Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The global warming "special effects".

I am no expert on global warming, but do I believe what most smart people have to say about the subject. That, coupled with the fact that the people who are on the right wing side of the debate believe that the world is four thousand years old, made it pretty easy for me to choose sides.

Anyway, regardless of where you choose to come down on this issue, you have to admit that something really screwy is going on with our weather.

I think that the folks on the right approach this debate with an economic agenda. To them, it's all about jobs and less regulation. I am down with cleaner renewable energy sources. Bring on the wind and solar age. I have no problem with saying goodbye to fossil fuels. Only a fool would believe that the EPA should not regulate greenhouse gasses and that they do not have a negative effect on our environment. Unfortunately, there are a lot of foolish people among us. (You don't have to drive a gas eating Chevy. Give it time and there might be some really nice electric cars on the market in the very near future.)

Take it away Bill McKibben:

"We can now admit it: global climate change is one big hoax. But let’s give credit to the special effects experts who have given us wildfires, downpour, and record heat this past month writes Bill McKibben.

Please don’t sweat the 2,132 new high temperature marks in June—remember, climate change is a hoax. The first to figure this out was Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, who in fact called it “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” apparently topping even the staged moon landing. But others have been catching on. Speaker of the House John Boehner pointed out that the idea that carbon dioxide is “harmful to the environment is almost comical.” The always cautious Mitt Romney scoffed at any damage too: “Scientists will figure that out ten, twenty, fifty years from now,” he said during the primaries.

Still, you have to admit: for a hoax, it’s got excellent production values.
Consider the last few weeks. Someone turned on the rain machine up in Duluth, Minnesota, where they broke all their old rainfall records (and in an excellent cinematic touch flooded the city zoo with so much water that the seal escaped and swam down the road. You can make this stuff up). And when that was over, the production team hastened to the Gulf of Mexico, turning on the giant fans to conjure up Tropical Storm Debby—the earliest fourth storm of the season ever recorded, which dumped “unthinkable amounts of rain” on central Florida. (Giveaway movie moment: the nine-foot gator that washed into a Tampa swimming pool).
The special effects guys were doing their best in Colorado: first they cranked up the heat, setting a new state record at 115 degrees. And then came the fire stunts! They looked real enough—one Waldo Canyon resident wrote a harrowing account of driving his SUV across soccer fields to escape the blaze, with “a vision of hell in his rearview mirror.”

But there were giveaways it was all faked: for one, the “flames” perfectly framed the famous chapel of the Air Force Academy, and on the very day the new cadets arrived.." [Source]

Great! Now I have to wonder if we really did land on the moon.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, it's the international scientific establishment foisting a fraud on the entire world, with evolutionary biology, geology, climatology, etc, but luckily for us a bunch of home-schooled high school drop outs led by bible-college graduates are competent to discern the fraud.

  3. NSangoma9:17 PM


    Only deh LAWD can destroy deh earph.

    Aww glory nah, blessed be his name.


  4. You asked for it now Field, the wingnuts are gonna come out in force. They are pretty goofy, my wife just flew with a guy who lets his SUZ run just because he can. Though we don't know the exact effects our CO2 will have in the future we do know two things 1. CO2 is a greenhouse gas 2. we are pumping vast amounts of it into our atmosphere. The thing that scares me isn't global warming because if there were predictable atmospheric reactions we could prepare and adapt, it's that we have no freaking clue what kind of damage (if any) we're doing to the atmosphere. You would think these conservative clowns would take the conservative approach and take precautions just in case so future generations won't have to pay for our stupidity.
    Let the wingnuttery begin.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Field, are Negroes becoming more depressed because of this climate change? It feels like it.

    I mean, we end up the worse for everything else. Lately, everything is becoming depressing, even for Whites.

    Even Boehner doesn't look well. That could be Karma stepping on his face.

    I agree. Something is happening and it doesn't look or feel good. Field, I think it is time you let us know how much you know about Revelations.

    depressed Negro

  6. IsItWarmingOrChange?9:40 PM

    Never argue with the crazy peeples and sheeples. When liberals stop denying science they don't like such as Genetics, human capabilities and also stop lying then maybe we can see what global warming climate change is really about. For now, after climate gate and every "scientific prediction" proven to either a lie or false such as polar bear extinction (fabricated) melting ice flows (they increased)climategate (falsified data) all in conjunction liberals blaming everything from a rainstorm to a hot summer to a cold winter on climate change make me beleive that like everything else coming from liberals there are a bunch of hysterical women posing as men who do not look at facts and real science to come to logical conclusions.

