Thursday, October 18, 2012

Binders full of blunders.

Just like my man Mitt Romney, I had a "binder full of women" back in the day. Now, fortunately, my binder only has one woman. Unlike Mitt, however, I am telling the truth about my binder. Mitt seemed to have been exaggerating- just a little- about his.

We joke about it, but Mitt's "binder full of women" is troubling on a lot of levels. Consider the following from a Yahoo News contributor:

"..Instead, Romney gave an answer that could hardly have been worse had he let me write it for him. First, he told a story about assembling his cabinet as Massachusetts Governor that underscored his complete ignorance of the subject. In 2002, at the age of 55, Mitt Romney just got around to noticing that women were underrepresented in positions of power. “…I had the chance to pull together a cabinet and all the applicants seemed to be men,” he noted, quizzically."

I am not surprised; this is the same Mitt Romney who didn't realize that blacks were his equal until 1978.

This all fits a troubling pattern: An obvious disdain for the feminine gender. (Mitt's line about women getting home in time to cook dinner was downright scary.)The racist food stamp dog whistles, the knuckle dragging sycophants around the campaign, and the obvious cluelessness when it comes to connecting to real people. (Washing already clean dishes at a soup kitchen? Are you serious?)

Finally, I know that we are all having fun with Mitt's "binder full of women" moment, but a couple of things came out of that debate that troubled me even more:

1. Mitt's linking gun violence to single mothers.

"It was a strange answer Romney gave, in a portion of the debate during which I must have tuned out while writing something for the site. In response to a question about limiting the availability of assault weapons, Romney veered off into strange ground. “We need moms and dads, helping to raise kids. Wherever possible the — the benefit of having two parents in the home, and that’s not always possible. A lot of great single moms, single dads. But gosh to tell our kids that before they have babies, they ought to think about getting married to someone, that’s a great idea.” 

Ok, the poverty and crime connection; I get it. But single mothers and assault weapons? Mitt, that's one hell of of a stretch

2. And then there is Tagg Romney wanting to jump out of his seat and "take a swing" at his Oness. My man said he didn't like the president calling out his father. (So you resort to violence, Tagg?)

Can you imagine if the president had a son and he made a comment like that? The polls would be heading south for O twice as fast as they are now.

Nobody in America wants to hear a black man talk about doing violence, even in jest.     

*Pic courtesy of



  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "I am not surprised; this is the same Mitt Romney who didn't realize that blacks were his equal until 1978."

    Where do you get your information about Romney, Wal Mart? You are a bigger liar than what you purport Romney is.

    You really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    In the end on November 6, 2012 Romney will be our next President. Count on it my brothers and sisters. It is Romney's Destiny and it shall be done. Amen.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    This is funny. Is this the onion now? Binders over Benghazi? Mormonism over Barack Obamas no God before Allah I am a not a Muslim ring - HAHAHAHAHA.

    Big Bird and Binders.......I am Barack Obama and I approve these messages...candy need your help...Dead amerians...bumps in the road, not optimum...must fix...must fix....

  4. This topic is really dry sorta like old toasted bread thats been sitting out for a while.

    Why dont you post a new Field Negro for today ? Someone who is REALLY bucking the system.....Check out what NJWeedman accomplished today.

  5. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Trayvon Romney has a nice ring to it.......the entitled seeing it slip away are growing angrier and angrier. He wouldn't make it past Michelle, never mind the Secret Service......


  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trayvon Romney has a nice ring to it.......the entitled seeing it slip away are growing angrier and angrier. He wouldn't make it past Michelle, never mind the Secret Service......


    why he want to make it past Michelle? She enough woman for any man or two or three or four

    bad day today i dropped a hotdog walking in the hallway then lost the sucker damn that hallway is bigt

  7. Not Anonymous10:46 PM

    You fucking racist pussies wouldn't dare say the shit you say here to any Black person's face. You all know it, so why don't you stop fronting with the tough guy shit.
    You would scurry away with your tail between your legs you pale ass bitch

  8. Not Anonymous10:49 PM

    And why do you keep passing jokes about a dead child, you knuckledragging slackjaw sloth, What if someone made jokes about that bitch your mother?

  9. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Anonymous Not Anonymous said...

    You fucking racist pussies wouldn't dare say the shit you say here to any Black person's face. You all know it, so why don't you stop fronting with the tough guy shit.
    You would scurry away with your tail between your legs you pale ass bitch

    aint black face racist?

  10. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Not Anonymous said...

    And why do you keep passing jokes about a dead child, you knuckledragging slackjaw sloth, What if someone made jokes about that bitch your mother?

    cause he already passed all the gas?
    aint bitch a dog? careful don't say dog obama might here n get hungry

  11. Well this is the best the GOP can do and that should make us all shutter. A major political party chooses as their nominee a secretive out of touch old rich guy but in the end who else could they have chosen? Michele Bachmann? Ricky Santorum? Herman Cain? This should concern all of us.

  12. GOP voter suppression is full bloom. The Republicon secretary of state in Ohio is cutting the hours for early voting. Just sickening. Disenfranchising citizens. Who TF can vote on a weekday from 8am to 2pm? Blatant suppression.

  13. Anonymous11:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    GOP voter suppression is full bloom. The Republicon secretary of state in Ohio is cutting the hours for early voting. Just sickening. Disenfranchising citizens. Who TF can vote on a weekday from 8am to 2pm? Blatant suppression.

    If the same rules apply to everyone, why do you feel that is that suppression? You know the hours, you plan, make sure you are legally eligible to vote, bring your ID to show it's you, show up vote just for you and no one else and bam your done. Why is this so hard?

