Saturday, November 10, 2012

The floor is yours.

I can't post tonight. Mrs. Field is working me like a....well, a field Negro.

Love to hear why you thought Romney lost the election.

Holla at me.


  1. Wesley R9:19 PM

    It's not just Romney that lost. It's Right Wingnut Radio,and Foxnews. Romney was a good candidate for their cause but he and his followers showed they have no respect for people who are outside of their circle. Plus you add the fact that the Wingnut Governors tried to keep folks from voting, the people stood up. As far as the storm is concerned; It didn't have shit to do with it. Romney was going to lose anyway. People are tired of the disrespect to them and to The President the last 4 years.

  2. The Republican party is dominated by its base, which is a minority of the electorate and scares off others whose support would be needed to form a majority.

    If I were made dictator of the Republican party, the first thing I would do would be to throw the so-called religious right under the bus. I would make the Republicans the party of freedom both ecomonically and in lifestyle matters. No more attempts to outlaw gay marriage and abortion.

  3. John Q. Citizen10:45 PM

    He lost because millions of white men and women like me who used to vote Republican accepted enough of the "Republicans outsource good jobs and import H1B visa holders and illegals to do the rest" trope to sit this one out. He lost because millions of white men and women like me who used to vote Republican finally had it with Republican obsessions on abortion. He lost, NOT because millions of white people like me have concluded that the Republican Party is the party of the rich, but because we have concluded that it is the party of the wrong kind of rich, the corporate parasite who games the system to get rich by screwing the rest of us. We did not vote for Obama because he seems weak (especially in taking on Wall Street). And a vote not cast for Romney was as good as a vote for Obama, right?

  4. John Q. Citizen10:46 PM

    He lost because millions of white men and women like me who used to vote Republican accepted enough of the "Republicans outsource good jobs and import H1B visa holders and illegals to do the rest" trope to sit this one out. He lost because millions of white men and women who used to vote Republican finally had it with Republican obsessions on abortion. He lost, NOT because millions of white people like me have concluded that the Republican Party is the party of the rich, but because it is the party of the wrong kind of rich, the corporate parasite who games the system to get rich by screwing the rest of us. We did not vote for Obama because he seems weak (especially in taking on Wall Street). And a vote not cast for Romney was as good as a vote for Obama, right?

    -- John Q Citizen

  5. Anonymous10:51 PM

    The reason Romney lost had a lot to do with his "47%" line. There are many people who listened to that and thought of someone they knew who was in the 47% and they knew they weren't irresponsible, nor did they think of themselves as victims. Mr. Romney was and is out of touch. The other BIG reason he lost was that the Obama team outworked Romney's team and never took the race for granted. I'm very proud I voted for Obama.

  6. 47%

    Remarks on FEMA

    Out of touch with the needs of the majority of the electorate

    No plan except cut taxes. We've seen that under Bush and it didn't work. No other details given, so Paul Ryan's plan was taken by the electorate as reflective of Romney's views.

    Believed their own polls instead of seeing a corrective in the fact that independent pollsters disagreed with them. Thus they misdirected campaign resources.

  7. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Voter Fraud and Santa Claus.

    What we need to do now is completely investigate each single ballot and arrest and prosecute everyone involved.

    Obama lost every district where Photo ID was required. One vote one person. Every single district.

    "No incumbent POTUS gets reelected with unemployment above 7.2%. They don't get reelected when they poll below 50%. And on and on. But we are to believe that we all just loved McCain over Romney by an extra 2 million votes?"

    Otherwises elsewheres:

    Military Vote Supressed and not counted:

    In Philadelphia


    St. Lucie County in Florida had a 141% turnout on election night. President Obama also managed to win 99% of the votes, according to the numbers, in various districts in Broward County.


    In Philly, Cleveland;
    In polling locations in Philadelphia where Republican observers were thrown out, Mr. Obama received once again over 99% of the votes cast. In Cleveland, he received 99.8% of the votes in 44 districts, and he benefited from 108% turnout from eligible voters in one county in Ohio.

    IN Cleveland:

    Voter Fraud Ohio Wood:!+Exposing+Liberal+bias+cause+the+MSM+doesn%27t+have+to.%29

    Voter Fraud Boston

  8. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Romney's policies especially as concerns women. The contraception issue, anti abortion, the binders etc.,seemed woefully antiquated.

    It seemed he was catering to either an ultra conservative minority or a wealthy minority, as per the famous 47% conversation.

    He came across as someone that was deeply out of touch with the average American of today.

    Pandering to the Nascar, and Born Again crowd that were perhaps already a little leery because of his religion.

