Thursday, August 16, 2012

Suppressing the "negroidal" vote.

"There are some stories that are so racist that you don’t actually get angry you’re actually kindof shocked that people are that creative. Like the Trayvon Martin shooting gallery, or the All White Basketball League. I mean who has time to come up with so many different ways to not like black people? Apparently DeWitt R. Thomas has found a new religious way to express those beliefs.

In a story that actually makes me chuckle at his audacity Thomas is suing Keith Langston owner of the Two Rivers Grocery & Market in Big Sandy Texas for letting a black man touch his groceries. Literally. DeWitt in his handwritten court statement admits that when he was paying for his groceries a black bag boy began to put his purchases away and he said:

“Wait a minute, don’t touch my groceries. I can’t have someone negroidal touch my food. It’s against my creed.”

I agree with the author, Jason Johnson; that word "negroidal" is classic. That must be one of those secret phrases that only certain folks know about.

I actually like this DeWitt guy; he reminds me of some of the folks who comment on this blog or who you see at republican gatherings. He is as American as apple pie. It takes all kinds to make up this big pot we are all melting in. (Literally this summer.)

Anyway, from the looks of ole DeWitt, I am sure that the young brother is relieved that he doesn't want him bagging his groceries anymore. Bagging groceries for my man must be an all day job.

Good luck with your lawsuit, DeWitt, and if you need to raise some money just get a website. It worked well for George Zimmerman. [Story]

Finally, while the republicans keep doing whatever is necessary to hold on to power, they continue to ignore the impact their shenanigans will have on people like Viviette Applewhite.

"Viviette Applewhite fears she'll never be able to vote again. But the 93-year-old isn't giving up.

The lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, with Applewhite as the lead plaintiff, could be headed to the state Supreme Court. "If I live to see it, I'm going to be there," she said.

Applewhite, who testified July 25, said she was surprised by Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson Jr.'s ruling. "He was really listening and paying attention," she said. "I really thought he was not going to pass it."
Simpson, in his decision, said he was moved by the witnesses' testimony but concluded that the plaintiffs did not establish that "disenfranchisement was immediate or inevitable."

Applewhite, who said she had missed only one election since she was 21, said she saw strong political and racial motivations for the voter ID law, and believed it would have dire consequences in the coming presidential election.

"They did it for one reason: to replace Obama," she said. "Now, too many black people can't vote, he will be out."

"I'm praying I won't be here, but I probably will be," she said, noting that her uncle recently died at 106 and her aunt is 104.

Applewhite, who proudly recalls marching with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., views voting as the only way to control her own destiny and the crux of personal liberty....

Applewhite's ID problem is complicated. Several years ago, her pocketbook, containing all of her important documents, was stolen.

After she tried for years to get a new birth certificate, lawyers helped her obtain one in May. But she hasn't been able to replace her Social Security card because it uses the name Applewhite while her birth certificate lists her father's surname, Brooks.

Even if Applewhite gets a new Social Security card by November, she will also need to show two proofs of residency. She has one - the lease agreement for her apartment. But the utility bills are in her daughter's name, and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation officials have rejected all of the other documents she has bearing her name and address - welfare statements, voter registration cards, bank files, Medicare paperwork, a letter from the mayor, and a birthday card from President Obama.

Applewhite doesn't have a single document with her photo on it. "I'm stuck, you see. They really got me over a barrel" [Source]

Yes they do Ms. Viviette, and that is exactly how they wanted it.

But that's just how republicans roll in "post-racial America." Welcome to the new Jim Crow. It's a lot more subtle, but just as effective.

Don't you wish that everyone was as open with their racism in America as DeWitt R. Thomas?




  1. Folks like Mr. Negroidal will be helped out in the future and possibly by folks that look like us. Check out what students are learning in Louisiana on the tax payer dime in Bobby Jindal's privatized schools I mean besides learning humans and dinosaurs lived together

    "The KKK was A-OK: "[The Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross. Klan targets were bootleggers, wife-beaters, and immoral movies. In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians."—United States History for Christian Schools, 3rd ed., Bob Jones University Press, 2001"

    The GOP will be the party of choice as they dumbdown our students. No wonder they want vouchers so they can rewrite history and science so Palin or Bachmann can actually be viable national candidates. Scary huh?

  2. Trig Palin6:50 PM

    "Applewhite's ID problem is complicated. Several years ago, her pocketbook, containing all of her important documents, was stolen."

    Ah, the perils of living around black people. Turn your back for a minute and...damn!

    Oh what oh what will Mrs. Applewhite do? Won't someone with a brain come to her aid?

    You would think that the combined powers of negroidal America would be able to navigate the process of helping this old lady get herself an ID. Maybe Neil DeGrasse Tyson is smart enough. I'll bet Oprah would pay to fly him to Pennsylvania and cover all the Kinko's charges needed to apply to the state.

    Come on Black America, you CAN do this!

  3. Leave Dan Berstein alone! Anti-chicago bigotry will not be tolerated!

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Field, I going to quit reading your shit because it is damn depressing. I'm going to bed after my two glasses of wine.

    WTF? Now we are told some Whites don't want black grocers touching their groceries? Damn. Like I keep saying again and again:

    "It's depressing to be Black in America."