  14. I'm sure young Trog was only.... what the man's in his 40s? You mean a grown ass man with teenage kids of his own said that shit? That wasn't any accident. His dad had just went out of his way to disrespect the POTUS; he was playing to plan. His base pretty much all not-so-secretly want to smack the prez upside his head, and him verbalizing it plays well with them.

    Anyway, white people are allowed to kid about violence. Blacks aren't. Brought to you by white privilege 2012.

  15. Wow, your trolls are special. They know Democrats vote early in greater numbers than Repubs and 8-2 on a workday is highly inconvenient but they play dumb. Gee and it just so happens to be a swing state. Sick.

  16. Let's break down the game. 1. Dems vote early in greater numbers. 2. Barack won Ohio last election when early voting had longer hours. 3. Play dumb when the obvious attempts at suppression are brought to light.

    Well at least the attempt to end all early voting was struck down by the SC. These guys are way too obvious.

  17. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Wow, your trolls are special. They know Democrats vote early in greater numbers than Repubs and 8-2 on a workday is highly inconvenient but they play dumb. Gee and it just so happens to be a swing state. Sick.

    Let me focus you and re-phrase the question. Dems tended to vote early last election. So.

    The early voting included the weekend with the 8-2 for Monday , but this inconvenience is for all. How does an inconvenience for all turn into democratic inconvenience which turns into Black voter suppression?

    What is so hard with all playing by the same rules. Aside from your theatrics, what is the real issue?

    Everyone works or not in equal percentages, every needs to make arrangements. So what is the issue?

  18. Anonymous11:52 PM

    "I am not surprised; this is the same Mitt Romney who didn't realize that blacks were his equal until 1978."

    Well, Mitt doesn't have a thing on Obama when it comes to looking down on Blacks. Obama is the King when it comes to insulting and ignoring Blacks.

    I wonder why Field doesn't own up to this? I'll answer for him: "It's too painful to face the truth. Blacks don't want to know nothin' from nothin'".

    It's effing depressing.

    depressed Negro

  19. Anonymous11:58 PM

    PilotX, by now you have GOT to know that there won't be enough Dems getting up off of their couches to go vote.

    You probably don't know this because it requires knowing a little history. But it's the Republicans who go to the polls in greater numbers to vote for their candidate.


  20. Republicon operative arrested in Virginia destroying Democratic registrations and Joe Walsh saying "job creators" should threaten their employees into voting for Mittens. If conservative ideas are so great why all the dirty tricks? Also, I understand why white males don't get why certain groups take voter suppression so seriously. Blissful ignorance.

  21. Anonymous12:18 AM

    The Romney son who immediately wanted to do violence to the AfAm who had the gall/uppitiness/Facts to question his Daddy should be worrisome.
    What does this adult man do when his spouse declines to genuflect? Or the children to obey implicitly his lordly instructions?

    Must be tough to be a faux-aristocrat watching your Daddy get his glutes handed to him by a -gasp- 'blah' person. It makes it quite clear who the superior is.


  22. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Republicon operative arrested in Virginia destroying Democratic registrations and Joe Walsh saying "job creators" should threaten their employees into voting for Mittens. If conservative ideas are so great why all the dirty tricks? Also, I understand why white males don't get why certain groups take voter suppression so seriously. Blissful ignorance.

    So I take my question on what the problem was for all to play by the same rules left you empty. I see. So there is no issue or at least not one you could put your finger on, but your still angry enough to say someone suggesting equality is "sick"

  23. Yeah Mold, and I thought Mormons were peaceful. You didn't see the Osmonds threatening the Jackson 5 when they were kicking their asses in record sales. My how color arousal affects people.

  24. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Republicon operative arrested in Virginia destroying Democratic registrations and Joe Walsh saying "job creators" should threaten their employees into voting for Mittens. If conservative ideas are so great why all the dirty tricks? Also, I understand why white males don't get why certain groups take voter suppression so seriously. Blissful ignorance.

    Actually if you read the letters the CEOS said they would never tell the employees what to do and they were telling them they were perfectly secure but they were telling them what they would do as owners of the company and why. Truth is only tricky and dirty to people with something to hide.

    It is a fact, if Obama is re-elected many companies will furlough employees and the economy will sink even further with continuation of his policies. Should they hide this?

  25. Anonymous12:34 AM

    PilotX said, " Also, I understand why white males don't get why certain groups take voter suppression so seriously. Blissful ignorance."

    No you don't get it! You are NOT White so a Negro like you from Chicago will NEVER get it. FYI: Whites don't encounter voter suppression or many other things that Blacks do.

    Hence, Whites can't relate because they have never experienced it. Just like YOU have never and will never, experience what it is like to be White.

    So you need to STFU as if you know what it is to be White....YOU don't.

  26. Anonymous12:39 AM

    PilotX said...

    Yeah Mold, and I thought Mormons were peaceful. You didn't see the Osmonds threatening the Jackson 5 when they were kicking their asses in record sales. My how color arousal affects people.

    Does Obama make Jesus juice and have kiddie sleepovers too?
    Where do you come up with this stuff?

  27. Hey let's make a plan to make voting more convenient on a work day. Let's see, many folks work 9-5 which means they usually get up around 7:30 and leave the house for work somwhere between 8 and 8:30. They may have an hour for lunch and get off at 5. Here's a brilliant plan, let's make voting from 8 to 2 because we know that will help all the 9 to 5ers who won't be deterred by long lines.

    Republicons are just slimy.

