Friday, October 12, 2012

Fight night!

I am still trying to figure out why Joe Biden didn't follow his true calling and get into entertainment. Folks, that is one funny dude.

Still, I guess, in a way, he did go into entertainment. After all, politics is such a joke in this country. It is the perfect profession for Uncle Joe.

Anyway, it wasn't Joe Biden's natural acting skills that won him the debate last night, it was his grasp of the issues the moderator raised and the issues that his opponent had to defend.

Now, to be fair, Paul Ryan wasn't all that bad last night. It wouldn't be the end of the world if we were to wake up one day and have to address him as President Ryan.

Honestly, if you are Barack Obama, you have to be feeling a little like A Rod today: You are the star of the ticket but your backup had to bail you out. Democrats have been feeling like Yankees fans felt after the first few games of the Baltimore series. They have been wishing for a star. Thanks to Uncle Joe's performance last night; I think they might finally have one.

Finally, folks have been saying that Paul Ryan stole that line about the "Bean" when telling his abortion story from Kurt Cobain.

"A brazen act of plagiarism—or a ridiculous conspiracy theory? During Thursday night’s vice-presidential debate, Paul Ryan defended his stance on abortion by telling a story about how his daughter earned the nickname “Bean”: she resembled one on her ultrasound. Skeptics were quick to point out that it’s the same anecdote late Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain told when explaining how his daughter, Frances, got the middle name Bean. Ryan is a “devoted” Nirvana fan, so the theory could be true. Although on the other hand, Ryan and Cobain can’t be the only two people to compare an ultrasound photo with a bean." [Source]

For Paul Ryan's sake I hope this is not true. If you can't tell the truth about an ultrasound, how can we ever trust you?



  1. Smilin' Joe9:36 PM

    Biden's lies are coming back to haunt Obama. Romney is going to crucify him with them during the next debate.

  2. Bad week for Hillary, but possibly one of Joe's best. Implications for 2016...... Joe's now as viable as Hil.

    Yeah, remember when eddie got the nod & I posted that he was one of the most plausible next presidents? Well it's him Hil and Joe as we now sit.

    Raddatz would have been great if it wasn't for her token Oprah question at the end.

  3. Since Rawmoney's post-debate "bounce" was about 75% turnout modeling, based on klan excitement and Dem dissolution, I'd look for Obama to make up about a point or so by Monday on the POPs, and for Rawmoney to lose about half a point nationally, and up to double that swing in Florida and Ohio.

  4. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Bad week for Hillary, but possibly one of Joe's best. Implications for 2016...... Joe's now as viable as Hil.

    HAHA you truly are an assclown Biden or Hillary for president...LOL. Not in a million years after this democratic reign. America got to see what lib'ruls offer. Won't be happening again any time in your lifetime, you can count on that.
    Field Said..

    "I am still trying to figure out why Joe Biden didn't follow his true calling and get into entertainment. Folks, that is one funny dude."

    He did Field, didn't you see the batman movies?

    Imagine a senile washed up old Joker.

  5. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Since Rawmoney's post-debate "bounce" was about 75% turnout modeling, based on klan excitement and Dem dissolution, I'd look for Obama to make up about a point or so by Monday on the POPs, and for Rawmoney to lose about half a point nationally, and up to double that swing in Florida and Ohio.

    Hey Whitewash; so everyone conservative must be in the KKK? Are you really that stupid? Never mind don't ask, if you didn't have names, you wouldn't be the five year old that you are. Does this mean every democrat is a nation of Islam/Black Pamper member?

    Anyway, you couldn't be more wrong if you were just a simple liberal assclown - pardon the redundancy. You will see a larger slide in poll losses for Obama, in fact I guarantee by Monday he will not have more than 10 states positive for him. Guarantee it. Even liberal unicorn heaven of California is starting to swing Romney's way.

  6. My Dentures10:37 PM

    If it wasn't for Obama, uou blacks would be be calling Biden the most stoopid assed white man you''d ever seen.

    Gimme a break.

    Biden "won" this debate, but even the Liberal MSM is saying he was a loser. Even the media in the U.K. says so....(I'm looking at you, Purple Bovine), say the same.

