Monday, October 15, 2012

"The End of White America?"

I have heard quite a few people of color declare that the potential election of Barack Obama would be devastating for some people in the majority population. This is because many of these people are under the illusion that they are losing their country to non-white people.

This type of thinking reminds me of an article I read by Hua Hsu.

"Civilization’s going to pieces,” he remarks. He is in polite company, gathered with friends around a bottle of wine in the late-afternoon sun, chatting and gossiping. “I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires by this man Goddard?” They hadn’t. “Well, it’s a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.”

He is Tom Buchanan, a character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, a book that nearly everyone who passes through the American education system is compelled to read at least once. Although Gatsby doesn’t gloss as a book on racial anxiety—it’s too busy exploring a different set of anxieties entirely—Buchanan was hardly alone in feeling besieged. The book by “this man Goddard” had a real-world analogue: Lothrop Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, published in 1920, five years before Gatsby. Nine decades later, Stoddard’s polemic remains oddly engrossing. He refers to World War I as the “White Civil War” and laments the “cycle of ruin” that may result if the “white world” continues its infighting. The book features a series of foldout maps depicting the distribution of “color” throughout the world and warns,
“Colored migration is a universal peril, menacing every part of the white world.”
As briefs for racial supremacy go, The Rising Tide of Color is eerily serene. Its tone is scholarly and gentlemanly, its hatred rationalized and, in Buchanan’s term, “scientific.” And the book was hardly a fringe phenomenon. It was published by Scribner, also Fitzgerald’s publisher, and Stoddard, who received a doctorate in history from Harvard, was a member of many professional academic associations. It was precisely the kind of book that a 1920s man of Buchanan’s profile—wealthy, Ivy League–educated, at once pretentious and intellectually insecure—might have been expected to bring up in casual conversation.

As white men of comfort and privilege living in an age of limited social mobility, of course, Stoddard and the Buchanans in his audience had nothing literal to fear. Their sense of dread hovered somewhere above the concerns of everyday life. It was linked less to any immediate danger to their class’s political and cultural power than to the perceived fraying of the fixed, monolithic identity of whiteness that sewed together the fortunes of the fair-skinned.

From the hysteria over Eastern European immigration to the vibrant cultural miscegenation of the Harlem Renaissance, it is easy to see how this imagined worldwide white kinship might have seemed imperiled in the 1920s. There’s no better example of the era’s insecurities than the 1923 Supreme Court case United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, in which an Indian American veteran of World War I sought to become a naturalized citizen by proving that he was Caucasian. The Court considered new anthropological studies that expanded the definition of the Caucasian race to include Indians, and the justices even agreed that traces of “Aryan blood” coursed through Thind’s body. But these technicalities availed him little. The Court determined that Thind was not white “in accordance with the understanding of the common man” and therefore could be excluded from the “statutory category” of whiteness. Put another way: Thind was white, in that he was Caucasian and even Aryan. But he was not white in the way Stoddard or Buchanan were white.

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation.
Obviously, steadily ascending rates of interracial marriage complicate this picture, pointing toward what Michael Lind has described as the “beiging” of America. And it’s possible that “beige Americans” will self-identify as “white” in sufficient numbers to push the tipping point further into the future than the Census Bureau projects. But even if they do, whiteness will be a label adopted out of convenience and even indifference, rather than aspiration and necessity. For an earlier generation of minorities and immigrants, to be recognized as a “white American,” whether you were an Italian or a Pole or a Hungarian, was to enter the mainstream of American life; to be recognized as something else, as the Thind case suggests, was to be permanently excluded. As Bill Imada, head of the IW Group, a prominent Asian American communications and marketing company, puts it: “I think in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, [for] anyone who immigrated, the aspiration was to blend in and be as American as possible so that white America wouldn’t be intimidated by them. They wanted to imitate white America as much as possible: learn English, go to church, go to the same schools.”