    My question to you is WHY won't you admit the truth and do a blow-out post about how depressed Negroes are due to inhospitable people like DeWitt and that sorry ass judge in your home state that's trying to keep black citizens from voting? I swear. The GOP is going to be the death of America.

    Field, with all this anti-Negroidal crap going on- the entire black race HAS GOT to be depressed. Need I remind you that depression could lead to suicide, murder or both? Does ObamaCare cover depression?

    Let's not talk about which way our depression might manifest, but you and I know it ain't going to be good. Why? Because we're Black, that's why.... You just can't predict which way Blacks are going to react but if our depression busts loose, you can be sure it WILL bust the wrong way. Why? cause we're Black, that's why.

    Speaking of going the 'wrong' way, did you ever get that Jamaican visa for me? Hurry the fuck up! I want to be out of here before the shit hits the fan.

    depressed Negro

  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I think I would be in no position to mistreat anyone if I had...what is that...a chin that touches his chest? A column of fat where a neck ought to be? Dear me! I think the racism is a way for De Witt to cope with the effects of his(obviously self-induced) low self-esteem.

  6. Anon.@7:36pm, doesn't racism and low self -esteem kind of go hand in hand?

    Depressed Negro, you better stop bringing the rest of these Negroes down. There is a lot not to be depressed about in America.

    Now rent some old Shaft movies and think of the good old days.

    PilotX, that story was a joke, right?

  7. Klanny McKlanson8:06 PM

    Everything PilotX writes is a joke.

  8. C'mon ya'll Yawdies are always on SOMETHING right?

  9. That story must be from The Onion. The Klan? *shaking head*

  10. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I don't know, I look at that guy and I see he belongs on your side of the Aisle, he looks like Barney Frank, just ready to destroy the economy with a housing bubble while blowing some bubbles. Any conservative would call that guy a liberal and kick him in the ass pushing him on his way. Would a black due that to another black talking about whites?

    As for poor elma may applebottom, Nice tug job, but completely false. Brings out two issues that you are communicating:

    1)Not sure I get the gist of your article. Are you trying to say Blacks shouldn't be subjected to voter ID laws because as a race they are all equivalent to a 93 year old feeble antiquated old women who need help turning on the TV let alone navigating the complex world of simply obtaining an ID?

    OK I get it now she is representative of the capabilities of blacks and not just some poor old lady who normally anyone at that age would be helpless in todays regulated technological world and simply need someone to help her.

    I help my grandma, I don't ask the country to change it's laws and risk voter fraud, especially when I know everyone be doin it. Isn't there one Black leader, Lawyer from one of the 3 or four liberal organizations that are using her in the lawsuit that could help her get her stolen documents replaced?

    Now the real truth:

    Applewhite... has a thick wad of identification cards, including from Medicare and her bank and a voter registration card. She has a city transit pass with her photo, but it is not deemed acceptable under the law. After many inquiries, she obtained a copy of her birth certificate through the mail. But she was then told she had a problem because her name on the birth certificate did not match her married name on her other ID cards however!!!!!.

    "NO ONE legally entitled to vote will be denied the right to do so. If you do not have a photo ID, or are indigent and unable to obtain one without payment of a fee, you may cast a provisional ballot, and will have six days to provide your photo ID and/or an affirmation to your county elections office to have your ballot count. If you have a religious objection to being photographed you can still vote by presenting a valid without-photo driver’s license or a valid without-photo ID card issued by PennDOT."

    See those magic legal words there?

  11. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Field, "Depressed Negro, you better stop bringing the rest of these Negroes down. There is a lot not to be depressed about in America."

    I'MMM bringing these Negroes down?
    Have you read your posts lately? They aren't exactly a lake of joy. Add in some of the biggest racists on the planet to the comment section and you have demons and pure hell.

    Am I suppose to feel good and joyful about posts Like--"'Suppressing' the Negroidal Vote" and "Get out those "chains" in PA? I don't think so. You even mentioned that Obama has probably lost the race in November. I went back to bed after reading that.

    BTW, your Killadelphia meter is low...that ought to wipe out everybody's depression.

  12. "I help my grandma, I don't ask the country to change it's laws and risk voter fraud.."

    Is your "grandma" in the klan, too?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "Am I suppose to feel good and joyful about posts Like--"'Suppressing' the Negroidal Vote" and "Get out those "chains" in PA? I don't think so. You even mentioned that Obama has probably lost the race in November. I went back to bed after reading that."

    Didn't I tell you to rent Shaft?

  15. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Oh and Viviette has been dealing with this issue since when? ACLU and the NAACP contacted her in January of this year to use her as the poster woman for the lawsuit. None of those high powered lawyers on the team could help the poor woman simply nagivate the easy to do world of replacing stolen documents for a married woman with a different last name? None?

    Another liberal farce set up to continue hiding illegal activities that liberals love to engage in at the expense of the rest of America and electoral integrity.

  16. Anonymous9:31 PM

    field negro said...
    "I help my grandma, I don't ask the country to change it's laws and risk voter fraud.."

    Is your "grandma" in the klan, too?

    Naw, she left the demonrat party when she matured and found out how twisted them Moonbats really are , around 20 or so.

