Sunday, March 03, 2013

The return of Mitt, and Bob's manufactured war.

I bet my [right]wingnut friends are glad that Mitt Romney is no longer on the national political stage. Poor Mitt still doesn't get it. Now he blames Obamacare for losing the minority vote. (Like it's only brown people who don't want to pay the increasing cost of health case.) If he could have just let those folks in the 47% know that he loved them. Or, you could look at it the way Tommy Christopher does: That Mitt is still "bragging about winning white people".

"The president had the power of incumbency, 'Obamacare' was very attractive, particularly to those without insurance, and they came out in large numbers to vote," Romney said. "So that was part of a successful campaign."

'I think the 'Obamacare' attractiveness and feature was something we underestimated, particularly among lower incomes,' Romney said." [Source]

"Lower incomes". Poor Mitt, he  refers to human beings with the same detached way one would talk about numbers on a balance sheet.

It wasn't Obamacare that caused Mitt Romney to lose the minority and immigrant vote; it was the way he referred to them during the republican primary, and his failure to connect with them on a human level.

Still, I suspect that it wasn't only poor or minority voters who wanted universal and affordable health care. Check out these two comments after the article I quoted from:

"Interesting I am neither low income nor a minority and I fought hard to get Obamacare passed". And....."Exactly. I have worked my whole adult life for universal health care. Romney and his ilk are F ing liars."

Yes they are.

Finally, this Bob Woodward crap has gone far enough. Now the senile "journalist" has invited the president to his home.

"The all-out war between President Obama‘s White House and Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward took another mild turn this morning when, after “Mean” Gene Sperling followed up his threatening email with a blistering barrage of compliments Sunday morning, Woodward reloaded, and told Sperling right where to go: to Woodward’s house, and could he please bring President Obama with him, and maybe some other White House officials? Woodward extended the invitation on CBS News’ Face The Nation, explaining to host Bob Schieffer that “talking works.”

Before Woodward breaks out the smoking jacket and Al Green CDs, though, he ought to get his facts straight. Woodward told Schieffer that he had never said Gene Sperling’s email was “threatening,” but the description he gave to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer crried that clear implication, and deliberately omitted the treacly sweetness of the rest of Sperling’s email. Blitzer certainly read it that way, and when he told Woodward that “those of us who have known you for a long time, we know you’re not going to be intimidated or threatened by any senior official at the White House,” Woodward’s response was “Indeed.” [Source]

Where is Carl Bernstein when you need him? He was the real star of this duo.
Bob should have hung up his typewriter (yes typewriter) when Bernstein checked out. Sadly for him, though, it's too late. Now the entire country knows that he is a few books short of a library.


  1. But two purple heart Kerry is the one passing out 250 million tonight of the sequester funds.

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Universal Healthcare will be a FUCKING NIGHTMARE for the country once it is fully implemented. Obama pushed it off until after his reelection for a reason.

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Woodward is a hero when he is taking down Republicans, but when he dares to confront Dear Leader, he is set upon by the Stalinist press.

    You are such a craven apparatchik, speaking Lies for Power. How does it feel?

  4. Just read the Romney remarks in Salon. Another glaring reminder of the bullet dodged.

    As for Woodward, Joan Didion skewered him yrs ago in her NY Review of Books:

  5. NSangoma9:48 PM


    No Mitt, they saw a man who'd avoided military service, with 5-grown sons who'd avoided military service, ginning up a war with Iran.

    A war for other people and their scion to fight.


  6. Wesley R10:07 PM


    The funniest shit I saw today was George Stephanopoulos interview with Dennis Rodman. Rodman went to North Korea to kick it, and George asked him questions as if Rodman was the secretary of state or something. Rodman was totally lost. If George would have asked about the best bars in North Korea, then Rodman could answer that but he kept asking Rodman about human rights and things like that. Those kinds of questions should go to Metta World Peace. He's the authority on those kinds of affairs not Rodman.

  7. CincoBayou10:22 PM

    Hi Field, Ancient WASP woman here. Just wanted you to know that I have only read about 15 of your blogs and totally enjoyed them all.
    Have you on my RSS feed now so that I don't miss anything.
    Been sharing you via email to my brainwashed GOP-ers (those idiot Anti-Obama Righters)in hopes that they'll read and learn.
    Sigh...highly doubtful.
    Great column!
    Keep it going!

