Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I am getting ready for the second debate with his Oness and Flipper. Poor O did such a poor job in the first debate that he really put a lot of pressure on himself for this one.

Pundits and those in the chattering class have been going on and on about Flipper's surge in the polls. But, as I have said all along, this election will be close. The country is split right down the middle. No matter what you hear from now until November 6th, it's important to remember that only about five states really matter: Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Virginia, and  Pistolvania. We know that Mitt will probably win Virginia and Florida, but O will probably win the other three states. If he doesn't, Ann Romney will be measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue really soon.

Anyway, wingnuts (Thomas Sowell is one of them) have been spreading a rumor that if O doesn't win Negroes will riot in the streets. Apparently they don't know their Negroes too well. That would never happen. Now if Mitt gets in power and tries to pass legislation to do away with all KFC's we would have a problem. Sadly, Negroes just don't care enough to take to the streets to advocate for the things that matter most to them. We kind of just go along to get along. No civic, social, or political engagement.

Still, if you Negroes do decide to riot, could you please take it outside of your own neighborhoods?

 "The Infowars story from Monday collects 11 tweets — all from accounts with African American avatars — talking about rioting if Obama loses the election. Infowars claims they only included 11 because “there are simply too many to track.”

If obama dont get re-elected & romney wins .. on life every white persons getting pistol whipped and im startin a riot.
           If Obama don’t win lets start a riot so Romney know what he’s getting himself into.”
“You know you ain’t shit if you gotta “MAKE” Mafukas vote for ROMNEY ! …. Mannnn OBAMA better get back in office . Or BLACK FOLKS will riot.”
“If Romney wins im goin on a rampage.”
“If Mitt Romney wins the election I think its our duties as Black folks to riot and fuck shit up.
“If every action IS met with an equal and opposite reaction ..what should workers do to employers if Romney’s elected? #Riot in the streets!!”
“If Romney becomes president let’s all start a riot.”
“I Heard Mitt Romney , Tryna Take Away Food Stamps , If He Do .”IMA START A RIOT , IMA START A RIOT.”
   “If romney wins, imma start a mf’n riot! Rns.”

The original Infowars story cited right-wing blog Twitchy, which compiled more black people talking about rioting on Twitter. As these sites have limited audiences, a Drudge link can explode their traffic and circulates their otherwise fringe theories.

As the election looms closer, right-wing groups and bloggers have amped up their racially-charged attacks on President Obama, such as in a Tea Party ad falsely accusing Obama of giving poor minorities phones. The Drudge Report has led the charge, most recently with an old video, condoned by the Romney campaign, meant to stoke fears that Obama is inciting aggression against white people.' [Source]   

Wow! Eleven tweets? Call out the National Guard.

OK folks, I am off to watch the debate now. Good luck gentlemen.


  1. Oh my.... Someone got his energizer bunny back on! Should we thank Michelle?

  2. Uh oh, here come the "angry black man" stereotypes!

    Honestly, Prez. Obama couldn't beat "da' white man" down two times in a row, Bubba and company wouldn't have accepted that too well!

  3. Mitt "me too" Romney, lol!!!

  4. Did Mitt just Biff himself? Getting in the POTUS face and heckling him? In a townhall? That was risky as hell.

  5. His campaign must know that he's not nearly as strong as he's saying he is.

  6. Well maybe we should be rioting if Romneyz winz. Ha, I think one of your trolls is tweeting. Maybe the Depressed One?

  7. He brought up "Fast and Furious"?????????????

    And he was doing so well.

  8. SickupandFed10:23 PM

    You white folk scared yet?



  9. Here we go, the angry black man comments from a wak ass, punk ass white man! So damn typical!!!

  10. obama the closet muslim10:56 PM

    Obama spent 90 minutes backpedalling away from his pathetic presidential record and begging -- begging -- for a chance to do it again.

    More debt, more stagnation. More stifling of the economy. That's the Obama plan.

  11. Wesley R10:57 PM

    The President kicked Romney's ass tonight. Romney got caught lying about Libya.

  12. dope in the white house11:01 PM

    whitie's nightie wrote:

    Did Mitt just Biff himself? Getting in the POTUS face and heckling him? In a townhall? That was risky as hell.

    Risky? Nope. Romney has no more respect for Obama than about 90% of the population.

    As Romney said, there are fewer people working today than when Obama was inaugurated. That's a record on total failure.

    Moreover, Obama is clueless on how to induce American businesses to expand in the US.

  13. chris stevens11:05 PM

    Wesley R said...

    The President kicked Romney's ass tonight. Romney got caught lying about Libya.

    Lying? Nope. Obama and his team are so dumb it took days before anyone connected the events at the embassy with the DATE on which they occurred.

  14. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...

    The President kicked Romney's ass tonight. Romney got caught lying about Libya.

    Really? You are lost arent' you. Obama had to have Hillary fall on her sword today because of all the pressure. Obama despite being bailed out by the moderator never said it was a terrorist attack, he said it was because of the video. Then Rice went on 5 news shows days later to say the same.

    “He did in fact say it was an act of terror,” Candy Crowley said to Gov. Romney.

    "Well, after reviewing the official transcript on the White House website as well as watching the video from the Rose Garden address again, not once did the president say the word ‘terror’ or ‘terrorist attack’ in his address.

    “I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives,” the president said during his September 12, 2012 address.

    This is just another blatant display of the clear bias in the mainstream media. Candy Crowley, as a member of the media and as the debate moderator, should not have protected the president from great embarrassment.

    Crowley lied to protect the president, becoming another corroborator in the Obama-Libya coverup. "

    Obama lost, Americans will not be fooled by these lies. They were the ones demanding investigation while the MSM covered it up.


  15. Yeah, round two went to O. Getting fact check live was not a good look for flipper.:)

  16. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Yeah, round two went to O. Getting fact check live was not a good look for flipper.:)

    Just imagine how it is going to look for Obama when tomorrows news reports Obama lied and Crowley had to bail him out. Americans are taking Benghazi seriously, they followed his and demanded answers he lied, he did nothing, tried to bury it and only because it became a political nightmare for him did he have Hillary take the blame. It is still unsolved. Obama lost the election with this, mark my words. When the news prints the truth tomorrow even the MSM will have to decide to lie and commit further suicide or tell the truth.

    I did like how Candy bailed Obama out of 3 tough issues by not allowing Romney to reply. Everyone saw it, independents and swing voters are swinging over now.

  17. Who's the con man?11:21 PM

    Obama said during the speech that “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation” — but at no point was it clear that he was using that term to describe the attack in Benghazi. He’d also spent the previous two paragraphs discussing the 9/11 attacks and the aftermath. “Acts of terror” could have just as easily been a reference to that. Or maybe it wasn’t a direct reference to anything, just a generic, reassuring line he’d added into a speech which did take place, after all, the day after the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. dope said...

    Yes. Townhall debate optics have buried a sitting president, 2 challangers and an open seat candidate in the 20 years they've existed. They're nothing but risk.

    "Nope. Romney has no more respect for Obama than about 90% of the population."


    Oh, I don't think that any more than 30% of Americans actively disrespect Obama or any other president, but of course those on either side who do tend to live in the type of information bubbles that reassure them that 90% of the country agrees with them and the other side only wins dishonestly.

  20. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Oh, I don't think that any more than 30% of Americans actively disrespect Obama or any other president, but of course those on either side who do tend to live in the type of information bubbles that reassure them that 90% of the country agrees with them and the other side only wins dishonestly.

    Mirror Mirror on the wall, there are very few lefties like you after all.

  21. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Wesley R said...

    The President kicked Romney's ass tonight. Romney got caught lying about Libya.

    Low rent voter obviously. No, he went on the view and was asked directly by Joy. She said Hillary said it was an act of terror, what do you think. He said - We are still investigating. Two weeks later he went to the UN and SIX times said it was because of a video tape. He and Candy are done. Complete and utter exposure of lies on something Americans care about, he won't be able to hide this one or have the MSM lapdogs intervene. Done, Finished, Kaput. Any president who has to lie about his thinking fundraising was more important that dealing with his mistake in denying military support to an attack going on that HE knew about because it was happening for six hours should be impeached. He didn't want to offend the Libyans....nice friends you have there.

  22. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field Said...

    "Sadly, Negroes just don't care enough to take to the streets to advocate for the things that matter most to them. We kind of just go along to get along. No civic, social, or political engagement."

    Wow! Eleven tweets? Call out the National Guard.

    Field, Field, You have outdone yourself. Who are you trying to convince that Black People are just nice non violent go along to get along people...ha-ha. or that there were only nine tweets?? Double LOL. People have been tweeting since it was clear Romney won the last debate and Obama tanked and it is a HELL of a LOT more than 9 tweets. So who are you trying to convince? Or do you think by saying this like Obama does it will just magically make it so?

    Well lets hope whoever you are trying to convince they are calm just get along people that they act as such when Romney sweeps the election.

  23. "but at no point was it clear that he was using that term to describe the attack in Benghazi"

    Sooooooooooo, was he talking about the mugging up the street at the 7-11 maybe?

    Unhinged, at last you backed off your previous claim that he never used the word "terror" because we all know verbage is important.

  24. Anonymous11:52 PM

    PilotX said...

    "but at no point was it clear that he was using that term to describe the attack in Benghazi"

    Sooooooooooo, was he talking about the mugging up the street at the 7-11 maybe?

    Unhinged, at last you backed off your previous claim that he never used the word "terror" because we all know verbage is important.

    Lissen here DoucheNozzle did he say the attack was because of a video or because it was a terrorist attack? Did he say it was the result of a protest because of the video or because it was a terrorist attack? Did he tell you that the attack took six hours like congress found out, there were live videos, that the president of Libya and Egypt warned him, yet he refused military aid during the attack because he didn't want to offend libyans?

