Friday, April 13, 2012

The "varmint" hunter speaks.

I hope that the manufactured controversy about Ann Romney and her working woman cred is finally coming to an end. In my humble opinion Hilary Rosen was right. But what do I know? I am not a gazillionaire and I don't have kids. Wingnuts, this is not how you stop your war on women. Creating a false controversy and feigning outrage over this issue will not hide the facts

Anyway, tonight I want to talk about some much more important things that have been happening in our country while the mainstream media and the chattering class focused on mommygate.

In case you haven't noticed, A-merry-cans have been slaughtering each other at an alarming rate. Take your pick: New Hampshire, New Jersey, California, and Ohio, (In a Cracker Barrel restaurant of all places.) Sanford, Florida....I could go on, but if you go into every one of those links that I have provided you will have more than enough material to keep you busy for awhile. Tragically, in two of those cases, men whose job it is to protect us lost their lives as well.

Ironically, the NRA is having their annual meeting in St. Louis, and Flipper actually addressed his so called gun loving friends and hunting buddies today. (Even though he only mentioned guns once. It's general election time. Let the flipping begin.) Of course Ann was by his side. It's the female vote stupid. Flipper told the crowd that Obama would restrain their Second Amendment freedoms, and (I am paraphrasing here) that he would take their god given rights to their guns from their praying hands. I am sure that this went over well with these geniuses. From what I have been reading they don't seem to be too bright.

The thing is, much to my dismay, Obama is actually more pro gun than Flipper.
Unfortunately for you gun loving winguts, -like everything else with Flipper- when it comes to this subject he is a fraud.

Finally, speaking of guns; according to some influential republican money people Obama should be speaking from behind bulletproof teleprompters.

"During an appearance on Fox Business Network Wednesday, Foster Friess--the billionaire backer of former Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum--said he hopes President Obama's "teleprompters are bulletproof."

"There are a lot of things that haven't been hammered at because Rick and Mitt have been going at each other," the retired mutual fund manager said before he made his comment directed at the president. He later told ABC News that he regretted his words immediately after he said them." [Source]

Sure he did. * side eye*

"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."

O, you might end up like Trayvon of some of these folks have their way.



  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Nothing makes a StainPants Loser fell like the imitation of a man more than the ideer that he can murder with impunity.


  2. "The thing is, much to my dismay, Obama is actually more pro gun than Flipper."

    Why are anti-gun and anti-hunting groups endorsing obama?

  3. NSangoma10:48 PM

    No one wants to touch this stinker: prosecutor Angela Corey passed the buck; now, the judge would like to do likewise

    Zimmerman Judge Offers to Recuse Herself over CNN Ties

    Get a Black judge to let George Zimmerman go; but knowing you Negroes, you'd immediately call that Black judge a Thom or a Thomasina.

  4. Racism field negro won't chase

    Louis Farrakhan-“White folks don’t produce black children — except [if] it‘s a white woman with a black man or a black man with a white woman and that’s the end of your race. So you’re dying a natural death these days. And without an AK47 ’cause the brother ain’t shooting no blanks.”

  5. El Negro11:22 PM

    In case you haven't noticed, A-merry-cans have been slaughtering each other at an alarming rate.

    Well, that's the new normal in the Obamanation.

    The Great Divider in Chief has got everyone on edge, just where he wants them.

  6. Anonymous11:24 PM

    frm previous thread: This proves FOX wants justice.

    Anonymous said...
    dear FN, here is an interview of Trayvon Martin's Mother along with her lawyer Crump on the Bill O'Reilly show.

    I must admit that Bill was a stand up guy and was very respectful. He did FOX proud! Please give O'Reilly credit and Fox credit...give credit where credit is due:

  7. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I've noticed a few more crabs here in the barrel. They're pink and somewhat confused about how they got here. I believe they thought being pink was enough. It wasn't. They don't try to pull the other crabs down so much as they try to position themselves on top of the pile in hopes of eventually rising to the top as the pile grows. Sick

  8. Anonymous11:37 PM

    The only crabs around here are the ones in your underwear

  9. Wesley R11:51 PM


    Did you catch Trayvon's Mom on O'Really's show this week? It was nuts as you expect. He kept going on and on about Sharpton. Finally her attorney told O'Really that he and Sharpton should sit down and talk about it. So he brings Trayvon's mom on the show to further his agenda. Yo O'Really! Give me some " motherfucken ice tea"

  10. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Obama will lose and there wont' be a democratic let alone black president for decades.

    On Sunday 3/25/2012 at approximately 12:20AM, in Grand Rapids Michigan, near Sixth Street and Broadway, I was beaten with a large chain five to six times in my temple area (I could have died). This was for no reason other than that I am white. They did not rob me they just called me a white piece of shit and said I deserve it what I was getting. They did not only beat me but four to six others for the same reason (i.e. no robbery just racial hatred).

