Thursday, November 08, 2012

The end of the "great white nation"?

"Soul-searching would be markedly easier... if you, well, had a soul..."

~Tweet from Goldie Taylor~

There has been a lot of "soul searching" in the republican party these days. They still can't figure out why the man who was supposed to save America from the Kenyan Socialist lost the election. It's as if they woke up on November 7th and found themselves living in a different country. (Sorry white America, this is not your grandfather's USA.)It got so bad that white folks took to the streets and rioted. (Hey, I thought the Negroes were supposed to do that if they lost.)

Elspeth Reeve wrote about the "GOP meltdown" in the Atlantic, and she touched on an interesting subject that I have been trying to tell my one (1) republican friend for years.

"If we want to know which way the Republican Party is headed after its big losses on Tuesday, it helps to look at how conservatives are explaining Mitt Romney's loss to themselves. "This should have been a slam dunk," Rush Limbaugh said on Wednesday. "But it wasn't. There are reasons why. We're gonna have to dig deep to find them and we're gonna have to be honest with ourselves when we find the answers to this." From Republican pollsters to talking heads to activists, the reactions are on a continuum from analytical to thoughtful to insane. Here's a guide to the diggingm deep and not-so-deep:

How can we make minorities like us?

Because most of the pre-Election Day poll denialism was focused on demographics -- that there was no way the portion of the 2012 electorate that was black and Latino would be as high as in 2008, much less higher -- much of the post-Election Day soul-searching was focused on why the Republican Party is so unpopular with those groups.

At The Daily Beast, David Frum, who was outsed from the conservative movement for saying Republicans should have negotiated with President Obama on Obamacare, says that just being pro-immigration won't help the party. "It's necessary of course to refrain from insulting Latinos, or, for that matter, anybody," Frum writes. "But the crying need in the GOP is for a more middle-class orientation to politics, one that addresses concerns like healthcare as well as debts and deficits."

However, many prominent conservatives still in good standing failed to meet Frum's first requirement -- the no insults part -- even as they were talking about their unpopularity among those groups. On election night, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly said if Romney loses, it's because non-whites want free stuff.
"The demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore. And 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. Whereby 20 years ago, President Obama would have been roundly defeated by an establishment candidate like Mitt Romney. The white establishment is now the minority."
Rush Limbaugh, too, was at a loss to explain why minorities don't like the GOP. After all, he can name some black and Latino Republicans:
Let me take you back to the Republican convention. We had Suzanne Martinez, female Hispanic governor, New Mexico. We had Condoleezza Rice, African-American, former secretary of state. Both of those people imminently qualified, terrifically achieved... We had Marco Rubio. We had a parade of minorities who have become successful Americans... Now, why didn't that work, folks?
He continued with this theme later in the show:
It doesn't count with Obama voters about whom it is said that stuff matters most. It doesn't count. Why not? Why, putting it somewhat coarsely, why doesn't the Republican Party get credit for Condoleezza Rice?
 The whole country has gone to seed, Ann Coulter says. "If Mitt Romney cannot be elected, we've reached the tipping point. We have more takers than makers," a forlorn Coulter told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday. America "no longer is interested in conservative ideas. It is interested in handouts." The Israeli paper owned by Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire who blew so much money on the election, ran the headline, "America Chose Socialism."

Limbaugh hit on this theme too. "It's just very difficult to beat Santa Claus," he said. "People are not going to vote against Santa Claus, especially if the alternative is being your own Santa Claus." He continued that Obama supporters "think the Democrat Party's gonna punish the people who have unfairly gotten stuff that they shouldn't have. They got more stuff than other people have stuff and that stuff's gotta be redistributed."

It's not entirely about free stuff, says John Hayward at Human Events. "It’s really a battle of irresponsibility vs. freedom." He writes that conservatives must explain the true cost of free stuff, "A good portion of the middle-class 'free stuff' crowd, including quite a few of the working poor, would be much less receptive to Big Government if they appreciated that its financing is not a painless skimming of loot from bulging treasure vaults." [Source]

I suspect that republicans don't see the irony in all of this. They assume that blacks and other minorities just want "free stuff", yet they wonder why blacks and other minorities cannot embrace their party.

Republicans like to accuse liberals of being race conscious but it is the republican party and people on the right who have been obsessed with matters of race, lately. This notion that the election of Barack Obama means the end of white America is laughable and absurd. Trust me, white America will be just fine. Besides, the last time I checked Barack Obama had a white mama.
But some white folks just can't shake the browning of their country.  