    I understand supporting your guy, but there has to be a line, this is outrageous. I want no friend like him who will let me die and completely ignore their responsibility so they don't offend our enemies.

  25. "Who are you trying to convince that Black People are just nice non violent go along to get along people...ha-ha."
    "Well lets hope whoever you are trying to convince they are calm just get along people that they act as such when Romney sweeps the election."

    Glad to see Romney has the racist vote sewn up. Also glad to see racists capitalizing the B in Black. Power to the people ;-)

  26. "Douchnozzle?" Uh Field, where do you get these white trolls from? Shouldn't this snotnose be in bed yet? Funny how this young goofball is trying to apply what he learned in his class today to the real world. Kinda cute.

  27. "Did he tell you that the attack took six hours like congress found out, there were live videos, that the president of Libya and Egypt warned him, yet he refused military aid during the attack because he didn't want to offend libyans?"

    Says Rush Limbaugh. I'm sure this is the official story, a sitting US president allowed an attack on US soil. Nah, only Bush did that. Nice try though. BTW, turn off Fox every once in a while to get outside the bubble.

  28. Anonymous said...

    Mirror Mirror on the wall, there are very few lefties like you after all.


    Yeah about 25-30%-ish are lefties just like conservatives. Both groups tend to cluster and reinforce each other's worlviews. In my own profession, most law offices, private, public, and non-profit are split 90/10 or more one way or another. Figure out an office's mission and you can predict it's lawyers politics.

  29. stop snitchin'12:13 AM

    As the stream of comments from the White House and other government sources repeated -- for days and days and days -- the attack on our embassy in Libya was the outcome of an angry mob incited by an idiotic youtube video.

    There's no plausible basis for denial of the fact that Obama's clowns told a phony story.

    Now Hillary is taking the fall. But is she really? No, not as long as she keeps her job.

    If she's fired/resigns, then her acceptance of responsibility is plausible. But we know that won't happen.

    She's just uttering the usual lines spewed by people who aren't held responsible for the terrible problems for which they truly do deserve blame.

  30. Anonymous12:19 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Did he tell you that the attack took six hours like congress found out, there were live videos, that the president of Libya and Egypt warned him, yet he refused military aid during the attack because he didn't want to offend libyans?"

    Says Rush Limbaugh. I'm sure this is the official story, a sitting US president allowed an attack on US soil. Nah, only Bush did that. Nice try though. BTW, turn off Fox every once in a while to get outside the bubble.

    You lib'ruls have to come up with a new catch all phrase, it makes us realize how limited your thinking capacities are.

    I think for myself. I saw the speech. I know what he said. I don't need someone like you do to tell me what to think. So ok no FOX, how about CNN?

    Justin Hart @justin_hart

    Candy Crowley now admitting Romney was right on Pres. Obama's Libya remarks.

    CNN's Anderson Cooper says that Obama / Crowley were wrong on #Libya statemetn. #Benghazi was not called an act of terror in Rose Garden.

    Or if not them, How about the video you Obamabot.

  31. Anonymous12:22 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Douchnozzle?" Uh Field, where do you get these white trolls from? Shouldn't this snotnose be in bed yet? Funny how this young goofball is trying to apply what he learned in his class today to the real world. Kinda cute.

    Oh Field... these trolls....Damn what is your intellect anyway? Can you ever say anything else? If it failed the first hundred times why do you think it will be witty this time. I called you a DoucheNozzle because only an old fart like you would know what it means. Yet you are dumb enough to equate a name nobody has used in thirty years with someone young and snotnosed. You aren't very bright are you DouceNozzle?

  32. Best description of the best moment tonight:

    " Obama says he spoke in the Rose Garden after the attack and called it an act of terror. Romney says "no you didn't." Obama says "get the transcript." Crowley says "he did." THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDS CROWLEY LIVE FACT-CHECKING ROMNEY. Like, twice. They applaud twice. Romney stutters through the rest of his response, and it doesn't matter what he says: He just got fucking destroyed. By the audience, basically."

    Alex Parene -Salon

  33. Anonymous12:26 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Who are you trying to convince that Black People are just nice non violent go along to get along people...ha-ha."
    "Well lets hope whoever you are trying to convince they are calm just get along people that they act as such when Romney sweeps the election."

    Glad to see Romney has the racist vote sewn up. Also glad to see racists capitalizing the B in Black. Power to the people ;-)

    Well Obama does, look at the shit you spew. No matter what the cost you back him.

    But GTFO with that weak excuse that it's racist to notice and be truthful about Black people being violent and having a tendency to riot. Maybe you can get Obama to tell everyone it's not so, after all he said more money for schools and more teachers will help stop all the shootings. It's not that kids drop out and standards are being lowered, no those non-violent people are just underschooled.

  34. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Crowley walked back her erroneous "fact check".

    The real loser tonight was Crowley's reputation.

    Hardened partisan Dems and color conscious supporters will think O did well tonight. But post debate focus groups are trending that he continues to bleed support from key constituencies in the swing states.

    November will be a sea of red, and the chattering class will be shocked, so shocked.

  35. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Best description of the best moment tonight:

    " Obama says he spoke in the Rose Garden after the attack and called it an act of terror. Romney says "no you didn't." Obama says "get the transcript." Crowley says "he did." THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDS CROWLEY LIVE FACT-CHECKING ROMNEY. Like, twice. They applaud twice. Romney stutters through the rest of his response, and it doesn't matter what he says: He just got fucking destroyed. By the audience, basically."

    Alex Parene -Salon

    Oh so it was an ObamaBot Audience How revealing. But we knew that already, Gallup picked the audience Gallup already had a lot of pressure from the DOJ on changing polls to make them look better for Obama when they were telling the truth and showed he was losing, they did, they brought up an old lawsuit and applied heavy pressure on Gallup to pick favorable questions and script the debate for obama, that was obvious. He still got his ass kicked. You can't defend failure.

    Oh and you do know it was already proven and on the networks that Crowley retracted her support because of video evidence and that Obama simply lied because he is totally inept and doesn't care that Americans were killed dontcha>?.

  36. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Re: the threats of riots tweets.

    You can see the mob behavior of blacks every day on YouTube and other sites. It's become so commonplace that young blacks will be out of control, that it's no longer a credible threat.

    Blacks threaten to riot. Whites double down on guns and ammo.

    Thank you, post-racial pResident.

  37. Tbaggers raging about a conspiracy causing an Obama win is just their way of acknowledging the Obama win.

  38. A non said...

    "Oh and you do know it was already proven and on the networks that Crowley retracted her support."

    Yeah, I checked that out. It was a Redstate.com story interpreting Crowly defending herself on the accuracy of the quote while granting Romney the larger argument that he wasn't making while challenging Obama on the quote.

    So, nice try, but..... as usual, the facts just don't back you up.

  39. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Tbaggers raging about a conspiracy causing an Obama win is just their way of acknowledging the Obama win.

    Who said anything about a Conspiracy and besides the flute playing Andrew Sullivan and MSNBC insane clown posse said Obama won.

    Fact: There are many americans who actually watch channels other then MSNBC and got to see comments/videos etc by Obama and the administration and saw firsthand on Benghazi.

    Fact: Most MSM avoiding covering it to protect Obama

    Fact: The heat got hard and heavy because unlike loony lefties like you real Americans care more about some of us getting killed then playing racial politics to get the communist in charge re-elected.

    Fact: Obama said he called it a terrorists attack despite even the MSM saying the exact opposite for two weeks and Obama saying it was because of a video to the UN and on the View. I would like to say he told the media that as well but Obama doesn't talk to real reporters who might ask real questions, only celebrity outlets

    Fact: Crowley cut of Romney three times when Obama was floundering and Romney was set to annihilate him.

    Fact: Crowley broke ranks as a Moderater and joined her side and said Obama was correct that he did call it a terrorist attack

    Fact: 15 minutes after the debate Crowley admitted on CNN she was wrong Romney was right and Obama just lied.

    Fact: Anderson Cooper on CNN advised Crowley was wrong.

    Fact: Video Of Obama's comments prove he lied.

    Fact: Crowley AND Obama are done.

    You know you lost when you have to claim others are creating conspiracies for pointing out lies you support.

  40. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non said...

    "Oh and you do know it was already proven and on the networks that Crowley retracted her support."

    Yeah, I checked that out. It was a Redstate.com story interpreting Crowly defending herself on the accuracy of the quote while granting Romney the larger argument that he wasn't making while challenging Obama on the quote.

    So, nice try, but..... as usual, the facts just don't back you up.

    Will you come on later and apologize for being adamant when you obviously don't have a clue about what you are talking about?

    Watch CNN. MSNBC is literally filled with nutjobs who are very strange people Sullivan and tingles actually had quivers in their voices saying he was so strong so ....loony tunes. Hes the president not your boyfriend fellas.

  41. Anonymous2:24 AM

    "Knee-growz" rioting?! Seriously? Give me a break. Too busy keeping America's leading terrorists, the kkk, unemployed. White folks understand that black folks are a docile self-hating people; are afraid to direct their anger toward their enemies: And make no mistake, tens of millions of white folks cultivate and articulate hate; have been and continue to be enemies of people of color, period. Tens of millions of America's white folks continue to live in fear of "others" - non-white people. Negroes rioting? Chile please! Who bought up all the ammo and guns?
    The repeal of Roe v Wade is very real; mass round-ups of Mexicans is very real; voting disenfranchisement will increase. And, one sure-fire way to "create more jobs" is to invade Iran and feed the military-industry complex. Another sure-fire way to employ returning vets is to expand the so-called "war on drugs" and feed the prison-industrial complex.
    Negroes rioting? That IS a right-wing-nut hallucination that has a certain pornographic quality.
    Bless us all...

  42. There's a golden rule about these kind of debates, and that is...

    "Just as a bad soccer team always blames the referee, the losing side in a political debate will always blame the moderator."

    Obama's people did it after the first debate, FoxNews did after the Veep debate, and now the conservative blogs are going apeshit this morning about the performance of the moderator.

