"I think that's an important issue," said Hatch. "He's going up against a black guy! He's going against Obama. This is a racial issue."
The Hatch the quotes are referring to is one Bret Hatch. A Ron Paul supporter who got under Flipper's skin earlier today by asking the republican candidate a question about his religion.
"A tense moment transpired during a town hall hosted by Mitt Romney today in Wisconsin when an audience member began reading verses from the Book of Mormon and questioned Romney on his stance on interracial relationships.
When a man's hand shot up in the air to ask a question, Romney seemed to take note that he was holding papers, typically a sign that the questioner has a long-winded question they've chosen to write out, and as the man began to speak remarked, "I know where this is going. Ha. Ha. Ha."
"Your Mormon faith might not be a concern in the election but I think it might be as well as I found these verses in the Mormon book," said 28-year-old Bret Hatch, as the microphone turned on.
As Hatch trialed off, Romney interjected: "Why don't you give me a question?"
"Ok, well, in the Mormon book it says there were a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan that they were despised," Hatch continued.
"I'm sorry we're just not going to have a discussion about religion in my view, but if you have a question, I'll be happy to answer your question," Romney said.
"I guess my question is do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Hatch.
"No," Romney responded sternly, before turning to face the other side of the room.
"Next question," said Romney."
That's it, Flipper? "Next question"? You don't care to expound on that a little bit?
I don't know, I am going to have to go to Brohammas on this one. He is a Mormon, and he is in a unique position to speak to this issue.
Finally, I guess even wealthy black folks are starting to find out that they are not special in A-merry-ca. Tyler Perry was profiled, and Oprah was called out on FOX for making a perfectly reasonable statement about the Trayvon Martin case.
And these folks aren't even political. Oprah cries with suburban white housewives, and Tyler makes movies about the church sprinkled in with all kinds of laughter and jokes. Sorry guys, welcome to post racial A-merry-ca. Just be glad that you already got paid.
S'matter, field, that Trayvon Martin siht about done played out; so you're looking to stir up feces elsewhere.
If Tyler Perry made a left turn from the right lane and the police stopped his punk-ass, that is what they are supposed to do; that is not profiling.
That is a BISH as motherfcuking thing for Tyler Perry to claim: being profiled. Motherfcuk him.
I sense a corner being turned, but I'm not sure anyone knows where it's going. Exciting times to live.
Oprah Said Zimmerman was guilty and couldnt understand why he hasn't been arrested. That is bullshit and racial on her part no one elses.
Perry got pulled over for things people get pulled over for everday, what kind of bullshit is this are you trying to make blacks above all laws with excuses for every type of thing imaginable. Never happen. Well I guess it sorta has in Detroit, Camden, STL, Philly - hows that working out so far?
I suppose you are going want to address the same questions about Mormonism to Harry Reid, right Field?
No, I didn't think so.
Jig for your democrat masters field, jig!
Oh yah, God Damn Amerikkka!
“It is a tragedy and it is a shame that we’re sitting here 33 days later and there hasn’t been an arrest, or questioning of what actually happened,” she said.
“It’s a tragedy and it is a shame and we all know it.”
Zimmerman, says that he lost sight of Trayvon and was on his way back to his truck, when Trayvon came upon him from his side and his rear.
If it turns out that once Trayvon started running, he could have run all the way to Brandy Green's home and entered, and shut and locked the door;
but instead of hatting on up out of there, Trayvon decided to jump bad and confront Zimmerman; Oprah is going to regret opening her damn mouth on this one.
$500K per year Rev Al is starting to grasp for straws on his MSNBC show; this may not turn out as you racism chasing Negroes think.
Which will be a negative for the national and international reputation of the North American Negroe.
NSangoma said...
"this may not turn out as you racism chasing Negroes think."
Yep. the last thing blacks want to do is to start a discussion of crime in Amerry-ca.
MotherFcuk the Mormons, the Mormon church, the Mormon Gawd, and the Mormon Gawd's mama; MotherFcuk them all.
Why are you Negroes concerned about some ignorant European superstitions; do you Negroes want to go to white heaven with your white massahs. MotherFcuk them!!
