “rights” of women and homosexuals and to the demand that blacks be proportionately represented in every prestigious profession and sector of society.

    Everywhere we look, Democrats are requiring that officially designated “oppressor” and “privileged” groups unjustly sacrifice themselves to people who are unjustly demanding their goods, their well-being, their peace of mind, their freedom, their lives, their country.

    And the current main victim of the human sacrifice cult that is liberalism is George Zimmerman. When you listen to Zimmerman’s attorneys describe his utterly isolated, crushed state, living somewhere in hiding, in fear for his life, not able to go out and buy a drink, you start to realize what liberalism does to its victims.

    Liberal America—like the thugees of 19th century India, but with infinitely more power and reach—is a murder cult. It dehumanizes and slaughters its victims, whether physically or psychologically. It thrives, it increases its energy and power, on their suffering and death.

  28. Name the leftist group—the Occupy movement, the Obama re-election campaign, the leftist major media. All of them, in this country with over 100 million nonwhites, are all or virtually all white.

    Why the exclusive whiteness, in a movement whose main battle cry is the ever-increasing inclusion of nonwhites?

    Do black people ever get the feeling they are being used?

  29. Anonymous2:30 AM

    field negro said...
    Is that man in Baltimore still alive! If he is, he might be able to ID his attackers. Trayvon Martin, unfortunately, will not be able to do that.

    Yes and one was a victim of assault and disgusting negro behaviour (I almost puked when I saw that thing start backin it up and grinding on him) one was a thug who got caught short cause his victim was packin. Big difference. This is as clear as the gold teef gril trayvon wore along with his rain soaked pulled over his face hoodie.

  30. Anonymous4:46 AM

    FN: You have let openly racist whites and crazzzzzzy AB take over your blog.

    What is the point of this blog anymore? It used to be at least entertaining if a little heated. Now its mostly depressing.

    Obsessive compulsive crazy AB is one thing but how could you let white racist clowns, who HATE black people, take over YOUR HOUSE?

    It goes back to reciprocity (there's that word again). Do you think that any white blogger would let blacks to to his blog what you have allowed racist whites to do to your blog? You know the answer to that question is HELL NO!

  31. "It goes back to reciprocity (there's that word again). Do you think that any white blogger would let blacks to to his blog what you have allowed racist whites to do to your blog? You know the answer to that question is HELL NO!"

    No, they wouldn't. But we are not like the white racist. Unlike the wingnuts, we believe in freedom of speech. We also believe in allowing the rats to crawl out of the sewer. If you have a home that needs exterminating don't you want to know where the rats are? Think of A-merry-ca as your home. ;)

  32. "Do black people ever get the feeling they are being used?"

    You might want to ask the black folks in the conservative movement that question.

  33. Field, I believe your racists assnons are hiding Zimmerman. At least, that seems HIGHLY logical to me.

  34. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Field, I believe your racists assnons are hiding Zimmerman. At least, that seems HIGHLY logical to me.

    Po baby. An Ant doin pushups is HIGHLY logical to you.

  35. i heard gz is hidinig in a hoodie

    just like tryavon

    poetic injustice???

    karma is as real as a human hunt!


  36. another legally wed dog felled by a bone



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  38. Anonymous10:08 AM

    AB, please comment on those savages who stole that wm's clothes and watch.

    What do you think of that disgusting amoeba grinding on him acting like a filthy dog in heat?

    Why is it you don't comment on anything else except Obama? Is that all you know?

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  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "Yes folks, it seems that Mr. Killerman has reached out to his FOX friends. Apparently he believes that getting favorable publicity is better than good legal representation. Maybe the folks over at FOX will get him a very expensive lawyer. Apparently they are already raising money for him on their website."

    Mr. Fields, the man's name is Zimmerman. Please show some respect. Just because he reached out to FOX does not mean he is a racist.

    As a matter of fact, he has done a lot for black kids during his life, which is more than most on FN has done for needy black kids--and you KNOW it's true.smh

    The best anyone on FN has done for any black child is to remain silent about black-on-black murders and crimes of, and by, black kids. This is so depressing. smh

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Anonymous10:22 AM

    AB, you DO control your comments. All you talk about is Obama. There is no way you could have been a teacher. You lack a flexible mind. Your mind is recalcitrant, callous and empty.

    Go back to school and get your GED, if you dare or can! shame!!!!

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. Anonymous10:26 AM

    AB, "also tell george lucas:

    let your black wife proof your next black film script!"

    You fool! His wife DID proof his film script! WTFU!

    That's WHY the movie was a LOSER! shame!!!!

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Anonymous10:28 AM

    alicia banks said...
    also tell george lucas:

    let your black wife proof your next black film script!

    Any work of fiction that someone trys to pass off as history is doomed to fail.

