Monday, September 17, 2012

FOX is punked, a racist clown, and Mitt thinks that 47 percent of Americans are leeches.

Romney is putting together a pretty tight coalition of neocons, rodeo clowns, Cheney family members,and the sleep-til-11 still-living-at-home crowd. That's going to be a tough bloc to break up."
That was someone commenting under the nom de plume of "gramercypolice" on the Gawker website after reading the post about FOX NEWS getting punked.
"Fox News morning show Fox & Friends clearly searched high and low for a young American — any young America — who gave up on President Obama and went looking for hope and change in his Republican counterpart.
And, in Max Rice, they got exactly the kind of young America who would pick Romney over Obama: A blithering troll.
Starting off by sup'ping Gretchen Carlson before greeting her with "Hello Miss USA" (Carlson was crowned Miss America in 1989), Rice — who may or may not be this guy — goes on to explain that a bet on a basketball game made him switch affiliations.
And the interview rolls steadily downhill from there.
UPDATE: Rice tells Raw Story he did the Fox & Friends interview in an effort to shame Fox " [Source] 

Mission accomplished Mr. Rice. Who is doing the vetting over at FOX? They are almost as desperate as the Romney campaign these days.

"Field, where does the "coalition" of "rodeo clowns" come into play?"

Oh, that would be this guy. He thought that it would be funny to make ignorant and racial jokes about the First Lady of the United States at a public forum with thousands of tax paying Americans present. This was a rodeo clown's lame attempt at being funny. Honestly wingnuts, you really need to get some new joke writers.

Speaking of clowns, I see that Mitt's campaign is in full Etch A Sketch mode and that they are changing directions again. Mitt is going to be more specific on what he plans to do to get America back on track, and his campaign will focus more on domestic issues going forward. This all sounds great, but methinks that Mitt, once again, has some issues that he might  need to address.

It seems that Mother Jones has caught Mitt in an unscripted off the cuff moment that was not meant for the general public's eyes or ears.

"During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.
Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." [Source]

Oh my! Mitt says that he will not be worrying about "those people" because they have no sense of "personal responsibility" and they view themselves as "victims." (Does that sound familiar?)  Interesting. I hope that Mitt doesn't think that 47% of Obama's voters are all minorities. I am sure that there are some poor white folks in that number as well.

Mitt, I think you will live to regret that statement. (Just think of President Obama with his now infamous guns and God comment that was made to group of his peeps that was secretly taped.) But don't worry Mitt, 47% of Americans will never leave you no matter what you think of them.






  1. Kingnut8:36 PM

    "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax."

    Amen, Brother Romney.

    He is right, and he's smarter than Bush, who foolishly tried to get that half of the country to like him, by being 'compassionate'. It is a complete waste of time trying to convince any of the dependent class (aka the Obama base) to vote for the party of personal responsibility. His narrow path to victory is getting all the productive people to realize that this is their last chance to steer the bus we're all on away from the edge of the cliff it's heading for.

    America may well be finished, and Romney's election my only push off the end a short while, but I know with Obama that day is upon us.

    "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

  2. Democrats are the party of choice, as long as that choice involves terminating fetus:

    Other than that, the Government should make your choices for you.

  3. I think it's all part of rawmoney's "step-on-my-dick-like-ordinary-'merkins" pitch, trying to get "folks" to want to grab a (non-alcoholic) beer with him. It's either that of his staff's on Obama's payroll.

  4. Crane9:46 PM

    What Romney said sounds exactly like what the Democrats must think of their own voters, since they run their campaigns exclusively on what entitlements the Republicans will take away from them.

  5. If I remember right, it wasn't until October was crisp in the air that McLame's campaign staff started fighting like cats in a sack over who'd lost the campaign. Rawmoney's seem to have all spent the entire weekend backstabbing each other to pet political reporters, getting their alibis in line. And still 50 days out.