    Q.E.D. the score midway through the second half of this particular political soccer game is 2 - 1 to the Obama team.

  43. purple cow is a dairy queen6:43 AM

    purple cow's in the echo chamber:

    Obama's people did it after the first debate...

    There wasn't a pundit on the planet who wasted a moment on anything but expressing stunned amazement at the awfulness of Obama's effort. Obama bombed, and even he knew it.

    FoxNews did after the Veep debate...

    Really? Nobody noticed. Virtually everyone who watched the veep debate watched to see if Biden would end up in a verbal car wreck. Nothing else mattered.

    ...and now the conservative blogs are going apeshit this morning about the performance of the moderator.

    Really? No. Not really.

    Viewers are worked up over a few points. Such as, the utter failure of the Obama administration to answer the question of WHY there was NO SECURITY operating at our embassy in Libya, a country in the middle of semi-revolutionary violence and chaos.

    Viewers were faced with an Obama who continued to REPEAT that more jobs would be created IN THE FUTURE if he were re-elected.

    He said this as if he hadn't been president for the last four years.

    He spoke about the future of America like the people and politicians in Brazil speak about the future.

    They say, Brazil is the country of the future -- and always will be.

    Obama's future America is like Brazil's future -- always promised, but never delivered.

  44. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    There's a golden rule about these kind of debates, and that is...

    "Just as a bad soccer team always blames the referee, the losing side in a political debate will always blame the moderator."

    Obama's people did it after the first debate, FoxNews did after the Veep debate, and now the conservative blogs are going apeshit this morning about the performance of the moderator.

    Q.E.D. the score midway through the second half of this particular political soccer game is 2 - 1 to the Obama team.

    Thanks for giving us the Leftist view.

    Why will Obama lose in a landslide? This isn't a college debate team whose only concern is how to better manipulate the verbiage and the winner is one who spins reality in the cleverest fashion. This is life and Americans are living the reality that Obamas policies have caused.

    Those who werent experiencing tingles in their left leg because Obama was actually awake this debate, could see was that he is clueless and dependent upon the clueless to re-elect him for a further clueless additional term.

    But alas, he is and remains so along with his supporters, clueless.

  45. affirmative action president7:06 AM

    anon 2:24 am wrote:

    Negroes rioting? That IS a right-wing-nut hallucination that has a certain pornographic quality.

    Okay then. So whites imagined the black riots in Watts, Detroit, South Central, Crown Heights, Newark, and more.

    Good to know those blacks who were reported killed in those riots that never happened were not killed, but only suffered death in the imaginations of whites.

    Will negroes riot if Romney wins? Not likely. But there will be a few additional murders of blacks by other blacks if Obama is tossed out of the White House.

    That would be amusing. Evicted from his public housing while his cars and planes are repossessed.

    Sounds about right.

    This election feels very different than the last one. In 2008 McCain supporters were deflated from the beginning, never expecting him to win.

    Putting Sarah Palin on the ticket was seen as an acknowledgement that the best he could do was to make a noble showing during the campaign because winning the election was impossible.

    The polls showed Obama with a big lead, a lead based on the hope that of two candidates with no presidential experience, one was far more inspirational than the other.

    Not this time. It's not two candidates without records running for the top job.

    It's one failed president running against a man who knows how to stimulate economic activity.

    Obama seems to say, "Forget my record. It's not important. It's the fault of Republicans in Congress. Just give me another four years so I can borrow several trillion more while I talk about building windmills and electric cars."

  46. Anonymous7:12 AM

    " The repeal of Roe v Wade is very real; mass round-ups of Mexicans is very real;

    Shit, the plan is out fellas, they know that all the Messican wummens are going to be rounded up and impregnated when Romney gets elected. Woo-hoo, I love me some Huevos rancheros in then morning.

  47. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Best description of the best moment tonight:

    " Obama says he spoke in the Rose Garden after the attack and called it an act of terror. Romney says "no you didn't." Obama says "get the transcript." Crowley says "he did." THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDS CROWLEY LIVE FACT-CHECKING ROMNEY. Like, twice. They applaud twice. Romney stutters through the rest of his response, and it doesn't matter what he says: He just got fucking destroyed. By the audience, basically."

    Actually Whitefish, it was Michelle Obama who started clapping when Crowley saved Obama from what everyone knows is the truth. That tape is coming out, ehh what's a little rule breaking when you are the first lady.

    But OK, seeing as how you have said you are an intelligent thinking liberal, maybe you can answer a simple question. Lets go with your conclusion, Obama did handle Libya well and did call it a terrorist act before jetting off for fundraisers and appearances on talk shows. Then why if Obama knew it was terrorism on day 2 , why did his administration continue to blame the video for days afterward? Including Obama himself on the view and 6 times at the UN weeks later?


  48. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Field Said...

    "As the election looms closer, right-wing groups and bloggers have amped up their racially-charged attacks on President Obama, such as in a Tea Party ad falsely accusing Obama of giving poor minorities phones."

    Oh do you mean the "racist white conspiracy" that spilled the beans on lifeline and it's costs and how people have up to 30 phones paid for by taxpayer dollars?

    The cell phone program, called Lifeline, has exploded in recent years. The Lifeline program now costs taxpayers $1.5 billion annually and subsidizes the cell phone service of 16.5 million Americans - and a survey found that almost ten percent of all enrollees should not even be eligible for the program. "

    So tell me again, why is it required to provide people who don't need it free phones and racist to say it's a wasteful program if there happen to be a lot of Black people committing fraud? Who is racist? And why do you think this is a "conspiracy"?


  49. Here is the official transcript of the speech that Obama gave on the White House lawn on September 12th.


    I would particularly direct you to paragraph 10.

    "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

    There you go, proof beyond any reasonable doubt that Romney is a liar.

  50. Quote Anonymous 7:30

    "Then why if Obama knew it was terrorism on day 2 , why did his administration continue to blame the video for days afterward? Including Obama himself on the view and 6 times at the UN weeks later? "

    He did? Really?

    Six times?

    Well I've just read the full text of his speech to the U.N. and I can't find those six references. Please read the text and point them out to me.


    I'll wait...

  51. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Here is the official transcript of the speech that Obama gave on the White House lawn on September 12th.


    I would particularly direct you to paragraph 10.

    "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

    There you go, proof beyond any reasonable doubt that Romney is a liar.

    Oh you poor Advertising wordsmither. Are we to ignore the entire exchange and content and focus only on wordsmithing? You are just like Obama and the immoral ones in his cabinet. You think wordsmithing will overshadow the fact that Obama is incompetent, his administration and he are bumbling idiots who impose their collegiate views on the real world and then blame away their lack of performance and caring when the real world doesn't act the way a textbook twenty years ago said it should?

    Obama did not call it a terrorist attack, he tried at all costs to avoid that only to have a MSM who were shamed by conservatives into actually reporting on the unresolved cover up.

    He did jet off to talk shows and a Jay-Z concert and did nothing while the Middle east was on fire, embassies overun, Al Qaeda flags replacing US flags that were then burned, but he gave a speech where he said....we will get them...blah..blah.

    Leaders act, not just talk shit when they have to.

    Wordsmith-ers are the real liars, attempting to influence and twist the truth to fit their narrow view of reality. Poor things, God bless their souls, they don't know any better.

  52. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Anonymous 7:30

    "Then why if Obama knew it was terrorism on day 2 , why did his administration continue to blame the video for days afterward? Including Obama himself on the view and 6 times at the UN weeks later? "

    He did? Really?

    Six times?

    Well I've just read the full text of his speech to the U.N. and I can't find those six references. Please read the text and point them out to me.


    I'll wait...

    OK wordsmither, I will. But prior to that if he even said it once, isn't that the point?

    Isn't it? Now answer that, are you actually trying to say Obama did not say to the UN Benghazi was because of a demonstration and a US ambassador was killed because of a videotape and that he did say it was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda..Are you?

  53. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Obamas UN Address:

    First time cause is mentioned Video Reference 1 - no terrorist attack mentioned.

    "In every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they're willing to tolerate freedom for others. And that is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, where a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well."

    Second mention of cause - No terrorist attack mentioned.
    Video Reference 2

    "We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them. I know there are some who ask why don't we just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws. Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech."

    Third mention of Cause - No terrorist attack mentioned
    Video reference 3

    "There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."

    Oh he did mention Al Qaeda but did not say they attacked and killed our Ambassador in fact he said

    "Al Qaida has been weakened and Osama bin Laden is no more."

    Yes they are so weakened they just killed the first US ambassador in thirty years.

    Anyway, this is tiring I am not going to copy and paste the other three and play your game. I will copy these links where the NY times states he references the video six times. You know that conservative newspaper? This to offset your natural tendency to lie and obfuscate.

    The ball is in your court, he mentioned the video 6 times, he never mentioned Al Qaeda and a terrorist attack other than to state he whipped them, ignoring that they were the ones who just attacked and killed the Ambassador.

    So if he knew, why did he blame the video and not call it a terrorist act? Why did it take extreme pressure from the media and American public and loss in the polls to make him have Hillary take the blame and then finally just a few days ago for the first time agree with the Libyan president, intelligence community, state department that there was no demonstration about a video in Benghazi, it was a terrorist attack?



  54. Anonymous8:54 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Anonymous 7:30

    "Then why if Obama knew it was terrorism on day 2 , why did his administration continue to blame the video for days afterward? Including Obama himself on the view and 6 times at the UN weeks later? "

    He did? Really?

    Six times?

    Well I've just read the full text of his speech to the U.N. and I can't find those six references. Please read the text and point them out to me.

    You seemed to also conveniently gloss over his words on the view. Is that because you know there will be video evidence? or that you know how embarrassing it is for a sitting president to discuss national security matters with liberal hags while clearly avoiding taking a single question from professional reporters even the morning after the US ambassador was killed?

