Sunday, October 14, 2012

A king troll is exposed, and Mitt's racist friend.

I am glad to see that at least one internet troll has been exposed. Apparently this guy was even worse that some of the trolls who frequent this site.

"Last Wednesday afternoon I called Michael Brutsch. He was at the office of the Texas financial services company where he works as a programmer and he was having a bad day. I had just told him, on Gchat, that I had uncovered his identity as the notorious internet troll Violentacrez (pronounced Violent-Acres). It's amazing how much you can sweat in a 60 degree office," he said with a nervous laugh.

Judging from his internet footprint, Brutsch, 49, has a lot to sweat over. If you are capable of being offended, Brutsch has almost certainly done something that would offend you, then did his best to rub your face in it. His speciality is distributing images of scantily-clad underage girls, but as Violentacrez he also issued an unending fountain of racism, porn, gore, misogyny, incest, and exotic abominations yet unnamed, all on the sprawling online community Reddit. At the time I called Brutsch, his latest project was moderating a new section of Reddit where users posted covert photos they had taken of women in public, usually close-ups of their asses or breasts, for a voyeuristic sexual thrill. It was called "Creepshots." Now Brutsch was the one feeling exposed and it didn't suit him very well."

My man is doing all this over at Reddit, and you have to wonder what will happen next.

"The breadth of topics and dedication of users has made Reddit, which calls itself the "front page of the internet," the single dominant force in internet culture today, boasting over 3.4 billion pageviews this August. It reached a new level of legitimacy last month, when President Obama held a Q & A on Reddit. These days, Reddit is mentioned in the same breath as Twitter and Facebook by pundits expounding on the power of social media.

But Reddit's laissez-faire attitude towards offensive speech has led to a vast underbelly that rivals anything on the notorious cesspool 4chan. And with Jailbait, Violentacrez decided to create a safe space for people sexually attracted to underage girls to share their photo stashes. I would call these people pedophiles; the Jailbait subreddit called them "ephebophiles." Jailbait was the online equivalent of systematized street harassment. Users posted snapshots of tween and teenage girls, often in bikinis and skirts. Many of these were lifted from their Facebook accounts and thrown in front of Jailbait's 20,000 horny subscribers.

Violentacrez and his fellow moderators worked hard to make sure every girl on jailbait was underage, diligently deleting any photos whose subjects seemed older than 16 or 17. Violentacrez himself posted hundreds of photos. Jailbait became one of Reddit's most popular subreddits, generating millions of pageviews a month. "Jailbait" was for a time the second biggest search term bringing traffic to Reddit, after "Reddit." Eventually, Jailbait landed on CNN, where Anderson Cooper called out Reddit for hosting it, and Violentacrez for creating it. The ensuing outcry led Reddit administrators to reluctantly ban Jailbait, and all sexually suggestive content featuring minors."

OK, this guy is taking this troll thing to a whole different level.This is what you call testing the boundaries of free speech.

Anyway, now that Mr. Brutsch has been exposed, let's see how he handles it. I suspect, that like most trolls, he won't like the light shining on his true identity quite as much.

Finally,I am sure that you have all read the story about the man with the racist t-shirt at one of Flipper's campaign stops. Suddenly, we are in Sarah Palin 2008 mode again.

Of course, as is to be expected, the wingnut media has jumped out ahead of the story and is making it known that this racist has nothing to do with the Etch A Sketch express. Some winguts are even saying that it was "photo-shopped". that a helicopter I hear? (What has happened to this country?)

No doubt the guy supports Romney, although Romney's peeps are distancing themselves from him.

"A member of Romney's campaign said it was "reprehensible,"

Still, I suspect that Mitt will welcome his vote. I just can't understand where some on the right believe that this is some type of media manipulated story.

"A photograph taken by Getty Images on Friday of a man wearing a racist t-shirt at a Mitt Romney rally in Ohio has caused controversy over Getty’s unsubstantiated claim the man is a supporter of the Republican presidential nominee.   The photo showed a tight shot of the back of a bald-headed white man wearing a black t-shirt emblazoned with all-capitalized white lettering that said, “Put the white back in the White House.” Above the lettering at the nape of the man’s neck a Romney-Ryan sticker was neatly applied to the t-shirt."

"Unsubstantiated claim"? "Sir, are you a Romney supporter?" "No I am standing here at this Romney rally in the middle of nowhere because I wanted to work on my tan."  Give me a break!

*Pics from Gawker and Getty images.



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  2. NSangoma12:58 AM


    field, you Negroe, it is the principle or is it the principal?:

    Not really a pal, so it is the principle.


  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Odd how courageous he was...until everyone knew. Very heroically brave and able to post pics of non-consenting minors.
    Now, his employer will be seeking ways to limit their liability and exposure to lawsuits.

    Since many of the supporters of Mr Romney see Mr Obama as somehow lacking the requisite credentials to be the US President, have often used dog-whistle terminology, and have an almost visceral hatred for the could easily see how such a shirt would be worn...and accepted by like-nominded folks.

    For reference, the wingnuts of Reconstruction tried selling the very same memes when AfAm citizens were elected. Instead of having discussions on policy and the idiocy of the proposed katfud Grand Bargain...they trot out the laughable nonsense of the 1860s.

    Then again, Mr Akin thinkerates evolution is the Exact Same as his pedophile theocracy.


  4. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Field, you know fully well that that man was a 'plant' at Romney's rally. It is a damn shame that you Obamaholics will resort to anything to try to win.

    Well, it won't work. Everyone knows, both Black and White, that Romney is not a racist. But Blacks sure as hell know Obama is one.

    Now you folks are trying to paint Romney as a racist to the level of Obama. Forget it. It's waaaay to late in the game to do that. Your man has lost and you Leftist Dem FN Negroes know it.

    Accept your fate like an adult. It's over. Obama has lost, BIG TIME.

  5. Anonymous2:04 AM

    "Anyway, now that Mr. Brutsch has been exposed, let's see how he handles it. I suspect, that like most trolls, he won't like the light shining on his true identity quite as much."

    Field, in reading between the lines, are you saying that CNN might track us down? Do you mean to say that this could happen to any one of us trolls on FN?

