Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's almost time for the "Hail Mary pass".

If you are Mitt Romney or one of his many supporters this must seem like desperate times. The general election is fast approaching and as it gets closer the margin in the polls seem to be getting wider between the two candidates. This has caused his many sycophants -both in the media and on the street- to become someone unhinged. (If you don't believe me read some of the comments after this post.)

I was led to one example by a tweet from CNN's Roland Martin. The AP ran a story about black Christians wavering over voting for Obama (yeah right) and the right wing News Max picked it up and stuck a false and misleading quote in their headline.

 "Some black clergy see no good presidential choice between a Mormon candidate and one who supports gay marriage, so they are telling their flocks to stay home on Election Day. That's a worrisome message for the nation's first African-American president, who can't afford to lose any voters from his base in a tight race.

The pastors say their congregants are asking how a true Christian could back same-sex marriage, as President Barack Obama did in May. As for Republican Mitt Romney, the first Mormon nominee from a major party, congregants are questioning the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its former ban on men of African descent in the priesthood.

In 2008, Obama won 95 percent of black voters and is likely to get an overwhelming majority again. But any loss of votes would sting."

I read the rest of that article and I don't see where black pastors told anyone to "stay home" on election day. But it's certainly wishful thinking on the part of my friends over at News Max. I suppose with the voter suppression laws not going quite the way that they (the right) wants it to, they now have to go to plan B: manipulating the message. 

And then there is Cheltenham's own, Benji Netanyahu. Benjamin is a very good friend of Mitt Romney, and he would like to see nothing more than Mitt becoming president of these divided states of America. He is screaming for a meeting with Obama because he says that Iran has the materials to build a nuclear weapon. (Not that they have it; just that they have the materials to build it.)And now he wants America to take action or he will. Benji has gotten so over the top that one of Israel's biggest supporters in the Senate is calling him out for trying to influence our elections. And in Israel opposition leader, Shaul Mofaz has accused Benji of doing the same thing. Folks, this is called trying to force a crisis and bring panic to the American electorate. (Yeah that's the ticket; nuke Iran and watch all of our troubles go away.) I am sure that this is just how Sheldon, Mitt, and Benji drew it up. (Read the last link, it's important.) But sometimes the best laid plans...

Honestly folks, we might need to check the real origin of that film that caused all hell to break loose over in the Middle East. I am not accusing Karl Rove and his peeps of anything, but we might just need to check.

Finally, you folks know that I can chase racism with the best of them, but every now and then I have to call out a decoy on the racism chase.

A lunchtime staple of students for years, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered one of the more popular items found in the sack lunches of school children.

But in conjunction with recent equity training in local Portland schools, one principal is raising questions about the mention of the sandwich, arguing it has broader implications about race, the Portland Tribune reports.
The sandwich was reportedly mentioned in a lesson plan last year. Verenice Gutierrez from the Harvey Scott K-8 School used it as an example of a subtle form of racism in language, according to the report.

"What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?" Gutierrez said,
according to the Tribune. "Another way would be to say: 'Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?' Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita."
As part of a training program known as "Courageous Conversations" that has been phased into Portland schools in recent years, the Tribune reports that staff members at Gutierrez's school have been going through trainings, classroom observations and exercises, such as reading a news article and then talking about it from the perspective of "white privilege."
The organization behind the program is Pacific Educational Group. According to the group's website, their aim is to help minority students through initiatives that address racial educational disparities, "intentionally, explicitly, and comprehensively." [Source]

Stop it right now! Racism in a PB&J? I need a break.

Gotta go folks, the new season of "Boardwalk Empire" starts tonight.



  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Ironic. Your post is the typical flip of what has been occring since day one with Obama. Get desperate and then try and pin someone else.

    Despite MSM collusion on television and polls. Despite your reversal of reality, bad economy is good, wait 4 more years, absentee president, leading from behind, everyone of Obama's ignorant childish foolish foreign policies coming home to roost must be because Mitt observed and a tape, yeah.

    Mitt is winning, Mitt will win the election in a landslide. You had better hope he does. You won't have anything to retire with.

  2. The Southern Baptists trot out their version of Michael Steele.

    Oh yeah, Nucky was a Republican.

  3. NSangoma9:40 PM


    Hmmm field dooty, seems that the POTUS is a take no prisoners type of bro:


  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    MLK was a Republican

  5. We all knew that electing Obama would change the face of America, turns out about half of that face became a christionist-neocon-tbag hybrid, all snout, horn, tooth, wart and bristle, smiling like a dung-dining hyena at the thought of plunging into another optional blowback factory of a war in Central Asia for dubious purpose behind an even more dubious ally right when sanctions are crippling the regime. Willard, Bibi and Ahmadi all need this thing to blow up before Obama's reelected, because once that happens, it's all over for all of them.

    Brent Bozell is Bill Buckley's idiot nephew. One of those second generation chips off the old log, like Rmoney, Rand Paul or W, who inherit the form, but never the function of their great forebear.

  6. Anonymous10:32 PM

    " I don't see where black pastors told anyone to "stay home" on election day.

    You need you some neew booty glasses your hindsight has messed up your foresight.

    "When President Obama made the public statement on gay marriage, I think it put a question in our minds as to what direction he's taking the nation," said the Rev. A.R. Bernard, founder of the predominantly African-American Christian Cultural Center in New York. Bernard, whose endorsement is much sought-after in New York and beyond, voted for Obama in 2008. He said he's unsure how he'll vote this year.

    "Yet, Bryant last month told The Washington Informer, an African-American newsweekly, "This is the first time in black church history that I'm aware of that black pastors have encouraged their parishioners not to vote." Bryant, who opposes gay marriage, said the president's position on marriage is "at the heart" of the problem.

    The Rev. Dwight McKissic, a prominent Southern Baptist and black preacher, describes himself as a political independent who didn't support Obama in 2008 because of his position on social issues. McKissic said

    Obama's support for same-gender marriage "betrayed the Bible and the black church." Around the same time, McKissic was researching Mormonism for a sermon and decided to propose a resolution to the annual Southern Baptist Convention that would have condemned Mormon "racist teachings."

    McKissic's Mormon resolution failed.

    On Election Day, McKissic said, "I plan to go fishing."

  7. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    We all knew that electing Obama would change the face of America, turns out about half of that face became a christionist-neocon-tbag hybrid, all snout, horn, tooth, wart and bristle, smiling like a dung-dining hyena at the thought of plunging into another optional blowback factory of a war in Central Asia for dubious purpose behind an even more dubious ally right when sanctions are crippling the regime. Willard, Bibi and Ahmadi all need this thing to blow up before Obama's reelected, because once that happens, it's all over for all of them.

