Friday, November 09, 2012

The GOP believes that America has a weed problem, and O faces a backlash.

Before I start this post I would like to give a special shout out to my realtor and my banker over at FMFCU. The last few months have been crazy. I sold one home and just went to settlement on another. Both of them did a great job for a brotha.
 I have more land now, and my wife, a country girl, is happy. I won’t say where it is, because I don’t want the po po spying on my marijuana crop...... That was a joke.
Speaking of marijuana, I swear these wingnuts are getting crazier by the minute. Even the ones with the supposed brains have gone "coo coo for Cocoa puffs." (Pun intended). No wonder folks like Jon Stewart keep making fun of them.
"On his show Thursday night, CNBC host Larry Kudlow wondered if the left was “trying to weaken America” by legalizing marijuana.

“So Colorado and Washington state made history on Tuesday, becoming the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. I just want to ask if liberals trounced on American values and by the way productivity also,” Kudlow said at the beginning of the segment, which was entitled “Liberals’ Pipe Dream: A Nation of Stoners?”

Kudlow’s guest, actress Janine Turner, said marijuana legalization stole “the promise of America.” She warned that it would now be easier for high school students in Colorado and Washington state to obtain the drug." [Source]

As if it's hard for kids in the other 48 states to get pot. Puleeeaaazze.

Then there is the CIA Director failing to keep his jump-off a secret. As one of my twitter fam said, "If the CIA Director can't keep his side piece a secret, where does that leave you other guys"? 

Anyway, to the folks at FASCIST NEWS, this too is tied to the Obama administration's attempt to cover-up the incident at Benghazi. Yes, it's a cover-up alright, but the covers weren't covering up a security breakdown, they were covering up something else. I see you saluting, General.    

Finally, the fallout from the Obama beat down of flipper continues.

In West Virginia (Do people still live there?) they are flying American flags upside down in protest,  racist tweets are flying in about Obama's reelection from the South, and CEOs, sympathetic to the wingnut cause, are laying off people left and right. From the looks of things, the revolution must be just around the corner.

Batten down the hatches, patriots.




  1. I agree with you, my brother, that marijuana is an important, cultural phenomenon and perhaps the most important drug ever for music, but it is not entirely harmless.

    The twenty-five pounds of high-quality herb that I have personally inhaled for the last forty years or so damn near about killed me...

    So think twice before you light up kiddies!!!

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Flying the flag upside down is the last straw. Let's take the American flag away from those who disrespect our flag.

    Those Confederates have got to go. It's time to split up these divided states. But the question is, what will we do with Cali?

    I knew the country would start to fall apart if Obama was re-elected. The flag is just the beginning of rebels rebelling in the South. I hope all those docile Negroes in the South will get out before the terror begins.

  3. Boo on the upside down flags. I am a stickler for flag etiquette. I could understand if the u.s. army was going door to door, but these people are really jumping the gun.

    Also, I am glad to see that your comment threads have gotten more on topic and less batshit crazy. ::knock on wood::

  4. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Field, you bought another house out beyond City Line? Are you crazy? We are headed for a fiscal cliff! Count on it.

    I hope your Negro ass survives around all those white folks. You must want to be around white folks so bad that you don't know you are Black. Good luck my jiggin brother.

    One other thing: why did you bother to tell the world that you now live in a bigger house on more land? Are you that bourgeois? You and Obama are just alike.

  5. West Virginia is 3.4% non-Hispanic Black or African American. One of the 3.4% is an old friend from Jersey. He lives in Parkersburg on the Ohio River, computer programmer for the Feds. It took him awhile to collect a truatworthy group of white friends. But he did it. There are good people everywhere if you look.

  6. "Field, you bought another house out beyond City Line? Are you crazy?"

    Nope, I live within the city of Brotherly Love. I love my people.

    Bob, I have avctually been to WV a couple of times. It seemed alright, but honestly, I could never live there. Look what your friend had to go through to find like minded people.

    "Also, I am glad to see that your comment threads have gotten more on topic and less batshit crazy. ::knock on wood::"

    Don't worry,they will be back in four years.

    "The twenty-five pounds of high-quality herb that I have personally inhaled for the last forty years or so damn near about killed me..."

