Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bus beatdown.

I wasn't going to post about that bus driver in Cleveland who went all Floyd Mayweather on a female passenger, but the video of the unfortunate incident has been making the rounds on the web, and it's all everyone wants to talk about.

Most people, believe it or not, actually believe that the young lady had it coming. They believe that her mouth wrote a check that her ass couldn't cash. No doubt the young lady needs some home training, and her attitude and behaviour on the bus reflects a nescient and medieval mentality that many of our young people have adopted.

But sorry Mr. Bus Driver, no matter how ignorant this young lady was, unless your life is in imminent danger, there is absolutely no reason to put your hand on a woman. None. Period. End of story!

I co-sign with this person writing for News One:

"Bus drivers are often subjected to nasty insults of the lowest common denominator from passengers dealing with their own demons. I’ve witnessed the inappropriate behavior plenty of times when riding public transportation. It’s admittedly sometimes harsher in select cities, but does such a reality make this type of violence excusable?


For people to argue that a grown man had every right to attack a teenage girl regardless of how despicable her disposition is an unfortunate reminder of how ingrained violence and misogyny remains in our collective psyches." [Link]

Mr. Bus Driver, that young lady needs a lot of things. (Home training being at the top of the list.) What she didn't need was to get an ass whopping from a grown ass man.

Yes, she put her hand on you, but she is a WOMAN. Just because she wanted to act "like a man", that doesn't mean that you had to act like something less than one.

Finally, O might have to start spending some of that money he raised on bullet proof windows for his campaign offices. WTF?

"Denver police are reviewing video footage from city surveillance cameras after a shot was fired through the window of President Barack Obama’s campaign office.

Police spokeswoman Raquel Lopez says cameras are in the area of the campaign office on West Ninth Avenue near Acoma Street near Denver’s downtown, and investigators are poring over the tapes for any leads. She did not release any other information, citing an ‘‘active, ongoing investigation.’’
Lopez says people were inside the office when the shooting happened Friday afternoon, but no one was injured. A large panel of glass was left shattered at the office.
Lopez says she isn’t aware of any previous threats against the campaign office.
The Secret Service referred questions about the shooting to Denver police, and an Obama campaign spokeswoman declined to comment."

Please check that surveillance videos over and over again. I think you might see a very stiff acting dude running and jumping into a Cadillac.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, I sympathize with the bus driver. To be called N-word, B*t*h, and then get hit by an ignorant-ass mean-spirited disrespectful degrading foul-mouth vile black teenager, someone was going to eff her up very badly.

    Someone had to teach her that she can't go around pissing on people and expect no consequences. That sick girl is on her way to an early doubt about it.

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    In the past, many things have been thrown toward Obama, racist signs, threats, etc and nothing ever came of it.

    Don't expect anything to come of this either. His tenure will be up next month anyway.

  3. I don't know about Denver, but in California broken or shot out windows are usually a cordial invitation to leave.

  4. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Field I am sorry but I have to agree with the 1st comment concerning the bus driver incident Being a woman does not give you license to treat someone in any manner that you chose. If she had pulled a gun and shot him her being a woman would not have made him a any less dead.

    In the News One article she was identified as a 25 year old woman, not a teenager. By that age you should know that you don't put your hands on someone else and not expect repercussions, man or woman.

    I do feel sorry for the driver who was driven to those actions. Being a public servent does not mean being a doormat.

  5. I was a bus driver, off and on, but mostly on, for almost forty years. I drove in Detroit, Indiana and San Francisco. I also drove tour buses over the road for several years. I know lots of bus drivers who've seen this video and none of them will defend the driver. Have I ever put my hands on a passenger to defend myself? Yes I have but the second you get out of the seat to pursue the matter you're in the wrong. More than once I have shut off the bus and walked away from a problem passenger to call for police assistance. I am not always a great fan of the police but police officers are trained to handle physical confrontations. Let them handle it. Bus drivers are not. The first rule of crazy people is Don't engage with them.