    Joy Behar to Obama: I heard Hillary Clinton Say it was an act of terrorism, what do you say?

    Obama: Well we are still doing an investigation, there is no doubt the kind of weapons........that it WASNT JUST A MOB ACTION"

    He never said it was a terrorist attack he and the entire administration said it was a mob action as a result of the video, when pushed he said some "radicals' took advantage of the protest situation and attacked the embassy. He lied. There never was a protest in Libya, the president of Libya told him so. Intelligence testifying to congress and Hillary yesterday admitted they watched the attack live for six hours. They knew there was no protest. He lied.


  55. Anonymouses of 8:23 and 8:41

    So there you go you have both been caught in a lie.

    Clearly as I have demonstrated to the satisfaction of any sane rational human, Obama described the murder of the ambassador as terrorism the day after the event. The evidence is right there in the transcript that I provided for you.

    Secondly I have demonstrated that Obama did not blame the video when describing the attack in Benghazi.

    If either of you had bothered to read the fucking speech (which quite clearly you have not, even though I went to the effort of providing you with the fucking transcript for christ's sake,) you would quite clearly see that the references to the video concern the demonstrations and violence that was occurring all over the Islamic world at that time in specific response to the video. NOT to the attack on Benghazi.

    Note further that Obama does not apologize for the video, he says it was nothing to do with the US government (which I think even you wingnuts would have to agree with) and he goes on to say

    "I know there are some who ask why don't we just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws. Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.

    Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As president of our country, and commander in chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. "

    So to be clear you anonys are happy to defame your own nation and to lie about your own president in an effort to score a cheap debating point. A defamation which if repeated could eventually cost American lives.

    In my book that makes you a traitor to your nation. If you had one shred of moral courage, one milligram of human decency you would be deeply, deeply ashamed of yourselves.

  56. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Anonymous said...

    Mirror Mirror on the wall, there are very few lefties like you after all.


    Yeah about 25-30%-ish are lefties just like conservatives. Both groups tend to cluster and reinforce each other's worlviews. In my own profession, most law offices, private, public, and non-profit are split 90/10 or more one way or another. Figure out an office's mission and you can predict it's lawyers politics.

    A little bit less identify as liberals. It's 40% conservative 21% liberals. Moderates are what most leftists on this blog would classify as conservative as they advocate fiscal responsibility, balancing budgets, love America and are Patriotic.

    PRINCETON, NJ -- Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This marks the third straight year that conservatives have outnumbered moderates, after more than a decade in which moderates mainly tied or outnumbered conservatives.

  57. "Obama: Well we are still doing an investigation, there is no doubt the kind of weapons........that it WASNT JUST A MOB ACTION"..."

    Ummmmm, you do realize that this answer backs up my point don't you?

  58. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Cowshit Part 1

    The Purple Cow said...

    Anonymouses of 8:23 and 8:41

    So there you go you have both been caught in a lie.

    Clearly as I have demonstrated to the satisfaction of any sane rational human, Obama described the murder of the ambassador as terrorism the day after the event. The evidence is right there in the transcript that I provided for you.

    No, you did not, you provide a link to his speech. You demonstrated nothing. Read later posts you liar and yes we know. Everyone is insane, it's not YOU, it's the world. Weak pathetic attempt to influence by saying people are just crazy if they don't agree with your lies. No you are weak.


    Secondly I have demonstrated that Obama did not blame the video when describing the attack in Benghazi.

    You did? How? Are you sure you want to stick with this? Are you a disgusting liar or just a complete dumbass? See post regarding the show the view, see the transcript quotes from the UN - he did blame the video.

    If either of you had bothered to read the fucking speech (which quite clearly you have not,

    Are you that slow and stupid that you don't look for replies before you start spouting arrogant stupidity or disgusting lies? We not only read the transcript we watched the speech. Who are you trying to fool, yourself now?


    even though I went to the effort of providing you with the fucking transcript for christ's sake,)

    Oh, good job Obama. You built that!! You provided a transcript assuming that others were like you and didn't already have it and had read it. But you either didn't read it or are too stupid to understand it. How lame can you get.

    you would quite clearly see that the references to the video concern the demonstrations and violence that was occurring all over the Islamic world at that time in specific response to the video. NOT to the attack on Benghazi.

    GTFO here with that wordsmithing nonsense. Why would he talk about the video and all attacks and exclude the Benghazi attack which was the worst of all and an Ambassador was killed and never mention Al Queda or a terrorist attack once? Not Once. Well, except to say he decimated them you fluttering wordsmithing fool.

  59. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Cowshit part 2

    Note further that Obama does not apologize for the video, he says it was nothing to do with the US government (which I think even you wingnuts would have to agree with) and he goes on to say

    Irrelevant. He didn't apologize but the man was arrested. This is smoke to hide your stupidity. No one said he did apologize in this conversation that was not the issue.

    So to be clear you anonys are happy to defame your own nation and to lie about your own president in an effort to score a cheap debating point. A defamation which if repeated could eventually cost American lives.

    In my book that makes you a traitor to your nation. If you had one shred of moral courage, one milligram of human decency you would be deeply, deeply ashamed of yourselves.

    You really are a sack of shit. First of all, I am done talking to such a lying immoral cunt. We anons don't accept lies from our leadership whose incompetence got Americans killed just so he can gain more opportunity to make it happen again. Exposing the truth about Obama will not cause American lives to be lost, not exposing it and playing the weak minded, weak willed, wordsmithing liberal will. Al Queda was laughing at Obama blaming a videotape for a terrorist attack in Benghazi they knew intelligence watched the attack happen. They laugh at weakness, they laugh at stupidity, they prey on it.

    You are a dishonest twit. I have yet to see rational discourse from you, everything is word smithing and lies.

    Piss Off and worry about your country, you aren't an American, so have no reason to vehemently defend lies and dishonor. What is your motivator? Are you that much of a racist?

    In either case you have proven you are not worth talking to. You are either a despicable thing or a blithering idiot. A little of both I suspect with heavy emphasis on the blithering idiot portion made even worse by having delusions he actually is a thinker.

  60. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Obama: Well we are still doing an investigation, there is no doubt the kind of weapons........that it WASNT JUST A MOB ACTION"..."

    Ummmmm, you do realize that this answer backs up my point don't you?

    What a twit, last response to you. You get me sick. I am having a hard time understanding how any one can actually be this stupid. You have to be blinded by your ideologies.

    It never was a MOB action. Do you understand? There never was a protest as he claimed -do you understand? He knew that, remember this is about him saying yesterday he knew it and called it a terrorist attack and not a Mob action due to the video- Comprende? What does mob action mean you yammering ninny? A mob action because of the video tape. There was no mob, there was no action, there was no demonstration because of a videotape. It was a terrorist attack. The Obama administration was warned about it by the president of Libya, Egypt, Security in Benghazi, previous terror attacks and the fact that it was 9/11. Obama was FORCED to add in that there were weapons used by people that in no way could be attributed to his pure account of a Mob attack by intelligence leaking the truth.

    Senators and congressman were calling the Obama administration liars because he said it was purely sparked by the video. They retorted with, amazing, demonstrators carried around Mortars and RPG and planned that "spontaneous reaction to the tape well" This was his way of doing damage control. He had to admit there were others. But he still attributed it to the video and a protest "Mob Action" when it was nothing but a planned terror attack that his administration botched as we had warning from presidents it was coming AND any security was denied to the Embassy and support or relief was denied during the SIX hour attack that you know was escalated.

  61. Anonymous9:58 AM

    On CNN’s “State of the Union” on September 30, Candy Crowley insisted David Axelrod, President Barack Obama’s chief strategist, was wrong when Axelrod tried to claim President Barack Obama called the Benghazi attack “an act of terror” on the day after.

    “First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape,” Crowley said when Axelrod tried to spin her.

    On September 30th Candy Crowley said this.

    This was Crowley the journalist, unlike the pro-Obama advocate who moderated Tuesday’s debate between Obama and Mitt Romney and interjected herself into an argument between Obama and Romney on the exact same issue — and took Obama’s side.

    During the debate, Crowley affirmed Obama’s assertion that he referred to the Benghazi attacks as acts of terror on the day after.

    Candy Crowley had she not tried to defend Obama probably would have allowed Obama to find another spin or way out of the mess, maybe. With this act, she has doomed his re-election effort and lost what little credibility both he and the MSM have left.

    Anyone can forgive mistakes, no one forgives a plotting, misleading finger pointing liar who now hides behind a womans skirt to take the heat off of him.

  62. Anonymous9:59 AM

    kudos to hobama!

    he was awake and rude!!!!

    that joker even made a joke!


    failed record trumps feisty rudeness

    hobama did not answer ANY of his questions...shame!!!

    i was shocked that hobama actually asked crowley for help....how brazen!!!

    ho lied and evaded libya/mexican gunrunning etc

    mitt won with facts and punches...kudos!

    mitt used the same record that hobama evaded = ongoing easy slay!

    mitt slew hobama again!

    i wish mitt has been as pissy as that bitchy hobama


    "since you clearly value education, educate us about libya/fast and furious/your invisible jobs" etc

    "my math is better than yours, as i have actually had a real job in the real world, my math has been proven to be accurate. your math has led to millions unemployed/on ebt cards etc"

    "my world view is bigger than yours, i will help remedy the global economy, and i will never have to run one illegal gun to do so"


    go mitt!!!!!!!

  63. "It never was a MOB action. Do you understand?"


  64. Anonymous10:15 AM

    i was shocked that hobama actually asked crowley for help....how brazen!!!

    ho lied and evaded libya/mexican gunrunning etc

    That was the telling parts. I was shocked when it got tough you are right he actually did refuse to answer Romneys points on Libya and said..candy.....then he had the nerve to say the reason he asked her to change the topic from "foreign policy" was he was sure others had questions he wanted to get to. Next week, it's all about Foreign policy and now that Candy herself admitted she was "incorrect' and Romney was right, Libya is going to haunt O'Blamer.