    I hope not. Please say it isn't so. I mean, we aren't so bad....are we?

    Surely you know that we didn't mean anything by what we said? It was all meant to be a harmless little joke.

    I mean, some of us trolls were born comedians...Can't you take a joke?

  6. Quote Anonymous Imbecile

    "Once again YOU said he was cutting discretionary spending by 25%. HE DID not. Why did you say this? Let me remind you Senor Wordsmith Liberal. "

    I'm trying to explain this in a way that someone of your limited intellect might understand, which is proving to be hard work.

    Let me try again.

    1. Ryan's budget projects a ZERO increase in discretionary spending.

    2. Discretionary spending is stuff like Defense, Justice, Education and training, Social Services, etc.

    3. During the course of this budget, things are going to get a little bit more expensive every year. That's called inflation.

    Still with me? Good...

    4. During the course of this budget's timeline America's population is going to grow.

    5. This all means that the budget for Discretionary spending will be worth less than it was (because of inflation) and will need to be spent on more people (due to population growth).

    6. People a little bit cleverer than me, and a lot cleverer than you have estimated that this represents a 25% cut in discretionary spending.

    7. Let me know what part of this you don't understand, and then try and explain where the cuts will come from, because Ryan refuses.

    8. Don't forget to tell us about the $5 Trillion of loopholes in taxes that Ryan tells us he can close.

  7. Anonymous4:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    " 6. People a little bit cleverer than me, and a lot cleverer than you have estimated that this represents a 25% cut in discretionary spending."

    Once again your premise is faulty. Neither Krugman nor you are clever or "cleverer"... nutjob is a more apt description. Krugman has gotten everything and then some completely do you.

    Well anyway, it's good to see you dropped your original claim that Ryan was "lying" as you were lumping defense spending into his budget, despite it saying non defense discretionary spending. That only took a few posts.

    Lets try this last simple exercise and then END THIS. You are for big government. You obviously cannot understand how fiscal responsibility can ever be achieved, nor how crucial it is that is must and will happen inevitably soon. You cannot borrow and spend forever. You say ; surely you must increase current spending in proportion to future projections of xxx.... Wrong. Government is bloated, wasteful and horrendously wasteful - and even more wasteful than you know just by looking at the superficial, not even digging deep, Do you get that yet? The bar is not how much your wife gave you for a clothing allowance when you had your children's credit card and were buying disposable clothing on their name and providing throwaway phones to anyone who wanted and paying mortgages for people that you forced banks to lend money to that could never afford it and subsequently sued the banks for "preying" on these poor people - all at taxpayers expense. Or funding all your major donors who invent clean energy companies that go bankrupt time and time again amazingly right after they shelter the taxpayer loans. Or paying off campaign debt to major donors with millions for creating a job they already created or providing foodstamps to working healthy couples with two jobs, or providing unfettered benefits to illegals and subsequently inviting anyone who wishes to come here to hop on in and get some more free discretionary spending all at taxpayer/loans expense.

    No. The bar is what is affordable and can be maintained under a correct % of GDP. If not it ALL collapses and quite soon given the dire fiscal situation.

    If you weren't so ugly I would have guessed your occupation to be that of professional fluffer.

    Ryans plan simply puts a cap on discretionary spending for fiscal year 2013 at $1.028 trillion, which is $19 billion lower than the cap established by the Budget Control Act in August 2011. Woah - isn't that 25%? No. Again go back and look at what pivot point Krugman utilized to come up with this, I will not do that for you.

    That's how very simple it is.

    Now enough of your liberal mantra of which program will you cut, you must pay for everything everyone wants or they won't like you run your household finances this way? Does everyone in your house demand what they want and get to spend the same amount no matter how much your wife needs to work to support you and then borrow when the wants exceed the demands?

    Do you not know of government largesse, fraud, waste, entire departments that run parallel effective bloated wasteful programs? I can go on but for the sake of boredom shall not.

    But just so you don't remain completely Krugman-like will list some in another post.

  8. Anonymous5:09 AM

    @Purple Cow

    Just a short list that is just a start.

    By the way Krugman is considered a dead economist. His theories never were cohesive and all failed in the real world dramatically. He is considered a political operative for the left and changes his tune in line with current liberal politics. He is a madman not an economist. One qoute highlights his sheer absurdity

    Krugman Oct 1

    ...we are not facing any kind of fiscal crisis. Indeed, U.S. borrowing costs are at historic lows, with investors actually willing to pay the government for the privilege of owning inflation-protected bonds. So reducing the budget deficit just isn’t the top priority for America at the moment; creating jobs is. For now, the administration’s political capital should be devoted to passing something like last year’s American Jobs Act and providing effective mortgage debt relief.

    So Krugman actually believes that the "Social Safety Net" is a creator, not a net consumer of wealth. Sounds like upside down economics to me. But for now until Obama is removed we have people who believe that wealth is produced by taxation, printing money, borrowing at record rates, restricting entrepreneurs, and promoting inflation. It's not working, never has worked and never will worked. Take a trip in your mind to Europe if you need living proof.

    As for the US waste; - there are 481 agencies inside the federal government. There are 610 Independent agencies out side of the executive, plus or minus one or two. Giving us a grand total of 1091

    Lets start with looking at:

    130 programs serving the disabled;
    130 programs serving at-risk youth;
    90 early childhood development programs;
    75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities;
    72 federal programs dedicated to assuring safe water;
    50 homeless assistance programs;
    45 federal agencies conducting federal criminal investigations;
    40 separate employment and training programs;
    28 rural development programs;
    27 teen pregnancy programs;
    26 small, extraneous K-12 school grant programs;
    23 agencies providing aid to the former Soviet republics;
    19 programs fighting substance abuse;
    17 rural water and waste-water programs in eight agencies;
    17 trade agencies monitoring 400 international trade agreements;
    12 food safety agencies;
    11 principal statistics agencies; and
    Four overlapping land management agencies.

  9. Quote William

    "Well anyway, it's good to see you dropped your original claim that Ryan was "lying" as you were lumping defense spending into his budget, despite it saying non defense discretionary spending. That only took a few posts."

