Saturday, September 15, 2012

Angry mobs, and the GOP finds a star.

"Them belly full but we hungry
A hungry mob is a angry mob' ~Bob Marley~

These protests and riots in the Middle East aren't about a film. Those people you see foaming at the mouth in the streets were looking for a reason to protest and riot against the “great Satan”. It doesn’t matter if Barack Hussein Obama was the president or their own brother; their hatred for the West runs deep.

Here in America Obama’s political opponents (who might be the only people on earth who hate him  more than those mobs in the Middle East) are pointing fingers and blaming him for an Arab world filled with rage and hatred. “Leading from behind”, not enough "resolve and clarity of purpose.” Those are all nice republican talking points -which were first trotted out by Reagan in the eighties- but  words mean nothing. They are just words. Talking points to win an election.  The truth is that the hungry and angry mobs we see in the streets of these countries would be doing the same thing regardless of who occupied the White House. And, I hate to break it to Mitt, but short of bombing them off of the face of the earth there is nothing that he will be able to do if he is elected president. In fact, with his phony bravado and tough talk he might just make it worse.

Anyway it was republicans who declared that Obama wasn’t doing enough to let  freedom ring in the Middle East. It was republicans who said that Obama should be doing more to arm the rebels in Egypt and Libya. And it was republicans who declared that the "Arab Spring" was taking place in spite of president Obama, not because of him. Well, how do you like that” Arab spring” now? All it took was one crack pot to think that he was Oliver Stone and all hell broke loose. (No pun intended)
The irony is, of course,  that one of the reasons that the Arab world is so mad at Obama is because he has been so tough on terrorist. It’s as if he had to show Americans that just because he had a Muslim sounding name and complexion he wasn’t going to ease up on those Arabs. He has been droning them down from day one. One by one he has been taking out terrorist leaders, and he nabbed the big fish when his predecessor couldn't do it. He won't get credit from the right, and some on the left don't like how he has been doing it, but he has been able to keep the homeland safe, and the folks in the Middle East have been, for the most part, quiet. That has changed. 

Angry Arabs are burning embassies and KFC restaurants. It will be interesting to see the end result of this uprising. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and the region won't go to hell in a hand basket. Hey maybe the protesters are just hungry.     

Finally, right wing Christians held their "Values Voter Summit" in Washington this week.  And sharing the stage with the republican Vice Presidential candidate was a gentleman by the name of Kamal Saleem. Mr. Saleem's presence was like a gift from God for the faithful. The timing, given all that is going on in the Middle East, couldn't have been better.  But wait....

"In a surreal performance, Kamal Saleem took the stage at the conservative Value Voters Summit Friday in Washington and described a life working as a jihadist for a who’s who of Muslim dictators on a mission to destroy America, Israel, and anyone else he disagreed with.
The crowd, virtually entirely right wing and Christian, went wild with applause.

Saleem has been a regular in evangelical circles for the last several years telling his story about how he was a violent terrorist who renounced his wicked ways for Christ.
“How do you change a terrorist? Introduce him to Jesus!” he said in a theatrical Friday speech delivered with a thick, unplaceable accent.
And what a terrorist he was. Saleem said that as a child he “dreamed about killing Jews and Christians” after being told by his mother in Lebanon that it was his sacred duty. From there, he claims, he went on to recruit new talent for the Muslim Brotherhood, study how to properly immigrate to Western countries and infiltrate them with jihadist propaganda, smuggle explosives for PLO leader Yasser Arafat, and run a Libyan terrorist training camp for Muammar Gaddafi — all before reaching adulthood.

“I started working for whoever paid the best to advance Islamism.” he said, pacing back and forth onstage. “Saddam Hussein pays better money than anybody else. He was very generous.”
If Saleem’s story sounds unbelievable it’s because there’s little sign any of it ever happened. News investigations into his past haven’t turned up any corroborating evidence of his terrorist resume, but they’ve found plenty of former colleagues and acquaintances who doubt the veracity of Saleem’s autobiographical details.

