Wednesday, July 04, 2012

How to steal an election and make sure that a tax cheat gets elected.

Remember when our governor here in Pistolvania said that 99% of the registered voters would not be affected by republican voter ID laws? Well, not so fast.

"More than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania do not have photo identification cards from the state Transportation Department, putting their voting rights at risk in the November election, according to data released Tuesday by state election officials.

The figures - representing 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters - are significantly higher than prior estimates by the Corbett administration. Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele has repeatedly said that 99 percent of Pennsylvania's voters already had the photo ID they will need at the polls in November.

The new numbers, based on a comparison of voter registration rolls with PennDot ID databases, shows the potential problem is much bigger, particularly in Philadelphia, where 186,830 registered voters - 18 percent of the city's total registration - do not have PennDot ID." [Source]

I have to give it to the [right] wingnuts, they sure know how to work the system. This should give them a nice advantage come November. It's no secret where most of those Philly votes would be going. 186,830 is a big number.
You Dumbocrats better get your stuff together.

Of course my home state is not alone. Down in Florida it has been shown that governor Rick Scott has been cooking up something nefarious as well. It seems that his original voter purge list is 98.4% inaccurate and it disproportionately affects people of color. (Gee, there is a shock) 

Yep, just like he planned it.

Finally, if you have never heard of Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. I will forgive you. I am sure you are not alone. It's a Bermuda based company and it is one of Flipper's offshore holding companies that he uses to hide his wealth from the IRS.

"Now now Field, it isn't exactly Mitt's company, there you go lying to your readers again." 

Oh yes, a slight correction:

"The omissions were permitted by state and federal authorities overseeing Romney's ethics filings, and he has never been cited for failing to disclose information about his money. But Romney's limited disclosures deprive the public of an accurate depiction of his wealth and a clear understanding of how his assets are handled and taxed, according to experts in private equity, tax and campaign finance law.

Sankaty was transferred to a trust owned by Romney's wife, Ann, one day before he was sworn in as Massachusetts governor in 2003, according to Bermuda records obtained by The Associated Press. The Romneys' ownership of the offshore firm did not appear on any state or federal financial reports during Romney's two presidential campaigns. Only the Romneys' 2010 tax records, released under political pressure earlier this year, confirmed their continuing control of the company.

The mystery surrounding Sankaty reinforces Romney's history of keeping a tight rein on his public dealings, already documented by his use of private email and computer purges as Massachusetts governor and his refusal to disclose his top fundraisers. The Bermuda company had almost no assets, according to Romney's 2010 tax returns. But such partnership stakes could still provide significant income for years to come, said tax experts, who added that the lack of disclosure makes it impossible to know for certain." [Source]

Yes, there is so much that we don't know. I suppose that with the help of some cleverly crafted voter ID laws we will soon find out.



  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Funny.... The left told us John Kerry's wealth didn't matter. Now they are obsessed with Mitt's wealth. What gives?

    FN wants to talk tax cheats- yet fn ignores the worst tax cheats of all-Democrats.
    About last post....

    Using a moonbat source who is known for sending his trolls to right leaning sites and have them flame their comment section than copy and repost their comments so he can do what you did-HEY LOOK ERRR HERE!!-is that what you have been reduced to fn?

  2. Now Field, we both know that one of the best things about being rich here in the un tied states of ameriklan is how the tax codes literally throw money at you. Take up "dressage" for your "multiple sclerosis" and you get a 70 k "business" deduction for your 1/4 of a horse. Hire a lobbyist to push your newest mcmansion through the zoning process and down the neighbor's throats and it's 150k to the good. I guess you just don't like job-creators like willard do you?

  3. "Yes, there is so much that we don't know."

    With Obama, we don't know how he paid for school, what his grades were, where all those foreign campaign contributions came from, who got him into Harvard, how he bought his mansion, or even who his real daddy was.

  4. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I really don't think Demonrats want to open the door on "Off shore accounts".

    True the Vote. Maybe just one time we can have an election that isn't tainted by Democratic voter fraud. Maybe this year the dead will sleep in peace, and not have to show up at the polls.

