Friday, September 14, 2012

Snooki to the rescue.

My friends, we are living in strange times. They are rioting in the Middle East against the West because of a poorly produced D movie by a mysterious right wing dude with a criminal record. Zombies are still on the loose here in America. And they are ticketing  two year old kids in my hometown for public urination. (Young bucks are shooting each other like they are in a video game and the po po goes after a two year old. Unbelievable!) It's crazy out here.

Anyway, at least Mitt and his lovely wife Ann are doing their best to make us all feel like everything is alright with the world. There they were on television with Kelly and America's latest happy Negro. (Don't you just love Michael's smile?) They were sharing some light moments and giving us some insight into the real Mitt. He told us that he liked Snooki, and that he liked peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk. (Chocolate milk? Walking a little on the wild side there. Funny, I always figured Mitt for a white milk kind of guy.) There was more:

"Mitt Romney described the night he met Ann at a party at a friend’s house. Mitt Romney was a senior in high school and Ann Romney was a sophomore.

“She caught my eye I went up to her and found she’d come with someone else. And I said to the guy she came with, you know, I live closer to Ann than you do. Can I give her a ride home for you? And he said sure.
Strahan: He fell for that?

M. Romney: Yeah, he fell for that. So, we’ve been going steady ever since then.”

That damn Mitt was sneaky even back then.

I know that they say this wasn't a good week for Mitt, but hey, at least he ended it with Snooki. Americans love their Snooki.

Finally, if there is anyone reading this post who happens to live in the state of Kansas please reach out to me. I would love to send you a medal. If you live in that state you deserve it.

"Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an informal advisor to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said on Thursday he and his fellow members of a state board were considering removing President Barack Obama from the Kansas ballot this November... The board will send records requests to Hawaii, Arizona and Mississippi for more documentation of Obama’s birth." [Source] 

Relax folks, all is well that ends well.

"A Kansas man who filed an objection with the state to President Barack Obama appearing on the state's ballot, is withdrawing his objection.

Joe Montgomery's decision, which he communicated in an email to the secretary of state's office Friday afternoon, ends a process that caused the all-Republican Kansas Objections Board to vote unanimously Thursday to seek further information before making a decision on whether Obama could be on the ballot."

Joe withdrew his objection, but unfortunately the elected officials in Kansas are still there.


  1. Based on history we know RWNJs don't take responsibility for the havoc they wreak. But there's no ambiguity here the Right is responsible for what's happened in Egypt. What other purpose could that film have served except to incite violence. Are they finally going to cop to their role in setting off violence?

    Probably not.

  2. Mustaf Herod Apyur Poupr9:31 PM

    BrookLyn said...

    Based on history we know RWNJs don't take responsibility for the havoc they wreak. But there's no ambiguity here the Right is responsible for what's happened in Egypt. What other purpose could that film have served except to incite violence. Are they finally going to cop to their role in setting off violence?

    Probably not.

    Oh yes it was the conservative partee of the US of A that is responsible. Thank you very much Miss Negro. Just like when Negros in America steal and rob the stores and piss in their own dwellings and drop out of school sell the drugs and make the babies with no papas it is all because of some other person yes. We like Negros over here in middle the east. We know you do not like America or Americans just like us and you have the how you say brains of ten year old irresponsible child and are violent criminal just like us yes?

    Allah Be with you

    A H'aid D'Salaami

  3. NSangoma9:43 PM

    Anti-U.S. mobs on rampage in 17-countries from North Africa to South Asia

    Demonstrating that there is something wrong with the religion (Islam), with the leaders of Islam (Mufti, Imam), and with the adherents of Islam.

    Muhammad has been blasphemed in this country, too. But guess what, Muslim expletives had better not hit the streets here killing their fellow citizens and
    destroying property. For if they should happen to do so, that's their ssA. This applies not only to Islam, it applies to all religions in this country.

    In some other countries, not so much.

    Hindus in India often go off the chain in India killing Muslims, Buddhists, ... .

    Muslims go off the chain in Pakistan killing Hindus. Not so much in Muslim Bangladesh.

    On the African continent, Muslims go off the chain killing Animists and Christians.

    When ultra-Orthodox Jews get off the chain in YS RA EL, they are quickly brought back into line by the government. Why, because it is bad for business and the country's economy.

    In those countries that put business before religion, this kind of FECES does not happen, or is quickly brought into check

    What did POTUS Obama tell Egypt's Mohammed Morsi? Calm those protesting expletive fools down or no more money and no forgiving of past loans; bottom line, your economy will continue to suck, and suck hard.

    What then has Mohammed Morsi and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood decided to do?

    Business before religion, learn it quickly Egyptian expletive fools, if you want to play in our league.

    In this country, the USA, business is GAWD.

    Cash Rules Everything Around Me.


  4. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Obama: When I am inaguarated I will bring peace and understanding to the Muslim wolrd. They know I lived as a Muslim and undersand them

    Muslim Brotherhood goal: Islamic world domination
    - "...the Islamic Ummah [nation]... can regain its power, be liberated and
    assume its rightful position which was intended by Allah, as the most exalted
    nation among men, as the teachers of humanity..."
    - "...know your status, so that you firmly believe that you are the masters of the world, even if your enemies desire your degradation..."
    - "It should be known that Jihad and preparation for Jihad are not only for the purpose of fending-off assaults and attacks against Muslims by Allah's
    enemies, but are also for the purpose of realizing the great task of establishing an Islamic state, strengthening the religion and spreading it around the world..."
    - "...Jihad for Allah is not limited to the specific region of the Islamic countries.
    The Muslim homeland is one and is not divided. The banner of Jihad has already been raised in some of its parts, and it shall continue to be raised,
    with the help of Allah, until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated, the State of Islam will be established..."
    Means: Jihad - a mandatory religious duty
    - "This is followed by the power of arms and weapons... This is the role
    of Jihad."

