Monday, March 04, 2013

"Being White in Philly"

I live in Philadelphia, and here in Philly, as is the case with most large cities,we have a magazine that is Philadelphia in name only. The truth is it caters to a very white, somewhat upscale, and very suburban reader base.

I wrote all that by way of an introduction to my next post which is about said Magazine.

It seems that they have been getting a not too friendly post- racial buzz from their readership and they wanted to address it. They did just that by way of a long, haughty, condescending article, that was supposed to be about a dialogue between the races, but ironically was only about the pitfalls of being white in Philly.

In fact, the title of the article is "Being White in Phily." (Would Philly Magazine allow me to write about being black in Philadelphia? Corrupt politicians (black and white) who use their power to prey on the weak, politicians in Harrisburg who put a negative label on every child of color born in Philadelphia before they start to walk, or a system of exclusion long practiced by trade unions to keep minorities out of higher paying jobs....I could go on, but this is about the white folks.)

It is a long article, so I will give you the link so that you can read it in its entirety when you have the time.

But it starts like this:

 "My younger son goes to Temple, where he’s a sophomore. This year he’s living in an apartment with two friends at 19th and Diamond, just a few blocks from campus. It’s a dangerous neighborhood. Whenever I go see Nick, I get antsy and wonder what I was thinking, allowing him to rent there.

One day, before I pick him up for lunch, I stop to talk to a cop who’s parked a block away from Nick’s apartment.

“Is he already enrolled for classes?” the cop says when I point out where my son lives.

Well, given that it’s December, I think so. But his message is clear: Bad idea, this neighborhood. A lot of burglaries and robberies. Temple students are prime prey, the cop says.

Later, driving up Broad Street as I head home to Mount Airy, I stop at a light just north of Lycoming and look over at some rowhouses. One has a padlocked front door. A torn sheet covering the window in that door looks like it might be stained with sewage. I imagine not a crackhouse, but a child, maybe several children, living on the other side of that stained sheet. Plenty of children in Philadelphia live in places like that. Plenty live on Diamond, where my son rents, where there always seem to be a lot of men milling around doing absolutely nothing, where it’s clearly not a safe place to be.

I’ve shared my view of North Broad Street with people—white friends and colleagues—who see something else there: New buildings. Progress. Gentrification. They’re sunny about the area around Temple. I think they’re blind, that they’ve stopped looking. Indeed, I’ve begun to think that most white people stopped looking around at large segments of our city, at our poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods, a long time ago. One of the reasons, plainly put, is queasiness over race. Many of those neighborhoods are predominantly African-American. And if you’re white, you don’t merely avoid them—you do your best to erase them from your thoughts.

At the same time, white Philadelphians think a great deal about race. Begin to talk to people, and it’s clear it’s a dominant motif in and around our city. Everyone seems to have a story, often an uncomfortable story, about how white and black people relate.

Take a young woman I’ll call Susan, whom I met recently. She lost her BlackBerry in a biology lab at Villanova and Facebooked all the class members she could find, “wondering if you happened to pick it up or know who did.” No one had it. There was one black student in the class, whom I’ll call Carol, who responded: “Why would I just happen to pick up a BlackBerry and if this is a personal message I’m offended!”