    I have not dropped the claim, because it is patently true. Ryan is a liar and a pseudo-intellectual charlatan.

    "Krugman has gotten everything and then some completely do you."

    Yeah right, that's why they gave him a Nobel Prize for Economics. (As they did to Stieglitz).


    "You cannot borrow and spend forever."

    Not what I am saying. What I am saying is that the way to deal with the deficit is to grow your economy. When tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. The way to grow the economy is to borrow money.

    When a business wants to grow, it goes to the bank and takes out a business loan to fund its expansion. Nobody suggests that is a bad strategy do they?

    Cutting back the economy now when you are already up shit creek without a paddle makes no sense whatsoever.

    Where is growth going to come from?

    ..and don't forget the vast majority of America's debt is money that you owe yourselves.

    "No. The bar is what is affordable and can be maintained under a correct % of GDP. If not it ALL collapses and quite soon given the dire fiscal situation."

    Absolute nonsense.


    "Ryans plan simply puts a cap on discretionary spending for fiscal year 2013 at $1.028 trillion, which is $19 billion lower than the cap established by the Budget Control Act in August 2011. Woah - isn't that 25%? No. Again go back and look at what pivot point Krugman utilized to come up with this, I will not do that for you."

    That paragraph can't make sense even to you. The Ryan plan sees zero growth in discretionary spending. You know that, stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes.


    What Krugman is saying in your second diatribe is exactly right. Jobs are the key to easing the world's global troubles. Fuck austerity, the world needs that like a hole in the head. Government spending can and does create jobs, this is how the 1930's depression ended, this is why economies do well in war time.


    So which of those programs you list would you cut to save the $5 Trillion you need to fund the tax cuts for gazilionaires?


    " Take a trip in your mind to Europe if you need living proof."

    I've lived in Europe my entire life, numbnuts, and I would take our economic future over yours any day of the week.

    Note that the three countries currently declining fastest in Europe - Spain, Ireland and the U.K. are the two countries that were the poster-boys for Austrian school thinking before the crash, and one that has enthusiastically taken on that strategy since the change of government.


    By the way. Are you actually William L. Anderson or are you plagiarizing his words without attribution?

  10. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Quote William

    "Well anyway, it's good to see you dropped your original claim that Ryan was "lying" as you were lumping defense spending into his budget, despite it saying non defense discretionary spending. That only took a few posts."

    I have not dropped the claim, because it is patently true. Ryan is a liar and a pseudo-intellectual charlatan.

    OK so you think he is still lying even if you have to lie to cover that you had it wrong and make it so he was lying. If you don't understand what someone says, how can you say they lie? Is this like an affirmative action thing?

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **
    "Krugman has gotten everything and then some completely do you."

    Yeah right, that's why they gave him a Nobel Prize for Economics. (As they did to Stieglitz).


    Obama also won the Nobel Peace prize in another nod at affirmative action (here it is in advance) whoops that didn't work out. EU was just awarded a Nobel prize for what again? Peace? How does this work? HAHA. Krugman won a Nobel prize for garbage economics that have never worked, will never work and have been solidly proven to be a farce. Real world meet the U.S , Greece, Italy, France, UK and on and on and on...the real world says you are a blowhard and Krugman is the little nerd that never could.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "You cannot borrow and spend forever."

    Not what I am saying. What I am saying is that the way to deal with the deficit is to grow your economy. When tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. The way to grow the economy is to borrow money.

    Wrong, when tax revenues go up the economy fails and government increases spending. Government has NEVER made the cuts it promised when it increased tax's. It simply bought more votes and practiced more corruption cronyism and incompetence. What planet are you from? Where ever in history anywhere in the world have you seen Keynesian economics succeed and not literally destroy an economy?

    When a business wants to grow, it goes to the bank and takes out a business loan to fund its expansion. Nobody suggests that is a bad strategy do they?

    Yes but they aren't taking wealth from the private sector, having government divvy it up and waste it, then distributing to who they feel the winners should be. We all know government is highly efficient and great at business don't we (Snark) You are confusing a profitable transaction under capitalism with a guaranteed return (unless DOJ says the loan takers were preyed upon) with redistribution of wealth.

    Cutting back the economy now when you are already up shit creek without a paddle makes no sense whatsoever.

    Actually it does. Spending what you don't have and printing money while telling everyone you will be confiscating more to distribute as you see fit will kill the economy. When government gets out of the way with their ineptness people will stop being afraid of what they will have to deal with next. The economy is profitable transactions after all. Not forced tributes to big government as you seem to think.

    Again, show me where spending until you are broke and borrowing incessantly just to operate has ever worked. Has any country ever been successful at having interest payments consume their GDP? Why in the world would you think this is a good idea?

    Where is growth going to come from?

    When the government gets out of the way, the strongest economy the world has ever seen shall return. It's name is capitalism.

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    ..and don't forget the vast majority of America's debt is money that you owe yourselves.

    As I mentioned before, this makes it even worse. Borrowing from yourself means you print means your currency rapidly devalues and the poor people can barely afford staples as inflation skyrockets as is happening in the U.S.

    Isn't' it time for theories to be put to the test? I have told you a few times where Keynesian Economics has been proven to be ridiculous U.S, Greece - EU etc. Where have you seen it work that you still worship at the altar of Krugman and failed economics?

    "No. The bar is what is affordable and can be maintained under a correct % of GDP. If not it ALL collapses and quite soon given the dire fiscal situation."

    Absolute nonsense.

    HAHA you are weak and obviously clueless. How many nations have had their credit rating downgraded and what does this mean? What happens when you can't borrow anymore like the U.S is currently undergoing? What happens when the world gets tired of you devaluing the debt you owe them by printing more money? They go to gold and push to have another currency used - just like is happening today.

    "Ryans plan simply puts a cap on discretionary spending for fiscal year 2013 at $1.028 trillion, which is $19 billion lower than the cap established by the Budget Control Act in August 2011. Woah - isn't that 25%? No. Again go back and look at what pivot point Krugman utilized to come up with this, I will not do that for you."

    That paragraph can't make sense even to you. The Ryan plan sees zero growth in discretionary spending. You know that, stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

    Get a Haircut that should help oh and buy a clue somewhere.