  28. Quote some brain-dead moron yesterday

    "Yet another shining example of the evil incompetence of Socialism."

    You do realize that this policy has been introduced by our Conservative government don't you?

  29. "GOP voter suppression is full bloom. The Republicon secretary of state in Ohio is cutting the hours for early voting. Just sickening. Disenfranchising citizens. Who TF can vote on a weekday from 8am to 2pm? Blatant suppression."

    Maybe Negroes need to riot after all.

    BTW, I love NJWeedman.

    "It is a fact, if Obama is re-elected many companies will furlough employees and the economy will sink even further with continuation of his policies. Should they hide this?"

    I think the Govt. should just take them.

  30. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote some brain-dead moron yesterday

    "Yet another shining example of the evil incompetence of Socialism."

    You do realize that this policy has been introduced by our Conservative government don't you?

    Sigh - you are confusing treatment with the cancer, but that is understandable given the state of the NHS. NHS isn't very good with cancer patients as we know, especially breast cancer, so I recommend you fly to the U.S if you find a lump in one of your three breasts.

    Where would the NHS be without U.S prescription drugs, medical devices, medical innovations, healthcare breakthroughs. Why they would still be a broke failing system that provides free healthcare to all, but what a shit sandwich that "free" has been.

    Now even that shit sandwich and subpar healthcare is falling apart. Isn't one trust going bankrupt with six more in jeopardy? My, My, Socialism run by closet commies - always fails, especially as Maggie said - when you run out of other peoples money and the socialistic system of government rears its wasteful, incompetent, unproductive and corrupt, job corps for the low skilled, ugly heads - but you know she only said the money part...I just added the rest to screw with you.

    Condolences on Fidel having a stroke, comrade. Please don't let it trouble you too much. Maybe you can swing by and attend his services while having your breasts checked and augmented in the U.S.

  31. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I couldn't even believe it when he actually said "binders full of women" I physically cringed, something I don't often do, and I think my mouth fell open.

    I mean, the guy is just all kinds of wrong, no two ways about it.

    Obama was a knockout in every sense of the word, but then he always is.

    On the issue of insufficient Libyan Embassy security. I thought he evaded the answer because he was being chivalrous and protecting Mrs.Clinton whose responsibility it was.

    The beginning of the debate was chock full of too much deficit and trillion dollar gobbledygook.

    I think we want to hear more bread and butter issues like why are there no jobs and all we see are dollar stores popping up everywhere?

  32. Big Bird9:06 AM

    Yesterday, that no-flying moron Pile of X said:

    "PilotX said...
    Green jobs are real. We need new and innovative energy ideas and new power grids. That could mean many jobs."

    Yeah, they "real" allright. Really good at going bakrupt, on the taxpayer's dime. That just does WONDERS for the economy. Be sure to read the entire article, and open the link at the end of it, which details a list of Pile of X's REAL jobs:

  33. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "PilotX said...
    Green jobs are real. We need new and innovative energy ideas and new power grids. That could mean many jobs."

    Yeah, they "real" allright. Really good at going bakrupt, on the taxpayer's dime. That just does WONDERS for the economy. Be sure to read the entire article, and open the link at the end of it, which details a list of Pile of X's REAL jobs:

    I read somewhere the only real green jobs have been for bankruptcy lawyers, sounds about right. What is amazing is how all of the executives cash out giving themselves huge bonuses before they declare bankruptcy, grease the democrats palms and take off. Then when court proceedings are done, taxpayers get nothing back out of the bankruptcy and Obama gets more democratic donations.

    Another redistribution scam for Obama cronies.

  34. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The beginning of the debate was chock full of too much deficit and trillion dollar gobbledygook.

    I think we want to hear more bread and butter issues like why are there no jobs and all we see are dollar stores popping up everywhere?

    They are fatally related.

  35. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Someone pointed out that the last two mass shootings were by men who came from two-parent homes. So much for even anecdotal connections...

    Bill Clinton on Romney: "He thinks we're dumb."

    And the S.O.B. didn't answer the quesstion. As usual.


  36. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Mr President,
    What did you know and when did you know it?

    Hillary says she approved the requested security for Benghazi and it was sent on. She works for you, this means you denied it. Why?

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington within 24 hours of last month's deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press.

  37. And some of these two parent homes are abusive. I believe the Columbine shooters came from stable two parent households. You're on to something Bozo.

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson10:51 AM

    It's refreshing to see someone not afraid to speak the truth:

  39. Anonymous10:56 AM

    PilotX said...

    And some of these two parent homes are abusive. I believe the Columbine shooters came from stable two parent households. You're on to something Bozo.

    On something is more like it

  40. Anonymous11:04 AM



    hobama stole 23 trillion from poor people and gave it to his bankster pals
    hobama lied about jobs/homes etc

    hobama has joked about hjs own lies regarding shovel ready jobs...yes???

    which lies are worse???

    bamboozling blunders trump binders!!!!



  41. Anonymous11:07 AM

    hobama has cruelly joked about his own lies regarding shovel ready jobs...yes???


  42. Pig Ear Sammich11:20 AM

    "AB said...
    hobama has cruelly joked about his own lies regarding shovel ready jobs...yes???


    11:07 AM"

    Now, that's not really true, AB. Pile of Excrement OBVIOUSLY got one of those jobs. He's here on this blog shovelling his shit all day, everyday. (Makes you wonder when he flies, huh?)