    I was told by the detective that those kids being about 16 or 17 will get no jail time for beating me with a chain and calling me a white piece of shit while they did it.

    So, if I was 17 and I beat 5 different black kids on five different occasions in a 48 hour period with a thick chain to their heads, all the while calling them “niggers”, what do you think would happen to me? Would they give me just boot camp, like the detective said, or would I be in prison for hate crimes and multiple accounts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill?

    Why won’t they be charged as adults? Are not 5 counts of assault with a deadly weapon and 5 counts of ethnic intimidation enough for you to prosecute them as adults and enforce the laws of the State of Michigan regarding such matters?

    I demand, as a citizen of the US and of the State of Michigan, that you uphold my civil rights. I demand that the people who beat me, and could have killed me, for no other reason than my color, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for assault with a deadly weapon and ethnic intimidation.

    Jacob Nathaniel Palasek

    These types of brutal hate crime mob attacks are occurring all over the nation and the media is covering it. The thugs are slapped on the wrist, if anything. The case described below is a textbook example of what the Federal hate crimes law was supposed to have been for. When local authorities refuse to prosecute racially motivated violence, the Feds are supposed to step in and pick up the slack. Do you think Eric Holder will actually do something?

  11. Anonymous11:55 PM

    A couple of days ago I reported on the stabbing of white truck driver Nick Stokes by members of a black motorcycle gang called the Outcasts of Alabama. It’s not merely a scary story but also an unusual one, mostly because of the behavior of law enforcement. The Adamsville, AL police department not only failed to question or detain any of the gangsters, but, outrageously, also told Stokes that they “don’t mess” with the Outcasts.

    What isn’t at all unusual about the story is the mainstream media’s reluctance to cover a case of black-on-white crime. In particular, I cited the Birmingham News (BN), whose crime-beat reporter, Carol Robinson, had brusquely dismissed the incident as not newsworthy. She now has finally treated it – no doubt as a result of pressure – but in a manner so incomplete that it reflects a grudging attitude. More on that in a moment.

    The BN’s dereliction of duty didn’t escape its readers, some of whom savaged the paper in the comments section under Robinson’s piece. One wrote, “Wow. Birmingham News finally prints this story. Only after being shamed into it by the American Thinker….” Another quipped, “Hey Birmingham news, if you don’t watch out someone is gonna start a newspaper around here.” We can only hope.

    It appears Robinson doesn’t want to do much, given the nature of her reportage. Consider that while she provides the basic details of the attack on Stokes, she omits the most newsworthy part of the story: the police’s admission that they “don’t mess” with a local band of criminals.

    Instead, she is one-sided. She quotes Adamsville Police Chief Bob Carter and writes, “‘It [the crime] was never viewed lightly by the Adamsville Police Department. All I can tell you is in any investigation, there is a search for the truth,’ the chief said. ‘We’re trying to get to the bottom of it, and prosecute whoever is guilty of wrongdoing.’” This is fine and dandy, but it’s also damage-control boilerplate. What is striking about the story is Stokes’ claim that a police officer told him, “We don’t mess with those Outcast guys.” They also advised him to let the matter go because the gang could come after him. And I tend to doubt he’s lying.

  12. Realist12:23 AM

    The policy of integration and the cult of diversity haven’t worked. Over and over the hatred boils up and underlines the immiscibility of black and white. OJ, Rodney King, Travon, the Duke case, Towana Brawley, all the gang. Racial crimes against whites are buried, but now show up on Drudge in cell-phone videos. The races are not melding culturally. We have hate crime laws, unidirectional as they are, because we have hate crimes. We have to have laws forcing togetherness because we don’t want togetherness.

    Multiculturalism is a failed modern experiment. It will all end in tears.

    There is simply no way for so many biologically and culturally diverse peoples to form a coherent nation. There may, may be a way forward if the nuclear-backed bureaucracy can somehow be convinced to repeal every civil rights law everywhere, restoring the safe harbors of property rights and allowing people to interact or not interact as they please. Of course, there is practically no precedent for a government volunteering to put itself out of business.

  13. Hilary Rosen's attack on Ann Romney was epically stupid.

    In truth, anti-momism was the very heart of "The Feminine Mystique." Friedan's argument was that motherhood and homemaking were soul-deadening occupations and that pursuing a professional career was the way for a woman to "become complete." She agreed with the midcentury misogynists that a stay-at-home mother was, in Friedan's words, "castrative to her husband and sons." But she emphasized that women were "fellow victims."

    The book might as well have been titled "Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" Today, of course, she can, and because feminism has entailed a diminution of male responsibility, she often has no choice. An increasing number of women are choosing domestic life, finding it a liberating alternative to working for a boss. But to do so requires a husband with considerable means.