  5. Just how did all of rush limpbone's fluffers in up in this comments section?

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Wasn't it always about keeping the vote from those the wingnuts feelerated were 'undeserving'?
    How can paying for college confuse you? Perhaps you could ask your local college graduates of similar age. Try Penn State or the SUNY grads.
    It must truly irk the Goobers that Democracy allows all citizens a voice...and that the vast majority see their ideas as unworthy.

    Romney is what the Heeyucks and Goobers fantasize they could be.


  7. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Just how did all of rush limpbone's fluffers in up in this comments section?

    There goes the "fabulous" poverty pimp ejaculating his dreams of manly body parts again.

  8. GetYourEyesOutOfMyPocket12:22 AM

    Liberals are nuttier than a fruitcake.

    You speak as if Mitt having money you don't know about is a bad thing. This can only be so because someone should be taking it and giving it to someone else.

    You have no right to his earnings, go earn your own, tell your friends to earn their own and stop being so jealous that is turns your heart with envious hatred.

    We need a damn president that can lead, run business, make money and get this country out of the ghetto welfare state we are all living in. Before those who really need it starve because the creators have been sucked dry.

    You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs that give people unearned wealth. Moonbats, not a lick of common sense or logic.

  9. Anonymous12:28 AM

    field negro said...
    "Or you will find what life without white people is really like."

    I grew up in Jamaica.

    Trust me, it was fine.

    YOu grew up with the White British support system, without it your family would have been cast into the pit with those Jamaicans who live in abject poverty based upon US standards. We know it and you know it. What % of JM economy comes from foreign donations? Are they donated from Black Nations or White ones? What would happen if they dried up?

  10. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Field, do you think the Reps care about being outrageously in error on their estimates about affected ID voters? No they are not.

    In fact, they are quite happy to know the numbers are much much bigger than they thought.

    BTW, they are now in very good shape for the election in November. Their chances of winning ave very good.

  11. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Field, "I have to give it to the [right] wingnuts, they sure know how to work the system. This should give them a nice advantage come November. It's no secret where most of those Philly votes would be going. 186,830 is a big number."

    Dems stood by while the Repubs worked the system in an unfair way. Don't expect the Dems to do anything now.

    As a matter of fact, the Dems have been complicit with the Repubs all along by doing nothing. In other words, by their lack of actions, they don't want Obama to win the next election, either.

  12. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Did you get this direct from Obama and Media matters? Or are you on Drugs?

    It does show there are a lot of Negroes who don't even have a drivers license, but so what. I am sure they have other photo ID's in order to get their gub'ment bennies.

    Get with the times and stop trying to dumb donw the country. This is not Jamaica and no one will die because of voting but we wont allow already dead people to vote for democrats either. There is no way in hell that many people don't have an ID. They could not work (ha-ha allright work thats a funny one) , cash checks, buy beer, cigs, collect welfare, SSI, pawn any stolen goods...

    Bullshit, nice spin but total bullshit.

    Put on your big boy pants and help protect the sanctity of the US voter integrity. We don't want dead people, illegal aliens of anyone else ineligible voting.

    Oh in case you guys can't figure it out, here is a list of acceptable forms of ID aside from a simple drivers license and or non driver ID card.

    Tell your friends to man up, join society and get one now for free if'n they don't have one because we don't want to hear how pathetic they are not begin able to get an ID or how Obama lost because dead democrats can't vote.

    ID Needed for Voting

    All voters are required to show a photo ID before voting. All photo IDs must contain an expiration date that is current, unless noted otherwise. Acceptable IDs include:
    •Pennsylvania driver's license or non-driver's license photo ID (IDs are valid for voting purposes 12 months past expiration date
    •Valid U.S. passport
    •U.S. military ID - active duty and retired military (a military or veteran's ID must designate an expiration date or designate that the expiration date is indefinate). Military dependents' ID must contain an expiration date
    •Employee photo ID issued by Federal, PA, County or Municipal government
    •Photo ID cards from an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning
    •Photo ID cards issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences or personal care homes

  13. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Conservatives are the masters of the "I got mine" mentality. Too bad our Indigenous brothers didn't have this attitude when their arses were starving at Plymouth Rock. Ha!