  6. Once she decided to spit on him and lay hands on him that was it. She bought the ticket and got to go on the ride.

    Everyone has the right to self-defense. Women can't hit men and then say don't hit me back because I'm a woman.

    She's lucky she didn't do that nonsense to a cop because she might have been tased or shot.

    People (men and women) need to learn to keep their hands to themselves. Life would be much easier.

  7. Love all the comments, but I am riding with the actual bus driver on this one.

    That woman was way put of line, but the moment the driver clocked her he was as well.

    Call the po po next time and have her ass arrested.

  8. Quote Some Brain Dead Moron From Yesterday's Post.

    "You know it's one thing to be an idealize and another to be a shamelessly arrogant moron. Are you seriously trying to say Ryan doesn't know much about budgets and isn't good at it?"

    Absolutely, yes.


    " In your defense of democrats and Obama..."

    I'm not a Democrat, so i am defending neither the Democrats or Obama.


    "... you are saying that RYAN would not know a properly worked out budget "and costed" (<-----know nothing speak - a budget contains expenditures and all costs.)"

    Ryan's plan did not contain all expenditures and costs, that is entirely the point I was making. It was a half-baked political diatribe dressed up as a responsible budget. Designed to fool dim-witted American journalist who are typically too stupid and too lazy to do their jobs properly, and the terminally clueless, i.e. people like you.

  9. Anonymous7:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "I'm not a Democrat, so i am defending neither the Democrats or Obama."

    GTFO with this lame escape clause. It doesn't work you is what you is. For years you have been telling your wife you give blow jobs, but that doesn't mean you are gay, yes it does Princess, yes it does.


    "... you are saying that RYAN would not know a properly worked out budget "and costed" (<-----know nothing speak - a budget contains expenditures and all costs.)"

    Ryan's plan did not contain all expenditures and costs, that is entirely the point I was making. It was a half-baked political diatribe dressed up as a responsible budget. Designed to fool dim-witted American journalist who are typically too stupid and too lazy to do their jobs properly, and the terminally clueless, i.e. people like you.

    One of the silliest things I have ever heard. A budget plan without "expenditures, debt, liabilities. I read the plan it certainly has those, otherwise how else would be known how much needed to be budgeted for, you phony fraud fake dimwitted clown.

    Perhaps you are reading the Powerpoint or adobe presentation overview and not the line item budget. FRAUD!!

    Obama is the one with a spending plan and who claims a speech is a budget to fool democrats just like You.

    Now, go read the plan and if you need help understanding how to read line item budgets without talking points spelled out for you... go ask someone who doesn't think you are a lying fraud.

  10. khia2138:02 AM

    I'm going to use the F-word here. Feminist. Women aren't different. They're fully functioning humans and if they want to be treated as respected humans, thet have to be respectful. This woman decided she wanted to play in a realm she wasn't going to win in. Her decision. She's free to make a stupid decision like anyone else, but there are consequences to bad choices. When she hit that driver, she apparently did not stop to consider that he was really going to go all Holyfield on her. Bad decision.
    I am in no way advocating that men beat on women, but when women hit men, they need to understand that being a girl at that point, is not a protection.
    In short, don't start no mess, won't be no mess.

  11. "One of the silliest things I have ever heard. A budget plan without "expenditures, debt, liabilities. I read the plan it certainly has those, otherwise how else would be known how much needed to be budgeted for, you phony fraud fake dimwitted clown."

    You sir, are a liar.

    Also an idiot.

    But mainly a liar, you clearly haven;t read the plan, otherwise you would know that Ryan is a charlatan, a cheap shyster.

    Just to start off, tell me about his zero growth projections for discretionary spending. With inflation and increasing population increase that means a 25% decrease in discretionary spending. Which is odd given that Romney/Ryan are committed not to cut the Defense budget.

    So how will this zero growth happen?

    Ryna "forgot" to detail this in his alleged 'budget'.