    Poor Willard, this week's already been worse for him than last week, when he danced on an ambassador's grave, and it's still only Monday.

    Word is there's more good stuff on Mitt from Mother Jones on the way tomorrow -embargoed 'til then, but it's probably gonna lead the am shows.

    Oh me oh my oh
    this'll matter in Ohio

  6. Skinner10:18 PM

    "Poor Willard, this week's already been worse for him than last week, when he danced on an ambassador's grave, and it's still only Monday"

    Right, Mitt's the one to take a hit for what happened in Libya, not the guy who put the ambassador in the grave and then apoligized to his killers.

    Settle down Whitey, not everyone dances to the tune of the democrat smear media.

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Playboy is offering Ann Romney $250,000 to pose in the magazine, and the White House is upset about it because National Geographic only offered Michelle Obama $50 to pose for them.”

    That joke was funny; what Black people can't take a joke based on the truth? She is awfully manly and ugly.

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    8,786,049: Yet Another Record for Americans Collecting Disability

    Romney is right fuckers, aint gonna last very long this way you bloodsucking leech

  9. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Obama and Hillary Lied Americans died

    “There was no protest and the attacks were not spontaneous,” the source said, adding the attack “was planned and had nothing to do with the movie.”

    The source said the assault came with no warning at about 9:35 p.m. local time, and included fire from more than two locations. The assault included RPG’s and mortar fire, the source said, and consisted of two waves.

    The account that the attack started suddenly backs up claims by a purported Libyan security guard who told McClatchy Newspapers late last week that the area was quiet before the attack.

    “There wasn’t a single ant outside,” the unnamed guard, who was being treated in a hospital, said in the interview.

    These details appear to conflict with accounts from the Obama administration that the attack spawned from an out-of-control protest. The Libyan president also said Sunday that the strike was planned in advance.

  10. Anonymous11:38 PM

    "Oh my! Mitt says that he will not be worrying about "those people" because they have no sense of "personal responsibility" and they view themselves as "victims." (Does that sound familiar?) Interesting."

    Obama hasn't and won't be worrying about us either...He has proven it. So, we have TWO candidates who don't care about us.

  11. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "During the Creston Classic Rodeo in Creston, Ca., the announcer reportedly joked over the loudspeaker that “Playboy is offering Ann Romney $250,000 to pose in the magazine, and the White House is upset about it because National Geographic only offered Michelle Obama $50 to pose for them.”

    Dear Field, I have been away for a while and you didn't even mention or notice I was gone. Is this any way to treat a loyal poster?

    Anyway, you have heard me say it before and I will continue to say it:

    "It's depressing to be Black in America."

    I don't know what else to say except that I wish you would do an in-depth post about how we are still shamed, degraded and disrespected in America-REGARDLESS of status or position in society. But maybe it's too painful and shameful or maybe you just don't know how.

    The President and the First Lady truly have been insulted because of the color of their skin and race.

    An insult to them is quite hurtful and depressing to black Americans. This sucks.

    depressed Negro

  12. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I will be glad when this election is over. I doubt if Obama will be the next President. There just isn't enough White or Black support there. Many Blacks are devout Christians and WON'T vote for Obama because of the gay marriage issue. I am not even sure where the Hispanics stand, but I am sure they have a problem with gay marriage also.

    I really don't see Obama winning.This country is a mess.

  13. Wesley R12:06 AM

    Romney is so busy try to make the conservative base happy that he's making a fool out of himself. What's the percentage of corporations getting government help Mitster?

  14. You're right about rawmoney's 47 percent. They love that talk of folks who pay no taxes but no matter that they don't make enough damned money to pay income tax. Funny how a multi multi millionaire talking to a group of millionaires is concerned about poor people not paying enough taxes. Personally I don't want a prez who doesn't worry about almost half the population but I guess as a republican that's required.

    As far as fox and friends there aren't enough brains in the whole group to ascertain a prank. Sad but funny.