Willard's religion is a non-starter. Obama got away with "G-ddamn Amerikka" Wright. So good luck with that.
liberals are bringing to bear every technical expert they can find, to scrutinize every detail of this minor crime story in florida. now they have audio technicians analyzing phone calls and video technicians analyzing security recordings.
however, in the matter of barack hussein obama's personal documents, birth certificate, college transcripts, and bizarre executive order sealing all this personal information and establishing an army of lawyers and a defense fund to keep all that evidence private...why were no field experts called in to investigate?
back in reality, several computer experts have called into question the validity of the documents produced by the white house, and private investigators specializing in document fraud have found many irregularities with various obama documents anybody actually can get their hands on.
interest level in any of this by the television media is near zero.
Many a white chick done took me to white heaven many times. It is all it is and den sum. Know what a nigga be talkin' about?
Christians of all colors and faiths should be hatin' on Mitt. beck fo that matter to.
Remember Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows?
Be lookin' dat shit up. Than come back and tell why y'all christian mofos ain't voten for the black man in his house!
"Be lookin' dat shit up. Than come back and tell why y'all christian mofos ain't voten for the black man in his house!"
Because he's a no-good Muslim.
Some commenters make me believe in censorship.
I have to stop reading more than your posts, Mr. Field.
Negroes, America is getting tired of you.
In Sanford: Hitting fifty year old white men in the head with a hammer and putting them on life support only cause a witness scared them off.
They Are Trayvon
“A tip to CrimeLine has led to the arrests of two men in a brutal beating that occurred a week ago in the Midway community east of Sanford.
Julius Ricardo Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Isaac Israel, 19, face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.
The victim, a 50-year-old Winter Springs man, whose name has not been released, is on life-support at Orlando Regional MediCal Center.
Deputies were called to the area of Lincoln Street and Beardall Avenue about 6:30 p.m. March 26 to investigate a man being beaten, Seminole County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Heather Smith said. They found the victim in the woods on the north side of Lincoln Street.
According to arrest affidavits:
A witness told deputies he heard someone screaming for help and saw two men pull the victim from his vehicle. He said he watched as one man held the victim and the other beat him in the head with a hammer.
After they dragged the victim into the woods, the men drove away in his sports utility vehicle, with was later found abandoned about a half-mile away on Garbo Jack Lane.
Investigators got a break in the case on Thursday, when a tip to CrimeLine named Bender and gave the street name of the second suspect.
On Friday, investigators learned Israel’s fingerprints had been found both inside and outside of the victim’s vehicle.
The witness was shown photo lineups and picked out Bender and Israel as the men he saw beating the victim. He said Bender was the man wielding the hammer.”
Another teen shooting in Sanford
Palli said...
Some commenters make me believe in censorship.
Better to censor than to know the truth.
You can't handle it.
Why in the world would sane adults pay any attention to the urine-soaked losers who thinkerate Brietbart was a journalist?
Sorry lads, we all pretty much stopped paying anything more than polite dismissal to you-all since Grade Nine.
Perhaps you should note that for all your sacrifices for 'the cause'...you are not invited to the Club. But the MSM certainly is. And some of us are full members in good standing.
Nice to see wingnut welfare still pays...or doesn't...for the D efforts.
"I guess my question is do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Hatch.
"No," Romney responded sternly, before turning to face the other side of the room.
"Next question," said Romney."
Field posted, "That's it, Flipper? "Next question"? You don't care to expound on that a little bit?"
What is there to expound on, Mr. Field. He answered the question with a direct unequivocal "NO".
What part of "NO" do you not understand? At least Romney let Blacks and Whites know where he is coming from when it comes to race issues. He is for equality for everyone reqardless of color, religion, or race.
Obama has ignored the black race for his entire tenure as President. Of course, during a political year he throws us a bone with the Trayvon Martin killing in FL.
IMO, it's time to elect a white President who has no problem of saying what he feels about race instead of remaining mute like Obama.
Field, you are a double-minded double-standard Leftist. Has anybody seen your shadow Desert lately?
"I guess my question is do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Hatch.
"No," Romney responded sternly, before turning to face the other side of the room.
That means Romney could have had a son that looked like Trayvon too!
Lordy, Lordy.
Field, re: Oprah and Tyler, you are grasping at straws. It does not become you. It lowers your credibility ten-fold. Of course, what does a Leftist like you care about integrity? Leftists have no morals or any sense of right and wrong.
"That means Romney could have had a son that looked like Trayvon too!"
Not necessarily. If she were light-skinned 50%white, his son would look very different from Trayvon. In fact, it wouldn't even be close.
Field who is that dude in that photo? He looks like a Negro who is very depressed.
I never knew that we were descendents of Cain....That's not good, is it? That's another reason to be depressed in Utah and America.