    The movie is about the mother of all Black History myths, the Tuskegee Airmen. Instead of simply being happy that black pilots got to fly missions in WWII, condescending white liberals have created a fantastical mythology where black pilots were superior to white pilots. The hoax keeps getting debunked by real historians, but the white liberals dutifully re-invent the myth every few years.

    The reality is the Tuskegee Airmen was a project of some Congressmen who thought the pilots would become positive role models for the black community. The first mission that they were used was over a small Italian Island. Commanding officers deemed their performance to be poor, prompting a Congressional hearing on whether or not to continue the project. In the end it was decided that providing the black community with male role models was more important than the actual numerical success of the black air units.

    The unit that Lucas pretends to depict in Red Tails was given the most advanced planes, better than what the majority of white pilots were flying at the time.

    White pilots flying the same planes and the same missions had a victory rate 350% higher than the black pilots.

    When you compare the records of fighter groups flying the advanced P-51 planes in the 15th Air Force, we see that white fighter groups scored 2.26 victories for every plane lost. This is 3.5 times the rate of the black fighter group.

    In other words, white pilots flying the same planes and the same missions were 350% more effective. Think of this as an investment. Every dollar invested in a black pilots yields $.66, while every dollar invested in a white pilot yields $2.26.

  48. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Anonymous said...
    AB, please comment on those savages who stole that wm's clothes and watch.

    What do you think of that disgusting amoeba grinding on him acting like a filthy dog in heat?
    Why won't you comment on the injustices Blacks have done to that poor white boy in Baltimore, you racist!

    Everyone knows GZ is a killer and a racist. Even George knows that. He tosses and turns in his sleep reliving how he pulled the trigger, killing Trayvon.

    Karma is literally driving him crazy to the extent he can't live in his own body anymore. That is what happens when you begin to wake up and realize that Blacks are human beings too.

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  50. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "In other words, white pilots flying the same planes and the same missions were 350% more effective. Think of this as an investment. Every dollar invested in a black pilots yields $.66, while every dollar invested in a white pilot yields $2.26."

    10:28 AM
    Well, I am sure you know what you are talking about. It's the same old story isn't it? Blacks are inferior to Whites. Of course, and you are such good caring respectful people. The history of America proves it.

    BTW, YOUR story about the Tuskegee Airmen is wrong. It never happened. Lucas was right, and you ARE definitely wrong. Go back to school and study history.

    You have a great investment story, though. It's just what YOUR children need to know to make it in this country. LOL

  51. Anonymous10:47 AM

    AB, "GEDless assnon:

    that is your own belated nominal aspiration


    got envy???"

    How DARE you talk back to me, you fool!

    How DARE you call me names, you fool!

    Obviously you don't know who you are talking to. shame!!!

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. I'd like to cut through the stupidity and emotion for a second to just ask why everyone is so thoroughly convinced the shooting MUST have been caused by racism?

    I agree with the black people surveyed, as it happens - I think racism is still a significant factor in American society, an ancient problem freshly scarred into the the fabric of our society by the institution of slavery which hasn't been gone for all that long. I believe that and I see it on a daily basis.

    Still, in this case I'm not convinced Zimmerman is a racist or was motivated by race on the night in question. In fact, I'm not convinced he acted with malice at all.

    Field, could you please explain your take on what little evidence has been made available instead of just using ad hominem comments and conjecture about Zimmerman's present actions?

    It's my feeling that prejudice is about leaping to judgments about people without waiting to learn the facts. Isn't that what anyone who is presuming Zimmerman is a racist is doing?

    I think it's entirely possible Zimmerman is a little guy with a big hero complex, while not being a racist at all. He's Cuban, for Pete's sake.

    Now, if we want to discuss how ALL American society has racial undercurrents - how young black men in hoodies after dark on private property are apt to be unfairly misjudged, I can buy that, and I can appreciate the intelligent nature of that conversation. But this business of calling Zimmerman names and implying he needs to watch his back is just as prejudicial and racist as you assume he is.

    It's very understandable why emotions are high about this case. That doesn't negate the need to have the facts straight, it underscores it.

    Please, Field, with all due respect, sir, could you address the broken nose, the cuts on the head, the eyewitness accounts of Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him? Further, could you address how we can reach any judgment at all, considering we have never yet been told we've got all the evidence?

    Isn't it possible you're just assuming there is a big racist cover-up because there's racism in America and it's an emotional issue?

    If so, isn't that prejudicial in itself and doesn't it do a disservice to the idea of learning the facts before we leap to judgment?

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  61. Anonymous12:49 PM

    quantum0d0, thank you for your intelligent rational comment. Racism clearly puts emotion first, and thinking last. "Shoot first, think later."

    Let's face it. Racism "controls" America and its people. It is powerful and kick the ass of the logical reasonable mind anytime it wants to. Actually, without racism, my emotional mind still can whip my logical mind whenever it wants to.