  15. I guess Mittens must believe no republicans pay no taxes. What a wonderful and fact free world conservatives live.

  16. Erick Erickson:

    “Contra Dick Morris, Mitt Romney is not winning this election. At least Mitt Romney is not winning the election right now. Conservatives are obsessing over every poll, the turn out models used, and the media bias that is on ful display. Yes, some of the polling models seem screwy, though we all forget the pollsters apply a secret sauce known only to them on top. Yes, reporters are fully beclowning themselves to get their god-king re-elected. But while we may be focused there, the fact is the Romney campaign isn’t functioning well. Lucky for you and me the election is not today. But something needs to happen in Boston and I am less and less hopeful anything will happen.”

    I agree with Erikson's central premise, but I also think that he's both smart and experienced enough to know that it is the decisions made and paths not taken in May and June by Rawmoney and his team that are dragging him down now. The deliberate failure to define himself multidimensionally, burying his religion, his governorship, pushing his vulture-capitalist business credentials as his presidential model.

    Yeah, it only looks like Mitt's been stepping on his dick since he strapped his dancing horse to the roof of his plane and went to the olympics in July, but his real stumbles were when he decided to tone down his black-hole vacuum of a personality and run a high-wire referendum campaign without a plan B net. He may still win with it, but not unless something happens to shake the race up big time.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A tasteless & moronic joke by that "clown." For Mrs. Obama & Mrs. Romney, as it disrespects both women.

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth1:35 AM

    Let's see Mitt insulted our military...check. Insulted women...check. Insulted our President...check. Insulted Blah people...check. Insulted Latinos...check. Insulted poor people...check. Insulted seniors...check. Insulted the LGBT community...check. Insulted auto workers...check. Insulted teachers...check. Insulted students...check. Insulted firefighters...check. Insulted police...check. Insulted government workers...check. Insulted middleclass...check. Insulted our allies...check. Insulted foreign countries...check.
    MY Personal TO DO LIST

    Send another donation to President Obama/VP...check.

    Increase the donation amount...check.

    Help people register to vote...check.

    Give folks without transportation ride to polls...check.

    Organize and get others to give rides to those without ride to polls...check

    Make sure as many people as I can have proper ID...check.

    Pass the word around to young folks old enough to vote...check.

    Attend fundraiser to re-elect Obama...check.

    Pass the 47% video around in emails...check

    Record 47% video and make copies to show on portable DVR in Beauty shops and Barber shops and churches and senior citizen centers...check.

    Vote for POTUS Obama and Vice POTUS Biden 2012...check.

    And make long distance call and tell cousin Bertha...check and double check.

  20. Anonymous1:44 AM

    PilotX said...

    You're right about rawmoney's 47 percent. They love that talk of folks who pay no taxes but no matter that they don't make enough damned money to pay income tax. Funny how a multi multi millionaire talking to a group of millionaires is concerned about poor people not paying enough taxes. Personally I don't want a prez who doesn't worry about almost half the population but I guess as a republican that's required.

    As far as fox and friends there aren't enough brains in the whole group to ascertain a prank. Sad but funny.


    Illegal aliens working off the books make more than many with government freebees healthcare, no insurance, no tax and a earned income credit. You crazy liberals built that. As for the rest, everyone needs to pay their fair share FLAT tax will solve all these problems. 10 % for all. You make a million 10%, you make 20 grand 10%. You make 150 grand ten % percent. But it isn't about money and more taxes, it's about spending, no matter how much government takes they have always found a way to waste and spend it and more.

    We are bankrupt have had our credit rating downgraded twice on the verge of a global military disaster. Fighting with China over trade and the world over currency.

    What exactly do you think Obama will do if re-elected to fix what he has now created? You can't keep borrowing and spending, that ship has been sunk under debt and Quantitative easing. So what are his plans? You are good at saying what you don't like about Mitt, what exactly would Obama do? Besides beg for forgiveness from our enemies as they annihilate us because we aren't sharp enough to protect embassies with warning of an impending attack on 9/11 of all days.