Susan assured her that she had Facebooked the whole class. Carol wrote: “Next time be careful what type of messages you send around and what you say in them.” [Article]
This anecdote sets the tone for the entire article. The author talks to different anonymous white folks who live around the city and who express various degrees of frustration over the browning of their city and the pitfalls of navigating through it.
There is also a general theme throughout the piece that whites would like to engage blacks and talk about race but us black folks make it hard for them to do so.
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Does talking about race make us a little more upset than it does you? Of course it does. Talking about racism with a white person is like that pig and chicken discussion about breakfast: When you are the pig you are the f*****g breakfast. The chicken (see white folks) can drop an egg and keep it poppin.
I would like to give Philadelphia Magazine credit for attempting to at least start a dialogue, but hey, it's Philadelphia Magazine, so unfortunately I can't.
"But racial history is uncomfortable. That's because it's filled with structural violence that is based in real physical violence. This is the case for far (far) more brown people than white people. It's time to get uncomfortable, white folks (I'm looking at you, author!). Time to step out of our neurotic obsession with blackness and talk to people of color about their experience of the world. Lucky for us, it's not going to involve real physical violence, despite the undertone of this piece. - A white lady who has lived at 22nd and Federal and 23rd and Poplar
· What Huber doesn't really have the stones to write about is the poverty that pervades so many neighborhoods in Philadelphia and crushes people's lives, because his subscribers on the Main Line or in Cherry Hill don't want their peaceful dream of entitlement disturbed. So instead, he blends anecdotes into a soothing milkshake of "See, even nice people with the best possible motives can't get along with black people because they're SO DARNED TOUCHY. It's not you, it's them!" Talk about an advanced case of White Male Privilege.
There's a reason why only people in the suburbs subscribe to this local version of SkyMall. They wouldn't want to read anything that actually looks at economic inequality, heavens no.

· This is the type of irresponsible drivel you get when you only see the world through biased/racist eyes.When you can't even see the bias/racism in your stories anymore. Philadelphia magazine is officially trash."
Apparently I am not alone.


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    "But racial history is uncomfortable. That's because it's filled with structural violence that is based in real physical violence. "

    History has nothing to do with your actions today, other than an excuse. The majority of violence and crimes are committed by Blacks the world over today.

    "This is the case for far (far) more brown people than white people."

    That's true, Blacks are very violent and unbalanced. It is a near certainty large gatherings will result in fights, riots, shooting or robberies.

    "It's time to get uncomfortable, white folks (I'm looking at you, author!). Time to step out of our neurotic obsession with blackness and talk to people of color about their experience of the world."

    Why? You don't want to be uncomfortable with the lifestyle you created. You want others to shoulder your burdens? All that matters is crime and violence and blight that Blacks inflict on every city when they start to exceed 12% of the population. Are you trying to extend guilt and look for excuses by having the victims fix the problems you want them to ignore and bully them into not talking about them or move your responsibility onto them as some form of surrogate parents?

    " Lucky for us, it's not going to involve real physical violence, despite the undertone of this piece. - A white lady who has lived at 22nd and Federal and 23rd and Poplar
    · What Huber doesn't really have the stones to write about is the poverty that pervades so many neighborhoods in Philadelphia and crushes people's lives, because his subscribers on the Main Line or in Cherry Hill don't want their peaceful dream of entitlement disturbed."

    No,the poverty isn't because of someone else. It is because of Black culture and ideology. No one is sitting on anyone's neck and telling them to have kids young and unmarried, drop out of HS. Not make the most of their abilities - not avail themselves of countless opportunities specifically targeting Blacks to help them. No one except the adults they live with and the leaders they follow and their friends who say learning english and doing good in school is acting white. The community is poor because the people make the community and instead of acknowledging and fixing problems they want to blame people who have nothing to do with your life choices and the communities you live in. You do. You build and maintain it or not.

    "So instead, he blends anecdotes into a soothing milkshake of "See, even nice people with the best possible motives can't get along with black people because they're SO DARNED TOUCHY."

    Have you ever tried to discuss things with Black people? More often than not it will break down into, you are just saying that because I am Black or you don't like the presidents policies only because he is Black. Truth is truth.

    This entire post getting angry at truth is testimony to that.

    "It's not you, it's them!" Talk about an advanced case of White Male Privilege."

    Noticing crime and wishing to avoid it, Noticing who the criminals are and being smart and avoiding them, noticing hostility, defensiveness when attempting to discuss crime and unsafe neighborhoods such as the hostility on display right here is privilege? Ridiculous.

  2. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "There's a reason why only people in the suburbs subscribe to this local version of SkyMall. They wouldn't want to read anything that actually looks at economic inequality, heavens no."

