Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The debate dilemma.

So I am all over the Internet looking for some honest objective assessment of last night's American presidential debate. It was tough. It seems that everyone in America is already locked into their own political gang, and so getting a truly objective opinion on the debate is a little like getting Rush Limbaugh to get on a treadmill. It's just not happening. 

Still, I found one article that I stumbled on to be rather interesting.

"I guess you want to know who won the debate, and the answer is PresidentBarack Obama. He was as alive tonight as he was asleep two weeks ago. He defended his record and called out Mitt Romney on his flip-flops. Romney looked defensive and rattled, particularly when he badly botched the exchange onLibya.

But setting aside the horse race, I found the substance of tonight’s debate incredibly depressing, because neither candidate made a remotely convincing case that he can fix America’s economy.

Romney repeatedly talked about his “five-point plan,” which is a rehash of Bush-era policies. It has no content aimed at the specific problems of our time: weak demand, high unemployment and a still-troubled housing market.
Obama touted his misguided fetish for manufacturing and green jobs, as though what America needs is the federal government deciding which industries should grow. He combined those talking points with platitudes about education.
That’s not to say I’m surprised. If Obama had a serious economic agenda, he would presumably be working to implement it. Instead, his administration appears resigned to plod along in a tepid recovery that will leave unemployment above 6 percent for years to come.

And if Romney has a serious economic agenda, he has worked very hard to ensure that nobody finds out what it is.

Romney and Obama fought with each other a lot tonight, but the subtext of their messages was sadly similar: If elected, they will sit around and hope the economy gets better. That's not a message that gives me much hope for the next four years, no matter who wins. " [Source]

Josh, welcome to politics in America. We are just a bunch of mindless drones who have no clue how our lives are controlled. Sadly, we join political gangs and parrot vacuous talking points in our logic-proof echo chambers.

*Pic from Mike Blake My Opinions blog.


  1. All that I can think of when I hear "5 Point Plan" is the same kind of committee-designed corporate orthodoxy, heavy on buzzwords and jargon and light on substance, that every new in-over-his-head CEO without any real ideas imposes on his underlings in order to "make his mark" on an organization.

  2. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Heavy on buzzwords and jargon and light on substance. Sounds like a post from Whitey.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "But setting aside the horse race, I found the substance of tonight’s debate incredibly depressing, because neither candidate made a remotely convincing case that he can fix America’s economy."

    For once Field found an excellent article with the word "depressing" in it. Field, it's about time you start honoring that word because it is Truth in America.

    It's getting so depressing that even white folks are claiming that it's depressing to be an American in America....esp the poor ones who used to be middle-class.

    Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status; and it's depressing to be Black and never have had middle-class status. It's just f**king depressing.

    depressed Negro

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anon said, "Who are you trying to convince that Black People are just nice non violent go along to get along people...ha-ha."
    Anon said, "Well lets hope whoever you are trying to convince they are calm just get along people that they act as such when Romney sweeps the election."

    PilotX replied, "Glad to see Romney has the racist vote sewn up. Also glad to see racists capitalizing the B in Black. Power to the people ;-)"
    If Romney has the racist vote all sewn up, he will certainly carry 95% of the black vote.:)

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Due to the constraints of two minute limit, I believe, neither candidate had a chance to really explain or answer any question in the so called debate.
    That being said I couldn't help but give the match to Mr. Obama because he was way more prepared and seemed like he knew what he was talking about compared to his last "performance" Mr. Romney is too easily flustered and appeared to be like the Boss you love to hate.
    It is still a close race and way too much money is being wasted trying to lure the so called "undecided" voter. Who are they?

  6. Anonymous12:01 AM

    FDR didn't want to implement the New Deal, he just was left no choice by the eleetes of his day. While they salivated at fire sale prices, the populace was almost in violent revolution.

    The question becomes one of how much pain and un-shared sacrifice the poor and lower-class will accept.