  43. Anonymous11:26 AM

    trifling swine trolls:

    since u are illiterate sheeple

    got video???

    see hobama cruelly joke about his shovel ready lies here:

  44. Anonymous11:31 AM

    hobama is a peace prized war prez who has dogged his most loyal black sheeple

    hobama has LIED about everything as he blamed his peer repubs/gwb for all that he has WORSENED globally since 2008!!!

    hobama has met latino and gay agendas
    as he has bragged about NEVER having a black agenda\
    as he has ignored black "mongrels" chanting
    "i am not your prez...but vote for me asap"

    and u hobama nazi fools have just begun to lament/notice LIES because of mitt?????????

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Anonymous11:35 AM

    see that bold lying foolish evil bastard hobama also joke about his fatal fiasco in libya


  46. Anonymous11:54 AM

    shovel this to hobama nazis who are LATE on lies asap!!!!

    The watchword of Obama's attempt to revitalize American infrastructure is "shovel-ready" - meaning, projects will be funded that have already been approved by the political powers-that-be in the various states. Almost by definition, shovel-ready projects are those that states would do anyway, if they had the money. Thus, the $100 billion allocated for infrastructure in the House version of the economic stimulus measure will not fund any grand plan to remake America; rather, it will finance a hodgepodge of projects of varying merit that have been sanctioned by the dominant political factions in the 50 states. Mississippi will be enabled to do more of what Mississippi always does. The same thing with Ohio, Utah, and all the rest.

    Shovel-ready means, $100 billion later, the social, economic and political relationships that existed before the stimulus will remain in place. The same favored contractors that have always hogged state construction dollars, will be treated to a feast. The same racial imbalances in employment and contracting that existed before the stimulus, will prevail afterwards.

    The shovel-ready approach is necessary, we are told, because that's the only way to create lots of jobs in a hurry. That's not necessarily so. The truth is, the Obama administration has chosen the easiest route to spend lots of money quickly in ways that please the political actors that are in power at the local level.

  47. investment madness of blacks12:09 PM

    Obama's investment record makes Bernie Madoff look like Warren Buffett.

    President Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures

    Ashe Schow
    October 18, 2012

    It is no secret that President Obama’s and green-energy supporters’ (from both parties) foray into venture capitalism has not gone well.

    But the extent of its failure has been largely ignored by the press.

    Sure, single instances garner attention as they happen, but they ignore past failures in order to make it seem like a rare case.

    The truth is that the problem is widespread. The government’s picking winners and losers in the energy market has cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and the rate of failure, cronyism, and corruption at the companies receiving the subsidies is substantial.

    The fact that some companies are not under financial duress does not make the policy a success. It simply means that our taxpayer dollars subsidized companies that would’ve found the financial support in the private market.

    So far, 36 companies that have received federal support from taxpayers are faltering — either having gone bankrupt or laying off workers or heading for bankruptcy.

    This list includes only those companies that received federal money from the Obama Administration’s Department of Energy and other agencies. The amount of money indicated does not reflect how much was actually received or spent but how much was offered.

    The amount also does not include other state, local, and federal tax credits and subsidies, which push the amount of money these companies have received from taxpayers even higher.

    The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:

    1.Evergreen Solar ($24 million)*
    2.SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
    3.Solyndra ($535 million)*
    4.Beacon Power ($69 million)*
    5.AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy ($17.1 million)
    6.Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
    7.SunPower ($1.5 billion)
    8.First Solar ($1.46 billion)
    9.Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
    10.EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
    11.Amonix ($5.9 million)
    12.National Renewable Energy Lab ($200 million)
    13.Fisker Automotive ($528 million)
    14.Abound Solar ($374 million)*
    15.A123 Systems ($279 million)*
    16.Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($6 million)
    17.Johnson Controls ($299 million)
    18.Schneider Electric ($86 million)
    19.Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
    20.ECOtality ($126.2 million)
    21.Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
    22.Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
    23.Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
    24.Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
    25.Range Fuels ($80 million)*
    26.Thompson River Power ($6.4 million)*
    27.Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
    28.LSP Energy ($2.1 billion)*
    29.UniSolar ($100 million)*
    30.Azure Dynamics ($120 million)*
    31.GreenVolts ($500,000)
    32.Vestas ($50 million)
    33.LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($150 million)
    34.Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
    35.Navistar ($10 million)
    36.Satcon ($3 million)*
    *Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy.

    The problem begins with the issue of government picking winners and losers in the first place. Venture capitalist firms exist for this very reason, and they choose what to invest in by looking at companies’ business models and deciding if they are worthy. When the government plays venture capitalist, it tends to reward companies that are connected to the policymakers themselves or because it sounds nice to “invest” in green energy.

    The 2009 stimulus set aside $80 billion to subsidize politically preferred energy projects.

    Since that time, 1,900 investigations have been opened to look into stimulus waste, fraud, and abuse (although not all are linked to the green-energy funds), and nearly 600 convictions have been made.

    Of that $80 billion in clean energy loans, grants, and tax credits, at least 10 percent has gone to companies that have since either gone bankrupt or are circling the drain.

  48. down's syndrome12:21 PM

    piles of X-hemorrhoids said:

    And some of these two parent homes are abusive. I believe the Columbine shooters came from stable two parent households.

    Usually, piles of X plays the race card.

    Today he switched to the dumb card.

  49. good enough for government work12:35 PM

    field goes wild showing his ignorance of economics and finance:

    "It is a fact, if Obama is re-elected many companies will furlough employees and the economy will sink even further with continuation of his policies. Should they hide this?"

    I think the Govt. should just take them.

    Oh. Brilliant. Hmmm. Let's see? UPS, FedEx, e-mail and the Post Office?