    Fifty years ago, Ann Romney's life would have made her just a regular woman. Today, she is a countercultural figure--someone who lives in a way that the dominant culture regards with a hostile disdain. And she has chosen to live that way, which is why Hilary Rosen, as an intellectual heiress to Betty Friedan, regards her as a villain rather than a victim.

    Raising children is a lot of work, and I'd venture to say it's more valuable work than, say, lobbying for the music industry or helping BP with its crisis communications, to name two of the highlights of Rosen's career.

  14. NSangoma12:31 AM

    George Zimmerman is literally in jail because they think you savage Negroes are going to go on a rampage if he is released.

    Nothing to be proud of as a so-called civilized people.


  15. @ Realist:

    I have come to the same conclusions myself. One of my moments of awakening (likely the key moment) to the severity of the situation facing our country took place in 1995. I had a black friend who was a thoughtful, educated man, or at least he seemed to be on the surface. He was a co-worker, and we had worked together for about a year. During that time we had become fairly close friends (very close as co-workers go). Twenty-five years before we met, he attended a highly respected university. I state this to let you get a picture of the man.

    My friend and I were at work together on the day the verdict came in from the O.J. Simpson trial. As soon as the verdict was announced he started dancing and cheering. I had already become extremely dismayed at the fact that this, supposedly educated man, a man I cared for, would believe that O.J. was framed. When he celebrated the acquittal, I was stunned. My good friend had just celebrated the acquittal of an obvious murderer. He was not just happy about the not guilty verdict. He was ecstatic. I could never reconcile this event with the loving, caring man I thought I knew. He actually told me that the reason blacks were happy about the not guilty verdict, was that it was payback for past wrongs done them by whites . It was obvious to all white people that this was the way blacks felt, but for this man to embrace that idea seemed outlandish. He saw this reaction by blacks as logical. I saw it (by white standards) as, borderline insane.

    After that, I lost respect for him. As I said, I was stunned. From that point forward I questioned his judgement, and began to ask him more questions. I found out that he believed that Europeans had stolen civilization, as well as a plethora of scientific inventions, from the black man. I now know this to be a part of Black Liberation Theology (Reverend Wright’s religion). I had heard these ridiculous statements from radicals like Louis Farrakhan, but never from someone I thought to be normal and sane, and surely never from a friend. In my friend’s mind (judging from the beliefs he shared with me), white people were the most evil people in the history of the world. My thinking was that with him harboring such opinions of white folks, how could he possibly care about me, and my family, or any white person. I eventually distanced myself from him.

  16. Benton12:50 AM

    Now, Ann Romney is certainly not the poster child for the struggling mother working two jobs to keep food on the table for her children. But neither is Rosen.

    Rosen, a Washington power player and partner in a major communications firm, is the former chairman and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America.

    The truth is, neither Ann Romney nor Hillary Rosen have lives that would look remotely familiar to 99 percent of the world’s women.

    Rosen, by the way, happens to be a lesbian feminist who adopted two children with her former partner before they chose to go in opposite directions. Perhaps she simply feels threatened by what Ann Romney represents... everything Rosen isn't.

    Why did Rosen treat her "partnership" so cavalierly? Did her career come first? Well, that's to be admired! Mitt and Ann's faithfulness? That's simply beyond understanding. It's unreasonable in today's world.

    But that's the problem with generalizing the way Rosen did. Sure Ann Romney enjoys a financial lifestyle that most people don't have. So, does Michelle Obama. Golly, gosh, gee whiz... so does Hilary Rosen. Well, then they all can't understand, eh?

  17. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Hey Field, Remember that article you made fun of and called racist because the author said never play good samaritan to blacks? He was right. It's getting ugly out there thanks to the industrial racism complex and our divider in chief.

    The name of Trayvon Martin was invoked again Wednesday night in Gainesville during an attack by a group that police say stomped on a white man who was scuffling with a black robbery suspect on the Bo Diddley Community Plaza.

    The robbery suspect, Carl Milton Babb, 50, had been released from prison earlier in the day after serving more than two years in prison for the same crime he is accused of committing Wednesday—snatching a purse from a woman near the downtown plaza.

    According to a Gainesville Police Department arrest report, Babb approached a woman eating dinner at the Lunchbox on the plaza at about 8:50 p.m. and asked her for a light.

    When she said she didn’t have one, Babb took off with her purse, which contained her $500 cellphone, according to the report.

    The woman’s dinner companion and another person took off after Babb.

    When her friend caught up with Babb, according to the police report, Babb punched him in the face and grabbed his hair, but he was able to keep Babb pinned down, according to the report.

    The scene attracted a crowd, and a number of people on the plaza approached Babb and the Good Samaritan, who tried to explain that Babb had just stolen his friend’s purse.