    But....I'm sure your "Obama Phone" girl thinks that idiot Biden won.

    I'll give Obama this: Appointing Biden as his VP asurred he wouldn't be assassinated...becacause NO ONE would want Biden to be President.

  7. A non said...

    "so everyone conservative must be in the KKK?"

    May as well be, yeah, they stand today for most of the klan's program. But, the reason that I started calling the GOP the klan is because of the klanners insistence on calling the Democratic party by their code slur for it, the "Democrat" party. I figure that if code slurs are fair they're fair, right?

  8. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "Honestly, if you are Barack Obama, you have to be feeling a little like A Rod today: You are the star of the ticket but your backup had to bail you out."

    He should be feeling less than A Rod. Besides Biden bailing him out, Bill Clinton had to explain Obama's accomplishments for him also. To tell the truth, Obama can't seem to be able to stand up for himself. Romney proved how very weak Obama is.

  9. Anonymous11:03 PM

    You Leftists should give credit where credit is due. Biden was very good at the debate, which I knew he would. I am not sure why some people call him dumb. He is not. Passionate and sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth, but dumb he is NOT.

  10. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non said...

    "so everyone conservative must be in the KKK?"

    May as well be, yeah, they stand today for most of the klan's program. But, the reason that I started calling the GOP the klan is because of the klanners insistence on calling the Democratic party by their code slur for it, the "Democrat" party. I figure that if code slurs are fair they're fair, right?

    Oh, I didn't know that. What things does the democratic Klan party stand for that conservatives agree with?

    What is the history of the Klan? Is it still alive? Who was the most public member of the Klan that you can think of?

    Have it anyway you like but if you feel being a Democrat is a slur in of itself, maybe you should look at what your party stands for, does, how they act, think and what they accomplish and actually do to America. No amount of verbiage will create respect, you can't be a democrat and ban words to change how people view you. Respect comes from work and actions, not words.

    Right now I am answering an obviously immature hateful person who speaks in generalities to describe his scathing hate. I told you before, look inwards - you hate yourself so much you project this onto others while not knowing or understanding why.

  11. Larry Sinclair11:09 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Honestly, if you are Barack Obama, you have to be feeling a little like A Rod today: You are the star of the ticket but your backup had to bail you out."

    Word has it that Obama felt like having "A Rod" often. He indulged in these feeling in bathhouses in Chicago under the coordination of Rev Wright and the down low choir.

    Michelle makes a nasty beard but one that covers.

  12. Barack Carter12:22 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Joe's now as viable as Hil.

    Yes, they both have absolutely no chance of ever being President.

  13. Jefferson Davis4:06 AM

    When we actually do have a "Civiil War", you Yankees are going to try to move South, and we're not going to let you forget the War of Northern Agression easily. We'll destroy all those Federal monuments, first. The country is going to be split in three parts: Liberal North; Conservative South, and Western Hispanics.


  14. Jefferson Davis, I would like to be president of the Negro East. I am sure that we can form a wonderful union and work for everyone's benefit.

    Please let me know what you think.

  15. I think I could do a job at first base for the Negro East team. I've been watching a fair amount of baseball recently, and I'm sort of getting the hang of it.

    Let me know what you think, coach.

  16. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "It wouldn't be the end of the world if we were to wake up one day and have to address him as President Ryan."
    I've got to inject myself into this zoo of commenters to say WTF? Field, I would argue it could very well BE the end of the world if this reactionary boy scout were to inherit the oval office. Fetal personhood? Privatized Social Security? Gutting earned benefits and every social program since the turn of the century? He'd love to sign all those moves. Guy lives in an intellectual igloo and sees the world through an Ayn Rand lens.

    I'll still visit this blog, Field, but you really lost me with this one.

  17. hahahaha! I called my first born "Peanut" because he was little and brown.

    VP/Ryan debate was pure entertainment. Chris Rock tweeted "90 minutes seemed like 9" and it did.

    My favorite tweet was from an MSNBC host (I forget her name right now) who said (paraphrase) "you know the debate is heated when they 'go to Afghanistan' for a break."