    Of the four, which three function best?

    Meanwhile, GM was given a huge gift by the Obama administration. The gift was allowing the company to get special treatment in bankruptcy that ultimately stuck the taxpayers with a huge and unnecessary bill.

    In the end, GM will once again weaken, and may well head into bankruptcy a second time. The ridiculous Chevy Volt will soon be cancelled.

    The big sellers at GM are pick-up trucks and SUVs. That's what the customers want most.

  50. I see the trailer park types must have run out of meth or gotten fired from McDonalds or both. Hard times in the park.

  51. George12:47 PM

    Where ya been Pile of Crap? Did you have to make a quick flight down to the corner store to grab you some Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Drink? Good thing you didn't run into any Mexicans on your return flight to the Section Eight housing.

  52. Anonymous1:25 PM

    "On the issue of insufficient Libyan Embassy security. I thought he evaded the answer because he was being chivalrous and protecting Mrs.Clinton whose responsibility it was.

    The beginning of the debate was chock full of too much deficit and trillion dollar gobbledygook.

    I think we want to hear more bread and butter issues like why are there no jobs and all we see are dollar stores popping up everywhere?"

    8:46 AM
    The buck stops with the President. He cannot hide behind Clinton on Libya. The President is responsible for all Americans abroad.

    There are no jobs and "won't" be under Obama. If you want jobs, vote for Romney. That's all he has talked about....JOBS. That is the bread and butter of America which people are hungry for.

  53. Anonymous1:42 PM


    we have been more jobless and homeless under hobama than any prez ever

    sane people willl vote for jobs and homes and vote for mitt

    racist fools will vote for free cell phones/ebt cards/tees/photos and vote for hobama


    hobama's beard michelle is begging women to vote for him

    she should have begged hobama not to slay and bomb women long ago
    then hobama might have EARNED those votes solo!

    go mitt!!!!!!!

    cc all the females who have been evicted and gentrified into homelessness via hobama


  54. Anonymous2:22 PM

    more on hobama's INCESSANT job stat LIES

    they are ONGOING ESCALATING MONTHLY lies that racist blind deaf hobama nazis will ONLY hear when mitt tells them


    so go mitt!!!!

    More than one million jobs have been created in the United States within the past six months.
    That's the good news.

    The downside is that more than half of these new jobs, or nearly 668,000, were created in the restaurant, retail, temporary service, social assistance and hospitality sectors. In other words, low-wage jobs, most without health benefits or paid sick leave.

    It's a frightening trend we discuss in the final chapter of our newly released book, The Rich & the Rest of Us. Every month since 2001, the United States has lost an average of 50,000 good-paying manufacturing jobs. Almost seven out of every ten of those lost jobs were in the construction, truck driving, warehouse or other blue-collar sectors.

    cc this to the working/homeless/living wage jobless/hungry poor!!!

  55. Quote: Some Moron upthread.

    "The buck stops with the President. He cannot hide behind Clinton on Libya. The President is responsible for all Americans abroad."

    So George W Bush is responsible for the TWELVE ATTACKS on US embassies during his Presidency right?

    More than under any other President ever.

    How about 9/11? Was Dubya responsible for those deaths too?

  56. How about the embassy attacks, ambassadors killed and hundreds of Marines killed during St. Raygun's watch. Then again to conservatives recessions and terrorism only happen to Dems.

  57. obama wanna study islam4:29 PM

    piles of X-crescence wrote:

    How about the embassy attacks, ambassadors killed and hundreds of Marines killed during St. Raygun's watch. Then again to conservatives recessions and terrorism only happen to Dems.

    Nice try dummy.

    The attack you're referring to was the FIRST suicide attack my muslims on a US installation. It was the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, and it happened in October of 1983 around 4 am when 241 Marines were sleeping and a truck making regular deliveries was allowed into the compound.

    After that one, we learned something about these muslim psychos.

    That attack was the first by Hezbollah, the dirtbags funded and armed by Iran, the country trying to build an atomic bomb that Obama feels Iran should have.

    Had we killed the leadership of Iran after they seized the US embassy in Tehran in 1979, most likely there would have been no Hezbollah, and therefore, no truck-bomb attack in Lebanon in 1983, and no atomic-bomb building today.

    With muslims, all you gotta do is wipe out a handful of leaders and the followers are in such disarray, they're not much of a threat.

  58. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote: Some Moron upthread.

    "The buck stops with the President. He cannot hide behind Clinton on Libya. The President is responsible for all Americans abroad."

    So George W Bush is responsible for the TWELVE ATTACKS on US embassies during his Presidency right?

    More than under any other President ever.

    How about 9/11? Was Dubya responsible for those deaths too?

    Totally and completely.

    Wanting the power and getting the power comes along with great and serious responsibility. Why in the world would you think anything different would be expected of Obama.

    It is not the event that defines a leader it is what he does or doesn't do about it that does.

    Obama simply lied and went on his merry way shirking all responsibilities and morality, finding a scapegoat and denying reality, ultimately fixing nothing and weakening the US.

    Your mindset is exactly what Obama was thinking...count the numbers don't call blatant terrorist attacks what they are such as Fort Hood, call them something utterly ridiculous like workplace violence. After all how can he convince the American people that they are safe because the world likes me and not because America is strong if it isn't true at all.

  59. milk cancer4:44 PM

    purple cow:

    As even a dummy like you knows, many of the attacks listed on the wiki page you cited occurred NEAR American diplomatic sites.

    Second, no one was killed. Amazingly. But that only shows you how incompetent muslims are.