    Pilot - our next generations are already saddled with paying for our stupidity, for allowing the liberal experiment to take root and fail once again despite innumerable historic lessons that warned us.

    If you have no clue what type of damage is being done, then why are you claiming that it is science when it is not, in fact it's just the usual liberal histrionics.

    Remember the 80's and Al gores first shot? We are running out of land for food, everyone is going to starve.....wahhhhhhhh.

    Show me real science, real proof, not lies. For real scientists have dropped like flies out of the global warming/errr climate change.. fraud due to the lack of scientific integrity yet you guys flip out every time we get a heat wave, rainstorm or the latest have a cold winter. Trees like CO2, it makes them green and helps us breathe.

    Liberals - A bunch of really stupid people who think they are smarter than everyone else, despite evidence to the contrary.

    Let the liberal whackiness begin.

  7. "I think it is time you let us know how much you know about Revelations."

    Nah dude, it's the Mayans and their damned calendar.

  8. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, did you know that Science has no clue to what damage we are doing to our atmosphere?

    Did you know that the biggest hoax ever has been Science? Don't believe me? Get sick and go into the hospital. You will immediately know how little Science knows. Hell, they can't even find a cure for cancer. Science is all a Hoax.

    Pray Brother, pray. If there is an afterlife--and there is a good chance there is--then you'll be better off. I agree with depressed Negro. You should do a post on Revelations before it's too late. I just want to know how to save my ass without putting it in the hands of Rev Manning.

  9. "For now, after climate gate and every "scientific prediction" proven to either a lie or false"

    for thise who followed th e"climategate" situation it wasn't a scandal, it was scientists communicating with each other in very loose jargan. Science doesn't make "predictions", in climatology you take data and attempt to extrapolate it as best you can but sonce the atmosphere is so complex it's impossible to make any 100% accurate prediction. Hmmmmm, conservative logic, discount the science of climatology simply because the "predictions" of future events hasn't happened as the ywatched. I guess this is the same crowd that discounts evolution because they don't see monkeys changing into humans.
    See what you unleased on us Field? Hope you're happy.

  10. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Faith. We need faith. That's where we have fallen and that's why we are in deep deep trouble. We need a President who prays to God.

  11. "If you have no clue what type of damage is being done, then why are you claiming that it is science when it is not, in fact it's just the usual liberal histrionics."

    Climatology is a real science last I checked. You may wanna try that line on your conservative buddies that claim intelligent design is science. I guess using wingnut logic meteorology isn't a real science because the 5 o'clock weatherguy blew the forecast. Genius I tell ya.

  12. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Well here is some real science:

    Liberal hysterectomies flip out over a hot summer and according to the government data CO2 Levels have dropped to 1991 levels already in the first few months of this year. Hmmmm....I guess the climate gate scientists haven't had a chance to rig these numbers yet. and also proved those scientists who didn't have an agenda for more government grants were right when they said the earths weather patterns and temps were cyclical for as far back as could be discerned.

    What kind of people actually want to measure and control cow farts? Liberal Hysterectomies thats who.

  13. Anonymous9:51 PM

    There is something wrong with PilotX.

  14. Anonymous9:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "If you have no clue what type of damage is being done, then why are you claiming that it is science when it is not, in fact it's just the usual liberal histrionics."

    Climatology is a real science last I checked. You may wanna try that line on your conservative buddies that claim intelligent design is science. I guess using wingnut logic meteorology isn't a real science because the 5 o'clock weatherguy blew the forecast. Genius I tell ya.

    Yet you still have said absolutely nothing factual except sit and spin there pally. Climatology is science, however when "scientists lie" and degrade the experiment to further an agenda and real measurable data proves all the previous claims to be innacurate, in fact the real results were the complete opposite of the predictions made by so called scientists (ponzi/funding/liberals), I would say you are practicing a religion and are part of a cult claiming to be interested in science.

    Science is impartial, science deals completely with facts and evidence irregardless of the outcome hysterectomies like you wish.

    Now go blow up your weather balloon and see if your hot air changes the temperature at all, it just might.