    Anyways, how you been? Everything good? Are you still meeting that guy in the bath house in Downtown Philly? :)

  17. Oh THAT story.

  18. Anonymous9:35 PM

    anon said, "I don't know, I look at that guy and I see he belongs on your side of the Aisle, he looks like Barney Frank, just ready to destroy the economy with a housing bubble while blowing some bubbles."

    Oh no. He is definitely on your side. His looks are commonplace among conservatives. You Conservatives eat too much and consequently have a lot of trouble over food.

    To mention Barney Frank and that fat Conservative sloppy pig in the same sentence is gay-bashing. Barney is married and looks NOTHING like that schmuck. You folks are going to have a lot to explain to St Peter and GOD B4 they send your asses to hell.

  19. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Field, "Didn't I tell you to rent Shaft?"

    Ok...I rented Shaft and I'm starting to feel strangely better. I'm still in bed though.

  20. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Oh no. He is definitely on your . His looks are commonplace among conservatives. You Conservatives eat too much and consequently have a lot of trouble over food. "

    I thought conservatives were just interested in their abs and looking like mean lean crazy white men like Paul Ryan - Are you trying to say Michael Moore isn't a handwringing lisping effiminate liberal?

    "To mention Barney Frank and that fat Conservative sloppy pig in the same sentence is gay-bashing. Barney is married and looks NOTHING like that schmuck. You folks are going to have a lot to explain to St Peter and GOD B4 they send your asses to hell."

    bWaney Fwank thanks you from the bottom of his bottom. St Peter and God are looking forward to talking to you about your support of Daffy Duck Fwank and his ass pirate plundering, they say bottoms up wasn't part of God's plan and they even tried to tell you this with so many diseases caused by shit on your junk, but you just wont lissen.

  21. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, "Didn't I tell you to rent Shaft?"

    Ok...I rented Shaft and I'm starting to feel strangely better. I'm still in bed though.

    Shaft - Wasn't he a Black Private Dick?

  22. Anonymous10:42 PM

    We should all help our brothers, but someone else has to pay for it.

    A few days ago I received a call from a man I recently met named George. He was a bit flustered, and soon informed me that his young son was sick with a chest condition. He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills. Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”

    Actually, George has a real life brother who just happens to be the president of the United States. (George Obama is the youngest of eight children sired by Barack Obama Sr.) George’s brother is a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, George’s brother has framed his re-election campaign around the “fair share” theme that we owe obligations to those who are less fortunate.

    One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.

    So much for spreading the wealth around.

    Obama’s refusal to help George is especially surprising because George doesn’t just live in American-style poverty but rather in Third World poverty. He lives in a shanty in the Huruma slum in Nairobi. He gets by on a few dollars a month. Obama also has an aunt named Hawa Auma, his father’s sister, who ekes out a living selling coal on the streets of a small village in Kenya. She says she would like to have her teeth fixed, but she cannot afford it. Obama hasn’t offered to help her either.

    What’s going on here? Why is President Obama so hesitant to help family members in need?

    A couple of years ago, George teamed up with a British journalist Damien Lewis and the two of them published George’s story in a book called “Homeland.” Yet according to Lewis, shortly before the book’s publication in America, the publisher Simon & Schuster decided to shred the entire print run, more than 20,000 copies. Lewis tried unsuccessfully to get an explanation from Simon & Schuster but to no avail. He now suspects that the White House convinced Simon & Schuster that George’s story might prove embarrassing to the president.

  23. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Maybe I'm missing it but could you please post links to the voting requirements for your state. We've known repubs attempt to suppress the vote for years.
    If in the last 100 days people are so confused then, as a lawyer I think you have a duty to post information so the community has no excuses for not knowing the rules of the game.
    Really, would it hurt to devote a sidebar to Heppin' a Brotha Vote?
    Let's show folks we care more about our rights then Sarah's soundbites.
    Let's model for the young, how to get the job done
    Let's demonstrate practicality
    In order to save democracy
    (sorry for the rhyming, it's just bad timing....)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Field said....

    "Anyway, from the looks of ole DeWitt, I am sure that the young brother is relieved that he doesn't want him bagging his groceries anymore. Bagging groceries for my man must be an all day job."

    I'm pretty sure that the sweaty food-blister with no muscle tone is the owner of the store and the cock-asian on the racist diet plan is the tweaker in the wife-beater on the upper right.

  26. Y U So Dim11:36 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Field said....

    "Anyway, from the looks of ole DeWitt, I am sure that the young brother is relieved that he doesn't want him bagging his groceries anymore. Bagging groceries for my man must be an all day job."

    I'm pretty sure that the sweaty food-blister with no muscle tone is the owner of the store and the cock-asian

    Whitey, if only you weren't on a fruit salad diet I could agree with you on this.

    Do you see "cock" in everything? Sounds like a sickness. So White men are just walking "cock asians to you" ? Spend a lot of time eating chinese food I bet.

  27. Negrodamus11:42 PM

    You can just feel something has shifted in this election in the past few days. The Ryan pick began it, and the Obama campaign's recent stumbles have amplified it. The stuff about dumping Biden due to his inability to shut his mouth was bad for the dems. Lots of Hillary supporters had their hopes quickly raised and then dashed as the White House said they were sticking with Slow Joe.

