Tuesday, September 25, 2012

FOX blows the news and the replacements blow a call.

You have got to love the folks over at FOX NEWS. Their very own expert on voter fraud debunked their meme that voter fraud is rampant in America. And the gig is up about their reporting on climate change. Sadly for them it turns out that their coverage was 93% wrong on the subject.

Still, I am sure that their followers are hanging in there with them, (although judging from the latest prime time ratings that too might pass) so unfortunately the "ignorance quotient" will continue to rise in America.

Consider the following:

"In a video posted online Tuesday, supporters of Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown are seen at a rally doing tomahawk chops and war whoops in an apparent attempt to mock Democrat Elizabeth Warren, Brown's opponent in a closely watched Senate race.

In the video, posted to YouTube by the BlueMassGroup2012 account, Brown supporters confront Warren backers at a rally near Eire Pub in Boston on Saturday, according to the video's caption. The Brown supporters laugh as they mimic Native American war cries and do the tomahawk chop in the face of Warren's crowd." [Source]
Nice. Let's just go ahead and throw in the Native Americans with the rest of the other groups who have been mocked and marginalize in the GOP's America.

Speaking of being mocked and marginalized. How would you like to be one of these replacement referees working in the NFL these days? Man talk about a rough couple of weeks. The entire country is up in arms over the blown call in the Seahawks -Packers game last night. (A brother was right there, got the call right, and then he allowed "Mr. Charlie" to overrule him.*shaking head*) If only Americans cared this much about their politics.

Anyway, I feel for you Packers fans. It has to be tough to lose a game on a blown call. Especially in the NFL where every game counts. Now there is tweeting, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. Still, we can rest assured that come 1:00 on Sunday the usual suspects will be right in front of the television cheering on their favorite team. My bookie friends in South Philly can relax. We all know that America's number one sport will not miss a beat.


  1. NSangoma9:49 PM


    This b*tch just got put on blast!

    Like many of her fellow Repubs, Mia is opposed to “anchor babies” (a racist way to say “immigrants having children in order to stay in the country”). Turns out, Mia was an “anchor baby” herself…and the Mormon follower just got her azz fact checked after her RNC speech spit all that talk.


    The Haitian-American House candidate has embraced harsh immigration policies, but she once described herself as her "family's ticket to America."



  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    It was always about rooting for "the team". Who cares about Facts, Truth or Honesty...when one can cheer on the glorious bush Legacy...or the Alzheimer Antics of st reagan...or the removal of US citizens from voting rolls.

    While it does make no difference to the Mom's basement dwelling wingnut welfare recipient to have any knowledge or education...it does matter when our elected officials are so benighted.

    Odd how using scab labour is less effective, efficient, safe, and more costly than union.


  3. Anonymous1:13 AM

    In the video, posted to YouTube by the BlueMassGroup2012 account, Brown supporters confront Warren backers at a rally near Eire Pub in Boston on Saturday, according to the video's caption. The Brown supporters laugh as they mimic Native American war cries and do the tomahawk chop in the face of Warren's crowd." [Source]

    Nice. Let's just go ahead and throw in the Native Americans with the rest of the other groups who have been mocked and marginalize in the GOP's America.

    Liberals are most definitely retarded. Warren lies and says she is an Native American, Native Americans have been following her around and demanding she meet with them as they have genealogy mapped and know who is and isn't' and she is blowing them off. She is a fraud, she is a white gal who claimed native American blood to get affirmative action. She got it now is disrespecting real native Americans.

    Now you are going to say Fox is having ratings issues? Yet you don't even peek at MSNBC, CNN and ABC all who have I would day say retarded liberal viewers only and it shows.

    You can't be serious with all this twisting - have you no soul? For no one could possibly be this stupid and still be able to hit the bowl in the morning.

  4. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Field, this post of yours lacks punch. It won't get many comments from your readers.

    Have you gone Negro lazy? Snap out of it! You are depressing me with a big dose of boredom. However, let say that I think Warren is great, and I hope she wins. We'll see.