  12. When you have done that, perhaps you would like to explain the "loopholes" that Ryan wants to close to pay for his $4 - 5 Trillion tax cuts.

    It's important that we know what these loopholes are, because the biggest loopholes are very popular with the American electorate - mortgage interest/charitable donations/employer sponsored health insurance/state and local taxes - that sort of things.

    So which of these loopholes are going to be closed?

    You have "read" the budget so I am sure you will be able to tell us...

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    When it is understood that a man should not hit a woman, it should allow that NO WOMAN SHOULD HIT A MAN.

    Being a woman doesn't give one carte blanch to strike a man without repercussions. As Joe Biden would say, "folks use your common sense."

    I would not hit a woman because there is an expectation that a woman would not hit me. But when either a man or woman cross that line, all bets are just don't know another person well enough to assume he/she will take the high road in a heated moment.

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Miss 25 year old had the ignorance knocked out of her as she should have. No one should talk/yell at anyone in that manner. I'm sorry old dude lost his job, but I understand. A policeman would have put her in her grave in a nanosecond over much less. These days, the people existing in the "Greatest Country in the World", are INSANE to the MAX.

  15. Anonymous1:06 PM

    My thoughts are that it seems as the economy gets worse so does the frustration and anger on down the line, and the last and weakest ones st the bottom of the ladder are the women and children.

    We're seeing it here on the island also. There has been an increase in abuse,battery and homicide of women and children.

    I believe this woman was not in her sane mind at the moment. Either because of frustration and anger,alcohol, or drugs,or mental disorder.

    I also believe all who deal with the public are trained in how to deal with a mentally challenged person. The number one rule is that you certainly do not engage them the way he did. You try to joke and defuse,and call the proper persons to deal with it.

    A word to the wise, mentally ill people can become many, many times stronger than normal because of a huge adrenaline release that is part of and triggered by the condition.
    It is not a wise move on anybody's part to engage a mentally ill person. Although that was not the case with her.

    Last night I had nightmares with this video. Truth, nightmares....

    It's a widespread condition,worldwide.

  16. My sentiments exactly Desertflower!
    It's unfortunately, going to get worse. When the populace gets consistently out of control that usually precedes a devastating oppressive response by those who have the power and arsenal to retaliate with deadly force! John Q Public will also get a pass when they begin to engage in vigilante behavior and they won't have the skills, knowledge nor the empathy to find another way to deal with aberrant behaviors.

  17. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "One of the silliest things I have ever heard. A budget plan without "expenditures, debt, liabilities. I read the plan it certainly has those, otherwise how else would be known how much needed to be budgeted for, you phony fraud fake dimwitted clown."

    You sir, are a liar.

    Also an idiot.

    But mainly a liar, you clearly haven;t read the plan, otherwise you would know that Ryan is a charlatan, a cheap shyster.

    Just to start off, tell me about his zero growth projections for discretionary spending. With inflation and increasing population increase that means a 25% decrease in discretionary spending. Which is odd given that Romney/Ryan are committed not to cut the Defense budget.

    So how will this zero growth happen?

    Ryna "forgot" to detail this in his alleged 'budget'.

    HAHA - What a weak wordsmither you are. " I haven't read the plan otherwise I would not be disagreeing with you and agree that you say Ryan is a shyster"

    I said you were a fraud. Seeing this I understand why. Normally you would just be a fool, I mean not everyone is good with budgeting let alone a used car salesman who is poor at wordsmithing chap like yourself, however you are actually trying to pull off that YOU understand budgeting and actually quote the Krugman fallacy to try and make it so.

    Several Points for you:

    Socialized economics have been tried many, many times. It has each and every time failed miserably, in most large attempts it resulted in impoverished nations with a lot of dead people. This even when Socialist/Communists claimed they were Democrats in order to infiltrate the party, it still failed.

    Krugman like you is an idiot. Unless aliens invade the World as he hopes, the economics he discusses have and will never work.