    Excuses - Asking for more guilt as if all Blacks are poor All whites are rich and forgetting there are more poor whites than Blacks in this country. It isn't money, it's culture. If Economics makes some people violent anti civilized criminals then this society needs to split up now. It can never be mended. 15 Trillion dollars later and America has not return on all the antipoverty programs - None.

    · This is the type of irresponsible drivel you get when you only see the world through biased/racist eyes.When you can't even see the bias/racism in your stories anymore. Philadelphia magazine is officially trash.

    Yes, Bias and racism such as yours demanding all the problems be forgotten and focus be put on those who wish not to be around them or have the nerve to talk about them.

    You said two things - Everything is the fault of Poverty and somebody else should be fixing the problems, but not talking about it and accepting and embracing the cultural degradations and somehow in your warped mind blaming themselves for not fixing what you cause and what you do.

    Those days are long over.

    White Flight is taking it's toll on Philly, just like numerous cities across the country. When you can't talk about things or work to fix problems ,then you have no choice but to leave them behind.

  3. Wesley R7:49 PM

    The author of the article will continue to have issues dealing with black and brown folks unless he stops looking at them as black or brown, but as an individual person. If he can't do his best bet would be to move to Glen Beck's city.

  4. The author must in fact change. But we both know this is highly unlikely. The "Onion" was a Vietnam underground rag in the 60's and is still to my mind a rag.

  5. Wesley has it right. See the first anon's post as evidence. The one thing I truly envy about white males is their ability to be an individual. When "Bob" screws up "Bob" screwed up but if myself or another person or color or a woman screw up "they" have screwed up. Dr. King would still be dreaming but is it racism or just a pretty much ingrained fact of 'merican life?

  6. Mrs. X lived in the neighborhood around Temple while she was Philly based. Interesting area but not unlike many areas around the country.
    Apropos it seems many of my white collegues are obsessed with crime. No matter where we go they always ask "is it safe"? Or when I tell them where I live. Most of us know how to vibe a town, you know who the hustlers are and who the stickup kids are so if you can navigate Chicago then getting around in Rio, London or Philly is very similar. I understand that many whites like the college student in the story don't even know a person of color so no way they have spent time in the hood and know how to vibe so yeah they will be uncomfortable. I would say to "Greg" meet some darker people, gp to some A Phi A parties and date some sistas and get to know your surroundings and it'll be like learning a new world and meeting a lot of new cool people and it'll also impress the hell out of your friends. Ha!

  7. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Philly does suck for white people now. It sucks for everyone, because ANYWHERE ON THE FUCKING PLANET that is majority black sucks.

    Negros are violent and shiftless when left to their own. This is a fact of nature that has been proven a thousand times over. Keep the black population under 10 percent, and keep law enforcement on their ass 24-7, and it can work. Otherwise, your city is a shithole.

    Freedom has failed.

  8. "Negros are violent and shiftless when left to their own. This is a fact of nature that has been proven a thousand times over. Keep the black population under 10 percent, and keep law enforcement on their ass 24-7, and it can work. Otherwise, your city is a shithole."

    Mr. Poland, I thought you were dead. Didn't they shoot you in your bunker down in Alabama?

  9. Anonymous11:14 PM

    PilotX said...

    Wesley has it right. See the first anon's post as evidence. The one thing I truly envy about white males is their ability to be an individual. When "Bob" screws up "Bob" screwed up but if myself or another person or color or a woman screw up "they" have screwed up. Dr. King would still be dreaming but is it racism or just a pretty much ingrained fact of 'merican life?

    Wouldnt the first step being getting out of the box where you never say anything about someone black no matter what they do, even to the point of applauding murderers and join people who despise crazy and criminals?

    I guarantee once a number of blacks stop acting like skin color is all that matters, it won't.

  10. assAnon@7:46pm said ………. History has nothing to do with your actions today, other than an excuse. The majority of violence and crimes are committed by Blacks the world over today.