  5. Brother Field...maybe they could not stand seeing the Brother getting it right on the football field. The "white hat" hadto protect the status of the non-Black ref. By the way the "Lil Bro" Little Russell beat the best quarterback of all times. So far,**to me**, he looks like a hybrid QB. Brother Field, this is one Brother that know you have been grinding for years....you can't hit a homerun everyday. By the way our pro team starts season tonight. Virginia Destroyers goes to Los Vegas tonight. Only four teams in league this year,,,need more. Excellant ball with guys having been in NFL,guys trying to be seen and young post college players.StillaPanther2

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    you lie just like your boy bongo who is history.

  7. Liberalism is One Big Escape From Reality9:01 AM

    Field Said On Fox News

    "Judging from the latest prime time ratings...Still, I am sure that their followers are hanging in there with them, (although judging from the latest prime time ratings that too might pass) so unfortunately the "ignorance quotient" will continue to rise in"

    Field - Now you are playing the poll game that liberals and the MSM media play. Lie/twist numbers and count on no one actually looking. The latest prime time ratings? May 27 2011!!! How is FOX news ratings going down when you linked to May 27 2011 as a day Maddow Beat a "Hannity Special" and even then she never came close to beating the special with total ratings, just one age group.

    Whats the idea? Make believe as you do with Obama that MSNBC actually has more than a handful of fringe viewers that it does?

    whats the latest rating Monday sept 24th? Doesnt' look like any show on any channel beats any show on FOX anytime including primetime.

    FNC 2,312
    CNN 573
    MSNBC 1,356
    CNBC 124
    FBN 52


    Also on Yahoo News; not sure which propaganda outfit they are getting news from now. But just because they say the coverage was wrong, only indicates they are carrying more of the water for liberals. In fact just yesterday Yahoo News also had a story on how Obama was leading Romney in voters under several categories; you ready for these lies? They said NASCAR, the Military and Catholics;

    Really. The Shark broke his neck looking up at the Obama MSM campaign. - Obama leads in NASCAR the Military and among Catholics (the majority of this country) HA. You guys are losing horribly to have to spin such obvious lies and everyone knows it.

    Next thing you know you will somehow spin that Romney doesn't have the middle class vote by 55-41 in even the old liberal rags (much more in reality)

    Has the MSM gotten so bad and lazy they can't even lie convincingly anymore?

  8. Anonymous9:24 AM

    September 26, 2012

    BOMBSHELL: OBAMA’S POSSIBLE TIES TO ARAB WORLD DEEPENS: A reporter for a paper called the Daily Interlake, Frank Miele, recently discovered a 1979 op-ed by Vernon Jarrett (the father-in-law to Obama Senior Advisor, confidant, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett) in the St. Petersburg (FL) Evening Independent. Miele reports the column addressed:

    “rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions.” The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, “It’s not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states.”

    Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.”

    A-Mansour is a black nationalist, Muslim, and a lawyer to Saudi princes who has publicly professed his hatred of the U.S. In a television interview in 2008, Percy Sutton (a prominent black political leader and former Manhattan borough president) told a reporter that Sutton was introduced to Obama by al-Mansour, who “was raising money for him [Obama]” and asked Sutton to write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School. Sutton wrote the letter in support of Obama, and the rest is history.

    So let’s get this straight: Our President may have deep ties (personal and financial) not only to black nationalist extremists, but also wealthy Arabs who publicly floated the idea of financing, among other projects, the top-flight education of young black Americans who might (hopefully) one day share their hatred of America?

  9. Chief WhoGAF?9:40 AM

    Them Injuns must be on the warpath of this terrible travesty.

    Ummmmm....where are they now, or have blacks taken over the "outraged status" for all minorities?

    Maybe they should rename RGIII's team the Washington Zulus. (Hey, it would be more fitting)

    I'll bet that would bring a chuckle into many teepees.

  10. The conserves are freaking out about B's lead in every poll. I'm concerned about their mental health if the B man wins. I thought wm's heads were gonna explode when he first won but I guess they went to their conservo world denial mode instinctively but even that may not be enough the second time around.
    Funny, even Scott Walker's ass is seeing the value of union workers. Ha!