    What Krugman is saying in your second diatribe is exactly right. Jobs are the key to easing the world's global troubles. Fuck austerity, the world needs that like a hole in the head. Government spending can and does create jobs, this is how the 1930's depression ended, this is why economies do well in war time.

    No you ninnyhammer the economy was fucked with all the new deal stuff, just like Obama is doing. The economy booms during War time because factories fire up and people make things and have jobs. Re-read history you are so lost.


    So which of those programs you list would you cut to save the $5 Trillion you need to fund the tax cuts for gazilionaires?


    OH zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz more liberal weakness. You don't FUND a tax cut when People who earned money don't have it taken from them forcefully. Stop spending and you won't have to worry about stealing everyones money.
    " Take a trip in your mind to Europe if you need living proof."

    I've lived in Europe my entire life, numbnuts, and I would take our economic future over yours any day of the week.

    HAHAHA You are an idiot. The EU union will be dissolved soon. The US will dominate the world for a long time once liberals are removed in a few weeks.

    Note that the three countries currently declining fastest in Europe - Spain, Ireland and the U.K. are the two countries that were the poster-boys for Austrian school thinking before the crash, and one that has enthusiastically taken on that strategy since the change of government.


    By the way. Are you actually William L. Anderson or are you plagiarizing his words without attribution?

    Hmmmmmmmm--- more weakness. Are you actually Krugman or are you plagiarizing his words and weaknesses.

    Later Comrade.

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    @ Purple Nurple..

    "By the way. Are you actually William L. Anderson or are you plagiarizing his words without attribution?"

    You know you are a fraud when a consistent debate tactic of yours is to immediately accuse people of being plagiarists and therefore marginalizing them. You know this doesn't as you clearly intend mask your inability to understand things. On the contrary, it highlights it. It also highlights that you are a liberal. The first thing liberals do when faced with logic they cannot refute and or understand as in your case is attack the source. Very telling, shall I call you Saul henceforth, you purple radical Keynesian you.

  13. Well here's the thing Anony.

    Do you know what plagiarizing is?

    I suspect not from what you have written. The posts earlier in this thread from this wingnut were lifted word-for-word from the blog of somebody called William L. Anderson. Not paraphrasing, not 'inspired by' actually stolen.

    Unless of course the person writing this is actually William L. Anderson.

    In contrast my arguments have been gleaned from a variety of sources, including (but not limited to) Krugman, Steiglitz, Brad De Long, a Washinton Post opinion piece (!), Alex MacGillis and Jonathon Chait.

    You see the difference?

    I do research, he does plagiarism.


    Incidentally William (I can call you William can I?), much amused by your latest nonsense. I'll get back to you with a response when my sides have stopped hurting.

  14. Anonymous10:08 AM

    jimmy carter and bongo got the nobel prise which shows what the thing is worth,that is zero.bongo is going to lose big will that make you negroes riot,ihope many radist,so little time to look into the mirror.

  15. special ed for blacks10:09 AM

    If a plan is to succeed, the goals must be realistic. However, even though much less is expected of blacks students, they will neverhteless fail to cross the low hurdle set for them.

    We all know this, but, as they say, hope springs eternal.

    Florida Passes Plan For Racially-Based Academic Goals

    October 15, 2012

    (CBS TAMPA) – The Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that sets goals for students in math and reading based upon their race.

    On Tuesday, the board passed a revised strategic plan that says that by 2018, it wants 90 percent of Asian students, 88 percent of white students, 81 percent of Hispanics and 74 percent of black students to be reading at or above grade level.

    For math, the goals are 92 percent of Asian kids to be proficient, whites at 86 percent, Hispanics at 80 percent and blacks at 74 percent.

    It also measures by other groupings, such as poverty and disabilities, reported the Palm Beach Post.

    The plan has infuriated many community activists in Palm Beach County and across the state.

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Well here's the thing Anony.

    Do you know what plagiarizing is?

    I suspect not from what you have written. The posts earlier in this thread from this wingnut were lifted word-for-word from the blog of somebody called William L. Anderson. Not paraphrasing, not 'inspired by' actually stolen.

    Unless of course the person writing this is actually William L. Anderson.

    In contrast my arguments have been gleaned from a variety of sources, including (but not limited to) Krugman, Steiglitz, Brad De Long, a Washinton Post opinion piece (!), Alex MacGillis and Jonathon Chait.

    You see the difference?

    I do research, he does plagiarism.


    Incidentally William (I can call you William can I?), much amused by your latest nonsense. I'll get back to you with a response when my sides have stopped hurting.

    HAHA you really are pathetic. You get your ass handed to you being the intellectual infant that you are and now you try and distract from that with some bullshit and claim I lifted articles and you did research. What a little dick you are. How hilariously sad and pathetic. No wonder why you are a liberal. Reality must make your head hurt.

    Now, go play with your balls and make yourself useful. As I suspected talking to you is like pissing in an fan and a complete waste of time.

    Later dickhead. Maybe you can get a nobel prize for practicing Saul Alinsky tactics...

    Oh and on that plagiarism - send my royalty check to Anonymous incorporated you dumb fuck.

  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Jimmy Carter, Krugman, Obama, Europe for peace..HAHA yeah lately Nobel Prizes have been diminished to being worth nothing. Every one gets a trophy now.....diversity and inclusion...everyone is a winner and a janitor.

  18. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Query for you (yeccchh!) right-wing-nut toads; repugnican cockroaches whom have infested this blog/site: Seriously - how different are you and your far right-wingnut evangelists and bigots from Pakistan's and Afghanistan's Taliban?
    Thank you very much; more to come...

  19. Anonymous10:36 AM

    kudos on the exposed pookie troll!

    hey vdlr:
    take notes!!!!!!!

  20. From Williams Diatribe of 5.09 a.m.

    "So Krugman actually believes that the "Social Safety Net" is a creator, not a net consumer of wealth."

    From William L. Anderson's Blog piece dated 1 October 2012.

    "So Krugman actually believes that the "Social Safety Net" is a creator, not a net consumer of wealth."

    Do those two sentences look similar to you at all?

  21. Anonymous10:42 AM

    did mitt's "friend" spew "mongrel"
    like that racist blackish hobama???