    When responding to Field Negro’s: …….. But racial history is uncomfortable. That's because it's filled with structural violence that is based in real physical violence. "

    You’re correct Field Negro, the history of violence against blacks in this country is quite atrociously bloody at the hands of the very government that supposedly freed us just over a mere 150 years ago. The acts of oppression and violence perpetrated against a people that has essentially rendered them wards of the State for eternity. Blacks are not in control of their own affairs. Whether it’s having our own land (country); having our own banks; controlling our own political systems and our own laws and customs. Instead, what we have is “big brother” government perched ensconcely on a ledge pulling the strings and calling the shots from every conceived possible realm. Even to the point of deciding who gets a job. At least this is what the essentially criminal minded government of the state of “Killa Cali is a State Murderer” does (Ice Cube). In short, blacks are in fact, Maya Angelou’s, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

    Generally, I don’t respond to assAnon comments. I think the vast majority of their comments are usually over the top, crass and mere pablum. However, I’d like to know what are referring to when you say: “History has nothing to do with your actions today, other than an excuse.” Wow! How in the world did you twist your mouth to utter that statement?

    Granted, we as blacks should’ve been a whole lot more organized in the defense of ourselves over the last two centuries. Perhaps then, we wouldn’t be in such a dire economic and social disposition today. However, this still doesn’t wipe the slate clean for you to say that we as a people are totally at fault of our current collective plight. If that’s the case, you may as well blame the caged bird for being locked up. Surely, the bird didn’t encage himself.

    Even further, you stated: “That's true, Blacks are very violent and unbalanced. It is a near certainty large gatherings will result in fights, riots, shooting or robberies.”

    Huh, we as blacks have essentially been marked for extinction on the devilry laden plains of Amerikkka. Through lynchings, castrations, implementation of weaponized biological agents targeting blacks; massacres, burnings, extrajudicial killings and mass incarcerations.

    Blacks found out a long time ago that you had to be violent to a certain extent when considering our historical path and our dealings with whites. There is no other group of people that has been oppressed as much as Amerikkkan blacks anywhere on the planet.

    By the way, and if my memory serves me correctly, there wasn’t a riot at the million man march. This alone debunks your theory that blacks tend to riot at large gatherings.

    I hope you get my drift and feel me by now. You cannot be so popinjay when pointing your fingers and blaming everything on blacks without first knowing at least an ounce our collective history.

  11. "Temple students are prime prey, the cop says."

    Living in between a University of California campus and a Cal State, I have to agree. Those naive little fuckers all have a "lost calves on the Serengeti" "low hanging fruit" sort of look that probably attracts every hungry predator with a nose.

  12. Anonymous12:28 AM

    "Excuses - Asking for more guilt as if all Blacks are poor All whites are rich and forgetting there are more poor whites than Blacks in this country."

    Funny how people like you only make statements like this when it's convenient. But in another discussion, you'll be the first to swear that more black people are the ones on welfare, social programs and breaking the economy etc etc etc. A buncha forked tongue lying serpents.

  13. Anonymous1:54 AM


    I'm trying to tell you: mutant behavior is what it is. As Dr. Derrick Bell states, it's permanent and irreconcilable. You all are barking up the wrong tree by responding as though it is human. *SMH*

  14. ohioprole2:05 AM

    I guess it's not surprising that this post has really brought out the hate.

    As the economy for all but the 0.01% is deliberately driven into the ditch, don't the underlying social frictions and resentments and injustices become even more intolerable? When young people, particularly young men, cannot find productive employment at a useful wage, isn't violence inevitable?

    Where are the programs to put people to work?

    We have a Democratic Administration that is staffed one Wall Street insider after another who return to Wall Street or some big business funded sinecure when they leave the Administration. The Department of Justice, in Holder and Breuer, has been led by lawyers from white-shoe law firms that specialize in Corporate and Bank defense. How can one wonder why there have been no prosecutions of the immense frauds that the bankers have run? And all of these people were chosen by President Obama. Once he leaves office, surely his path to wealth is secure. The man gives a good speech but he knows how his bread gets buttered.