    Discretionary spending is NOT part of entitlements, entitlements are mandatory and Paul Ryan's budget specifically said non-defense discretionary spending - do you understand the distinction now? I know you are bright enough to know they are separate, yet you lump them together as if they are not, then claim you read Ryan's budget yourself, yet failed to notice this prominent qualifying statement?

    Which leads me to the Krugman point you plagiarized. Ryan isn't radically slashing discretionary spending, just bringing it back to 2008. Which again by quoting Krugman you have proved you did not read or understand the budget because as with any budget you would need to know the origin data points before you reflect on any percentile changes - wouldn't you?

    Ryan simply reduces non defense discretionary spending to 2008 levels and yes looks to reduce the ridiculous fat and pork currently eaten up by the government. In my mind it doesn't go far enough, hardly. I don't need someone interfering in every step of the economy, destroying it and wasting money to buy votes. Surely someone like you is aware of all the waste and corruption of U.S tax funds being that you try to keep yourself abreast of foreign policies and budgets.

    Sure Krugman makes his, your point - defensible against being called an out and out liar, nevertheless he is a fraud. What he didn't say
    is that mandatory spending has grown at about six times that of discretionary spending over the past 20 years.

    Now if you don't understand that, talking anymore to you about finance would be like clapping with one hand, or rather in your case pissing into a fan.

  18. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    When you have done that, perhaps you would like to explain the "loopholes" that Ryan wants to close to pay for his $4 - 5 Trillion tax cuts.

    It's important that we know what these loopholes are, because the biggest loopholes are very popular with the American electorate - mortgage interest/charitable donations/employer sponsored health insurance/state and local taxes - that sort of things.

    So which of these loopholes are going to be closed?

    You have "read" the budget so I am sure you will be able to tell us...

    You really are a sniveling idiot savant, sans the savant part.

    State/Local taxes aren't loopholes and or part of the federal budget..oh whats the use, it's like you grab terms and not knowing what they mean are trying to force them to apply.

    I tell you what, why don't you tell me where YOU came up with the 4-5 trillion tax cut number, then I can break down what you have.

    Then you can tell me where anyone ever said the specifics for Mitt Romneys plan were ever in the plan for prosperity budget Ryan put out years ago.

    I mean a financial genius like you surely isn't going to spout democratic talking points as testament to his actually reading and understanding a budget now is he?

    Having pity on you I will tell you that Obama and your claim of 5 Trillion or 4-5 Trillion whichever other looseness you would like to pivot from has been

    Now most importantly it isn't fair for you to make all the demands. Akin to a child demanding daddy detail why they just can't buy every toy in the store and then saying well if you take all of mommy and johnnies money they may get for the next 20 years, then I can have the toy.

    How about you share your plan, the side you are arguing for. Last I heard spending was planned to add another 1.2 trillion in debt next year. Is that planned? Whats the detail? How are the economics you support going to stop this as we know the US can no longer borrow and is now printing money and living off it's devaluation and all stimulus have failed.

  19. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Why is Obama who heads a 4 year deficit due to spending having a million dollar debate camp at a luxury gold resort in Williamsburg, Virginia/Kingsmill.

    Why not in the luxurious white house conference rooms or another site that is owned and operated by the government that we already owe for?

    One can only wonder how many multiple millions of dollars it is costing you and I to prep Obama for this debate in the run-up to an election that he wants to win in order to get back into office so that he can waste our money all over again for another four years.

    Let's just hope he's able to find the time to fit in a round or two of golf.

    The Political Commentator (

  20. Anonymous4:27 PM

    She was not a teenager. At least get the facts correct. She was 25-years old. I ride public transportation often and this kind of blind out of control behavior is not uncommon. It's true he should not have hit her. He should have called whatever police services or security they have and pulled the bus over until they arrived. But I absolutely understand why he did it. Transit operators are subjected to this all day long. Maybe he was having a really bad day or maybe she was his last straw. The fact that she wanted to continue fighting after literally getting thrown off the bus showed that she learned nothing from this and will probably engage in the same kind of stupid behavior. The woman struck him first. The bus driver was wrong to strike back. And she got exactly what she deserved. He is probably going to be fired and she will walk away with a few hundred thousand dollars. Eventually she is going to cross the wrong person who is going to kill her.