  21. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Granny, I read your check list. What are 'blah' people? Is that a new tribe?

  22. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Obama has insulted Blacks. check.

    Obama failed to show up at the NAACP. check.

    Unemployment rate for Blacks are highest ever. check.

    Obama has ignored Blacks. check.

    Obama has slapped Christian Blacks in the face by supporting gay marriages. check.

    Obama is weak and has continued to kiss the asses of Repubs. check

    Obama's leadership won't "change" ever. check.

    Obama lied about his promises. check.

    Obama has strained relationships with Israel. check.

    If Obama is elected, nothing will change. check.

  23. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Let's see Mitt insulted our military...check. Insulted women...check. Insulted our President...check. Insulted Blah people...check. Insulted Latinos...check. Insulted poor people...check. Insulted seniors...check. Insulted the LGBT community...check. Insulted auto workers...check. Insulted teachers...check. Insulted students...check. Insulted firefighters...check. Insulted police...check. Insulted government workers...check. Insulted middleclass...check. Insulted our allies...check. Insulted foreign countries...check.

    So it appears that you are a uber sensitive little girl. So sad.

    Like they said to the crazy Islamists. We are so sorry we hurt your feelings.

    Now grow up and be an adult. You can't insult people who have no morals or standards yet demand everyone else have them.

    Everybody pile in the cart, fuck it no body is going to pull anymore...Woo-hoo.

  24. Anonymous2:14 AM

    I really felt sorry for Gretchen having to interview that dumb Dumbocrat on the air. someone should be fired for putting him on the air. That guy was an idiot, typical Dem. It's Dems like him I can't stand.

  25. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Mitt says BOOM!!

  26. Anonymous2:21 AM

    "Everybody pile in the cart, fuck it no body is going to pull anymore...Woo-hoo."

    Have mercy on Granny. She just doesn't have the faculties anymore. She wants your approval, that's all. She just wants to be accepted and she'll be ok.

    But this piling into the cart and nobody pulling. That's not good. Oh Lawdie, Lawdie.

  27. Moher May I LSD Baby.2:27 AM

    Holy Moley this is simply outrageous it's groundbreaking it's stupendous

    We had Jimmy Carters son tell mother jones ( I love that freakadelic flower power name) that Obama supporters don't pay taxes.

    NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That be what it's all about!!

    Love it. I love how they opened the door for Mitt to highlight Obamas failed policies and the state of our economy all by attempting to say something we all already know.

    Lib'ruls aint so smurt, they just got trickeded into talking about the economy AND Obama's failed foreign policies at the same time. Oh My.

  28. Rick Wilson2:40 AM

    Now, everything about Barack Obama's brand – which is what has replaced the Democratic Party, to its future peril – relies on what John Hayward called “...a manufactured political narrative that bears little resemblance to reality.”

    The delta between the world as Obama and his legion of fanboys describe it and the world as it is grows more spectacular and more impossible to sustain by the day.

    Which is why stories about surreptitious videos and of Romney's campaign being on the precipice of destruction from internal tension and fights over strategic messaging are missing the most important point: there's only one campaign at real risk of destruction right now, and it belongs to Barack Obama.

    Mitt Romney is running against Barack Obama.

    But Barack Obama is running against Mitt Romney, and against a domestic economy in almost existential peril and from an Arab world sinking into chaos and darkness from Algiers to Aleppo, and from two of the world's economic superpowers about to start a hot war in the Pacific and from his “good war” in Afghanistan warming up to become a genocide at the hands of the Taliban as American troops inevitably withdraw, their decade of sacrifice and heroism squandered.

    Obama is running against all those glittering, gorgeous promises of economic miracles and civic harmony from 2008, and of powerful stimulus programs that were guaranteed to generate millions of green jobs.

    He's running against the grim reality of the real world, foreign and domestic.