For one, Mother Jones reports Saleem, real name Khodor Shami, spent over a decade before his “ex-terrorist” act as a staffer at Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and James Dobson’s Focus on the Family. And despite Saleem’s claims that the FBI relies on him for insight into jihadist thinking, they claim they’ve never heard of him. A 2008 expose by CNN’s Anderson Cooper found similar holes in his story, which paralleled other equally dubious figures making their living off the “ex-terrorist” talk circuit. "  [Source]

Whoops. Oh well, even a fake former terrorist will do the job for these Christian soldiers.
In their fight for America's soul they need all the encouragement that they can get.
Of course, the current terrorist in the White House is who these Christian soldiers really want to go.

"If there was one dominant theme at this year’s Values Voter Summit, the right-wing confab organized by the Family Research Council, it was that President Obama is endangering the United States by coddling radical Islamists. “[W]hat we’re watching develop before our eyes today are the direct consequences of this administration’s policy of apology and appeasement across the globe,” Michele Bachmann said of the attacks on American embassies and consulates in the Middle East.

Last year, you might remember, some American counterterrorism trainers were found to be using material so virulently anti-Muslim that senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins wrote an outraged letter to the Department of Homeland Security. Bachmann described the resulting changes in counterterrorism curricula this way: “That’s enforced Islamic speech codes here in the United States, and all done with the help of our president and secretary of state.” [Source]

Where are those drones when you really need them?





  1. Meanwhile, the U.S. military is dealing with terrorists of another kind:

    "White supremacists, neo-Nazis and skinhead groups encourage followers to enlist in the Army and Marine Corps to acquire the skills to overthrow what some call the ZOG - the Zionist Occupation Government. Get in, get trained and get out to brace for the coming race war.

    If this scenario seems like fantasy or bluster, civil rights organizations take it as deadly serious, especially given recent events. Former U.S. Army soldier Wade Page opened fire with a 9mm handgun at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Aug. 5, murdering six people and critically wounding three before killing himself during a shootout with police.

    The U.S. Defense Department as well has stepped up efforts to purge violent racists from its ranks, earning praise from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has tracked and exposed hate groups since the 1970s.

    Page, who was 40, was well known in the white supremacist music scene. In the early 2000s he told academic researcher Pete Simi that he became a neo-Nazi after joining the military in 1992. Fred Lucas, who served with him, said Page openly espoused his racist views until 1998, when he was demoted from sergeant to specialist, dis ch arged and barred from re-enlistment.

    While at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, Page told Simi , he made the acquaintance of James Burmeister, a skinhead paratrooper who in 1995 killed a black Fayetteville couple in a racially motivated shooting. Burmeister was sentenced to life in prison and died in 2007.

    No one knows how many white supremacists have served since then. A 2008 report commissioned by the Justice Department found half of all right-wing extremists in the United States had military experience."

  2. "These protests and riots in the Middle East aren't about a film."

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, negro! That's not what the President says! Get with the program homes! As I said yesterday:

    The reason why there is unrest is because of the is not in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be be reprehensible and disgusting...This is in response to the film...The cause of the unrest was a video...These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region...This is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.

  3. Ellis8:29 PM

    "the irony is, of course, that one of the reasons that the Arab world is so mad at Obama is because he has been so tough on terrorist. It’s as if he had to show Americans that just because he had a Muslim sounding name and complexion he wasn’t going to ease up on those Arabs. He has been droning them down from day one. One by one he has been taking out terrorist leaders, and he nabbed the big fish when his predecessor couldn't do it."

    Getting bin Laden was the culmination of years of work on initiatives built by the Bush administration. Obama continued every one of Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, policies you criticized then but cheer now. Iraq was ended on the Bush timetable; Obama tried to change it but was held to the original schedule by the Iraqis.

  4. Cherbourg8:34 PM

    Republicans did not support overthrowing Mubarek and although a few supported removing Ghaddafi, no congressional authorization was ever given for the military operation that put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge.

    Turning over North Africa to a radical islamist organization is all on Obama. Like Jimmy Carter with Iran, it is he who will have to face the judgment of history.