    Yes, a real sense of panic is starting to take hold among the democrats. Watch for the first rats to start jumping ship any day now.

  28. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "Don't you wish that everyone was as open with their racism in America as DeWitt R. Thomas? "

    Field, after watching Shaft I no longer have depression and things really look different to me in the world. For example, I used to dread reading FN posts on a daily basis but I couldn't stop. But now I 'want' to read FN because it makes me smile.

    DeWitt? the man is not a racist. He is just confused about his religion. He lives in Texas and they don't think too clearly down there anyway. It must be the sun. I say leave DeWitt alone and let him get his groceries bagged the way he wants them bagged. The man used a very 'respectful' word to describe us. In fact, I am proposing that we push for that word the next time it is time to change our label again.

    Shaft is now my hero. thanks Field..besides being a good lawyer, you make a good therapist too.

    (no longer) depressed Negro

  29. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Shaft is now my hero. thanks Field..besides being a good lawyer, you make a good therapist too.

    What did they call these old cheesy movies - Blackploitation

  30. There u go depressed Negro. I will have another movie for u later on. :)

  31. Anonymous8:11 AM

    brilliant contrast, Field. makes the grocery racist seem downright friendly.


    did you change the posting rigamarole? what a pain.

  32. Anonymous9:46 AM


    When shit hits the fan, white AmeriKlans will act like they never saw it coming.1

  33. Ha! Effeminate liberals. Nah, it's just liberals are openminded enough to accept people for who they are and they feel comfortable enough to be out in the open while conservatives..........let's just say Marcus Bachmann and Lindsay Grahm have some soul searching to do. Ha!

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM said...

    When shit hits the fan, white AmeriKlans will act like they never saw it coming.1

    How long have you been a Black Pampress?

    What are you talking about? Your hate for yourself has made you so jealous of everyone else that you think the hate you feel is for them when it is really self loathing. When what shit hits what fan?

    Shit is soft and disgusting and is nothing but decaying waste that gets kicked away very easily.

  35. Anonymous10:37 AM

    PilotX said...
    Ha! Effeminate liberals. Nah, it's just liberals are openminded enough to accept people for who they are and they feel comfortable enough to be out in the open while conservatives..........let's just say Marcus Bachmann and Lindsay Grahm have some soul searching to do. Ha!

    LOL. Sure liberals accept people for who they are and promote tolerance except for anyone who has different opinions and ideologies or makes up too large of a group that reminds you of your outcast/freak status.

    And I bet you believe in equality of opportunity, except where affirmative action is needed to produce outcomes that you want.

    If you are gay and/or metrosexual you don't need to make excuses for being woman like. I could care less that you get facials in a couple of ways. But don't demand that I see you as a strong heterosexual male. I will see you as the man you are or woman you are trying to be.

    To each his own, but liberals can't live that way their neurosis demands approval in order to justify their depravity.

    Sorry, it's not allright. Live with it, you chose it.

  36. Wow, sounds like conservatives are more comfortable in their closets. To each his own.

  37. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Dear Mr Field, in an effort to do my part as a good energy saving Obama citizen, I sold my Mercedes and bought a Volkswagen.

    Never have I had so much trouble with a car! Plus all that talk about everyone doing their part for CHANGE turns out to be bullshit(when Obama was first elected).

    In all the excitement of a brother being elected President I naively turned my comfortable Mercedes in for a rough riding no good Volkswagen in order to support the President.

    As it has turned out the President has been all mouth, and furthermore, has proved that he could give a shit less about Blacks.

    I don't know why YOU, PilotX and Farley continue to support Obama. Why do you do that?

  38. Anonymous11:23 AM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, sounds like conservatives are more comfortable in their closets. To each his own.

    Gotta love the smallness of the gay liberal mind. Right, you like Penis so therefore anyone who does not, must be lying and a closet Queer.

    Yup as I previously said.
    To each his own, but liberals can't live that way - their neurosis demands approval in order to justify their depravity.

    I should have added or assume that everyone else is also depraved but hiding it. Why do you say this? Because then it twists reality in your mind, making your public depravity courageous instead of what it simply is - depravity an aberration that an extremely small portion of the Human race is afflicted with. One that has no biological value whatsover excluding the transmittal of disease.

  39. pterosonus11:33 AM

    If I was a cretinoid like DeWitt I wouldn't want a negroid to touch my food either. Maybe we could pass a law that says all food must be touched by a negroid prior to sale. Maybe then he could shed some of that morbid obersity he's carrying around.

  40. If some people are unable to stand trial because of insanity, there should be people who are not allowed to file a lawsuit because of insanity. I think, DeTWITT…I mean, DeWitt is definitely suffering from some sort of psychosis. I mean this is 2012 is it not?

  41. Kingnut12:08 PM

    There is no end to the absurd lawsuits that are filed in this country.

    If the loser had to pay the legal costs of the person he sued, you'd see a lot of these ridiculous cases go away.

  42. UPDATE! I am pleased to announce that the state of Pistolvania issued a temporary ID card to Ms. Applewhite yesterday.

    She had tried many times before with no such luck. Do u think?? Nooooooo.