  7. Pontiac12:07 AM

    The first insight is realizing that the rich are so vicious. The second is realizing that they are so dumb.

    Obama by disposition would make a good conservative right-winger. He's no liberal by any means, and is probably to the right of the policies and outcomes most people would really want. But in a way that's the best we can have, because the republicans are the radical revolutionaries from the right. After 150 years the Civil war still isn't over, but we're getting closer to the end.

  8. Anonymous1:20 AM

    The republican party has been taken over by the old south,and it looks like, were are on the brink of fighting the civil war again.A strong push at voter surpression of blacks,non violent crimes when commited by blacks are charged as felonies there taking away the right to vote,work, live in decent housing,and get an education. All in the name of states rights and the law of nature as defined by the republican tea party aka american taliban.

  9. "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status; and it's depressing to be Black and never have had middle-class status. It's just f**king depressing."

    The thing to remember D.N. is that the knife should go ALONG the veins rather than across them. That's the mistake most Americans make when they slash their wrists, they go across. Doesn't work.

    Also if you hold your wrist under running warm water to impede clotting, release will come more quickly.

    Hope this helps ;-)

  10. "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status; and it's depressing to be Black and never have had middle-class status. It's just f**king depressing."

    And I must be frontal lobe obliterating to be white and poor with absolutely no hope of ever being anything but poor.

    Yeah, the realization that hard work and not skin color, entitles you the American dream, must severely mentally impair poor white folks/Mitt Romney colon dwellers.

  11. PC is one cold dude. Don't do it depressed Negro. Talk to your pastor. There is always heaven.

  12. Yes we have one very.moderate and one right winger with no core. No wonder DN is so down.

  13. Field, the point I was making is that depression is an entirely logical response to the world we live in, the lunatics appear to have taken over the asylum. It's how you deal with that depression is the key.

    I don't believe D.N. is actually any more depressed than the rest of us, he's just using his supposed depression to score lame political points. I think his one, single joke has more than run its course.

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status; and it's depressing to be Black and never have had middle-class status. It's just f**king depressing."

    The thing to remember D.N. is that the knife should go ALONG the veins rather than across them. That's the mistake most Americans make when they slash their wrists, they go across. Doesn't work.

    Also if you hold your wrist under running warm water to impede clotting, release will come more quickly.

    Hope this helps ;-)


    No doubt you know a lot about bloodclots batty man but if you think depression and mental illness is normal you need help.

    Would explain your world views; or maybe it is your world views that cause your mental illness.

    Reality isn't that bad try it on for size sometime, you might get used to it and stop the madness. Although to be empathetic I do acknowledge it must be horrible to be you.

    Learn to love yourself and you might find peace it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, just ignore the crinkled upturned noses when they see you.

    Maybe if you are lucky and suicidal from your mental illness and normal depressed state, DN will be there if you need someone to bitch-slap you out of it before it's too late.

  15. Anonymous10:02 AM

    there was consensus in the first debate when we all agreed hobama BOMBED like he does

    u lost me at "he defended his record"
    there is NOTHING to defend!!
    that rabid bankster hobama's failed record is legendarily and increasingly indefensible

    see swindleus/jobless/homeless/ndaa/7 wars/libyan fiascos/countless impeachable offenses etc....shame!!!!!!!

    hobama lost
    and he won no bounce
    mitt won death threats
    both prove hobama lost

  16. Anonymous10:07 AM



  17. Anonymous10:17 AM

    hobama's political gang is indeed the most racist and suicidal gang in the history of america

    there has never been a more racist elitist evil politrickster that that blackish bankster hobama

    and there have been never been any sheeple more abused and fleeced than hobama's blind deaf adoring nazis



    cc the cbc/poverty/drones/africom/ndaa/dna arrests/PIC/MIC/cispa etc

  18. Anonymous11:08 AM

    more proof that that evil cia bastard hobama is a LIAR & worse than gwb!!!