  5. Pedro8:42 PM

    "Where are those drones when you really need them?"

    Why bother with drones? Let's just make You Tube videos depicting the seemier aspects of Mohammed's life, drop leaflets with cartoons of Mohammed having sex with pigs, and flush a few Korans down the toilet - they'll riot themselves back to the stone age.

  6. Getting bin Laden was the culmination of years of work on initiatives built by the Bush administration. Obama continued every one of Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, policies you criticized then but cheer now. Iraq was ended on the Bush timetable; Obama tried to change it but was held to the original schedule by the Iraqis.

    If nabbing bin Laden was a genuine priority of the Bush administration, you'd figure they would do everything in their power to get to him before the next guy's administration did. That didn't happen. Even Bush himself wasn't all that concerned about going after bin Laden:

  7. Ellis9:57 PM

    "you'd figure they would do everything in their power to get to him before the next guy's administration did."

    Honestly, do you think that if Bush (somehow) had continued in a third term or if McCain had won the election that this mission would have concluded differently?

    And if Bush was less interested in the personal trophy aspect of the operation, well that speaks in his favor.

  8. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Angry Arabs are burning embassies and KFC restaurants. It will be interesting to see the end result of this uprising. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and the region won't go to hell in a hand basket. Hey maybe the protesters are just hungry.

    There is nothing noble about them, they aren't victims, they aren't hungry - we arent' responsible to feed them. They simply know they have to kill us in the name of Allah. It's says so in the Koran.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth10:56 PM

  10. Great Granny, an ambassador is murdered by islamic mobs in Libya, and Obama sends the FBI to intimidate an American filmmaker.

    I'll bet you would have loved the NKVD.

  11. Jack Levitt11:38 PM

    In Progressive America, The First Amendment only exists to protect people that wish to offend rednecks, racists or Christians.

  12. leanna11:44 PM

    I am an artist and I deeply appreciate Nakoula's work, especially "Innocence of Muslims." People who act out in violence such as killing or destroying an artist's work should learn to express their frustration through art instead of anger. They should also educate themselves about what they are so enraged about instead of assuming they can interpret an artist's work without knowing all of the information. Nakoula forces people to question their obsession with idles and material possessions. People build mosques with expensive trappings while there are starving children just blocks from the ostentatious structure. Muslims who obsess about their disdain for a piece of art should refocus their energy on helping others. If Mohammad was on Earth today do you really think he would waste his time protesting any piece of art or would he be focused on helping the poor, plundering and enslaving infidels, and having sex with underage children? The koran doesn't criticize art or child sex but it does speak out extensively against anger and greed, maybe it is time for muslims to go back to the basics of islam.

  13. Tabako11:48 PM

    leanna you need to actually read the koran before making such statements. If this so-called prophet were alive he would be focused on your destruction because of your infidel status. That is the only focus of any "good" muslim.... the world united under the bootheel of muslim law with all infidels either dead or subjugated.

  14. It’s perfectly OK to “hurt the religious feelings” of anyone else — just ask Terrence McNally, whose play Corpus Christie depicts Jesus having sex with Judas Iscariot. Perhaps you do not like Corpus Christie. I think it a loathsome work, but I do not propose to burn down and embassy or murder anyone because of it. But Muslims apparently deserve a special dispensation. The First Amendment protects Mr. McNally. But does it protect the author of The Innocence of Muslims, the silly 13-minute anti-Muslim film by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula? We’ll see. Mr. Nakoula has been detained for questioning by federal probation agents. What do you bet he is found to have violated probation?

  15. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "These protests and riots in the Middle East aren't about a film."

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, negro! That's not what the President says! Get with the program homes! As I said yesterday:

    The reason why there is unrest is because of the is not in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be be reprehensible and disgusting...This is in response to the film...The cause of the unrest was a video...These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region...This is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.

    8:22 PM

  16. M'Balz Es-Hari11:59 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Still not one word against insane murderers. All her anger and hate for fellow americans no matter how much in a pretzel she needs to twist to justify it.