    Barack Obama is a man, once that beautifully constructed political narrative collides with reality, who is demonstrably out of his depth, and who relies on having every externality dutifully ignored.

    Any one of those examples can break, suddenly and terribly, and end Obama's campaign tomorrow.

    Which is why process stories and Obama's considerable self-regard can't paper over an economy teetering on the precipice. Process stories can't make the fiscal crash that's coming any less catastrophic or record unemployment less systemic.

    Process stories can't stop the video of burning U.S. Embassies and of the beaten, violated corpses of American diplomats being dragged through the streets. Process stories can't stop the grim sight of Al Qaida flags proudly flying over what were once U.S. diplomatic compounds.

    No matter what video of Mitt Romney at a fundraiser emerges, the process stories it generates won't be a part of Americas cultural memory, much less be decisive in this campaign.

    But what's happening around the world and in this economy most certainly will.

  29. Anonymous2:54 AM

    dear mr field, that undercover recording of Mitt was plain wrong. that should not have been recorded. it was a private meeting. don't we have any privacy any more?

    and you have the nerve as a lawyer to post and illegal recording. that really sucks. Americans can be such crooks.

    i hope mitt throws the book at them because what was done just isn't right. why won't people in America do the right thing?

  30. Irony is that FauxNews and the rest of the far-Right sounding board has been telling us for years that it was Obama that hates Americans.

    Turns out it was actually Romney that hates Americans all along.


  31. Mother May I....,if u can spin this Flipper fiasco in a positive way, he might wan to bring u over to their camp.

    Sup depressed Negro? Were u on vacation? I hope u went to a country where there are no Negroes to remind u of your troubles. :)

  32. This meme about Barack not caring about blah people is so disingenuous. I agree that he should do more for poor people of all colors but all of us know damned well if he had done ONE thing for our community he would have been branded a racist and it would be on Hannity's show on a continuous loop. And whomever is posting this crap about blah Christians not voting for Barack must not know any blah Christians because I know quite a few and they're all voting for him. Well, except for the ultra super right wing Christians but they weren't voting for him anyway.

  33. Nah Cow, rawmoney likes rich people like himself. I like the anon who said reality is catching up and they're right. Most Americans are waking up to a hard world and decided they don't want the guy who is the son of a millionaire who never lived in the real world, wears magic underwear and believes in a 6'2" blonde god from the planet Kolob.

  34. Anyone else think Palin would have been a better candidate?

  35. Anonymous9:27 AM

    bongo,the traitor,has done every thing he can to harm america while you cover for him which makes you people traitors.

  36. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Marriage is an odd word to use in the context of discussion about negroes since most of them aren't married period, and 75% of their children....

  37. Anonymous10:01 AM

    American diplomats were warned of possible violent unrest in Benghazi three days before the killings of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his team, Libyan security officials say.

    The claim came as the country’s interim President, Mohammed el-Megarif, said his government had information that the attack on the US consulate had been planned by an Islamist group with links to al-Qa’ida and with foreigners taking part.

    However, the American ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, insisted that the killings had resulted from a demonstration against a film about the Prophet Mohamed, replicating protests in Cairo, which had been “hijacked” and got out of control.

    The Independent has reported diplomatic sources who said that the threat of an attack against US interests in the region was known to the US administration 48 hours before it took place. The alert was issued by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, but not made public. A State Department spokesman maintained: “We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the US Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.”

    But President Megarif told the American station National Public Radio: “We firmly believe that this was a pre-calculated, pre-planned attack that was carried out specifically to attack the US Consulate. A few of those who joined in were foreigners who had entered Libya from different directions, some of them definitely from Mali and Algeria.”

  38. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Irony is that FauxNews and the rest of the far-Right sounding board has been telling us for years that it was Obama that hates Americans.

    Turns out it was actually Romney that hates Americans all along.


    Are you having more cane rat pasta with alfredo sauce for dinner tonight? Word has it that cane rat is a third worlders delicacy, just like back home.