    President Obama came across as someone that is empathic with the situation of all citizens, and that has tried in good faith to mend and manage a recession that he inherited and seems to be a global condition, not just Americas.

  9. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "Flip-flop, Etch-a-sketch, Mittens" Mitt Romney lost the election because his repugnican base of bigots, misogynist/vagina-phobes, bible terrorists, and wingnuts are increasingly outnumbered by the rest of us - genuine American peoples. Race-baiting; espoused hatred of poor and working-class people - hallmarks of the repugnican party - will ultimately collapse. Gone are the days of the "great white nation".
    And while I'm at it: How about a fund-raiser to facilitate the expatriation of the wingnuts and teabaggers. I've got some spare cash, guns and ammo to donate.

  10. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Romney lost because of blogging Negroes like you! You just kept on effing with him, finding fault with him EVERYDAY! YOU, and those Obama jigging Negroes; and those rogue pot smoking Whites in Cali are to blame for the demise of our great country.

    I hope you folks are satisfied now. BTW, there will be seceding backlashes from the likes of Texas from this country. That will leave a big hole in our country.

    See what you folks have done? You have ruined everything.

    That big mouthed PC Negro in the UK played a part in this. He wanted this to happen to us. Those no-war Brits have always been jealous of us.

    I can't stop crying this river.

  11. Quote some moron yesterday

    "Patraeus will be subpenaed to testify anyway..."

    Which of course completely blows your conspiracy theory out the water.

    Leaving aside the fact that the FBI were investigating Petraeus long before the Ben Ghazi attack took place, don't you think the fact that his girlfriend (a journalist) was attempting access his secret CIA emails was reason enough to resign?

  12. The GOP Primaries: The gift that kept giving.

    The GOP primaries are veritable landmine. Potential presidential nominees must prance, preen and pandered for right-wing zealots that superficially judge them like an ogling has been celebrity judging a swim suit contest. Candidates, on their audition, trip over each over to prove their conservative street cred: This is exactly why Mr. Romney blurted out that he was severely conservative.

    By time the GOP primary candidate is selected, the Democrats are drooling over the treasure trove of campaign ammunition.

    for more...

  13. Mrs X believes the GOP scares women so many of those who said they were voting for Mitt switched up once they were at the polls.
    I believe that the gop motivated too many people with voter suppression tactics, god rape baby comments and basically calling everyone besides white xian males leeches. They needed women and people of color to pull this one off but they alienated us and paid the price. Mitt and the gop live in a bubble where facts are meaningless (skewed polls anyone?) And in this bubble they insult people and then play the vivtim role and blame the other side for being nasty. If they pull their heads out of the sand and accept reality they'll be alright, folks like Rove don't like to lose so they'll come around maybe kicking and screaming but around they will come.

  14. There has been a lot of talk about the Hispanic vote. But Romney could not close the deal in the upper Midwest which so far does not have a massive Hispanic influx. He lost because of his 47% comments, opposition to the auto bailout and unwillingness to openly confront the loony extreme right-wngers of his party.

  15. Great answers! I think we could argue for all the reasons articulated above. Also, what about his running
    mate? Should he have picked Ryan? He still lost Wisconsin , and the all male white ticket has not been in vogue for a few years.

  16. John Q. Citizen9:16 AM

    On hard policy choices, Ryan was even worse a pick than was Palin four years back. He is a member of a bizarre gynocentric cult - Objectivism - founded by the Christianity-hating Russian-born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum ("Ayn Rand" to the rest of you) that has never been part of the mainstream of this country. This cult makes a fetish of open borders, free trade, limitless immigration and the like. White Men like me might favor free markets in general terms, but we are not free market fantasists who think our borders can never be too open or our CEOs too well compensated.

    But enough about me and other white men like me, Field. When do you Negroes begin to acknowledge that year by year, Hispanic immigration has had negative economic consequences for your people? Where I live, it is very rare to see a construction crew that is not 100% hispanic, whereas in years past, these crews would have included quite a few black men. Have black men lost the desire to do construction work? More generally, the unemployment rate among English-speaking black men born in the USA is much higher than it is among hispanic men who can barely speak any English and who often are here illegally. How does this benefit black men in this country? And note that all the talk of late has been about how the Republican Party can be more appealing to Hispanics, whom the grandees of the GOP think are really a bunch of Rush Limbaugh Republicans just waiting for their papers so that they can rush the voting booths and vote Republican. No one even talks about trying to appeal to black citizens any more.

    Politically and economically, Black people are being replaced in the life of this nation by Hispanics, and nobody on your side seems willing to address any aspect of these issues.