    re: sidebar

    2012 is done
    hobama has failed since 2008
    but he has set his worst hobamacare evils for 2016
    dd needs to worry about 2016
    we all do

    and dd needs to know that obama's dad is not a kenyan
    the kenyan lie was told to save his cia grandfather's post after he let a black american commie impregnate hobama's mama
    the kenyan lie also enables africom

    hobama's real bio father is proud commie freak frank marshall davis
    dd should fret a much better and more accurate film:

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    hillary gets paid to be hobama's doormat/fall gal

    jobless homeless hobama nazis do so for free


  20. Anonymous11:30 AM

    bongo lied and people died even candy lied for bongo, what a girl!mitt told the truth while bongo did what he does best,that is he lied about every thing as he always negroes are too stupid to see it but you will feel it when we go into a depression next year.bongo has done so much damage to us that it will take years to recover.i bought gold guns and land so that my family can survive any about you negroes?

  21. Anonymous11:30 AM





  22. Lt. Commander Johnson11:35 AM

    Hey Purple Cow!

    Tell us more about the splendors of Socialism:

    Hopefully, you'll be the next Olive Goom. You make me want to puke.

  23. "No doubt you know a lot about bloodclots batty man but if you think depression and mental illness is normal you need help."

    You need to work on your comprehension skills. Go back and re-read what I said.

  24. Frustrated Negro11:38 AM

    Heres some objectivity for you Field....

    Obama appeared more focused, and willing to argue his points.

    Mitt appeared to be frustrated at times ,because he wasnt allowed to finish certain answers..

    Substance wise they both danced around questions with slick political soundbites.

    Obama mentioned his Wall Street Reform measures that are pretty much in effective.

    Romney made it seem as if every man, woman , and child would have jobs under his economy. Living wage or not....

    Mitt & Obama like the idea of funding Syrian Rebel armies that we dont know too much about.
    The degree of help slightly varies between the two.

    They slightly disagree with the Afghanistan time table. Mitt doesnt want a time table at all. Obama wants to be out by 2014.

    They both plan to be in the middle east for many more decades to come.

    Some silly notion about Freedom /Democracy drone bombng thats supposed to bring everyone peace.. LOL

  25. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status; and it's depressing to be Black and never have had middle-class status. It's just f**king depressing."

    The thing to remember D.N. is that the knife should go ALONG the veins rather than across them. That's the mistake most Americans make when they slash their wrists, they go across. Doesn't work.

    Also if you hold your wrist under running warm water to impede clotting, release will come more quickly.

    Hope this helps ;-)

    4:46 AM
    No, your advice doesn't help. BTW, who asked for your advice or help? Nothing you say EVER helps when it comes to the human heart. As Field so accurately pointed out about you:

    "PC is one cold dude." Cold dudes love to hurt people because they are profoundly hurt themselves. Hope your kids don't turn out to be a Troglodyte you.

    FYI: Being depressed doesn't necessarily mean one should kill themselves. There are millions in the world who are depressed who are managing their lives without the thought of killing themselves.

    It is clear that you are mean-spirited as well as ignorant about depression, which is growing at epidemic proportions throughout the world.

    Nevertheless, I enjoy your comments. You let "humans" know there are still mean-spirited non-human Troglodytes like you in existence-- who keep projecting their own suicidal tendencies on to others.

    Forget it. No one is going to kill themselves based on the comments of an ignorant Negro such as you...even though you are ONE depressed self-hating jerk..

    depressed Negro

  26. "There are millions in the world who are depressed who are managing their lives without the thought of killing themselves. "

    No shit, Sherlock.

    You right-wing types are all the same, you want a medal for stating the totally fucking obvious.

  27. sexually ambiguous2:56 PM

    Just another day in the weird world of blacks:

    19-Year-Old Woman Says She Fears Using Public Transportation After Attack On MTA Bus

    October 17, 2012

    BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Police search for two men after a brazen attack on an Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) bus.