Today, the picture is far more complex. To take the most obvious example, whiteness is no longer a precondition for entry into the highest levels of public office. The son of Indian immigrants doesn’t have to become “white” in order to be elected governor of Louisiana. A half-Kenyan, half-Kansan politician can self-identify as black and be elected president of the United States.

As a purely demographic matter, then, the “white America” that Lothrop Stoddard believed in so fervently may cease to exist in 2040, 2050, or 2060, or later still. But where the culture is concerned, it’s already all but finished. Instead of the long-standing model of assimilation toward a common center, the culture is being remade in the image of white America’s multiethnic, multicolored heirs.
For some, the disappearance of this centrifugal core heralds a future rich with promise. In 1998, President Bill Clinton, in a now-famous address to students at Portland State University, remarked:
Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time ... [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American.
Not everyone was so enthused. Clinton’s remarks caught the attention of another anxious Buchanan—Pat Buchanan, the conservative thinker. Revisiting the president’s speech in his 2001 book, The Death of the West, Buchanan wrote: “Mr. Clinton assured us that it will be a better America when we are all minorities and realize true ‘diversity.’ Well, those students [at Portland State] are going to find out, for they will spend their golden years in a Third World America.”

Today, the arrival of what Buchanan derided as “Third World America” is all but inevitable. What will the new mainstream of America look like, and what ideas or values might it rally around? What will it mean to be white after “whiteness” no longer defines the mainstream? Will anyone mourn the end of white America? Will anyone try to preserve it?" [Entire article here]

One could argue that if we want to truly have a great republic, we will not "mourn" the end of white, black, or any other group in America.

*Pic courtesy of The Atlantic.


  1. "The End of White America?"

    Oh dear. I'm just gonna step back and see what our resident trolls have to say about this one.


  2. "Today, the picture is far more complex. To take the most obvious example, whiteness is no longer a precondition for entry into the highest levels of public office. The son of Indian immigrants doesn’t have to become “white” in order to be elected governor of Louisiana."


    Really? Bobby Jindal? The only thing that isn't fishbelly white about him is his epidermis .

    A half-Kenyan, half-Kansan politician can self-identify as black and be elected president of the United States.


    And that hasn't caused the biggest white freakout since bussing for school integration started has it?

  3. I remain pessimistic in the short term, but optimistic in the long term about race in America. Against a still grim background, all that I have to do is compare the ostracism for even socializing with black friends in my parents' generation to the easy intermarriage in my kids' generation to know that we're going some-where. Where depends on my grandkids, and their kids generations.

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "I have heard quite a few people of color declare that the potential election of Barack Obama would be devastating for some people in the majority population. This is because many of these people are under the illusion that they are losing their country to non-white people."

    No Field that is no true. There AREN'T many Blacks talking as you claim. It's instigating racist Negroes like you who is spreading this kind of lie about Blacks and Whites. In other words, YOU and some of your FN Negroes wish, want, and hope your lie turns out to be true because of your avenging hatred of Whites.

    The 'truth' is that Whites are NOT uncomfortable at all. In fact, Whites look forward to the "browning" of America. If Whites weren't, believe me there would have been a civil war by now.

    However, Mr. Field, if you and other FN Negroes like that dumb-ass Mack Lyons, PilotX or especially that purple Negro in the UK- who is married to an American Norwegian-Scandinavian-German White Woman- keep trying your best to promote racial hatred, there just might be a race war. Which agitating Negroes like you would find most regretable. It's clear that's what you are aiming for.

    Field, I urge you to stop and desist with this kind of talk.

    Don't forget, nobody is particularly crazy about Blacks-- simply because of bullshit racist posts like this. Also because there is a lot of violence, lack of education, and ignorant stupid jack-asses like that 25-yr old who attacked the bus driver and got the shit kicked out of her. Nobody likes a race where there is a preponderant of such horrific uncivilized behavior.

    Even Obama has a problem with Negroes. The President doesn't even note or acknowledge you exist.