    Congress is filled with men and women who spend an inordinate amount of their time raising money in our system of legal bribery. Why is there surprise when they say one thing to get elected, yet serve their contributors once elected?

    Until the moneyed elites are brought to heel, I expect things to get much worse.

    1. Exactly, millionaires acting blase when over 750,000 may lose their jobs. No one in congress, their staff, the president and his satff should get paid until this is fixed. How can a regular joe be forced to do a furlough and non of the fools that caused it be touched? This is a stupid country.

  15. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Why is it that rich black folks flee black cities? Why do black professionals flee black areas?

    Why is it that grinding poverty didn't create the same disfunctional white areas that all black cities display? Was the South side of Chicago as violent in the 1920s and 30s as it is today? The same goes for Atlanta, Oakland, East St Louis, Flint, Newark, Milwaukee?

    When I see blacks push for the death penalty and stiffer police action I'll believe that blacks want to make their neighborhoods safer. Till then the inability to create the same social structures that existed in black communities 80 years ago will doom black communities to being cesspools of corruption and violence.

  16. FN

    Great analysis of course this narrative about white folks and Black communities is being played out all across the nation in many urban venues.
    From white guilt to pity to anger for white America it is never about their shortcomings Black folks remain the nation's easy doormat and scapegoat .
    According to a recent Pew Study whites have 20 times more wealth than Black families this gap did not occur because of the recent housing crisis. Truth is the shelf life of racism is still present from attacks in the Voting Rights Act to unarmed Black youth being murdered in our streets.
    The white community's levels of denial, avoidance , deflection is now pathological from Philly to Seatte.

  17. control+halt+delete11:25 AM

    What! The city of brotherly love doesn't have any love for the brothers!?

    Philly was founded by Dutch and Swedish people who wanted to avoid religious persecution and ended up sharing this religious freedom by persecuting the Indians. Typical white meets Red... white writes treaty Red signs treaty love affair. What happened to the Indians? I don't think they felt the love either.

    Today its the Irish and Italians who want to share their religion...Racism by faith alone. This religion founded by the ignorant is based on the holy trinity of fear, arrogance and lies which serve to remedy any lingering feelings of guilt or accountability for the conditions in our neighborhoods today. To let them tell the story, it is they who are the victims...and we all know that's bubble spit.
    So brothers be aware, they're tired of the long'll see new infrastructure, then taxes go up and before you know it you've got a new zip code.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    have you heard the latest from that great liberal bastion Oberlin College? KKK has been seen on campus following other racial related incidents. Philly, Oberlin the world is not a care free place for anyone regardless of race. Wake Up Prople.... we have got to do better.

  19. @PilotX, you're correct, we live in a very strange country that has always looked out for the interest of the status quo and everyone else may as well go and dig a ditch just for the hell of it.

    Moreover, if you’d conduct a little historical research, you’d uncover that Amerikkka is in fact a mild form of a Hitlarian, Nazi government. When Hitler, that chief miscreant came to power, he formed a close alliance with German corporations. Just like Amerikkka has been doing for the past two decades or so. However, the blind fanaticism towards worshipping Hitler, drowned out the voices of common people who had seen Hitler for who he truly was, a dressed up troglodyte.

    With that being said, we’re not at that point of what Germany experienced by allowing corporations to surreptitiously govern a country through policies and laws. On the other hand, we’re damn close.

  20. Being Black In Tokyo?5:41 PM

    It's hard to even work up a lot of sympathy for white women when they're so stupid:

  21. Great post and comments today!

  22. parvenu5:57 PM

    Field, I want to pull your coat concerning your endless chase after "old Man racism". It goes like this....

    The European population of this country was founded on slavery from day one. It has been documented that the second white man to step onto these shores was accompanied by an african slave who was burdend down carrying the white man's belongings. Slavery was institutionalized by the Massachusetts Bay Colony upon the very day of its founding (1630). Many of the slave control laws written by the Massachussetts Bay Colony were copied by other early colonial sites such as Virginia.