    A teenager was beaten repeatedly and she says no one on the bus did anything to stop it.

    Kai Jackson explains the student now fears for her safety.

    The attack happened last month on a crowded MTA bus. Nineteen-year-old student Ernestine Parker says she took a seat and was heading home. Parker says for no reason, two young men started punching and kicking her.

    “The bus was real packed and the men just started jumping on me, just fighting me. And I couldn’t really defend myself,” she said.

    Parker says she was beaten for eight blocks. She says the driver never stopped and none of the passengers tried to help.

    The MTA captured surveillance video of the two men. They’re now wanted by police for the vicious attack that left Parker battered and bruised.

    “The operator, according to MTA police, was not aware of the incident. The victim in this case did not report the incident to the operator but afterwards got off the bus,” MTA spokesman Terry Owens said.

    Ernestine Parker’s mother is furious over what happened. She wants the suspects caught and she wants her daughter to stay in school.

    “She was scared to come to school. I forced her to come to school, because guess what? She’s not going to be defeated,” Yvette Parker, Ernestine Parker’s mother, said.

    Ernestine Parker says she doesn’t know her attackers but she believes she was targeted because of her appearance.

    “They thought I was a gay man on the bus,” she said. “That’s exactly what it was. I tell people I’m not going to change myself. I’m not going to change how I dress or anything. Because see, I know that I’m still a female. And I still carry myself like a female.”

    Ernestine Parker says since she was attacked, she’s been depressed and her grades have suffered.

    Yvette Parker said she is now working two jobs to buy a car so that her daughter does not have to ride the bus. Meanwhile, MTA says all of its buses are safe.

    MTA police say the two men are in their early 20s and will face assault charges when they’re caught.

  28. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "There are millions in the world who are depressed who are managing their lives without the thought of killing themselves. "

    No shit, Sherlock.

    You right-wing types are all the same, you want a medal for stating the totally fucking obvious

    The fact that there are millions living with mental disease might be obvious to someone personally experiencing the horror such as you, living with a borderline dysfunctional personality disorder resulting from your "common" depression, however normal people need to empathize in order to understand your neurosis.

    Remember as previously noted, you might want to try and be less vile, you are the only one tasting it. You might find a sunnier outlook on life if you cease projecting and think that everyone is as depressed and despises themselves as you do, they don't, it's being repulsed by you that you catch a glint of in their eyes.

    Life is good - and your outlook determines that, although again I do understand being you is a hell of a cross to bear.

    Also, as an afterthought you might want to also fore-go the terminally depressed typical defense mechanism of coming back with how wonderfully mentally balanced you really are. We all know better, in fact an apt descriptor of you would be anti-reality nutjob.

    Denial at this point is akin to a junkie not admitting he has a problem. You won't kick the crack until you admit you are the crackhead we all see you are.

  29. I'm not worried about black folks rioting if Obama loses, (btw he's not going to lose unless romney has another surge equal to his post 1st debate surge, and that's highly improbable at this point in the race) but I dread the Tbagger's reaction, especially so if Obama loses the pop vote but wins the electoral college. I see far more potential for emotional violence if/when their misinformation bubble bursts and they suddenly find themselves in reality, than from black people accommodating themselves to what the ripoff-i-klans have been telling them they'd do in 2012 since 2008. Face it, if black people rioted every time America fucked them over, they'd be doing nothing but rioting. That it only happens every 30 years or so proves how tolerant they really are.

  30. depressed non said.....

    "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status"


    You seem to be conflating being middle class with earning a middle income. Being middle class is about learning, achievement, standards & values; its behavior, not income.

  31. we say anything often4:42 PM

    Yet another Tower of Babel arises in Obamaland:

    Obama yet to confirm ‘terrorist’ act in Libya

    Tries to avoid stench of consulate attack

    The Washington Times
    October 17, 2012

    Despite numerous public events including a speech at the United Nations and two presidential debates, President Obama still hasn’t publicly and plainly acknowledged to Americans that terrorists killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya on Sept. 11.