  11. Your trolls are interesting. Today's meme, which is more than likely false, is that B has ties to militant blah Muslim Arab nationalists. Damn, I was just getting used to the idea he didn't care about us blah now he's actively trying to overthrow white America. And they wonder why he has to run from blah people to have a prayer at winning.

  12. Barack's plans are working. The price of bacon is going up. No more swine for the white devils.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson10:20 AM

    Well, he doesn't have to run far to get your vote, Pile Of Xcretions.....I mean, with your mouth being so clamped around his balls & pecker.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    PilotX said...

    The conserves are freaking out about B's lead in every poll. I'm concerned about their mental health if the B man wins. I thought wm's heads were gonna explode when he first won but I guess they went to their conservo world denial mode instinctively but even that may not be enough the second time around.
    Funny, even Scott Walker's ass is seeing the value of union workers. Ha!

    As always, when you expose the lies of moonbats they call it freaking out. Nah - quite calmly looking at the travesty that is called liberalism. I don't know id it's always been like this but it is astounding how liberals will sink to any depths, having no logic or rationale. If they didn't have stupid, they wouldn't have any party at all.

    But you have to explain to me how someones ass can like anything? I know your ass likes meat puppets but other than that I don't get it.

    Maybe I need a crazy liberal queer to explain it to me.

  15. I'm sure your mouth has visited Mitten's magic underwear.

  16. The conservative homoeroticism is on full display today. Must be today's theme.

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    PilotX said...

    I'm sure your mouth has visited Mitten's magic underwear.

    Mommy - Pile It Be cursin agin

    More crazy liberal talk - why would someones mouth visit someones magic underwear? do you suck on your male friends tighty whiteys? Liberals are sick - sick I tell ya.

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Pile It X The Meat Puppet Master said...

    The conservative homoeroticism is on full display today. Must be today's theme.

    So tell us, how does it feel to be in the party who thinks it is a compliment when someone says it sucks to be you?

  19. The conservative mind at work. No wonder these fools thought Palin would make a good VP.

  20. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "Funny, even Scott Walker's ass is seeing the value of union workers. Ha!"

    So is all of Eu. In fact they are way ahead of us on the socialistic experiment. It's working just like it always has each and every time in history. Coming soon to a country near you.

    Spain Recoils, as Its Hungry Forage Trash Bins for a Next Meal


    Greek workers begin general strike

    Anti-austerity walkout called by unions expected to ground flights, disrupt local transport and shut public service offices


  21. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    The conservative mind at work. No wonder these fools thought Palin would make a good VP.

    And you think Biden makes a good VP. Of course you do, same intelligence level.

    Well, I can top that, you think OBAMA is good enough to get re-elected after literally hiding from his job and trashing the entire country.

  22. Tarzan11:56 AM

    Funny. This was all you cur dogs could yap about the other day:

    "Libyan president to NBC: Anti-Islam film had 'nothing to do with' US Consulate attack"


    Now, where's that decrepit old wench Granny? Probably fell in the bathroom trying to get her rubber panties on.

  23. Wow, the smell of desperation is in the air.
    BTW, where do I sign up for that Arab money?
    Why didn't I get this memo?

  24. Fred Ziffel1:04 PM

    Arab money? What do you need Arab money for, field?

    Sign-up for some of that Pigford money! Just tell them you had a mold growing in your toilet at one time.


    Hell, everybody else, except white males, are gonna get a piece of that action!

  25. No Arab money Field, just more white male paranoia. These fools are still waiting for Obama's new blah panthers to take their guns and make them slaves.

  26. Anonymous1:35 PM

    field negro said...

    Wow, the smell of desperation is in the air.
    BTW, where do I sign up for that Arab money?
    Why didn't I get this memo?

    YOu didnt' partner up with Tony Rezko or other familiar mob bosses who introduced you to the Iranian/Arab who put obama through college. It's all on record.

    PilotX said...

    No Arab money Field, just more white male paranoia. These fools are still waiting for Obama's new blah panthers to take their guns and make them slaves.