    Brent Bozell is Bill Buckley's idiot nephew. One of those second generation chips off the old log, like Rmoney, Rand Paul or W, who inherit the form, but never the function of their great forebear.

    How can one man say so much that means so little. Can't manage to put together a lucid sentence so you ensnare it with snarkiness that doesn't say much of anything but exposed your bigotry and hatred.

    If you feel you have solid reasoning for what appears to be illogical rantings, make a coherent statement. Or are you afraid your thoughts just may not stand the light of day without being peppered with and totally seasoned by name calling.

  8. Anonymous10:42 PM

    If you could see the Alzheimer st reagan as a statesman and leader...if you could see bush as a reg'lar fellow...if you could view Sarey as competent....why would you not beleeverate that Mr Romney would finally defeet the AfAm Menace/Threat of Obama?

    It is all about the faith. Keeping faith is more desirous than learning or Facts or Truth or getting a clew.


  9. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Brent Bozell is Bill Buckley's idiot nephew. One of those second generation chips off the old log, like Rmoney, Rand Paul or W, who inherit the form, but never the function of their great forebear.

    Really? Why is that Whitey? Brent has a lot to say daily and proves the Mainstream Media is misleading everyone. What makes you say he is an idiot? Please provide support. Or do you just hate him because he exposes the truth which is against your idiotic leftist brainwashed agenda. Back up your name calling and stop being a mindless idiot. Why do I think you are an idiot you ask? Because you post like a child with hemorrhoids never once providing any reasoning behind your charges but always full of invectives. A mindless leftist.

  10. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you could see the Alzheimer st reagan as a statesman and leader...if you could see bush as a reg'lar fellow...if you could view Sarey as competent....why would you not beleeverate that Mr Romney would finally defeet the AfAm Menace/Threat of Obama?

    It is all about the faith. Keeping faith is more desirous than learning or Facts or Truth or getting a clew.


    Sure is, the faith of the half/breed. Rome is burning - but better to have that cocoa skin or you will die. Who be the racist?

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    You wouldn't know it by the amount of media coverage it has gotten compared to previous election years, but This Week In History, Gas Prices Have NEVER Been Higher. Must be because a Democrat is the incumbent.

    Much has been said this week that it's like 1979 All Over Again. Sure feels like it. Gas prices are high, inflation is rising, embassies are being stormed, Americans are getting killed, foreign policy a shambles, economy in ruin, etc. I hope that 1979 Fashion Isn't Coming Back Too.

    Hate to see Field start sportin some Jerry Curls.

  12. Whitey's Tighty said...
    "Brent Bozell is Bill Buckley's idiot nephew. One of those second generation chips off the old log, like Rmoney, Rand Paul or W, who inherit the form, but never the function of their great forebear."

    You are right, Barack sure looks like Frank Marshall Davis, but he can't produce porn like his pappy did:

    I'm 16 in that photo.

  13. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Wow, just like in the US the radical leftists pay people to protest. Maybe Obama arranged a community organized protest and it was SEIU and Acorn behind this whole thing.

    "Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Egypt's prime minister said some of the thousands involved in days of protests near the U.S. Embassy got paid to participate, state news reported Saturday, the same day riot police managed to force demonstrators from the area.

    Prime Minister Hesham Kandil said "a number" of those involved in the tense, sometimes violent protests, which began Tuesday, later confessed to getting paid to participate, according to the state-run Middle East News Agency. He noted, too, that some of the demonstrators were acting on their own and weren't paid to vent their anger against the United States over an inflammatory anti-Islam film that was privately produced in that country.

    Kandil did not say whether the government knew or suspected who paid the demonstrators, according to the MENA report.

  14. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Libyan Officials Say They Warned US About Deteriorating Security Three Days Before Attacks;
    Hillary Clinton Stonewalls, Will Not Answer Any Questions About Benghazi

    Three days' warning.

    Plus the stonewall.

    And Obama's Palace Guard sees nothing of any news interest here.

  15. small fires11:11 PM

    "Maybe Obama arranged a community organized protest and it was SEIU and Acorn behind this whole thing."

    Well, yes actually they kind of were:

    "As reported by Judi McLeod, in 2009 Obama's Code Pink and his friends and benefactors terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were in Egypt in 2009 providing advice to opposition orgainizations"

    In 2011, WND reported:

    "JERUSALEM – Months before protests erupted throughout Egypt aimed at toppling the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, President Obama's own associates provoked anti-regime chaos on the streets of the now embattled Middle East country and longtime U.S. ally.

    Egypt has accused the Obama administration of championing the protests and of pressuring Mubarak to resign. The main opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, stands to gain a major foothold in the region as a result.

    Yesterday, hundreds were wounded and at least one person was killed as thousands of Mubarak supporters clashed with anti-government protesters in Cairo, with some throwing petrol bombs, wielding sticks and charging on horses and camels.

    A similar scene unfolded in January 2010, when Obama associates provoked chaos in Egypt in an attempt to enter the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip to join in solidarity with the territory's population and leadership.

    WND reported at the time those protests were led by former Weather Underground terrorists William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn – close Obama associates for years.

  16. So how did you like the "Boardwalk" opener? I needed the long recap at the beginning. I had forgotten who was and wasn't dead.

  17. Our chicken has come home to roost!!!:

  18. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Whitey, I may not be a very smart man, but I'm smart enough to see you're an idiot. What was that shit you wrote? Was it a coded message to your radical islamist ass pirate cohorts? You are a fucking idiot. God bless your little heart.

  19. Shabizzo11:55 PM

    Whitey's a dog whistler, just like all them crackers.

  20. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Shabizzo said...

    Whitey's a dog whistler, just like all them crackers.

    Whitey will tell you, there is no way you can whistle when you got a mouthful of cracka - you can only blow hard.

  21. Ben Shapiro12:10 AM

    It began with the attacks on the Cairo embassy themselves. The Cairo embassy tweeted before the attacks, upon hearing rumors that they were coming, that they condemned “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” After the attacks commenced, the embassy tweeted, “This morning’s condemnation (issued before protest began) still stands.”

    For two days after this, President Morsi said nothing. President Obama did nothing about it.

    Meanwhile, it was revealed that while President Obama would not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the end of this month in New York, he would be getting together with the tight-lipped Islamist fanatic Egyptian president.