  65. “No, you did not, you provide a link to his speech. You demonstrated nothing. Read later posts you liar and yes we know.”


    In the white house lawn speech of September 12, Obama refers to the attack as terrorism. It’s right there in black and white. Are your comprehension skill so poor?


    “see the transcript quotes from the UN - he did blame the video.”

    See the entire transcript from the U.N - He did not blame the video.


    “We not only read the transcript we watched the speech. Who are you trying to fool, yourself now?”

    So how come you don’t understand the simple words that are right in front of your eyes in black and white? I mean just how stupid or delusional are you?


    “Why would he talk about the video and all attacks and exclude the Benghazi attack which was the worst of all and an Ambassador was killed and never mention Al Queda or a terrorist attack once? Not Once.”

    Oh good grief….

    Where to begin?

    Read the fucking transcript you numpty. He did not say all attacks on America were caused by the video. The part of the speech where he talks about the video were some time after he had finished praising the ambassador and lamenting his death.

    Also AS YOU YOURSELF POINTED OUT, Obama said – and I’m quoting YOU don’t forget…

    "Obama: Well we are still doing an investigation, there is no doubt the kind of weapons........that it WASNT JUST A MOB ACTION…”

    Do you get it yet? Obama is saying that they can tell from the type of weapons used in the Ben Ghazzi attack that it was not a simple mob action.

  66. chris stevens10:31 AM

    purple couch-potato wrote:

    Clearly as I have demonstrated to the satisfaction of any sane rational human, Obama described the murder of the ambassador as terrorism the day after the event.

    When a US embassy is attacked by armed people there's no other description for the crime but "terrorism."

    The murders certainly weren't the outcome a robbery gone bad.

    However, as some of us know -- but you are too stupid to admit -- terrorism is a catch-all term.

    It's terrorism when muslims commit murder because they've lost their minds over videos, cartoons and burning Qurans.

    And it's terrorims when al Qaeda plans an attack on a US embassy.

    Terrorism is a hate crime, and the majority of muslims hate the US and the freedoms for which it stands.

    Thus they try to destroy the US in whatever way possible, which includes attacking embassies, for which they have a long history, having knocked off two in Africa and one in Tehran.

    There are two important questions that morons like purple can't face.

    1) Why was the embassy in Libya virtually unguarded when it sits in a nation that's in chaos? A nation that we know is a magnet for al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood thugs?

    2) Why is the stooge president trying to dodge the question of the absence of security by quibbling over who said what AFTER the murders?

    How does the incompetent Obama define the difference between a murderous attack by angry muslims on a murderous rampage over a stupid video, and a murderous attack by angry muslims who planned their attack for 9/11?

    If security personnel were thinking of scenarios for which they should be prepared, I'll bet 100% of them would say that beefing up security around 9/11 of every year should be standard operatiing procedure.

    Those psycho murderous muslims have a proven willingness to launch planned attacks on important dates.

    Meanwhile, unlike blacks, muslims don't spontaneously riot. When they're angry about videos, books, cartoons and Quran burnings, they spew their madness in the media first.

  67. Anonymous10:41 AM


    libya is worse than watergate and the bay of pigs combined!

    double proof that hobama has doubly failed!

    hobama also lied about hillary last night
    he is officially blaming hc
    hillary is the forced fall gal...shame!!!

    the real winners last night were the audience/questioners
    all excellent questions!
    shame how hobama the hnic dared to answer NONE of them!!!

    will the one named barry riot too???
    as always
    hobama dissed that black bro and his superb query most!!!

    go mitt!
    they cheated u...and u still won!
    fire crowley now!!!!





  68. God and Guns10:45 AM

    field said: "Still, if you Negroes do decide to riot, could you please take outside of your own neighborhoods?"

    Are you encouraging blacks, if they were to riot, to carry out their destruction in white, or other non-black communities?

    I suppose they could go riot in the desert, or at the North Pole, but there's not a lot worth burning in those places.

  69. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "It never was a MOB action. Do you understand?"


    You are either the stupidest man on this blog or a cunt. You just quoted me, do you realize that? I said it never was a mob action..you quoted me and not the president or are you wordsmithing again? Do you understand yet?

    What the president of the United States originally said was that the US ambassador was killed because of a mob action and protest due to the videotape. The US ambassador went on five Sunday talk shows and promulgated this cover up. ( She said yesterday she was JUST reading talking points) it was because of the tape and a mob action.

    Then on the view after being forced by intelligence leaks that described no mob, no demonstration, use of Mortars and RPGs, Libya' and Egypts president contradicting him saying there was no MOB ACTION as HE and his entire administration said, he then said said.....now read this slowly and don't let the bells chime louder than you can hear...

    It never was JUST a Mob action.

    Now let me break this down for the slow wordsmither.

    The forced inclusion and qualifier of the word JUST indicates he still thinks it was a mob action, wants those to who is communicating that it WAS a mob action, but now not JUST a mob aciton.

    He said it was a Mob ACTION but it wasn't JUST a mob action. His spin at that time after getting caught was that ok there were mortars and RPG's and intelligence says it was not a MOB ACTION, but I have already been saying for over a week it was a demonstration and MOB ACTION sparked by a video so let me add this, it wasn't JUST, JUST, JUST, JUST mob action it was a MOB action that radicals took advantage of and they just happened to have Mortars and RPG's.
    Still not admitting it was a pure pre-planned terror attack by Al Qaeda because he just finished saying how good a job he did by diminishing them. If he admitted they just killed our ambassador, well then he didn't do such a good job did he.

    Now, knowing that it never was a MOB action at all and that no MOB was present protesting the videotape as he and others forcefully said for days, saying it was a breakout of a Mob action by some really tough mob members is a lie, wouldn't you say? Ding-Ding.

    Now he and YOU are trying to say he said it was a terrorist attack all along and that he never said it was a MOB Action, even JUST a MOB action because of a video tape because he got caught and Hillary fell on her sword yesterday.

    The whole point is it is ridiculous to claim he said from the beginning that he knew and said that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and that he never claimed it was because of a videotape and MOB Action. He did - it's on tape ,even though there NEVER WAS A MOB or PROTEST.

    Candy Crowley herself said precisely this to Axelrod on Sept 30th.

    "“First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape,” Crowley said when Axelrod tried to spin her.

    Obama did not say on Sept 12th that it was a terrorist attack if he was still saying it was A Mob action on Sept 24th and his administration was still saying up to a few days ago that it was a mob action.

    He added in it was not JUST, Just, Just, a mob action after intelligence leaked it was terrorist attack and not a MOB ACTION at all, not even JUST on Sept 19th.


    Later and if you can't understand this, even JUST a little bit. No mob action can help your mind and you should sue your college for a refund on that MBA.

  70. inside the black mind10:50 AM

    The purple moron seems confused by terrorism.

    That's probably a result of being black. Blacks riot spontaneously and don't call the widespread destruction and death an act of terrorism.

    But that's partly due to the fact that blacks don't riot due to religious convictions -- unless they're muslims.

    Blacks don't riot to drive out representatives of other nations.

    Black riots are impulsive acts of destruction that only take in their immediate neighborhoods.

    Thus, blacks are not prepared to grasp Obama's phony characterization of the Libya murders.

    If blacks had attacked a US government building, it would have led to looting the place and robbing everyone inside.

    Meanwhile, blacks share that feeling of failure and incompetence that plagues muslims when they're made aware of their backwardness. So blacks have some emotional understanding of the muslim response to videos that mock Muhammad.

    However, even if the KKK made a movie that mocked Martin Luther King, it's unlikely blacks would riot. That's too esoteric for blacks.

    But blacks might riot if George Zimmerman isn't convicted of murdering Trayvon.

  71. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Oh good grief….

    Where to begin?

    Read the fucking transcript you numpty. He did not say all attacks on America were caused by the video. The part of the speech where he talks about the video were some time after he had finished praising the ambassador and lamenting his death.

    Also AS YOU YOURSELF POINTED OUT, Obama said – and I’m quoting YOU don’t forget…

    "Obama: Well we are still doing an investigation, there is no doubt the kind of weapons........that it WASNT JUST A MOB ACTION…”

    Do you get it yet? Obama is saying that they can tell from the type of weapons used in the Ben Ghazzi attack that it was not a simple mob action.

    Cow - I can see you are really confused. This is too complicated for you. Now you reference the Rose garden speech when we were talking about the transcript of the UN. Are you trying that hard to make it fit?

    Listen. Lies catch up to you and confuse you. Your thoughts are evidence of this.

    Obama REFUSED to call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack. Meaning he did not want to admit Al Qaeda was not decimated under his powerful leadership.

    Anything can be an act of terror, fuck trying to get into that warped mind of yours is an act of terror for me. Stop wordsmithing.

    You are viewing what Obama said without viewing the other information and the timeline that made him react.

    He and his entire team would not say it was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda even though Americans knew this. Finally presumably the intelligence community had enough of his lies and blame and leaked that there was no mob, there was no spontaneous attack and that they knew and advised his administration there was a planned attack, they did ask for security, were denied and there was no mob, it was Al Qaeda. Only after this about a week later after senators and Hillary confirmed this did he say ok it wasn't just because of the video to the people on the view, maybe there were some radicals there too. . Still not admitting it was a terrorist attack conducted by Al Queda.

    Anyway, I am done. Believe, twist, wordsmith what you will. For if you break down your argument, the entire basis is that Obama knew from day one that it was a terrorist attack and told the American people this and acted accordingly.

    Lets go with your premise then, OK say he knew and did advise America it was terrorist attack.

    I guess it's normal to have the FBI investigate military matters and stall for a week (terrorist attacks are military and have different resources) Terrorist attacks are never handled by the domestic FBI, they were in this case. If it was a terrorist attack why did they assign the FBI? Ahhh...under investigation...cannot comment.