    This is who Obama will meet with next week.

  5. BrookLyn said...
    But there's no ambiguity here the Right is responsible for what's happened in Egypt

    That is one of the most unambiguously stupid things anyone has ever written on the internet. You are slack-jawed, drool-covered, wet-your-pants stupid. I'm sure Obama has locked your vote up with this tale for the retarded, but I can guarantee you blaming the complete meltdown of his foreign policy on a ten minute You Tube clip is going to open enough eyes to cost him 10 points in the polls.

    Game over.

  6. Blount10:15 PM

    You know you have hit rock bottom when you are getting corrected by the infamously clueless Jimmy Carter on Middle East policy:

    Former President Jimmy Carter spoke to students at Drake University in Des Moines today and was asked if he agreed with what Obama said about Egypt:

    Carter: “Egypt is an ally of the US, we know Egypt well.”

    President Obama had earlier stated during an interview, “You know, I don’t think that we would consider them an ally, but we do not consider them an enemy.”

    As usual, they are both wrong. Egypt was our key ally, until Obama helped bring down Mubarak the same way Carter helped bring down the Shah of Iran. Like Iran, Egypt is now run by Islamic terrorists and is our mortal enemy. But it’s not US policy to admit that just yet, as Obama would know if he were even semi-competent. Otherwise, how to explain the $billions of our money the government continues to shovel at the hostile maniacs in Cairo?

  7. Anonymous10:30 PM

    That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear."

    --Barack Obama

    No stereotype at all Barack Hussein - we see it clearly.

  8. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "What then has Mohammed Morsi and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood decided to do?

    Business before religion, learn it quickly Egyptian expletive fools, if you want to play in our league."

    Sort of, he tweeted in English to stop, but then in Arabic told them to fight for the prophet.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth10:31 PM

    Hey BrookLyn, good to see your fonts again and I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

    Oh Lawd, the Republicans sure do complain about spending money a lot,except when their giving Billionaires and Zillionaires lump sum checks. When it comes to giving Billionaires and Zillionaires money, they'll open up the Mint and U.S. Treasury and tell them to help themselves.

  10. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Manwich said...
    BrookLyn said...
    But there's no ambiguity here the Right is responsible for what's happened in Egypt

    That is one of the most unambiguously stupid things anyone has ever written on the internet. You are slack-jawed, drool-covered, wet-your-pants stupid. I'm sure Obama has locked your vote up with this tale for the retarded, but I can guarantee you blaming the complete meltdown of his foreign policy on a ten minute You Tube clip is going to open enough eyes to cost him 10 points in the polls.

    Game over.

    10:07 PM

    Whoa there big guy. Before you go off half-cocked on Brooklyn let me inform you the she holds PhD's in American and Middle Eastern history.

    So she is very bright and knows what she is talking about. You probably can't grasp what she has said because it is too deep for you.

    Don't feel bad, many Whites don't quite understand either. However, she make a lot of sense when you realize she is qualified.

  11. Anonymous10:37 PM

    CHICAGO—Jubilant Chicago Public Schools officials announced Friday that, for five straight days now, there has not been a single act of student violence in any of the city’s 675 public schools. “Our classrooms and hallways are safer now than they’ve ever been,” said CPS chief executive Jean-Claude Brizard, happily noting that there have been no reported instances of beatings, stabbings, sexual assaults, or shootings in any of the city’s public schools this week. “We’ve had no incidents of weapons being brought onto school property, nor has anyone had to break up a fistfight between students. We’ve all had to work together for this, but it’s paid off. Let’s keep it up!” At press time, a gunfight on Chicago’s South Side had reportedly claimed the lives of three 16-year-old boys.

  12. John Corzine10:38 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    ",except when their giving Billionaires and Zillionaires lump sum checks."

    Are you refering to Solyndra, or maybe GE?

    Or are you just spewing mindless BS again?

  13. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Whoa there big guy. Before you go off half-cocked

    Wait we are surrounded by moonbats, is "half-cocked" a he-she transgender thing or would that be fully breasted?

  14. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Granny has repeatedly said on her own blog that she has no patience for foolish Trolls posting on her blog. Hence, she will not put up with them.

    Now, she is on FN blog conversing with trolls. It sounds like she loves trolls on Field's blog but hate having them on hers. That is being an hypocrite.

    Granny is full of it.

  15. Anonymous10:42 PM

    It would be PilotX

  16. Mustaf Herod Apyur Poupr10:44 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    ",except when their giving Billionaires and Zillionaires lump sum checks."

    Are you refering to Solyndra, or maybe GE?

    Or are you just spewing mindless BS again?

    I think I hear on the television set the leg tingle man Chris matthew say exact same things. I dont understand him, my brother say dont worry he one of those crazy liberals who had bad childhood and hate world. I think so he look crazy and say no sense things like Bill The Clinton has sex with Martians and Everyonebody dont liek Obama ideas because he is dark. I know this not true Obama have no ideas. He busy getting money from donors from big companies in the US of A. But no matter I think the Granny she not say anything new she copy what crazy leg tingle man say.

  17. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Whoa there big guy. Before you go off half-cocked

    Wait we are surrounded by moonbats, is "half-cocked" a he-she transgender thing or would that be fully breasted?

    10:40 PM
    Don't talk dirty about Granny. That is not allowed. You need to wash your mouth out with soap.

    dear Granny, on behalf of all FN trolls, I apologize for the dirty talk.