    But real, the GOP may be in trouble in the future as many poor people get health care for the first time and it benefits them and their families. Just like SS created huge majorities for the Dems in the past Obamacare may do the same. They don't even have a plan of their own to replace it. Voters in SC, FL and other poor staes will figure out who's not on their side.
    Also, do you think Holder will keep the purging at bay?


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Can one of you wingnuts please provide a link to the thousands of voter fraud cases prosecuted in Pistolvania over the past few years?

    Take all the time you need. I will wait.....

  16. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Just From One Group. Coincidentally all Democrats targeting Blacks and Latinos.

    Who is complaining about common sense?



    Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms. Six of the seven were also indicted for registering voters under an illegal quota system.


    State election officials have thrown out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud.


    An ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.


    Reading’s Director of Elections received calls from numerous individuals complaining that ACORN employees deliberately put inaccurate information on their voter registration forms. The Berks County director of elections said voter fraud was “absolutely out of hand,” and added: “Not only do we have unintentional duplication of voter registration but we have blatant duplicate voter registrations.” The Berks County deputy director of elections added that ACORN was under investigation by the Department of Justice.

  17. Anonymous7:31 AM

    field negro said...
    Can one of you wingnuts please provide a link to the thousands of voter fraud cases prosecuted in Pistolvania over the past few years?

    Take all the time you need. I will wait.....

    The old bait and switch. This will go down historically as the most crass attempt by liberals to keep stealing elections.

    We all know how easy it is to simply use absentee ballots and register to vote and obtain drivers licenses for even illegal aliens under ficticious names. This has been proven and Acorn and similar groups made a living doing just that - yes there were many, many convictions for the same.

    We all know that if you can do it, the honor system does not work, especially with racially motivated democrats who feel entitled to be dishonarable and break the law (Obama Regime and supporters)

    "We also all know that Liberals have long trotted out false arguments about voter ID laws, claiming they suppress the vote among those individuals who do not have photo identification. But a 2008 U.S. Supreme Court case upholding Indiana’s voter ID law revealed there was no such hardship. Opponents of the law were unable to produce a single plaintiff who could plausibly claim inability to get a photo ID. In addition, states with longstanding voter ID laws, such as Georgia and Indiana, have actually experienced an increase in turnout of minority voters"

  18. They Ought To Nuke The Place8:32 AM

    Here's what happens when the white folks move out....

    Coming to a city near you!

    (I love the "shrine" to the murdered person, made out of empty liquor bottles)

  19. @Tony Rezko - if there's something you don't know about President Obama, it's because you and your fellow wingnuts are too lazy to do any research. The President's tax returns going back for quite a few years can all be found on-line, for example. Can you say the same for Willard Romney?

    As for the rumors about his house, that lie has been thoroughly debunked. There's no mystery about how he could afford a "mansion." The year he bought it, he and Michelle had a joint income of $1.6 million, thanks in large part to his book becoming a best seller.

    There's a wonderful tool out there, you know. It's called "Google." Try using it sometime.

  20. Field Man, still blogging and still lying out the truth.
    Awesome dude!
    You inspire me to go hit the ether.

  21. Anonymous10:08 AM

    democrats get elected via dead people and illegals voting. fn keeps shoveling bs that his democrat masters feed him.

  22. Anonymous10:19 AM

    "Nan said...
    @Tony Rezko - if there's something you don't know about President Obama, it's because you and your fellow wingnuts are too lazy to do any research. The President's tax returns going back for quite a few years can all be found on-line, for example. Can you say the same for Willard Romney?

    As for the rumors about his house, that lie has been thoroughly debunked. There's no mystery about how he could afford a "mansion." The year he bought it, he and Michelle had a joint income of $1.6 million, thanks in large part to his book becoming a best seller.

    There's a wonderful tool out there, you know. It's called "Google." Try using it sometime."

    did you use the special liberal bullshit version of google?