  39. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Field what was your question about the lamestream media and Obama administration again?

    I give them credit, they are dirty filthy liars, but even better at getting useful idiots to think they are part of the "team" to help spread the lies that are killing America. As if when it all falls you will be somehow shielded.

  40. "A top official at a liberal super PAC with the goal of eradicating tea partiers from Congress is telling activists that it’s more effective to label Republicans as racists than criticize their policies.

    According to an audio recording obtained by The Daily Caller, Matthew “Mudcat” Arnold, the national campaign manager of the liberal CREDO super PAC, told a gathering of supporters in Aurora, Colo., on Sept. 8 that they’ve realized “policy did not move voters.”

    He used Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King as an example.

    “When we said that Steve King … is pro-life and believes in cutting Social Security and voted for the Ryan budget, no one cared,” Arnold said. “When we said Steve King’s a racist, Steve King believes that immigrants ought to be put in electric fences, people moved.” …

    Target demo: Granny.

  41. University of Colorado prediction model points to big Romeny win:

    Romney: 328

    Obama: 218

  42. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "Sup depressed Negro? Were u on vacation? I hope u went to a country where there are no Negroes to remind u of your troubles. :)"

    Yes, I was on vacation for a month. And yes, I went to Sweden and almost didn't come back. Field, it was wonderful.

    Everybody had health care! nobody was fighting to have health care or was even worried about NOT having health care. I forgot that I was a depressed Negro. I encourage all depressed Negroes to go to Sweden. It will do your heart good.

    I took a brief trip to Ireland just to hang out with the Irish. Don't go there. The Irish will immediately ley you know that you are a Negro. Stay the fuck away from there!

    I went to Amsterdam where nobody gives a fuck about anything except weed from Jamaica. Field, you could be the guru of smokes there.

    Anyway, I'm back and I see nothing has changed except Americans are sinking to an all-time low in characters.

    You really ought to do a post on good character. It would be good for the souls of all your FN readers. You should do a post on depressed Negroes too.

  43. Sweet news, anti-American protester in Pakistan dies from inhaling smoke from burning American flags:

    One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.


  44. Well, this doesn't seem right:

    Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.

    Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ scandals. TheDC obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act

    Pretty cool, huh field?

  45. Anonymous11:49 AM

    You really ought to do a post on good character. It would be good for the souls of all your FN readers. You should do a post on depressed Negroes too.

    Unfortunately this would be another thing split along party lines. As we have seen from the never ending lies and hidden agendas you might find liberals who are really screwed up characters but for someone with good character you need a conservative, not sure Field has accepted Jesus yet and still wants to kill babies and hang out at church with Zelda who used to be Jack.

  46. Anonymous12:02 PM

    DOJ Worked With Soros Backed Media Matters To Quash Stories
    September 18, 2012 – 10:07 am

    The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, er, US Department of Justice, has some explaining to do

    (Daily Caller) Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.
    Field you always mirror media matters talking points which we now have proof are scripted by the government/Soros to lie to us.

    You have some splainin to do.....

    Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ scandals. TheDC obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

  47. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Look at that, Obama and Hillary lied about our safety, the media covered and new media exposed it Again!!

    Obama Admin: Well, … maybe the Benghazi attack wasn’t quite as spontaneous as we thought

    Obama Admin: Well, … maybe the Benghazi attack wasn’t quite as spontaneous as we thought
    Socialize RWV:

    By Dan
    September 18, 2012

    The Obama administration was clueless. They had no idea what went down. Driven by ideology and politics, they seized on the explanation they wanted because it suited their thinking and gave them the narrative they wanted. Pathetic.

    The latest clarification from the administration came in response to an intelligence source on the ground in Libya stating there was no significant or sizeable demonstration when the attacks unfolded sometime after 9:30 p.m. in Benghazi last Tuesday. That appeared to challenge the view, espoused by the Obama administration, that ongoing demonstrations over an anti-Islam film had simply spun out of control.