    Others in his administration have said it, belatedly. But in the five weeks since the attack, Mr. Obama has skirted the issue.

    When Republican nominee Mitt Romney tried to pin down Mr. Obama in their second debate Tuesday on whether he publicly acknowledged the terrorism, the president said he had and told Mr. Romney to “get the transcript,” a reference to his comments on Sept. 12 at the White House about the attack.

    Moderator Candy Crowley of CNN intervened on the president’s behalf and declared that Mr. Obama had indeed called the attack “an act of terror” on Sept. 12.

    But Ms. Crowley’s fact-checking was tilted toward the president.

    What he actually said on Sept. 12 was: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation” — a generic declaration, rather than a specific explanation for what happened in Benghazi.

    He also said at the time that the U.S. would “reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others,” a reference to the Internet anti-Islam video that the administration was blaming at the time for Arab protests against America, including the violence in Libya.

    “The responses from the administration have been mixed and muddled. The question is, is this because they can’t properly manage the flow of information, or are they just dodging and tacking to put the president in the best light for re-election?

    That is the core issue because it brings in question his credibility as commander in chief.”

    The president now is pointing to his comments of Sept. 12 as proof that he and his administration didn’t mislead the public about the nature of the Libya attack.

    White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday that the president believed it was a terrorist attack even though, at the time, intelligence officials were telling him that the attack appeared to stem from protests of the video.

    He also said that whether it was a spontaneous protest or an organized attack, it should be considered a terrorist act when four Americans are killed.

    “That’s why the president referred to it as an act of terror the day after,” Mr. Carney said.

    He said that the president not only called the attack terrorism in his Sept. 12 Rose Garden speech, but did so twice more in the days that followed.

    “The issue … has always been for him to find out who was responsible, to track them down and to bring them to justice,” the spokesman said.

    But for at least two weeks afterward, administration officials continued to portray the assault as an outgrowth of the protests against the video, rather than a terrorist act.

    Though even since officials did acknowledge that terrorists killed the four Americans, Mr. Obama largely has avoided discussing the attack in the context of terrorism.

    On Sept. 14, for example, Mr. Carney said, “We don’t have and did not have concrete evidence to suggest that this was not in reaction to the film.”

    Another U.S. official said: “Everything I have seen says this was a highly armed, organized attack. Not a mob reacting to the movie.”

    But the administration’s public stance remained unchanged: On Sept. 16, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, gave several TV interviews about the attack.

    “Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo,” she said.

  32. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I'm not worried about black folks rioting if Obama loses, (btw he's not going to lose unless romney has another surge equal to his post 1st debate surge, and that's highly improbable at this point in the race) but I dread the Tbagger's reaction, especially so if Obama loses the pop vote but wins the electoral college. I see far more potential for emotional violence if/when their misinformation bubble bursts and they suddenly find themselves in reality, than from black people accommodating themselves to what the ripoff-i-klans have been telling them they'd do in 2012 since 2008. Face it, if black people rioted every time America fucked them over, they'd be doing nothing but rioting. That it only happens every 30 years or so proves how tolerant they really are.

    Whats that alternate universe look like? Is it opposite day? In one post you said Blacks are not going to riot even though they said they would. Why because no they don't ever do this, blacks are non violent and tolerant and don't riot for things like sneakers and rap concerts and free housing. So they would never do this for an election where they think "romney gonna take my welfares aways" no of course not. It's white people you have to watch out for they are going to go all OJ if Romney loses.

  33. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    depressed non said.....

    "Hell, it's depressing to be White and have lost middle-class status"


    You seem to be conflating being middle class with earning a middle income. Being middle class is about learning, achievement, standards & values; its behavior, not income.

    Don't forget an important pillar - that is self sustenance and contributing to society supporting yourself and your family and donating to charities for the less fortunate and disingenuous white liberals, but I repeat myself.

