Friday, March 01, 2013

A sinking feeling and O plays mind games.

"I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around"

Those lines from that classic Carole King song had a whole different meaning to poor Jeff Bush. One minute dude is dreaming about whatever, and the next minute he is falling into a 30 foot sinkhole that swallowed his entire room.Whoa!

"The hole opened up at around 11 p.m. Thursday night in the Seffner, Fla., neighborhood, authorities said.

"[The family] heard a sound that they described as a car crash emanating from the bedroom in the back of the house," Hillsborough County Fire Chief Ron Rogers said at a news conference today.

The family rushed into the room where Jeff Bush, 36, was sleeping, according to ABC News' Tampa affiliate WFTS-TV.

"All they could see was part of a mattress sticking out of the hole. Essentially, the floor of the room had opened up," Rogers said. "They could hear the nephew in the hole, but they could not see him."

Bush's brother, Jeremy Bush, jumped in and tried to rescue him, but was unsuccessful.

"I jumped in the hole and was trying to dig him out, but I couldn't find him," Jeremy Bush [in pic] told WFTS through tears. "I thought I could hear him hollering for me to help him.

"I didn't see any part of him when I went in there," he said. "All I seen was his bed and I told my father-in-law to grab a shovel so I could start digging and I just started digging and started digging and the cops showed up and pulled me out of the hole and said the floor was still falling in." [Source]

Folks, if you own any real estate around Tampa, Florida, this might be a good time to sell.

And now on to the latest outrage and most pressing issue facing Americans: The president not knowing the different between a Jedi mind game and a Vulcan mind meld. (Silly me,I had the guy pegged for a nerd.)

Twitterland exploded after his Oness confused the two in his presser today, and conservatives pounced on this as an example as why he is not a competent president. "How can he not know the difference between the mind game and mind meld? Clearly the man is not fit to lead." [Source]

O, you better apologize to all the Trekkies out there and call it a day. Don't let this thing drag itself out into another news cycle. This is serious stuff. Those mixed metaphors can be worse than high unemployment numbers and wars.


  1. Just the latest reason why I've never stepped foot in Florida and never will.

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Dear Mr Field, would you be making light of this family's suffering if they were Black? Of course, not. RACIST!

  3. Wesley R10:10 PM

    The sinkholes are part of rebuilding of this country that needs to be done. I'm tired of my power going out when it storms most of the time.

    I like that The President didn't call on Fox News during the press conference. He just talked to Republican Leaders so he basically just spoke with them.

  4. Donald Hump10:11 PM

    Well, that's one less Bush brother we have to worry about running for President.

    Good thing none of Obama's half brothers were born in 'Hawaii'.

  5. Silly butt, Halfrican Hobama should’ve had the Secret Service to “beam up” either Lt. Uhuru, Spock or Captain Kirk to give him a helping hand with his sequester related press conference. I'm quite certain either one of them could've easily assisted him with whatever the hell he was attempting to say.

  6. What Did You Expect From a Pot-Head?

    Obama mixed up very famous sci-fi properties, saying he couldn't use a "Jedi mind-meld" to convince evil Republicans to jack up taxes.

    Kids, don't smoke pot and definitely don't try Total Absorption, as your current president did. It leads to mental degeneration later in life.

  7. Lawmaker to 17 Year Old Girl Who Overcame Her Shyness and Fear of Snakes: "If you're bashful I got a snake sitting under my desk here."

    Connecticut state Rep. Ernest Hewett (D) made an inappropriate remark to a 17 year old girl testifying about a program that helped her overcome her shyness and get over her fear of snakes, the New London Day reports.

    Where does this girl now go to overcome her fear of men in positions of government power?

  8. "Dear Mr Field, would you be making light of this family's suffering if they were Black? Of course, not. RACIST!"

    Sorry troll, I don't see race. This is a "post-racial" blog....

    Besides, I thought they were just light skinned blah people.


    A Lot of pseudo-Geeks are going to have to turn in their Geek Pass.

  10. control+halt+delete11:30 PM

    Here we go with trying to fix history to fit in the box. Anyone with a decent IQ knows a Jedi mind meld trumps the lesser vulcan type and definitely outlasts the jedi mind trick.