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    PilotX said...
    "For now, after climate gate and every "scientific prediction" proven to either a lie or false"

    for thise who followed th e"climategate" situation it wasn't a scandal, it was scientists communicating with each other in very loose jargan. Science doesn't make "predictions", in climatology you take data and attempt to extrapolate it as best you can but sonce the atmosphere is so complex it's impossible to make any 100% accurate prediction. Hmmmmm, conservative logic, discount the science of climatology simply because the "predictions" of future events hasn't happened as the ywatched. I guess this is the same crowd that discounts evolution because they don't see monkeys changing into humans.
    See what you unleased on us Field? Hope you're happy.

    Sheez, what a bunch of lazy excuses. Science is theory based on factual experiments. You extrapolate data and say that the ice shelf will melt and it does not, your theory is unsound and discarded and another avenue is sought. If you stick to the unsound disproven theory you are a kook who belongs to a cult and not a scientist.

    No one has been able to prove any theory YET with science on global warming, yet it has been disproved as unsound and not factual innumerable times.

    Science is fact not unicorn dust smoking.

    I believe in evolution, I believe in genetics, DNA and all other related science because they are based in fact and have had theories test out with hard cold evidence. Do you? By they way ballon boy, monkeys wouldn't change into humans in your lifetime, evolution takes a bit longer than that as somone of your intellect (forcefully claimed and loudly shouted only by you) should know.

    Why don't you just jump to saying it's racist and get it over with? You already dabbled your toes in the water with your nonsensical reference to evolution and monkeys.

  16. Anonymous10:06 PM

    9:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    "For now, after climate gate and every "scientific prediction" proven to either a lie or false"

    for thise who followed th e"climategate" situation it wasn't a scandal, it was scientists communicating with each other in very loose jargan.

    Ummmm....NO. It was a scandal of monumental proportions that completely blew the lid off global warming. Scientist getting caught changing data that showed there was no warming or nothing out of the norm of earths history is not just chatting and la-la-la it's a scandal and completely discredited all those involved and once the real data was reviewed showed what a junk science your religion is.

    The cult of kool aid and gloom and doom. YOu must have bought stock in the Fannie Mae/Obama carbon credit exchange for you to be such an avid cultist.

  17. "Ummmm....NO. It was a scandal of monumental proportions that completely blew the lid off global warming."

    You should really stop watching Fox News. Seriously.

  18. "No one has been able to prove any theory YET with science on global warming,"

    Glaobal warming was elevated to a scientific theory? When did this happen?

  19. "Yet you still have said absolutely nothing factual except sit and spin there pally."

    OK anon, if you've been around a bit you should know my rule when this subject comes up and someone wants to go tit for tat with me, choose a screen name and stick with it so I know with whom I'm communicating. I've seen the hit and run tactics when I expose someone for being wrong or a dumbass, they hide behind another name or just post as anon. Wanna play?

  20. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/faqs/climfaq15.html

  21. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Hysterectomie trying to play semantics said.....

    PilotX said...
    "No one has been able to prove any theory YET with science on global warming,"

    Glaobal warming was elevated to a scientific theory? When did this happen?

    Right before it was changed to Climate change due to the utter discrediting of global warming. Or are you trying to be smart and split hairs with names and say Global Warming/Climate Change is not a science? If so I agree with you, it's a cult of kooks.

    Oh as for the name thinge? I can tell you are into climate change, you think you can make up rules just like data and false theories were created out of "hot air"

  22. Anonymous10:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Ummmm....NO. It was a scandal of monumental proportions that completely blew the lid off global warming."

    You should really stop watching Fox News. Seriously.

    My god this was sad and horribly pathetic. Are you going to start rolling out the hysterectomy liberal talking points now?

  23. "Science is theory based on factual experiments. You extrapolate data and say that the ice shelf will melt and it does not, your theory is unsound and discarded and another avenue is sought. If you stick to the unsound disproven theory you are a kook who belongs to a cult and not a scientist."

    You do realize you are misusing the term theory as it relates to science right? A theory has been proven correct by a series of peer reviewed experiments. You are referring to a hypothesis. If you are going to attempt to use basic science to prove something you have to get it right. This is the problem with conservatives, they can't even pass 6th grade science but have opinions about a complex scientific matter. Sad.

    "By they way ballon boy, monkeys wouldn't change into humans in your lifetime, evolution takes a bit longer than that as somone of your intellect (forcefully claimed and loudly shouted only by you) should know."