BTW, if you are part Lebanese living in PR, do you come from the side of Able or Cain? The way Desert has treated me, I would have to say it's Cain-- hands down. (Good God, this was a good comment, if I say so myself.)
Where are all of my big mouth women tonight? Granny, must be at Oakland Occupy; Desert must be making cupcakes; AB must be teaching; and Reine must be studying.
Hell, I might as well go to bed.
"Reine must be studying."
She's drunk. EBT card just got recharged.
Anonymous said...
"That means Romney could have had a son that looked like Trayvon too!"
Not necessarily. If she were light-skinned 50%white, his son would look very different from Trayvon. In fact, it wouldn't even be close.
He'd probably be a lot smarter than Trayvon too.
Isn't Obama half white?
Are all Mormons literalists regarding the Book of Mormon? I'm sure many are not, but it may be an unacceptable view in the LDS. I don't know. in the Old Testament, genocidal war is acceptable for conquering territory promised by God.
Got to love the simple minds of liberals. Now they will attack Mormons when all along they embrace Islam and it's atrocities.
Never trust someone who thinks like this, it is childish and evil.
Bob, "Are all Mormons literalists regarding the Book of Mormon? I'm sure many are not, but it may be an unacceptable view in the LDS. I don't know. in the Old Testament, genocidal war is acceptable for conquering territory promised by God."
1:41 AM
Really? Where in the Old Testament does God say genocide is acceptable?
Remember, the bible is a spiritual book you should not take 'literally' with your worldly ego mind.
Got to love the simple minds of liberals. Now they will attack Mormons when all along they embrace Islam and it's atrocities.
Never trust someone who thinks like this, it is childish and evil.
2:52 AM
Keep in mind that Liberals have no purpose except to disagree with Conservatives. Violating their own integrity and principles is secondary.
It may be childish and evil, but....
Take this post, for instance. Romney clearly stated he was against denying interracial marriage. He stated a clear "no" to a racist question. In fact, it was a liberal answer that any liberal would want to hear.
However, Field attacked Romney anyway. Now Romney said more in favor of race relations than Obama has ever done. Either Field is a racist who wants racism to continue, or he is just a liberal who automatically takes the opposite view even if it works against the well-being of his race.
As a black independent, Romney is far more appealing and far more 'human' than Obama could ever be. I bet as we approach 2012 election, more and more Blacks will agree. Of course, don't ever expect to see a post that favors Romney...expect to see posts against Romney 'no matter what'.
Keep in mind that this is just a racial blog with no other purpose but to go against Conservatives, and to chase white racism ...Period. Sometimes I think Field sees them as synonymous.
"I guess my question is do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Hatch.
"No," Romney responded sternly, before turning to face the other side of the room.
There you have it! Hatch is an out and out racist who isn't sure what his question is. And Romney is not a racist and knows 'sternly' what his anti-racism position is.
I bet if it had been Santorum, or Gingrich, they would have answered quite differently from Romney.
Romney is a leader who leads, unlike Obama or any of the other GOP candidates.
"Remember, the bible is a spiritual book you should not take 'literally' with your worldly ego mind."
Really? Oh my, then what of all those wonderful stories?
"Field, you are a double-minded double-standard Leftist."
Flattery will get you nowhere.
Field have you looked yet at the Executive order on National Defense Resource Preparedness? It seems to severely limit Obama's presidential powers in case of a state of national emergency and war? Where the president concedes his authority to the secretary of defense and head of the homeland security and other cabinet members? It was done without fanfare on about March 16th. Am I right in how I read this? Can you please comment on this since it has everything to do with our safety, much more than whether Mitt is a Mormon.
Sorry Anon. I don't see the big deal. Isn't this just an update of an order that has been in effect since the early nineties?
I have read it and it looks more like a disaster event protocol more than anything else.
But thanks for the 411. Nice to see someone commenting as Anon who actually reads the news.
I thought my ears were burning...
The easy answer is "No", the LDS church does not condemn interracial marriage. When I got married, when we had children, and when I was put in a position of semi-authority/leadership, there was absolutely no push back or back lash at my interracial marriage from the church.
Field, the link to "Mormonism Exposed" is one of millions of compilations of bits of this and bits of that intended to make Mormonism look bad. There is full time industry dedicated to nothing but anti-Mormonism. There is money to be made doing it.
Romney is not a representative of the church, does not speak for the church, but because he belongs to it I'm sure people will continue to try and trip him up.