    Try googling Nadhmi Auchi/Iraqi Billionare and Tony Rezko/Syrian Thug, put together with Rezko getting a 3.5 million loan from Auchi right at the same time Rezkos wife bought the empty lot next to the house Obama bought 1 day apart. Obama's went house hunting with Rezko...ah whats the use. It's like banging your head against the wall asking Obamabots to see truth and reality....

    Little note for you, google book sales, his book didn't sell much as an unknown no experience do nothing (present) senator. He only made money starting after his campaign. With a 500k payment in 2008.

    “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

  23. I know it's pointless to respond to the wingnuts, but

    Or perhaps Snopes is also a liberal conspiracy?

  24. Snopes is 60% bullshit.

  25. Hedley Carmichael1:38 PM

    They Ought To Nuke The Place said...
    Here's what happens when the white folks move out....


    The Daily Mail makes article makes it seem that Camden was destroyed by some unknown calamity. They deliberately distort the situation by showing mostly white-looking people in the pictures. The truth is that Camden is about 5% white.

    Damaged cities can recover from earthquakes, fires, tsunamis and nuclear bombs, but they can't recover from Black People.

  26. Fontana1:51 PM

    Without voter fraud, the Democrats cannot hold onto the Senate or the White House. That is why they are fighting so hard against modest measures to limit cheating.

    Every other country in the world requires an ID to vote.

    These criminals have to go, that's why I am voting for Romney.

  27. Anonymous6:05 PM

    My God, Field. Did you see the photos of that link posted by one of your fans re: Camden? It is unbelievable! How can anyone possibly live under such conditions?

    That is 'absolutely' real time depression for Blacks having to live under such conditions. I am deeply hurt and depressed to know there are such ruinous places where my peeps have to live unfit for animals.

    Hell, Republican dogs live better than the folks in Camden. They even have more money. Did you know white Republicans give their dogs weekly allowances?

    Seriously, Field. I am very depressed. It is depressing to be Black in Camden. Why haven't you done a post about that depressed town- and how it came to ruins worse that Detroit?

    depressed Negro

  28. Sorry depressed Negro. Just don't eat Campbell'sSoups. Their world headquarters is in Camden.
    I thought the republican governor of New Jersey said he was taking over the city and that he had it under control.
    I guess he just wanted the soup.;)

  29. Yep, see what happens in NJ when GOP governors take over? I'm depressed too.
    Your trolls are especially dimwitted, they keep trotting out the allegations of voter REGISTRATION fraud which is totally different that vote fraud. Did that anon ever give an example of vote fraud? Just wondering. If I were that dumb I'd post under anonymous too.


  30. No PilotX, the Anon. did not give an example.

    I am still waiting......

  31. Anonymous7:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    Yep, see what happens in NJ when GOP governors take over? I'm depressed too.
    Your trolls are especially dimwitted, they keep trotting out the allegations of voter REGISTRATION fraud which is totally different that vote fraud. Did that anon ever give an example of vote fraud? Just wondering. If I were that dumb I'd post under anonymous too.


    Pile It; seriously is this your real IQ or are you retarded?

    You claim Black folk are marginalized because they are pathetically stupid and can't obtain a Free I.D. and also don't exist and partake in todays society where you need an ID for so many things that without one you can't function and you support this that with this infantile idiotic garbage, yeah so they caught the guy breaking into the car but they didn't see him drive away so he never stole it.

    It's one thing to be opinionated and not have a clue, it's another to be a complete idiot.

    What do you do when you register to vote fraudulenty? What in the world do you think their goal is? Do you think they walk away and say nah...just playin we won't actually vote after the community organizers spend a fortune putting this together or do you think they send in those absentee ballots and cast votes?

    Dumbass idealogical moron.

    Black people are not stupid, most have I.D's and if not they are sure capable of getting a free one quite easily. FOr you to say otherwise is insulting to the Black race, do you need diapers next?

    You provide proof that simple law abiding citizens showing ID cannot vote, aside from the proof that was provided in Alabama and Indiana where voter ID actually caused an increase in minority (weak, pathetic and helpless people according to you) voters.

    It is simple, you can't lie and cheat and steal when you have to show ID. Amazing.

  32. BARBBF3:29 PM

    Anyone in the US too stupid to have a photo considered by some to be be too stupid to vote.