"White America died last night. Obama's reelection killed it. Our 200 plus year history as a Western nation is over. We're a Socialist Latin American country now. Venezuela without the oil.

"White America died last night. Obama's reelection killed it. Our 200 plus year history as a Western nation is over. We're a Socialist Latin American country now. Venezuela without the oil."

Stunned by his clear racism, Liddy tried to walk his guest back from the ledge:
"With what you just said right there...You seem to imply that white people are better than other people. That's not really what you're saying is it?"

"Of course that's what I'm saying," Buchanan replied "Isn't it obvious? Anything worth doing on this Earth was done first by white people."

"Who landed on the moon? White people. Who climbed Mount Everest? White people. Who invented the transistor? White people. Who invented paper? White people. Who discovered algebra? White people."

"And don't give me all this nonsense about Martin Luther King and civil rights and all that. Who do you think freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln. A white guy!"
...."But we're not led by Lincoln anymore, we're led by an affirmative-action mulatto who can't physically understand how great America once was."
"I cried last night G. I cried for hours. It's over for all of us. The great White nation will never survive another 4 years of Obama's leadership"

Liddy tried to reason with Buchanan, reminding him that he shares similar positions with the President on Afghanistan, Iraq, and relations with Russia:
"Of course I agree with half of what he does," Buchanan answered, "He's half white! That's not the half I'm worried about." [Source] 

I have to give it to old Pat, at least he is honest.




  1. Pat's only saying what they're all feeling. He and his neo-confederate cohort are watching the lost cause that they tried to bring back to life lose all over again. But they're not the problem anymore. Buchanon and crowd are conformably, if sadly, ensconced in their plush world of country-clubs, servents and no-show think tank jobs, so they're just waxing nostalgic about theoretically even better times, but Cletus and Jethro down in the trailer park, all that they ever really had was their membership in the white power structure. They're the ones likely to malfunction now that that's over.

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Field, are you certain of some of these quotes? I cannot find any mainstream media outlet reporting anything like those Buchanan quote. In fact, I'm not even certain that G. Gordon Liddy still has a program that Buchanan could have appeared on to give them. According to Wikipedia, "Liddy's show ended July 27, 2012" -- obviously well before Buchanan is alleged to have said what you quote here.

  3. Yep, and we're the REAL racists. Now where is my free stuff and white slaves?

  4. "Who invented paper? White people. Who discovered algebra? White people."

    Uh, actually, paper was invented by the Chinese (although the Egyptians had a form of it via naturally occurring papyrus), and algebra was invented by the ancient Persians (modern day Iran) ... but keep going Pat, I think I get what you mean.

    As a matter of fact, the whole world gets what you mean.

  5. another white guy10:14 PM

    I've been wondering about Julian Castro's chances for the Democratic nomination and presidency in 2016. Perhaps we should nominate Nancy Pelosi in 2016.

    This last election was a good civics lesson for Americans. Your vote really matters.

    If voting in the U. S. was compulsory, the Republican party would cease to exist.

  6. Hugh G. Rection10:21 PM

    As a white social liberal, fiscal conservative, I am just fucking appalled. The fucking republicans want to know why they can't win an election, you let brain dead morons like this speak for your party. Men are men, and women are women, some men are women, and some women are men. Read the fucking book that you tout, judge not, lest you be judged. Get off you fucking moral high horse, and realize that every one male or female, black, yellow, red, brown, or white, has the same fucking rights as you old fucking rich white fucktards. Fucking assholes. Sorry field, this shit pisses me the fuck off.

  7. If Rush Limbaugh wants to understand what's wrong with the GOP, he should look in the mirror. Its leaders have hurt the party by kowtowing to people like him.

  8. agentX10:52 PM

    look at all the sad, sad, deluded R-Money supporters.

    I hope they cry all night, the fools.

  9. SickupandFed10:54 PM

    "Who do you think freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln. A white guy!"

    Who enslaved them to begin with?

    Field, I have spent the last two days laughing at them, to their faces. Right after I, figuratively, poke them in the eye with a sharp stick.

    The stupid continues. And it burns.


  10. Bacopa11:10 PM

    Shit, I'm white and I live in the crazy-ass Texas that is different from the awesome progressive Texas that had "The Strange Demise of Jim Crow" and looked not just to catching up with other parts of America, but taking our place in the World Community.

