Saturday, March 02, 2013

Better candidates or a better message?

I thought that republicans didn't believe in racial politics.

Karl Rove is telling republicans that they need to diversify their candidates for political offices around the country. Apparently, in his world, it's not the message that matters but who is delivering it. Karl, once again, is way off base.

It's the message not the messenger. If you don't believe me ask Mr. 999, and folks like Alan Keyes. Both are very black, and both are very republican, but both men are big time losers among minority voters because they are wrong on the issues.

If republicans ran Casper the Friendly Ghost in a 100% black district, and he ran on issues that they think would benefit them, Casper would beat the dumbocratic candidate every time.

The same goes for Hispanics. As long as the republican party is made up of aging old white xenophobes, the Hispanic vote will continue to elude them.
Mr. Rove can change who delivers the message, but he can't change who they are delivering the message to.

"He also said the party must recruit candidates who reflect the diversity of the country, and in particular, California. By next year, Hispanics will overtake whites as the state's largest demographic group.

"We need to be asking for votes in the most powerful way possible, which is to have people asking for the vote who are comfortable and look like and sound like the people that we're asking for the vote from," Rove said."

"The people who look like and sound like the people we are asking the vote from"? And here I thought that we were just all Americans who did not see race or the physical differences among each other.

Finally, I am heading down to D.C. week after next for CPAC and I am looking for a nice conservative family to crash with. If any of you wingnut troll happens to know someone please holla at your boy. I would take my Jersey neighbor, Gov. Krispy Kreme with me, but I heard that he is not welcome in the party anymore.

This, of course, is not sitting well with some of his fellow republicans.

“That’s a suicidal death wish,” King replied curtly. “CPAC, to me, loses all credibility. You have a governor who is conservative, he’s balanced a budget, he’s taken on public employee unions, he’s pro-life, and yet he has a 74 percent favorable rating in a Democratic blue state.”

“So, here’s a person who has shown that blue collar conservatism works,” King continued. “That it appeals to working men and women – that it appeals to women – and these are the areas we’ve been suffering.”

King said that Christie was not invited to CPAC because he fought for aid to areas hit by Hurricane Sandy. “To me, that writes off CPAC,” King said. [Source]

Mr. Christie, please call Karl Rove; he needs you as exhibit A. 


  1. "By next year, Hispanics will overtake whites as the state's largest demographic group." -for the first time since 1848.

  2. Yamato10:31 PM

    Republicans should be concerned wth getting more of the white vote. The black and hispanic vote has been walled off to them by Democrats, and is in any event irrelevant. Had Romney done a couple of points better with white voters, or if had inspired whites to turn out slightly better, he would be President today.

    This division in the White vote, not the “Hispanic vote,” is why the Democrats are winning presidential elections – the effect of minorities is simply to augment and nullify White Republican voters, but it is not sufficient by itself to, say, to elect non-Whites to statewide offices outside of extreme cases like Hawaii.

    American politics can be summed up as one group of Whites based in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast aligning themselves with non-Whites to gain an electoral advantage over a rival group of Whites who are based in the South, Interior West, and the Lower North.

  3. Fuck Chris Christie. The day he hugged Obama on the beach, five days before the election, he ended his career in the GOP.

    And motherfuck Karl Rove. He's the son of a bitch that ruined the Republican party.

    All of this electoral marketing bullshit will be moot after Obama's economic policies result in the collapse of the government.

    Then, a real rain will come.

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    One group neither party has to worry about is AAs. They can be ignored. Obama has proven that AAs lack political clout to move a President to do anything for them.

    I am still wondering what excuse PilotX has for Obama not being able to get a damn thing done in his second term?

    PilotX, you said the Republicans would cooperate 'because' they know that Obama can't run again. What the hell happened, Mr Political Genius?

    1. Told you super genuis pick a screen name, stick with it and we can discuss. Not getting into it with anons anymore.

  5. Ace Freeley10:53 PM

    In case you weren't sure, Obama's lying about the sequester and intends to Keep On Lying for Years to Come.

    I think the media convinces itself to forgive Obama's lying about the details because they are convinced that he's right about the bigger picture-- that is, whether Obama created the sequester or not (he did, by the way), it's the Republicans who want to cut spending. So Obama may be lying about the mechanism of cutting spending, but it's all Republicans' fault, because they're the ones pushing the issue.

    One problem with that thousandth lie the media is telling itself to excuse Obama: Obama is also on record as supposedly favoring spending cuts, too.