  18. Plain spoken concise analysis of the debate:

    Nats/Cards game 5 was a heartbreaker.

  19. another ringmaster10:13 AM

    I'll still visit this blog, Field, but you really lost me with this one.

    anotherbozo = another conformist ideologue who views any deviation from hyperpartisanship as heresy. He is just another version of the Muslim who condemns to death any of his coreligionists who renounces his faith.

    People like you are why we have such a disfunctional government. Your days are ending, as the country embraces competence.

    Goodbye, bozo.

  20. Missouri Man10:29 AM

    California Girl said...
    hahahaha! I called my first born "Peanut" because he was little and brown.

    Ahh, thence the root of California Girl's politics. You were impregnated by a black man who then, let me guess, abandoned you to raise the child on your own. Your poor choices are the responsibilty of the government to address, are they not? Your animus then becomes directed at the white men whose taxes support you, instead of the black man who left you, because it is of course their fault you didn't get everything you wanted.

    You are a good example of how most women are not rational enough to be allowed to vote. The 19th ammendment has brought us to the brink of ruin. Please do the good people of America a favor and stay home on election day.

  21. Biden Debate Lie #110:40 AM

    Biden said: “[The recession] came from this man [Ryan] voting to put two wars on a credit card, at the same time, put a prescription drug plan on the credit card, a trillion dollar tax cut for the very wealthy….I was there, I voted against them. I said, no, we can’t afford that.”

    Biden voted for the authorization for the use of force in Afghanistan and the Iraq authorization in October 2002.

    Neither the Bush tax cuts nor the Medicare prescription drug plan had anything to do with the recession. The Obama administration agreed to keep the Bush tax cuts in place for the same reason that Bush originally proposed them. This is pure blather.

  22. Biden Debate Lie #210:46 AM

    Biden said: “[T]hat’s exactly what we were told…by the intelligence community. The intelligence community told us that [the Bengahazi assault arose from protests outside the consulate]. As they learned more facts about exactly what happened, they changed their assessment.”

    The falsity of this statement requires only a close reading of what administration officials have said heretofore and a look at the timeline of available information.

  23. Biden Debate Lie #310:47 AM

    Biden said: Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security [in Benghazi] again.”

    Coming a day after the sworn testimony of State Department security officers powerfully to the contrary, this whopper requires a saving construction: “We” means Obama and Biden. This statement raises the question: Where does the buck stop?

  24. Biden Debate Lie #410:50 AM

    Biden said: “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”

    This lie earned a rebuke for its falsity from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:

    This is not a fact. The HHS mandate contains a narrow, four-part exemption for certain “religious employers.” That exemption was made final in February and does not extend to “Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital,” or any other religious charity that offers its services to all, regardless of the faith of those served.

    HHS has proposed an additional “accommodation” for religious organizations like these, which HHS itself describes as “non-exempt.” That proposal does not even potentially relieve these organizations from the obligation “to pay for contraception” and “to be a vehicle to get contraception.” They will have to serve as a vehicle, because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients. They will have to pay for these things, because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.

  25. Ambassador Stevens is Dead.

    Big Bird is Alive.

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  26. NSangoma12:05 PM


    field booty, it is Willard Mitt Romney who did not follow his true calling and get into entertainment:


  27. Anotherbozo, I hope you keep coming back. But believe me, American politics is such that it doesn't really matter who occupies the WH these days. Money controls everything, even the elections.

    Anon u gave me 4 Biden lies. Mitt had 28 and we are still counting.

  28. Cali girl, thanks for that link.

  29. take a left hook2:03 PM

    That Cleveland bus driver deserves a promotion and he should go on a speaking tour, telling blacks to shut up and behave while out in public, especially when on public transportation, where their antics can distract a driver and cause a serious accident.

    These days, if you work as a bus driver, it's better to be a little like Mike Tyson and less like Ralph Kramden.

  30. knocked up2:10 PM

    field coagulates:

    Finally, folks have been saying that Paul Ryan stole that line about the "Bean" when telling his abortion story from Kurt Cobain.