    BTW, under the new law, she still didn't have the proper documents, but they made an exception in her case. Do u think? Noooooo........

  43. Oh my! Those Negroes again. Wait....

    Never mind.

  44. Gabriel Minigro12:44 PM

    Well, she was able to pretend she couldn't get an ID for 6 months, but eventually had to take one.

    That settles that. Now everyone has an ID.

  45. Fraudulicious12:47 PM

    Field negro said...
    UPDATE! I am pleased to announce that the state of Pistolvania issued a temporary ID card to Ms. Applewhite yesterday.

    She had tried many times before with no such luck. Do u think?? Nooooooo.

    BTW, under the new law, she still didn't have the proper documents, but they made an exception in her case. Do u think? Noooooo........

    Under the new law she did.

    "The Pennsylvania law grants discretionary powers to Department of Transportation clerks, who are permitted to take the age of the applicant into consideration."

    HAHA still a voting fraud defender.
    Field the reason she got the ID was because she hopped on the bus on her own and DID NOT CONSULT the ACLU and NAACP vote fraud defenders. They are pissed because now they look bad and need to find a new poster child for voting fraud.

    "Except… the day after a judge refused to issue a temporary injunction against the voter ID law, Applewhite hopped on a bus, went to the PennDOT center, and got herself an ID card. She apparently did this without consulting the vote-fraud defenders that have been using her as a prop in their legal battles. Now they’ll need a fire hose to clean the egg from their faces."

    The clerk carefully looked over her paperwork, decided it was good enough, and issued her voter ID card. A delighted Applewhite rode the bus home with her pocketbook open in her lap, gazing fondly at her new ID card, while telling fellow passengers she was “happy as a clam.” When she got home, she gushed to a neighbor, “I didn’t fight for nothing. I fought and got my rights.” She wasn’t trying to shred the duly enacted laws of the state, as part of some huge political drama. She just wanted her voter ID.

    "But the Inquirer sent a reporter along with Applewhite, and this observer “saw no sign that the clerk recognized her or realized she was a major figure in the battle over the law.”

  46. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Shit. Now even OWS is occupying Obamaland. What gives?

  47. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Affirmative Action is a bitch. Now we have four star generals Using taxpayer funds as personal piggy banks.

    It's almost like the U.S is becoming one big banana republic.

    Thank god we don't have a dicatator who bypasses the congress and the constitution to impliment the ideals of the minority...oh can't say God.

  48. Anon@12:47pm, I am selling this wonderful antique bell here in Philly. It has a slight crack on the side, but would u like to buy it? You sound like u will give me a fair offer.

  49. Fact: the people in that office knew Ms. Applewhite, and they saw her coming. But nice try. :)

  50. Major Fail1:25 PM

    Nice try convincing people the voter ID law was racist. Too bad that didn't work out.

  51. I love it! When a woman or person of color messes up or abuses their office it's affirmative action but when a white male does it what is the excuse then? SOP? Ha!

  52. Major Fail(love your handle, I am sure it fits) I wish I could say "was", but unfortunately it IS racist.

  53. PilotX, they call that entitlement action. :)

  54. "I wish I could say "was", but unfortunately it IS racist."

    Good luck trying to convince this to a group that thinks it's ok to shorten voting hours in some areas while extending them in others. Oh yeah, conservatives are all about fairness.

  55. General Incompetence1:40 PM

    field negro said...
    Major Fail(love your handle, I am sure it fits) I wish I could say "was", but unfortunately it IS racist.

    Well, if negros can't figure out how to get free ID's, then life must be racist.

  56. Colonel O'Truth1:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I wish I could say "was", but unfortunately it IS racist."

    Good luck trying to convince this to a group that thinks it's ok to shorten voting hours in some areas while extending them in others. Oh yeah, conservatives are all about fairness.

    The only places I ever hear about polling hours being extended are in heavily minority, inner city districts. Happens every time in St. Louis and Cleveland.

  57. "The only places I ever hear about polling hours being extended are in heavily minority, inner city districts. Happens every time in St. Louis and Cleveland."

    Maybe if you get information from sources other than Faux News and Drudge you'd be better informed. Ah, who am I kidding?

  58. Anonymous1:50 PM

    field negro said...
    Major Fail(love your handle, I am sure it fits) I wish I could say "was", but unfortunately it IS racist.

    Really? Why? What makes this impact Black people and NO ONE ELSE? Do poor old Chinese, white, korean, German, Lithuanian women have this issue as well? You misrepresented the law numerous times, but now that we know there are ample provisions for any possible eventuality - how is it racist? The only thing this law does is make sure it's one vote per voter who is legally entitled to vote. It is not having multiple voting benefits a disaparaging effect on Blacks?

    Now that you used up the case in Philly that was a flagship what next?

    "field negro said...
    PilotX, they call that entitlement action. :)"

    You know it, as soon as she took action and actually got on the bus to get her ID and ignored ACLU and the NAACP, she got what she was entitled too. You know ACLU and NAACP didn't know about it or they would have NEVER given her a ride in their escalades that they bought fleecing Negroes with nonsense.