    Barack Obama behaves as if he has no historical or cultural knowledge of “the nation over which he presides.” The president’s labeling of African Americans as “mongrels” reveals an astounding and fundamental disrespect for Black Americans as a distinct people. As an epithet, “mongrel” is an even “more powerfully shaped political charge than the ubiquitous ‘nigger!’”

    This has been a short glimpse of the history of the “mongrel” term that Obama brought to the morning broadcast couch like some benign little nugget. Of course, even a president has the personal right to call himself any names he pleases. But Obama told the ladies of “The Show” and millions of viewers that “we” African Americans are “a mongrel people” – a label he is not entitled to inflict on 40 million Black folks, many of whom know full well the poisonous historical (and, yes, contemporary) properties inherent in the term. Obama’s talk show behavior is consistent with his politics, which constantly tries to erase the very idea of Black America. (As in his introduction to most Americans, at the August, 2004 Democratic National Convention: “There is no Black America…there is only the United States of America.”) In ways big and small, Obama reveals that he does not accept or respect African Americans as a distinct people, culture and polity who cannot be reduced to a flotsam and jetsam of various and sundry human parts. Apparently, that’s how he thinks of himself.


  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    did mitt's "friend" mention
    that blackish racist hobama's globally racist africom?

    cc libya/dna arrest/ndaa etc

  23. “OK so you think he is still lying even if you have to lie to cover that you had it wrong and make it so he was lying. If you don't understand what someone says, how can you say they lie? Is this like an affirmative action thing?”

    I haven’t lied.

    Tell me what is this ‘affirmative action’ of which you speak?


    “EU was just awarded a Nobel prize for what again? Peace? How does this work? HAHA.”

    The EU is the greatest force for good in the world today. America attempts to spread democracy by bombing people, the EU spreads democracy by threatening not to talk to people (c.q. most of Eastern Europe).


    “Wrong, when tax revenues go up the economy fails and government increases spending.”

    Oh FFS, I’ve read it all now!

    Increasing tax revenues are bad for the economy are they? Sweet Jeezus….


    “Where ever in history anywhere in the world have you seen Keynesian economics succeed and not literally destroy an economy?”

    USA in the 1930’s. Western Europe since WW2.


    “We all know government is highly efficient and great at business don't we?”

    It can be yes. Socialized medicine is demonstrably more efficient than capitalist systems, and government involvement can benefit the private sector in ways that the private sector cannot do itself. For instance the Dutch government’s decision to lay down a national, super-fast, glass-fibre network.

    With individual organizations what drives efficiency is the level of competition. Whether it is in private pr public hands is completely irrelevant.


    “The economy booms during War time because factories fire up and people make things and have jobs.”

    It’s the government that fires up the factories with their orders for war materials.


    “You don't FUND a tax cut when People who earned money don't have it taken from them forcefully. Stop spending and you won't have to worry about stealing everyones(sic) money.”

    You need to fund a tax cut by not spending the $5 Trillion in revenue you are no longer getting. My question to (and Ryan) was, is and remains, where are you going to make $5 Trillion in spending cuts. That’s FIVE TRILLION.


    “HAHAHA You are an idiot. The EU union will be dissolved soon. The US will dominate the world for a long time once liberals are removed in a few weeks.”

    The EU will not be dissolved, not now, not ever. In the future the world will be dominated either by India or China, not the USA, your time is done. By best guess is it will be India.

    “you get your ass handed to you being the intellectual infant that you are and now you try and distract from that with some bullshit and claim I lifted articles and you did research. What a little dick you are. How hilariously sad and pathetic. No wonder why you are a liberal. Reality must make your head hurt.”

    William, William, William.

    You seem to be under the delusion that SHOUTING VERY LOUD, plagiarizing, and throwing more ad homs than the other guy wins you a debate.

    It does not.

    To win a debate, you need to put forward rational arguments backed up by evidence. By evidence I mean stuff that can be tested. So NOT

    “Yah boo sucks, your just a fuckin’ idiot liberal I’m just so fuckin’ clever and Krugman is an idiot ‘cuz I say so”.

    Some of us left that kind of debating style behind when we started at the big boy school.

  24. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    From Williams Diatribe of 5.09 a.m.

    "So Krugman actually believes that the "Social Safety Net" is a creator, not a net consumer of wealth."

    From William L. Anderson's Blog piece dated 1 October 2012.

    "So Krugman actually believes that the "Social Safety Net" is a creator, not a net consumer of wealth."

    Do those two sentences look similar to you at all?

    LOL you really are a weak loser. What a Napoleonic complex you have. Ask yourself, how did I know you were quoting Krugman verbatim?

    HAHA Alinsky you have failed some people. They use you like a crutch.

    As to your following post, you absolutely do live in an alternate universe. I got a lot of chuckles out of your ridiculously childish views but this one is at the top.

    "The EU is the greatest force for good in the world today. America attempts to spread democracy by bombing people, the EU spreads democracy by threatening not to talk to people (c.q. most of Eastern Europe).

    Yes. Big bad America - funny how EU nations combined need Americas help - dominantly or else they can't accomplish anything for the greater good, let alone stop genocides. Kosovo, Bosnia. Without America EU has no defenses it is a conglomerate of nations who were able to neglect responsibilities for defense and rely heavily if not totally on the U.S, while not even incurring these costs they are still going broke due to entitlements being out of control.

    Another classic Cow idiocy is

    "With individual organizations what drives efficiency is the level of competition. Whether it is in private pr public hands is completely irrelevant."

    What competition would that be Cow? See who can do the least for the highest salary while on the government nearly guaranteed for life payroll?

    See which country can get the most people in one family to never have worked in their entire life and live off the dole? This is one area I suspect the UK wins hand down.

    I am starting to think you just like arguing. No one could be this freakishly stupid and unaware of the world - can they? Unless...are you autistic?

    Anyways we shall see how many countries actually tire of supporting the entitlement countries who are broke from your Keynesian economics, spend, borrow, spend, borrow, spend , bribe, spend, waste, whoops, can't borrow anymore and need someone who didn't spend and borrow to bail you out or everyone goes hungry.