    Oh boy, talk about simpleton. There is a huge difference between being disgusted at the rule of law being broken and ridiculously low IQ groups like the Black Pampers practicing racism/hatred and breaking the law and actually thinking they could do something. The combined IQ and martial capability of the pampers is laughable and nothing to sniff at, unless of course you are a lone male getting jumped by a half dozen of them without an extra clip.


    You are the paranoid one who walks around thinking anyone conservative is out to enslave you and take away your jar of vaseline. Not interested, we just want you to smear on someone else.

  27. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Household Incomes Fall In Aug., Off 8.2% Under Obama


    Hilarious: Obama Lowers Debate Expectations ‘Because of the Demands of His Office’


    The President will have a little bit of time to review and practice before the debates, but he has had to balance the management of world events, governing, time out campaigning and will have less time than we anticipated to sharpen and cut down his tendency to give long, substantive answers,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told ABC News.

    In other words; even with MSM liberal hacks defining the debate questions they have to at least throw a few things in about the economy, how bad health care costs are, inflation, unemployment, stagflation, foreign policy failures, increase in entitlements...god I can go on this guy is a wreck.

  28. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Negro Culture:

    Parents: Mother and some other guy not the kids father
    Rap Club
    Cops breaking up a fight
    Find someone else with Ski Mask
    and a Gun
    Causes cops to look in back of cars
    Finds someones kids sleeping on the floor in the back of car
    Mother and step-dad in club partying.

    So much fun wherever there are a flock of Negroes.

    HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A mother and father are facing child endangerment charges and a local rapper is under arrest after a wild night at a Washington area nightclub.


  29. They Call Me Barry2:26 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Negro Culture:

    Parents: Mother and some other guy not the kids father
    Rap Club
    Cops breaking up a fight
    Find someone else with Ski Mask
    and a Gun
    Causes cops to look in back of cars
    Finds someones kids sleeping on the floor in the back of car
    Mother and step-dad in club partying.

    So much fun wherever there are a flock of Negroes.

    HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A mother and father are facing child endangerment charges and a local rapper is under arrest after a wild night at a Washington area nightclub.


    2:11 PM"

    And, one day, field will probably have one of those kid's pictures over on his sidebar, and be asking, "why doesn't anyone give a rat's ass what became of young Jamaal, the honor roll student who used to help little old ladies across the street, while collection 40 oz cans to make recycling money, to give to the soup kitchen just a few feet from the church he attended, when he wasn't bagging groceries at the Korean-owned market on the other side of his church?. Why, oh why?"

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The Truth shall set the radicals free:

    In a televised interview in 2008 on New York's all news cable channel, NY1, 88-year-old Percy Sutton, a former borough president of Manhattan and a credible mayoral candidate in 1977, made some interesting revelations about his links to the young Obama.

    Sutton told NY1 reporter Dominic Carter on the show "Inside City Hall": "I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him." He asked Sutton to write a letter in support of Obama's application to Harvard Law School.

    "The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas," Sutton said. "He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama."

    For those interested Al-Mansour is Donald Warden. A typical Black man who converted to being a Muslim and changed his name.

    Sutton recalled that al-Mansour said that "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?" Sutton did.
    mp3Subscribe to the IBD Editorials Podcast

    According to Newsmax columnist Kenneth Timmerman, "At the time, Percy Sutton, a former lawyer for Malcolm X and a former business partner of al-Mansour, says he (al-Mansour) was raising money for Obama's graduate school education, al-Mansour was representing top members of the Saudi Royal family seeking to do business and exert influence in the United States."


  31. Still can't accept that a blah man is in the WH. Maybe a second term will help.

  32. White culture:

    Parents doing meth.
    6th grade education.
    Pickup truck on blocks.
    Redneck olympics.
    Cheap beer.
    So superior to us blahs.

  33. Anonymous3:15 PM

    PilotX said...

    Still can't accept that a blah man is in the WH. Maybe a second term will help.

    Of course we can accept it we put him in there. You can't accept that another half black man failed horribly. So make it all about skin color instead of him, don't you realize when you make it about skin color you are saying Blacks can't succeed, it's not the person it's the race.