  18. I-Zheet M'Druorz10:50 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Hey BrookLyn, good to see your fonts again and I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

    Oh Lawd, the Republicans sure do complain about spending money a lot,except when their giving Billionaires and Zillionaires lump sum checks. When it comes to giving Billionaires and Zillionaires money, they'll open up the Mint and U.S. Treasury and tell them to help themselves.

    The treasury is giving out mints? Oooohhh..I like mints. If the treasury is giving out mints is the federal reserve giving out cotton candy?

  19. Graabir Boubi10:53 PM

    Don't talk dirty about Granny. That is not allowed. You need to wash your mouth out with soap.

    dear Granny, on behalf of all FN trolls, I apologize for the dirty talk.

    What dirty we are talking foul I mean about fouls chickens and roosters, cocks and hens. I like chicken you do the naughty things with the chickens is america? Is what I say bad because you love your chickens too much?

  20. President Downgrade strikes again:

    In response to Fed chief Bernanke trying to goose the economy long enough to get Obama reelected, the US just got downgraded again.

    Ratings firm Egan-Jones cut its credit rating on the U.S. government to "AA-" from "AA," citing its opinion that quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve would hurt the U.S. economy and the country's credit quality.

    The Fed on Thursday said it would pump $40 billion into the U.S. economy each month until it saw a sustained upturn in the weak jobs market

    In its downgrade, the firm said that issuing more currency and depressing interest rates through purchasing mortgage-backed securities does little to raise the U.S.'s real gross domestic product, but reduces the value of the dollar.

    In turn, this increases the cost of commodities, which will pressure the profitability of businesses and increase the costs of consumers thereby reducing consumer purchasing power, the firm said.

    Hey, but fuck consumers, Obama's gotta keep his job!

  21. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Oh Lord, please forgive GB@10:53p. I ask in Jesus name who died for our sins that Graabir Boubi will come repent and change his Russian/Czech ways.

    Field, this is all your fault. Your blog is too secular and blind to the invisible world of faith.

  22. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Does anybody care about all of the anti-American protests that is world-wide?

  23. Central bankers are “counterfeit money printers” and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke should resign for messing up the U.S. economy so badly, Marc Faber, author of the Gloom, Doom and Boom, told CNBC on Friday.

    He said Bernanke was one of the main proponents of an ultra-expansionist economic monetary policy that was to blame for the latest financial crisis.

    “If I had messed up as badly as Bernanke I would for sure resign. The mandate of the Fed to boost asset prices and thereby create wealth is ludicrous — it doesn’t work that way. It’s a temporary boost followed by a crash,” Faber said.

    Faber, who rose to prominence after predicting the 1987 financial crash report and dubbed "Dr Doom" for his negative predictions, said: “This unlimited QE (quantitative easing) , buying mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and continuing operation twist has the implication of simply having asset prices go up and the money flows down to the Mayfair economy,” Faber said.

    A Mayfair economy is one which benefits the wealthier and better off in society. Faber said this latest round of QE would not help the “man on the street”.

    “QE helps rich people whose asset prices go up and whose net worth then increases but it doesn’t flow to the man on the street who is faced with higher costs of living with price rises. You just have a small economy that is booming but the majority of the economy is damaged by QE,” he said.

    Faber poured scorn on the notion that QE helps the economy, declaring that commentators like Konczal would have said the same in 2001 when low interest rates led to the biggest housing bubble in the United States. That in turn led to the financial crisis of 2008

    “If we have an economic crisis in the Western world it’s because the government makes up 50 percent or more of the economy. This is a cancer that is taking away people’s freedom,” he said.

  24. James Carney11:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Does anybody care about all of the anti-American protests that is world-wide?

    It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube.

  25. Graabir Boubi11:33 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh Lord, please forgive GB@10:53p. I ask in Jesus name who died for our sins that Graabir Boubi will come repent and change his Russian/Czech ways.

    Field, this is all your fault. Your blog is too secular and blind to the invisible world of faith.

    Ah now I understand pain you have. Secular - yes one of my two I have seculars got bigger then my biggest fat hen one rainy cloudy day time and I had to have it Uncocked no that not right word I had to have it pull juiced empty out yes? it was full of something I do not remember what it was but it smell worse than five day rooster droppings in the hot sun. Ok I tell rest it was a happy happy day when doctor say I get to keep both my seculars. I was so happy now I check both seculars of my each noon by day I make sure no get big like hen-cock again

  26. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube."


  27. GrannyStandingforTruth11:35 PM

    Dang, even China is calling Romney out for China bashing. Man, does Romney understand that you do not bite the hand of the country that has let you do business in their country or loaned you money? Smh? And this is who the rightwingers want to be President. Hilarious!,0,7920623.story

    Yep, that's about sums it up.

  28. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Anonymous James Carney said...

    Anonymous said...
    Does anybody care about all of the anti-American protests that is world-wide?

    It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube.

    But Mr Chili CON Man Carne
    We saw signs that said Obama we are all Osama's , they were burning U.S flags everywhere and Egyptian intelligence told Israel and the US state deparmtent on Sept 4th that there was a planned attack on Embassies in Cairo and Egypt. NOw the state departement says no more questions it has become an investigation, is this a cover up to protect Hillary and Barack Hussien so he can keep campaigning and not have to answer for his utter incompetence?

  29. "Does anybody care about all of the anti-American protests that is world-wide?"

    No, I am more concerned about all the "anti-American" stuff I saw in Tampa a few weeks ago.