  11. Anonymous12:18 AM

    field negro said...
    "Dear Mr Field, would you be making light of this family's suffering if they were Black? Of course, not. RACIST!"

    Sorry troll, I don't see race. This is a "post-racial" blog....

    Besides, I thought they were just light skinned blah people.

    11:00 PM
    Although others on this blog cannot decipher what you are 'really' saying, I can see right through your bullshit. I am a very smart person.

  12. Anonymous12:18 AM


    Anyone with half a brain knows that your comment disparaged the land and nothing else. Leave it to a mutant to attempt project his hardwired, biologically-determined bigotry upon a human. Think they'll ever figure out that their dying collective sees the world through a mutant mental context/construct that humans simply do not share?

  13. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Field, it would be a nice gesture if you sent some money to this family in FL. You might change some minds about some of us Blacks.

    Then again, maybe not. But send some money anyway. Show everyone White what a big heart you have.

    More importantly, Whites might reconsider that you might not be a racist. That would be a big big big plus for FN and it's Negroes.

  14. As a black female geek who definitely knows the difference between a "Jedi mind trick" and a "Vulcan mind meld", Obama should appeal to his base and apologize.

    I keed, I keed :)

  15. "Field, it would be a nice gesture if you sent some money to this family in FL. You might change some minds about some of us Blacks."

    I will think about it. But I am looking at dudes brother in this pic and he doesn't look like he will put it to good use. Just sayin. :)

    "Here we go with trying to fix history to fit in the box. Anyone with a decent IQ knows a Jedi mind meld trumps the lesser vulcan type and definitely outlasts the jedi mind trick. "

    Holy sh**! So there is a Jedi mind meld. That damn O.

  16. Anonymous10:34 AM

    LOL - That commenter must be high as a kite to ask you, Field, to send a mutant a damned dime. The crap these creatures spew on your blog, daily, clearly communicates that they need to take care of their own the very same way these monsters send money for Zimmerman's defense fund. Please tell us you're simply being facetious, lol?

  17. Anonymous11:50 AM


    Your girl Melissa Harris Perry [MHP] followed your lead in highlighting Bloomberg's cover, as well...

  18. Afroloid said..
    "Leave it to a mutant to attempt project his hardwired, biologically-determined bigotry upon a human. Think they'll ever figure out that their dying collective sees the world through a mutant mental context/construct that humans simply do not share?"

    Did not you just type that post in mutant language? What language do you think in? Your very thoughts are organized and expressed in mutant syntax and grammar. You wear mutant clothes, eat mutant food, and utilize mutant technology. Your reality functions entirely inside and as part of mutant reality. Your are probably genetically part mutant.

    You are a mutant.

  19. In 1945, Horoshima lay in ruins from the effects of an atomic bomb, and (92% white) Detroit was the richest manufacturing city in the world.

    Right after the war, the rebuilding started in Japan, and in millions of blacks moved to the northern cities in America.

    Today, Hiroshima is a shining, thriving modern city, and (92% black) Detroit lays in ruins.

    Negroes are much worse than atomic bombs.

  20. "looking at dudes brother in this pic and he doesn't look like he will put it to good use. Just sayin. :) "

    That's the same kind of classist bigotry that still shocks me when I hear it from none to few my liberal friends. Tim Wise, the white anti-racist crusader, even does it reliably in his essays & talks four or five times a year.

    Dude looks working class, that's for sure, just like the kind of black young men who scare white people so bad. As you so often point out Field, it's the spontanious statement that reveals the most truth about the speaker.

  21. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Mutato said...

    Afroloid said..
    "Leave it to a mutant to attempt project his hardwired, biologically-determined bigotry upon a human. Think they'll ever figure out that their dying collective sees the world through a mutant mental context/construct that humans simply do not share?"

    Did not you just type that post in mutant language? What language do you think in? Your very thoughts are organized and expressed in mutant syntax and grammar. You wear mutant clothes, eat mutant food, and utilize mutant technology. Your reality functions entirely inside and as part of mutant reality. Your are probably genetically part mutant.

    You are a mutant.