    You mean the same way it could take decades to see any effects of climate change? See, now you on to something. Just because the glacial ice didn't melt yesterday and all the polar bears exploded the next day after some scientist postulated the idea doesn't mean they were wrong, just using a different time frame from what most wingnuts are used to.

  24. "My god this was sad and horribly pathetic. Are you going to start rolling out the hysterectomy liberal talking points now?"

    Wanna pick a name and see whose spouting talking points? Step up man.

  25. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Who was the famous scientist "Mann" With the famous hockeystick that started the cult of climate change?

    Wasn't that Hockeystick totally and completely discredited? as a simple idiosyncratic analysis of proxy (non-thermometer) data from sources like tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, etc, because it eliminated (how nice)the well-documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP - 900-1200AD) and Little Ice Age (LIA - 1400-1800AD) -- documented by Prof. H.H. Lamb, the founding director of the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia U (CRU-EAU).

    Didnt Mann then say that the 20th century was the warmest in 1,000 years. His temperature graph, shaped like a hockeystick (on its side) immediately became the poster child of Al Gore and the IPCC, the U.N. science panel, to support their claim of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).?

    Didn't two canadian scientist's (real ones, not cultist's looking for grants) then discredit the Hockey balogna? Steven McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, found serious errors in Mann's analysis; they even showed that random data fed into Mann's algorithm would produce "hockeysticks."

    In 2010, Virginia's Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, following Virginia FATA (Fraud Against Taxpayer Act) law, issued a Civil Investigative Demand on the university for Mann's e-mails, work notes, and other documentation in view of climategate. The university, a state-supported institution, has resisted this demand, citing "academic freedom" and similar excuses. They have employed a private law firm and spent about $1 million so far.

    The truth will be out soon. Wonder why Mann is hiding the documents if it is "real science"? How much jail time could he get for creating fake/fraudulent scientific results in seeking to keep and gain more government grants? Or further the church of kookentology for climate change?

    Anyway, It's all your's pilot. Linking to sites of cult members who discount the evidence isn't going to do real science any good.

    Enjoy the cult and in my book right now you are clearly the top kook around here.

  26. Anonymous10:43 PM

    PilotX, why are you challenging an anon you couldn't possibly beat? Why do you leftists do futile things like that? You have a self-destructive pattern of thinking.

  27. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Wow, PilotX lost to anon10:40pm quickly. One would think he'd get tired of losing so much to conservatives and others who know science. At least he should have some shame about the matter.

  28. Anonymous10:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Science is theory based on factual experiments. You extrapolate data and say that the ice shelf will melt and it does not, your theory is unsound and discarded and another avenue is sought. If you stick to the unsound disproven theory you are a kook who belongs to a cult and not a scientist."

    You do realize you are misusing the term theory as it relates to science right? A theory has been proven correct by a series of peer reviewed experiments. You are referring to a hypothesis. If you are going to attempt to use basic science to prove something you have to get it right. This is the problem with conservatives, they can't even pass 6th grade science but have opinions about a complex scientific matter. Sad.

    Pilot, come on, this is embarassing. If you are going to try to back your kookiness with accusations that someone else is stupid, could you at least pretend to be able to read or ask someone next to you to interpret sentences if the meanings become overly complex for you?

    I specifically said:

    "Science is theory based on factual experiments" Science indicating proven science, such as your claim of climate change and the liberal mad rush to impliment global taxes and other idiotic nonsense in support of proven said theory. Liberal Hysterectomies wouldn't be dumb enough to actually attempt to change policy and impact global economies for unproven science now would they?

    As I said before, liberals are really stupid people who are convinced they are smarter than everyone else and while this is still a hypothesis, talking to you is turning it into a proven theory or shall we say the "science of liberals" Liberals who look up from thier delusions of intelligence to find the world isn't even looking at you, it's left you in the dust.

  29. "Glaobal warming was elevated to a scientific theory? When did this happen?

    Right before it was changed to Climate change due to the utter discrediting of global warming."

    Please show me where global warming was deemed a scientific theory. Thanks.

  30. "Glaobal warming was elevated to a scientific theory? When did this happen?

    Right before it was changed to Climate change due to the utter discrediting of global warming."

    Please show me where global warming was deemed a scientific theory. Thanks.

  31. "Wow, PilotX lost to anon10:40pm quickly. One would think he'd get tired of losing so much to conservatives and others who know science. At least he should have some shame about the matter.