    I guess it's normal for terrorist attacks to be handled by the FBI who finally got to Benghazi and stayed for under 8 hours.

    I guess it's normal to have no answers despite congressional testimony that the attack was planned by Al Queda, we knew it was coming, we denied security at all. (two seals were there coincidentally gathering weapons we provided the Libyans ) Or that when the attack was occurring for six hours we sent no aircraft or direct troops to rescue the Americans despite intelligence watching the attack live. If you believe Hillary did not escalate a live 6 hour attack on an embassy to Obama during an election cycle, I have a bridge to sell you.

    So if he knew and said it was a terrorist attack on Sept 12th. He is the most incompetent president the US has had making Carter look noble. See how the lies catch you either way?

  72. Anonymous11:16 AM

    more baw hobama coon ads:



    how many apples of others' eyes has hobama doomed for decades???

    how many rotten apples has hobama fashioned for the poor to create 23 trillion dollar fruit salad for his peer banksters???

    how many dads cannot afford to buy apples to feed their children because of that rotten apple hobama in dc????



  73. "Obama REFUSED to call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack."

    No he didn't, as I have demonstrated on this very thread.


    "Cow - I can see you are really confused. This is too complicated for you. Now you reference the Rose garden speech when we were talking about the transcript of the UN. Are you trying that hard to make it fit?"

    I refuse to believe that you are as stupid as you are pretending to be, so I will continue.

    You claimed that Obama denied that it was a terrorist attack. I have pointed out the white house lawn speech, destroys that theory.

    You then went on to claim that Obama six time blamed the video in his UN speech, I've also demonstrated that is nonsense.


    "You are viewing what Obama said without viewing the other information and the timeline that made him react."

    I will tell you what the timeline is. Obama said it was a terrorist attack on 12 September.

    "Terrorist attacks are never handled by the domestic FBI, they were in this case. If it was a terrorist attack why did they assign the FBI? Ahhh...under investigation...cannot comment."

    Errrrrrr, the FBI disagrees with you...


    Any other easily-disprovable nutcase theories you'd like me to eviscerate?

    See how lies catch you either way?

  74. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Obama REFUSED to call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack."

    No he didn't, as I have demonstrated on this very thread.

    Yeah, last night which is what the whole discussion is about.

    Any other easily-disprovable nutcase theories you'd like me to eviscerate?

    HAHA you just had your ass handed to you and proved you are not only a moron, you are an illiterate moron and you have the nerve to say something this arrogant? You are one shameless fool.

    No wonder why you like Obama, you are just as delusional as he is and apparanly ten times the dirty liar.

    OK I didn't want to but you are like a dumb dog that keeps running into parked cars, you never learn from the pain and still keep trying. Might explain that large forehead of yours.

    Did you read the article you posted? Do you understand it?

    Ok Mr Professor Googlesalotbutunderstandslittle;

    From the article

    "Did you know that FBI agents, intel analysts, and bomb techs work 24/7 within our nation’s borders to prevent terrorist attacks.

    Note "within our nations borders"
    See the emphasis for within our nations borders? When you read these are the sentence main points you should look for, they provide comprehension of the point the writer is emphasizing.

    But what you may not know is this: we do the same overseas, working right alongside American military forces in war zones around the globe.

    Hmmmmm....working right alongside with Military - One would think someone with an MBA could understand and have the comprehension to know that Working alongside Military would indicate the Military is responsible and they support them.

    Especially when a portion of US soil has been militarily attacked with heavy weapons and Ambassadors and soldiers killed. Not agents, Soldiers. You know the military was all over this but got instructions to stand down. You do not kill seals and not have a general fit to be tied and ready to retaliate.

    Look you are a twit and reaching. I am not going to debate how the US is structured now with some idiot that is trying SO HARD and coming up empty, except for wordsmithing. The FBI put that statement on its page because one of the accusations by people like you after 9/11 was that the government agencies didn't work together. Probably accurate. But who do you think our military is fighting? Terrorists - gather your own wool on that thought buttercup.

    You lost a lot of respect today and I know you know that.

    Why you ask? You conceded not one thing and continued to seize upon ridiculous wordsmithing, anything to further your ridiculous premise.

    Whatever, you think Obama is awesome and it's the rest of the world who has it all wrong because you interpret words in isolation and wish it to be so.

    Carry on. Try to convince someone else you eviscerated anyone, maybe you got confused and meant to say exfoliated?

    Have nice day and seriously, consider suing your college for a refund on your MBA. I can provide a letter of reference if needed.

  75. Anonymous11:51 AM

    more baw hobama coon ads:


    hobama has been a legendary war prez and a poverty prez!!!

    black women have been hobama's worst casualties globally!!!

    black women are poorEST and more bombed than anyone!!!

    cc africom/public schools/drones/food prices/evictions/foreclosures/jobless/homeless etc
    cc libya/destroyt/chi/yemen/somalia etc


  76. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Purple Cowshit said..

    "I will tell you what the timeline is. Obama said it was a terrorist attack on 12 September."

    Poor Cow, you might want to call Candy and tell her she didn't need to walk back her mistake last night, you can help.

    Anything can be an act of terror as said generically, launching off the video mob anger thing.

    A terrorist attack by AL Qaeda is completely different.

    Maybe you can answer these points then if you are so set on defending this nonsense.

    If Obama knew and Said it was a terrorist attack - not an act of terror.

    Why did he fly to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the very next day?

    Why didn’t he inform UN Ambassador Susan Rice before she went on the Sunday shows and blamed the attack on the anti-Islam film?

    Why didn’t he tell his own spokesperson, who insisted days later that “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack…And while the violence is reprehensible and unjustified, it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of, or to U.S. policy”?

    Do you get that? Not a reaction to 9.1 or U.S policy, it is not a terrorist attack it is a spontaneous action.

    Why did the president himself go on “The View” nearly two weeks later, and — when asked point-blank whether Benghazi was a terrorist attack — say that “well, we’re still doing an investigation” and “it wasn’t just a mob action”? If he knew it was a terrorist attack?

    More importantly, if President Obama believed it was a terrorist attack from Day One, why didn’t he share this with the American public?

    Why would he make a vague one-line reference to it in a single campaign stump speech in Ohio, but not give a full address to the American people, outlining what he knew?

    Goodbye Cowshit and so you don't practice your usual deceptive obsfucation those are qoute above that I will not source so you don't Saul Alinsky them.

    Your jerry curls must be smoking right now trying to twist reality - Sucks to be you.

  77. Anonymous12:03 PM

    what happened to free speech on pvt property????

    more proof that hobama nazis are buck wild!!!!

    may they be shut down by hobama/mitt 2012 asap!!!


  78. Anonymous12:09 PM

    michelle is officially the new co-liar in chief



    cc this to hobamacare/hobama flags/hobama nazis/hobama's dissed cbc drones/hobama's super congress/hobama's czars/hobama's osama lie/own 911 etc...



  79. Anonymous12:12 PM

    hey fn:

    why is hc "stepping up to the plate" for hobama

    when gwb was accused of "passing the buck" for 7 times less than hobama????


  80. Frustrated Negro12:15 PM

    Black People are NOT Monolithic!!!

    Stop grouping all black people together in one pre-judgemental ignorant box. Have your dialouge diatribe , but employ some objectivity,and self inspection of your views.

    The only thing left for you to do is call Purple Cow , a stupid Negro , and be done with it. ....

    Splitting infinitesimal hairs back , and forth.... over , and over again...

    Both are owned by Wall St , and wouldnt give a str8 answer to save their lives....

  81. Anonymous12:17 PM

    4 the racist revisionist kkkklowns herein:

    africa is the origin and the best of EVERYTHING!!!


  82. Anonymous12:22 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  83. Anonymous12:33 PM

    fire hobama's haughty heifer helper cc now!!!!


  84. Anonymous12:35 PM

    more proof that the hobama's have no souls and no class!!!



  85. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  86. Anonymous12:37 PM

    donna b is a rabid amoral hobama nazi



  87. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hey we get to see Obamas Ideas in advance. I think unemployment in France just increased. Why is socialism so hard for people to understand and work with?

    France is sliding into a grave economic crisis and risks a full-blown “hurricane” as investors flee rocketing tax rates, the country’s business federation has warned.

    “The situation is very serious. Some business leaders are in a state of quasi-panic,” said Laurence Parisot, head of employers’ group MEDEF.

    “The pace of bankruptcies has accelerated over the summer. We are seeing a general loss of confidence by investors. Large foreign investors are shunning France altogether. It’s becoming really dramatic.”

    MEDEF, France’s equivalent of the CBI, said the threat has risen from “a storm warning to a hurricane warning”, adding that the Socialist government of François Hollande has yet to understand the “extreme gravity” of the crisis.

    The immediate bone of contention is Article 6 of the new tax law, which raises the top rate of capital gains tax from 34.5pc to 62.2pc. This compares with 21pc in Spain, 26.4pc in Germany and 28pc in Britain.

    “Let’s be clear, Article 6 is not acceptable, even if modified. We will not be complicit in a disastrous economic mistake,” Mrs Parisot told Le Figaro.

    An alliance of private organisations in France has issued a protest entitled “State of Emergency for Business”, warning that confiscatory tax rates threaten lasting damage to the French economy.

    Mrs Parisot said the policies border on economic illiteracy: “The idea of aligning taxes on capital with those on wages is a profound economic error. It is scandalous that the French have been left in such economic ignorance for years.”

  88. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated Negro said...

    Black People are NOT Monolithic!!!

    I would love to believe that. Why are 96% of Blacks voting for Obama again? What's the difference between a Field Negro and House Negro? What's an Uncle Tom? Why are Black Successful Conservatives embraced by the right and despised and hated by Liberals and attacked as race traitors? Why do Black people crazy enough to publicly say they are going to vote for Romney subjected to racial invectives?