    And she wears Chicken juice "fay gances"

  22. control+halt+delete7:45 PM

    Anon @ 12:18 AM

    You say mutant, I say alien, either way they need watchin'.
    For example @ 11:55a "spud" wants to change the story (again, we have to control our message)because if what so many of the trolls say about IQ's is true we don't and I repeat don't think like them.
    That we eat mutant food...all that stuff ending in "ate" and "ite" is making us sick. Why do they have to synthesize what nature has already provide?

    Anyway, then we get this:

    "Right after the war, the rebuilding started in Japan." My point exactly...let's talk reparations. The Japanese got US investments...Blacks in Detroit got crack.

  23. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Why does one suppose mutants have a problem being a subspecies, due to color mutation, of human? Why can't mutants be satisfied with their small phallus, lack of rhythm, comical comb-overs and the fact that their hair, when wet, smells indistinguishable from the wet hair of a dog? Why do mutants seek to compare the way they, being the subhumans that they are, destroyed Japanese cities with nuclear weapons with how they destroyed Detroit through drugs, guns, and violent crime? What drives mutants, like the other invasive species of the Burmese Python and the Asian Carp, to persistently infest a place where they are neither wanted nor belong? The surest way to know that you're a mutant, aside from possessing a psychopathic racial personality, a diminutive phallus, and being melanin-deficient, and rhythm-disabled, is that you have a parasitic existence to humans such that, like the remora fish, you must attach yourself to them, any way you can---particularly the way the mutants comment on this blog. Humans don't follow mutants. It's always the converse. Who else will teach mutants how to great one another and simply be?

  24. "Humans don't follow mutants. It's always the converse."


  25. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "Right after the war, the rebuilding started in Japan." My point exactly...let's talk reparations. The Japanese got US investments...Blacks in Detroit got crack."

    A million times more dollars have been poured into Detroit. It would have been a better use of funds if it been flushed down the toilet.

  26. Apex Hominid10:10 PM

    Afroloid said...
    "they destroyed Detroit through drugs, guns, and violent crime?"

    92% white Detroit = the arsenal of Democracy

    92% black Detroit = the bankrupt, crime-ridden cesspool capital of Black America

    "they" be Negroes.

    Point to one Black run country, city or even neighborghood that could be called prosperous and safe.

  27. Dr. Greengenes10:18 PM

    Ms.Mǚtánt said...
    "Humans don't follow mutants. It's always the converse."

    Are you retarded, or just confused?

    Whites build great cities, blacks follow in great numbers, eventually taking control and ruining the cities. Whites move out to suburbs and create new thriving communities, to which blacks follow and destroy as well. Whites move farther out and the process continues, with the parasites following the hosts.

    Look at Atlanta, and how it has spread all the way to Tennessee.

    Who's the mutant?

    Mutants don't go to medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  28. the empty suited lazy dumb hobama always needs his teleprompter!

    shame how the msm are reporting this rather than exposng hobama's blatant lies about crafted his own sequester!


  29. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Someone please explain to our cerebrally challenged mutant FOLLOWER the difference between humans (like, for instance, many of the El Salvadorans non-citizens in Washington DC) being lured to places for employment as opposed to humans saying, "Gee, those mutants are cool to be around and their hair smell SO nice when it's wet, let's follow them!"


    Someone please explain to mutants that their savage insidious nature is such that wherever humans are----and there are tremendous natural resources, like, say, Detroit, which happens to be nestled in a state that's surrounded by the world's LARGEST FRESH WATER RESERVES----mutants will ALWAYS INVADE and seek to undermine and usurp through GUNS, DRUGS, DISEASE, RELIGION, STARVATION, etc.

    Lastly, riddle mutants this - why don't Native American care to be around them or care to follow them such that the late great Lakota Sioux Warrior, Russell Means, pronounced in his landmark 1980's speech that, "For the World to Live, Europe Must Die!" (See Speech at

  30. Is the "mutant" destroyer and the good Doctor the same person?

    I don't think so.:)

  31. Anonymous2:45 AM


    Indeed, the Mutant Destroyer/Slayer is his very own person for whom seal-clubbing mutants has always come naturally and is serious business, which is why anonymity is preferred.

  32. Anonymous12:36 AM


    So what do you think of the Great Lakota Sioux Warrior's Fighting Words?