    GPD spokeswoman Cpl. Angelina Valuri said some members of the crowd shouted “Trayvon!” and that at least three of members of the crowd began stomping on the hands of the woman’s friend to force him to let go of Babb.

  18. NSangoma5:21 AM

    Strange, that Grand Rapids MI story only appears here:

    and here:

    can't find it anywhere else.

    Oopz, here, too:

    Is the story in at least one Grand Rapids MI news outlet? Did it actually happen?

  19. NSangoma5:25 AM

    Higher edumacation, Saint Louis MO:

  20. Jacob, shoot me an email, and I will personally look into your story and try to get it out there. Now if you are not being truthful I can't help. We try to find the truth here in A-merry-ca.

    DTN, I think you are overstating the extent of your friendship wit these so called "educated" black person you worked with. Had he ever been to your house? Did u invite him over for tea? I am guessing that you really didn't know his story. Maybe he had a family member who was murdered by a white person and acquitted by an all white jury. Just sayin. You never know.

    The some of my best friends are back meme doesn't always work out. Sorry. :(

    Try another black friend . There are some nice Negroes on this site who would probably love to be your friend. :)

  21. Anonymous8:44 AM

    the reason we whiteys need fire arms is because most of the murders look like president bongo.

  22. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The Left is a negation of excellence. Industry, ambition, and intelligence are penalized with predatory taxation. Laziness, mediocrity, and criminality are rewarded by the welfare state.

    That the Left is big on the welfare state is no coincidence, because the Left is a negation of independence: think independently about race and immigration and you are fired!

    The Left is a negation of spirituality: for them an enlightened man is a man without religion—a man in a boiler room, selling junk shares to the unsuspecting, out for himself, motivated by selfishness and ruthless calculation.

    The Left is a negation of truth. Where science proves inconvenient it is denied. A finding is scientific only if it proves equality. When it does not prove it, it is not science—it is bias . . . hate . . . racism.

    Ultimately the Left is a negation of life. For the Left society is not an organism. It is a machine. That is why they seek to engineer it; that is why there are pyramids of human skulls in Cambodia.

    The world of the Left is a dead world—a world of dead matter and lifeless abstractions. It is an anti-human, anti-natural, anti-aristocratic, anti-freedom, anti-beauty, anti-metaphysical, anti-truth, anti-life, reductionist, immoral, hateful, genocidal, necrophiliac, mendacious, predatory ideology that has sown death everywhere it’s gone

  23. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Good Lord! So much stupidity for a Saturday morning. Let's get this straight right now: NO ONE BELIEVES OR AGREES WITH YOU! Your outdated views on race relations, your feeble attempts at proselytizing an idea of the 'Left', and the continuous drivel of cherry picked yellow journalism are just noise in the vast emptiness of the internet / your wasted life. You don't have any black friends, you're not black, and the only relevance you bring to this site is the contrast of your anachronistic rants to the actual subject matter.
    Feel free to carry on, but know that you're a sideshow, an anomaly that I pass over while looking for intelligent conversation. I'd call you mockingbirds, but even they serve a purpose.
    Great article, Field. Thanks for keeping the torch lit.

  24. "The Left is a negation of truth. Where science proves inconvenient it is denied. A finding is scientific only if it proves equality. When it does not prove it, it is not science—it is bias . . . hate . . . racism"

    I thought the right didn't believe in science.

    And yes, since "all men were created equal", we don't believe your stormfront teachings.

    "Ultimately the Left is a negation of life. For the Left society is not an organism. It is a machine. That is why they seek to engineer it;.."

    Well Yes, and we have a problem with this because...

    "The world of the Left is a dead world—a world of dead matter and lifeless abstractions. It is an anti-human, anti-natural, anti-aristocratic, anti-freedom, anti-beauty, anti-metaphysical, anti-truth, anti-life, reductionist, immoral, hateful, genocidal, necrophiliac, mendacious, predatory ideology that has sown death everywhere it’s gone"

    Sounds like A-merry-ca to me.

  25. Anon@ 10:42 AM has just gotten Anon Inc. an extra year on their lease.

    Great comment!

  26. Kingnut12:48 PM

    field negro said...
    "The world of the Left is a dead world—a world of dead matter and lifeless abstractions. It is an anti-human, anti-natural, anti-aristocratic, anti-freedom, anti-beauty, anti-metaphysical, anti-truth, anti-life, reductionist, immoral, hateful, genocidal, necrophiliac, mendacious, predatory ideology that has sown death everywhere it’s gone"

    Sounds like A-merry-ca to me.


    Why would you consciously choose to move to such a place?

    The thinking Left knows its lies about America are 180 degrees from the truth.

    It must be difficult for someone of above-average intelligence to maintain such beliefs. Unless of course you have no conscience or absolute moralilty whatsoever.

    Is that how you do it?