    So you would be fighting the rest of the country BY YOURSELVES in small numbers. THINK ABOUT IT.

  5. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Since the non-Christian founding of the US, there has been an ongoing effort to prevent all citizens from sharing equally in the bounty and opportunity.
    May the day soon come when your skin colour is not an automatic free pass, but is simply another fact.


  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Field, "One could argue that if we want to truly have a great republic, we will not "mourn" the end of white, black, or any other group in America."

    Brother Field, without White America, the USA would lose its competitive edge, and power on the global stage.

    All countries look up to White America. They see its power strictly in the hands of Whites. They don't see AAs as a race with power. They see AAs as weak and powerless and poor. Even Obama sees us the same way.

    So I see your post as off and irrelevant.

  7. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Field, whatever possessed you to write such a downer? Your post is depressing.

    I am so tired of racism in America. It just wears a Negro down. Very depressing.

    depressed Negro

  8. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Since the non-Christian founding of the US, there has been an ongoing effort to prevent all citizens from sharing equally in the bounty and opportunity.
    May the day soon come when your skin colour is not an automatic free pass, but is simply another fact.


    Sharing equally in the bounty? What is the U.S a nation of Pirates?

    Well said on skin color not providing an automatic pass. Here's hoping the supreme court repeals all affirmative action and we reinstate standards of excellence.

  9. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    "Today, the picture is far more complex. To take the most obvious example, whiteness is no longer a precondition for entry into the highest levels of public office. The son of Indian immigrants doesn’t have to become “white” in order to be elected governor of Louisiana."


    Really? Bobby Jindal? The only thing that isn't fishbelly white about him is his epidermis .

    If his skin color obviously doesn't make him White then what is, what makes him "fishbelly White"?

  10. Quote William-The-Plagiarist

    "Your viewpoint is clear. You worked at a government job paid for by producers and never had to want/need or excel. So everything is easy to you, thus your eagerness to take earnings from others, after all they didn't build it and owe it to you."

    Sorry, I should have mentioned that I went on to obtain an M.B.A. and to found my own advertising agency, which I eventually sold in 2009.

    I've done quite a bot of excelling in my time.

  11. Anon@11:33 PM, who needs a race war when judging from your comments u are already at war with yourself. Get help .

  12. "If his skin color obviously doesn't make him White then what is, what makes him "fishbelly White"?"

    The fact that his tongue is inserted so deep into the white man's rectum, he could probably lick their appendix clean.

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    It's too bad and so sad that the so-called forefathers (however it's spelled) couldn't determine BEFORE the first slave ship sailed, that no one would be "crazy about blacks". It sure would have saved us ALL a whole lot of trouble and hatred and beatdowns and rapes. I just want to express that a lot of folks aren't "too crazy about whites" either. So now what??? Just for the heck of it, get some DNA tests and find out just how many "whites" are related to the "not too crazy about blacks" due to all that "massa running to the slave shacks" for that sexual healing.

  14. NSangoma8:41 AM


    The Race to the Bottom, or You're so Bain:

    0.99-USD per hour = 6.2012 Chinese Yuan

    "The End of White America?"


    "The End of America"


  15. You know, I expected a lot more on this. Come on, guys.

  16. Anonymous9:49 AM


    fear of a black planet rules the entire abortion debate

    how tragic that a horrid half black cia agent hoax hologram failed bankster like hobama has doomed the first truly black president forever

    hobama's curse will work well for latinos
    as a latino prez may be a reality as soon as 2016...

  17. NSangoma9:51 AM


    Here's some more:


  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    go mitt!!!!!!

    slay 2 looms

    smash hobama's pal crowley too

    ryan was cheated by the 3rd debater raddatz and he still won

    may u do the same

    hobama has planted the moderator

    i think the audience will be real
    and we hate hobama!!!


    more proof that hobama is a clueless coddled empty suit

    he is not hated because he is black

    he is hated because he has earned that hatred by LYING/FAILING etc

    and now he has hc and mo lying about his gross failures too...shame!!!!!!!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!!