  30. Anonymous said...
    "It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube."



    That's the official story:

    Everyone here needs to stick to it.

    Got it?

  31. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I can tell from your post that Snooki is well-known in our society because you did not provide a link to her name. Obviously, you felt it was not necessary. Mr Field, is she THAT well-known because I don't know her. Please Forgive me but could you let me know why I should know her?

  32. Anonymous11:42 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Dang, even China is calling Romney out for China bashing. Man, does Romney understand that you do not bite the hand of the country that has let you do business in their country or loaned you money? Smh? And this is who the rightwingers want to be President. Hilarious!,0,7920623.story

    Yep, that's about sums it up.

    Granny, you are a little scary, do you ever check anything or just buy everything they throw at you, despite all the lies. Stephanie cutter contacted the Communist state communication China's Xinhua is the state's Communist propaganda outlet.

    "Xinhua is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China's Propaganda and Public Information Departments,"

    What is amazing is that democrats have sunk so low they even plant stories with propaganda communist governments. They have become truly despicable and disgusting things. Is Obama that horrible that they can say nothing good about anything he has done and they can only continue to lie to those with lesser intellectual capability to smear him? \

    Careful with the nutjobs on MSNBC it kills brains cells and they will not be around next year with the ratings they get.

  33. GrannyStandinginTruth said...
    Dang, even China is calling Romney out for China bashing. Man, does Romney understand that you do not bite the hand of the country that has let you do business in their country or loaned you money

    Are you saying that since we owe China so much money, they own us to the point you can't criticize them anymore?

    Is that how Obama conducts himself with the Chinese? As if they are his masters?

  34. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Does anybody care about all of the anti-American protests that is world-wide?"

    No, I am more concerned about all the "anti-American" stuff I saw in Tampa a few weeks ago.

    Now YOU KNOW that stuff ALL happened in the star wars bar scene freak fest at the DNC. You guys live in bizarro world. Up is down, down is up, sideways is forward. Lies are truth, truth is racist.

  35. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube."



    That's the official story:

    Everyone here needs to stick to it.

    Got it?

    11:38 PM

  36. Anonymous11:52 PM

    That's the official story:

    Everyone here needs to stick to it.

    Got it?

    I have never seen so many lies and covers ups of so many things. It's unimaginable how crooked, corrupt and incompetent Obama's presidency has been. I guess most of his loyal supporters believe anything. It's all a cover up, they can't say it was planned, because then they have to say why didn't they do anything when they were warned by Egypt and Netanyahu. Because Hillary was out to lunch somewhere and Obama hasn't a clue and doesn't get involved with presidential duties like daily security briefings, economic briefings, job councils - let's face what would he do anyway? Nothing, he only knows how to spend like a mad housewife. Problem, ok new program on top of the other existing 50 programs to show you I care...uh-huh..sure.

    From USA today:

    The protest was planned by Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam's prophet, Mohammed, said Eric Trager, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

    The protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was announced Aug. 30 by Jamaa Islamiya, a State Department-designated terrorist group, to protest the ongoing imprisonment of its spiritual leader, Sheikh Omar abdel Rahman. He is serving a life sentence in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

  37. Anonymous said...
    "It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube."



    That's the official story:

    Everyone here needs to stick to it.

    Got it?

    11:38 PM


    Come on dude, it's simple: These protests are not directed at the United States, but at a You Tube Video.

    This has NOTHING to do with America or, more importantly, the Obama administration. Nothing at all.

    This is entirely on You Tube. They disgust us. You Tube, not the terrorist mobs.

    Got it yet?

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth12:00 AM

  39. Granny:

    You should check your girl Stephanie Cutter before you use her as reference:

  40. GrannyStandingforTruth12:10 AM
    LOL! Unbelievable!

  41. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Anonymous CB said...


    You should check your girl Stephanie Cutter before you use her as reference:

    Yeah, she is not a reference, I qouted facts and I won't even check your link but I know Obama is throwing her under the bus because she is another one that got caught lying so must be dispensed with. Remember when she tried to say they didn't knwo anything about Romney giving a woman cancer ad and then that very day audio of her conference call coordinating the lies surfaced.

    All liberals have are lies and smears dedicated to the brainless and shameless who don't care how low they need to stoop to cover for the incompetent one.

  42. Chicago Public Schools Celebrate Third Straight Day Without Any Student Violence, Sept. 14, 2012

    CHICAGO—Jubilant Chicago Public Schools officials announced Wednesday that, for three straight days now, there has not been a single act of student violence in any of the city’s 675 public schools. “Our classrooms and hallways are safer now than they’ve ever been,” said CPS chief executive Jean-Claude Brizard, happily noting that there have been no reported instances of beatings, stabbings, sexual assaults, or shootings in any of the city’s public schools this week.

    “We’ve had no incidents of weapons being brought onto school property, nor has anyone had to break up a fistfight between students. We’ve all had to work together for this, but it’s paid off. Let’s keep it up!” At press time, a gunfight on Chicago’s South Side had reportedly claimed the lives of three 16-year-old boys

  43. Anonymous12:16 AM


    You should check your girl Stephanie Cutter before you use her as reference:

    Thinking on this again, whats your point? She is Obamas press secretary, she has been bad because she got caught in a lot of lies like they all have. What does someone else have to check her have to do with her being Obamas press secretary a lousy one and part of the incompetent ones cover up team? How else do you think we found about the latest lie with the communist china government, she is incompetent. But she is ALL YOURS and a perfect example of democrats, nothing but lies.

  44. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    LOL! Unbelievable!

    Granny, do you read any of this stuff? DO you get it? Do you expect anyone not an insane democrat to buy half of the gibberish you are reaching for?