    Meanwhile, none of attacks on your list occurred in war-torn countries rapidly falling under the control of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Moreover, there was no evidence the US sites were unguarded.

    And maybe, even a dummy like you can acknowledge that attacks by muslims during the Bush administration had some connection to our response to 9/11.

    It's standard procedure to post Marine guards at each embassy. But there were no Marine guards at the US embassy in Libya. Had they been there, the ambassador would most likely be alive today.

  60. "So George W Bush is responsible for the TWELVE ATTACKS on US embassies during his Presidency...
    How about 9/11? Was Dubya responsible for those deaths too?"

    Bush knew.

  61. Anonymous4:54 PM

    PilotX said...

    How about the embassy attacks, ambassadors killed and hundreds of Marines killed during St. Raygun's watch. Then again to conservatives recessions and terrorism only happen to Dems.

    This is what is wrong with democrats they need to have someone to worship and have illogical beliefs, then get stunned when reality intervenes.

    There will always be terrorist attacks no matter how much candy or money or kind words or appeasement you practice with Muslims. It is their religion after all. Obama proved that kissing them, bribing them, being self defeatist to them is nothing short of idiotic - they hate Obama worse than they did Bush and have absolutely no respect for him to boot. Obama thought as liberals do that the only reason Muslims kill and want to subjugate all non believers is because of America, they join Islam in hating the rest of America and are flabbergasted that they weren't embraced and were actually completely despised for the bootlicking cowardly stance.

    Bush said - “I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”

    Obama Said of Benghazi: While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

    He blamed free speech, he blamed the American. Not the murderers.

    He also said the murders were bumps in the road.

    Well the murdered seals mother doesn't think her sons murder was "optimal" either - He's is very dead. While Obama practiced the liberal religion, don't get it right the first time because it's hard, then spend huge amounts of time and energy deflecting and lying about the results.

  62. obama fears his own record4:55 PM

    piles of X and cow:

    It's obvious you know the incompetent semi-balck president of the US has fallen down on the job.

    However, inasmuch as you both embrace the failure that comes of black leadership, you're going to give this clown president all you can, even if you can't actually cast a vote for him.

    There's a reason there have been virtually no black CEOs of profit-making enterprises. Virtually none anywhere in the world.

    Only black thug leaders of countries taken by force or through political treachery. Zimbabwe comes to mind.

  63. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "So George W Bush is responsible for the TWELVE ATTACKS on US embassies during his Presidency...
    How about 9/11? Was Dubya responsible for those deaths too?"

    Bush knew.

    oh oh - Field Van Jones has arrived.

    Of course Bush was responsible, he was the president. He did something about it. He didn't blame America and lie.

    Imagine 4 years later your still blaming bush for Obamas incompetency and overall failure of lib policies.

  64. Anonymous5:05 PM

    yes gwb did kill americans on 9/11!!!

    ask dick c and donald r!!!


    osama told the very SAME lies about osama/his very own 9/11!!!

    but we are supposed to pretend that hobama's LIES are real and worthy of votes!!!

    what a gd shame!!!!!

    gulianni slipped and told the truth

  65. homicidal maniacs5:05 PM

    Regarding 9/11, field very likely believes:

    Bush knew.

    In fact, Bush knows that blacks commit at least 8,000 murders a year.

    He also knows that if the entire population of the US -- 320 million -- were black, then murders would jump to 64,000.

    However, if the US were all black, we know the murder total would go much higher because the economy would be very much like the economies of many African nations, which means there'd be near anarchy and chaos, and no effective policing.

    It's more likely the murder total would sail past 100,000.

    But if the proportions and percentages were like those in Mexico, then US murders would jump to 150,000.

    If we matched Colombia, the murder total would probably top 500,000.

  66. Anonymous5:09 PM

    more plutocrats partying as they play all

    did chris m have an orgasm???

    he is madly in love with hobama like droves of other male hobama girls

  67. Anonymous5:14 PM

    re: gwb 9/11

    only complete morons believe that 2 planes can melt 3 bldgs into 3 perfect circles


    only racist black fools believe osama was rushed to be buried at sea



    hobama is a ruthless amoral evil LYING war prez!

  68. Anonymous5:16 PM

    He Said Allahu Akbar-The Attack On Fort Hood

    It must have been workplace violence, don't offend the religious fanatic murderers.

  69. Anonymous5:23 PM

    kudos to the clairvoyant steve jobs!

    go mitt!!!

  70. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This video is hilarious watch Chris Matthews sitting behind Romney staring at Obama and drinking in his image. The guy is creepy crazy, you know he was recording images for his spank bank and getting some up close tingles.

  71. Anonymous5:24 PM


    mitt won both debates!!!

  72. Anonymous5:35 PM


    mike d
    proving yet again that he is slave for hobama/hobama tv


  73. Anonymous5:38 PM

    President Barack Obama this week clued Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in on the latest US intelligence input confirming that Iran will have enough enriched uranium for 4-6 bombs by March 2013

    You mean the policy of just saying something over and over doesn't make it true? Even when Liberally sprinkled with hope and change?

  74. Anonymous5:42 PM

    more proof that jjj is a pookie and a thief....shame!!!

  75. Anonymous5:44 PM

    cc this to the new lie hating hobama nazis

    hobama is a horrid liar!!!!!

  76. Anonymous5:46 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. Anonymous5:51 PM

    cc all new lie hating hobama nazis

    hobama is a LUDICROUS LIAR!!!!!

  78. "Of course Bush was responsible, he was the president. He did something about it. He didn't blame America and lie. "

    What, exactly, did he do? Get 4,000Americans and a countless number of Iraqi's killed? I need a break!