  17. Mr. Field:

    Nate Silver ranks the average error of the polling firms, and also gives the direction of their bias. Look at what has happened to Gallup.

  18. The 47% comment was the end of the end for Romney. Either he believed it (which is bad) or he was just saying it because he thought that was what those people wanted to hear (which is probably worse.)

    It was not Romney's destiny to become President.

  19. John Q, that's a fair question, and a discussion I would like to have sometime. I would argue that the jobs being ttaken by new Immigrants are not jobs that native blacks or whites want to take in the first place.

  20. John Q,
    On the right hispanic equation yes you are so right. But I think that this sets the Black population up in a unique and good space - they will become the swing; and I also think that Amnesty is now dead. White America is going to stop the influx of non-white migration; and also, as Field said, the jobs they are given is not jobs Blacks or Whites seem to want - but I know that that is not truth; maybe they were brought in by some to hurt Blacks...but the thing is this is also hurting working-class Whites (maybe you should ask them - there is not such a huge uptick in White Anti-immigrant association because they are hurting Blacks)...And then there is business that wants to get anyone who will work for nothing and no that American?
    Blacks have enough to keep moving; it just takes an acknowledgement of where we are and what we want...we stop being the ultimate consumers that help others and help ourselves - we will be okay.
    Republicans were never checking for Blacks really anyway; and the only Blacks this seem to hurt is the crazies that they already attracted and was kicking to the curb even before the elections - useful idiots.

  21. By picking Ryan over Christie, his own favorite, Rawmoney was unknowingly foregoing the chance to have one last "big moment" at the end of the campaign. If Christie had been on the ticket, he'd have been the center of attention and would have exploited it for the campaign (while self-righteously denying that he was, of course) instead of bear-hugging Obama.

  22. SickupandFed2:44 PM

    I read that jackass' post about crying a river. LOL!

    There was something very historic about what happened Tuesday that people have been dancing around. I will not dance.

    Tuesday marked the end of the reign of the American cracker white man. Tuesday America realized that we are no longer at the whim of the cracker. They are irrelevant. OK, sure, they may still control individual House seats, a few states, and some Governorship's. But, in more places, a coalition of minority interests can very easily become the majority. Will it be easy? Will it happen overnight? That's up to us.

  23. John Q. Citizen3:10 PM

    As the son of a construction worker myself, and a guy who grew up around construction workers, I can tell you flat out that you are wrong. Many men, black white brown, would much rather work hanging dry wall or welding steel than type and file at a law firm or be anyplace in the service sector. Also, the pay is pretty good, especially on union jobs (where it can be very good indeed). These jobs are now almost exclusively the domain of hispanics because the people who do the hiring know that they won't complain (no unions for them), are docile, and somewhat cheaper to employ. If one of them gets injured on the job, well, there is always his cousin Felipe from El Salvador to replace him. Also, I am getting tired of hearing this "The reason Group X has taken over Occupation Y is that none of us black or white men are willing to do the work." An excuse that began in agriculture, continued into the construction trades and is now moving through high paying occupations like medicine seems to have no limit.

    I would argue that the impact of massive, mostly illegal, hispanic immigration into the United States has had far, far more direct and harmful an impact on the job prospects of Black Americans than anything the Rush Limbaughs of the Republic have done over the last 30 years.

    Those African Americans who support this new Republican(!)/Democratic push to give these illegals amnesty are digging their own economic graves.

  24. half of the sheeple did NOT vote for hobama

    that cia mole global warlord hobama has been a loyal bankster as mandated...

    unlike mitt
    he has no soul or brain

    that is why he won

    the banksters rule us all

    cc the bilderbergs

    since they slew jfk

    voters have never picked the prez

    only they do

  25. John Q I understand your point in relation to construction jobs, but I am talking dishwashers, hotel maids and farm workere etc.

    Don't even get me started on the unions and trades in cities lIke Philly who kept blacks out of good payIng jobs for years. The irony is that now they are saying we can't get these jobs because of Hispanics.

  26. John Q,

    Yes it hurts Blacks more - I am not even objecting to that notion.
    It has and will... What Blacks do you know are pushing for Amnesty.

    There will be no Amnesty.

    You kind of said what I said; but I am also saying that a people, who shovel in almost a trillion dollars into a country each and every year (and those are conservative numbers) have options... if we use them we will be okay... if not, then let us go.

  27. Ryan didn't win a majority of votes in his hometown of Janesville either as Representative or VP. He probably wouldn't have won the District Representative if republican gerrymandered District 1 now includes the infamous "lost and found ballot" Waukesha County.