    I read the first supposed lie and laugh. It says Romney said Obama went on an apology tour - this is a lie. NO IT"S NOT we have been talking about it all night, he apologized to the world for America, said he would be better, he would understand MUSLIMS better coming from that part of the world...he IS AN APOLOGIST. I won't even waste my time on the rest of the article. What the hell ever happened to the liberal party it's filled with nutjobs who don't even try to make sense, they just try and spread propoganda hoping something catches. No way you are stupid enough to believe half of what you post. No way, so there has to be evilness in there somewhere.

    1. Romney campaigning in Iowa on Sunday: “[W]hen the president went around at the beginning of his term and apologized for America around the world, it made us just heartsick.”

    He’s lying; the president never apologized for America. Romney knows this, but he keeps making the claim anyway

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth12:42 AM

  46. Guess what the average ACT score of the striking teachers in Chicago is? Try a whopping 19:

    You’ll hear a lot of numbers bandied around in the coming days regarding the Chicago Teachers Union strike – average salary, anticipated size of the district’s deficit, level of state financial support.

    But the number I find most disturbing is: 19.

    That’s the average Chicago Public School teacher’s score on the ACT test if they took it when attending high school, according to a 2008 Southern Illinois University study.

    Despite all of the bright teachers, there are enough who scored so badly on the ACT that they dragged the average down to 19 out of a possible score of 36.

    To put that number in perspective, today every high school junior in Illinois – whether they are going to college or not – is required to take the test. This year their average test score was just shy of 21.

    That is, the average Chicago teacher is a good bit dumber than the average Illinois citizen. These teachers make $76,000 a year, and are rejecting a 16% raise offer.

    Jesus done left Chicago.

  47. Beckie1:18 AM

    Kansas reporting in; love your blog! The latest news I heard was that, even tho Joe withdrew his objection, the board will still probably meet on the issue because the objection may need to be "formally" withdrawn.

  48. Anonymous3:46 AM

    That is, the average Chicago teacher is a good bit dumber than the average Illinois citizen. These teachers make $76,000 a year, and are rejecting a 16% raise offer.

    Jesus done left Chicago.

    It's not about teaching the kids, it's about an artificial black middle class. Where else can an partially literate person get a job making this much money? Why in a union teaching kids , after AA gets them hired. If it were about the kids these people would never be let near them.

  49. Anonymous3:57 AM

    A worldwide caliphate is forming once again with Iran at or near the center of the vortex. The Muslim Brotherhood is in control, with a great deal of help from Barack Obama while he stays true to his Muslim roots and keeps pushing taquiyya to the infidels in America. The American President is pushing diplomacy between Israel and Iran just long enough for Iran to get fully armed to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. He is clearly anti-Israel and pro-Islam. Obama spouts support for Israel while ensuring her demise and propping up her enemies. Talk about two-faced. And Netanyahu has had just about enough of Obama’s lies and deceptions.

    On September 28th, Obama and Netanyahu will meet at the UN. But adding insult to injury, Ahmadinejad will address the UN on Yom Kippur – Israel’s Day of Atonement and their highest holy day. What a monstrous insult to Israel. This whole meeting reminds me seriously of the bar scene from Star Wars. It’s a freakfest that highlights evil everywhere possible. Netanyahu will be a light in the darkness there – may G-d protect him.

    Time is very short now and tiny Israel is going to have to decide when to fight. She will not wait for America – she can’t afford to. Her survival is at stake. As Danny Danon, the MK of Israel has said, an ally is someone who takes action. This is laid at Obama’s feet, not the American people:

    In fact, Obama’s actions are fanning antisemitism here in the states. Hatred is on the rise against Jews and Christians across the land of the free and the home of the brave. And Obama is stomping on our Constitution and rights every chance he gets.

    For those that think this only involves Israel and Iran, or at the most the Middle East, think again. We will be drawn into this war. There is no way we can’t. Not only is Israel our closest ally, Iran is our worst enemy. There is an argument to be made that Obama would love a war to break out as he sees it as a pathway to reelection. Americans should review that scenario carefully. If war breaks out, we would be much safer with Romney at the helm. At least he has a spine and morals.

    Americans should also consider the very real possibility of an attack on the US. Last week, Iran stated that shortly they would be stationing their navy just outside of US waters. All the better to hit us with an EMP or 3. But, they don’t need a navy… a cargo ship would do nicely.

    Then comes the warm and fuzzy news that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks from South America against us. You know, that land mass we have been studiously ignoring and hoping it would just go away… Well, it didn’t.

  50. Anonymous3:58 AM

    terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the U.S. and Europe should Iran be attacked. Hundreds of terror cells have infiltrated America and, in collaboration with Hezbollah, are awaiting orders to strike American targets.

    Thousands of cells have also been placed in Latin America.

    “The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela,” a former Iranian official with knowledge of the regime’s terror network recently revealed. “Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America. Thousands of such cells have been placed in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

    A recent report from within Nicaragua indicated that Iran has established a training base in the northern part of that country, where operatives, including Hezbollah terrorists, are being readied for an attack on U.S. and Israeli interests should a war break out with Iran.

    Hassan Abassi, a former Guard commander and a current strategist, has stated that many of the cells are of Latin American origin, including from Mexico, and that several hundred targets have been identified in the U.S. for a possible attack.

    Yep, the Twelvers are gearing up to play RISK and we are embroiled in a political reality show. Remember, we are the Great Satan and Israel is the Little Satan. Guess who is number one on the radical Islamist apocalyptic dance card?