    I want my Texas back!

    Well at least least teh Fox commentators were honest. This election was all about the loss of white male prevalege. And WTF do I care? I was never that much into cashing in that many of my white male chips anyway. Sure, I've done it, but never to the immediate and clear loss of another.

    I am in the 40% of white dudes who care more about fairness that the gifts of my ancestry.

  11. According to my Guinness Book of Records Sherpa Tenzing Norgay was the first man to climb Mount Everest. He's not white.

    Paper and Algebra were first discovered by Arabs.

    Just sayin'

  12. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Field said, "This notion that the election of Barack Obama means the end of white America is laughable and absurd. Trust me, white America will be just fine. Besides, the last time I checked Barack Obama had a white mama. But some white folks just can't shake the browning of their country."

    Mr Field, how the hell do you know White America will be just fine? You are not White and have no idea how Whites feel.

    This was once their country and we were once their slaves. We should show enough appreciation to respect them and love them.

    Need I remind you that Barack doesn't give a shit about AAs, including Jamaicans? So you might need to STFU. Obama wouldn't be caught dead in Jamaica. As a matter of fact, no Kenyan would.

    I do hope you come to your senses and open your heart to those Whites like Buchannan who are in pain, great emotional pain. They really need sympathy, not ridicule. To lose an election of this sort when they gave their ALL, hurts. It's quite frightening.

    And you are laughing? Brother Field, how dare you! But that's ok...what goes around, comes around. As soon as Karl Rove gets himself together you and the Dems are going to be toast. Just wait, you will see.

  13. "Field, are you certain of some of these quotes? I cannot find any mainstream media outlet reporting anything like those Buchanan quote."

    I am looking into this. I sure hope that I wasn't duped by those Current boys.:) This seems over the top, even for Pat.

    Although I have seen other folks reporting it as well.

  14. Predictably, the Wingnuts are completely losing their minds...

    "I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted 'O'. Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

    Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers who voted for Obama. Simply don't talk to them in the workplace, unless your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to take their business elsewhere.

    Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

    And start your boycott of your Democrat friends and family today. Like this morning. First thing you can do, very easy, is to un-friend all Democrats from your Facebook account."

  15. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Indeed Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay led Hilary up Everest, but being a brown man he is clearly beneath Buchanan's notice. Regardless, it is somewhat amusing that folks hailed from the British Empire lauded (and still laud obviously) Hilary as the first to conquer Everest, when the Nepalese had been living there for centuries. Seemingly such simple folk never thought to explore the mountain but simply pranced around the bottom (perhaps in grass skirts?).

    Kind of like how entire countries got 'discovered' with millions of people already living there. Fascinating ;)

    Awesome post Field, you rock the blogosphere once again!

  16. Anonymous7:48 AM

    If Your source is the Daily Currant, then yes, your are dealing with satirical stuff a la The Onion.

    The Daily Currant is the global satirical newspaper of record. All the latest political, business, tech, and entertainment news satire at


  17. Anonymous8:30 AM

    You mean no one but one reader here is aware the Daily Currant is a satire site? Well that is understandable after watching leftist MSM spin this election, it's all satire to you.

    If Leftists don't want "more stuff" than why would they vote in someone whose 4 year presidency was a disaster who only had good things to show when he lied and twisted the numbers and who they knew would further destroy the economy? Surely they aren't just economically illiterate racists?

    Because they think the economy might get worse under him, but he will take care of them.

    Fools - don't believe the media hype, no one want's to be like leftists and as things continue to get worse you will be hiding the fact you voted this clown back in.

    Oh and if someone is racist and likes to take from others and votes not for good of the country but a certain small group - Fuck them and anything they may be crying about in a very, very short while. Some people never learn, until reality bites them in the ass.

  18. NSangoma8:30 AM


    The Purple Cow 2:38 AM

    Let us give the ancient Egyptians (Negroes) their due, please Google and peruse the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus and the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.

    Too, too, much information out there field booty, for your Negroes not to know.


  19. NSangoma8:33 AM


    While true The Daily Currant do be satire, but the article does capture the essential essence of Pat Buchanan.


  20. BARBBF8:47 AM


    Revolution #263, March 25, 2012

    Six Ways That Obama Has Been Worse Than Bush

    1. Assassinations on the President's Orders

    Before becoming the president and commander-in-chief, Obama opposed the prison set up by George W. Bush at Guantánamo to indefinitely hold hundreds of people without charges, simply based on U.S. accusations of links with terrorism. Obama said then that "a perfectly innocent individual could be held and could not rebut the Government's case and has no way of proving his innocence."