  27. Kingnut12:55 PM

    "GPD spokeswoman Cpl. Angelina Valuri said some members of the crowd shouted “Trayvon!” and that at least three of members of the crowd began stomping on the hands of the woman’s friend to force him to let go of Babb."

    Siding with criminals by violently attacking victims in a show of racial solidarity is not something you will ever witness in from white people in modern America.

    Yet it happens quite frequently with black people.

    As do random attacks of race-motivated violence.

    In 2012, who are the racists?

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Don't have to worry about moving to "such a place", as it only exists in your American Taliban mind. It must really churn the ashes of what's left of your soul to know that you backed the wrong (irony, get it)side. Parroting the same tripe, day in and day out, must get old. I think if you actually spoke those words to another human being, you'd be better for the experience. See, that's what mature, intelligent folk do. I know I can share my beliefs with others in real life and have a conversation. You can only glare and mumble as 'they' get better education, happier lives, and greater social interaction.
    Today, I'm going to deal with folks from South America, Africa, and Asia. We all respect each other and work well together. You are going to have to suck it up and deal with the fact that if you spoke your mind, you would be a pariah.
    "The thinking Left knows its lies about America are 180 degrees from the truth."
    Puhleeeeeeze, your moral compass doesn't even have a needle.

  29. Kingnut1:24 PM

    "Parroting the same tripe, day in and day out, must get old"

    You must be speaking to Field; he is the one who moved to the "Amerry-ca" that he abscribed those attributes to.

    "You are going to have to suck it up and deal with the fact that if you spoke your mind, you would be a pariah."

    Ah, the hubris of the "tolerant" Left regarding its control of speech. Control that is slipping away.

    You need to work on your understaning of irony.

  30. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't have to worry about moving to "such a place", as it only exists in your American Taliban mind.

    The same Taliban you worship and the left refuses to say the truth about because it might offend them? The left is the one who cries heritic or "uncle tom" if someone speaks the truth. Get it right (get it?)

    It must really churn the ashes of what's left of your soul to know that you backed the wrong (irony, get it)side. Parroting the same tripe, day in and day out, must get old.

    Typical leftist. You backed the wrong side because YOU feel left out. Well guess what, you are.

    I think if you actually spoke those words to another human being, you'd be better for the experience. See, that's what mature, intelligent folk do. I know I can share my beliefs with others in real life and have a conversation. You can only glare and mumble as 'they' get better education, happier lives, and greater social interaction.

    Did you make up this little story all by yourself to make yourself feel better? Remember the right is the priviliged white group, with the better education, more money you want to steal etc. Get your themes right.

    Today, I'm going to deal with folks from South America, Africa, and Asia. We all respect each other and work well together.

    I respect people who earn it no matter where they are from. Don't confuse the disgust of black culture with the right. All those asian, south american folks think it is disgusting to. They tell me as I interact with them.

    the fact that if you spoke your mind you would be a pariah.

    In your wishful nazilike leftist controlled world. Any spoken truth is racist.

    "The thinking Left knows its lies about America are 180 degrees from the truth."
    Puhleeeeeeze, your moral compass doesn't even have a needle.

    Coming from a lefty this means nothing. The group who believes it best not to have any standards or morals this way when they attack someone else for having a pimple they won't be hypocrites. The left is dysfunctional fringe characters who don't have the intelligence to see cause and effect. Children who never made the intuitive leap from childlike demands to adult logic.

    Led by a group of con-men elected by the ignorant and savage.

  31. Anonymous1:46 PM

    This is so very typical. Blacks commit the most heinous crimes and it is whitey's fault. Lol . Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. As to women working or not a greatetr percentage of black women have never worked a day in their life. Too busy having serial children for the government dole on the first and the fiftheenth of every month. Quite often black women have children by severaal different fathers. Who cares? I sure don't. FN until blacks fix their families nothing will ever change.

  32. Anonymous2:35 PM

    To Kingnut,
    Let's see, let's see, where to start...
    Response para 1: Assumption, fallacious stereotype, and attempted humor. Fail, due to being a simple (in every sense of the word) rant as opposed to being a response.
    Response para 2: Per para 3, your statement is incorrect and shows a lack of reading comprehension. Fail.
    Response para 3: Sigh, again with the reading comprehension. At no point do I claim the non-existence of a priveleged class. Instead, I shed a little illumination on the idea that those you disdain are living better despite, not in spite of, you. Fail.
    Response para 4: Well, this is enlightening: people have to 'earn' your respect as if it was actually worth something. You also seem to have difficulty with the idea of individualism, i.e. there can be right wing cowards (scared of change) of all ethnicities. This makes your statement suspect, at best. As stated previously, I flat out doubt you have friends of any race other than your own, and the ones you do have probably do not know the childish crap you spew on this site. Fail.
    Response para's 5 & 6: I can see how you would hope and pray that this would be the case. However, as it is not my dream world we are discussing, but real life: Fail.
    In conclusion, you reek of FAIL. I apologize for the crack about your non-functioning moral compass, as apparently you just don't have one.
    Have a good one, I'm off to enjoy a beautiful day with friends who don't all look like me, don't all think like me, and yet still manage to enjoy life. I can't wait to tell them all about your world view. Then, we'll laugh and forget you ever existed. Get used to that, it's your future.