    Remember? A "balanced approach" of $3 in cuts to $1 in tax hikes? Well, Obama got his $1 in tax hikes; so we're to have the $3 in cuts now, right?

    But Obama won't specify his preferred cuts because he actually prefers no cuts.

    So he got elected by running on a campaign lie.

    Anyone in the media care about this, a president simply lying about every single one of his beliefs for political purposes, such that hardly a single one of his statements corresponds with any sort of recognizable reality?

    The question is rhetorical. The answer is "No."

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    JC Watts looks like he is living well, much like he did when in Congress. Field, I don't appreciate you calling him a HN. That is disrespectful and a lie.

  7. control+halt+delete11:23 PM

    We will never know where Lincoln's vision for the country would have taken us.
    However, the republicans led by individuals with names like nixon, reagan and bush seem to have moved the party to one of rich white guys who are out of touch with what made 'merica great.
    Now you have a people like rove, the kochs and others who again want to buy people and use this purchase power to dictate where we are headed as a country. And is it just me or is rove gaining a few pounds?
    Until the republicans get it right I want no part of their charade, no matter who is the messenger.

  8. Wesley R11:30 PM

    Rep. Peter King ripped Rubio for voting against the Sandy Aid and then going up to Wallstreet to fundraise. The GOP will find out soon enough that Rudio is a phoney. Rove is something else, he is the Nature Boy Ric Flair of politics. He's the dirtiest player in the game. When 9-9-9 was leading The Republican Primary Rove took his ass out with all of those women coming forward. Once 9-9-9 dropped out, we never seen the women again. But the thing with Rove is while he's giving all of this advice, he only won Presidential elections when his side cheated. He couldn't beat Obama because the world was watching and monitoring the elections.

  9. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    "Humans don't follow mutants. It's always the converse."


    It's not the converse, it's the Air Jordans.

    go fling some poop at the walls and have some fruit.

  10. Yamato that was a decent political analysis. Except you forgot one thing: whites will be in the minority in about 20 years.

    As a result I suspect that everything you wrote about ill be changing shortly.

    "Until the republicans get it right I want no part of their charade, no matter who is the messenger."

    It's a "charade" that pays folks like Rove millions. :)

    "JC Watts looks like he is living well, much like he did when in Congress. Field..."

    Yes, house food will do that to you.

  11. Yamato11:28 AM

    field negro said...
    Yamato that was a decent political analysis. Except you forgot one thing: whites will be in the minority in about 20 years.

    What things will be like in 20 years is vey difficult to say, but I think the obituary for the white majority is a bit premature.

    Many "hispanics" are nearly 100% European and would have been considered white in the past (and may be again someday).

    Many people who are in truth primarily white choose not to self-identify as whites today because there are benefits - both social and economic - to identifying as anything else.

    Right now, the Republicans have been labelled the White Party, while the Democrats are becoming the party of Everyone Else. The "Everyone Else" coalition includes blacks along with Mexicans, Chinese, Koreans and Indian immigrants that have widely differing long term interests that will likely fracture this alliance once a one-party state is firmly established. Also, once whites become a bare majority (e.g. Mississippi and Texas), they tend to vote much more as bloc, turning the state solidly Republican. High white majority states like Vermont, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Washington tend to be very liberal. As the perscentage of the white population decreases, the Republican share of the white vote will increase rapidly.

    History is not over.

    1. "Educated" whites don't want to vote for a homophobic group that hates science. The lower class and uneducated whites will continue to vote to end abortion and getting god into the classroom over and over. The gop better join the 21st century or never win national elections again.

  12. "Asking for the vote who are comfortable and look like and sound like the people we're asking for the vote from" - C. Rove

    That's quite an asinie comment my Mr. Rover, a supposed political heavyweight. If he truly believes this theory, it's best that he commence the creation of some type of machine that will churn out hundreds, if not thousans of lighter skinned Rubios. If this doesn't take place by the time that Halfrican leaves offce, its safe to say that his silly presumption will be marked as a FAILURE! Try again!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    I've got some interesting news on the Presidential campaign front, Field. I heard just now from an old friend who has been recruited from Weiden & Kennedy to move to L.A. to become chief strategist on Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign.

    Don't lie, you have no Friends.

    As for Hillary....ehhhh What Does it matter.

  15. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    I've got some interesting news on the Presidential campaign front, Field. I heard just now from an old friend who has been recruited from Weiden & Kennedy to move to L.A. to become chief strategist on Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign.