  34. Anonymous5:17 PM


    all hobama nazis will do in nov is COMICALLY throw suicidal parties:
    "4 more years of being ignored and robbed and abused by that dude hobama....yay!!!...holla bro!!!"

    yes indeed
    racist blind fool dem doormats are far too tolerant
    that is why they imagine a 2 party rule within what is actually a glaring plutocracy

    they cannot fathom that the dem hoax/hologram hobama has failed as the MOST racist repub ruthless bankster prez ever
    just because he dons a dem label and has half "mongrel" blood....shame

    it is ONLY the tea partiers who have dared to buck king hobama
    and ONLY they will protest his LEGENDARY 2012 selection
    one which will absolutely make gwb's 2008 selection look like the most noble and fair election in history

    hobama will awaken ALL ASAP!!!
    no more masks and clandestine antics will be necessary post his second selection
    let the rare rebel games begin
    they are long overdue!!!


  35. Billy Buds5:19 PM

    Obama has as much chance of re-election as a failed economic disaster communist Jimmy Carter would in this great country of the United States Of America.

    Todays headlines:

    GALLUP: R 52% O 45% likely voters.

    Now costs $1,030,000,000,000...
    NO SURPRISE: Jobless claims rise 46,000...
    Under president, for every $7 brought in by gov't, $11 spent...

    State Department report praised diplomatic security before Benghazi attack...

    Feinstein Blames Benghazi Attack On Intelligence Flaw, Lax Security...

    REPORT: White House contradicts president's statement...

    Obama still hasn't called assault 'terrorist attack'...

  36. Anonymous5:21 PM

    POLLS: Romney takes first lead in electoral college...

    201 Obama/Biden

    Toss Ups

    206 Romney/Ryan

  37. Anonymous5:23 PM

    hobama will lose the popular vote
    just as his cuz gwb/king shrub did

    and just as gwb
    he will be president select anyway

    cc our last real prez jfk
    who also stole votes via the mafia

    the banksters who slew jfk own that bankster slumlord global warlord hobama

  38. muslim manchurian candidate5:40 PM

    Each day, Obama reveals a little more of why he's the wrong man for the job.

    OBAMA: 'When four Americans get killed, it's not optimal'...

    FLASHBACK: 'Bumps in the road'…

  39. chris stevens5:47 PM

    whities nightie:

    Don't worry. Whites don't riot. But if Obama is re-eelcted, it is true that all the forces that have driven black unemployment to its recent heights will continue to drive it even higher.

    Clowns like you will work up a sweat trying to blame whites, Bush, or maybe even Romney for the failure of vision that blinds our idiotic president.

    The energy industry alone could create a few million high-paying jobs without a dime of taxpayers' money IF, IF, IF the government opened up ALL oil-rich territory to drilling.

    But you morons would rather pay oil workers in other countries to do work and provide a product that's abundant HERE.

    I'd chalk it up to you clowns being retarded. But then you wouldn't be responsible for your own stupidity.

    Democrat opposition to widespread drilling is a willful effort to weaken the US and strengthen enemies that openly seek our destruction.

  40. "What he actually said on Sept. 12 was: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation” — a generic declaration, rather than a specific explanation for what happened in Benghazi."

    Oh do fuck off, it was a speech the day after the fucking event.

    How fucking delusional are you people.

    "Remember as previously noted, you might want to try and be less vile, you are the only one tasting it."

    I'm vile to you because I hate you. I hate you and everything you stand for. Planet Earth would be massively better place if you were not in it.

    My hatred for people like you is the most convincing evidence I know that I am a decent human being, because your views are fundamentally evil.

    Have a nice day y'all

  41. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "What he actually said on Sept. 12 was: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation” — a generic declaration, rather than a specific explanation for what happened in Benghazi."

    Oh do fuck off, it was a speech the day after the fucking event.

    How fucking delusional are you people.

    You do know you have the brains of a shoelace, don't you?