    "field negro said...
    Fact: the people in that office knew Ms. Applewhite, and they saw her coming. But nice try. :)"

    And you are basing your facts on what? Unicorn dust or you wish it were wish it might? Kudos on your attempt as well. Mine was based on an eye witness and the fact she took a bus ride over 30 minutes to get there. They didn't know her, there was no ACLU/NAACP involved this isn't some teeny town.

    Just cause you want it to be a fact, does not make it so. You still miss how this has been high news since the beginning of this year and none of the jackals helped the woman, but they used her until she said the hell with it and went to get it herself.

    Just like the witness in the Texas case, the poor 18 year old girl could not get that free ID -- because her parents were busy and could not take her - but they were able to depose her and fly her in to testify - It's a joke and we all know it. Why else would any group defend voter fraud? Because they practice it.

  59. Anonymous1:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    I love it! When a woman or person of color messes up or abuses their office it's affirmative action but when a white male does it what is the excuse then? SOP? Ha!

    Look up his history, he never would have made General due to his intellectual capacity if he weren't black. So what other four star generals have used us funds as travel banks, lavish hotel stays, expensive food, cars, mistresses? Oh, wait let me rephrase that, what other United States Generals, not African Generals.


  61. If you live in Butler or Warren counties in the Republican-leaning suburbs of Cincinnati, you can vote for president beginning in October by going to a polling place in the evening or on weekends. Republican officials in those counties want to make it convenient for their residents to vote early and avoid long lines on Election Day.

    But, if you live in Cincinnati, you’re out of luck. Republicans on the county election board are planning to end early voting in the city promptly at 5 p.m., and ban it completely on weekends, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer. The convenience, in other words, will not be extended to the city’s working people.

    The sleazy politics behind the disparity is obvious. Hamilton County, which contains Cincinnati, is largely Democratic and voted solidly for Barack Obama in 2008. So did the other urban areas of Cleveland, Columbus and Akron, where Republicans, with the assistance of the Ohio secretary of state, Jon Husted, have already eliminated the extended hours for early voting.

    From the NYT.

  62. Yep, every white male 4 start general is/was a genius. Ha! Self delusion is a good thing huh? Just like white supremecy.

  63. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Maybe if you get information from sources other than Faux News and Drudge you'd be better informed. Ah, who am I kidding?

    Yourself if you aren't smart enough to realize just how skewed the MSM media is. They live in your head they own you, they laugh at your gullibility and stupidity.
    The only viewers they have left are you and people like you, that is why they have the lowest ratings in history. It's all manipulated bullshit.

    Did you see anything about the Family research council shooting? Abc was the only network to run a story every other one Ignored it, because they don't want anyone to know the specifics.

    They like you mushrooms, they feed you shit and keep you in the dark. While those of us with an open mind question everything and everyone.

  64. Anonymous2:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    Yep, every white male 4 start general is/was a genius. Ha! Self delusion is a good thing huh? Just like white supremecy.

    Now, Now you are doing a liberal and going off point. He was not a genius, look him up. The second point to your argument was that you were going to provide examples of other 4 star generals in the United States who acted like a African Warlord and spent lavish funds for them and their family.

    Stay on point, don't obsfuscate. It will develop you.

  65. Anonymous2:13 PM

    PilotX said...

    I read that, that definitely does not seem right. They updated it and said same hours and times across the state now but I wonder why/who/how those rules were made up. I don't buy off the bat the simplistic charge of "racism" that more often than not turns out to be false, although if it is it is unnaceptable.

    Wasn't it also in Ohio that the DOJ was suing on behalf of Obama to shorten the length of time given for Absentee ballots for the military from 3 days to something less...that sure looked like he did not want the military to have time to vote as has happened last election.

  66. General Incompetence2:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    Yep, every white male 4 start general is/was a genius

    It doesn't take a genius to get a free ID.

  67. I love the myth of the "working class" conservative. Paul Ryan grew up a son of privilege as did Rawmoney. He didn't grow up on a farm in Janesville like he tries to pretend. The GOP loves their myths. No wonder they have to suppress votes because these guys don't represent the majority of us. A rich Mormon and a rich kid from Wisconsin can't represent the majority of us. No way.


  68. PilotX said...
    Warring with God
    By James Carroll, 10/21/2003

    "I KNEW that my God was bigger than his," Lieutenant General William G. Boykin said of his Muslim opponent. "I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." That and other remarks derogatory of Islam caused a stir last week, especially because the general holds a key position in the war on terrorism. Awkward memories surfaced of President Bush's inadvertent use of the term "crusade" to define that war, and fears broke into the open that the war was, despite disclaimers, a religious war after all."

    This guy sounds like a winner. The conservative mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  69. Shaving Ryan's Privates2:30 PM

    Obama's entire life story isn't a myth?

    Jesus, you are clueless.

  70. I guess I was just shocked two wealthy white males were named to the GOP ticket. It'll take a while for me to get over this shocking development. Here I thought they were serious about Herman Cain and Condi Rice. Now I'm depressed.

  71. Another white guy2:38 PM

    More subtle? This voter suppression law looks overtly discriminatory to me.

    If the state mandates photo identification to cast a ballot, the state should be required to contact all registered voters and offer verification of identity and a photo ID at the state's expense.