    Enough. I tire of watching you clap with one hand and loudly declare it is the most magnificent sound you ever heard.

    Liberal Drivel will rot your brain and destroy your ability to reason. I am sure you know this better than most.

  25. Anonymous12:01 PM


    Last thing...there is an economic theme going around. I want you to try your Keynesian economics plan at home. Quite simple, even a sheep molester such as you can handle it.

    Wait until the really warm months and turn off your A/C. although on second thought considering that you are a country bumpkin now you probably don't have A/C and claim you don't need it. In that case find a person of a higher class than you (should be easy) who has A/C. Have them turn off the A/C and then open the refrigerator door. Under the rules of Keynesian Economics this should work, that refrigerator should now cool off the whole house with the temperature generated by the fridge redistributed and priming the pump.

    Under the rules of reality what will happen just like in Keynesian economics you will at best create a cooler spot in front of the fridge while the rest of the house gets hot. Ultimately the fridge overworking will burn out and then all the coolness ends and the entire house is hot with no chance of a cool spot anywhere as the fridge failed.

    Bye Spanky. Have a nice nap.

  26. Anonymous12:06 PM

    British Socialized Medicine Gives Priority to Foreign Health Tourists

    Liberalism means always sacrificing the deserving to the undeserving. When medicine is nationalized, liberals determine who gets treatment and who doesn’t. Consequently, in Britain foreigners must be given healthcare because it is their “human right.” British taxpayers aren’t so lucky:

    New guidelines tell doctors across England they must register any foreign patient who asks for care otherwise it would be ‘discriminatory’.

    These include asylum seekers, overseas students or tourists coming for a short holiday. Once registered, they will be entitled to the same NHS care as all other patients and can receive free blood tests, jabs and — in some cases — free prescription drugs.

    In fact, the new rules will give overseas patients more rights than those living in the UK who can be turned away from surgeries if they live a few yards outside its catchment area.

    There are also fears the ruling will make it even harder for local patients to get an appointment.

    Already half of patients cannot get an appointment with their doctor within 48 hours, according to the Government’s own figures.

    Some family doctors are furious at the guidelines and describe them as a ‘charter for health tourism’.

    Come for the free healthcare, stay for the generous welfare payments. Just don’t forget to vote Labour to keep the freebies flowing until such a time as the whole rotten coercion-based system implodes.

  27. "LOL you really are a weak loser. What a Napoleonic complex you have. Ask yourself, how did I know you were quoting Krugman verbatim? "

    I did not quote Krugman verbatim.

  28. "Under the rules of reality what will happen just like in Keynesian economics you will at best create a cooler spot in front of the fridge while the rest of the house gets hot. Ultimately the fridge overworking will burn out and then all the coolness ends and the entire house is hot with no chance of a cool spot anywhere as the fridge failed."

    Oh dear, it appears that our new friend does not understand the difference between economics and the second law of thermodynamics.

    Let me explain. (I'm not actually a Keynsian for the record, I'm a Socialist, but I don't like to see the old boy misrepresented.)

    Keynesian economics holds (in its simplest form) that one man's spending is another man's income. This gives us a circular supply of money that keeps the economy ticking over. Now sometimes for a variety of possible reasons the money flow stops. That's when the government needs to step in and either stimulate spending, or just spend, or a combination of the two. This gets money circulating again.

    What you are talking about is thermodynamics where the temperature of the house will fall to a level between the two extremes depending on how hot it is outside and how cold the fridge is. So we are not talking about a circle of air here, we are talking about regression to the mean. So your analogy just doesn't hold water at all I'm afraid.

    If you insisted on shoe-horning this failed analogy into economics, you could say that if anything Keynesian economics is not the refrigerator, it is the A/C.

  29. "Consequently, in Britain foreigners must be given healthcare because it is their “human right.”

    EXACTLY! People have a fundamental right to free healthcare. That's how you differentiate between civilization and savagery.

    Funny how you far-Right types are obsessed with the health status of the unborn fetus, but as soon as they are born "Fuck 'em, they are on their own!"

  30. economies of disaster2:36 PM

    How many foreigners descending on the British healthcare system would it take before the system collapsed?

  31. sadi carnot2:52 PM

    purple cow moos idiotically about thermodynamics:

    What you are talking about is thermodynamics where the temperature of the house will fall to a level between the two extremes depending on how hot it is outside and how cold the fridge is.

    No bonehead. The Second Law of Thermo is about the Quantity and Quality of Heat. Not temperature.

    However, guys like you don't know the difference between heat and temperature. The same half-assed reasoning power probably accounts for your belief in Keynesian economics.

    If you were to have make some correlation between Keynesian economics and the First Law of Thermo, you'd still be wrong, but the concept wouldn't be nearly as nuts.

  32. river blindness3:00 PM

    purple kow-tow writes:

    People have a fundamental right to free healthcare. That's how you differentiate between civilization and savagery.

    Well, that settles the question of Africa, a continent of savages existing with only the barest haze of civilization.

    As even nitwits know, the biggest factor in healthcare is having clean water. But clean water is rare in Africa. And other regions with useless or weak governments.

  33. Anonymous5:25 PM

    more proof that hobama nazis rule all msm
    more proof that reps = dems:

    TONS of articles appear re: alleged upcoming voter suppression
    almost 0 re: that evil fraud hobama's shady national e-voting contract with SCYTL

    so just WHO will really be suppressing voters in his 2012 selection???


  34. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Under the rules of reality what will happen just like in Keynesian economics you will at best create a cooler spot in front of the fridge while the rest of the house gets hot. Ultimately the fridge overworking will burn out and then all the coolness ends and the entire house is hot with no chance of a cool spot anywhere as the fridge failed."

    Oh dear, it appears that our new friend does not understand the difference between economics and the second law of thermodynamics.

    Let me explain. (I'm not actually a Keynsian for the record, I'm a Socialist, but I don't like to see the old boy misrepresented.)

    Keynesian economics holds (in its simplest form) that one man's spending is another man's income. This gives us a circular supply of money that keeps the economy ticking over. Now sometimes for a variety of possible reasons the money flow stops. That's when the government needs to step in and either stimulate spending, or just spend, or a combination of the two. This gets money circulating again.