    "Remember as previously noted, you might want to try and be less vile, you are the only one tasting it."

    I'm vile to you because I hate you. I hate you and everything you stand for. Planet Earth would be massively better place if you were not in it.

    My hatred for people like you is the most convincing evidence I know that I am a decent human being, because your views are fundamentally evil.

    Ahhhh, you seem to hate anyone who doesn't agree with you, apparently nearly anyone who isn't a moron or pretends you are normal. Remember that hate you feel is only damaging you. It surely has no effect on anyone else.

    Just imagine how sick it sounds to hear someone say they know that they are good, because they have convinced themselves of it - you have some serious issues.

    Most just look at you in pity and realize that mental disease is a terrible thing and pray it never touches us or our loved ones. Hate also obviously makes you very stupid as you do not think rationally. Have you always had these issues, you might want to check for early onset of Alzheimer's or Syphilis. Or judging by your anger it was the crack and is irreversible. I will prey for you not to continue to lose your faculties.

    You are the advocate of the devil and carry out each of his wishes to weaken, burden and defile humanity -yet you think it's all someone else. It is their fault for not wanting to pick up the burdens you refuse to.

    God helps those who help themselves.

    You should seek help or perhaps, even an exorcism or at the very least an battery acid enema.

  42. 1. god doesn't exist.

    2. I don't hate people who disagree with me, I am married to an American conservative and have been for 16 happy years.

    3. I do hate people people like you but that's because you are a fascist and racist sleaze-ball.

  43. PC, you are the best. :)

  44. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    1. god doesn't exist.

    2. I don't hate people who disagree with me, I am married to an American conservative and have been for 16 happy years.

    3. I do hate people people like you but that's because you are a fascist and racist sleaze-ball.

    More of your Psychosis is being revealed. So you are a godless empty being. Apparently you fill the hole in your soul with worship of failed ideologies and historic murderous dictators.

    Maybe you think Stalin and Mao were good men, just like you have convinced yourself that you are and they did what they had to do, but they just made mistakes it will work next time.

    I do understand your qualifier, you aren't hateful because you get along with your wife. Uh-huh. That was convincing.

    But even with all that, I don't hate you. You might get a sideways glance of pity from me, but you are not worthy of eliciting such a strong emotion. History is filled with fools and charlatans. I hate none of them, but they certainly have none of my respect and would never have my confidence.

    Emotions cloud your judgement, hate is created from anger. You should find out why you feel so powerless and angry that has resulted in your self annihilating festering hate. You just might find a lifetime of mental illness and depression is because you latched onto failed ideologies that convinced you were they were helpful but were actually evil - Comrade. You claim you are not liberal, well you have much in common with the ideology of negativity and hate. Have you ever wondered why you can't get along with people who have different views and hate them and how all of your beliefs are negative or surround the beliefs of others?

    Also why with resounding historical evidence to the contrary, you are convinced your beliefs are worthy of mankind and those who differ are evil and you hate them. When if you really dissect it those whose beliefs you mirror have killed and murdered millions in the name of your beliefs. While the views you hate have enriched and improved and advanced life for the world.

    Arrogance lead to ignorance leads to a cocktail of hatred leads to mental illness and depression.

    In any case. Was the only other invective you can pull out that of the stereotypical race card? Now I know convincingly you are just weak and lost. This is the crack and hate speaking again. I did not create your life, you did. Direct your anger and hate elsewhere and resolve your emotional issues, otherwise you will die a bitter hate filled man as .

  45. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    PC, you are the best. :)

    So liberalism is hatred. But of course it is. Obama has no plan, but he knows the other guys plan is evil.

  46. Anonymous8:05 PM

    In any case. Was the only other invective you can pull out that of the stereotypical race card? Now I know convincingly you are just weak and lost. This is the crack and hate speaking again. I did not create your life, you did. Direct your anger and hate elsewhere and resolve your emotional issues, otherwise you will die a bitter hate filled man as

    But I have a good life really I do....and some of my best friends are White conservatives...