    When Morsi finally did speak, he informed President Obama that while he condemned the assaults on the US embassy and would up security, he wanted President Obama to “to put an end to such behavior.” He was referring, of course, to the infamous YouTube video “Innocence of Muslims,” which supposedly spurred the riots – although it is now clear that the videos had virtually nothing to do with the riots, or the attack on our consulate in Libya that ended with the murder of our ambassador.

    This was Morsi saying jump. And President Obama predictably asked how high. First, he tried to tell YouTube and Google to remove the video from the internet. Then, when YouTube and Google refused, the filmmaker behind “Innocence of Muslims” found himself being questioned by federal probation officers.

    We still live in a First Amendment country. But you wouldn’t know it to hear Obama and his spokespeople, particularly from the State Department, talk. Today, Rice termed “Innocence of Muslims” a “heinous,” “offensive,” “reprehensible,” “disgusting” piece of work that hadn’t been endorsed by the US government. As for the attacks on our embassies? Well, she just said there was “no excuse” for them. From her language, it’s clear that Rice was more upset about the YouTube video than she was about the attacks.

    Why? Because the Obama administration must remain focused on the video. The moment they acknowledge that Americans have First Amendment rights, and that the video and its content are utterly irrelevant, they have to face the sad truth that it isn’t a video that caused all of this – believe it or not, YouTube and anti-Islam sentiment existed before last Tuesday – but the Obama administration’s gutless and spineless foreign policy.

    While Obama keeps trotting out spokespeople to claim that the American hand remains at the steering wheel in the Middle East, it’s clear that we don’t. We’ve handed over the wheel to Muslim Brotherhood radicals like Muhammed Morsi. And now we’re taking cues from them.

  22. Anonymous said...

    "Whitey, I may not be a very smart man"


    Yes, a non, I can see that. Anyone who reads Bozell uncritically or thinks that a war with Iran on behalf of Israel is anything but a potential disaster obviously isn't firing on all cylinders.

  23. We need more movies exposing the degeneracy of Islam, not less:

  24. "Anyone who reads Bozell uncritically"

    Anyone who reads anyone uncritcally is a fool, but Bozell provides a useful service in exposing the agenda of the liberal media.

  25. The President says the consulate attack was spontaneous, sparked by video. The Libyan leader says no, it was planned and I warned you.

    Who do you believe?

  26. Anonymous12:38 AM

    CBS: Obama has three-point edge over Romney! (Er, please ignore the wildly inappropriate sample we used to get there)

    Just when you thought the media couldn't become even more of a laughingstock, they try something like this:

    The polls are specifically designed to drive a narrative that Obama is surging and Romney is struggling. Increasingly, though, the polls are having to go to ridiculous efforts to support this meme. Friday's CBS/New York Times poll, for example, uses a D+13 sample of registered voters. This is absurd.

    ...In 2008, an historic election wave for Democrats, the electorate was D+7. In 2004, when George W. Bush won reelection, the electorate was evenly split. In other words, D+0. Repeat after me; the Democrat share of the electorate is not going to double this year. Given the well-noted enthusiasm edge for Republicans this year, the electorate is going to be far closer to the 2004 model than 2008. Any poll trying to replicate the 2008 is going to artificially inflate Obama's support.

    Let's try a simple thought experiment. Imagine if, for a week, all media polls decided to use a sample that replicated the 2004 electorate--a D+0 model. Given the GOP's enthusiasm edge--even the CBS poll found Republicans voters with a double-digit lead on enthusiasm for the election--the electorate is going to look a lot more like 2004 than 2008. Imagine how the narrative of the campaign would change. The CBS poll found Romney beating Obama among Independents by 11 points. With a balanced partisan sample, Romney would likely post consistent leads against Obama.

    Let me repeat: Even this pathetic excuse for a Times poll shows Independents breaking for Romney by a double-digit (11 percent) margin.

    Furthermore, more likely voters are self-identifying as Republicans, not Democrats. The numbers this year would indicate that an R+3 model is required for accuracy.

    And an R+3 model by these corrupt SOBs would have Romney winning by a very formidable margin.

    We are watching legacy media die, right before our eyes. Not only is the media utterly corrupt, but so are their polls, "news" articles, and op-eds.

    Vote accordingly in November.

  27. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Pretty amazing for an election season. This must not be one of those “Bush’s war” things. Osama bin Laden is dead; why are we still there? That’s what we’d be hearing from the Democrats, Occupy protesters and the media if a Republican was running for election.

    Instead, they’re not saying anything and people died. If Romney wins in November, that will turn on a dime.

    More ‘insider’ slayings, as well as a NATO airstrike that killed eight women, follow a Taliban attack that destroyed more than $150 million worth of equipment.

    In a disastrous day for the NATO force in Afghanistan, four American troops were gunned down Sunday by Afghan police, a U.S. airstrike killed eight Afghan women foraging for fuel on a rural hillside, and military officials disclosed that a Taliban strike on a southern base had destroyed more than $150 million worth of planes and equipment — in money terms, by far the costliest single insurgent attack in 11 years of warfare. More via the

  28. Bob Woodward12:41 AM


    How did the attackers of the US consulate in Libya know when the ambassador would be there?

    How did they know about the safe house in Benghazi?

    Why did no help come from the Libyan government during the four hour attack?

    Why did the state department not relay the information they had regarding the threat of attack on 9/11?

    Why was no extra security provided?

    Maybe you could relay these questions to your buddies in the Lamestream Media.

  29. Anonymous12:53 AM

    FN said

    "Honestly folks, we might need to check the real origin of that film that caused all hell to break loose over in the Middle East. I am not accusing Karl Rove and his peeps of anything, but we might just need to check. "

    You might be on to something here. With all the lies Obama and Hillary told and Obama's apathetic response and action including hiding out this weekend....I find it highly interesting that the producer of that little movie video clip was a federal informant. Now rove has no federal informants. Lets' think for a moment, who is running a failed/failing economy, seriously losing the election even though the MSM is twisting polls to tell you otherwise, has not one viable thing to change anything yet wants to stay in power? Oh and of course they need federal connections, someone who could lets say bomb Libya to get the Muslim brotherhood in charge as he planned without congressional approval...who could that be?

    I bet this guy is handled by the same agency that handled the Fluke woman - I bet. Anita Dunn - where are you? What do you know about this little film that really is just a horrible alibi.

  30. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Field, my brother, I hate to break it to you but black pastors and churches have a problem with Obama. In fact, re: gay marriage, it's a BIG PROBLEM.