Might I just say that I'm sure any American church that has been around more than 100 years will be able to find racist quotes and teachings from its members. This is not Mormon history, this would be a shared American history.
If one has questions about Mormons or the LDS church, just ask a Mormon... but not in a press conference.
this isn't about Mormonism, it is about politics.
O... and that is a picture of Darius Gray up there by the temple. I know him, he's a good guy to ask if you have questions.
as an atty
u MUST understand that this is a moot point...no?
christianity is FILLED with blatant racism/sexism/white supremacy..no?
from Eve to Ham and beyond...
still no word on NDAA???????
moby dickkkless:
abusive fertile pookies rule the world
why so mum?????
why is zimmerman still free??????
Wow, Field: What's with all the rightwing-nuts nesting here? Free speech. Ni...r, please; gimme a break.
IF...IF...IF there was a god, certainly it would inflict excruciating pain on stupidity; bring death to the ignorant.
We "knee grows" who idolize and wallow in the religion(s) of our oppressors need to STFU about mormons, period.
Armed zealotry; tyranny of the ignorant = the 'right'eous destiny of this a-merry-kkk-a.
rich people are downsizing
while homeless jobless black mongrels are voting for hobama
why would any sane black/poor person have hobama's back when he has never had and will never have ours????
AB, zimmerman is still free because negro men in the Orlando/Sanford area are ponks who prefer to prey on innocent white folks and each other.
Again, there should be NO rock anywhere under which zimmerman can hide.
But...but...but...what about Trayvon?
Where did Jesse & Al disappear to? Surely. there's more mony to be made in the racial pimping business.
I'll tell you what's happening: the bricks are falling out of the wall of the "I Am Trayvon" movement.
Pretty soon, he'll just be a dead version of Crystal Mangum or Tawana Brawley.
Ya'll remember those po hoes, don't you?
But, that's OK....his momma done got him all trademarked up. She'll be cashing in on his death the rest of her life. I expect the baby daddy to sue her in the future, to get his share, too.
humans are racists
all religions are created by racist humans
why pretend mormons are uniquely racist?
just because u know mitt can slay that racist hobama????
The second segment is entitled “The First Commandment”. It is a powerful examination of white supremacy in the Catholic religion. It exposes the racism that disrespects and erases African and Puerto Rican religions. A Virgin Saint manifests and claims her power by demanding to be called Oshun and to be seen as a dancing ebony skinned black woman. Like Jesus, she avoids fancy temples and saves souls among poor and despised souls inside a crack house.
The word “pagan” is hurled in this episode. It reminded me that womanism ruled ancient religions, many of which are far older than Christianity. “Pagan” originally meant "worshipper of female gods". The most ancient religions revere polygods, many of whom are female and elemental.
i will never pretend that mormons are more racist than any other religious fools
especially not to pimp votes for that racist blackish hobama as u do fn
i will never pretend that black fools are not the only people who worship a false euro god who looks NOTHING like them!
if that racist sexist hobama is so godly
why is he taking millions from atheists???
u black racist hobama nazis are MORE blinded by love/lust than the white hobama girl....shame!!!
NPR just did a vignette on Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, George Zimmerman is presumed innocent under the Florida law and it is up to the police to disprove George Zimmerman's claim of self-defense before they can arrest him.
The second segment is entitled “The First Commandment”. It is a powerful examination of white supremacy in the Catholic religion. It exposes the racism that disrespects and erases African and Puerto Rican religions. A Virgin Saint manifests and claims her power by demanding to be called Oshun and to be seen as a dancing ebony skinned black woman. Like Jesus, she avoids fancy temples and saves souls among poor and despised souls inside a crack house.
You do that voodoo that you do so well
Anon @ 6:03 said...
Take this post, for instance. Romney clearly stated he was against denying interracial marriage. He stated a clear "no" to a racist question. In fact, it was a liberal answer that any liberal would want to hear.
However, Field attacked Romney anyway. Now Romney said more in favor of race relations than Obama has ever done. Either Field is a racist who wants racism to continue, or he is just a liberal who automatically takes the opposite view even if it works against the well-being of his race.
Excellent point, Brother Anon.
What we are seeing now is a joint operation of the press and the Obama administration to make this election about anything but what is really important. We cannont have substantive discussions on the budget, jobs, taxes or national defense, because then Obama would have to face where his policies are leading us.
Instead we have monthly "themes" brought to us by the media at the direction of the Obama campaign. February was the "War on Women". March was the "War on Black Youth". Looks like April might be "Mormons Hate Women and Blacks" month, but it's too early to tell.