  51. Muslims are Nazis3:58 AM

    Just drop a Baby Nuke,which we have in our arsenal, and it will all be over. I think, it was after the 1973 war, Israel hit the Aswan dam, with paint-bombs. Sending a MESSAGE.

    If the Aswan dam goes, all of Cairo washes into the Medittaren Sea.

    Their goats go with them.

  52. Muslims Are Nazis4:12 AM

    BTW.......THAT'S the reason Israel & Egypt signed a a "Peace Pact".

    Because they knew, Israel could do it any time they damn so pleased.

  53. Obama Campaign Headquarters6:03 AM


    Some great folks we know are looking for a friendly place to stay.

    A group of the most dedicated organizers and volunteers will be coming to Philadelphia for the remaining weeks of the campaign. They heard we’re looking to run a fierce ground game for President Obama this fall — and they want to be a part of it.

    But here’s the thing: They need somewhere to stay. And I’m hoping you can lend them a hand with that.”

    The folks who are coming won’t ask for much. Many of them will gladly sleep on a comfy couch or an air mattress, or in a small spare room you might have.

    I bet they‘ll come back at night with some amazing stories about the people they’ve reached and the energy they’re sparking — stories that you otherwise might not get to hear.

    I bet you can't wait to host your own Obama/Biden Hostel, we will be contacting you ASAP to make final arrangements.

    Yours in Obama,

    P.S Most of the Campaigners having recently arrived to the U.S aren't completely fluent in English just yet. You may be asked to purchase clothes and food and other amenities as needed. Especially writing instruments to assist in completing a large quantity of absentee ballots. Again thanks in advance Obama Brother. At most we expect no more than 12-14 people needing accommodation in your home. Isn't government community great?

    P.P.S Should you have any offending religious Items related to Christianity or anything other than total worship to Islam, could you remove them please? We don't want to agitate your new room-mates, not that they are prone to violence or anything of that sort.

  54. "He’s lying; the president never apologized for America. Romney knows this, but he keeps making the claim anyway"

    Well, if he lied about how he heard about 911, what's a little lie about an apology.

    Sorry Anon.@6:03AM, Mrs. Field doesn't like strangers.

  55. Funny, the majority of CPS teachers are white. No wonder the scores are so low. Maybe its the white AA in action.

  56. Wait, I thought voter I D laws would prevent absentee voter fraud. Oh that's right, were not REALLY concerned about voter fraud.

  57. Anonymous9:36 AM

    PilotX said...

    Funny, the majority of CPS teachers are white. No wonder the scores are so low. Maybe its the white AA in action.

    Why you say funny? Funny as in you talking out your ass and it would be funny if you got lucky..nah you wrong as always.

    60% minority teachers 8% white students. Damn they some dumbasses - you went to a chicago school I can tell.

  58. Anonymous9:39 AM

    PilotX said...

    Wait, I thought voter I D laws would prevent absentee voter fraud. Oh that's right, were not REALLY concerned about voter fraud.

    The Obama peeps are very concerned they gonna vote often and early it's those white boys want the ID and shit. Dey always trying to play by the rules and follow them stupid laws. But Eric Holders say dem negroes be too stoopid to get an ID they be "biologically disadvantaged" can you believe that shit someone bein to gottdamned stoopid to gets an ID - I'd hide my head in a hoody the rest of my life if I were this stoopid.

  59. I see Fed Up from Redeye's Front Page is in the building. This place is starting to become a mecca (heh) for trolls who got bounced from other blogs.

    That is, the average Chicago teacher is a good bit dumber than the average Illinois citizen. These teachers make $76,000 a year, and are rejecting a 16% raise offer.

    It's not all about the money. The bone of contention was how teacher evaluations would effect job security. For an idea of the consternation surrounding evaluation methodologies, read this:

    As an aside, those teachers would probably be plenty dumber if they were paid the same annual median wage as the average burger-flipper: $18,384. You get what you pay for and I have yet to hear about smart people being drawn into a profession after the wages were cut down to the bone.

  60. "The Obama peeps are very concerned they gonna vote often and early it's those white boys want the ID and shit. Dey always trying to play by the rules and follow them stupid laws. But Eric Holders say dem negroes be too stoopid to get an ID they be "biologically disadvantaged" can you believe that shit someone bein to gottdamned stoopid to gets an ID - I'd hide my head in a hoody the rest of my life if I were this stoopid."

    Rigging the vote is the only way Mitt Romney can win at this point. But go ahead and ignore all the evidence of GOP-crafted voter ID laws making it harder for many American citizens to exercise their guaranteed right.

    And by the way, you really gotta drop that whole "Mock Ebonics" shtick. It's rather unbecoming of someone your it isn't. It suits you.

    Mock Ebonics:

  61. Anonymous10:58 AM

    PilotX Please stop spreading the disinformation regarding voter ID laws and do some basic research regarding the history of what led to this issue taking center stage by you leftists this election.
    President Jimmy Carter is in large part responsible for this issue as he was part of a bi-partisan committee that the Federal Election Commission assembled in 2005 to develop methods to insure the integrity of the voting process in the United States.
    This occurred after Carter had been in several foreign countries to observe elections and to help discourage voter fraud. Voter ID laws in this country was one of about five items that this committee debated to protect the voting process here.
    Furthermore, in most states that have Voter ID laws like Michigan where I live, if a person doesn't have a government issued photo ID, that person can VOTE if he or she signs an affidavit attesting that they are who they claim to be.
    I never thought that I would live to see the day when the left would day after day deliberately and through omission lie about things that are so important to the very existence of this nation.
    You and the rest of the Obama minions have been so blinded by or are so ignorant and lacking in critical thinking skills that you fervently support a man who is nothing more than an empty suit.
    You won't admit it, but you know that had he not be a half black Democrat he would have never come close to being nominated for president with the thinnest resume of any candidate to have ever run for the office.
    Have a nice weekend!