    Fortunately, it doesn't jump to fight my intellectual mind every moment of my life. But Lord when it awakens, it's like waking a sleeping giant. And when it finishes it's destruction, everything is a mess and nothing much has been solved except maybe someone has died, which it has deemed in its holy manner deserved to die.

    What can I say? Being human is extremely hard.

  62. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Well I would think that the fact that he has that design on his website,as if equating killing with patriotism says a little something something about the mentality of the man. Also the fact that he's reaching out to a conservahive station who's views are known to be, well, shall we say biased? His actions are speaking loudly for him. Which is why the lawyers cut out. How can they defend him now?

    Desert from the iPod

  63. The all-Nesei 442d RCT, the Buffalo Soldier Cav Regiments, the Tuskeegee Airmen, the Civil War Negro regiments, the WWII all-black Tank-Killer Battallions, all commonly displayed uncommon valor in the face of vicious institutional racist resistance and backlash. There are no better examples of selfless patriotism in our history. All Americans should honor these heros.

  64. I'll bet 10k of mitt romney's that they have Z-man in custody before any announcement. Also Vol Manslaughter, instead of Murder II. That's how I'd charge it on what I know.

  65. mellaneous3:49 PM


    Let me try to answer your questions
    First let me point out that Cuban Americans in Florida have a reputation of being racially intolerant. I am from Miami and can tell you that while I have Cuban friends, most Cubans don’t have a real affinity for blacks. Just google articles about it or ask somebody you know from South Florida and they will quickly inform you of this.

    But you are right we don’t know if Zimmerman is a racist. Its not really that important. But what is important is that out of his own mouth he began to attribute certain things to Trayvon that were just assumptions. In other words walking with his hands in his pockets was a negative sign according to Zimmerman, the way he walked. And keep in mind the kid wasn’t peeking in windows when Zimmerman saw him he was simply walking down the street. So you take a guess as to what made him suspicious in Zimmerman’s mind.

    But even that is beyond the point. What has people in an uproar is the fact that Zimmerman was not arrested and charged. And anyone who knows anything about justice in Florida will tell you that had the race of the two been reversed and Martin had accosted and shot Zimmerman, Martin would have gone to jail and been charged. And that’s true in most of the US.
    Most folks aren’t judging Zimmerman, but think that he should have a day in court to explain how this young man wound up dead. And incidentally it was the system that failed in the person of the assistant Attorney General who refused to follow-up with the charges.

    The cops actually charged him with manslaughter it was the assistant AG that dropped the ball.

    That’s right the cops didn’t believe Zimmerman’s story. And the cuts argument fell threw with his arrest video. You should look at it. There are no marks cuts bruises not even a bandage or bandaid anywhere.

    Incidentally, the folks who are really jumping to conclusions are the folks pretending that what Zimmerman did, even in leaving his car was justified. He killed a human being, there should be an explanation for this in a court of law. Period.

    And I don’t know what his intentions are but most folks know that if you leave your vehicle to pursue someone with a gun it seems that you, not the person you are following is looking for trouble.

    Zimmerman committed a crime when he left his vehicle (disturbing of the peace, disorderly conduct at the least) to accost someone who had done nothing to him. And that person wound up dead. At the very least its disorderly conduct or 5th degree manslaughter. Trayvon did not follow Zimmerman, it was Zimmerman that followed and chased Trayvon. Remember this took place not on the street but deep into the complex.

  66. the kkk rules this blog
    while my truths about hobama are deleted

    u all have blood on your hands
    just like hobama


    President Obama’s vast escalation of drone warfare is “a declaration of war against international law, as it has evolved over the centuries.” He systematically wages war against peace, the highest international crime. More than “just another ‘war president’ – he is a destroyer of world civilization, the terms by which humans deal with one another as states, social groupings and individuals.”

    Since the Vietnam War era, the U.S. has traveled from being the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” in Dr. Martin Luther King’s words, to an existential threat to world order, the rule of law, and the security of the Earth’s inhabitants – to civilization itself. The nation’s first Black President has taken us on the final descent into international barbarity with his drone offensive. It is a joy stick to Hell.



  67. Whitacker Bastard6:15 PM

    mellaneous said...
    I am from Miami and can tell you that while I have Cuban friends, most Cubans don’t have a real affinity for blacks.

    But then...who does?

  68. Zimmerman has been offerred up as a human scarifice to appease Black Run America.

    The lynch mob is in charge. There is no justice anymore in the Obamanation.

    We are all Zimmerman now.

  69. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Up until today I didn't think that George Zimemrman would be charged with ANYTHING. He has been charged with second degree murder.

  70. From following to now being followed. Guess it's possible for George Zimmerman to understand the plight of a black man in America.

    Hmm. Think Zimmerman will be convicted or will injustice prevail?

  71. Thugocracy Now!7:15 PM

    Eric Holder praised Al Sharpton today.

    Really. He did.

    Obamerica is a joke.