  47. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Yet another shining example of the evil incompetence of Socialism. Running out of other peoples money, they now must end lives for some to pay for others. With those others being a large number of immigrants who despise Britain and all it stands for, or used to.

    Death panels now official in Britain

    GPs have been asked to select one in every 100 of their patients to go on a list of those likely to die over the next 12 months. The patients will be singled out for ‘end-of-life care’, potentially saving the NHS more than £1billion a year.

    The listed patients may be asked to say where they would prefer to die and should be told they can draw up a ‘living will’ by which they can instruct doctors to withdraw life-saving treatment if they become incapacitated in hospital.

    The ‘toolkit’ giving doctors and health and social workers new guidance on how to select candidates was launched by Liberal Democrat Care Minister Norman Lamb at a conference on end-of-life care.

    It states that ‘approximately 1 per cent of people on a GP’s list [of all patients] will die each year – this equates to an average of 20 deaths a year. Around 70 per cent to 80 per cent of all deaths are likely to benefit from planned end-of-life care.’

    It said: ‘Have your local practices identified the 1 per cent of their practice population who may be likely to die in the next year?’

    Doctors are told to pick out such patients during routine consultations that show ‘indicators of frailty and deterioration’ and are told that ‘older people are a priority to consider’.

    They are also told to use feedback from district nurses or hospital consultants, while patients in care homes should be ‘actively considered for your register’, the advice states.

    Information for GPs on what happens to such patients said they would be ‘less likely to be subject to treatments of limited clinical value’.

    It added that a quarter of all hospital beds are occupied by dying people and said that four in ten have no medical need to be there.

    If each had one less emergency admission into hospital in their last weeks and months, that would save the NHS £1.35billion a year, the material said.

    The advice tells doctors: ‘After several years of falling, the death rate is about to increase again as the baby boomers reach old age. This is a bad situation, which is going to get worse unless we act now.’

    The register plan emerged amid a growing controversy over the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), the method adopted by hospitals with the aim of easing the last hours of those judged to be dying.

    Health ministers yesterday endorsed the LCP – which can involve sedation and the withdrawal of food, fluids and life-saving treatment from patients – releasing a report which said it was ‘best practice’ and recommended by the NHS.

    The Health Department’s latest report also backs the campaign for GP ‘death lists’.

    Over the past week, some families have told the Daily Mail that they believe their loved ones were wrongly put on the LCP by hospitals when they were not in fact dying.

    One senior NHS consultant, Professor Patrick Pullicino, has criticised it as a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’.

    But Mr Lamb told the conference yesterday that he was delighted with the latest toolkit, saying that while ‘end-of-life care in hospital is often not as good as it could be’, it should be ‘as comfortable and dignified as we can possibly make it’.

  48. Green jobs are real. We need new and innovative energy ideas and new power grids. That could mean many jobs. Don't forget govenments invest and support all kinds of industries, military complex anyone? Problem now is too many of the benefits flow to the top. But I do agree we need to do a better job of making our elected officials fight for the benefit of the many.

  49. Wow PC, I didn't know you were a commie.
    Also I see the drill baby drill crowd is back. If we only open every inch of our nation to drilling fossil fuels that pollute our environment we'd all be rich. No thought goes into the conservative mind that their own consumption practices are hurting the economy. Buying cheap Chinese shit at walmart does exactly what to help us other than cutting our own throats. Conservatism really courts the stupid.

  50. "More of your Psychosis is being revealed. So you are a godless empty being".

    When you have "god" what do you eat to full you up?

  51. I also see the blah people are racist meme coming back. Hmmmm, let's see 100 percent of blah voters voted for a white presidential candidate in 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988........ Yeah we're really racist but then again in conservoworld only blah people can be racist. Just ask Man Coulter.

  52. The post by anon at 2026 reminded me of the Torchwood mini-series with Mekhi Phifer.