    Oh lord. :)

  7. NSangoma7:39 AM


    Peter Brant II, son of billionaire, jokes about ‘contingency plan’ to ‘kill Obama’

    The steady stream of ugly reactions to President Barack Obama’s re-election continues.

    The latest incident involves Peter Brant II, the 18-year-old son of billionaire publisher Peter Brant Sr. and former Victoria’s Secret supermodel Stephanie Seymour.

    In a series of text messages to his friend Andrew Warren, which were reprinted by Jezebel,
    Warren whined about how a second Obama term would make him “poor.”
    Brant II then claimed, “I have a contingency plan. Kill Obama hahaha.”

    Brant II thought their exchange was so hilarious he reportedly posted
    their conversation on Instagram, along with an off-color remark about
    women’s rights.

    “HAHAHAAHAHA … won’t it be uproarious when the Secret Service stops by Chez Brant later today?” wrote Hillary Moss of New York magazine.

    Peter Brant Sr. has released a statement distancing himself from his son’s remarks:


  8. Flying the flag upside down is meant to be a sign of distress. What these village idiots are saying is that our country is in distress and it must be saved. The reality is that most of these idiots are racists who see that American Caucasian racism is dying. Their anger and hatred is boiling and can be dangerous if not taken seriously.

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Field, the people have spoken and we have Obama for another four years. The same people in Colorado and Washington also voted for the legalization of cannabis. My question is will our president allow the peoples will to be done? I'm not as far left as most of you guys here but I'm a weed smoking fool. Anyone with half a brain cell should see the savings in law enforcement cost, savings from not having to house prisoners black and white whose only crime is smoking a joint or two, and the revenue we are missing now from lost taxation. Bye bye cartels with your skanky ass Mexican compressed ass dirt weed, hello good ole American grown fluffy sticky, dank ass ganja. Please Mr. President if you accept that the people want you to lead, don't interfere with their will. I don't need government telling me what's good for me. Don't try and legislate morality. It that a conservative trait?

  10. Anonymous9:16 AM

    it is sad to see the end of the republic at the hands of commies now you can attack the bill of can really niggerize america and turn us into detroit, won't that be fun.bongo can pass all the anti-american laws you want however no one around here will obey them.this is real country with forests that run for miles deo you think bongo will send his dikes to teach us a leason?

  11. Timothy9:42 AM

    REPUB/TEABAGGERS are off the chain over tuesday victory for "O"...upside down flags...really? Your guy lost!! Grow up and get a freaking life.

    Would rather smoke a little smoke then drink. But what hurts these BAGGERS is now you can't throw people of color in jail for a joint. That's going to be bad for their prison business.

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Flying the flag upside down is the last straw. Let's take the American flag away from those who disrespect our flag.

    Those Confederates have got to go. It's time to split up these divided states. But the question is, what will we do with Cali?

    I knew the country would start to fall apart if Obama was re-elected. The flag is just the beginning of rebels rebelling in the South. I hope all those docile Negroes in the South will get out before the terror begins.

    So what will you use instead? The Obama flags? Of Change but no more hope? California is the future of the U.S. as a whole. They are broke and going bankrupt will need to have other states bail them out, but in the meantime will provide free transgender operations to anyone who asks, illegals who just crossed the border get first dibs.

  13. cc eric holder and his drug guns'

    asap before he jumps ship in the posse flood that is washing away hobama's impeachment


    kudos to the sheeple!


  14. Laurence their bark is worse than their bite.

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Laurence their bark is worse than their bite.

    Woof Woof - How much is that doggie in the window? It doesn't matter your EBT card has not been refilled due to the collapse of the dollar and crushing debt.


  16. Anonymous3:59 PM

    It was just a coincidence that the attack on the Benghazi consulate occurred on the anniversary of 9/11. We were told that it was really a “protest turned violent” over an anti-Islam video that had exactly seventeen views on YouTube, being uploaded two months before, averaging less than one view per day.

    CIA director David Petraeus towed the party line and parroted this ludicrous YouTube story, backing up Obama in testimony to Congress.

    At least until we found out that there was no protest.

    At least until we found out that Obama had known it was a terrorist act in less than an hour with emails going directly to the White House Situation Room.

    At least until we found out that the Obama administration had a live drone feed of the entire seven hour attack.