    10:52 PM"

    Oh really? Maybe you should keep up with current events.

    WASHINGTON (August 30, 2010) – The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) called today’s decisions by a Virginia judge to dismiss Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s demand for documents related to research by climate scientist Michael Mann a “victory for scientific discovery.”

    Judge Paul Peatross Jr. ruled that while the Virginia attorney general could investigate state grants awarded to scientists, Cuccinelli and his staff failed to demonstrate that such an investigation was warranted in this case. “The nature of the conduct is not stated so that any reasonable person could glean what Dr. Mann did to violate the statute,” the judge wrote. “… The Court…understands the controversy regarding Dr. Mann’s work on the issue of global warming. However, it is not clear what he did that was misleading, false or fraudulent in obtaining funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. "The setback in the EPA case was even more resounding. Cuccinelli argued that the EPA was wrong to rely on outside scientists to help it conclude that human activity is leading to global warming.

    The court mocked that contention. It said building on past research “is how science works. EPA is not required to re-prove the existence of the atom every time it approaches a scientific question.”

    University of Virginia law professor Jonathan Cannon said Cuccinelli’s case against the EPA “was a long shot, clearly,” because both the law and the science were against him. But Cuccinelli fought this battle not necessarily to win, but to make a political statement.

    “There seems to be a symbolic element to some of the litigation that he’s selected,” Cannon said diplomatically.

    So far, regardless of the legal outcomes, Cuccinelli’s courtroom drives have worked for him politically. He’s the darling of the Virginia Republican conservative base."

    Seems conservatives like losers who don't understand science. Ha!

  34. Looks like Kennyboy has as much scientific understanding as your anon.

    "He suffered another setback on Tuesday when a federal appeals court in the District slapped down a legal case against the Environmental Protection Agency. Cuccinelli was a leader among plaintiffs arguing that the EPA was wrong to find that greenhouse gases contribute to climate change and threaten public health. In a sharply worded rebuff, the court said instead that the EPA’s position was “unambiguously correct.”

    Like Teddy, Cuccinelli is used to coming up short. Although he’s won battles over voter redistricting and Medicaid fraud, he’s had a remarkable number of losses on closely watched cases. Ironically, his much-publicized complaint against Obamacare didn’t even make it to the Supreme Court, because an appeals court tossed it out on grounds that he lacked standing to sue."


  35. Hacker12:02 AM

    Hey field...the carbon emmissions you have in your pic....where are they comoing from? The US? India? China?

  36. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Hacker, they are from China.

  37. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The VA AG was never seeking fraud...but to have an 'object lesson' for those 'uppity' scientists who declined to worship the same gawd as the AG.
    If the AG was seeking fraud...any number of religioskools or charter skools would have been better for an investigation.
    We might even say the for-profit kkkolleges would have been more appropriate.
    This was a SLAPP suit...designed to silence those 'uppity' folks.

    It is quite obvious that some of the posers/posters are unfamiliar with academic work. The Shorter is that the person who could prove GW/GCC was false would have an assured career. Instead we see Lord Whiffenpoof...or some Senator from BackWater...or PR flacks...but very little peer-reviewed science to counter the climatologists findings.

    As far as the emails...smart kids called you-all stoopids back in junior high. Rather than whine about your unchanged mental status...take up the challenge and earn a degree from a real college.


  38. Anonymous12:40 AM

    PilotX said...
    Looks like Kennyboy has as much scientific understanding as your anon.

    You think having a judge decide to supress documents is scientific evidence? Were you dropped on the head as a child or are you at peak intellect? Liberal Judges upholding an EPA ban even though the science has not been proven, in fact it has been disproven is science to you, not politics? Disgusting.

    "He suffered another setback on Tuesday when a federal appeals court in the District slapped down a legal case against the Environmental Protection Agency. Cuccinelli was a leader among plaintiffs arguing that the EPA was wrong to find that greenhouse gases contribute to climate change and threaten public health. In a sharply worded rebuff, the court said instead that the EPA’s position was “unambiguously correct.”

    Yes, the court doesn't allow the documents to be read (even though they leaked numbskull) and this proves to you the fraud wasn't a fraud?

    God allmighty is this what liberal science is? Suppression of fact/science and evidence? So he got cleared of the crime, but we all know about the slime.