    Now, I understand from YOUR point of view that it shouldn't be a problem. But for black Christians it is a huge problem and I doubt Blacks such as myself can in good conscience vote for Obama.

    Obama has slapped us in the face so many times during his tenure that I am sick and tired of him. I am sure a good percentage of Blacks are too. Even though Romney is no great shakes, I am thinking he would be my choice, IF I decided to vote. But right now I don't see any reason to vote for either candidate.

    I bet a good number of our brothers and sisters won't bother to vote, esp Christians. As far as I am concerned, Obama is on his own. He is a sinner, and has proven that he doesn't give a damn about Blacks. Actually, Mitt probably cares a lot more. At least he "showed" up at the invitation of the NAACP, but Obama didn't.

  31. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Field, what makes you think Romney will need a Hail Mary pass? if there is one, it will be an Obama Hail Mary.

    You just don't get it, do you? A lot of Blacks won't be voting in this election because they have no good reason to vote for Obama. The man has spit in the face of the black community, it's culture, and it's religion with his support of gay marriage. And YOU, Mr. Field, is playing this crucial issue down as if it's "no big thing".

    Are you nuts? It is a "big thing". And you will find out soon how big it is. You need to take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth. You need to listen and wake up. Obama does not have this election in the bag.

    You are so naive that you are borderline stupid. WAKE UP.

  32. I'm a bit sick of Benji. I agree with the way Barack is handling that fool. He needs to know his place. Who's helping who? We give Israel military and financial support and if they want to act out then good luck on your own buddy. How long would they survive without us. They know, or have to know, that the only reason republicans back them so feverently is because the religious right believe they need Israel around so jeezus can come back. Benji needs to STFU because I hear he's not that popular over there.

  33. Anonymous2:45 AM

    ANY and ALL Negroes who choose to stay home on election day because our POTUS supports marriage equality really are more f__ked up than I realized; and should know better. These kinds of Negroes always have been and continue to be handkerchief-headed house negroes: "Oh, massa, we sick ain't we...". According to the jesus myth and narrative, I dunno but, I'm just saying: Methinks if he dropped in on us today he would probably be a radical progressive in support of marriage equality. If brother Jesus dropped in on us today he would be crucified -again- BECAUSE of his support of "the least of my brethern".


  34. Wars are decided before the final battles are fought. Marriage equality is inevitable. Changing demographics will make it so. If the Repugs lose this election, they have a choice to make; Give up the hardcore anti-gay & anti-Hispanic crap, or concede the White House to Democrats until they do.

    I'm posting this & gone, so yap all you want at me, I won't reading it. I do not engage in argument with anyone named anonymous.

  35. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Bob said...

    Wars are decided before the final battles are fought. Marriage equality is inevitable. Changing demographics will make it so. If the Repugs lose this election, they have a choice to make; Give up the hardcore anti-gay & anti-Hispanic crap, or concede the White House to Democrats until they do.

    There you go again "Hardcore and Gay" is Penis ALL you ever think about? You are 1% of the country. What the hell do we care if some fairy mary is upset. What will you do? Suck harder? It's not natural bob and weave, you are a freak.

  36. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Finally, Onyango unfavorably contrasted African organization with Western organization. “How can the African defeat the white man,” Onyango would tell his son Barack Sr., “when he cannot even make his own bicycle?” In Onyango's words, "The white man alone is like an ant. He can be easily crushed. But like an ant, the white man works together. His nation, his business--these things are more important to him than himself....Black men are not like this. Even the most foolish black man thinks he knows better than the white man. That is why the black man will always lose."

    Onyango's favorable disposition toward the West, provoked in Obama a visceral reaction. Obama reports that as he heard Onyango's views, "I...felt betrayed." Of Onyango he says, "I had imagined him an independent man, a man of his people, opposed to white rule....What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House nigger." And thus it came to be that Obama came to view his own grandfather as an ideological sellout, and to write him off with the N-word.

  37. "Anyone who reads anyone uncritcally is a fool, but Bozell provides a useful service in exposing the agenda of the liberal media."

    What, exactly, is the "Liberal Media"? I hear this from wingnuts a lot, when damn near all of the media in this country is controlled by huge corporations whose bottom line is money. If A-merry-ca is so right leaning as they claim, wouldn't logic dictate that the media caters to them for profit sake?

    Anon @ 1:57AM, you and the other Anon are not black. Stop lying. I told you before; Negroes can always spot a fraud.

    If you are a Negro....*shaking head* "what's the matter boss, we sick?"

  38. California Girl, it was pretty good. But I don't want to be a spoiler, you can check it out for yourself. On Demand should have it in a couple of days. Or you can catch it on one of the other HBO channels.

  39. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "Honestly folks, we might need to check the real origin of that film that caused all hell to break loose over in the Middle East. I am not accusing Karl Rove and his peeps of anything, but we might just need to check."

    I thought of that too. Rove or Adelson, one of the film's (anonymous) backers? Wouldn't amaze me.

  40. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "Methinks if he dropped in on us today he would probably be a radical progressive in support of marriage equality. If brother Jesus dropped in on us today he would be crucified -again- BECAUSE of his support of "the least of my brethern"."

    Your imagination of who Jesus is, is amazing. Are you God?

    But you are right about one thing: HE would be crucified if HE were to drop in on you. In fact, Negroes crucify HIM everyday!

    You may think politics is all there is, but it is a long way from that. Please let Field know also. Since he has been blogging not a damn thing has changed in politics. It certainly hasn't gotten any better. As a matter of fact, it's gotten worse because the human characters in politics and fools like you who follow it.

  41. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Field said, Anon @ 1:57AM, you and the other Anon are not black. Stop lying. I told you before; Negroes can always spot a fraud.

    If you are a Negro....*shaking head* "what's the matter boss, we sick?"

    6:07 AM
    What gives you the right to determine who's Black? Are YOU sick? If you are voting for Obama after the way he has treated Blacks, then it's YOU who is sick and you have no idea of what it is to be a true Field Negro.

    Authentic FNs don't follow nor trust HN, which Obama has proven since he has been in office. That makes you a HN.

  42. Buhlack Hussein Oblama9:52 AM

    Anon @ 1:57AM, you and the other Anon are not black. Stop lying. I told you before; Negroes can always spot a fraud.

    Tell him Field, Tell him.

  43. Anonymous10:37 AM

    field negro said...

    " "Anyone who reads anyone uncritcally is a fool, but Bozell provides a useful service in exposing the agenda of the liberal media."