    I cite this as a preamble to my conclusion that American Racism is the natural LEGACY resulting from the legal priority established for maintaining institutionalized African slavery as the prime engine for wealth creation exclusively benefiting white slave owners from the earliest days of the American colonies to the end of the 20th century (370 years).

    In the process of examining over three centuries of laws and regulation written to exclusively control every aspect of the lives of African slaves and their descendents I became increasing aware of the fact that from a social anthropological perspective you cannot legally enforce demonization of ONE RACIAL GROUP OF PEOPLE WITHOUT unconsciously distorting the subconscious evaluation processes of the minds of the general population.

    Hence the demonizing of ONE GROUP of PEOPLE based on so-called race and shaped by the legacy of slavery inherently creates in the white subconsciousness the other side of this social anomaly that has been identified as "white privilege". "WHITE PRIVILEGE" is proving to be determental to many in white American society simply because it operates within the subconscious and creates the unquestioned unreserved expectation that "no matter what, in the end, a white person will ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING". This subconscious expectation is endemic across the entire white poppulation of America.

    A demonstratipon of the subconscious expectation of "white privilege" at work was recently demonstrated during the SCOTUS hearing of arguments for and against the need to continue to uphold Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. "White Privilege" was clearly demonstrated when those in attendence at the hearing witnessed Judge Anthony Scalia refer to Section 5 as "a racial entitlement". The presence of the expectations associated with white privilege was demonstrated by the loud GASP that went up from the audience upon hearing Scalia's words. The Gasp signalled the force of the shock felt by those observers coming face to face with the realization that here is a white man sitting in one of the highest seats of honor in the American system of governence callously destroying the expectation that millions have placed in him via good old fashioned American "White Priviledge". The callous crude smashing of that holy implied expectation omnipresent with White Privilege was clearly marked by the loud disbelieving involuntary GASP from those in attendence.

    P.T. Barnum understood the widespread subconscious dependence upon the concept of the expectation provision inherent in "white privilege", and he counted on it to assist him in his endeavors. The subconscious dependence of the public upon this aspect of white privilege is reflected in P.T. Barnum's famous saying; "There's a sucker born every minute!"

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    What Black Sage means is that Obama=Hitler.

  24. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Freedom has failed, "Negros are violent and shiftless when left to their own. This is a fact of nature that has been proven a thousand times over. Keep the black population under 10 percent, and keep law enforcement on their ass 24-7, and it can work. Otherwise, your city is a shithole."

    I can tell you are White, live in the deep South, and come from ancestors who were slave owners. Your perception of the violent and shiftless nature of Blacks come from the experiences of white slave masters, which, of course has been passed on to you.

    I am Black and to some extent you are exactly right. When I look at how we vote, I agree with you. The way we vote, or don't vote, is politically shiftless, asinine and self-destructive.

    On the other hand, looking at the 60's, when MLK was leading the march for civil rights, there was nothing shiftless about us. Unfortunately, MLK was assassinated and we have been shiftless politically ever since. We have voted for a President that has insulted, ignored and NOT stood up for the injustices and unemployment we have suffered.

    I don't know. Maybe you are right that Freedom has failed, because it sure seem like we are still in bondage. I often wonder if things would be better if we had remained slaves? From your comment, I bet you are wondering too, right?

    Here's looking at ya...

  25. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Slavery wasn't so bad.

  26. Now you know how it feels to be an Afrikan OR do you? I think not So my response is STOP your whining pull up ya big boy/gurl pants and be the change you want to see Unless you still want to be part of the problem? Shhhhhhh shuuuuu noone is listening

  27. The article is not being racist.. For me, they were just reporting the things that is happening so people will see what is really goin on.. Some guy wrote a whole book about it. Really good. It's called White Girl Bleed a Lot. The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. It's a compilation of racial violence and black mob violence not just from Philly but also from more or less 50 cities in the US.