    Didn't Purple just say yesterday that an Indian might as well be white because he licks the "white mans' parts or something like that? That sounds racist and monolithic to me...is it?

  89. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Romney now has a clean clock.

  90. Anonymous12:56 PM

    more proof that mitt won round 2

    and that hobama nazis are truly blind insane sore losers!!!!!!!



  91. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Nine days after the assault, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney if they had called the Libya assault a terrorist attack.

    “I haven’t,” Carney replied on September 20th. And he was speaking for the White House, not just himself, as was made clear when he cautioned reporters against thinking it was significant that “we hadn’t” called it a terrorist attack yet.

    Obama opened that Rose Garden speech by blaming the attack on an anti-Islam Youtube video, even though he referred generically to “acts of terror” towards the end of the speech after mentioning the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center.

    The president now claims that phrase referred to the September 11, 2012 attack as well, but it took another week for the U.S. government to refer specifically to the murder of four Americans as a terrorist attack.

    “I would say yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy,” NCTC director Matt Olsen told Congress on September 19th.

    The next day, Carney confirmed to reporters that this was the first time they had called the attack “a terrorist attack.”

    First time, but I thought that was Sept 12th???

  92. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Romney now has a clean clock.

    It's a good thing too, Somebody needs to be able to tell the real time to Obama.

    I heard of Mountain, Eastern and Pacific time - where is Obama time anyway is that in Choom County Hawaii?

  93. Frustrated Negro1:11 PM

    "I would love to believe that. Why are 96% of Blacks voting for Obama again?"

    "MONOLITHIC".. would mean that people like Allen West , and Herman Cain, would be voting for Obama.... Not that either of those two are favorites of mine.

    I just threw a couple of names you could identify with to solidify my position... 96% aint 100%

  94. Indication that Obama won last night? The crowd's reactions when Robme got called on his lies.

    Proof that Obama won last night? Ripoff-i-klans are blaming Crowley for making their boy look like a goat.

    Conclusive proof that Obama won last night? Faux News is calling it a tie.

  95. It Sucks To Be You1:28 PM

    Don't you negroes fret; Honey Boo Boo endorsed Obama, so, hey; you've got the white trash vote going for you too! Oh, and don't forget the Kardashians! (Though, I suspose that's being redundant).

    Yeah Whitey, the big O keeps winning these debates, and his poll numbers keep sinking. He might just win himself out of a job. Michelle will have to have them take the spinners off Air Farce One.

  96. Anonoumous said.....

    "Lets go with your conclusion"


    Lets do. This:

    "Obama did handle Libya well and did call it a terrorist act before jetting off for fundraisers and appearances on talk shows."


    Isn't anything like any conclusion of mine, because I don't think that what, when and by whom the violence was labeled are in any way pertinent to a serious discussion about what happened and why. I think that there are plenty of serious discrepancies in and criticisms of the whole incident, but instead of making his argument one or more of these Romney dumbed it down to a contention of noun not uttered in time and got burned when he turned out to be wrong.

    No, my conclusion would be more like "live loose with the facts, die loose with the facts," or "Don't walk into your own trap."

  97. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Isn't anything like any conclusion of mine, because I don't think that what, when and by whom the violence was labeled are in any way pertinent to a serious discussion about what happened and why. I think that there are plenty of serious discrepancies in and criticisms of the whole incident, but instead of making his argument one or more of these Romney dumbed it down to a contention of noun not uttered in time and got burned when he turned out to be wrong.

    No, my conclusion would be more like "live loose with the facts, die loose with the facts," or "Don't walk into your own trap."

    What the heck are you trying to say? Are you typing with your pecker again?

  98. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Whitey, the only people Obama won were worshippers like you. You would vote for him no matter what he is/has done or is uncovered you have gone to far to go back and admit you were wrong now.

    Tingles Had a handpicked group of likely voters after the debate; he was stunned when the majority told him they were now switching to Romney.

    Plus, Triage: Obama Pulling Out of NC, FL

    Why is Obama Pulling out? I thought he got free contraception?

    Oh by the way: Uh, Romney's ahead with Registered voters, too. 48-46.

    Meanwhile, CBS' snap poll also confirms that Romney won on the most important issues this cycle.

    Romney won on "The Economy" 65-34.

    On the Deficit, Romney wins 70-29. Seventy.

    On Taxes, Romeny wins 54-46.

    And from politicalwire: "Obama circling wagons in OH IA NV NH"

    Er... I think he's triaging. Because if the last part concedes the aforementioned states...

    Have you given any thought to what you will do when Obama loses?

  99. Anonymous2:15 PM

    hobama just blatantly lied all night

    as always

    as if the videos/docs/record just do not matter

    more proof that he is selected

    and that sheeple voters will be nullified and ignored



  100. William the plagiarist, I don;t know what you are drinking but you need to lay off some. That stuff is rotting your brain.

    "Hmmmmm....working right alongside with Military - One would think someone with an MBA could understand and have the comprehension to know that Working alongside Military would indicate the Military is responsible and they support them. "

    It means no such fucking thing. It means working along side.

    And let's not forget, for all your obfuscation, just a few minutes ago, you were claiming the FBI NEVER investigated terrorist attacks.

    "You know the military was all over this but got instructions to stand down."

    Proof please...

    "You lost a lot of respect today and I know you know that. "

    The only way I could have lost respect today is for carrying on trying to teach a miserable fucking, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, inbred twunt like you for way too long.

    You keep insisting that night doesn't follow day, and that 2+2=48.3 all day, now that shit might impress the gap-toothed, peroxide blonde, scabby-skinned, skanks on your trailer-park, but here in civilization we just laugh at the likes of you, Cletus.

    "Whatever, you think Obama is awesome and it's the rest of the world who has it all wrong because you interpret words in isolation and wish it to be so. "

    I do not think Obama is a Conservative and I don;t believe I would vote for him if I was unlucky enough to be an American citizen.

    He's a conservative, I am a Socialist. Simple as.

  101. "Anything can be an act of terror as said generically.."

    Nope, I just cooked a Penne Amatriciana. That was not an act of terror, even for my wife and kids who had to eat it.

    Terrorism is more-or-less completely meaningless phrase anno 2012, but the original definition was the use of random violence to further a political cause. So using that definition those who launched the attacks in BenGahzi are terrorists, but those who attacked American embassies because they were upset over a video are not. They are simply idiots.

    "If Obama knew and Said it was a terrorist attack - not an act of terror. "

    Oh for fuck's sake... How desperate are you?


    "More importantly, if President Obama believed it was a terrorist attack from Day One, why didn’t he share this with the American public? "

    HE DID. See the White House Lawn speech I referenced above.

  102. Anonymous2:33 PM

    more proof that hobama nazis are deaf blind and insane

    even the msm begrudgingly agree that mitt won on facts/substance/pts

    hobama really needs his teleprompter to read the scripts of surrogate alpha males
    honama is a failed felled dl beta male empty suit who is no match for mitt
    even with his helper cc

    i wish the tag team of hobama and cc had allowed mitt to focus on
    the MORE than 47% of poor americans whom that bankster hobama has ALREADY slain!!!

    even the msm agree that mitt won

    Barack Obama was more aggressive and didn't come across as if in despair tonight, so he didn't get routed. But Mitt Romney still came across far better: a bit more likeable; more believable; less of a broken record; more substantive; more forward-looking; and, importantly, still more in control. On that last front, there were several really odd visuals that struck me: Several times, Romney was talking directly to Obama and looking directly at him, but Obama WOULD NOT look at Romney, either in listening to him or in answering him. It's as if he just couldn't look him in the eye. I've never been big into this theory of the "alpha male" on stage being the KEY determinant of who "wins" a debate. But it IS at least AN ingredient. And Romney was clearly more alph: He was direct; Obama wouldn't look at him, which is what the "weaker" person does, in terms of body language.

    The only saving grace for Obama was that he got to speak last, so he was able to raise the "47 percent" thing without Romney getting to answer (or to bring up the "you didn't build that" or the "cling to guns and religion" gaffes by Obama). But it wasn't enough to make him a winner. Going forward, Romney has the edge.






  103. Dear Anonymous 12:37,

    I don;t think Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is going to be very pleased with you plagiarizing his words without any kind of attribution and attempting to pass them off as your own.

    Tut, tut.

    Is there not one of you far Right types that has a modicum decency and honesty? Why do you feel it necessary to lie and steel?

    Are you incapable of independent thought?

  104. muhammad loves murder2:42 PM

    With respect to Benghazi and the embassy murders, it remains outrageous that Obama has done everything to steer the conversation toward post-murder nonsense, moving it a far away as possible from a discussion about how utterly nuts it was to leave an embassy in a war-torn Islamic, America-hating country virtually unprotected.

  105. Quote Anonymous 2:12

    You are cherry-picking.

    Three of the six polls yesterday had Obama leading, and those three poles also showed that his lead over Romney was increasing.

    I suppose it was too much to ask that you would give an honest overview of all the polling data.

    Is there not one of you far Right types that has a modicum decency and honesty? Why do you feel it necessary to lie and steel?

  106. Anonymous2:45 PM

    William the plagiarist, I don;t know what you are drinking but you need to lay off some. That stuff is rotting your brain.

    "Hmmmmm....working right alongside with Military - One would think someone with an MBA could understand and have the comprehension to know that Working alongside Military would indicate the Military is responsible and they support them. "

    It means no such fucking thing. It means working along side.

    And let's not forget, for all your obfuscation, just a few minutes ago, you were claiming the FBI NEVER investigated terrorist attacks.

    "You know the military was all over this but got instructions to stand down."

    Proof please...

    "You lost a lot of respect today and I know you know that. "

    The only way I could have lost respect today is for carrying on trying to teach a miserable fucking, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, inbred twunt like you for way too long.