    Liberals really are disgusting. You claim to be scientific yet applaud judges slapping down someone seeking facts and the truth all to fit your whackjob agenda. You think a judge suppressing the truth proves the science? Thats no science in my book, that's liberalism gone wild.

    Don't worry, in the next 2-3 years all of this is going to be exposed, when conservatives have the majority again they will expose all these documents and if there are no lies (HA) then great but if there are; we are coming for you Mr Hysterectomy. NO more insane agendas with a lot of rhetoric and excited womanish panicking name calling - just the facts maam, just the facts.

    I love the liberals that support your plot, Mold sounds just like you do. Completely idiotic and attempting to camouflage his stupidy with being incomprehensible. We know he isn't very bright but he can craft better sentences allthough without content and cohesiveness, better nontheless. Liberals one and all.

  39. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Oh really? Maybe you should keep up with current events

    By the way, no one is keeping up with global warming, it has been scientifically debunked and we don't care. We know it's just another idiotic scam run by the fruitcake leftists who couldnt think their way out of a paper bag if logic could be given to them in pill form.

    It's junk science for junk thinkers. That is why you qoute liberal judges supressing the truth instead of science trying to explain the corruption lies and overall shit science employed in creating the entire scam to begin with.

    So have at it, the rest of america excluding guys like you will ignore it until the latest batch of leftist crazies is gone very shortly and then will expose the real science behind the whole scam.

    Are you still having dinner with Van Jones and Al Gore next week you crazy guy you? Are you a truther as well? Science disproved that conspiracy theory as well you know?

    Damn my grass and trees are green and the sky is so clear, must be all that CO2 they are eating.

  40. Anonymous1:20 AM

    PilotX said...
    "The setback in the EPA case was even more resounding. Cuccinelli argued that the EPA was wrong to rely on outside scientists to help it conclude that human activity is leading to global warming.

    The court mocked that contention. It said building on past research “is how science works. EPA is not required to re-prove the existence of the atom every time it approaches a scientific question.”

    Comparing Atoms to proven falsified research that the EPA is relying on to impliment policies around Science that has been far from proven (more evidence on the side of being disproven) is criminal and you are a dolt if you think this is related to Pure science. It's leftism.

    This wouldn't happen to be the same "Scientific" EPA that also implimented a fine/tax for oil refiners who do not blend cellulosic ethanol into fuel, would it? You know cellulosic ethanol that was mandated to be used in 2005 but wasn't invented yet? In fact still doesnt exist. Just like global warming, some leftist moonbat thinks by dreaming up something reality will be altered and poof with enough choom the world will change.

    Global warming, must use a blend for fuel that doesn't exist, whats next are they going to mandate everyone rides unicorns to work or starve three times a week to save emissions from cars and cows?

    America is saddled with fruitcakes while China/Brazil/Russia eat our lunch. Moonbats, destroying progress for centuries with lies and nonsense.

    Imagine someone in lockstep with these mental midgets trying to claim he is intelligent and has beliefs based on scientific fact. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

    Like I said, when the nutjobs get out of key positions like the head of the EPA and several liberal judges the insanity of you and your whackjob cohorts will be exposed and you will never see another liberal regime for a century.


  41. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Good grief. D you not realze that Polar Bears are one of the besrs are BEST swimmers(BESIDES FISH),0n thE Earth?

    That Polar Bear, sitting on a floe of ice, is looking for seals, or small whales, just like they've been doing for 1,0000 years?

  42. Nanuck2:26 AM

    Sorry,....I spilled some wine into my laptop.

    BUT. You know what I mean. Polarar Bears can swim for miles, with their cubs, from floe to floe. They use them as huting platforms....hence; they have white fur.

  43. Mean Green Cleans2:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The VA AG was never seeking fraud...but to have an 'object lesson' for those 'uppity' scientists who declined to worship the same gawd as the AG.
    If the AG was seeking fraud...any number of religioskools or charter skools would have been better for an investigation.
    We might even say the for-profit kkkolleges would have been more appropriate.
    This was a SLAPP suit...designed to silence those 'uppity' folks.

    It is quite obvious that some of the posers/posters are unfamiliar with academic work. The Shorter is that the person who could prove GW/GCC was false would have an assured career. Instead we see Lord Whiffenpoof...or some Senator from BackWater...or PR flacks...but very little peer-reviewed science to counter the climatologists findings.