    Once in the White House, Obama has not only reaffirmed the policy of indefinite military detentions with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act last December. He has actually gone further than Bush..

    2. Blaming Youth for Their Own Oppression

    In a series of Father's Day speeches since coming into office, and in various other public remarks, Obama has consistently put the onus for the poverty, high prison rates, poor education, and the whole oppressive situation that Black and Latino youth face on the people themselves.

    3. Threatening Preventive War Against Iran

    At a March 4, 2012 speech at AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), Obama made one of his most direct and overt threats of war against Iran. He declared, "Iran's leaders should understand that I do not have a policy of containment; I have a policy to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. And as I have made clear time and again during the course of my presidency, I will not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend the United States and its interests."

    4. An Escalating War with Drones

    The attack that targeted al-Awlaki in Yemen (see #1) is part of the huge leap under Obama in the use of pilotless Predator drones by the U.S. military and CIA to kill people. The Washington Post called it "an emerging global apparatus for drone killing" and noted that "no president has ever relied so extensively on the secret killing of individuals to advance the nation's security goals." When Obama took office in 2009, the war by drones was confined to Pakistan, where there were 44 strikes over the previous five years, killing about 400 people. Now, drone attacks have spread, including to Yemen, Afghanistan, East Africa, Libya, and Iran.

    According to the TBIJ, at least 2,347 people have been killed in Pakistan by U.S. drone attacks, and there are "credible news reports" that as many as 781 of those killed were civilians—more than 175 of them children. Another study by the New America Foundation from last May put the figure killed by drone attacks in northwest Pakistan at between 830 and 1,210 individuals, of whom between 180 and 360 were civilians.

    5. The War on Immigrants

    The war on immigrants inside the U.S. borders began before Obama—but Obama has been intensifying this brutal, inhumane offensive to record levels. Last October, the Obama administration released figures showing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had deported almost 400,000 people in fiscal year 2011. This is the highest yearly number of deportations in the eight years of ICE. More than a million people—overwhelmingly Latinos—have been deported under Obama.

    6. Persecuting Whistle-blowers

    Before taking office, Obama attacked the Bush administration for fixation with government secrecy and a lack of "transparency," and he expressed support for whistle-blowers—those who leak or publicly come forward to expose various kinds of official crimes, corruption, and wrongdoing. Once in office, Obama has used the Espionage Act to press charges, with potentially very heavy punishment, against people accused of "national security leaks." According to Jane Mayer of the New Yorker magazine, under Obama there have been "more such prosecutions than have occurred in all previous Administrations combined."

  21. Yeah, the daily Currant is like The Onion but without the jokes.

    I think that's why so many people are fooled by their stories, they presume that satire is supposed to be funny.

  22. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Just another leftist city about to go broke; Who is going to pick up all these pieces? Bush?

    The Philadelphia School Reform Commission moved Wednesday to borrow $300 million - money it needs just to pay teachers, heat buildings, and buy books for the rest of the school year.

    Chairman Pedro Ramos made it clear that the SRC's back was to the wall and that the state of its finances constituted "dire circumstances" for the district.

    "I couldn't be more unhappy that we're in a situation where it's necessary to do a borrowing for the purposes of merely paying our bills," Ramos said.

    The bond sale the SRC unanimously authorized at the Wednesday special meeting comes with a hefty price tag - an additional $22 million in debt service annually for 20 years, beginning in 2014.

    It's the second time in a decade the district has had to borrow money to keep schools open - the last deficit financing occurred in 2002 - and officials say the school system's credit card is maxed out.

    "Some people think the solution is that we can just keep borrowing, and we really can't," Ramos said.

    Because it represents nonrecurring revenue, this bond sale puts the district hundreds of millions in the hole for the 2013-14 school year just three months into the current school term.

    The message? The district's current spending is not sustainable; the bond sale is a large and very expensive Band-Aid, but it only buys the district a little time.

    "Extremely difficult" choices are approaching quickly, SRC member Wendell Pritchett said, and "we're going to have to make them. We don't have any choice."

  23. Anonymous9:00 AM

    You got fooled, Field. Please strive for accuracy and realize the difference between Satire and Reality...