    What, exactly, is the "Liberal Media"? I hear this from wingnuts a lot, when damn near all of the media in this country is controlled by huge corporations whose bottom line is money. If A-merry-ca is so right leaning as they claim, wouldn't logic dictate that the media caters to them for profit sake?"

    Logic and liberals unfortunately usually don't mix. Have you seen news ratings? No one trusts the liberal media any more, hardly anyone watches, yet they persist - "illogically"

    Arguing with a liberal who knows precisely what he is asking isn't a worthwhile pursuit. Let's put it this way. You and the Media are trying to push that Mitt had a baaaaaaad week and is failing.....

    Well this week despite the liberal media we learned that; the president missed all of his intelligence briefings leading up to 9/11. He ignored multiple warnings of attacks on U.S. interests. The Ambassador to Libya and several other State Department personnel were subsequently murdered by Islamist terrorists and dragged through the streets. Dozens of U.S. embassies and consulates around the globe were targeted for attacks and protests, which are ongoing even today.

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced more money-printing in the form of additional quantitative easing, after two bursts failed to spur an economy descending into an outright depression. The labor-force participation rate hit a 31-year low. And the U.S. just registered its fourth consecutive trillion-dollar deficit.

    But it was Mitt Romney that had a bad week uh-huh. Oh did we mention all those liberal polls that sample democrats +13 to show an Obama lead? have no idea what we are talking about do you? You think Rasmussen is a right wing conspiracy despite the numbers being available to all, yet don't notice the poll numbers demographics for CBC/ABC and CNN polls. Nope, nothing to see here, what ever could they be talking about.

  44. Anonymous 12:38 why are you passing off Mike Flynn's writing as your own? Yes we know you have copy and paste buttons and you know how to use them. Big deal.

    Try coming up with some ideas of your own in future.

    1. Cow, you know they have to spout their talking points for the day.

  45. Kingnut11:07 AM

    Bob said...
    Marriage equality is inevitable. Changing demographics will make it so

    If 'equality' is inevitable, then you are saying gay married couples will be able to produce their own children (without an outside third party)? How will that happen?

    And since the vast majority of gay marriage supporters are white, and that demographic is decreasing, how exactly will changing demographics "make it so"? for example, how many of the millions of Muslims we have imported over the past 20 years will be Gay Marriage supporters?

    If by "changing demographics" you mean the fruits of 40 years of liberal indoctrination in the schools on the issue, you may have a point. Young people have been taught not to be able to make a distinction on a lot of things.

    I don't realy care that much about the issue and people should be allowed to play house if they want, but the "marriage" of two people of the same gender can never be equal to the marriage of a man and a woman, and will always be something of a joke.

  46. Romney’s problem is that his constituency consists almost entirely of old white people who spend their spare time shouting at empty chairs. Sadly for him there are not enough of those to win him an election.

    He’s pissed off women (160 million of them) by attempting to take state control of their bodies. He has pissed off Latinos (50 million of them) by claiming that Arizona’s racist laws were ‘a blueprint for all America’. He’s pissed off gays and Lesbians (19 million of them) by railing against same sex marriage, and he’s pissed off the poor and the middle-classes (Gaziliions of them) by threatening to destroy Medicair and Medicaid in order to fund a tax cut for the mega-rich.

    Come election time the swing voters are going to ask themselves “What would President Romney do for me?”

    …and the answer of course will be

    “Fuck you up the ass”.

    Somehow Ronmey’s campaign people have got it in their stupid heads that this is a winning strategy.

  47. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "If by "changing demographics" you mean the fruits of 40 years of liberal indoctrination in the schools on the issue, "

    I saw what you did there "fruits"-"gay marriage" clever phrasing. You may get his attention if you say certain key words like boing, boing and pogo stick.

  48. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    " Come election time the swing voters are going to ask themselves “What would President Romney do for me?”

    …and the answer of course will be

    “Fuck you up the ass”."
    Now we know how he got your vote sweetie.

    Bless their dirty little lowlife hearts, always thinking of taking it from behind whenever they talk about the first gay president, it is Pavlovian.

  49. Anon@10:32pm said:

    The Rev. Dwight McKissic, a prominent Southern Baptist and black preacher, describes himself as a political independent who didn't support Obama in 2008 because of his position on social issues. McKissic said

    Obama's support for same-gender marriage "betrayed the Bible and the black church." Around the same time, McKissic was researching Mormonism for a sermon and decided to propose a resolution to the annual Southern Baptist Convention that would have condemned Mormon "racist teachings."

    McKissic's Mormon resolution failed.

    On Election Day, McKissic said, "I plan to go fishing."

    Anon 10:32pm..don't believe everything you "dig" up, because McKissic was indeed a Bush supporter in 2008. Half his congregation walked out on him with his relentless Bush rallying from the pulpit, so it was wise for him to go "Independent" for this election. :)

  50. field negro said...
    "What, exactly, is the "Liberal Media"?

    The establishment media that has become wholly integrated with the Democratic Party. Jay Cost today:

    "The gap between the way the media characterizes the presidential race and what is actually happening is growing larger by the day. In particular, we see a systematic emphasis on news items that favor the president and a discounting of evidence that disfavor him.

    And what did the media overlook last week?

    -Gas prices increased on average by $0.04, despite the end of the summer driving season. With Brent crude prices remaining elevated, gas prices are probably not going to come down any time soon.

    -The Consumer Price Index increased by 0.6 percent month-over-month. This is an extremely large jump, built mostly around increased energy prices.

    -Retail sales, excluding gas and cars, were flat.

    -Manufacturing production fell by more than 1 percent last month alone, and capacity utilization dropped by 1 point.

    -The jobs report from August was an absolute misery.

    -Overall, the economy is so anemic that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has initiated an unprecedented third round of quantitative easing, this one open-ended.

    Put simply: This economy is already weak and appears to be getting weaker.

    Long gone are the days of straight journalists calling the balls and strikes fairly. And make no mistake: This is not merely a liberal bias we are dealing with, but a Democratic party bias. There is now a revolving door between the leftwing blogosphere, the broader Democratic establishment, and the mainstream media – and the phony narrative of a runaway Obama lead is just one result of that insidious alliance.

  51. Kingnut12:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    He’s pissed off women (160 million of them) by attempting to take state control of their bodies. He has pissed off Latinos (50 million of them) by claiming that Arizona’s racist laws were ‘a blueprint for all America’. He’s pissed off gays and Lesbians (19 million of them) by railing against same sex marriage, and he’s pissed off the poor and the middle-classes (Gaziliions of them) by threatening to destroy Medicair and Medicaid in order to fund a tax cut for the mega-rich.