  19. Not Anonymous11:12 AM

    Cue in the morbidly obese, diabetic lawn jockey troll with it's "A Beautiful Mind" style delusions and incessant baying at the moon.

  20. Anonymous11:26 AM

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  21. Anonymous11:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Anonymous12:10 PM


    has rosie p clowned hobama too??????

    for deporting/orphaning OVER 1 MILLION LATINOS????

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Yet another crazy incompetent member of congressional Black Caucus soon to be in jail. Interesting how he also likes to frequent those gay bath houses and is close to Obama and the gang.

    Jackson sometimes boasted that he was a reincarnated Greek chariot driver, Coconate said. “I really thought he had a problem with reality,” Coconate said. “He’d get in his own little world. He’d come out with outlandish things.” At one of Jackson’s hangouts — a Turkish bath — he’d prance naked, demonstrating martial arts moves, while the others stayed wrapped in towels, said Frank Avila Jr., a former supporter who is a Democratic operative.

  24. Anonymous12:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Mack Lyons said...

    You know, I expected a lot more on this. Come on, guys.

    Nothing much needs to be said. We have entire cities that have been democratically led for decades and are 80-90% non white. These places are wonderful test tubes where we can view the results of this desire for dwindling Whites, White culture, White infrastructure and so on. In these places very few "act White"

    Let me know how that works out.

  26. Anonymous12:50 PM



    character and humanity and the lack of both are universal!

    cc kwame k!

    see much more on black misleadership

    all are clones of that that racist elitist cia poster boy hobama who have slain blacks worse than mitt or any wm will EVER be allowed to do!!!!!!!

    all blacks demand of hobama are photos and tees!!!...shame!!!!

    watch these racist snoring black hobama nazis wake up when/if mitt wages africom as hobama has!!!

  27. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "If his skin color obviously doesn't make him White then what is, what makes him "fishbelly White"?"

    The fact that his tongue is inserted so deep into the white man's rectum, he could probably lick their appendix clean.

    Pardon me if I say it but you sound horribly racist.

    What does an Indian man do that you despise so much that you claim he is deeply kissing some white mans ass? Who is this White man?
    What does he demand of the Indian that in your mind someone acting Black would never do?

    Is LA improving under his leadership or getting worse because of his licking a proverbial white persons appendix clean? What should he do to make you happy and accept him?

  29. Anonymous3:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. The Purple Cow said...
    (quoting a non)

    "If his skin color obviously doesn't make him White then what is, what makes him "fishbelly White"?"
    "The fact that his tongue is inserted so deep into the white man's rectum, he could probably lick their appendix clean."


    I was going to say his whole consultant-invented "Mr. Rogers" persona.

  31. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    The Purple Cow said...
    (quoting a non)

    "If his skin color obviously doesn't make him White then what is, what makes him "fishbelly White"?"
    "The fact that his tongue is inserted so deep into the white man's rectum, he could probably lick their appendix clean."


    I was going to say his whole consultant-invented "Mr. Rogers" persona.

    Mr Rogers. Yup, thats someone you would never find in Black Culture.
    Better to let the little chitlins learn from Lil Wayne.

  32. Anonymous4:56 PM

    go mitt!!!!!!!!!

    segue/refer to hobama's horridly failed record and libya as often as possible
    hobama will hobomb again!!!
    no teleprompter = no game!

    slay #2 looms!!!!!

  33. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Of course she is a liberal. Naturally.

  34. blacks never win nobel prizes5:20 PM

    The End of White America?

    Yeah, maybe a few words from Minister Farrakhan would be appropriate at this time:

    Farrakhan’s Fiery New Warning to the U.S.:

    ‘Every Plague That Is Written in the Koran Is Going to Come to Pass in America’

    October 16, 2012

    Billy Hallowell

    The Minister Louis Farrakhan has become known for his often-cryptic warnings about the calamity that he believes Allah will inflict upon America.