    If voting was compulsory, the Republican party would cease to exist in it's present form. They are using tactics like voter suppression in a desperate attempt to retain relevance.

  72. Anonymous2:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    Warring with God
    By James Carroll, 10/21/2003

    "I KNEW that my God was bigger than his," Lieutenant General William G. Boykin said of his Muslim opponent. "I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." That and other remarks derogatory of Islam caused a stir last week, especially because the general holds a key position in the war on terrorism. Awkward memories surfaced of President Bush's inadvertent use of the term "crusade" to define that war, and fears broke into the open that the war was, despite disclaimers, a religious war after all."

    This guy sounds like a winner. The conservative mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Great now we have the leftist aligning with Islam again in another method to deflect. The thing that you and Islam have in common is you both hate America and what it stands for. You are the enemy within. When Ironically and I mean this with emphasis, Islam considers you sub-human and even more sub-human for your sexual choice. They have harsh penalties for homosexuals and women who step out of line.

    In fact here you go, in the faith you like and defend against Americans, if you mention christianity they will behead you.
    Liberals always pick the winners don't they. Just one of dozens of atrocities committed each day. When we see those atrocities and then have someone like you attack us in defense of Islam, what do you think happens?

  73. Chairman Soetoro2:42 PM

    Special X:
    "A rich Mormon and a rich kid from Wisconsin can't represent the majority of us. No way."

    But the son of a rich Kenyan drunk and a 17 year old girl named Stanley, who was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii and never stepped foot on the continental US until he was 18, who was given a top dollar private high school education and had his Ivy League college paid for by mysterious means, who never had a job in the private sector, who became a millionaire based on sales of a largely ficticious 'autobiography' written by a convicted terrorist (Bill Ayers) and who demonstrates an open anitpathy towards traditional America can?

  74. Anonymous2:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    I love the myth of the "working class" conservative. Paul Ryan grew up a son of privilege as did Rawmoney. He didn't grow up on a farm in Janesville like he tries to pretend. The GOP loves their myths. No wonder they have to suppress votes because these guys don't represent the majority of us. A rich Mormon and a rich kid from Wisconsin can't represent the majority of us. No way.

    See how you guys do it, you say lie, lie, lie, say what something is not, then don't proceed to say why you claim it's a lie or what it really is.

    Ryans father died when he was 15, they were broke, he took his dads SS benefits and then he used his privilege to say I will not be a leech on society and went and studied his ass off and got scholarship, worked to pay for school. So if having a brain and using it is a privilege that some have and others don't, I don't know what to say to make you feel better.

  75. Anonymous2:54 PM

    PilotX said...
    I guess I was just shocked two wealthy white males were named to the GOP ticket. It'll take a while for me to get over this shocking development. Here I thought they were serious about Herman Cain and Condi Rice. Now I'm depressed.

    Would you want someone who didnt have the intelligence to make a living and become wealthy in the U.S leading the rest of us? Thats why you hated Cain remember, he wasn't poor and spoke the truth and made it out of the hood by work and brains so he was a threat to the democratic keep them bruthas on the plantation theme so to you he was a Tom and you guys had to kill his chances.

    You should stop hating those wealthy White males and see what they did that made them wealthy, try and emulate it and become wealthy yourself. Then teach this to kids you know, then who knows you might even cause it to spread.

  76. Anonymous3:00 PM

    General Incompetence said...
    PilotX said...
    Yep, every white male 4 start general is/was a genius

    It doesn't take a genius to get a free ID.

    Apparantly the ACLU and NAACP thinks it does for Black people.

    But what do I know, maybe it really is hard to go to a place and fill out a form and show paperwork - I forget I did it when I was an itty bitty lad. I mean I had to go to the library and fill out a whole one page form and show my drivers license to register to vote. There are a whole lot of challenges with that scenario for some, I understand.

  77. Romney donated his entire inheritence from his father to charity.

  78. Do You Support Voter ID Now?3:05 PM

    Hey Pilot, Speaking of Ohio and Voter ID and Voter Fraud:

    17th Aug 2012 at 09:42 | By Jesse Hathaway

    Voters First Canvasser Arrested for Submitting Fraudulent Petitions

    A former Ohio University student paid to canvass for Voters First Ohio petition signatures was arrested August 14 by the Cincinnati Police Department. Timothy Noel Zureick was booked on 22 counts of signing false signatures and one count of election falsification, both fifth-degree felonies.

    Timothy Zureick

    As reported by the Athens News, Zureick, age 21, was arrested for crimes allegedly committed while working in Athens for Working America, a campaign arm of the AFL-CIO in Washington, DC. Zureick’s August 14 arrest is the first known prosecution to stem from the numerous allegations of fraud during the union-driven Voters First campaign.

    According to authorities, on or around June 12 Zureick forged the signatures of a number of prominent Athens County Democratic Party figures. Athens County Board of Elections employees who had not signed Voters First petitions alerted the county prosecutor’s office after finding their signatures on petitions Zureick submitted.

    The White Collar Crimes unit of the Athens County Prosecutor’s Office investigated the case and found that Zureick was living in Cincinnati. Zureick, who has two addresses in Cincinnati, was located by authorities at his father’s residence thanks to assistance from a neighbor.