    “There was no protest, and the attacks were not spontaneous,” the intelligence source said. “The Libyan attack was planned and had nothing to do with the movie.”

    Obama's love me please we'll give you money has failed with Muslims.
    Is anyone surprised?

    What will you do when he frees enemies, bows to the murderers and keeps paying tribute while curtailing free speech?

  48. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The most compelling video of Romney's retardation was when he told his audience that he wanted to keep Anne out of the way so people won't 'get tired of her'.


    Too. Late.

    And it's curtains for you Mittens.

  49. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The most compelling video of Romney's retardation was when he told his audience that he wanted to keep Anne out of the way so people won't 'get tired of her'.


    Too. Late.

    And it's curtains for you Mittens.

    Mooches Meat curtains -Ewwwwwww that is gross. What a beard she is.

  50. @samalie3 Ace Of Spades2:02 PM

    Thought For The Day: If Obama Failed This Badly Cleaning Up The Mess Bush Left For Him, Think About How Badly He'll Do Cleaning Up The Messes That Obama Has Left For Himself

  51. Despite Kathleen Sebelius being found to have broken the law last week, not a single member of the White House press corps has so much as asked her a question about it:

    Reporters covering the White House don’t seem to have many questions about Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who was last week found in violation of federal law against engaging in political activity while on the job.

    A review of transcripts by The Daily Caller indicate that no questions have been asked by the reporters who cover the president about Sebelius during official White House briefings or gaggles since Sept. 12, when the U.S. Office of Special Counsel said in a report that the cabinet secretary violated the Hatch Act earlier this year.

    It’s still up to President Obama whether Sebelius should keep her job or face some sort of punishment after being found in violation of the Hatch Act.

    The ethics office said Sebelius violated the law on Feb. 25 while delivering a speech to Human Rights Campaign while serving in her official capacity as cabinet secretary. In her speech, she called for Obama’s re-election, and the election Democratic candidate for governor in North Carolina.

    The Hatch Act prohibits certain civil servants in the federal government from engaging in political activity on the job.

    “While a violation of the Hatch Act occurred, Secretary Sebelius’ statements would have been permissible if they had been made in her personal capacity,” the report said.

    You know, if I were a little more cynical, I might start to think the press was in the bag for the democrats.....

  52. If Rawmoney can't change the subject away from his self inflicted wounds soon, he's done. He's already a walking punchline; that's bad enough, but when he becomes a human joke, like Dukakis did in '88 or Dole in '96, it's all over and he'll never get it back.

  53. Wingnut trolls are funny in a sad pathetic kind of way.

  54. S.C. LaManche4:08 PM

    The debates are coming up, after which the focus will be on Obummer's complete failure of a record.

    On November 6, it will be Romney +7

  55. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    If Rawmoney can't change the subject away from his self inflicted wounds soon, he's done. He's already a walking punchline; that's bad enough, but when he becomes a human joke, like Dukakis did in '88 or Dole in '96, it's all over and he'll never get it back.

    See Moonbats just don't get being a man and responsibility, he has been saying this all along. You find it offensive because it describes YOU. 75% of the country (The United States of America) Not Socialist Communist Republic of Obama agree. This is precisely what is going to slingshot him into office.

    Oh and congratulations for having one post without or making inference to a male organ. See I keep telling you gay guys, go on be happy but you don't have to have it on your brain so much that it is all you talk about. We don't want to hear it.

  56. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Wingnut trolls are funny in a sad pathetic kind of way.

    Funny how? What are we clowns? Are we here for your amusement?

    You find us funny because logic escapes those who are emotional beasts.

  57. "Funny how? What are we clowns? Are we here for your amusement?"

    Clowns? HELL YEAH! Amused? NO, but we're quite amused by Mittens, lol!

    BTW, you DO realize that mittens was referring to YOU in tht 47% of freeloaders, right??

  58. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Dr.Reine said...