    What you are talking about is thermodynamics where the temperature of the house will fall to a level between the two extremes depending on how hot it is outside and how cold the fridge is. So we are not talking about a circle of air here, we are talking about regression to the mean. So your analogy just doesn't hold water at all I'm afraid.

    If you insisted on shoe-horning this failed analogy into economics, you could say that if anything Keynesian economics is not the refrigerator, it is the A/C.

    Oh you wordsmithing Keynesian fool. No your escape clause of "you are not the very argument you put forth" is not accepted. Funny how you do that all the time.

    Keynesian economics isn't "one mans spending is another mans income" it is specifically the premise that a government can stimulate an economy by giving sums of borrowed money to consumers and workers. The debt is then thought to be paid back after; when the stimulus produces an abundance of taxes, despite this having never occurred and each and every attempt at Keynesian policies destroying an economy.

    What do stimulus attempt do? They increase debt, raise tax rates and as with Obama the government picks it's cronies and supporters to get the money.

    Government cannot create buying out of thin air. If new taxes are funded with stimulus, call it what it is a redistribution of income. If they borrow the money from other countries as the US is doing payments are adjusted with net exports - unchanging GDP

    Every cent and dollar that the government spends must come from somewhere else. The only places they can get money is to print it, borrow it or take it from citizens this depresses the economy.

    Anyway, enough lessons, carry on being whoever you want to be with the obligatory escape clauses when you sound like a booby that escaped out of the hatch.

  35. black as coal5:30 PM

    Coal miners ask Obama to stop ‘absolute lies’

    October 15, 2012

    By CASEY JUNKINS - Special to the Herald-Star

    BEALLSVILLE - Coal miners at the American Energy Corp. Century Mine said they want President Barack Obama to stop what they term the war on coal - and to stop spreading mistruths about them.

    Miners gathered Friday afternoon to express their opposition to Obamas energy and environmental policies, which they believe threaten their jobs. Miner Mitch Miracle read aloud a letter the miners mailed to Obama that outlines some of their concerns.

    The miners said Obamas campaign team is running ads filled with blatantly false statements about the miners regarding their participation in Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneys August campaign stop at the Century Mine. These ads assert that the miners were forced to attend the event by the mines owner, Robert Murray.

    There are numerous false statements and absolute lies concerning our participation in this event, mostly started by a local shock jock radio host, the miners letter to Obama states.

    Why would you (Obama) lie about the 500 working miners who have signed this letter? We, the employees of the Century Mine would request you immediately stop these false ads.

    This summer, Murray Energy Corp., parent company of the Beallsville mine, cut or relocated 56 workers with the closure of the Red Bird West mine near Brilliant. Murray also cut 29 mining jobs from The Ohio Valley Coal Co.s Powhatan No. 6 Mine. All of this was done, Robert Murray said, because of Obamas war on coal.

    Murray then hosted the August Romney campaign stop in Beallsville, during which many miners appeared behind Romney as the former Massachusetts governor spoke about the need to protect coal mining jobs.

    In response to the assertion some have made about the miners being forced to appear with Romney, the miners made the following points on Friday:

    As for anyone who claims the miners were forced to attend, those on-site Friday said these assertions probably came from discharged or disgruntled former employees.

    Despite the miners Friday statements, Ohio Democrats have requested a federal investigation regarding Murrays campaign contributions and practices.

  36. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Let me explain. (I'm not actually a Keynsian for the record, I'm a Socialist, but I don't like to see the old boy misrepresented.)

    Yes, yes, we know - socialism/communism/Keynesian economics. My, My you do know how to pick the losers don't you.

    Let me guess, you are one of those who would say next time it won't fail because we will have our people running it, if only....

    All of these things have always failed, history teaches you that. They failed many times over in various cultures and conditions around the world...even with millions killed trying to make it work and complete absolute government tyranny and control, yet you still believe in fairy tales. What does that say about your cognitive abilities?

    To me it says you are simply clapping with one hand, an essentially useless function that exposes your autism.

  37. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Consequently, in Britain foreigners must be given healthcare because it is their “human right.”

    EXACTLY! People have a fundamental right to free healthcare. That's how you differentiate between civilization and savagery.

    Funny how you far-Right types are obsessed with the health status of the unborn fetus, but as soon as they are born "Fuck 'em, they are on their own!"

    Oh you silly twit. You have no concept of reality. Urgent care is always provided. What this means is foreigners get care OVER British locals, free prescriptions, free care, priority appointments for all health care.

    I wonder if in your alternate universe you can understand what the ramifications such a policy will cause and why you feel British taxpayers should be paying for free healthcare for the world and most importantly why you think Britain can afford to?
    Funny, they can't afford it for the British - especially the elderly.

    Oh, I see tourism increasing tremendously, don't you? I know, I know under your economic fallacies err..theories next you will say how this stimulates the economy; those coming in to suck up significant resources and make them harder for the British to obtain will stimulate..well something.

    Have you always been this irresponsible and unable to correlate cause/effect?

  38. ballots or bullets6:24 PM

    Is this an attempt at suppressing the white vote? Is it the hope of blacks that whites will become too frightened to go to the polls and vote for Romney?

    New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election

    Buzz explodes across web

    Paul Joseph Watson
    October 15, 2012

    Despite the issue receiving national media attention, Obama supporters continue to threaten to riot if Mitt Romney wins the presidential election, raising the prospect of civil unrest if Obama fails to secure a second term.

    The new threats continue to dominate Twitter and the vast majority make no reference to press coverage of the issue over the last week, illustrating the fact that they are a legitimate expression of how many Obama voters plan to respond if Romney comes out on top, and not merely a reaction to media hype.

    An story written by Michael Snyder which was picked up by the Drudge Report over the weekend and has since gone viral documented how Twitter was flooded with messages from Obama supporters threatening to riot, a sign that “whichever side loses this election will accuse the other side of stealing the election.”

    The story was subsequently picked up by innumerable media outlets.

    Highly respected economist and philosopher Thomas Sowell also voiced his concerns that race riots could ensue if Obama is not re-elected.