    Have liberals always been this despicable and disgusting? I don't seem to ever remember getting to the point where someone like her with her hypocrisy makes me want to vomit. People always had differences but rarely did you meet someone who wished her countryman dead over someone insane from another country. Maybe it's a genetic defect and they are missing an vital part of their brains linking them to humanity and civilization.

  17. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Why was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calling a private citizen and leaning on him to make a public recantation? Has such a thing ever happened in the United States? I cannot think of a precedent. A clearer breaching of the civilian-military relationship can hardly be imagined, and Gen. Dempsey ought to resign in disgrace for his appalling lapse in judgment. But, Dempsey certainly will not resign nor will the president fire him.

    Which means what?

  18. What is happening all around us now requires a president who can effectively discharge his fundamental responsibility: to protect the United States of America from foreign attack. Barack Obama has demonstrated his feckless incapacity to do this. Mitt Romney, on the contrary, has stepped up to the plate. No sooner had the murderous Libyan attacks happened than he issued a strong and stern statement rousingly supporting the American cause.

    America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We will defend also our constitutional rights of speech and assembly and religion. We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution. We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world.

    I also believe the Administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt instead of condemning their actions. It’s never too early for the United States Government to condemn attacks on Americans, and to defend our values. The White House distanced itself last night from the statement, saying it wasn’t ‘cleared by Washington.’ That reflects the mixed signals they’re sending to the world.

    Spoken like a true patriot and leader. I expect Romney to win by a large margin in November. Bold statements like this (which were naturally condemned by the left-wing media) increase my confidence. It will be remembered as the moment the race for president finally became about the real job of a president. It will be remembered as the moment Romney won.

  19. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "Finally, right wing Christians held their "Values Voter Summit" in Washington this week. And sharing the stage with the republican Vice Presidential candidate was a gentleman by the name of Kamal Saleem. Mr. Saleem's presence was like a gift from God for the faithful. The timing, given all that is going on in the Middle East, couldn't have been better. But wait...."

    There is no waiting, Mr. Field. Saleem is genuine so don't try to make him otherwise to suit your needs.

    FYI: Christians are Christians. They don't label themselves as "right wing" or "left wing". It's YOU who is busy judging and labeling. You need to get a grip and find Jesus. REALLY.

  20. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Field, you need to ban both Granny and Mack Lyons because they both are full of it....esp Granny.

    I don't even know 'why' she is bothering to be on FN since it is full of Trolls she can't stand. HYPOCRITE!!!

  21. Bill Ayers12:26 AM

    Democrats hang out with unrepentent terrorists.

  22. Anonymous12:32 AM

    "And if Bush was less interested in the personal trophy aspect of the operation, well that speaks in his favor."

    Ha! You mean Mr. Flight Suit with the "mission Accomplished" banner? Nice try.


  23. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Wait a minute, the non-values folks feel comfortable with a guy who says he was taught to infiltrate groups of Jews and Christians? Hmmmmm, maybe this guy is the real deal and is counting on their ignorance.
    BTW, Ricky Santorum confirmed what we suspected all along when he said "smart people won't be with us". Finally, a conservative tells the truth. Ha!


  24. CheneyX12:36 AM

    Pilot X: Ha! You mean Mr. Flight Suit with the "mission Accomplished" banner? Nice try.

    No, like Obama trying to take personal credit for a military operation he knew nothing about.

    And "nice try" repeating for the millionth time the "Mission Accomplished" banner lie. That banner was prepared for the ship's crew, who had indeed accomplished their mission and were on the way home.

    You fail again.

  25. So, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets. Then the president flies to Vegas for a fundraiser.

    The president is surrounded by delirious fanbois and fangurls screaming "We love you," too drunk on his celebrity to understand this is the first photo-op in the aftermath of a national humiliation.

    The president is too lazy and cocksure to have learned any prepared remarks or mastered the appropriate tone, notwithstanding that a government that spends more money than any government in the history of the planet has ever spent can surely provide him with both a speechwriting team and a quiet corner on his private wide-bodied jet to consider what might be fitting for the occasion.