    "Funny how? What are we clowns? Are we here for your amusement?"

    Clowns? HELL YEAH! Amused? NO, but we're quite amused by Mittens, lol!

    BTW, you DO realize that mittens was referring to YOU in tht 47% of freeloaders, right??

    Oohh look speaking of Nasty Meat Curtains. Hey did you get me my refund for your failed college educational grants? You are a mental lemon and I want my money back. YO with interest and make it snappy-nappy-Flappy.

  59. Henry Hill5:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dr.Reine said...

    "Funny how? What are we clowns? Are we here for your amusement?"

    Clowns? HELL YEAH! Amused? NO, but we're quite amused by Mittens, lol!

    BTW, you DO realize that mittens was referring to YOU in tht 47% of freeloaders, right??

    Oohh look speaking of Nasty Meat Curtains. Hey did you get me my refund for your failed college educational grants? You are a mental lemon and I want my money back. YO with interest and make it snappy-nappy-Flappy.

    Try and cut her some slack - sssshhhhhh - she's not all there. But she is a goodfella.

  60. So the Daily Caller has taken over for the World Daily News? Do they have stories about UFOs and Bat Boy too?

  61. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    So the Daily Caller has taken over for the World Daily News? Do they have stories about UFOs and Bat Boy too?

    OK it's one thing to be a Battyman, but you are pushing it with battyboy - leave those kids alone!!!

  62. PilotX said...

    "So the Daily Caller has taken over for the World Daily News? Do they have stories about UFOs and Bat Boy too?"

    I'm pretty sure that Weird Nut Daily and Daily Callgirl are sister sites.

  63. And Batboy's old news. This year it's zombies.

  64. A non said......

    "You find us funny because logic escapes those who are emotional beasts."

    Oh the irony! My diaphragm's cramped from laughing so hard!

  65. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non said......

    "You find us funny because logic escapes those who are emotional beasts."

    Oh the irony! My diaphragm's cramped from laughing so hard!

    Diaphragm? Awesome so then you don't need me to pay for your birth control you already have a Diaphragm. I didn't realize you were a chick. Cool, now I am not so disgusted when you use the word penis in every post, that's natural.

  66. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non said......

    "You find us funny because logic escapes those who are emotional beasts."

    Oh the irony! My diaphragm's cramped from laughing so hard!

    With everything being emotional or an "ism" Whitey wouldn't know logic if it hit him in the ass, then again he is pretty desensitized in that area.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Didn't do well in life science did you A non? There's a surprise!

    Rowmoney should have listened to this guy:

    "Running for president in the YouTube era, you realize you have to be very judicious in what you say. You have to be careful with your humor. You have to recognize that anytime you’re running for the presidency of the United States, you’re on," - Mitt Romney, in a 2007 interview.

  70. Dr. Mittens7:33 PM

    Ms.Reine said...
    BTW, you DO realize that mittens was referring to YOU in tht 47% of freeloaders, right??

    What do call a fat, borderline retarded negress who has spent her life on affirmative action degrees courtesy of government money?

    You will always be a freeloader.

    You will never be a doctor.

  71. GrannyStandingforTruth8:03 PM

    I'll say! Smh!

    Strange how my comments are being deleted left and right. However, the comments that the trolls make insulting and denigrating people who were blogging on here before the trolls infested and took over get to stay.

    Yep, it's a strange world we're living in now. People don't recognize their true allies nowadays. Sad! Nevertheless, nothing surprises me anymore, especially when it involves our people.

  72. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Fox news is the only racist channel is what CNN wants you to believe. The difference between CNN and fox is that, CNN is smart (subtle) enough to hide their own racism. Haven't you noticed how every time they portray non white foreign men, they are invariable evil? This bias is even more exaggerated if the white man sees them as a threat to their supremacy. Most heinous acts in this world have been committed by white men, yet somehow the media has subtly brain washed you to believe that the black man is the one you need to look out for.