  28. " I would argue that the jobs being ttaken by new Immigrants are not jobs that native blacks or whites want to take in the first place."

    Actually Field, this isn't always true, especially as it relates to jobs which require expertise in the Sciences. In fact, I'd argue that the main reason pay/opportunities in Research are not as good as they could be is due to the significant presence of immigrants. For example, research investigators know they can hire an MD/PhD from China who can't work here as a Physician to work for them for peanuts (the AMA don't play that with out jumping through substantial hoops) to keep their research agenda's moving forward. This leaves many PhD's having to do multiple Post Docs before getting their first tenure track position, therefore the competition for those positions becomes VERY stiff.

    With that said, I have to agree somewhat with John Q although hispanics aren't the issues here, it's the other legal ones that have jacked up the Science industry.

  29. Anonymous6:40 PM

    "Love to hear why you thought Romney lost the election."

    That's easy. Blacks are extremely racist and monolithic. Although that's not why Romney lost. Blacks even total votes are insignificant.

    However the overall Democratic fraud and ballot box stuffing was conducted by Blacks and Acorn.

    The same race who monolithically voted for Obama at a 96% rate are the ones who put criminals and deviants in office all over; because they are racist.

    Jesse Jackson is a perfect example of that. He was lost for half the year, supposedly in for mental treatment. Never appeared, never campaigned - yet overwhelmingly was voted into office by Blacks. Why? Because they are racist and just because he now got caught and is going to jail doesn't mean he was a crooked politician - no, they framed him.

    Then you have the Democrat Brian Banks, an eight-time convicted felon with a rap sheet spanning several years, on Tuesday handily defeated his Republican opponent in the race to represent Michigan’s first district as a state representative, taking 68 percent of the vote.

    Banks was convicted of credit card fraud and writing bad checks eight times between 1998 and 2004.

    But he is black so vote him in and hope that when he gets his you get yours.

    This isn't uncommon from mayors to almost every single member of the Congressional black caucus you have fraud, corruption, felons, crack heads...But they get in because you want to vote for skin color. And you are the same people who try and claim Herman Cain was a bad man for an unproven allegation of some type of affair.

    Nope, just hypocritical racists with no standards, this way no one can hold you to anything.

    Hispanics are eating your lunch 2/3's of new jobs went to Hispanic immigrants. You re-elected a guy with voter fraud whose only claim to improving what he did for the last four years is to raise taxes on people you don't like, because they were successful.

    Even with the ficiticious Labor Unemployment report that was revised to help Obama in September

    Black Unemployment rate was: 14%
    with black youth around 27-28%
    Hispanic was: 9.4%

    Give you a hint yet? Maybe that Black kid could wash dishes or do something while going to school to earn money. Or not and just rely on....???

    Lets see how that works out. Latinos want to be white and are bi-lingual working hard to speak english properly - very few work hard to speak ebonics. You put 2 and 2 together if that is possible and check out how things worked out in Oakland.

    The good news is White guilt was assassinated. With few brain dead weak minded liberals it's gone away and has been used up.

  30. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I want the credit when this comes to light in the future FN.....Romney lost because Sheldon Adelson delivered a battered and bleeding Romney to the Obama camp.

    He financed all the vulture capitalism ads that Gingrich/Perry ran. Not only did that shit stick on Mittens like the proverbial white on rice(forgive me), but he spent a lot of money running against chumps he'd already dusted.

    The reason for this is the DOJ corruption case being built against Adelson because of his Macao casinos, the old guy does not want to end up in a US prison for his last days on earth.... When he gets a free pass you can say you heard it here first!!! :-)


  31. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Field, "Don't even get me started on the unions and trades in cities lIke Philly who kept blacks out of good payIng jobs for years. The irony is that now they are saying we can't get these jobs because of Hispanics."

    4:08 PM
    Sounds like we Negroes are doomed because we are not wanted anywhere. Asians, Hispanics, and Whites are preferred in jobs, no matter what level the job is.

    We do what we always have done for centuries. Make excuses for lagging behind. Now the excuse is we don't want the jobs the Hispanics are taking. Yet, the Dems and Obama are catering to the Hispanics and continue to ignore us.

    The truth is, we can't face up to the fact that we lose to other groups no matter who they are, whether they are legal immigrants or illegal immigrants...

    It's scary if you are Black. And of course, we remain silent while it happens to us. Let's face it. All other groups take things away from us because we lack power and are weak politically and economically and educationally. It's like taking candy from a baby!

  32. SickupandFed said...

    "Tuesday marked the end of the reign of the American cracker white man. Tuesday America realized that we are no longer at the whim of the cracker. They are irrelevant. OK, sure, they may still control individual House seats, a few states, and some Governorship's. But, in more places, a coalition of minority interests can very easily become the majority. Will it be easy? Will it happen overnight? That's up to us."