  62. Mack Lyons said...
    It's not all about the money. The bone of contention was how teacher evaluations would effect job security

    Your correct about that Mack. You know why the teachers of the Second City are striking, as having their salaries and careers tied to student achievement is a metric they aren’t willing to have on the bargaining table.

    These teachers do not want their job security to hinge on the performance of a student population in which they have absolutely no confidence of their ability to perform.

    Close to 80% of the CPS student cannot read or do math at grade proficiency.

    The Atlanta Public school system tied techer pay to student performance, as got massive cheating as a result:

    According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, math teacher Shayla Smith was accused of offering students the answers to a test they were taking at the time. She had reportedly been responsible for supervising them while the tests were being completed.

    Schajuan Jones, who taught a fourth-grade class across the hall from Smith’s former room, overheard her talking to another teacher about the test.

    “The words were, ‘I had to give your kids, or your students, the answers because they’re dumb as hell,’” Jones was quoted as saying about the interaction between Smith and the unidentified third teacher.

    The Chicago Public School system is going the way of the Detroit system: basically, the teachers are paid to provide surveillance for eight hours a day (and the school to offer free lunches that the parent(s) can’t afford), baby-sitting students so that the police department in the Second City can have a momentary reprieve.

    Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, like almost all white parents in Chicago, sends his kids to private school. The CPS student body is down to 8% white. Why? Because white parents will do whatever they can to keep them out of a system where learning is secondary and where their children will be the target of violent attacks.

    How much longer are we going to keep throwing money at an educational system that is such an absolutely stunning failure?

    Does anyone ever stop and think how the 92 percent non-white students who are enrolled in the Chicago Public Schools system, 80% of whom cannot do basic math or read at a basic level, will run Chicago in the near-future?

    What's that going to look like? Detroit?

  63. Change or dollars?12:07 PM

    Anonymous @3:46

    ”It's not about teaching the kids, it's about an artificial black middle class. Where else can a partially literate person get a job making this much money? Why in a union teaching kids, after AA gets them hired. If it were about the kids these people would never be let near them.”

    It is change everybody else can believe in…not for us, though. We want what is ours not matter what. We do not want change…we want dollars without CPS evaluating our performance, even though we teach every child the same way for hundreds of years. (snark)

  64. Think again12:24 PM


    All politicians lie – they’re professional liars. That is how they get voters’ attention. If they told the truth, no one would vote for them. One should determine which politician tells the fewest lies and make voting and/or worshiping judgments from there.

  65. The reason why there is unrest is because of the is not in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be be reprehensible and disgusting...This is in response to the film...The cause of the unrest was a video...These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region...This is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.

  66. "And by the way, you really gotta drop that whole "Mock Ebonics" shtick. It's rather unbecoming of someone your it isn't. It suits you."

    Co-sign with that. It's like a comic on stage telling the same old jokes and no one in the bar is paying attention.

  67. Hi Granny! My Dad passed, I'm recovering from major surgery--life you know. Recovery is boring when dr's orders are sit on your butt and don't lift anything or empty the dishwasher. While I hate my partner's politics (yes I love a Republican)his bed side manner is made of awesome.

    I didn't read all the comments-- I just refuse to. However, I must ask what anti-American videos are out there calling Jesus a child molester?

    I honestly don't understand what it is about the right that they cannot show a modicum of respect for other cultures and viewpoints. In the UK you're not allowed to use the image of the Queen in comedy. Why do we respect this? And again if the Right is so badass why not take responsibility for the shit you stir. Gabby Giffords--nope not it. Dr. Tiller--only called him a baby killer. Recommending 2nd amendment remedies--we were just joshin'.

    Going forward every democrat running for office (even if it's the schoolboard) should just run a loop of the ridiculous nonsense from Republicans. The caption: Do you really want these guys running anything?

  68. Anonymous4:24 PM

    James Carney said...
    Anonymous said...
    "It's NOT anti-American, it's anti-You Tube."



    That's the official story:

    Everyone here needs to stick to it.

    Got it?

    11:38 PM


    Come on dude, it's simple: These protests are not directed at the United States, but at a You Tube Video.

    This has NOTHING to do with America or, more importantly, the Obama administration. Nothing at all.

    This is entirely on You Tube. They disgust us. You Tube, not the terrorist mobs.

    Got it yet?

    11:54 PM

  69. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Brooklyn said, "Hi Granny! My Dad passed, I'm recovering from major surgery--life you know. Recovery is boring when dr's orders are sit on your butt and don't lift anything or empty the dishwasher. While I hate my partner's politics (yes I love a Republican)his bed side manner is made of awesome."

    Sorry to hear about your father and you having surgery but I hope things will get better. However, it's good to know you have someone who is a Republican at your bedside.

    In a million years I would not have figured you to spend your life with a WM. But thinking about it, it is a good partnership to have during your need of support. Get well soon.

  70. women in chains4:41 PM


    The same dope who can't find West Midwood, Brooklyn with Google, thinks Islam is a swell thing even though in Islamic countries women are, to varying degrees, slaves.

    But, hey, what's a little slavery among muslims? After all, the women are used to it. Right?

  71. black gold, texas t4:44 PM

    There are thousands and thousands of high-paying jobs open to those with some basic technical skills who are willing to work in North Dakota and Montana.