    I see you get your nuanced view of the American political scene straight from the pages of The Guardian.

    The War on Women is the lamest campaign hoax in history. You can be sure that Romney won't outlaw abortion, but it is certain that Obama will take away a Woman's Right to Choose whether or not she buys health insurance.

    There is absolutely nothing "racist" about the Arizona Law, which uses the exact same language as the Federal law and in truth has no reference at all to race. Is enforcing the law racist? By your reasoning, outlawing murder is racist, since blacks commit the majority of murders.

    Romney has not "railed" against gay marriage, he has reiterated the exact same opinion Obama always espoused up until 3 months ago, an opinion that is held by a clear majority of Americans. Every single time the issue of gay marriage has come up for a vote, the American people have rejected it. Do you hate democracy?

    Romney and Ryan are not pushing for a tax cut for the rich, they are advocating keeping the code as it is. They are attempting to save Medicare and Medicaid, programs that will go broke within 12 years (and as soon as 4 years) if the course Obama has charted is not changed. Is it more compassionate to the poor to promise them something you can't deliver, or to take steps now to make sure they are provided for?

    Your level of understanding of US politics is barely skin deep. Stick to things you might know something about, like soccer or pedophilia.

  52. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Media/Hollywood Bias? Nah....

    POLL: R 47% O 45%...

    TV Networks Will Be Asked to Boost ObamaCare In Plots of Top Shows...

  53. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Your level of understanding of US politics is barely skin deep. Stick to things you might know something about, like soccer or pedophilia.

    As they say on that 70's show "Burn"
    I can see that fellow knowing quite a bit about children and balls. I would even take a bet that says he is the guiding parent or assistant couch of some youth sports league, so he can stay close to the children eagerly helping to guide them, he is quite fondle of them.

  54. Apul Madeek Aoud12:29 PM

    PilotX said...

    Cow, you know they have to spout their talking points for the day.

    Sounds like your "talking points" is a talking point.

    Would you like to see it?

  55. Who is Mike Flynn and who would post his obviously misinformed rants? He insists that all polls showing Barack ahead are wrong but the funniest part is when he suggests Romney is really ahead because of the enthusiasm gap. Where did he get his numbers? With no polling data he pulled these numbers out of his ass. Field is right, conservatrolls are getting desperate. They're even trying to convince me somebody other than Ann has enthusiasm for the mormon robot.

  56. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Proof you say? You want proof as if the convictions recently aren't enough?

    Vote fraud is no big deal, right? It hardly ever happens. It’s so rare that it’s not even worth discussing. Anyone who claims to take the integrity of our ballots seriously is cynically exploiting phantom fears for the purpose of suppressing the Democrat-loving minority vote.

    To keep that silly narrative alive, it’s important not to read the Sunday edition of the Columbus Dispatch, in which readers were informed that “more than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote.”

    Furthermore, “in two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting age population: Northwestern Ohio’s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it’s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible.”

    31 more counties report over 90 percent voter registration, which is a good 20 percent higher than the national average. The Buckeye State sure is civic-minded! Well, except that 1.6 million of the 7.8 million registered voters in the state haven’t voted in at least four years. So I guess they were civic minded, once upon a time. Never fear – I’m sure plenty of those “inactive” voters will reactivate themselves just in time for Barack Obama’s re-election.

    You might think these astonishing statistics indicate a crisis-level voter registration problem requiring immediate attention, particularly since this is 2012, not 1912, and modern technology gives us extremely potent tools for accurately managing massive amounts of data. But Attorney General Eric Holder disagrees. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted sent Holder a letter back in February, warning that “common sense says that the odds of voter fraud increase the longer these ineligible voters are allowed to populate our rolls… I simply cannot accept that.” Husted said existing federal regulations “limit Ohio’s ability to remove ineligible names, thereby increasing the chance for voter fraud.”

    No one from the Justice Department ever responded. Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which called Ohio’s voter registration train wreck to Husted’s attention, is now suing him for failing to take action, beyond issuing a “directive” to remove ineligible voters that Judicial Watch describes as “all bark and no bite,” since there is no evidence that anything was actually done.

    Judicial Watch has already filed a similar lawsuit against the State of Indiana, and says other states with disturbing levels of ineligible registered voters include Mississippi, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, Alabama, California, and Colorado. Florida’s struggle to clean up its rolls, in the face of active hostility from Eric Holder’s Justice Department, has already made headlines.

  57. Hey Kingnut, women obviously there's a war on their bodies which is why the prez has a double digit lead with women. Republicans believe elected representatives should have a say in what a woman does with her body. Not a winning strategy. You say Romney won't repeal Roe v Wade, we all know this but he will appoint SC justices who will try like hell. Actually you must be referring to Romney circa 1992 when he was a liberal, the new Mittens wants to overturn it.

  58. Kingnut12:43 PM

    Rasmussen has Romney ahead, 47 to 45.

    Rasmussen was the most accurate polling organization for the 2008 presidential election:

    I would conclude Romney is ahead.

  59. Kingnut, I see you haven't grown a second brain-cell since last I was here. But thanks for the laffs.

    Romney and Ryan "attempting to save Medicare and Medicaid" is one of the funniest things I've read in a couple of days.

    Pilot, the Flynn rant is just another example of the cognitive dissonance that is destroying American conservatism. The Republican party has been hijacked by political and/or religious extremists, whose world-view is slipping ever further away from reality. If reality does not synch with the far-right paradigm, then reality must be wrong.

  60. Anonymous12:46 PM

    PilotX said...

    Who is Mike Flynn and who would post his obviously misinformed rants? He insists that all polls showing Barack ahead are wrong but the funniest part is when he suggests Romney is really ahead because of the enthusiasm gap. Where did he get his numbers? With no polling data he pulled these numbers out of his ass. Field is right, conservatrolls are getting desperate. They're even trying to convince me somebody other than Ann has enthusiasm for the mormon robot.

    What a useless rant. You do realize that they looked at the numbers and exposed the lies? Surely someone as informed as you has heard of the CBS poll that samples Dems +13 to get a measly 3 point lead for Obama. Imagine that +13 of registered voters and all they got was a 3 point lead. In 2008 when it was democrat peak time the highest was D+7 In 2004 with Bush it was D+0. Which do you think is closer to today's feelings? Do you really think Democrats are going to suddenly double? Nah...I didn't think so.