  21. Anonymous6:13 PM

    can she sue even if she was trespassing on the bus?

  22. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Desertflower, "I believe this woman was not in her sane mind at the moment. Either because of frustration and anger,alcohol, or drugs,or mental disorder."

    I believe she is TNB, angry at one's position in life, which is being Black in America. Both the 25 year old and the bus driver acted on this invisible truth, waiting to explode on 'someone'.

    It is what the underlying cause of being part of a depressed fearful race on the brink of hopelessness.

    Of course, many Negroes are ashamed to admit the truth. It is because of this denial that suppressed anger decays into out-of-control rage, which was demonstrated in that video.

    It's very depressing to my folks in so much pain. Yet, NO ONE is talking about it, which, of course, only makes matters worse.

    I had hoped we would feel better about ourselves with Obama as President. Instead, we feel worse. We know 'why' but Negroes are unable to admit that our positions under the Obama Administration is the worst its been in American History. I am aftraid that what was seen in that video is only the tip of the "Black" iceberg....damn depressing

    depressed Negro

  23. My anonymous friend, I note that for all your bluff and bluster, and faux outrage you have not actually answered a single point I raised. So I will ask both questions again.

    1. Ryan's plan effectively cuts discretionary spending by 25%. How is he planning to do that?

    2. What are the alleged "loopholes" that he intends to close?

    If these questions are not answered Ryan's "budget" is actually no such thing.

    You say..

    "Discretionary spending is NOT part of entitlements, entitlements are mandatory and Paul Ryan's budget specifically said non-defense discretionary spending - do you understand the distinction now?"

    Yes I understand the distinction, I suspect you do not. Defense spending amounts to more than half of all discretionary spending. If that 50% is not going to be touched, then all other discretionary spending needs to be halved to make Ryan's budget work.

    That would be the 50% that consists of education and training, social services, veterans benefits, transport, health research, public health and the administration of justice.

    So which of those needs to be binned? Justice? Health? Support for Vets?

    The American people deserve an answer to those questions, questions you (just as Ryan himself) appear to be incapable of answering.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Just my .00002 grand, but I'd say both of those supposed adults showed their ass to the world, but like the Field Negro said there's no excuse. We all know that there's damm little that all but .001% of the female population can do against the superior upper body strength of men, so every man out there also knows that when you go off on a woman who attacks you, you're not defending yourself, you're revenging yourself. That makes you a bigger pussy than a popsuckit racist troll who invades progressive blogs to skip paying someone to pay attention to him.

  26. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Whitey, what do you recommend the bus driver should have done when the bitch spit and hit the driver? Beg and plead with her abusive ass?

    FYI: Some women are just as strong, if not stronger than some men. Obviously she thought she could whip his ass and was surprised. That 25 year old woman was/is an abusive violent woman who was doing abuse to the bus driver. Who among us could contain ourselves in that situation? I would have knocked her wretched ass out....and THEN call the police.

    Everybody knows that when you step into the world, the world teaches you what to do and what not to do. Hopefully that moronic ugly mean-spirited BITCH(she is not a woman) will have learned a great lesson.

    And IF she didn't get it the first time which a lot dumb Negroes like her don't, well, the world keeps handing us the same experience except that each time the experience gets rachetted up a little more-- until you DO get it.

  27. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    My anonymous friend, I note that for all your bluff and bluster, and faux outrage you have not actually answered a single point I raised. So I will ask both questions again.

    1. Ryan's plan effectively cuts discretionary spending by 25%. How is he planning to do that?

    You really are a fraud. You don't even understand the comments you have painstakingly copied from Krugman.

    Once again YOU said he was cutting discretionary spending by 25%. HE DID not. Why did you say this? Let me remind you Senor Wordsmith Liberal.