  72. Brooklyn, sorry to hear about your dad. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  73. Reality Check5:34 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    While I hate my partner's politics (yes I love a Republican)his bed side manner is made of awesome.

    If the world didn't have decent people willing to take care of liberals, people like you would starve.

  74. Anon @ 4:24: What????

    All the other Obama voters seem to get it, why can't you? Just read the synposis of my press conference yesterday:

    "The reason why there is unrest is because of the is not in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be be reprehensible and disgusting...This is in response to the film...The cause of the unrest was a video...These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region...This is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims."

    When thinking about the unrest in the Middle East, just remember:

    Obama - No blame.

    Video/Film - Blame.

    You can also blame You Tube, Christians, "right wingers" or Romney if you wish, as long as you remember this has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE POLICIES OR ACTIONS OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

  75. BrookLyn said...
    "I honestly don't understand what it is about the right that they cannot show a modicum of respect for other cultures and viewpoints. In the UK you're not allowed to use the image of the Queen in comedy. Why do we respect this? And again if the Right is so badass why not take responsibility for the shit you stir. Gabby Giffords--nope not it."

    The stupid is strong, very strong.

    Gabby Giffords?

    And you are advocating for censorship in the form of anti-blasphemy laws? For all religions, or just those who kill people who criticize them?

    The very idea that the current rioting and murder in the Middle East is the fault of some You Tube video is beyond absurd. Your progression to blaming the "right" for this is incomprehensible.

    I used to think liberals knew what they spouted was bullshit. With you though, I think you actually might be dumb enough to believe it.

    Amazing. And you are allowed to vote.

  76. The way FYT attempts to explain both the Atlanta Public Schools debacle and Chicago's own school issues, you'd think it was solely the fault of the teachers. Atlanta's woes came courtesy of immense pressure to make AYP (adequate yearly progress) by all means necessary. When AYP doesn't descriminate against normal schoolkids and those with disability issues and special learning needs that don't conform to standardized testing, meeting AYP becomes an uphill battle.

    It didn't help that the administration was largely complicit in encouraging teachers to juke the stats so the entire school looked good.


    "Schools that reported jumps in their annual test scores earned headlines, parties and visits from beaming governors. Those that did not suffered failing labels and falling morale."

    "Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, like almost all white parents in Chicago, sends his kids to private school. The CPS student body is down to 8% white. Why? Because white parents will do whatever they can to keep them out of a system where learning is secondary and where their children will be the target of violent attacks."

    Field, how come school performance, in some people's minds, is tied to the number of whites willing to send their children to said institutions?

    "If the world didn't have decent people willing to take care of liberals, people like you would starve."

    No, that's just your jealousy of her having a loving partner who loves and cares for her showing. How's your relationship with your significant other (if you have one) going?

  77. "Amazing. And you are allowed to vote."

    Meanwhile, the GOP's doing all it can to make sure only the "right" type of people vote. Why do you hate liberty and freedom so much? :)

  78. Manwich7:32 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Meanwhile, the GOP's doing all it can to make sure only the "right" type of people vote. Why do you hate liberty and freedom so much? :)"

    I love liberty and freedom, it's excessive "equality" that I hate.

    All human beings should be equal before the law, but not all should have an equal say in how the business of the collective is managed.

    There is no moral or intellectual justification for restricting the franchise of voting on racial and gender classifications, but there is a clear case of requiring a certain level of investment of an individual in the greater society before he or she can vote.

    Universal sufferage is destroying democracy. People who don't pay taxes have no skin in the game, and therefore no interest in fiscal sustainablility, and will inevitably vote themselves more of other people's money until the point the whole system collapses.

    Everyone should have equal opportunity to become vested in society. Those who are wards of the state should have no say in how the state is run.

    I would move the voting age back to 21, unless you are in the military, where you could vote upon enlistment. After 21, you could vote if you paid income taxes, starting at dollar one. After 20 years of paying taxes, you would become permanently vested.

  79. "how come school performance, in some people's minds, is tied to the number of whites willing to send their children to said institutions?"

    Because white students perform on average, one standard deviation higher on all academic measurement metrics.

    And because minority-run school systems become affirmative-action cesspools run on racial spoils principles that inevitably result in rampant corruption, inefficiency and incompetence.

    Once an inner school system becomes run by minorities, it turns into a jobs program for minority professionals (teachers and aministrators) and ceases being an educational institution.

    Once a student body becomes minority white, the level of violence spirals out of control. As soon as a student body becomes majority-minority, the level of violence directed at white students becomes unacceptable. Whites flee the district, and you have a situation where 80% of the students are uneducable.

    The Atlanta school system couldn't make adequate progress because they have poor teacher AND because their student body is majority-minority.

    The Chicago teachers know good and well that the 92% black and hispanic student body they are charged with "teaching" is never going to make the grade, which is why they are willing to go to the mat over not having their own fortunes tied to that of their charges.

  80. GrannyStandingforTruth9:53 PM

    @BrookLyn, so sorry to hear about your dad. We've been having deaths in my family for the past couple of years. Some of them lived to be over 100 yrs old on both sides of my family, which ended six generations. Nevertheless, all of them lived a full, blessed, and fruitful life. I pray that you have a speedy recovery. Amen, I decided to scroll pass certain ones when I see their handle or ignore them.

  81. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "I love liberty and freedom, it's excessive "equality" that I hate."

    Conservatives only like "limited" equality. Shame.


  82. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Teachers total: 21,320

    African-American: 29.7%

    White: 49.7%

    Latino: 16.1%

    Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.6%

    Native American: 0.9%

    From the CPS website. Looks like whites make up the largest group. No wonder test scores are so low. Facts trolls, facts.