    In the US about 100 million babies have been born after their mothers were checked with ultrasound.

    Do you really think Kurt Cobain, a suicidal idiot, and his psychopathic wife Courtney Love, were the only two parents to notice the resemblance between their embryo/fetus and a lima bean?

    I'd estimate the number of babies nicknamed "Bean" at 10 million.

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    field negro said...

    Anotherbozo, I hope you keep coming back. But believe me, American politics is such that it doesn't really matter who occupies the WH these days. Money controls everything, even the elections.

    Anon u gave me 4 Biden lies. Mitt had 28 and we are still counting.

    So I wonder how the Clintons are going to get back at Biden/Obama for throwing hillary under the bus for Benghazi.

  32. "Now, to be fair, Paul Ryan wasn't all that bad last night. It wouldn't be the end of the world if we were to wake up one day and have to address him as President Ryan."

    well it would because he's a proven liar, and he wouldn't recognize a properly worked out and costed budget if it bit him on his ass.

  33. Here's my towhall debate observation/prediction for all of you Obamaphiles, Obamaheads, Obamahalics and even you Obamaphobes and Obamadi to ponder:

    First, reviews of previous townhall debates by Obama show it to be his strongest debate format. Not surprising for a community organizer cum lecturer/professor/legislator who's had a quarter century to master the crowd Q n A format. Romney, on the other hand, does much better in the face on face provocative moderator format of the third debate, and unless they've implanted a new empathy chip in the romnybot2012 (no evidence of that yet) he can be counted on to be as reliably clumsy and clueless as GHW Bush in the "townhall."

    Second, townhall debate audiences are severely skewed to the center, and by their nature pit audiances as the interlocutors of the powerful into judges in the debates. The dynamic is one where the candidates run great risk of coming off as disrespectful to ordinary people by disrespecting each other in front of and between them. Remember Gore invading W's space as he was talking to the audience in '00? He all but got hissed for it when he did it and let W of all people come off as the better man in the ensuing public narrative.

    Plus, Obama's still a black man in America. It's ok for a white man to immediately counter-attack, but a black man better not go beyond self-defense until the white man obviously goes too far. So his strategy this time will remain good natured, respectful refutation. He's still got solid leads in the swingstates that he'll never risk by going all angry-blackman in front of a live middle-American audience. He'll save any of that for "Commander in Chief" Obama when debating foreign policy at number 3.

    Romney, on the other hand will come loaded for bear. He has a huge job in front of him if he's going to win the presidency. As things stand today, because of his outsized leads in the old south and Appalachia he needs a full 4 point national lead before Ohio and Florida go Romney, so he has to take the risk of attacking the President of the United States in front of a centrist audience, with his notoriously faulty empathic sense.

    Anyway, that's how I see it shaping up.

  34. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Now, to be fair, Paul Ryan wasn't all that bad last night. It wouldn't be the end of the world if we were to wake up one day and have to address him as President Ryan."

    well it would because he's a proven liar, and he wouldn't recognize a properly worked out and costed budget if it bit him on his ass.

    You know it's one thing to be an idealize and another to be a shamelessly arrogant moron. Are you seriously trying to say Ryan doesn't know much about budgets and isn't good at it? In your defense of democrats and Obama you are saying that RYAN would not know a properly worked out budget "and costed" (<-----know nothing speak - a budget contains expenditures and all costs.)

    I have to say, you get more and more out of your depth and apparently the less you know about something the more arrogant you become.

    Has there been a budget submitted or passed at all in Obamas entire tenure by democrats? Has there? Why do you think this is?

    Sorry, but I have to remove you from the McDonald's register henceforth, your financial acumen is less than worthless. You can still make the fries - no apple pies though.

  35. Anonymous11:46 AM

    1942 babies ROCK! Happy Birthday Joe, come November 20th. Love you, and your teeth are PURDY!! Everyone should try to smile more often. It makes Joe handsome. Yes it does!!!

  36. Anonymous1:43 PM

    you negroes are stupid and envious of white people.maybe you should try africa because it is just like detolit.

  37. You will see a larger slide in poll losses for Obama Free Business Cards