    "Just to start off, tell me about his zero growth projections for discretionary spending. With inflation and increasing population increase that means a 25% decrease in discretionary spending. Which is odd given that Romney/Ryan are committed not to cut the Defense budget."

    Enough of your lies. Go read a book that may enlighten you:

  28. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Just my .00002 grand, but I'd say both of those supposed adults showed their ass to the world, but like the Field Negro said there's no excuse. We all know that there's damm little that all but .001% of the female population can do against the superior upper body strength of men, so every man out there also knows that when you go off on a woman who attacks you, you're not defending yourself, you're revenging yourself. That makes you a bigger pussy than a popsuckit racist troll who invades progressive blogs to skip paying someone to pay attention to him.

    Typical pussy liberal. Never had a fight in his life but he is just certain that the way to rid the U.S of it's enemies is to lick their boots and then they will just love us? Ask yourself this Whitewash - when all those guys were kicking your ass and treating you like the P.O.S that you are, did they ever stop because you wore diapers? Nope, this made them hit even harder.

    Heres hoping a couple of sheboons corner you in your wheelchair on the bus and beat the shit out of you. No doubt you are easy prey.

    When you have standards and morals then chivalry applies. It is never good to hit women, when they are women. When they change the social agreement and become violent angry nasty vile cursing screaming scratching spitting hitting things - those aren't women. Those are female thugs and they have changed the social agreement. They have become dangerous and harmful and if they attack they should be put down.

  29. Anonomous asked:

    "Whitey, what do you recommend the bus driver should have done when the bitch spit and hit the driver?"

    That's simple: pull over and find/call a cop, or even have your dispatch call a cop for you, and refrain from slithering down to her level. I've been on city busses when trouble broke out a few times and that's exactly what the drivers did every time.


    FYI: Some women are just as strong, if not stronger than some men.


    Yup, about .001% of the adult female population; none of whom were on that bus.

  30. Anonymous9:43 PM

    FYI: Some women are just as strong, if not stronger than some men.


    Yup, about .001% of the adult female population; none of whom were on that bus.

    9:19 PM
    Nope. It's more like 10-20%. Hell, even the military will attest to that. Lawyers don't know a hell of alot about black women do they? Most black women outweigh their partners or husbands by 50-100lbs. I know, I see them everyday.

    You and Field are way off when it comes to the strength and weight of black women. But I will agree when it comes to ww. They are far more weaker than their male counterpart and far less angry and violent....far less ignorant too.

  31. Anonymous2:26 AM

    The "Curse" of Ham and the use of"Curse" words..

    Maladjusted -; poorly adjusted to demands & stresses of daily living;..

    In the contex of White Amerikkkan domination there is no innocent Blah male, just blah male criminals who have not yet been detected, apprehended or convicted..

    "The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions"

    For that bus driver to make a clinched fist to hit this female with an AWWWYUUKEN is a deep psychological process created by the social enviroment..
    But I must say that was CooOOld BlooOOded.. I hope something was imprinted on that black head... UNNIiiTTY....LMAO

    PEACE to the field

  32. He didn't have to upper-cut her Mortal Combat style, but he had every right to defend himself.

    A woman hitting a man is VIOLENCE. A woman has no RIGHT to hit a man and expect that he will restrain himself and view her as a less feeble being.

    VIOLENCE is wrong. People need to stop giving women a license to be violent because they are "weaker". There should be a ZERO tolerance against violence that is gender neutral. Men should restrain themselves because of their character, but not because women are weaker beings who are not cable of abuse or violence. A black eye is a black eye. The first to hit should be the first to go to jail (mandatory) be it male on male, female on male, female on female, male on female, or transgender on male or female. Those that follow with unnecessary force need to go to jail, too.

    I think it's sexist to assume violence doesn't affect men because of their size, in this world of sensitive souls and Amazon women, it's just not a fair assessment. I disagree that misogyny is the reason why people condone the bus driver's behavior. People are tired of unsolicited violence from both men and women.