  34. Anonymous3:18 PM

    PilotX said...

    White culture:

    Parents doing meth.
    6th grade education.
    Pickup truck on blocks.
    Redneck olympics.
    Cheap beer.
    So superior to us blahs.

    The article came from real life. Yours?

    OK lets play a game called reality;

    First Question:

    What is the HS graduation rate of Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Whites?

    Which group is lowest on the totem pole of achievement? Why?

    Who has the most discipline problems? Why?

    What does science say about genetics/mental acuity/abilities?

    Once these hurdles have been overcome then we can move on.

  35. Anonymous3:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    Still can't accept that a blah man is in the WH. Maybe a second term will help.

    I am open; what will he help and what will he do? Back up your lipperish bullshit. What will Obama do if elected to a second term?

  36. Let's see, an anonymous white troll who maybe finished high school, probably lives in his mom's trailer with his uncle daddy says it is genetically superior to blah people. Yep, I'm convinced. Anyone else?

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson3:58 PM

    To be a "Pilot", you sure as hell don't fly too much. Unless, you fly for Mambo Airlines, and they let you post comments on FN's blog while you're "flying".

  38. Seems you're pretty good at flipping burgers and trolling there Johnson. I see you fancy yourself a military man. Ha! Go mop the restroom er I mean swab thje deck matie. Ha!

  39. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Let's see, an anonymous white troll who maybe finished high school, probably lives in his mom's trailer with his uncle daddy says it is genetically superior to blah people. Yep, I'm convinced. Anyone else?

    Ahhh, Poor Pile it the meat puppetee. Setting up his own fantasies again. It's OK we all need to find a way to cope so we won't judge you, we understand.

    You just pulled an Obama, don't answer the hard questions and talk shit. Yup that's why you like him. Like 2 queens in footsie pajamas you guys are.

  40. Anonymous4:47 PM

    PilotX said...

    Let's see, an anonymous white troll who maybe finished high school, probably lives in his mom's trailer with his uncle daddy says it is genetically superior to blah people. Yep, I'm convinced. Anyone else?

    Whats worse Pile it? A small amount of of white trash who just might fit the category you lay out; and live by you no doubt. Or an entire culture/race that the majority of kids don't know their father or are being raised by single moms who dump kids off on grandmom and have many stepdaddies along the way? Which one is worse, one is caused by trashiness and lack of intelligence, skills, laziness - whats causes the other bucket?

  41. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...

    Still can't accept that a blah man is in the WH. Maybe a second term will help.

    I am open; what will he help and what will he do? Back up your lipperish bullshit. What will Obama do if elected to a second term?

    We are waiting or are you a TN all mouth and no balls. Just talk shit and run that mouth fueled by an empty head.

  42. You know the rule anon. No name no response from the X man.

  43. You can almsot smell their panic.

  44. See we have the monster truck rally crowd today.

  45. What kind of culture is this?


    I think he chopped her up and spread her body parts all over the highway. :(

    I bet he was a Mitt supporter.

    They can get really gangsta at times.

  46. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    What kind of culture is this?


    I think he chopped her up and spread her body parts all over the highway. :(

    I bet he was a Mitt supporter.

    They can get really gangsta at times.

    Sick puppies. If 75% of college professors start chopping up their wives, then you better rethink that liberal academia. I doubt he was a Mitt supporter. Couldn't take responsibility for his wife leaving so he hurt her, that's something a liberal would do.

  47. Anonymous5:32 PM

    PilotX said...

    See we have the monster truck rally crowd today.

    Haven't you heard? According to Yahoo news Nascar and Monster truck people overwhelmingly support Obama. You gotta gets your shit together the lies and fantasies are starting to run together like puddles of urine.

  48. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Cricket fact said...

    You can almsot smell their panic.

    It's your upper lip.