    On Sunday, in a speech he delivered at Bojangles’ Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, the fiery faith leader issued yet another warning to the audience of 6,000, telling them that “every plague that is written in the Koran is going to come to pass in America.”

    From advice for President Barack Obama to words of encouragement for Muslims and the Islamic world, Farrakhan was filled with advice and proclamations delivered with his version of love and kindness — and, at moments, with rage.

    At one point, while discussing what he claims will befall America, Farrakhan could barely contain himself, as he was so impassioned that he slammed his hand numerous times on the podium in front of him.

    “All of the punishments that are written in the Koran never came to pass in the time of Prophet Muhammad…never — but every plague — every plague that is written in the Koran is going to come to pass in America under the modern Pharaoh, in the modern Rome, in the modern Babylon, in the modern Sodom and Gomorrah — take it or let it alone,” he proclaimed.

    These statements come on the heels of other similar sentiments that the preacher has spewed.

    In July, he told an audience in Chicago that America is crumbling as a result of the nation’s purportedly “imperial” ways and mistreatment of mankind.

    “So you read about the fall of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Persian Empire, the fall of Ancient Egypt, the fall of Ancient Babylon and you’re living now in the fall of the United States of America and Europe and their imperial designs on the masses of the people of the earth,” he proclaimed.

    In May, he issued a more detailed warning, including Allah’s purported plan to bring down American skyscrapers:

    “I am warning you: Take it or let it alone. He will take down cities and when I look at the skyscrapers in some of these major metropolis. He’s not going to take the big ones down first. He’s going to show you his power. In the meantime, one calamity after another until you submit, America, and know that judgement is here. You can escape it but you gotta do right by this people. And if you don’t do right by them, you can’t do right by the people outside of America, if you won’t do right for those who have…built your country.”

    The more bizarre comments during Farrakhan’s most recent address occurred toward the beginning, when he accused the Republican Party of having “a deep racial undercurrent.”

    He also said that prominent conservatives have worked diligently against Obama.

    “Ever since he has been elected, the Republican right with Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, Fox News…their whole idea has been to get this man out of the White House and nullify any policy or position that he might come up with that might bring success to his presidency and that might possibly give him a second term,” he said.

    ”It started like an undercurrent, but now it is so overtly hateful and racist in nature that it is polarizing America on the basis of race.”

  35. Government Love You5:21 PM

    Moroccan Pottery, Obamaphones, and Gaydar: How the Government Wasted Your Money This Year

    OK now that I see what is happening with my money, ok Obama, go ahead and take more from me, my kids can eat less than those who need the free benefits.

    Although I am not sure some people will be happy hearing that a government study has proven that Gaydar works - Looks like some purple nurples will have some splainin to do soon.

  36. blacks get 200 bonus points added to their SAT scores5:30 PM

    whitey's nightie:

    As you and field know, blacks can't lead. The history of the hman race makes this fact plain as day.

    As we all know, there are no prospering black nation on the planet. Nor have there ever been.

    If whites and asians hadn't traveled to Africa, had left the continent untouched, the continent would still be a collection of primitive tribes, with not one person able to read or write or perform simple mathematics. It's possible the continent would be without the wheel.

    Meanwhile, wherever blacks make up the large majority of a population, there is widespread hardship and underachievement.

    By every measure of intellectual skill, blacks have lagged. On the other hand, by every measure of physical skill and potential, blacks have risen to the top.

  37. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Farra-Con Said...

    "You can escape it but you gotta do right by this people. And if you don’t do right by them, you can’t do right by the people outside of America, if you won’t do right for those who have…built your country.”

    More Black blackmail.

    Buildings and cities will crumble if you don't " do right by those who built America" I wonder who he thinks they who built this country might be and who he thinks is causing America's once great cities to crumble right now.