    Don't lie, you have no Friends.

    As for Hillary....ehhhh What Does it matter.

  16. Thanks for the 411 PC. I suspected that she might run. She is leading every potential GOP candidate by large margins.

  17. SoetoroX3:53 PM

    "to have people asking for the vote who are comfortable and look like and sound like the people that we're asking for the vote from,"

    That's terrible advice, as usual, from Karl Rove. The people that they're asking for the vote from are firmly locked up on the democrat plantation, ands will never consider voting Republican no matter how dark complexioned the candidate.

    For the Republicans to be in any way different than the Democrats, they need to oppose the disastrous spending spree of the liberals and therefore oppose some spending on entitlement programs. Blacks and Hispanics are all about the entitlement programs.

    Without a black individual at the front of the party line, any cause or movement runs the risk of being immediately labeled 'racist' and not inclusive; thus, illegitimate.

    Rove dimly grasps the conundrum of Republican electoral difficulties without realizing how to deal with it. The only way one can oppose anything in Black-Run America (BRA) is to call it racist. Because whites have seen all moral authority ceded to blacks, draping a political movement with as many black people in the forefront is the smartest way to be taken seriously -- by either the right or the left.

    But it won't work for the right. They cannot possibly out pander the left; there is simply no room out at that extreme.

    Therefore the only hope for the right is to attack the very essence of BRA, that blacks do not hold a moral monopoly in America, that all people have an equal right to the protection of their interests and that the government has no right to favor one group over another.

    But that is a very slim hope, indeed. BRA stands dominant over the culture, gazing with stern omnipotence like the Chinese behemoth MLK statue on the National Mall.

    One way or the other, there will be blood.

    1. If the gop had a better message people of color might vote for them but fear tactics and racism doesn't work for us so much. A leading presidential candidate says "I'm not running to make blah people's lives easier by giving them other peoples' money" and I'm supposed to vote for THAT party? And you say all we, people of color, want are entitlement? If I was a self hating moron yeah I might join you in your racist party but I'll take a pass. I also don't want creationism taught in science class, the government in my wife's health decisions and a bloated military budget with unnecessary wars. But other than that I like the gop.

  18. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "I've got some interesting news on the Presidential campaign front, Field. I heard just now from an old friend who has been recruited from Weiden & Kennedy to move to L.A. to become chief strategist on Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign."

    Well, that 'old friend' might be a friend to you, but you are not a friend to him/her. You have just rat-ted your friend out which could cost him/her a job. All this because you want to seem to be 'in the know' at the risk of your so-called 'old friend's' job? What a selfish gossiping jackass you are!

  19. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "JC Watts looks like he is living well, much like he did when in Congress. Field..."

    Field replied, "Yes, house food will do that to you."

    7:47 AM
    You are sooo jealous of JC Watts. He is smart, confident and dresses better than you could ever hope to. Such is life, Mr Field....There ARE Blacks far beyond what you could ever be!

  20. You're right Mr. Field. Marco Rubio saying the same things as Paul Ryan isn't going to work for the GOP.

  21. Oh well, turns out I wasn't supposed to break the news just yet which is why I deleted the post, but what the hey, what's done is done.

    Her health concerns are not over yet, so for those reasons a run is by no means absolutely a done deal. But work is proceeding on her strategy.

  22. reps = dems

    no prez has ever been more racist than hobama


    cc africom/cbc/PIC/ndaa/
    martial law/jobless/homeless

  23. 'You are sooo jealous of JC Watts. He is smart, confident and dresses better than you could ever hope to'

    whoa there big guy."DRESSES BETTER"? Them there are fighting words.

  24. You're right Field. Barack may not be prez today if the Illinois gop didn't play the cynical ploy of running a brotha from out of state to trick us negroes into voting for their guy. Bad move, they also lost by going after Hillary voters by picking dumb ass Sarah. Do these guys ever learn? If your message is f'd up nobody can save it, not even Hip Hop Mike. And now these geniuses are chasing their only superstar out of the party. As Bobby Jindal said "they need to stop being the stupid party". So true Bobby, so true.

  25. Anonymous9:18 PM

    @PilotX: You are an absolute fucking moron. If I ever see a negro in the cockpit, I am bailing on the chance it might be your dumb ass flying that plane.


  26. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "@PilotX: You are an absolute fucking moron. If I ever see a negro in the cockpit, I am bailing on the chance it might be your dumb ass flying that plane."

    Please do and make sure you leave the motherf**king parachute behind.