    So instead he sloughs off the words, bloodless and unfelt: "And obviously our hearts are broken ..." Yeah, it's totally obvious.

    And he's even more drunk on his celebrity than the fanbois, so in his slapdashery he winds up comparing the sacrifice of a diplomat lynched by a pack of savages with the enthusiasm of his own campaign bobbysoxers.

    In the real America, the president is too busy to attend the security briefing on the morning after a national debacle, but he does have time to do Letterman and appear on a hip-hop radio show hosted by "The Pimp With A Limp."

    In the real State Department, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo is guarded by Marines with no ammunition. But they do enjoy the soft-power muscle of a Foreign Service officer, one Lloyd Schwartz, tweeting frenziedly into cyberspace (including a whole chain directed at my own Twitter handle, for some reason) about how America deplores insensitive people who are so insensitively insensitive that they don't respectfully respect all religions equally, respectfully and sensitively, even as the raging mob is pouring through the gates.

    Hillary Clinton and Gen. Martin Dempsey are guilty of something worse, in the secretary of state's weirdly obsessive remarks about an obscure film supposedly disrespectful of Mohammed and the chairman of the joint chiefs' telephone call to a private citizen asking him if he could please ease up on the old Islamophobia.

    Forget the free-speech arguments. In this case, as Secretary Clinton and Dempsey well know, the film has even less to do with anything than did the Danish cartoons or the schoolteacher's teddy bear or any of the other innumerable grievances of Islam.

    The 400-strong assault force in Benghazi showed up with RPGs and mortars: that's not a spontaneous movie protest; that's an act of war, and better planned and executed than the dying superpower's response to it.

  26. Clinton and Dempsey are, to put it mildly, misleading the American people when they suggest otherwise.

    One can understand why they might do this, given the fiasco in Libya. The men who organized this attack knew the ambassador would be at the consulate in Benghazi rather than at the embassy in Tripoli. How did that happen? They knew when he had been moved from the consulate to a "safe house," and switched their attentions accordingly.

    How did that happen? The U.S. government lost track of its ambassador for 10 hours. How did that happen? Perhaps, when they've investigated Mitt Romney's press release for another three or four weeks, the court eunuchs of the American media might like to look into some of these fascinating questions, instead of leaving the only interesting reporting on an American story to the foreign press.

  27. In a rare appearance on a non-showbiz outlet, President Obama, winging it on Telemundo, told his host that Egypt was neither an ally nor an enemy. I can understand why it can be difficult to figure out, but here's an easy way to tell:

    Bernard Lewis, the great scholar of Islam, said some years ago that America risked being seen as harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend. At the Benghazi consulate, the looters stole "sensitive" papers revealing the names of Libyans who've cooperated with the U.S. Oh, well. As the president would say, obviously our hearts are with you.

    Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the local doctor who fingered bin Laden to the Americans sits in jail.

    In other words, while America's clod vice president staggers around pimping limply that only Obama had the guts to take the toughest decision anyone's ever had to take, the poor schlub who actually did have the guts, who actually took the tough decision in a part of the world where taking tough decisions can get you killed, languishes in a cell because Washington would not lift a finger to help him.

    Like I said, no novelist would contrast Chris Stevens on the streets of Benghazi and Barack Obama on stage in Vegas. Too crude, too telling, too devastating.

  28. Those value summit folks differ with fundamentalist Muslims on only a few points. Someday they may get together & make common cause.

  29. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Blogger Bob said...

    Those value summit folks differ with fundamentalist Muslims on only a few points. Someday they may get together & make common cause.

    Have you got that not so fresh feeling coming out of your ass again?

  30. Lt. Commander Johnson3:29 AM

    Hell, we don't need their "Mobs".

    We've had them here for decades.

  31. Should we kill homosexuals or put them in concentration camps? I'm sure the Taliban & Values Summit people can find some compromise.

  32. "So, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets.."

    Hmmm, where did I read this before?

    Mr.Steyn is that you?

    If not, you might want to put quotation marks the next time you parrot your talking points.

    Purple Cow was right about you people.