  79. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Of course Bush was responsible, he was the president. He did something about it. He didn't blame America and lie. "

    What, exactly, did he do? Get 4,000Americans and a countless number of Iraqi's killed? I need a break!

    If only the world was filled with absolutes and just by saying so Crazy Islam was as nice as you say. If only no one had to fight, work, sweat, suffer and everyone could just get along, wear flowers in their hair and have everything they ever wanted and needed for free with no effort.

    Maybe someday that Utopia will come to exist. Or maybe not.

    Maybe he should have apologized harder?

  80. Anony, 6:56

    Are you offering Obama the same peace terms you are offering Dubya?

  81. Just give it some time and these guys will worship Barack the same way they do St. Raygun. I notice they ignore the deaths and attacks on embassies and ambassadors that preceeded the Lebanon attack. In fact there were warnings that preceeded that specific attack and a similar strike but Ronnie kept the Marines unarmed. Brilliant strategy huh? And how did the big bad Rethug get the hostages out of Iran? Yep, sold them arms. They say Barack apologizes but Rethuglicons actually arm the "enemy" and then get airports named after them. Conservatives either have short memories or are just plain stupid. Maybe both.

  82. Barack is right, these guys suffer from Romnesia. Good thing pre-existing conditions are covered by Obamacare.
    BTW, why do the rethugs have a 10 year old running for senate. In Ohio?

  83. Anonymous7:18 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Anony, 6:56

    Are you offering Obama the same peace terms you are offering Dubya?

    Absolutely, I promise not to finger point at Obama and blame him for everything that might go wrong with issues he has created and others need to solve once he is out of office and strive for solutions rather than eternally looking backward and accomplishing nothing.

    I also promise to kick anyone out of the way who can't/won't/isn't getting things done and not protect them with excuses by again casting that ever present externalism.

    If Romney fails on an issue I promise not to make excuses and blame his skin color, lack of leadership for gaining support, and not assist in his dividing America as camouflage.

    Remember - Bush isn't the president. Has said nothing but good things about this presidency and conducted himself regally in doing so. Despite his many failings, Bush is not to blame for Obama, Obama is.

  84. Anonymous7:25 PM

    PilotX said...

    Barack is right, these guys suffer from Romnesia. Good thing pre-existing conditions are covered by Obamacare.
    BTW, why do the rethugs have a 10 year old running for senate. In Ohio?

    I know even you aren't this... shall we say unintelligent and prebusecent. Liberals are truly in a meltdown I see.

    Imagine your candidate, your president the one with worldly serious issues such as dead Americans, the economy is calling people names during the last days of his campaign. It's over.

    Always happens, reality eventually hits the bone.

  85. Anonymous7:27 PM

    PilotX said...

    Just give it some time and these guys will worship Barack the same way they do St. Raygun. I notice they ignore the deaths and attacks on embassies and ambassadors that preceeded the Lebanon attack. In fact there were warnings that preceeded that specific attack and a similar strike but Ronnie kept the Marines unarmed. Brilliant strategy huh? And how did the big bad Rethug get the hostages out of Iran? Yep, sold them arms. They say Barack apologizes but Rethuglicons actually arm the "enemy" and then get airports named after them. Conservatives either have short memories or are just plain stupid. Maybe both.

    Are you high right now? No seriously? Look I know you are melting down, but do yourself a favor and slow down and think. Obama is going away but you still have to live with who you make yourself.

  86. "As even a dummy like you knows, many of the attacks listed on the wiki page you cited occurred NEAR American diplomatic sites."

    Oh so that's ok then !


    "Second, no one was killed. Amazingly. But that only shows you how incompetent muslims are."

    So completely irrelevant to my point then.

    "Meanwhile, none of attacks on your list occurred in war-torn countries rapidly falling under the control of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood."

    Neither is Libya.

    "Moreover, there was no evidence the US sites were unguarded."

    Exactly my point...


    "And maybe, even a dummy like you can acknowledge that attacks by muslims during the Bush administration had some connection to our response to 9/11."

    Again, exactly my point.

    I"t's standard procedure to post Marine guards at each embassy. But there were no Marine guards at the US embassy in Libya. Had they been there, the ambassador would most likely be alive today."

    THERE ARE Marine guards at the US embassy in Libya, WHICH IS IN TRIPOLI.

    This attack took place at the US consulate in Ben Gazzi, which is protected by a private security force. This has been American policy for many years.

    The two civilians killed in the attack were former navy Seals employed by a private security firm.

    4:44 PM

  87. C'mon Cow, facts don't matter in conservoworld. If they can worship a man who got more Americans killed, had more embassies attacked and was basically a foreign policy failure then Barack should cruise into his second term and get a major airport named after him. Oh but he has to sell arms to Iran but that's just fine print.
    Google embassy attacks 1980-1984 just for grins and giggles.

  88. Be nice Cow, this imbecile couldn't possibly know the US Embassy is in Tripoli. You give conservatives way too much credit. Facts aren't their strongest attribute.

  89. Anonymous7:55 PM

    PilotX said...

    Be nice Cow, this imbecile couldn't possibly know the US Embassy is in Tripoli. You give conservatives way too much credit. Facts aren't their strongest attribute.

    I will leave it to the other poster to dissect cows meaningless usual wordsmithing defending the indefensible.

    But as for you my low wattage light bulb. What is your point overall? What are you trying to say? Are you scraping, scratching, digging, twisting to come up with facts to excuse Obama's abhorrent performance and behavior? Why? What is your ultimate goal? Acceptance? Get him a pass and say so what? Does that do it for you?