    As far as the emails...smart kids called you-all stoopids back in junior high. Rather than whine about your unchanged mental status...take up the challenge and earn a degree from a real college.


    12:25 AM

    Well...we know one thing, Moldy....even without your infatuation withe the "Doocey's", (never could figure that one out) , And the "Koch's"....... (let's forget Soros, huh?)

    You're just stupid, that's all.

  44. This one goes to Pilot X. Maybe the wingnut flat earther will come better prepared next time.

    Hacker, the last time I checked China was a part of the world.

    Although, who knows what kind of theory conservatives are cooking up about that one. :)

  45. Anonymous7:42 AM

    All these hotter-than-hot weapons exploding in the atmosphere and on earth day-after-day for centuries might have an effect on global warming. How much is earth supposed to take?? Trying to kill a few might succeed in killing everybody and everything!!! Mission accomplished for all!!!!

  46. Cisco Kid10:42 AM

    9mm is a whore or pussy gun. .40 JHPS are good, .45 AP.230 Gr, is better, but I'll take my .357 mag., 4 inch, with 125 gr, Federal Hydra Shoks over ALL of them.

  47. Anonymous11:23 AM

    PilotX said...
    "The setback in the EPA case was even more resounding. Cuccinelli argued that the EPA was wrong to rely on outside scientists to help it conclude that human activity is leading to global warming.

    The court mocked that contention. It said building on past research “is how science works. EPA is not required to re-prove the existence of the atom every time it approaches a scientific question.”

    And yet three other courts literally accused the EPA of "magical thinking" yep that fits.

    There have been "the world is ending" kooks like you forever. The one goal you have in mind is to control others to make up for the lack of self control.


  48. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Happy Birthday America; The greatest Nation on Earth!!!!!!!!!\

    And despite you apologists, America is Exceptionally exceptional.

  49. "Anonymous said...
    Happy Birthday America; The greatest Nation on Earth!!!!!!!!!\"

    Do you think she likes chocolate cake?

  50. HBSc1983MS19881:09 PM

    It is amusing that X is all for "science" when it supports his crackpot (short term) world view.

    But dismisses "science" when the evidence supports assertions about the vast differences between different races in g factor, forward time, impulse control, debunking of the "Out of Africa" theory, etc etc.
    Then it's not "science"

    Only a non-scientist like X could spew the garbage he's posted.

  51. HBsc1983MS19881:13 PM

    field negro said...

    "Anonymous said...
    Happy Birthday America; The greatest Nation on Earth!!!!!!!!!\"

    Do you think she likes chocolate cake?

    12:58 PM


    You of all people should know better. No chocolate today.

    Apple Pie
    Angel Food "Strawberry Sparkle" cake
    Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream
    Red, White and Blue horrendous jello desserts
    Cream Cheese cakes decorated with blueberries and strawberries

    Yep, no chocolate.

  52. Wheezy Jefferson1:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "Anonymous said...
    Happy Birthday America; The greatest Nation on Earth!!!!!!!!!\"

    Do you think she likes chocolate cake?

    She sure has bent over backwards for the past 50 years to make chocolate cake like her, and what has that accomplished? Nothing but more bitterness and hatred towards America.

    So I say fuck it, we're done. Let's make the 4th of July 2012 the true Independence Day for Black America. No more affirmative action, no more set-asides, no more Food stamps or Section 8, no more white man's money at the first of the month.

    Free at last!

  53. Juan Carbona1:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    You asked for it now Field, the wingnuts are gonna come out in force

    Thus speaks the nuttiest man in the air, Pilot X.

    Weather is not climate.

    This fact is remembered by global warming cultists during the record cool temperatures of last summer or during the record cold snaps of the previous year's winter, but somehow forgotten when the weather fits their dogma.

    It's a win-win situation for the anti-science global warming religion. There's no need for science (it's "settled") when you have faith. So go outside and shake a bone at the sun, Pilot X, it sure is fucking hot out there, and only the annointed like you can help the situation.

  54. Apple Pie
    Angel Food "Strawberry Sparkle" cake
    Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream
    Red, White and Blue horrendous jello desserts
    Cream Cheese cakes decorated with blueberries and strawberries

    Yep, no chocolate."

    Not even German chocolate?

    That's a shame. I actually like German chocolate.