    Rasmussen having a fair sample is R-47 O-45. Not counting the "tory effect" which is people who will no doubt pull the lever for the white guy once they are behind the curtain and no longer pressed by race but by issues, it's going to be a landslide for Romney over Carter err.....Obama.

    Haven't they told you yet? Alinsky tactics no longer work, when people see no thought and just name calling we know you are aware you are wrong and trying to bluster. Either that or you are just simpleminded. Which one is it? Do you know you are wrong and lying or are you just a dope?

  61. Kingnut12:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Kingnut, women obviously there's a war on their bodies which is why the prez has a double digit lead with women

    What you are pointing out is how in the bag the Lamestream Media is for the Democrat's absurd politcal tactics. It's depressing, I know, how manipulatable the American public is, especially women.

    Abortion will never be outlawed in this country, no matter who is elected President.

  62. "I would conclude Romney is ahead."

    Yes Kingnut, you would. But that's because you are a total fucking imbecile.

    "Rasmussen was the most accurate polling organization for the 2008 presidential election:"

    Yeah, right..

    Rasmussen is owned by Scott Rasmussen a former paid advisor to George W. Bush and a FOX News contributor. RasmussenReports has been consistently criticized for the right wing bias of its results. is a geeky website for polling-nerds, their lead analyst Nate Silver, gives a good overview of just how biased Rasmussen polling is.


    “The 105 polls released in Senate and gubernatorial races by Rasmussen Reports and its subsidiary, Pulse Opinion Research, missed the final margin between the candidates by 5.8 points, a considerably higher figure than that achieved by most other pollsters. Some 13 of its polls missed by 10 or more points, including one in the Hawaii Senate race that missed the final margin between the candidates by 40 points, the largest error ever recorded in a general election in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls conducted since 1998.

    Moreover, Rasmussen’s polls were quite biased, overestimating the standing of the Republican candidate by almost 4 points on average. In just 12 cases, Rasmussen’s polls overestimated the margin for the Democrat by 3 or more points. But it did so for the Republican candidate in 55 cases — that is, in more than half of the polls that it issued.”

  63. I know that and you know that but if you wanna talk about easily manipulated let's talk about religious conservatives who continuously vote for republicans like Ryan and Romney who promise to end abortion. You've exposed your side very well Kingnut.

  64. Yuliqa M'Diq12:56 PM

    Pilot, the Flynn rant is just another example of the cognitive dissonance that is destroying American conservatism. The Republican party has been hijacked by political and/or religious extremists, whose world-view is slipping ever further away from reality. If reality does not synch with the far-right paradigm, then reality must be wrong.

    Wow, what a liberal projection that was. Political and religious extremists...actually total extremism thy name is liberal.

    Notice how he laughs at Romney/Ryan medicare but can't back anything up. Either he knows that Obama stole 717 billion from medicare and counted it twice for Obamacare AND laughingly says he will obtain a savings by simply not paying doctors and hospitals or he is just an idiot who spouts what he wants to believe despite reality (a liberal)

  65. Kingnut12:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Kingnut, I see you haven't grown a second brain-cell since last I was here.

    One functioning brain cell is plenty enough to refute the kind of drivel you post.

  66. With friends like this. Glenn Beck says, and I paraphrase, "I don't trust Romney because he is a big governmenrt guy but he will listen to god".
    Oh shit, you can't make this shit up. Crazy assed Beck will vote for rawmoney because hell listen to a six foot two blonde dude who lives on the planet Kobol. Makes me wanna run out and register republican. Ha!

  67. Kingnut1:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    RasmussenReports has been consistently criticized for the right wing bias of its results.

    Of course they have; the truth has a right wing bias.

    I'll stick to the actual comparison of results from the last election done by the Houston chronicle:

  68. Hey Kingnut, what does Rammy say about FL and OH. If rawmoney loses Florida its a wrap.

  69. Kingnut1:06 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Kingnut, what does Rammy say about FL and OH. If rawmoney loses Florida its a wrap.

    It is, but he won't.

    Just gotta keep the Margin of Fraud down to reasonable levels.

  70. Nice to see PC and PilotX giving us some FACTS.Facts are always good.

    Did someone above really just post that Rasmussen is a legit pollster? Now that's scary.

  71. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Rasmussen is owned by Scott Rasmussen a former paid advisor to George W. Bush and a FOX News contributor. RasmussenReports has been consistently criticized for the right wing bias of its results. is a geeky website for polling-nerds, their lead analyst Nate Silver, gives a good overview of just how biased Rasmussen polling is.

    Yet again Saul Alinsky can't think for himself and qoutes a liberal bias site directly linked to he Daily KOS and New York Times as proof that Nate who is now a liberal blogger must be right because he is so young, so fresh, so inexperienced yet he was able to predict what every blind man in the US could, who was going to win the 2008 elections by state.

    You truly are an idiot. Come back with detailed numbers of recent polls as has been done here and then we might think you have a brain. In the meantime copying and pasting liberal mantras to prove your liberal mantra has to be the stupidest thing I have seen on this blog in awhile. Rasmussen is honest and accurate, to moonbats like you anything factual and accurate is Right leaning.

  72. I guess Kingnut is right. Conservatives will believe polls that show their candidate in the lead and Barack supporters vice versa. If we are to believe mainstream polls the prez is ahead and it also looks like voter supression tactics aren't working so it appears rawmoney may have a tough road to the WH. The same thing that happened to us is 2004 is happening to conservatives. I for one was confident, perhaps too much so, that Bush was going to lose.

  73. Anonymous1:09 PM

    PilotX said...

    With friends like this. Glenn Beck says, and I paraphrase, "I don't trust Romney because he is a big governmenrt guy but he will listen to god".
    Oh shit, you can't make this shit up. Crazy assed Beck will vote for rawmoney because hell listen to a six foot two blonde dude who lives on the planet Kobol. Makes me wanna run out and register republican. Ha!

    Yeah thats harsh. Not sure which is worse, I gone vote obama cause he gone pay my lights and rent or this....hmmmmm....gibs me dat votes dem-o-crat.

  74. Anonymous1:11 PM

    field negro said...

    Nice to see PC and PilotX giving us some FACTS.Facts are always good.

    Did someone above really just post that Rasmussen is a legit pollster? Now that's scary

    Facts/Wishes/Desires/Earned all the same to liberals. Doesn't change reality though.

  75. The question Kingnut was what were the Rasmussen numbers for FL and OH not your prediction about the results. Nothing personal but my magic 8 ball works just as well as yours.

  76. Anonymous1:17 PM

    PilotX said...