  90. Anonymous8:05 PM

    PilotX said...

    Just give it some time and these guys will worship Barack the same way they do St. Raygun. I notice they ignore the deaths and attacks on embassies and ambassadors that preceeded the Lebanon attack. In fact there were warnings that preceeded that specific attack and a similar strike but Ronnie kept the Marines unarmed. Brilliant strategy huh? And how did the big bad Rethug get the hostages out of Iran? Yep, sold them arms. They say Barack apologizes but Rethuglicons actually arm the "enemy" and then get airports named after them. Conservatives either have short memories or are just plain stupid. Maybe both.

    You are so right. Keith Ellison has already commissioned an airport to be built very close to the Benghazi site funded by U.S taxpayer dollars. Of course it will be called Barack Hussein Obama Airport, originally they were thinking of calling it Christopher Stevens, but of course the Muslim brotherhood who IS leading the Libyan ministries got offended by a christian named airport, so Obama apologized pre election loss and capitulated, this seeing as how he will not have anyone to answer to and have more flexibility.

    I understand they have a gargantuan statue planned of Obama and intend to make his wedding ring (the ring he has been wearing since college) larger than normal so everyone can read the Arabic inscription "there is no god before Allah" with a plaque stating - Obama Bringer of light to the western infidels.

    Sweet - are you pleased?

  91. your money is my money8:15 PM

    Hey purple cow:

    Libya IS a war-torn country. AND al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are in town, doing what they always do when millions of muslims are ripe for exploitation.

    As for your point? Who knows what it is, unless your goal is to excuse Obama for failing at every turn over the last four years.

    Obama likes to remind America that bin Laden was killed during his presidency. He repeats this useless factoid as though the killing of bin Laden was as momentous as the death of Hitler.

    You're backing a loser, and even if he's re-elected, he will remain a loser because his economic policies won't and don't work.

    Whereas, the goal of becoming energy-independent will go a long way toward restoring the economic vitality of the US -- without spending a dime of taxpayers' money.

    Obama is incapable of wrapping his mind around the concept of Capital Expenditures by private industry.

  92. I can't figure out if this racist hates blah people or the Mooslims more. The trailer park types have always been afraid of any religion that doesn't handle snakes.

  93. Anonymous8:31 PM

    PilotX said...

    I can't figure out if this racist hates blah people or the Mooslims more. The trailer park types have always been afraid of any religion that doesn't handle snakes.

    There are many things someone like you dies prior to ever being able to figure out.

    Liberalism 101 - when you are clueless pull out the race card and state the other guys facts are hate. Very telling you have no values of your own but you do hate someone else's. Just like Obama no plan, but he knows his opponents is bad.

    We both know who is afraid of Islam and who condones atrocities and sides against America under the guise of tolerance.

    As for snake handling - I'll not comment much on that. No doubt you handle as many snakes as you can get your hands on. I thought you called them tube-steaks or the veiny worms though?

  94. Ha! Accused of playing some kind of "race card" while they accuse all us blah people of being killers and all Mooslims of beingf incompetent killers. These conservatives live in such a bizarre world incomprehensible to a normal person. Oh well carry on grand wizard.

  95. No wonder these heads of knuckle believe in trickle down economics. Not all conservatives are dimwits but all dimwits are conservative.

  96. Anonymous8:49 PM

    PilotX said...

    No wonder these heads of knuckle believe in trickle down economics. Not all conservatives are dimwits but all dimwits are conservative.

    "Heads of Knuckle"? Is this like Penis of Tips?

    Did this actually look intelligent and witty while you typed it? Even after you typed it?

  97. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Pile it High said...

    "These conservatives live in such a bizarre world incomprehensible to a normal person."

    Now didn't your mama tell you not to speak of things you could never know? How would you know what a normal person might think, you don't listen when they talk.

  98. Anonymous8:54 PM

    PilotX said...

    Ha! Accused of playing some kind of "race card" while they accuse all us blah people of being killers and all Mooslims of beingf incompetent killers. These conservatives live in such a bizarre world incomprehensible to a normal person. Oh well carry on grand wizard.

    You mean by answering this:

    "What is your point overall? What are you trying to say? Are you scraping, scratching, digging, twisting to come up with facts to excuse Obama's abhorrent performance and behavior? Why? What is your ultimate goal? Acceptance? Get him a pass and say so what? Does that do it for you?"

    With this:

    "I can't figure out if this racist hates blah people or the Mooslims more"

    You weren't weak and playing the race card?

    Could have fooled you.

  99. "If Romney fails on an issue I promise not to make excuses and blame his skin color, lack of leadership for gaining support, and not assist in his dividing America as camouflage."

    Riiiight. *rolling eyes*

  100. Hmmmmmm, posting that blah people are all killers and all Mooslims are incompetent and I'm the one playing some race card. No wonder these people need their own set of facts. Carry on.

  101. Science does not exist in the GOP. Joe Walsh says there is never a reason for a woman to ever have an abortion. These people are freaks and downright scary.

  102. Anonymous11:21 PM

    "If Romney fails on an issue I promise not to make excuses and blame his skin color, lack of leadership for gaining support, and not assist in his dividing America as camouflage."

    Riiiight. *rolling eyes*

    9:54 PM
    This is why we can't have an honest heart to heart conversation on FN. Someone gives their promised word and Field, the Blogger himself, disses it and calls the sincere person names. If I didn't know better, I would assume Field was a racist.