  28. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I'd first like to comment on the name of this blog-site....Talk about racial inequality...If this was a white guy that named this blog site, he'd be considered a racist. So should the author of this blog site...It's about time Tim Huber authored this book and stood up for the Caucasian Race. It's about time. Maybe the Caucasian's are now in need of some handouts and a govt. classification in order to get a job these days. Reverse Discrimination is very much needed these days in order to create, "EQUALITY"...It's just not a one way street!!

  29. Robert Huber has written a very thought provoking article in the fact that it will encourage dialogue about race, though I doubt that was his original intent.

    My comments are too lengthy to post here. Please check out my response

  30. peytn ovington1:09 AM

    Hey dude, come visit the Atl. Nazi pigs in the atl. is what you will experience. They don't need evidence,detectives don't have to do their jobs,the lawyers have no balls and all they need for probable cause is hearsay and lies to imprison you and strip you of your rights!!The horrible thing about is,the judges and da's are letting them!!?,Top ten to 15 states in incarceration are southern states.I know cause I've been through the belly of the beast,in Fulton County! Incarceration Industry luv Peyton Ovington atl


  31. peyton ovington2:04 AM

    Hey dude, come visit the Atl. Nazi pigs in the atl. is what you will experience. They don't need evidence,detectives don't have to do their jobs,the lawyers have no balls and all they need for probable cause is hearsay and lies to imprison you and strip you of your rights!!The horrible thing about is,the judges and da's are letting them!!?,Top ten to 15 states in incarceration are southern states.I know cause I've been through the belly of the beast,in Fulton County! Incarceration Industry luv Peyton Ovington atl


  32. Don't you realize, of course,this is how Hitler came into power.Is anybody out there aware of what's going on in the dirty so.? F.N., have you ever seen a black Nazi? It's an industry dude! Black people are falsely imprisoning black people!!! The people have to come to the plate and change antiquated laws.It's not even about right or wrong 50% of the time anymore! It starts at the top,where judges are handing out arrest warrants to dirty pigs,like candy to babies,with no evidence or reasonable investigation. Is this what people shed their blood for in WW2? Mr.p love out

  33. pluvout4:37 AM

    In gawgja,#1,you are guilty till proven innocent #2 the burden of proof is on you and#3,you have the right to shut the hell up! That is the reality of the judicial system in gawja! Then, if you can only afford a public pretender,you will be subjected to make a plea.Oh,you don't wish to make a plea? Enjoy your stay till your next court date,in 4 months!! We left the lights on for ya. Oh,by the way,the judge is going on vacation so that will be another 3weeks before he can see you. OK,why don't I just move to California? Because if I don't stand and fight,like the people in WW2,gawja will become completely Nazi! Corporations are already investing in prisons and contributing to politicians. Nathan has a Deal alright!! Do you folk up North realize how bad it's getting down here.We ain't talkin about some Negro gettin their feelings hurt,this is real Nazi fundamentals at work here!! Incarceration is one of the top industries in Georgia!! Is this also happening in Philly? I understand that people there are finally realizing the waste of money and man hours?If we could all just stand up together and create some form of link to change ignorant laws. Keep fightin dude!I appreciate that you are motivating people to talk!that's#1 step When people sit down and have a drink or burn one together,they usually lose touch with their anymosity and learn how to find some kind of com in ground.p

  34. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Has it ever occurred to you that not everything, including a magazine, is intended to address social issues? No doubt,such a publication is about making good, old fashioned money. Spend more time focused on that and economic inequality will take care of itself. As a white minister who make communion calls in mostly black neighborhoods, I can only describe what I see. By noon, the air is thick with the smell of dope, young men sit idle on their steps drinking beer, and young ladies, half dressed parade themselves up and down the streets. Perhaps this choice of lifestyle illuminates the issue of "poverty." To be born in poverty is a circumstance. To stay in poverty is a choice. I know this because I grew up in one of those neighborhoods.