  24. Calm down, winguts. There are much more important things going on in the world right now.


  25. Anonymous9:11 AM

    white america has been dead for a long time

    many white women have eagerly helped to breed their race out of existence
    many black men have eagerly bred themselves OUT of existence...
    and both more eagerly each day

    latinos rule the population now because they eagerly breed also


    will it really matter if blackish leaders like hobama are even MORE racist and elitist to blacks and latinos than white leaders have been?????

    i think not!!!!!

  26. Anonymous9:26 AM

    shame on you bamboozled racist black hobama nazi fool....shame!!!!!!

  27. Anonymous9:45 AM

    i hope the weepy hobama is really crying over his pending deserved impeachment

    hobama is a serial war criminal who has torched the consitituton

    libya is worse than watergate

    and may hobama/nixon 2.0/gwb 3.0 meet his belated fate ASAP!!!

    cc ndaa/africom/czars/7 wars/wwiii looming etc


  28. Wingnuts need to just get over it. It is another day and nobody cares how they feel. If you take so much of an election seriously and you are a Christian, then you are more of an hypocrite than any other person. After the election, there is the next day, the day after, the weeks, the months, and the years until the next election. The world is changing and what you use to have you don't have anymore. It is just like a person dying. Nothing last forever, including white privilege.

  29. "You got fooled, Field. Please strive for accuracy and realize the difference between Satire and Reality..."

    I know. I feel like a Rush listener or a FOX viewer. Didn't they fool their peepsvinto thinking that O would lose the election?

    Smoking Ace that was well said.

  30. Anonymous11:00 AM

    could hobama's bogus tears be sign of a conscience/impeachment pending...
    as he knows what he has really done and what he is really about to do????

    unlike his suicidal clueless masochistic hobama nazi fans???

  31. Anonymous11:56 AM

    "You got fooled, Field. Please strive for accuracy and realize the difference between Satire and Reality..."

    I know. I feel like a Rush listener or a FOX viewer. Didn't they fool their peepsvinto thinking that O would lose the election?

    Smoking Ace that was well said.

    10:18 AM
    You are forgiven, Mr Field. You see, some of us know how to show mercy, unlike some of you FN folks. You know nothing about it, only revenge, retaliation, resentment and hatred.

  32. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Mr Field, aren't you and your fellow FNs afraid of a civil war in the making? I mean, that's what a Texas judge said would happen if Obama were re-elected. Aren't you and the likes of PilotX and PC(not that he gives a damn, seeing how he lives in little UK).

  33. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Obama once again has nothing.

    Gives a speech, no press conference no questions.

    All he has is raise taxes. Doesn't ' really care that the CBO says 200k jobs will be lost if he raises taxes.

    Stupidly claims the American people want him to raise taxes and the only option the deficit is to take more from others and reduce jobs...never thinks of reducing spending.

    Now we know why he didn't meet with any real reporters before they election and why they stopped press conferences by Carney.

    What a joke this guy is

  34. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Blogger The Smoking Ace said...

    Wingnuts need to just get over it. It is another day and nobody cares how they feel. If you take so much of an election seriously and you are a Christian, then you are more of an hypocrite than any other person.

    After the election, there is the next day, the day after, the weeks, the months, and the years until the next election. The world is changing and what you use to have you don't have anymore. It is just like a person dying. Nothing last forever, including white privilege.

    Maybe it's time Whites became Monolithic like Blacks and pushed for and embraced White privilige to the exclusion of all others as Blacks do. Maybe they need to embrace fully and ackowledge their white privilige of smarts, industriousness, thriftiness and ability to plan and control their breeding.

    Obama won by 500k votes - He did not win one state where they had voter ID and each person could only vote once. In some districts in Pennsylvania the same places they kicked out legal non obama poll watchers there was 108% of the vote for Obama even though turnout was 40% in 2008.

    Half this country has had it and trust me if they shrug it will be felt.

    It was never about race to most of them, but now it seems like that's all it was to you. SO why shouldn't they join you and think, act, speak and plan just like the Black Monolith does?

    Too bad we couldn't just live by the teaching of MLK. Obviously to you race does matter.

  35. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Man raped woman on bus in California in broad daylight.

    I didn't read the article but I bet you it was one of them wingnuts preaching lawfulness and personal responsibility!!!

    The Detroit-ification of America continues - only in White liberal neighborhoods though - all others are armed.

  36. Anonymous4:09 PM

    the evasions of bloodiER hands have swiftly begun

    under that amoral bankster slayer hobama

    ominous ship jumping reigns!