  33. Kingnut3:02 PM

    Your responses are to the Anon at 1:32; that wasn't me.

    But whoever that was, they shredded your liberal orthodoxies like the intellectual tissue paper they are.

    And I would bet that I work with more people from all over the world and have actually been to more of the world than you have. At no point did anything I say advocate the xenophobic strawman positions you seem to be taking a brave stance against.

    People like you cannot have an open and honest discussion. If you stopped trumpeting yourself as mature and intelligent, you might actually have the chance to grow up and learn something. That's probably not going to happen, though.

  34. parvenu3:44 PM

    To DTN concerning your comment that African Americans are always complaining that whites stole our inventions from us. History unconditionally supports American Negroes in making this claim. For you see that during American institutionalized slavery and during the Jim Crow era that followed, a Negro could not PATENT anything in the United States. Even Eli Whitney gave credit to his un-nammed slave for inventing the Cotton Gin. Eli Whitney did not refine the crude machine built by hand by his slave, save transfering the construction details of the Cotton Gin to drawings suitable for the U.S. Patent Office and making application for the patent under his name. You see that in the days of institutional slavery everything created or made by the slave belonged to his/her master and the slave had no rights to it whatsoever.

    The irony in the Cotton Gin is that what the Whitney slave did by inventing the Cotton Gin was to inflict an immeasurable amount of pain andd suffering upon African slaves that were already on American shores and countless millions more Africans who at the time were still free in their African homeland. You see that slavery in the south was in the process of starting to die out because the process of separating the cotton after it had been picked required so much detailed intense labour that it was proving too costly as an agricultural/industrial venture. At the time it was estimated that within a year the high level of importation of slaves to the south would have stopped unless some new cash crop or mechanism could be found to guarantee profitability. Eli Whitney, through the unsolictited creativity of his slave, rode to the rescue of the white southern plantation owners with his new Cotton Gin which provided exactly what the south was praying for. The Cotton Gin made Eli Whitney a very rich man, however we have no historical information as to what happened to his slave...

  35. mellaneous3:46 PM

    Bravo, Let the church say Amen Anon @ 10:42
    Anon said:

    "Good Lord! So much stupidity for a Saturday morning. Let's get this straight right now: NO ONE BELIEVES OR AGREES WITH YOU! Your outdated views on race relations, your feeble attempts at proselytizing an idea of the 'Left', and the continuous drivel of cherry picked yellow journalism are just noise in the vast emptiness of the internet / your wasted life. You don't have any black friends, you're not black, and the only relevance you bring to this site is the contrast of your anachronistic rants to the actual subject matter.
    Feel free to carry on, but know that you're a sideshow, an anomaly that I pass over while looking for intelligent conversation. I'd call you mockingbirds, but even they serve a purpose.
    Great article, Field. Thanks for keeping the torch lit."

    Church say Amen

  36. mellaneous3:49 PM

    Sup Field

    Hey glad you recieved my note in the spirit it was intended.

    Oddly things have improved at least a little.

  37. Tyrone Shoes4:28 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Bravo, Let the church say Amen Anon @ 10:42
    Anon said:

    So speaketh Captain Melonama from the church of Satan. Fraught with so much self pity and inferiority that he thinketh the world is the cause for his failings, thus preaches hate. Destined to burn in hell - you are. God helps those who help themselves, not blame everyone else for their choices.

  38. Anonymous4:30 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Church say Amen

    mellaneous always be wrong

    he's one of those fake preacher types who makes a good living by preaching marxism.

  39. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    To Kingnut,
    Let's see, let's see, where to start...
    Response para 1: Assumption, fallacious stereotype, and attempted humor. Fail, due to being a simple (in every sense of the word) rant as opposed to being a response.
    Response para 2: Per para 3, your statement is incorrect and shows a lack of reading comprehension. Fail.
    Response para 3: Sigh, again with the reading comprehension. At no point do I claim the non-existence of a priveleged class. Instead, I shed a little illumination on the idea that those you disdain are living better despite, not in spite of, you. Fail.
    Response para 4: Well, this is enlightening: people have to 'earn' your respect as if it was actually worth something. You also seem to have difficulty with the idea of individualism, i.e. there can be right wing cowards (scared of change) of all ethnicities. This makes your statement suspect, at best. As stated previously, I flat out doubt you have friends of any race other than your own, and the ones you do have probably do not know the childish crap you spew on this site. Fail.
    Response para's 5 & 6: I can see how you would hope and pray that this would be the case. However, as it is not my dream world we are discussing, but real life: Fail.
    In conclusion, you reek of FAIL. I apologize for the crack about your non-functioning moral compass, as apparently you just don't have one.
    Have a good one, I'm off to enjoy a beautiful day with friends who don't all look like me, don't all think like me, and yet still manage to enjoy life. I can't wait to tell them all about your world view. Then, we'll laugh and forget you ever existed. Get used to that, it's your future.