    Checking Twitter feeds this morning, we discovered that threats to riot on behalf of Obama supporters are still flooding in, with the users seemingly unaware of the fact that the media has now picked up on the buzz.

    We checked the Twitter accounts and virtually all of them are owned by people who have made hundreds or thousands of previous tweets, proving they are genuine accounts and not fakes.

    Examples of what people are saying include the following;

    “If obama dont get re-elected & romney wins .. on life every white persons getting pistol whipped and im startin a riot.” (SOURCE)

    “If Obama don’t win lets start a riot so Romney know what he’s getting himself into.” (SOURCE)

    “You know you ain’t shit if you gotta “MAKE” Mafukas vote for ROMNEY ! …. Mannnn OBAMA better get back in office . Or BLACK FOLKS will riot.” (SOURCE)

    “If Romney wins im goin on a rampage.” (SOURCE)

    “If Mitt Romney wins the election I think its our duties as Black folks to riot and fuck shit up.” (SOURCE)

    “If every action IS met with an equal and opposite reaction ..what should workers do to employers if Romney’s elected? #Riot in the streets!!” (SOURCE)

    “If Romney becomes president let’s all start a riot.” (SOURCE)

    “I Heard Mitt Romney , Tryna Take Away Food Stamps , If He Do .”IMA START A RIOT , IMA START A RIOT.” (SOURCE)

    “If romney wins, imma start a mf’n riot! Rns.” (SOURCE)

    Although most of the individuals posting the messages don’t even attempt to justify why they plan to riot, others have pointed to fears about a Romney administration withdrawing or limiting government handouts.

  39. " No your escape clause of "you are not the very argument you put forth" is not accepted. Funny how you do that all the time."

    Oh pur-leaze, it's just a method of dealing with your flaccid and superficial analysis. I'm a Socialist, Keynes was not. Even somebody as inaduquatly educated as you should recognize that.

    "it is specifically the premise that a government can stimulate an economy by giving sums of borrowed money to consumers and workers"

    No it isn't.

    "No bonehead. The Second Law of Thermo is about the Quantity and Quality of Heat. Not temperature."

    As a consequence of the second law of Thermodynamics hot cups of coffee go cold, and warm rooms will become slightly colder if you leave the fridge door open. Even if I was wrong on this (which I am not) William the Plagiarist's analogy still doesn't work.

    "As even nitwits know, the biggest factor in healthcare is having clean water"

    WRONG!! Inadequate sanitation is the biggest factor in healthcare.

    No idea why you think this is relevant, by the way.

    "Government cannot create buying out of thin air."

    Yes it can, by a variety of means. It can stimulate the economy, it can start an unnecessary war, it can start large infrastructural projects etc etc. There are many ways a government can stimulate buying.

    "If new taxes are funded with stimulus, call it what it is a redistribution of income."

    You say that as if it's a bad thing.

    "Every cent and dollar that the government spends must come from somewhere else. The only places they can get money is to print it, borrow it or take it from citizens this depresses the economy."

    Levying taxes does not depress the economy numbnuts. Taxes allow you to pay for things that the economy needs to function. Health care, education, training, roads, laws, police, security, armed forces etc etc. Without these things there would be no possibility to make profits. When the government collect taxes they are able to bus things and that money becomes somebody else's income.

    "All of these things have always failed, history teaches you that."

    No they haven't and no it doesn't.

    You appear to be confusing far-Right propaganda with reality again.

    Capitalism has always failed, history teaches you that. Capitalism has failed many times over in various cultures and conditions around the world...even with millions killed trying to make it work and complete absolute government tyranny and control, yet you still believe in fairy tales. What does that say about your cognitive abilities?

    "Oh you silly twit. You have no concept of reality. Urgent care is always provided. What this means is foreigners get care OVER British locals, free prescriptions, free care, priority appointments for all health care. "

    I worked in the NHS for twenty years many of my friends and family still do, and I am telling you this is a complete lie. They do not get priority over anyone else. what determines priority is how sick you are.

    "I wonder if in your alternate universe you can understand what the ramifications such a policy will cause and why you feel British taxpayers should be paying for free healthcare for the world and most importantly why you think Britain can afford to? "

    This has been Britain's policy since 1947.

    Yes we can afford it, that's because socialized medicine is massively more efficient than your system.


    I'm off to bed now, see y'all in the morning. I'll be ready to rip down your latest list of lies.

  40. Anonymous7:10 PM

    "I wonder if in your alternate universe you can understand what the ramifications such a policy will cause and why you feel British taxpayers should be paying for free healthcare for the world and most importantly why you think Britain can afford to? "

    This has been Britain's policy since 1947.

    Yes we can afford it, that's because socialized medicine is massively more efficient than your system.

    Sure Che, say hello to Castro for me willya. The rest of your gibberish is just that, delusional gibberish. Nothing government does is more efficient or even as adequate as the private sector. There is no competition and standards are lowered to include those who never would qualify.

    How do I know this?
    Why you told us as much. "You worked in the NHS for twenty years many of my friends and family still do"

    "As even nitwits know, the biggest factor in healthcare is having clean water"

    WRONG!! Inadequate sanitation is the biggest factor in healthcare.

    Really? And what causes inadequate sanitation in third world countries, no in Britain? What causes unclean, unsanitary conditions?

    "If new taxes are funded with stimulus, call it what it is a redistribution of income."

    You say that as if it's a bad thing."

    OK Mao/Stalin - a few million people disagree with you, well not really they are dead being victims of your idealogy -- that by the way failed time after time.

    Your viewpoint is clear. You worked at a government job paid for by producers and never had to want/need or excel. So everything is easy to you, thus your eagerness to take earnings from others, after all they didn't build it and owe it to you.


  41. PC, your medal is in the mail. :)

  42. Anonymous9:41 PM

    field negro said...

    PC, your medal is in the mail. :)

    Don't forget his Nobel Peace prize. Everyone gets a trophy, especially those who shouldn't even be competing.

  43. Are you flat out, out of your mind?
    You found one nut with a racist shirt which proves only that you're pathetic and desperate.
    Damn, son.
    Grow up and take a big boy pill. Obama is in incredible failure and it has nothing to do with him being black. Suck it up. He's a socialst who believes in faulty theories.