    Then we found out the two former SEALS and then CIA operatives Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were told to repeatedly “stand down” and not help Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans. But they disobeyed a direct order and went anyway, saving over twenty Americans, but paying with their lives.

    Petraeus towed the party line with the video but refused to fall on the sword and say the CIA gave this stand down order, thus implicating that it was Obama who had denied help to both the consulate and CIA annex which later came under attack.

    And when you cross a Chicago thug like Obama, payback is swift and lethal.

    Petraeus needed to be taken out—but after the election—and before he was scheduled to testify under oath this time to Congress about what he knew about Benghazi.

    Petraeus’ resignation had nothing to do with an affair. In fact, the affair had been over for months. The FBI had been investigating literally thousands of emails that Petraeus had sent to his former paramour, biographer Paula Broadwell, for longer than that and could have dropped the guillotine months before if they wanted to.

    It was rather about paybacks and keeping the American people in the dark about the real reason Petraeus had to be kept quiet about Benghazi: gunrunning. Gunrunning of tens of thousands of Libyan weapons to the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels.

    Patraeus will be subpenaed to testify anyway, it didn't work Obama. Your supporters might close their eyes to evil at any cost...not the rest of us.

  17. The post-mortoms on RawMoney's campaign are in and they are brutal. His computerized GOTV program, ORCA, turned out to be garbage and stranded 50k of their most motivated swing-state volunteers on election day without backup or recourse. His internal polling turned out to be pie-in-the-sky outcome-determined garbage that caused him to misdirect much of his effort in the crucial final weeks. He blew his entire primary budget making himself the winner-by-a-hair of the seven-dwarves, and were too broke to combat an entire Summer of messaging from the Dems reinforcing that image. He ran a bounceless convention capped by an old man yelling at a chair. His ad-buyers, relying again on his pie-in-the-sky polling bypassed ultra-cheap advance ad buys in favor of ultra-expensive spot-market buys for un-needed flexibility to expand the race beyond the battlegrounds. Etc. etc...

    In other words, one of the most successful management consultants in the land ran an abysmally managed campaign. Perhaps the skillset needed to loot the value of honest business and replace it with crippling debt just don't translate into building a winning political enterprise.
    The bottom line is that Romney might have been able to win this election against Obama's smooth operation and almost perfect personal performance, but not with the organization that he built. Perhaps what he needed was a community organizer running it.

  18. Why the Republiklkan can't reform in the near future, but might in a generation, because:

    "Lightening up on immigration won't be enough. Like it or not, conservatives are going to need a much more thorough housecleaning if they want to survive in an increasingly diverse future. No more gratuitous ethnic mockery. No more pretense that reverse racism is the real racism. No more suggestions that minorities just want a handout. No more screeching about the incipient threat of Sharia law. No more saturation coverage of the pathetic New Black Panther(s). No more complaining that blacks get to use the N word but whites don't. No more summers of hate on Fox News. No more tolerance for Dinesh D'Souza and his "roots of Obama's rage" schtick; or for Glenn Beck saying Obama has a "deep-seated hatred of white people"; or for Rush Limbaugh claiming that "Obama's entire economic program is reparations." No more jeering at the mere concept of "diversity." And no more too-clever-by-half attempts to say all this stuff without really saying it, and then pretending to be shocked when you're called on it. "

    In other words: new messaging on the same old program is a non starter: you've goy to change who you are. This kind of an identity-transplant; one that will let them adopt a completely new program, only happens generationally. In the mean time, they'll slowly become an ever-more regional party with fewer and fewer realistic aspirations for national power, until, eventually, the demographic changes that finally brought the national Democrats out of the political wilderness eventually, inevitably, do the same for them.

  19. Florida gpvernor Rick Scott's voter suppression project came within 72,000 votes of giving the state to Romney. He was particularly successful in heavily Democratic Miami-Dade county who's mayors are forming a task force to address common 7 hour delays in voting. Scott (KKK) plans to meet with his secretary of state and partner in the voting suppression scheme Ken Drezner (KKK) to discuss needed changes.

  20. Hey wingnut, the election is over, u can let Benghazi go now.

  21. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Hey Whitey. Obama is president Romney is history move on dumbass nobody gives a fuck. Damn your a fag.

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