    I really tried to read this and make sense of what you were trying to say. Other then some gibberish projecting of "you fail, I win, blah, blah." You sound a little bit retarded. Typical leftist failure, no meat, no substance, lots of bullshit presented in an incomprehensible manner.

    You wouldnt even know what a moral compass was if you weren't ridiculed so much as a leftist.

  40. Phrank4:35 PM


    No negro ever invented anything as useful and complicated as the cotton gin.

    And the wider point regarding how Europeans stole their technology and civilization from Africans is laughable fantasy, fit only for black self-esteem curriculae and Trinity United sermons.

  41. Sup Mell? Yes, I was feeling Pastor Anon this morning. He put a cyber slap down on our Stormfront friend. I might drop something in the offering late as well. :)

    Anon, blacks didn't have to invent anything to make this country what it is. You built it on the backs of their free labor you ingrate. Then your Irish and___________fill in the ethnic group) came here enjoyed the fruits of their labor.

  42. mellaneous6:07 PM

    What up Field yes he laid down the law. I see the desperate are trying to pretend that black folks haven't contributed anything to the world.

    Oh well we know better but as Field pointed no one can argue that the riches of this country were built on the backs of Africans, there is no denying that.

  43. mellaneous6:10 PM

    @ DT

    I too am wondering about the extent of your friendship with the your black co-worker as well. Real friends can agree to disagree.

    I think it important to note that your friend didn’t say you were evil but pointed out that Europeans had done some evil things in the world. And that would definitely be true of many European ruling classes.
    White people have to stop being defensive about things that have some truth to it. There are some trifling black folks that I don’t want to have anything to do with, so why would I get defensive when someone makes that point.

    And speaking of truth Black Theology does not postulate that European society was and is inherently evil, and there is no need to be defensive about a statement such as that since you wouldn’t get sympathy from Jews, kidnapped and colonized Africans and now Muslims.

    It was a white ruling class that killed Jesus, it was the European ruling class that tricked the peasants into fighting the Crusades, pogroms are of European origin, genocide has most often been attributed to gross murder committed by Europeans.

    Even the term holocaust is attached to the gross misdeeds of European society and its ruling class which murdered, raped and brutalized in such a way that a word had to be added to the human lexicon to describe such blatant inhumanity.

  44. mellaneous6:12 PM

    @ DT con't.

    And neither does Black Theology talk about European’s stealing history. You should pick up the books about the subject by the practioners before making spurious and inaccurate accusations.

    And it’s silly to suggest that European societies didn’t borrow ideas from other darker cultures, of course they did. Much like the way we today borrow from all over to make up American pop culture.

    If you were really friends you could have come to some understanding and could have agreed to disagree about interpretations of history. And of course the oppressed would have an attitude toward those who look like those who have oppressed them. And this is where whites are irrational.

    Many know whites who would and do discriminate against blacks or participate in workplaces, institutions and even educational institutions that indirectly discourage black participation and/or membership.

    But you act irrationally surprised when blacks have an emotional reaction to something involving race.

  45. Mell, I think our friend invented that story about his black friend.

  46. Anonymous7:16 PM

    field negro said...
    Sup Mell? Yes, I was feeling Pastor Anon this morning. He put a cyber slap down on our Stormfront friend. I might drop something in the offering late as well. :)

    Anon, blacks didn't have to invent anything to make this country what it is. You built it on the backs of their free labor you ingrate. Then your Irish and___________fill in the ethnic group) came here enjoyed the fruits of their labor.

    One of the biggest fallacies there is. After the civil war both sides were completely broke. There were no riches built on the backs of Blacks.

  47. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Many know whites who would and do discriminate against blacks or participate in workplaces, institutions and even educational institutions that indirectly discourage black participation and/or membership.

    But you act irrationally surprised when blacks have an emotional reaction to something involving race.

    Emotional reaction such as a cold blooded killer getting off because of his race. Yes, you would like that. Emotional reaction by immediately saying that each of lifes trials and tribulations we ALL face, are somehow not A Black persons responsibility, rather some ficticious white person he has never met nor will ever meet.

    Whites are not to blame when Blacks cannot pass tests and or do not genetically possess the skills necessary to participate in certain workplaces, educational institutions. Life is not a yelling contest where if you are not dealt the hand you want you can scream it into reality.