  8. “Obamacare' was very attractive, particularly to those without insurance, and they came out in large numbers to vote," – M. Romney

    That impeccable Rum Romney is back and he’s still blaming his loss on anything other than his own shortcomings, having off shore bank accounts, his total indifference to minorities, blacks in particular, shipped jobs overseas, dog whistling racial politics and his 47 percent comment. Oh, by the way, having a white supporter wear a t-shirt at a campaign stop that read: “put the white back in the White House,” wasn’t a good look either. Mr. Rum only responded to this incident after images of this became an instant meme.

    On the other hand, this is not to say that the sick prince currently in the Oval Office was a much better choice.

    Give it a rest Mr. Rum and post yourself in close proximity to the entrance of nearest political graveyard!

  9. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Mitwit Robme----the Baptizer of the Dead and the Klown from Kolob----is the blithely out-of-touch, imbecile who won't stay sequestered despite knowing that he is intensely disliked by many fellow mutants, such that his every word is pored over in hopes that they'll contain some asinine quote to further pillory the Norman Bates-looking Robber Baron. Robme doesn't seem to get that the DINO, moderate republican-governing, Rumsfeldian Drone Program-wielding POTUS simply "nationalized" Romneycare (sans the Single Payer Option, as well, that Democrats were angry that POTUS took off the table without a fight the way one would expect a not-so-closeted republican to do) utilizing the very same authors from the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation that is now headed by Jim DeMint(ed). Thus, despite he and Bibi Netanyahu attempting the FAILED "October Surprise" (that he openly called for and that Biden cited during his Veep debate) in the form of the Benghazi assassinations, he basically was out-republican-ed by the sitting POTUS.

  10. Anonymous12:59 AM

    The 47%, "the binders full of women," and "the lower incomes," reveals a dangerous pattern of mutant behavior that simply precludes the Mitbot3000 from not only keeping runny-boweled Seamus, the family dog off the top of the family Country Squire station wagon with disastrous, fecal results, I might add, but also kept the Mitbot mutant from being able to even PRETEND to connect with humans, Field, as you so aptly pointed out---even when he noted, in his host state of Michigan, that, "the trees were the right height." The only thing inquiring minds might wonder is when exactly did he, in accordance with Mormonism, baptize his dead campaign?

  11. Brother Field...Knowing how people react' I understand how our government will haltingly move forward with the primary players as they are. With Mr. Romney back on the scene, his failed running mate for president has upped his game. How ironic that the two men that President Obama won over in the POTUS race are now the same guys he has to appease once again. When Romney and Ryan lost the race, they both should have gracefully left the scene. Now they are getting "two bites" of the once again being in the position of adversity. The plan must have been for those two is if I won....great, if I lose also great. No sane person can expect these two losers to aid in the president's legacy as well as his current obligations. Change of subject: I know that Brother you have as the house negro has been schooled by the Brothers of my age group (63 and on) on what to say when he around young girls and women, especially one that may see him as a "mandingo".Now is never the time to make reference from the slave days when we were encourage/forced to use that"snak". Can't believe he did not honor the lessons from my generation heard at the barbershops. He is not a young "stud". Throw him off the plantation. (commenters...don't take me serious....I am set for life mentally, be it good or bad).

  12. Brother Field...Knowing how people react' I understand how our government will haltingly move forward with the primary players as they are. With Mr. Romney back on the scene, his failed running mate for president has upped his game. How ironic that the two men that President Obama won over in the POTUS race are now the same guys he has to appease once again. When Romney and Ryan lost the race, they both should have gracefully left the scene. Now they are getting "two bites" of the once again being in the position of adversity. The plan must have been for those two is if I won....great, if I lose also great. No sane person can expect these two losers to aid in the president's legacy as well as his current obligations. Change of subject: I know that Brother you have as the house negro has been schooled by the Brothers of my age group (63 and on) on what to say when he around young girls and women, especially one that may see him as a "mandingo".Now is never the time to make reference from the slave days when we were encourage/forced to use that"snak". Can't believe he did not honor the lessons from my generation heard at the barbershops. He is not a young "stud". Throw him off the plantation. (commenters...don't take me serious....I am set for life mentally, be it good or bad).

  13. Anonymous2:33 AM


    You're definitely spot-on about Bob Woodward, as he has gone off the deep end. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be anyone around him to rein him in from this most embarrassing "Senior Moment." His newspaper, for fear that they'd be caving into this administration, won't so he'll keep going on and digging himself into a deeper hole. What a bad way to go out. Haven't read his piece on Obama, but may get around to it soon.