    His day is gone, no more BLACK-mail. When you give and give and see nothing improve and get not the slightest bit of harmony, rather the opposite - all guilt dissipates.

    Who is it that is overtly saying they will riot and burn and hurt other races if their chosen presidential candidate loses? Which culture would do this?

    Only this time all guilt is gone, they may not find the result they are expecting.

  38. minister obama -- peace be upon him5:50 PM

    field, in the depths of his misunderstanding:

    I have heard quite a few people of color declare that the potential election of Barack Obama would be devastating for some people in the majority population.

    Devastating? In this context, what the hell does that mean?

    A more accurate conclusion is one that connects the sharp increase in unemployment among blacks with the election of a president whose economic policies have utterly failed.

    And, that dumb-ass president happens to be black.

    This is because many of these people are under the illusion that they are losing their country to non-white people.

    Here's where field goes off into his own private wilderness of ignorance.

    Whites do not feel they're losing the country to non-whites. That's not what goes through the heads of whites.

    One half-assed, half-black president isn't the agent of some racial inversion that would transform the US into the black-controlled version of the old apartheid South Africa.

    As Obama has proved, inflicting plenty of pain along the way, he's as incompetent as every Bongo-Congo black dictator in Africa.

    However, because he hasn't got dictatorial powers and can't order the military to attack the citizens of America, his incompetence will impinge upon the US economy for a minimum of four years.

    Meanwhile, because he can't attack the population, his mindless followers retain their ability and willingness to return him to the presidency for another four years.

  39. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "However, because he hasn't got dictatorial powers and can't order the military to attack the citizens of America, his incompetence will impinge upon the US economy for a minimum of four years."


    this is a lie!

    see ndaa and 7 illegal wars hobama has waged NOW!

    and stay tuned thru 2016
    re: iran etc

  40. "Meanwhile, because he can't attack the population, his mindless followers retain their ability and willingness to return him to the presidency for another four years."

    Almost 50% of Merica. What does that say about your country?

  41. car wash blues7:48 PM

    Don't drizzle on my bizzle...

    What could have set off the killer? Drugs? Money? A woman? Or a combination of those elements?

    Miami Rapper Bizzle Shot To Death At Car Wash

    October 16, 2012

    MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A popular Miami rapper was shot to death in front of a Liberty City car wash Monday evening. Now police are trying to figure out what led to this deadly shooting.

    Robert Labranche, known to fans as “Bizzle,” was shot around 8 p.m. at 770 NW 54th Street.

    Two of his children were in the car just feet away when he was murdered; neither child was hurt.

    As word of the shooting spread, hundreds of family members and friends went to the scene of the shooting.

    “You can see it man, he’s loved everywhere, everywhere, he’s a lovable guy,” said Robert Parker. “It happened in front of his kids, it’s a tragedy, it’s sad, it’s real sad.”

    At one point, police were forced to move the crowd back after family members rushed past the crime tape toward the body.

    “All I ask is whoever did it, they gotta turn themselves in,” said Parker.

    What's wrong with you people? If there were a Nobel Prize for senseless murders, blacks would win every year.

  42. demand voter ID7:59 PM

    field wishes:

    Almost 50% of Merica. What does that say about your country?

    First, roughly 60% of people eligible to vote actually register and make it to the polls. That's about 60% of about 220 million.

    That's abnout 130 million people going to the polls. Half may well be dumb enough to support Obama -- that's 65 million.

    That's 65 million out of a total US population of 315 million.

    In other words, about 20% of the population were responsible for electing Obama.

    If we're fortunate, a different 20% will boot him out. However, voters can fool themselves into believing that more economic failure from the Obama administration is better than the rebound that would result from a Romney victory.

    A123, an electric-car battery maker, one of Obama's "green" favorites, filed for bankruptcy yesterday.

    That failure cost taxpayers $450 million. Like Solyndra.

    As presidents go, Obama's a proven moron.