  37. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Benghazi Hearings next week - Patraeus resigned, Hillary finished after inauguration. Imagine a man resigned over a scandal before it was a scandal. Nothing to do with Benghazi.

    Fast and Furious - Lies - Executive orders - Middle east gun running program like Benghazi - Eric Holder going to be gone.

    Economic failures coming collapse linked to Obamas policies - Tim Geithner, will be gone.

    All coincidental and not one peep uttered before the election, almost like Iran shooting at our drones.

    Sure - all coincidental.

  38. "Too bad we couldn't just live by the teaching of MLK. Obviously to you race does matter."

    I bet it mattered to the guy who shot him as well.

    "Half this country has had it and trust me if they shrug it will be felt."


    "Stick and stones"...wingnut.

  39. Anonymous5:07 PM

    anyone who hated gwb but loves his more brutal/inept/racist/warmongering clone hobama

    is truly suicidal and racist

    and no rhetoric can mask that

  40. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Too bad we couldn't just live by the teaching of MLK. Obviously to you race does matter."

    I bet it mattered to the guy who shot him as well.

    "Half this country has had it and trust me if they shrug it will be felt."


    "Stick and stones"...wingnut.

    Black on Black crime - always a problem.

    Yawn all you want;

    Stocks down 3% in just a couple of days

    companies laying off people in droves.

    Nothing left to do but raise taxes...oh yeah on those making 250k a year. Will fund the government mess for about a week and Cost 200k minimum more jobs as advised by the CBO.

    Then what? Why isn't he talking about jobs - Black unemployment is officially 14% , we all know it's way over that.

    Whats next?

    There is a movement for the half of the country that pays the bills saying go ahead - increase taxes to whatever you want. Pass the senate bill and watch the jobs dry up and die - go for it. You don't pay taxes on revenue not generated. You don't get revenue for jobs that aren't being taxed.
    You can't tax when there is no economic movement.

    Go for it, own it. Watch those cities burn when no more bribes can be coerced out of guilt that no longer exists.


  41. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Folks, just in case you did not get the memo or were unable to decode the one you did get, those Buchanan quotes of Field's are FAKE. We can know this because one finds no reference to them in the web pages of abcnbccbsnytimesWaPo et al. and believe me, if there was any truth to any of this, they'd have been all over this like, well, like white on rice. (Which, I know, is an ethnocentric view of rice, there being, after all, many varieties of rice that are not white.)

  42. Check out Matt Taibi's blog in Rolling Stone about why R-Money lost. Interesting read.

    Hey wingnut, most whites did vote their self interests that's why they voted for Barack. Not everyone is a trailer park type who believes rape babies are gifts from god and the earth is 6,000 years old. Believe it or not there are still a few white people with common sense.
    To the anon who wants to know if I'm scared of a civil war, yeah I'm shivering in my gators.

  43. Anon@ 6:46 PM, if Pat doesn't get you, Dennis will.

  44. Ever notice that so many of the people who are so terrified of whites becoming a minority are usually pretty quick to claim that minorities are NOT treated badly in this country? Their REAL fear is that they'll have to take a bite out of the shit sandwich they've been serving to everyone else.

  45. Middle east gun running schemes? Iran shooting at our drones? I thought it was Reagan who sold arms to Iran. Such short memories you conservatives have.

  46. Thanks for the link to the Teddy Pendergrass song. I enjoyed his powerful performance. It's sad to note that this was filmed just a month before the tragic auto accident that confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

  47. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I hope you understand that the Daily Currant is self-described as a satirical site like the Onion.
    As much as I believe Pat B might say something like this, I don't think he actually did.

  48. I am actually delighted to read this web site posts which carries lots of helpful information, thanks for providing these kinds of data.

  49. Anonymous3:17 AM

    NyM sbUK w iqYZ QxN usPB n gmFO [url=]chloe 財布[/url IgX v mhBM LdE h eqUA [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] YqF kpWG b zeSJ VtI jpCX y ahHT [url=]セリーヌ ラゲージ[/url] WhR r rtBZ PsF g loTO [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] PjS q ayIQ OqI d gxOO [url=]セリーヌ アウトレット[/url] OpQ aoNV k hxDP ZhY xyAH m uhCV [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] JvN bvPX y caPX HfS xaIG e igFK [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] XwI ndYO g jcMH XhX dnQA f qcTW [url=]chloe 財布[/url]