    I'm still digesting the point that a commenter made, that you singled out, which, basically, paraphrased stated, "Had the Supreme Court not selected, through fraud, the Bush Kakistocracy in 2000, that the sitting POTUS would have NEVER come to occupy the Oval Office."

  14. "The funniest shit I saw today was George Stephanopoulos interview with Dennis Rodman."

    Damn it Wesley, I missed that. It's pretty much the on only Sunday morning talk show that I wanted to see. :)

    TY CincoBayou,keep coming back. Just step over the trolls.

    "You are such a craven apparatchik, speaking Lies for Power. How does it feel?"

    I will tell you after I look up what "apparatchik" means. If it has something to do with mother Russia it doesn't feel good. :)

  15. Romney and his wife are just like the rest of the gop, they don't know when to STFU.

  16. Lt. Commander Johnson12:47 PM

    Bob, you dumbass. You should have stayed on the Plantation. Soon as you wandered off, the Dems set the dogs on you and want you dead.

    See if you can find Bill Cosby & Dr. Ben Carson out there in the swamps for some company.

    1. Ben Carson is out there. A doctor that doesn't believe in evolution is highly suspect. Keep that dude.

    2. Michael Smerconish had a commentary about anonymous posters. He doesn't like anons. Watch Hardball to see it.

  17. Anonymous2:30 AM


    Commenting anonymously and really laying out the nature of the mutant can get you killed. If every Black and Native American truly understood the mutant as being an amoral, racial psychopath that's jealous/envious of humans of African and Native American ancestry, then the engineered societal traps for both groups wouldn't be as successful. Historically, anyone whose spoken out against the mutant, like David Walker in his "The Appeal" up to most recently like Dr. Bobby E. Wright (The Psychopathic Racial Personality), and Gary Webb (Dark Alliance). For those of us who study this creature and do NOT, in a fit of trenchant denial, foolishly believe that "People are people, it's fruitless for us to comment if telling our truth will get us, like Malcolm and Martin and Patrice Lumumba and Samora Machel, Salvadore Allende, etc., killed, because like David Walker and Bobby Wright, both Malcolm, Martin, Medgar, Fred Hampton, etc. were killed for just what they said, not for anything they'd done. Many of us who are articulate, intelligent and truly informed AND see no virtue in martyrdom, especially when the Jews do NOT put bull's eyes on their member's backs but simply disseminate vital info for their collective through their Hebrew Schools and their Synagogues would rather fly under the radar and say our peace swaddled in the cloak of anonymity.

  18. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Will check out Mike's piece...

  19. "especially when the Jews do NOT put bull's eyes on their member's backs but simply disseminate vital info for their collective through their Hebrew Schools and their Synagogues would rather fly under the radar and say our peace swaddled in the cloak of anonymity."

    Brilliant point!!!!

    ProHumanAnon wasn't posting here when the racist mutant contacted the boss of a regular poster regarding their comments on this website. With that in mind, I agree with your position especially given my experiences on this blog.

    On that note, I'm VERY clear that it was in my best interest to handle most of my career goal interests during the time I wasn't regularly posting on this blog. My question is, would a white woman posting on a popular white blog have a similar concern? Maybe, but I seriously doubt this is an issue among Asians because they tend to look out for and protect their own.

    At the end of the day, I'm just kinda pissed off that in addition to not being able to have commentary free from hostility, Black folks can't share their success on a Black blog.

    And that's exactly how the racist mutants like it.

  20. Anonymous5:06 PM


    You said, "And that's exactly how the racist mutants like it," and you are absolutely correct.

    If one takes the time to read the very powerful words of David Walker in his short work, "The Appeal," or Dr. Bobby E. Wright's equally short piece, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality"---and, heck, even Cheikh Anta Diop (who allegedly died in a "car accident," whom a Senegalese friend assured me was murder/assassination)or Amilcar Cabral, one will see precisely why one's words will in fact mark them for death.

    In fact, it's truly Amazing Russell Means lived as long as he did after giving that incredible speech, "For America (the World) to Live, Europe Must Die."

    Everyone of Native American and African Diasporan ancestry should read the aforementioned works so that can truly value the words they speak and understand that their forebearers paid a very high cost to speak their words.

    I know that my words are incendiary, but they simply must be deployed.

  21. David Walker9:56 PM

    @Afroloid: Stop citing me. You are a loon.