Coming soon will be be "Republicans hate Mexicans month". I am thinking a story about a good parent torn from his/her child by the INS. Perhaps the litle immigrant child can be ill, so that the story can tie into the "Republcans want to kill you by denying you healthcare" month.
All of this is focussed on the lowest common denominator voter, the person who gets their news from People Magazine, what's on CNN when they walk past the TV, or whatever Oprah, the union boss or some liberal moron in the lunchroom tells them.
It's been very effective so far. Everyone with a sub-average IQ now believes Republicans want to outlaw birth control and that racist white vigilantes are the number one cause of death of young black males.
Perhaps the leftist project of dumbing down our electorate has reached the point where they can cash in their dividends and get away with a campaign that on it's face is just lies for morons. This election may be the one where we transition from a Constitutional Republic to a permanent Idiocracy. I'll guess we'll see.
cc that racist voodoo bs to that racist hobama's hero raygun and his escalated voodoo economics/swindleus plans etc
no more swindles
nobama 2012!!!
raygun was a brazenly racist elitist crack dealer who destroyed blacks in america
yet hobama adores and reveres him...
why is that ok for black hobama nazis???
can u even imagine jews worshipping and "having the back " of shimon peres/any israeli prez who adores and reveres hitler???
NDAA proves that hobama is the new hitler
that is why hobama nazis are totally mute about it
where would we all be if:
fred douglass had ignored slavery
mlk ignored jim crow
harriet tubman ignored abolition/freedom
ida b wells ignored lynching
the way that hobama nazis ignore hobama's NDAA/NONEXISTENT black agenda/dna arrests/pic funding/endless wars for oil and opium...
nobama 2012!!!!!!!
it seems that ol tray was suspended for dope and burglary tools in school.it looks like ol tray with his gold grill and tattoos was bobbin and weaving among the buildings looking for some thing to steal or casing the places so that he and his father could break in and rob them of their big screen tvs.the crime rate went up after trays father started mooching off his girl friend.this whole thing is tnb and negro parenting
@ Anon 12;13:
But Trayvon Martin Luther King Jr. died to absolve all blacks of their sins.
Besides, all crimes committed by blacks are the fault of the white man.
Gee, not only did NBC edit the 911 tape to make Zimmerman sound "racist", but ABC photoshopped Zimmerman's picture to make him look more "white":
What do you think is going on here Field?
maybe if hobama's uncle's next dui nab involves killing a few folks
maybe the msm will stop ignoring this drunken dreg???
if this was mitt's or newt's uncle
he would be headline news on every tv/radio station
Attack of the Trayvons!:
It's some higher learning for some poor motherfucker when a couple of
Sons of Obama go to college !
And you know it’s hammer time when you wants to go for a ride.
Trayvon may be gone, but his spirit lives on the Youth of America.
Never forget!
Good Lord....what's going on in Florida????
Now, we have some 50 year-old white guy attacking two angelic black honor roll students with a hammer!!!!
He MUST be racist. They should prosecute him. Why is he still breathing?
No Justice; No Peace!
Hey Field. Came across your blog while googling stuff about Trayvon. Just want to post to tell you that I am really enjoying reading it. Much food for thought. Keep writing!
Also meant to say, I love your commenters. They really flesh out the issues. Great stuff!
This is the video you Negroes need to see, where is the march-in and sing-in for these folks:
What. In. The. Fuck. Are you talking about?
Rottnkid said...
What. In. The. Fuck. Are you talking about?
You have a potty mouth to go along with your toilet picture. Leave it to someone like you to take a picture in a public restroom. You know that phone camera works in mirrors anywhere right? Or is that the only mirror in the welfare office?
Two Youf's from Sanford Florida - they decided to hammer some white old man literally. Nice thug shots. So this is who the Congressional Black Caucus wants to protect? Where is the Black Leaders outrage for things like this causing stereotypes to be fostered? They are the ones who cause it, no one else.
Sharpton and Jackson are already in Sanford, if they were real black leaders instead of racial pimps from the industrial racist complex they would address this to stop youf's from turning into savages.
alicia banks said...
why is zimmerman still free/breathing?????
Because this is America, not Zimbabwe, you fat dread-headed turd.
cornel west is my hero
and he has never lied on hobama or oprah
cw is fnotd 4 life!!!
moby dickkkless/albino original mf:
cc that racist bs to that racist kkkiller zimmerman
who went on safari in sanford like it was zimbabwe
and gunned trayvon down like a gazelle
why is that tubob zimmerman still breathing/free like a bloody handed tarzan in a jungle????
alicia banks said...