  49. Now stop that Field, you know all white folks are smart law abiding people who always smell good. How dare you.

  50. See we have the methhead crowd today. One tooth between the lot.

  51. I am sorry PilotX, I didn't even notice that he was white. Please apologize to "Mr. Charlie" for me.:)

  52. As long as you admit your wrongdoing. Let that be the last time you criticize the superior race.

  53. Gumbalaya6:27 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    See we have the methhead crowd today. One tooth between the lot.

    Oh noes Pilot likes Gumby errr...Gumbo....can we put in our grills?...oh wait wrong culture. Well now that you bring up dentistry. Why are there only 5.1% black dentists and a very high drop out rate from dentistry school?

    While we are at it, why do Blacks wear baseball caps to the side with really big bills that show off their small heads and leave the tags on?

  54. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    As long as you admit your wrongdoing. Let that be the last time you criticize the superior race.

    That's right and don't you ever forget Spanish people are the best and we are taking over from you - get to the back of the line.

  55. I did not know that statistic about dentists. Maybe more blah people should go into dentistry because they can make a lot of money in the trailer parks with all the tooth loss due to lack of care and meth. Good idea.

  56. Anonymous6:38 PM

    PilotX said...

    I did not know that statistic about dentists. Maybe more blah people should go into dentistry because they can make a lot of money in the trailer parks with all the tooth loss due to lack of care and meth. Good idea.

    If they can pass the tests and become good at it. Maybe they can change the requirements like they did with firefighters and cops and the military and schools and fuck everything............

    Those methheads are something aren't they. Why do the meth chicks all wind up going with black guys? Things that make you go hmmmmm........especially the fat nasty ugly ones - them fellas likes them some blubber white castoffs.

    Do blacks surround trailer parks to live or do trailer parks pop up in black neighborhoods? Why do they always come together?

  57. Must be lunchtime at the meth clinic.

  58. Anonymous6:57 PM


    Re the story you were fed about that fake Pocahontas.

    The National Chief of the Cherokee nation wants an apology from Scott Brown...Oh NO wait...he wants it from the fake Elizabeth Warren.
    Pathetic Dem's bad behavior, lies and then try and become victims when people call out the lies.


  59. This is getting better. A high school dropout suggesting blah people can't finish dental school. Well, there are several blah dentists doing well while scooter serves fries. Irony is a bitch.

  60. NSangoma10:09 PM


    La - a; pronounced Lah dash ah, because the dash don't be silent.


    MOVE; pronounced MOVIE, because ...



  61. BARBBF9:34 AM



    Voter Fraud is Real: Why the Voting Rights Act Should Be Used to Fight Election Fraud

    by Horace Cooper

    Election fraud in America is no laughing matter. Florida election officials have discovered that the state's voter polls have 53,000 dead voters still registered to vote.1 That's a whole city of dead voters still "eligible" to vote – more than the entire population of Pensacola, Florida!

    Unfortunately, in some U.S. cities voter fraud has been so common and so pervasive for so long that it's more likely to be a punch line than a felony.

    In Chicago, for example, when a couple announces the birth of a new baby boy, their friends are all-too-likely to joke: "Is he registered to vote? …Twice?"

    Then there's that infamous old adage: "Vote early and vote often" – a funny but revealing quip widely attributed to the Chicago gangster Al Capone, a man who epitomized political corruption, and boasted an illegal empire built on graft and intimidation.

    And by now, of course, it is practically axiomatic that Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago's Democratic political machine stole the 1960 presidential election for JFK.

    It's safe to say that when it comes to elections, Chicago has a reputation, a history, or, if we're honest about it – a problem.

    Voter scams and scandals are notorious in Chicago and across much of Illinois, including outdated voter registrations being voted by precinct captains; fake registrations with made-up names; "ghost" voting by the dearly departed; elderly voters having their ballots cast by care-workers; and ineligible felons and illegal aliens casting illegal ballots. And Chicago's problem isn't just distant history.

  62. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I come here every couple months just to see if this blog has grown in relevance. All I see is a bunch of racist trolls that you welcome with open arms.

    By the way, no one was deeper in bed with the Saudis on a personal and financial level than the Bush clan. Remember, Prez. Bush quietly ushered the Bin Ladens who were in the US during 9-11 safely out of the country.