    Zureick reportedly attempted to hide from the officers serving a warrant for his arrest.

    “His father first denied he was at the home,” Athens County Prosecutor Keller Blackburn told Athens News reporter Jim Phillips. However, Zureick’s car parked outside and movement detected inside the home led police to suspect otherwise.

    Officers were able to persuade Zureick’s father to cooperate and to escort his son into police custody.

    Shannon Welch, the president of the Ohio University College Democrats, released a statement on August 16 asserting that Zureick ended his affiliation with the club in 2010. According to Zureick’s Facebook account, he regularly attended Ohio University College Democrats parties as recently as March 31 of this year.

    Blackburn, who is a member of the Athens County Democratic Party, informed the Athens News he will seek a conviction for Zureick.

    “It’s a very serious matter, even though it is a first offense,” Blackburn said. He described intentional tampering with the ballot process as an offense “against our democracy as a whole.”

    Voters First canvassers were caught on tape breaking election laws earlier this summer, and the group initially failed to submit enough signatures to place their referendum on the November 2012 ballot. Nearly 45 percent of the first batch of signatures submitted by Voters First were ruled invalid by election officials.

    According to sources, the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections is pursuing a separate investigation involving fraudulent signatures submitted by Voters First petition circulators.

  79. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Heres the link to the AFL-CIO Union goon democrat just arrested for voter fraud and election falsification.

    Good thing we have law abiding citizens with sense to catch all these banana republic promoters.

    It's going to be a tough year for democrats, a lot of people are watching for the lawbreakers this year.

  80. Captain America3:42 PM

    The whole corrupt, divisive, thieving liberal democrat apparatus is starting to fall apart. This election will be the end for the race hustlers and communists.

    God Bless America.

  81. Whiskey3:50 PM

    Black culture’s fatal flaw: toxic levels of self-esteem mixed with manifest incompetence and lack of any driving fear of failure or doubt.

  82. negroidal hemorrhoidal5:01 PM

    A few headlines from the Drudge Report:

    MSNBC Host: Romney Engaging In 'Niggerization' Of President...

    MAHER: Obama plays golf like he's 'white,' fights like he's 'black'...

    Democrats' nerves start to show...

  83. A non asked:

    "Do you see "cock" in everything?"

    Well, not everywhere, but definitely among the a-nons when I come to FN comments.

  84. negroid caught in trapezoid5:17 PM

    As a resident of NY City -- Brooklyn -- I drop by convenience stores, delis and local shops every day.

    Remarkably, other than Jamaican food joints, barbers serving black customers and hair-care places for black women, there are almost no stores run by blacks.

    No convenience stores, no delis. It's truly remarkable.

  85. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non asked:

    "Do you see "cock" in everything?"

    Well, not everywhere, but definitely among the a-nons when I come to FN comments.

    Well here is a nice big Comment for you. I'd make it long, but you are apparantly busy "coming to FN comments".

    Tell us when you "come to FN comments" is it only Field Negros comments that make know. Or do the anons do it for you as well?

    You sick little wascal you.

  86. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non asked:

    "Do you see "cock" in everything?"

    No but he sees everybodies cock in him.

  87. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Field, "UPDATE! I am pleased to announce that the state of Pistolvania issued a temporary ID card to Ms. Applewhite yesterday."

    Now see? All you Negroes criticizing the state of Pistovania and the GOP was wrong. The GOP DOES care about voters.

    Field, YOU owe the Repubs a sincere and humble apology. Be a man, i.e. a bm, and apologize. Set an example and be a role model for millions of Blacks.

  88. "Ryans father died when he was 15, they were broke, he took his dads SS benefits..."

    Stop right there! So why is he trying to take others benefits away?

    "As a resident of NY City -- Brooklyn -- I drop by convenience stores, delis and local shops every day.

    Remarkably, other than Jamaican food joints, barbers serving black customers and hair-care places for black women, there are almost no stores run by blacks."

    Sounds like they are all running their own businesses. Maybe you can do the same or get a job instead of walking around the neighborhood all day.

    I have a few Jamaican friends in the NY area with their own businesses; let me know if you need a job. I will put in a good word for you, even if you are an ignorant racist. Because that's just the kind of guy I am.

  89. Wow a nons, you've brought a simmering homoeroticism to the comments thread that I thought only existed at military schools pentecostal bible camps and catholic seminaries. Congratulations.

  90. Peter Peckerwood7:37 PM

    field negro said...
    "Ryans father died when he was 15, they were broke, he took his dads SS benefits..."

    Stop right there! So why is he trying to take others benefits away?


    He is not.

    Feel better? You should be smart enough to see through the demagoguing of this issue by the democrats.

  91. Um Field, you wanna run down the difference between VOTER FRAUD and VOTER registration FRAUD again? Seems some of our slower (conservative) posters don't seem to grasp the concept. They usually struggle with somple concepts. they must have gone to Bobby Jindal's private schools. Ha! You're a good resource because unlike our white friends you've actually been to a post graduate school and it wasn't in Louisiana.

  92. Mickey Mouse8:33 PM

    Tell me Pilot X, why would someone commit voter registraiton fraud if not to commit vote fraud?