"why is that tubob zimmerman still breathing/free like a bloody handed tarzan in a jungle????"
You are not fit for civilization.
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless/albino original mf:
cc that racist bs to that racist kkkiller zimmerman
who went on safari in sanford like it was zimbabwe
and gunned trayvon down like a gazelle
why is that tubob zimmerman still breathing/free like a bloody handed tarzan in a jungle????
You are a filthy liar and you know it. Therefore you are not fit for humanity. Pig!!!! I hope some fat chick sits on your chest and gives you a hard time breating. What kind of pig wishes someone dead based upon stories she has heard? A Negress that's who.
OMG! when AB was teaching our kids, she was teaching them her political views! OMG!
I am suing Chicago, FN and AB as soon as I can get Bobby Rush as my attorney. Field, you folks are going to pay big time!
Brohammas is a white man who is a Mormon, who married a black woman, and they live in Philly? I guess it must be true because you just can't make up shit like this.
Lord have mercy. That white boy is truly messed up. He needs to join a good Christian church in order to get some clarity of life in America. Lord have mercy.
Take Field, AB, Desert, and those atheist anons with you cause they are lost souls who, if not purified IMMEDIATELY, will surely burn in hell. Lord have mercy, what is this world coming to?
Why are Black Assaults censored so that the race of the attackers is "not important?"
Why are videos of Black assaults and crime removed and censored?
What is the MSM trying to hide is really going on in this country?
For the White Hammer attack thugs in Sanford; In an e-mail, the Orlando Sentinel writer says that the race of the victim was omitted on purpose. He says it is the policy of the paper not to mention race in a crime story unless there is a specific reason. In fact they went back and removed the link to the mugshots.
Compare this with weeks upon weeks of “George Zimmerman, a white man shot and killed Trayvon Martin an African-American.” Of course, Zimmerman is not even white, the media just wanted him to be. It seems that the newspapers censor race except when they feel they can use it to advance a political agenda.
Sup Brohammas? Thanks for the 411.
Dear Anonymous who commented on my comment: Which Anonymous are you? You're not all the same damned fool.
"But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:
But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee." That's from Deuteronomy.
Other cities, merely conquered, only all the males are killed, & the women & children taken as slaves. & I am not a literalist. But even if one is not, one has to deal with passages like this. Because this is the nature of war: to destroy utterly. London, Stalingrad, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima...
Mormons have more than one wife. they have many and often they are sisters! I saw it on TV called Sister Wives.
They may appear to have only one wife in public, but the men all have secret harems where they hide the other wives. That is not the American way.
The increasing problem that Romney will have going into the general election will be his LIFE in THE Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS). Romney spent ALL of his life in the Mormon Church, rising to the level of bishop. He has tried to equate his position as bishop to that of a "Pastor" in a conventional christian church, but even that insignificant bit of information does little to clarify the man, the real Romney.
You see the problem Romney has with the American people is that the American Media is NOSY, and they are never satisfied with whatever information they receive. Romney is a complete mystery man to the American people and they want to know everything there is to know about him.
Why is this a problem for Romney? Here is the simple answer. The LDS Church itself is a highly secretive organization similar in many respects to the Scientologists. Let me make it clear. Mormon church doctrine is not discussed openly and the depth of doctrinal discussions held varies depending on the hierarchical position within the church organizational structure. Depending on what level within the church structure you are talking about will determine the depth of information concerning the LDS Church Theology. The Mormon families that were under the supervision of Romney when he was a bishop in Massachusetts would never participate in a discussion with him concerning church theology. Likewise Romney would never participate in a discussion of LDS theology with Mormon Priests as this is a level advanced beyond his bishop status.
So now candidate Romney will have to break these traditional LDS boundaries of silence if he is to satify the expected endless probing by the American Media. This would require Romney to turn his back on everything that he has been taught over his entire lifespan as a devout Mormon. For Romney it is a lose, lose situation, because he does not want to be the source of public disclosure of information concering the doctrine or theology of the LDS church, all of which is likely to be well beyond his status in the Mormon heirarchy.
Romney is feeling the heat of his own personal anxiety over this political/religious conundrum, which is the probable cause for his angry terse response when he answered Mr. Hatch's question raised from the Book of Mormon.
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