    "She sure has bent over backwards for the past 50 years to make chocolate cake like her, and what has that accomplished? Nothing but more bitterness and hatred towards America"

    She forced us to like apple pie. Maybe that's why us chocolate cake lovers are bitter.

  55. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anti American Blacks are all over the twitter-verse today.

    "She forced us to like apple pie. Maybe that's why us chocolate cake lovers are bitter"

    SHE didnt FORCE you to do anything. You came here to get away from the Black Undertow and succeed in a white governed lawful nation. You should be the most thankful and patriotic of them all, but not the ingrates and entitled. You won't realize how good you had it until you lose it.

    You don't have to have chocolate cake you can always eat mud cookies or Boiled Yam Yam. But we won't, we don't want those things let alone to pay for them and you can keep them in Black Nations.

    God Bless America and God Damn Anti Americans who live and prosper in this nation yet speak nothing but ill of it.

  56. Wheezy Jefferson2:09 PM

    field negro said...
    "She forced us to like apple pie. Maybe that's why us chocolate cake lovers are bitter."

    So you are saying that multi-culturalism cannot work? Because that's what we eat here, apple pie. If you hate apple pie to your core, you are never going to be happy here.

    Are you a Black separatist? How would you accomplish this?

    Maybe you are right, maybe we should stop expecting black people to live to white cultural standards. Personally, I think a third of blacks can thrive in white society, a third can get along well enough, but the bottom third cannot handle living living in a white majority society will full freedoms.

    Would your racial solidarity trump your national solidarity? Would you rather live in a multi-racial but uni-cultural America, or in a majority black society that includes that bottom third?

  57. "Would your racial solidarity trump your national solidarity?"

    You are asking the wrong person that question.

    You might want to direct that question to some of your brothers and sisters in the majority population.

  58. "You don't have to have chocolate cake you can always eat mud cookies or Boiled Yam Yam.."

    I would prefer some nice fried fish and bammy, and a slice of toto if you don't mind.

  59. Wheezy Jefferson4:14 PM

    field negro said...
    "Would your racial solidarity trump your national solidarity?"

    You are asking the wrong person that question.

    Right, because you and a majority of blacks are black first and American second, if that.

    Most white peoeple are American first and white second, if that.

    This situation will not last much longer, one way or the other. You'd better make the right call.

  60. "This situation will not last much longer, one way or the other. You'd better make the right call."

    Or what?

  61. Anonymous4:41 PM

    About last post....

    Using a moonbat source who is known for sending his trolls to right leaning sites and have them flame their comment section than copy and repost their comments so he can do what you did-HEY LOOK ERRR HERE!!-is that what you have been reduced to fn?

  62. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Watch this and remember what it was like to have a real leader rally and inspire the best of this country. Applauding who we are and inspiring even greater heights. Celebrating accomplishments.

    Then compare to Obama the whiner, complainer, excuse maker, arrogant, angry, incompetent in Chief. Is it any wonder his idealogy makes us all sad, broke, weak, defeated. Never before have we had a leader apologize for helping the world and bow and scrape to flush Americas greatness and I say NEVER AGAIN.

    Americas greatest days are yet ahead. With or without you.


  63. Wheezy Jefferson6:12 PM

    field negro said...
    "This situation will not last much longer, one way or the other. You'd better make the right call."

    Or what?

    Or you will find what life without white people is really like.

  64. "Or you will find what life without white people is really like."

    I grew up in Jamaica.

    Trust me, it was fine.

  65. Wheezy Jefferson6:23 PM

    field negro said...
    "Or you will find what life without white people is really like."

    I grew up in Jamaica.

    Trust me, it was fine.

    American Airlines has a plane out of Philadelphia to Kingston tomorrow at 12:55.

  66. Anonymous2:04 AM

    "Anti American Blacks are all over the twitter-verse today."

    Gee, makes one wonder what 'merica did to her negroes to make them so angry at her. Maybe I'll go crack a history book.


  67. Anonymous2:13 AM

    What is this so-called "white society Wheezy keeps talking about? Did she say that she was an 'merican first? By that logic there is no white society here only 'merican society. Blah people are just as 'merican so there is also a blah 'merican society. 'merica is a melting pot of many different cultures or do you not notice this?

    BTW, I love how your ignorant anons say I've bought into global warming when I clearly stated in previous posts that the matter requires more investigation. You need new trolls Field, some that are at least literate I gave up hope of them understanding science but at least they should be able to read.