    You keep insisting that night doesn't follow day, and that 2+2=48.3 all day, now that shit might impress the gap-toothed, peroxide blonde, scabby-skinned, skanks on your trailer-park, but here in civilization we just laugh at the likes of you, Cletus.

    "Whatever, you think Obama is awesome and it's the rest of the world who has it all wrong because you interpret words in isolation and wish it to be so. "

    I do not think Obama is a Conservative and I don;t believe I would vote for him if I was unlucky enough to be an American citizen.

    He's a conservative, I am a Socialist. Simple as.

    2:21 PM
    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Anything can be an act of terror as said generically.."

    Nope, I just cooked a Penne Amatriciana. That was not an act of terror, even for my wife and kids who had to eat it.

    Terrorism is more-or-less completely meaningless phrase anno 2012, but the original definition was the use of random violence to further a political cause. So using that definition those who launched the attacks in BenGahzi are terrorists, but those who attacked American embassies because they were upset over a video are not. They are simply idiots.

    "If Obama knew and Said it was a terrorist attack - not an act of terror. "

    Oh for fuck's sake... How desperate are you?


    "More importantly, if President Obama believed it was a terrorist attack from Day One, why didn’t he share this with the American public? "

    HE DID. See the White House Lawn speech I referenced above.

    What a sad man.

  107. Anonymous2:54 PM

    kudos to gene s!!!

    give hobama more time with his famly asap!!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!

    “The country is so divided. I voted for President Obama last time but I have to say I’m very disappointed in his job,” he said.
    “He’s been a piss-poor president, as far as I’m concerned,” the rocker added.

    In regards to GOP candidate Romney, Simmons acknowledges that he may not agree with him on every issue, “but I will tell you that he’s much more qualified.”

    He explained that he believes Romney’s credentials are stronger: “He’s a businessman, he ran the Olympics. …He knows how to create jobs. President Obama is a wonderful family man. And that’s about where the résumé stops.”


  108. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Purple Pene Said....

    "He's a conservative, I am a Socialist. Simple as."

    You are nothing but a Nerdy bore. Who cares what you think.

  109. ah dunno nuthin bout birthin no babies3:00 PM

    A baby is born on the Philly subway. Cops assist. The media is alerted. Mom and baby go to the hospital.

    Father? A mystery. Appears the mother doesn't even know his name.

    She'll probably give the kid a cute name tied to where he was born. Maybe Septacemius?

    Baby Born On SEPTA’s Broad Street Line

    October 17, 2012 By Walt Hunter

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - SEPTA Police Officer Loyd Rodgers and his partner gave the stork a helping hand after a female rider approached them at the Olney station on the Broad Street Subway line telling them she had just given birth aboard a northbound train.

    There, nestled in her clothing, the officer saw a brand new baby boy, umbilical cord still attached.

    Rodgers, a 12-year veteran and father of a teenage daughter, immediately assisted the new mother, wrapping the little boy in a blanket, and calling for medics.

    As they waited, Rodgers says the mother and her baby were both very calm. SEPTA cashier Cynthia Leaks saying the little boy, with lots of hair was, in her words, “beautiful.”

    In an exclusive interview with CBS 3, Rodgers described how all activity in the busy subway station suddenly halted. Riders snapped pictures and shouting “congratulations” to the new mom.

    “It was a celebration,” said Officer Rodgers, “a real celebration.”

    Both baby and mom are now doing fine at nearby Einstein Medical center.

  110. Anonymous3:21 PM

    In full-page newspaper ad, 13 Iowa voters apologize for supporting Obama in 2008


  111. insane, jealous and violent3:51 PM

    At least this black thug committed a public-service suicide.

    Bronx double murder suspect kills self after officials corner him in Miami


    October 17, 2012

    The man wanted for killing his estranged wife and her beau in a Bronx motel, killed himself yesterday in Miami as authorities attempted to arrest him, sources said.

    Joseph Kernizan, 42, was tracked down to a residence in North Miami by the New York - New Jersey Regional Fugitive Task Force, law enforcement sources said.

    As US Marshals and NYPD detectives were closing in on him just before 11 p.m., Kernizan fired three shots, law enforcement sources told The Post.

    None of the rounds went through any walls or windows, and none of the pursuing lawmen were hit.

    Authorities sent a robot inside and its video camera captured footage of Kerizan dead of a self-inflicted wound, on the bedroom floor with a small semi-automatic gun by his side, sources said.

    The agencies, working with the Florida - Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force, recovered three firearms from the residence -- Kernizan’s gun and two fully loaded AK-47s stashed in a duffle bag, sources said.

    Kernizan was wanted for the fatal shootings of his ex, Tracy Bennett, and her boyfriend, Wayne Hamilton.

    The Long Island woman and her reggae-musician lover were shot dead in the parking lot of the Holiday Motel early Saturday, cops and witnesses said.

    Authorities got tips that Kernizan had several friends in Miami, and cops were on the ground there on Monday night, following his pals around town, sources said.

    The gutless killer went out on his terms -- unlike his victims who were gunned down in cold blood at the Holiday Motel in the Bronx early Saturday morning.

    Blood-curdling screams woke guests at 3 a.m. as Bennett pleaded for her life after Kernizan allegedly shot Hamilton who was fleeing from their car.

    “Please, no!” the Elmont, LI, woman cried, witnesses said.

    The shooter then chased down Bennett and killed her.

    “I heard her plead for her life and then heard gunshots,” said guest Keshia Barrett, 36.

    Tracy Bennett had obtained a restraining order against Kernizan.

    Augustine Mawugbe, 45, heard 10 shots. “I came to the window after I heard the shots,” he said.

    He said he saw a tall man in a brown shirt — with a pistol in his right hand — jump into a car bearing New York plates.

    “He drove [away] fast,” Mawugbe said.

  112. Purple Pene Said....

    "He's a conservative, I am a Socialist. Simple as."

    You are nothing but a Nerdy bore. Who cares what you think.

    Well obviously somebody does, otherwise they wouldn't have spent the entire day responding to my brilliant posts.

  113. Anonymous5:28 PM

    goldman sachs is prez

    jp morgan is veep

    mitt will make that visible again!

    hobama is a blinding deafening killer app for hobama nazis!

    go mitt!!!

    kudos to bar!

    they rule the net!

    This is what happens when the terminal decline of the old order is not met by effective resistance from those who suffer under its dead weight. What to do about a jobs crisis that has left millions permanently unemployed from effects of the last two recessions? Apply additional corporate “incentives” to boost investment (Obama) or a thicker layer of laissez fair (Romney). And, by all means, extract more energy (Obama and Romney) from the exhausted environment, as if lack of fuel is what has stalled the engines of late capitalism. But do not, under any circumstances, question the inherent right of bankers (a.k.a. “markets”) to dominate every aspect of economic and political life.

    Banks were mentioned only three times: once, by Romney, in connection with (of course) cutting taxes, and twice by Obama. The president is proud that his mother was the vice president of a small bank, and he took credit (deservedly) for denying banks their $60 billion cut of college student loans. But the funneling of $16 trillion in guarantees, grants and virtually “free” money to financial corporations over the last four years – a profound restructuring of the relationship between the State and Wall Street – has been unmentioned in all three debates to date, because it is a policy consensus within the duopoly.

    Romney owned the word “poverty,” just as did the Republican nominating convention in Tampa, while Obama uttered the term not once. Corporate media pundits and even many “progressives” accept the Democrat’s avoidance of the subject as understandable, since he is an incumbent. Yet, the fight against poverty was Franklin Roosevelt’s rallying cry during capitalism’s previous great crisis, and Lyndon Johnson initiated a War on Poverty. Today’s poverty rate hovers only a fraction of a percent below the level of 1965, but the standard-bearer of the party most identified with the poor has nothing to say on the matter. Instead, there is consensus within the duopoly that austerity must be the watchword – clear evidence that the Occupy Movement is no longer a felt threat


  114. Wingnuts have become unhinged. :)

    BTW, Mitt lied about how many jobs were created for women under O.

    Read the transcript from O's Rose Garden speech again. And my eyes don't lie. Methink winnguts have a reality problem.

  115. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Purple Pene Said....

    "He's a conservative, I am a Socialist. Simple as."

    You are nothing but a Nerdy bore. Who cares what you think.

    Well obviously somebody does, otherwise they wouldn't have spent the entire day responding to my brilliant posts.

    You can't polish a turd. But a polish can have a turd

  116. Anonymous5:51 PM

    reality = that blackish bankster hobama has already slain women too!

    it will only be noticed and checked by fn et al when mitt does the same

    go mitt!!!




  117. Anonymous5:58 PM

    mitt won x 2!
    with planted cheaters!

    go mitt!!!!!!!!!





  118. "You can't polish a turd. But a polish can have a turd"


    I'm offering a €10 prize for anyone who can translate this sentence into recognizable English.

    Answers to the usual address please....

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Timothy7:51 PM

    Guess what REPUB/TEABAGGERS...your boy (Mittens) got his clock cleaned last night. He's a liar and a disrepectful one at that but hey...that's what this President has had to deal with from day 1.

    Problem with your boy (Mittens)is he's not a straight shooter and during the REPUB debates he proved that..How come we hasn't heard from Ricky Perry and the other Ricky defending Mittens?

    Because they know Mittens is full of shit and liar.

    The guy's NOT going to be President this time or 2016...just not going to happen.

    Congress needs to be restructed in order for President Obama to get needed legislation passed and it's not going to happen if the asshole in power now return to their seats.

    People wake the fuck up and get out the vote!!

  121. Anonymous5:31 PM

    If "Negroes" were really considered CITIZENS of this joint, we wouldn't be going through all this razzmatazz we've been going through for the 4 to 5 hundred years we've been here. "Negroes" think they're CITIZENS; Once-Upon-a-Time Europeans think "Negroes" are REFUGEES."Negroes" just can't accept that these "people" hate their guts. That's the problem with everything racial and otherwise; plus that color thing (the darkness).