  43. Anonymous9:06 PM

    field negro said...

    "Meanwhile, because he can't attack the population, his mindless followers retain their ability and willingness to return him to the presidency for another four years."

    Almost 50% of Merica. What does that say about your country?

    50% - Hardly, with so much racial tension and liberals literally going insane when someone else has a different opinion, people just aren't talking about it or feigning surface non-committal. What has been the result of liberals violence, rudeness, insanity and outrage caused? Obama will be voted out in a landslide. Sure it's easy to say, yeah, yeah, I support him - and avoid being called a racist or attacked or having your car keyed or property destroyed by uncivil racist Obama supporters. Civilized people avoid needless violence and confrontation, but they will vote like their lives depend on it. On the other hand Obama supporters can't wait to riot and have made it abundantly clear they will pull the trigger on someone white, riot and loot, burn down some stuff if Obama loses. You won't hear this or see this from Conservatives if Mitt loses. Huge difference.

    Hell, don't take my word for it, take James Carville's - A very prominent democrat and huge supporter of Obama. In his words, democrats are stupid and like sheep, they are easy to lead around by the nose.

    Yes - con men elected by the ignorant that is your answer. It also explains why anything Democrats get in charge of goes to shit.

    James Carville Says:

    ( Note his use of a cattle prod if someone wants to bolt the herd, that's when you call someone a Tom or a House Negro to try and force them back in line with the herd.)

    “Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.

    The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running. That’s why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.

    Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.
    What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.

    The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans."

    --James Carville

  44. Psychology is based in ideologie.

  45. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I blame all the white b**tches for this - they started making money, became arrogant and 'independent' in the process and no longer 'needed' men or families. So thanks all you white c*nts for letting the race deteriorate.

  46. Anonymous4:06 PM

    All Caucasians see is what they want to see. They claim they are GOD’s people, but the Holy Bible says they are the antichrist. Caucasians claim they are peaceful, yet they have a his-story of murdering and killing off whole cultures. Caucasians claim to be the most intelligent and industrious people, but everything they have learned has been reverse engineered from more advanced non-white cultures or was stolen from the libraries of Alexandria, Ethiopia, Samaria, China, India, Mayan Codex, etc. You can argue with me all day, but you are still a joke. Nubian people or Israel will survive. Caucasians are FUCKED!!!
    Genesis 15:12-15
    “And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. 13And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 14And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.”
    Amos 9:7-8
    “Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD.”
    Arguing with me is like an ant arguing with a boot. You are pathetic! I am pure intellect. I am not limited to 7% of my intelligence. What is most puzzling is that you believe all of that hype that your forefathers have taught you. It is all unscientific Bull-SHIT! What happened to Darwinian Evolution? Are you not the most evolved humans? What happen to survival of the fittest? Why is your population dying and Nubian people are thriving? Where is the Ubermensch/ Overman/ Superman? I am relentless, I am Darkseid Lord of The Apokalypse!
    Friedrich Nietzsche: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
    You silly ass Neanderthals are the monkeys according to the latest scientific data, or haven’t you heard? Nubian people have no Neanderthal DNA.
    “Why Am I Neanderthal?” National Geographic:
    “All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm” Jul 18, 2011 11:25 AM ET // by Jennifer Viegas
    “If your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal, according to a new study in the July issue of Molecular Biology and Evolution. Discovery News has been reporting on human/Neanderthal interbreeding for some time now, so this latest research confirms earlier findings.”
    Doesn’t this quote sound like the overturning of Darwinian Evolution? Isn’t the Neanderthal the ape-like brute and beast? Doesn’t the bible speak of the beast? Aren’t Caucasians animals that walk upright like a man, whose number is 666? Demonic psychopaths without soul.
    We are created beings. We were not genetic hybrids like yourselves. We are the children of a living God and soon all of you will witness this first hand. All of your need to bow that ass down, and whether you like it or not soon you will, or The Most High wipe you from the face of the Earth.