    Look inwards preacher of irresponsibility and hate. Look at your so called colonialism, see what wonders and bounty they brought the countries this took place in. Now look at them and see how formerly lush and productive nations are now starving and filled with violence and atrocities. Just like they were before and just like cities around the world where the majority of residents are Black.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. mellaneous7:57 PM

    Anon7:26 it sure doesn't take long for you to get hysterical.

    But I do appreciate you saying what you really think behind the cover anonymity

    only REAL racist try to advance the genetic argument. Even hateful bigots don't try to advance that one knowing it has as many holes as a garden sprinkler.

    No this is personal with you. It must really eat you up to know that, if the situation between the races were reversed you would be walking around in pysche ward or holding a can.

    And you are the one screaming.This is me calmly saying that you prevaricate.

    And oh yeah my gospel is right on and my sould is intack. Cause unlike you I don't hate anybody or any race.

  50. Mr. Laneous8:07 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Oh well we know better but as Field pointed no one can argue that the riches of this country were built on the backs of Africans, there is no denying that.

    If black slave labor created the riches of the country, then we must have been living off those riches for the past 160 years. Is that what you believe? That must have been one big pile of money.

    But if that was true, then why was the free North so much richer than the slave South?

    And if black slave labor was such a magical creator of wealth, why is black free labor basically worthless? Are blacks only productive when they are enslaved?

    You would think that Africa would be a pretty wealthy place, with all those African backs to build riches on. What's the deal over there?

    I await enlightenment.

  51. Negro O'Fields8:11 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon, blacks didn't have to invent anything to make this country what it is. You built it on the backs of their free labor you ingrate. Then your Irish and___________fill in the ethnic group) came here enjoyed the fruits of their labor------------

    Irish and Jamaicans, apparently.

  52. This is why white people don't want to live near black people:

    If everybody just stayed in their own damn neighborhood, we'd get along so much better.

  53. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I think Romney will prove to be an excellent opponent to Obama for President.

    IMO, Romney will beat Obama because he will carry a good percentage of the Black(at least 30%), Latino(60%) and Independent vote(50%).

    Already, he is tied with Obama in carrying the male vote.

  54. Blanco Franco9:18 PM

    IMO, Romney will beat Obama because he will carry a good percentage of the Black(at least 30%), Latino(60%) and Independent vote(50%).

    Nobody cares aboutthe black vote, because it's not in play.

    Democrats don't care because they've automatically got it; Republicans don't care because there is nothing they can do to get it.

    Hispanics vote Republican to the extent they think themselves white, not on anything the Republicans do.

    The Democrat Party is the anti-white party.

  55. "Whites are not to blame when Blacks cannot pass tests and or do not genetically possess the skills necessary to participate in certain workplaces, educational institutions. Life is not a yelling contest..."

    Blah blah blah.

    Who do whites blame when they can't past tests? Oh yes, Af. Action.

    "Nobody cares aboutthe black vote, because it's not in play."

    Really? Seems to me it was very much in play in 2008.

    Pistolvania is a very important swing state. Dems have been carrying it a lot, lately. Care to guess where all those dem votes come from in Pistolvania? I will give you a hint: It ain't Gettysberg.

    "This is why white people don't want to live near black people:"

    Didn't see the link. Is it a picture of a white teenager sneaking of with her black boyfriend? :)

  56. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Didn't see the link. Is it a picture of a white teenager sneaking of with her black boyfriend? :)"

    Nope :(

  57. Anonymous9:57 PM

    So, decided to check in. A beautiful day, thank you very much. Decided not to mention the anon-moron, as I was quite happy with a cold beer, good friends, and a blue sky. Thank you, Field, for the comment. I see you and Mel are holding it down tonight. Thank God, because once they start with Romney as Prez, I have to stop myself from laughing. Anywho, have a good night, keep up the good fight, and have a Red Stripe for me, as I will have a Fat Tire for you.
    Oh, and to all the anon's (and you, Kingnut), maybe in the next life you'll choose the right [just can't stop ;^) ] side.
    Peace & Beer & Cuban Sandwiches

  58. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Mrs. Romney, who employed three maids in one year, is not a stay-at-home mom. She's a stay-in-the-mansion mom who knows nothing whatsoever about facing financial difficulties, at home or in the workplace.

    That's the point. She simply has no experience of or credibilty on the issues of regular women's financial challenges, whether they are middle class housewives or working class Wal-Mart shoppers and cashiers.

    Anyone who turns to Mrs. Romney for advice about working women, or housewives, would likewise turn to Abe Lincoln for perspective on space flight.

    Francis L. Holland

  59. Anonymous7:39 AM

    FN got to love this site. Never seen a black stormfront before. You learned racism quite well. Did they let you don their robes and pointy hats too? You're given something to do with pretty much what you want to. Whitey didn't tell you to squander this. You did it all on your own.