    Its a process, not an event.

  33. John Q. Citizen9:08 PM

    Dr. Reine, you are of course correct. I know quite a few doctorate types, and this has been going on for years, although through a different mechanism than afflicts the construction trades. It is also taking place on Wall Street. Nobody in the national media or on Capitol Hill, whether dem or rep, is willing to talk about any of this. Instead we get a great deal of bloviating on gay marriage. No matter your opinion on that, unless someone forces you to marry someone of your gender, how does the issue affect you? It does not. Immigration, on the other hand, affects the life prospects of all of our citizens. We need an honest discussion of the issue in its totality, legal and illegal, which of course we will not get from this generation of politicians. And that too, is why this White Man stayed home on election day.

  34. The Guru8:02 AM

    3 reasons:

    1) The Ridiculous Right and their involvement in the GOP primaries. Because of the GOPs method of awarding delegates proportionally instead of "winner take all", people like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are able to take the primary discussions so far away from reality that in order to win, a GOP candidate has to "cater to the crazy". In this day and age of everything being forever on the internet, it will become increasingly difficult for a candidate to successfully pivot back to the center afterwards.

    2) Failure to understand the future. The GOP actually ran an effective campaign. Unfortunately, it was based on the electorate of 2000. It was clear that the GOP dismissed the turnout of 2008 as a once-in-a-lifetime aberration, and with the newness of an African-American President now worn off, expected a lot of Americans who voted for Obama in 2008 to stay home in apathy. Some of this was their own fault because of. . .

    3) Fox News. For the last four years, Fox News has been waging a branding campaign, labeling the President as the worst President in American history. In the interest of "fair and balanced", MSNBC has been performing a similar exercise against the GOP, but that's a story for another day. A couple of weeks before the election, the Fox branding changed from how horrible this President was to how this election was going to be a blowout. . . for Romney. Ignoring reams of polling data that suggested otherwise, the proclamation of imminent victory only accomplished one thing; firing up the opposition to come out to the polls again in numbers similar to four years ago.

    Add those up, and this is what you get. If the GOP fails to change this approach, they may as well get used to feeling this way every 4-6 years.

  35. BARBBF9:11 AM


    By Mary Bruce

    Oct 1, 2012 9:17pm
    At White House Request, Lockheed Martin Drops Plan to Issue Layoff Notices

    Defense contractor Lockheed Martin heeded a request from the White House today — one with political overtones — and announced it will not issue layoff notices to thousands of employees just days before the November presidential election.

    Lockheed, one of the biggest employers in the key battleground state of Virginia, previously warned it would have to issue notices to employees, required by law, due to looming defense cuts set to begin to take effect after Jan. 2 because of the failure of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction — the so-called Super-committee, which was created to find a way to cut $1.5 trillion from the federal deficit over the next decade.

    Such massive layoffs could have threatened Obama’s standing in the state he won in 2008 and is hoping to carry again this November.


    Contractors had been planning to send out notices because of the WARN Act — Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act — which according to the Department of Labor requires “most employers with 100 or more employees to provide notification 60 calendar days in advance of plant closings and mass layoffs.”

    In July the Labor Department issued legal guidance making clear that federal contractors are not required to provide layoff notices 60 days in advance of the potential Jan. 2 sequestration order, and that doing so would be inconsistent with the purpose of the WARN Act.

    In Friday’s memo, the Office of Management and Budget reiterated that notice, urging agencies’ contracting officials and CFOs to “minimize the potential for waste and disruption associated with the issuance of unwarranted layoff notices.”

    The guidance issued Friday told contractors that if the automatic cuts happen and contractors lay off employees the government will cover certain liability and litigation costs in the event the contractor is later sued because it hadn’t provided adequate legal warning to its employees, but only if the contractor abides by the administration’s notice and refrains from warning employees now.

    After “careful review” Lockheed announced today that it will abide by the administration’s guidance.

    “We will not issue sequestration-related WARN notices this year,” Lockheed announced in a written statement. “The additional guidance offered important new information about the potential timing of DOD actions under sequestration, indicating that DOD anticipates no contract actions on or about 2 January, 2013, and that any action to adjust funding levels on contracts as a result of sequestration would likely not occur for several months after 2 Jan. The additional guidance further ensures that, if contract actions due to sequestration were to occur, our employees would be provided the protection of the WARN Act and that the costs of this protection would be allowable and recoverable.

  36. Romney lost because he didn't pander to parasites.