  33. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Um, Field, the post heading says it was from was from "Mark Steyn".

    Just helping.

  34. Bob said...
    Should we kill homosexuals or put them in concentration camps? I'm sure the Taliban & Values Summit people can find some compromise.

    Ignorance, thy name is Bob.

  35. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Bob said...
    Should we kill homosexuals or put them in concentration camps? I'm sure the Taliban & Values Summit people can find some compromise.

    Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt.

  36. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Bob said...
    Should we kill homosexuals or put them in concentration camps? I'm sure the Taliban & Values Summit people can find some compromise.

    There goes Boing-Boing Bob again, always on his gay pogo-stick.

    Is Penis all you ever think of?

  37. who's on first?12:56 PM

    A confederacy of dunces:

    Ambassador Rice: Libya Attack NOT Premeditated...

    Libyan president: 'No doubt' consulate attack was 'preplanned' starting months ago...

  38. muhammad was a pedophile1:05 PM

    leanna said...
    I am an artist and I deeply appreciate Nakoula's work, especially "Innocence of Muslims."

    People who act out in violence such as killing or destroying an artist's work should learn to express their frustration through art instead of anger.

    Violence is part of Islam because Islam doesn't permit the expression of anything through art.

    Islam views art as blasphemy, heresy and sacriledge. Thus, in the Islamic world you'll find no art.

  39. head of daniel pearl1:15 PM

    anon said:

    Angry Arabs are burning embassies and KFC restaurants.

    It will be interesting to see the end result of this uprising.

    How do you like your muslims?

    Legs and thighs regular or extra crispy?

    An ear of koran?

  40. Anonymous1:55 PM

    save us from bell curve negroes and dumb ass whiteys. it is hard to believe you are so stupid because there is no arab spring,no democracy among ragheads there is only pisslam with.there is no moderate pisslam and these scum are not radicals they are pisslam.i am sorry that stevens is dead but he asked for this and he was a jew hater from berkley who loved this cult of killers, right up until they killed him.your boy bongo has done great harm to america and israel just like jimmy carter who is a raghead sell out.field you stupid bell curve negro maybe you should learn the truth about pisslam be for you start mouthing off.this filthy cult of killers is not a religion and moo-ham-a-dan was not a prophet,he was just an arab phyco-killer who liked little boys and girls.pisslam should be banned in america and all who believe in this killer cult deported.they will be allowed to take two commies with them.i thenk you would love to live in pisslam land whoever the little mud shark not so much.

  41. Mr Field.

    Little Ricky Santorum finally got something right when he proclaimed to the Values Voter Summit, "We will never have smart people on our side."

    Dr. Sam Wang of the Princeton Election Consortium will be looking at House and Senate races this week. Some GOP House incumbents have started talking about the need for "bipartisanship," a clear indication that they have started to run scared.

  42. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Obama built this.

    New Video Shows Body Of Ambassador Stevens Being Pulled From Wreckage Of Safe House In Libya To Screams Of “Allahu Akbar”…

  43. BARBBF9:30 AM

    Where are those drones when you really need them?

    Is that supposed to be funny? This morning it was announced that 8 women and children were killed by drones today in Afghanistan. Thousands of innocents in 6 countries have been incinerated by US predatory drones. You and Obama can make jokes about this..maybe that's part of the problem with what happening the the Middle East now.

  44. BARBBF9:33 AM


    Shep Smith called the operation that killed Osama Bin Laden "illegal" on Tuesday's "Studio B."

    Speaking to Fox News' Catherine Herridge, Smith was discussing the various reports about the intelligence that led to Bin Laden. At one point, he asked Herridge, "is anyone talking about the fact that this is illegal, this operation was illegal, or is that a matter that's going to be left for another day?"

    Herridge said no one had discussed it with her.

    Smith is not the only Fox host to raise questions about the operation's legality. Fox Business anchor Andrew Napolitano explicitly called the killing illegal on his Monday show, saying it violated the Constitution and several treaties.

  45. BARBBF11:08 AM

    Maybe this is why everyone doesn't love us:

    The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime

    by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

    “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.