    The question Kingnut was what were the Rasmussen numbers for FL and OH not your prediction about the results. Nothing personal but my magic 8 ball works just as well as yours.

    Of course it does, without a magic 8 ball making decisions for you, you wouldn't be a liberal.

    Don't worry they are working on Ohio to remove the 1 in 5 fraudulent voters that voted in 2008.

  77. Kingnut, did you just show us the gop is just full of wishful thinkers? I mean the end of all abortions was part of their plank. Do they cynically take votes from naïve voters?

  78. Anonymous1:20 PM

    “Ride right through them, they’re demoralized as hell”!

  79. Anonymous1:21 PM

    PilotX said...

    Kingnut, did you just show us the gop is just full of wishful thinkers? I mean the end of all abortions was part of their plank. Do they cynically take votes from naïve voters?

    Oh God, No...No...NO!!! oh wait that was the DNC. Americans aren't going to like that - outside of those extremist liberals that is.

  80. Kingnut1:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    "it also looks like voter supression tactics aren't working"

    Translation from liberalese: Eric Holder is using the Justice Department to block efforts of States to purge their rolls of inelgible voters and to block Voter ID laws.

    You may be right and they may be able to steal the election through voter fraud. I guess the triumph of Stalinist tactics would make you happy?

    And as far as Ohio and Florida go, anywhere the President is currently not polling at 50% is likely to break for Romney.

  81. Feeled Kneegrow1:28 PM

    field negro said...
    Nice to see PC and PilotX giving us some FACTS.Facts are always good.

    Did someone above really just post that Rasmussen is a legit pollster? Now that's scary.

    Now what would you know about FACTS?

    I guess only that you are scared of them.

  82. Anonymous1:58 PM

    These are the people democrats have aligned with against america, have been defending and attacking everyone else for.

  83. Kingnut, still avoiding the question. I didn't ask your opinion about how the election would break I asked specifically what did the Rasmeussan poll show for Ohio and Florida. Thanks.

  84. Liberals Are Useless2:14 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Kingnut, still avoiding the question. I didn't ask your opinion about how the election would break I asked specifically what did the Rasmeussan poll show for Ohio and Florida. Thanks.

    This isn't Kingnut but your arrogance about your uselessness is appalling. Why do liberals think the world has to do everything for them?


  85. Kingnut2:17 PM

    Hey field, speaking of facts, as a politcal blogger, have you read Ed Kein's book, The Amateur"?

  86. Kingnut2:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    Kingnut, still avoiding the question. I didn't ask your opinion about how the election would break I asked specifically what did the Rasmeussan poll show for Ohio and Florida. Thanks

    Is your internet broken? Try

  87. On a mobile device but I notice you didn't have a problem using the national numbers. Oh well, I guess the numbers must not have been to your liking. Since you already used his numbers I thought you would have the info but thanks anyway.

  88. Kingnut3:28 PM

    I was pretty sure you were playing some sort of lame game again. Both races are essentially tied, with Obama 1-2 points ahead, neither total reaching 50%

    FL 48-46 Obama; Ohio 47-46 Obama.

    Both polls also taken before the implosion of Obama's Middle East policy.

  89. Colorado

    Obama 49 Romney 47 (9/12 A.R.G.)


    Obama 48 Romney 46 (9/12 Rasmussen)


    Obama 47 Romney 45 (8/26 PPP)


    Obama 48 Romney 47 (9/12 A.R.G.)


    Obama 49 Romney 45 (9/16 PPP)

    So there you go Obama is leading in every single swing state.

    The independent polling science blog Five Thirty Eight puts Obama's chances of winning at 74.7%.

  90. If we are to take the Obama administration seriously, Egypt is not an ally of the United States and the U.S. ambassador to Libya was assassinated due to a cheesy video that was released on the Internet several months ago. While the incompetence of the current administration has often been on display and never been in doubt, the way in which the White House first paved the road to the Benghazi incident, then completely bungled its response to the assassination, is indicative of new depths of ineptitude.

  91. Matthew Bracken4:15 PM

    Both the “Innocence of Muslims” video and Barnhardt’s bacon Koran video indicate to me that Islam’s weaknesses are finally being exploited by those who understand them. Islam has a brittle glass jaw hidden behind its very effective smokescreen of fear and terror. Muslims cannot engage in rational debate, have no capacity for self-examination, and no sense of humor. In fact, these qualities are mortal sins within Islam. These two videos (and more that will follow) exploit the subrational Islamic thought processes, and cause them to lash out with reflexive Pavlovian anger, exposing the true nature of the insane death cult to those in the West who are still unaware of it, having been brainwashed by political correctness.
    These videos are merely opening shots in a counter-jihad psy-ops war that will be fought by ordinary citizens, who also understand perfectly well by now that their elected leaders would rather submit than fight back effectively against the real enemy, which is Islam itself, and not some fuzzy and undefined “extremists” within “the religion of peace.”

  92. RIP Jew'elz, a young star who epitomized great everything about Black America:

    You will be missed.

  93. Matthew Bracken said...

    "Both the “Innocence of Muslims” video and Barnhardt’s bacon Koran video indicate to me that Islam’s weaknesses are finally being exploited by those who understand them. "


    Funny, I'd call it a prime piece of chickenhawkage. I don't see any of these internet heroes going to Muslim countries to insult religious sensibilities and enflame traditional societies in person. No, too messy & personally dangerous that. Why go there where they'd be the focus of anger when they can do it all from the safety of their basement bonus rooms and let all of the consequences fall of the fragile indigenous Christian communities, young Americans in uniform, and expats working their brands in foreign lands instead. Chickenhawkage; Pure Cheney Chickenhawkage.

  94. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I see Field is supporting, once again, the two biggest idiots on FN: Purple Cow and PilotX. That says a lot about Field himself. LOL

    Lord have mercy.

  95. Kingnut8:15 PM

    OT, how come none of establishment comedy industry ever pokes fun at Obama? Lampooning the President has been a staple of SNL and late night talk shows for at least 40 years. Yet with Obama, the great comedy minds of America can apparently find nothing funny. They don't even try. Not even with Slow Joe Biden.

    It seems like there’s a lot of raw material there.

    Here’s Dave Chappelle's classic “Black Bush”:

    Is Obama off limits because he really is black(ish)? Or is it that Democrats in general are sacred now?

  96. Kingnut,I hope that was someone stealing your ID. Because as much as I disagree with you at times, your arguments at least seem somewhat thoughtful. That rant above, not so much.
